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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1885)
VOL. XXII. CORVALLIS, OREGON, NOVEMBER 6, 1885. NO. 45 Published every Friday Morning BY Mill'. PJ3l!lHNiH3J3E. S'J3337ITION RATLS: (Payable in Advance.) PerYesr. 50 Six Months 1 " Miree M..nths 1 00 Hiilirle Copies !0r Tor Year (when not. pai l in advonce) 3 00 All notice? ail a lvertUe nent-i intended for pub ati a i ji i ll 1 :i hvile I in by noon on Wednesdays Rates of advertising: made known on application. GENERAL NEWS. to prevent immigration of persons cl aiming hopeful outlook, there are foot-notes an 1 that their reli.iiu tea-'iesail justifies the pcKtscripts speaking ibcfcfeotaBy f the corn crime of polygamy, as this would cut olf the merei il status of tin; various oeigMoiood.. ...,...., ..f .. t.. tlu Mi.rimin I. is the belief of the bust minds i i VVash- eh u rch. the inui who tried to kill De itfairs The latest election 9rsj from the r are to the eff et that New York a i I Vir ginia have gone ileinneratic, and Massachu setts, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Illinois and Ne braska republican by the usual m jorities. It is estimated tht the de:rease in the public debt during October will am mut to $13,500,003. The new lighthouse steam -r Midrona h is sailed from the east, with a cargo of light house supplies for California and Oregon. It is thought the president's forthcoming message will take very strong gron ml against the coinage of silver He will eixlorse the views of Manning and Jordan. Commissi ner Sparks, of the land office has rendered a decisi in in regard t the At lantic & PiciHeroil, which wipes out their lan I grant, stretching ' mm San Buenaven tura to San Francisco, a distance of U80 miles. Wilkes county, 6s. is greatly excited ov er the discovery of $20,003 in silver coin on the plantation of John Chen mlt. It revive the story of a confederate treasury train which was robbed near that place. The postotfice department has 1 an ed that Bowers, recently appointed postmaster at Chico, Cal.. imp we 1 upon the appointing power, by sending a long list of signature that he had cut from an old petition. Bow ers has been suspended. Ferdinand, Grant's swindling part ner, w is sentenced by Ju le B urett, of New y t.v, to fn years in the state prison. The prisoner c une into court smiling, and received the judge's scathing s -licence in a half indolent manner. He was taken to the Sing .'ini orison . Oeorge S ins nars. Sr., uroprietor of the Rs sia ir n mills at N ilej, (' lio, has made an assin n ut. The pcmcioal creditors are the em d y.;3. 200 in iium'ier. Iu the eve ning nietl a. id w uneu gathere 1 around t e works and dein in le I uioney or bread for their little ones. A riot was feare 1, but la ter the crowd dispersed. The old right between the New York Tri liune and the typographical union is ended at last. The Tribune remains out, of the union, but agrees to advance the price of type-setting to forty-six cents per thousand ems. Aftei wards Whit-Jaw R.'id addressed his employes and said that in const leration of their splendid loyalty, he should do more than the union had tke I or hid igreed so to do a vear ago. He therefore advanced the price piece composition almve lie union scale, to forty-seven cents pr l'tOO. The statement that a loan h id been offered by the Cmaliau Pacific with Caring Brothers, u! though 4eaie 1 by the Canalian Pacili; officials, is believed to be well fouud B iring Brothers are tin uicia agents of the Giand Trunk conip n,y, an I the securi ties of the two roa Is seem to be gutting in to the same hands. Many rumors are afloat in eastern cities ah iut these companies, and their amalgamation is freely talked of. One rumor h is it that-J'srph H cks ui will soon leave Canada an I tike the presidency of the Gran 1 Trunk c .ii,iuiy in England, and on the am ilg un itio.i of th j two companies will leco:ne presi lent of the ertire system. It is further said that there will be an exe smtive hoard of the combined companies m vCanada, smlth-i dominion government i.l take control of the two rai w iys, with an imperial guarantee. The Ut ih commission has submitted its annual report to the secretary of the rate ior. Itsiys that at the last election no per son living iu polygamy was allow el to vo'e nor was uiy such ,a per am elected to office. There h .ve been very few poiyyam u m riages during the year, but this is rfuj to the enforcement of the law, not to any de cided change of feeling. A firm attitude of the government, and faithful execution of the law, sustaine I by public sentiment, have exerted in th-i past ye ir a regressive iutin ence up m the M arm hi people never before experienced by them since their establish ment in Utah. The commission recomm :n Is that the term of imprison. naut for unlawful Cohabitation be ex teude 1 to at least two years for the first and three years for the second offense; that all persons ie exclu led by law from making location or settlement upon any part of the laud of the United States who shall refuse on demand to take- oath before a proper ffi -er of the land om,e that he (if a man) does not cohabit with more than one worn m in cue in image rela tion, and will s-ipp irt the laws of the Uni ted States, (or if a worn in,) that she does put cohabit with a man h ifing more than one living and unlivorcd wife; that the laws with reference to the immigration of Chinese and importation of cou tract labor ers, paupers and criminals be so amended as Rev. Mr. T mnant died at, Evansville, Ark., on the 2nd inst., aged 115. He was the olilest minister iu the Uoi ed States, and had preached ninety years. The severest wind and rain storm expen- j meed iu in my years prevailed iu Butou on last Tuesday, B 1 along shore. Tne h irbor was tossed into immense biilows. Nil n-.r-ous vessels lying at the piers dragged their anchors, an 1 several of the n were badiy damaged by behind ished together oraraiust docks. So far as ascertained, no lives Were lost. An official statement of the boar I -.f trade. shows the amount i f traiti in sight in the United States and Canada on Octolier 31, j and the amount of increase or decrease over the preceding week: Wheat. 51.702.:25o, an increase of 2,016.031; corn, 4,(4,343. a de cr-aseof 332.335; oits, 3,.i2, 120. adecrea-e of 440,116; ry. 551.111, a decrease of 43, 907; bar.ey, 1,967,203, an increase of 417, 048. The Tribune has the following: At ti e Fanner's Loan and Trust company's office it was said that the ex let am mat of th N'orthern Pacific nilroil an 1 Oregon Rail way and N ivigation company stocks ''called" ao'ler the Oregon & Traiujoutiii ;ntal loan could not be state I until the figures bad iieeir proved. It is un lerstoo 1 th it in round) numbers 2S.00O shales of Northern l'acitie pnfeired, 25,000 shares of common and 5,510 shares of Oregon Railway and N iviga tioii company's stocks werj taken. II -ports were to t!ia ed'ect that th lenders iere entitled to '"c til" 3J.03J of each of the Northern Paciric and 5.25J shires of th; Oregon B il way and Xavig itioii stock. Tiie exercise of the privilege will redo :e the un file led debt of the Oregon S Troscon tiuen -til company by about $2,575,000. Nego'i ations for sanding the balance of the ioaa, which matures at the end of the year,, iiil be undertaken at once. ingtou that, unless some very foolish legis a tion is indulged in 1m Congress, we shall en ter upon an era of prosperity with the new year such as has not been experienced with in the past decade. At a conference at the navy department b -tween Secretary Whitney, the chi.-fs of ! investments to the Unite I St ites. Mattel, the man Frevcinet, French minister of foiei has been declared insane. DeLesseps h is applied to the French gov eminent for permission to issue new Paitauu canal bonds to the am mnt of 120,003,00 So great is t'l : depression in the flax spinning industry of England ta it a numb. : of c ipil -ilists h ive deci le I to transfer theii the bureau of steam iiginiering and of con struction and ! pair, and nien.bers of the advij..ry board, the p'an for comrle tiou of the unfinished cruisers Chicago, Boston ami Atlanta was arrai ged and de cided upon. Work on the Ve sels wi.l b& con;iu le I at t'l y ir Is w l -r : th iy u .v lis, bv the bureau of st'-am engineering and the bureau if construction ml, and they will be ir th s une reliti m to th i govern m cot as the origin J contractors did. The Imreius will be held responsible f..r what is done. Work wi.l In cehdnctetl under dl r:ction of offi-eis representing the bureaus. The n iv il a U-is iry b tr I ari.l have its rep resentatives at the yards, who wiil super vise all the work and material as formerly. If any ch tuges ir m idiricati his iu the origi u d plans are deemed necessary the same course vill be pursue I as before the govern ment took charge. an 1 fourteen British jissned a manifesto de ation. Tae m mifesto an th it the Catholics COUI- Cardin'il Muiiiinj Catholic iiilhops has liounciug mixed e la; is tSoiisi lered to iu should -vote or feiryaudyatesjn the inV geijral eleciia. Great ex dte ne it prevai'ed in the Mexi can congra s Fa lay, when live liberal opiio sition deputies presented a proposition in winch so;cilic ir c n of impeach, nent of ex presi lent li inz ties fur misuse of the pub lic f ulls wis u . Tie home wis ti n ally declare I a Ij lUi-ned, without action. PACIFIC 00A3T MISSEL LAXL'O C-S OA BDii. M. S. W03DC0CX, A-ttornev " at - Taw, Coeval us, Oregon. J R BALDWIN, Attovupv nt Law WASHINGTON S3.V3. Collections promptly attended to (Office fei Pwtoffice Lui'diny ) Corvallis, . - - Oregon. are is Csrd, Prora ji i.-e-, Hall Tickets, jtute, v ruer. . i aim ti.ccci,t noons, circular.--, ijitijt.i. .-i t'C'iij, un Itrr I ;( 'iajrjl i,Httsr3. or ;i 1 v etass ot Jo I'riutui. THIS OTTT, an'l return to The uazeUe . u tltshinf; Hm-e with an order far any aumunt o; J.l t'lntii'u:. sucu as or . iicaas, invitatious, i ftltiitg and ;i i y i low a.s Ooud oru can be done for. (i! 13. EJ. 03LS3V H(H:.X3.! Total coinage executed at toe mints dur ing October was $5 -252,908. of which 2, 500,000 was standard dollars. The public debt statement issue I recently shows a decrease of the debt duriuo October of .$13,270, "74. Nothing is known at the interior depart, meiit iu reference to the reported move ment of the bo,,iners" into the Indian ter ritory, further th in the information contain ed iii a telegr m from Commissioner P tkin son, now at Fort Reno, to the effect that a very large number of people a-e Slid to be grazing cattle now upon Okl ih nna lands. Tiie (iu irterm aster-general; in his animal report, siys the n-jceaaity of ass mbliiig troops at. the larger and more permanent posts near In liau reservations, and iu prox imity to the great strategic points of the country adjacent to its puLlic reservations, harbors and p irts, is beeomiu daily more and more apparent. He urges that troops garrisoned in casern ited forts be kept iu barracks ill time of pe ice, for sanitary rea SMBS, and says barrae is saou.d be built at once. The commissioner of education has in formed the secretary of the interior til; t i e has been dilli cent ill en leavorius! to perfect arrangements for the educition of children of school age iu Alas-La. without reference to rice. Two schools h ive been established one at Sitka au I one at Juneau, and reports received in licit; favorable progress. He recommends she establish nent of schools it Fort Wrangle, J ickson, Boyd, Fort Yukon and Kuskok.i in, and additional schools it Stkianl at Ju lean. The recommenda tions have been auuroved by thu secretaiy. Where h -r.ay be fQUnd day or nicht. Dr. Case is j a graduate tA -sew V,.r.; city, anj uoai ?s to tais euast f li-oui l ie easi wu-re its ,ias na i severs ye-rs exjieri- euee aiwsig Ehesic. 11 is manners treatment is up-1 on til : liio.t uloaera a:ia occti-ie pniiei,ies oi meai cine. faul.t- p.ii rona ;e respect. unv sniicited. Real Estate Agency. A . P. Ciainers. Real Kstate, Ijinp;u incut .and -ollectiou Ah E lglislim in with a Chinese wife and six children, arrived it Sin Francisco by the a fr,..., H .o r Ko . r ,, Fri lav. I '" a" tl,H Oonrts ill the state. He attein ite I to bring his wife an 1 children as. tore, out was siopje.i oy me cusioius au- j tho ities. He clai ned to be en mute for Victoria, an 1 was force 1 to apply to the j C.iiiese consul f.r a transport certificate. The gran ! j try at Seattle h is been rccon- j vene I, and there is much speculation there is to the tibj ic:.. It i state I th it certain 'leaders" of the so-c died labor lelgu likely to b; i i dieted an I prosecuted the civil rights law. The grand jury have a number of witnesses, who will swear as to personal iu timid ition. Th; treaty is con strae I aieoaiva'.eat to the law of the land. S the district attorney will hold, and each j and every United Stales n fHcer in lhe civil j. (0dice over Carlile's Store. service wi 1 so enforce the iaw. Some start ling developments may be expected at no very distant day. The Seattle jury iu the case of the United S ates against Perry Bayne, after being "Ut thirty minutes I a verdict of ",iot guilty." Biyue is of the. seven men ivho ware indicted for murder in the tirot degree, two Cii iu;inien na iug been killed re cently at Sqnak. There is great rejoicing over the verdict, and the streets were Ulled vith ueoiile congratulating each nth r over the same. Is is c aimed that the task of! acijui.iig the remaining Sipiak alleged' murder ;ri will bean eas on. Brads reet's m ;rc antile agency reports ninety-o le fai'n e i iu Pacific co .st statt s ami territores iu r. Assets. 5S,(JCC; li j abilities, S 'J i.OJJ Out of the total nuaii-j oer ot failures, Ualltornia ii is seve.iti -live, iVashingtou territory six, Or'-g u six, Ne vada two and Ariz ma two. What is pronounced by practical miners to be the most promising find yet made iu the Colvill j district are the discoveries of W. B. Cable and tt. W. Chilson, on the Coin ulna river, three iniies ab ive Six Mile bar, in solid limesto ic clllft. Tiie le.lge con tains masses of galena and yellow an-! green chlorides th it characterize the Old D min imi. Tile le Ige shows for 4'JOO feet. The pro er y his already been bonded by R. V. i 'hilsnu. discoverer of the Casa Grande dis trict, Ariz ma. He ii is been in that district but four weeks. On the m rtun of the third inst a party in charge of Paul ilohr started from Cheney to survey the line for a railroad from Cheney to Farmingtim. Io is thought that this We will inaugurate on Saturday, October 3Jst, a Special Clothiu, Sale of , . . x.' Intending purchasers of warm garments are respectfully requested to call and take a look through. The subjoined list will give but a remote idea of the bargains I have secured for this important sale: 10 Mens Heavy Cassimere suits at J 6. 50, worth 8 50. 10 Mens Oregon City suits at S12.50. worth Ifid.OO. 1) Mens tine biiick dress suits at 15 00, worth 20.00. . . .. . 20 pair assorted c e-sinieie pants, big drive. 10 boys suits 12 to 16 years at S5 00, worth 7 0 X 20 heavy J.wie suits 6 to 12 years at $3.50. See them. ?--;. " 10 Mens heavy overcoats at S3 00. So.d s.ine last year at 8.-50 . 24 M ois duck vests, blanket lined at 90c, worth 1 50. t, . 30 Boys Cassiniere vets at 50c, some worth i.50. 24 p lir Mens black rubber leggins at 75e. ... . . .. 24 suits reil flannel mid -rwear at 2.50 a suit. 12 Mens long black rubber coats at 1.75, worth 3.00. 24 Mens heavy mixed undershirts at 40c. 24 doz 3 ply linen collars at $1.00 per doz. A lot of boys and childrens overcoats at a Big. Discount. A lot of mens odd coats at nearly half price. : All of Uie above are a Special ' '" URCHASE AT A BANKRUPT SALE. And will be kept apart from our regular stock for 30 days. "'. Each garment marked in Red Figures, from which there will be no deviation. 9 ONE PliiCE CASH STORE. Corvallis, Oregon. Brines: Soiioiied IWP.iJi atract. CJHV Ijinp;u incut Agency. PiiW ce: Pirstafoor aauth of rasher's irick, main lis ons .lOM In tie Circuit Court of the btatc of Oregan for Ben ton uoantv: G. W. ROSS. Plain. iC, JACOB .1. FENOYEll ) 1 L and SARAH KiiNOYi Defendants. wo k is being urge I on account of the iui President Cieveian I nas ni.iicate.i some- r f , t ft ,rriH.i t ie O R. & N., w.iich after ths coust.-uct-ti au of the road sill g eist via Cheney. Hon. i. Meyer Zilic't took the oi hof o35 ; i as guvornar of Arizona lutTucs-liy eircning. Ch ef Justice Hj.faid a luiiuis tj ug lie oath. A Taco n i dispatch of the 3rd inst. says: Tiiis being tae time set for Chinese leaviajj. at 9.3J A. .VI, it a signal sjiven in my hun dred chue il c mge gated, m arching iju e Iy aio.ig tiie streets to Chinese houses request lug the occupants to pack their goods and leiye. The request was compile I with. By 5 P. M. the goods ware pickjl, loa led on drays and Chinese were marching alongsi-U-loaded wagons, en route u Likeview, nine miles south of h re. Chinese merchants were given time till morning to pacit their goods, the stores being allowed three assis tants there. 0:ie hundred aiid ninety-seven Chinese reached La'teview, about 7 P. M. and camped iu vacant homes. It is not known wnether they will take the in irniug train for Portland, but prob.ibly will. M ny Chinese are walking south on the riiiroiil trick. Citueui seat" out to th C nnese pr.ivisions to last till morning. No triable iicc.ine I, order prevail d, and every thing wis quietly consummated. No harsh language was nse-1 during the proceeding an I the Chinamen quietly left. Wnen tht present anti-Chiue-ie excitement begau here GUN STORli. S-.CHSiMJZZLHLOACi: SHOT 8UKS Uiii s, P'slols, Amatiition C'i lTy, Spy Glasses, Fisliint; Tackle, Work made to order an. 1 warranted. 20-33tf c. MODES, Corvaills. FINE SHEEP. Win. Hartless has ten extra fiqe Oxford bucks for sale at reason hie rices. CORVALLIS, - OREGON. Jamer; L. Levis. Xi3DT), Ca;t'.e, Hones ard Hogs booght a & soil anl 3jit?Mi3 mh ti sani3 AT A f j I , T'IMKS. Mutton, Beef and fat Hcgs a Specialty. CORVAI.US OIIEGON. thing 01 his ilea of thetari.F. It wis in a conversation the other day with an iu i n t friend, who lias communicated tl e point. He said that he wa3 against the rat.ti cation of the reciprocity treatx wi.h n l ii fact, again -t ad reci , rocity treaties, bee lusc they were inteude I only for ait tic id y stimulating; trade. He is for a fr e-rtw- naterial tariff bill, an I thinks raw m -teria.s should be admitted to this country free no u all North Anierie.ii coun ries. Iu Ins message to 'o iress he will speak t:.ese s iuumenrs. He thinks that the real way to ded with the tariff is by direct laws, as we have now, and that treaties ire invasions which should n it be resorted to in this age of modern legislati in. It is said th it fre -ideiit C.eceland 13 sjuiewhat of a protec tionist. As iuti nated several days ago, reports are beiu received in Washington daily from all parts of the country indiciting a very pros perous outlook for the business iuteriscs. People are paying their dtbts and lhe mer chants are buying largely of g aids and have money to liquidate their obligations. The crops are large and the quality excellent, a ,d pri :es are better than for a f ' years past. iaese as teiuenis are oorue out ny the statistices officially re.-eived at the Ag ricultural Department. A gentleman con nected with the Department of Agncultu e says that in very mauy of the reports re- LEGAI L A To Jacol A. Kenoycr and Sarah E. Kcnoyer the a'eove nauiud defendants; in the name oltiie btute of L?rejfj you are hereby summoned and required appear and an wer the co i plaint of plaintiff now on Jilu with the clerk of the abovj entitled court against you in this suit on or before the day f the next rular term of aid court it beinf the 16th day of j :ovembc;r, ISbo, and you are hereby notifijd that it j you to aiiaWtrsai- conqj'aint aei required herein. said plaintiff wiUaf ply to the eoart ro the rdiei rayed for in -aid complaint to-wit: a decree against you for the sum of 400 dollars together w;tu interest the -eon -at tiie ratj o. eiut preunt. ier aiinuin irom the 5tli day Oi November, ids, and for the ioreeio -ure of the mortgage mcnt,:juied i i said c inplaiiit and to -eeu. e tiie payment of said sum or 400 an 1 intLr-e-t a;, aforesaid, upon the billowing1 deerihed prcr-i-Mcs to-w it: iii-ijiiininpr at a po'.nt in the center of Marys river due eaat of t-ie jorthca-t comer of Jackson link's l&ttj claim, tnenee west t a leaning oak tree about one foot thrown on the top or the hiil ubt ut one rod east of t!ie pite on tiie line hetu-eeti U. W, lloss and iackotiu Z.iik, tenue eaot of iiWth to a point five roda north ol a lone iir tiee, (the point n.e. ironed here i. j.out due west from tiie road passing J. S. Felgar'rf Jw&lling house.) thence running1 eaot t tiie center oJ Marvs river, theiue south d -wn aioiig Mar s r.vcr t ciie plaeoof beginning, containing is acres more or .ess. AUo lot No. 2 in Section 10, TnwUjl.ip 12 outh of range U west oi the Ulamette arn. contain .2 and "iT-iOO acres, ail situated in Uenton county, UregoB, and for tiie coots and disbursenient u this suit and for ueh other and further relief as ay be quitahle and just. This summons is itiibdhed bv order of the Hon. li. -S. llean. Judge of said court which bears dae ol Sep .emher -30th. iSo5. J. W. UAYBUKN, 122107t Attorney for Kainliff. -AT- ts . mm m e a.-9g' Clothiriy: and. Tailoring l4l rn iDor ixi m j You car. find the latest styles of ready made clothing, also the finest Pants Patterns ard Suitings Ever brought to Corvallis. HEADY MADE CLOTHING PIIKSSFD TO ORDER. Constantly on huml a full line of Furnishing Goods, Underwear, Shirts, Neckties, &c., &c CALL AND EXAMINE MY STOCK. No trouble to show goods. Two doors South of Will firo.'s. COM' ALUS. - - - - 0KFG"ni FOR SALK AT THIS OFFICE Real Estate Agency! C0RVALU3 'RE iO ccired telling of the splendid crops, and tbe Tacoina. six weeks ago there were 7di) Ubiuanien iu Real K-tate Agents, will Imy, sell, or lease farms or farm pmuerty on ciiinmissioa. Having ina'le arrangenieuts for co-operation with agents iu Portland. anJ lieina ful ly acquainted with real property in Beut. n county, we feel assure.l of giving entire sat isfaction to all who may favor us with tiieir latroaie. ti. A. Waugonek. 20-livl T. J. Br ford, GREAT N3RTHW-.ST.kN REMFDY. J ho -e w ni wfr.t e .ny and iato nejj a wi.ol i-oire rjlia-Ie Medleine like Pftinder's Orcyron Kloil Purifii-r. As a rjmedy and rjventalivu of disease t can no', be Ve it. It ehec'i ttheumatism and Ma.; -ria, relieves n.iLtiat on, and Billiousness ati l puts fresh entry twto tUe syste :i 5 y making Nt:Wr, KICK iU AU DrugirUU and d.alers keen it. $t.00 bofJes, 6 for f5. 00. i2U0m NDT10; FJR PJSLiCATiO mONTGOMEhY. LandOlIice at Oregon City, Ogn., Sept. 1G.13S5. Notice is hrby j;iven t. at the following' named settler lias filed not ce ol his intention to make final proof in su;ijort of his claim, an :i said proi-f will be made b-lore the County Judge or l ounty Cltrk of ijeiit:n county at 'o; val!is, Oregon, on Wednacday, Xov. 4, 185, viz; James ilerren, homest- ad entry io 1300 for the S 1-2 of s E 1-4, N K 1-4 of y E 1-4 and a ii 1-4 of N B 1-4 of See. 12, T. 10, S.R.7 W. He names the fo!l winr witnes--ics to prove his con tinuous residence u;ion and cultivation of said land viz: James M Town end, Kmil Seifcrt, Wm. Herron anrl itiehard Seifert, ail o: Kings Valley, Lienton -ounti', Oregon . L. T. BAR IX, 22-39-5t Kegister. KOTfCE. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, New barn, new buggies, carriages, and every thing else new and first-class in all respects. Special Action Sira Transisnt Stock. Good Saddle Horses. cPrices Eeaxon; "ble. (Secoml Street. ) CORVALLIS, OREGON. Is hereby given by the undersiimed Administrator f the estate of Smiley Carter deeeased, that hj has iled his aeeounts ior a final settle. Ujnt oi" said tnut in the County Court of the State of Oregon ior euton tounty, and that Mouday tbe 1-ith day of . ovember I8i6, at tiie "uour of 10 o'cioek in tiie lore- ! loon of said day is the time fixed by said court to .xaniine the s-ameanJ hear objections thereto. TvLl;R., CAK'lK, Administrator of the estate ox bmiley Carter, de- . j ased. t Uated this 16th day of Octobsr 13S5. 22-42.51 PATENTS, Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyrights Obta'ned, and all other business in the U. S Patent Office attended to lor moderate fees. Our o lice U opposite the U. S. Patent office, sod wc can obtain Patents in leu.-- time than those remot iro ii WsshHvrfcoa. Sen i model or drawing We advise as to paten I ability free of o .aige; ana we make no charge unle ' we obtain patent ! VW r:er mrc to the pnstmaster, the supt. of m ev order .iv., and to offi ials of the U. s pates ' fine. For circular, alvice, terms and referenc i tual clknt.s in . our own state or county, writ :. A. JNW A. rO., Opposite Patent OLSee, V(asMiit.