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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1879)
WEEKLY MUM GAZETTE, Corvallis, Not. 28, 1879. Arrivals aud Departures of Mails. HMU ABRrtS from Albany, (North and South) daily, at. ..4 " Newport and Philomath, Tuesday, Thurs day aud Saturday, at 6 r,-u. MPABT tor Albany (North -rd South) daily, at " Philomath it Newport, Monday, Wedn esday and Friday, at 6 a. h. Office hours from 7 a. u. to 8 r. m. Money Order office hours from 8:30 a. ::. to 6 p. v. X. it. fiaRBKK, V. M. EDUCATIONAL LECTURE- Hon. L. J. Powell, State Superintendent 'of Public Instruction, gav; a lecture on edu tational matters, at the College, on Tuesday, 26th inst. The speaker dwelt upon the im portance of Institute work, and the special education of teachers, stating that he was here in the interests of a Teachers' District and County Institute to be held in Corvallis during the holidays. His remarks were listened to with close attention. Educate the rising generation, the men and women of the netr future. Education is the foun dation of every good government ; and that is the best education which will make good citizens rapidly and effectually in accordance with the laws of God, which always have reference to the greatest good and the most truth. A large number of students was present, to whom the closing remarks were addressed.. Form s good character at school character is the measure of every man and woman. Let your aim be a good character, so that after you have done the part assigned, that your only care shall be, how you may per form the greatest amount of good of which your being is capable. The speaker related some incidents in student-life in connection with his remarks upon forming a good char acter, which were very impressive. Prof. Powell is actively and earnestly engaged in the educational work of this State, and will be present and assist in the Teachers' Insti tute. The time for holding the Institute Will be published in our next number. ' ) i An Important ISdi'stry. In another column, we call tlie attention of our far mers to the importance of looking after their orchards, and to the fact that apples will soon be an important item in our ex ports. Since that article was in type, we have seen private letters from England, to Mr. Waliis Nasli, informing him that the apple crops there are short and the demand for dried fruit immense. In addition to this, we will state, that the Corvallis Fruit company received orders, recently, for fif teen tons of dried fruit, and Mr, Oeo. Sill, Agent of the company, is now in Linn coun ty, purchasing fruit with which to fill that order. Many places in Benton county, not suitable for wheat growing, would produce splendid orchards; and fruit, for years to come, will find a ready market at remunera tive prices. Messrs. Waliis Nash and James Read man. of our city, have purchased the right of three counties for the Plummer fruit driers, foreseeing the demand, in the liear future, for dried fruit. They will not only supply farmers with these excellent driers, but they will buy your fruit, paying the highest market price. They have the money to pay down for what they buy. Bal Masque. The grand Bal Masque given by Corvallis H. & La. Co., last Friday nijit, was a grand success, financially and otherwise netting fifty-four dollars. The following is a list of maskers and the char acters represented : Kate Halbwachs, God dess of Flowers ; Mollie Goldson, Domino ; Mary Baker, Popcorn Girl ; Alice Vineyard, Russian Costume ; I. M. Hunter, Young Joseph ; Lizzie Bradley, Lady Violinist ; C. Hemphill, Shamus O'Brien; C. Stock, Dom ino ; Alice Blake, Lady Violinist ; O. E. Carter, Texas Ranger ; Lizzie Chenoweth, Domino ; Lena Harris, Domino ; D. Gore, French Officei ; Hattie Gore, Benton Blade; Carrie Harris, Domino ; Mrs. Hazard, Dom ino ; Henry Simon, Jockey ; Simon Kline, Domino ; Polly Kline, Chief of Corvallis Fire Department ; Calico Bed-Quilt Min strels of Albany : Jos. Webber, Jr., Bones ; Jag. Foster, Jr., Bones ; Al. Moore, Tam bourines ; Alie Harris, Tamlxurines : Jonn Oakly, Middle Man and Violinist ; Chas. Monteith, Cornet ; Rod. McHugh, Triangle; A. S. Leabo, Baritone r William Mansfield, Banjoist ; John Caton, Dr. .Quackenbosh ; Ike Harris, Devil ; David Osburn, Pedes trian; Edna Mason, Undine; Mrs. Albrecht, Queen of Bells ; Amy GIossop, Milk Maid ' Scott King, Hostler ; J. Pironi, Columbia ; Mrs. T. J. O'Conner. Summer ; Mrs. Nash, Morning ; Emma Rodgers, Turkish Slave ; Mollie Rodgers, Evening Bell ; N. Baum, Alice Donley : Wockenheimer, Miss Sherman ; Geo. Clarke, Sadie Donley ; Ben. Job, San Francisco Bummer ; Zeph. Job, Fox Hunter ; Wm. Grant, Kit Carson : Eli King, Texas Ranger ; A. Swanson, Page. Thanksgiving. The usual union services were held in the Presbyterian church, in this city, yesterday, the resident pastors all taking part in the same. The sermon was preached by Rev. . No notice was made of these services in the Gazette, last -week, from the fact that the arrangements were not perfected until after our going to press. The people of Corvallis and Benton County have much to be thankful to Al mighty God for, the past year. No epidem ic or contagious disease has visited us ; our harvests have been abundant, and peace and plenty have crowned our labors. Surely the Lord has 1 een very good to us, whereof we should rejoice and be glad. Bear CAPTctrEry . We have been shown a private letter, received by Mrs. H. W. Vincent, from her mother, at Newport, giv ing a very graphic description of the capture of a very large bear, which called into action almost the entire population, male and female, old and young. It was rare sport for the people but rough on bruin. Sorry we had not the space to'give Mrs. Ste vens' account of the capture, in full. i m Agevts. Messrs. Drake & Grant are Agents for the S. if. Weekly Bulletin,.in Cor vallis; Hon. R. A. Bensell, at Newport, Alsea and vicinity. The Daily Bulletin will be' served to subscribers at their houses of usines3 or places of residence, by Mr. Rals ,'inCox. A. T. Hawley. Nov. 27, 1879 w2 Special Agent. Send in your holiday ads. The West Side depot is looming up. The Vincect Honse is getting s dpt coat of paint. Philomath now boasts a brass band, with Prof. Everest as teacher. Dressed chickens at all times at the Pal ace. There is a drouth in tLs undertaker's business in this city. Breakfast bacon and sugar cured hams at the Palace. The A. O. U. W. hold regular meetings every Monday evening. Andy Emrick has opened a meat market south of A Cauthorn i Son's store. We regret to learn that Prof. Powell's family is alihcted m-ith scarlet fever. About 180,000 bushels of wheat were stored iu the warehouses of this city last harvest. Dr. W. P. Smith's new residence, imme diately west of the M. E. church, is nearly enclosed. We regret to learn that the wife of Rev. W. C. Kantner is lying quite id, in the country. Five hundred dressed hoys wanted at the Palace market, f,r which the highest cash price will be paid. Important meeting of the A. O. U. W. next Monday evening. All metitli-s are re quested to attend. The grading on the West Side railroad will Ihi completed this week the last short gap is now being closed. The protracted mating at the M. E. church, in this city is stili in progress. Rev. J. S McCain is assisting the p.$str. The M. E. church building is reviving a new coat of paint, outside. Not bulore it was greatly needed, however. For a choice cut of meat, go and see NicU, at the Palace. He continues t keep the greatest and best variety in the city. It is reported th"t Csesar hs a great weakness for pork. Why not ? Isn't he an undegenerate sou of Ham ? C. A. Dolph, Esq.. attorney, of Portland, and Hon. A. S. Watt, were iu the city this week, looking after railroad business. The Gazette Printing Hiise gets orders for job work from all Mrts of the State. Good work and low prices will always win. The jury in the railroad suit. Ja.t Tues day, for damages in passing through the land of Mr. Thos. Eglin, adjoining this city, fixed the damages at 3100. Interesting religious meetings are now in progress in the Locke neighborhood, ui dur the ministerial labors of Revs. Kan1 er and Croasman of the Evanfielieal church. A. F. Gunn, representative of Cunning ham, Curtiss & Co., stationers .f Sait r'run cisco, was in this city last Tuesday,-looking after school book matters. Bro. G. W. Quivejr, of the River Side, came up last Friday to attei: I i grand bal masque, and did not get started lor home until Tuesday. No boat oo Monday. Everybody is pleaded with the Photo graph now ling uiade at the Corvallis Pbotog r aphic Gallery. No pains spared to give satisfaction. Old Santa Claus took advantage of tbe late polar wave, and came direct from his hyperborean ho:iie to 1L E. Harris', where he deposited a great variety of novelties. Mr. Wm. Foley, traveling correspondent of the Portland Standard, aave us a c.ll last Tuesday morning. He had been several days in the city canvassing for that paper. Our little German friend, II. Mann', pro-cured-one of those double-acting spring-buds at Ang. Knight's the past week. But that is no sign that he intends to' commit matri mony. R. T. Bay, formerly of this city, but now of La Center, W. T., was in the city, on business, last week. He likes Corvallis, hut has concluded to quit carpentering and go to farming. Mts. Ross does all descriptions of hair work, in the very latest styles. Vest chains, jewebiy, switches, &c, a specialty. Leave orders with Mrs. Kelly, or Mrs. Sinker, at Mrs, Kelly's millinery store. Ib':"w4 Chemistry triumphant by its aid photo graphs are taken in dull weather as good as when the sun is bright, at the CorvalHs gal ery. The proprietor has room for a few pu pils terms moderate. Mr. Will Duniway, of the Mew North west, was in the city last week looking after the interests of that enterprising, Jive paper. We presume he met with good success, as his mothei always did, in Corvallis. The steamer Occident, when a few miles below the city, last Tuesday morning, blew out a water guage, a portion of which struck a deck hand over the eye, causing an ugly flesh wound. It might have been worse. Go to E. Rosenthal's and get your Christ mas presents. He has the finest display ever received in Corvallis. He keeps, also, the best cigars, tobaccos, candies, gents' furnishing goods, family groceries, &c., &.C., and undersells everybody. Mr. A. T. Hawley, special coarespondent of the S. F. Bulletin, did not leave last week, as announced in the Gazettee. Be ing court week, he did well to remain, as he has added largely to the circulation of that paper in this county, by so doing. We are glad to be able to state that our fellow-townsman, Geo. Mercer, is still im proving. He had a very close call, but we hope to see him on the streets again in a short time. Doc. Lee thinks it almost a case of bringing a skeleton to life. The trustees of the M. K. church, at Cor vallis, have bought the handsome front lot adjoining and south of the church, and in tend to erect thereon a parsonage, as soon as sale is made of the old parsonage prop erty, north of the lower district school house. Strayed From Thomas Reid's farm, one white horse, weight about ten hundred ; branded TR on left hip ; missing since the first of October.- Any person giving infor mation concerning whereabouts of said horse will be suitably rewarded. H. W. Smith, Salem, Oregon. Last Tuesday Capt. W. J. Robertson dropped into our sanctum, after an absence of about nine years. He notices many inr-' provements in Corvallis during his absence. He has been in southern Oregon and Cali fornia during his absence, but has a hanker ing after the " heart of the valley." Our imp of the ink keg raised a grand dis turbance with Turkey yesterday, and in an amazing short time what was once a no ble empire of tender flesh was reduced to a howling wilderness of bones. In a "go as you please " eating contest, on anything from a lioiled oyster to a roasted ox, our boy Tom can take first money. Great demand for extra copies of the Ga zette, last week. Everybody seemed anx ious to read A. T. Hawley 's admirable letter about Yaquina Bay. - All sensible, unpreju diced, far-seeing business men agree with us that Yaquina Bay is the natural Ontlet for the produce of the" Willamette valley. It would not surprise us, at next harvest, if wheat was worth as much per bushel at Yaquina Bay as at Portland The world moves. New Saddles. Mr. S. A Hemphill has just finished one of the finsst lot of saddles ever offered in this market.' He uses the celebrated Lebanon Tree, so popular among stock men in California, and the best Santa Cruz skirting. Several stock men in East ern Oregon are using his make of saddles,' and every one gives perfect satisfaction. They are the best, and most substantial stock saddles in use hand-made. Call and see them. FAVORABLE MENTION- It is so oldom that the Portland dailies have anything favorable to say about Cor vallis, that the follewing complimentary re marks by Mr. Foley, correspondent of the Standard, are duly appreciated, and we take pleasure in reproducing them. In bis Cor vallis correspondence of the 2lrh inst, Mr. Foley says: The work on the West Side railroad is rapidly progressing and the ceigh of the iron horse is expected to be heard in this city about Christmas. Mr. Wm. Mast, with a number of workmen, is busily en gaged constructing A station house which will compare favorably with any between here and Portlanii. It is the general expec tation that Corva'lls will be, at no distant day, one of the greatest shipping points cn the Willamette. The construction of the Yaquina Bay Railroad will commence at this point next spring. This, with the ex tension of the Vest Side road, will give trade a lively impetus, and Corvallis will, next Summer, be one of the best business centers in Oregon. The following additional cheering words are from the Daily Oregouian of the 26th inst. : The grading on the westside road is now completed to Corvallis; ties have been laid to the Luckiamute river, and a sufficient num ber have been forwarded to the front for tbe entire distance. The ship Eliza Mc Neil, from Philadelphia, bearing enough rails to finish the track, has arrived at As toria, and part of her carixo will be lightered to this city without delay. The ship also brings a 32 ton Baldwin locomotive, and some frog and other supplies. Hairing unlooked-for delays and tossible accidents, the people of Corvallis can promise themselves a Christmas " ride on the rail " within' the limits of their own town. Blue Ribbon. Hon. James Chambers, of Kings Valley, add res sod the Corvallis Bine Ribbon, at the Evangelical church, last Sat ur lay evening. 'd Miss Nettie Speneer re cited the " Rum filer's Sign," in a masterly style. The attendance was very good, and the music somewhat improved. Why is it that the executive committee does not fr nish prnrtmm'is for the Gazette? The eveiiings are long now, and if an interesting programme w; s presented the attendance would always he lare. Nor is the time to do good, effective work in the temperance Our friend, the Doctor, narrates the story of a 37oung lady who had swallowed some leeches in a draught of water, or at any rate, thought she had done so. She complained of dizziness and imagined the leeches were moving about inside her head. The Doctor conjectured the trouble was in the brain and not in the stomach, as she had just graduated successfully from the University. Feeling satisfied that Frese's Hamburg Tea wa tbe proper remedy iu either event, he prescribed a few doses and she was all right in a couple of days. SPEcniEN Books. Thanks to Messrs. Miller fc Richard, of the Scotch type foun dry, Edinburgh. London, Toronto nod San Francisco, for two fine sjiwimcn books one of o:it, end tbe other of book, newspaper and job types. Theee boo'M contain many late designs and stylus of type, and should find a place in every well regulated printing office. Fastest Time. The steamer Ohio made the trip from Karrisburg to Portland in thir teen hours and thirty-five minutes, includ ing landings. Captian U. B. Scott was at the wheel. This is the fastest time on re cord between tbe two points. Goon News. The Portland Standard of the 13th inst., says : Capt. J. C. Ainsworth yesterday received the good news that 125 miles of railroad iron had been purchased by Mr. Villard, anil that the first shipment would be made on tbe loth inst., which is intended for the construction of a road down the Colombia from' Wallula to Celilo. We are further unformed that it is the intention of the Company to have the road completed in time f r the Fall trade of 1880. The magnitude of the trade in Eastern Oregon and Washington Territory has necessitated this step, as it is impossible for the Compa ny to rely on the river to move the great amount of freight, and while they have a fleet of steamers amply sufiicient to do the business, the uncertain stage of the river makes it unreliable and dangerous, and sub jects the Company to great loss. At the residence of G. W, Ross, on the 16th day of Novemlr, 187S, by Rev. J. L Taylor. P. W. Ross and Miss May Hardison all of Benton county. BOSCHEE'S GERMAN SYRUP can now be purchased right at home, it is the most successful preparation ever introduced to our people. It works like a charm in all cases of Consumption', Pneumonia, Hemor rhages, Asthma, severe Coughs, Croup and all other Throat and Lung Diseases. No person has ever used this medicine without getting immediate relief, yet there are a great many poor, suffering, skeptical per sons going about our streets with a suspi cious cough, and the voice of consumption coming from' their lungs, that will not try it. If you die. it is your .own fault, as you can fn to your Druggist and get a Sample ottle for 10 cents and try it ; three doses will relieve any case. Regular size only 75cts. Forewarned Foreamed. Physicians and invalids use with confi dence The Kaiser Celebrated German Elixir for Consumption and throat and lung dis eases. It is rich in the medicinal proper ties of tar, wild cherry, etc. Is rendered perfectly harmless to the youngest child. This would have proved an Angel of mercy in the household of those unhappy parents at Vallejo, Dixon, Beaver, Utah, and nu merous other places, whose children were slaughtered by a quack medicine recom mended by its owner to cure croup, posses sing no. properties calculated to cure it, but instead a" deadly drug which has slain its thousands. Be sure you get only German' Elixir. The genuine bears the Prussian coat of arms and the fac-simile signature of Dr. Kaiser. Samples at all drugstores. Large size, 75 cents. Graham, Hamilton & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Sole Agents, Coryal lis, Oregon. Sad Havoc Is Created Among the tenants of the mouth ty allow ing impurities to collect upon their surface or in their interstices. SOZODONT re moves every vestige of tartar from the teeth, and renders their premature decay impossible. It not only imparts to thein whiteness and vigor, but communicates hardness and rosiness to the'., gams. The breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance from its use; it is a purely botanic liquid, and it may be relied on to - accomplish its beautifying effects without injuring the en amel like a gritty tooth paste''. g-The National GOLD MEDAL wasawar ed to Bradley 4 Rulofson for the best Photographs in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the best in the world. 429 M ontffomer Street Ban Francis C. B. R. C The Blue Ribbon Club meets at the Presbyterian church, net Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock. The following is the programir : Singing, oy the choir. Ad dress, by Waliis Nash, Esq. Singing. Reading, by Miss Cora Bayley. Volunteer speeches. Passing; the pledga. Singing. By order of the Ex. Committee.. J. B, Bayley, Ch'n. New this Week. Six Hundred Dollars rOUR LOTS, WITH HOUSE,, BARN, FRUIT J? Trees, &c. , can be toturht for (00 00. Enquire of W. T. CHAPMAN, At the V.. E. Parsonage, Corvallis, Upp. North Llst School House. November 26. 1979. 16:48tf Notice of Final Proof. Land Office at Oh boos City, Oos, Nnve-uber 22, 1879. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEK THAT THE FOL lowing named settler has filed notice of hie in tention to make final proof ; . support of hU claim, and Becare final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the dite of this notice, viz : James IT. UratsficM I're-Emption Declaratory State ment No. SS9, for the 8 W I of N W I of sec. 7, T 13 H, B 11 VV. lota 2, 3 and i of ass 12, and lots I and 2 of sec 13. T 13 S, K 12 W, and names the following as his witnesses, vis : George 8. Hunsacker of Ben ton County, Oregon, and John 8. George, of Linn County, Oregon. L. T. BABIN, Register. November 2i, 1879. !B:48w5 Notice of Final Proof. Laso Orrrcs at Orf.ook City, Oas, 1 November 20, 1379. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL lowing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, vis : George B. Hunsacker, Pre-Emptlon Declaratory State.neat, No. 3127, for the lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, of aec. 25, T 12 S, U 12 W, and names the following as bis witnesaea, vis : John S. George of Linn county, Ore gon, aud James W. Brasfleld of Linn county. Or. L. T BARIN, Register. November 25, 1379 18:8wS Notice of Final Proof. La.nd Office at Orzson Cut, OqjO November 19, 1879. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL lowing named settler has filed notice of bis in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz : Job N. Arnold, Homestead Application, No. 2865, for the W J of SK and E i of 8 W J of sec. 29, T 11 S, U 10 W, and names the following as his witnesses, vis : John McUee of Benton county, Oregon, and O.' P. Card of benton county, Oregon. L. f . BARIN, register. November 28, 1879. 16:4?w5 Executor's Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed Executor of the last will and testninent of E- H. Baber, deceased, notice is hereby gi yen to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to tbe undersigned, at bis residence at Summit, lienton county, Oregon, within six months from this date. A. J. PORTER, Executor. Dated Nov. 26, 1879. 16:48w5 J. M. EOLIN. J. R. LOMER CITY STABLES ECUS & L03IEE, Prop's, On the Corner West of the Engine House,- CORVALLIS, - - OREGON. HAVING COMPLETED OUR new and commodious BAKN, wo are better than ever prepared to keep the BEST OF TEAMS, BJQSiES. CARRIAGES, AND SADDLE HORSES TO EIRE. At Reasonable Rates. tST Particular attention sriven to Boarding Horses. Homes Boajrlit and Sk'M 2r bnanged. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL. November 24, 1879. 10:48tf TK E SAN FRAXCISCO BULLETIN, THE Leading Ercningr Newspaper West of the Kocky Soantalns. rT IS THE RECOGNIZED AUTHORITY 'N COM mercial and Financial Circles, and the beat Family Journal on the Pacific coast. Served by Carrier s in San Francisco and the towns of the interior, at 25c per week By Mail, postage paid 412 per year The Weekly Bulletin Is a mammoth twelve-page Journal, and in propor tion to its si'3 the cheapest paper in the country. iUBSCRIPTlON RATES. The WEEKLY and the FRIDAY BULLETIN, form ing together the most complete SEMI-WEEKLY published on the Pacific Coast, will be sent to any address, fostaob paid, on the following terms : The Weekly and Friday Bulletin. f me year ' $3 00 Six months 1 60 Weekly Bulletin Alone, One year'. ...$2 60 Six months.. 1 25 T..; . onno hv TWaft TWtiifflfo ArrfoT- Wall. Far. go & Go's Express, and Registered Letter, at our risk. FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Each subscriber will be presented With several va- rietie-i of Rare and Valuable TRiiE, VEOETABLE and FLOWLB. SEEDS, equal in value to the subscrip tion price of tbe paper. tar Send for Sample Copy, giving full particulars. Address, H. TF. IMLTLdLdETllir CO., 16:48tf San Francisco, Cal. THE BEST PAPER ! TRY IT ! I BEAUTIFUL Y ILLUSTRATED. 35th YEAR. The Scientific American. Tub Scientific Ameqicax is a lanre First-Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profusely illustrated with splen did engravings, representing the newest inventions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Scien ces ; including New and Interesting Facts in Agri culture, Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, iyxnai Science, .Natural History, Ueology, Astronomy, The most valuable practical papers, by eminent waiters in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, 3.20 per year, $1.60 half year, which in cludes postage. Discount to Arenta. Single copies, ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. O 1TCIJTC In connection with the SCIEN rAIEnlOi TIFIC AMERICAN, Messrs. Munh & Co. are Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years experience, and now have the largest establishment in tbe world. Patents are obtained on the best terms, A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery, or inven tion, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to Mean & Co. 'We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Laws. Patents, Cavjata, Trade-Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances oo inventions. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN 4 CO., 27 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Office, cor. F & 7th Sts., Washington, D. O. SHM SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WEEKLY (fokllis (labile, FOR VOL. SIXTEEN, OFFICIAL PAFER FOR ES BENTON COUNTY! THE GAZETTE .8 A LIVE LOCAL PAPER, Has a Large, and Constantly In creasing circulation, and is one of the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUMS in the State, being published in the heart of the Willamette valley. $2 50 Per Annum. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE.' Advertisements inserted at Rea sonable Rates; All kinds Plain and Ornamental Printing executed with neat ness and dispatch. Justices' Blanks constantly oh hand.' W. TEt. OARTEE Proprietor and Publisher, Corvallis, Oregon. SawMill For Sale. TN KING'S VALLEY, ON LUCKIA JL mute river.' Mill in first class running order. I offer my one-hali interest in planer, edgsr, double circular saws, new Burnam water wheel, extra power. Also, a So. 1 sash and door factory, machinery all new. Parker & Moor water wheel. Timber plenty. Terms easy. Apply to JOS. CONNOR. King's Valley, Or., Nov. 17. At mill. 16:47w4 Notice of Final Proof. Land Office iT Oregon Crrr, Oo'x, V November 12, 1S79. f NOTICE is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice at his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz : John McOee, Pre-emption Declaratory Statement No. 3317, for the S j of S E, the N W i of S E 1 and N E i of S W J of Sec. 10, T 11 G R 6 W, aud names the' following as his witnesses, viz : Oliver Withani of Benton county, Oregon, and Charles Withani of Benton Co. , Oregon. L. T. BAKIN, Register. November 21, 1879. 16:47w5 Must Have Money. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE TTNDER signed.are hereby respectfully requested to come forward and settle their accounts immediately. I must have what is due mc, in order to carry on busi ness successfully. A hint to the wise is sufficient. MRS. J. MASON. Corvallis, Nov. 12 1879. 10:46tf Notice to City Tax-payers. -VIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AS ly sessment Roll for the City of Corvallis for the year 187S, ;s now in my hands for collection, ai d that all taxes due thereon must be paid within thirty days from the date cf this notice. C. E. MILLER, , City Marshal of the City of Corvallis Dated at Corvaliis Nov. 13, 1879. 16:46w4 Easiness Hint. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE GAZETTE on " old scores," are respectfully, but earnestly, solicited to call and" settle the same prior to Christ mas next. Pleese don't forget, or fail to call. All persens having claims against the Gazette, wiil also please present them prior to that time. We desire to j square up1' with everyhody, as far as possible, by hat time, and depend upon those indebted to aid us in the matter. Pay us, and we can pay others, and all be happy. . W. B. CARTER. . Corvallis, Nov. 15, 1879. Settle Up! -TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS JL! lndeDted to the undersigned, that I have placed my Books md Accounts in the hands of J. R. Bryson for collection. All persons indebted to me, will plea6e call on him, at his office, in Corvallis, and settle, without delay. J. T. PHILLIPS. Corvallis, Nov. 1, 1S79. 18:4Stf Gastoria Millions of Mothers express their delight oyer Castoria. It is nature's remedy for assimilating the food. Unlike Castor Oil, it is pleasant to take, and unlike Morphine Syrups, it is harmless. Castoria regulates the Eon els, destroys Worms, Cores Sour Curd and Wind Colic, and allays jPeverlshness. What gives health tc the Child, promotes rest for the' Mother. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. It is the most re liable, effective and popular article dispensed by Druggists. Since Healing remedies have been used by SUFFERING MAN has there been known such absolute Fain relieving agents as the Jentaur Xiinimekts They soothe, heal, and cure. They HEAL Cuts, Wounds, Galls, Old-Sores,' , Broken-breasts and Sore N ipplcs ; CUKE Pain in the Lack, Rheumatism, Scia tica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Ear-Ache, Tetter, Pimples, Itch, Salt Khcum, and all Flesh, Bone and Muscle ailments of Animals : SUBDUE Inflammation and Swellings; BELIEVE Boils, Felons. Ulcers, Sore, , . Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Quinry ; fiXtfBACT-Pain from Burns, Scalds, . Stings, Frost-bitcf, Sprains and Bruises. The experience of centuries has made the CENTAUR Liniments, the most speedy and effective curative agents for MAN and BEAST the world has ever known. The Centaur LINIMENTS hare relieved more hod-ridden Crip ples ; healed more frightful 70ixnds, and saved more valuable animals than all other liniments, ointments, oils, extracts, plasters and so-called " pain killers " and "skin cures" combined. Physicians and Veterinary Surgeons endorse the Centaur Liniments ; mil lions of men, women and children in all countries use them, and Housekeepers, Farmers, Planters, Travelers, Liverymen, Teamsters and Stock-growers, are their pat rons. They are clean, they are handy, they are cheap, and tii ey are reliable. There is no ache, pain, or swelling which they will not alleviate, subdue, or cure. Sold throughout . THE HABITABLE GLOBE for SO ets. and Sl.OO a bottle. Trial bottles, 25 cts. Notice of Application for the VacaftioB of Streets and Alleys in the City of Corvallis. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE WES tem Oregon Railroad Company, has filed with the Recorder, and presented to the Common Council of the City of Corvallis, a petition asking for the vaca tion of the following described portion of streets and alleys in said city, to-wit : All that portion of Sixth street from the south line of A street to the south line of said Sixth street. All that portion of B street from the east line of Sixth street west to the west line of blocks No. 30 and 31, in Avery's third addition to the city of Corvallis. The entire streets or alleys running through blocks No. 30 and 31, in Avery's third addition to Corvaliis, and ali persons interested therein are hereby notified that the regular meeting of the Council, to be held on Monday, the 8th day of December, 1879, has been fixed by said Council as the time for the hearing and consideration of such petition, and at which time all persons interested arc required to appear and show cause, if any there be, why tbe petition should not bo granted, and such portions of streets and alleys vacated. Bv order of the Common Council. J. R. BRYSON, October 31, 1879. 16:46w4 Citv Recorder. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS MONTHLY statements neat! v print e at his office COMPOUND OXYGEN! WITH FREE USE, AB ADJUNCTS, Or PHOSPHOROUS and CARBON Componnds I A New Treatment for the Cure' of CONSUMPTION, Broil cliitiM, Catarrh, Neu ralgia? Scrofulous manifestations, and tlie worst Cases of By a Natural Process of VITALIZATION. THB FOLLOWING CASES, TREATED WITHIN the last few months, showing its range of appli cation : 1 to 4. Four cases of Consumption two of then having cavities in the Lungs ahk all ENTIRELY WELL. 6. Mr. T. G. P., of Bay Center, W. T. Chronic Bronchitis, difficulty of some years standing ; also,' general ind nervous debility, threatening of health. Cured during October. 0, and 7. Two cases of marked Blood Poisoning.' Cured is a few days. 8 and 9. Two cases of NERVOUS DEBILITY of women. Had "Doctored to death." One cured in 7 days, and the other in 16 days. 10 to 14. Five cases of Chronic Dyspepsia. Ca tarrh or Scrofulous ailment. ALL cured, or greatly benefitted, by a few weeks treatment. A small pamphlet on the OXYGEN Treatment, and all inquiries answered, sent free, on application.. Also reference to patients who. have taken, or are now receiving the treatment. Address Or. PIsUKIftCiXOIV. Cor. 1st and Washington Sts.,' PORTLAND, - - - OREGON November 5, 1879 16:45m6 CITY MARKET, JOHN SMITH, - Proprietor CORYALX.IS, OREGON. HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE srrjU Market and fixtures, and perman- K&P ently located in Corvallis, I will keep con- VrWJVri ( stantly on hand the choicest cuts of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, and. VSAL; Especial attention to making extra Bologna Sau-: Bage. Being a practical butcher, with large experi ence in business, I flatter myself that I can give satisfaction to customers. Please call and give ine a trial. JOHN SMITH. November 1st. 1879. 16:45tf Farm for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale his splendid grain aiid stock farm, four miles north of west of Corvallis, on Oak creek containing 1200 acres over one hundred acres in cultivation two fine bear ing orchards, and well calculated for divid ing into two or more" snug farms Terms easy and title perfect. For particulars in -quire of E. Holgate, W. B. Carter, or E. MARPLE, on the premises. Corvallis, Jan. 1, 1878. 16:ltf WAY MAN ST. CLAIR, (SUCCESSOR TO W. A. WELLS,) Manufacturer of HARNESS SADDLES Keeps constantly on hand every thing belonging to a fir-t class shop. AaTUncle Sam's Harness Oil for sale. 16:25vl Georoe P. Wrex.v, Auctioneer. E. Holoate, Att'y at Law Wrenn Holgate, REAL, ESTATE BEOKERS, COLLECTION, LOAN, INSURANCE, OKNKAL BUSINESS AOF.KTS, AND AUCTIONEERS. Office on Second street, next door south the City Market, CORVALLIS, : : OREGON. Buying, Selling and Leasing Real Esiate. Trompt' attention given to COLLE C IONS. oans Negotiated, etc. Will keep Regular Auction Sales Rooms And sell at AUCTION, anything de'ired, either at the Sales Rooms or elsewhere, in City or Country. Agents for good reliable Insurance Comp anies. We now have on hand for sale, both Grain and. Stock Farms, and City Property, at fair prices, and easy terme. 3PWe can make Sales if anybody can.B Please give us a call. WRENN & HOLOATE. Corvallis. April 17. 1879. 16:16tf. NEWS DEPOT! I TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO THE citizens of Corvallis and vicinity, that on Novem ber 1st I will open, at the Vincent House, a News Depot, and will receive, regularly, the following papers and periodicals, viz : The San Francisco Chronicle, Call, Bulletin, Jolly Giant, Wasp, Argonaut, &c, &c. New York Herald, Tribune, Times, World, Sun, Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie, Harper's baza', Sat urday Night, Chimney Comer, Ledger, Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. Police Gazette, Weekly Varieties, Su:. Also, Harper's and Scanner's Magazine, Waverly. St. Nicholas, and Scientific American. Subscriptions received for anv American or For-, eigh publications, and delivered in any part of the city. . . I shall, alo, keep constantly on hand, a complete stock of choice Cigars, Smoking and Chewing To-, baccds, and the celebrated CapokaL CioaretTes, tho best cigarette in the market. . Soliciting a share of the public patronage, very respectfully, RaLSTON COX, October 22, 1S79. Vincent House. Corvallis. CORVALLIS AND WILLAMETTE VALLEY ENGINEERING GO. Hans Dahl, E. Phil, Chr. A. Sboelcke' DESIRE to call attention to their pianf and drawings of buildings of all hinds, civil engineering, surveying and architect ural works, with all the latest improve ments. They would mention particularly the following branches : Sawmills and plane mills. Grainmills. Furniture, joinery and. mechanical works. Waterworks, and other works connecting with water. Surveying' Construction of bridges and roads. Church, sohool and other official buildings. . All' kinds of dwelling houses and farm buildings.' All orders will receive immediate atten tion. Please to address all communications to the company's headquarters at Corvallis. ii? Awarded first premium at Oregon State fair, 1879, for architectural" and engineering works.' 16:42ni3