The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 16, 1894, Image 1

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Entered at Ibe To Offlce nt Albany. Or., as 8ecad- Jaee Mali Mat! n
T1T4 a VCTTIXC, fn.lUhers and Preprleter.:
I ; i
for Infants
TaxittTY year' OPerTatlon of Caatorln with the patron ware of
SSlLUlona of persons, permit n to epeak of it without gneesiMsr.
It la nnqnaarlnwnaly tke b t remed y far Infant and Children
.Jko world has oyer known. It la hax-mlaa. Children like it. It
jfrroa tham health. It will nwo their lives. In it Mothers have
' fSttSBm awtalr safe and practically perfect . a,
tdrilsVs medicdne.
Cnatnrln destroys Worm.
Caatoria allays Feveriiba
Cjaatoria prwrant TonUtlnn Soar Cnrd.
Oastoria cnre Diarrheaa and Wind Colin.
Oaategia relieve Teething Tromhles.
Cnataria onra Constipation and FlatnUncy.
antrnllaia thy anVcts qf carbonic, acid rrn or pojaonana air,
deee not ooavtvbt mnrphine. eplwm. or other narcotic pi1 usiaj ly.
arwfrmflajan the food, Tearnjbawas the ajtamae -snd lwgfljfc
Ting healthy and natural sleep.
tjm is pat np in one-lne pottles only. It Is not sold in .talk.
,t allow any one to sell yon
Ait is "Inst as rood " and "
thnt yen ret C - A - aV - T - Q -
.tare of
Children Cry for
Su;cssr to
Flour and Feed Store.
Opposite Ruts House.
Hts on haod a full at of Capped Fssd, Corrallis Floor, Brae, Shorts. Cstm Meal
Graham, Bat k shea', Rye W, Hay, Oat, S.rsw, Potatoes, Apples, rc
Oar 3O0 pare bnoU '
sslddlc-eared rni oM i:r .
sa we hs.e rssweM i kor -
shown br heedreds of w
Olwom wetu.Tue:.- .
WE K-."
.u r,u. .... i
.Dr. A. T. Beads. Lrcr Mr -
I WSS USSM wits r '
auessi s spssmscs mm of i
a SSI UMfssliBS. I: m
I te?4 si
J 1' . CLi--.
sow bslt I h V. h.I S Dr.
11SS MIWUU1 1 Lhf.
vuaost eusfldsoo. in sssu
asa uts numae.,
SS. Trulj roar. TL A. HQ
For isn... ;fT r n. i , .
nt. si
Dr. A. T. Bender. Lear Kr?- In
Wntito Cw for rbcm.i.' 'n, i: n j . crcrtM
Ml yRiflL jror IA. i I c i-Ot
Hswwllv iLnrlMitWti'y - - 'nilcowt
thwsJth la tht "on-- I :. Ba ttr 1 caa
I. K. UCaHlQ!. IT pri tor jd atL
Nr. A.T ffan'lfla.Dear t:r : ' Jjit b - u 3iz.z jout
Iharo for rivo rstri. f liaaa aalaail
KT-iiKK-f. nrr o- '-cwiili. ai- i lulls'
rigor oaxiy, aoa am ta-m- i. a7sr r-rt.
Tour gratcfoilr,
at S eiQSUplSl talranlo bar U ry , mad ibeltKU
rao jaoouuaa. pr longoa ' i ixau wmcn ar utaat.y itJt uroaitoat c;i -mi part, or wo Tort U
StVwwe Ithaaan laaprarrd Kl re trie MagMPBawrr, taoirreat;f"t MMKI ayer rtvo wca roayxaod
invQcnreasT 01 . ao atxTq wcaanaim,
. fi 1 -rill mn tlnr rir rMaitn farn rtr thraa
Be 1 11 pt nrp grinea in x rnaa.aii
PA-3filZE, HOM
" A A if, f'raflMeMt.
J I OO TV AN. rrnAxiirw
I Cowan, Jao F MuipeiMl, V
1 RT Wth "
0 J
-also nisTwcrr
Several Solid Eastern
The Bsst Shoes
for the Least Uvnej.
W. Le DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fitting, and give better
satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con
vinced. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' name and price on the bottom, which
Karantaes their value, ssves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them,
lalcrs who push the sale of W. L- Douglas Shoes gain customers, which helps to
increase the sales on their full "'is of goods. Tney can afford to sell at a less nroCt,
and we believe yon ten save mener by boylng all your footwear of the dealer pdvci
fists below. Catalogue free upon application. W. X. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mass.
ror sals by tne, L. K BLAIN.ULUT t-IINU CD j
and Children.
anythinsT else on the plea or promise
will answer every purpose."
B. - 1 - A.
Is ob every
Pitcher's Castor ia.
I A Morrs
iib rlcctr rai mpm
fory WtM cur . i . :
VJSw .'-t .-Afccctr jutor. Tli'-v m
aer iz - f IJcbiMrT.
. w' Coe Urnai- .ItcrtfavaA
i , Sff rleLMIH-SS.
ti t year i . h j k rmak (. oi
aici. vr 3 r.-ral 1.1 teal
-gdwrrT t .i m nc.n'.rr-r n trial t
i rto r- hift atrial to codt
- ciot is,pica. in i4morxz2a
cv s yjm mar fea-e ua-.olv tn
vkic;- is r!rtii-icl; v 4 tat
r.-ju-t rtvnrwoaaxes' i lac.tos rotw
... - ititt-j Ciair.THi. wr.rn art)
i ri'iu ww .i4c -lusrsT su uosw'i, au
ana van mil foiiow at
1? ir p. n and treatnerit, aniS
rM.Mto a cars or renua
; f- inc'a r !-r' rir Halt hi t i ex wrtmi
jr; rrx . ft?r Mheriirreotrlali?5.a can
.wji-i wnnirj tka:7 injury, toiiiixs
jro:.'-. rcccery aitcr aais onr lielU
ivl OAil CURE TC01
ua irfc oinboswid wtti. taa trin cotctaa trw
CMfla. 9j-viMra u tbjtw caau ot !ia
' . n i . rea xor sVwTtjti f tvsvrm. i wvf x
. -f M4 b-&d fOT baoa. W j i) doublaf
-b i . I c z).i ore of ro'-r belt a. It Irld
a ir. o&r.t--c I oonttae t4-.r t tor f
-ac:.t; . b-n g pvift-T cura. Tk Wa two J.
a o,ft&i l am aw,- t-d 1 'r u ia tar ill
k' o-rsa.- bs't wU. aS I kn w !' cf p-c.ple
baoa b-en ca--d I, aiar wta-s bom iL as
tbt.7 w t it thr arooid .'(n'l it th aaiaa aa 1
h lA-r. rar. ; ia tka wo J. 1 tia ocat
a-rru' ntnt.7,aod tri 1 be glad totaiWltll aaV
nrnjitn to i nnl m .n' 1' .
KObfcKT BCRKltL. Ereiaaer neta! PortlSnia.
trwt,WiS, Joao ft.
tr-. a. i. ara-, ioar fir fiDc wvanaa
b It i fcifobpfij Errat. y benefited. 1 faa! mro',
nr-r fa t a in nc. and al t r a matitia a v
I (Mil. A u
bait I Sad d-.m:! twi a v rcroua as bofotn.
nn nun i -m ucw ne-rir : iifert. and rfltii day
io; tae rrttr. i i i ri'icj srrBirT ta
I uing lh oontrair. EJSSilT &OHTJLT
electric belt v
to b oasily wrvro dodng vngft or atrcrt, sad U
anr ejiiarao nrcKPa i"i:i, or oaru, or Jioi
bsm. Or Daru, or
Sf, Addr-n
TAafani ,r ytu'u " 'hi - n tfirn j rr: icinids asn
. . ! i 1.' r j.iU . n.
JO WRrinaf AW. 8-jcotiiIT
It if
lllUH'i. VI M
tiers;, ;J Wif
aoium won-
and Foreign Compaiiieb
Go eUsfaC for
60, 84 and 83.00 Dress 8hO0s
83. OO Polloa 8hco, 3 Sciot
82.00, 82 for Workingmer:
82 and 81.70 for BoyS.
83, 82.50 82, $1.7!
CATJTION.-If any di.
offers you W. I.. Done
shoes at a reduced i
or aays lie bas them wli li
ons tno name etampea
on we ooiiom, pat mm
clown as m nssa.
(J, . Duncsn. cnintj- jadjTS; Win. Rutubauuh
and J. V. IukIi, Oanwnnwaesn.)
Tin' t ounty court
until Febroarj it;.
adjonrood last nijrlit
nftor transacting the
W ti NicWerson was
following business:
apiiointoil supervisor of disi 52.
BUI of ti K Russell. tf0 salary, disallow
ad in full, also bill of Ben I! Irwin & Co
for S3.36.
Ordered that 0 f Jackson lie uuthorized
to offer u reward of $150 for the uxrest and
detention and delivery of ti r Rowoll
t nl. :(' thnt (1,..) H Wilkps l., :inil he is
' hereby appointed to till out the unexpired
term ot tteo r Kussell as county
H 1. Lassell was appointed supervisor
of diet 21 ; A Herald ot diet 3 ; S N Millard,
of dist 28; George I mner of diet 48; C
Gaines of dist 8 ; F M Hazenofoist 27;
"V E Potter, of dist 1 ; I-wie B Wilson,
of dist 35.
In matter of petition of D S Thomas
et al for county road .ls Pearl, Henry
Rlakely and Clyde McCoy appointed
Bill S tioin licet poor, continued.
In petition of J (1 tiros et al for county
road. Put Kestcr. B f Blodftatt and Hester
Ulaiid apjointod viewers.
W A Tritws appointe-l sap of dist 47.
Bills allowed:
O PCoshow, ai Hail
G C Cooley, aid ClarK
5 05
5 00
Mrs P A Henderson, self H) 00
W E Savsie. aid Cox 10 l0
a K Crawford, aid Roberta
I. White, aid Presael.Kenworthy
M Ande'son, aid Hochenburg. . .
Elizabeth Osborn, aid self
Sarah Hines, aid self
Moses Pai ker, supt dist 2i ...... ,
W M Malone, supt dist 3
C H nogart. sunt dist 2s
8 00
10 00
a oo
ft 00
5 00
50 00
21 00
26 00
25 UO
44 00
20 00
13 60
li v' Berchet. supt dist 43
w j Crabtree. supt uist s
A P Blackburn, supt dist 27
B Y Craw, aid oadpers
V G Moore, aid poor J2 00
J BTiilotaon. acct roads 22a 00
John H Lyons, roads, and bridges. 5 00
I N Brotherton, supt dist 1 33 00
J B Tillotaon, et al. bridres. ..... 20 30
lr A ti Ifill acct poor. RJ.&U. c.isalioweo
R C Kemp aid self
(r C Strnard. aid poor
Daniel Brady, aid self
Fee state agt Cbas Flesh
Hayne tc Buck, acct bridges
Cbas Fergusson, bounty
Maston & Daris. poor acct
H B Mover, bridges
Stat agt J Condrey. atty- fees
State agt J H Marks, fee
Water rent
Q W Keeny. bounty
Headley i "Miller, bridges
H C Harkuess. C H
W C Farley, poor
Fees, insane. Parker Tumridge . . .
Stewart ic Sox. bridges
Smith Cox, sup dist 47
A G Marshall, roads
W A Trite, roads
Coshow and Stanard. rose
G C Stanari, msc
Henry Lvons. roads
J B McDowell, msc
R P Barger. msc
G W Young, roads
Fort miller A" Irving, a t poor
W C Davis, poor
P J Smiley, .stationery
X M Newport, msc
T T Fisher, surveying
T T Fisher, acct poor
Lydia L Jewett, aid Hays
Electric lights
State agt John Miller
State ast Lewis
O P Card, roads
Vaugh A- Downie, roads
P C Anderson, acct roads
lohn Morrison, act poor
a W Moors, acct poor
T J Farrell. msc
W K Hubble, aid poor
J X Duncan. Burial Mn Kills
Ladies Aid society, account poor. . J
.1 M Ware, aid Henderson family . .
T B Barnes, supervisor dist 52.
Oregon agt Condrey. pre ex
regon agt J H Marks, pre ex
John Usher. Janitor
Kimrey i- lavis. sundries
X P Pawne. county clerk fees
Dr M H Ellis, aid poor
Ben C Irwin A Co. tax receipts
Martin I'oulson. janitor
Wm Kumbaush. mileage A per diem
J W Pugh " r
J K Duncan, ronnty judge
3. SO
IN 90
I 30.00
Mrs M H Ueall, retntned this noon
from Portland.
Mr J O Writsman wtr.t to Port and
this noon or. boeioess.
Mr Hill, the Vermont maple sugar and
syrup man, was in the city today.
Prof Walker has accepted the princi
palship of the Bay City schoo's, and will
move there next week
Eli Perkins isa witness in the Sheriff's
case in Lane county. His testimony
wouldn't be worth much in some places-
G L Thompson, in the east ward, has
been dangerously ill for several days f ram
affection of the heart. We are glad to
note that he ia improving.
W S John is a warm advocate of Gen
II B Compson for governor. Johnny was
in the Shenandoah valley with Compson,
aud knows him to be a first class man.
K A Allen, of Mill City, passed through
Albany today enroute to San Francisco
via Yaquina. He will try to sell cord
wood, which he has cut on his place on
the Santiam.
Lieut Mi -ton A Davis, USA, station
ed at Presidio, Sau Francisco, was mar
ried on Wednesday last to Miss Alice
Bales. Lieut Davis was appointed cadt
at WettPo nt from Polk county.
More Reucctio Wastko. A corres
pondent of the aalem Journal from Mill
City wants the expenses of the O P re
duced $325 a month as follows: First,
he has two master mechanics. One would
lo. Let him send cue of tboee men run
ning on the road, as they are both com
petent engineers. Second, there is Con-
uctor Sullivan who gets G.j per montc
sndtxpenies. His title is superintend
ent of trains, bridges and buildings. He
is no mechanic. He could nt Irame a tool
house. The idea of him having charge
of bridges of which he knows nothing.
The oldest men in the employment shoud
i . . i f . . i i . . .
navd me preierence, imi m:s is noi uie
case, lhose laid off are men of families
uneot mem is one ot tne oldest men
on the road One that commenced
work last April is retained; also his
ntphew, a young single man. I am
more than surprised that Mr Ciark would
allow this outrage perpretrated on the
old employes and men of families to be
turned off without a doilar.
Card ok Thanks. To all our friends
We feci very grateful to all our kind friends
who so kindly assisted us in our late be-
reavment. .
Mrs. Anna Henderson.
You cn never tell what a slight cold
may lead to; It Is best, therefore, to give
yuursc i me oeneui ot a aoubt, ani cure it
as soon as possible with Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. A day's delay, may result In
serious consequences.
Notice for Publication.
Orm is at Oiieoon Citt, Oh
Jan. 5tb, 1894
Notion is hereby given that the follow
ing named setilnr ha 11 ed notice of ids
Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
maue Deiora tne county Uisrlt or Linn
;o. at Aibaiy, ure, on March fl. 18i,vl.
fieiiery u Myers, Jl K No. 7353 for tbe
s M of the 8 E M and 8 H of 8 W M' see
28, tp II, B K L IS. He namea tbe
following witnesses to nrove his
onntlnuous restdenoe upon and cultivation
of said I mi?, viz: Levi Pierce, Otrd well
Clark, Marshal H Clak. Fred Myers, all
or Lacorub, Linn Co, Ore.
Robert A Miller,
Four inches of fiesh snow had fallen at
Detroit when the train left this morning.
At an entertainment at Manama Fridsv
night $20 was cleared. Not entirely kus'e I
up i cat wsy.
wtv.thlw 1 1 oity o: aalftn loads have iut
lin sold al 0 per cet.t for f 62,510, to K H
Kawim & Sons.
Miss i Clements the Prima Donna
of the Calhoun opra Vo Is one of the
handsomet women on the stage.
i successor ia rroi j r kusmM ns
county school supertendent will probably
ue appouneu at tins term ot the county
bis elrea If roeetved 2600 applicittons for
positions under him. As there are bat
thirty to be given some ne will be badly
A--i.ii. c Porter I -an Moodsy the di
bursroiout among creditor- of C H Wells &
Son, s 22.1 per cent dividend, all thai will
ha resliz.-d from the ss. t.. ( orvshu
I lines.
A tiamp editor (?) ealld at this etna
Thursday. He tried for lonzvears to ran
ne'spsier, but failed; acd is now eni y
mg life tuuring the coast, getting bis meal
by c ami sleeping on tbe soft side of
borrowed exchanges. Juactian Ciiy Times
it is sau that it bovi want to nrd out
ho pernicious the clgarelle is to health,
let them blow the smoke of one of the
things into the mouth and nostrils of a
puppy a few times and the.v hare a stunt
ed dog. If the fumes of a' slgarelte will
stunt a dog they wt.l stunt boy.
I '. c: tie- Wilder, an alleged medium, a d
f)r J A Hanna. tbe irotologist, attempted ;o
Irctureat tLe U S Hall oa spiritualisn and
phrenology last Saturday eveniug, but as
not enough money was received at the d or
to pay the license, they refaoded it ad the
people departed much relieved. I ickaoe-villeTims-.
They were recently to Al
bany. Collector Black has temporarily appointed
E A Milarr an iaspector, via A K Raleiajb.
who will assume Mr altiner's ae statis
tical clerk at tbe letter's reqoest. This
change waa made because of Mr Milnei'e in
capacity of dain i clerical work by reason of
an u jury to his nght h ind in a iscent sc
cidtot. Portland Telwtrain.
A Soap Creek corresposdsot of tbe t.'or-vajli-
Times aays: On February 1st there
was a tight at the residence of Charles Read
whch caaeed some excite-neot. t he part
ies coat iateres'ed wear black eyes and
skinned faoea. Una is Mrs Cooper, of Lob
ster, who has one black eye aud a skioned
bee sad the other is Mrs C Head. Tea
an that done the blactinz of the evs is
mlled Fnh Montgomery.
The construction of the soldier's home
building is in -logresa at Roeeborg tbe
s:.s being p to tbe second n tor. 1. is
still expected the buildlog wi'l be read tor
dedication at ths time of the GAR encamp
meet at Koeesurg oex: Hay. The com
mander or superintendent of tbe hoots is
paid $.) a month darins the cauetiuctioo of
the budding, after which his salary ail! be
Ax AsM.iMEST for he benefit of cred
itor waa filed with the county clerk this
forenoon, from L Viereck to E W Lasr-
don. Some of the property of Mr Vier
eck was attached by the Linn County
nana on baturdav. In order to give his
creditois an equal chance he made the
assignment, reserving, as allowed by
law, his barber outfit. The assets con
sist of l,1, lots block 16 Albany, valued
at $3500: one half interest in 20 Iota.
V is re-k s addition, valued at $500; doe
from AB Seal. $792.16: G F Russell.
$150: miscellaneous. il4,V Total Mitt.
Liabilities aie: First National Bank,
$1575; Pacific Building and Loan Asso
ciation. 1S00: Linn County National
Bank. 530: Wm Frum.tSOO: II Broders
200, JW Cosickjc Co, $100; Peter
.-chlosssr, $169.65; Mrs Saltmarsh, $141:
other bi Is about $300. Total, abcut
A Hot Suot Tbe foliwing character
istic letter by Jndge Burnett of ConraUis
in defense of Judge Fnllerton against the
at'ack of the Salem Journal, appears In
the Roe burg Review. It is dec'dedW
hot and causes the Journal to declare
war on Judge Burnett also: I have no
hesitation in saving to you frankly, ;hat
the art cle is an atrocious libel upon an
upright, honorable man, and con
scientious iudre It it absolutely fa'se
and wi' bout any excuse whatever, and
the Din who published ougrt to be
indicted, for he is guilty of a crime more
diabolical and damnable in its cen-ep-
tioas than murder. Judge Fnllerton
stands high in the esteem of this com
munity and they are indignant this
dastardly attack en hia good name. The
people ol this district ought to rise up en
mass and denounce tbe action of Ibis
podding headed libeler in such
terms as to make him feel the wrath of
an insulted comtnun'tr.
Bio Bt vim.-At the Phrenological show
last night there was a live contest to as
certain who was the best ladies man ;w hen
I hrenologist Sharpies examined tbe rear
of George Cohen's heed, though, 'here was
no question as to who the man was, and
he was given tbe prize. J F Troutsaan,
Alvin Carotbers and Frank Wheeler
were c'ose behind him for Erst choice.
Mr Mayo was given the prize for being
the most model husband, closely followed
by A R McCoy. Hard timet have made
the phrenological butinesa very dull.
The bump oo people's pocket books is
too small to pay for the examination of
bumps on ones bead ; but pretty goon
'owds attend, and get the worth of their
money, for the lectures are good and the
visas in'eresting. Tomorrow night
marriage and courtship is the order,
with a ten cent admission, and it will be
worth several times the price. The Ddf
ocbat makes the announcement volun
tarily not having met the phrenologist
A Reward for Ri sssll. The County
Court has authorized the following re
ward, made by Sheriff lackson :
One hundred and fifty dollars reward
will be paid by me for the arrest and de
tention of George r Russell, ex-county
school superintendent of Linn county,
state of Oregon. Left Albany. Oregon,
anuary 25, Ihy 1, for Oakiand.Califoroia,
and from thence East, via Omaha, Neb ,
to Illinois. Wanted for forgery. De
scriptionHeight about six feet: dark
complexion; dark eyes; dark mustache;
age about 35 years; spare built; slight
scar across bridge ol nose; a little lame
in left foot and limps a little in walking
Occupation school teacher; temperate
Arrest and wire meat Albany, Oregon.
U. c Jackson.
Sheriff of Linn Co., Oregon.
A Good BaarNNiNu. Yesterday morn
ing a mail earned to Judge rnilerton
from Corvallis a document of interest to
O P employes. It was a petition from
Keceiver Clark asking lor an order to pay
salaries ol employes in the service of the
OP. It informs the Judge that the re
ceiver has now on hands sufficient to pay
a'.l claim for labor that have been in
curred since January 6th. the day from
which Receiver Clark's administration
dates Whether or not there will be a
balance after salaries are paid is not yet
known as the accounts up in the general
office have not yet been balanced, but it
is not likely there will be anything to
pare. $1900 on mail contract helped
matters some.
Tub Foot Ball game yesterday even
ing between tbe college eleven and Hie
Albany team was a live and interesting
one. Though somewhat rough and tum
ble no one was injured. The Albany
team made a touch down on the first
half by a live run by Westbrook and the
college on the last half by a dash around
the end bv Turner. Marion Swart acted
as referee and Jos Talt as umpire.
Another game will be played Saturday
Prompt Payment. Mrs A Cohen to
day was handed a check for $2000 from
the A O U W as the beneficiary on the
life of her husband recently deceased.
This is a very prompt payment, and Mrs
Cohen feels very grateful o the A O U
W for the manner in which the matter
bat been attended to, and extendi to
them her thanks for the same.
eeiits .
OaTM, Or., Feb., 7, 1804.
Mr und Mrs G A Spencer, foiinerly of
uaies uut now ,jertland, mine up t
visit relatives last week.
Mrs Harley Foster continues to lie ill
At last accounts wat resting easy.
v . : i I a . -f ,
i wo t-upiiatists innn somewhere, were in
town haturduy looking for mines. James
Collins piloted them to guart-iville to look
at the mines.
The farewell dano given 'Hassy DiUey
nut evening waa JsW! atti-nded. ISassy
surjiriseil eveiybodfc this morning hv not
, C D Bcvin is logpbg for tl e Kc k Creek
Flume and I.mnbef eomp.uiy. Thi-i com
pany is the only apfrnntiiiig on the river
above Stayton.
The people here sire getting pretty hard
run for the necisasj-jaj of life. Although
none are actually atarving. a liet of cold
water and bread is, tbe next thing to it
Homo say if the county does not help them
and they can find
of flour they will
with two sacks
them "whack" up.
While the
legislators are kicking
against tbe llui
bill, ibey should
learn something.
come to this court
lliey might get
We have some
kickers aliout the
hard times in
We would re-
fer them
to the following beautiful lines
from the
sixtn chapter of .-t MMtliew
Iherefora take nc thought, savintr. What
shall we eat? or. what shall we drink? or.
wherewithal shall we be clothed':' . . Take
no though! for the morrow ; for the mor
row shall take thought for the thing i of
itself. Sufficient unto the dav is the evil
R chs ell Cacout. As soun as it was
learned that G F Russell, the school mj-r
intendent had fled Sheriff Jackson began
workicg up the case and since then baa ex
pended over $40 in telegraphing, all to
eastern points, among other places to Kuh
nelt, HI., where Russell once resided for
awhile. Levst night about 10 o'clock the
Sheriff received the following dispatch from
ousnneu: i nave vour man in tnarg-.
What shall I do with him. Answer quick."
Signed by J II Weaver. City Marshal.
Keouisition papers will be got tan out at
once and the Illinois officials will be tele
graphed to hold Kusse'.l under them. It is
reared that he will attempt to get clear un-
ler a writ of habeas corpus, but nothing
wilt be left undone to get him back to Al
bany. The most serious charg? against
him is forgery. aud this means several years
in the penitentiary.
Sheriff Ja:kroo'e ntoenptoese its pa.ntog
tbe arrest of the def .siting coaaty school
pertoteodeut la genera.i) appreciated. Me
tot on the nghi ttaai from tbe s'.att, aaa
without mas ids any nates snout it, kept ap
thswotkaatil Kaseall was captaiel.
RrsTLiNo a. or Old. Iter J R Kirk-
petrici some time since thought be woa'd
ha hospitable so be wrote a letter to the
Cumberland Presbyterian, a church fearer
published at Nashville. Tenn. inviting !l
Cumberland Presbvtwians who nail the
midwinter exposition to stop at Setma and
take a look at Swliua and take a look at
t reno countv. He is now receiving let
ters from people all over the east asking
for information about tbe country. A man
named J H Thompson wants to locate a
factory for revolving harrows ia this valley
in soma town wliers they will give him a
building site The factory will cost $20.-
000 and will famish em pk Trisect fur twen
ty skilled workmen. If this man means
business it will pay him to txuse to Sauna
to investi irate tbe situation for himself
(Gal) Irrigator.
Old School Bo-.k. Aa the old chair
coolest baa been classed tno foHowlOp
from tbe Eugene Register is a starter for
an old school book contest : Dr J S Wal
ter aays be can go Judge Fisk one better
in the matter of old school books. He
has to his possession an old English
reader which he used in school when a
boy, and U is probably very uear the
three score and ten years of age. Dr
Walter does not know wben the book
i new, as be purchased it second
banded. 1 ; bears the hand writing of the
ortner owner, and tbe date 1!EH written
with pen and ink.
An exchange : "The non-adver
tising merchant goetb forth to his lair at
he rising ot the sun and lo no man tnter-
fereth. He slandeth around all dav tike
a bottle of castor ol' and the people with
he shekels come not to his shanty. He
adverlUeth not hts wares and his face is
forgotten up?n the face of the earth. Who
bath dried apples.' n ho natb nc-sotieo
ginghams' ? Who hath calicos made "be-
to os wan?' Who hatb stale baking
poader without end.: He thai knowetn
not the wsy to the prin'cr."
S P. Coyle bas received the eootract 1st
carrying the mr dating six months of the
between 1 cat sr. this coontv. ski
Sisters, Crook c aSty. The distance is 7S
lies, and the contract calls far one trip a
week during tbe lommer tncnths. The con
tract is for four years and the co.npeaaaiiot.
is $1825 for the entire time. Mr Coyle re
ceived the roatract direct froai the govern
ment He will ran a hack, sod will ; r. ' -ably
drive four bones. Advance,
A Ntw Compaxt. The Sugar Tin
Mill and Fixture Co., has filed articles of
ncerrporation with the secretary of state, in
the sum of $35,000. divided into 1150 shares
at $100 each. Tbe incorporators aie OaO
H Hochstedler. Edmund Zev.-ss and W
Sears. The general office is at Albany, and
its object is to do a general lumbering bus
neea .
Moxtiilv Shoot. At the monthly
hoot of the Mascot Gun club yesterday
Grant Froman. broke 17 hails out of 25. ami
secured the gold medal: David 1 roman. lb.
securinrr the silver medal: Thos Walter. 16.
and CoTGodder. 13. Several participated
but not for the medals.
I'aiker tiros, grocers.
F. M. French keep railroad time.
Ray your groceries Of Parker Bros
Pin-' )'t:m at Caaa's.
Mew cream cheese just tecrived at Coora
P J Smilev job printer, Flion Block, de
first class work.
Smoke the celebrated Havana rilled 5 cent
cigar at J alias Joseph's.
Dr M II Ellis. nhvi :i u a-id surgeon
Albany. Or j i . l,'!l mil li mts or
Or. Prtca'a Creaiii BaKias Powder
Forty Years ths Manors'.
'. V , . . ; fjf)0,
T i' - ' 1 ' I be r:
S I). IS . 'e e . riar-'l disease
1 I . : I i . ti ; QrS lo a;l l
- r . t I t llairn Catarrh
i i . .' cr.'.ei totr.i-ui
,. . frro, '.. wacoSHnituUanal
rl'-, aae. -:al;r .: ovua itlccal trcaUu n:
IdaU'sl rh Ol clslejl o iulernsliy. aclin
sir-NKJv : . i. h anl saucaoasarnioes
: it f .t i Uemrr .iestro Ins tbe towndsiioe
ifttscdl , -i idyteiasMSe ratiei-t strength
; 'ic.ii'li' .- i-e o: ,yfr 'irt nr. 1 assisting
et; ire lis -'.nr; 1s work, lit? prep.itors have
, iM-h : , in e rnr-tHrc pc-rs. (hat Ihrv
. t Cine Hit ir I I)..p srs for rny cae t."-l
f uls to cure. K.-s.l foe lint r T testiraonfsls.
.r!dri rjBHETACO.,
r r, w DragaT 'K
Dr. Price's Cream staking Powder
Host Perfect Made.
wino Ma em NX neatly repaired an
warranted by a thorrnehly etmpetent work
man, at r M French's jewelry sore, Atbai
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Furs drape Cream of Tartar Powder
MILLER. At Millers, on Feb 8, 1894,
Mrs J D Miller. The deceased was born
in Austin, Mass., on June 11, 1832.
Funeral services tomorrow at the family
residence at 1 p in.
ma tax
try and
ttnt cow
Ashland's monthly electric light bill is
The phrenologists left this noon for
new field.
r Ive inches ot snow covered the ground
mis morning, nearly an gone tonight.
One of the brightest features of the
Calhoun Opera Co Is Its splendid orches
A Jack Adams, of Lebanon, is candi
date for COunl f recorder on ihe populjst
tic K el
The Raptlat church a Lebanon In three
years has Inrr rased In membership from
There Is Irtscf fun Interspersed between
lines of "The Uohemirn Gir." given by
the Calhoun Opera Co.
The Of 'jjon City Enterprise says that
Prosecu ing Attorney Condon, 'of Eu
gene, wl I be a candidate before the re
publics., s.aie convention for the office
of attorney general.
NotwLhs'anding the general cry of
haid lime throughout the country, ti.e
theaters have not been large enough to
hold the crowds eager to see the Calhoun
Opera Company.
The Braacee sisters from the Les Fol
lies Bergere Paris have been specially en
gaged to create their beauti
ful dances in the Jid act of ihe'Roh em i an
Girl, to he given by the Calhoun Opera
Coat the Opera (louse Tuesday, Feb I3 h.
A morphlr.e fiend In Salem named Wil
liam Ryan arrested for vagrancy plead lor
3 grains of morphine or he Willi Id go
crsi, . The doctor told him it would kill
him; but he boasted that ht had tiaen
(ive limes that amount.
Su'too.s L'no Tom's C.bin plaed s a
smell n a-e lest nih ; bat jast the .erne,
the sadiecce got the r moneys wor:b. This
old plsy was given with oove) features, in a
hv- meter, bat never losing sight of the
old story. The troop is a good one.
Oiefoo's cave will soon be ex
ploiedaod rendered accessible t j Ihe public
A company was iacirporatcd yc.terdaj
morning in San f'rancco f jr the purpose
of developing what L.ds fair to be one of Uie
greatest natural attractions on tbe Pacific
Manager R A Graham, of the Rose
burg A Cooi Bay raiirosd, waa in town
Saturday, en route for the coast. Dur
ing a short conversation with a Review
representative be said that work on the
railroad above Myrtle Poin' would j
commenced as early In the spring as th;
weather would permit, provided the
right of way could be secured.
J B Thompson, of whom mention was
made in Tncsday's lntgator. Is here from
Lebanon. Oregon. Investigating the op
portunities offered by this place as a man
ufarturing point for his rewjy patented
rotary harrow. Mr Thorn peon's home Is
In Oregon but wtth proper encourage
ment he can be Irduced to locate In SCA
BS. Seima, Calif, Irrigator.
The plaintiffs In Ihe sheriff's case rested
this afternoon at a o'clock. .Everybody
was surprised ss it was supposed a large
mas of e i Irnre would be taken. Frora
the -pinl.: of those who have heard the
evidence, it teems tiat a very weak case
j has been made, many being of the opinion
tnat tne defense culd also safely rest and
abfde the result. Eugene Guard.
A boy poked bis head Into the door of
our press room the other day, and asked,
"sh j is dead?" O-r man at the press,
who is a model of neatness, replied, "no
beds that I've heard of.'" Then he we-.t
lo the dcor and found that he had hung the
oSce lo ve! or the door knob. But the
boy by this lime was at the foot of the big
bridge. It waa well that he was. Salcn
Independent. Such jokes would be oat of
place in Albany. Here the priming offi
ces sret clean towels three times a week
under the Albany ritesm Laundry's splen
did service.
Rosebojg has a KeeJey League. W J
Bennett, formerly of this city, is one of the
Coroner Frank Farrei! and W O Wajren
were formerly residents of Bushnell. III..
where Prof Kussell was captured.
Geo t" Piper, formerly of this city, has
gotten up an official guide to tbe midwinter
fair. George is a rustler.
Dr Maston. of Albany, was in town but
Saturday, called out in consultation with
Dr Foley, in Mrs Carman's case. Express.
Mr Haman. a son- in-law cf Mr 1 D Mil
ler, of Millers, fell this morning and in
jured one of his knee badly. Dr Maston
was sent for an-1 attended him.
Sheriff Jackson left this noon for Salem
after requisition papers, and will pa-
through here to-night fur Bushnell. III., by
way r-I the Southern Facifec.
One of tbe patients at the Christian
Science Home. 1231. Fine street. San Fran
cisco, of which a cousin of the Man about
own is one of the proprietors, is Mrs Ann
Arnold, a former resident of Albany.
H C Watson, referee, and Percy B Kelley.
steooaTTaher. in the case of Perkins et al
against Sheriff Noiand. of Lane, returned
this noon from Eugene. The case was sub-
itted on the Uie testimony of the prosecu
tion without the defense giving any evi-
Mrs Judge C B Bellinger, of Portland,
in tbe city the guest of Mrs Dana riur-
me'.er. Judge Bellinger passed through
tbe city this noon for Eugene, where he
will lecture tonight before tbe university
students. He will corns to Albany tomor
row end spend Sabbath here. Judge Bel-
nger was once a resident ot this ciiy.
men ue ux not visiieu lor a goon many
The member and liienJs of the kinder
garten, are urgently requested to h pres
nt at a special meeting at tbe L V church
uisding. at 7:30 p m. Tuesday, Feb 13.
6iA. A proposition to assume control of
he kindergarten association will be con
sidered. O'her matters of 'nteret to the
ubltc mav be presented and discussed. A
hort but interesting prog am will be pre
sented. Do not forget time nor place nor
ihe purpose ol the meciir.g. Bv order ol
board of dirccto.-s.
A dlsra'.cli says that Representative
hertnann presented to the river and harbor
committee yesterday a base made ot vari
ous kinds of Oregon arood and containing
he most imgor'.ant of Oregon products
It was stated Iha thefe products came
from the country tributary to Yaquina bay-
It was sent to this committee as an ar
gurr.enl why Yaquina bav should be
taken care of In the bill which Is being
The street car motor has been put In
good candltlon, and is ready for the ood
work. It will not lie very long before
ks puffing Is again beard :
A CtUld Kajevs
The pleasant flavor, gentle action and
soothing effect o Syrup ot Figs, when
need of a laxative, snd If the father
mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow it use ; so that
Is the best family remedy known an
every family should have a bottle.
Wbu:m wvitavioss.
Wooden, Tin,
Silver, Golden
Common every day.
Shiloh'a Cure, th great cough snd croup
nrn, is fur sale by a. Pocket aise contains
weaty-live doos,ouly 25a. Children lave it
oaliay A Mason.
Whatever may be the cause of blanch
ing, the halt may be restored to it origi
nal color by the use of that potent remedy
Mall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rsnewer.
Yes, You Can see the finest line
eam ?e for suitings in the state at WR
Graham's. where he ha a tailor with few
I equals on hand to make them up on short
nonce, uei 111c otrsr, anu oiosi siyusn
suits of him. A new feature will be the
making of ladles' cloaks to order, or the
altering of cloak to the latest styles, and
he repairing ot cloaks, rrlcss; ars bot
tom ones.
BCOlsIE ni
Albany was full of ntrtsUanxan last
V. Populist eounty convention meets
in Albany March 13.
rs T,ie.CorTaJli Oazette i jrnd 90 years old.
It holds Its age wall.
a ?e"d, K'l- AIei- Scwu OTfcfetm Con
ditional Ir.mortality on the editorial page.
uregon is full of earidid-ites for state
printer. Ins W Beverl y, isa candidate
jura iu uie ueiu.
t i .
rrencn nas ihe largest and finest stock
oi spectacles and eve glassy n Li
County Prices lo suit the limes .
in ttieUF matter the Democrat has
published a irol munv Ih mn it d
eniiorse, simply l,atise tne items were
public prortv, and contained box stuff for
me puiuic.
Corliett and Bra!y savs Has Piwlisil Ts.k
son fiifht will take nlana )..,, ru rl,.. aba
offering the largpst punse. Everett, Wash!
lu-wi iu rannir obpm a .i mm nim
u said by Braily to be a water tank and no
nonce win taken of it.
A funerai tirocession was t,.-.,l tka
other day at Lebanon, and $T?7 for the cof
fin was demanded and obtained IWore it
was allowed to urmwl Th .. ..
demande it should b buried, when lie
'lies, under a earn. K
In Astoria the committed aDbointed to
. i ., . i . ...
uivansot nirianin.r enwn-e-i owe
$S0,i.el.4I delinquent taxes. The grand
total doe the county aud city is $140,737.5.
u tne sum was paid it would wipe out the
asaaasmammi ot toe county and the floating
ir7Vi ot me city and acbool ilutrict.
K sbelton and J A Hih-t-n l.,.m:,.
tired of havina- newsnawn r frr.m
home manipulatimr their nnliti stl l.ltciv We
for them, and would politely inform said
newsiprs and ethers interested that thev
are not candidates for clerk and sheriff re
spectively, as charged, neither do they have
uj iiisiaiun.s to said omoe. bcio Fress.
Prof Clem Use Waterloo schools,
is in the city.
Licenses have been issued for the mar
riage of 0 A Kreig and Lucia Dow, and S
B Couch and Mrs M B Byley.
J R Whitney, of the Albany Herald, a
canididate fur state printer, and E B Mc
Elroy. of Salem, a candidate fcr sexretarv
of state, are in the city. Eugett Guard.
Dea Nash, of Corvalii. was in the citv
a J r. . . -
jrsteruay aner a loot ball game; bat the
college boys have already had one too much
experience with the 0 A'C.
Tbe soap bubble kindergarten entertain
ment at tbe oid I" P church yesterday af tvr
noon was a success, ami a delightful affair.
Nearly fifty youngsters'" blew soap bub
bles and ate sand witches.
The social given by the ladies auxiliary
yl tbe Y M C A last ereninar was well at-
teoded. and proved a pleasant affair There
was someicicg to uo or see worn tne be
ginning, and that is the wav tc run a
social. A live spelling match with Dr
Kais and Htm Mary Ctindiff as lenders re
sulted in a victory for tbe latter. The
word piccalilli was a stum being block to tbe
entire crowd. Uesides nurnerors
fflasw a eood rroeram was trejentad
Mary andiff reci!ei with fom and talent
"Moonlight on the Prairie."
Lottie and Georgie Day sang' After the Ball,
receiving a warm encore. Reuben Thomp
son declaimed in Dotrh. and Miss Lube
Farrell was beard in a solo.
Mr Blair., the new president of the Lad
ies Aid Sorirty gave a taffy party last even
ing to the members of the so
ciety aad their husbands. I; was as live
aa affair a if all had been boys and girls
in their teens. Among other things a
gueasing contest at the work of sixteen
(lack board artists was full of vim if not
cf artistic talent. A picture of the orphan's
home was particularly attractive. Mrs
Reason McCoLneil prcved tbe best
gueseer with Henry Hopkins second. Taf
fy and parched com waa the rpa.-t. and
the friends of tbe orphan did justice to the
bill of fare. Thee present were Mr and
Mrs J M Irving Mr and Mrs H J Hopkins.
Mr and Mrs Thos HorAin. Judge and Mrs
Flinn. Mr and Mrs V T Wyman. Mr S S
Train. Miss Rose Train. Mrs Pr Keller.
Mrs I W Althoosie. Mrs Woodin. Mm War
ner. Mis Keller. Miss He'.tie Miller. Mrs
W a Miller, and Mr ar.J Mrs Nut tine.
Took okt Pksxoter. Those eastern
reporters had a big time at told
by the Record : After partaking of a spec -
ialiy prepared dinner at H D Parker's Depo
hotel, they cut up several pranks. Among
the amusing thing they did waa an attempt
ed parody on that famous reception of Got
rennoyer to tTcsident Harrison, "ttner
Gov. Pennover; is be here to meet me "
i-iuiredibe ISaxamt rerreseotinsr President
Harrison. A reporter en the platform re
plied : "No. HisExcelilencyisatthe state
capital, tending to his own business."' Af
ter this act "Presilent Harrison" was
formally introduced and spoke: "1 am in
deed grateful for this splendid reception. It
is the proudest moment of my lil. vvfien
1 return to wascington I shall Save the na
tional capital moved to Ashland. We will
place it in vour mountains. The moun
tains is the place for it. toe mountains
! il Win Tell."' et.- went the --Presi
dent.'" each sentence being loudlv applaud
ed bv the reporters with the usual
bracketed remarks- Other fictitious eeisb-
ritiee were introduced and made speeches in
similar strain, the tovs being unable to
conceal the ludicrous sitle from which the
profession view affairs that they make ap
pear so real, earnest and solemn. Gov
ennover seemed to be the onlv man in
Oregon thev knew of and expressed a desire
10 s-e use ioerDor.
Immorality Mr F C Stanard writing
to the Brownsville Times in a manlv letter
tells of the immoral condition of society in
that citv. He savs, among other things
v a cearu it said not long since by a man
ho had lived in sixteen diffe.ent towns.
that tbe moral standard of the young peo
ple 01 urownsviue was at a lower ebb taan
in any otner town m-wiucn ne nan lived.
But in mv cpuiion. the voting people are
not to blame, for when th minds of their
fathers and grandfiithers-those to whom
they look tor example, runs in channels of
immorality, we can t expect anything
better from the lov." The correspondent
then refers to th a "Oriental degree of 1m
militv'whieh he joined believing it to lie
all right: but found though containing
prominent men taut t he-re was not the least
principle of virtue or morality in tiieir cer
emonies but which are mingled through
witn vulgar ana indecent acts, and plead
for the puntv of thought, word and deed.
Good for Mr Stanard.
ErsKT. Tou might think it would be
pleasant to be overturned in the mud. but
if you could have seen t rank Woods, Jr..
01 Aioany. wuen ne arrived in tins place
hist isaturdny you would have speedily re
versed your opinion. While driving along
the railroad truck near brownsviile, his at
tention was attracted from his horse and
liefore he had time to prevent it the wheel
had struck a tie and Mr Woods was sent
sprawling to th ground. The horses were
captured by Jeff Isom. No serious damage
was done, except to Uie vehicle. Browns
villo Times.
A Goon Decision. The Oregon suprein
court made a decision recently that ow ner
of dogs should take note of. It was the
cast of Cameron vs O'Brien, to recover
damages from the owner of a dog which
barked and freightened the plaintiff's
horse. The plaintiff was thrown, and in
jured and brought suit for $1500 damages.
The jury gave him a verdict for that amount
and the owner of the dog appealed to the
supreme court. The supreme court con
firmed the verdict and says iu strong terms
that the owners of harking dogs ore re
sponsible for all dam caused by such
I dogs and that the own acres P them at their
ers ke
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
MB I1MEII Vgjiai
CoBVAi.LW.Ore, Feb, 8th, 54.
P.-tixoit Vrirocrat.
Dear Sir-: I have been confined to my
house for a woe't: jrast, and until some ons
sent me by mail, a copy of yonr la'e issue,
have not seen a local paper. Your paper
contains an interview with Mr C 0 Hogue
Now, with reference to the genera1, matter
of the interview,! have nothing to offer. On
only one point do I care to be heard. My
friend. Mr Hogue, is made to say in the
interview referred to, that "much of the
misrepresentation current, certainly ema
nates from Mr Iladley."
I can hardly think that he's correctly
reported." The fact of tbe matter is that
nine-tenths of the stuff that has been going
the rounds of the press under the guise of
O P news" is the veriest nonsense. The
vrriter gladly retired from ail connec
tion with the 0 P R R on January 6th and
with the exception of filing with the clerk
of court, his final report and a letter of
transroiseal therewith, has studiously
avoided all connection witn 0 P affairs.
He has not written or caused to be written
er inspired or in anyway been party to.
since that dte. ot the press matter that has
aritiearr! oncerninrjr the O P R R or i
management, past, present or future. 1 hi:
writer has no cause to do so; He served for
two years 1; niter Col Hcgg and has none
but the kii.diiest feeling toward him. His
management of the much tanLed affairs of
the O P R R waa doubtless guided by the
same motive as that of the writerthat
is. to operate it as economically as circum
stance would permit, with the ultimate
hop.- and purpose of getting aid to extend
it -a purpose which certain v nesds no de-
Equally with Mr C C Hoeue the writer
is a creditor of the 00m oar. v for wases
earned two years ago -equally he has prop
erty interests that will be hurt or benefitted
a- tbe road may rise or fall. Equally with
Mr Hogue the writer deprieates the circu-
anon ot garbled and muddied statements
under the name of "O P R R news." and
gladly takes this opportunity of promptly
lenying max any ot tne stuff referred to
bas in any way emanated from
1 our Faithfully
E W Hadlet.
Tbe papers are full of ideas on economy.
A ilzb signing himself PoTwilist writes to
tbe Salem Journal as follows: In tout
proposition to lessen expenses bv cutting
down the number of dailies and churches.
why did'nt you "tell itall?" If the people
wuh a representative ot inertness in rela
tion to vital issues, one republican paper
would do. There should be one publication
pengvoated with the live things of today.
IMCAVaCmgra rati mjd besJOSMakMap, ea
peciaity through the center cf th city with
a caring of pastor'; salaries, wood, lights
etc. TLe twenty or more minora shonld
le swept from tbe town acd if tbe people
most have their spirits let the state estab
iii a dispensary with its pore liquor, sealed
; I kagM :- I M DC ' peSM BM HaTAA
Money would be saved brcbe-rpeaed goods,
by depraved appetites reduced by imbibing
- : a. I . sed bv -ir-ckir..-. ma
liwaEneai .e-- i .- ..: -
ice presect ir-cios system.
RtXiGfGcs Iebvices. M E Church,
Sooth: Preaching at 11 o'clock by the
pastor. Subject: ' Stedfaatness."' Ser-
- ' " . . -
Mrs G F Round. Sunday school at 10
o'clock. Juvenile Missionary Kaatv in
the atmcon at 3 :30. All are invited and
s.. - - '- a" sere; s.
United Presbyterian servi.!? or-n-i zxte-i
ly Rev Riley Little. 11 avacciiseatiou,"
ZD. "God's Plumb Line." S S 30: Y P
SCE.7J0. Strangers weicome.
The wi i kes at the Presbyterian church,
-morrow will be at follow: Presyrhinjr
at 10 JO a m and 7 JO p m. Sabbuth school
at 11 :45a m; Junior C E meeting a: 4 pm:
YPSCEat6:4Spm. The Rev F H
'1 wynne. u D will occupy tbe nolpit both
morning an i evening. All will be made
Rev F B Gwr-nne. of Salem, will address
the Y M C A tomorrow at 4 o'clock. You
cannot afford to miss bearing him. Every
man and especially the stranger in toe city
are invited to be present.
Rev P R Burnett, of Eugene, will preAch
at the Christian church, on Sunday at 1 1
a ru anl 7.30 p m. Ail are invited.
Tbk A O I" W ei tertainment at the
opera bouse last evening was a marked
s-jecess 1 boas present obtained a iror-
ougn idea of tbe working of tbe order.
State Lecturer Davev and Grand Recorder
.Newton Clark, and Grand Master Mackev
were the principal speakers. The A O I" W
has shown a remarkable growth, and many
havs been blessed by it . In Albany alone
there are many widows in good circum
stances through its beneficiary.
RrsscLL Will Be Hes.d. A dispatch
from Illinois received Testerday s'.ated that
. . . t. r
aa attorney was endeavoring en gei rroi
Russell clear before sheriff Jackson ar
rived. One received today by iVputy Pros
ecuting Attorney Wyatt from :he states at
torney brought the information that Russell
111 jail and would oe neid unui toe ar-
arrival of the Sheriff.
Foot Ball Mr Will Blots, captain of
tbe 0 A C foot bail team, will train the
cnUesre team for a few dav? next week. In
the coming game between the O A C and
1 oniana c mversirv esereu uie sasacs wsui
will have to rustle to score at all.
Todav th Albany team and college boys
were plowing the mud and snow with each
Shilc-h's Vitaliaer is what yon need for
dyspepsia, torpid liver, yellow akin or kid
aev usable. It Is gasrsnteed tofgtve you
satis. action. Price ?3c- S sldby Foshay ft
A Racking Cough
Oared by Ayer's Cherry PectoraL
Mrs. P. D. Hall, 211 Geoessee SL,
lockport, N. Y., says :
"Over thirty years ago, I remember
earing my father describe the wonder,
fed curative effects of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. During a recent attack ot La
ahrippe, which assumed the form of a
catarrh, soreness ot the lungs, aeeom
ussrtted by an aggravating cough, I
used various remedies and prescriptions.
While some ot thee medicines partially
alleviated the coughing during the day,
none of them afforded m any relief from
teast spasmodic action ot the lungs which
would selte me the moment I attempted
t lie down at night. After ten or twelve
eh nights, I was
Nearly in Despair,
and had about decided to sit up all night
an my easy chair, and procure what
sleep I could in that way. It then oc
curred to me that I had a bottle ot
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a
sssoontul ot this preparation in a Uttle
venter, and was able to lie down without
conghing. In a few moments, I fell
aaiaep. and awoke In the morning
greatly refreshed and feeling much
aster. I took a taaspoonful ot ths rec
tors! every night for a week, then grad
ually decreased the dose, and in two
weeks my cough was cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
atnard by Dr. J. C. Ay er Co., Lowell, Mi
Prompt to aot, su re to euro
"As ld as
never excell
ed. "Tried
and proven"
is the verdict
o f millions.
Liver Eegu
t t lator is the
hiPffPT'0! Liver
medicine t o
which you
can pin yonr
t M faith for a
tive, and
purely veg
etable, act
X" 7 7 ing directly
1 1 C Q tbe Liver
neys. Try it
Sold by all
Druggiate in Liquid, or in Powder
to be taien dry or made into a baa.
TheKlng of Lieer JUdldlu.
" I leave used yoarSImmons Liver Besra
teusr and can consclennoualy any it Is the
king ot all liver medicines. I consider it a
medicine chest In luelf. fiao. W. J ACaX
aoa, Taooma, Washington.
tie S Stamp In red c
Of Dea' Molne, Iowa, write cnder'di cf
.March 23. 1 893:
j. B
Man. Mr; Co.,
Dafar, Oeegor.
GnUrmrn ;
Ob arris iog hxae list week, I fnarda.ll
well and acxionsly arilicg. Oar lrttio
girt, b: and oxe-hzlf year eld, who bad
a ted away to 3H poansda, as nsw wela,
strong aad VTjjoccae, and well Sashed op.
a. D. Cough are has d-.ce ;.i wi we 4.
Both of the ecUdrea like it. Voir 9 B.
Coagh Core baa cared and kept away all
boareeceea from me . So give it to every
oce, with greasings for ail. Wishing yon
ssjasstss i y. wd ar
Yoors, Ma A Urns J F Fot.
WaiaSrt'i and Lrrat Care, bf lakutr . sr Ursa
tssssceel: i.e
esats per leatX. by afl ersajgaKa.
t Sa.i aailse pesiure gmrastes by
aw- waj p.
f 100 par BostasT
One oaat a fioae.
This Gsaar CoirGl5Crj trr. z-.:r euro
where all often ft Ccsfis, C-p. S;rs
1 treat, Hsaraesssa. Wisop-jr Cc-S a
Aalhsia. F r Cjrsirr.--.:s rt has ro rlcat
has c--red thcaia. ir: 1 will crsx T rjf
taien in t - Prt:?sris- cn a jTLJST-
aatee. For a Lame Back er Chest, cae
re Tbu Catarrh ? Tbis rt-?-ist-ars3-ii
teed to cure rcu. iTicciecia. IxlJcTctartrea. "
fled CrownMills
rwastam ricca srrisros i
AS. PFrllFFRl; rSOPfcJ To
VI60R of ME
Mate ; - ;
rtrauuMst;) Ecnrji.
Kt Slltbr tria rt fiV?
f - ru..-:; HMWBVt
rxae. iXe NpHtl
cwr ci k. t k v. c - I ,
wrrr . Me Full . stK
;tlcpssm-t an-t tcs
curtrTi tu cry rj
ixir tioa f li b niy.
Iatrr.J1tts?ir.p: es
J.lVO ltiivvr.
ITlaat.9 A".d t
ERIC KEOiaV. (rt)
H. M. McFariandj
-:- is -:-
Barness - and - Saddlery
Display ? in the Dqqi
-vsaauu ae sataav
Druggists and Booksellers,
A get. la for John B. Aldsx'a punitn Uoca
rsicb we sail at anblNaar'a Hoea sytta
I.ltttJV, ali)0
ladj of PerDBtnal Help