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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1879)
UWi iRMHS OFFICIAL PAPER OF TKE STATE OFFICIAL PAPER FOR BENTON COUNTY I Corvaliis, May 9, 1879, W. B. CARTER, THE SCHGCLJjQCK MUODLE. At this writing it is difficult to tell just bow this school book question, in Oregon stands. To say the least, a misunderstanding seems to exist between the State authorities and Messrs. Bancrolt & Co., publishers of the Pacific Coast TSeries, which has been almost universally condemn ed by prominent teachers in this State, and we might add by ail iriends of education, except, perhaps, a few interested parties. The Pacific Coast Series was thrust upon the public schools of this State by fraud ulent means, and never gave satisfac tion in any school district, that we are aware of. The publishers, realizing! the worthlessness of the series, were ! compelled to issue a new series for ! California, but continued to crowd their refuse trash upon the public j schools of Oregon, under an alleged contract. State Superintendent Powell holds ! the opinion that theft; is no contract, j and acting upon authority derived from action of the last legislature, issued circulars to county superin tendents, with a view of making a change in the so-called standard books of this State. We have not sufficient data to condemn or approve Mr. Powell's course, in this matter, but are clearly of the opinion that some relief should be extended to the suffering educational interests of this State. Bancroft & Co., realizing the , worthlessness of their Pacific Coast j Series, and seeing that a " golden j opportunity " was about to slip from J their grasp, have flooded our State i with a sixteen page pamphlet, enti tled, "The Pacific Coast Series of Readers a Full statement by the Publishers," which are addressed to County- Superintendents of schools. Mr. R. C. Corbaley, agent of the pub lishers, olaced one of these in oui hands, last Sabbath. We have had only time to give the same a cursory glance. In this they make a new proposi tion, and agree to introduce their "new series," which they claim is far superior to the old, in many respects, by making an even exchange to child- j ren holding the old ones, by giving new books in their stead thus mak ing the change from old to new, with out additional expense to pupils. This seem fair enough, but why was this change not proposed, when the new, or second, alleged, contract went into operation ? It is a little peculiar that this school book mono ply company, from another State, should become so much interested in the poor children of this Slate, so suddenly. Of course it would take thousands of dollars to make an ex change for the -Appleton, or any other series;" but if we secured a cheaper and better book, no one would regret the change. We have no disposition to do Messrs. Bancroft & Co., or any other parties injustice. What we have heretofore written, in the Gazette, has-been with reference to the old Pacific Coast Series we have never seen the new. We have nothing to retract, however, regarding the fraud by which they were palmed upon the district schools of this; State, and their inferior quality. If the new series is air improvement upon the old. as claimed, we have no sort of objection to their coming in compe tition with other publishers. Let this school book question stand or fall, upon the merits of the books, by fairly and honestly obtained expres sion of the county superintendents of this State, or those having charge of the matter, and- we are content. NO GQODREASCN. En. Gazette: The Astorian says the loss of the Great Republic is an other reason for making the .mouth of the Columbia a marine asylum. Br. Ireland, usually "sound on the goose," had better said this disaster showed the necessity of an asylum for foolhardy men. Had Capt. Car rol remained outside of the bar until daylight, his vessel would have been running to-day, and he would have been free from t iie unavoidable charge of extreme recklessness. None can help but admire the Captain's cour age, during the last days of the Great Republic but his judgment may be seriously questioned. If Capt. Car rol can be justified in losing a vessel and cargo, worth three hundred thousand dollars, and jeopardizing hundreds of lives, to gain five or six hours over a rival steamer, how7 much can the people of Portland, and those south of there, afford to do, that THIRTY HOUR'S TIME might be gained between Portland and San Francisco, by making a harbor of refuge at Cape Foul weather, 21 G miles nearer the center of the Slate, connecting directly with ocean stam crs, that can come and go without waiting for tides? A place free from the dangers of a bar, and so guarded with light houses that vessels of the largest size may enter and depart, at all hours of the night, in safetv. A place free from occasional interrup tion by ice, a circumstance that has seriously interferred with commerce several times in Oregon's history. No finespun theories can do away with this stubborn fact. Time will soon be money and time loft will be money lost. The question is, when shall we commence saving both? The tide is flooding, shall we take it, Of follow " Dundee's," 12 percent, flag to destruction ? The people of Oregon, suffering for competition, can now throw off the yoke that, for years, has galled unwilling necks, and labor untramltieled for cheaper rates of freights and fares, by secur ing a shorter route to the sea. Don't cease to work because Nature has done so much, and because every reasonable argument is in your favor. Those who have grown fat and sleek, and learned to grieve for more, arc, diligently trying, by all kinds of misrepresentations, to defeat your wishes and interests. This is emphat ically a fight of capital against labor. You gentlemen who talk so loudly of moneyed combinations working disaster, thousands of miles away, can find the undisguised enemy at home. Now, do not throw away the opportunity of " bearding the lion in his den ;" but let me beg of those who wield the pen for the alleviation of human suffering, to understand me I am not opposed to capitol. I simply wish to see it invested where it will do all classes the greatest good. Concentration of capital in places where selfishness predominates, and is always ready to injure the best in terests of the laborer and producer, is not a pleasant sight to look upon, and :he quicker Central Oregon be comes independent of that element, the belter. Rialto. Newport, May 6, 1879. RAILROAD TO THE EAST. Much has been said recently, about connecting the Union anil Central Pacific railroads with the Columbia river, and numerous plans suggested. The Evening Telegram, of the 5th i net., has the-following : "It is authoritatively stated that Mr. H. Thielsen, chiefngiaeer, willatarton Wednes day next, for Umatilla to make a reconnois sance from that point to Fort Hall and Og den, witli a view to the selection of a route for the line to connect with the Union and Central Pacific Railroads. As the business in which he is to be engaged in is one of great importance and demands much time and attention, the report will probably not be mad 3 public for several weeks. The in tention is, however, to make the reconnois u nice with all possible dispatch. During the present week a surveyor with an able corps of assistants will leave Portland for the purpose of making a survey of route henoe to Celilo, the road to connect with the pro posed railway from Ogden." Diphtheria has almost disarpeared from the west side counties. SPORTING CLUB. Editor Gazette : Several of our citizens, deeming it necessary for the preservation of fish, game and singing birds of our state, that some organized action should be taken to further this end, have taken the required steps and organized a Sporting Club in this city. The purposes of the Club, as laid do-wn in its constitution, are to protect fish, game and birds, by all leal means ; to en cour.ige the propagation thereof ; to influ ence, so far as is practicable, the enactment of such laws ami ordinances as may be needful to accomplish the ends in view ; to see that these laws and ordinances are en forced, and to generally attend to and guard such matter.- and interests as shall accom plish these resnlts and secure and perpetuate our game and fish ; thus making our state attractive to all sportsmen and lovers of game. The association has already secured a small, but valuable, library, and it is one of its purposes to increase the same as fast as xossible by the addition of sum books as give information on subjects pertainin" to the interests of the Club. They alao have subscribed for, anil are receiving weakly copies of the Forest Stream Rod Gun. one of the best sporting papers in the United States ; which, with the books, are open for the use of the mernbi rs at all times. The Club is called the M Benton County Sportin" Ciub" and any resident of Benton County" sixteen years of age, may become a member, by receiving a majority of the votes present at any regular meeting and paying the sum of three dollars, with monthly dues at twenty-five cents. The regular meetings of the Club are held on the second Tuesday of each month, and the -attention of all lovers of "field sports and fishing, and all those who desire to promote the interests for which the Association is formed is cordially invited. The officers at present are T. J. Buford, President; Wal lace Baldwin. Secretary; Z. Job, Treasurer; and T. J. Buford, Librarian. Further information will be cheerfully given on application to any of the above, or other members of the Club. Farmers will also bear in mind that this Association has in view the protection of their interests and invite3 their hearty co-operation. Should our proceedings prove of interest we shall be glad to furnish the same for publication in the Gazette. One of the Club. Corvaliis, May 7, 1879. Sheriff Baker of Marion county collected po 1-tax from eleven Chinamen this week by putting them in the jail They also paid 20 costs. They will probably pay the tax next time without the costs. FROM THE CAPITAL. Salem, May 7, 1879. Editor Gazette: Rather late in the day to commence a ietlerfor pub lication in this week's issue, but, not withstanding the indisposition of cor respotidants, Isuppose you will expect something all the same; which fact will account for me sitting here this morning with my pencil in one hand anil the fingers of the other rambling listlessly through my golden hair in a vain endeavor to stir up some la tent idea or recall some startling piece of intelligence as would serve to cause wonder and astonishment among your readers. Failing in this, ho wever, I revert back to the report er's most steadfast friend, the weath er, and with due regard for my repu tationi for truth and veracity I do solemnly aver, and am perfectly wil ling to make affidavit to the fact, that myself, mine, and the public generally, were never more thorough ly weary of clouds anil storm, nor ever looked forward with brightei hopes for a gleam of sunshine. "The oldest inhabitant" oh! well, never mind. I wont get that off this time for really I can. call to mind any con versations with them very recently on that subject. These cold rain storms, however, are to be deeply re gretted as it checks the growth of vegetation and therefore has a damag ing effect on our crop of cereals. Il also has a dampening effect on pic nics, May parties, boat rides, moon light excursions and buggy riding pastimes, peculiarly adapted to the gratification of the young people. Tlte " glide wife also files her pro test as it delays her house cleaning and sets things amiss around home. In view of all these objections, now placed on record, it does seem as though old Plavtus would " tumble to himself" as slang expresses it, and give his scepter of power into the hands of genial old Sol and per mit him to straighten matters out somewhat. Salem mourns to day, the loss of an old friend of this State, and one who has done much towards advanc ing the interests of the place. The tolling of the church bell, yesterday, announced the demise of Edwin N. Cooke, a man well and favorably known throughout tlte State. He h id lived his allotted spell and his life has been one of marked ability and fransrht with good deeds. lie has been ailing for some time past but was not taken down until one week ago tc - lay, since which time he has been sinking fast and his wearied soul took its flight to unknown realms above, yesteHay about 11a jr. He was surrounded, up to the last mo ment, with family and friends and passed away without a struggle, con scious of his surroundings and ap parently welcoming the change. He was at peace with all mankind and felt the fullest trust and confidence in the hereafter, entering the dark vale of death without a shudder, Mr. Cooke was born in Jefferson county, New York, on the 2(Jlh day of Feb ruary, 1810, and came to Oregon in 1851; having married Eliza Vander cook in 1835. They settled in this county,-where they have resided ever since. Of his public Iff your readers are already acquainted, he having served them as State Treasurer from 1862 to 1870. He has filled various positions of trust and ever proved faithful and efficient in the disc ha rare of his duties. In his home life, how ever, his numerous good qualities were more beautifully exemplified. Surrounded by the luxuries of life, he devoted his entire attention and bestowed his warmest affections upon his fai hl'ul wife, devoted'' daughter and husband, and his grand children, their home being home in the fullest acceptation of the term. In his daily walks through life he was looked up on as a devoted Christian, and his devotion to the Church was some thing beautiful to contemplate. He was oneof the charter members of'Che fneketa Lodge No. lT. O. O. F.; and proved an O. F. in every sense of the word and for 20 long years has 'up held and advocated the princi ples of our noble Order. He was, in a word, one of the noblest works of God a man; and there are none who with truthfulness can say aught against his name. Would that we had more like him in. this world of ours. Peace to his ashes. His excellency the Governor has made the following appointments since I wrote you last : Notaries Pub lie, C. D. Latonrette, Oregon City; Thomas Patterson and C. A. Sweek of Portland; T. B. Odeneal, Albany; Henry Harren, McMinnville ; J. W. Mack, Prairie Gity; James A. Yantis Esq. of yonr city. Articles of incorporation filed: The Church of the United. Brethren in Christ of the State of Oregon and Territory of Washington; incorpora tors J. W. Harritt, P. 0. Hetzler and J S. Osborne. Seaside Lodge No. 12 Ancient Order United Workmen, Astoria; incorporators C. J. Trench ard, Columbus Brown and George McLean. We have had the Hyer Sisters and the Bergers with us recently and as entertainments they are difficult to excel. The " bare biondes" are the next in order, after which will come a. reign of quiet for a short time. Ned. RAILROADMATTERS. The Oreconiai, of the 7th inst., contains some very cheering railroad news, which will be read by every person interested in the prosperity and growth of Oregon. It harbin gers brighter days, in the near future, for our young State. We have al ways felt a great interest in the Win nemucca railroad project, and have had something like a presentiment that it would be the first connection of the Willamette valley with the Central Pacific. With a harbor of refuge and commercial entrepot at Cape Foul weather, it would need no prophetic ken to locate the western terminus of the Winnemucca road. In the language of the act of appro priation, the harbor of refuge should be located at a point that would not only be suitable as a harbor of refuge, but that would also subserve the best "interests of commerce, local and general." The outlook for this por tion of the State is brightening. We quote from the Oregonian, as follows: The Northern Pacific is now reaching an excellent financial condition. Being entire ly clear of debt and owning a great proper ty, it is in a position not occupied by any other large railway corporation in America. Its stock of late has been rising very rapid ly, and the company can now obtain money to build as fast as they can push construc tion of the road. From General Sprague, superintendent of the enterprise for the western or Pacific division, we learn that the company has just received an offer at the east fur the iron necessary for construc tion of the section fram the mouth of Snake river to Pen d'Oreille lake, to be paid for in the company's bonds at par. It is expeeted that this whole section of 203 mile.3 will be put under contract during the approaching summer, and entirely completed next year. Gen. Sprague's parties are now organizing at Walla Walla and will tnke the field at o ice to make final location of the route, aid lie goes immediately to superintend and di reot operations. On the eastern slope work i3 proceeding with all possible rapidity, and pari ies are now in the field making surveys for the next sections west of the one hun dred niles new under contract ;' and just as soon as these surveys cavwbe finished future contracts will be let. which will carry the toad to the Yellowstone. There ;s a railway enterprise that concerns the Willamette vallev, which is brought be- fura our attention. This is the narrow gauye from Oregon City to Springfield. We are in formed that arrangments are being perfected whereby the promoters of the road will pro ceed at once ; o build from Oregon City, ami continue on to Springfield, provided the peo ple along the route will subscribe the $2,000 a mile which they have been asked for. Up to this time lo0,000 has been sui-scribed, leaving only about 10,000 to be obtained, and it is believed this can be secured with out difficulty or dela7. Furthermore, tho parties who have this enterprise in hand expect to reach the head of the valley within sixteen months, and arrangements are making', with the directors of tne Central Pacific whereby, when Spring field i3 reached, that company will continue the road eastwarnly to VVii.uemucca. or from Winnemucca westward ly to Springfield and complete the connection with Portland before 1882. We yesterday saw a recen letter from C. P. Huntington-, vice president of the Central Pacific, wherein he states that by the end of next year their force will be free to build the Winnemucca road, pro vided the people of Oregon have by that time comp'.eted it as far as Springfield. Ac cordingly supplementary articles or incorpo ration are to be filed to-day extending the line to Winnemucca and increasing the cap ital stock. This statement is given for the purpose ot informing the people interefte'1 that the undertaking ii still in progress, so that they 'may know what construction to place on the flying rumors to the effect that it was likely to bo abandoned. No. 44,132, if made daiiy, and the schedule time expedited to about eighteen nous in the summer time, would give mail facility direct with the commercial centres of the state and with the state capital and state depart ments to a very large district of country now containing a large and rapidly increas ing population. Newport, the western ter minus of the route, is an important sea-side town, the population of which, with that of the country surrounding it, is rapidly in creasing. The country accomodated by this route comprises a very large and important portion of Benton comity. In view of the present and growing necessities for the ser vice, we, as in duty bound, shall ever pra; . Astoria Suicide. The Asotian of the 2d inst., in speaking of the recent suicide? in that city, says : ' ' We understand that the man Conway, who committed suicide in this city on Wednesday last, was a tailor by profession. He has acted strangely for some time, but not sufficiently 'so as to make it apparent that he was insane. He came down on the Ancon last Sunday arid expect ed to go to San Francisco but was drinking and left here. He begged Mr. Curry to write to his wife and friends below in case anything happened to him', bat Mr. Curry little expected to be compelled to write her such news. " BENTON COUNTY MAIL FACILITIES. No county in this stat3, perhaps, is more prosperous or filling up more rapi.ilv than Benton, bat our mail facilities have not kept pace with our improvement and progress. The only daily mail that Corvaliis, the county seat of Benton, enjoys, is- the one between this place and Albany. V e have a tri-weekly mail to Philomath, King's Val ley, and the Yaquina country, but the mai! south of Corvaliis has been discontinued. Corvaliis is situated upon the extreme east ern Verge of the county, so that the north ern and southern portions are supplied via Albany. All the western portion, including King's valley and the Alsea country, is sup plied via Philomath, and this mail should have a daily service. As we remarked, last week, an effort is being made to increase this service to a dai ly. Mr. J. S. Cooper, of Independence, who owns several mail contracts in this state, has been looking after the matter, and if the present contractor, Air. M. M. Crow, does not choose to put on daily stages, Mr. Cooper would do so. We understand that Mr. Crow favors the change, and will put on a daily, provided the change is ordered by the postoffice department. The following petition is in circulation, and should, as it doubtless will, receive the signature of every pewon residing along the line. These, with the signatures and sanction of the various postmasters, will secure the desired change, we have no doubt. The petition is as fol lows : To the Honorable Postmaster General, Wash ing'on, D. C: SIR : We the undersigned citizens , and leal voters, li ing in the vicinity, and to u.? mmlnt.I bv the increase of mail UC ,,,wi".... j facilities on mail route No. 44,1.32 extending from Corvaliis to .Newport, m Benton coun ,v nrannn tt-nnld most resnectfull v. but earnestly, pray that services on said route be increased from three times a ween w a uaujr service. It will be observed by reference Jiarmm nf tho Post Routes in this Wil lamette Valley that two main lines, one on either side of the river, extend north and south through the valley, converging into Thm-A should be at central points and proper intervals, cross lints. Bottte pacifk; coast. Oregon. The ferry boat at Lincoln i3 rim by a wire cable. The Linn county cherry crop has been damaged by frost. ' Three cougars were killed in one tree in Lost valley recently. There is a large and growing open ter. -perauce society in La Grande. A party of Chinese robbed the store of a countryman in Hillsboro last week. Diphtheria, which has raged fatally in Eastern Oregon so long, is now abating. A Mr3. McCarty has been brought before the recorder at Astoria seven times for drunkenness. Linn county is going to make a grand showing this fall when it come3 to figuring up the wheat crop. Thirteen buildings will be erected at Phi lomath. A good school house will be among the new buildings. J. S. Cooper, of Independence, has estab lished a daily stage line between Salem and Independence, leaving the former piace at 2 p.m.. P. G. Buford has bought the Milton Shearer place in Washington county, con taining 80 acres, 40 acres of il plow land, for 81,200. The beautiful residence of Mr. Fletchall, situated just across the river from Eugene City, was entirely consumed by fire last Wednesday. Jacob Hansen, of S dem, visited the wreck of the Great Republic recently, and took a sketch of the same, from which he will paint a large picture. The steamboats City nf Salem and A. A. MeCvtly ran a race of six miles on the upper river a few days ago, the former gaining but one length in that distance. Samuel II. Willi ims was arrested in Was eo county last week on a charge of commit ting a murder in Kentucky. The authorities didn't want him bad enough to coma for him and so he was released. The fort which the people of the Mead ows in Eastern Oregon were going to build " all so fast," is not a success, as everybody is over their sare, and the enterprise savors of hir.l work and considerable expense.. The family of W. D. Buxton, on Howe'd Prairie, have been grievously afflicted the past four weeks, having lost by diphtheria lour children. Harriet J. in her fourteenth year, and Charles W. in his twelfth year, died on the 12th ult. Lillie M. in her tenth year, and William A. in his sixteenth, died on the 1 9th and 22d. Jos Crain, a farmer of Jackson county, started for Beading a few days- ago with a wagon load of produce in compact form. He took with him five hundred dozen eygs, packed in grain, and will find a good market tor both the eag3 and gr;an. Air. Cram sold two thousand dollars' worth of pro duce in this way last year. Fanners and others of Washington coun ty have been annoyed all winter by petty thieves, and it is generally believed that an organized band of robbers exist in that dis trict. Three men, BuHock, Parsons and Lander? have been arrested on charges of theft and will be tried at the uext session of the circuit court. F; T. Phillips, near Cornelius, has a force of Chinamen hoisting grubs and trees, on his farm. They take out trees three or four feet in diameter. William Kane of Forest Grove has had 30 acres of grub land on his farm in the northern jyirt of the county grubbed. Chinamen did the job for 25 per acre, and doubtless the first crop from the land will pay the cost of cleiring. The Clackamas comity Pomona Grange will meet at the new haliof Ttvalatin Grange No. Ill, on Friday Junj6, 1.879', at lOo'clock A. M. Lectures will be delivered by the following brocherr, : H n. O. F. B:;attie, ject, "Education Hon. J. T. Apperson, subja ;t. " Stock II ii ling. Br-e i Is, etc ;" Brn. A. '.'.Steer?, " Bjs Culture," and . short addresses from other brothers and sisters. Major Rinehart, agent of the Malheur Indian reservation, received the following dispatch from Indian Commissioner Hayt, dated at Washington on 17th ult: "Pro ceed with farming operations. Request commanding officer at Camp MoDermit to turn Indians belonging to your agency over t- you, excepting such ot the prisoners ar have been ordered to rorc Vancouver :os confinement. The grass was never better on the Lma tilla side of the Blue mountains than now. The sheep men are shearing their sheep, not on account of the weather being unusually warm, but to doctor the scab, which the sheei caught during the Indian excitement, when they all go; tige-jher. This breeding of disease among the sheap of Umatill i c lunty was by far a greater calamity to the sheep industry of the country than a 1 that were killed or lost on account of a scarcity of tood. Hillsboro Independent : The Tualatin plains is to our notion the finest body of agricultu ral land in the state of Oregon. There is hardly an acre in a quarter section that can not be cultivated, and it give3 an average yield of 25 bushels of wheat to the acre. These lands, as well as ' the real estate in every part of the county, is rapidly grow ing in value. A eat farm houses are being built and improvements in fencing, etc., are being made every day. Washington county is, without doubt, the finest agricultural county as a whole, in the state. A farmer writing froth Soap creek to the River Side says : " We are doing our best to put in our spring crop, but owing to the wet weather we are getting along very slow. The farmers of this vicinity put in a large part ot their land last tall, which will ue a great advantage to them ; so that I think that tne acreage win not be diminished by the wet spring. The wheat sown last1 fall looks well, and promises to yield as well, or better, than common. Dalles Inland Empire : J. M. Bird is do- in! more for Wasco county than any other ten men in it, by his experiments in the cul tivation of grain. He planted rye last win ter, of which we have now a specimen, four feet five inches in height, there being thirty- two stalks from a single grain. He has 260 acres ot hill laud under cultivation in wheat, rye and oats ; and he may justly be styled the leader of hill cultivation in Wasco county, which will produce as good grain on the slopes as any region east of the Cascades. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. EASTERN. Heavy rains throughout the State of Min nesota have removed all apprehension of drouth. Trouble is expected from a strike of min ers at Terre Haute, Indiana. It is reported that rich silver mines have been discovered in the Indian Territory, just south of the Kansas line. Claims in large numbers are being taken daily. A general convention of American iron and steel manufacturers and iron producers' met at Baltimore on the 6th inst., for the purpose of considering the present condition of iron and steel industries, their wants and the dangers which threaten them. Vander bi':t, the railroad monarch, was censured for buying steel rails in Europe. Gray, who attempted to shoot Booth, the actor, pleaded guilty of assault with intent to kill, and was remanded for sentence. New York State is arranging to hold a grand exposition in 1883, in honor of the one hundredth anniversary of Great Britain's formal acknowledgment of American inde pendence. One Freeman, an Adventist, of Pocosaet. M.iss., murdered his four year old child, and claims that he did so in obedience to divine revelation. While languishing in prison, he will have an opportunity to reflect that re ligious fanaticism don't excuse murder. FOREICtf. Serious labor riots have been going on in Cork, arising out of a difference between rival bands. The rioters were dispersed, by the police, and the doctors rubbed salve on forty wounded scalps. The attempted revolution at Panama, Cen tral America, resulted in an engagement on April 18th. Thirty-five of the rebels were killed, and the remainder surrendered to the government forces unconditionally. A terrible explosion of nitro-glycerine oc cured at Stratford, Canada, on the 5th inst., killing several men and destroying one hun dred and fifty cars and sheds. SiIjVerton Railroad. The people of Sil verton and vicinity are' very anxious that a narrow gauge railroad be built from some where to somewhere so that a market wid be formed at that point and themselves be en abled to ship their produce to Portland, the central market of the North Pacific, It seems that the recently surveyed route from Springfield down to Orenon City is beiir left severely alone and no definite steps ta ken which will effect the desired result. The easiest and most practical tiling the peo ple of Silverton can do. is to turn their at tention to a shorter and easier route, that of building for themselves a road to Gervais. The distance between those two points is not to exceed nine miles, with very little grad ing and bridge building to be don ;. A great portion of the gra le work would be performed by contribute 1 days work, as the Ofc mpia and Tenino road. Twenty thous and dollars has been subscribed by the peo p'e of Silverton and vicinity. As much more will be subscribed by the people of Gervais and along the line of road, which will be within ten thousand dollars of sutli cient money to pay for the entire-road, roll ing stock etc. If Ai Coolege will step for ward and commence operations with the capital already subscribed, the road will be completed in season to carry away the grow ing wheat crop. In order to make the movement a success, some one person must take the lead, and none is better fitted than Ai Coolege. Portland S andard. May 3. Change of Firm. E. Holgate, Esq., lias become associated with Geo. P. Wrenn, Esq., in the real eit.ate business in this citv. New ad. next week. CORRECT. The Monmouth Messenger of the 2d inst., says: "Carter & Keady, of Corvaliis, are now ready to do all kinds of plain and fancy job printing. See their ad. in another column. terest the preparations which preced ed the execution. kat-koo-at's conduct. Yesterday morning the doomed man ate a hearty hreakf'ast at 6:30. After dispatching his meal Kat-koo'af sat down very composedly and smok ed his pipe for some time. About 10 o clock in the forenoon, Ro v. -Vy.t?. Chattio called at his cell. Mr. Chat tin, who converses quite fluently in she Chinook tongne, asked Kat koo-at-after the usual salutation f ,e was: aware of the fact that he was going to die soon. The Indian replied : " Yes, I know thai; what time is it now ?" Mr. Chattir. said "ten o'clock;" to which Kat koo at responded : "Three hours yet before I die." He askc.l Mr. Chattiin if he waa afraid to die, to which he answered negatively. This Indian it is said had been a regular attendant, of the Mission School of the Greek church at Sitka, ami has been taught about as much about God and Christ, and heaven mid hell, as his nntntored mind can comprehend. During Ids confine ment, he frequently' snnir Sabbath school songs which he learned at Silk a. Kat koo at was reminded by Mr. Chattin how upon the cross Christ forgave his enernit s, and asked wheth er he did likewise. Kat -koo at an swered : '; Annie and Och-kho not helped trf kill Brown, and were as guilty as he himself; but I forgive them ; I have put away all ansrry feeling; I feel as though you are the only friend I have, and I want you to be present with me to the last and pray for me." in the ruisoN, II S. Marshal Waters "had every nece; eXecut ion. Fall Rye. Mr. Win. Hood, of this coun ty, has placed upon our table a bunch of rye measuring 4 feet and 3 inches in flight. It was raise 1 in the hills west of this city, up on land which Mr. Hood was informed, soon after he purchased it, that would not raise white beans. This wa3 a fair sample of an entire Held of grain and Mr. H. is satisfied as to the productive qualities of the hills." Proper cultivation goes a long way toward good crops. Accident to the Sijpbkicb:. The IT. S. lighthouse tender sSvSriek, whose boats did such noble sendee in rescuing the passengers from the Grent Republic, had the misfortune late Frida3- night to run afoul of a buoy at Tongue point, four miles above Astoria, and had a portion of her starboard wheel, wheel house and guard torn away. She was towe I here last night by the tug Columbia and will remain uuti. her injuries are repaired. Oregonian. Time Taitle C'Ianged. The Lafayette Courier leams that on and after Monday of last week a train will leave Sheridan, call ing at Perrydale about 5 o'clock A. M. , to arrive at Dton at 8 o'clock A. M. , and there connect with the O. S. X. Co. 's boat, so that passengers leaving Dallas; Perrydale and Sheridan in the morning will arrive in Portland from 2 to o'clock r. It., tri weekly. Returning, will arrive in Dayton from Portland at 4 P. M. ; then take the 4 o'clock train for Sheridan and other points on the roa 1, arriving at the above points in the evening which will be a great advantage to ad concerned. HANGING 07 THE GH I Li GAT INDIAN FOR THE MURDER OF T. J. BRGWN. SAYS THAT THE CLOOTCHMAX ANNA AND OKH-KHO-NOT ARE EQUALLY GUILTY BODY DE LIVERED TO THE MEDICAL COLLEGE FOR DISSECTION. Kai-koo-at, the Chilicat Indian who was tried, convicted and sentenc ed to death in the United States Cir cuit Court for the murder of Thomas J. Brown, in Alaska Territory last January, was hanged yesterday af ternoon. United States Marshal Waters performed the unwelcome of ficial duty of carrying into execution the sentence imposed by the court, and vindicated the outraged law. The execution look place in the jail yard, the same gallows on which James Johnson and Archie Brown suffered the extreme penalty ot the law being used. Notwithstanding the public was well aware that Kai-koo-at was to be hanged there was very little excitement felt over the event and no guards or military com panies were ordered out as in the case of Brown and Johnson. The stockade which had been erected to shut otlt public view from the aj palling spectacle,- did not prevent many from witnessing it who were not holders rof tickets. Spectators were admitted until all the available space inside the enclosure was occu pied, and many curiously disposed persons clambered up to the top of the fence and looked over, or peeped through the cracks between the planks and watched with evident in- made sary preparation for the The rone had been at tached to ihe beam above the scaf fold, the fatal drop drawn up to its' proper position and all that was needed was the victim. To prevent a crowd, the court house doors were closed at 12 o'clock and about 75' persons who held tickets of admission' were allowed to enter. In company wit h the officers, Rev. Mr. Chattin' entered the eel) of the doomed Indian1 at 1"J:45 and said (speaking the Chi nook tongue), '"Kat koo-at, ''on are,, near yourdeat h." He answ erd, "Yes."1 Mr. Chattin continued, "You know it is a bad thing to die. Now tell me, were Annie and Och kho not equally guilty ?" To which he responded 'yes." The question was asked Kat-' koo at whet her bis people would be angry with the whites for his execu tion, and whether they- would take revenge for it. Kat-koo-at answered" "no."" THK FATAL DROP. Precisely 53 minutes past 12 o', followed by U. S. Mar shal A. W. Waters, Deputy Marshal VV. P. Burns, Sheriff B. L. Noiden, Constable M. B. Wallace, and JJev. W. C. Chattin, left the cell, ascended', the steps leading to the scaffold, and' took places ihereoli. As Kat ko at' took his place in the center ot the,' trap he surveyed the bystanders and made a profound lw. Marshal AI' W. Waters then read the death sen tence in paragraphs, which was inter-' pivted to the Indian by Constable M. -, B. Wallace. At the conclusion of each paragraph, Kat-koo it nodded'' assent. Mr. Wallace asled him ' whether he had anything to say, which was answered in the negntive. Mr. Waters then drew the black cap" quickly over the murderer's face and adjusted the noose, while Mr. Burns" placed handcuffs on the wrists and Icicklcd a strap around the ankles. From the time Kt"koo-ntJcame upon' ih" scaffold until the drop fell, he maintained a stolid indifference, aud not a quiver ot a muscle was visible. However, he was under excitement, -as ids pulse beat 120 when he' left his cell. At 12:.rj8, after the noose had beeii adjusted, air. Chattin advanced, atid offered the following prayer in the Chinook tongue : "Oil, God ! Thou art the Father ot us all. Lowk in oily on this poor Indian, who is about'to die. Although he had been a wicked man, he has" renounced his sins atid prays forgive ness." The ''Amen," the cliek of the trigger, and a thud were then 'heard almost simultaneously. Kat-koo-at had stood too close to the edge of the trap, and as he dropped, Ids body struck the side of the' trapway and bounded to the other side. The breast heaved for two minutes and then the body was still. At 1:02 tho " shoulders were drawn up This was the last perceptible movement of the ' body. At 1:024 Dr. Litth field, the attend-' nig physician, felt the pulse and ; pronounced it very feeble. At 1:03 the pulse was barely per-' ceptible. At 1:04 the pulse had ceased to beat, but by auscultation the teeble ' heart beats were counted 80 to the minute. At 1:06, 58 to the minnte. At 1:09 there was only a slight murmur. At 12 he was "pronounced dead, but the body was allowed to' hang until 1:18, having hung a little longer than 19 minutes. The fall was about 5$ feet quite sufficient to have dislocated the In dian's neck had lie not struck against the edge ot the scaffold. An exam ination was made after Kat-koo at whas dead which disclosed the fact that death had been produced by strangulation instead of dislocation. life was PRONOUNCED EXTINCT The body was cut down and placed' in a rude coffin. Suosequenuy it wa conveyed to the medical college in conformity with the order of the court, and delivered to the professors and students ot mat institution.