The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 16, 1892, Image 4

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    Advance of the
Pipe Brigade.
Retreat of the
Cigar Cohorts.
Yes the Pipe is coming to the
front as never before. The high
price of good dears is helping
drive them c t of use. Millions
of smokers use
Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco.
.iis the most popular Brand in the market. Smoked for over twenty,
five years its fame is still growing Quality always the same.
Attorney! at Uf. Will practice In courts of th
state. Special attention (riven to matter in probate
and to c lections. OFFICE In the Flinn block.
Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor in Chancery. Cellec
tlons made on all paints. Loans DsfoUaUd on
rable terms. Albany, Oregon
Attornev at law. and Netary Public . Will practice in
all the courts ol this state fsnarsAl attsnUoa riven to
collections and matters in prabate OsBec: Upstairs
aeon-1 wea&ie tuoca Albany, ogw
I. a v. 1 1 1 1 1
hit t UN
all legal matter, will reoa ive pre nip
attention. See in Old FdUow's Temple, Albany,
Attorneys at Law,
Albany, Oregon.
Attorney at Law, Albany, Or.
Attoreev-at-Law. All legal; business' attended .to
FUNK'S Bosk, Albany, Or
FtoeMan and Snrjrsoa, OFFTCK Cornsr
Ferry streets, Albany, Oregon.
yts- M TOW ffc HA WIS.
Physicians an Surgeons. OFFICS Corner econd
and Broedalbin streets. Albany, Or, Calls promptly
attended 1 ettv and country:
Hssneepathist. XWSpeeUlst in diseases of the Bye.
Twenty years' experience Office hoars 7 te 9 e m:
1 w S p m. end S tc t evening. Albany, Oregen.
The 8. B. Headache and liver Cire
If taken as directed, we Guarantee Satis
faction or refund your money.
jo cents per bottle, by 9
-tsouuii ass eaaran
Druggists and Booksellers
Agrei.ts for John B. Aldan's publications,
walch wo Mil at prjblisHer' pries wiTS
WEL . DIGGING Ed Davidson in
pi en red to do well digging is
treat m y Ie, promptly, and will g uar
ante nu vork.
cooHiMing of 40 acres or less of land
00a mile nurth of Albany Lan't well im
prwved. For psrtieulam inxutre of
W )l Warkbk
(HI Beward ?
. .. o sbovo reward fr mnj cos of Ia
1 UrtpcpatB.Clrk Uomdmeb, InAlxmUon Qp,i
. r 1 - t. vencft w rami :? ear with Wan,
v, r I'll Is. when the directions z t
1 .ih. Thcw ar pnrely Veretsblo,SD'a .
t 3tUfactloa. Bafjn.1 Cootsd Lsr-r -"ti
cents. 'Kwsro of count
ee uirw tnsnafsctDred w:t
isipmilanS Onstflaaj lintel,
tied Riolulng nnd lats oartains well
ltnled to
HtHrcl. "irK n hpeclslty
tr' oh infice t Mre' liarlier -hop
ai ni:rv os- venlrig at 7'80 o'clock
O PIC It A MOUSK. of Albanr. for rent
beKtnning with Jan 1st, 1893, for one
or more ynrs. For particulars, e'l on
r : Mr Julius Joseph, Albcoy, or.
ttt or OREUON.
m.han y, ORMON.
... I.r W HLA1N
president ....
'CraisscU m trentre bsnkinr bustnesst
Kxohsii;e bought and sold on all the priueipa
cities in the United states 1 also en Enfland, Ireland
Kranee and Qermany.
Collections made at all accessible points on faror
bis terms.
Interest allowed sj time deposits,
Scientific Amen?ar
f Agency for
m TU ADC Map,
"or information and frcj rfant1bott writs to
MUHN A tX., Mil IIB A .1 ,T. .trW 1 OHlK
Oldest bureau forsscurtuit patents In t. merle
Every patent taken on! by v Is brouctit h.'1-m
the public by a notice seven t. in of chary l .a
jFdenttf Jlmcnjan
1-arK.xt drralatlon or .wit selentlSe rvpev" t ,
vrorTd. Splendldiv I'lnrtratod. No
man ehould be witbout It. Weekly, f
ajasr-. H.SO six rooothn. Addres, -T l
PCT vamstas. Sfl Ilr-iad 'nr. Nw Vork.
Southern Pacific Route
Cspress Trams leave Portland Daily.
lonth j saoymvt. UB, Ignrtt
7:00r. . I Lt ""Portland Ar Ti a
10:M r a I Lv Albany Lv ta a a
fcli a a I Ar San Frandses Lv I 7,-00 1
Above trains step ealy at lot leering stations nerth
st Boseboiw. East Bgnland, Ornron City, W.saV
earn, Sslssa, Albany, flBgent, 8nodd, Halsey. Hlr
rieksxr, Junction City, Irriat, Earsne.
sWIi Lv Peruana Ar 1 4-Va
12:iSraLv Albany Lt ;ju
fcasfu I Ar Roaeborr gLsJ TflOa
BOO r a I Lv Portland Ar 1 10M a
riAr Albany L ; ; a
s.10 a I tv Albany j iL-riaa
8:0CAlAr Lrbanoa Lr Mil
I:KraLT Albany tt S:ara
MAslir Lebanon Lrl:jer
for Asrsaasiatlsxs mt raascsisnra. keU
seen4-Claa tlcketa,attaeke4 .la Kx
pre s Train.
eTnat Slsle MvlsUn.
rwltLtsi ASD CatTAUII,
Man, rAia bah t ( Except 8nnoj,
7.30am I Lv Port 'and" " Ar I UO s
ltJOralAr OorvaUis Lt laa M
axraan raais bailt (Kacspt Sunday .
fcsOr a I Lv Portland Ar I rfo a a
Ttral Ar MdCnnrille Lt I i.ii a
Thronrfh Ticket
all points
Fat fa:, tnlotssation rsArding rates, saapa,
on Company Acent at Albany
sfanarwr ss'llO. T . aaa
Oregon Pacific Rail odd,
T m sou;, Beeciver.
Orogjn Oe78ioprjiBnt Po t Stoannn,
Btaort Lino to i isiiromia,
First -olsse through passenger and
'r eight line frsu; Portland and all poiatr
In the Willamette Valley to and from Hmn
franciaoo, Cal.
Boals make clout, connection at A loan
tth trains of the Oregon Paclfi Rail road
TIME SCHEDULE, except Sanders.)
UeaeAlbuy 1M1 p. ,.Lre Yaqmna, T.-00 a, a
fava OorraJlU IMr. a. Loaee Crvallls,10JU a,s
tnir Yaotiin. 1:S6 r. a.AmTe Albany, 1UU a.
O. t C. trains connect - at Albany and
Oorvsllls. The above trains cxanecrj
Taonina with the Oregon Development
Company's Line of Steaamsbtpa bstreVp
Vaqmna and Han Francisco,
ran vaacia.
til. a ..) Swiss, BtSsaWar Usb, SSai t
raoa a raaawtseo
WUlanaetU Valley, December 6th ; 13th ; CTtb.
The Companw xwrree tbe ngnt U
ihange sailing dates v'thout notice.
N.B. Pssasarigers from Portland rad
Willamette Valley points can make olpss
s-mnection with ibe trains of the Yagniu
r)tlte at Albany or Corvallis. and If d
t ned lo Ran Franeiaoo should arrange to
rrive at Taoulna the evening before date
f sailing
aaaTPausesacer an Feexht ralea al ay a lb
Taos President
.E, W
niAKSACTS A OEW ERAL banking boaloes.
ACCOUNTS KEPT subtest t aheck.
SIGHT EXCHANGE and tel vaphle transfer, ela
Kew York, San Francisco, Chicago and I' -tUand
CO .LECTION? MADE on faaoraht terie.
E, W, Laseoo
L. Fliss
K. Totrs
Eswaas P . Sot.
eldest J L COWAN,
e-Pildnt J M RALSTON.
st Cashier.... 0 A ARCUIBOLO.
P aaoross, 1 I. Cowan, J M Ralston, W 8
KteM, W H Oolira, I A Crawrd od O A Areh
fRANf? ACTH a reneraj bankln boslnes.
0RAW31OU1 f)SASTSn Mew Verk M
all a-vl.- 1 Oreaon
r0AN MONEY on sppiored aecnrlty
RECEIVE deposit fnblect check.
I tre.1, ii A cil.,BtKKK
TRANSACT venera! Bankint business.
0BAWSI0HT DRAFTS m New York, San fr n
ecoand Portland, Oregen.
LOAN MONEY n approved security
RECEIVE deposit subject, te check.
COLLECTIONS made en larnrable terms.
Interest pid on tim deoosiu.
scto, OKEOOW.
deut ,
O 1 M
J.V dersivned
uaccuUir of tie -tate if '
ijliraint rnrnor, ileceafl,tias nieil with liic County
Cierk, lur Linn oounty, Orutrori, ais floal account 1
ln-la estate and the court has fixed the 7th day of 1
January, 18IKI. a. the hour of 1 O'eteek p m, lur the
herlny of objectlona and te the settlcm-int of amid :
PuMlshed by order JN Duncan, County Julc'
Dated December Dih, 1882.
ltewi-t k Wolverton, Executor: i
Ally's lor Exei utor.
Ben Harrison is said to have cleared
$ 106,000 by hi resent four years job.
The people voted for pension reform at the
same time that they voted for tariff reform.
One of the large rubber mills consume tn
the course of a year for the boxing of Us goods
15,000,000 feet of lumber.
When Kansas semis "lebel brigadiers" to
Congress it is high time for the Republican
party ts organize an expedition to search for
new "issues."
The new union station at St. Louis will
comprise a train shed of glass and iron the
largest In the world, to cost $1,400,000. The
entire exDenditure. including the cost 01
and, will bt over $5,000,000.
The first asylum for t lie insane established
in this country was founded at Williamsburg,
Vs. In I773, and was the only one in the
United States until jSiS, when the McLean
Asylum Somerville, was incorporated.
The acknowledgement ol the Independence
o'the United States by European powers
was iu ihls order: Franc?, by treaty in Feb
ruary, 1778; Holland 1 1 Apr!', 17&J; Swe
den, in February, i;.v 5. -mark in February,
Spain in Marcn and Russia In July, 178a
and Great Britain in 1783.
The Interior Department of the United
States was established in the Sptingof 1S49
It was the first establishment of a new branch
of the government since 1798, when the Na
vy Department w as created. The first in
cumbent of the office wag Thomas Ewing of
Ohio, appointed by President Taylor.
There are today mar; than 200,000 women
in the UnitedStates earning a living by pro
fessional and personal service outside that of
mechanical labor or work in the shops.
th- practice of law and medicine, the teaching-
of music and art. literature and science,
and in clerical work of difftrent kinds in
Government and other official places.
A nstralia is entering the commercial world
as competitor in a new line of production.
Besides her contributions of motion, wool
and grain, she now oners the article of butter.
Arrangements have recently been completed
for shipping aao ton, of fresh but er weekly
to the London market. It is pieservedon
the voyage by cold storage.
The country expects the democracy to
live up to its professions squarely. It
does not ask that it temporize in any way
or to dec'sre while doing one way that it
will presently do another. Congress must
take the vord of the peoole, twice express
ed at the polls In national elections, for
granted. It will hare Its commission and
iu authority to act. The democrats need
have no fear of the republicans or aay
ot ner patty in 1896 If the v will, through
their representatives in congress, proceed
courageously and directly to revise the
tariff according 10 the conditions of today
and not according to the conditions of tea
yeaia ago. If tbe party goes into the cam
paign of 1S94 without having carried out
the principles and professions of that party
on tbe subject of the tariff it wilt cause an
abatement of the popular confidence. Just
now too many prominent democrats are
advancing suggestions which savor too
much of concession 10 republican ideas.
We need no advice whatever from the re
publicans. They have bankrupted the
treasury, and it is the democratic duty- to
work reform all along the line qnite regard
less of advice frotii tbe McKlnteyites.
Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, has writ
ten another public letter Bis last previous
one was written from Europe at the begin
ning ol tbe Piesidential canvass, and was
brimlul of conviction that the American peo
ple would never, no, never, go back on the
Force bill 01 the McKinley bill. In bis
judgment these two were the right and left
bowers of national salvation.
How well pos ed the Senator was kept doi
ng lis absence wr cano say. He came
home just in time t I utc for Harrison and
Halle. Probably (he.--. at no more shocked
and disappointed person In ihts whole land
sot excepting McKinley than S.-nator II os
when tbe people's magnificent verdict was
However, be has recovered sufficiently to
write another letter, this time to the Home
Market Club of Boston.
He is just as confident a ever that "we
are tbe righteous'' to whom the promise that
they sha!l Inherit tbe earth was given. "I
shall certainly do all in my power to prevent
bad legislation," he ssjs. His simple creed
is: All Republican legislation is good legisla
tion; All Democratic legislation is bad legis
lation. It Is enough (or him, and be will
never, never desert the Republican party.
He ts a composite of Mrs Micawber and Mrs
Partington, with all the devotion oi the one
and all the expert ness with a broom of the
Mr Heory has received advices to the eff
e.1 that sn exirem-ly significtnl vote tojk
place in the New Snuth Wales Parliament
on Oct. 18 when the Protectionist Ministry
onlysaveo itself from defeat by voting against
a resoluiio 1 proposed by one of their own
supporters and In favor of an amendment
offered ly the most bitter opponents of pro
tection he single-tax men.
It ii becoming more and more evident ev
ery day that radical anion on the land aucs-
' tiln rannnl in. mil -Ii lniT.r ,!,Uu. 1 n d
witn 111; evident design of testing the leei
ne of the House a protectionist Mr Chap
man inlioduced a resolution declaring for a
progtessive land tax on holdings over 1,000
in value.
This was opposed by Mr Cotton (Single
Taxei), who declared that if a man holding
land up 10 1,000 In value was too poor to
tax, it was clearer still that the man who
owned no land at all and had only big hands
to depend upon ought, not to be taxed by ad
valorem duties, and. who moved a straight
sinfJc tax substitute declaiing:
"That In the opinion of this House a sys
em ot'f revesue by the direct taxation
of land values, irrespective of improvements,
would greatly promote thr welfare of this
In Ihe dehflte which ensued it was evident
that Mr Cot" l's amendment woulribe carried
when 1 hi IV-mier, Sir Geo Uibbs, came out
with the dec aration tha' lie should vote for
Mr Cot ion's amendment, and with n further
declaration 1h.1t the Government intended to
pres the local Government I. Ill, which au
ihorlzes ihe municipalities to i;iise their rev
enues l y a tax on land values ., jtn.nit refer
ence to ihe improvemeuts on .he land.
Oi division M." Coltou'a lubstitut'- was
aiiopted in place of the original resolution by
a vole of 46 to 13, boih the leader of the
(Jovernm ent snhe der of ihe Opposition
voting for it, nnd it was then finally adopted
l y n vo' e of 49 lo 10.
Nii.i ltiaa in wstttiiii i t.. .-'iir . hail i
ICA.i.KiH. i-alluu iaaadWi -' Nuu'ev
W Read luii a latvn tlnck ol Koor.s snd
sh'u s to i Ii tt fiom, tnd the brst vs.ue iu
A Bl( Blot
SroKANK. Dec 9. A terrible riot occur
red at Wenatchee last nifffct, anil for three
hours the town was in the control of a mob
of frenzied graders and Italians. Wenat
chee is a town about 100 miles west of here
on the Great Northern. The trouble was
started by a drunken railroad man nmi
pambier, named Tom (iiiillanu. lesieniuy
he was paid a small sum ot money wtiitn
was coming to him, and, starting at acrgp
game, wound np in the evening; by break
ing the faro bank, being over ?5000 winner.
Susette heard the news, and started for the
place, saying she would go with the man
who had luck. Many were badly cut with
knives and wounded by stones and other
missiles thrown bv the Italians, ltoth
parties gradually broke up into small bands
and scattered through tne town.
Brotherly love
Nkw Youk, Dec 9. The World this
evening has a highly sensational article
charging the Massachusetts state charity
authorities with shipping paupers and
idiots into this city for some years past in
bat .-lies of a dozen or more without means
of subsistence, so that tbey must eventual
ly become public charges, the world de
clare that this clearing out of Massachusetts
almshouses it a weekly occurrence.
1 .lrl
Nkw Youk. Dec 9. Miss Km me Van
Norden. the eldest dautrnter of Mr Warner
Van Norden. president of the Hank of
North America, who is well known in
society, has joined the Salvation Army, and
is 11 full Hedged, unttortneu soldier, miss
Van norden, who is not long out ot ner
teens, is a gentle, good looking young
woman, and exceedingly accomplished.
Rs B ope Far Blsarltalllsan
Wasaixotox, Dec 9. A letter from a
member of the monetary conference at
Brussels says:
"There is no hoDes for bimetallism, and
it is scarcely nrobable that any definite
conclusion will be reached by the confer
That Allenpt At Train V recking
Tamils. Dec 8. Two brave srirls. with
n Inntem vel hmrilr laden Southern
n.onnr t'ol ,linic. !
ti am, ilnnt't P Or WednMulav
on';n Tho t.r.1,1.1 mturnul the ;
' outside rail over the high trestle across
j Cow Creek canyon, aud had not the enjri
; neer been signaled just as be wns ap- j
prosvetung it; tne enure train would nave; to cover himseit with glory bv re mem -nave
plunged to the bottom of the rocky ! be ring the poor as will as the rich.
gulch, 45 feet below. Tne full story of the j
attempted wreck, which the Southern Pa- , tt. ,, aw... i.r ii...i.s,. , , - -,-inc
evutentlv snnnrt.sse.1. is told here to-! Mr Sam May, of Harrlsburg, mho was
;ht f, I' Cnlhimn. one of the
. - i : 1 1 ..ij
rived this evenins from California. He .
says that the displaced rail was discovered
w'ith intern just before the train arrived.
by two young ladies who crossed the trestle
They were horrified at tie discovery Just
then the train was heard approaching. One
of the girls instantly rushed up the track
swinging the lantern over her bead, seeing
which the engineer stopped the train at
the approach of the trestle. The train
consisted of 15 cars containim: 250 passen
gers and IV Calhoun says tbe Iocs of life '
would have been frightful had tbe train
not been stopped- The wreckers did the
work quickly, as the track was all right
when the watchman passed ever the trestle
half an hour before train time.
Ljaeblag Talked Of.
Makhfiku). (Jr. Dec 8. This
noon the case of the Peterson brother came
up in tne justice court. Alter an tne tu -
djuoj wis in. rfUBucv .leuiuug new iunu
over without bonds until the next circuit j
court, which convenes in May next. The
two brothers were taken to hrapire City!
. i r r a a, r, 1 I 1
afeofly-ching rTto
take tTsiout 0 !u, Uy a xm
7. JT . . . " .
as possible, fcne t'eterson. tne man who
had the risk in his possession when arrest-
ed, i supposed to nave killed aiickefuruiK .
Utad Jut!
La Craxde. Or. Dec 8. A aecsation
was created today by tbe news that 12
quarter sections belonging to Fred Xodine.
one of the largest farmer, of the Grand
Ronde valley had been jumped Mr No -
dine s ranch Ites near Hot lake, about eight
iiriiTT J 1 rT.Pr
hta been for rears churned by Mr Nodine.
under deed issued by the stale, which
cJaimetCthe) land, although it u still on- Company hare definitely decided to In
surveyed, by virtue of an act of congress j augurat a line of steamer between K-w
gnuiring to the state all swamp lands-. The ; fork and San Francisco, via Panama.
original surveys show all Sand in this
vicinity to oe swamp tana, tutneagn use
jumpers claim that grain baa been grown
on it for many years. Trouble between
Nodine and his friends and the jumper is
aSesteval Hsbi
WEXATCUE.'at.. Dec R Yesterday
was a turbulent day in Wenatchee. Tbe
railroad boys and a ga-g of dago lafcattne
rngaiji d in an altercation in front of the
Roma sa'oon. A general fight in which
no leas than "JO men were engaged was an
exciting scene. Revolvers. Knives, clubs.
rocks and bare knuckles were all used as
lnm'-mu: 17?'!Ci?W'V bnd- bt no
one was injured from this source. Half a
doxen fellow, hate broken hetvl. and DM
dago wa slightly wouuded with a knife,
ratal rtmkl la a t a a r r n
Newark. 0. Dec 8. Daring a religious
meeting at Ml ller's chapel. Monroe town
ship, last night. James Needles and Frank
Lewis quarreled and started to fight. Lewis
drew a razor and slashed Needles across the
face, cutting his nose in two. Needles
drew a revolver and opened fire on Lewis.
one bullet passing through his chin from
the front, lodging in tbe back of his bead.
Needle's death is only a question of little
time. Lewis' wound will also prove fatal.
the rrwsaer Thins :
Wasbisotos. Dec 7. The secretary of
war today submitted to congress a number
of reports from engineers who had made
examinations of different rivers and har
bor, as to tbe feasibility of their improve -ments
by the general government. Tbe
most important of these reports was thit of
Major Handbury, in relation to the Wil
lamette river above Oregon city. He says
that the river is worthy of improvement,
and that for 160 miles to Eugene it can be
made navigable for vessels, which will
greatly assist in carrying the products of
the Willamette valley- He also points out
the importance of the commerce of this
region as a reason the river should be im -proved.
He estimates that $12,000 will he
necessary t j make a survey and plans for
the improvement which the river will
The suramin Tate
Saciiam ento, Dec 8. The secretary of
state has received full returns from the
entire state, with the exception of one pre
cinct in Inyo county, where the ballots
were stolen election day and where a spec
ial election will be held December i2. In
cluding tbe unofficial vote from Inyo
county, the secretary figures as follows:
Cleveland. 117,908; Harrison. 117.756;
Weaver. 25.226; Bidwell, 7989; Entire
vote cast. 269,000. Thomas K Hani, re
publican elector, was the only one e'ected
on the republican ticket.
Railroad Blorkadetl
Kaxsas Citt, Dec 7. The first real
blizzard of the winter in Kansas has been
sweeping over the state for the past 24
hours. High winds have blown the snow
into huge drifts in the northern part of the
state, and all the railroads traversing thut
section are either completely blockaded or
suffer from severe impeding of traffic. So
far as learne'1, there has been no loss of
life by the storm.
A Fatal Bow
Marhhfiei.d, Or, Dec 7. Herman and
Erick Peterson, brothers, got into a row
yesterday evening atthe former's hotel on
Coos river, over some trivial affair, which
ended in a gun fight between the two and
the killing of John Michelbrink, a well
known pioneer of this section, who was
sitting in the room where the quarrel com
menced. Erick Peterson had been drink
ing. About 10 shots were exchanged and
one was fired from outside the hotel, but
just which one killed Michelbrink is not
known. '
Treasurers Be port
Wasainoton, Dec 7. -The annual re
port of Secretary of the Treasury Foster
shown the government revenues from all
sources during the past fiscal year were
$425,868,260; expenditures. $415,954,8o6.
leaving a surplus of $9,914,353. Compared
with the fiscal year 1891, the receipts bave
fallen off $32,675,972.
Guaranteed to euro Bilious Attacks and
Coustlputiou, .Small llllo iluans.
Will Beep Bales I p
Chicago. Dec 9. The general freialit
agents of the trans-Missouri roads, who
have been in session in this city for several
days, adjourned this evening, after adopt
ing an agreement tor inn protection ot
freight rates in tVeir territory. It pro
vides for the appointment of thn-e rate
committees, ono for Nebraska, one for
Kansas, and the third for Colorado-Utah
Chinese pheasants are carried with
the tails out of sight- They should not
le shot. Hunters are the very men
who should help protect then .
The Jefferson Review save : J N Hoff
man, the well known chief of police of
Albany, wag defeated for re-election last
Monday. It will be a long time before
that city can secure a better officer than
A gentleman recently from Seattle is in
the city, looking over the field vti'h a view
to establishing a tile factory and brick yard.
In conversation with mm last luesoav, tie
imformed us that he had found an excellent
quality of clay near the city but befcre de
termining wbat he would do lie aesired to
test the different verities of clay here. llar-
ritburg Courier.
A New York paper requested Governor
Pennoyer to wire hii viewa on the sub
ject of immigration : "If the United
States are to be restricted to a narrow
gold basis instead of a broad bimetallic
money basis of the constitution, then, in
order to have sufficient money for out
people, it will not only be necessary to
entirely restrict immigration, bat alto to
expatriate some of our'.citixens."
A Portland teamster called a man a liar
and wa fined $. In court he inalaied
the man was a liar any way, and the
judge raised It to $jo.
Aatorll has a Blue Jay Club, Whose
business ! will be to look out tor the poor i
durlntr the holiday season. A fine idea. !
one tth snap anil benevolence In I; I
Santa C'aus will run things now for
several weeks. He has a big opportunity
the citT IM. ,! the best posted
man about the ;provistons ot Jay Ootid s
: will tbe Man About Town has met.
man about the Iprovii
The following flaming head In an As
toria paper Indicate, that that city must be
in a bad wav, or else the paper, there live
on smoke ' Swin.UIng the County. The
citizen.' city officials join the boodlers.
I lie luuii., ivii.w..,', .v ! ti aw,
i ri.. r3o.., fr..n .
than tend dollar, paid :o the city boodlers
the past year The county court sets down
n the whole gang.
Tne Coos Bay Mai: tart Some person
who ha evidently been around the .mall
pox hospital at Coqullle City, savs that
"cats and
1 J ,k- . .1 -
ofTofesdl ihe 6imL - and
; all mean
1.. .... . 2 . a. ...
L T "a
""r . .T . . ""T"-f.V"
tne nospiiai oiea 01 smin-pox tne intra
k In view of Osss fact it would be
' interesting 10 know what the management
kept those ten cat aiound the hospital
for? Que would think the hospital was
kept at a meant of spreading the ditaase.
8""' "bo '""
, t"1 ?fw 'n n"r on
chars-e ol bank robber r The manner In
i rv r-.Zl .. - .a . ,.
i ""t" " TTT -T"lwBB Pugb, lee
V gWW , , . . . . . . v, - ' ... V.,, .
and it is more than intimated that there I
MU S IDUItT iteessi lilts ISsBaSaT Saf ma, "SF
no good loundation tor suspecting the
wrto nTC '"n ru! ""Oer arre. ah ;
,he fper of that section are denouncing
j lhe uker detectives in a mo.t emph.i.c
ntanner. and the neat legislature ahou d
, ' h,"e Z'tnlTol
1 Orvrgon e have had eoougS ot
i The director of the Panama Railroad
I nder the oio service, amen ruts nereis
fare been pe-formed by Ihe Pacific Mall
Steamship Company, owing the fact that
tbe Pacific Mail steamers at the Isthmus
have no! made close connection, It ha
taken forty to forty-five days to ship
i goods to New York from San Francisco,
and vice versa. I'ndet the new arrange
ment il Is proposed lo make quick crn-
' nection. and moat cat the steamer will
not stop at Central American point.
" r . . 1. - --
larded in New Yor. from San rranclsco
In thirty day lime, or, in other word. la alv.n that Mill
1 ... - .. ' -. """'-
lo dl.patcn three t earners a month This
! arrangement is going to re volutlonlae the
.rscportation business ot thi coast. .,y
ishlppe,.. and it seems to be .he
apeetiy solution oi tne transnortatlon
( problem.
I ,..l 1-n.i.rJ J il.l .
tilth, anneara th fnllnwiww n.ramni. .
I r , " ' . uw.HK.MU.. .
A nrawr IT 1... ,V - - S .
j Windsor castle for erection on the Ronn.l
" o,.. mh u,i wiriaeaj ma
tower. It is 72 leet high and was made
from a pine grown in Oregon, and said to
be 89 years old."
Values continue as mixed as evei. As
returned by the counties to the Secrelarr
of State. Ihe average value of horses and
mules range from 1 16 31 per head in
Grant county to $56.47 in Multnomah
I AiCuM I ? as, era, ,, . Z ...
IT.: nr-i. : ,. m s-w-
nine, i ni- cat a ron a.e an in except
Benton connty.
Frank i liberie one of the Southern
J acme's genial ticket punchers says of!
travel mat it is ngiiter just now than be
has known it for a long time. The
through business amounts to almost
nothing and were it not for local traffic
the cars would ran almost emptv. He
knows of no reason why this condition of
anairs should oe unless tbe rate-cutting
indulged in by the overland roads is!
militating against the Southern. Ore- j
gon City Express.
Subscriptions lor the World's fair i
souvenir half dollars can be left with tbe
two National banks of this city. Tbev
cost one dollar, the other half going to
neip tne lair. It is ssid that a carload
of half dollars would be worth from 8250,
000 to $500,000, according to tbe make
up of the car ag regards strength, so it
would possibly call for a train of ten cars
to carry the souvenirs to Chicago, but
the silver will not ail be sent in one lot.
The total weight of the money will be
about 300,000 pounds, or 150 tons.
The acting commissioner of the genera
land nas administered a rebuke to the
class of prosnectors who make a practice
of showing their loye of blasphemy in
naming their claims. Two would-be
humorists in the Okanogan (Washing
ton) district recently named their claims
the Holy Moses and the Jumping Jesus,
and made tilings under those names- The
register and receiver of the Waterville,
Washington, land office ha'e just re
ceived letters from the acting 'onmiis
sioner saying that these names have been
duly stricken from the certificate and re
ceiver's receipt, and will not be men
tioned in the patent when issued, being
i-oiisisierea indecent and tilasplieinu s.
'Your Work in Life.' A series of
13 articles bv successful men in as many
pursuits is one of the many strong groups
of articles which are announced in The
Youth's Companion for lSot. "The
Bravett Deed I ever Saw" Is the topic of
another series by United Mates Generals.
The prospectus for the coming year of The
Companion is more varied and generous
than ever. Those who ubscrlbe at once
will receive the paper free to Jan 1st, 189J,
and for a full year from that date. Only
11.75 a year. Auuress ine voutn'suom
panlon, Botton, Mass,
" Prevent and cure Constipation and Sick.
Beadacbc, Small Stale- Ik-ans.
iiiiin oi it r
(J. X. Duncan, oounty Judge; Wrn. Rumljaugh
and 1. W. Pug-h, Commissioners.)
Bill of O r Coshow, aid of Mrs Hale,
was continued ; also bill of Moses Miller,
n'.d John Trest and family, $10; also fees,
$9640, preliminary examination State
agt Hurnett.
The clerk was directed to deliver a
warrant to the sheriff to collect the de
linquent taxes fot the years 1x87, 1S8S,
1889, 18U0, 1891.
Kill of (ilaes & Prudhomme for $15 lor
check perforator was disallowed.
Petlon for relocation of county read
near Crafordvile dismissed.
Bill of Dr J H V Hope continued.
On petition of 8 May et al, George
Howell was appointed Justice of the
Peac: at Halsey.
On petition of AFHtowe et al, P W
Morgan was appointed Constable of dial 8.
Petition of A F Barr et al for county
road granted, and A K Waters, Jas Mat
chet and E T T Fisher appointed viewers.
Petition ofJFDavli for reduction of
taxes continued. Also bill of C B Monta
gue, 5J.49-
Application of G F Russell for Increase
of salary of superintendent disallowed.
Money and watch In Hands of Treasur
er, found on body of Geo Hertman. and
$31 .45 ordered turned over to Mrs E
Hertman, Korfmlller A' Irving to draw
The following bills were allowed:
W C Morgan, and Laura Kimley.$ i c. no
Ex las Minor,!
9 00
3 00
11 00
31 OO
21 OO
3 00
5 00
9 00
7 70
Robert Hamilton, oounty
T J Stltes, teachers ex
1.. 1 ru..t, , ...1
K J Ru..eU t,.chere ex
J F Wilson, bounty
L M Curl, sect election
A R Miller, acct roads
Examination Ausjutt Gramet
Fees Oregon agt Noah Hamilton .
J N and Mary Hoffman, witness
G F Russell
D Andrews, bounty
Stewart ic Sox, acct roads
4 o
5V 38
5 00
3 90
Fees Oregon agt 8 W Rosa. ,
3 oS
L Morse, acct poor ji 40
I C Morgan, acct roads 10 b3
fV i
Mrs J J DavU, acct poor
Mrs JJ
State agt Henrv Keenev
n os '
8 A
Matthew A Washburn
mdae. . .
Inquest T D Sullivan
44 S
12 80
31 53
Biackmtn Ac Hodges, mdse
W C Rlgg. acct roads
Crutern x Menzlea, acct roads
John Usher, janitor fee
Albany F.lecric Light Co
Dr J P'War.aceAfeatment criminal.
GUma PrudhSmme, stationary . .
Frothay ic Mason, stationary .
W C Rlgg. acct road.
B F Crow, acct poor.
Edward Becker, acct roads
Coutne ii Davis, acct roads
1 40 i
3 50 j
7 So
10 00 1
37 00
3 95 !
3 00
25 68 !
S 3
63 66
l 90
8 35
PJ Sroiiey, stationary ....
i ! ei 1 1. . 1
i ). Jd , TT'v:."
j V.!? 'i?'! "Sit?.!
19 10
3 00
6 50
tS 00
70 00
211 TO
waaaaw a.a uu -v ..v.. .i
N M Newport, acct ele-tion
i , , , -
acct ejection
'".4: ?kPer ro,d
E T Fisher, surveyor
Mary L Williams, acct roads.
N P i'ayne, lee
Judge Duncan.
too 00
5 00
S 600
15 00
15 00
laon Ciio. acct poor
G C Cooler, aid Mrs Clark.
1 jsukw caar
Mack sawyer, sid llendersona-
; !if4i! A,d h ..''i tT
w k eavaa
B tsavageiid j W Cox and wf
10 00
ti F Crwwford.aHl Mrs Roberta.
- ' . . .. ... -
i " i . . V ?- .kU.
B White jrd Matil'a Kennoth etnx
8 00
10 00
S3 33
22 00
5 00
4 00
6 30
Frank Burnett, aid ii F JunVtry. .
H Baker, aid Mrs Calloway
John Usher, fees
Brie Wallace, salary
W H Gulliford, aid aoor. . . .
P C Anderwon, acct jail
J H Scott, acct election
ta d 1 1 t
" aauaaauwuaji., R .
Court adjourned until Monday, Dec.
, - . ,
j lnb' at 9 0 clock rn"
Wlll Clwee Saaatay
! Autarr. Or . Dec 9, 1S02.
1 W'- undersigned, barber, of the
city of Albany, do rierebv aaree to
Jend laosine. from 12 o'clock Saturday
. x, , ,- ,
; P.'"00"' M,UJ MorI!.inT- U"r the
the lltb day of December, 1SS2.
Geo A 1-AXDSxrn.
tiao S Yorao,
RJ Moss.
K Brarru,
Wit v Mack.
Lorci V 1 sat ok.
., ' . ,
Rauomt-s Saancaa - "GratUnde."
subject for II a m service at M. E-
church. -Go Forward,-' subject for 7:30
I m- Sonday school at 2 .30 p tn. Junior
Lecgneal 3:30 p m.Kpworth league 6 .30
. . all . ' I 1 . . .1 I I T-
j K aaa. a a, uw luan.e' acwiuc. l
Ibbett, Pastor.
Rev W R Stevenson, of Portland, will
preach at the I p church rooming and,
s.rjniRD est . . V I 1" V .t tl i .
,tlcttM ,ut pbHe.ian church
t oe resottetiaa cnorcn
" 1
.fVrt. -Srwt: .Tt!ri. - lT.d -
I stton of ciders. Sonday school at 13:15 p m
Junior C E sodttr meeting at 4 p m In th e
lecture room. T P SCt meeting at
1 A . I, Ul I . I . . .
menl. All -111 be made welcome
these dlsappoinltvents
i-ervicet at the Baptist church at 1 1 a tn
' "nd 7 3- P " Preaching by the otst ir
i Rcv ('co li!l- Sunday school al
m- Juniof Lolon at 3:30 p m. VPStt
j 6:30, All will be made welcome.
Al the V M C A gospel mteti-g tomorrow
at 4 p in over Bank of Oregon the Parable ol
the Sower will be the subje of ditdusrton.
Men are invitee to attend.
A BlO Daal. Recently Or Davi. of Hsr -
bou. $22.
; ooo. He has snot he
big tract, snd accor-
1... It- 1 I- w
celved sn offer of S,Soofor hit tract of
land on Muddy. The iract I a larze one.
and it desired by a small colony of people
fmm -n-ih riakn-a wh have ,e,a!ve.i tn
leave the country oi biiutnls and crop fail
ures. Tbe offer had no! been accepted by
th; Doctor yestetday but probably will be.
A Orbat Ixvexxios. I tbe self
pouting coffee and lea pots. With ihem
yon can pour coffee or tea without turn
ing the pots. Wonderful, None of the
hundred Mttte inconveniences of the old
fashioned way. Coffee cooks gure and
pure and cannot burn, and tea to perfec
tion. You taise the light ltd and the
coffee or tea runs from he spout. Hy on
would have the finest thing In tuc world
order one when Mrs Talt, the local agent
calls on you.
Moxtr to
Loam. t have money
sums of $500 to $20,000 to loan
proved farm lands in Linn and
counties, at lowest current rates,
delay in furnishing the money.
Real eBtate agent, Albany, Oregon
Ono Small BiVrt Bean every nltrht for a
tnx'k iiriiiisnTurpid Livers. S5c. per tmttla.
MILLER PEER .At the residence
of the bride's parents, on Sunday, Dec.
4th, 1802, Riv John Sperry officiating,
Mr W C Miller, a prosperous young
farmer and son of H B Miller, of Scio,
and Mia N M Peery, daughter of Hon J
H Peery, of Dotyville. 'I hey have the
best wishes of many friends.
Wednesday evening, Dec. 7th, 1892, at the
residence of Robert Brown, in Albany, by
Rev J T Abbett,Mr Wm Thomas Stephens
and Miss M attic Chambers. Mr and Mrs
Stephens Intend to make Llna county
their home, the groom retiring frow the
life of a sailor.
; : 1 - 'i a -
CRAWFORD.-On Wednesday, Dec
7, at Oakvllte, Mr Alexander Craw
ford, aged aboct 75 year. A pioneer of
about 'si a Scotchman ands man of solid
christian character generally. The de
ceased leaves a wife and two children
Milton Crawford of Uakv'.lle, and Mrs W
E Tales, of Corvallis,
An immense frost this .
were fairly whits.
Perhaps you loat a good riding
Then come to the Democrat office,
property, and secure the earns.
Eaa Coi n, formerly tf this city, has been 1
sonter ied to the penitentiary for two years Albany Collegiate Institute, Hon J K '
fori iog countrrfeit money, lie was j Wgatberford, member of Board of Direc
seut ram Wasco county. Independent, tors Albany Public schools; ten minute
This is the man arrested by Sheriff ocott, responses. Prof J K (jerkies, Mill City, j
oa the Oregonian R It lest spring. Prof RK Michener, Lebanon; music;'
8 A Orowell, owner of Pilot Ltmont, has j Ucture, Hon John M Blots, State Agri
Htted up a miniature trrclt, for training "t ! cultural College, Corvallis; muaic-
Pilot Lttnont colts nt hts place in north ' ,,,,, 1- r. o ,
Salem The Oautes. rten track ia nearlv a I n'dJr' .1?ec -morning Session,
,i,.-ii...i...ii,Bi i. ,ri
for 1 he entire distance It is thrown spin
lias shape and
Statesman .
is thoroughly drained. -
The Kickapoi Indian Co. will
remain in
Albany another week.
If yea wsnt to keep your Christmas goods
don't advertise in the Demot-bat.
Davis sieging school at the Baptitt church
tonight. Let every body attend.
Great reduction" in Aei motor wind mills
for Decemoer.
See tbev,ent, W W Craw- ,
A t'ibs of fSSBsf ndlana paaaed thmngh
Albany today for t'hemawa. Some of them
were white enough to drop the title of "red
if yon cont. ropUt petting in a w iter
plant get pritea of wind mUla, pomps, pipe,
tanks, otc , from W W Crawford. He vill
astonish you .
The Washington corn spondee t of the
Oregoaua says Senator Oolpb on Wednes
day iatrodoced a bill topiovids for the re
tirement of Jndge Dsedy at fall salery on or
after the 4ih of March next.
Mr RP Bamp has been appelated local
agent for Frank Bros and will take charge of
their agricultural implement atom in tbi.
city, locaied oppcsiM! the post office. Mr
Bamp u an experienced man in the t.uai-
neas, and will 00 donbt 1 .1 .d np Frank
Bra i. sbl. ......
tar'.-s tra i to tot county.
. 1
Toe city rscorder and treasurer ate pre-
P1 "P0" 01 th? cltT' gnaocial coodi-
. . ,T 00 lr," i00 , f r" I
SbsX-sS-. a 'odn;
i Z.' JJ. . r.I, ,JT
aboo $6C.0OO, or id ail son $133,000. ;
SA Tl (t)AV .
Whev; has dropped to 56 cent.
Dickens very low at Foahay ic Maeon'r.
Elegant U-ilet cases st Foahay - MaasVc's.
Getyoai javenile book of Fosbav t Ma
There are 20T India
at lb school at
O P Coshow. jr. is ths
new recorder of
Bpeetal discsoat tc S S teecbers bottee in
qoaatity at Foahay t Mas a t.
ixty-one line-rent kinds of Babies to se
lect from st Foahay t Masoa's.
The finest atoek rf refnanar inlka nltw
f..ak. klwt. .a aL t. ti
.U, . ..... .U . ( ... V.1 -
Soovenir half doi'.ars may be sabecrtbed
for at any et the banks, private a we.I ae
Mtnnie wants to bay a raw potato for
break last. Let htm ibioe
. .
no. He
knows how.
Some fin- oar p-sU tor sale at Thos
hand. " ;
I 1 'aSesfc vote el the Clip eosform. with
! tht inuit paWsahedbv the Davatocsutr.taw
m,)onu etng ths aaaac.
Kesnembes- Ua ka tootcht. To x-'
; pert f rem J-aiem are expect sd Bp 00 tbe j
1 oc1 toatght and will be in ttumdat.
10 sad 10H e-nta ia the price tor dried
, pa-woes at Boasbant. 22.000 poaoda a ere re-
Cent y sold st Mtrtle Creek ia a laron fmen I
Saws orchu d
T S Pi.:Stft was elected VI a or of 1
r Browtaevdi. F M Powell, marshal; O PCo
' show. ruMrder; C K S'; and
R N Thcampsoa.R H Grcver.VV B BUoclurd. j
I Chaa Howe, FC Staca'cl and FH Weber.
i George Crowder, of Al aav, aad Noe j
Pyburn, a txaartawsa. of l ortltod, have been '
ares tod in Portland chuwed w-th twJ:nz
! g !
ff27o frea ttkS too o! H.orv Kiick. Yot.ce
wa rccamtlT cJetSinv sn Alhanv
too sotltsf is s rsttjohuil tot em to '
i have gottso on to the wrosti traok .
: Rescae 11 Al. Co are making artaagesuents
j lo buy a cheinira -c-jdne. Ther iavci aboat j
$150 of enooch sswaaew and are iatine this
j by aatbacnpiioet. Tee move is a geod one
i aad ceacivrs Ihe serpen of lhe public
IscrjtDlisv. About 10:15 o'clock this;
j forenoon Mr C H Stewart, discovered
, ,moke inaiat from ZSSaSSmM
'Montei-.h mill. nowowned by Col T E i
Hogg et a, at the foot of Ferrr street
, Flames were fonnd to be spreading along
the lowest floor and f, but had not
. V . : a me- . .
uwtlBni sumcien. nCSWIWaT IO dl aCV
'serioos damage and ete' easiU ex"-
i tingoished. A few m mente, thocgh.
ana toe ponding would have been be
I TUnil MVIi.Lt t hir !hA hnaatayltv e
foond ith mdling wood
j . , havina been need wvoral
vrr.p'tv b At St. SbS two 1 I've- -V- sd
: of .Wt .hot i iJP VhS
origin. The aork a as nrohahlv that rJ .
novice. A view of theacase worth con
stdering is that a candle had been set
burning in the wood last night and had I
Smoke was seen cominz ont from tho :
direction early as 7:30 o'clock this morn-1
ing but as it was foggy nothing sraa j
thonght of it at the lime. No insurant I
was carried here on the building, as it s
has been vacant. If instated at all it wa
done in the east, and probably not at all.
,,. Hatn"s WssstT as aaakisowteataetl a staradiaa first
tutsan lltastttawed wssfctj aasraaaiiaaaB Is Asssratw. B
SciO. Scio is entirely out of debt wiUl up4 rSaa hetareen lint ol the hwrHsd saliy
some four or five hundred dollars in the j p"ar ad " aott- sasis.
treasury, and no tax levy for ISSi. What J " thanttnw aad Dews, and preetnu
town can make a a better showing? i arita eqasl force and telidtj t rtwleawnts ol iniisa
Jeff Myers, John Frost and Frank ! h"or5 "d '""Hruaati ibe ol Sctioo. o a
She! ton came up from Salem Monday. ! """" Pu ecewwiete l3atraiioas of
Meears Frost and Shelton have been for Wortl'f!"-. it will be net 0.1, raid. u
several months engaged in carpenter
!,?, SSJ ,r Mr My"s. The
j laUf. pieman has erected eleven
M?hLV .C,,-T,dur"
! P"1 ?umtn,r. finishing lumber for
which purpose has been taken from the
scto planing establishment
The election was a hot one. Following
was the rote: For Mavor, T I M tinkers
TO, J C Simpson 23 ; recorder, "k Shelton
91. Sam Howell 1. I. W Rrown I. ,wr,
shal.T W Dilley 67, J A Bilyeu 26; treas-
uiwi, a j I'tuuaer ii. J Mmpson bV;
couneiltnen. John Curl 69, Ed Goins Kt.
0 S Harnish SI, T M Munkers 8S, E O
Hyde 87, W n Kutiis v tsi, u M laniei
ti, JJ Williams 2C, R B Miller S3, B I
Shore 35, R 1) Calavan 31. 1 res?.
OAR and W R C The new officers
of McPheraon Fost No 5 are : Commander,
S S Train; senior vice. G W Ken.lri.-b
on 11a- j""'or vice, 11 t niiiipj; nuarter mas
Bontcs ter, R Fox; snrgeou, lr G Whitney;
iliaplain, I A Miller; officer of the dav,
I A B Woodin ; officer of the guard, W j
I John ; delegate to department encamn-
ment, .M T Moore, J R Davis; alternates
W H Phillips, T C Baker; Council of
administration, J A Hyman, D 8
Of the Relief Corps: President, Mrs
W S Thompson; senior vice president
Mrs W WRowell; junior vice president
Mrs II C Harkueas. treasurer, Mrs 1 M
Irving; chaplain, Mrs IS T Moore; con
ductor, Mrs J H Martin; gnard, Mrs A
B Woodin; delegates to the department
convention, Mrs liios Monteith, Mrs
Christine .Monteith. Mrs H C Harkness;!
alternates, Mrs J H Hopkins, Mrs J M
Irving, Mrs John Jones.
JtwrKRsoM. -Frank Stiinpson, of Al
bany, is wie'ding the raxor in the barber
shop here during the absence of Mr
Miss Sadie Spallinger, mention of
whose illness has been made in these
columns, died at the residence of B F
Conner in this city last Sabbath, aged
about 18 years. She was a most estima
ble young lady and had many friends
both in this city and Albany.
A narrow escape from a serious lire
oecurred at the residence of Mr Fuller at
the Green bridge Friday. A live coal
bad popped from the fireplace on to a bed,
and no one being in the room at the time
the bed c loathes were soon in a tiame.
Fortunately the fire Has soon discovered,
and by hard work was extinguished with
but a nominal loss. Review.
Cure for folds. Hovers snd Oeneral De
bility, .Smuii llilu lleuus. .' per bottle.
Following is the program for the Linn
County Teachers' Institute to meet in
Albany, Tuesday, Dec 27th :
Evening session, 7 :30 o'clock Music;
announcements: music: the tearh.-r
will lie welcomed b Prof K N fV.ndit
-M. f"'iocK Enrollment of teachers
institute work, Sunt Russell; bow to
teach Mental Arithmetic, Prof Ionia
Barzee, Mineral Springs Seminaiy.Boda-vtll-;
moral training in the public
schools, Mrs W J Steele, Halsey public
schools ; general discnesion over work in
the school room, remedy: on the claims
of teaching to the rnk of a distinct pro
fession. Afternoon session. 1 :30 o'clock Are
we competent teachers. Prof R E Mich- j
ener. Prin Lebanon nnhlm die-!
t cipline, Prof A M Reeves, Prin Halsey !
'-''"'V,, ?"alon
of cbArBcter, Prof W J Crawford, Prin
Altany public schools; general discus
sion, reading circles and school journals,
place and purpose of; Oregon's educa
tional exhibit at the World's Fair in
Evening seesion, 7 .30 o'clock Re;ita
tion ; music ; reading.Mrs Fanny Brown,
Lacomb ; music ; address. President P L
Campbell, Ktatt Normal school, Mon
mouth ; music ; recitation ; lecture. Bey
B S Bell, Independence; raueic.
Thursday, Dec 29th morning session
8:30 o'clock Poesibilitina of tbedis-
trip! BPhm.le Mrs VJII. T.mVr.r. al-1
Ibany; value of mathematicnl study, Miss :
( Ida Max wed, Halsey ; anonymous. Mrs
gosie Tbral!,Albany ptiblic schools ; sen '
j eral diecu'ion. mistaken in school man-
1 agemeot.
,,. ' , , , , ,, .
Afternoon session, 1:30 o clock Hts-
. , . . .
tory. Prof F D liaebroock, Pnn facio
nnhlip u-hnnia- mnr,l traiein. Pen! n A
Walker. Albany ; examina-.ions. James J
Charlton, member Board of Examiners
Linn county; teaching as a profeseion,
rroi m K urown, Ucomb.
. . w .
Evening sessioc, 7 J30 o'loek Moaic :
recitation : music ; reading ; music: ad
ore.. Prof J B Horner, State Agncul
' tural College. Corvallis; music ; lecture.
Rev E S Bollinger. Sunt State Blind
Salem; music.
Friday, Dec .loth, morning session.
9:30 o'clock. Primary arithmetic. Prof
J G Gibaon, Sbedd ; is Physiology pract
tically Practiced in tbe (Common Schools?
Pro t L Sutherland, Scio; patriotism
in the public schools. Miae IeabtJle
i Bodine, Albany,
Afternoon eaioiLl :30 oVkck School
manazement. State nnt MrRl-ov : bos
! I Teach Orthnamnhr. Prof W H Taatta.
Shedd public schools; book-keeping in
the common schools. Prof W A Robb,
uaaviue; general discu-eiona, fcmasl
1 la '- -r . ... .. . 1
tilings 01 a leacoers work now to
Keep tittle Maud Basy.".
Evening session 7 JO o'clock Music.
Recitation. Music. Declamation. MUs ,
ettwe Cooper. HsJtvew- Mnsic Recita
tion, Mis Ina McCuIoogh, Haisev.
Lecture, Or tieo eVhitaker, fresident
, ' -J" wawaaawawa
a: -r. - ,
-iiswsuewaj c ill vf rally, csuem
If$ an inttdt
to your intelligence, but some un
EcrupoJoos dealers try it- For in
stance : you're snfJenng fzxxm
akin, seaip or ccroiulona
' or
are feeliae " nm - do wn and
. is
nasril-nn n T1wana,a si tnrraA liv-aae
impnre blood, and all that may come
a Pas - -
irtBB iu xoa ve deciaed, wiselv,
that Dr. Pierce. Golden Medical
Discovery ia the medicine to heap
job. You know that it'g guaran
teed to do so, bs no other blood
purifier ia.
If it doesn't benefit or core, you
get your money back.
Bat what ia best for you to take
isn't always best for 'the dealer
to selL fie offers something else
that's " jost as good." Is it likely ?
If the makart of a medicine can't
trust it, can you?
One of two things has to happen.
You're cored of Catarrh, or You're
paid (500 cash. That's vrhat ia
try tbe proprietors of Dr.
s tataiTfa Kemedv. Br its
soothing, cleansinr, and heal'
ing properties, it ceres tho wont
Harper's Weekly.
the treat zawaatioa,bat kite it heat
pohuc wnt of reiKrat uttamst will he fatty itlusv
trateJ tn its pare. It ooatr.butaoaa bcirat fasta th
btaa arrittrs aad artiat la this country. It will eaa.
Una t aw eel tn literature, atw. and tl!watntitms,aai
iher pahlloationt ol its class.
Bee Team
f UO
Pnetac free teal! subscriber in th United States,
aaada and Metiee.
The Vetomes of the W astir begin wttb th Bra-. ,
Number for January of each ywar. When no time I
is mentioned, nbacristtoo win begin iih tbe Bum- j
ber .-arrant at the time of receipt of order.
Bound volumes of Haarta s Wsskcv tor this j
vsars back, in neat doth btaaticr.wiU Basest by mail, t
fsstaa paid, or by vpra. fnae.f express (prorideU
th freight deeeaot e tewed one dollar per volume I lor
ST 00 per Tolame.
CSotb oases for each volume, aniuhie for biaating. !
anu o sain tij iuii,pgt paid on rvecij-t as i go eaoa.
Ramittanea should b made bv Poet-ofSc Money
Order or Draft, tssmid ahancw ol lot.
Xewttpapar ar not to copy this advertisastaBl
without the axpraas orSer of llasra A Baeriiass.
Adilrsss: HARPER at liROTHlRa.Msw Toat.
Witt eare WuSo
..naiaUaa at Srata. aar rraM,aaeaaa or laSlaaretlaw
, .v-xaal ifcaasllaa. Sralaa, toaaba, aarvaaa SaSIUav. twva-
laatuor. rkaaausnaa. HSaw liver aa a .aj.r
lalakhlaata taak. lasaaea, attaalet, eaawral l'l
it. aSaaui, aall aaevllai Waaaaafal 'lam 1.1 ..S
all aiaarwesmatraa a ourraai ikai la laataailv fait k? tka
aaa ar awtVrl.n t.M. aa 1U na all at tka ava
Ikaati 111 r aaj. TkauaaaSa kava twaa aura, k, ikl. Bar
,Ca, iv-ulta after alt altar nwaSict (aliei. u. .
fl.c kuatrawa at laatlaaaalala la tkia aa avar, atkar .1.1.
War peeeral IBmeiWD klltlSIC StStSSKt, uTa
sraatralboeaevereffara. vaak waa.FKKS WlVw aLl.aei.wa
Deltk aad vltaroaa alrvoalkail iBlSTKSBlaloYW
w i.r iii.iraiaa raauiaiala, wauas. laaaiS, rVaa. ASdasas
o cx).
No. 172 First St.. PO
lady of Perpetual Help
Celwr7l8SJ '
, saee's
Covering Entire Body with White
Scales, ruflerlng Fearful.
Cored by C a tic urn.
My disease rpeorUste) Erst broke ont c- my left
ehe,t, spreading serosa my nose, eat almost eov
eriD( ir.y face. It ran loto n.y evee, and Uw
payevaan w rrw I would lone my eyesNjal
altosalher. It ipreed all over my beast, end my
imtw nn re. 1 oat, eettl j tine
eoUrly lAld hreded; I, tfcra
broke oat m my mj i.i,J
ebouldera, ur.tll my anas T7t.o
Joet one eore. It covered my
enure body, my ix- . v,
nnd shooldere betnsr th- t r
The bite ecU t
from aty bead, sboaldc ,
arms; the ekln would Dai
.ml I . r.l .m1 -
jAst, and woold ensest u
f' It eenteh-!. ,-..:-r -
Was avociooaced it: .tit: :.t. I
hecrdof the Cc-K-t a TiearmE, em) a.'tr swing
tv boUls Cc-rict;:u Kom.vcxT. I cooks co a
c .xje; and after 1 bad Likes lor. r Wltle, was
i -.'w rareti ; and I luo c. 1
C'JTiccaa fciot.TrT,c&e 11 at Cvna s. ,irj
ono cake of Ctvsctraa I we; "ir t of the
.-.idal-:;eaee ftssss wbUb I h-vi ersftTi '
years. I cannot eapnew w-tlb pen what -.: !
!eforeilns;tleItratWE. Tay saved .-.r. -. - I
I feel it 1117 doty to nKOtomAii.: tnera. By bib
fostoeM ae good a -tt. trnH to le mr --eieQ.
ass. UOaA li-KLLY. Uociwdl CUy, lava.
Cuticura Resoivent
The tvw Blood Ptriflee, Idteraaay (to
sba blood of all lapoiMeaaod ti oleoauiis ,
aid CCTJCCTU, tbe grm Bk'.a ijore, ind ( crHxaa
fi-Mr, a esqnieite kia Beanfiner, (to
ear i 'tin and eeslp end teetere tike h-
- ,r 1 t . '- of ease wkeeo Use SS111
.-.La i .seared a q isrt daily, tbe idrta enrtni.
Idaetttsw, bnrnioe. and ItcMnj tfcr.-. t -.od
i jiw Lair Hfeleee o n ram. after4.; lent
blc. TT HSlw wesmm niri -na fn nrr 11
frM '. -crywbere. Price, CcrtrTcx, Kc: Hoie,
r. 1 .Mtvcwr, Prepared by tbe Vamu.
1 j A.i Caxsucai. Coaj-otan a, b-t-n-
f.vr " Mum U Cure Ma laLstaeee,"
Haas, Si lilllell SSllSSS. SSlS MSSssSaaWQ
VLBSi, black brads. red. root. rfrip?ed,ad
any ins eared by unreu .
IT 8T0P8 THE Mft
Back aebe, kidney paitw. wusksnes,
a;uu tx.. and tamemler ysaaas aw
Ue-eed la ofae ralnaie 1 7 Ctrta-
sstra, AaaU-Pain Plaxter. Sc.
IXTB A Dt 'IJ yow oarre a-waraeii aved fauo
Bt ta set tbe beet flaa star 7 -ear sseasy.
Hsaaae in leer aaaaateawstr an' swrmaaasaa
. Pewajae Wbeia, wrfctefi tfas
taa-acn aaeaaaaaa. sts sassiaii s as
BJt fl gTsfXI latHI a 40
' WW asssa I f af ir il 1 rllj
S3 SHOE ceni
A srewwiae atewreat ekaae flaeat stag saef esavi
fortble.ttyllsai eawt dar-totetAaaaajy "-Jaera
: rroaaSStofe
af saoat styfiob. eawj ead
at ttMiarace. Taaey eagwaASaae
a nsj rs
bo want a faaA baaaay cauf.
SfasM Me. iaj 'ai
1 Ft
C-lf- SM- aaad 2.aa Sf
Qnva' '-aO ana Two tie Si .73 Beast
arsaaawT TaWmossii 1I1I1 sSni isttlilji the
r. nriiaahas waaaaw anad Ot
eat saw taw aiioa eases
n-L. E. BT.AIf.
of th: Otwtvt Ostaadk Ctvre is
wttaacast paarmUei in -He history of medicine.
All ttrasiass are authorized to sl rtoe a pos
itive gwiranfre. a test that no tsttjat-cere eaa
shccwsstaTlj- staad. TSat it may became
, ttae FttaterMAoes. U xt teorooei ex
are ptcia s .-satde fv;:le Free into
.ottae is the raited States aad CajDaawSa.
sstva: a Ooturh. Sere Thraaat. or Brow-
cSfti. ase rt. for it w-m cure you. n yowx
r-fciklfca tbeCrr-aip- i-r WtooaafcaajCoataJSl. ate
tfuioswativ. as j retef is sere. K jot Cread
ttii inaidtoat djsa? CotsMatmtiott. tne it.
.Ash year Dratwwist for SKILOH S CCBE.
Prlre tacts.. SS. s-.cir.. CO. If vostr Ijcssts
ax sore or Back IsaWa. use Sfeiloh's Porou
Planter IVice ISct. Vetraasky Q Draf
gBwS sssat taaa Saaaj
aVhile trying to Crowd then
Store, where they aiwayc have on hand
be- largest Stock south of Rvrtlrnd, Of
the latest Improved Rifle at d Sao
m; s immense stock of Fisa:nj
cklt of every description ; Tents,
Han. oc .Cam ? Chairs and thousands
of ott. ings too numerous to mention
JE ;pair Shoj'
connect n with the Store, and one ol
he best wo -men In the State to do any
tnd ail kind, of wor
Cotne one Come No rouble to
how goods "Small prcnt and quick
)" I ou-. jtiotto.
Wall Paper,
JirnM, JPtaintM, 'lil.wt
Ctlass., Etc
J. A. Cumming
mi eoisLEBUTa mmmi
1891, 1892.
lint Tersa pesos! Septeather Stt .
At, 1 corps of instructors,
Ooarsasa ot study arranged to meat tl
all Kradea ofatudents.
Sftiml imauamtms rftrtd to student,
from abroad.
if v. smear cobbst
r resides t.
Zrfil kaarfr.
ft fortt
syeaaawtr. Bearaeecar 1111 rs lieaagaarssaaa
teotSil I IsstSl s tawttaesaasai w,i ,7, ,
Ia1sw--ir' -1 1 " rlnr-Tirl
sa lsaajj la1-rfnrr nititnms
U DOt7tGIt. ttcktam. Baas. SaSataB