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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1892)
6 Wht mtmt LOCAL H7.CORD. ook County. James Klklns, oi Reaver, spent lost Sunday in town. Yeaterdiy morning George Kates' house on Crooked river, sixteen milts from Prineville, was destroyed by fire. John W Stewart and fanulv. of Stew art, passed through town tuesday en route to Corvallis, Mr Stewart has leased his stock and ranches in this county to J R Waggoner for a term of four years. Fred Stewart and Miss Maggie Swal ley, both of this county, were married in The Dalles on the 8th. The wedding was quite a surprise to their friends here. The water in Ochoco and Crooked rivers is lower than it ha been for years. For twenty miles up to Ochoco the river ia running only in a few places, and in many places Crooked river is but a mere brook. Tuesday night, September 6th, Colum bus Friend's house on Upper Trout was deal toy erf by fire. Two peddlers were staying over night at the house and claim to have lost $i!00 in currency and checks- Mr Friend's Ions is about 12000, though h . had placed MOO insurance on the properly a short time before the fire, hence his irtUKl ! Ion will be about f600 Ochocho Re viaw. PaarxcTLT Lbgitimatk. The Portland Telegram shoald consult its lawyer. It says the Chinese pheasant law ia being violated, whereas it is not. It is per fectly legitimate 'to kill the bird. The Democrat simply claims it should not be slaughtered for the markets. Referring to a recent article in the Democrat as be ing facetious the Telegram says in a man ner to show how little it is posted on our game laws : "Complaints against per sons for slaying Mongolian pheasant still continue. The temptation to shoot these beautiful and toothsome eame birds proves too strong for the country sportsmen ; however, none of these pheasants ever find their way into the markets here, or grace the tahle of the Portland epicures. To kill the Mongol ian pheasant is against the law, and the risk ia too great to tempt any game dealer to expose them for sale. Out through the country the shooting of these birds seems to be indnlgvd in with comparative impunity." The Ingram Case Appealed. Today a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court in the cased Oregon against Frank S In gram, who was convicted of murder in the second degree andentencec to the peni tentiary for life on March 31, last, was served on County Clerk Payne. It is signed by the attorneys, J K Weatherford and W R Bilveu. Tiie principal grounds for appeal are the admission of evi dence objected tc by the defense, among other things the will of C T Ingram and the refusal to allow- the challenge to three juyroen accepted, George McHargue, Frank Crabtree and J D Wood. This places the case before the Supreme Court, and the resnlt will be watched with great intetest. The announcement of this ap peal will be received with surprise by most people, as it has generally been thought thai the defendant had resigned himself to fate and the case had been dropped. Delays. The following from a Salem paper sounds familiar, being the exper ience in bridge building here : The work of putting up the state house dome is doomed to another delay. Thia time it is caused by the non arrival of the im -nieDse steel girder which ia to surmount the eight columns and support the brick wore., it was made in Cleveland, tJhio, bat from some unknown cause has failed to reach here, and the iron men have been laid off until it comes. This not only practically stops the iron work bat will also delay the brick masons- Not withstanding all this the contractors will have the work completed before the hon orable legislature convenes. Rallying Wim.-The First Baptist church has appointed next week as a time for special efforts in rallying its working forccs.after the scattering of trie sum oner. The services on next Sunday will have some special feature appropri ate to this plan. The Sunday school will meet heieatter tt 9 :45 a m and a Special program will be given next Sunday. On Monday night a, church social will be held at which the pastor will give an ac count of the great Mills revival, wbfch he attended in San Francisco, during; Aug. The church hopes to welcome all members of the congregation and tbeir friends at all these services- A YoL'no Tcmblkb. Mrs Geo Humphrey, of Albany, mother of the Re view editor,has been In the ci'y this week, called here by the accidert of her 8 year old grandson, who had been doing the grand tumbling act off the railroad .restle, falling ii'j feet and striking on his head on the rocks, breaking an artery and cutting two ugly gashes In the back of the head. Dr Hawk was the architect who patched him up, and he done a good job, for the H(tle chap Is apparently a'i right, Ihou h he still carries his head in a sling. Jefferson Review. The Other Side. Recently the Dem ocrat mentioned the shooting of a young man in the hand at the tt'RC carrip fire across the river as having occurred while stealing watermelons with a crowd of boys. The boys all say that they were not steal ing melons; but were simply standing around the camp fire in the field, and tb-t there waa no occasion tor the shooting at all, which seems to be backed by good evi dence. The young man who was shot, has particularly, aiways conducted him self well Cokv allis' Improvement. J G Kelley, the contractor, was in (Vie city today on hit way to Roseburg. He reported hav ing received the contract at a meeting of the City Council of Corvallis last night for making plans and estimates for a sewer system and water works system, the latter perhaps absorbing the present system if satisfactory figures are agreed on. Corvallis is up with the times on making city improvements, a fact much to her credit. A Growing Lnuustry.- -A live p'ace for tevetal weeks during the summer and fall is the nursery of Aldert II Brownell, near the Calapooia bridge, one that is becoming an important iu.lnstry here. llnririr AiiiiihI Mr Tlrr,t ii.llra ti-lv rrtll amounted to about SllMO, twenty five bauds being employed part o' 11. e time. He has a fine collection of trees, and at they are acclimated are just the kind that should be planted here. llop House Burked. Near Hilverton on Saturday night the lion lioase of If D Mount was destroyed by fire. Tiie house contained 1700 boxes of hops and every thing was borned. Sixty boxes of green hops in the yard were saved. Mr Mount had hia loss covered by insurance in the Northwest Insurance C07 of Portland. Tub Indians exhibited laat night to an audience of about one hundred. About twenty Indians, including several squaws, did the grand acts, somewhat emhar reeaed by a couple of the bucks having taken on too much corn juice. just how no one seems to know, the snow mas a great one. The Warm Springs have al ways stood by the white people, and de serve being supported by tbe whites. Evakoelical Church Decision. Rev J Bowersox was advised by telegram yes terday that Judge Cattlin, of Portland, 10 whom was referred the caee, had decided in their favor. This decision is against the "BowmauiUs." Statesman- DO The place to fcet one according fo YOU the beat information to Vie untamed, Wlll is at Matthews cc V smi' urn r, hy A carry a large stock of the very best STOVE makes in ths msrlot, both of conk ing and healing stove. No donbt about it at all. Their hundreds of customers through Linn county will testify fo the fact, alotr is th time lo investigate the mitter. Littler & Ball, dentist, make no charges for extracting teeth wl.e' tbey put in artific'al plates. You can save money by having them do your dental work. Office In Tweedale block, Albany, f regoa . Niagara Kid c'oves in black aud colors, $1 per pair. Nona better for the pri, Every pair warranted. Sahdkl E Yooutt Albary 0i. Miss Stkahan's Death. The Atlanta Constitution of Sept 12th, gives the fol lowing account of Miss Fannie Strahan's death i At about half-past I o'clock yes terday afternoon Miss Fannie Hereford Strn ban died suddenly at the home other mother, Mn Judge Strahan, on Alexan der street. The news. of this death will living sorrow to many friends of this charming young lady and of the family. Miss Strahan was a daughter of Chief Justice Strahan, of the Oregon pupreme bench. She was bright, talented young lady and an exquisite musician and an ardent student. For six years she was a student at the Boston Conseiratory of Music and it was there that her health gave way. She went back t her home at Albany, Or., hut her health did not improve 'and not long ago she came to Atlanta in the hope- that this climate might build up her system. Heo and at New Holland she improved and grew stronger and was believed to be on the high road to recover; but yesterday she grew worse and died suddenly. At 3 o'clock today the funeral will take place from the family home. 63 Alexander street. Interment at Wettview. Tin Statb Fail The Salem Statea j man alU the PKnocRAT man an embe I cite because he said the exhibit was the worst yet, and called the fair what it is, ; a mere horse racing concern, and there is I no animus in this. because the writer has "ul, CT" "" "hi s pajs, .or rev- erai vears; hut others have, there is nj doubt about the matter. If the Demo crat man is an embecile. what is Bob Johnson, of the Corvallis Times, who was there.and says : "The betting booths and gambling tables were the only at tractions and they wero well pationixed by men and women in all stages of sin. The fair is a week of legalized gambling, clothed with the protection and sanction of the state to give it an air of repecta bility. Those who attend the Oregon State Fair expecting to see an exhibit of Oregon products must feel terribly dis gusted and disappointed when they view the pavilion and see the handful of veg etable that are competing for the blue ribbons. There is comparatively noth ing there. Varily. varily, the meeting was a failure and it it is to be continued nnder the patronage of the ought to be rechristeneo, 'The Oiegon State Farce." A Versatile Orator The W'oodburn I Independent is the author and responsi I hie for the following: "Some time ago i a man known an Col J B Yeagley came to , Silverton. He posed as something lit- j : entry and as an orator of abtlitv. One night he was caaeii upon to speak ticiore the WKCtt Silverton. He started by giving a schoolboy's history of the civil war and to keep ti e audience from stampeding t ne cf the lady members got bclnnd the curtain, graepeil hie coat-laii with anairof tomrsaiKl nnlh-d him u-v to the infinite delight of the auaience and the colonel's disgust- From Silver- ton he drifted to Chetco and from there I to llarrisburg At Harrisburg he made a speech on the pronitution question am! the Conrier lauded it to the skies. Next he v rote an article (or the Courier on the silver question and that paper "exhaust ed the pomp of praise" in his behalf. The article was really nothing but a compilation of Congressional Record.) From there he went to Salem and got on a "boat." Last week he spoke at Bar lows, or tried to. As a matter of tact, he was so drank he could not speak, and Barlow people are badly '.isgusted." Too Close roa CoxroaT. Tha other evening on McKay creek, Mrs F W Karsten missed her babe, and upon earching around the yard found ths child playing about within a few feet of a large rattlesnake, coiled, and ready for a spring sne at once seized the infant and bore it to a place of safety. Mean while the snake made its escape and crawled under the house. This caused great consternation, for no one wanted to go to lied, fcven E J Horton.wbo was out rounding up cattle and stopped at j iue nsreira oiace. was averre to irnsimi? ' himself in bed in such close proximity to ; th "Mrr,ini ' .ml eno.;.!.. .h- .,f,-; ability of hanging himself up on a nail. The household finally retired, however, hut slfpn who navt tt imrw.ceil.l nnUr the circumstance. Next iLav aearrh was made for the snake, without result. Pendleton E. O A Fcxwy C11H.F The Portland Wel come tell this story Chief Spencer sprung an entirely new surprise mi the member ef the police force Thursday night. He appeared at the police staiion In fault'et evening dress, silk t'le, white necktie, gloves and cane.and not an officer recognized him. tor all they knew be might have been the grand mogul of the visiting Ode" Fellows and was trealed as a stranger- makirg a tour of Inspection. Even the chief's own son failed to know his sire and when the father gave the boy a smart rap on the back with his stick the youiigster resented the unlookcd for fa miliarity with the remark, "Say, mUter, don't you get too fresh." After talking w!h the boys on duty for a lime some one tumbled to the Identiiyof the supposed vi-t'or and tne cmet hrd a STMd laugh at tbeaW expense. Thet Came in the 40's. There was photographed yesterday a group of pio neers oi '45, who bad met at the fair . The party crossed the plains together wish ox teams In 1845, and yeslctday was the first time lhe had met for fort-five years Among the group were: Mrs tannie Martin, Mrs V Shannon' Mrs M J Kaiser, Mrs Iesle Harrltt, Mrs W J Herren, Mrs M J btarkev, Mrs Moilie Suits, Mrs W T Wallace, Mr Adeline Herren. In I845 their oee weie from ten to fourteen vears, and now they are U grandmothers, ! btatesman. The STATt Fair closed Saturday even Ing. The event of that day wa the trotting of Al'.ao, who made a mi e in 2:17, lowering the record of the North west. The races during the fair were the best ever held In the N. W. The exhibits are reported the woist. As none of the editors of Oregon received the usual press courtesies the fair will probably get ,h dues wha!i-ver they are. 1 A rigntficanc fact, though; l that all the stale legisla tors were remembered. Reported Stand LP. It is reporled to the De moor at office tiiat ? man was stood up in an aliey Saturday niaht, or rather knocked down, and robbed of some money. Some say there was nothing i it, snd others that there was a- good deal. The Democrat gtves it U. Yi:n Know those are stutily feiloas u 1 o rpeak n. h- nut whst tbey IhiDk ard i-ticli to ir. Y r' prct tt.em for it, don't y.i.? Ya.'uUl rather deal with inch men tktf with f i .... . wh'j preach one doctrine and live atu.ther. Ii i joat tbe same in tho-atoye and iiotcare husinesr. Y u w ot to l.i o v wht you are (ctlhig Can you depeoa on the word ot Ihe merebent. The pnbltc have learn 1 that when Ma: thews A Washnurnn rec m nend a s'ove or any article in their store it wi'l do to stand by it Tney k ep the best and to it i easy to get backing for their rec ommendations. Postponed Mrs Farrell having post poned her visit to California will coutinue her instruction in instrumental music, and also purpotes forming a class for the banefit of those who wish a thorough in sight into harmony and the formation of j chords. 16 yean experience and a thor- j ough English training enables her to im part knowledge in a very agnreiiuie easy manner. Evening class for young gentlemen. A card at post office will bring an early call. Important. To know that tn t Long Piano gives pufca satisfaction, stands in tune longest, and la an endless pleasure to all who buy them at B E Hj - man's, First t, Albany, Or. Letter List. Kollowirg is tbe list of letter remaining in the post offioe at Albsny, Linn county, Oregon, Sept 19, 1892. Persons calling for these letters must give the date on which they were adverttae J Arnold, J T Clotfelter, Ed Donnely. P P 2 (iodum, Fred Harris, James 0 2 Judy, Mis Minnie Dowell, Fred 2 Rolbe't, A T Wienchen, G H Brown, Jame If Cubit, A 2 Foliingtno, Everett llatnbmger. Ed Itiggins, Wm J Mambolt. Heuurich Peyser, H M Raadolf, Mr T. MONTEITH, P. M. IAl AND PERSONAL MONDAY. Mr John Webber, of Sunday in Albany. Portland, spent J S Van Winkle returned to Albany this noon, after a months outing at different mountain springs. Ml-- Berdie Antlvn went to Monmouth this noon, where "she will take a post graduate cotrte in the State Normal school. Albert H Moore, the typo, has returned to Albany after an absence of several weeks, and resumed his care on the Herald. Ney Gird, who just completed a six months term In the State pen, for an as sault committed In Portland, was In Al bany today. The YPSCEof the U P church will give a dairy festival on the evening cf Sept 30. It promises to be a novel anJ p!easant event. A number of Albany Odd Fellows, In cluding the Senior editor of the Demo crat, are tn Portland attending the Na tlonal meeting of Odd Fellows In session there, one of the largest gathering of out side people ever In the N. W. Col F J Parker.the vetercn editor of the Walla Walla Statesman, was in the city today on his way to his Yaqulna ranch. He is quite enthusiastic over Washington politics, and declares thtt not only will Snlvely be elected governor, but the leg islature, as well, will go democratic, insur Ing a democratic ITSienator. The last legislature and state government were rotten and the people want a change. Q TfEPDAY. Mr Ed Goln, of S"io, Is in the city. Miss Addie George went to Portland this noon. Mi Uell Senders ve'.urned today from a visit to llarrisburg. V . ... ' , - . -l -'- fc TV . 1 1 day, and ber sister Miss Sadie, will go to- j morrow . ! tJ 'lillo'son leaves tomorr w lor Altra. where he teas Ihe contract 35 foot bridge Casper Vandran, the handsome pro prietor of the Depot hotel baa been in 1'ortland. Ralph Moodv, a son of ex-Governor Mocdy. is running for prosecuting attor ney at Taco-na. Among the students at the blind school iu Salem, is Addie Hugh, of Sweet Home. A brother of R M'Robertaon, whom he had not seen for over twenty years ar rived in Albany yesterday on a Visit. Prof Scott, an experienced t;acher, has been engaged to take several classes in the college, among other that of Greek . D H McCuPagh, secretary, and Gee Achkon, leave tomorrow for Tacoma to attend the northwest 1 MCA convention 10 convene in that city this week. Mr August Costel lias brought salt for divorce against Mrs Virginia Costel in the Circuit Court, the complaint in which case is on hi will: the Countv Clerk Mrs Prof B L Arnold, and son. of Cor vallis. were in Albany today on their way East and south. They will assist her parents in Louisiana, and as well do the tooth generally. License was issued today (or the mar riage of Mr I O Breckenridge, the popu lar employe of the San t lam Lumber Co., and Miss Edith Siratton. the aecorn- , phshed daughter of Mr LC Stratum, ol j Millers, at whose residence the wedJing j will take place. WEDNHDAT. Jas G Clark, the Singer, will be at the M E church Friday night. Let every body hear him. A note from B H Al'en. formerly of this county, but now of Arlington. Illinois, says he will probably visit this atatc next spring. Miss Sadie and Laura McBriJe have returned to Albany from a three years residence in Iowa, where they have' been artonriinii fiif w-.i i tt ; Hern. ,.,,i , w j . L H"v".c returned 'rote Euene and Junction this noon. He lias ius. laid Junction's first cement walk, in front of the Bank and Lee block. a otrvy ot Aiuwjiy Denes wire in our A bevy of ,T aturuay for a Jew hours, smilirg on oi.l inends and cultivating new acquaint- ance. 1 orvallis Times. George Chandler, one of the eheep I Eicgs ol tuit country, waa in town on business this week. Last week be told ail hir sheep, (17.000 worth, to George A Young, who is now, we presume, tbe largest sheep owner in the northwest. The Dalies T M. Iir. At 1TATS SALES. I L Chapman to fohn Bilyeu, 1C0 acres 10 w 1 $ Oregon to J A Sooth ,40 acres 11 w 1 O AC R R to Joe E and II L Berrv, 40 acre II I I J H A'iKte to If M Davidson, 230 acres 15 w 2 60 96 1200 A S Feas to James H lloggers, HD 1 acres 13 E 2 J .V Millard o Francis ButUr, lots 1 and 2. S A, Albany 326 Waterloo"!' Co to H C Gillard, lot 200 USioiS Feas,lC0acre,13 E 2. .Patent J R Kirknatrick to Eunice Baehor, 1 lot.Lebanon 1C0 03 ; J W Carroll to Sa'ah E and Jas Marvin, 1 lot. Sodaville ! W H Mobcon to S M Daniel, 1 lot, MillJCity L A Bruckman to D M Walter, 1 lot, HV3rd A, Albany.. tieorge W Wileoti to F II Powell. 80 acres 11 w 1 ytvi ti niuastaiat it yon ueaii 10 O th finest line of si Wei w. re ever nought to Albany. It emhrse-e many novelties, at-d will he old at rearonable prices. j Fah.m Attention. The u.tder i signed desires to say that he Is now pre- pared to do fiast-clas horse shoeing at ! $1.50 all round, and ail other work in my j line done tn good style and wilh prompt- nes. 1 make a specialty of plow repair i ing, also do all kind of wisgon work. All I wck wai ranted. Guaranty reasonable ! prices. Cat cor fecond and Ferry sts. Geo 1' Cramer. , PsutMAra You war.t the best grocerje. 10 be secured in the city ; then call on Parker Bros. Perhaps You want fresh produce just from the gardeners, then ca!l on Farkcr Bros. Pei haps Yon want the best baked goods in 'he city, breads, eaks, cookies, pies, etc., then call on Parker Bros and you wilt gel the good and first class trea'ment. Tickets to Mechanics Fair. On sale Mondays, Wednesdats and Fridays only, commencing Wednesday, Sept Jit, to Friday, Oct 21st, both dsvs inclusive. Tickets good to days from date of sate at $4 85 each . Tais Means Something. If you want a suit of clothe, made by first-class tlalor. The tailoring depart menl of the L E Blain Clothing Co. has just received a large and choice line of suiting!) for the fall trade, w hich under the expert management of Mr Schtffter, will be made up to suit. Flrt class goods and satisfaciion is the program to this depart ment, as a trial will convince any one. Closing CK't. In order to close out iiusineis, I am now ofteiing at cost alLxny targe and well selected sto.-k of dry goods, dress goods, clolhing, bo-jts and shoes, and everything now in stock. For good goods at marvelously low price call at once. G W Simpson. Dress Timminos. The latest novelties dress ran always be found at Samuel E. Young sT'TOP at Will & Stark's for jnr w-as, O jewelry and ailverwaro. Elo B N orttnen for wedding preen! N ike it thi part of Oregon. olh Improper and deficient ear of th seal will cause grayntt of th hair and baldeeu. Escape both by th us of that 1 eliatl specitio Hall's Hair Rant. Ninrns i WHEAT, 60 CENTS The -"lew York Tribune a there a r 4104 millionaires In the U S. New Yor has the most M75. South Dakota, the least, o; Oregon Is given 18 and Washing ton, 24 . The editor of the Tillamook Headlight has returned a complimentary ticket to the Portland Exposition. Ncthwlthstand ing tt has been decided to hold the fair. The press of the state arc under many mors obligations to the exposition loan they are to the state fair. It reminds us of old times to read the rallioad Items I., the Eugene papers. Here is one: It ii repoeteJ that there is a man i out west of town looking over the route j of the proposed Sluslaw & Siu-law rail-j road He represents a company of rail-j raid men w ho are talking of taking hold j of the proposed road. The Oregon Chautaueuau Is the name I of a little quarto Issued at Astoria by the ' executive comm'.ttee ol the state Associa tion. The CLSCU a splendid system of education for the busy people of the world, and it deserves a better represen tative than this very poorly gotten up paper. Better something creditaule.though small, or nothing at all. According to the following from the Walla Walla Statesman a former Albany aaan has become an important person in Washington: "Paul O'Harry, dispenser of gubernatorial patronage In the com mon wealth of Washington! Think ot it, ye Walla Walla voters. For this Is just what we are coming to if the republican ticket Is elected. Paul will make hi old time persecutors eat flirt vet." D'Harrv S "w P"' K"6 county When O N Dcnnv was taking a srol ! .through the Clarke orchs.-ds the other j day he started np a Mongolian pheasant, i AcrJin to Uuesnei 'e directory .Hrioa The bird probalby knew the cloe season ( Anld. Ln county, bsa 3S0 tnhabtuat wm past, so It flew away in a horry. The j Feirmoonl 1H. Cobarg 278. judge should have presented his card and j Tne u; th old men are eeily knocked Introduced himself, for it the bird had Uot; but it wss not to with Gladstone H. known that Denny was the friend who ' ha also recatv attsahaal onit- . 1 t.f, Ka(-afiiii,Huc:ii(e over i rum Cnlna years ago. It would undoubted: have been proud to make hi acquaintance, ; especially a, no dog or jun S In sigh,.' ' Statiman. ! - - Slta TaewaiJI- Ommrn H... mmA W.l- I , ' . ; Z I t n " i 1 mj i 1 wtic wunu uici iu eppewr oelore Ihe grand jury by Juttsce I son of Mohawk precinct vesterdav was that ! removing some of the gears, burr, etc., from a neighbor's wagon last. June. 1 he defense claimed it was noth- Ing but a practical joke. The complaint being made as "malicious Injury 10 per- j sonal property" made It a lelonv else It i could be settled hi justice court as it should have been. They all furnished bond of $150 each and we're released on bait. Eu ger.e Guard. The Salvation array has laid siege to Tacoma They are entitled to tha sym pathy of the world in this last desper ate straggle with that city. Men owning timber claims will heart ily endorse the following from an ex change: 'The fellow who "thought it waa a deer" ought 'qjget titer the fel low who seta the mountain fires He won id render society a doable service. Junction City Time says . Complaint hat been lodged with Pioeeculiag Attor ney Condon from this place concerning J J Roller who enjoy the distinction of holding two elective office, namely, city recorder and justice of the peace. Mr Butler baa been served with a notice and ia given to the 20th to show cause why hld- not resign om or the other of- j w A Salem man named Morley, ha just Duma hall bearing quadncycle. though a o-al paper not counting the wheels calls it a tricycle. w"' i 1 Bf vw , levers and prom-.eesto t e-jual to the ma chine ouilt by one ol Albany pioneer reeidenu several years ago. People would like to tee the Orecon Pacific get a Hankt-Zimmerman-Corbett pit on beuinning with the 1st of Novem- ber. It would mean a good deal for thia " Willamette valley. 1 tbe O P on ita! muscle, that is th j quection. There are at present 3S1 prisoner in I tbe Oregon penitentiary The total,' number that have been incarcerated ' there is 2,815, to that Oregon ha opened her prison doors to 3464 ex-convicts. : Ex. So. Several of them died. One of tbe boy who came here the other day to attend tne college displayed o attend tr.e college displayed J foothardine. laat .-unday by ! " river on the ferry trollery- i ni. grit and crossing the wire, which i suspended forty feet above . a r . . . .... the water. He will probably be idolized now by hit schoolmates a a hero, but be waa taoing desperate chances in accomp lulling the feat. Corvallis Times. On Friday ept 28, 18$7,John W King, a ton of 1 bos King, of Salem, left for a farmer place near Turner to buy tome oat 1 for hit hot tea, he being a Salem de liveryu an. That was the last heard of him then and he was thought to have died. A letter has jun been received from him written a' or near Kansas City. He is homesick and wants to tee hi mother; but his mother hat tince died. ! We underitan I that L Bonney intends ; euing the city at the coming term ol the j circuit court, for damages on account of ; hi child breaking it arm on Eighth i etreet a few months sicne, by falling off the sidewalk. The amount to be sued for, we are informed, will lie (6000. At lornev W 8 McFaJden, of Corvallis. h been retained by the plaintiff. Guard. Knffpne o. r. oarers Elrrled. 8pecUI to Pie : Portland. Or, Sept- 20th. At the meeting of the Sovereign Grand Ixxlge IOO F, today, the following officers : were elected : Grand hire. C JT l amp- ! bell, Ontario, Canada; Deputy Grand sir. John w f?tebbine, Rochester, N ; ; irantj Secretary T A Ross, Mary land; luranu ireaeurer, 1 n Aiaynaru, renn. i Stic a Pi in fi ? Yes - - - Orakuife; s-iil, p.rohance, ereo a ten i teuuy nail. Keep it in your n.ind at ail I evenu. we non the fact that the place to ge; the heal grocnea and tne Ireeheat prc du :e and fruit, is at Conn v, Uudricoo If joa are going to ths mountains or coast tttey can supply yon for a day or f -r a mouth. Thy keep the heat nd always have ptciry on hand. By all mean make no nuatak by not calling on ttiein uerore buying. Yon. canoot bo f o psrtiotiiar aboatthel uteilicin i you ase. Wneo yon need a blood ! pander, be sure you get Ayers Srsprill 1, and no othrr. It will mingle with, purify and vitaliz every drop of blood in yoor body . Tt make tb weak atronr. No person should trsvtl without a box cf Ayer's fills. A a ufe and speedy remedy for constipation snd all irrrgnlaii.ies of the stomach nd bowel,they have no ijua',tBd, botog skilfully sugar rotted, srepeat.ntf. take, and lonz ntatn their virtii. MAllHIEl). 1 BRSCK enri dgestr ATrox! On Tuesday evening, Sept ao, 1891, at the home ot the bride's parents, at Millers, by Rev G M Welmer, of Albany, Mr F O Breckenridge, of Albany, and Mist Edith Stratton, daughter of Mr L C Stratton. The ceremony was performed In the presence of only a few relative and friend. Mr and Mrs Breckenridge are accomplished young people of splordld character who deserve the best wlshee of all. BOKNICKE-SUTTON.-On Sunday, Sept. 18th. 1802, at 0:30 n. m.. at the reeidence oi Mrs Botnicke, Mr Al Boe nicke, the confectioner, and Mist Maud E Sutton both of Albany, Justice L M Curl oalciated. The Iibddv coucle have the beat within of many friends for hap piness ana prosperity. limit: M Vtuotn The three horse race at the fair grrund yesterday was wan by J H Howard's trotter The team tf Jie Myers, run by Clsndc MsusliuUI, r in away Saturday evening.goi g nesrly the euti-e length of Seventh street, io.r.yfdtnJistiHig the wagon. - Chris Paulas, of.Silm, the owm r ef ihe bar at the rsoe taok on the fair groundr, was robbed of a 'in cash I ox containing 9300 or more, on Thursday uigkt. The new (' lieu building was turned iv r tn th bcaid "f d.reotois if the College Saturday rvening, and the fall term wsi lorinallv 1 .-iid toly uuder very favorable circa ni'ttaots The work of riprki pin ; the first B.ntou oiunty pier of tha bridge is prngrostlug nnder a good fores of men. Couji. 5 1 r. Wheelur 11 snperiuteadiug the worP first class j ib is promised. Mr L Wreck Oills the a'.trntmr, ., Us Mors at to the uunie..ry bloatrg of wwwsaw smiiiei, naiuculsrly m th0 Mig. boihood of si ik a, CMe isM)tio7sd it bsvlng caused cont,leral'e tiiic-uinesa Whst the whl.tles a .- f, , imagined . aaj htrdly be Some one baa flor-d ..nt that Mm fullow ing have been thoehai ,,i.. pr,,e i:Knter in the U. . Tom 11 - Yauk Sullivan, John Mi.riAMy.John ( tie J, Cohoro' Bill Dsv.s, Mike Msl ale, Tom Allen. Jem Mace, .!.. ;.-, I Hyan, John LSulii van aud Jiai Corbett. Nearly every psper in the U S is urging the people of tbeir loeallty to clean up This is the grant secret preventive of disease at all times, and it should be the policy of all cities at all times, regardless of cholera scare. Now, partioulaily, it should be in sisted on Clean np aud keep cleaned ns Conoto. with the sew rs at oace. No rob Btab, no cesspools. Tt-rnpsr Rjeel-urg has an alhtat.s club A Eugene woman advertises to board and lodges ndeotfi,rf3a week. Li: tie eo nth Democrats vblting JVwtlejid are iatiud ?. demoo.alie headquarters, its ' rwtl ,t- 1 he Uagat Eos, which was rwie eff i.7, 1" " 7 I Tk VI "V "T SJ VStA 1 II.. r. I I 1 1 B . v-uueci 100 J3CJ tat aees ??".Str" to eoUrel acoon.U for tlackmc. ;'ir . inetr a-coanu .n't seve eo t. "' wi" Spring top picker are in the city, acd will gives war deaesat the opera bouse tooight. Gaedity dred, each with sow. kind of a ( el apparel, they present a f loader appearance. CbaaPteifler baa let Uie eat) bract for neat six room college with all modern cm ventenea,wLicti will be accepted by Mr Geo Moorehonae. He la al o taoeaUy sold U Jm Kli ) a house and hit 00 Third s.reet or $2100. Attorney tienerai L hsm'-erleir. President ef th. State demeerst saeoualion, baa ap poin:d tb Slewing delegate t the Ne wkwtal democratic eonveoUa tobebeldin New York Oct Uh. tr L P Maliiai. Aa JorU; Chest ea P Rjde. Be er City; A !f oltoer, Portland; Geo H Model!, Portland; P.eUr Lyoch.Aictaa, I LCwpbeil.Eais! Rohert Cile, Portland ; M J CiobeeeT, Portland; T J Black. Hehey; Taorasa ti nailer, Peadlctca; It G Daw, Corvallsr. WEDSBSPAT. Two or thre day of nia have eneapletelv hud the drtsL Toe nvaUa jteeuag of Albany l-o N .. 4 I OO F will be held Utts rreeuam af 730 wmmm, Ut b,r, attend. j i5 L" i?".. "!! r'trJJr ltW wo 1 the de.n. Itereh e fllle the 2 year oV uot ia twortrateht beet., rest time 3.21 Malta na. 01 Barrow, woo tb. , trwt, best t-cse 2.47; D Jaakiaa' Dick LTea ! third. Tb. beat w.y to xvo-I acaSp dteee. hair ; falling oat. and rwematar. UUna is to at ! lie l-t preve.tiv, kaw f,-r that pnrpoee Rail's Bau Renewer ; a - ' j-Ai. a i- c -i ! coc-tit i(,r. for aete eW,ae. Call en Vaa j lison, at Stewart at Sex a Tfce B B roreet ia loof aajeted and perfect ff-.Un-. it can be bad at the Lsdiea Bauer. Xojellwe in waldic aUtinnary. bail it- vitauoe. , a;'toi card, e. I ' W Cubfc. Aahhv 4. Carre, Resl K lt. Jll Wa.H as", on Street, Portland. Or. Th lineal lie of pecke kaiee in th try at auwsrt ki t SUwait ft Sox Bell tb eery tea f tea tr.ears and scieecrt. But Warner Broe corset of W F Read. Bargains in summer gbds at Read'. New gncVs at tt" p Read's. Wfm ( IHart. r'.' je Odd Feliow.' Krrt .,.x -fM exenr-1 . ,, ..I sion train from Portland conveying about . . . from 430 to 550 Odd Fellows. Portland thia tcorotng at 7 : which lei 1 1 30 o'clock, ; j arrived in thit city at 12 :40. These are f.kJJ II , - t. Odd Fellows and their families from all part of the Union, who came to this coast on the occasion of the holding of the Sovereign Grand Lodge at Portland, which convened last Monday in Port land. Very few of those in the excur- s'on are representatives to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, but are members of the families of representatives and visiting brethren on an outing. They were ac companied by A N Gambefl, Grand Secretary, J fj tt right. Grand Treasurer, W T Williamson, Deputy Grand Master, AG Watting, PGM, and other of the grand lodge of Oregon, and Kaper Kubli, Grand Chief Patriarch of the Grand Encampment of Oregon. Lunch was aerved on the train by the beet caterers of Portland, after which all of j the exrureion who wished were driven i about the city in carriages, provided by ; Albany Lodge. No. 4, I 0 O F- The Al , bany Band discoursed some of it best music for the edification of the visitors, i They all seemed highly pleased and de- . clared Albany the moet twautifut little 1 . 1 1 I 1 1 : 1 vnf micj nan vieueo since leaving noun. Sewer Hlee Any person knowing of My nuisance existing, caused by water, closet and privies not being connected with lateral wers, where such sewer are construct cd ilwough the blocks, in which such wa ter cloceta or privies are located, ts hereby reques'ed to report theame lo the City Marshal so that ihe Council may take uch action a may be necessary to caue such nuisance to tie ahattd. By order ot the Council of the city A'-tany made Sent. 13, 189a. M J Hrntch. Recorder of tht city of Albany Albany, Or., Sept. 14th itjyi. rl l.t-iE- OxFORl!. 1 now have a cem- elrte line ii fire in 1 rice firm le (4.50 a nir. Good vatlic anil every pair warrant!."!. JiAHUKl. Ol'N. Albany Narhrl. The. 6C0. Oats, 860. Flour, fS 00. Hutter, 20o. Eggs 22c. Lard, VlHo. Pork htiua IS 1 shouldors, 8.-, Hide 19. Hay, hated, fit Potatoes. 2Ro. A ppl, Silo Hops 17o. lrled frult- plutiit, Oa, fft, Chloknns. 84 60 par tloaea. Beef, on foot, 2X o. Hog, dressed, 7o, DPRICE'S Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stand aid. Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE 031 Hit n Ol 1211 ii BoraftABY. September lth. 1892. Miss Frankie Anderson.of Crook coun ty, has been spending several weekt with Mrs M A K Smith, and last Saturday went to Corvallis to attend school ihe ensuing year. Frank Tilton, Willie Curtis, Winfield AMingham and Earnest Mary have gone from this neighborhood to Monmouth to attend the Normal school the coming year. Wm AHiiSL'ham went to Portland laat S-nday to the session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I O O F. Mr Talent has rented the James Holt farm and is moving there. Mr J H Bramwetl, of Peoria, and John Bramwell and family .ot Iike Creek, were visiting in this vicinity last Sunday. Some fine ahowera of rain fell here Sunday night, a most welcome occur rence. Mr Areheart spent last week with her moiher, near Ijebe.uon.and will probably return there thia week, at her mother it quite tick. Nicholas Martin is moving to Mr James Barger'a farm. Hie Wilkin family with theexreption ! of the old eretitletnan returned home from ' the State Fair last Saturday and report ? having bad a very pleasant "time and the purchase of some fine cattle and chickens. Miw Rose Perry and brother Harvev of Kodaville, t p?nt several dare here last week visiting their relative, the Taylor laiuiuct. Mews Melville and Frank Tailor went i Haleey on business today. Mr and M's C'umnnngs npd ton, af l-ake Creek, were visiting Mrs l"i par ent Sere yesterday. Harvey Somerville have returned to Eastern Oregon and will probably re main '.wo year. Rev Turner preached at the Herri school house yesterday. Clarence Taylor's family ate enjoying a seise of the mump. Mr Brace Healey hat rented hit farm to John Ttarger and will move to Cobarg to tend bit children to school. GVERWHE1MIKC PROCF orihe nupt-rtoriCj ol Eleetririiy in late r r ilwrause av Dr Usrrlu W o Cast Don bt Whet fan j ot Our t I tltro Trwlifs ? So much hat been said in praise cf i Irs Isarrin and tbeir new method of cure j by electro-rr-agTieiic treatment, that it ' teem useless 10 add further proof. Still, j we had occasion toj meet mast of Use fol ' lowing-named people nd from tbeir own : lips find their cares to be genuine, and . that no exAfg: raiion of their cmvk occur. Oregon ian. J. F. Peebler. Adam,. Or., deafnes. eeven year, reetorrd. t bj Ri.m v- ew. b' VTf,0- NP'. f,' ,k,n e and a katueome caurrii ; cured. Rev. M. M. Brook Or.. Natal and throat catarrh, cureU. C!"; Cbntternua. i'tiand. Ore g n- SjrS, ".J". S 5 V of bi "L0 M.,threaUrned and had become to offrnie th it it was sick- ening both to himself tad frieuds, cured Mr. S. A. Wooden girl. M Fifth slrer-L Portland Nervous debility, and malira fever and discharging ear. re- stored. Iccrpoid Dietxton.Twenty-erond and A ; street. East Portland Scrofulout lump on the neck and bead, cured. Dtt Damn can be found at tbe Revere House. Albany, Or., from 10 to 3 daily, 7 to 8 evening ; Sunday, 10 to 12. They make a tpecialty of the electric ' as well at medical and surgical treat I mtut of all disease ot eye, ear, note, ' throat, catarrh, deafness, bronchitis, la grippe, consumption, dyspepsia, heart, liver and kidney disease. AH. nervous, , , m a , cnronic ami private aiteasc oi men, in- e'uding stricture, hydrocele, varicocele, and all peculiar female trouble are con- fij, m;,,,, ,ni! TOcceful!y treated. Most case can receive home treatment alter a vts't to the doctor s office. Inquiries answered. Circular and question blanks cent free. Contulta'.ion tree. o tanttc Mr Wm I'urdy. one of the early pion eers, but now of Penntylvania,is visiting bi old acquaintance here. The person who took Walt Mcllrie wheat xindlv returned 50 out cf 73 sacks that betook. A he is bashful' and would rather not tee his name in print he returned the sacks in the night, not leaving a note of thanks. Walt is a man that will divide with the poor, and any one that know him respect him for hia kindneet to the poor. There is no ex cuse for stealing from him, at cheap as wheat ia there should be no object in stealing it. A letter from K A Bamford at Waverly Kansas, dated the 10th iust, saya he and hit wife will make a short visit iu Illi nois and Iowa before returning. Mr Mears, late of visiting with C Brown. He has come to stay and is already looking at land with a prospect of buying. W It Hamilton has gone to Baltimore to attend the Medical college. He will return in three years with the title M. D. attLched to his name. Ajucrn. Bargain at Iteatl'i Awnovmcbmbnt. - Having severed sty connection with the Albanv nurseries, I take this opportunity of tendering my sincere thanks to alt former natron and friend of th abov nuraerlc lor their liberal patranage. I am lill engaged In the nursery business, having orated just across th river, in Benton countv, one- halt mil seat of the Albany high steel bridge on the Ratnwatrr donation claim, where I am growing as fin a lot of trees a can 1 seen In tny nursery in th Wil lamette Valley . Tree for sale tht fail at th nursery, al.o at my tree vaid In Al bany. ' Awaiting your hirthe. orders, I ajn Yours, J A Hymax. P oprletor ol th We4 Side Nurseries. Yoi'g Attention ii called to our time sienne coetumea, capes, jacket'.biaaers and - nit, which it now complete. They are tailor-made and guaranteed toft, 1 b cloths tre ot the latest fabrics. Very truly, Samuel X. Young. BKAmuL Homes. Beautify you home and make It attractive wtlh Hybrid Perpetual and other choice raeet, old and new vaileties of Japanese rote and shrubs. Orders taken for the above and all kind ei Iruit and ornamental shad, trees at J A Hy man's, lit lt St., Albany Or. Baking Powder ILI.K September 10th, 189a. Master Geo Cox, while running In Ihe ysrd at bi home in this place on Fridav ! lat fell, breaking hi arm. The broken limb was set by hi father.Dr Geo W.Cox. Say, Mr Editor. Miss Myra Lock wood, of this place, will be married in the expo sition nan at 1 acorns. Wash , tonight to & , - I." I T-t j jr r-iiner jnaycr, 01 I acoma, but don t ay I told you. Marshal Powell has two boarders in tbe city jails. They had been en a glorious drunk and were fined, but would not pay, hence they board. We need an ordinance to enable the city to get some good out of uch gentry as these by putting; them on the street la work . If uch chap, knew to get In our city jail meant a job on ttie streets thiy would be a ioe careful. Now It ie only fun for them. Let us have an ordinance. 'Ihe wife of Wm Skclton left lhf p ace on Saturday last bound for Tecoma 10 join her husband, who ha charge of the card ing in the Tacoma wookn rotil fcd Pvatt traded hi bicycle for a h. rse a few day ago and the horse ded la-. Friday, and now Ed goes a like an ordinary correspondent. The Gf eat Exposition of 1 8 9 2 OPENS AT PORTLAND 4 ept 21 and Ckes Oct. 22. Attraction far ahead of all former years The famous American Bani of Provi dence. K. I. Art valued at $350000. Gov ernment Model of Bvtle Ship. A mag nificent Electrical display. Tbe wonderful Hall of M istcre. Marveioue Mechanical effect. The Little Wortd" and a m Triad of exhibit in Mining, Eiectricity.liorticut tnre. Agriculture, Wood, Mil's nd Man fact 11 re. BftiitH fiat m ill TrattftrtiXitu LOUIS- ANDERSON, Ofpocke H Coaric Hotel Bed coming sod Ian curtain seat: aueuria-j 10 IsirL sua a n:iy Hrai ci. cftire at Mesas' laitewabop Lcticrt rin' iMLicgati T-M o'dork Star Baker? I rrr.Jiblu BJ Firai (.r (OKC IWIR, PROPRIETOR, taaaiarra.M, tlsar, Ih'td Frnli.. I l. .. r o . vr, t ee, Kt,. 1 agnr "I - a Qarrusear. egVblr. t'larars Hp lee. Tee, ! 1 Ui CTr-v-.Uer teal Is kru ia rmnj rl peaeBn BBS M nts sraeefa tar ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE HEALT1 ISWEA T la a C Waal's Xaava xs Ssau eaanateej aceote far ll arena. PI leaa . Oae Taaasaa r.ta.5erTaa XarSfa.HeeeKetvtra rraeuaste eeareet fee a a at aleahel eriaatit. Waaarulnea. Meeui Dtuieeaisra. aefsaaiar el tfce rata r-Jec la iaaaeir mti teai-nc ratserv. aaeeaia. neeaawr K Aje aarreaeees, t Pt .a either, laraieatarr Leeee aaa Uatl leas I b OTer-esenjea I as WiK. 'l-itaaa er erer lala . Baeh tea araaws eat stataa irenmenii. St 0J Wi, r t tSaSS t W sitl ratl prri4 ea reeeie ef eele. n a umitft atx box aa T csrre any . W:tH escfe erjer neeis t a lrU snxea. kemaeiet ariU Si.WJ. varUl est the fiuieeeac ear vnitee easnite te refae she II in treueaant aees eea aanet ear. Oear- wieea item eatr J 4 aralax. 'Oiaaaiat Bel aawat. Alhaay. ere gm POINTERS AND SETTERS F6RSUE A rare chance to secure a fine brace of Pointers, dog and bitch, six months old. orange ar.t white in color, the dam is a one fielder, the sir is Mr fob's Senta iln Sport, the best pointer in Oregon. The Llewellyn Setter Bllch Daisy V ., by Little Ben, 19748 (Hootier Ben, 11338 -Ktdile Gray, 8356) ex Bonnie Llewellyn, 3S3i, (Romeo Rural Nellie, 13944 ) Daisy V. I eleven months old, black and white in coto, and verv pro.nising. Address. A S CAMERON, Coivalll. Oregon. Monwoi.ia s Pueasa.vts run SaLB. HEALTH VEZTCfiZR. It-v...-i t..-.A-.fC 1!- --n.S. -area II ' '- --- .-.- c .n SiU- l,i it". . . Im.- ir-- tt.iHJ. anxl .... . V Ceett o very w l:r re. kt -. ttl alx for gi. RedCrownMills ISOM & UNN1NG, PROPRIETORS. tw raocass rwri trrsBtoa or rstiun and sax iks ear. HgSffHmiii n j i ij ties D ft. J. . OBtirm. Beatlal. Dentistry in all its branches, including all roodern improvement. He feel con fident that he can give satisfaction to al who may favor him with their patronage as ht work ) not surpassed in durability stvle and finish in the West. All in sn of good dental work ate respectfully touc hed to give him a call. Room. 3 and 4 Strahan Block. l.BaKY !..: TiNA K 1 C. H. DALRYMPLE, Manager, 01 In lion (peelally retardtrs ( lis. er rndenla la all trie alley tei.s. OFF 10C a Bkias etere Foeter'a Bleclt (- IRL WANTED. -To do genoral 1 borne work. Call tt Dcmoobat office. Teaatwan. YOU ARE CALL AND LARGEST COMPLETE CLOTHING our Elgant K10 OVERCOATS in light and heavy weights Aecat here give you any -:- We want you U'e have no hesitancy in claiming to have the LARQeEST AND iT STOCK of new iroodi for Hie Fall and Winter trade there is anywhere in the valley. In the selection of these w have we can recommend to our patron. These inclnde Fine Ore Knit weights in th moat becoming shade. More than 100 dozen new pant, staples in rent' and Furnishings. We DO Not BCT .- wa THE LEAPING CLOTHIERS. The largest stock, the beat assortment and the lowest prices- If L Toe Leading ClstMtrj AT To Close LADIES AND CHILDREN WEAR. Staple Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Wash Fabrics, Embroideries and Plouncings, Silks and Satins, Complete Stock cf Shoes, Etc. MEN AND BOYS' Clothing. Neglegee Shirts, Young Mens' Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Hats and Caps, Boots. Shoes, Etc. G, W. The Oregon Land uo. vVltn it hem oaace at a a T-.-BTrWT - - - IOEEG-035T-ln the Gray Block, corner Liberty and Slat street, branch atSce n Portland MAKES a specialty of Sunnysid fruit tracts near Salem WillsellS. 10 or 20. acre lots at $50 to $60 ALBANY NURSERIES ALBERT BROWNELL i Snrftssw U Bi man & Irewifll, Prtifrietir.) OFFICE AND PACKING GROUNDS ONE HALF MILE WEST OF THE city. Mte would call the attention of our friends to the fact that are are better prepared than ever before to furnish eyerythtnc In the shape of Fruit, Shade and Ornamen:al trees. Small Fruit vine, etc., at either wholesale or retail. Our stcck is first-class, guaranteed true to name and free from inspect peat, and oar price law, C. E. Brownell it our dty agent and al! order left with him at his store will receive prompt and careful attention. Come and see me or write for free catalogue lo F. I, Dealer ia CHOISE TEAS, and a general assort atnl of O O XI xtx tiub teriptionagvnt fot all Ihe leading Near the B. O . H r.LEADIHe PHOTOGR APHKKN, alkaay, - Salem. Oregon, V. A Uaoreuih busines trainine (choet. Endorsed Five Departments: Business, Skeriiand, Typewriting, Penmanship, English SkoQtioaeloalheentireyer. Stndenia admitted tan time. Cataloei,coata:oioainformatien.rl CHOICE-MEATS Or All giatt K'm'iricix - 3c - Baker r'a UTery ii, out St Ptitrar, Ot'teto.-a. J or t V.'U t INVITED TO SEE THE AND MOST LINE OF IN THE CITY pee thoee medium weight SUIT.$10.Q0 the heavy winter! weight. dea of our new Winter Suit. to see them. taken special paint to procure only what and High Grade clothing, neat WinUr the leading novelt: aa well the Exaggerate, -: abb . Mil llolliiP' and larch.!.. Ta tora. COST Out Business. WEAR Simpson. ALBERT BROWSELL, A aany. tiragoa Kenton, -:- COFFEES. SPICES, Newspaper etui Terms eaaa. ta I Cabinet photos irotn $1.50 te $ per dozen. Enltiging picture a tpecialty. 16x10 crayons framed for $10.00. We carry a large Kn of 5xS and sterescopic" views of Or I. Stalsv, Principal. by thu busiaess and protesaioaal ol Slrc OR BALK - Oohair inter! lo a good paytug busii est u 1st trt for tal at a baramiB For partioti tart in quire at this office. W1 ELL UIGGINO -Ed Davidson ia prepr red to do welt digging is 'first class style, promptly, and will guar anuw lu wurs.