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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1896)
9; tit t if ' (iiriif ifi 1 -awTT"la. U 111 It IE1 VOL XXXI. ALBANY ORLGON, FRIDAY. JULY. 31. 189(5. nr? icmsc fa-a .'r,,,r Katerei ci tbc PcaS m tlba.y. Or. Kee..d-4'lass Mail Hanoi HOME AND ABROAD An Exciting Contest. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 5 StffiaVSas Ail n 1 rT i ii, mihjmi aiT I Blackwell's I HULL DU 1 This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Genuine Too will find one coupon Inside each 1 oaoce teyt aad two coo pons Inside each 4 ounce bag. Buy ft bac, read the coupon and ace how to ft your thare of f2au,000 in pneeats. The Indestructible ''MaywoocT BICYCLE. THIS S75.00 COM PLETE. BICYCLE G 1 at post Iodro, Host RefiaUs. HlSTSt A I Host Durable idi ' i TL P" 0 O CT t3JF vNGEST WTH COUPC... , PATENTS J-?: 'et. 3, 1r3 Jnn 1. 1.SK5 Jan. SI. 5SnJ Other rvu:.i.i5r Tie "Haywood" Is the strangest mit ttmpu -t bu-irU r vor made, loads ana riders. Made of material tbat is -:'. 'o- us r:: easily taken apart and put together; has it ja-t.: ;s c-J - J; v.rj'm. wlU hold toother even In an acei-lent ; co aoi,ov t'":ij t- iic-:i :: . that cannot be broken; so simple that its cu j"si:'.:r ac!v a i x -i 4iece crank in place of a doren part.?; aiTrcrs reauy i citc reLaeie ruAjic lxnprorea ooaoie ajamo-M. KiUkrsuiiAn iir litre ? . . ; rolled steel rods (tonfrhest and strongest metal for its wei-4ct t s, alnminnm bronze fittings in snch a manofr tijit 1; ; lir :t loose; a marvel 01 novelty, simpiioicr acd dnrati!iuy; its oiOi . In bicycle mechanism known, to bail 1 a i nunc w it ".that frames continually break and iractnr at l;r-. :. in cannot be repaired. Wliiiiii.S iMnch: warrr.-:; . and brass nipples. UFBS Ijaree barri patter . . san ec wrntnt yoicK Kepair. or soap ctaer hi 4-1.1 for ail :s c . -1. .., .a cr.5irjoion, '. i. it t.i.-r. U'at ii far-.! -t ,-'T' :'.-S!la.t. s.lrzU-4 ; n a ;---vt.--uen. I i;-i -er i'h r : zn v ti i-;iuity AT ST LOUIS. Bryan Nominated. St Louis. Jalv 23. 10:08 a. m. ropu- list convention called to order by Chair n i Butler. Committee on permanent organization appointed and retired. uwiauonia delegate sane a eone, also one by Mrs. Pennington of Ark. Motion to ndionrn to 3 n. m. defeated, but pass ed afterwards. .. . After the noon recess the committee on credentials reported and contests were decided. St Louis. July 23. Silver convention called to order. Chaa Towne addressed the convention. Name of Teller cheered and also Bryans name, said Bryan rep resented cause ot numinitv against in justice. M. John of Kansas, made speech, also Mrs. Helen Conger of In diana, Judge Shelton. of Conn., K. A. Cole of Wisconsin. He detended brew ing interests and created excitement. Recess nctil 2 :30 p. ui. Mrs Leasts is to address the silver con vention tonight. The afterucon is being taken up with speeches. 5st Urns, Jolv 24. 1'opnust conven tion railed to order at 10 :&. Addressed by Mrs. Marion Todd. Ohio delegate presented gavel of 66 pieces, 43 different Kinds oi work, l esas delegation refused to appoint member of committee to con' fer with bi-metallic convention. Min ority report on order of business wanted vice-president nominated first. Jgna tious Donelly in speech said tittle would be left of populist party after convention but national committee. Joa. Abbott aud Cyclone Davis made peeches, the latter a very lively one. Roll call showed 196 union soldiers, IS confederates and 4 Mexican veterans. Speeches by Judge Scott, Patterson, Jerry Simpson, Judge Plowman. Ureat contusion prevailed, and all business was suspended until or der was sustained. Jnde Green said they were there to save life of people's party. Speech by Howard, of Alabama. Maioritv repot t adopted section by section. Speeches for nomination of president and vice-president were ordered limited to 20 and 5 minutes. National commit tee increased from 1 to 3 members in each state. Considerable discusion in favor of nom inating vice president from the south. Motion to nominate vice-president first carried by 7S5 to 615. General Weaver, chairman, read plat form. Of course the Examiner is whooping up the boys base ball contest, and Al bany is getting advertised every day. Before rendering its decision in favor of the Colts the Examiner said : Whew! but how the feeling and the excitement is growing in the boy's base- pan tournament oi ine racinc Uoast given by "The Examiner." In Albany the "Colts" nave been feasted iand toasted by the delighted citizens forSvinning the championship of Oregon from the tour times victorious Monograms of Portland. And the only cloud that hangs over the valley of the Willamette is a protest that Fleming, the Albany pitcher, is over age. Families and friends and towns are div ed on the great question. Fleming's two brothers have taken separate s Ues on the point. Uno has made ailidavit that he is twenty-one years ot age, and the other just as stoutly "atlirms, dt-posea and declares" before a notary that he is still under eighteon years anil six months of age. Fleming hiuifieif has made olli davit that he lias not t reached the school age. To offset this bit of evidence Portland has dug into the recoid and has shown that when Fleming petitioned to join the State Militia lust January tie swore mat lie was twenty one vears old. Fleming has even been charged with voting at the last election. Km plovers nave come forward and nave testified mat lie was over twenty years of age, and other employers have made just as long and just as strong affidavits tlia". he was still under eighteen years and six months of ago. K-.h side is barked by bundles of ailidavits, depositions, declar ations and statements. It's a big question, and no wonder. Portland, Albany and a score of adjacent cities and towns are hanging on the de cision, for on it depends the champion snip oi uregou. ii ine ruling g against the Colts, Portland and the Mon ograms step to the front with the banner aud hate the chance to go agaiut the championship of Washington. The game will decide the champion cf the northwest, and the winner will b brought to San Francisco to play against the winner in the California-Nevada game. -n'i tdW; TlHfcS "AH.!.u:: ' rn-omc:ti. t: e. '. Ii:-'ni. yc-n - St. Loris. July 24.- called to order at 10: of H. t,i' or :! .t N..s bearinsn to everv nart. inelndin wh!R rmirt .rin -r. : r .. a vi. ONtS Best quality tool steel, carei'cby tamp, rt-l sn; h:.r :-a- . 'S' IJUbersde "hardened centers, rear adjustment- tK vxss i-ut celerT-.ti (.tt-m.-, r--J. ;-rj-- teeted by patents; no cotter pins. KEMH-S1io.e . larh;: Icair- .-; !: t. Ji-AIt . ft or Ti. FROST 1'UEK- Indestructible: fork omTrn iuct fn-i ar.--j, m u A5".K BAR Reversible and adjcst.iMe: eail-- anjati.d Ui isnv ;;ti s:r--J: s hem fur ; Dished if ordered. SAIIJLK p. fe F tiilLa:, t,- acme o.tir trrs-t -it-rs tjr.- :!- uat-trap or rubber; rail ball beancc rlMWi-toaiieicfl in l:Is.-!r. v.i. ill "j !': ...r-a nickel plated. Each Bicycle cotnpiete with tool His. iwoio. vs-recta af.J Mm. Vu. i tording to tires, pedals, saddles, etc. 37 to 3pcax. 40 is oar Special WboIesaJe Prlee. Kevr liefor- soil for less. To qnickly tntrodnee ths "Mjrwjutl1 IJicycle, we have decided to make a Bpccial coupon 3ct. L-istj t-vrr reader of this paper a chance to :ret a first-ciass wacei at the lowest price ever oSered. On receipt ot t-X(" cmpm we will ship to anyone the above Biew-lc. tecareiy eraed. and Biarantee safe delivery. tODey -efended it not as represented after arrival and examination. We w-i ship C. O. D. with privUeae of examination, for ss&fo ;-.d eoopon nrovided $5.00 is sent with order as a guarantee of -.d i ith. A written bindin warranty with e-ch Ricvcl". Th;s is a -Chance of a lifetime and you nnnot aaori to let t npor Swuty pass. Address all orders to CASH BUYERS UNION, ata Wast Vaa Borea Street. Ex si o, CHICAGO. JLL C-;;f5n No. otoen tos No. s MayTi-"'.; ...Bicycle... THE BOYD GRAVE VAULT 40,000 Hn of grmvm robbed aano&alr. Ho gn-we, regartee of location, is tWfrom the rargc of tb hn man gboul. Tb Born Gun Vault affords positiva and abso lute ecaritr aainat tb Gram Robber, and protect, both casket and body from dampneaa, mold and dear. and from taurowinf aAinala and Tccmxn t i Abaafataly Air-6gM aad WrStarpfM Mads wbollr of Beamer strd aad msllwiile iron, aad is prac tically indestructible. Should b used ia every Interawat. Orer U.uoe in actual use. For sale by all undertakers. Maaufd by Tbt Caunusa Ckealcal Ca SpriagfieM. OkM. -Silver convention fO. Consideration r latform set for 3:30. Address by Senator Stewart, predicting victory. tT ixjcis, juiv zo. Convention called to order at 9:15. Call of states lor na tional committee General Weaver pre sented name of Wm. J. Brvan for pres ident, not endorsement. An eloquent appeal. Great cheering. Delegates on feet. Banner bearing words ''Crown of Thorns" carried around, banners of dif ferent state waived. Guidons flocking to Nebraska. Banner with picture of Bryon carried around hall. Nomination of Brvan was seconded bv Fields, of V. A. Cator. of Calif.. Havnea of Ga.,Taubeneck, of 111., Jerry Simp son and others . Ashby of Texas ready to second nom ination of Bryan upon endorsement of platform. Telegram from Debs requests' that bis name be not presented. 6. r. Norton was nominated for pres ident- also Ignatious Donnelly but he refosed to allow his ram presented. Gen. Coxev nominated. Bryan was nsminated on the first bal lot by a pronounced majority. Rumored that chairman Allen has telegram from Bryan sta'ing that as he was nominated bv democrats on demo cratic platform be could only accept nomination ot populists on democratic platform. Telegram a fake. UHicial vote Bryan 1042, orton 321. Adjourned sine die. 4-5 For Sale by Albany Furniture Co. SBORNE and DEEMT Extras and Attachments, Howcl andHarvestcr Sections, J& HollingsworthTiger rake teeth Harrow teeth. Exclusive agents for Os homeland Deering,extras. HopKiNs BROS. Albany, Or. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Woodin have re- tarued from s trip to Portland. Miss Mary Cundiff.of Albany, will be guest of M ias Louisa M eber, for a few days.-Gazette. MiM Edna price took the Eoseburg mail yesterday fur m summer outing at Y aterloo. fctatesmaa. Jag. A. Mothorn returned to Salem last evening after a three months vim at the Alaska go!d ?) mines. Mr. Moth orn is mote satisfied with Salem than ever before. Jack Harking, who also has been in the same country, ia expected home in a few days. Journal. At Missoula I inquired for my old triend ilerr Band man, who played Shakespeare to empty houses at Salem in 1890. He is "still running his torse and cattle rancn near here, and 1 asked the hotel keeper to give the old man my regards. E. Hofer in Journal. Prof. Howland, Jos. Stermberg and Walter Irving who left Albany yesterday morning arrived at laquina Uity last night at 6 :4o o clock. W alter Irving wa right up with the proottsion notwith standing, some thought he might not "hold out " N. G. Mathin. a nronitnent caoitaliot of Perry, Iowa, waa in the city today the guest oi Dig iorraer low a neigunor ana fnend Judge Barton. I rom here .he left for San Francisco this noon. Mr. Matbis and sew! friends are contempt- lating locating or the coast, we hrpe in mis vaiiey.; J. E. Sorbin , w Ld ' in business here years ago, wm in tow' last week. He is at present living La Aossland, Bw, which he says w the busiest place lBTu entire North weet. Asked as to what he intended doing with bis property here, he replied that, for the present it will be left as a eort of land mark. Corvallis Gazette. The motor has been repaireJ amf i run ning regularly. About 1000 pounds cf milk is left at tse tugene creamery daily. An exchange say the Shastt limited will be taken off Au;. l.t. 21 saloon quit business ia Portland the cud of the list quarter. A stun a will give purses amounting to f MX) at the firemen's tournament thi tear, Robert Barn birthday was celebrated in Salem in a proper manner. Prof. J. B. Horner delivered the ad-lress. IVcdleton is going ro spend tSX) in an artesian well. U will be a wate of m-jcey. lbe water wont sport. The Cuits are arranging a game of base ball with ;te Indians of Cbemawa, to be played Satunby if po&li!e. Peter Riley ax'e broke tbis f jreooon. resulting in the spilling upon Second street of a bt load of oak grub wood. Toe Statesman has in &c pat fen jeai built mile and mile of ta Aar lines, and now it looks a though the labor exchangv waa atout to if'ieve it oi that job. Jour nal. Judge Duncan baa been appoiaied re ceiver of the tannery (ft Shea t Ml!r, an 1 i will be sold at public a!e oa Auc. It ba been maning only a few niootii. Robert Hunt wLile running a press io th Teiecnp effic th forenoon hd a fingtr crnBbed ia tome cog w b ' in a la l canner, requiring Uie aaitn'V of a sur geon. The governor appointed Samn.-l Hugbes. of Forest Grore, a memV-r of liie f;ard i.f regenu f the sfa'e agricultural coSege. at CV.rvaiiis, vu II. if MiW, resigned. This woriic in lieate that Mr. Miller wooiJ appointed to the vacant preiden-y. The snag boat Ccrva-'lis, wreved in !! riv, r ietwevn Corralha and Harrinnrg baa now tn formally lnpecrevl with ail the red tape ne- e-Mrj . There i tbert-fore no qoeslion but what itui wrera Considerabie in'emt was taken Ihi, fcrenocn in ihe corgreiatica t-f a lrge crowd near t be corner of Fir-t aad Lvon street, the entire sidewalk being bl ocked up. lnTeligation reveaUd the ftt that a couple ot men wer having a brt contest over a game of checkers, bating taken out doors lor the besd of t-peraUon. SA long item in a Saiem paper revea's the fact that the work on tie "Sate sewer" aa it is called there, though practically a city sewer, i progrwsiiig with 50 men at work. W. B. Barr is civil engineer and sure-in-tend-nt. The other titty men are near'y aU ot S.'ttn including the foreman. K-u-l rUce. Harness Collars llic Cheapest I'lncc to Huy. Special prices on whfps for the next sixty days. Power & Toxunboh Sclo. Iiu Richardson lias soldont his Mill City butcher business and will hence forth devote his entire attention to his Scio butinesJ. Henry Myer and fel Shellon are the boss hay haulers. One load overturned three times Monda with them in going from the field to the barn. lr. E. P. Geaiy. of Med ford, Jackson county, was in this city on Wednesday ofhtstweek. Dr Gtary i Grand Chan cellor of the order of Knights of Pythias and he was paying L onidas Lodge of this citv, an olbcial visit He states that the order is growing throughout the state deaipiu? the hard titn!. Press Who Wiu. Get It. The Corvallis pa pers continue to he full of the O A. C. presidency. As it is an Oregon college it i as much moment to the whole state as to Corvallis. The Times reports Mr. H. B. Milter as displeased with the criti cisms of local papers there. He statts positively that he waa not a cacdida for the position of president until urged by others, and denies that ha is a i!i tician. "Summed up tie reasons for his appoiDtment have tieeu given as: Jlr. Miller has fcuccewfuliv nianaged a farm. an orchard, the Sugar Pine Lumbering businesis, including seven saw mills and thiee stores, and that Mr. Miller is a successful bridge contractor and that he is skilled in the discussion of economic questions." The 1 judges from appearances that Mr Miller aiil be eiee'ed. Ihe Corvallis Gazette has the follow ing on the presidency of the college: Notwithstanding Mr." Miner's apparent confidence, his selection does not seem altogether certain- It is said a!-o that if Mr. Miller is apointei he will be ac companied bv Prof. F. L. Wathborn, formerly of the rxtHesc, now of the state university, w bo w ill oificiaie a dean. Among the other applicants for the presidency are Prof. McKlroy of the state uuitersitr, and Prof J. D." Letcher, of the same institution, formerly profes sor of mathematics at the col'ege Two Aijlvxt Mss. The l'andon He conler says: Messrs G. H. Bruckman and G. M. Knox, who arrived here with their families from Albany, have about completed arrangements for establishing a box, fash and door factory in Bartdon. They have already secured grounds upon which to erect boildings and are now looking up Use neceary machinery. Oa the start this industry will be ran on a mall ca unies our cilixrn take a hand in the mat: . ami make it other wise. It is their intention to put in a 1000 plant on their own responsibility and inertia e it to if the people here will take half the stork. This is a very sensible proposition and should be carvfuilv considered bvonr business men as an institution of this kind is needed nthiscouotr, and should a so be of sufficient capacity to supply the county tr:tli the arttcU-s manufacture!, the atfove gentlemen come hee highly rec ommended br the business men of Al bany and we should encourage them by helping to establish a factory. They are aiso experienced men in this line of work and therefore should receive our undivided support. A Bold Tiutr. An individual hat been making bis war through this sec tion of the tta'e traveling overland with the Unt of out ills he can obtain at the expense of people who reside along hi chosen route. The officers have wen on fus trail but so far he has escaped their vigiiance. Tbia individual, or individ uals, for it seems there is a woman trav eling with him. stole a cart in Roeeburg last rridav. r rom there be traveled north. beir,g on the roal at night only. hen w ithin four miles ol A MOTHER'S WORD. The Dkmockat has given a good deai about the amateur bane bail champion ship ot the coant inaugurated by the Examiner, and it is not going to stop until the end, for just at the present time it is directing several hundred thousand eyes towards Albany, and we are getting advertised. The Examiner tells about the decision which settles the Albany Colts title to be state champions in the following interesting manner: The protest of the Monograms of Port land against the Col's of Albany on which hung the championship of Oregon has been decided in favor of Ihe Colts. A dozen ailidavits were Tiled by Portland's backers to prove that Pitcher Fleming of the Colts was over eighteen years and six months old. J ust aa many sheets of pa per bearing the notary's seal were sent in by Albany's supporters to prove that Heiuing was sti'l under the school age. Fleming himself signed a declaration to that effect, but the industrious and in defatigable Monograms dug into the Portland records and showed that Flem ing had regularly sworn before a notary that he was over eighteen years and six months of age in order to collect certain moneys and to join the mhitia. Flem ing's two brothers took opposite sides on the big question. There never was such aa mass of conflicting evidence offered in a protest over a disputed championship In any state. The opposing affidavits just balanced one another. The evidence that turned the scale in Albany's favor was the declaration of Fleming's mother. Mr. Fleming lives in Wilmeraing, Pa. "The Examiner" divected its representative in Pitts-burg to go to Wilmerding and personally ak Mrs. Fleming the age of her son, G. H. Fleming of Albany, Or. He wa born March 2, 1S78," she an swered, "and is eighteen years and four months of age." That settled the controversy over the age of Fleming. The direct testimony of the mothers outweigh armfuls of con trary affidavits in these protests. The Albany Colts accordingly are to be con sidered the champioFS of Oregon in "The Examiner a" Baseball Tournament of the Pacitic Coast. They will meet the cham pions of Washington within three weeks and decide the championship of the N or th we!. Now that t he point it decided, there ought not to be anr bard ieelin. The Mooograms and every other Oregon club ought to get in and "root" and work their hardest to help the Colti win the OrvgotVahtngton game. The winner I that game will be wtitun reachtrg dis tance of the banner and the champion ship of the PacSiic Coast, And the Mon ograms, Astoria. Oregon Cuy, SaSems nd every other Or-gm mne that was in he toumement ouznt to help make a gallant straggle to complete the victory. .text to winning the troiiv yourself is the glory of having your suie win it. To Elbtt a PaoihRvr Hon. Wallis Nah.of Portland, went to Corvallis lo- ay, and will remain mere for the meet- nj of the l-jrd of regenss of the O. A. on Hie ."Mh instant. Mr. Nash is an- li H. B. Sillier for president. fh board consist of Govertor Lorrv, Secretary o Mate Kioraid, Lien Land Commissioner Davenport, r-enton Kiliio. Slate School tspruatendent Irwin, . M. Hiilearv. master stale grange, J. K. eaiberlcrd. alas ash, w . p. Ready. J. r. A pter in, Joseph H. Church. . K. au-s, ana faiuuci iiughesot rorest i . rove SriWjinirw. Very few lertnelon will be raised in Josephine county this year. either Iee mot hat tuck, our lornier watermelon kings, have any planted to speak of, as prices of late ears have tasted bitterly of hard times The hot snn ha cooked die melons cf the acramento valiev. so our WiUauieMe valley friends will have to relr n tiieir n prwluctior.s in tins line. These a iwavs uie ana scarce. Oram s ras Courier. iihin four miles of Cottage If ., ii.. . : . - At . t : -L. . 1 ...a p-es time today the popo it conven- of . . ri Vl,uail amlait. tion bad done nothing to ebow its band on the endorsement of Bryan. Tbe time bad been taken np with speech making and the reptrt of !be credential committee. A lire time is anticipated when the import ant issue is reached, which w-II probably be tomorrow. Tbe United StaUs supieme oourt baa made a decision in tbe eve of ttaws V Victoria Copper Mining Co.. reversing all the precedents of older t'ecisions and the cuitumary practice of miners in locating mining claims. It has hold that a valid m'niag location may be made without marking the boundaries on the ground or ten of postinit a notice on the urouud lo cated. The practiesl ilTi-t f tbia adds additional uncartain'v to the mining titles bied on location only. Mining and Scl-1 a month in St. Uoms to catch dogs, in ! rig i ing that gentlemen's wishes in the mat ter, he "swapped" the stolen . cart for a hack, a double et of harness nd horse belonging to Fiank Veatch. The theft was committed Mon day night. The officers in this city were notified and last night Constable Scott had men out watching for the miscreant but they failed to tind him. fcugene Guard. Dons. Portland's noundmaster browns ibout 100 dogs a month. He puts them in a cage and lowers it into the river They are the.t burned. Death alwavs follows, it takes nine policemen in Galveston to do the work. It costs $3W entitle Press. Albany Furniture Co,, Incorporated A A ft W !t .ITS. Tbe Sbakers of Monnt Lebanon, a com munity of simple, honest, God-fearing men and women, bare prepared the Shaker Di gestive Cordial for man) years, and it is always the same, simple, honest, curative medicine that has helped to make the Shak ers the healthy, long-lived people that they are. The Sbakers never have indigestion. 1 his is partly owing to their sinip'e mode of life, partly to the wonderful properties of Shaker Digestive Cordial. Indigestion is caused by the stomach glands not sop plying enough digestive juice. Shaker (ti- fbstive Cordial supplies what's wanting, baker Digestive Cordial invigorates tbe stomach and all its glands so that after awhile they don't need help. As evidence of tbe honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial the formula is printed on evtry bottle. Sold bydroggUts, price 10 cents toTl.lO per bottle. For the Third Time. The question of establishing a branch insane asylum in Jbastern Oregon was submitted to the su- preme courrt ;yeterday or the '1 thetn, and a scavenger i.auia them away " "j "- I in N York thn am ralK'ht bv the Chicago altout 2000 dogs are caught every month. I bey are charcoaled. In Bui falo 700 dees are gased. In Arkansas dogs are of course shot, after beini caught with a wire loop In Memphis Tenn., tbe dogs are officially strychmned a piece ol meat being openly thrown to time. The of Oregon upon the relation of James McCain, district attorney for the third judicial district, respondent vs. Phil MeUchan, state treasurer, appellent, Arguments for the state were presented by Henry St. Ravnerand W. W. Thayer : S. L. Uayden.district attorney, successor to James McCain, and 11. J.' Bigger ap peared for the f tate, and J. 0. Moreland presented argument for the appellent. Metscban. Tbe enit is to restrain the treasurer from paying a wan ant of $2',- uuu, issued in payment of a site pur chased by the state board of t tilding commissioners for the erection of branch asylum in Union, in Union county. journal. hand and killed by illuminating can In Washington they are shot. Mr. Ed Oavidson, Albany s poundmaster, pro poses to use all these methods, if nec essary. All untaxed dogs wilt go by some route regardless of their owners If vou want a ewa ana clean moke buy cigars made bv our Al bany ctaarraetory. Undertakers and .Embalmers. Baltimore Block, Kloany, Oregon No Charge for Hearse or Services 1 ,Jl..w. 1 5 Ti. J-'stmu acme4y cunts 4.;iiy, A-mianv ncrvut.- tiiiw tH. wiwk Mwniory, Loa of iliuii 1' irar r".tt'.-Jltfci-Wlwt!ajfc. i -.-- . " m m L.l tf a itx.i. K l-a. -0 yoraaift'p V' J. Tr" fvtrO ..mi . uvtl drtimif. ltuoou.fiuv anil wnntimr lituHtu.. '1 ucwuUiiulrrarorexatvift. Cjutalusooilauis. Is a nerve tonic dbfi tlool butuler. M akes the pule and pony t riHigand pi unip. I EBrilvesnleainveBtpock?t..l per box; ) forays. Hy uiall.prtt" '; ptiM. vtHnavrnttmvuTanUtotmnnnirtJntxUA. Write us,rre ' .!me'lleMl book, senled plain wrnnper, with temimonlals and eniinrlnlstsnrtlns. A nrharnt. vrimniltattmi. tuwanot tmtJo. twn. B.MDr.MSS U,riUr.MlVBliiUI'0.. MM4.T.HChlMse. A-CUAtMiNUti.aflubyllODUKB Mc AV I. l U. UrugtfUts. ALB CJGAR FACTORY Proprietor, TCHINQ SKIN DISEASES RELIEVED BY ONE APPLICATION OP itlctira Braunr CrraM TBiiTKTItrr. Warm baths with Cimoea Boar, gentl. apptloaUonsof OirrioiiBA (ointment), and mild doses of tnm cdba KasoLvaav, greatest of humor cures. Sold Oinarhnat the woHd. PHse, Cnnmt, Ma. So.i-, e. mrnvnnt. lie. mi l. rorraa Sauo aan Ch. Cusp, Sole Prop"- Bartoa. . as-"UewtoCanlicalBf atOalJsHsass,auatsdtas. Bcsiskbs Change. The firm of Fort- miller A Irving, familiar to Albany peo ple for a good many years, on account of the death of Mr. Irving, will retire from bnsinci8. The entire stock has been sold to the Albany b urniture Company, which will thus be equipped with the largest and finest slock of furniture and undertaking goods in the valley. Mr. rortmiilcr will go into the company. while Mr. Dindinger will retire. The company will be composed of H. K, Hvde, D. H.James, and Wm Fortmiller, all live business men thoroughly np to the bus:ness. The goods will be united in the present ronine of the Albany Fur niture Company in the Baltimore block. W. S. Vadderburg, recently candidate tor congress on the populist ticket, was in Albany today, perfecting arrange ments to contest the election of Thos. II. Tongue Notice of contest will be served upon Tongue in a few days. Norris Morris and crowd returned to day from their fishing expedition in the foothills. Mr. Morris reported getting 1100 fish; but no ailidavits were present ed. Tn Corvallis Carkiaok Eatoby. There are indications that the carriage factory troubles will soon tie settled and the factory resume operations Mr. Jen kins the Illinois man, is still here, with emphasis on the "still," for, he is not divulging his business plans. It is very probable however, that be will shortly be able to take tbe property out of the as signees 8 hands and organize a new company. Then the factory will be put upon a different basis. The manufacture of carriages and buggies w ill be discon tinued and the new management will confine ittelf to Coast farm wagons. The increased use of Oregon wood will be a feature, for it has been demonstrated that this can furnish all the necessary timber of the best quality. Gazette. aABSOE.tUTE!f PURE sir Tub Hoao Ixjcred. The steamer lloag was injured at Salem las- night. The stern of the Hoag by reason of tbe swift current, was thrown against the fantail of the Albany, completely shat tering the wall of the first named boat ' directly beneath the ladies' cabin on the port side and adjoining the engines of the boat. Several steam pipes were broken and bent out of shape, and .he steam, which escaped with a rush, coin pleleiy enveloped the steamers. The ma'hinerr of the Hoag waa at once en tirely disabled and she floated, to all in tents and purposes a wreck, up towards the slough carried away by the current of tbe stream being entirely bevond the control of her pilot and crew. The offi cers of the Hoag made an examination of the damages and found that in addi tion to the breaking of the steam pipes and the tearing away of tbe hwse wall for a distance of about twenty-five or thirty feet, the engine was injured by having the rocker Shalt torn from lis place the two large cast Iron pedestals supporting the shaft being broken at moel beyond repair. Siateaman. MiLLta oa McElrov. The Deno-kat is informed on reliable authority that the presidency of the O A. C. at Cor vallis will go to either Hon. H. B. Miller or ex-Superintendent McElroy. Person ally the IteMotKAT believes it to be to ttie tnteret of the college to retain Prof. Bloes; but if one of the men named is f receive it believes public sentiment generally would be in favor of Mr. Miller. VVe are informed that he has never been a formal applicant for the position; that it was suggested at a meeting of tbe board, when a majority of the members voluntarily said they wonld vote for him if he would accept, which he did not do until some time afterwards. At the meeting it was urged that the college needed a good business mac to place the school in a good footing, as wed as a student, which it is claimed Mr. Miller is, and as well a college graduate and student Ij;piN8Vs. Cof.:s. To-morrow af:er noon the Aibanv Colts wil play the In dian club of ChemetWa. Thi club re cently defeated the Monograms 22 to 12, wnile the Coils defeated them 21 to lO.eo that a cktse gamemav beexperted Ad mission, 15 a-vd 10 cents. They should be given a big audience. Tl.e car wi!l leave First street at 2 o'clock. Let evtry body turn out and help the Colts on their way to Saa Fran-cisxo. DROWNED. Elmer Acbenbach, the eight year old son of Mr. Achenbach, residing beck of ConradMeyer'a store.andLeel'ayne were bathing at the mouth of tbe Calapooia this afternoon. They went over to the point of the island and young Paine came back alone, telling tbe Achenbach boy to remain till be returned. When th. Payne boy looked back he saw only bubbles where his conpanioo had gone down. He tried to dive for him, but failed to reach tbe unfortunate boy, and gave the alarm. The body of the by was found and taken home to his stricken parents, after it bad been in the water half an hour. 101 Vetsa Old Saturday was the 101th birthday of Hoea Brown, the sur vivor of tr.e war of 1SS2. 2ui:e a partf issemb el to greet the old man at his borne Wildervule. He get a pen-si-m of $-V a month, Wis may drop off ar y lisie. Mr. Bmwc resided in I.r.e cou i tv for a number of year. Grant's Part Courier. To tub Eetorn t oioou The 14 year old Zimmerman boy, who h not had a very good reputation for some time, was arrested !at night by Acting Marshal f.eese, for ftea;:ng U'hao o from the store of R. N. Morris, on Main street, and tods was committed to the reform fchxd. While from Oregon the Hoag Us wek, Mise Lila Brown, a mem ber of the ladies' twin-i. was unfortunate enough to drop her watch overboard. The boat at the time was aground on tbe raoliaui tsar, ami Ihe lime piece fell over on Ibeside of the loat next the current. The watch could be seen quite plainly and an attempt was made to recover it. u l the water was so swift that It would sweep the diver under tbe craft so it was abandoned. Corvallis Times. Interesting Speculation. It is said that the O. C. it E. railroad comnanv will a nmminsnt itrr in the bidding on the contract for tbe gov ernment work, soon to be started ander tbe new project on tbe bay. Should the company become a succeaafoJ bidder it will bring about quite a change in affairs on tbe Bay. It will no doubt be the means of influencing them to build on from Vaquma City and make the term inus ot their line at Newport Or it is imtimated that they ma build a cutoff, leaving the line just below Toledo, going up the Little Beaver across to Newport. This would require a tunnel but one not so long as tunnel 2 near the summit. This cutoff would take their track away fro ja the edge of the bay along which it i una for nine miles from here to Yaquina If tbe company should secure the con tract tbe stone for the same wonld in all probability be taken from Pioneer quarry. That would make things lively .there also. Tub. O. A. C. Presidi-sct The Times says: Counting Mr. Hughes aa favorable to Mr. Mi'ler, an inventory of rjoe- seems to indicate that the active candi date baa five vote, to bis credit, to wit: Uovernor Lord. Secretary of State Kio caid, T. W. Davenport, appointed by tbe governor to the commiseionervhip of the ben lan Is, Benton Kiiiin and Mtnoel Hughes, and this, if there ia a fall meet ing of ail members, leavei Mr. MiLer two votes s!xrt of an election While no one is au'botived to speak, it is under stood that opposed to these five mea.bers are six influential members who will under no circumstanree support Mr Miller and that the remaining two oc cupy a doubtful position. Focmek O. A C. Max. Mr. Joseph Emery of Salinas. Cal recently received a telegram from tbe Department of in Affairs asking if be would accept the aptointment of U.S. Indian Agent at K:amath Agency. He replied in ta af firmative, and he will no doubt receive th appointment, to take effect ia October. Mr. Emery was formerly agent al Klamath reservation and is laudably spoken of. We are indebted for this information to J as Emery of Klam ath Fails, eon of the above gentleman. Express. Mrs. John Barrows returned this noon from her trip to Portland. F. M. French and family and S. W. Rose and family went to the Bay today. License was issued today for ihe mar riage of W. II. Mchlroy and Miss Mattie Alice Miller oi weet Home. Marshal Lee and wife will go to Sola- ville for a week outing, with the hopes Uiat it will benefit Mr. Lee's health. Mack Denny, who has been attending medical lectures in Portland, was in Al bany this week, lie intends to become I morning and left the same dav "for Yai- physician. nax.wbere Mr. Stiilweli will uke charge. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. C D. Kennedy, now on the O. R. A N. was injured thi. week by falling off a box car and will be laid up for aw bile. II. Lase!!e, formerly one of our towns men, tmt now of Al'iinv. was looking after his interwrts here the fore part of the week. Tiiauiook Herald. Judge, Misses Annie and Ora Flinn, WiUGa:braith. Dr J. L. Hill. N. H. Allen. C. W.Watis and daughter and Miss Elizabeth C rot hers were among those who went to the Bay this noo-. Prof. G. A. Walker, formerly princ pml of tbe Albany schools, who has been teaching at Bay City, has been engaged to teach in the Tillamook school. Mrs. Walker will also have a position in the school. Judge W. C. Hale, relu-ned from the Willamette valley last Friday. He rode hia wheel as far" aa Naylox." where he sustained an accident due to 'he lodging of a stone in the wheel against the ritn, resulting in a broken batidle bar and other injury to the bicycle. He came on from there by sUge. Klamath Falls Expteet-". Mr. and Mrs B. Sfillwell and two daughters atnved from Ail-any yesterday Several Salcs. Matters were lively at 1 o'clock today at the frontdoor of the coon house. Depnty Sheriff Leweilicg sold at f beriff's sale the David Hawley propertv.Nsi acres to satisfr a judgment of David Link, for S2flO. bid in by the la:nti3 ; the C. C. llackieman propertt at Iebanon, 10 lot to satisfy several judgments, bid "n by W. B. Donaca et al !orI5i.. Lot 1 of the Jane E. Carter ptoperty was sold at administrator's sale to F. S. Thayer for 1-575. On account of the low price the other 3 lots were not o'd. A wagon of Otto Baemile was sold on a judgment by Hennr Weiohard, to A. W . Oordan for t-l. isaKor city papers are full ot mining news, and there ia a good deal of it to give. Clean tips aro published in plain figures, and rich strikes are common. We will get that style eventually. It is coming fast. Caihki bv a Doi. Mrs. Adams, a sister of Mrs. L. Knighten, this fore noon, was driving chickens in the yard of Mr. Knighten near Tangent, when a dog, also after the chickins.ran into her, knot king her down, fcue fell in such a way as to breaK one oi ttie femur nones also dinlocat-l it. Dr. Hill was called and attended her. She is well advanced in yours and will probably be crippled the rem Hinder of her life from the accident. Mr. F. G. Power haj teturiied from an outing at Tiptop, in Lane county, greatly benefitted by his sojourn there. Wm. M. IIong,of the Water company, is in the city. Mrs. J. B. Wilcox haa returned from a trip to Oakland Or. Coke Bilveu. son of Hon. Lark Cilveo. of Eugene' came to Albany on hia bicy cle this forenoon, making the trip, 47 miles in about six hours. Mies Flora Mason, one of Albanv's most charming young ladies, takes her departure for home Saturday, after two weeks spent wry pleasantly in this city. Miss Mason's summer vbnta are always loosed forward to with much pleasure by her many friends here. Newport Nwa. Speaking of the death of Jos. T.Keeb- ler. son of E. Keebler, bv drowning, the Advance says : The deceased w as a ex emplary young man ana was well liked by everybody in the neighborhood He united with the M. E. church, South, in 1889, since which lime he has been a de voted Christian. Ho was aged 22 years and 2 dava. His sudden death is a blow to hia folks, it being the first death in the family of ten children. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gevres, a girl baby, weight, about 10 lbs. A crowd of S. P. officials were in Albany last night in a special car and today rode over tbe Oregoman road. Four Portland young men were in Al bany this morning on their way to the foothills beyond Brownsville, where they will camp out and fish. They cauie from Salem this rooming. The distance from Albany to Newpot as the bicycles go is 69 miles; of which all can be ridden except abjut 3 miles in all The road goes I miles north of Toledo, aud considerable more north of Yaquina. Ketwet c r riday and Monday evening Lebanon had five runaways, to wit; the teams of Jacob Fifxwaler. Aaderson Blund. O'Neil Bros , one of their horses being killed, U. vv. Aiuricn and Jos. mini. Newport will be well supplied with den lu-b! this summer. There are three there already. Dr. lenninirn. Dr. H. C. Eplcy. and It. Skill of Salem. Dr. Adams of this city also expects to bo there after awhile. Their right, title and interest in the electric light plant in Silverfon has teen transferred by bill of sale by Grant and Lincoln Davis to Conlidge & MoClaine, bankers, for a consideration of 1,104, which included the building, its equip ments and 300 feet of flume and the book accounts The program which was to have been given by tbe Young Peoples Society of the, baptist church last Sunday was postponed for unfoneen reasons and will be given next Sunday evening at 8 o clock. having received tbe appointment as su peiintendcnt. His wile will teach in the Indian school at that Agency. Klamath Express. About eighteen rears ago triplets, all girls, were born in Oakland. California, to Mr. and. Mrs. Wakefield. One was called Lily, because of her delicacv. and she died in infancy, the others Violet and Rose. The latter two grew up together as one person, strong, healthy girls, beatigiful voung women ; but a few davs ago Rose was taken ill from the effects oi a cold taken on the 4th ot Julv and died a few davs ago. Violet, heart stricken over the loss of her companion. is iving at the point ot death erily we all do fade and die aa the ti mers. Sev eral in Aibanv know the young ladies personally and many heart pangs have gone out tor the bereawd pareuts and stricken sister. toney to Loan. A limited amount of eionev to loan on Be. Prfcto'j ms K-kina- PawiM I" wu' World's Fair tUgfetst Award. program haa been prepared and everything done to make it pleasant and prontat All are most cordially invited to attend N. Srxmx A Co. Pric R kdvced. Lou it Veireck, the tonsortal expert, has reduced the price of shaving, hair cutting and paths, Nobody need to go dirtv or want for a clean shave np to the Silver or Gold Standard. Shaving, 10c; hair cutting, 1 5o ; shampooing. 10c; baths, 15c, Oakvillc. Thk Wheat Crop. Tbe cool, clondv therofthe last few davs has done wonders tor spring wheat, and it looks much better besides being beaded out more ealUiactoriiv. There are reports of fields yielding better than lor rears. and yet ail together it is not safe to state that there is over two-thirds of a crop. for many fields are in a bail condition. When the harvest is over it will be found that the warehouses are full and that after ail Lian couniv has not gone back on its record of having sure crops. A CmtD Lost. Quite a commotion was created on last night's south bound overland train. A famiiv wasenroote to Indian Territory and one of the snial children was tound to be missing upon the arrival of the train al this place, aud it was naturally thought the youngster had fallen from the train and probably been killed. After considerable tele graphing 't was learned the child got off the train at liams burg with, another amuy. Eugene Guard. Conn k Huston for grocener Campaign balloru IO, at French's. Ice cream 5 and 10c a dish at V lem-k'a summer gt den. Freeh vegetable of all kinds at Conn t Hustons. White silk parasols for t.25 at ti e Ladies Bazaar. Something new, ladies skirt holders, a French's jewelry store. The best groceries at nricea to auir th times at Conn k Hustons. Special safe on tab U l!ne ,(ii f n;. Raket Stor for ten days . Ladies, the St. Lois Raket will sav yoo cent on Table Linen Tbe St. Lais Rutet 9tnr inmoiul lUi, shoe trade 100 per cent in June. OV U TCKir Ciw. FlM liliinoa r.t the Long Photo Go's., for short time only. Mrs. Yiereck haaopenM her ice cream Parlors and summer garden 'or the sea on Seme ban-1 so me oirthdiy gems at Vt ill Starks, cheap. One for every month in the year. For the next thirty days the Misses Bali will sell their entire stock of millinery at cost. T ebimetalie convention at St ImL lact eveniag endorsed Bryan and Sewaii amid omen enthusiasm. How to vote for a man fo' president and not for 'he vice president on tte san,e ticket ia something no one has yet lear-ei o do. The fats and leans will play oaa ball at Mdinnviile next Wednesday. One of the heavy weights ia O. H. I J vine. If yon want a fine bair cot call on Lney an Nortwick at the Bon Ton barber shop opposite the Rojh House. Thos. F. Watson nominated bv thf po nlisU fg vice president is a coudn oe - U and J. G. Watson, f this cny. Special sale of clamped linet dorHe center pienea, and lonja cloths, in all the lateat designs for the next ten davs at tbe Ladies Bazaar. Clean towel to evrrr customer at Yier eck s shaving aad hair cutting parlors sharing 10 eta- hair cutting 15 baths j ... eosmpouig I JC. The first lion cocntv roarLe won. brought to Aibanv bv evenimr h Mr Gilbert from bis Lili'oia on-Sard "TIW ere fk speomets. a fact the Dekockat man ia ready to verify. Ibe county court of Tarn hi If eoontr re eentiy ordered that the deputy hire of the ."terk and then? should be daid bv thnco officers from their salaries. Mr . Sipbie 1 h emo waa tnLiv placed in the sevium. See is 44'vas r.f age and married: Thh is her first at tack UieQin . Over one hundred twestv five tickers were sold for the excomoa to Portland. inch left tibany tc s noon, tbe eheao eate of It 50 drawing a big crowd. H F Mcllwain ia mkin? a eemr-e dotiag out sale of his first cUsa nock cf goods. He will give actual east bargains, as can be learned by calling at bis store. - A boy was is the dtv today with two tame squirrels which were rannixg nuder cts coat aaa over fits saoaidcrs in a very familiar minner, pceseniieg a prettv pic- tore. A big exenmoB train will come is from Lebanon Sondar with tbe Sodariiie hra bnd and go over to Yaquina on the regn Ur eicUTMon train . Good bathing and fishing, plenty of people there now. Fare only tl hO for the round Uip Tbe discossioa of the financial oaesfk n tas become so warm ia a neighboring city that jne editor accuse another of net fay ing a painter for painting his hoo-e. in sisting teat sound money aea should pay tiieir debts. Tbe statement made rears aco that '"man canno 'ire by bread" is a true as it ever vu be moat have a eke jiicy steak or a roast ct meat to sri with it. Haigfat Bros, are alwavs retdv to forrish their catoo ers with tze best cf fresh and smoked meats. Four advanced cars of Fcr?ranrtij anl Sells circus arrived in Peod'etos TborsLiy, i ne circus is advertising tie hetviest of any ever in the Northwest. A peculiar accident happened at Moo- rue on Ihorsdav. CLaries Baird was working cn a new building, when a big chisel fell from a joist above him. striking him ia tbe back ot tte week, pit-rang the cavity; jret missinjj the spinal cotumn. i he wooed is three inches deep and is dacgeroo. Tbe bids fcr painting the school booses were as to flows: id W ilUun central building, 1)140. Dan nals A Snesess-Central building. $140. basement. $10. Madison St. building fdt5, basement. Sl2; lrw.n and Crosby Central, 1150, basement, f 10, MsdiKta r?49. basement 119: a. a. Miller Madison $201. basement S2t. roof. 1 coat 45, Central $V9, basement V7. roof $24; w. h. Ueadiev Maduoa St til. base ment $20. roof $32: Central 1 1 15. basement 114. roof Sli The contract waa let to H. B. Miller. Hor- Octlook. rhil Neis, one of the Capital City's hop buyers, went to Port land on the Salem local this morning. When aske 1 concerning the present oat- look for the bop thu fall, he stated that the prospects for buyers looked very gloomy. Mr. Neis estimates; that the crop in Oregon will amount to 55,000 bales, providing Ml fields are picks J. An overproduction of $50,000 bales daring lSS'4-6 over the total consumption, which are now held by brewera.will effect quite matenallv the sale of this year s product Rain ia needed bdl to insure the raiser a gvod yield. Journal. The farmers are all at work in the grain fields. Yte lound some holds ol nice wheat near Corvallis, also soms nice gardens and orchards. Mr. C. Stone has the iest orchard and garden com bined. He has peaches, plums and prunes, also corn, beans and potatoes growing together. Mr Hamlin has the finest vineyard we have seen this year and it is loaded with grapes. He lias some nice wheat. - II. M. Stone finished cultivating his prune orchard this week and his trees are making a large growth this year. Some of ins trees have been damaged by shot. Careless hunters in shooting at China pteasants on the ground have hurt more trees than birds. Hunting China pheasants at this season is un lawful, and hunting on the premises of another without permission is unlawful at any time. Mr. S. will prosecute any one found hunting on hia premises. We agree with the Kodavillo corres pondent in regard iooursummerreorts. If Waterloo must have a saloon and ad vertise Sabbath desecration to attract a crowd, then the christian people should keep away unless they could go in a large crowd during the week and hold gospel services on the Sabbath. We have no use for the saloon at any time and especially on the Sabbath. Hon. J. 8. Smith made a .Ujurjgd visit tUtie iaee-rastwreeH. Co uie again!"-" I 1 . 1 . ... V. . 1 street yesterday I DTATWade ia troubled with hemor- age of the lungs. Mr rattioon started to Eugene morning will return next week. Little Rosa Bt'D. this It t4ara'UveaEverr,lsaj Thousands of cases of Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, Colds and Coup are ured every diiy by shltoh s Cure. Gladnsss Comes Jt itta a better undcrstandirg of the W transient nature of the many phys ,cal ills, which vanish before proper ef iorts gentle efforts pleasant efforts; rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, S,.Tupof Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedv with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by ail who'value good health. Its beneficial ffrtrts are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy whk'h promotes internal cleanliness without ueb:ntating ine organ "o. which it nc,s. It is therefore all iraporu.nt, in order to get ita bene- Hcial effects, to note when you pur- lase, that you have the genuine arti ie. which ia manufactured by the Cali fornia Fisr Syrup Co. only and sold by U reputable aruggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. It afflicted with any actual disease, one may be conunended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere. Syrup of figs stands highest and ia most largely ased and gives most general satisfaction FAILING MANHOOD General tud Kerrota EehiSty. Weakness cf Boflv and Miad, r. Herts of rrurs or Excesses ia Old or Young. Kobust, Kobla Manhood telly Restored. How to lCclarjra aud $trrogtben Weak. I a (levcaopcd Portions of Body. Abwruteij- -taihoff Home Treatment. -Benefit ia a da v. a testify from 90 Stales and Fraeuru Countries. Seod for Desrriptivv Book. pla nal ion and proaia, ntaikd i aeatedj tree. ERIE B3EEICAL CO., Buffalo, M.Y. TRACTION ENGINES. One S horse power Buffalo Pitts engine used one season. One 10 horse power Buffalo Pitts en gine, new. For sale cheap. Iloptcrss Bkos., Albany, Or. Money4 Loaned. First Mortgages oa Improved Farm Property ' egotiated We are prt pared to negotiate first mortgages upon impioved farms in Oregon, Wah. and Idaho with eastern paxtiea and foreign capitalists at the usual rate of interest. Mortgages re newed that have been taken by other com panies, now out of business. Address (with stamp), Mkryix S worts. Baker City, Oregon. Male Istales, I-ii Tlej Got things spelled wrong and ail mix ed up disylay was poor type old fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? Vill. take your next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and TO Bs Bone Ml P. S. (Important). The price Jor do ing it will be righttoo. Smiley 's printing io good printing. YYANTED-AN IDEAoTr. thing to patent f Protect your ideas ; thev maf bring vou wealth. Writ JOH WlMjErt. BL'ttN tXX, Patent Attorneys, Waihingtow U. C- f g their $Uu priae otter.