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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1893)
v - -. -. - REMOVED. We invite our friends Yocall and see our new office, formerly occupied by F. M. Johqson. REMOVED. , The GAZETTE is no located in its new office two doors south of Hami ilton, Job & Co.s Bank; VOL. XXX. C011VALLIS, BEATON COUNTY, OBEGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1893. NO; Li for Br. fonts and Children. "atari is so reH adapted to children that j I reeommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." XL A. Anemia, 11. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, K. Y. 1 no mo w VWmajtii n bu u 1 1 1 v ci . i urns Its merits so well known that It seems a work Dt Supererogation to maona ic. j?ew art. mo Intelligent families who do Hot keep Catoria I !1U. ...,... w ..1. 1, CABtOS KARTYlf. I. D,. Kew York City. Lata Pastor Bloomlogdala Beformed Church. Tme CmrrAtJB FISH Sz STOVFS TINWARE. MHMMBMmnanKauMajl tMumbing and Tin What is it? s of tllO haiidtuiuejt an.l illustrated monthly hisgmtlsei published in this country tlow to fret it. ?Z&fcx& lars worvh of goods, we send you the luugazine for a halt year froc. the cost. Nothing, if yon buy tun ilouiiis worth of foods from us; hut if you want to subscribe without buying, it will cost know J'n a customer. This plan is expei. you 2 a year. That is the publisher's price. tor us but you will like the magazine lo How we keep track. UttJa the margin We punch out the amount of your purchase. Ticket soon used up magazine comes. Franks' Racket S THE "SPOT CASK WIDE AWAKE" RACKET. FORTUNE IS FICKLE-DEATH SORE! - ! P.YPTTS W T?T17T.r nt. nrifi J J & j 110 A. i J- UJ f uv w -a. w vs. iu v v & v aa. v vitw, w . -w 7 died a pauper leaving his family nothiDg fcut Ms life in surance. ThA imA in InKurf IS XOW Massachusetts ha3 the best insurance law. Every policy lias a guarantee of. CASH or paid-up insurance each year a-ffsv iia ft-ra - the surest policy is written by THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIxE lioUKAiNDXi UU, AQUreSS H. C. COLTON. Cen. Asrt.,233 Stark St., ot M. s. -voft cock, . . First National EanK, corvanis. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed b'as been dulj appointed esfecntor of the last will and testament of Hopestiil Nor ton, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said Hopestiil Norton, deceased, are requested to present the same to me, duly verified at the office of F. M. Johnson, in Corvallis, within six months of the date of this notice. LcCfuS Norton, Executor last will and testament of Hopestiil Norton, deceased. fated this 86th day of Jaonaryy Cwtirlj cures Colic, OcmsHpatton, Bour Stomneh, Diarrhea. Eructattaa, KiiuS Worms, gives sleep, and promotes tu Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria, 1 and shall always continue o Co m as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwim F. Pabdeb, M. " Tbe Winthrop," 126Ui Street and 7th Ave NdwYorfcCSty. Compakp, 57 Una oat Stbebt, Kbw York. E3 PLUMBING. - Work a Specialty. "Whan fn Ttarri n Any time you want to u.jii vr Tl'O sooner jou begin the sooner you, will get the magazine. TVkere it comes from. FS&iJl magazine. Wo are deveUiuhig it here, publication. It Is a fine Vhat wc do it for. To make a friend ot you. We wai.t well, ami the way ws sell you tno ten uoiiars worth of goods, that we expect you v.'ill buy of us light along. That's why. Oregon- timn wnrth twnntv fnilllOTIS. I Portland, Or. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is herebv triven that the under signed has filed with the connty court of Benton county, Oregon, her tmai accounts as administratrix of the estate of it. r. Beach, deceased, and the said court has fixed Saturday the 11th day of March, 1833, at the hour of ten o'clock, in tho fore-noon, as the time for hearing any and all objec tions to said accounts and for final settle ment thereof. Dated Feb'y 8th, 1803. , ELIZABITH A. BEACH, Administratrix. r &3 HOW DID YOU GUESS? The connndrum supper at the resilience of Judgo Hnfford Saturday evening was well fittendecl and proved enjoyable as it was navel anil mirthful. Since guessing at the various items in the bill of hire was indulged in by many people prior to the af fair, the following answers will doubtless prove of interest: What most people! need Backbone; un ruly member Tongue; causes neighbor hood contention Chicken; Kew Knglacd brains Baked beaus; food for the spinniug wheel Rolls. What a boy calls his sweet heart Honey; brings the crows Egs; most delightful age of childhood Cabbage; Women of Grit Sandwitches; What occa sioned the fall of mau--Apples; hidden tears Onions; Tree cake Coconut, choco late and nut cake; elliptical cake Kisses; changeable politicians Turnovers; what asthinatic people ore Coffee; spriugs offer ing Water; Boston's overthrow Tea. Set rVi-flti the proper func tions of woman hood. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription is the remedy. It rega Iatc3 and pro motes their no tion, and removes tho obstructions nninmsQirai. Which causo trouble nnd misery. At the two critical periods in a woman a life tho change from girlhood to womanhood, anrtj later, the " change of life "it is a perfectly safe and en especially valuable remedial agent, that can produce only good results. it's a powerful, invigorating tonic, and a soothing and Etrengtheiiin nervine; a legiti mate mcdicino-piirely vegetable, porfoctly harmlHS find carefully adapted, by an ex perienced physician, to woman's delicate needs. For all tho doranfrernents, irregularities, and weaknesses iwcuiiar to tho sex, the " Favorite Prescription " ia a remedy so cer tain that it can be gvarantesd. If it doesn't give satisfaction in every ca?e, tho money is returned. No other meaioino for women is sold iu this way. Ko other medicine can be. BUR' J L Alt Y. There was a bit of a burgi&riod j escapade at the residence of r. L. G. Altm.ui Holi day night. Sometime nbnut miJnight Mrs. Altnian heard somebody in the house and called to awaken ber husband when the imp of dnrknefs took the alarm avid made good his retreat. An entrance had been effected through a window in the rear of the building. The prowler got nothing to reward his labors. TI:i3 is the first aij;ri of a bnrgulary that has appeared in Corvallis since last summer, when several residences in the same neighborhood including -Dr. Altman's, Lawyer Johnson's and others were worked under tho cover of darkness, and with better succes than in tho precont I istanse. ITCHING AND SCALY gitln Weedae 9 Y&era. Doctors and Medicines Useless. Cured by Cuticura for $4.73. t a a Jt n fiill mtf fr-Trvtlcnesr with your Ccicoba Kexkb. I havo bten i troubled for over nine years with ft dreadful Jn Ji.nnta v. hen I tirvt Ipl: it, there nppeared a lew small red spots cn ray breast, and it kept or sprcadiTig slowly. 1: ch'it ed tho seme on my lack between my shoulders. A few doyo after the npott turned gray, and brgnt itching. Krcall scale, would fall ell, eo it continued spreading aH over my body. I tried oft tbe pat ent modicinos I ccnld thitk of, or get hold of. 1 also consulted doctois. Yes, chort time, but they always failed. Then 1 gave it nil up. thinking there was no euro or rr.c. f ome ' ' ' , . .i 1 ...... M Brfv.riiiifimfnt in Tew montns ago, x noueuu tho Tacoma Morwng Ulobe; thought I v.ou.d ti 1L . rt . I'uMi nrffa tint thinkinff it won!" oc me much good, but to my surprise, three boses ci Cuticcba, one cake of Ooticuha So&p, and thiee Bottles 01 uticcu iuraeL."'vu, .. My skin is now as white and pure as that of a child. I send ray photograph. I have many friends ia Chisago. tU. dLlfe. P. O. Box 1062, Whatcom, W deniDgton. Cuticura Resolvent aii Tt j oM-i TnF)Rnr ntrnn.11v. Slid j ne new dumtu vuu a, .---. 9 - - ConcuBA, the great Skiii Cure, and Cuticcba b'lAP, tne exquisiuj dkiq innnuLi, ...... .j , .- stantly reHeve and speedily cure every disease and humor of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss ot hair, from infancy to age, from pimples to scrofula. Bold everywhere. Price, udtictba, 00c. ; oiw.r, i5r.5 Reholvisnt, $1. Prepared by the POTTra ilOW tO Cure Dam ii;aBCT, v Ffot 60 iilustratiune, 100 teatimoniala. mailed free. FLE3, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and oily skin cured Dy mrncum WEAK, PAINFUL KIDNEYS, trrt.v AnT. Rchiriff. lifeless. nivu uicu , V3'. all-gone sensation, relieved In one minute by the Cntlcnra Anti-Pain m !,. Arat anrl nTll V Inftt&nta- 1 ruwicr, - ' " - " . aeous pain-kilimg atrengthening plaster. 85 cents. C Q1VEH jTaWAYT) l2FTIIE CELEBRATED Rand, McSally b Co.'s UNIVERSAL ATLAS. The Latest, Sost Reliable, !M!os Oomplete ATLAS Published in the United States. For particulars address VJ. STEVENSON, : ' Gen. Agt. Pacific Coast, Local agents wanted; Cobvaixis. I JjH 1 ill BRIEF LOCALS. Cash paid for eggs; Vells Sc Son Sewing machine headquarters at J. Wm. Will's. Wells and Son pay the ihiqhest mar. ket price for good apples. New goods arriving and trade in creasing at Wells fe Son. f Ladies' and thildren's hair cutting a specialty at Taylor's. Furniture at cost priced for 30 days at J. A. Knight's furniture itore. We handls none but tHo best cas kets and coffins. Hearse furnished when desired. L. WelKer & Co. know who Carl Dunder is? If you wish to find out ca$ on Wheeler &Langley. t For Sale. A seconJ-and, uncov ered buegy for sale cheap. Enquire at this office. Cozy little private dancing parties are reported as the Older these even ings. N. R. Bridges, representing the Port Innd World, was in the city the first of the wek. For picture frames and fine mould ings go to J. A. Knight's furnitnre store, the cheapest and best place in town. Dr. Applewhite Vrifl" called to Chit wood, one day tliis week, on a profes sional visit to Sir-?; Eddy, ttho was quite sick but is better. J. II. Smith, representing some big firm of stock dearsrs, has been in this section for some days looking up cat tle and sheep purchases. Ladies wanting a sewing machine will do we'll to call at A. Knight's furniture store and examine his new style "Davis S;wi ng Machine." Nelson, the new barber in .Loud's old shop, has just put in a fine new $75 barber chuir. Those who have tried the new barber are well pleased with his work. Charley Kfeu last week sold to some Portland dealers a car load of hOgs at 4. cents a pound. The price of porkers took a biar iumli upwards, all at once last week. Physicians state that tbe general health throughout Corvallis and sur rounding countt y is better than the average, notwithstanding the long and temuus strain ot untavoratile weather. Swan Johnson the prune orchard man who slashed his foot is able to hobble about, and says that the wound, though a very troublesome one, is healina as rapidly as could be exnected Chester" N. Dolph was a visitor in Coryallis the first of the week, having come to join his wile who preceeded bun on a visit several days of last week. The couple returned home on Monday last. Wanted Everyone to know that Peterson keeps tho Heat moulding and makes the finest picture frames iu town as well as turning; out the best iob work. Shop two blocks south-west of publis school. For anything in the sewing ma chine line go to J. Win. Will. lie keeps the largest assortment of extra parts, attachments, needles, oils, and the best of machines at tbe latest re duced prices. The 7-year-oM sou of Police Judge Porter, while playing about home the first of the week, fell from the roof of a small outhouse and broke his collar bone. He ie mending all right. Something got the matter with an electric transformer in the court Louse district Monday evening whereby tho strength of current Was increased from oO to 40U volts, and the result was several lamps m ere burned out in that neighborhood. There is money in cmons, Nowa days, and there are strong feasons for believing good prices wiil prevail for some time. There appears to be a small supply ;n the country, and the demand for tha savory vegetable is good and uniform. A. M. Weaver and his banjo' will make his first appearance upon the stage in this city with the Marine min strels in hi3 original character of the "old plantation -darkey." Also Mr, W. F. Keady, the recognized cham pion club swinger of Oregon, will ap pear in his wonderful feats of club swinging and juggling, . R. Fv Baker is over from the bay. He reports that section as unusually quiet. Government work having been transferred to the south jetty makes the quietuda ori the north side all the more markea. livery Doay on tne sandy shores aDd even back into the interior settlements, for that matter, is solid for the Lincoln county scheme, and pulls for county division. Highest of ill in JUavenirig Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE; AN IXTERESTISG BATCH OF ITFM3 FROt THAT INSTCTUTIOX. The students have boon very quiet this week, the contest having filled every ones mind for ao long that, now it is over, the students have nothing to say. Several per sons have been seen wearing their society badges with a bow of crape attached, it was noticed though, that these persons belonged to the Ciceronian society. The senior agricultural class has finished a course of 24 lectures in "stock feeding and breeding." The class new takes np the study meteorology for the rest of the term. The class in advanced Zoology has just com pleted the dissection of a turtle; a member of the order reptilia. The dissection was made in order to see the advancement in the structure, etc., over the fi3h. Perma nent mountings, for microscopic work, of sections of an artery and vein of the salmon hare also been completed by the class. The usual literary programme of the Websterian society for February 20th, has been replaced by a' 'mock trial" this prom ises to be most interesting, and no doubt, great ability will be shown on that occasion. As proposed, the trial will bo as follows : W. T. Lee charges E. T. Watts with assault and battery. The judge for the occasion is Mr. B. F. Burnett, the prosecuting coun cil are J. F. Allen and R. C. Finley, while G. W. Denman and Marion Johnson, ap pear for the defeoso. The regular officers of the court have been chosen", and it has al so been decided that half of the jury shall consist of young ladies. Mr. Joe Alexander, who until lately has been taking a post graduate course in chcnn istry, left the college a few days ago, and now occupies the position of clerk in Mr. Davis' drug store, at Yaquina. PresidentBloss has been in Salem ford few days this week. He returned last Wednes day, and seamed to bo in very good spirits; the result probably of the handsome vote f the house on the college bill. P, N. Person extending credit or furnish ing anything whatever to a person named J. L. Thomas; under the im pression that we are indebted to him, will please take notice that Ave do not owe him anything and never wijl. Morkis & Hayes, l'oundry. J. B. Taber a visitor from eaBtern Washington, called one d:iy this week. The gentleman was formerly a resident of Linn county but tor the past 20 years has lived i'l Whitman county Wash., until now, he has become tired of the severe climate of that country and is looking about the Willamette valley with a view to locating. He can surely be suited in Benton. We have been favored for tho past two nights with a grand entertainment by Alba Heywood and bis peerless company. Tney turnisnea a rennea programme, costumed impersonations, character songs, solos, duets, and fine orchestral selections. Thy played to good houses, and we bespeak for them good business wherever they may go. They are deserving of liberal patron age Graud Rapids, Mich, Ex. Monday on South Eeach, Yaquina bay, the body of a man was washed ashore, and picked up by the residents there. It had evidently been in the water a long timo, being badly de composed. The men was plainly dressed, with three pairs of overalls on. Nothing Was found on him to identify him. He was probably drowned miles away from Yaquina and had probably been m the water several months. - A goodly crowd always manes its way to tho river bank to greet the steamers on their arival. After all there is a lingering fondness for the relics of ye olden, time when the river furnished the only line of steam trans portation up and down the valley and its time cards were as familiar as those of the railroad are at the present day. A steamer leaving this place every morning would have a considerable passenger traffic. The directors of tho Yaquina Fruit Company held a meeting on the bay last week and levied an assment of $750 to be expended in cultivation and improvement of the orchard they have planted, which comprises ah ex panse of 200 acres. There are ten stockholders in the company, some liv ing in Corvallis, some in San Francis co, and others in different parts of the countrv. M. Schmidt, of tho Occiden tal hotel is one of them, and he is en thusiastic over the prospects of the en terpnse. AN ERROR. It was an error to advertise in the dolinquont tax list a mortgage assessed . t l - r . a to A. Ji. iiewis againss ni. x Canan, as no feuch mortgage exists. J. R. SCRAFFORD, . Chief of Police. SfiU!KEI2E;P3JB& THE NEW COUNTY OF LINCOLN. The agony is over! The die is cost! Lincoln county looms up in the proud glory of her own springnpfnlhess and the children of Isllmaol rejoice its high strains of exultant gladnt-ss. The bill passed the house Monday by a vote of 44 to 9. Bshton's two representatives voted hi favor of it. Tho next thing in order will be the compiling of an abstract of all taxes levied upon prop erty within tho boundaries now made Lincoln county, and all such taxes not paid when the law goes into effect shall be collectable and payable into the treasury of the new county. The measure provides that the treasurer of Lincoln-county shall pay back to Ben ton the full amount of last year's state taxes involved in the division. Politically the division seems to have knocked the essential vertebra; right square out of the republican party in Benton county. " According to figures collated by the Times we are complete ly "Texasixed," having a relative strength of a little over one republi can against three democrats. As a successful piece ot gerrymandering the scheme is entitled to the profoundest political congratulation. Let the band now play. Turn the monkey loose ; and if the republicans can't always reach the highest seat in the circus they will be found making it mighty interesting for the management while i they have lots of fun poking sticks at the big elephant and playing "keeps" with the follow that peddles 'lasses candy. By the way, husn't it been remarked, at some poriod within tho recollection of liviug men, that "This was a republican legislature!" In the split up Benton is allowed one representative, Lincoln orio repre sentative, with a seiirttor jointly be tween the two counties. As to the fiscal standing of the new county, her taxable wealth is com puted at a little over $700,000. Tbe new county starts but cn a proposed basis of extrefne economy, allowing salaries depressingly low to her pros pective official. If everything works as tbey have figured thoro is no rea son why they should - not pull through all righti But therein lies the ques tion. Will everything work as they have calculated i We ttlull se. Times are hard. Taxation at best is burdensome. To make the chango will entail an Expense under which the bay people will groan before they get done with it, now mark ye ; while the unjust burden it will throw upon own ers of Yaquina real estate resident in Benton will be little short of outrage ous. There are rriauy good friends to tho Lincoln county cession had it been sprung at an opportune period, either in the past or future, who pronounced ly deprecate the move at this time. A BRUTAL FATHER. A revolting tale of cnuiinality comes from Polk comity, on thero".d between Salem and Dallas, wherein one Ed. Halcomb is charged with having made three daughters the victim of hi" in cestuous brutality. The crime it is re cited, has been; going on for years, taking in its hideous toib one child after another a? tliy grew in years to the age of possibility, the last of whom being only ID yens' old. Tne two older girls ate row married, one m good circumstances in southern Ore gon. There is a large' f.tmily of child ren and the mother is alive. Accord mg to the story of the boy who let the facts out he has long had knowledge of what was going on, but the neighbors never suspected until he told it, when the beastly father skipped out between two days. He would probably have been lynched had he been caught. N6 fear of a flood need be enter tauied, so far as this "break up is concerned. The river readied its highest Monday afternoon, when it was 18 feet 4 inches above low water gauge. Snow in the valley has gone oft gradually and that in the mountains is wearing away by degrees, while the rain showars have been wide apart and not heavy. The combination worked nicely. Well get out of this picnic without chartering a Noah's ark, after all. ..- ; . The man who paints his yard fence; cleans up his premises", whitewashes his barn and outhouses and keeps the weeds Jrom growing ori the side- walk in front of his gate; is a greater benefactor to the city than tbe indi vidualwho spends his time on the street comers prating about a silurian city and the dead conditiorrof his adopted home; HOW ABOUT THAT! Murder suspkcted ow the bat wothisS IOllB TO SIFT OUT Tfi CASS. The people of the bay think the have, Iiiddtn in their liildst; it case of heinous ciime. They haye been sus picious in that direction for the pal two weeks, and still at last accounts) they had done nothing to clear, up iri their vexed minds the suspicious cir cumstances involved iri" the case. , Two weeks ago to-day Maggie Nor-2 ton died within a very few hours after1 her illness set in, and with her de- parting life "went also that of her still- " born child. The woman was buried Vut her friends wore dissatisfied and -talk about the case in tho neighbor- hood resolved into the opinion that she had been poisoned to death. She was the wife of Charles Norton -alia 4 Mansori field, from whom she had sep arated at Walla Walla where he now resides. They had a child a year or sd old. She had come with this child back to her mother, who lives ori the " bay. She came, as the story goes, ia a destitute condition and very scantily clad, owing to Norton' heartlosg . neg ligence to provide for her, and wad working out on the bay to support herself and child. The little one wasi taken very sick. Norton was sent fof without the knowledge of his wife' and came to attend at the bed side of the cliild. In the meantime Mrs. Nortori had shown her mother some powders' Norton had given her and urged heir to iake4 but she determinedly proni ised her mother she would not take them. With tho fact that she waa fol some timo alone in the sick room with Norton up to the hour of her deatli this powder feature is associated, and putting all the circumstances together the theory of foul play, in the minds of the community, was jiiita' well es tablished. Tbo Gazette repeats the 6tory simply as it gets it, for the reader .to take for wirrft it ia worth. The singular part of it (s that iri the face of so grave a case as this is made5 to be, nothing has been done by ihose . people to sift it flown to the facts' an4 bring it to a just conclusion. An of-? ficer from that place waa in thitf city a week ago last Thursday; "working up the case" as he said, and solicit-' ing a physician in Coryallis to go and make a post mortem examination to settle the matter of poisoning. He was" properly advised that they had physicians near at hand to do that du ty. So they have. They also htive? every legal functionary required to of-"- ficia'te in such case, whereby it might? have been scrutinized through and through and the facts aacertaincd at a moiety of expense. What was the sense, then, of posting out here to Cor- valiis to get'the matter attended to; when the onlv difference would haver been to have piled up a big expense" bill on the county? Then, failing iri this, it looks on theface of it as though the bay authorities had "sulked iri their tents," had hot lifted a finger iri their duty of clearing up a matter' which they are so sufficiently assured Ls a very grave one that they are justi-7 fied in keeping up tho alarm ciy; "Crime! probably murder." This smacks very much of the 'old1 farmiliar style from that section iri th history of Benton's criminal litigation j but the bay people must now remem ber that they have set up" their Owrf autonomy, and that this case would) have beea ari excellent one for them to' have begun on. The big, fat mileage accounts and witness fees are now ob solete. Benton county is able to man age her own criminal affairs. Sic transit gloria Lincoln county. THAT'S WHAT. The state legislature passed 1 tl world's fair bill over the head of Gov ernor Penh'oyer. Will the $60;000, . asks ther Albany Democrat; be used at this late day to give Oregon , arf exhibition of sufficient character foi the world to know that w6 have one or will it be squandered by a few mert who want to show themselves in the big lake city? It is to be hoped every1 cent will be honestly and jndiaousl expended, iri a mannor to confer credit; on this state. If., not; there will .be music. ',,.-' ; ,- Prepare then, me Lord, to near those dulcet strains. The " two-,bi synec'ures that will draw. up6n tha furiu at the rate of a cool . thousaW each; will be : as interesting as tne ar 'numerous; Nov v?;ch ye;