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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1897)
CI 1 M OIW II UP11UL. ii iki i ia ti in ie i is - i &e Ml li 1 VOLXXXII1 ALBANY OKLGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1801. Entered c'S tke Fco4 emee al ilbaay. Or. aa SeeClass Hall Mallei i VI r HlTTIXfi PablUker aa4 fr.prlet.r Mr!2 r 11 13 E fi f AW I s THAT THE FAC-SIMILE t8ctahlcPrcparationror As similating the Food and Reiila Biig the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes'Diestion.Chrcifvil- tcss areiRcstContains : either Opium.Morpnuie nor Muu'aL Not NAhc otic. Step tfCZJ&-SU&l-Z KTCBKR IGNATURE i IIS ii S S I TJ3 ON THE I A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convubions.Fcvcrish ncss andLoss OFSlXP. . Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. i WRAPPER OF EVEBT ; BOTTXtlS i Castcrla li pat up in oo tin bottlas only. It 3.(1 BCt SOW 13 SOU, XKU ( aUDW aajOBD W WM ?:: vera anytiimr else oaths slee ar precise tkst it u jest a good" ana win answer awry oose." See that 50c get 0-A-8-T-0-&-1-A. THE OPENING DATE OF M.RMY 60LLEGE FOR THK Thirty-Firsfr Year is SfiTitfimiifir 15. 1897. Hm facilities for a fine Holier Education offer en 1)7 this instititira are of a high or2er. The cillege is thorough in all its wort, fha facultT is male nn of specialists in mm jines. Albany is a safe and pleasant residence for young people. The college offors thorough courses in music, commercial work, normal stndies,art academic ana coueaiate stnoies. TA8 new ua-aiogaBmaj D3 oa-amea op on application. Correspondence inmed. Wallace Howe Lee, President. a?SITjrT&3T3A.'y A Corvallis Escapade. ' From the Eugene Guard: A few days since the Guard published the account of two girls headed south from Corvallis in a buggy, whom a feliow was very aesirious ot intercepting. It appears that the man principally in terested in the affair. Wm. Williams, of Corvallis had Bold some cattle and leav ing $400 with one of these girls, his wifa, to pay an account with, went to Port land on business. While there he re ceived a telegram from a friend telling him an extraordinary occurrence at home demanded bis immediate return. He at once rame back and found that his wife, who is about 18 years of ege, and a girl named Hattie Raymond, aged 20 years, had taken the f-100 and his horse atd buggy and "skipped." He put out on their trail, came to Junction on last night's overland, failed to find them, took a rig and drive to Eugene, didn't find them here, cot a rig from Bangs' stable, with Tom Murphy as driver, an! about 3 o'cloca this morning, started fur Cottage Grove. As they diove into the town about 7 o'clock, after stopping several places to make inquiries, the girls were seen en tering a restaurant. Jumping from the buggy W illiams stopped hi wife, and de manded the money. They discussed the matter at. length, the woman denying hav'ng the money. Murphy returned to Eugene with his team.aod an hour or so illiams and his wife arrived and are registered at the Hoffman House. Lebanon. The Lady Maccabees will give a Bloom er social Friday night, Oct. 15th, at the band hall. Frank and Elbert Thompson are work ing in Kenworthy's restaurant in Al bany. W. H. Money and wife left yesterday for Marietta, Gtorgia, where Mr Muncy intends to go into business . B M. Donaca has bought J.U.Scott & Son's sure at Sweet Home. Will Donaca will run the store for him this winter - Mrs. 5. M. W. Hindman arrived in Lebanon last wees, (rom Mr. Hindman' ranch ii Crook county. Mrs Hindiran stopped several days at the Matoles, on ber may here, to enjoy the fishing. We reta.n thanks for a nice plate offish. Mrs. F U. Hickok and Miss Beeeie Miller will leave next week for Loe An- gtlse, Cal. Mis beseie will spend the winter there with her aunt. Mrs Hic kok will visit there foi a month and will then go to San Francisco, to visit there for pome time. Tom Powell and stepson, o( Crook county, were in Lebanon Monday with two six-horse teams, 'f her own a large Dane oi sheep in eastern Oregon, and brought over 15,000 pounds of wool which hey sold to the Waterloo Woolen Mills. They then came on to Lebanon to boy their winter supplies. John Boslar at.d Miss Annie L. Evans wero married last Wednesday evening, at the home of the brides parents, in the presence of a tew friends and relative. Rev. Lamar officiating. Tbe bride is the oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Tay lor Evans, and is an accomplished and highly respected yoaog lady. Mr. Bos lar is employed in tbe paper mill, and is an honest and industrious yoaog man- Express. Mr. Lntber Elkins San Francisco. s practicing law in 9P ill hi irw v 'f i jBTOjL nmr IstiREjSlVE 5 r -M OI. im k PORTIMD,CE mm sr m n w-r. - a k GEORGE HUMPHREY'S EXPER IENCE. From the Telegram : At 11 o'clock last night United States Commissioner 'McKee was called from bis home to issue warrants for the arrest of four more deeerling sailors from the German ship Peru. The warrants issued were placed in tbe hands of Deputy Marshal George Humphrey for immediate service. As it happened, the1 genial deputy marshal had in pocket ten other warrants for de serting sailors, with which papers he has been scouring? the water front, shipping and boarding houses for tbe past four days, in the effort to locate deserters wanted. The men. however, have been so carefully concealed that not one has as vet been apprehended. During these hunts along the river. Deputy Marshal Humphrey has been wearing a light gray suit, which made him a more or less conspicuous object. Tbe reuutt was that the deserters, sight ing the otticer at a distance, Would skur ry to their places of hiding. Last nigbt Humphrey determined on stealing a n.arch on the recalcitrant sea men. No one who has ever met the genial deputy, but has noticed and even stopped to comment upon the clerical cast of the officer's countenance; a be nign, fatherly look resting upon his face that it nothing else, telUof good life, well lived. Without thinking of this ministerial resemblance, which, however, he has many times been made acquainted with, the deputy in his attempt to outwit th hiding tailors, donned a Ions, black Prince Albert coat. Tbe effect was startling. Had he stepped into a pulpit the organ would have immediately struck up. As be passed out of the Federal building a janitor touched his rap and saluted him as: "Yer riverence." Drop ping into the corner store opposite the poftoifice, to have a speck of dust re moved from his eye,a youngwoman notic ing him, remarked to ber escort : "Lawd a-me! But there's a minister go'ng into a saloon." All unconscious of tbe sensation he was creating, the worthy marshal .jiade his way to the North End. As be enter ed place after place be was pnzxled at the respectful attitude assumed toward him. In some instances the crowd of loungers rose end stood while he scanned tbeir countenance and nude in juiries. The awakening came at last. It was past midnight and the marshal was about giving over the search for tbe time being. Turning into Couch street from Second, he wan startle t by a woman seizing him by the arm and exclaiming: "Oh ! 'tis hiveo that does be eendin' yec He do be riddy this minutv ter sign th' pledge. Cam wid me at wans." "Why, or good woman," said the kindly officer, "you mast be mistaken. 1 have nothiDg to do with the signing of pledges." "Thin yer n-t er Tiinperaoce Union minister?" "Certainly not I'm a deputy mar shal." "Well, it' better yes b wearin' th' cloth ov yer master an' not that uv th' church." The Prince Albert has been relegated again to the watlrobe. Another die guise wi I be Ui -1 on tbe sailors. FRIDAY Best Work Promptness PRINTING JOB liBG- ATi ELS It Office Stationery A Special Give us yqav Patronage. LEY CANDY CATHARTIC 0crr sttgy? rfieaia Mrs. Robert Conn is Ivinedanseraslv ill at her home in this city. D. A, Osborn. who has been np on tbe Snake river lor a few weeks, retomod home the latter part of last -week. Cor vallis Times. - , i r . . l i . - T-r-k a -wi r m I ri. x r wjii. a laieniea iaav. oi .ew vL-'l-AOl 1W-V11 York, will give a missionary talk at the I . m 1 Hrila txrlarian Mittron Inntithf County Judg M E Brink, of Crook county, and 1 Mcbei, ot fnceviiie. ar rived here last night enfonte to Portland at delegates to the K of P grand lodge. rnneviue Keview. Miss Marks, o Portlind. is in the citv the guest of her cousin Mrs. P.J.Smiley . 1 While here sh will give lessons in em broidery. Some of hrr work mav be seen in r'. M. French's show window. The "i-alem Teachers Association" was recently formed with the following officers: President J.S.Graham; Vice President, Miss X.Adda Hart; Secre tary, Mies Maifaret Lockley.- -Journal. At the K. of P. grand lodge veeterdav E. E. Sharon was elected supreme rep resentative, Louis Stinsou, of Salem, was reelected h.. of K. and s. and tbe other officers were advanced This make Edi tor One Patterson, of Hepoer, grand chancellor. MifS Elizebeth Carotbers. formerlv of tbe Albany schools, is now teaching in tbe schools of Salt Lake City, where she is nicely situated. There ate 230 teach ers there, and yet tbe work is crowd ed. She is greatly pleased with the city. E. J. Mc Canetland, formerly of Alb any, afterwards of tbe Mate ormal School at Monmouth, has been arpout- ted instructor in civil engineering in Cornell university at Ithaca, X. Y". As a specialty is made of engineering there tbe position is an important one. An interesting feature of tbe meeting of the Presbytery yesterday afternoon was an account by Dr. Thompson of tbe long membership of Mrs, Ashe, of Uoi valiis, now eighty years. She is now 95 years old. Her portrait and a sketch of her life were ordere l sent to the His torical Society at Philadelphia. Mr. J. Y. McCane and Mies Anna Mo Cormick, two well known and popular young people were married in Oakville on Monday evening, in '.he rresence of a number of invited friends. The ceremony was performed by Revs. Hood and Hen derson A large number of friends wid congratulate the happy couple. May they enjoy me s beet blessings. David Link is preparing to move his stock of boots and shoes into tbe Camp- Dell building on Willamette street. The building is beingshelved, repaired on tbe interior and a repair room is being fitted up. Mr Link will be located in bis new qnarters by November 1. and when be gets bis stock arranged will have one of tbe nicest shoe stores in the valley,' Eugene Register. Is Cbook Cocstt. Some former Lion county people pay taxes on property in Crook county as follows: T M Baldwin $10,107, C. M. Elkins $3,130. Mrs EE Uulhford $8,167, Arthur Hodges $4,410, A liackleman $13,430. b J Kewsom 15.- 710, A J Shram $8,447, E II Sparkes $8,340, Jfi K White $4,805. Just from Dyca. Jamee Coilins arrived laet nigbt direct from Dyee, snd this morning eot to his bom at Gates. He and Mr. Gate left about -ix i eeks ago for r be Kloodike.but after getting at Dvea deemed it adviaable not to go in until January or February. Since then they have beea packing over tbe Chi coot pass, being at Lake Linder man a number of times, Collins e'earin over $100 above bis expense. He said it rained or snowed awry day it m a there, and at Cbilcoot paee there was a terrific ttorin, and yet packing was not nearly as baid as had been reported. He got so-be packed 150 pound. When be left there was nothing just waiting tor the frozen season, or leaviug. He declares ibe Skaguay trail to be a fake. There are 2000 dead horses along it, jnd it is practically impaseahle. Cot- iiua iwiieve in the nchnexe of lue h Ion- due, and in about two months witl re turn and wi.b Oaies, who remained. start in earnest for tbe land where the gold is found in small chunks. In Favor of Faocr ft NcLss From the Statesman: Tbe action for money instituted by Fa ber reie against V K. Ilooghsm, a farmer near Mt. Angel, was tried yeeter day in Judge Burnelt's department ol the Marion county circuit court. Plaintiff sued for $490 damages on account of the failure of Mr. Hougham to deliver to ihera 14,000 pounds of 1896 boos, in ac cordance with tbe contract mde between them. The cae was began at 9 o'clock and taking of testimony ended during tbe afternoon when the attorneys for the plaintiffs moved that the la'V be instruct' ed to render a verdict for them. After some argument of tbe motion Jndge Bur nett granted the reqnest and a verdict for the full amount sued for was reported by the jury forthwith. Wheat This Evening. In Liverpool 2' cents higher. 1c Chicago 90,'-, to 90s, rents. In New York b3 7-8 cents. In Ssn Francisco 8S cent, la Albany 71 cents. WHEAT. Liverpool and th Eastern cities seem to he playing a senaw game. Tbe quo tations today are: i New York 84K cants. Chicago Ol'g cents, Liverpool l cents lower. San Francisco cents. Albany 71 cents. - The Canal Water. On authority of a member of Engine Co. No. 1 the Democrat said Mr. John Fulton, of tbe O. A. C. had said the dam ages to the engines pipe had been caused by sulphuric acid in the water, and that it probably came from the Lebanon pa per mill. In response to an inquiry Mr. Fulton eas: "I made no such state ment, indeed, I was not aware of the ex istence even of a paper mill from whence might co to t) refuse acid. It Is all a mis take, a serious mistake, and I certainly do not wonder at your ind inalton. W ben being questioned regarding the puiity of the water, I replied that it carried much sulphates. I did not even venture a sug gestion a to I he source, and when told of the probability ot tbe presence of free acid, I merely intimated that lime or some other alkali , would neutralize the effect." We- are glad to give the sit uation a ahowji in Mr. Fulton' state ment. . EniTou Democrat. The Water company has saij nothing heretofore regarding the claim that there was sulphuric avid in the water supply, as we wiehel Prof. Fulton to have a chance to set bimself right, as be has done in bis statement id ihi mornings paper. I trust you will publish this statement and do as much as you ran to undo the injury to other people, wbirh you doubt. been led into through lack ot thought as to the consequences. Mr. Fulton ought to have gone further and explained the difference between free sulphuric acid and a au.phate, the latter being a combination of sulphur with son.e other mineral, and U the ele ment in sulphur water which make it ought after a a health promoter in ul pbur springs. Miw, the tact are, that the paper mill does not and never has wated any acid in the canal Their weteway is down Stream from the can a. and is no her nearer than about 75 feet to the canal and it emptiee into the slough leading to the river about 00 feet below the canal. If they wasted the whole amount of acid used Into tbe canal, and they waste none, the proportion would be about one drop of acid to 6000 gall' ot water. I lie Canal water contains much iron and the acid woaid attack that iron at once and become a!phate nf iron, and barnJeeg to either boiler or fauoiao stomach!. I am not a chemist and have not looked in a chemistry for yer, but I think no one lit dispute tbe above facta. Tbe water sent Mr. Falun was not taken from the company's btdrant nnr from tbe city' steamer and this company wa not given an opportunity to tee Uiat tbe sample waa properly prepared, nor wa it nouhed in any way. I make no insin uations a to tbe motive in such secrecy, bat an explanatiou is due tbe company and tbe public which baa been need les I y alarmed by a most regretabie scare. U C Seattle and Alaska. Last Wednesday the P. I. of Seattle got out a special Klondike edition, issu ing 200,000 copies. It is splendidly got ten up, showing tbe relationship of Seat tle to the Alaska trade in a very clear and comprehensive manner, as well as the gold resources ot the Klondike region. It also incidentally narrates Seattle's re source! and growing importance as a city. We glean the fact that Seutt e ls now a city of 65,000 lo 70,000 people, that she does a Jobbing trade of over $15,000,000 a year, that this year her business houses outfitted 8,000 men for the Klondike and that three-fourths of all who went to Al aska went on Seattle gold fleets. In view of Portlands' effort to secme tbe Alaska trade tbi editition just at this period is very timely, and is an evidence of enterprise on tbe part ol tbe P. I. PER prietor that must meet with great lavor with Seatile business men and citizens generally. A Live Wedding. From the Portland Telegram : A particularly jolly couple, J. IL Hale ot Linn county and L'.llie Krause, cal'ed at the county court tb morning, with two well wishing friend ot the groom, followed by a dog. Their application for a license to marry was readi.y grant ed, and then they asked for some ont to marry them. Jndge Aortbop complied. and obligingly left the equalisation board to tie the knot in judicial chamber Tbe guest were Mrs. 0ra Eagerly, tbe dog who sat up and looked hi congratula tions at fie newly wedded, and tbe two wttneeses LjIUe. the bnd '. who wa tout and short, was exceedingly joyful, and passed pleasant remarks on al! dea. She hailed Deputy Field a an old friend, and when the ceremony waa con cluded, Lilhe grabbed the first person near ber and kissed effusively. She looked as if she was about to make a dash forJodgeNorthap.bat the Judge was entrenched behind a desk, and escaped before the bride could salute him. Lake Creek. Ljikc Creek, Oct., 13, 1st 7. Most ot tbe farmers are busy rloaia aoj sowing in lull vioniiy. C. C. Jackson is digging his potatoes ibis eek. tie baa a noe crop. W a l went dawn to tbe fair fast k and bad a Boe time. e met Lm'e Howe Bod and bad a rieasant conversation wila ber. ofSehool opened Monday with Mr.Xagle, Malaey, a teacher Fol'.on Jackson ii on tbe sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis, of Shed J, called on o one day laet week. Clarence Hover is hollaing bim a new bouse cn hi father' place. Mr. Higlev and family will leave Thursday for Prineviiie Miss Edith OoaslaM went to Corvallis todar, where she intend toew for Mr Porter U-ie winter. A S KttS P. ALL DRUGGISTS ac- wife of A Matter of Health IT costs more to make Royal J3aking Powder than any other, because its ingredients are more highly refined and expensive. But the Royal is correspondingly purer and higher in leavening strength, and of greater money value to the consumer. The difference in cost of Royal over the best of the others does not equal the difference in leavening strength, nor make good the inferior work of the cheaper powders, nor remove the impurities which such powders leave in the food. Where the finest food is required, the Royal Baking Powder only can be used. Where the question of health is considered, no baking powder but the Royal can be used with safety. Others are shown by official analyses to contain lime, .ammonia or alum. SIOVAL BAKmO POWOCR CO., HEW YORK. Mm. Sucscn's Death. The Dilles Time Mountaineer eive the following particular of tbe fatal cidenttoMr. Sneeens, former Henry Soeeens. of this city : i esterdav evening an accident occur red on Tenth street that reeulted in tbe death of Mrs. Uossie M Soeeens, and tbe serious injury ot 'Daisy' and Frankte l onog. two other women of the town. The tnree women had hired a horse of Ward A Itooinenn to drive to tbe fair grounds, kod after the last race started to town. They were driving at ooite a rapid rate, and white rounding a sharp curve on a downhill grade turning into Tenth street, they were thrown from tbe bog gy. Unssie i ruck ber face on a picket fence at Mrs. Bagley's property and ber neck wa broken, causing instant death. I'aisy and t rankie were thrown violent ly to the ground, both sustaining serious injuries. Daisy' back is badly 'njored and her recovery it doabUul, whiie Mise loung be a number of pamiul bruise about the arm and lower lim Tb dead woman formerly resided near Albany, and is said to be of good family. Mrs. feoeseo is a daogbter ot Sir John Haley of Lyon. How they Got an Ellt. Dr. Barker, Mies Maggie Barker and ten or twelve other tire at tbe Breiteo- bnsh Hot Spring enjoying tbe invigorat ing water and tbe salubrious mountain climate. Wednedaywas a day of ex citement with them . Ir. Barker was ont bunting ben be met with a thrill iag experience, li-easieupona btgek. monarch of tbe I4ede. tfotn were Iria'.teneJ. probably the e!k moet, for it apraog wildly forward and over a preci pice, at tbe foot of which it was picked op with iu neck broken Elk meat ha since beeo tbe diet. Nw Tci-griioxg Raves Tbe telephone company ba made some eeptog re ductton. You can now talk with Port' land one rrinute for 50 cenla. one-fourth minute for taentr-five cents, one-naif for 35 ceul, after one minute five cent a quarter. The rate for Linn county tons is 25 cent for three minute, and ten cents for each minute thereafter. which also include several out of tie county town. Fbom Pe aoi av J. J. Bat tech, a brother of Chris Bartsch, arrived here on laH night's train from t'tr land and will take a position in C. M. Young' market, tie recently receivea leiner iruni vuris who is at Skaguay. Alaska. Chris says be is earning 45 a day slaughtering cattle at that place, that hundreds of cattle are being received at that p-ace; mat tie nas refused several times $1UU tor tbe uotu maeco'.d Jg, which be took with him from The Kxioim TuiM-aa. The grnd lodge ot Knights Tesnlar. A. t . and A. l convened in h.ueene veeieruav. in the election o! olbceisan Albany roan re ceived the highest honor. Following are the new officer: i. C. L- C. Mi- ahail: D. O. C J. B. Cleiand: U. O B D. Paine : O.O.G., C. U. wmn; P . F. A. Moore? ti. . V.. W. T Wright: ti. J. W.. F. E. Allen: O. T., K.G. wuiiehou; G R., F. J.Robin- onr Those attending irora Aioaoy are Past Eminent Command- D. P. Maeon, L. C. Marshall. C. B. Winn and J. ft. Wvatt. and P. K Allen and wife. E. J Keeley and wife. W. E. Baker and John tsuttrrwotb and He. Lost Hi rid While at the state fair Mr. Sam Gourley, residing three mile westol here, bought a $25 blooded pig, and put it carefully in a box in hie wagon. On arriving home be looked in the box the first thing to get a look at tbe beauty, bot it as gone. Hestarted back towards SaSem determined to una that pig if there was such a thing. He found the animal near Jeflerson beside the rosd, and it is no safeon the Gour ley farm, after an extra ride of about twenty tour miles. It is only safe to ask questions abo'it it at long range. A Co mi no Evext. It i seldom that any one man can claim the distinction of having it universally conceded tbst is the whole wold there is not, nor ever ba been, his equal. Sucb. bowever, is tbe repntatlon ot Alfred A. Farlaud.the won derful ban joist, who nili probably be tn Albany next montb. Stat at Xwtot. We nnderstand that tbe deal ia off whereby Mr and Mr Pete Abbey, of Newport, were to lease the Occidental hotel at Corvallu. and that Mr Abbey wilt probably erect a new hotel at ewport, on the water front op posite tbe Brings bouse Leader. A Bio Scons. F. I.. Miller, the cloth- r, made a pbenominal play on tbe iwling alley Tuesday evening. In ton r rorsecotive game he made score of M, 61. 53; 222 pin in fonr game, an ha venue of 55 l.. being much tbe highest vet made on these alley, and it I doubt ful if Portland baa a better record. Cor valli Gazette. Amta a Frahchise. At the regular meelimr of the common council ol fcu Eugene; that be expect logo to Dvwson gene. City Attorney E. K. Skipworth was mav ...;... L'r...... a i, . I 1 1 . . i . ... .i, . i.. i ri a t the nstructed to commence suit against the Eugene Street Kail way Company to re cover franchise. . This wss brought about hv the failure f the company to place the track on the grade within 0C days from daa nf notification, which was made 70 days tince. MARRIED. Wall Paper, Oarpets, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portiera, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Future Frames, , Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking ' ALBANY FURNITURE CO. KELLY HALL At the court house in Albany, Oct. 16tb, 1897, by Judge Bar ton, Mr. M. Kelly and Miss Hettie Hall, both of Lebsnon, Linn county. TO ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY i. !0!EPI Proprietor yiHi Itching, aealy, bleeding palms, shapeless nails, and painful finger ends, pimples, blackheads, oily, mothy skin, dry, thin, and falling hair, Itch ing, sealy scalps, all yield quickly to warm hatha with CtmccB Soap, and gentle anointings with CrmciHU (ointment;, tb great skin ear. utlGttra blthiosgfoataMwoft4. Penis Dmse An Cam, Cor., Holt Prop,., bo, Ion. - "Maw to Produce Soft. While Heads," Ires. i Ad Harmon. Speaking of the death of Ad Harmon the Koseburg Revie' says: Addison Harmon was born in Mackford. fereen JUake county. iscon- sin. Sept. 20, ls-74, and was unmarried. He was a member of Koeeborg lodge, B P. O. Elks and ot the Roeeburg tire de partment, and bad resided many years in tuts city, ine lunerai occurred Sat urday at 10 a. m. from tbe residence of Wm. f'ltcblord, ard the ritualistic cere monies of the Else were observed, that order as well as the firemen, turning out ia lull force, and escorting the remains to tbe Masonic cemetery. Tbe slate convention of tbe Babtist cnurcn will convene in McMinnviIle on Oct 20 Ex-County Judge 8 T Burch sold 20.000 pounds of bops for 15 cents. Part of hi crvp was contracted at 10 cents. At the meeting of the city council of Lebanon, Monday night, a new ws mane wun J s tiugues. ur tire arc lights for ten years, at tbe rate of $10 per moqin xor eacn iignt. Tbe Presbytery of the Willamette ad journed last niffht after two dnt wnrlr rbe time for the installation of Kev II LI .use. nf Time and bodi zuoohcx RpaH UK niurir nf thu PmU... ol,.,,U I r . . . . . Ti ' ..... . .w.u, ...uu , -.4i nn,r inrv want. 1DCY Weil Children r not vcr v robust need ta minor- bulletin? and fat-formin? food somctningf to dc usco ior two three months In the tall that they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S EMULSION af Cod-Liver CXI with Hypophos- of this city was set for Oct. 31. County Superintendent Phillips of Col fax. Wash., is advertising for school teachers, as there are a dozen scnool dis trict in Whitman county without teachers toe salary onered varies trorn t:0 to t45 a montb, and tbo terms from i to 6 month TBe county courts of Linn and Marlon counties held a joint session in Salem yea terday, and considered tbe matter of re pairing tbe Stayton bridge. Tbe contract wa awarded to Commissioner 11 Wat ers, witnout naming tne price. AKW Paper. The first number of tbe Albany College Student is just ont. It is well gotten up, and ia splendidly' printed by r. i. emney. it will appear monthly for nine months at 75 cent a year. will thrive, grow strong; and be well all wintee on this splendid lood tonic Nearly all of them become verr fond of it. For adults who are not very strong, course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple of months In the fall will out them through the winter in first-class eon dition Ask your doctor about this. ( Be sure yon get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the ssn tna nth sre on ins wrapper. AU druggists ; 50c end Sr.oo. SCOTT A DOWNS, Chemists, New York.) today Mr. Jeff Creel was in the city after a new pair ot blankets. The Albany fire department will give masqnersde ban on Christmas eve. The Rath bone Sister elected Mr Hochstedler, of Albany, supreme repre sentative. Bishop Gross, Father White and nother prieet. are in the city tbe gnests 01 rather Metayer. Mr. J. M. Hale and wife came nn from Portland last night. They will reside on a tarm tn Henton county. Mr. J. V. Wilson went to Eugene thia noon. lr. iison will arrive from iu uth tbe laet ot next week. Tomorrow a number of the member of the A. O. U. W. and Degree ot Honor will go to Lyons for a fraternal viiit with the lodge ot that city. Mrs. Martha Morehead left here tbi week tor Vteiser. Idaho, where she will reside in the future. She will visit Albsny a short time Grant Pass Courier. Mrs. Eleanor, wife ot Dr. Bradshaw, died al Salem yesterday. The deceased was a sister-in-law ol Mrs Kev. ire, 01 this city, and waa a woman gfeatly be loved. Mrs. Emil Etter, who has been visi ting with her mother, Mrs. Schwaibold, returned home to Aliany yerterday. Her mother accompanied ber hame. Newport News. Horticultural Commissioner Llovd T. Reynolds, ot the second district, went to Albany yesterday to officially inspect some threatened orchards in that neigh borhood. Statesman. J. M. Wal!ace. Mr. C.A.Park and chi'd, Mrs. D.O. Thomas, and Miss E. A. Hess left for Ualilornia on tbe over land train last night. Mr. Fa-k accom panied the party as far as Albany. Statesman. George Freeman, formerly superin tendent of the mill operated by the Law ler Go.d Mines Company, at Anidem, Linn county, returned from Hlsck Hawk, Colorado, yestei day . He leaves today for Anidem to resume his old position Oregonian. m m . A farmer brought eight boxes of straw berries to Albany yesterday. That is a sample of Linn county style. Si crctarv Lamont decided that may in the Yaquina bill did not mean shall, and hence the non-use of that $1,000,000. The present Secretary Mr. Alger seems to be following suit. SOC1AL AND PERSONAL Miss Edna Price, of Salem, i visiting Albany friends. Recorder A. P. Florv, of Sodaville, was doing nnsinea in Albany yesterday. Born, in Brownsville, on Thursday, October Uth, 1897, to Mr. and Mr. B. S. Martin, a son. Mr. S. A Lande returned last night from a trip throueh the county, selling seven set of hi educational block while gone, Mr. J. B. Fryrear, of Sisters, Crook county, who hat been in tbe city several days tbe gooa- of Hon. K. A, Irvine, wfil return borne tomorrow. The family of Mr. Cha. Wheeler, bar ber with L. Viereck. have moved to Al bany, and are residing in Mr. Winn' residence. Mia Julia Taylor, of the Gate school. wa in the city last eveniotr. Sbe ha 52 scholars, and is much pleased with ber school work there. At tne Knight Temnlar bannet in Eugene, surpriee toast were called for, without priviona notification. Among those equal to tbe occasion were D P Mason, L C Martha! aod J R Wyatt of tbi city. Mi Elsie Marun returned tbi noon from Uanford. Calif., where tbe ha been about six months for the beaefit of ber health, which is gret!y improved. Sbe si ill succeed Mia Minnie McFariand in tbe postoflice. The Ninth Street Grade. An adjourned meeting of the city coun cil wa held last night to consider tbe matter of tbe pening of Ninth street at tbe crossing of S P R. R. tract, oedered about a year ago An will be remembered wa died, an 1 dissolved by the Circuit cuurt,the S. P. then appealing to tb Supreme ooort Tne S. P. then propoecd a a com promise the building of , the street in a circuitooa way, or a the opposition call it in a areas ring. At tbe mewing tact night Councilman i Hogne moved that tbe treet be opened 1 under the conpronise plan a the cheapest aod man feasible way ont of tbe I matter. I om.cilruan l'ickey moved that j tbe matter oe laid n.lbe table, and a! einn debate followed. Tbe opposition taking tbe position that the city bad bet ter not bare a street at the place at all than one tail out under the proposed clan. Tbe n.otion was lost. Uogoe, Hopkins, Martin and tbe mayor voting no Dickey. Tweedale and D annals yes. Tbe original motion wa then passed by the sims vote 1 ere reed. Tbe new street wa ordered graded bv the city under the general street work Tbi waa opposed under tbe ground that coder tbe charter an original etre-t upon being opened shoo id be graded by tbe property owner, I bongo atterwarda kept up by ue city. Tbe matfr ba created considerable in terest particularly in that part of tne city, and it ta report i tbere i talk of an inianction against the street as ordered opened. List of Patents. Granted to Oregon and Washington inventor tbi week. Reported by C A Snow A Co. patent attorneys, Wash ing ten, D. C. F G Abbev. Lookcut. Wasb, steel-trap; G D Chandler. Damascus. Oreg. folding baby-carriage; I C Drake, Sonth Praine, Wash, trail-gatherer; U C Eakin, Dal las Oreg. line; A G Edmund, Seattle. Wash, etooe cutting or carving machine; M tk, Silverton, Oreg. folding crate: R M tielina. Seattle, Wash, lu bricator ; A Stevenson, i. lie ce burg, h aah, safe-lock. For codv of any patent eend 10 cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to C A Snow A Co , W ashington, V U. JIOME AND ABROAD. - Red hot mince pies at Parker Brothers. Smile, 'e clean printing;. Komona pure (pice Bomona Romona pare extract . Macintoshes at St Louis Racket store. Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder Shirt aad collars a specialty at the Mag nolia LAanary Boots and shoes a specialty at St Louis nacaet store. Underwarea leader at tbe St Louis Racket store. Will SU k always have tn stock latwt novel tiea in ail luee of jewelry. Pot a lamp on your bicrde aad save ex pense, by order of tbe Marshal. The wheat market is substantially tbe aame as yesterday ,71 cents in Albany. The Dsmockat win pat toe Cottage Grove club on five back, fner beat tne fake bloomer girl c'ub 16 to 0. Ton will always find a fine line of jew elry at Will A Stark. Do not buy before examining tbeir goods. Tbe Boys Clnb have rented f be room just et of the band hall and wilt pat in a gym nasium. The boys are full of snap. Leave, your orders for dressed chickens with C. Mtjers at tbe Star Bakery and C. W. Vonk will fill them promptly, Wbea yon want a choice steak, a nice mast or meat of any kind, call oa Henry Brodera. He keeps tbe best. Doet forget to order your dressed chick, ens of C- W. Took, dealer ia ehoiea poul try. Give bim yoor name and be will call every Friday for your order. John Whiteaker ha jost finished had ing 35,000 pound of hups and yesterday delivered them to William Faber of Alb any, who drove ovtr to receive the same C orvalli Gaaet'e. Tbe beat meats of all kinds and good treatment at tbe A 1 bine Dressed Beef Company market, just djwa Second street Good weight and prompt aUesd tioa. LadM wi thing tbeir exbtood. cboeaiate green, brown or tan shoe pousbsxt ptewse call at the stand on ftm street, henry Morgan tbe eta m Dion russet shoe nolisber. Kim elate work guaranteed. Give n n call. ' Consider your war, think before yon act. and tnen go t-J Haight Bros , where yon will god a choice stock of meats of all a inds lo order from "Ton are bound to be pleased if yoo order of them. SCIO. From tbe Press : School wil commence next Monday at Sbelburn with Will Miller a principal and Nellie Jester in tbe primary depart ment. Last week at Salem s stranger made an attempt to pick Unc'e Tom Allison's pocket. Had be succeeded it wonld have been worth something to bim a the pocket contained $200 at tbe time. While ont hunting last Wednesday evening in the river bottom below Sbel burn, Tommy Smalimon metabUca bear face to face. Tommy fired at the bear and then skipped for home. Mr. T. J. Hunker ha a field of fall wheat which promises a fine crop for next harvest. It wa sown about tbe first of September and now the average height 1 from fourteen to fifteen inches The livery stable ha made another change in business. Tbi time Mr. John Cyrua, recently of Albany, bays a half interest, Riley Caiavan and Uncle Alf She) ton retiring. We understand Mr, Cyras traded hi farm southeast of Seio for his part. Riley Caiavan will prob ably move onto tbe farm formerly owned oy ssr. uyrns. while uncle Aif may go back to the old tarm in Jordan. At the dance given Wednesday nigbt by W. H. Wkkbam. in celebration of hie daught-r marriage, some of tbe yoong men tnea 10 tarn toe uance into s gen nine Iriab jur-iUe. Just a tbe dine was progreeeicg finely and everybody was enjoying themselves, tbe groom and another dancer got mixed np in s fight, and when Mrs Wickham attempted to separate tbe ccmbatanta, some unprin cipled vagabond bit hern blow on tbe jaw. Mr. Wickham got tbe shot gun down bat foand it wa not loaded, and so conld do nothing to stop tbe row. When everybody fought a long a they wanted to, the dance broke np. In tbe morning Mr. Wicknam foand tbe mis creants bad killed a number of bis ebick ens besides tearing down fences and gates. Altogether it was a howling sue- Pants, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Shirts and Bookstore goods. Please remembei this. W R BLAIH, (He Putf tbe Prices Down! 1 10 1 Or is 35 S3 25 25 Adsms vs. Adams. A suit for divorce has been begun by Mrs. Lnella 7,. Adams, agt Will Adams. Tbe plaintiff charges cruel and inhuman sev eral incident, charging that it was for tbe purpose of getting ber tarm ot 80 acres in hit name, and that he has col lected all or nearly all the proceeds of the farm and appropriated them. A divorce, an accounting and the custody of tbeir child, less than two year of age. are asked for. They were married Aptil 26, 1S),3. Sodaville Collxoc Cor. Advance, The college is all right. Tbe synod for Oregon and Washing ha finally ta ken lull controlbf the college, and pro poses to substantially found it. Kev. L D Beck, of Seattle. ash., has been ap pointed financial aent, and be has al ready secured tlSOO in cancelled debts and subscription to tbe endowment found. He is a rustler. Look out for him. Kendall A rrkstkd. Ed Kendall wa arrested at Sbedd yesterday afternoon by Chief of Police Lee. and brought to Al bany and placed in tt.e county jail last evening. Mr. iee nad received n war rant lor bia arrest form roruand, bat could not And him iu the city. Iarn ing that he had gone south he followed and ceueht no with himatShedd. Ken dall i wanted in 1 '01 nana ior laiceny and it is also said he was probably ia nlicated in the recent Portland bold up. Detective Riley came np last nigbt ud took Kendsll down this morning. Bio Pkunk Sals Jos. Stewart, the largest prune grower in this vicinity, sold th dried product of his orchard insisting of 80,000 pounds, to Alien A Lewis, of Portland, a tew days ago, for cents a pound The prunes were ship ped on Monday, and made full carload Mr Stewart ba a 'arte steam dryer. and in addition to hi own, dried a lot ot pri.nea for other. advance Far Biers aay there is good money tn prunes at this price. There are 1,364 Salem schools. pupils enrolled in the A Lake Lindcrm&nn Letter. Con McXamer, of Scio, who left in August iter tbe Klondike, ha written M. Monkers, from Lake Lindermann as follow: We are far ahead of any one else who came up on the Llder and is doing bis own packing. W ill spend about S300 this week, so that we can get started earlier. Men are making $15 to 2S a day here packing. Tbere were five men drowned here oce ere arrived and on bot for stealing. We have more pro visions than any other six 00 the trail We were offered $750 for tbe four males two week after we lauded bat coald not spare them. We have one boat done and the other will be done by the 16th u tbe IStb we sail if we have no bad luck. It has not froze any to speak ot vet bat tbere ba been a dnxxling rain meet of tbe time. Flour is selling at 125 a sack and bacon at 60 cents per pound Eighteen sneeo came in Teeterday and I got foo for killintr tbem. Daring tbe storm on Lake Linderman S boa la were wrecked and three live lost. One fellow came tc camn Snndav with SO nonnda of sold He bad tost come np irom tne 1 at on I may not be able to get a letter oct again betote spring. rubllc School Report The first month of the pob'ic school has just closed with the largest attend ance in tbe history ot the city, with, more to come. Total enrollment during the month, 620. No. on Roll ot Honor, neither absent nor tardy. 305 Cases of corporal oantabment, a No. of visit by directors 4. No. of visits by parents and others 84 Patrons and others are requeeied to visit the schools aod take note of ho the work is being done. H. True. bupt. Albany Trading Co K. X. Morris, JIana?er. Here are a few of oar bargains: 15 lbs frwnclated sugar.. $ 1 CO Aumsv E) 2 oar, per sack. 20 lbs in gaiknb st -vinegar....... can a cove oysters gal! Ba -eroseee - bot! est 1 tract, lemon or vaniila 6 lbs Arm A Hamirer soda Try oar near Royal Java coffee. - better than ArbnckJe or L100, two papers SO ounce bar battle Ax srap S large 14 ounce bars soap song ba' toilet soet box concentrated lye lbs of soap extract 3 lb of Gold Dost S Ibe best cream cheese.. Small No 1 lamp chimney Large No. - lamp chimney 3 bottle of bluing We bare dry goods, bran, aborts A Goon Oocxtt. There are 319 con victs in tbe sute penitentiary. Ot the number only S are from Linn county, the third county in population in "-he state. Multnomah lead with 1-4, followed by Marion wth 4. Douglas, union and Ba ker 16 each, Washington 11, Clateop 10, etc. Good Times have come to those whom Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured of scrofula. catarrh, dvspepsi. rheumatism, weak nerves,or some other form of impure blood Hood's Pills are tbe onty pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ill. Plkask Rm-nt It. Will the party who borrowed a Crokonole board belong ing to F. M. French, T. Wandall and Wrenn Rosa please return to either he above, and oblige. The office that doe high grade printing on eood stock, for tbe price of the o her kind. Smiley, the printer of ? 05 25 05 05 20 SO 25 06 10 25 and chop feed. Come and see us. TERMS CAH. A fall line of tinware. Batter and eggs taken in exchange S. ft. SCHIFf LER & CO. Merchant Tailors ' Carry the larg3st and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. Oil Sisni ia Fiii Bid. HacYouSxk.n the new display cutlery at tbe Stewart A Sox Hardware , rs witl testify. Co's store. If von m-ii) cwll yon wi 1 say that it ia the finest you ever saw. 1 Your Doctor 1 Fights. Disease with medicine. If ' tbe medicine is not right be , can not conquer disease If tbe droggist doe bis duty tbe 1 medicine will be .right, and roar doctor will (Una a fair chance of winning tbe victory 1 Ton can help yonr doctor by having your prescription fill ed at our store Rurkkart & Lee. HEW HORK WORLD, Thricc-a-Week Edition IS Pages a Week . . . . . . 156 Papers a Teai For One Dollar. rwkUshcwevery kltermalaj exreet Sa.w The Tbrice-a-Week Edition of Tas 5i k I one World is first among all " weekly papers in siae. frequency of publication and tbe freehne. aceoiracy and variety of its coi t-nts. It bis all tbe merit of a great $6 daily at the price of a dotlai wAsktv. Its nolitical news is prompt. com plete, accurate and impartial as all its reaoV It is against uia tuuuvK7- "Romona" Baking Powder . A pure cream tartar powdu -Tbe latest and beat. Let everybody come to tne Star Bakery and get an loaves ot fresh bread for ti.oo cash. C Miys. lid. ami tor the people It print tbe new of all the world, hav ing special correspondence from all im portaut news points on tbe globe. It ha orilliant illustrations, stories by great authors, a capital burner page, complete markets, departments for the household and women's work and other special de partments. We offer this uneqnaled newspaper and . the Dzxocat together ono year for t.W ITCHIN3 HUMORS lattaatlr reHen by CIWICSSA HUMMUS.