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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1891)
THK CORY ALUS GAZETTE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1891. BRIEF LOCALS. Burt's fine shoes at Nolan's. Tor umbrellas go to Nolan's. Bargains in trunks at Nolan's. For boys' clothing go to Nolan's. Buy yonr hats and caps at Nolan's. For boys' school shoes go to Nolan's. Blankets I Blankets !! Factory prices t Nolan's. . Weber & Son manufacturers of fine boots and shoes. v i -i !ij ? l " ..; : L.aaies anu cnuaren a iinirouuuig a Specialty at Taylor's. For boots, shoes, rubber and oil clothing go to Nolan's. O. G. Hopkins goes over to the bay to-morrow on a business trip. Buy your clothing, overcoats and furnishing goods at Nolan's. Go to Irvine & Baldwin's for fresh oysters-. Open day and night. Ladies' and misses' union suits in white and gray at J. H. Harris's. A full line of lamps and table cut fery at lowest prices at Hershner's. Go to Ed. Greffoz for violin and gui rarstrinErs. A full line always on -: o - hand. The Presbyterian parsonage is re ceiving some very valuable improve merits. . The cannery is a sure go. Keep the matter under agitation. It s im portant. Randolph Taylor, of Newport, is in the city, watching movements in cir cuit' court. Irvine & Baldwin keep up with the season. Good meals at all hours. Give them a call. Mrs. S. C Hall went to Portland Wednesday on a short visit, and will return today. A. F. Hershner makes no extra charge for delivering goods outside the city limits. Regular social dance at the opera house1 this evening, and the usual good time is expected. Dr. Thompson is contemplating giv ing a short series of sermons on "Mak ing the Most of Life." Irvine & Baldwin keep open day and night That's a good resort for good mea's, and no mistake. Mrs. E. E. Krengel, of Indepen dence, spent the first of the week in the city visiting with friends. Fresh oyster soup at Irvine & Bald win's, jr They keep open day and night and keep the choicest delicacies. Frank Williamson has been appoint ed station baggage master at the O. P. depot in this city. A good selection. Ed., Greffoz is just in receipt of a dandy new line of Roge&Bro.'s silver. ware and holloware. Go and inspect them. The revival meeting is still in pro gress at the M. E. church. The order has been very good during the past week. Opened today at J. H. Harris's, a magnificent line of ladies' and misses' shoes, long vamps, patent tips, in all widths. Dr.' 'Atkins . and family start for Asheville, North Carolina, next Mon day, where they will make their future home. The Gazette will appreciate cor respondence of ' news items from neighboring localities. Newsv corres pondence is jphafc we want - S. T. Jeffrys having resigned as dep uty district attorney for Benton county. W. E. Yates has been appointed to the place. A worthy appointment. R. M. Wade & Uo. are having a very visible sign painted to ornament one whole side of their building. It is as big as it can be under the circum stances. A. F. Hershner's large and constant ly increasing trade is proof that he sells the best goods at the lowest prices and delivers them in a satisfac tory manner. Energetic ladies and gentlemen de siring to make from $3 to $10 per day in do so by engaging with the well known firm of L P. Miller & Co., Stockton, Calif. Misses Ollie Thompson and Louise Weber went to Albany today to take part in the exercises of a grand mu mcale given in that city this evening By Prof. Lorillard. Bad" cofds are bad, but they can be worse. Everybody has one, and the constant changes in the weather will not help them. One case of la grippe is reported in the city. Anyone wanting a monument before next Decoration day would do well to see. E. W. Achison & Co. at once as they are selling at a ten per cent, dis count to all who purcnase witinn sixty days. Mrs. Emma Smith is lying seriously ill at her home in this city, and her friends express doubts as to her recov ery; ' Her husband lives at Astoria He was formerly in the jewelry busi- atfss in this place Mr. John W. Simpson has moved from the bay over to Albany, where he, with his family, will reside during the winter. ' He intended to come to this city, but was nnable to find a house to move into. ' . . . Eugene City has a special policeman by the name of . James -G. Blaine. There is no newspaper discussion yet regarding the probable tateofhis health. He may not be up for a sec ond term, however. The carpenters commenced work on the roof of the carriage factory Thurs day. The line shafting has been put in place. When the roof is finished, the work on the factory can be pushed forward rapidly, rain or shine. H. T. Brodenck. recently from the Sandwich Islands, is in the city. He is looking over - this country, pointing out its merits and demerits, and talks some of locating .here. He is well pleased with this section of the valley. The saw mill continues work, but it has a hard time in supplying the present demand for lumber. The building movement is progressing un molested, and many new residences are on the programme for the winter months. If you want a beautiful granite mon ument set up brfore next Decoration day order at once before the quarries close for the winter. Drop a postal card to E. W. Achison & Co., at Al bany, Or., and they will call on you and show you samples and lowest prices. It is being whispered that a wedding, in which two of our most prominent society folks are interested, will take place in this city in the near future. The marriage circle is being well filled in Corvallis lately, but there is , still room for more. - The wheat market is firm at 88 cents per bushel, with a good tendency for a raise. Farmers will do well to embrace the present opportunity. Hops are looking up, but potatoes are a total failure. Good times are in sight for everybody. - We are requested to say that those college boys who spend some of their time about the saloons had better make themselves scarce or they will be informed on. They know the rules of the faculty in regard to this matter, and it would be to their benefit to act accordingly. Mr. L. Walker and daughter, re cently from Washington, have located in this city, and have leased Allen & Farra's corner store building on the corner of Second and Adams streets, where they will engage in the furniture business! We bespeak for them the good will of our people. Read their notice elsewhere in this paper. J. R. N. Bell, a Salt Creek newspa per man is at the Holton. Oregonian. Wonder if the Oregonian means the mythical home of the defunct politi cian! Watchman. No. It means one of the liveliest newspaper rustlers in Oregon. Bro. Bell knows how to make money out of a newspaper, and he does it in a 'way tha would be a credit to any country journal. The man who talks against his town is no better than the man who would go into- a-strange place and talk ma liciously about his' family. Logically, the comparison is the same, and when ever you say a good word about Cor vallis, you are saying a good word about yourself. We are glad to say that our town has few such people. We don't need them. Our people are an industrious class. Isaacs & Stearns this week brought to the Willamette Valley & State Land & Loan company's office, the finest ex hibit of cranberries we have seen for many a day. ' These berries were cul tivated on their place at WalJport, on swampy ground, and they are round and plump and large and tempting. The quality demonstrates that Oregon only holds just claims on the fruit raising problem. Next t While it does not seem in accord ance with the principles of liberty and freedom for a neighbor to forbid his friends hunting out in the open fields, yet when his family and stock are jeopardized, the action is no more than just It causes a feeling of un easiness when bullets go whizzing by the threshold or penetrate the wall of one's dwelling. Personal safety is- of more consequence in that case than hunter's enjoyment, and the law is the only civil resort Services at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning and evening at the usual hours. . Preaching by th pastor, Dr. Thompson. The morning subject will be for the time, "Thanks giving Forethought." In the evening the fifth sermon on "Life and What Ii Means." Service of Praise at 7:15 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:15 p. m. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Strangen in the city will find a kindly welcome at this church and everyone is cordial Jy invited to attend these services. - "Old Age and Beauty. There are several divorce cases in the circuit court' fliis term, and among them is one in which a handsome wife of eigh teen and an aged husband pi seventy winters figure, conspicuously.' : . The case, of course, is well known to bur citizens. Wedlock has not been sue cessful in this instance, and so "the bonds that have made them one for a few brief months will shortly be se vered, and "Smith got his goods from Brown," will put the world of gossip into activity for awhile again. This case demonstrates the fact fully that age and beauty cannot mingle in har mony.. The one will not please the other any more than a snow storm will harmonize with roses or a Fourth of July oration. You cannot Foster beauty with age when beauty will not be Fostered, and therefore the circuit court is going to dissolve the partner ship, and the two will doubtless be wiser, although they will probably not enjoy themselves any better than be fore. It seems to be true at the pres ent day that people will marry most anybody and leave everybody else to shift about from place to place without any visible means of support or any inalienable rights. The question now that naturally forces itself to the front is, "Is marriage a failure?" Berlin in Zurich. E. Berlin writes to a friend in this city from Zu rich, Switzerland, under date of Oct 30th, as follows : "Last Sunday' I ar rived here all well and happy. I went twice to the postoffice, but received nothing. The postmaster said he did not know me, and sen ' it right back again. The most pleasure. I have is to find some American to talk with." It is evident from the tone of his letter, that Mr. Berlin" has been engrafted into American ways, and is thoroughly Americanized. He says he was right royally received in his old home, but leaves the impression that he don't like the "natives" of the old country, and would feel more at home in this country. We wish Mr. Berlin a pleasant sojourn at the old place of long ago. Girl's Essay on Boys. A little girl in a neighboring school essays on boys like this: "Man was made be fore woman. When God looked at Adam, he said to himself, well, I think I can do better if 1 try again, and then he made Eve. God liked Eve so much better than Adam that there have been more women than men. Boys are a trouble. They wear out everything but soap. If I had my way, half the boys in the world would be girls, and the rest would be dolls. My paa is ro nice that I think he must have been a little girl when he was a little boy." Chicago's Record Beaten. In 20 years 812 divorces were granted 4in Multnomah county, said ta be a re cord which places Portland ahead of Chicago. Take the country over, from 186(5 to 1886, the divorces - granted were 328,716, an increase of 157 per cent', in that twenty years. while an in crease of only 60 per cent in- popula tion is passed to our credit fn the same length of time. So that thC increase will be Been ' to be general' Lion county has been doing heir share. . J Christmas Goods in great variety," consisting of vases, perfume sets, fancy cups' and saucers, fancy fruit plates, shaving" mugs, toilet1 cases, -albums, work boxes, glove and handkerchief boxes, and numerous fancy and useful articles suitable 'for the coming holi days, will be on exhibition Saturday, Nov. 21st and until every piece is sold at Kline's, the regulator of low prices. Can't Cook as How many a young wife's heart has been saddened by hearing the above remark ! And yet how often the words are true; especially when cake, pastry or biscuit are in question! The reason is plain, yet it is "like telling a secret." Our mothers used and are using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. They cannot be misled into using any of the ammonia or alum powders. No dyspepsia no sallow complexions, when mother did the cooking. The first symptoms of ammonia poisoning, says a New York -paper, which appear among those who work in ammonia factories, is a discoloration of the nose and fore head. This gradually extends over the f ace until the com plexion has a stained, blotched and unsightly, appearance Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the only pure, cream of tartar powder that contains the whites of eggs. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant; ' In fact the purity of this ideal powder has never been ques : tioned. '." , v Specimens That Speak. The Ore gon State Agricultural college is en gaged at present in experimenting npon specimens of sugar beets sent in from various parts of the state where they have been cultivated. Of these sixty specimens have been tested, with highly satisfactory results, all averaging from 12 to 24 per cent sorghum. It will be remembered that 12 percent is the basis on which . these beets are raised with profit in California, and anything below thai figure, is. regarded as un profitable. When sugar beets can be raised in Oregon on the 24 per cent basis, it begins to look as if there is a flattering prospect for that industry in this state,, and we do not doubt the capabilities of our soil in the successful cultivation of the sugar beet. The result of these experiments at the col lege will be made public in a bulletin soon to be published, and this will give the outside world an idea of the possibilities of our soil and the proba ble success in the cultivation of sugar beets in almost any locality within the borders of our fair state. We feet as though we could put Oregon against the world. Married At the residence of Chief of Police Scrafford, in this city, Thursday, Nov. 19th, 1891, Mr. B. B. Barnes, of Ohio, to Miss C. E. A. Ladow, of Michigan, Rev. Hiram Gould officiating. The happy couple will make tlieir future home at Wells dale, this county. The bride just ar rived in Corvallis . yesterday from Michigan, while , the groom has been a resident of Oregon for over two years. The Gazette extends congratulations. New Photograph Gallery. H. Si Muht and James Chase have leased J. R. Bryson's cozy little building on the corner of Monroe and Third streets, and are having it fitted up in first-class style for use as a photograph gallery. They expect to be ready to open up business by the 5th of December, when they will be prepared to eater to the public wants in the neatest and tastiest styles of the art. The Congregational Church. Saturday evening a social and oyster supper will be given at the Congrega tional church in this city under the auspices of the King's Daughters. The supper will begin at . 5:30 p. m. and close at 9 o'clock. . Oysters will be served for 25 cents. Let everybody go and patronize the King's Daughters in this instance, and njoy "a treat of delicious oysters ... ; Ed. Dunn has a lame hand, having had it seriously injured on a copper wire at Kline's. Ed., however, will not permit this to interfere with his duties at the big store. THANKSUIVING PROGRAMME. The following is 'the programme for Thanksgiving services to be held at the M. E. church, Thursday, Nov. 26th, 1891 1 Invocation. .. Rev. Gould Song Coronation Reading of Proclamation. . .Prof. Blanchard Song Reading. of Scripture .Dr. Atkins 'Praying Dr. Thompson Song Address. L. I. Mercer Free-will offering for the poor, Song .- America Benediction . .... . .......... L. I. Mercer Services-will begin promptly at 11 a. m. in the M. 22. church. "Everybody is v in vited. NOTICE. Notice tf the annual .meeting of stock holders of the Corvallis Street Railroad company will be held on the 23d day of De cember, 1891, at the office of M. Wilkins for tho purpose of electing the board of di rectors. 8. T. Jeffries. Mother Did! EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. G. F. Plommer, Sector. Services and sermon every Sunday at 11 a. m. and. 7:30 p.. in., which will be conducted by. the Hector on the 1st, 3d and 5th Sundays of each month and by Lay-reader on the 2d and 4th Sun days. Evening service and lecture by the Rector every .Wednesday.- evening at 7:30. All are welcome and are cordially invited to be present at all services, , For diarrhoea or summer complaint in any form, there is nothing better than Chamber lain (Jolic, (Jholera and JJiarrhoe Cure. Mrs; Nancy Berry of Adams, , Lawrence county, Kentucky, says one dose cared her of an attack diarrhoea. Two or three doses will care any ordinary cue. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take. - Twenty- five and 50 cent bottles for Sale by T. Gba- Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of the Graphic, Texarkana, Arkansas, has found what he believes to be theest remedy in existence for flux. His experience is well worth re membering. He says: "Last summer 1 had a very serious attack of flux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving reuet. (Jhamberlain s (Jolic, (Jholera and Diarrhoe Remedy was recommended to me. I purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use the medicine and was entirely enred. I take pleasure iu recommending this remedy to any person suttering with each a disease, as in my opinion it is the best medicinein ex istence." Twenty-five and 50 cent Ibottles ior sale ty r. ubaham. When Baby was side, we gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gare tbem. Castoria. MONEY TO LOAN, Money to loan at 8 per cent interest on farming land in Benton countv. Knnnir of J. R. Marklev & Co. Offina nver tti nmL. office, Corvallis, Oregon. Boys may be had (and sometimes girls) tor ordinary service at wages, or upon in denture,to work, attend school, and be brought up somewhat as your-own; and children may be had for legal adoption. . Address, E. T. Dooley. Sunt. Oregon Boys' and Girls Aid So ciety, Portland Oregon. "FRUITS AND FLOWERS, " An illustrated -Horticultural Journal edited by E. R. Lake. "No farmer or fruit grower can afford to be without it. It pays whoever takes it S2.00 per year: $1.00 for six months or 20. cents per copy, Address, D. H. Stearns, Portland, Oregon. THE CHITWOOD NURSERY. J. E. Wilson,, proprietor of the Chit wood nursery, (Jhitwood, Oregon, has a hue di8' play of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Ever greens Grape Vines, Shrubs, etc., etc. Free from Insect Pests. - Address, J. E. Wilson, Chit wood, Oregon. ATTENTION, CATTLEMEN. If you want your cattle dehorned, give as a call;, we use King's patent dehorner. Jt severs the horn instantly, and can be nsed without the use of a stanchiron or tack. Address or call on Hamilton Mulkey, J. F. Hemphill, Monmouth, Oregon. ; For Sale. -Ten acn.'s of prune land two miles from Cosv-illis. Trees will be in bearing next year. A great bar gain for panics wishing this kind of land. Reason for selling, parties have moved away. Enquire at the Gazette office. " NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The co partnership heretofore existing be tween W; I. Alexander and Roh't Grant, under the style of Alexander' & Grant, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. V. L: Alexander retiring. Signed, W. L .Alexander, t . ; Eob't Grant. The above firm will be succeeded by Rob't Urant, who ts authorized to collect all out standing accounts of the old concern. . Alexander & Grant. NOTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS. Notice is hereby given that the County Uourty of Kenton l&unty, Oregon, will re ceive sealed . proposals . to build a piling bridge across a. slough near F. Kittridge'a place, oue and one-half miles south of Mod roe, Oregon, up to 2 o'clock p. m. on the 21t8 day of November, 1891, according to specifications to be seen at the County Judges' office. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. S. HUFFORD. Dated Nov. 5th, 1891. ' County Judge Many years' practice has given C A. Snow & Co., solicitors of patents at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed suc cess in obtaining patents for all classes of inventions. . They make a specialty of rejected cases, and have secured allowance of many patents that had been previously rejected. Their ad vertisement in another column will be ot interest to inventors, patentees, manufacturers, and all who have to do with patents. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' In the matter of the Estate ) of 5 Lyman T. Maxfield, Deceased. ) Notice is hereby civen to all persons cen cerned that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Lyman 1. Max held, deceased, by the county court of Benton county, state of Oregon, and all . persons having claims against said estate - are hereby re quired to present the same to me, duly ven tied, at my residence about 12 miles north of Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, with in six montns trom the date hereof. CAROLINE MAXFIELD, Administratrix of the Estate of Lyman T, Maxfield, deceased. Dated September 28, 1891. R. Ii. Taylor, PROPRIETOR OF THE Little Band Box Barber Shop, Corvallis, Oregon. ' - tSSTShaving, hair-cutting, dressing, dying, and shampooing. GhildreirCry for Pitcher's .Castoria? Blanket F6r f3& 10 pairs Oregon City 10 ' " " 10 10 " " 20 pairs Oregon City 15 " " 10 " " Less 10 per cent, Do You Cook . -ON A OR A- STOVE OR ON An Old Stove, That is about worn out and don't bake good and uses an unnecessary amount of wood, and Do You ' Need A New Stoye. IF SO BUY THE PENINSULAR. The Finest Cooking. The Best Fin ish. Does the Best Work with the least fuel, and in every respect Superior to any Store. Sold, in This Met. SOLD BY J. D.CLARK. F. M. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CORVALLIS, OK. larDoes a zeneral rractice in all the courts. AIao spent for all the first-clasB insurance companies. 2:2 PHILIP WEBER, -DEALER Carpet8fWall Paper, Furnl- . -: ; ture and Bedding, CORVALLIS, - . ORECON. I - G. R. FARRA; M. D., PHYSICIAN and SUEGEON Special attention given to Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Children. Office up stairs in Crawford & Farra's brick. Office hours, 8 to o a. m. and and from 2 to 7 p. m. , Portland, Oregon. A. P. Armstrong, Prin. Branch School : Capital Bus. College, Salem, Oregon, Same courses of study, same rates of tuition. Business. Shorthand. Typewriting, Penmanship, and English Department JS4)rin session wfourooui ine year. omucun auiuih tcd at any time. Catalogue from either school, free. J. JL. HAXX., CONTRACTOR FOB ' Brick, SancLaiid Stone A First-class Article furnished on short notice. Leave orders at Hamilton, Job & Co.'s Bank. ALLEN & WOODWARD, -HEADQUARTERS FOR- School and College Text Books And all kinds of School Sup : plies. Fishers Block. - - . . CorvaUls, Or. DENTISTRY. J. B WKLLS,VD. D. S.i (Successor to N. B. Avery.) Ether administered for painless extraction of teeth. Office over the First Nationa Bank. J. M. APPLEWHITE, M. D., . residence North 9th Street. H. S. PERNOT, II D., residence 4th street, two aoors nortnpr opera House, Applewhite & Pernot, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, - Corvallis, Oregon, Offices over J. D. Clark's hard ware store, and at R. Graham's drugstore. - Honrs: 8 to 12 a. m , 1:30 to 5, and 7 to 8:30 p. m. ALE. Days. White Blankets, $5.00 " 7.50 9.50 ' 1S5.5U Grey Blankets, 4.0O? . . . o.ou " 7.50? for spot cash. STRAWBERRIES & GRAPES- Manual for Culture and catalogue of twenty best varieties, : - Each of these Fruits Sent Free LI One dozen of four best new kind of straw beiries by mail 91. One dozen Strong Assorted Grape PlaataV- including two at $1 each, $3. Address to E. HOFER, Salem, Ornifc PIONEER AND restaurant: August Schloeman, Prop., . Meals at all hours. Fresh Bread Every Marmnj: Delivered Free before Breakfast. I BAKEDAILY: The following varieties: American -.M.vle, Oerm-ui Milk Bread, French and lty Bread, also fresh cakes, pies, buns, etc. Wedding & Fancy Cakes A Specialty. Special attention paid !--orders from abroad. 6:2-bb A. HODES, FKOritlETOK OF THE" RonvALLis PaReoy And Dealer in Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. PURE W1NEMND LIQ1T03S Fresh Bread, Cakes, Pies, Crackers, ft., . kept constantly on hand. . . ; Corvallis, - '- Oregon Benton Comity : Complete Set of b3tracts of Benton's County. toyaacing & FerfecTit!u t Sjidiltf.v Money to Loan on Improved City and Country Property. I IMWSl (CO., - Frepruteru MAIN ST., CORVALLIS. L. G. ALTMAN, M. Ds, HOflKEOPATHIC PflYMN. OFFICE Over Nolan's Store, Second aa4 Hear . Streets. RESIDENCE On Jackson Street, aetween EWfctb and Ninth. OFFICE HOURS From 8 to 12 a. . and Stela - 7 to 8 p. m. The A Ibany Nurseries We are offering to planters the finest lot of Fruit Treeo! Of all the Desirable Varieties in the state, 150,000 TREES For this Season's Trade. Inspection Invited and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Send for Catalogue or call on as at tk. Old Cline Homestead one-half mile southwest from Albany. Hyma n& Brownelk. DO lOU WANT TO SAVE to 25 to 50 Ce ra Ercry 1 If so, write for our Mammoth Illustrated Catalogue, containing lowest manufacturers prices of Groceries, Dry Goods,. Boots sad Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Agricultural Implements, etc. Mailed on receipt of 2ft: cents for postage. .- Chicago General Supply Co. 17 8West Van Bnren 8t, BAKERI!