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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1899)
Vl Uj XXXIV! NO 37 Eater c6 Ike rout at llbaey. Or. feeeeaw-Clsss Mall atatlert ALBANY, OREGON; FRIDA. APRIIi 21.1899 fTTKti i blither aa rrrlear i ' ....... .j, i ' TUUBSDAY Xvtgc table Prep aralion Ibr As simiiating tiaiToodandReguta tog thaSmmflrte nnrt Pawls of EromolcsIH'fesGoR.ChccrfuI nessandBfestContains neither Optunf,Morphine nor Mineral. KotNarcotic. 0t A perfect Rmcdv forConsliia- tioa.Sour5tDmacb.DiairhDea. Worms onvulsions.FcvCTJsh- QCS9 and LOSS OF SlB Tac Simile Signature of For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT COPY Of VKAP.EB. AM. my . IK. . i. vJ' For Over Thirty Years BT1B. Conner Found. Burnett Conner, tbo man who dis appeared several days ago from th St Charles hotel, and had not been teen after buying some drug at Burkhart & ' T AA, l. i. . . . . I .' . s, t uruiut tu niuauy mis uouo by Marshal Charles Tyler of Hal Isey, where he had been for two daye acting WiMiy, hunting for bugs, in the gardens, raving about someone trying o shoot him, etc. The comxn became frighten ed and it was thought best to take charge of him. Ha had delirium tremens on j reaching here Mid had to be strapped aown. uonner has a ticket from ban Jose where he is section boes on the 8. 1., to New York, now held by one of the conductors, lie is now in a call in the county jail sobering up. Conner was so wtld that he frightened one woman so that she fell over, and her husband declared that unlets he was taken care of he would shoot him. Con ner's mind seemed to run on a tight with Sitting Bull and his men and a pension he carries. He gave a different name at Hilsey. k . . Oakville. FRIDAY Six to One. An open air concert last Saturday eve ning on the corner near Smith's. Mr. Siutd retired but the sound of music, sweet music! caused him to arise and light his lamp and release a mouse from his trap, but the notes of the banjo wax ed louder and the gentle voices of the sinners wan more than the aged veteran could stand so he opened his doors and invited the hand into his store where the following program was enacted:. Songs, "Don't tell them where yon saw me." Honolulu Lady." "My Honolulu Bw'le," ' Carry me back to old Virglny," "Pumpkin colored coon," "Tell all the coons l'se eomin'," "The old stepstone." The band was composed of ladies. Miss A Pioneer of 1847. Mr. James K.Templeteo. one of Linn county's liett i uown pioneers, died at his nome near Halsey yesterday, after an II nets of several monlbc, IrOtn the ef- i.4't of a paralytic stroke. , ' Heraine Orrgoa from Indiana in 1847 sad too up a D L O. Bear Halsey, which l.e mO his home the remainder of his lite, I uiidirg up an excellent r.-n-otatiinase neighbor sod Uien. He was the father of Dr. C. R. .Tsmpleton, one of Portland's mestsaeeestral den tists, and Mite Iva Teoupletoa whore- from lbs state on Real Estate Sales. v eewvava wpw, mrm rvmm mt, FLOOR COVERINGS. V L LLY DOl BLE ths amount em before shown by as, consisting of Carpets, Art Square. Co' tags Art (a new and attractive goods) Mat tings, L'noleum and Oil Cloth. We are also well supplied with Lace Curtains, Portiers, Shades and kindred goods. . - . Piece goods in Curtain material and coverings. -ALB.ANY FURNITURE CO. M Au old miner was coming along the track just south ot the citv, this fore noon, when he came acioss six tramps at the big woed pile, men he had met before on his way north. They struck him for some money, which he refused, whereupon one of them said : "You don't hare much use fer hobos anyway, do you." "That's what I don't," waa about the size and purport of the answer. Then the whole gang pitched upon him and best him and rolled him in the dirt on-1 til he looked as if he had gone through a mm.- . He came down to the depot, got acting Marshal Jones and several others and west back op to the wood rile, outside the citv limits, when the miner proceed ed to whip the leader ot the crowd in a live manner and succeeded before eton- liped. Ihe tramps soon after skipped northward. I" v tk l. : .1 . f Albany. The new court house at Euseoe ia completed with the exception ot a little painting, and wilt probably be occanied next week. . F. C. Reed, an Astoria man. has been appointed fish coumisewar. That .is- proper. It is . winciDallv a Col- bia river office any way. e date for opening the state fair at SaTem haa been changed to September 13 and closes September ZI. aal will not conflict with the Portland exposition. During 1898 the ia sura nee companies doing business in Oregon received in premiums 11,203.003.15 and paid tosses amounting to f 425,143.56 and returned premiums amounting to 1231,076.79. The Simooton Band will meet tomor row night at 7:30 o'clock to pla) for the Presbyterian entertainment at the VY. C. T. C. hall. Let all members be pres iitasonic Temple Bid jrM Albany, 0K4CDn,wLokO,,ih,n,0 f v C' v 3Ube court boose. The work of tearioc M TRY MuRMON BISHOP S PILLS for all diseases ariaias; froa Oisipation, self - abuse, exceeres or cigarette smoking. In as over 60 years. Brings back jour Manhood, cures depleted wore oot ireo, makes rich blood and tiasoe. Cures wasting and aH losses, makes you lastitingly strong, ruree impotency, lost power, emissions, loss of memory. I ad dreams, shrunken urease, despondeocy, sleepleesDeBa, varioceele and ecnstipalion, adds to tbe eyes, stops nervous twitching of tbe evelio. Maku life woth living. A boon to yonng or old. MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs Stops al' losaes by day or night. Doo t deiav. Price within the resell ofall. tiuaraa- teed to cure Price ,ej a N.x 6 for $2.50 by mail. Send for free ckculaf. Address BISHOP lUJ REMEDY CO., San Francisco. CaL For tale by Foe- LiJuJ Lay & Mason, Albany Pi: a J 160 Pe? ent, liatcfeed. Ia arecect hatching coof t In which Uifa weowraTOtrlsIs Use hated itu 1M per eeoL, Id ISrssns with PETALUftlA JNGUBAIOHS. aor Denr agg This haa been denunatrsted to be as Bear ab Jirm perfection a can be attalnwi TheragnlatioaoC boat. air aod momture nave ceen proren peneet. t tray and other jmprorfmenta. Wa an fawbt. r sale a C.JD. BATI. Albany. Or. wqw rwuirj rang v .-."" " I I . I ACltAA Elise Ditiey Unto. Miss Nellie Pattiexm 1"' irTT? TZZ'. .1'. T'.SIZ soprano. Misses Ethel Barton and Urrie """"i"' " " a " Shearer bass. Misses Aena Paulson and : MWr1 yrsago. n. -,v? ... Alpha Dilley alto, Miss Olen Barton ten-1 or. Alter partaking oi lemonade and candies Miss Elsie Dilley rang and lay ed a comic darkey son? which was re ceived with applause, Miss Ethel Barton recited a comic recitation which was tbe closing piece of one of the grandest atreet concerts ever hold in Oakville. Messrs Howard Aldersoa and. Bassiai Dilley will start to Baker city tomorrow where they expect to rtt work in the Quaes. Elinarion Smith, oi Halsey. was visit ing friends here It st week. Miss Lillian Hamilt Is "visiting her parents here. H.ies Ethel and Glen Barton, of Al bany, were visitors here last Saturday. A man pasting the cemetery last Fri ay.nigi't saw a ghost. At first sight he was not sure that it was a real ghost but be struck a match and looked at his wat terbury and found that it was 12 o'clock, midnight the rerv hour that those gent lemen do their ghoulish work. Goats, pure white Angora goals were the inhab itants of this cemetery a few months since. V a were neve in a grave vard ; r,- 5 UNITED AGAIN. F.. 4 . Ilhrt is and Fdna Lear Again . Living Together. ' Rev." E. A. Harris, wbo eloped with Edr a Ler from th Jt city several weeks age, continues to prove himself a very cute kind of a man. It was thought that when Mrs, John Lear and her daughter sailed from Victoria on the Danube for 8kagw? to Join Mr. Lear that the affair was ended, but not so. . Tbe storr con tinues more thrilling than ever. It will be remembered thst the wilv minister and the girl wars) allowed a conference Can't Help Coming. Catherine Coo tell to Mr Cocbell, 4 acres O W Simpson to Mary E LemelU lug et al 15S acies 12 4 , Mary Hale to W O P perry, piece laud browDsvili. ; j . i. .. . v David Brock to J F Brock, 151.73 acres WT Colter to Norton McMeekin, 60 feel ttont HarrUhurg B E Rayburn to W 8 McMeekin, 1 lot llarrisborg W H Goltra to Lonntr O Rata oa yi interest in 160 scree 10 W 2 and 44 40 aoree and 32 13 acres. Cyrus vVestlake to W L Vance, 308.:i2 acres Jane Keea to W H Uoltrs, power of attorney alone oi half an hour. That . did the brtinee. The stamer did not sail from Victoria for two hours, and that gave Harris time to get on board. The Victoria Times Ulis the rest: . Just bow it was arranged is oot vert elatr. hnlit ia hint.! t h. ,K. ft M. I wmnmA Via -iaIIib. ..J . U . .kUf 1m a confab, while her , lover approached the steamer ia to boat, and boarded her 3000 , from tbe opposite side. This done, he j ost no Mm in stowing ntmseu away out Besldei the invitation by the Press o the City the National Editorial-Association have been invited to visit Albany during their meeting in Portland by the special committee appoinUd by the City Council in tbe following language that cannot help captivating them and bring ing them to our city : To the National Editorial Association : Gentlemen . The undersigned, a com mtttee representing the mancioal gov ernment and the business and commer cial iateresis of tbe city of Albany, ten der an inviution to the members of your association o visit our citv and accept I ihe ho.tai-iy of our citizen, at any time that may I cnnvf.nient for your body while oo the Pa ifac We wantyo-i to come .-.d eee our beau tiful v illatribttf Til lev. the garden aoot of tbe aoiveree'partake of oar (ruits.tee oarrosf ci'S-ked girlt, out magnificent forests w lib an ineihaustibie supply of timber, aod learn lor yourselves hv an Oregoeian is not conuiit save in his own stole. We want you to come and se us. and BeWBEB Makes the food more de'cious and wlmiesomo i Unique Entertainment. ;eade snoumaios, up to tbe foot of Mt. JeBersoo, whose lofty peak is mint led in 1 perpetual aoo PaoaABLV liisaaa. Barne'.t Conner, the ex--ldler on a spree, was released from tbe county jail this sfternoon, as there was no complaint against him, and vara ; ... at exactly 12 o'clock midnight and . tor j w m b ik ;od b..,,,. co wi d 'that mi" rwaaua uin not maae ui acquaint' an.e of any spirits except those who trav el by day. The ooid raius are not good for the fruit but (he prun is not far enough ad vanced to be damaged yet. Mr. Smith has remove.! his beard and bair which makes him look ten years yoojger. Next. " Lrrru Roes Bcc. down preparatory to building op has be gun and ihe court boose will now be tbe llive building olace of the ciy. Mr. Julius Gradwohl is fixinir no hia Second street property in fine shape for the S tetter reetarant, and says it will be tbe bett in th valley. The differebtde partmento will be complete iodsding the private boxes. Tbe DaxoraaT man had a visit with Cat. Wood bridge Gearv. who passed through the city this noon for Corvallia rom Porto Rico. He sayi tbe trouble there ia all between tbe people them selves and doe not involve our people. It is the old fight between labor ard capital So far as the United States .s concerned there U nothing serious about it. Taesday ogbt burglars did op Harris- burg in great shape, entering Rampy's Lebanon. From the Criterion : License haa been issued for tbe mar riage of Mr. A. I. C rand ail and Mias Nettie Amos. They will be married ia this city tocigbt at 8 o'clock. P. T. Long purchased 40 acres of land from J. K. Km bier last week. Consid eration, fjO per acre. Tbe land bought joins Mr. Long's f.lace on the north. Editor Kirkratrick left last night for Portland in response to a telephone mes sage from hia wife saying that their little boy, Hogb, was quite sick with pneu monia. Both D. V7. Hardin and Jos. Stewart, prominent prune growers of this vicin ity, say that Done of their trees were killed by last winter's freexe. Mr. Stew art says be is satisfied tnere is not one out of" hia S0U0 trees that was killed. W. B. Duneca has bought 5000 pounds of mohair witnin ire last week, pnytag for the same at 'Jie rata of 30 eta. per pound. We understand that Mr. Doo acs's prices bavs been a soot 2 eta. higher than any of the buyers in the surround ng towns. The Village Orchestra. Following ia the program to be ren- I dered at the entertainment to he given by the Preabyterian church at the W. C. T. U. hall tomorrow night : 1 TvrolLan Bell Wrircwr Prof. G. M.T.H.andC. . 2 'oration. "Geo. Washington's 600; of eight, aod bid not show himself until f ?ur UmT.'- joa will find oo the .learner had got too far oot toaeaewr i'u s riojn ont. 2C03!ber way up tile coast to put back, rbeoj Wa bejieve yon wouidn!oy the trip Ihseoolfvaralbulnnt iha Amw t Proposed by the Corvallia &. Eastern rail- meeting tbe girt.-thers waa a display of i roa company, into tbe heart of tte Cas- affect ion which almost look away the breath of the mother. Pufrer Bishop warned the man that he was now oa a British shlo. snd told 3000 the mother it they suffered aoy annoy ance ae would bavs Harris placed ib rrtos, or words to that efleet. Later oo, when the parser cams to collect the fares he found U arris had only $2.50 and told him he would be pnt off at lbs first land ing p'ace. As the steamer waa not eas ing at Nanaimo this meant that Harris would be given a free ride of 2S0 miles to Alert Bay. , s When Use Danube reached Alert Sav Harris was pot off, bit wbat were tbe feelings of the mother, when sba discov- 200 420 6750. it was cav-essary to take charge of biin ; ered the oan.hur baH also gooe asho'e! again, o be a placed in the jail aod Nothing would Induce bar te retura oa w;ll probably Le sent to the asylum. hrd, and tbe Daoobe sailed agaia oa Yeiday afternoon he thought be was i her voyage to Skagway. It ia supposed goicg to die and sent (or a priest to run- j that Mania, who I undoubtedly a clever fex his si os at tbe time. bat there was aooe ia Iowa V. .... 1 1 1 iitl. " Ytm tliAt lrw,nnt anil bank. Smith & Holt's drug store. Ilrde I in.r.iirm mrJiih-rir Mn 7.nnii n. & TyleKs grocery store. Porter's meat I exander Eastbars. Samr-le co be seen at F. j. Powers' Poultry Dpot, Albany. klv rith A widow alxtytght years old, living In New York Citrvb Sjbe wa eonsiantly troubled with palnaon her light aide, which vhad been aoatag far atae It Lroablea with uainaon ner nsni. sine, which ncsuu w im mwmu liver. Up to Ut Jane turn naa oeen ireaum oy a nnmoer oi payaicwoa o ot wowa aha had catarrb of the stomach; another atated that it was ordinary dyspsnsU, : .....I 4, t. il. .iriinn at o. il atfinM. tnr whlfh ha I iwafwl M mnntba without kot-A remlta. At times I be paina were so sever that bypodermla tctjaeilwas M,t .nnrniiin. cr- reaorted to. and had ery little appelate. Yt 7a. BTUM aUimwd saa ati a aann market and T. L. Rogers dry goods store securing about a 10 of Smith A Holt, 12. 50 in cash and some email goods of Hyde & Tyler about $3 at the meat market and a few things at Rogers. Tramps get the credit. Ia an Interview in New York Citv re cently Fayue Moore stated that she would go home to ber mother and lead a quiet life, that she is her beat friend. i bat sbe baa sunered enough and wiabee tbe public to forget that there ever was a Fsyne Moore. In a recent issue of tbe World she gives a sketch ot her life rar- ucuiariy toe last year, romaniKi wnueu, inciuaing uer last trip hoots to rortiand. Oot at tbe depot today George Stimp- son gave a tramp a very live lecture, and told bim be wouldn't work anyway if he could get it. "Try me" be said. "Just turn this wbeel for an boar said Stimp- son, reiermg to an old brake wbeel "and I will give you 25 centa." Tbe man ac cepted the job, and proceeded with his work, wben aires ted by Acting Marshal Jones and taken to the calaboose. He bad been ordered out of tbe city the day before, and didn't go. The entertainment given last nigh by Miss Barker's side, in the D. of U. con test waa a mott enjoyable affair. kA long and interesting program of songs, "duets, instrumental music, pantoiruies, aluo swinging and tableaux was presented 10 an aporeciative audience wbo expressed their belief that it waa tbe beat program so tar, given by the contesting factions. A sice lunch ot cake and cocoa waa served. Capturing coyotes ia Benton county has become a profitable business where tbe banter is fortunate enough. It paye to captnre a coyote in Benton county, 1 be boaoty on coyote acacia lias been isised by private aubacnption ana otner wise to $33 each Chester Avery and Ed Davia captured one Friday on the Keyea place, ownad by John Rickard, west of Corvallia. - A pair of hounds owned by Avery did tbe business part of tne )od. i be same parties captured a similar scalp a few weeks ago. Times. Tbe latest scheme, savs an Ex. is to swindle farmers being worked is the col lection of a "war tax." The swindlers travel singly .and wben they have select- eu nieir victim tney present tbetr au thority, consisting of orinted blanks. receipts and a nrinted conv of a Duroort. ea revenue uw requiring farmers to pay a certain per cent on tbe value ot their propetr for war tax purposes, after wuica tney proceea to collect wnatevec amount they are able to get from the urmcr. National String Quintette, first ap-1 psarance in tbe rity. 4 A bare-of-tone solos by Signour Al pbona Rob is to de Prune. 6 Lutindia'e Serenade. Ten first claas musical artists led by ProL Jump kins. 6 Rccitationfa gem)"Kelly's Dream" by Signor Yarrum. 7 Quartet, Prof Cornerlota and a co terie of three other sweet young things. 8 Speaking by little Billie lean, the boy wonder. V The village orchestra, the greatest hit of the season, played in Hoyt's thea tre, New York Cit , for 600 nights. 10 An original pome, written by him self. Prof. Eel. 11 Tbe Winning Card, by tbe or chestra. Also refreshments. Admission, 10 centa. An exchange saya that the -price of several d'ffereot kinds smoking1 tobacco has recently ben increased,. by fediK-1 ing the site ot tbe package. For in stance a ten cent peerage formerly weighed two ounces, now 1 i of a cer-, tain brand, tbe size of the packagers mait'iog tba same. The reasoo gtvea ia tbe war rerenae, the real reasoo ia said to be tbe lormauoo of a big trust. Tba Orrfoo Fir KoHel Association of McMianviiie nas just filed and published a quarterly statement It shows $.864. 720 inearn! outstanding April 9. No ol ria li,764. Average amount $49. 55. Fifwn losiea were paid during tbe quarter amountigg to ooly $1,760. The expenses for tbe quarter were $1,40. Ph total losers paid have breo $ 15,1 So. -05. Tbe barn belonging to Mr Charles Pf eider on Second street ia being moved across the lot to tbe alley, where it will be used as a shed for tba Revere Houa while on the vacated lot there will be erected a fine brick t ample room for commercial traveller, about SOxM feet, making one of tbe finest sample rojois in tba valley. Arcar cay was beiog celebrated by the pobli- ohuSs ib the yard of the central building id's afternoon. Tree h being planted named after tbe lie-alt1. Press and DaaocaAT. l'ie very twigM bigb school class doing honor to ibis famiiy sheet. Loog may the tree g'Ow. Mr. Pete Anderson baa sold bia fioe team of blacks to Mr. Bea Bower, of hafter, Tex., receiving, it ia said, aUNtt $175 for them. They will be to Asuland, w here Mr. Bower a folks re side. Two of the boboe wbo stood' op tbe miber tetUrday were precipitated torn a train by a braksmsn, who had been given tba wtnk this forenoon, being handled aboot as they deserved. Bicycle riders will please take warning that tbey must not appear after dark itbout lights, ibere a consKieraDio complaint of careless riding. Put your lights on alter s :oo p. m. Mnnn'i nB itnet car bailt bv Mr. Moore, waa put on today, and ia alright. Hop con'racta are being made in lem at 10 cents. Beauty pins 10 eta. a doc at French's jewelry store. . ' - v- RjTUBoxc S:sTXJts. As the Grand Chief will make bar of&eial visit next Uome and see os. -DWI BToax, J.J GglUAH. M. ScxbKNJi, Cckt B. Wins, 11. J. Hope is. Committee. A Hammond Scheme. man in many ways, baa secured work Irom S. A. Spsocer, tbe wsll-kaown sal mon canner at Alert Bay. At all events, tbe raaaway coo pie are agaia nailed aad bappy. . Linn County Schools. Tbe report of Soperiateadeat McDoa aid, just completed, shows tba following ofgeaeral interest Persons between 4 aod SO years S611 males, 3574 female, total 1&3. Enrolled in county schools 4571. OnUids coooty 2lS. Average attendance Z.93lC Teachers ibb lor ad 11$ ssaie. 144 fe male, total Ml. 73 bavin's grades. 54 tecood giades, 20 third grades. Children not -atteouing anr school 10SH. - Valne of school b oases I I'M. 825. furni ture S12,n30 apparatos $7,6SS insurance 4a. Average salarv f mala teaehara ISA 06 female teachers $28 04. . School booses la coantv 124. asw daring year . tKioola with Webttere dict'onariea 113. ryoools visited by eaperiateadeat 10. Total funds raised for school Durooace. $57,437. Paid teacher $33 ST 09 For ether purposes $16,1 M. 51. rusadav. all officers and ossmbers are re quested to meet at tnatr bail at i o cioca lor practice tocigut. BrsTH i. rati". M. ot R.endC, Lixzig n Tt.1, M. E. C. A tew Evergreens. Nut. and Shade trees left at Tbe Albany Norsencs. Tba iKilient weighed 10S ponnds: waa completely ran down. Karlr in Jnae a neighbor Id i need her to tryBlnaaaTabBjaa. A ttrr nsina- them two weeks ths pains and bloating of th stomach and eolio esssig an nauafaentirelr disappeared. The patient bad Braotically kid itamed alerea poonda, aod ooold eat baked beaaa, amc h-td Katned a 'wwnroi-!" a. m Uprur. Strait. is emu. mj om r recovered bv Seetembar Utaw , among other aiahss,wUaoiu UI . Jt ImU " S'S-A-WI win Bnt K Mt SmiJ If! 1 em Yrk.(arleuipmaB4 y tm UmUmcmimi. B.1 r-A H S. IS fr t waM, mr O t ot all drwrlMa w.o ar ililn to wll a aMBdartl snaita ai a aw n mmn i MflUaw (wtminiat bt v4 al r wnaaaaasw. Aiim' 20 Years in Business. THOMAS illlam M.Hoagisin the city. Ex-Chancellor Al Waddle baa been the city. Mrs, Emma Berry haa been appoint- ed postmistress at Berry, Or. The wife of Jack O'Neill.tbe wellknown traveling O. K. A . man. died m rort- d yesterday. Mica Margaret Geiaendorfer left y ester- j j tr ... if. . . . with u.t iur iwwuaa viir, wv.i vu a. . her sister Mrr. Davia. . Judge Whitnev. Jnd2e BtiTiett and Hon. M. A. Mille'r went to Portland tbia noon to attend the Jefferson meeting to night. Mr. Maurice Winters, the popular commercial man, waa in the city over night, and there was a heavy frost this morning. J. C. Simpson bowled 87 at Scio thi eek. A vear or two ago a man at Ore- n Citv received credit for making tbe t to. n. H. B. Miller waa in the citv last evening. A Salem naoer refers to mm as a dangerous rival of Blr. tongue r Copgreas in tbe next election- Rev. J. R. N. Bell was moderator at the meeting of the Presbytery that met at San Jose. Calif., last week. Brotber Bell is alwaya in the front ranks. A. B. Hammond, tbe railroad man, nassed through Albany this week far San Francisco, according to a Portland paper. Rev. D. M. Davenport of Lebanon wu moderator of the presbytery in sessson at Corvallia this week. Dr. and Mrs. Davenport are In the city this afternoon 0a their way nome. . Rev. C. H. McKee, pastor ot the Bap- ist church at tins city lor a year or two, s now pastor of the Baptist church at I Moscow. Idaho, where be is well situat ed, his many Albany friends will be I glad to know. Frankie Richter, tba blind boy pianist as tne L-fua any other flour, except tba Magnolia. 1 Good for Houser. From the Telegram : Counsel lor the Bank of Cahlurnla, in thacaeeof that concern againrt Sarah . Cowan, wbo last Saturday waa broogfat here from the Warm Springs Indian res ervatioo, la pursuance with a decree from tbe United Statea aiettict court, to compel her to convey certain realty to tbe pisinlur, demand bar cooBttament in tbe eoonty jail caiteu Mates V arte a I Hooaar, bow. vr. reioses to accede to una ha cisims to bars discretion to detain Mrs. Cowan aa long as he can prod ace ber wan wanted by the United States court. Ihe bank's attornevs. it if said will institute proceedings againat the marshal to compel aim to remove tba defendant to a safer Dlaee ol custody than tba home of her daughter, on the East Side. Coon- sei s motive lor tiers tunc una roars is to lore Hra Oowsntoooey tbe decree oi tbe court, which she persistently refutes to do After Big Horses. The coanliy is being scoured for big horses for the markets. Tba demand has increased very rapiily, withwit the supply in sight. Tba result ia moth belter price. Recently Fratier took a good stsed shipment to Portland, and this morning Bolcomb, 'ha 8eattle bay er, look seventeen down rn tbe Rut . The price paid waa aboot $125 a bead, oa the average, and the old style discrimin ation between anima's waa not made. The shipment though was a fine one. Owners ot big bosses should not part wi btbemnntil they kuow tbey are gelling tbe top of tba market. Tbe Chronicle aaya that A. B. Ham ouoad,a capitalist of Ihe Northwest, is in San Francisco, making arrangements for the establishment of a line of steamers to ply between thai city and Astoria.with railroad connections between ths latter place anc Portland aod other ports. Tbe enterprise ia backtd by several large mercantile bouse. Hammond is the principal o raer of tbe Astoria A Col umbia River railroad, recenily com pleted, between Portland aod Astoria Tbe U. R. A N. aaya it is simply a bits 8. Scio. From tbe News. Mrs HrahtrM. mif nlVmni, Crabtree, came over from Albany Toes day last, and is visiting relatives aod frieada hereabouts Ed M vers, who has been attending the Albany College, came borne rridav last aa 1 sill not return to school until tall. D C Herrio. grand master workman of the A O U W. will be in Scio oa Aonl 17, and will ba accompanied bv W 11 Warner and several others from 'the Al bany lodge. Misa Maggie McDooald. wbo has been stopping in Albany for some tin pot. rs vanting ber parents. WraaJ Mrs A K McDonald, tear this citf, this seek Mrs R II Curl and her two daughters came over Irom Albany Satardiy last to via; I ber sister, Mrs John Cyrus. They came to Mockers on the train as-J "bis ed" from there to Scio. Tts entertainment givsn by ibe Pres byterians last evening at the W C. T. V. bail drew an audience that packed th rooms to tbe froot door aod many had to Maud. It was a very pleasing sffai In every number. Proceedings began with music bv tbe orchestra, followed by the Tryolean bell ringers, U. P. Mason, E. D.Cosick, J. P. Galbraitb, K.Tbrall and H.J. Hopkins in suitable costumes, wbo rung music Irom cow bells thst would make an e!e pbatit weep. Order wag obtained on the appearance of the celebrated Gen Gos tav Alexander Eastbars. Mr. G. A. West gale the wheat man, who delivered an eloquent and entrancing notation on "George Washington's 4th of July" ia wnich be coveted tb whole 6d aod much more. Misses Crest, Ball, Hop kins and Messrs Goff and Hopkins as the Nations Suing Qaartet, were heard io some genuine nflasie that was warmly applauded. Aiphonao Robneio de Prune, which eouid only be represented bv Mr. S. N. Steele captured the audience at tight, sang a bar bf ir.oe solo that broogtit out a live encore, wbea he displayed his versatile; talents in divers wsys. "Lo rJnJa'a SsreoaJe did not bring aov be ot-jacks out of ihe wiudow, for it'was ait iu-ht .Neil Murray spoke "Kelly's Dream", tumorously and well. Meters Lee, C W. teais, Hammerr and Steele advertised Mre. aimiov'l Soothing' Syrup ailb telling eCest. Tbe babies all over town etonped Frankie Miller as Little Ks.lie Ft on proved a bov oi.e-der in bis ideas of One-boee fcbsy i ben came the Mar performance of tbe v-ning "Tbe Village Orcbeatra," com posed of the folio ing mnsiai lights, -lmon'.on. eleeie. Wood, Grer, Beam, Irvine, Hopkins, mick aal Mies Hop kins who performed numeronsly in cos tume made to order. All are aiive today, in original noem bv G. T. Pratt took. The program dosed with mraic by the orchestra and tociability and the par taciog of a luneb served by ths men followed. Tbe entertainment proved one of the bett cf the aeaaon and novel enough for any one. Fred-W. Pearson, former! r in bcsi nesa in this city, but now wuh Link's shoe store at Eugen. has been appoint ed snoemaker at tbe State Reform School tosuoceed T M. Martin of Lane county.. A good appointment. Broans v'l!e Times. Don't Dare Do It. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL kicg, ws Born on Marco 3'. near Fiant- lin. Sacramento county, CaSit , to Mr. and Mrs. James Fawver of Linn oountr, a boy. The slot machines have all been ciueed down ia Portland II is said ibe law wul not change the result, a Uiere !s no qsestioa as to its validity. Religion service are beiag beid oightlf in the store room forxcrlr oc cupied by B. F. Ramp, by W. F Garrett. i j .- - . cvvryuuuy idtiicj. Thoogb a constant search is kept up nothing tc found ot the bodies of Mc Gnire and Read drowned ia the Umr-jaa and it ia said to be verv uoubtfol if tbey are ever recovered, so treacherous is tbe river. Caa of the Pxaotair com p-i(er whiis onber way hame on berbicycle was ran into at tbe acbooi bouse oy a sprin ter going at a terrific speed, one geatb man wbo saw it stggeeted aboot fifty mile an boor, and wa knocked Into the fence, ber shoulder slijotly dislocated, arm bruised and b cr cis mashed up. Superintendent Bickers, of tbe reform school, made bia first trip io Albany this morning, coming after two boys wbo bad escaped aod bad been captured oy Cbisf of Police Lee One of them from Jacksonville, would have been giv en bia liberty next Monday. The demand for postage stamp picture haa been great in Albany during the past few weeks. An exchange of the picu urea haa increased thecraxeand every body nearly haa taken a silting. Mr flarniab atone haa printed over 4 (XX) oi the pictures, nearly 400 sittings They are neat and pretty and will be cool for remembrances ia ths vears to come. Arc you frequently hoarse? Do you htve that annoying tickling in your throat? Would you feel relieved If you could raisft snmethlnff? Does Your ' cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morning? . -. Then you should always aeep on hand a bottle of Accident at Berry. Fred Heseeuiaa was brought to Albary last evening Irom Berry for surgical at tentioo. In the morning ba rode oa the traiif fnm the station at Berry to tba mid switch, wben be jumped off, but fell with great lorce against ibe end of a tie, bri alung bia hip bone, and making a bole in bia side, saoing him to bleed in ternally. He waa accompanied here by Or. Hughes, anc placed in t lemming's boarding bous on street. A New Gamx wu started ia tbe court house block yesterday evening almoat equal to foot ball for roughnesa. Sever al knivea and about 25 centa in money were hidden in some dirt in the ground. A. crowa oi small bovs were lined tin and I ot roniana, woo was in iuoany a .. ... I . . . . , , . . . I T . . 1 . , upon lue word go Started lor the dirt. I star attraction last imuwuij nas i it was a rough and tumble game and the I cured an eastern engagement at siUU a From the Portiaud Teieram. Notwithstanding the persistence of counsel for the Bins of CaUforaia to bar Mrs. i-.ria E Cowan cpnfiued in the county jail is jet at liberty, with bar daogbter. on tte E4tSide. . - - Tb bank's a Jorcejs aveoSered to give United Suite Marshal Hoaeer an indema.fying bond, providing he com plies witb their request. ' Bat. upon ad vice oi hi. coQi.d, be re fn set to torn lite women art to the county authorities a about a eommstsent from the United o.a:e coort. wKicii a vet hat cot Jeen issued. Besides that. Shenn t raner a .so nas' been admonished not to receive M.S.! Cowan in the county jail, nnder petal ty of havit a a damage suit oo his bande lor false imprisoament. t under tbeee or-1 cumttanccif , be ot couree i;i aecune an overture looking to her detention in hia custody. College Notes. Mi-s Cook bae been having a siege of the measles bat u abie to be in acbooi again. Misa Edith Thompson made a visit to her home at Corvallia last week. Robert Slvvaoua baa gone to Ca'af oroia for tbe benefit oi Lis health. Tbe students presented ibe college with a new dictionary at chapel Tbura dav u.ornine. C. C. Brvact made the presentation speech. Miss Cbesdie. of Lebaocn. and 51 tt breier, of tba city, made us a visit April 14. Jan:ea Thomceon went to Browns ville rndsy even ng to spend Suoday at borne- Mica W or ley, wbo graduated fiom the Normal course last year, was a visitor at chapel Friday. Mis Bryant also made us a viai. Fridav. SA URDAY RELIGIOUS. crowu was a very amy ana ragged one wuen toe spoils were secured. v All ladies desirous of joining or attend iDgtbe meetings cf a Mother's Qiub are requested lo meet witb "Tba Modern Travellers" at tbe residence of Dr. Era. Lkioe on Ferry atreet Satuiday, April 16 St l :M p. m. CABAU f KABSOM ADAMB to Verlck'a shaving and hair ens- ting parlors for first class work. Hot and cold Dams. iaean towels to customer. every Is the Qlde.t Furniture Dealer in tbe city and bo keeps a complete ine of Furniture and Bedding and if you want good good cheap give him a ca'l, lie doeeo't intend to be under sold. Why not replace your dead roses now. I WliU ,UUU MVIU (IVffr UIBUMI IIUU1 X i0 llk.i.NH.rl.. It you want a good anil cleat .kiolte buy cigar a ruada by our Al- bany ciRar factor. week, the nrat penormanca being given at Chicago laat baturday. Mr. Al Chamberlin writes Albany friends from Santa Rosa. Calif., tbat he is now established as a chicken raiser on l fifteen acre tract near that city, and baa ZU) cmckena on band. He ia in the midst of chicken ranchea and adjoinaone oi Bprecmes. Ex-County Superintendent Richmond Wheeler left last night for Palo Alto, to entefthe chemical department of Stan ford University. He took with him ft fine silver present from tbe Elks, of which he la a member. - - Capt. Woodbridge Geary ia in Corval lia on hia way to San Francisco to join his company the 13th infantry on their way to Manila. He ia direct from Forto Rico. He reports tbe administration there satisfactory and the climate good tnougn aomewnac oppressive. If you "hate! a weal throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin , treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and; the last one Is always harder to cure than the one before it. tr. tgcr's Clerri Pectoral Ulster ; arttects me tani irta t.iis. Help at Hand. r If yon have any' complaint whatever and desire the bent medical advice yon can pos sibly obtain, write the doctor freely. You will 1 receive a prompt reply. - ... -? Address, DR. J. C. AYER,' Lowell, Mas. Rev . Louis Mets yer is In San Francis o this week leceivtog special medical at-. tent ion Mr. Kit son, founder ot Kitaon Springs Lane county, is in the city the guest of Andy Hunt, Mrs. Dr. Kohn, of San Francisco, is in tbe city tba guest ot her parenls.Mr. and Mri. Phil Cohen. Jesse Itarker is now .head brakeman on a freight running out ot Fort'and south, aod resides in Portland . The Pav Train troupe arrived in Al- t ang tbia noon and will appear at the arni-ry tonght, in a performance said to be very, H rely and worth witnessing. ' John I'sber reached Sacramento all right and haa written Mr. I. Fox that he received the marble ha ad from hia old friends.' tie says he will not retura to Oregon anyway. '..; Mrs. VV. M. Welch and family, of Sa lem have joined Mr. Welch here and will remain during tbe court house im provement work. Mrs, lohn Isom will take a months vacation going to California, during ber absence beginning next Monday Misa Bessie Lines of Independence having charge ot the telephone office. Mr- Perry, of -Burlington, Iowa, a United Presbyterian church. Morn ing worship stlC:S0. subject of sermon. "Not Ashamed ot the Gospel." K S at 11 :45, Jr Endeavor at 3:30, Sr Endeavor at 6 :S0, evening worship at 7 :50, subject of sermon. "An Honest Skeptic." All are cordially invited to attend the ser vices. Presbyterian church. -Morning wor ship at 10:30. subject of sermon "The rrvdoci ol the Hoiv uny, &at ii uo, r Endeavor at 3 :S0, Fndeavor at 6:30, ever ing worship at 7:30, subject ol sermon The lveo. of Herod. ' A cordial invitation to all to attend all th services. Servii-e s u-ual at the Congregation al eburcb Subject of morning sermon "Offerings, subject ol evening sermon, "A fatal search forChnat " SS at 12:lo Ail not attending elsewhere are cordially invited to the above services. F. W. Fakkkk. Services as usual at the Baptist church preaching both morning and evening by Kev. John ltarr. Christian church. Preaching mom ing and evening, subject at 11am. Did the preachers of tbe New Testament breach the same gospel? at 7:30 pm "Tbe Judgment Day." There will be tpecUl music at each service Divine service will be held in St Peters church next Sunday at 11 a. m. Prayer, sermon and holy communion. Public cordially invited. There will be Sunday school at St, Peter' church evry Sunday morning at 9:30. A cor.-iial invitation ia extended to all. Salvation army will hold meeting in Mrs, Frank Skiff fa vis'ting at ber umber's, Mrs. Fabeis. Kola New. the Albany bop in Ashland yesterday. C. H Burggraf'e plans f r tbe Lincoln county couit bouse have be n arcpted. M. aed Ora Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Vrtd Veal and J. W. Cuetcfr wete regitertd at Portland hotels yesterday. President Lee went to Eugene this noon and will prearb torn- rrow io tbe Presbyterian church. Dr. E. M. Cbeadle hag bought tbe dental practice of Dr. Strange at lios burg and located in that city. Leboo E.A. The famous Chicago Ladles Q'artet, in i Albany 9aca.agftLsU! jr-' a a cw-; cert here' neder the ansoii of t .e ids;" lege on the 24tb f this morab Pap Stroud, oaeof the bert known Oregonians, and for many year-ipron:in-entaaanS. P. conductor and Mason, died yesterday in Portland. James F. Powell returned this noon from a trip to Pliiloraih, her- be sac eeedee in capturing Wl fine trout, wticb he brought home in evideoee. Mrs. Jisenb Hoffman, who recently arrived from Albany, ia living on the East Side. Sbe will make Portland her future home. Portland Tt!egrm Cot. C. A. Dairy m pie wa- op fnm Gold Hill Tuesday on a buatnexa trip He will attend the next t ru, ot etc. it coort for Lake county and aid jake a too r of Klamath ani Lake ccantiei. Ashland Record. Mre. Collins Eikira, who has been visiting in Ashland with her eis'er sev eral months sod iir the benefit of health, arrived in Albsay this morning, and is at Mr. James Eiiine. Sbe is greatly improved. Dr. G. W. Grey, of San Jose, Calif., arrived in Albany this morning tailed here by tb dangtrrons ilicets cf bis brother Mr. L. E Grey. MrsGreyweat , to Seattle yesterday where she wiil visit with ber daughter Mrs. Niies. Fred Heefeman, the cza icjord in . the accident at Berry, it traneptr-i ia -not as seriously injared ss at first thoogtt not bstng hurt interna: y Ote of hia bis hips tboogh was badly crashed, and parts of tbe bones had tote taken out. License has been issued for the marri age of Mr. John Altermatt acd Mies Neliie Blodgett. The ceremony will be performed tonight at the heme of tbe nride,andoa account of the I lines of the grandmother cf Mica Blodgett, will be private. A. W. Bowersox. of Albany, visited Corvaiiia scene and friends Susdav. Bert has ideas of bia own concernicg the bicycle tax law, and while he believes that denixece of Lien are immune, he thicks that it will be beat for wbeein ea from that county to boy a tag in Beaten and save trouble. Corva Us Ufeion. Mre. L.B. Knapp, wbo Iefi Portland laat fall for Manila to visit brbiband, Lieutenant L. B. Knapp, ha retorted nome. She was io Manila for three months, acd fays the eajoyd the etay, aod tbat the wea'ber was nM eppreeeivr. Sbe did not leave there until her: he iiiiptne war had broken oot. aed visi'.ed wrenu ot mt Dsite ceras, after ire bat tles were over. Sba is at the home of Judge Bfiiicger, her father. Telegram. Band Tournament. Snail we have the State Band Tourna ment? Tbe bands want to come to Al bany. How bad do our business men want this grand musical festival. There will be a meeting tomgnt at S o'clock at the city council chambers foi the purport ot discussing the matter. Lei every body come out. AtDs. Adaxs. Dr. Adsmsts finish ing and testing bis new machin ery, and there is no doubt be bas the most thoroughly equipped dental parlors ol the North west. The machinery is to operated bvstam engine, ttus doing away witb tbe old aetem. w hope to os able soon give a oeiatiea oeseriptioo of bis modern met bous ana macninery (or tbe benefit of our readeia. their new ball this eve, all are welcome. Late Dawson Letter. Mr. Moses I'arker this noon teceived a letter from hia son Louis dated at Daw son on March 20, having come out in te- ..W.KI .itlW lim. Tytnia hail KAn brother of Miss Perry of the , college and ' icw bntVas letter." He was working Mr. Will Perry now at wanna, la in the , ,hB ',,,,. ritfllt motfl excellent city, and way locate in uregon. Urojoects. Had a $il50 nugget. On Mr. Fred. Caaey. a brother ot Charles Feb. 21 went to Dawaonand frote his Casey, arrived in Albany this morning nose, thermometer at f t below aero and will work tor Smiley. Ha has been . Would go to Dawson again in a few day t in San Francisco otticea for tea or twelve yeara. . - - :' , Frank Walsh, of Milwaukee, a former emtilovee in the woolen mill, is in the city on a Visit. He enlisted and went to Provisions were again up, augar being 68 centa par ponno. Alex Parrish bad not gone out as an ticipated, but waa working on Sulphur at $10 a day. Spoke of csurcn services Presidio, but waa obliged to return on i every Sunday at the cabin anda pros accouct of Illness contracted there. . He pective dsnce. The crowd wai happy bas an application in for a paniion . ' and hopeful. EST- ' vas i---. v. -.- -m -w mm An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method ami beneficial effects ot the well known remedy. Striti or Fioa, manufactured by the Caufohsia Fia SvKt'r Co.. illustrate th tbIua of the liquid laxa- l tive principle of plants hnown to be nwdicna r laxntive ana prcsentintr theiu in the form most refreshing to the taste aud acceptable to the system, it is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing- the srsU-m effectually. tlispUiuff colds, headaches and fevers gently yet prt)mtiy ana enaouujr one t.t nvercome habitual cinstipat ion per manently, lis, perfect freedom from every otjcctijnabl quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritatinir them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, aa thev are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities oi uie remedy are obtained from senna and nthrr arauiatie nlnnt. tV a method known to th Caufuusia Fio Svkvi Cx only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of theCompany printed on the front of every package. CAUFORNIA'FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRAKCXSCO, OAX X.OtnSVXLLB, XT. WW TOi I W. T. For aaM by all Irutfaa. i'rtce SOc. per bottle HOME AND ABROAD. Photo Eattocs at Tinkle A Damons. Cheapest and bet Photic at Fuk!e k Daweooa, opp, P. O. Gen. LaGrange has been sr-poicted governor of the SolJiers Ihue tl Lee Angeles. Alocu Getner. f Salem, hat l.e con tract for transcribing '-be ieco.-ds for Wheeler county at 5 cents a :oiio. A cow ia boasted of at Sfrin?eid, Laae county, that give milk enc igh Lr 500 noand of butter a year. We are prepared to make Photos as good aod cheaper than anvone else. Tinkle A Dawson, II von want the best that cubs uade go to Tinkle A Daws jn for yocr Photos and Photo Buttons, N. L. Bnt'erhas been appointed resent f the :ate uaiversity to succeed D. P. Tbo to peon. Platino or dull finish photos are very popular now. We make them for $1-30, $1.75 and 12.00 per dox. TiukleA Dawson. Several da vg ago near Cottage Grove. Ned Strong and R. W. Yeaieh killed srenty-eeven rattle snakes, tee lot gest being thirty inches. One morning this week eight men acd women took twenty-one bkoded dogs, the best io San Francisco, through Al bany to Seattle, fcr entrv ia a big bench show there. The Pay Tram gave aa excellent enter tainment last nigi t greatlv appreciated by the fair sized audience present. The troup ia a good one. S. A. Nickersoo will pnt cp a new planing mill in this city early next year. tie win n$e steam power in tne new aiilU Lebanon . A . H. C Moran. tho well known cattle buyer, bas bought the Scotch company's eigbt-bundred-acre stock ranch, a few tunes east ot tbia place Consideration, 13.000. Lebanon E. A. William J. Ferry c aims t h.iv made he trip from Dawson to Stasvvav in eight days and seventeen hours on a bicycle. That sounds fishy. Bicycling on ice though is fast business, and one dav he niada l.o miles. This and That. See Locals on every page. Wheat 47 centa. Cash hardware. E, K. Ohlic. Garden tool a at K, K. Ohliug's. Builder's hardware at R. K. Ohlitig s Diamond photos 50 cents per dozen at Miss Longs. A large and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the dis plav. hen you want a choice steak, uK roast or meat of any kind, call ou Henry J rodent, tie kdettt tbe best f he best meats of all kinds acd good treatment at the Albany lrestd iieef t,on pan j s market, just dwa econtt treat. Good weight and protupr ntb'nd ion. As the season of the year wbin pneu monia, la grippe.sore throat, couh,ca1 Is, catarrh, bronchitis and lung trout'! are to be guarded against, nothinf 'is a tiae sub stitute," wi.l "answer the purpose " or is "just as good"a One Mmuto 'i t nre. Ttiat is tbe ote infa hbie rome ly h'r a I ng. throat of bronchial trouble lusit tforovslr uioa h'vmgit i( "s uie;iiint a' is offwti von FitS t Oksuom frViCLTK r Atta rtkntuiKS t'rit. Roup care, Disenfectaut, Li. e Kil'c, at (.Oregon Poidtry Farm, aUo sold by t. G. txwets, Albany. We buy, sell and store grain. We make Magnolia Flour, Also whole wheat. Patent and germ. Hour The Maguolla Milla.