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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1898)
to f E 1 IB cj i r nil m w in VOLXXXII1 ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1898. Entered tkc Foot )aee at tlbaay. Or. Heead-Clas Mall Matlert r .r - iTTisi rrrlelr N039 i m nvuii i i .AXfcgctahle Preparation fir As similating ihcroodandHcCuia tirjg theStomachs andBowcis of Romotest)igesUon.Chrerful ticss andRcst.Contains n?!iher )iituT,Morpuine nor lixrat ot Narcotic. Aperfeet Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, and Loss of Sleep. Xac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. Oregoaas Light Heatiog Cheap Light For Cheap Heat Jor Cheap Powev For Li 'i I tf 'I I'V't lViL' I'Tl I ' II ii HIII m- 11' I ' lS-iiUJ -t EXACT COPT OF WRAPPEQ. M $f y f!L. b 1-"- -'-'--'J '! ..... i.inju.i.iBLiai,!. , n. Correspondence Solicited. DE F E. ADilS. Pres. . A. H. FREERISES, SIC j : Hr.j-v I - - .... ' . . L - . AtLX" J-j- V. J - THE OPENING DAY OF The Second Term IS Jamfcirv4.189S. Th college mercial work very much, that now it has become a usiness equal to any in the state. This is so now. Come and secure a branches o." a liberal education. Albany, Oregon, Scenic n j.a R. C NKHOU B CI f 'II .1 ir-7 r HAVE YOU BEEN IN Thomas Brink's ' Lately. He ha? one of the finest stocks of Furni- lure in the valley. Hfl Viavi julrlfid Bahv Buf?f?ies to h 8 stock. Ju?t call in and yju will find that his price3 are the ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J.Joseph. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE r-OF IS ON THE v WRAPPER OF EYEST BOTT3LE OW Castoria is pet a la OM-tiia bottle only. - It la act tola la bulk. Don't allow aayaoa to tall yoa aaytiang eh oa ti plea or praise tkatti ; aa jroud" ana will answer wy pt -S- fee thai joe get O-A-S-T-O-KJi. and Power Company. (hurch &0H38 and Eotel Charch. Foire 2nd Hotel Anything and Everything ;r --ru. OTICAli WTO 1 1 -ri-r -r' f-1 vmiiii in ' PORTLJtaCE ha3 strengthened its com College wa3 not so in the past. thorough training in It 'all President Albany College e WRLD S(DENVER RIO GRANDE "RAILROAD. THE POPULAR THROUGH CAR LINE FROM THE t NORTHWEST EAST TO ALL POINTS GmaJ Arc ' i K. HOOPER, C. P. T. A. HI WafcfcfKa , PORTLAND. OR& DENVER. COLO. Furnituie Store Proprietor. THTJBSTJA'f WHEAT. The eastern market is of a very firm character. The Chicago market continues to show the manipulation of loiter. Hie quotations are: Chicago 112c for May, 89o for July, hew York 110c for May. 89a for July, Francisco 93.4a for December. Liverpool .6c higher. Portland 90c. Albany 75c. . Resolutions. Whereas, The Great and Supreme Ruler of the Universe has in His infin. ite wisdom removed, from among as one of our worthy and esteemed classmates, Harry G. Cameron : and whereas, the long and Intimate relation held with him in the faithful discharge of his duties in the class, makes it eminently befitting that re record our appreciation of hiui ; therefore, belt Kesolvvo. That the wisdom and abil ity which he has exercised in the aid of our class by service and counsel will be held in grateful remembrance. -KtoivKi. That the sudden' removal of such a life from our midst letves a va cancy and bhadov that will be deeply realized by all the members and friends of the class. Rksolved, That with deep sympathy for the bereaved relatives of the deceased we express our hope that even so great a loes to us all may be over ruled for good by Him who doeth all things well. Resolved. That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to the bereaved family of the deceased, and also a copy be aent to each of the daily papers for publication. JbDITU Kowibl, Ansa Marshall, , Vkbkon Ramp. At a regu'ar meeting of the Boy's Clob held on Friday evening, April 15, 1S98, the following was unanimously adopted : For the first time in our history we are called upon to suffer the loes of one of our members Death has invaded our ranks, and we now mourn the Ines of Hariy G. Cameron, who died April 9:h, 189S. In the death of our brother we are made to feel the strength of the bond which unites us While still voting in years, he yet showed maturity of judg ment ana ot me otber virtue wbicb characterize the full grown man. He was strong in integrity and virtue; bis voice ana icnnence were freely given to preserve peace and harmony among ns. Hie example was ever such as to win our respect and confidence and the mem ury ol kis work and life will remain to stimulate and encourage us in our pur suit of the object and purposes for which our club waa organised. While we keen! feel his "loes, we gladly accept the legacy he has bequeathed us: A character worthy oar emulation. Resolved, That a copy of these isola tions be tendered the bereaved tamily of the deceased and a copy be spread upon ur roinobs. Kobt. Ashbv, Job Ralstom, D. V., Committee. Engineer Hoi comb and wife ot New port, have been in ths city. Rev I D Driver, of state fame. Daseed through tbe city this noon. Lawter C M Charlton of Salem, waa iii tbe city yesterday on Losinesa. Mrs. Thos Hopkins went to balem this morning on tbe boat to visit ber mother. Mrs Upham returned this noon from a twelve days visit with her son in Port land. . Dr. G. L. Hart of Portland, has heen in tbe city several days eellins a cataarh xemedy. vi on the ovorlaml fnr imn rn..; . xion. J . K u HlharlnKl Ion . .1., business trip. Mrs. Murray and son arrived in Al - - I bany yesterday fiom Colorado, and are tbefgueats of the former's sister Mrs. iLfcliOgg. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Panl have retnrn.1 ed from California, where ibey epent the winier lor tne benefit of tae latter health, which is much improved. " At 8 o'clock last evenine. at tbe resid ence of Dr. J. X. bmith on Court atreet. Salem, D. W. Gibson and Miss Minnie May Daniels were married. City Record er Ed. X. Edee performing the ceremony. Dr. Lee Sterner goes tomorrow with his family to locate at Dallas. Polk coun ty, to practice medicine and surgery, his family will remove there at nee. Dr. Steiner has been associated with Dr. Byrd and Smith of this city for over twelve jean and ia well qualified for his new field. Journal. Mr. Cooper Turner and wire returned this noon from their trio to Missouri. where t'jey spent several weeks with rel atives and old Inends in a delighful manner. They brought back with them numerous (Dings like DlcKory nuts as evidence of their trio. Mr. Turner had his bands full telling the boyi all about it. Mr. Almon Randall gave his mother, airs. a. u. ftiorns, a genuiner surprise yesterday morning by calling on her and talking for half an hour beiore aha found out be waa her son. she bsd not seen him for tweaty.ooe years. Tbe steeling can oeuer do imagined than described. aa came to visit bis mother before go ing on a prospecting tour. judge beneca South of Portland was in tbe city today. As chairman of the silver republican state central committee be is enthusiastic over the outlook for the union ticket. Judge Smith has per formed important services in connection with tbe preparing and filing of certifi cates of nomination. Journal. J. 11. U'eill, traveling naosenger agent ot tbe Uregen Kail way & Aaviea- non company, leit last night lor bpo kane. He will be in charge of trains hicu will transport soldiers to New Or leans, air. u'Aeitt expects to accomD- an ine troops as far aa Pueblo, but may receive oraers at that place to proceed wun mem 10 jew urleans Tribune. Mr. W A Carrie, a former Albany man, now of Portland, is receiver of the Durand Organ Co . a defunct institution through which several men were badlv swindled several years. Mr. Currie has received ihuu salary as receiver and baa a preferred judgment for tlSOO. There is stodJ on hand, hence it looks as if Mr CuTie had the icside track on this con siderably talked of case. F. Co. are expecting order at slmott time. There is a gooJ deal of speculation aa to where the militia will be sent. Vote for congressmen in '9ft: Tomrne. (Rep) 16355; Vadenburg. (Pop) 19262; Myres, (.Ueuj) 7914; Const en sen, n, (Pop) a' ing to; The delinquent tax roll, amoun $38,000, was turned over to Sheriff Hare yesterday. If payment is made by May 14 only tnree per cent wilt be added to tbe original tax. Astorian. A curiosity in Albany is a banana plant at the home of George W. Hochstedler. The leaves are immense ones and tbe plant shows up in excellent shape. One of tbe leaves may be seen in tbe office of Mayor Durxnari. Tbe Southtfn Pacific Company, at Port land are getting their extra cars in readi ness to transport troops to New Orleans or wherever sent by tbe government. It is i -I .1 II .If anncipareu mat tuey win ue sent by way of an i rancisco when the call is made for them. Lugene young men are patrio'.ic to a de gree that compels admiration. While Company C of this city has had for some its full complement of 60 men and three officers, since the "war scare" started num bers of young men aie ready to enlist, nine presenting applications hut week. The company could be recruited 100 strong in 24 hours, if wanted. This a part of 8en. ond regiment that it was was proposed to officer witb the first regiment. Guard. PORTLAND UNION CONVENTION Portland. Ore., April 21. 1898. The Democratic and Populist county con veil' tions met .this morning. Conference committees were appointed to arrauae the distribution of offices. Ths main fight is on the mayor. The Mlddle-of-the-Roadcrs. The following was In the Salem items in the Oregonian yesterday, and will he read with interest by Linn county people tamiliar witb the following ot tne mid dle of the roaders: "Dr. Hill and Mr. Finch are n.urli encouraged over the prcspect of the cause of wbst they claim to be the regu lar people's party in Linn county. In fact, Dr. Hill says, the contest in Linn is between the republicans and the reg ular people's party. They have nomi nated their county ticket. In the nomi nating convention everyone of the pre cinct committeemen heretofore named by the fusionists was present in person or sent a letter, Dr. Hill says a straight people's party organ wi'.l be started in Albany next week. It will be called the Oregon Populist, and will make its first appearance Friday ot next week. It will be a stale organ, and, as Mr. rineb said today, a 'etraight.hit-'em-hard-and-fast people's party paper.' " The Dcxocbat U informed by a popu list that only one or two of the commit teemen took part in the convention and that those who sent letters did so de clining. Reliable reports trom different parts of tbe county are that the middle ot the road vote will not be large. Taking Place To-day. Ga Cumberland, btate Medical As sociation. Kan., Wichita. S jus of Veterans, Stale encampment Kan., Wichita. G. A. R. Encamp ment Mass., Boston. Rons of Temperance, Grand Div. of Mas . Misa.,.J.acason. Medical Association of Mies. N. Y Sew York. X. Y. Sute Asso ciated Pre. Penn., Pittsburg. Penn. Railway Y. M . C. A. Convention. 8. C, Columbia. Knights of II oner, Grand Lodge. a , Staunton. State S. S . Conven tion Ala.. Montgomery. Convention Sute Democratic Committee. Ga . Savanah. Travelora' Protective Association of Georgia, Annual Conren tion. Mich., Detroit. Horse Show ot De- j troit Riding Club. ; la , bioox City. Teacher Annual Convention. That Cannon- A telephone crsage just at pre time stated tbat ft ill fbieM bad raised the old cannon for the protection of Yaqulna bay- Patxiotic Sallxitu. County Clerk L. V. Elhlen and depolie. F. A. Tarner and Mis McKinney .today unmistakably displayed their true patriotism and inter est in tbe cause of the oppressed Cuban. A small Cuban nag, the work ol Si if McKinney.waa d isolated from one e the office window. Tb flag consists of five stripe, three of wbicb are blue and tbe remaining two are white. There is a triangular field of red next the staff, ip on which is placed a eoiiury star. Th enthusiasm and patriotism of the pre- eot occupants cf tue county clerk's oiBc will know no bounds wben the ultimate independence of the inland is achieved and that no doubt, will be realized in the near future. Journal. What to Do With It. Soma time ago rule was adopted by tbe Soldiers' Home board, requiring all inmate of tbe institution who are pent toners to tain over to the board all their pension mon ey save an allowance of M per month. Kecently tbe board passed a resolution proviling for the setting apart of the money thos accumulated for tbe build ing of a chapel, and asked Attorney- General Idlemaa for an opinion as to their authority to proceed. Tbe attorney-general is of the opinion that the board has no power to appropriate the penivv money to such use. and baa so answered. Times. JrsT Filed It. The Kincaid-Holt con troversy over the refusal ol the secretary ate to file the nominations of the middle-of-tbe road populist convention. as presented by Sute Senatos 8. H. Holt, of Jackson county, chairman of tbe state convention of tne people' party changed a trifle yesterday, wben Mr. Kincaid an nounced hi decision to file the name ot the candidate objected 'to. Late last evening Mr. Kincaid stated to a repre sentative o: tbe Statesman tbat be bad decided to file tbe nnminatioc, a per tbe request of tbe middle of-lhe-rcader, but the arrangement of tbe ballot waa an after consideration. Statesman. 1 Bb.ttox Cocsty tbe Union conven tion wili be held tomoirow. At the prim aries the referendum was used, resulting in tbe selection of the followieg ticket: E L Bryan, county judge; Virg'l Wat- ters, clerk; Peter Ktckard, the-iff; W L Cauthorn, recorder; Wm Buchanan, treasurer; Asa Alexander, assessor; A K Brown, school snperntendent ; A J Locke, surveyor ; SK Wilkins, coroter. It will lake the count tomorrow to deter mine whether A D Hale or Chester Skeels have been nominated for repre sentative, and whether Hugh Herron or Paul Dodele have been cboeen a com missioner. 8ccce8ftl Obzoo Bov. Fred If. By are, son of Gen. W. II, Cars, of Rote burg, passe J through baleia today en- route home from bt. Louis, Mo , where he bit recently graduated at tbe Barnes Medical College. He expects to open practice at some point in California. He went through his elass with the largest number of graduates ever turned out from any western college in one year .and ranked high in his class, having gained the first prize in surgery. Journal, Fabxi Citemerj Fabewell Baix.- Owiug to Ibe warex- itement and the expectation tbat the Ltniiiua win be called Into service, the pro posed excursion to Uorvallia Maturday night is postponed, and tbe Albany or chestra will give tbe militia boys a fare well dance at tbe armory Saturday night. Tbe militia boys will be dressed in their war uniforms and a rousing time is ex pected. Come out. '. v I t r r ni: .1 11 1 1 t . . 1 iwf. v . v. uijuk, vi x unanu. uruiurr of D. V. Poling,epent a few hours in this city yesterday. lie was in company with Bishop W. M. b tan ford, of Harrisbura-b. Pa. They were on their way to Browns ville, where they have some church inVl terests to loik after. s Mr. Georae Smith has arrived in Al bany from Blairatown, and ia now be side a cnair at tbe Combination Barber shop. He is reborted to be an expert Daruer. W. E. Lyon, the Crescent trick bicj- cie rider, arrived in tbe city yesterday. April Wisdom. He sure tbat your blood Is pure, your appetite good, your digesticn paitec'. io purify your blood and bp lid up your health, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has accomplished remark able cures cf all blood diseases. It is the One Pure blood Purifier. Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to make you well by purifying and enriching your blood, giving you ap appetite, and nerve mental and digestive strength. .""-To-nao iur ainy unuts. Guaranteed tobaaco Debit cure, make vrak ' n diroDK. bWt iHire. SOe. II. All drug(rui FBIDAT WHEAT. Chicato m.'s'c for May. for July. New York lUMcfor May.94c forJuly. San Francioo 102c spot, t'Jn for Dec. Liverpool 2.4c higher. Portland 91c. Al'iany 77c. A Souvenir. Apropos of tbe late fire at Waterloo, Mr. Kay, president of the company, has come into the possession ol a gilt he prizes highly for several reasons. Home time ago a gentleman Dy name of Chas. Devine, living in the bill back ot the in ill site, expended a good deal of lime and considerable artistic skill in produc ing a line oil painting of the mill sue, mills and contiguous property. This picture hung for a long time in a mer chant's store at Waterloo. and shortly after the late disaster the employee of the company olubbed the value of the painting, bought it and presented it to Tbo Kay, as a testimonial of their re spect and affection for him, and as a souvenir of the property he prized so highly. Toe gift has been nicely framed and hangs in MrfKay's private otfico at the Twelfth ttreet mi. !, in this city. States man. Occurring To-day. Ark., Little Rock. Bankers Associa tion of Arkansas. Ark , Stuttgart. Y. M. C- A. of Ark. Cal., San Francisco. F.pwortti League Convention, Cal. Conference, April 21 to 24. Ia., tsioux City. Northwestern Iowa Teachers' Association. La.. Baton Koug. Y. M. C. A of Mis and La , April 21 to 31. Texas, Austin. Woman' Relief Corps. Dept of Texas, April 2i to 2$. Texas, San Antonia. Tournament rf the State Sportsmen' Association, April 21 to 23. Kansas, Emooria. Kansas aciety for Child Study, April il to 1. Texas, Austin. 13th Annual Knramp mentof G. A. R Dept of Texas, April 2! to 23. Cel.. San Fraocisco. Grand Ccmmaud erof Koighu Templars of the State. Ga., Cumbr'and. Ga. Medical Con vention. April 21 to 23. ' The Omaha I xhibit. PoartAXD. Aoril 21 . Sanrint-nJent Doech nas met with great success ia vis iting the college and universities in the Willamette valley and the citie for the purpoe of assembling the agricultural exhibit, which will be rata pithed a early a possible at the fair city. Tbe Lounty judge f Linn county of fer! the entire exhibit which that coun ty bad at tbe state fair last fa. I, and wbicb carried away ail tbe premium. Tbe exhibit consist of t'ae various grains in tbe straw cereals, various graae and clovers, and some 40 varieties of medic inal herb w bich grow in Oregon, both io tbe herb i!e!f a well a the tincture mad therefrom : also, a gooti variety of Iraiuand vegetables in jar. The People Will DcclJc. The 5a!em Staleemao over tbe ord "An Albany Building" give a ptclare of a large tore story court hue. and Uien ays: Tbe above eograviog is a repre- enlaUon ot the proposed new court boooe at Albany, Lion ocHzn.y.lM ptans having been prepared by Cha. II. tier- graf, of this city. Tbe romralstoners' court of Linn county is preparing to re model tb present structure and ha de cided to submit the matter to tb voters of the county, a vot on theqiossioa to be taken on tbe day ol tbe coming elec tion. If it receive the approval of a majority of the said voters, work on toe new temple justice will begin very shortly tbeieafter. A Saw OA C Britr!u. A sre ill meeting of tbe board of regents of the agricultural college will be held t to consider tbe matter of tb new buildinc for which is now avaitabie and J.'.oOO in sight. With 7,5tX) It is thought that abuildingcan be erected that can serve for dnil hail, gymnasium and aud itorium. Tbe need for such a building baa been greatly felt, and a'.udeots, fac ulty aod citizens will greatly appreciate it. Gazette. That Bictclk. The birycie ren!eJ by Harry Mason of G. E-. Fish, for an hour, th ot Iter day, ba been secured by Ur. Fih. M aeon rode it to Wren and had it shipped from there to Nashville. The express agent bad previously been noti fied and wnen tne bicvel waa placed on the car it was recognized at once and taken charge of. A warrant will be is sued for the arrest of Macon. MARRIED. PHILLIPS WORRELL On Wednee- evening. April 20, ls!, at the home of the bride's mother in Albany, by Rev. R. McKitlop, Mr. George W. PhitSip, of Scio, aud Miss Anna Worreil, of Al bany . Tha ceremony was haonilv oerformed. the handsome couple standing under a beautiful arch ol nowers.with the hi me s brother Sam as bast man and Miss Bes sie Burkbart as bride's maid. Mis Liv ingstone plaved the wttidinc march. A fine wedding repast loiiowed ami tne hannv counle took tbe overland on a bridal ttlp witb the best wishes 0! every body lor success ana happiness wiucu thev richly deserve. Tbe toeslwere: Mr. and Mrs Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. and Chester Ct-flev. ol Scio. Mr. Ingram, of ladeoenden o. Mr. and Mrs. Thomp son, and Mr. U. J. Davis, of Silverton, Mr. Clodfelter, of Port'and.Mr. and Mrs Rron. Mr. and Mrs. Dmmniond. Kev. and Mr. JlcKillop, Mr. and Mies Burk hart Mia KHith Uumbanirh. MtfS Anna Foahav. Misse Laura and Sarah Chamf hers.Messrs. Robert nd Sam Chambers, Miss Grace Livingstone, Mr Ixiois Dint dinner, Mrs. Bafcington and Mr. Job Johnson. A Fleshy Consumptive Did you ever see one ? Did you ever hear of one ? Most certainly not. Con sumption is a disease that invariably causes loss of fJesh- If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly fake Scott's Emuslion of cod liver oil tvith hypo phosphites. No remedy is such a perfect prevent ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul sion will hold every in ducement to you for a nerfect cure. All DroKS;tt. J"- n1 Bcn rr HmvNK, t hemiM. N.V. Our National Guard. There are nearly 1500 members of the N. G. in Oregon, formed of two reiri. nients, the 1st regiment being in tbs 2nd congressional district and the 2nd ref luent in the 1st. Tbe companies in the Sod regiment are located at Halem, Ea- gene, Kostborg, Ashland, Macleay, Woodturn and Albany, witb Geo. Yo ran as colonel, J. M. Poor man, lieuten ant, aud Percy Willis and 0. W. Gil lette, majors. Dr. M. H. Ellis is com mander of tbe hospital corps and J. A. Gumming 1st lieutenant. Following are Ihe members of F. Co. and the hospital corps: v. CO. Csptain, M. D. Phillips. 1 isi uieut.u. A. hears. 2nd Lieut, Fred Bloom. 1st 8ergt, 8. H. Clevinger Quartermaster Sergt, T. H. Rhoade. '-'nd Sergt, Frank Btellmaker. 3rd .Sergt, Louis Love. 4th Sergt, J. V. Wyman. 5th Sergt. J. A. inch. 1st Corporal, Fred Weatbrook. 2nd Corporal, C. 8. Harnish. 3rd Corporal, O. Neeland. 4th Corporal, John Hammel. Private George Allingham, William Acheeon, Robert Brown, Grant Brattain, nruct, jcu vyrus, Samuel Conn, Willard Davis, Frank Dickey, F M Gir ard, John Coins, Thomas Heffron, Wo Hamlin, Eugene Hyland, G Hoeflick. K Jewell, F Kebea. i Leeelle, 8 Laselle, O aicuiung, v mcciung, U Mansfield, N M Newport, C G Nixon, U Patterson, W R Perry, Fred Powell. L Porter, W 8mith, vjto omen, trank blewart, Koy Halt marth. Leslie lererk, B F Wire, SC 7 omu, u w ateoo, W H Wallace.Frank m aisu. iioM-iTALiuars, 2nd bect. CapUir, M. H. Eilis. Hospital Steward, J. L' Tomlinaon. Acting JiosUUI bteward, Angus A. urintoi. Private WmCRarkhart. ArtlmrtV Fochav.David If Goulieb, Wm R Hand, Emil W Howard, Mario B Marcetlas, W m V werrill, Albert Peacock. Clyde Peacock, Jo tUlstoo, Lorenzo W Row, W Edar Stewart. Jo E Torbett, Jo K.Igar Tyree, D Webster Wight, Lniber A "iley. A Maxdamc. Tbe middle-of-tlio-roader have begun mandamu proceed ings compelling the placing ol their aom- m .-- on tbe regular ballot to be iss'ied ty the state. An alternative writ ha been issued and tbe matter will be ar gued befor lodge Ueaitt at chamber in tht city tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock. 1 he result will be watched with interest. Tu i?'Tv-isni As5civeaaar ol Odd rellowsbip in America will be cet ebrated in this city next Tuesday, April 'X, by a social beginning at 3 p m, and a Ire for ever body entertainment in Ibe opera boose at 8:15 p m All Odd reiioasana uettkths are iejoeted to m'et at ibe ball 7 p ra for the parade. wnicu wia oe teaa oy toe uenu. Mr. B. F. Fulier Las returned from bit trip to Omaha. Senator Dawson went down tbe road una oorning on tbe overland. Lawyer Cannon went to Portland cn the overland this forenoon on buine Mr. Charle Wberler has re u rued his plate in the lag' barber shop. Joan Wood, a brother of Mr. Becker, returned yesterday bom Dye, where be has beeo eeveral monrits. Judge Blackbora went to Portland this noon to look after his interest in the of fice of attorney general. ' William Mackey, former sheriff of Benton county .now of British Colombia, was lb city this noon oo bis way Uck after a trip to CorTUi. Johnson & Paul have sold tbe Corval tis Gazette to II. L. Ho'gate and Henry Stuart. Mr. Johnson ha bis bands foil at the P. U. and Mr. Paul will go to Sa lem to locate Mr. George impon. of Portland, an old Corvailia boy, brother of J. H. Simp son, was in the city today. He will go to iVraogie where he will b ia bonne for awhile. There were three new eniUtmants iuls F. Co last nlgbt and another applica tion today, Ibat ot William Mathews, ed itor of the Newport News, who u anxious to be in tbe fight. It was reported last evening that Mr. D. B. Monteith, of this city, was lying dtngerousiy ill at Dye with spinal men ingitis. It is to be boped tbe next re port doe not make hi case so serious. Marriage bells will ring loud and long in Corralli next week. On Wednesday Mr. Will Ready, ot Portland, and Mis Maud Cauthorn, of this city, will be joined in wed'.ock at tb residence of tbe bride's parent. Union. Mr. M. B. Conkling, ot Roseburg, Grand Matron of tbe Eastern Star, will visit the looge here jiondav evening in ber official capacity. Mr J. K. tveath erford and Mr. Kelley, ot Albany, also grand otiioer of tb order, will b p re-seal. Corvailia Union. , Mr. Beeson, who came Iter recently from Wisconsin, baa secured a position on a tie train ou tbe . P., and will make Albany his headquarter, his family re siding here. Mr. Beeson was formerly a conductor, but will start in here as a brakeman. Mat. Potter, io chirr of tbe work at 1 souioa. was in the tit v today oa his way to Portland from tbe Bay. It ba been suggested tbat if Spain attacks th L sited Mate by way of Yavuina all that will be necessay will be for Mr. Potter. one of the tallest men in Oregon, to get in the middle ot tbe stream and block the way. A pleasant and interesting event was the celebration of the 6tHh anniversary cf the marriage of Mr. and Mis. Wm. nyatt, bead ol tbe well known and highly esteemed Wvatt family, ot this county. Last Tuesday was the anniver sary of their weddin and it was fUtinulv observed by a famild reunion at tbe home oiJphn Wjatt. Corvailia Gazette. Mr. William Fortmiller went to Port land this forenoon to meet his father and mother who were to arrive today from Newark, N . Y., on a several month's visit with their Oregon chiidien.of wbom five or six reside in the state. They will remain in Portland two or three weeks when they will come to Albany for a visit. Mr, rortmiller was here ten. year ago, but thi i Mr. Foitmil:er f first trip to the coast. S J. B. Muliay, of the internal "revenue office, Portland, was in the iHy today on ins way noma iroui up I lie cam lam While at Gates a man came in with an elegant string of trout,fi(ty or sixty. He nau gone out it seems after some stock. A friend asked him why he didn't bring tbe cattle bark. "Too cold to hunt cat tle, so I fished" he said. Fishing you know is warm work. Whettt was 80 ctnls in Wal'a Walla yesterday.. The Albany and Walla Walla market is generally about tbe same. A telephone bulletin sus an attempt was made to kill the presideut by sending an internal machine through the aiail Probably a canard. A tcbool teacher says that even tbe school childien display a spirit ot war and are baider to manage since the nesra became exciting. They ate all ported. Sheriff Ricard ot Corvallis yesterday took Mrs. Una Qoracke of Monroe to the insane asylum. Insanity was said to be caused by the grippe, bhe has a husband and three small children. The case is a sad one. Cbus. Feisler was yenterday at Grants Pass sentenced by Judge Hanua to bang on Friday, Jnna 10th. The prisoner was very much affected and had to be assisted to and from tbe jail by the sheriff and dep. uty. Tbe supreme court baring denied his sppoal, there is now no hope for the prisoner. lie is tbe man who drowned his wi'e in a mud puJdie, and deervs to bj hanged. No-To-llae for Ifty Cents. Guaranteed tohacoo habit cure, makes weak Rteu suuug, blood pure. 60c, II. All druggist. Roy saaka tb food purs, whotssoMo aad dolldoaa. FQVDER Absolutely pure SOCUL AND PERSONAL C. C. Hogue was in Salem yesterday on uusiness M. G. Ingalis, brother of tbe celebrat ed John G. is in tbe city. Mie Amy Piiumer, of I'orvallie, is in the city tbe guest of Mis Flora Mason. Mr. Charle t hurch. of Portland, a brother f Mrs. L. Flinn. is in tbe city. Miss Jan Morris of tbe Salem puMic schools earrs op this noon to spend (Sun day . Rockey Mason went to Portland yes terday to enter the Bishop Scott Cram mer school. - J. W. Blain of Albany, came down to Salem yea'erday to spend a few days with frien talesman. A letter recently received fiom Dyea stated tbat L. B. Monteith was improv ing with good rospecu of hi recovery. Mis Ma'y bheridan, a sister of Mrs. 8 P. Bacl. of Lebanon, died at tbat city this foren mi -t ihe age of 24 year. 8be will be buries in '.lbaoy next Monday Hon. R. -I Veatcb, onion nominee for eoogrwmao, will open tbe campaign at Harritburg. io this country, on Monday, May 1, and speak in several place in the county, speaking in Albany later. R. A. Harris, traveling correspondent of the Oregonian, was in the city today after a trip down into Coo county. He will spend Sancay witn hi family at McMinnvilie and then go to Southern Oregon. A. Bush, accompanied by Lis caugn- ter. Mis bailie Bush, depart I yesterday for New York, Boa ion and "ther eastern point. They w i'l remain away during May and, perhape, Jnne also, if tbe weather doe not become too hot.- iem btateaman. Fred Kamsey, a son of W. M . Ramsey, candidate on tbe union ticket for su preme jodf. is a member of the crew oa the Oregon, now on a trip around the Horn, and about which so much concern ha beta expressed Young Ramsey la a sergeant. Otto Alexander, the Scio boy recently acctdently hot while playing with are vo'rer and anKher boy, it doing wetl, and ws not senoisly injured, though the ball went through bis body. - Instead of playing war a reported Ibey were af ter a rabbit. Mr. Clem Jones arrived in Albany this noon from Eigio, where h s ba been run ning a racket (tore several months. He ba sold hi store and accepted a posi tion with M DGodSey ia Porti sad, which he will assume in a few days after a visit with hi parent a few day. Quite a number of young men tn this community may bave to go with the militia, if ordered o-Jt. Among whom are Ed Cyrus, John Goins, and s C Har- dtsb now of Albany. Orlanda Neeiand oi lb same place and Arthur Gamber who has been attending school at fcu- gen this winter May luck go witb ILera. ban nam ew. Old Uncle Simon Pe er Cartwrigbt Fleenev 76 year of age. left tor Alaska last Monday. He leave a comfortable bom and pleasant surroundings to try I. is luck in tb gold fields. A farewell dinner wa given him mi his home near this city last fcoodny Tbe old gentle man ba been a minor off and on ail his life, and catch ej the Alasta fever bard. Krio New. WHEAT. Chicago I lis. f jr May. Sde for laly . New York lllc fv May, Wlc for July. 8a Fraccixo 10-.'i f Ma. Liverpool 3c higher. Albany 77 . Ramp in Saltra. The Salem Statesman appropriate an Albany man. who returned home about a week ago, as follows: B F Ramp and son are borne from Skagwav. Alaska, having arrived in ira- lm on Thursday night' tram. Mr Kamp rfpota kimeelt as well sat isfied with rsneal conditions oo the Northern ccans, and thinks most of the complaints come from people who. through pbysicai tncarac-.ty to coniena against the rigors of tha climate and tbe exigencies o: a "rough ' life, bave noth ing: else to do but kick against conditions they themselves have sought, and make all the bard- - by tbeir impatience and impracticability Mr Ramp will return north about June 1st and expect to remain permanently, or at least up til be has found full .com pensation for the sacrifices necessary to such an existence. He is home purely on business matter of some im parlance. A Dyea Letter. W. J. Guv, of Lebanon, received a let ter from John Roberts, dated at fehtep v auip, Alaska, April Srd.lrojn which tbe following is an extract: We are still on tup. of tbe snow, only at niirht. and then we crawl down in a bo'e. Last night we heard the snow and rocks lolling down tbe mountain. Some rteoDle sot buried, no telling bow many The weather ia not very cold, nor has it been since we arrived here. tiahor and Sturtevant are here, ana soar Umpbrev and sou. The latter have sold out and will return. There I not one man in ten who is fit for this trip. This is a great place for saloons and game. We will perhaps stay at Linderman some time and build boats in which to go down tbe river. Drowned at Hcrry. -Bkrrt, Or., pril 22. 1S9S Chester Berry, son of U. 8. Berry, was drowned in the Kantiam River this a m at about S o'clock Chester and his fa ther were crossing the river wben the boat sank and cariedd both into the wa ter. Mr. Berrv sat out but could not save bis son. The body has not been re- bvered at this ritin?, 12 m, although parties are still looking for it. Will Stay Up. At a meeting of tbe G-A.R.last evening it was voted to raise the society's flag and leave it up until the Snanish war ends. If this one wears out another "tie will be secured. It Is to be hoped i doesn't have to remain op lung, though the chances are for several months, perhaps j ears Lank Cocsiv Usion Tickit. Follow ing Is the ticket nominated yesterday: Senator, U O Houston; representatives, C A Potter, W F Grav and J K Kirk ; sheriff, 8 U Withers; clerk, J G Steven son ; treasurer, A 8 Patterson ; assessor, G E Yarnell; commissioner, E 0 Bangh man; school superintendent, William Miller. HOME AND ABROAD. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins brothers, agent. Best Bicycle for tue money. Will k Stark, jewe'ers. 2 pounds 'of trackers for 15c at TO Shaver's. Call at French's and see bis girdle from 15 cents up. See tbe new girdle, tbe very latest; in French's show window. Kelt and skirt supporters 5, 10 and 16 cents ax F. M. French's. Crescent bicycle at Hopkins Brothers for only 120, 30, 135 acd $o0. Freh seeds, two package for a nickef a 3teart A: Sox Hardware Co'. Fresh seeds, two packages for a nickel at Stewart c Sox Mara ware Go's. Cracker are now way down in price, call cn C E Brownell for fresh one. Ladies long Watch chains at low price at trench's Jewelry store. Order the beautiful Ufa cf France E. Wa ard, by Anna Gordon, of Mr. L. E Blain. A bypnoist show sdver'.iJ for Lvt evening did aot come off. Nat a ticket was sole1. There is talk of a company of voluoteers la Albany to fiht Ue Spaniard. One could be easily raised if nrrrnnnrr A fine chainleei Crescent bicycle arrived at HoDkia Brothers yesterday and baa at tracted attention. The price is only 175. Ten tew member were admitted into tbe Woodmen of America fast Saturday evening and there will be a class of seven teen tonight, making fifty six ia ail. It is reported tbat tbe ice is breaking io the stream from Lke Bennett towarcs Dawson, and aa a result tnere is great dan -gr for tbe men on tbe way dowa the riv er on the ice. The cave of M. V. Leeper as admini tratjr of the estate of J.- H. Rothell against W. y . Kothell wa triel t Cor vailia yester lay, tbe judge referring his decision. Tbe I'regon Populist appeared this moT . Bin with J. A. finch as editor. It is to be to torgaa of the middle of the roaderv and will be mace a Ule paper. Temporarily it : printed at toe Herald office. Sub scription f 1 a year, 10 cents a month. The College. From tbe Albany Cotleee Stulect for April: The new officer of th YUCiwR C Bryant, president: H P Hansen, vice president; J fc Tyree. ree aee; Lyle B tpeer, cor sec; A M Dickinson, treas urer. "War! Let it come" cries the editor in chief. Mia ReJaeU and L Willey are teach in tbe public school for sick teacher. - The officer of the senior class are Marguerite Huokine, president; Jo Smick, vice president ; Ada Morris, aec reurry ; Ell McCoy, treasurer. About fifteen college student are member of F Co. Albany college will conduct a course at the Chautauqua Assembly at Oregon Ciiy. " The new officer of tbe Erodelohiaa are: Mary rile wart, president; Anna Marshall, vice president; Ora Harkneaa, secretary; Addie Chamberlain, cor see ; Ora Dm braille, treasurer; Nellie Foahav, critic; Cora Alexander, -rent at arms. An athletic challenge Las been re ceived from McMinnvihe. Brownsville. Freni the Times : " Dr M II Eiti waa op from Albany Thursday, called here in consul la Una ia Mr A Gross' case. Farmer should take notice that tbe cheese factory will commence operation Monday next and goTern themseJve ac cordingly. .Mies bertha Mcrarland. who ; visit ing in Albany, wa taken ill daricr tb fore part of the week, but we learn that she is now improving in health. Geo Padley. who returned to Oreeon trom the east a few day since after aa absence of twenty yean, is thinking of investing in ome property, and perma nently locating here. Mus Iva Temple ton arrived borne Saturday from Drain, where she has been a student at tbe state normal school. After visiting a few day she went to Canyonville, where she expects to remain until September. Tbe Hotel Brownsville ha beea leased by Jaa Shea, who will take possession about the first of May. Mr S.iUigan and family, who bave been running tee hotel for the past few month, will move into a boose on lb south aid. Tax Maxdamcs Cask The middle of- the road mandamuscase was brought np before Judge l.eitt in this city this al ter ooon. with A W Preecott of Salem far the ' mtddle-of tbe-roader and Seneca Smith of Portland and W R BUyeo ia opposition. The latter filed an answer at 1 o'clock and the former waa given two houu to file a replv. Tbe matter will then be argued and taken under ad advieemeunl. A Explosion. At the brewery this forenoon the safety valve on tbe engine blew off and completely through, tbe roof throwing shingles several teat high, and causing a stampede oa account of escap ing sieam. Ice Cream Now. Wbere? At F. H. Pfeiff-r. Rroadalbin street, A'bany. The best oa t he market You can get it at any time, in any quantity, from a dish to enough for a big gathering, neicex ice cream i alwajs good. osns ENJOYO Both tho method ana results vrben Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gentry yet promptly on tne xvianeya, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cores habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to ail and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale In SO cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro core it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. Ciunwiu m mup cos. MB Provisions, Feed, Owing to the change ia priJwj it is impo8ibIe to quote price3 for any definite time. We have the Hammond Co meats, lard, etc Will always quote prices as low as we can. Albany Trading Go. ist and Baker Sts. HEW 0RK WORLD Thrice-a-Wetk Edition 18 Pages a Week . I. . . . 156 Paper a Teat For One Dollar rabifefeed every Alienate Br caret ws4 The Thrice--Week Edition of Tha s kw Tobx World is first aaong all " weekly ' paper in size, frequency of poblicatioa and the freahneM. accuracy and Tariety of it cot tent. It his all tie merits of a treat $6 daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its political news is prompt,eoj piete. accurate aad impartial as all it read ers will testify. It is against the monopo lies aad toe the people. It pdnu tie newi of all the worid. hav ing special correspondence from . all im portant aewi point on tbe globe. It haa orilliant illakratioos. stories by great an tbors, a capital aunsor page, complete markets, departments far the household aad women' work aad ether apodal de partment. We offer this vnequalel aewspeper mad th Dewocaar togesnerove vear for t" 00 OUR CAPACITY Is Un equaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is UnsurpasteJ In Oregon. We have the best stock tc select from and our price? are always the lowest, quality considered . SMILEY, Albany. The Prmtev THE thet and jet simpkat type write maaufactured, the coasommaUoa ot tf ia ren tors art. Aa expert stenograph after using Tav machiae. says. "I eon sider the Yost Wnting Machine far saper crtoany 1 have yet used-" Call at tbe Dnnr. i.hSm and see one of the type writer that hat to hare a perfect argu ment. , . , All Typewntr supplies ortkred. r.P.XcTnss. AgenL Clubbing Rates. The Saa Francisco Weekly Examiner ..Tt tmp will ve to its subscribers a tin oob residence in San Francisco rent ing for60a month, a $390 U.S. bond.a tl 500 scold nugget and hundreds of other thing. iou cu ic! - WacxxT DanocBAT for $2.50 a year, with the Daut Dkmocbay by mail tor 4.2o,by earner $5.7. in advance. Tbe inato cat will order only on com mnaUon pay aent sr LOClS REPUBLIC. smi-weekiy oaeoftoe oest papers ia the umiee Stales, and tha Democrat paid in advance for onlj 11 75. - Fonr Farms For Sale The following desiraUs farms are for sl. AdCrva McMaater & burrdl. Sll Wor ete? bfew. Portland; Oregon, er call nCG Burkhart, Albany, Oregon, for partk-alan: . , 1 . 6 acre. "il ws Halsey, m the D L C of D W AUiosths, ia See 35, T 13, S R 4, W W M. 35 acwaar c Wd aad uade cultivation, t r-m waiter beipg cowed with small Umber. Moddy Creek ran thrtagh th prorxrty Thsr is small orchard, frw 1300. J . SO acrvs; sail S of Brownsville, in th DLCof Stnl Johnso, in Sec II, T 14. R 5. W WH. AU cleared faod 65 acres aader cnltiia'ion, all feocsd, no boildirg. Frioe $1300. S. 253 acres, two mi e S of B wni vPI, i 8sc 13 and U, TH.SRS.W W M. 120 scr,. ar tillabl and tha hUno is lst salted f jr paatarage. 73 acre ar modor erop. ia all foaoed, has a ga sop ply of water, good buildings and orshrd$3250. . 4 JS5 acr-ss. six mile et of Lebaaoa, in Sees 13 and 16. T 12, 8 R 1, W W M. Tht is a very gd stock f". of which aboatlOO acw ar HUab'e. It ia well watered, all feeosd sad has some fair uiMlngs. Prio $3300. &nasaa4Tts4 STarksoMaiactl sad til Pt , MbalneeoaanedlorMderat8 Fee, t !ItMitisMK-irHl. A Pamphlet "aowteOy. iaia PMMta." witn eo or hmwim m -aad focslgaeonnuto seat frua. AGttias - ca. snow & co. A-. omcfz. Wm.maTwi, D C tWlrrrr sy a' :