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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1893)
II .1 1 fTIB.JM 1 J fmocro VOL XXIX. r.nirrrtl at tke Pss Office at Albany. Or., as Second-Class Mall Matter; ALBANYaOREGON, FRIDA1, SEPTKMBEK 29. 1893. WITIW t HCTTIXC.PakllMiers .ad rreprlelnr. T Si) 8 -THE : VERY : LATEST : STYLES : IN- Dress Goods, Jackets and Capes, Ladies Fine Shoes, Tust received. Call and see llutn at READ, PEACOCK A CO, ALBANY AND LEBANON Book ill Job Printip LEGAL BLANKS, BRIEFS. Commercial Stationery And Artistic Wedding Cards. &c IN THE LATEST CORRECT STYLES. Everything First-class and De livered on Short Notice. SMILEY, FLINN BLOCK, ALBAH 1, OR. PAGANIZE, HOM : INSTITUTIONS. HI FARMERS & MFRCHANTS INSURANCE CI -i Id liny. Orefea i I. COW AS. Treasurer. J O WR1,,U!I. KoooUn Geo F SIM WON. Viea Prwaidant I Cowan Mm V Simpson, V K KeH, I) B i iit'i. H S-.9ra'or4J WJf.t. J K Whertoi U J St-i it. . WrIUmmu. -ALSO DI:TtrcT A.IENTS POK J several Solid Eastern and Foreign Goipdieb Thk Selkirk Oontkht was attended by ii fair sized, but appreciative audience, of our music loving people. The Man About Town can hardly run the gamut without falling off: but Mil certain the singing of M i- Selkirk is of an order that will rank among the best of her class. She was heard in six solos, three being encores, giving a varioty ef selections displaying the wonder ful compass of a very rich contralto voice, one that is full of force whether low or strong. Miss elkirk sings without effort, almost noncnaianiiy.'ana jt displaying n cultivation that speaks for the real earnest ness oi ner enort. Albany people were particularly fortunate in having the privi lege of hearing her. Mrs Uwgdon received it warm encore on "Who 8 at My Window ana responded with "Lost Nights A trio by Mrs Chamberlain, Miss Ellis and Miss Cowan was encored in a manner to show it appreciation, miss uiiira late was heartily applauded after a rendition of one of Chop ins productions, executed with correctness and with force and expression that would do credit to a celebrity. The remainder of the program consisted of a quartet by Prof Lee, Prof Rowland, Rev Priehard and Wil liam Fortmiller. a pretty piano solo by Eva Cowan.a splendid presentation of Constance De Beverly by Mary Cundiff. and a mixed iuartet by Miss Selkirk, Mrs I-uijjdoii. Rev Priehard and Prof Lee. closing an evening's entertainment that wan a """" inlHiTTal treat. ' "''"' Fatal Socfflino Accidkst. Two brothers, John and Henry Kay-burn, ltave been living on a farm about four miles east of Sublimity. The former who is 30 years old is a farmer; the latter is a plasterer by trade and is five yean older. They have had trouble several times but it has always been the fault of Henry. Last Tuesday morning Henry got up about 5 o'clock to build a fire- A few minutes later John came into the room; and noticing that the fire was not burning very well, be poked it with a stick. The older brother took offence at this and without a word of warning siezed his brother and tried to throw him down. The other, being the quicker tf the two, resisted the attempt and instead of being thrown he threw his brother. The wrestling match commenced again as soon as Henry could regain his feet but the third time that John threw him Henrv lay quite still, complaining of a severe pain in his back. As he seemed Itadly hurt Dr Kitchen was summoned from Stayton. who reported that the man's spine was injured. They nut him in bed, and did all they could for him. but he kept getting worse and died Wednesday morning at 1 :30. None of the neighbors blame John Reybum in the least. He is a highly respected member of the community in which he Urea and a pleas ant mac to meet. Salem Independent. Sox ok John Brows A son of old John Brown, of IMsawattaiuie. the aboli tionist of Harper's Ferrv f-um, lias settled in Salem. HU name is Salmon Brown. He arrived from California this week. traveling witn ms ranuiy overiami ty wagon. ami was bound for Seattle. AH the' household goods had been sent by water to the Paget sound city bat the members of the family preferred to travel so thev observe the country. hen they got 1 1 Salem they were satisfied to pitch their tent permanently. They sent word to Seattle to have their goods sent bark to Salem and cast about for an abid ing place. They found one in Engtewood that suited them and the ladies of the fami ly at once took possession of the premise. while Mr Brown came down town and closed the deal for the property. It was tnarv man MO that Mr Brown went from au-attainie, Kansas, to California. It was only by accident that the connection befcaOao him and the bold abohtioni-t was discovered here. Statesman. Big Pot atobs. It is said that one day a year or so ago a t'endieton green grocer received an order for a carload of wtatoaa. There was nothing extraordinary about this onler. tut it was attainted to a postscript which admonished the deafer to let no pota to be found in the entire order that weighed less man a pound. And the tot remark able part or the incident is found is the fact th.'t the order was filled, even to the postscript, inside of forty-eight hours. This an verv readily tie believed when it is learned that when Senator MattWk came down from Pendleton Wednesday he brought with him four potatoes tht weighed ten and a quarter pounds. The jest of the iiiarterte measured thirteen inches in length and weighed nearly three pound-. These spuds have been sent to the world s t.ur The Oregon Land Co vVltn its Lome office st &J.!iSjVC- - - - OKlOQ-Ox'JrB .ne Gray BkxrL, corner Liberty an-J State street, branch office !n Partial. fklf AKES a specialty of Sunnyside fruit tract; near oalero, JJX will sell 5. 10 or 20 acre lots at $50 to $60 per cre small cash payment ei2 time on baiance or particulars. Julius GradwoM's Bazaar very latest ue-rg is that you can buy at JirXU3 DWOHt'9 BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follow: eLrbuokle's CofTee, Per Pound f bs. Granulated Sugar .' $1.0f lbs. magnolia Hujar White. Thk Oregon Pacific -A formal sale of the Oregon Pacific is being arranged for about Dec. 1st, the object being to deter mine the relative rights of the different creditors. Several things indicate action on the road. People say the recent trip of the union f acme special indicated some thing: but then speoial trips are becoming cliestnuttv. It is now learned, says an ex change, that a surveying party has itist ar rived ut The Dalles after a seven-weeks trio through Kastern Oregon, their object lieing to timl a teasible route tor a railroad from that point through the interior to the line of the Oregon Pacific in Iake county. Just who is behind the project it iB impossible at present to state, but officials of both the Northern Pacific and I won Pacific in thi city disclaim any connection with the en terprise, lhe surveyors followed the Lieu tenant Norton survey from lhe Dalles to the Deschutes, which was found to be the most difficult part of the proposed road, but the average grade will not exceed CO feet to the mile. Striking that river at the agency ferry, thev followed up the stream to the mouth of Crooked river, a distance of 20 miles. From this point they went to Prine ville. in Crook county, 45 miles distant. The first 20 miles has no grade to exceed SO feet, and from that distance to the town mentioned the land is comparatively level After leaving fnneville they found the I rfcrtrWfcffrf 1.00 No. 1 Kerosene, per r Ingle gallon .20 Cans refilled, 5 gallons 90 5 Gallons God Picklec.rriarket firm 1.10 x Gallon No. 1 Syrup .40 i . conduct a strict cash store, and all goods will be sxdd for cat cash fn im I ,6 par enf leas than regular price. My stock of Chlnawaro, fancy good s, an. L at the arsirauio my ".u, - mon an kiii H-to.ruuem oi groceries, t TOCK- i.!niinu niiurc.inooiiiHBi',. i maKr, a specilt of tlao ten, ooaee and powder, anu ai ways p Tbkt H fsran- P Avery. G A and i E Waggoder, and Robt Johnson, hunters, arrived home late last night. Thev were absent three weeks, and from what can be learned spent most of their time n hunting for their bearings and dry- places. On one occasion they were so far from the baaeof operations and uncertain as to their whereabouts that thev dared not shoot game for fear of violating the game taws ol California. Seven deer and a bear fell victims to their prowess, two each for all except Mr Aety, John son securing hug two in a salute ot St guns. The elder Waggoner also killed a bear. uorvallis Times. Trta 1i.bsy Racks. The Linn Coun ty Agricultural Association will give its second annual race meeting at the fair grounds near Albany on Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week- The association has this summer spent a large amount of money in fixing up the track, so that it is now one of the fastest tracks on the North Pacific coast. Purses aggregating $2100 are offered. A round trip rate one-third more than one-way fare has been made by the Southern Pacific for this meeting and everything promises a successful season if the weather be propitious. sta'fcsman. A Goon Report. Some time ago the Democrat stated that an application bad been made for the resumption of business by the Linn County National Bank, but that it would probably not be done until matters picked up some in the fall. The Democrat is now informed that this will be done within a few weeks. Financial matters have improved sufficiently to make the move a safe one, and it is one that will lie of general benefit to the community. It . i to be hoped it may prove true. Ofk tii e Track. Engine No 4 on the i iregon Pacific was rounding the curve on the switch near the Red Crown mills this morning when the rails spread, throwing the engine off the track except the front leaders and one drive wheel. The track at this place is weak, and one man remarked hardly strong enough for a handearto trav el oyer safely. It required several hours work to get it on again. At the head of Silver creek. P25 miles from Prineville. thev reached the snrveved mnte of the Oregon Pacific. and for the entire dis tance the grade would be very light. This creek spreads out, and down it would be a natural roadbed. Probate Record. In the estate of Mc Cullough A' Talbott, final account approved, and sale of personal property confirmed. In the estate of B F Ziegter. real property was appraised at S7-ri0. versonal nronertv 1228.50. partnership 900..V'. Total. 2X79.02. In copartnership estate of Zeigler Cart er, J K I arter was appointed administrator. Bond. 4700. In estate of Hannah Robnett. hearing of final acvouat set for Nov 6th. In estate of Robt U Cochran. Martha A Cochran was appointed administratrix. Bonds. 1 7.000. In gtiardianshiu of Wni. Fffie and Frank Cochran. W T Cochran was appointed guar- man. Nonas, In estate of Owen Bear, final account set for Nov 6th. In guardianship of Beni Sertliag et al. personal property ordered sold. In estate of XanryGay. invent wy filed. Personal property, 267. Brownsville. Miss Sadie Foley, who has been voting relatives in this place for several day, returned to her home in Al bany Thursday morning. Sunday noon aa A C Hausman was ninr from his bouse to the bam to feed his horses he slipped and fell, dislocating his shoulder. Dr Starr was called and set the injured member. The woolen mill officials have given no tice that the faciorv will tart up next Mon day in all its glory, with a full force and on full time. Many hearts were to throb with joy on learning this. On Monday morning Mrs R H Curl, son Irwin and daughter Ruby, started for lit Joe. Missouri, where they will visit during the coming winter: at Pendleton they will be joined by Miss iota Thorp, who will accompany them. Leta will stay in Albany yad tttend school, while the Dr will remain in thi place ann practice his professkm. Times. Thk Reasons. Referring to the state ment in the Courier late week, which said that Phil Nets k Co expected to gather W.- 000 pound of hops from their 2-acre yard toe Aiumy kkmockat asks: "Why is U that a few Linn county yard have onlr neUcd 30M or O0 pound to the acre? Three reasons may be given for such unprofitable crops: In the first place there is some land used that is wholly unfit for hop land, in the second place there never was a soil that was cultivated year after year that will give the best results unWca fertilized: and lastly, there are growers who are never able to remember Mr J odd statement that "weeds will not grow in the snaoe ot nop. Harnsburg Courier. Wast a Receive.- Receiver BealL of the Linn County National Bank, has made an application for the appointment of a re ceiver to take charge of the property of J L Cowan's Lebanon bank. The Express says: The complaint of Mr Beall not only ques tions the legality of the transaction, but also barges Mr Cowan and the trustees with bad faith, and with the attempt to defraud the, Linn County National Ben. No one, acquained with the circumstances. will for a moment believe this, and if the case de pended upon that question alone there would be no doubt as to the outcome. The trus tees, we understand, will defend their posi tion and not permit it to go by default. Decidkdlv Primitive. The Eugene Journal tells the following. A primitive outfit passed onr office Tuesday afternoon, consisting of a low wheeled wagon without a cover, containing a few boxes and some rolls of bedding hud on boards, with a young woman and four small children perched up among the bedding. It was drawn by a yoke of oxen and a young man walked in front and led the near ox with a rope fastened to a ring in the nose. The woman got out in the mud to bold the ox in the street while the man purchased some feed, and the children then got out and were all barefooted and bare legged up to their knees. They started off walking, the woman carrying the gun and the man lead ing the ox. Was Ark est Ei) For It. Sam 'I Horner who lives near Stayton. and another party traded horses, Mr Horner receiving t20 to lioot, but afterwards becoming sick of the trade he wishing to trade tiack. went to the residence of the party, with whom he trad ed, for that purpose. The party not lieing at home, Horner exchanged horses all the same; r.d the next de.v o'ered to pay the I loot money back, which was refused. Wednesday Horner was arrested and taken to Salem for appropriating another man property. Press. strut ai Wc caaSAL Im, has bern in 1st, of Salem is city on a few has been ill streets today. for the msr- Hle M Row- fcter, w bo have months, ra- arrty d in Al- tmrg for the of the U P social lasteve- L E Wain. cCounel! went several weeka. farm there 5 I 1 . . .11 I 1. . . I Dr Uuiss, of the city. Willie W right, tl in the citv. Chsrles Piper Is is days slop off. Mr J H Campbell tor some time, License was issued riageof Wn. H Kulm ell. H M Perry and da i oeen in Washington tamed home una no Miaa Smlck and bany this noon from purpose of attending The Jnoior VPS church gave an enio mug at me residence Mr and Mm Reason to i oledo today to perhaps months at Mr and Mrs Karl Race returned I sat night trom UearhartfVk. where tney have been in charge of lhe notel . Salem maepenoent -GtwrCiisev over trom A I nan y this afternoon to at tend tne social dance tonight Comma News. The book social at the eonsrrevatinnal church last evening was a success. A good number of valuable volumes were added to the library. FortV or fiftv Salem nennle li twin a apewlal invitation of Superintendent Mulcahv. went to Yaonina hav thin for a three days outing. Mrs Chan beriain. mother of AUomev General Chamberiain. who has been spending the summer in Albany, rft this noon for her home in Natchez, MU. County school superintendent TTnsaall deputy clem Pavne and dennlv idierin" Kimsey, have returned home frcm the mountains. As nearly as can oe 'earn ed thev caught nothing bat colds ; it is claimed though that Mr Kimsey 1 a I several narrow escapes- Prof John M Bloaa and Miss Mary A Woods were married in Knsren. ester- day morning. From 18S7 to 1892 Prof Bloaa wa superintendent of the public schools of Topeka. Kan. Miaa Woods, a graduate of the Missouri Stale Normal school, was one of the teachers under llim. which SMflSBli for lh nrmnl relationship. The bride is a slater ot Mrs Shackled, of Eugene. si whose home the ceremony was perform d. SEW YOST LETTER, New Yokk, September !5ib,l893. Once more the gallant yacht men hold sway in the beautiful harbor which leads to America's great metropolis. Several years fiave elapsed since lie English sportsmen have mustered courage enough to send over a boat to try for the cup held by America. Since the Valkyrie left Kngland, to try for the cup, which the Americans will defend, local yachtsmen have been preparing for the trial races. Last Saturday the first race was run over the triangular course, in the lower bay. The contestants were the Colonia Jubilee and Pilgrim, of the Boston Yacht Cluo, and the Vigilant, of the New York Yacht Club. The Vigilant won Saturday as well as on Monday. The gallant craft cleanly outsailed her Boston antagonists and waa chosen as the defender of the trophy won by the Mayflower, Volunteer and J'uritan. this is the tirst time that the defender of the honor of American yachtsmen hails from New York. All the previous yachts have come from 'Jos ton, and it is natural that the members and friends of the New ork Yacht club are jubilant. The two race called into commission all the excursion boats on presented a gay COIMNM THE aClli.N'IOKAliK. thk American family obiksox. "What is this 'seigniorage' that is talked , Jotmi.ic Robinson' boy baby was so much about in connection with the sii- i In Michigan. What sirir.p and i raiDAV ity Jucigv Kaiser, of Salem, was in the today on his way to the Bay. Win II Henderson and wife, of Oakland. Calif., are in the city visiting relatives and friend. License has been issued fur the marriage of C L Freat and Mary L Forier. loth of -:f.-- Frank and Linnie Porter and Fnutk- Rhiachart and daughter of Shedd. left ye- terday for the World's fair. E I. Thompson, of Portland, has Ivn in the city. Mrs Thompson, aad Mrs Dr Tem- getoo will leave tomorrow tor the World s Mr Ed Hasten, the Lelanon conductor, is confined to his home by illness. His place is neiaar ailed by huaene tfristow.the mtn- lar freight conductor. Prof E R Micnener. principal of the Leb anon public school, arrived in the city test aMnruay, troma nat to his parent in He also sttenilid the World fair while in the east. -Express. Miss Simpson, of StrnJam, CsJL wkohas on Eleventh street, continued her yesterday to Albany to visit other tMesae Utaard. he is the G F Simpson. O E Krausse and Wm Wright left today for Corvallis. where the Litter gentleman expects to take charge of a ne-a I, cinch boe store tor aranase Bros, ot ttu city. 1 hey are a pushing firm, and will no doubt make a goof it. Saiem Journal. sarr attar lawyer Wright went to Salem Uxlav on legal business. Mr Cooltoo. the insurance man. came ut from Portland last night, to spend a day or two in Albany. Hon C K Wilkinson, of the V S custom bouse of Portland, passed through Albany this noon, after a trip home to Eugene on account of Hints J M Summers, a former resident of Cor vallis, but now a practicing attorney at Lebanon, was in the city today on hwwneas He is a graduate from the Keelv institute which has made a great improvement on lease my customers. no Mr 'sponsible Insurance companies. Jnllna tirstdt rotal. Oregon State Normal School .TVLOrOTJTTH, OHEG-ON. tne Brain TTHE LEADING NORMAL SCHOOL I of the Northwest. Strong profes-I0f j0 weeku :, ; oo per trim sioual and academic courses, and well or-of io weeks; Business. V.2 per term. gsnized Model School for Practical Train-1 ing of teachers. Normal, Advanced Nor- mal,Business,Music and Art Department Beautiful and healthful location. Ligh expense no saloons. The Normal has enjoyed a steady growth during the pas! vear, reaching an entollmenc of over 400, the largest fn Its history. New members have been added to the faculty, new appar atus supplied, and the course of study re vised and strengthened. The graduates are In demand to fill good positions. The diploma entitles the holder to teach in any county in the state without farther exam nations. Tuition, Normal, f; er term Hoard ar Normal Dining Hall. $1.75 per eek. Rooms from rac per week (un furnished) to $1 00 and $i.S furnished. Hoarcancl lodging m private lamtnes,3 50 to $4.00 per week. Tuition,board,!odging and books less Cian $150 per year, jon- tervatjry of Music. thorough courses are offered In vocal and Instrumental mu sic. Tuition, $10 per term of 20 lessons. Monmouth is easily accessible from all parts of th- State, twelve mtlcs from the State Capltal.sUty miles south of Portland Cataloging chesrfuUy sent on application. mm the expense of the Body. While wc drive the brain we must build up the body. Ex ercise, pure air foods that make healthy flesh refreshing sleep such arc methods. When loss of flesh, strength and nerve become apparent your physician will doubtless tell you that the quickest builder of all three is Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, which not only crectes flesh of and in itself, but stimulates the appetite for other foods. Preixiifid bSoott a BowR. If Y. Alt oruuriM. Addreai, P. I. C'AMI'HEI.L, Pres., or 0. SHKDD, See of Faculty. Mistakes fob a Coos. Last Thursday while hunting near Nashville, Thos Savage limbed a tree after a cooon. James Post, who was with him was after the same coon and seeing the leaves move, thought the animal was in th? and fired hitting his friend in the back near the Kidneys, rang ing upwards to the nghtjshoulder. savage was taken home, and witq good treatment will probably live. This was as careless and unnecessary as the usual bear accidents. ABioSalk. Sheriff J E Noland this afternoon sold on an execution issued out of the circuit court of this county, the lands, water righte,ets, belonging to i J Pengra, lying in and about the town of Springfield, to the judgement credi tor, Bums Maifory, 01 1 ortiand, lor $o4- 323.2. It t very valuable, and with proper management can be made a pro fitable investment. We believe this is the largest sale of the kind ever made by a sheriff of this county. Eugene Uuard. him. Corvallis News. F H Bryant, assistant superintendent of the state reform school returned on yester day morning's train, having in charge r rank Johnson and Kamone button, two boys, inmates of the school, who escaped on Wednesday, the 13th. while working in the timber. Sutton was arrested by the city marshal of Ranier and John -n was arrested at 'resham. Statesman. Washington Crabtree sad son P P CraU- tree started for Polk Cxi Ky Tuesday, where grandpa Crabtree has a brother living. It has been ftftv-seven years since be left that country, and seen his brother: be is now in his 85th vear. He -aid that he did exnect that his brotiier would iwognizeyiini. ami we presume not. e wish him 11 good time and pleasant journey. Stayton Times. The Baptist Chinese Mission on Friday evening gave a farewell meeting in honor of the pastor and wife who are to go tin fall as missionaries to China. The mem bers of the school show great appreciation of the interest shown in their welfare by the pastor, and especially Mrs Hill, who was a teacher in the school for some time, A considerabb number of the church and , L.. . .1. :..,..! , l. .. : ; i ...v.- 'vii.-i inriiu- -iiji." i-vi 11.' nun , uj ,itii uiim 1 rviviBT' III UK KRUW, III auu me ivirv-u- raents which the Chinese know so well how to serve. Tne occasion was a moat signifi cant and pleasant one and reflected great credit on the school and Mrs H C Chamlier lin, the faithful superintendent. Mr Ora Copeland, the seal fisher of Tole do, was in the city yeaterday, and was giv ing his friends some interesting narrations of' his recent trip along Japan. At one time be was out in the fog as far as K miles from his vessel, and about gave up as being lost, when be was taken up by a strange vessel and again started for his own ship in the morning. Young Copeland was one of the crack shots of the party get ting extra pay for his superior skill. The i . 1 4 , .. . oiiBiness is no-, oniy dangerous, out tire some, the constant watching of the water in a boat ever rocking being very wearying to the eyes and body. Over $16win three months, though, explains how one can for get the dangers and enter into the spirit of uie enterprise lcgardless ot conseiuences - rows, crowded with passengers ana gay with bunting. The first race waa run in a calm sea and light wind and the Vigi lant defeated her rivals, the Jubilee be ing second. On Monday the day was bright, bat the sea rough and the wind strong These two races being ran un der different conditions, as to weather and wind, and the gallant white winged Vigilant winning both, demonstrated that she waa superior to her nearest rival The selection of the Vigilant to defend the cup against the British aspirant, the Valkyrie, waa commended, and the com mittee having the race in charge believes that the Valkyrie will re torn to "Old England" defeated by the Yankee middy. The inter-national race will be ran dar ing the last week of this month over the earns as those of Monday and Saturday Living in retirement, and almost for gotten by the outside world, did grim death ttnd Hamilton Fish, the former statesman aad public celebrity. At bis borne on the Hudson .near Garrisons, las'. Friday expired Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State daring President Urant'a two administrations. During the period of Mr Fish's public carter he waa a prom inent personage in politic He was Governor of New York, Senator from New York.and finally Secretary of State. Ills services in the state department were fruitful and his management of the nego tiation wb:cb brought about the Geneva Arbitration waa keen and shrewd, and it wasdne to bis la bora, together with Wil liam M Evtrt's pSeadinrs.which resulted in the commission awarding the United Stales $lf .000,000 for damages done to American vessels, by British warships) during the Civil war. Aliho having re tired from obhc lite so many years since, thedea-b of Hamilton Fish, who lived to 1 i.e ripe old age of 86, is the loss f ne r America's s'atetmen and a lova- ' si 1! able rt izeus of the Empire state of New York. Historians will class them tlioa, Jefferson, Hamilton, Clav.Webtter, Sumner. Be yard . Blaine and Fish. The retirement of that true sporteman and popular owner of race borsePierrie Lornlard, is much o be regretted by 'be follower of ihe tort. Mr Lorjilardal- ays waa a true spores man, and at a time like this, in the career of eastern turf.t e retirement oi Mr Lorritard is a torn to honest raciaa The horse owned by Mr Lorrilard, which comprised the Ran co ca's stable, were sold at Ta'lersaU A Co s last Sa'uroay night. The prices realized for some good colts were surprisingly tow. Bat when the great Lamplighier was sold, under the hammer, to Mr U WaJbaom for 3,000. every torfmaa and race goer was literally amazed to see to promts'OKa horse, young in years, stoat of heart. with zood mind and a speed that has wen many a gal'ant straggle for the hnnor and treasury of Raococa's, sold at each a low price Mr Walbaum, the public idol's new owner, entered him at sneepaiieaa Devon juonaay, two oays after be bought him. and the gallant Lamplighter won from a field including such horses) as Banquet, Sir alter. Teni tier. Candeialra aad Illume. The feature of the race was the fact that the grandson of Spendthrift carried 137 pouuda,roned ing ten pounds to M F Payer's speedy colt Banquet . It was evident.duriog toe race, that it required all the strength Taral could command to keep Lamp lighter from running away from his held It was a remarkable performance, and 1 great cheer arose from the crowd aa the great colt merely ga! loped under the wire a winner with plenty to spare, and larai holding him in at that. Perhaps) the chance from "Willie" Sims to the de termined "Fred" Taral in the proved beneficial to the (teat colt. Nevertheless he has demonstrated that, if not ran to dea'h from day after day, and with a fair weight, he can ran away from them si). Wm. F. H. KoKLeca ver bullion in the treasury ''' ak a corre spondent of The Journal. It is the excess of bullion over the amour.t coined in silver dol'ars under the operation of the Illand Allison and Sherman acts regulating the coinage of silver. The govertrnent paid the market price for the silver it purchased, bat necessarily coined it, as long as the coinage continued, on the existing ratio of 16 to f , as compared with gold. Han ounce of silver was purchased for 90 cents, its coinage value being 91,29, the seignior age amounted to 39 cents, and this is called "government profit" by some, as it would be if the value of silver remained at 90 cents an ounce and the government was able tc maintain the parity of the two met als. Webster defines the term as follows: seigniorage is something claimed or j taaen oy virtue ot sovereign prerogative: specifically, a charge or toll deducted from bullion brought to a mint to ne coinjd. John Stuart Mill, one of the greatest of the economic writers of modern limes, says: government, however, throws the ca se of coinage, es is reaassisblg. tne notaers, by making a charge to cover the expense (which is done by giving back rather less than is received in bullion, and is called 'levying a seigniorage'), the coin will rise to the extent of the seigniorage above the value of the bullion." This is, no doubt, the basis for the claim o! the advocates of free silver coinage, that with such free coinage the price of silver wouid naturally rise to its ratio ral -ae. That would be the case, perhaps, if he market price were bat little below the ratio value, bat it is a theory that cannot s'aad when the depreciation is 40 per cent or more, as in the case of silver at the present time. . The United States has been buying silver for fifteen years on a cost stantly falling market. According to a re cent treasury statement the silver bullion in the treasury has cost the govern men, on an average about 93 cent aa ounce, while Use present price is bit 73 cents or a trifle more, thus the government has sustained a net loss of 20 cents an ounce on all the silver bullion that it has purchased since 1878, and the "seigniors ge" is reduced by that figure. If silver continues to fall the government low will increase rapidly, be cause it will attach to every ounce that was purchased at higher figures. The idea of coining the seigniorage in the treasury at the present time means that the go 'era me -H shall coin into silver dollars and pot into circulation ail the ex es of bullion over the amount by sreibt hich enter into the composition of the silver in circulj' agunst it, wanting the silver eertiSrale. the treasury notes ismed for the porrhaaeof silver under the Sherman act. as silver, dollar for do Ur. just as though they were silver instead of Piper do lars. This excess is at present enough to make abmt 9.000,000 silver dofbrs. This could only be a safe expedi -en I in care the govern meat ceatiaoes able to maintain its declared puiicy of main - tain ing the pari'y of the two metals, even to the use of it credit, if necessary, to ac complish that end MHair ;'. hot a idely O'lrtrtng birthplaces the kobiafoa family ruse Bad, tn hr- tore. The fsmoas great grandfailicr of the hoy basv, John Roblo son, Sr, wss bora in New Y01 k stafa; Jack Robinson, ft grandfather, first saw Hght fn Alabama; it grett-grandmother was born la Louisiana; It grand mother was a native of South Carolina, while its father and mother were both bora la Ohio. Of the Robinson family proper as it might be termed, no to were born In Ihe same state, but came Into the world tust wher ever me great circus happened to be st the time. Gil was born in Virginia, Charley in Georgia, Jack la Alabama, as baa been stated, Frank la Kentucky, and so on, each one ot the children claiming a different state of tbr Psion as hfs or her birthplace. CONSTIPATION If called the "Father of Disease." It it caused by a Torpid liver, and if generally accompanied with LOSS OF APPETITE, SICK 9EADASIE, BAD BREATH, Etc. To treat cxmttijmtion Bnccaarf ally eir mi. Self praue Is no recommendation, bat there are not times when one mast permit x person 10 teii the truth about himself. When what he ssys is supported by the testimony of cthr no reasonable man will doubt hi word. Now, to sav that AUcocVs Porous Platters are the only genuine xnd rettable porout ?latert made is not self praise In the slightest degree Thev-.hsve stood tne test for over thirty vear, and in proof of their merits it is only necessary to call attention to tne cures they have effected and to the voluntary testimonial ot those who have used them Be a sit of imitations, and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for Allcock'.. aid let no loltcl ation or expla nation induce you to accept a substitute. CaaUna. Imitations hsve been put upon the market so closely resembling Allcock's Porous Plasters In general tppearance as to be well calculated to deceive. It It, however. In general appearance .only that they compare with Allcock's, for they are worse than worthless. Inasmuch as they contain deleterious ingredients which are apt to cause serious Injury. Remember that Allcock's are the only genuine porous plasters the best external remedy ever produced ; and when purchasing plasters do not only ask for but see that you get Allcock's Porous Plasters. Wk Havb to Eat anywav. The bet ter the groceries the more enjoyable life is, and while we do not all live simply to eat, we certainly eat to live. If you get your groceries and baked goods of Parker Brothers you ars bound to live well If it is enly on a loaf of rye bread. They keep the best In everything, and sell at prices that satisfy regardless of times. Call on them. Move Aloag, don't stand idle. Its the man who keeps moving that generally succeeds in life. You can't help moving 011 when taking Sini- I mons Liver Regulator. It cleanses .the sys tem from all poison and sends the blood through the veins at a good round pace. The Regulator is the best insurance policy against indigestion and dyspepsia. Noth ing malarious about Simmons Liver Regu later, The Trar Laxative B'rlnrlplr Of the plants used in manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Syrup ot rigs, has a permanently beneficial effect on the human system, while the cheap vegetable extract and mineral solutions, usually sold a med icines, are permanently Injurious, Being well Informed, you wtil use the true rem edy only. Manufacture.-', by the Cali fornia r ig hyrup L-o. it 1 1 bought that the Egyptians snd ELuscsbs were foil her advanced fn tne art of dentistry than snv other people in that early period, for teeth filled with gold have been fount in the months of otum-nie. fn - Heir advanced iCeas. The people were he first tc supply artificial anbstitates f 1 the month. Of the 3559 sestets using the Saez Canal in 1892, 2581 were British. France fell from second to third place in tne list, with t?4 Germany follow England, xnd only 2QJ ships of that nation passed thrown the canal. Two American vessels used it. France it soon to adopt aa interesting innovation in the postal card system. The cards aj: be issued in the form of check books, with stabs. The sender of the postal card caa make memoranda of Ms contents on the stab, aad caa have thi stsmped st thi postoSze before the card is attached, so that a verified record of the correspondence can be kept. The largest salmon which has reached London for a nrunber of years pas; waa ex hibted the other day in Bond street. It was a male, was captured in the Tay. and turned the beam at sixty-eight pounds. The measurements Were: Length, fifty three inches; girth. 30 inches. Texas is large enough to give all the population in the world ttaaeicg room, and it i said 'hai uf U the people of the L'oi- ted States were crowded into Kanras, California snd Nebratka. thus- Mare woali not be more thickly settled than Eg!aad is aosr. bo have taken Hood's SartaparLia a Hat they Ihmk of B, and the rep'iie win be (h ire fc: us f ,ror. One has been c-sred of Indigestion and dyspepsia, another finds ir.cioenaaVe tor tick headache, o. her repoii ieraa'kab-e cu-ev M scrofula, salt rheum and other bio; diseascs.ttfll others wtil ten vov: tha: U overcomes "ihar tired fee ing."' and : on. TruSy. Ihe best ad- ver.ttmg a hlch ll wl'i Sanapariiia re ceives h the hear y endorsement of the army rf frwndt h has woo by its positive n u iiii nr. r i"nsii,si Coouusssoaer Lochren has sub mitted his annual report to the secretary of the interior . It shows: Pmiiiaasi oa the roils, 966,012: net increase. 99,944 during the rear: claims for increase of pen- ion. allowed. 24.715; for additional pen as under the act of Jane 27, 1890, there were allowed 3 1.990 claims: under both heads, 1 15.221 claims were rejected: ciaims pending, 711.150; paid for pensions during the year, $156,740,467. balance at c'ose of year. S2.4-v7.37i . The commi ioner thinks toe appropriations tor the next nseal year are ample. The estimates for the fiscal year ending l-ik. ainocnt to 1162,631,550. He thinks from 18 on, the pension list will decrease through the fact that the number of applications will decrease, ow ing to the lapse of time since the war. The tendency in ibis direction is already maai fast The commissioner then defends his me in suspending certain pensic granted by the former t-jaimissioner SsMBK the act of June 27, 1 ?90, saying be sought honestly and fairly to carry out the pro vis tons of the law. citinr instances, declaring that they and other such were granted evident violatiou of that law. as Ta It if a mild laxative and a tonic to the digestive organs. By taking Bimmozs Liver Begolator you promote digestkn, bring on a reg ular habit of body and prevent BilioTutnem and IndigyjctioiL W. B. Laara, Ixlzwm.Qtuc EVERT FACKAGK-SK earn AAwfaar be ts VIGOR " MEN Easirr. OsuckJt, Pirwamaslli Bestsrest. WEAKNESS, MERVOUSMES5. DEBILITY, aaa an the trahr of err. essBnaartremn or later rssissas. Use insafia mt oreraerk, tekaess. worry. Me. VaBstncgm. imimi aa-i t s. - gHea taryaaa an) sr t&-"wrr T. fftnpisjwilsiy. ERIE KE0ICAL C2. eu FFALO. M. rtamg iT wiu-nct cxwg. i Bold by E sand SUB KO HO forte Teeth aansjttve and If! or ansa by ass. Kkw I'HoTooExrHK i hare opened a gallery In the Y M. C. A. block. 2nd street, Albany, and will try hard to please all who will favor aae with their paxronaure. 1 will take all sines and styles of phot a.- good as the best and as cheap as the cheap est. I am no traveling photo here today sd msjs t m n-o-. i.,ut fc.ire assjss with wife and children to make a home in your glorious dimate. I have come to stay. Please call and see me and try my work, Very lespaUfutly yourr.. . A. Maxwell. Late of Toronto. Canada. Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing, the aair may be restored to it origi nal color by the uw of that potent remedy a a i a - . . t r t i . . n:i rgciaoie oiciiian iiair K 'newer. -Ts sndanigaed hava To Faawarcs rased the warhraa ef David Smith at TslhsuM aad are now prepared to store grain, and all rumen are relocated to call aad see thesn before making arraagssssata for atoragr elsewhere. FaOST 3AXDKBS. A GaaAT Oosvksiknck,--World's fair visitors travelling via the Northern Pact fic R R and Wisconsin Central line, are landed at lhe Grand Central station Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof buhdlng, located In Ihe heart of the city has bet n fitted up as a hotel, run on th European plan, with about loo rooms handsomely furnished and each room supplied w ith hot and cold water, electric lights etc. The charge for accommoda tion are reasonable.and parties can secure rooms In advance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific RR. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitor will avoid tne dLcomfort of all transfer In that city, and can also travel between theUrand Central station snd World's fair ground by trains which run direct between the two potuts. C G BUKKHART, Agent at Albany. The system of pei maneat or continuing appropriation! becin :oi years ago. Since that tune it has groan Into a great abuse. There ate certain Government affairs for which money ia ever-varying amount most always be available. Provision for these can be made only by permanent, continuing appropriations. Bat a great variety of other matters have trim time to time been added to the list. The Billion Dollar Congress increased it largely ia order to prevent any i eduction of expense by the democrats, fhc result has been to embarrass revenue calculation, to intro duce uncertn'nty and extravagance at many points ann to abridge the power of Congress to exercise a due discretion ia regulating the annual expenditure. Mr Sayers the new Chairman of the appro priations Commi'.tee, propo'cs a radical rrform. He will prrpare a bill lemoving from the permanent list every appropria tion which does not manifestly belong there, and he calculates the amount of such at about $$0,000,000 a year. He es timates that under the reformed system Congress can effect a clear saving ol $30,- a ysar on these items . the re form is badly needed. Don't be tempted to it vest to them. You will get into trouble every and in tne end poverty and disgrace. 1 he asr use Uncle Sana's green goods are Uie only ones of value. Thev make vou rich; especially when used to purc'iase Simmons Liver Regulator to cure your Indigestion, dys pepsia, constipatiooor bii:ousnet.or drive away malaria. Don't be tempted to take anything else in place of the Regulator. A Vatsavhle steaswdty. Hon Edmund L Pitts, the late president of the New York Stale Senate, write:- Statk of Nkw Tokk Skxaik Chamber, Albany, March nth, ibsb. I have used Allcock's Parous Plasters in nr family ter the past five years, and can truthfo'l say thy are a valuable remedy and , Beet great cures, l would not be witliout them, t have in several instances given some to friends suffering with weak and lame back, and thev nave invariably afforded certain and speed v re lief. Thev cannot be loo highly con rr. ended . Cure for OaMs. Fevers and Oenerei 3a ttnay.SsaoUIhK&xi-aa. 3c- p buuJe. WlDOiSO iNVITAVIONS. Wooden, Tin, Bilver, Golden Common every day. 'Hkilkv. bhiloh's Vitaliser is what you need for dyspepsia, torpid liver, ysllow skin or kid ney trouble. It ts guaranteed to give yon satisfaction. Price 75e. Sild'by Foshay & Masoc. niton's Cure, the grant cough sad oroup oars, is for sals by as. Pro let sine contain twenty-five doses, only 25c, Children lavs it Foshay & Mason. ar r-nblle school Are the main-stay ot our republic. In them are being cultivated the sninds wblch are to be our future law makers and leaders In every walk ot life. How essential It Is that these minds should be united in strong, healthy bodies. So many children suffer from impurities and po'sonaln the blood that It is a wonder that they ever glow up to be men and women. Many parents cannot find words strong enough to express their gratitude to Hood's ar saparllla for its good effect upon their children. Scrofula, salt rheum and other disease of the blood are effectually and permanently cured by this excellent medl cine.and the whole being is given strength to reilst attacks of disease. Every railway should have its surgecn He is a necessity a tnech as its lawyer, its p resident, or even itsinpeiintendent . The profession of both law and medicine are row a necessity for the proper management and conduct of a railway. The railway surgeon came, pethaps, last, but he hat corns to stay, and no railway of importance ein now dispense with this officei. 1 w-mawav. 1 BB7VMaWavVBWam. DTssavLCsX. sets: -Sbfloiva Ostarr i Bensedx as the first oa.- xTtceSQcti. Sore by J SHILOHS CURE. 1 Grout Cooes Cknm i BortraL-! vuc. ff rar"en fntftae. watggit. tara.r.a FARMERS, ATTENTION WAGON RACK- 3U6GY. CART PLOW HARROW.OBIL SEED ER, FEED CUTTER, or any kind of a parte Irnt'err.cTit or V e hide, call on "or address. B. F. RAMP Opposite Post Off t A tbany, O Notice of Assignment. Katies is snwsby given that the Bank of Oregon, of Albany, Or, goo, has daly aa sagsssrl to the swdsnsagwed assignee ail its ntsty aad effects for the beaeS - of all its creditor, aoder aad by virtaa of the gen eral sasigsssnat laws of the state cf Oregon, and the nnderti ,ned has h-rr ofcre, towit, on the SSth day of Jane IS 93 daly uoalitkd as such assignee. AU persons having claims against said 10- aolrent and the esUte tharecf are heieby repaired to prerent the same to the un dersigned at the Bank of Oregon building in he city cf Alt any, Oregon, ruder oath, withi. three months of this date. Dated this 29th day of Jane 1H3. W. S. Tboxbsus Assignee of the Bank ef Oregon, an iana.1- vesA. aaaaaaaaa -. a.a iimamarjaamnmasBHsmvasaammwaa ' mm 1 CavesadTrde-MrobtahissiI iiminaw nrniini lor M:it Frrs. Oua Omct ia oeeosrrr U.S. patch.- orytct j sad ask caa seesaw patent u teas IsSae thsa isssssS ream from Waskingtoa. . Scad raodeL drawing or pkoto.. with deseria-e 600. We jTtse, if patenuulla or aocuee oi! . 1. . n 1 rim ,iis Bin 1 r laiun ia m a eaarewArr. "Bow to Obtain Patents,- w oast of st.-ne in ma U. a. ana lunstii usrr sent free. Aodres. C. A. SNOW & CO. -,M wTY,rr errrer. t 3HiGTON D C ttwwrj I Marttote a I'allure Who shall decide It? We have conclud ed long ago that It ts a success every time with Simmons Liver Regulator in the house. It promotes harmony and good nature by preventing any attack ot Ihe worst gnemy ; Indigestion aad dyspepsia, which make discord In the brightest home. You will find the regulator a good reme dy for btlliousnet and sick headache. It Is the household friend. A Surbank California special to th: Ex press says: ''Last night about 40 cttiaent assembled and requested a gang of eight Chintse section hands to '.esv? town. The request was promptly complied with, the Chinese departing bag and baggage for Los Angeles. This rid Btubank of all Chinese." The.-e is $706,410,885 loaned by trust. safe deposit, Insurance and other moneyed corporations, trustees of estates and private individuals on real estate In the city of New Yoik. It is claimed that 4,902,;r24,Pl pounds of grain are annually put into beer and iquor in the United States. The valuation of wealth in the United States is three times as gnat at ia I SCO, and twice as great per capita, ONS ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mado it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists, Any reliable druggist -who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIB SYRUP CO. SA fWUKOCO. CAL utumius. new roan ct. ilBrVIT CQLLEBTATB ISSflTTJfS ALBANY, OREGON Ira 1891, lssia Terns eaeal Septeauber Sit A fL I corps of Instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARf COMMERCIAL AkD NORMAL CLASSES. toarsjc ot study umnced rMi i - all grades of student. Sfriul mamttmeats eftrut to mUmt frss nJ. f V. BLOCK r (I t OX BIT ACADEMY OF ladj of Perppnual Help REVERE HOUSE ILBANY OREG-'-l H AS. PFa'IFFEH rROrRiKTOR