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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1880)
WEEKLY COMAUB GAZETTE. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE STATE J7FICIAL PAPER FOR BENTON COuriTY Corvallis, Jan. 30, 1880. REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL CGWI MiTTEE. A meeting of the Republican State Centra Com mittcc will be held in the City of Salem, on Wednes February 18. 1SSO. at 2 o'clock, r. M. A fall attendance is requested. DAVID FltOUAN. Chairman. Joseph S'KOX, Secretary. Baker Milton WliitejLinn D. Fromr.11 Kenton . ...E. 15 McFJrovl I-VJC J. H. McClunir rlacka'.nas. .. .P. Pannet Marion R. C. Geer cIator K. J. Taylor Multnomah Jos. Simon Columbia. .O. W. Mcliride I Folk A. W. Lucas Coos & W. Tower Tillamook Dr. 1-ascellc f!i.rrr M. i:ih: Umatilla Vacan Douglas E. G. Ilurshjl'nioii W, J. Suodtrrass Grant J. V. Church Wasco E L.Smith 3mAam .M. H. Chitwood' Wash'mirton . . Jos. Gaston Josephine Thus. Floyd Yamhill J. w. Watts Lake C. B. Watson I Republican papers please copy. MAINE MEANNESS. All of our readers who Iiave access 4,0 the daily papers have kept them selves posted in regard lo the situa tion of matters political in the Pine Tree State. However, many of our readers living remote from mail facil Hies have not yet learned the extent to which the Fusionis'.s parried mat ters in Maine. Foi such we propose to give a brief statement of which bas up to this time been done. Of course all know that an election was held in Maine late in t he fall of '79, for the purpose of electing a full set of State officers and Legislature. Three tickets were in the field, He publican headed by Davis for Govern or ; Fusionist with Smith for Gov ernor ; Democratic with Garcelon for Governor. A thoiouga canvass of the State was made, and when the result was made known, it was found that the Republicans had swept the entire State, by a larger majority than had been secured for years. It will be remembered that Garcelon was elected Governor in 1878 by the Fusionists, anijudging him by the light or passing events during the last two months he aided by his coun cil had been doing all in their power to recompense that party by attempting to deprive the State of the offices squarely elected by counting them all out on mere tcch ncialities, and seating those ot the Fnsionist party. The Republicans polled at the last election nearly three times as many votes as the Fusionists and notwithstanding that fact which no one disputes, not even the Fu sionists themselves, we have seen the sorry spectacle of the entire State be ing turned over lo those whom the people never elected and those whom the people did elect refused admit tance to the Governors council to examine the returns, or to make ob jections to that summary manner of depriving them of their election cer tificates. Thus Garcelon and his council in secret handled the election returns, and accomplished their foul purpose of ignoring the peoples' rights and organizing a State Gov ernment in Maine that was never elected. After the FusionLt Gov ernment was counted in, Garcelon consented to submit a list of ques tions to the Supreme Judicial Court, ijwrolving every point in the contro v8isytreen thaiRepublicans and Fusion 1 st, ' and intimated that he would be gj9'tj6.d by the decision of the Cosgigjpie matter of issuing election, VettttTcate. t The Court promptly decide ery question against the Fetifsts',' and in favor of the Republicans ygt he refused to be governed by tfjfet decision and sum raond the Ijgi's attire that he had counted hi mmqpcar at Augusta, the capital qp3& State. With great miauimitEhe Fusionists obeyed the surjHorjfi; and one lone Republican, Eugue Hale, the only one of the Republicans that was counted in. The House and Senate organized by electing Speaker aid5Presidc-nt, and then proceeded - to elect Governor and other "State efficcrs. Before re tiring from Gubernatorial duiies, Governor Garcelon appointed Major Gen. Joshua Chamberlain to, protect the State House and preserve peace, lie was ably assiste4cyMayor Nash of Augusta, and the Sheriff of the conuJv-Snortly afiter the; Fusionist JF-.... r. :i.i . t 1 - : Utile oiauiocu i itijiucuiijaui- som sent an order to Ceo, Chamber Jain that he had been elected Presi dent ot the senate, and was ex- that ins services could be dis- 1J IBS iiC LlOB. .taf&ita ..taA AXa&ST" . juthsujtj?and rjaHi. chum preme Court, that he was the Gov. of Maine, he would cheerfully resign his command, but until that was done he should hold the fort. The next important move made was the organ ization of tlve Republican Legislature aided by two or three Fusionist membeis, and a fewDemocrats, which gave both House and Senate a quorum. They proceeded to elect Davis Governor, and filled the other State offices and then prepared a list of questions covering every possible point and submitted them to the Supreme Court which were all decid ed in favor of that body and they were declared legally organized, and the State offices chosen by them, were legally elected. Governor Davis assumed control of the forces and relieved Gen. Chamber lain, and all the differnt State depart ments proceeded to business. The Secretary of State soon discovered that the Fusionists' Secretary of State had carried off the great seal of State, another was immediately ordered and the Fusionists' Legislature refused admittance to the State House. Since the n that body of patriots have been holding sessions on the sidewalk near the Capital. They having been refused a place to hold their sessions by the Democratic Mayor of Augusta. Some of the Fusionists are desirous ot retnrmns home, some who were elected of taking seats with the Re publicanLegislature, so that their con stituents shall not be without, repre sentation, others counsel war and still others tame submission to the inevitable. Thus ends one of the most diabolical plots evejj conceived, countenanced or aided in depriving a civilized people of the officers they had elected to govern them. History furnishes no parallel. If it had not been for the constant councils of leading Republicans from all over the State, Maine's fair name and fame would have been disgraced and blood would have desecrated her free soil. The whole scheme was con cocted and carried out with one view only, to 6teal the State government inciiifiing the legislature ana then pass a law for the appointment of Presidential electors who would cast their votes in the electerial college next autum for the Democratic nom inee. It came near succeeding, and shows conclusively the desperate state that the Democratic party are in. Be it said to the credit of many leading Democrats and not a few of (hat parties journals, the whole affai was discontinued and discouraged But that parties, bummers and place hunters applauded, and now seem very much chagrined at the results. Patriots of whatever name or shade of opinion are pleased to know that law and order are once more restored in Maine, and public opinion will consign the instigators in this dis graceful business to the oblivion and shame which they so richly merit. YAQUMA BAY. The petition or memorial which appears in our columns this day is the result of an earnest appeal from Col. T. Egenton Hogg, who is now and has been for some weeks at Washing ton. He telegiaphed on Friday, and again on Saturday last, to urge the mmediate preparation, signature, and forwarding for presentation, of the memorial in question. The Sena tors and Representative from Oregon have been interesting themselves in obtaining National assistance for the harbor and river navigation of the State, but they need to be supported by the expression by the people them selves of their sense of their require ments. Let all sign. Let each man insist on his friends and neighbors making the little effort required. The result will be such an expression as will not, cannot, be disregarded. Is there one single person in the valley who does not understand how his interests are at stake in obtaining a new, an independent, outlet to the world ? Again and again it has been ex plained that whilst the whole of the traffic of the valley has to pass in and out through Portland, so long must there be First A needless waste of time. Second A needless waste of money. Third Needless risks of stoppage and accidents. Fourth -A needless payment of toll, at the one toll-gate on the Northern boun dary of the State. The inhabitants of the valley now have the opportunity, which for years past they have been expecting, of uniting, with every prospect of sue cess, in obtaining the new way out. It this chance is let pass how long may it be till a fresh one arises ? Money is not asked from them ; onlv the signature of their names to the memorials which are lo be found in every place of importance in the valley. There is hardly a postoffice to which they have not been sent County committees have been form ed every where who are interesting themselves in this matter. If no one comes to ask yon for your name do not let it pass, but find out for yourself where the paper is, anddgn. In ten days 25,000 signatures are wanted let us have them. FAMINE INJRELAND. Great distress in the rural districts of Ireland prevails, occasioned by short crops. Many of the people are starving. The English government is taking active steps to avert the constantly increasing suffering, while America is donating 6hip loads of provisions to be distributed among the needy. It would be well if the people of Benton connty would, out of their abnudance, donate something towards so worthy an object of charity. Who will lead off in this matter? If every business man and farmer in the Willamette -valley would contribute a little of their means and grain,. soon a cargo of wheat and flour could be shipped to our unfortunate neighbors across the Atlantic. Meetings could be held in the principal towns on both sides of the Willamette river, committees ap pointed," -subscriptions of cash and flour and grain solicited, and arrange ments made to forward the same, and in an incredible short time a fund could b secured that would keep the wolf 7rom the door of many homes in the Emerald Isle. Let us do something at once in this matter. A whiter in the Westminister Re view suggesis a plan for tbe govern ment of the English Empire, includ ing her colonies, closely analogous to the system of National and State government in the United Sta. He proposes to have one Imp Parliament, with representatives uie xmusn isies, inuia, ana all Other .british possessions ; and local Legig-1 latures for England and Scotlant, hi Ireland, and each of the colonies, with "yperoys, or Governors, corres pond to the Governors of the sev eral Stes of the Union. The scheme read.-ell on paper, but he would - ldprophet who should foretell would work in practice How- Cngland is t jgh the THE MEMORIAL. The undersigned inhabitants of the State of Oregon, sheweth : 1. That the population of the State is in creasing at a very rapid rate, an immigration of upwards of 20,000 persons lia vine been re ceived in the year 1878, as proved by the statistics of the Jfortland Hoard of trade. 2. That the principal towns of the State being situated, and the larger portion of the population settled in the YVillammette Val ley, the exports and imports from that coun try are being so largely increased that the need of additional outlets for the traffic of the State is severly felt, practically passen gers and goods having now to pass both m wards and outwards through the port of Fortlanrt, situated on the Willammctte river. only 12mile3 from the northern boundary of the State. 3. That byipening of the harbor called Yaquina Bay, a port will be provided, only sixty miles from the center ot the W lllam ette Valley, never closed by ice, or render ed inaccessible by stormy weather, and oner ing natural facilities by the safe deep water channel, commodious anchorage, and abun dant space for all the shipping that will re sort there. 4. That a railroad is already in progress connectine the nort of Yaauiua Bav with the town of Corvallis, on the Willamette river ; that by the use of this route a sav ing will be effected of 221 miles in actual dis tance, and of the tedious, costly, and occa sionally dangerous, railroad or river journey down the Willamette Valley to Portland, and the voyage down the Willamette and Columbia .livers to the ocean, the crossing of the Columbia bar, and the ocean voyage down the coast of Oregon past the point in ques tion. 5. That the survey of Yaquina Bay re cently made under the instructions of the Board of Engineers entrusted with the selec tion of the point on the Pacific coast best adapted for a Harbor of Refuge, lias proved that the obstruction to the entrance of the harbor'only consists of a reef, sandstone rock. easily removable by blasting, whilst there are no shitting sand banks to contend with. and the entrance is covered by reef about a mile off" at sea, affording the protection ofg a natural DreaKwater. 6. That the same survey has proved the present boundaries of the channel, giving a aeptn oi twelve leet oi water at low tide, with an average rise of seven feet eight inches to high tide, which channel has not changed in position or depth since' the coast survey m 18b8, and has been, and is now, in constant use by coasting schooners and small steamships. 7. That the opening of Yaquina Bay by the removal of fhe obstructing reef will not only develop tht resources ot the Bay dis trict in lumber, coal, oyster and salmon fish eries, grain, wool, fruit, butter, and agricul tural produce generally, but will open up the tract of fertile country between the Wil lamette Valley and the Bay, exceeding 500, 000 acres in extent. 8. That your memorialists pray that congress, in lis wisuom, win now aevote -a J sum otriS;40,UOO, to be expended in blasting operations on the reef now obstructing the entrance to Yaquina cay, the operations to be carried out under the superintendence of the TJ. 6. Engineers in charge of the district. And your memorialists will ever pray. LAW RELATING TOJSTRAY ANIMALS. There seems to be a great misun derstanding relative to the up estray laws ot this state, and many persons seem to be in doubt as to the proper proceedings when taking estrays. For the benefit of such, and in answer to numerous letters on the subject, we publish the following from the Code, Title 1, chap. 18: Sec. 1. That it shall lie the duty of the county clerk of each county in this state to keep a book, of suitable, dimensions, to be called the record ot estrays. Sec. 2. Any householder about whose premises anv estray may be in the habit of running at large, may take up the same, and shall immediately post notices in three pub lic places in the county, one of which shall be in the precinct- in which the estray was taken up, giving as correct a description as may be, of natural and artificial marks. probable age, size, etc.; provided, That no estray shall be taken up in the months oi May, June, July, August, September, Ucto ber and November, except breachy or vi cious animals, which may be taken up in any month. Sec. 3. If, previous to the expiration of ten days from taking up, the owner shall prove such estray to be his, he shall be en titled to the same by paying charges, which shall be one dollar for taking up, posting, etc., and a reasonable rate for keeping the same. And if the owner shall further prove that the person so posting an estray knew to whom such estray belonged, and yet did not notify the owner of his intention to post said estray, the ierson so taking and post ing, shall not recover for either posting or keeping. Sec. 4. If. at the expiration of ten days, no one shall have made his claims known to the taker-up, it shall be his duty to make a statement to the nearest justice of the peace of the county in which such estray is taken up, under oath, of the taking up of such es- tray, posting, etc., according io jaw; wnere upon the justice of the peace shall appraise the estray, and shall immediately notify the county clerk of the same county, by letter or otherwise, that an estray has been taken up, with marks natural and artificial, etc., and by whom. And such justice shall re ceive for each appraisal and notification, one dollar ; and ten cents for every mile necessa rily travelled in such service; provided, That . . - . ... i there shall oe no cnarge oi appraising on more than three head at the same time and place. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the county clerk, upon receiving such notice from the justice, to make record of the same in the record of estrays. Sec. 6. If tbe amount of such appraise ment shall exceed fifteen dollars, the person taking up such estrays shall be further re quired to cause to be published, in the newspaper published by the state printer, which shall be kept on file in the clerk's of fice of each county of the state, a descrip tion of the same, giving marks as above spec ified, the name and residence of the finder, and as near as may be, the time at which uhe estray was taken up. Sec. 7. If the nwner, or any person en titled to the possession of an estray, shall appear and make onthis title thereto, and pay charges thereon, within six months from the time the notice is filed with the county clerk, as provided in section 5 of this title, and make out his lawful right thereto, he shall have such estray restored to him upon paying all lawful charges which have been Pbof. Colliee recently said that his late experience has convinced him tha within five years the United States will i6 producing all the sugar neMtejUjor home copsump tlon aqd thJSrrSear? sugartwill be an article of ejjhort. He beat that a ton per yield. His expenrrrenvs wi Iks has bee bouS mcurrqd in relation to the same. Sec. 8. If the person entitled to the pos session of any estray, shall not appeir and make out his title thereto, and pay the charges thereon, within six months from the time the notice is filed with the county clerk, as provided in said section 2, such estray shall be sold at the request of the finder, by any sheriff or constable of the precinct, at public auction, upon first giving public no tice thereof in writing, by posting up the same iu three public places in the precinct, at least ten days before such sale, and the finder may bid therefor at such sale ? and after deducting all the lawful charges of the tinder aforesaid, and the fees of the sheriff or constable, which shall be the same as up on a sale on an execution, the remaining proeeeds of such sale shall be deposited in the treasury of the county for the use of common schools ; provided, That if the own er of the propertv sold, or his legal repre sentatives shall, within one year after tbe money shall have been deposited in the county treasury, satisfactory evi dence to the county judge, of the ownership of such property, he or they shall be enti tied to receive the amount so deposited in the county treasury ; provided, however, That the taker-up of estrays shall forfeit all right to a consideration for taking up, post ing and subsisting the same, if he work, or in any way use such estray or take and keep the same out of the county in which such estray was taken up, more than three days at any one, time. Sec. 9: That if any person shall take up, keep or use any estray without complying with the provisions of this chapter, he shall be liable to damage in double tbe value ot such estray, to be sued for and recovered in any court having competent jurisdiction, at the snit of the county treasurer, for the use of the county wherein such animals shall be found ; and it is hereby made the duty of said county treasurer to prosecute a suit against such offender for the violation of the provisions of this chapter, when the same shall be within the personal knowledge of said treasurer, or when complaint in writ ing, under oath, be filed with said treasurer, alleging the violation ot this chapter. The Gazette being the paper pub by the State Printer, we mail a copy regularly to the county clerk of each county for filing in his office, which it is bis -duty to do, as a matter of reference. The fee for publishing is $1 50 for each animal, and should, in all cases, accompany the notice. Can be sent by money order or registered letter, at pur risk. When greenbacks are not convenient the amount may be sent in postage stamps. A lawyer's clerk named Geo. Steed, a native of Southampton, entered the cathedral and other churches in Here ford recently, and, going up to the ltar wthitared cap on, said he -was JohiT tbe Bapt-it, that he had been to me isortn roie, nu uavina'siuoKea his pipe there had-.comfWfijk to tell Hereford people wh4 hajd'seen in fieaveln. v s From the Dallas Itomlzer. THE WEST SIDE COUNTIES. Mb. Editor: The rapid strides in the march of improvement now be ing made by the Westside counties of the Upper Willamette valley au gur well tor the future ot that section of our State. The great steal that took the land grant which had been generously donated by Congress lo aid in the construction of the Oregon Central railroad and diverted it to the East Side road wholly crippled our resources and left our people al most isolated from the marts of com merce. While the producing classes of Marion, Linn and Lane counties for years have had railroad commu nication with Portland and a ready way of marketing their products, we of Yamhill, Polk and Benton, with a counfry far more productive, almost wholly devoid of means of transpor tation, have patiently awaited the dawning of a better day. The past two years, however, have in a meas ure supplied our needed wants, yet the interests of our country demand that our resources be fully developed. The construction ot the narrow gauge railroad from Uayton to Sheri dan and Smitlifield and the comple tion of the Westside lo Corvallis have opened up to commerce the best farming country in the State and will be the means ot aiding materially in enhancing the value of the property contiguous to their lines. While this railroad communication is a great boon to our people, yet if we be true to ourselves and utilize the means which nature has furnished, onr pros perity will be assured beyond a pei adveniure. The resourses of thU portion of the valley are immense: our products find a ready market in the marts ot the world and tbe im portance of the question. How are we best to get them to market ? is one that deserves the serious atten tion of our people. Shall we continue as now to send them by way of Port land and Astoria to the seaboard, ( T can we find a cheaper and safer way? It is a fact patei.t to the mast casual observer of the topography of the country that Yaqwina Bay in Benton county presents all the desired advan tages and is destined ere mafiy yers to become the grand entrepot" of H valley trade. The line of railroad now being constructed from Coryjiilis to the bay will ere long be therect road lrom Central Oregon tcjg rln Franeiscopand the capitalists, tfte J' tisan and the farmer, alike, seeiajjLour availability, will settle in our michit. Of the practicability of this route there can be no question and all that is required to bring about the desired result is vigorous, active work on the part, of the people of Benton and adjoining counties. The board of Harbor of Refuge Commissioners should be persistently urged to locate the Harbor at Yaquina Bay, as from many surveys it has been demonstrat ed to be the most suitable place on the North Pacific seaboard. Let the citizens of the three sister counties labor as one man to achieve the de sired result, let petitions be presented setting forth its many advantages and urging its selection, and soon we will see the country lying between the valley and the bay thickly settled with a class of citizens, who, like those now located there, will help build up a country that is now in a great measure isolated. Repectfully yours, Johi J Daily. CHILDREN Cry for Pitcher's Caatoria. They like it because it is sweet ; Mothers like Castorla because it gives health to the child; and Physi cians, because it contains no mor phine or mineral Castoria Is nature's remedy for assimilating the food. It cures Wind Colic, the raising of Sour Curd and Diarrhoea, allays Feverishness and Kills Worms. Thus the Child has health and the Mother obtains rest. Pleasant. Cheap, and Reliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most effective Pain-relieving agents fr MAN and BEAST the world has ever known. Over 1,000,000 Bottles sold last year t The reasons for this unprecedented pop ularity, are evident ; the Centaur Lini ments are made to deserve confi dence they are absorbed into the struc ture ; they always cure and never dis appoint. No person need longer suffer Wlth PAIN in the BACK, Rheumatism or Stiff Joints, for the CENTAUR Liniments will surely exterminate the pain. There is no Strain, Sprain, Cut, Scald, Burn, Bruise, Sting, Gall or Lameness to which Mankind or Dumb Brutes are sub ject, that does not ressjpnd to this Soothine balm. The Centaur LINI not only relieve healthy action, s and cure, . from wounds the Nerves ; scalded han or a gashed pimpl: or a stri RKNTS uain Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE AND EXECUTION issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Ben ton, on the 1st day of December, 1878, to me directed and delivered for the sum of (?1002.25) one thousand and two and 25-100 dollars, and one hundred dollars 03100,00) attorney's fee, and the further gum of ($27. 30) twenty-seven and 30-100 dollars costs, in favor of J. E. Henkle. plaintiff, and against W. S. McCul lough, A. Chcuowetli. F. E. Eobinson, W. A. McCullouirhrH. P. McCulIough, and the Willamette Valley and Coast Railroad Company, defendants, and against the following described mortgaged real pro perty, to-wit : The undivided one-half of lots (1) one, (2) two, (3) three, (4) four, (5) five, (6) six, (7( seven, (8) eight, (0) nine, 10) ten, (11) eleven and (12) twelve, in block No" (9) nine, in Dixon's addition to the city of Cor vallis. Benton County, Oregon, together with the steam saw mill situated thereon ; also the following : The undivided one-half of lots (1) one, (2) two, (3) three, (4) four, (7) Beven, (8) eight, (9) nine and (10) ten, in block (10) ten, in Dixon's addition to the city of Corvallis, in Benton County, Oregon, I have levied upon the above described reai property, and will, ou Saturday, January the 31st, 1SS0, In front of the Court House door, in the city of Cor vallis, Benton County, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock, p. M. , sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title, interest and estate of the defendants herein, in and to the above described real property, together with the ten ements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to satisfy said Execution, together with the costs and expenses of sale. SOL. KINO, Sheriff Of Benton County, Oregon. Dated this day, Dec. 30, 1879. 17:lw5 J. SURMAN, Nt. D., ( srcCKSSOR TO DR. BREWER.) FFICE AND RESIDENCE ON SECOND ST., near Albany Engine Company No. One's engine house Albany, Or., January 15, 1879. 17:3tf O1 THE BEST PAPER 1 TRY IT!! BEAUTIFULYILLUSTRATED. 35th YEAR. The Scientific American. Thb Scientific Ameqican is -a large First-Class Weekly NewsJaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the; most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splen- um engravings, representing uie newest inventio and the most recent Advances in the Arts andjMc rAg including New and Interesting Facts sr e. Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical culture rrogress, nociai science, natural History, ucologVj Astronomy, The most valuable practical papers, ty eminent waiters in all departments of Science, will oe iouiiu in tne ocientinc American. Terms but they incite e inflammation, the symptoms proceed esh, or Neuralgia of contracted Cords or a m a sprained ankle whether from disgusting LADY'S FACE oint on a Horse's Leg. The affony produced by a Burn or Scald; mortification from Frost-bites ; Swell ings frgmT Strains; the tortures of Rheumatism ; Crippled for life, by some neglected accident: a valuable or $ Doctor s Bill may all be Om , 'jmt tttle of Centaur Liniment. pftfcfceoer. Farmer. Planter, Team- r Liveryman, can anora to oe wiu;- cse wonderful Liniments. They e procured in any part of tha m sr a 3 S" IU I ah. T e ior ou cxs. ana i,uu a. oouie. bottles 25 ots. . saisai: Naiffmi StefC ouAjjEi caflgb Klc Trkl Tlfl NOT FAIT, to both, for our NEW PRICE LIST. More comoleto than ever. Contains , descriptions of every thing required for versonal or family use, with over 1000 Illustrations. Send nine cents for It. ( stamps -will do. ) We sell all goods at wholesale nrlces In ouaotities to suit the nur- chaser. The only institution In America who make this their special business. Address, MONTGOMERY. WAKU & COi, SWT 3Si WatiasU Ave., Chicago, Ills. n m e san fbanAIcg BULLETIN, THE Leading EYenir.g Newspaper West of the Rocky Mountains. TT IS THE RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY IN COM mercial ajid Financial Circles, and the best Family Journal on the Pacific coast. Served by Carriers in San Francisco and the towns of the interior, at 25c per week By Mail, postage paid $12 per year The Weekly Bulletin Is a mammoth twelve-page Journal, and in propor tion to its size the cheapest paper in the country. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. The WEEKLY and the FRIDAY BULLETIN, form ing together the most complete SEMI-W EEKLY published on the Pacific Coast, will be sent to any address, postage paid, on the following terms : The Weekly and Friday Bulletin. One year Six months Weekly Bulletin Alone, One year f 2 Six months 1 " (S 00 1 60 Remittances by Draft, Postoffice Order, Wells, Far go & Co's Express, and Registered Letter, at our risk. FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Each subscriber will be presented with several va rieties of Rare and Valuable TREE, VECETABLE and FLOWER SEEDS, equal in value to the subscrip tion price of the paper. tS" Send for Sample Copy, giving full particulars. Address, S. F. MIXLETn CO., 16:48tf San Francisco Cal. The Oregon and Washington Land Company ADVERTISE OREGOK FARMS FOR Sale, largely in the East, free of ex pense to Farms, unless sale is made. In that case, $6.00 for each farm sold. Farm ers will find it to their interest to call on CHENOWETH & JOHNSON, Agents O. & W. L. Co. Corvallis, Oct. 8, 1879. 16:41y1 SUMM -a-T tr isBBBBBS 1 fnr.Rf.nfcnn Cotin in the State of Oregon. ', 'Palmci' Plaint's, 'vi. E. N. SawtellA. W. right ana Simeon uetners, uais fe E. N. Sawtell, A. W. Wright and Simeon Bethers, tne aoovu uauieu ueicuuauw . IJt THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby summoned and required to appear and-answer to-the con. - 'aim of said Plaintiff in the above entitled action i Clerk ot said Court, Feoruary, 1880, at aay. And -y on are answer tiff wjl una King of the Blood Cures all Scrofulous affections and disorders result ing from Impurity of the b!o&d.tIt U needless to specify all, as the sufferer can usually perceive their cause ; but Salt Rheum, IHmplet, Ulcert, Tumors, Ooitre, Swelling!, &c, are the isost common, as well as many affections of the Heart, Head, Liver and Stomach. SCROFULA. Wosderfal Care of Blindness. D. Ransom, Son & Co. : For the benefit of aUr troubled with Scrofula or Impure Blood in their ? stems, I hereby recommend King of the Blood, have been troubled with Sorofula for the past tea years, which so affected my eyes that I was com pletely blind for six months. I was recommended, to try King of the Blood, which has proved a grsat blessing to me, as it has completely cured me, and I cheerfully recommend it to all troubled as I hava been. Yours truly, Mas. 8. Weathkblow, Sardinia, N. Y will be paid to any Public Hospital to be mutu ally agreed upon, for every certificate of this medi cine published by us which is not genuine. Its Ingredients. To snow our faith in the safety and excellence of the K". B., upon proper personal application, when satisfied that no imposition is intended, we will give the names of all its ingredients, by affidavit. The above offers were never made before by the pro prietor of any other Family Medicine in the world. Many- testimonials. further information, and full directions for using will be found in the pam phlet "Treatise on Diseases of the Blood," in which e3cli bottle is enclosed. Price $1 perbottlecon taining 12 ounces, or 40 to 50 doses. Sold by drug gists. I). Ransom, Son & Co., Prop'rs. Ruffalo.N.Y- Cathartic Pills Combing the choicest cathartic principle? inj medicine, in proportions accurately ad justed to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect. They are the' result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, and are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseases, caused hy derangement of the stomach, liver, anil bowels, which rerpiire prompt and effectual treslment. Aykk's Pii.i.s are .specially up-, pHeable to this class of diseases. They act' directly on the digestive and assimilative processes, and restore regular healthy ac tion. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their value a a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative medicine. Being compounded of the con centrated virtues of purely vegetable, sub stances, they are positively free from calo mel, or any injurious properties, and can bo administered to children with perfect safety. Payer's Pills are an effectual cure for F"Coastipatioii or Costiveness, Indiges tion. Dyspepsia, IjOss of Anpeiite, jjjFoul Stomach and Breath, Dizy.iuess, lieadacue, Loss ot Memory, iviuiiuness, Biliousness, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Kruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neuralgia Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and alt other diseases resulting from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no equal. "While gentlo in their action, these Pills are the most thorough and searching cathar tic that can be employed, and never give pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is healing. They stimu late the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. BOLD BY AXX DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. J. R. LOMKK. J. C FOLLEV. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, CORVALLIS, OREGON, LOMER & POLLEY, Propr's. The only First Class Hotel in the City. THE OCCIDENTAL IS A NEW BUILDING, newly furnised, and the recognized headquarters for Commercial Travelers, and all prominent men visiting Corvallis. Large sample rooms on first floor,, for commercial men, and bath room for the exclusive use of guests. Board from one to two dollars per day, according to room. October 20, 1879. 16:43mG .NEW MILLINERY ST0REv ( Cor. Third and Monroe Sts.,) CORVALLIS, - - OREGOK. To the Ladies of Corvallis and vicinity : I HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE LAR gest and CHEAPEST, and most desirable, stock of Millinery Goods Ever brought to this city, comprising tho very LATEST STYLES of the season. Also latest styles of LADIES' FURNISH ING GOODS. Do not fail to examine my stock, before purchasing. Everybody cordially invited, to call. MRS. J. MASON. September 17, 1879. 16:38tf NEWS! NEWS!! " ALL THE ILLUSTATED PIPERS m MAGAZINES SB-on me in tne omee oi tne lteCeiVCd re2UiariV, ana m . I T,,,JM nnotorf TUannnnt A 0,,1 t:;l - -.'.! K. OJ, bitlll IJUri), tf UtlUl U lllf 111 t .'1 '1H1,1 III i t k-w. .., fWlw. 0..iSic p.-,.....,. waa ..i, ; f,.,-,.,,.,.,, of Roirl . . - General Grant, General Sheridan W?S&&$, Ml'vl ' and Cc. Fred Grant and-lfceir wives jcWc i" with the scien- aZMKc7' At Publishers' Prices' are in llavanna, Cuba. ,; -lIicTtoof $2?KrJi J J Subscriptions received for all Publications. Patents, have had 35 years experience, wdugM Hk.- Special Rates for Clubs. N - -V the largest establishment Hki ; WHAT were tbe worst Xesu't8 OI obtained on the best terms. A special the Civil W?" cried an orator. "Wid- 'Ltal Francisco Bulletin, Chronicle or Call? Q.iSilb vQtedJIW ho had mar- the Fafl fmmenaeri H. per month .Standard 25c- mIM HBBI . Im 5r week, delivered. be aMd prophet a ton per afijfe&il be an aMd v r --- WprbuTi. bow would in piac How- yield. cxperiflffW with EWS DEPOT! The eveSffJIngland is UTst Mgtaialkshas beerivery gMlHHl Iter 22 1379, hi-" nemf ,gh thefl iaboutrf ! r ' K " -M fcfcT traps. H HUfl Buent neatly printed