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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1882)
NEW QOODS! Just Received At J; Renders', Qobyuib, Oregon. CONSISTING OF Dry Goods, Boys and Mens Clothing, Ladies Fancy Goods, Gents' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Q-roceries, Provisions, And a general As- nTUCO nOHSIO To numerous to sortment oi U i n L Bl IJ b U U $ mention, Wnich will be Sold on the most Reasonable terms of any Ilouse in Oregon. tHlg $orttalUfs (gazqttq. FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 20, 1S82. Call and examine our goods before purchasing. 39ml FALL AND W Ladies Cloaks, Dolmans Ulsters, FANCY L OOPg! TRIMMINGS, CLOVES, CORSETS, KNIT HOODS AND SACQUES. dBOOTSX&XSHOES,) READY A Department of Agriculture. Chicago Sentinel The farmers ol the country should demand the immediate establishment of a Department ot Agriculture whose minister shall be a member of the cabinet. With an array of less than 30,000 men there is a war Department; witL a navy that is a navy only in name there is a Department of the Navy. There is also a Secretary of tht In terior, of the Post Office Department, of the Treasury, and of the State but although Agriculture embraces interests greater than all thesejothers combined, there is no Department ot Agriculture. Of the 50,000,000 of inhabitants in the United States, 25,000,000 are en gaged in agriculture pursuits. Of the 900,000,000 of domestic merchan dise exported last year over 700,000 000 was supplied by agriculture. This country is essentially an ag ricultural country. Vast as its pres ent pioducts are the nation is only in its infancy, for only about one seventh of its arable land has been cultivated. If the money that is spent every year in the War and Navy Depart ments were spen in improving an developing the agricultural interests it would be vastly better for the country. There are a thousand ways in which agriculture can be benefited by a liberal expenditure of money There are experiments to be mad with seeds,with crops, with farm ma chinery, with transportation that farmers cannot afford to make on their indiviual account. But if they were made by the government and the results published to the world every farmer could profit by them Let farmers see to it everywhere that Congressmen are elected who will support the idea of establishing and sustainnig a Department of Ag ricultnre on a scale that shall put it to the front as the most important and influential branch of the Govern ment. on private property. These gentle men also say that the shipment of cattle on the hoof reduces its weight and quality one-half before it arrives in Chicago, besides which they have to pay the same rate for horns, hoofs, intestines, etc., as for the valuable portions of the carcass. In conse quence of these drawbacks, it is urged that Texas beef has been com pelled to rank low in the market They expect to bo able to manufac ture their own ice, on a large scale and at a comparatively insignificant cost for the supply of their cool storage-houses and refrigerator cais. If they decide to adopt the plan on which they seem at present resolved, Eastern consumers will certainly be able to buy beef at a lower rate than for the past few months. (CT SRk COT ffl 7U. UVIUl . Hi SB m B M. I mmi pa nTiiiNK OVERCOATS Funii siting" 'Goods at These Goods are offered to the public prices lower than can possibly be found in the city. Nearly opp. Vincent House, CORVAL.L3S, OR. C. H Whitney & Co. !9rl4yl E. XL MEHBJMAN, AGENT FOR THE WORLD-LEXOWNED 7 Grading castor Beans. At the meeting of the St.Louis Merchants Exchange on the 21st inst., the following rules were adopted in reference to the grading of castor beara , vis: For the inspecting of cas tor beans in bulk $1 per car; for in specting castor beans in bags, the bags to be opened and refastened as before, two cents per bag; for inspect ing castor beans at warehouses, mills or elevators, when bulked or other wise fifty cents per ear. When ccRtor beans, upon inspec tion, show over 7 per cent of impur ites, then it shall be optional with the buyerto reject such beans, or to de duct one quarter of one cent per bush el for cash one per cent or fraction thereof of impurities over 7 percent. AH castor beans containing over 15 per cent or more of impurities shall be inspected "rejected". All castor beans bought or sold un der the rules of the St. Lnuis Mer chant Exchange, (unless otherwise agreed upon at time of sale) shall be bought or sold upon a pure basis; that is, free from dirt and foreign substances and must grade prime, or No. 2, to fill contracts. Prime beans are such as are in jured by fiost or rain, and weigh not less than 42 pounds to the meas ured bushel when cleaned. No. 2 beans are such as are unin jured by rani or frost, and weigh not less than 38 pounds to the measured bushel when cleaned, and shall be valued at 2 per cent for each pound below 42 pounds, less than the value of prime beans. Rejected beans are such as are damaged by rain or frost, or weigh less than 38 pounds to the measured bushel when cleaned, and such beans cannot be delivered by contract, but must be sold on their merits, oy spec ial agreement or by sample. A southern agricultural paper ad vises that as agricultural machinery is new in the South, great caution should be exercised in the use thereof, and laments that many sad accidents have already occurred. This was true in northern States on the first introduction of farm machinery there. But machinery is no more to be re jected on account of an occasional accident than is the plow, or the axe, for accidents and deaths have often attended the use of both. The latest report from the Agri cultural Department as to the wheat crop of 1882, says: "The aggregate of winter wheat,as indicated by the September returns, is about 360,000, 000 bubhels, spring wheat about 140, 000,000, or 520,000,000 bushels in all. The threshing test may slightly mod ify these figures. The first threshing generally exceeded expectations; later thrashing has, in many sections, been disappointing. It is quite cer tain that the percapta supply of wheat will not be quite as largo as in 1S79 or I860. THE HOUSEHOLD. crust. When AeKnowieagetf now t be tho lest by all mnsiehms, and use! by tke celebrated en-ol pliiyerB Julie Hive-King -".n preference til other. J. & C. FISCHER'S PIANO, The leading and best second-class Piano on the market. ALSt TilK Old and Established Standard Mason & Hamlin Organ. ofcbT' it iJ 'S.VJR''i"n'' V'Ci J'V' ,rm HF " ti,,,e to HcU ketHS oHns instrnmen oi if " wl vr.yrief : pic j , ; portion t the uutwit&sttuxillur. Texas Beef. IF!osfco:i, New England, Farmer. A party of gentlemen, represent ing large cattle-raising and financial interests in south western Texas, are in this oily cxamitiinsr cold-storasre j warehouses and systems of refrigera tor cars for the transportation of dressed meat, with a view to estab- j iishing tue practice ofsendius dressed meat from the grazing plains of ; Texas to northern markets, These gentlemen have been Ion"- accus- i ! touted to drive their cattle long dis tances on foot, to railioad stations for shipment to Chicago, but the con tinued sale of lots of the public do main north to cattle-raisers will soon they think, prevent them from doing so. Xow their cattle can forage on public lands while on the march, l.i il, ,;. ,.it l . f uul wjuu i!!c,y wuuiti ue trespassing Recants of pie you nave a little pie left do not throw it away; roll it thin, cut it in small squares and bake. Just before tea put a teaspoonful of raspberry jelly on each square. Banana Pik. Sliceraw bananas' add butter, sugar, allspice and vin egar, or boiled cider, or diluted jelly; bake with two crusts. In the South they use the cold boiled sweet pota toes in this way, and regard the pie as choice. When boiled oatmeal is left over rom breakfast spread it about half an nch thick on a well-bottomed tin and place it in a hot oven to brown. Oatmeal cooked in this way can be eaten by persons who- find ordinary boiled too exciting to their di gestion organs. Boiled Tongue. "Wash clean and put in a kettle of boiling water. Skim well at first and place it where it will slowly but constantly boil. Too rapid boiling hardens the fiber and renders the meat hard and tast less, without really hastening the process of cooking. A pod of red pepper will prevent the unpleasant odor ot boiling from filling the room. Add half a pint of salt and keep the tongue covered with water till done. Boil until it can be easily pierced with a fork, take out and if needed for present use take off the skin and set away to cool; if it be kept for some days do not peel until wanted for table. Delicious little cakes, that also havethe charm of novelty,can bemade by making a rich jumble paste, roll ing out in any desired shape; cut soma paste in thin, narrow Btrips and lay around your cakes so as to form a deep, cup-like edge; place on a well buttered tin and bake. When done fill with iced fruit prepared as follows: Take rich ripe peaches (canned ones will do if fine and well drained from all juice,) cut in halves, plums, straw berries, pineapple cut in pquares or small trangles, or any other availa ble fruit, and dip in the white of an egg that has been slightly beeten and then in pulverized sngar, and lay in the center of your cakes. Indianapo lis Journal. One house in Sedalia, Pettis coun ty, Mo., up to September 5, had ship ped 340 cars, about 136,000 bushels of wheat and expects to ship 200,000 bushels during the season. It is said that sweet or olive oil, strongly scented with oil of penny royal, and rubbed on the face, neck and hands, will effectually prevent annoyance from mosquitos, gnats etc. The quantity of milk annually consumed in Boston is estimated at 12,076,600 gallons, which, at six cents a quart, costs $2,898,158 to the consumers. The large amount of cream sold, it is said, would swell the sum to $3,000,000. A leading dealer in dairy products in New York, informs the Dairyman that the introduction of oleomarga rine has increased the sale of good butter. It has also increased the quantity of good butter by driving the inferior qualities out of the markets. The Priarie. Farmer doubts if five bushels of corn to the acre will be harvested in the corn belt from mid dle Ohio to central Nebraska, 1000 miles long by 150 wide. That will perhaps be news to most of the far mers in the domain indicated. A Maine 'correspondent of the American Grange Bulletin thinks that insects arejso multiplying in the older cultivated regions tliat "per sons must even have a place among farm supplies. That may be, but newly cultivated regions of the West have been devastated by grasshop pers, Colorado beetles, chinchbugs and army worms. A Colorado potato bug has just created a sensation in England. It was discovered on an American ves sel. The fact was telegraphed to the Lords of Privy Council; they tele graphed that it should be killed and forwarded for inspection. All of which was done within the past month. A Correspondent of the New York Tribune, has experimented with stable manure, plowing it under, and scattering it on the surface after plowing and planting has been done, and gives the preference to the sur face method. He calls on his brother farmers to ive both plans a test, be lieving that they will agree with him that the surface mode is the better. Heretofore cotton seed oil has been the product of large establishments in the hands of capitalists. Now small machinery is being employed, run in connection with, steam gins, which will afford a market for cotton seed on plantations too remote from the large mills, so that in time cotton seed oil will be a product of almost every neighborhood in the cotton growing regions. MORRIS, If. Front Street, Two doors nortli of tlie Vincent House, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Repairing and Cleaning at moderate Prices. 19-26yl THOMAS GRAHAM, Druggist and Apothcary, -AND DEALER IN- PAINTS, OIIS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS, Pljffl, WWL SHOULDER BBAOES, TOILET ARTICLES AC. A fall line of Books, Stationery and Wall Paper. Our drugs are fresh and well selected. Paescnptions compounded at all hours. 19-27yl Wheat and other Grain Stored on the best of Terms by . BliAIR, -AT- V- ORTAL Ei'I'S SACKS FURNISHED TO PATRONb, Farmers will do well to call on me before makin i- g arrangements elsewhere V. 0 o u o W z o u i as rs o a 7 2 a J 3 J a O o C9 UJ G3 C9 6 It is not wealth, or fame, or state, uut "git up and git " that makes me great. T HAVE JUST BEEN TO S. A. HEMPHILL'S TO gret one of those new all hand-made harness, where all work is warranted. 19-15m3 M 5 1 J 0 Q Z fc a rr j3 s:. & So b. t o a AUGUST KNGHT, CABINET MAKER, AGRICULTURAL NOTES. The largest combined dairy fac tory in the world, it is said, is at Fre mont, Neb. A Brownsville, Saline county, Mo., firm has brought 10,000 bushels of coin for December delivery at 40 cents a bushel. Over 600 car loads of grain from the west were shipped, from Hanni bal, Mo., to Toledo, O., via the Wa bash railroad, on the 17, inst. Herbs for winter use should be gathered when the plants are in bloom, and just as the bloom is be ginning to fade, is the best time in which to gather them. UNDERTAKER. Cor. Second and Monroe Sts. , CORTALXIS, : OKECOSf, Keeps constantly on hand ail kindd oi TP TJ EN IT XT R E Coffins and Caskets. Work done to order on short notice and at reasonable rates. CorraHis, Jnly I, )8S1. 19:27yl. Scientists now all admit that most diseases are caused bv disordered Kidneys or liver, and that if these great organs are kept in a perfect condition, health will be the result. WARNER'S SAFE KID NEY AND LIVES CURE Is made from a Simple Tropical Leaf OF RARK VALUE, And is a POSITIVE Remedy for the following Troubles : Pain in the Back; Severe Headaefees: Dizziness; iiloatin?; I;if famed Eyes; A Tired" Feeling; Night Sweats; I'ains in the Lower Part of the Body; Palpitation of the Heart: Jaundice; Gravel; Painful Urination; Ma larial Fever; Fever aud Ague; And all diseases caused by the Kidneys, Liver or Urinary Organs being out of order. It is a SAFE and CERTAIN cure for all Female dif ficulties, such as LencorrEtoea; Tnfljsmation of the Womb; Falling of the Womb: licc-ralion cf the Womb. Itwill control and regulate Menstruation, and is an excellent aud safe remedy for females during preg nancy. As a Rlood Purifier it ia unequalcd, for it cures the organs that MAKE the blood. For oi : Carcunc!es; Scrofula: White Spel ling; Salt Eheam; Pasnaag by Mer cury or any ether Eirug, It is certain in every case. For Incontinence; Impotence; Pains in the Lctns, and all Simi lar Diseases, It is a safe, sure and quick Cure. it is the only known remedy that has cured Brights DlSEASB. As a proof of the purity and worth of this Great Natural Remedy, read the following CHEMICAL A!f ALYSZS : S. A. LATTIMORE, Ph. D., L. L. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Rochester, N. Y.t knowing- the popularity and merit of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, after a thorough Chemical Analysis, has furnished the following- statement: UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER, Chemical Laboratory, ROCHESTER, N. Y., Jan. '8, 1880. Mr. H IT. Warner has placed in my possession the formula of the medicine manufactured and sold by him under the creneral designation of WARNERS SAFE KIDNEY' AND LIVER CURE. I have inves tigated hiH processes of manufacture, which are con ducted with extreme care and according to the best methods. I have also taken from his laboratory sam ples of all the materials used in the preparation of this medicine, and upon critical examination I find them, as well as the medicine into which thev enter. to be entirely free from poisonous or deleterious sub stances. S. A. LATTIMORE. This Remedj' which has done such wonders, is put- up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of anv medi cine upon the Market, and is sold by Drug-gists and all dealers at $1.25 per bottle. For Diabetes enquire for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. It is a POSITIVE Remedy. H. H. WARNER & CO. 19:6yl Rochester N. Y. TO THE SICK HI AFFLICTED! AND ESPECIALLY Those Suffering from Debility, Nervous Prostration, Loss of Vitality, Sexual Infirmities, Etc., Etc. THE GREAT NEED THOSE HAVE WHO ARB suffermgr from SEXUAL AND NERVOUS COS PLAINTS is a physician who can comprehend their adments and successfully treat them. The general practitioner is not sufficiently akllls m these classes of troubles to do po and it must b left to the SPECIALIST, who bv education. Ion practice, thorough knowledge arid compreheuiv mind, is prepared to cure them. DR. J. C. YOUNG Opened his now celebrated Institute in 1850 for tbo purpose of affording the afflicted the certainty of honorable and skillful treatment and perfect and permanent restoration, and for over 30 years it has sustained the first rank not only upon this Coast bat throughout the civilized world. I am aware that by dw elling upon so uninviting a subject as tho DECAY OF SEXUAL VIGOR the gnorant may asperse my motive, but the desire to inform those who are suffer' ias through ignorance, or who by care cssness or want of knoirieda-e that a. mm ran be had, are not only hurrying them selves to an unt!iue!y 'grave, but giving sexual weakness as an inheritance to future genera tions, is too great ao incentive to permit me to b silent. svmrjtoms. IF YOU ARE SUFFERING FROM NIGHT LOSS ES, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKNESSES, CONFUSION MIND, SLIGHT LOSSES WHEN UNDER EX CTTEMENT, VARIABLE TEMPER, TREMBLING, PALPITATION, FLUSHES, &c, OR IF YOU HAVE PRACTICED SELF-ABUSE EVEN IN THE SLIGHT EST PARTICULAR you are suffering from the Dread Enemy of Human Life, And should not hesitate to seek- at once health and) happiness in a cure. CURES GUARANTEED, FEES MODERATE CONSULTATION BY LETTER OR OTHERWISE. FREE. Exclusively Vegetable Rmcdica Ised. o Ladies You are especially liable to suffering from NERV' OUS PROSTRATION. All your peculiar complaint a:-e nervous in their origin and hence your sufferings are terribly depressing or inexpressibly keen. The Doctor in his researches and practice of NERVOUS TROUBLES has made your orgpnuatit n a special study and is thus enabled from his experience anoT knowledge to aid and cure vou in any of the- Troubles, Weakness, Distresses and Snf ferinp'sto fki:b you are liable. lT'on will find in the Doctor a friend upon whom you can rely ior comfort, aid and cure. Dr. i'ouag's jVraale Remedies have attained a reputation for efficiency unequalled by any medicine or medical prescription ever offered. They can be sent by mail or express. Those desirinsr personal care and attention can bare all necessary accommodations furnished. - O- Letters. Those who cannot visit the city can bygiving their symptoms in their own wav. receive advice, and when desired, treatment at home with every assurance ot a cure. LETTERS RETURNED OR DESTROYED. Address, - DR. J. G. YOUNG, medical Institute, Ifo. 7 Stockton St. San Franoisoo. Feb. 21. 1682. PATENTS We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, etc., for the United states, Canada, Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. Wo bare had tliirty-Hve years' experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed In the Rcr RtTiFic American. This large and splendid Illus trated weeklypaper, $3.20ayear,sliows tne Progrcsgr of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MUNN CO., Patent Sollcfe tors. Pub's, of Scientific American, 261 B'wuy, NewYork. Hand book about Patentsfree. PATENTS : Obtained, and all business in theU. S. Patent Office, or in the Courts attended to for MODERATE FEES. We are opposite the IT. S Patent Office, engaged in PATENT BUSINESS EXCLUSIVELY, and can ob tain patents in Jess time than those remote from WASHINGTON. When model or drawing is sent we advise as to patentability free of charge; and we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WE OBTAIN PATENT. . We refer, here, to the Post Master, the Sup't. oftbe Mouev Order Div. , and to officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and reference to actual clients in your own state and county, aduressy C. A. SNOW & Co., 19.8 Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. O Buy at dealers' prices. We will sell you any I article for family or personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want, send for our Catalogue, con tains over 1,900 illustrations. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO 22? & 229 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL, R; -Jul. tton,: VvCo)cfittEiaitEoc., Aair.:2ci; j g; tlsra, KcitrasltsSa, end all CfiupftDflQ DK8. STARK) -Y A PALKX. PbiltiUoiphiu, Pa. Pacttaocontfiinaall infBeJ&Ba, rind is easily Kent by expxestf. radv for EJoE AT HDMSL H. MATHEWB. Forwardmrr 1 A front. 606 Meiitffoiflt'ry 3l.ruet.Saa 11 cirico, St tiiu ior r rc'J rampiuca . LEGAL L A M K FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE fit a week in ro'ir own town. Terms and 35 outfit V9 free. Address II. Hallett i: Co., Portland, M H s I ' CO if rCEK,! Icq Is V.J MtPS b! 8a! SfpWli si! cm mmt. lf