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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1892)
Mate Eights fmorr The -: Democrat The Best Paper in the Valley, Tlie-.-Demoi'cat,' j One Year fir Only $2.00. I 0 nr VOL XXVIII. Everything Fresh Vegetables Fresh Fruits. C armed Fruits, Cpnned Vegetables, 'We ask you lo try oursO and 50 tea?, as we feel confident tliey are better than others are asking yon 50 and cents (or. Our Ideal Roast Coffee stand nt the head. Pon't take ALBAN'. WOOLEN consisting of ready made rlo'liing, blankets, flannels and piece pood?. These goods are all warranted. Try them and yon wit' be satisfied. 1'nderwear and Furnishing gooda ai BKOROCK PRICK?. F E. Allen & Co., OPPOSITE MASONIC TEMPLE.- OREGON Will Chap ali Kinds of Grain. sons why you should buy the Giant: Itt Because it ia the !-! mil. ii extstensa. 2nd, Because it la mad at boms 3rd, Because it will --r,ni m ,re j . 1 t Jan any o.her mi I. 4th. Because it does better work thin any ctuer mill, atb. Brno it U na ezpa.m to j mi Poi' y it Uivj i ts it rr." Ah, tteeause it does not lm' tha graia i.i grindi.ig at nth r i ' K 4 7-15; ttscauss' yoa can m'. m re mtne with tht Or rsa i.T. taia witti any .. ! trim o' ap e wilt givayoti th ntbv ili x rimn) why yoa ul i if- i." J tt will Bla i'y call mi 1 xtru ni 1 tultl. MITCHELL LKWIS & STAVKR OO. '-;-, and A 1211wortkt, Albany, Or Rupture, Asthma and Piles sir's. Shiisip & Houser, Specialists in the treatment of aliform of Chronic, Catan ha!, Nervous an r'emale Pieeasef . Twenty (SO; Years Experience ia Medicine. Surgery ani K -.riaily curable cases tfaarAa.eed. OfHis 259 V -rimsrc-l: Strvrtt, Stteru. Oregon. UlrlF HIKnil'. W. F. READ & ft. WE ARE now receiving our fall goods and we cah safely say they excel anything ever shown in Wo want your trade.and if good stylish goods, low prices and courteous treatment are any induce ment we hope to merit a share of yojr patronage,. Wt lev vr ltet K aW TWZXIl 9 YrS leve our Mrtt'tMNC SBtsflPlatT M J ,' rata 'stllaWaf 1 , If I We have lately added a full line'of BOOTS AND SHOES or. which we are making a very low price to get them introduced. CALL AND SEE 3 what we can do lor you. trouble to show goods. W. F. A.1 ban.y , sawawaawjHBMaggapBSBIHBBBaBWBBBaa5 , -,;Jfr75aJ? ?i00l, Cnre9 C0N8TIPATI0X, INDKJKSTION, ;4VB,oyXE,t CMPLAITS,8ICK HEADACHE, COLDS, t'lLJ&n1liiKi AEECTIOSS, and DISEASES ARISING from !- DISORDERED STOMACH. The Genuine HAMBURG TEA u put up in YELLOW WhAPPKIin itulk Facsimile birjnature of EMIL FRESr f'EPri"'-1JON OO. Aoekts. ah Francisco. s"'" WY ABI PBtlCCIBTst AMI KOCKBI. Till?, 8ues 200 Pag Dry Goods and General Outfitting CATALOGUE. ylAZEti Send yuv namo on a Pstal card TO-DAY SUi , ka -m, . and get one. All. l.nlci, ,! l the Offlce ; in : Bloom. Hams, Bacon, Lard, Maple Syrup, Delicacies any other if yon want tin best. MILLS GOODS, GIANT : SuteOsath toWiids READ &C0. Oregon at Alhnuj. Or., n Strand (lM Mall Mailer. LOCAL R2CORD. I-khakon. 1 M Marks has rented n farm adjoining his mi'sery ofMrlsom and will take possession soon. According to thfl survey which has just been made, the railroad cxtensior will misa Sodvt!le l'a miles. W 1 Turnidro has bought W II Hibe lin's enndy and cigar store and w ill. My the business for the second time. Died, in Lebanon. Sept 14th, aiter lingering illness, Mrs A E Williams. Deceased was an old resident of Linn county. It is stated on good authority that sev eral families in Albany are coating to Lebanon to buv their flour. Flour of the very best grade sells at $1 a sack in Leb anon. Miss Abbie Fry went to Albany Mon day to enter the Albany CollgiateInsti t lite. Miss Deuna Kirkpntrick and Bert Wright will also enter that school next week. O Lovelee and w ife intend moving to Albany soon. Mr Lve!ee and his lady came to lbanou alxmt two years ago. and daring their slay in the city they have made a host if friends who arc sorry to see them leave. Joseph Crabtree, for whont a wanant of arrest has been out for about three months, was last Saturday arraigned be fore Justice Elson on the charge of lar ceny of two horses- Mr Crabtree em ployed A Stowe to defend him.and the district attorney, J R Wyatt, of Albany, believing the charge could not be sus tained, prompMy instructed the justice of the peace to discharge him. Advance. Pbobatb Matterh. In estate of J R Thompson inventory filed. In estate of Alonxo Bardwell inventorr tiled. Personal propertv. SU5.95; real estate $2720. Appralsers'.F M Kiier. Wm Spurlmg and Thoa Brandon. Admistra tor. Mis M P Rardwell. Petition to sell personal pioperty granted- Report of gale in estate of F F Croft, coutinued. In estate of Mary T and Gertie Zeiner, R H Cirover waa appointed guardian. Bond $1300. Approved Appraiser, O P foshow, James Wi!y0n and F M Jack. In estate of U H Keeney, citation or dered iseued to heirs lor sale of real property (mostly Waukeenr.) for Oct 8, 1 p ni. In estate of E Turner, citation ordered, issued to heirs for sale of real property, to appear on Oct 8- In estate of Richard C Finler invent ory hied; real property 14,700, ptraomaR property, ,w, S3. Total 2U.407.35. In estate of Chae II Dockett, inventorr filed; real property, ;600; personal, 240. Total, 180. Miss TowjesBKD Mabjuxd. An Albany man, recently in San Francisco, met Mies W M Townsend.wbo run the Racket store in Albany last year.with whom the Dehocrat had a sma'tl racket on account of articles derogatory to our country in a Nebraska paper. But she is not Miss Townsend now; bat Mrs Young, being the wife of one of the firm of Cone! I v Young, proprietors of the famous Rues House. The case i; a romantic one. Mr Young was a drummer and met Miss Townsend in Albany when passing through the city, resulting a!ter she left this city in marriage. Conelly it Young leased the Rusa Hocse less than a year ago, and hence Mrs Young steps from a small racket store in an Oregon city into one of the best patronized hotels on the t oast, a position, it ia reported, she it loin l CcfTur-.i, report her good fortune. nnlwitbstaiseW I c & -a - . , ' . . ... ., ... . . me icii mat sii aw no: use it Moot I -Tjest Class Hajcds. Prof Marsh been engaged to take charge of the busi ness department of the Albany Collegiate Institute and wilt be here in "a few davs. He it a graduate of Lafavette college, Penn.. and has been a professor for sev eral years in Emporia Cot'ege, Kan. Be sides being k good studer-t ar.d sa ac compliahed instructor in commercial ed ucation he is a practical shorthand re porter and typewriter, a fact that adds to his efficiency. Students in this de partment will have as good advantages as are enjoyed in any business school in theN. W. Took I'aatms.-Among the preini urns awarded a'-the State fair, George Beam is, of Albany, received second pre mium on brood mare and colt; J A Zim merman, of Millers, took the sweepsUkaa premium on draft horse of any age or breed, and 1st premium on stallion 4 years old and over; Moses Parker, of Al bany, took let premium on mare 4 years old and over; J R Pearl, of Halsey, took the 1st and 2nd premiums on mare t years old and over; Nichols & Huston Bros took 1st premium on stallion 4 yrs old and over ; 2nd on draft horse ot anv age or breed . Not all Tolo. The whole ttory of the aflaii i Newport wherein i W Condon and the mayor of that city were burned in effigy hat not yet been pujlithed. In ad dition to the burning ihe hoodtumt potted tkull and cross-bone detlgnt all over town, and made vailout thieatt cf what they would do. The mayor cut the pole on whibh the effigies were hung, down Sun day morning and they had him arretted for working on Sunday. A number of Mr Condon's fritnds tried to persuade him lo leave the place, as they were afraid the hoodlum would carry out their threat to tar and feather him. Butie stood hit ground and hat accomplished what he un -dertook. Eugene Register, lr Is re potted that among other tome Albany married men were mixtd up In the dltl graceful affair which induced Mr Condon ' lake the courte he took. A Howest Boy On Tuesday Mlts Laura Molmet, ot near Coi valllt, reported o the tJte-kr!ert of the fair Ihe losing oi her pocket book containing $14. These generous h;arted me.i, after a fruitiest tetrch, started a tubtcriptlon and got over nine dollars, when the Mule 7-year-!d on of C A Pott, of Polk lounty, and so cporttd. Out of the amount raited two dollars and fifty nents were given the little honcdt boy, snd the balance to the young lady, who It an orphan and earns her liv- g with the needle. Statesman. Mikiko Claims. Claims have been takn up in the Santiam district nince our last report, as follows: The Yellow Mone, by Yj t Bryant, J B Kelsay and i L UoUeon; The Thomas A fedson. tv Herbert H Ames and j D Standieh; Mikle Harris, by A Halvorsen; Exten sion of C Miller, by B F Clark, E Hennes and C Miller; Cold Dollar, by Frank B Hastings. r HAV-SBBBBBbW ONE ENJOYS Both the method andresults when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently. For sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all druggists. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8 AH FRANCISCO, CAL, -, LOUISVILLE, AX HEW K0UC, H.V. j At tiik Faib pwSOhV. A Dkmocbat man today paid a viait to the fair ground n comapny with Mr John A Craw ford, and w as gratif.edat the manner in which the grounds are Wing placed in condi tion for the races lieginning on the 27th instant. LTnder the experienced super vision of Mr Crawford the track has bean placed in first ctas condition, making it one of the beet in the Northwest, if not the best. It is an even mile. Two large tanks oi water, a sprinkler, rollers and scrapers havw made i fa hard and fast, a track that prou-.ises to be popular w ith horse men The new judges stand. planned by Mr Crawford, assisted by Mr MI Hunt, is a nnxisi oi neatnea and convenience, splendidly located for keen inii track of a contest of speed. The new grand stand is 120 feet long with twelve rows of seats, having a capacity ot about 1000. Fifty-six stalls are ready for the horses aud more will be built. Alrealy several local norsea ars in training. All together the association will be prepared to present the crowds that will be nere at the coming meeting the best to be secured lor convenience of sightseeing, no track any where offering better opportunity lor seeing every quar ter of a race. The quarter poles are con spicuous and easilv seen from any point. Next week the trotters and runners go from s.if in to Independence, thence the week after to Albany, where f:000 in purses have been hung up for the occas ion. Tbe entries, already published, speak for the success ot the races. In the Old Stvls. Six or seven old pioneer of Benton county will &o to the Worlds (air In the style in which they came to Oregon ycait ago, without Ihs Indians to molett them. Prior Scott wilt be commAnder of the Mjuad. Anciuyi: 'They have already i-iUrd ihe fund neceuary for the trip. The mule, a'so a pioneer of Benton county, i a good one for hl trip. He is between twenty-five and thirty years of age, and twent yer ago dd service in the rrg'on about Fort Hooking, at one time and olJ military pott in Kinic't valter, Benton count r.btt which it now in ruint. The party go under the command of Prior Scott and they wish to secure a number of articles, such as were used in oldens limes in crjuing Ihe plain, among which is wanted an old style wood axle, inch pin wagon, four clear horn brlndie steers, and old fashioned Dutch bake oven and a tar-bucket. Instead of the traditional lgn, "To Oregon or bust;' which decorated the wagons of the piooeei , they will replace it with, "Fro.n Oregon to the World's Fair, or butt,"' will be painted in conspicuous letter upen ihe canvas cover of the wagon. It hat been tuggetted that the latter part of the In scription be changed lo resd, "To the World's Fair on a butt,' which would ro doubt be more appropriate to the occasion . Another feature f Ihe party to we are in forsfced which will stiract the eye of Chl cagoans U Nick Bsuon and hit .wo bears,'- Dccidkdly BoMAxnc The Ashland Record tells the following: Dr J M Taylor, we!) known in Ashland, arrived in this city Saturday from Chicago wiUi a bride. The lady la Miss Mamie Mor gan, of St Louis, and s-e was spending her school vacation traveling in Califora ia with ber mother, where the doctor met ber and they fell in love. Mrs Mor gan and daughter were afterward stop ping at The Portland hotel- Mrs Morgan was opposed to her daughter marrying until she bad finished her education, she being only 19 years old. On the fist of Aagaat M its Morgan left The Portland hotel, went a few blocks away and step ped into a carriage with her future husband. A mat naze license and a minister oi Ihe gospel put the finishing aches on this Lala of apPF pair took the overland' tram lor Chicago ami aiier a wedding trip in the east returned to A th land, where Mrs Tay lor, who is an interesting and handsome young lady, will undoubtedly make her home. Dr Taylor bas made a fortune in mining properties within Ihe last few years- aloBK tu as Oxs A few days ago mention was made in the Portias I Tele gram of the fact there was a banana tree. 7 years old, in the garden of D Van Horn at Albany. Or., which was producing a fine buncb of this tropical fruit. The gardner for W S Ladd sends the follow ing self-explanatory note : "Please state that there are more than one bunch of bananas being raised in Oregon. There is a tree in the greenhouse of W S Ladd in this city, bat these cool nights are not congenial to the sensitive nature of tbe plant, so every banana falls off aa soon as it makes its appearance. Tbe plant has attained a height of 12fcet." Accompany ing tbe note is a Mmch of the flowers from which the fruit grows, but they all had dropped off soon after being blown -Ihe plant seems to grow very well iu Webfoot soil aud climate, but, like the chesnut tree, the fruit does not mature. A Gut Accident. Lane county con tinues to lead in tbe accidental shooting record. The Guard says : "Lane coun ty, we believe, takes first premium on gun accidents. The latest is from Nelson creek, about thirty-two miles west of Eu gene, the same occurring Tuesday morn ing. If happened as follows: A Mrs Nellie Brown, requested a son to shoot a chicken for dinner. He took down a 44 calibre Winchester rifle and complied with her request, shooting a rooster's head off, and hia luother being in range, the bullet entered the calf of her left kg, cutting several small arteries. She came in on last night's stage and had Dr Paine to dress the same. He thought it best not to extract the bullet. Scio. Grandma Hyde gently passed away about midnight, Taesday nigbtand was buried Thursday in Franklin Butte cemetery. Messrs Rov Gill, Robert Cary Jr., John Goins, Marshall Richardson, John Bil yeu, Misses Ro-a Moore, Alice C'ary.Ava and May Myers will attend school at Monmouth dnripg the coming winter. But this time ' e have met the ene my and we are theirs." .Like the ex- champion Sullivan, we staved once too long, and Salem was the "young fellow' that did us up, the score being 19 to 1 in favor of Salem- In justice to our team we will state that three of the team were not along, their places being supplied by other players. The Salem team' was greatly strengthened by having two league players. Press. Yoa Know those are sturdy fellows who tpeak right oat what tbsy think and stick to Youi rea prot thtsn for it, doo't yoa? Ton would rather deal with such men than with fellowr who preach oua doctrine and livs another. It is jott the same ia the stoys and tin w are business, x ou want to know wnat yoa are getting, Can you depend on the word ot tb merchant. Tbe pabho have learned that when Matthews A Washburoa recom mend a stovs or any article in their store it will do to stand by it. They k ep the beat and so it is easy to get backlog for their rec ommendation. ftuperior lo all Olbers, Alleoek's Porous Piatters ire the great exteroal remedy of the day. The quickest, safest, tareat, best. Not only immeasurably uper'or to til otner platterv, bnt alto to liniments, ointmnt, oils and similar unc tuous compounds . B ware of imitations, rra do not be de ceived by mitrepressatatioD. Atk for A 11 oik'i and let no tnlicititiea or expUuatuu iaduee yoa t accept a substitute. WELL DIGOINO -Ed Davidson in prep'rsd to do well digging Is first o!as style, promptly, and will guar antea his work. Will Si Stark curry a splendid stook of gold and tilverjwatohes, formn undjladisa' tad an elegant line or silver wtn Lambs Knit Vaafs, I havs jattrtoiiviA a it t. lad is ribbed summer vasts, lor g sod short sleeve Special yalaes. Samuel E Yovse, ALBANY, ORhGON, FRIDAY. SKI f EMBER lOiiaL D IM I. TIIL'BBDAT Mr. E A Schitller. of thU city, and Mist Brtggs, of CorvallU, went to Portland this noon. Sheriff Djvld Oiboru, of Coivallln, pisted through A'biny today, v.iih John r rliz. wanted in Benton conn'y for ml spproprtallng fundi. Mr w L Meter Saturday rvenlng't and two boys took jtiii for Harritburg. a return to Qrsnt't .-rly joined by Mr jiiiiCj Grant's Patt 1 hey tiid not expect Patt, and will be 1 Litter at 'h-lr fu'tlf Courier. . Dr P K Wal.rr w nt tJ A.hany Mon doy with three St I'.-inard pirn. If he does not kucceej In idling Ihem ihsrj he will lite them to ihe S'ale fsir, Eugene Register. Mr Prank Shnptni went to Salem Ihl noon, 10 make arrangements for lilting the free for all race at ihe Albany mt-eiing be ginning on the 27th Intlant. A special purse of $500 will be hang up, and there are atturancet the race will be well filled. Two dlverce tultt have been begun re cently In Albany. C B Circlet. n w a res ident of Albany, t l-eOn proceedings against ier husband, J F Circle, of Pauli na. Ciook county, and Lucy Hays, of this city, agAlfnt H H Hay, of, both of dettrtlon. Latt evening a pleasant leception was tendered Rev J T Abbelt. the new pastor ot the M E church, and his estimable wife, at the parsonage. A lure number were present to say welcome .0 the new comer. Severs! Sour were pasted in a profit a V manner in amusement, conversation, and the partaking ot a tatty lunch. Rev and Mrs Abbett have the good will of all fort unate In meeting th:m. Next Wednesday Mettr H T Condon and Lenn Steven Vspecl to start tor Ann Harbr, M'ch., where they will take a course in Ihe law school." Both young gentlemen graduated from the Aioivertiiy Ittt June. At Portland they will be joined by Elijah Connrll, w So has been a ttudent of our university several years. He will co to Phlisde'p'hia to attend a medical college.--Eugene Register. sbipat t tioodaic, one of Coborg s prom in entritizens, was in A'bany today. B 0 Fellows w ill open n dnisT store in Waterloo in a short time- P H Roacoe is attain repotted seriously ill, and is gradually failing. The W R C held a cainn fire picnic at Cap'- Phillips' across the river last night. nne time is reported. Mr and Mrs! A Gros- left this noon for Portland, which thev w ill make their future home, at least for a season. Cheater Osbom has resigned his posi tion in Osbom & DeLano's drug store, and s a Hnlin has been engaged to fill the vacancy. Eugene Guard O P Coahow and family and brother George, left here Tuesday for Salem, where they will spend Hie week. Mr- UinnvilleT. R. Mr Rentier, of Albany, attended the funeral services of Mrs A E filliaaaa Thursday. Deceased was a relative of Mr Bentlev. Advance. Mr Claire Vank, !a returned from Newport, w litre be tilled the position of clerk of the Ocean House in a oonniar manner for three months. Licenses have been isausd for the mar riage of Ambrose Seyackk ani Leonora Cardweil. ( has P Cren and Mary Fran. eta Johnson, and A M KendaU ar.d Anna t. McBnSe. C W A vers psiasal through A!hanv today Prlbjiirt, !frvl making col- ;:r.nerf.'-flsast. tu- . lor the Portland eajsosttkm, tnff report a fine caDinetTrem Southern Oreron Another case is reported from Knox Butte. Melon thieves entered the patch nf Mart Miller and stole aad destroyed a large number. Mr Miller would have has! litem arrested bat it was difficult to identify the thieves. Mr tit--rg Knox leaves tomorrow for the Bowington Springs in Crook county, fur the benefit of his health. Several months ago he visited a boot seventy-five springs in that country and funnd'that these agreed beat with him. Mr Ed Cox, brother of W A Cox, who has been residing in the east several years, though at one ime a resident of Albany lor awhile, is in 'he city. W A Cox wno has been working in Junction and Engene for a minth or two, is now at home. A party consisting o( Mr aad M-. I R Foster and Mr Upton, of Portland. Mr and Mrs B Casey, of Salem, Mire Lora Vance, of Albany, Misset Lillle Gilliland. Abbie and Lizzie Parrott. Lulu and Belle Willis, and E 1- Jack and Charley Par rott and Von Casey, spent Sunday on the North t'mpqoa. Roseburg Plaindealer. Mr Thomas Jones and family returned Ibis noon from their trip to California, going and re'urnina bv war of t anmna. they report splendid treatment on board the Willamette Valley. Besides seeing the sights in San Francisco thev visited San Jose and Santa Clara. At San lose they were the guests of B F Tablcr. w bo has a bne place in ihe suburbs of that city. Some almonds picked from his trves are on the DkmotbatV table, rent hereby Ih-kindness of Mr lones. Mr Jones also met Mr Pele Foley, a con tractor formerly of A litany, having built the I linq block here; Mr Rupert, who owns a fruit orchard ntar there: Mr Bardue, a former Albany groceryman lor asiion time, anu at Santa Clara thev stopped with Vfm McCoon, who is run ning a large hotel at that city, also a former resident of this county. I SATOBDAr. Mr C E Stanard, of Brownsville, is in itic city. Miss Jane Mums went to Salem this noon to resume lur duties in the public schools 01 that city. Mr John Zatches, formerly in the tail or business in A I. any is working in 1 San Francisco taibr shop. Ed Brown and wife came up from At- lny Monday and now occupy their dwelling here. Mill City Gazette. Air anu mrs t a Arcuiuaui ana sirs Webster, and children, went to Newport today for the lienefit of Mrs Webters health. Mrs W C Davis, accompanied by her daughter and son, is visiting Mrs G W Davis, at No. 1122 High street.--Sa'em Stateeman. Mi Joe Hediies left las', night for San Francisco in response to a dispatch that his mother was lying seriously ill and was not expected to live. Frank McKnight, of McKnight Bros., came in from Tallman, Linn county, last week, with his string of trotters, for tbe Polk county fair. West Side. Cards are out announcing the ap proaching wedding of Mr A B Cavender, senior editor of the Brownsville Times, and Miss Kate Oosliow. As heretofore announced the other editor, Mr Calder, is also in luck. Henry Allen, of Corvallis, returned from a four month's trip to New York. Wednesday. He save everybody that is able is leaving the city and Hocking to the country aud mountains, on account of the cholera. West Bido- Yesterday noon MrsTatbam gave a birthday party at the Kindergarten school for her daughter. About fifteen little folks were present and spent some tune in not only 11 pkasant but a profita ble manuer.ns the aiiiu?eiiienis consisted of kindergarten exercises and plays.etiquette at me taoie, etc., lnsiruuiion in which Is peculiarly of value to the child. It was a uood time for all. Mrs Tat ham is a thorough kindergarten teacher, and her little partiesare a valuable feature in the work, as well as a great source 01 enjoy merit, for the children. Look1Isi5. Thos Brin't will repa your furniture neat and cheap or make furniture te order and sell furniture on commission at the old stand. The demqcraU and republicans are torn into fragments over the silver question. The third fatty semt to havs awt'lowed both old parti,,.-. That New Jersey Bird w hom the people's party have nominated for governor was a r 'publican lief ore he sited his feather. It Is said Mckinley will make 200 speech e during tliit campaign This is a mis sake, he will make but'one, but be may, and probably will, repeat it 200 times. George Ticknor Curtis, the well known jurist, karS Withdraws from the dertocratic party. Ina'e'.trr to th Amtrkan Eton misx he I es hit action on ihe ground that hit cor,., tloot are not ia unlsua with the free litd ; pUnk in the democratic pUlfor.n. Major Warner's brans band campaign in Missouri ha brought to the front old dem. ocra who were thought to have died for j years ago. The result wi I be the largest democratic majority for years. The major hould nave sneaked through tbe on a still hun. Twenty-five thousand copies of Blaine's letter was distributed in Maine just leore tbe late election. The result was the re duction of the republican majority from 23.253 in !--- to leathan i2.000tiiis rear. It is to be hoped be republicans wil distribute 50.000 of tbetu before November 8th. I would bring democratic victory. Ga the jrOtb of Artgtut demcratic pri mary meetings ware held in South Caro lina to elect detegatet to the tuts conven tion. Upon tbe request of a large number of temperance people the state committee cauaed a separate ballet box to be placed a every polling place in the state where th people could vcte tor or against prohibition. In 25 of the 35 counties of tbe state the vote stood 2599 for prohibition and 22, 95C again : . Careful estimate ia tbe other ten counties irKTSjate tbe prohibition ma jority in the whole state up to 15.000. The republicans of tbe First Congression al District in New Hsn-ptbire have much. vary much, to answer for to the long sulei tag people of tbe failed States. They have nominated Henry W Blair for ooturrea. But inasmuch as the district elected a dem o-rat two years ago by 1,188 plurality there is good bopa thai the country may be saved another infliction of the interminable mr-Qth and irrepressible crankiness of the blaring Blair. m ' . ... j ,jLi - j-i Now tfitt th grass repanucas orta. tie .;o Tribe, it high ptwtcclnattt from v. it mAc very plubicwotk ia lefaiwg Ike argument st tdttaccd whei it urged Ut -uT tttiMta as a router of rt'tvc'ple. Tbit it about ia anord with the act son of the Minn esota repabtirtnt ia toppostiag a high iirrJf na tonal platform sod a low-tatrft aoratate for governor at the same liawc What lagbt-oreg-thatg e srtisu tSese C. O. I" fe towtate. treeing 7Vgraas. By the wy the Oregatuan it ia tbe taaae awkward j.iniicntcat. Some time ago th. paper ? . : n i able: cit npioa of free ira J.e ia tt e coantry. But of a sodieo teeret argued sod sow tasks with as saoch bat with saucb ! fa-re ot teatua Tbe man who totes for Weaver with tbe hope of defeating Harrison in Oregon will End. when it is too late te remedy it that be made a great mistake. Tbe ese- toral vote of Oregon will be cast for Clereland or Harrison. Tbe democrat who votes fbr Weaver wi 1 be pretumed o have meant that be has no objection to Harrison. Cleve'asd it tbe only candidate upon whom a hope may be predicated for the defeat cf Harrison. Choose ye this day whom yon prefer. Be practical about the matter. Weaver is out of t-e question. All signs now point to the election of Cleveland. Let democrats place themselves in harmony with the new administration that will take charge March 4tb next. Some republican campaigners in Indiana took it into their beads some time ago to estab ish a tin plate factory in Elwood ia that state. Of coarse it was a factory for campaign purposes only. The great Me rit 11 ley was invited, of coarse, to be present at tbe formal oper.iug. The affair tame off last Tuesday and the dispatch tells of it as follows: While Governor McK inter was .leliv-r-iag his great tin plate speech in this city yesterday afternoon, several men and boys pasaed around among Ihe crowd and dis tributed copies of tbe following handbills: "Tin plate stork for sale. Several shares of American tin plate stock at a discount. Apply to the utidtreiirned stockholders: C Klua, O Hupp. F M Harbitt. H f Wilye. Etwood. lad.' Republicans claimed this was a democratic dodge, but the fact still remains that these gentlemen still have some of the stock for sale at a large dis count. McK in ley told the people, (and there were doubtless many who were gullible enough to believe it) that in a little white the Un plate factories of this country would be able to supply our whole country with all tbe tin needed. Bnt if McKinley had turned to page 5 of "Summary Statement of Im ports and Exports" for the month of July as published by the treasury department at Washington, he would there learn that duringjtiie month of July 139t there were imported into this country 12.561. Ui pounds of tin or terne plate, while during the month of July 1892 there were import ed 66,541,890 pounds, thus showing that there is no tin plate worthy of note being manufactured in this country. But he did not want the people to understand so im portant a fact hence he kept mum about it. The young men of fortland have organ ized an independent Cleveland and Steven son club mottsll of whom have heretofore been republican i. At a meeting held the othsr evealng the priacip.l speech wat mtd: by Mr. Harold Pilkington a life-long young re publican. Among other thingt he sal J: The point I make 11 tht Ihe producer of Oregon pays a tariff in ths shape ot freight on his products to th; place of inelr destin ation He alto pats the cost ot the btllatt which bringt the snip that carries away his moduct to this port, and the cost of this bal last which it thrown in Couch lake is a di rect itstn of espsute to, Bad a laz 00, the farmers of Oregan. If the farmer pays doubts height because of certain charge. which do net come unuer tne name or ireigm he nevertheless thereby dlminishst hlsprefils to this ezteot. Here It food for thought for the Oregon far mer who raises whesttoeU. In consequcac ot the high tariff we snip very little foreign goods into Oregou . Hence these ships when coming to Oregon for our wheat come empty But the ship owner mutt havs pay far coming as well st going, and the wheat it made to ,,av tannine both wsyt. He ot couise mu s nav less for hit wheat, so th farmer it the rsat sufferer. II their ships cunt loaded ton nice would be only half what it it now. The farmer it thue taxed in a reduced price for thslr wheat for the benefit of ths manufuct urea of the country. Let them coasidsr these jhlng when tbey come to choose a president n November. - 1 23. 189Z. TlTr at M AMIINtno.N (Mm uur reUUttr :rri.Jcr.t.) Washington, Sept la, 189J Mr Harrison finds it more and more dif ficult as ths campaign grows more interest ing to boss the republican machine from out of the way Loon Lake, so he wilt this week return to the White house, where be can watch u-d direct every move made. He thought seriously at one time of taking up hit reside- a: in New York city during the rest of the campaign in order to make certain that hit orders were carried out but he was finally made to see that it waa more politic to remain in Washington ami pre tend to las engrossed with hi execu'ive duties. "South Dakota, "said a gentleman just from democratic headquarter in New York ha listen cleverly taken out of Ihe repuUi can column by an arrangement made a day or two ago by representatives of tbe demo cratic and of tbe people's party. In that stale there are three fully organized parties. and when they vole for afiaiate tickets the republicans nave the plurality. A demo erat who is a member of the national com mittee conceived tbe idea of a fusion be ween the democratic and people' rarty in that stale, both to support the people's stat ticket and the four presidential electors to be e daily divided, and after cootiderabt negotiation tbe fusion baa been agreed upon." If this gentleman '1 news is trust worthy, and 1 have every reason to believe that it is, Cleveland and Stevenson will get two electoral rota that have not been count ed upon- Tbe same gentleman assured me that al the republican talk about the failure of M Cleveland to harmonize certain alleged di cordant elements in the democratic party of New York was tbe veriest bosh. Said be, "before the tirt of Mober it will be so plain that tbe most sanguine republican will hare to acknow letig that tbe demo cratic party of New York is barnmnionsly working to carry that state for Cleveland, and what is wore te tbe point, tbey are going to soccead in doing it." Ex-Treasurer Huston, of Indiana, is in Washington on a pol itical mission, and it is tigmfkant that be admits that the chance of ths republicans to 'carry that state is largely dependent upon the outcome of t beir effort to have the court declare the present spportionment law of the state onconatitn UonaL He alto admits that there is re publican disaffection in Ihe state. This it jn marked contrast to the eiaim everything tone, of the Indiana ntpobiican who have come to Washington since Harrison wa renotniaated. Jiieneral A S B-jfjcd. of Virginia, a prominent raiiroad.niuizi. says about politic, in his state: "I do not think tbe third party will cot much of a figure in the Virginia campaign this year. It appears to be weak ening every day, and I think, the desnooacy will carry the state very cleverly for Cleve iand. No one need ba turpi ieed if a lag war scare be shortly sprung on the country as an aid to Mr Harrison's candidacy. Ad miral Walker has been sent to V order winch these is- reason to osiiere-f practically instruct him to take steps which will be almost certaia to be objected to by German and British war vases It al ready in those waters, if they do not bring about actual hostilities. Admiral Walks will find tbe Concord and hearsage at Li lt ua vara when he gets there and they, with the Chicago, will make a fomidabie fight ing trio. The story as it reaches me it that a tramped op claim harging European tstatli with having violated the Monroe doctrine daring tbe eneroetan revolution is to be made the basis of a lot of nnsail eagteiam on tbe part of Admiral Walker. wno z to sail around with a chip on his tjsftnKtsr daring foreigner to knock it off. and hoping a ! tbe whf-e that tbey will . Rtrritui a ecniiac t ht Noecor ktrmitt, the third part organ published at Indianapolis, hssBseartbed a scheme te carry that state, tits as follows: The apportionment tor Legislature aad Congrettiooal parpotet, or tee gerrymander, aa tt I called, is to be set aMe bv the Re publicans. Ii ha beea so deciied by those who want It done and those who have the power of doing it . The first atep was taken iet;er day at Sew CaaUe. when a suit to test ths matter w entered before Judge Bandy. If tb apportionment ctn be overthrown there I some chance ot the Republicans carry ying the next legislature. The scheme Is 10 elect C. W. Fair bank, to the (Jetted States Steak: instead of Tur pte. Several yr ago t'.e CommercUI- Gasette of Cincinnati took Fairbanks to ' fbr tbe barrenesa of HU enorts In patting through certain cgrtUlton iq Ohio, and be is regarded a -ho roughly equipped tor aay qactlioaenle trickery that stay be demanded An alliance has been tormitd brtween f resi dent Harrison and Fairbaskt who is five timet a millionaire. Fair bank is to furnish f too, 000, and more if necessary, to carry Indiana, and his rewsrd is a Senator-ship. He w.nt lo Washington, saw Harrison, and it watar ranged 10 set aside ihe apportionment that Fairbanks might hate an even chance ror ths Senate with Harrison carrving the elector al vote of tbe State. Harrison mast fail if Ftitbankt dxt not help him ari'h nit bank account. Why Firhank wsn's to go t the Senatt 1 an important question. His millions have been made in connection with Auttsa Corbin and J. Robert Maxwell. Corbin wants a guar anteed subsidy ot $10,000,000 before he goet to the expense ol establishing s line ol steam eit between terne point in British Nort , America mil Engl in 1, which will reduce the lit lance bet. -en hurope aim America sever al hundred mi e and the time toJ)t Fairbanks in the Senate wilt be too closely related to Corbin bv bondtot interest and friendship not lotto all In hit power lo assist him in putting lh: subsidy through Con grest. even though r.ot a partner in ths sn terprfse. Hence Corbet 1 interested mrstr- banka fortunes The national democratic committee in view of the cheering protpectt of democratic suc cess In November at indicated by th Sep tember electiona, has issued an address to the democists of thecovntry in which they sayi "The democratic national com mitt con gratulates the country on the resn't of the teccnt state elections in Maine, Vermont, and Arkants. In Arkansas Ihe comhineJ opposition fell short by over 30,000 of the vote of the democracy alone. I bit brought dismay to the combination in the South and it manipulators in ths North. In Maine and Vermont the eoniett was conducted dis tinctly on national itsueS, The republican manasrers summoned the aid ol all the po tent resources of their national orgtauttion. with an exhtutllets treasury nd a tplsndhi equipment of orators. The campaign of our adversaria, for a triumphant tet vote in these states, so caref. illy j ianned aad to thot- n,inhl ami lW.-f ,l 1- executed. eodeJ in conspicuout d taster. Our friends everywhere! are entitled to take fretn courage rromtnese results. Full returns show that Fuller, republican, has been elected governor of Ve.mont over Sui alley, democrat, by a plurality of 19,664. Compared with 1888 the returns show a republican loess of 9262, a democratic loss of one and a prohibition gain of 257. Losses in Mttssschusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island in the same proportion would transfer all these states to the democratic column. itinc, rakliahers mmm rrenrlelersi Wonders Are wrought by the use of Aver Hair Vigor In restnrtng gray hair to Its original color, promoting a new growth, prevent. rig tbe hair from falling, keeping It soft, silky, and abundant, and tbe scalp cool, healthy, aud free from dandruff or humors. The universal testimony is that this prep aration has no equal as a dressing, awl is. therefore. Indispensable to every weli turnished toilet. "1 iav used Ayefs Hair Vigor for some ttme and It has worked wonder for me. I waa troubled with dandruff and was rafodly becoming bald ; bnt since using the Vigor my bead It perfectly clear of dandruff, the hair has ceased coming oat, and I now hare a good growth, of tbe same color a when I wa a young woman. I can heartily recom mend any one suffering from dandruff or lot of hair to use Ayer Hair Vigor as a dressing." Mrs. I.ydia O. Moody, East fttuton. Me. "ftstse time ago my wtfe't hair began to out quite ireety. Ayer's Hair Vigor not only prevented sty wKe frees is. t-g bM. bat tt also eaasea aa entirely new growth of hair. I am ready to certify 10 this ststeiassit before a Jsnttoe of tbe peace." H Htdsebos, I-ewrsburgh, Iowa. "Ssase years ago, after a severe attack ot brain fever, sty hair all eaase ear. t rated preparation for restoring it a ray ph Meiaztt ordered, but failed to produce a growth of nan-. I then tried, soreeaatrety several article teconirtMBttad brtfrtntsts. and all alike feu short of 1 iMiklai II netsred result- The but remedy I applied was Ayefs Hair Vigor, waseh brocght growth of ban- m a few weeks. I think 1 used eight bottles in two rears; store than wa necessary aa a restorative, but 1 llkl n as a dressing, and have continued to rate at for that purpose. I benere Ayefs Hair Vigor possesses virtues far above those of any tnmlar preparation now on the market.'' -Vincent Jones, ttKbasoud, lad. Ayer's Hair Vigor rXEPABas BT t. 1 C. AYEfi k Cd, Letif, Mm. Ma) by DlrrttJ ptrfaatsrnv Julius Gradwoiil's Bazaar The very latent 'news la that you can buy at JUL f US GR ADWORL'S BAZAAR, for net cash, goods as follows: Arbuckle's Coffee, Per Pound 25c lbs. Granulated Sugar 51-00 lbs Magnolia Sugar White 1 .00 No. 1 Kerosene, per single gallon .25 Cans refilled, 5 gallons - 1-00 S Gallons Good Pickles 90 SO lbs. No. Savon Soap 90 1 Gallon No 1 Syrup 40 I wil. eroda- a artriet csah (Lore, sns-ta! gof3 w;.: b ao!4 fj- net eatb frvn la IS par -tnt Seat ttas rtga ar strteav fCs tavtck of Cbitaawa.-e. finer sood, sne all tbe ct,jh-ah vies of dishes, aa well a a tsara -rtma. or t rocieiwe. eroci. s r. htm in sod ftxuare H 3aoaptete. 1 'ittke t r?i t!:t t S i, t -. a..ltw a CARPET DEPARTMENT. WKLLKlSrsEDWiTB THE CHOICEMT CARPETS MATTINGS Oil DRAPERIES OF THIS SEASON'S!NOVELTIES AND PRICES ONEQDALED IN MS lAffiET. Samuel E. Young for Infants v-.-.s: - saliso weii adariud tocMidrenthat -n vusoead it aw statrior to any prtsseriptaon rfflta Sa'afy H. A.. Aacrmt. H. D , 111 So. :: . Brooktra, H Th use of 'Cantoris is r un!vral auo U ct it to treil kaowu ttaat it seams tfd : survrro-vl sm to rndorse i u t-r ajseSBn relllgaBt .amils who uo not keep OaaSorBt vithir ttry rtasoh " Casus aUtrvvx. IX Y . Xw York City, itv i?astr a. jomtr- tale Uefaruiol (.thurch. Ttra CsKTAt - -PATR0NIZE HDM THE FARMERS & MUMTS INSURANCE CI) Albatsy, W r KKAD, Prealdeet. J Xi COWAN, Treasurer. LOowan, Geo F Simpson, (V F Read, O B Mouteith.M Sternberg, J W ntuuoa J K Wealhertord, R 8 Strah vn. J O Wiitstntn. ; tut DlSTBICT aokits rest Several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companies ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor, WHOLESALE AID RETAIL Only White Labor Employed, TWO MEN AND OS K BOY FOUND DEAD! Vhile trying to Crowd then WAY IK TO 0EY0E & FR0M&H BROS' store, where tbey siwnt t hare on hand Itu largest Stock of Portland, of the 11 est improved Rifle and Shot ins; trr.mente ;ock of Fishing scklt of every inscription 1 Tents, Man. oc Can-.,-! Cha rs 2nJ thousand tf oti. ing too numerous to mention 1 jpnir Siiop a connect n with the Store, and one ot tm best wo men In the State tc do aay nd ail kind, of war Come o:ie Come how good "Small ' W It oat juMo. N'o rotable to 'refit and tuick FORTMiLLER & IRVIfft 3-. - i. fniFJT0k-.- i d. jo vfcrleo::.--! y -FIINERAI. netH! Kolte'ru'n Alatstay, rrB. ALBANY OR. ifHIToSiH & HULBERi M nes! Estate Agett rarme and Baor He f or le A law city Troi-orr; in. Zltmr and Core .!! Tnsgnstwssat cpr.f Aalis ..:rattr M. CLOTHS, , CURTAINS! UNOLEUMS and Children. Cattorla estsea CoGc OaaStpntfcqt, S -:r Sstosuru-h. Wrlksl i-r.A -IsiiUs WojTua, Ettn. ssasp, and irowtSB c. .liKHir, H For smerat years I have rewnmeadsd yerr Ctort. aad hai i-ays coatanaear d so a it aas mvaxsauiv proox ad Sbwix r. FaKSBS. K. "tao Wuttlaot ISStb Street and ith At, KewTerkCitt a Coaea.w, HBaaa.r Sr&aurr. Vstr osx IHSTITUT10XS. Orejtrasu J O WR1TSMAS. Seeretary Oeo F 8IM1-SON. Vice President.