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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1891)
JL. VOL XXV I. I Blrrr.l lbe rtt ffln Ht AUmay. Or , at aercnd-s Immm Mull Mailer. ALII A NY, OltlJGON, FUIDA Y, ) ULY JU, 181)1; TiTM A MTTIY;, rbtl.krn and Prirl6Mj T B 0 1 -J .stf IV'aXj THE C'Y TRUE hron Wmn f Aiii, Intttuv T.rtj,I tiAn. :1mm t4 nmwa iwtttv ntutH(iM It rain lunr. UHU U PK, HAkTKM i IKON TONIO if mt . 1y . ltvM eir, h-i. thy inpUtim. Krint timit. at oitntrf!t mi ta th KUritv nf th ortniiint. Or. MAR tAirt mM NUl IJJ All I ARTS- Li TTLI LlVftftfMLLS. Ihmm m4 irum Itisuf. I i fwralH two twMit In ptMiMt, f Or. HAJtTtft MSDIGlNt CO., 6tUui It EAST ANPSOUTH. Southern Pacific Routs SHASTA -LINK. Etim TM kn rirtlnd Dallr Wi'l "".I" 7Z" I North aCf t KUal Ar ..14 . a 10 M r Lt Alr.ny I.. S:l A Ar u rrn?lea L ,.i r H AU.r. Imlm .t..p onljt l fullxwla- Matlun n.vtli H.Mohttnj Km) rort ml, Orvvxia city, Wontt. wra. Mam, Alb.ur, Taurwtl, RtiudJ, Halt llxr iabur, J auction Cur, Ir.tojt, Kugau. h mit, mur. I: A I Lr r I Lr 4:4Ura I Ar P.rtUn4 Alltftny H.rbiirf Ar 4 .i0r Lt I I a . mi lucal Mitr crr rirtbuH Ar.oo aaautaoa aaaaca. J Ml IL IBri ai TMaa U ttaAr Albany lbamMl AlUnr Lbaoa) Lt Ar I 01 a a 4:-.Mr a :4Ur PULLMAN BUfFFT SLEEPERS. Tourist SleeDine Cars. rar M (ranatadntia f rad-4'la . aa. allarbralla Kaama Tralaa. t I4. ailala. rMT.4 Ate ceavALLia. Man, Aia I4U1 (Kl.a4 8uauty.) a 1 10 r a I Ar irt:a4 Orrrallia Ar t.l so t a 13 44 ra uraaaa taai iaitt (Kxejpt Sunday . era I a Lr Ar r-wtUad VrMlnnTlll. Ar Lit I : A a ! 1.46 A ThrtHifrh Ticket To all pulut EAST, AND SOUTil. Vol tm. liifxrmaUoi ranlii rate, m-ir. Com t ACtal at Al'ny . 1 . OeilLKK r. . KiXiCRf Vanar.r aat O. . and I. At VAQDINA BAY IIOUTK. Oregon Pacific Railrodd, r c riOCC, KrrlTr O- Cretin EeTelopmanS ro's Steamers, Hhurt .Ina ( Cillfora Ja. rirt-!a llirouirh taaiitor nd Vaiiht HnofroDi Portland and all pclnt a Lbe W'UUmclU Valley to and from an f ranclaro. Cal. BoaU make cloaa connrvtlon at Alban ar:th trains of the Oregon Paplfl XaUroad TlkBHOllKDCLK. wH Baiwlay-) IT.AIbanr I r. a,,LJr Vaquina, 7:'-)a, laraCorrallia l:lp. a. Lmr CorTalll,tO:SSa,B 4rra Taqalna, I:i5 r. a. imn Albaoy, a. a O. C. trnlaa connect at Albany and OcTTalll. The above trafne cosnectat Taonlna with tbe Oregon Development Company' Line of Steamship between Tauina and Wan Francisco. AiLiara datem . ro rMmi. Wnautt. VaJWr, TuaJy. Aac 'h; TBArMtay, Aog J3Ul ; tiluril.y,Au tUul ; UdayJtDS 31 raos at raaaciaon . WUlaaactt. Vall.y, Friday. July Slat; Haoday, An Sib ; Tuaaday, Aug llb( Wdct day, Aug JutS The Coropo vas lbe ngnt to iHsnge sailing dates "tbout notice. . B. PasseDgers from Portland and f nismette Valley points can make close oanectl jn with lbe trains of tbe Yanuina ronteat Albsuy or Corrallia, and If des tined to Kan Francisco should arrange to vrlve at Ysaalna tbe evening before rate r sailing AVraaacaxer aa rra rale alwaya the L.wral fqr Informal n apply to A R Chapman, Prafk-ht and iek Al.ol. Albany, C. C. MSCI k, a. F. ard If Afta . C.nral.i. PltOFBSSlOHAL CAItDS JJEO; E. CIIAWBEKLA1.V, Attorney at La. Will practice tn all court of th tat. SpaeiaJ attanti-m in ran to msttera in probaU aadwe. l:Uon. Offlt'E-In th flinn block. K. WEATRERrOKD, Attorney at Liw. Will prvHl!) In all eourU ot th Mat.. 4meei-Fiia bloek, Albi, Orr .o. -yy b. itiLYEy, AUornoy at La uid 8-)Uctt-r lu Chan-ry. Uona mad on all po'ota. L-nni n.'Ui',-d arabla torma. . Albany, Orcyoa, Oo'lte ua la- rt EO, Wi WRIGHT, . attorneratLaw.and NoUnr Pnbtle.Will praetioa In all uuruolthittia. and in th United Sutea court. forOrnran. Affirm l -Front r .oma oror Itenk ol Orajon, A bany, ('(n. s. a. a. kAct-ts, TlLi( KIH S & li. o. VATaus Attorny at I aw. A Ait biun ntt will roelv prompt StUntlOB. VOIeei Wt tenowi loiukl.-,ioao7, J. JT.' WII1TXEY, Attorney Oregon, at Lt, a-i l Rotary PjJl)lto, Altany JQtt. J. L. II ILL.. Khyalotan and Siriroa, OFFICE Cor.ttr Flrtt an Fwry atrt, Albany, Or-on. jjb. a. IVAT40X SI ASTON, Pbraietan aid Sir.m. OFFICS Opoilt DaaKxstAT odce, Albany, Orooo. th W. II. DAVIS, Phyaldan and Suraan. OfF.CE-Upitilr In tht Strahaa b!ok I May b. foand at bit 0014 day or Bight, . A' ban, Oregon. D It. O. A. WHITNEY, Phytlda and Burrton Oradutt e( B.'Urua M.d kal Ool ga, Now York Olty. DieaM of woman twotalty. 0F1C8 Frnta block, Albany, Oregon ACADEMY ' OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, APNY - - REGOIM ConduoUJ by the SisUi f St, Benedict Tuition in select day school ranges from fStntlO. t ertorois of Boarding School or any AVW W k. V V rrttrcUrs srply at the Aca'iei.nw or ad aias Bister Koperloreae. TORTORJNGJCZEH& Cditor Iowa rioln eal.r Cured of In. tufTV-rrvblo Itohlnjt ana TaJn by the Cutlourn ltotnodlc. No Lees Than Tlx rhysh lans f'on ultWI. Their Combined Winder Followed Without Itenefit. timW tit Tr Aid. Tn Anirutt, 1;, TO troublMl (lit twculiar tkln d to hlil people f my r tutUv, kimwa tiuontf iiir.ll. l !n u -... In Url tmwamm-t , ,f lh tnklM. It mpl.u.T iktn,V.l ovrr tli lr ilrcmiUra until m K-ga wrrv nmrlv in r ."; from lr tht Irouliln sitm.trtl .. liiin, huuklrr biul Uw Mill, k-iu-th of lit. rm., ihtf K- i armt rtitly .w.l,vn UU li.hlni;, hm It huii rwilvn, .Milmuuli U, ! mnlul lvl.- atlWM wna cmikiH, t" lr hn Ht .hr.l, vt th pit.-. lvliv ism. ullrj an.) lit ir.-rljtlm bU.$ Ih. rratlli vf thlr wml.lnrj wllMn l!,n Ul-a, Uh.iicH . Jtrinlly chm kr.1. wwilj rrti Ju h-w ilvt Imi.1 at .vori ilurlng It pm.-wM niy wpltu r-It way atxuit twrntv llv. an mik-iI. nwiHI Ivitaa I In tin. nt 'tTii r, f.ill.iw!. inil ami plain litMtuvtlon ulirn ariih Vw Biaa, an l In four wiv! fumi.l mv.U wrll, akla a.f and .Iiirl lu color, the iuhiii aiij pala wolraly rrllsml. V', R. MK-Vh, lvdtior Iowa I'lalo 1 HmKt, Crcaoo, 14. Cutlcura RcsoJvent Th. nw Tlaxxl and lUklo I'nrlrtrr, md fwalr.l of llunior .-nill.-a. Initially (lu rlvtuiaa lh blood 01 ail linn iriiWt ami k;muia, aad Urn """ iiwwiiw, a-ni 1 ith n, Ih. a ., v rn i in mai. a ct.i l...l.l .. . . ti 1 Ult Pl.10 I'uil. ii'ar 111.' itiQ and aiKl rr.lon lii RAlr I , . ;w! ily cur .vr unior and diwM th atitn, calp, and blond; ltb lo ot hilr. whrlhrr ttrliine, bunilna, ml. WmplT, and blolrhy whrtlirr alni'tl, arrofuknia. ZMmllury, or coiiugloua. lin uhyttclao and all lhr rouxlia (ail. rloI.ITrjbrr.- !!. fTii.m, SOe.; tW, J.V.; U...ivtNT, 1. ftrprcd bylh. 1'ivrrca prtra AMD I'.'UMl roM-.iitairn.n, Hnatoa. mr riud tor "Ho lu t'uii-klB li-Mra." plfJfl.Kf", blnrk, rlir.l aid oily akin 1 I ill cutvd by Cvru'tUA Mkiulatkb tiur. Vy FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. In on mlittite Cntlrurai Atitl-1'aln 1'Uil.r rt'llrw. rnru m.ur, arinttc. bip, kl.litoy, cbv.1. Tb Urai iut-l only pulii kiliinv v . MtKl miiaukir il.i.i.mi1 18191 (frrVajaa Ill YEGE1 jBLE PANACEA HtMHED FROM Yf o aa ar a a a-ai ar V"TMc cunc or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISIMOmOMA DISORDERED STATE otthe STOMACH OH AN INACTIVE LIVER. rOW SALr BY ALL DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS TTftsndcr's- IT Ti 7K -7 TTK A T, M J2!li-lrIS. IT" I K.ST NATIONAL It INK, . C r AtBAUT, ORKO )., Pt.!iiV.. Viet Pr.Mol . l. FI.1XV . , H, B,Y"L'NO :. W. LASULON rBAltSA'TB A oe.VKKALU.iktnituMnea. A:OUKT.H KEPT rjbjar.t la cbi.'. B1QHT BXI.'HA.VOE at.d UI rapbi truulrr, .l.l N. fork, sin IVaiiciac. Cliieago and i'-itlaad rron COXKOTlOKf HADE on latorab!. tenrt. siascriiu i. B. Toes K, VV. Lorawa L B Buaib, L. Kutaa Ka.aiD I. Box. L INN CO NATIONAL at A. Mi, OF ALBA ST, OKKOOS. . CAPITAL TOCK f lOOiOQ. J h COWAS, ...J M. K ALSTON. O A AltC'UlUOLO. raldnt. . . . ....... VlM-Pratldof.t a.aat Caahler. nSCTOW,-J L 0)Wn, J M Itaiaion, Jt a Udd. W 11 UIS, i A CrwM !1 OA Aron I bold. TRAKSAOTS a rrnnrml banldns botinc. DA AW BIO III DIIAIT9 cm ttow York. Sao ail '0 I, j.0rfn. LOAK M04ET on appirwrd ocurlty RECBIVKdcpoaitatahK-ci cbKk. B ANK OF fItEJN. ALRASY, OftSMOM. Capital, t- 9e,oo. Praatdant Vit-Pretidnt.. II FMKimtLL , E 1 I.AN.MNU .... J.T W I: LA I.N CaablT Traneact a n-al banking- bntii-: .,.!.,... and aold on all t'n nrliiclpal elUet in th United State I al on England, I reUnd. Franea and Germany. llctloniniadatail acMtnaie poiii-a on - able teroia. lutareat allovtd .! tiint dopoait. ANK OF WCIO, CIO, OttKOOJf. Prettdotit Vl'' Prualdnnt .. J H Mlaklt ....... J Mt O Mar John dalnct f OBniUli. Caalner...... .... inTnii: R Coll.), 8 Morrta, U Rryant roei a imnir! btiikinr asrl'smdiango buslne... Bight drT. lamed on Allnnj, Portland and hail rranciaco. rRTEAND SAVINGS BANK, o poatLAJto. ojtaasw. Paid an capita! Burplua and profiia... B0,000 InUmt allowed on taring. dopoalU aa followa: On ordinary taring book erciit dot annum, On torin airing bi'.ka .6 per eent per annum for three mnth 4 per eent per annum: .i. AurtiflciaUM of a.UOtttt. For aix month per per annual. For l-rolr month. per eent per auuum. FKANK DMiUM, Pretblont D P. THOMPSON Viee-Pretident. II, C, BTBATTON. Caahlen mm CQLLE&JAT3 IKST1TDTE ALBANY, OREGON. 180O, 1891. rirat Tern Opsned B-pl;uner 101k , t9fl A full corps Of instrnctors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AMD NORMAL . CLASSES.. 't arses ot study arranged to meottb' ef all grades or students. . Sfteial tuatieemend tffered to sfitdenti from abroad. tier, eii'isar n conbit, THE ORECOH HAY PRESS, MAHTJFACTTJRKD BYN.P.8LATK. at Corvalllf, is the test bay prass in asrket. Orders for presses sent to . finrvallia will be promptly fined. ADvnne infrinerlnz on the patent will be prosecuted to the fullest evtent of tbe A e a A it ei It ro f. I j-i" O' rnrra II .i I h b . Iv " '. r an -V , tlU",! liK l.'.,Jrj Ctrl', i ui 1 i i ' i f ! Ui.-njI.-'-.i .-in . -VJ. '. - 3 iff r J a. i w i i.ooal ui:ooiti. SlIOOTINO AT Mll.t. ClTT. OlIO IkV jtiiHlung rhoIIht oft bank nt Mill Cily on July 4 lit 1ms rHB0(l a (rRttlonlo( iron iik. J Ji Hay, Intlirr ui the hoy uhrtl off I hp link, liml tlio Siilllvnn ly, coniiiloralily oldtr, rrrntctl for tho not. 1U witn tried nml iUc)iart;rl, Mr ia lHrrir), editor of the Mill City Ha ri ltf, in ivin n account o( tho'trinl flowd by rtMimrklnir tlmt there ahouM l i 1 nw providing 'for the Heoiuiim of ciHt to tho tU in mirh enwn. Thla nhucrrd Mr liny, mid tiicfliiitf hon U li look hint to tank for it, ciiipliMHixini; liin nrKutiipnt, arconllntc tu th acH'ount thu li;Mm'kAT. lv kiKK-Winii Djrria down. ltorrig went home, hut lhi next tiniu ho went out lie wna arnicil. itay nunin trlt'd to atop liini, hut oil iWri rofuMlnu to ftrcue tlio itinttcr, iHan ahmilintt at him, tiring t ii. IHirria whipped out hi revolver mid responded once. Neither wm hit. OiiiHiilcrnhle foclinit exiHtt over the matter, and it in powtille there will he more of die trouble. 0 ts'io. Some of th chain hbiiii of thta eity and aome of tho near neighbor of Jaaoer Crahtrce nenibliHl in liia hay lield on Monday Inst and ahoeked tip alout W acres of hay for him. Mrl'ral- tree hua tieen quite nick for lomt time. hence the action oi Ida looVe brotliera and neiclibors. A lioree race ha been arranged by Win lire nner of thia city and tome of the lie I linKereot near Waterloo to take place near town on Friday. Amruat 7. tor tMm eide. 1' Coehow. 0110 rf the leadimr vounu lopal light of Albany, made u a leaant call on Toefduy. lied.--At the family residence 4 miles aouthwest of this city, on Sunday, July of cancer of the breast, Mrs Kllen Sertling, wife of Otto Periling. IHdJ. At the residence of lohn Curl in this city, on Monday, Julv 20, of la Krippo end old age, Hubert Moreliead, agea u vear. I'ress. Hon. The Toledo Tost Days the fol lowing pretty compliment to a former Knox llutte man : "Our old friend Rob Chambers, late of I.iun county, who has teen cultivating a farm for nve or six years on the upper Yaquina river, ca.led on Monday, ilob is a Orm toliover lu tho grand future awaiting we tern lien ton, and thinks when the prestnt rail road troubles are settled, our neck o' woods will attract as much attention as almost any other point in the state. We were glad to know that our friend was making good headway la building up a comfortable and cosy home, and although li'e has not been all sunshine and flow ers, yet he took the sunshine and storms in I is pathway without undue grumb ling, thankful that they were no worse, snd U patiently, hopefully and cheer fully working and waiting for the good times that are sure to fullow thrift and diligence. May peace and happiness dacll ia the homo of our friend." Tiiey IIii.n't I'i.ay. The Altanlcsdid u't play bali "a little" at Jefferson. Tho plants of that city wiped theground with them. Albany was not "in it" from the start. According to the report it was a thumby game. Thcro is material in the club for a good amateur nine, but two or three in the club can't play ball any. way. In the Jefferson k-amo Smilev catijtbt and played 1st; Idtrimore, p; Chamberlain. 1st b: O Marshall. 2nd b: Stites, Srd b, until the 4th inning, when he fell in running the buses near 1st. dislocating an ankle so that he will be on crutches for several weeks; Young, 1 1 ; itreckenriiige, c l ; V Marshall, r f. Liliby cauirht for JeOerson ; Thompson. p; Smith. ltb; Jones. Snd b:Siecmond. 3rd b; Miller, s; Miller, If; Roland, c f ; Cook, r f. The score aa ; J.ircrm. t o ox i it Albany 0 1141101 S-17 1'ottTLAND Dl'SINEKS CoLI.EOE. In No- vc rotor of the present year, this institu tion will have rounded out a full ouarter of a century of its existence; a totter scnooi now tlian evtr before, with its graduates engaged ia active life in all ctions ol the northwest. I'rof A I Armstrong, the principal, is one of Ore gon's most successful educators, and a man prominent in business circles ol Portland, who understands fully the work he has hi hand. Ho apparent to everyone are the many advantages of a thorough, practical education, that it is not necessary to dilate upon them here. Read the announcement of the college in our advertising columns, and send for catalogue. Ciikkp.ik Pay John Jenkins sold the crop of cherries from a Royal Ana tree at the cannery for (31, says the Eugene ItKister. The tree is thirty two years old, measures four feet and three inches in circumference, and was set out by his father when it was four years old. An aero of trees like this would bring (4o50. 1 r. Stevens Bold f. worth of Koyal Ann cherries from one tree. Mr liushnell, who lives just across the river, has about Hi'venty five trees, that were planted six years ago, and this year lie marketed about 75 worth. The Way it is Done. Albany has a woolen mill and their goods are shipped to New York and made up and then reshipped to Eugene and other towns In the valley and sold from the different dry goods stores. This seems strange, hut a. merchant In this city informs us that he gets ready made clothing In this way at a dollar a suit less than ho can get it from Pacific coast houses that made up the output of the same mill. Eugene Register. If true it simply shows that labor is much lees in the eat. Blrbounded by a Bkab. The Demo crat is indebted to Mr George Harris for the following bear story. While at Fish lake recently, Mr W F Read was watching his line in a stream there, when, looking up, he saw a black bear on a shelf thirty or forty feet above him. lie didn't linii any more Inst then. The bear alao run. Jloth escaped without injury. Mr Read's Kun was at camp, and of course ho didn't care to shoot his fishpole at the animal. Will Mr Read please tell what Mr Harris did. We are Informed that he was in the vicinity, Fink Wheat. Mr C P Knighten (not L.) has left a sample of wheat at this oflice that surpasses anything we have yet seen. Mr Knighten sowed two acres of brush land, tbe brush having been "slashed." (chopped aown.not srrubbed.) He could plow but about an inch or two deep, xiie samples measure from 5 to 7 feet, have large and well filled heads and would evidently make a lame yield. 8amples of timothy equally line were also left by Mr Knitihten. Parties are invited to call at this cifice and see these samples. Pbotect tub Valley. The Salem Journal says: Rumor hath it that the gentlemen composing the Oreeon rail road commission are at outs, mildly put ting it, over the proposed adjustment of freiirbt rates. The soutltern Oreeon member having got low rates on lumber and cattle, the eastern Oregon member navmg got his wool rates fixed to suit, the member from the Willamette valley was gently snut out irom getting low rates on grain, ana tnereat he very propeny kicks, uignt you are Mr Ulow A Fine Time. According to the Pi Ine vllleNews the miliiiamen had a grand time In their recent encampment at Th Dalles. When the midnight aentlnel was approached by one who kept late hours In the city, he gape out me usual challenge "who comes there c ihen came Lr. answer, "A stranger with a bottle" Then the guard would say, "Advance, stranger witn a Douie, ana pun me cora. y es the boys pad a real splendid time. The Other Kind. Newspapers often boast of big hens eggs. Mr Moses Park er, the well known farmer, has one of the other kind. It Is a genuine hen' egg, is about the !e of a large pea and the shell ,g fu,)y deyeiopedt It f, grcat curio,!ty, I A WoNtixurix Citv. r.ill Jyo lm Wen beaten lu exaggeration ly writer In tho r.rownvillo Times, who $ay; "Falrvlew, necond city in dlxeln'tlis t T ion, is situated 111 utiles fmm nr lum and f miles from SinillilH KI. It Is ex actly midway between tho eipiitor and the norm pole, l alrview whs founded by a trajnp in the year two.w ho has since removeu to n ill I lu inure tropical clininte. Tho city, tfce years nieo, numbered lu, (KH),(HH) lithnhitsiiUi. but at the int ecu sus utimU'red lt(i,siiowliig nti iticreii of about 2t) per cent, lt U the center of thriving comiueree end lias eny access to the Piielllc m-eun by way of the Umg Tom river. Steamers from t'hln.i nml Japan pass through her gates going to and from hmithfleM. U hits two bunks. Theve is strong talk of moving the Ktnt university from Kugeneto l-Vlrview.Hs it is far tho totter location. Tho Iihhl-Im. ary, and never to be realised, railroad is soon to be built throinjli I'nlrview to Monroe, n great colton eltv. "They have comuienveil the tunnel thruugh Ncto mountain. The company asked a bonus ofIO,2i)J. but the cilixens. knowhiiithe grauduur of this enterprise, we nro very glad to say. readily raised tho sum. l''nir i view nits alremlv tlio SUto t ai.ltiil. the pen, and the military pout, and steps are now beimc taken to have It nude military headuunrtcrs. or failinu in Hint, to Imvo Celestials lieaduuartera rauiuvmt bllbcr The river, Ing Tom, Is one of the most magnificent, tx-autuul and sublime riv- ere in the world ; it rine in tho niouu- tains and winds in graceful curves amons craggy mountain scenery, with its snow capped mountains and its sky-piercing pin, variegated ith its alder-swamps and hemlock flats. The leading indus tries are politics, tourist, climate and leisure. lossip and antiouit ies are man ufactured in a quiet way.1' A 8khiou Runaway. Lait Wednes day evening while Ilck Abbey, acrumplrd by hi wife and Mr T Whlti-hcrn and child, wa driving pa.t the Stewart farm snout one mile north ol Lorval U. Ida horae became fihihtcned and ran aae. The Hidden atart threw Mi Abbey out on the bugv. She struck the ground on tier head, icftlvlng a cut on the forehead and. a severe shock. In attrmpihitt to recain the line Dick wa pitched over the dnh ooa'tianu was ei.hcrttampled on or kitk. ed until he brcatr.e hucnaluV. Mr Whltchorn in her fib-lit citrtnttird to ump from the buggy wi'.h ihe child In h-r arm and was badly .1 tinned from the fall but fortunately the child caenped without Injury. Although the Indira received! quite a severe ahock td acre tio.lU frlirttrncd Ihev were not Injured. But Dick did not eel tiff an esy I lie corner of hi right eye wa r-t r errir cm, nu note wa broken snd lie received sn ugly wound Cktendlng Irom 1.1 upper lip over Id. right check. aUo a bad cut thfee Incbea tonn on Id lift leu. Coevalll tJanttte. BkrAt sd A R. It. CcKTtcft. -The ieaon Albans- cets more favorablo pasaeugi-r rales on the S P for hnmorant was hint as stilted tbe other day, siuiply toca'inp it is a raiironn center. 1 tie matter was iroueht before the lt ll eijiniitiiiiitftncr with the following result, n ivcn by the Statesman : "In regard t th al leged discrimination in the matter of milligram rates from Albany to toiiita on tho Southern Pacific company's line. Sir Koeblcr explains that the same was made to enable Immhiraiits coin in a- uo on the west side of the river to continue on south from Ail-any on the cast side, o coming from Portland to Albany to go to any iioini on me wen suic. Albany be ing the connecting station between the two branches of this road, no other town being similiarly ti'uated, tbe ex planation was considered salitdatory." LantNox. Dr J L Hill was in town Tuesday, headed for Scdaville, transit n nanu. jok out for the "dummy." Mr J II Stine. who CKtabhahed the Lebanon Kxprere and other taters in Oregon now publishes the regon Mist, at St Helens, Or. M r Fred Wheeler is In ton this week vising his parents. Fred is running on tne roaa between Spokane and Pendle ton. IV L Foley, accompanied bv his neph ew, Mr L D 1-ord. started for Tallman on last Friday. While enronte his horses became frightened in some wayt throw ing the occupants ,out, spraining Mr Ford's right ankle se verely, and wreck ing the doctor's new buggy. Expres. Fruit ano Veqftaoles. According to report to the railroad cominU.ion the following shipment were made from ihe place nameJ during iSoo: Vegetable tiarrlaburg 48,010, I urncr 75,335, halem J5.7x. "rooks 210,340. Getvsi 53?,393. V.'oodburn 68,500, Hubbard 142,440, Au rora 34.r,oc, Camby 41,575. Tout 1,103.. 993. Ore-n fiuli- llal.e 58,850, Tan gent 31,550, Turner Sale m SvAi Gerval 61,900, Aurora 98,050, Cumby aj,- 750. iotai 050,500 pound, ll.e.hlp. ment of green fruit and vegetable fjrn Southern Oregon point were: Ashland 201,040, Medford 344,500, Central Point 225,600, Grant Pat 58,6i)o, Oakland 30,- 000. Total 1,300,340. No report wan made from Albany. II abhihbubo. Last ' Wednesday tho mar.hal run in a drunk, tho first during the four months we have been here, lt is possible tho heat had somcthimr to do with this case. Miss Ifooe Mulholland was suddenly awakened from her reveries ono day last ween uy a snake tailing onto her lap from the tree under which she wag sit ting. Tho silence was appropriately broken about that time. Miss Julia Couch was marric I to f 1' Ilarpole, of Junction, last Saturday. Though still a yoifng person this is her fifth husband, so wo are informed, and if ceremonies count, she is certainly a much and well married person. May tbe honeymoon be evcrlastliig.-s-Couricr. Money Wanted. The Ladies Aid So ciety are now preparing to begin the work of finishing the hospital and or phan's home, and aro very much in need of money, therefore ask all who sub scribed and have not tuiid to deposit the amount with S E Young. All who have promised us money, and all who are willing to enlarge their BubBcriptioiic, will assist us greatly in this much need ed enterprise by leaving their donations at the same place. Mas. C. C. Kf.u.y, , President. An Erudite Waterloo Max. The question of who wrote Shakespeare plays nas at last oeen settled. An Albany man recently in Waterloo heard the ques tion disposed ot in a manner that should be satisfactory to the entire world. A couple men were dltcuulng the question, one in favor ot bhaketneare, the other In favor ot Jiacon, when it wa decided to lesve It to an old Gentleman titling neat. "My decision," he said, "I that Shakes peare wrote the p.ay while eating Bacon," prohnbly a correct solution ot the knotty proDiem. Real Maple Sugar. Mr W II Young, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., presented the Democrat office today with a fine sample of Ohio maple sugar, recently brouznt irom mat state oy his iauier-m law. It ia the genuine article, and brings up the past in tne mind ol the writer, who when a boy sometimes assisted in gathering the aweet tasting Bap for this most delicious 01 sugars. Linn County Cheese. Mr fame Marks, who 1 running the cheese factory near Lebanon, Is making some of the finest cheese ever eaten in Linn county. M Marks proposes to run the business ex tensively! and grocers generally should give a Linn county cheese factory, well managed, their trade. Mr Marks' is such a one, j'. , ' v Kicked ra the Face. Mr II J? Kelso was hauling a load of lumber from Clark' mill to Albrny, when he stopped at San tiam Orange hall, to water his horses A pail fell at their feet. He reached in after it when one of the horses kicked him twice, first on the Bhoulder and then equare in the face, bruising the latter in a Benoua manner. set I tt riKAoiAi. TllttBMIlAV' ' R 1 Moyerand family went to Ysqulua lUrj'cr C'rtmor Ji homo 4rom a trie to Sodsyllle, " . - K J .'austland, city isnrveyor of k'i 1 . .1.- -.1... -..i ... J . ! njlll -iu if in mi? i:ii ?ii!iy. ; j 1 Pimklu, of Alhday, d it Pole;-Hpthig-i, M(V9 the tiivt'i'H (tiisrd, Nspoleon DavlifT rl."k rtUr actiool Iniul conu.IloiU"ra l In tb- -, J H H liell litis ptiinliiisiA cndeii't! Wcet Siae. fttid .injfi alone, also the School jouioal,' A -I M Mover and I, U Cole, . U".1 bniiy woolen Jnills store in J'o"'jUiL were in the nlf bslny. - ico IT Aoon, ngem oi ma tichl IS. Co., w.-aj lo the city today and pise'-1, tHe it v in iiion arm it taw hi reponie to a UUpatcli from l'iictiic ollks. an emolove of tlia rn ; i (pilrlttg ht( ittendsnce there.-' 1 . iBa pcyiuwir, Kii'iirtrdjijHiK'rr l J W ovt iwy brve filed a claim with the clerk Ini he Treasure ledge, disc jvcred on Jidbu "ij, in the lUue river district, Jr TheUn About Town acknowledge ji' srcn4e Id.t evening. At 11:30 inrr young then tJicourcd tome choice music vocally, hih on the midnight slr.sound cd patdculsmr line. The asme rich tenor vac pre. .-nt that wa wafted from a neigh bor' vaidievtral evening pretiou. The newspaper-' man always g'sdto here mrmbcrvd though It luk'e several day to g?t around to him. According to the Meage, published by llev tic.V Hill. ! the llaptjat church, "Mr JlciS) y Jibett la finding plrnty to do In cluUljot work at Dallaa. ML Kaiher Warner ( k. yvry euajjed In jiaing peo pla'a wok at l'urtlHiid and ha Baked for a letter of dianlion, to unite wltt the Fir.t chuich on the Rat aide. Ml Anna Ingraui 1 b-iiuln, a helping hand at Che bail. Wakhlnuton. Mr Walter Wile leachc a 1U0 In one of the Sunday achoat of Corvadi. Mr Harry Ward l ncrlntendent of a Sunday chool si or near Mill City. Mi.. Mary lliake I now a' her home st lone. Morrow county, and Mk I'd nu le r.dwitr.l at Ciawfordavllle, all mrtnber d the HaptUt chore li here. PdlOAY. Ml. I.aura (ioltrs, of Salem, I hi the dty. J W Strange is now editor of the Plain dealer of Oaksldle, Wash. lion J K vteatherfonl and wile rj- nrned this mitruiiiif from San Jose. Cal ifornia. II (' ('hnmlx-rlain. who is rusticating with his family at Nt was in the city this forenoon. Mr and Mr A B PavMn went to Port. land ltd. noun f r a acveial data, pertt!tj cxU-ltdrd to other point ! In letet. 1 : Im't Deer, the llrat toxetnau of the Linns in the ureal fume id.tved at Al- tonv. and Mixs nrou. were married at oi:i!lis laxt eveninf. Prof J I. Horner is in the city securing a houe in which to ride on assuming control of the public school here. He win mako this city Ids !idpiarters un til then. Red Well., cf Coeval nY. wa In the city today. He 1 confident st hlh a $1 cent will be received for wheal ltd fall. Ii '.' !art In aiT iccula at lcai, and he wculd be wliiing to pccttlal on It st 75 cent. Mrs W lt liaston and three children residing a few miles from Taeo nitt, arrived In Albany last evening on a viit, an I are tbe guests ot Mrs Gaston's lather, I'r Irvine. 0-ar Jfttrahali. Frank Ir nnals. Pat Kenfttill and two or three others went to Scio today to w e the eame of base ball Ik l ecu the clnh of that city and the Jeifersons, to have taken placo this after noon. Mr J II Goldman, of Pan Francisco. was in this titr yesterday, making ar rangements for advertising l'-eeclt's tea, a brand which is guaranteed pure ami which is meeting with a largo sale wherever introduced. Jason Wheeler and C J Stewart re turned Jast evening from Coe, while gone visiting the f-'owout region, a place woith visiting. A Mr Danfortb lias opened a hotel at Coe, so that people going to that part will get good accomo dations. E J O'Conner. who has been surveviiiE an addition to Waterloo, for Weather- ford & Kay, was in tho city today. He will return and complete tho survey. Arrangements are also being made to urvey a route for an extension of tho Ibunou branch to Waterloo. It is to be hoped this will be done. County Judge Davidson and CommSs- sioneis (iriinm and Watson, of Marlon county, arrived in Albany last night and this morning went to Mill city to view the proposed site for a bridge there. It was their intention to do it in conjunc tion with Judufl Blackburn and .'tho Linn commissioners, hut Judge Blnckburn Is at the Sodas ami was not notified until after leaving Albany and the commis sioners knew nothing atout the proposed trip. SATURDAY, 1 O Gross, of Waterloo, was doimt Al bany yesterday. Blackn an' tverinometer this after noon Indies e the 'cinperature t be 80 degree. G I.,.W C Twecdale and Steve Phtllipl left today for the Metoleus for a two weekt outlr g. Hon Charles WJohrifion.formerly Reg ister ot tho U H Land Office at Roseburg, has been appointed Private Secretary to Mayor Mason of Portland. Niitht watch Tones and family left this noon for Peoria, on a visit with relatives. The latter will remain a week, but Mr Jones will return on Thursday. The daughtei of Sheriff Scott went to acksonvllle a dav or two ana with Sheriff Jiirdii'ey and family of that city, who had been at the Sheriff convention In Port land. B M Huston and family, W H Huston and family. Robert Huston and family, and Perry uonn ana lamny weni 10 Waterloo this morning for a couple days attack on the Boda spring of that popular resort, Dr E A McAllister, of Albanv, was In Roseburg Tuesday. He will about Au gust lit, begin a serje of lecture in Coot county ten lecture each In Myrtle Point, Coqutlle City, Bandon, Empire City, and Marshneid. Aniana Kecora. Recently at Halsey at a gathering of the friends of Miss Iva Templeton a purse of J73.10 was raised for her. The money will bo used towards pertecting tier eau catioH bo she can follow the calling of teaching. Suss Templeton has the uni versal good wishes of Linn county people in her future life. Next Tuesday evening a social party will be given at the residence and on the lawn of L. E. Blain.under tho auspices of tne C. E. society ol the y. r. church. Ice cream and cake will be on sale, and Rebftcca will he found at the well with refreshing drinkB of lemonade. Every body will want to be present. A large number went to Yaqulna bay today. Among the Albany people were Mayor Cowan, Mr M and Albert, Sarah, Clara and Jo Sternberg and family, Mrs Max Baumgart and -children, Mrs G L Blackman and daughter, Mr and Mrs S W Crowder, Mr C J Stewat and daughter, Mrs Curl. Miss Curl, Mrs L C Marshall, Miss Pollock, Mr Will Davidson, D B Montelih and daughter, and Master Fred Gastog. A Pleating Sense Of health and strength renewed and of ; ease and comiorc iottows tne ute ot syrup of Fig, as it acts in harmony with nature to effectually cleanse the syxtem wnen costive or bilious. For sale in 50o. and f 1.C0 bottlet by all leading druggists. I VaUIHJ.UTO!. i (From oar nsptlar oorreapondent.) Washington, July 30, 1891 The Blaine, lion and the Ilarrlaon lamb re lo henceforth form a united If not hsppv an J contented family, that l, If the Instruction of Shepherd ilarrlaon are fol towed by hi flock. The Blaine crowd grew so reetlve under the many recent rnnrepretenlation 01 incir wor mental sod phyalcal condition that they became ruplcloii that some ot the Hsnlson crowd rrpnnlb1e for some of them, and a Ifttle Investigation proved that their sus picion were only too well foum'ed. Then titereauat a roar which wa beard both st al.r Harbor an J Cape May Point, and Mr Htftrlton strslgbtwsy sent for Dan Kams- Ml, hi Martha! of the DM r let of Colum bia, and confidential, personal friend, and through him the word was patted to the lUrrUon lamb that there mutt be no more false bleating, and to the matter stands ju.t now, but the Blaine Hons have their btooj stirred up and It need excite naaurprlaa at any lime tl.ould they make inurdcrou onstusght upon the Ilarrlaon rrilnbt and destroy Ihe entire flock. They would gladly do It If Keeper Blaine would but tay the word. Indian Commissioner Morgan, who has ever since he hat been In office made a flght sgslnkt the Roman Catholics engsged In educating the Indians, has now decided Hut no moil contracts ahsll be made with the Bureau of Catholic Mla.lon for con- ucting Indian school. For year all contract for Catholic schools 011 the In lan reservation have bten made wltb tli la bureau of Mlkm, the tosdqusrter of which are In thla city, and this entire severance of relations is regarded a the direct reautt of religious bigotry and prej udice, the possession of which thow that Mr Morgsa Is entirely unfitted for the le- ponttble position he holds. What make the thing seem so very unfair I that con. tract are being mde,a uaual, with other denomination for the conducting of In dUn school. It I not fjr a moment to be tuppoted that Mr Morgan made such an Import ant decision without the content an-l support of Secretary Noble ard Mr Ilarrlaon, who are the proper parties to hold responsible for thla moat remarkable case of rellgiou proscription. Ex-congremn Kerr, of Pennsylvania, lo whom mora- than any other one man It due the credit for Ihe democratic victory In that state la.t tea', wat In town several lav ago contuhlng Ihe official of the N'.uional Aaaoclatlon of democrat!.; clulta. id he brought new that warned the cockle of democratic hesrt. Mr Kerr i no rainbow abater a Id friend very ell know, therefore when he tav he think that Pcnnt) Irani I ow a doubtful late, with the odd decidedly In favor of the democrats it mean something, lie si) that the financial crookednet of the Delamstet and Ihe more recent bank wrccLng in Philadelphia, has scouted the pet pie a they were never a routed before agalntt the method originated by Quay when he was treasurer of the klate.and be tide th!. the new ballot law wilt be worth at lca.t 40,000 vote to the demo cratic party, because It wilt enable it to prevent the republican voting the dead men who have made up a large psrtof their msjorlty for years. Its spite of republican attempts to create hard feelings and antagonisms between the candidates for speaker of the next house, the best feeling exist between the gentlemen. MersCrbpandMcMI!lln are both stopping at the tame hotel, and to tee them together no one could uppo that they were In any sense rivals. Mr Mills Is alto here and all three ot them are con stantly meeting In the mot social man ner. It I nontente pure and simple to tay that any man hat at thlt time a cer tainty of be'.ng elected tpcaker, at more than a majority ot the democrat ot the next house are sUIl unpledged. It I stated positively by republicans that Senator Quay will retire from the chalr manahlp of the republican national com mittee at the ' pietilng of the executive committee wtdeh has been called tor the 29th Inst., In Philadelphia, but that he will continue to be a member of the committee. His retirement will please a great many republicans Representative Craln, of Tcxa, patted through Washington last week on hi way to New York on business. He tald he had nothing to say pollthslly until he got through with his butlnets, but that when he returned lo Washington, which would be soon, he might have some pol -Ideal opinions to express. He has shaved off his mustache and many of his friends did not at first glance recognise him. The ex -Confederate Veteran Associa tion ot Washington will tomorrow attend the unveiling of a monu-nent to Gen Thot (Stonewall) Jackson at Lexington, Va. It Is believed thai something Important In a financial way Is up In admUtratton cir cles, at Mr Harrison telegraphed for Sec retary Foster to come to Cape May Point ust after he had a long conference with Senator Allison, chairman ot the senate committee on appropriations. A letter hat jutt been discovered among ths archives of lbe British museum dated a far back at the year 175), and which givet the Origin of the game ol billiards -now played. The game, it appears, wat invented in 1 560 by a pawnbroker by ths name of William ICew, in London, who was in tbe habit 0 taking down every night the three bails which hung before bis shop, and to push them about stith hit wooden yard measure on his counter Heace the name billitrds, which is a corrup tion ol Bill's yard. . McKinley says he Is in favor of foreign product for taxation but prefers domestic products for consumption. Common peo ple are curious to know how McKinley can tax a foreign product under his bill until lt la imported and placed in aUnlted States customs office. Here It become the property of Americans. Hence he would tax one citlxen for the benefit of another. This Is the spiritual qulntetsence ot McKinleyttm, and it will soon became a stench In the nottrllt of every honest, Jntelllgent voter. Republican state convention of Massa chusetts will meet Sept. 16. ( abot Lodge, ot the notorious Force bill fame, has been selected to preside. Suppose this meant that that bill will be endorsed. From a mere party standpoint lt Is hoped the con vention may do to. Of the 11,000,000 tquare miles 'of Africti only about 4,500,000 remain which have not been claimed by tome European power, and moie than half of this area lies within the desert of Sahara. Dr Rowland, of Salem, has accepted the office of superintendent of the Insane Asylum to cceed Dr Lane. 4 1:1(1 Jul!. The Scio Prtii hat undertaken a big Job. It seek 1 to bring It rtitlera ovr to sn p proval of McKinleyhm; But the task is herculean one. More than half of the rcpub lliant tnd nine out of ten of Ihe democrat! end farms' sllunr.e people in th fork sre opiosd lo tbn. perni-lou tyttem ot protec tionism tbat tet the many for ih benefit of the few, end the Pri ill find Itself traveling veiy rocky mtd in ttttmpiing to convert Ibete people, tn the l ist issue of 'he I'rrs v sriyis t , The way In wttlr.h ihe Mi-Kinley hi. I 11 in juring butine in New Orleaiit is not . espec ially dcprctMiii:, ; Tltt Timet Democrat of lbs; flir sty that the tuear ,danter"of that Ute In jottKfjucnre ot the prospect of a favuraole crop and of the bounty allowed by the McKinley law, sre vtry generally putting in new machinery, The loundtie of ftw Oilcans arc rverrun with order, there 1 mors work called for than the force of labor within retch can perform, ami it it riouli'ftd if they will b aide to fill all tht for machin ery which they have takes. It 1wkt like the country coulu stand to he ruintd in Ihit wy torn time without urging th repeal 61 the "odiout tarift bill" vtry encrgeiicrfliy. But bat the J 'ift reflected upon the fact that there are only about 730 producer of esse sugar in the United Slates and that they will produce thlt year with fair crept 500 million pounds of tugr j? That tbce men are aid the enormous turn of lo million dollsr s s bounty directly out of the fretiury of the Uailed State.? That this 10 million dollars wa snd is the people' moat)? That the people not engaged in tugir making mutt be taxed from yeai to year to pay tbi U.ur.lj? I it any wendci that time are lively among tegar producers? T lii bjun:y of two cent a pounst equal over 50 per cent of the value 0' tbe sugjr. Now toppore the goveinmcn thould give a bounty on wheat of 50 per cent of i!t value. Would net timet be lively in that buiniae?.Wbe.t raisiag would be enor mously prosperous. TiVre i'i;W at ninth tfttutnfvt giving a bounlf lo lie -mhcat frowtr ot to th u4'ar fitJuctv, but the whole tchcine of touotiet it scarcely less than criminal and should meet tbe hearty condem nation of every honest man. GIVES ITSELF AW A V. The Ortgonian, and all protection or gsr.s for that matter, ha a happy faculty of giving luclf away when attempting to palliate tariff burden. It tayt: The adoption of a tariff for a revenue only would put tn end to dlicushicn of the queathxi whether a tariff i a tax. Every tat iff Imps ed upon the pure rev enue principle It a direct lax upon the eon-.umer. .Ia iSe tame article that paper with un uaual candor that the) object of a proticfjvc tariff la lo hnj-ortt. Now to limit Import I tt. Incense the price of home ptoduct. Thla Increase of the pri;e of a home product i paid of coure by the Consumer. It I paid to the manufacturer of the home product. It I a lax pure and Implc. It I true st tta'ed by the Ortgo niiin that a tariff fur revenue only I a lax upon the consumer, but it differ from the tax Imposed for protection In thls.that the former tax Is paid Into the coffer of the general government and there become the property of all Ihe people including him who paid it, and all tht people of the nation recclvi due benefit from It, while the tax levid for protection It paid by the consumer but It It paid to and Inure tu the benefit of the manufacturer. At a matter of fact there it no longer any dlt cuttlon among Informed people whether the pro'ectivc tariff la a tax. It I admit ted by all who have without biat Investi gated the tubject. CHEAP POLITIC lb CAPITAL.. The Sttitftman,, and other i( publican papert are attempting to make tome political capitalout of the fact that when the State Board wat making a se lection of superintendent of the fntane Asylum to tuccced Dr Harry Lane, Sexre tary of Stale, Mc Bride, voted for Dr Lane while the governor voted forPr William son. They tay that if the governor had voted for Lane he would have been retain ed In hit position. Now the truth it this: Secretary of State Mc Bride and Treasurer Metchan had agreed that Dr Lane, a dem ocrat, mutt be bounced and a republican given the place. Thlt U the practice of political partiet in Oregon, and few men there are who oppose tuch practice wheth er democrat or rcpnbllcan. This inform ation we have from more'lhan cne repub lican in Salem. McBrlde knew when he voted for Lane that he would not be re tained. He would not have voted for him If his vote would have retained him. There S but one way to account for hit-voting for Lane, snd that wat to secure the little cheap capital which hit party papers are ttempting to heap up for him. Had Mc Brlde really wanted Lans would have continued to vote for htm, for, with the governor voting for Williamson, and Metchan voting for Rowland, Lane could not have been removed. The truth Is just this: McBrlde's and Metchan'i votes oust ed Lane. The governor did not help oust him unlett he voted for Rowland which he did not, we believe. The Slateuntm' hul labaloo Is a tham. " , A Haaaled Baaae. This body of curt ha hesu likned ta tenement It often h a haunted apartmea the stomach. Soared hv the aldiiok sprite, dyspep!, digest! a flies and refntea to return. v hat can break lee tpeii, wast oan ri the baa laid upon the nhharpy or gan? W answer unhesitatingly, lloitet- ter e Stomauh Bitter, and w are waiaatad In the r.Donro by th recorded tcatimnay of myriad, covering t pericd over a third ol soeDtury. A course 01 tn tiiiier, in any atags of the nersiUnt)y follow d, will terminate In ears positive, pot partial. The Bitters restores tone U tk apigattio vervr, renew and puriS tb iuices eindiwr from the cellular that sot upoa the food diaestlvely, eip.l bil from the stomacb sud to biooa, sta pro motes, a regular habit of body. Mabrit, kidsey complaint, nervousaeet, rheumatism , - . ill. ana neuralgia ive way to ia mcuiumr. CI ITY DRUG KTORK Pfeiffer Block, Albany Stanaid k Cusick, f raoraiKToattX. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, JTsno; and Toilet Articles, fipongea, Brushes. , Perfumery, School Books, and -Artists' Supplies. Physicians prescriptions care fully eomponndetl. - . - CAUGrHTljsi ::JWr&$ ..." ?n , And a Profitable Where he saved a good per cent and was able to place money in the bank for a day of pleasure or necessity. me. W. mm do Ion li! I was! BUY THE "MITCHELL WAGON," in i ilium a, i, 1 1, Acknowledged "Monarch of the Road V carry a full line of Hecks, Bugg! and Carriages; i"o Farm Implements of all kicda. -Call on us he to is purchasing K:e where.. Mitcliril & -lewis Co., WILL & Music - -Xallce ar TT T"J TCTT T laTl f U. IS MIJjJLftLi l JT) 1 Til? II fi aCifk fCelobrated for its brillianey, a jOAUJuli 4X tU. l rlalah and durablUty. "TTr. o C CJaTaVT fThe best medium prioed plann VUora OC OUiN 1 In the market, Palaee stnd EarhnfT Hsnts Proof - Bmail lataltmealft t Specialty. Agent forth New Home, Eldi-idge B. snd ojher Sewlog MachU.t. Supplls for all kinds ol Sew'ng Machines. We guard our - customers inteiests and gnaran eo satltfactioo. tTe alt taurry a Tall axsarttcwat af Matte aad Basle Boole. Cor. Second and Ferry sts., The Mew York o Is the Place to Buy Their Field N . McFarland Block, ABLAN y'. -G. L. BLACH i t a mvr lDriJJllV J JJ1V UUVJlvJ 1 AT,j3jyrST v -- OBEGON DRUGS R1EDICINES STAT lOIIARYiiC ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY, J. Joseph, 'Proprietor Wholesale and Retail. IMhY WHITE LiBOR FJIPLOISI). TRY A Un J3 y j i le and get POKE FOllEH! ; ' v- ;-; . and ' Lt - TTrita for our Nc-w lilnstratl OatfvU; . THE LEFFEL WATER WHEELS i-ij i - f One it wa of Uuyijjg F. READ'S ALBANY, OREGON. Albany, 0??goa LINK, Dealers 3 Uat ef Plaaaa Ths most popular piano among tbe worlds tamoutflsnlaU. Orgitua, Gniturs, Violins sa (Send for catalogue.) Albany, Or. C. Tliyor Shoes cub: AF4Y UEiinan "OTsYouWait," BUT CURES NriTuiNr. fi e??r riDTTrrTCT ivy EKSJriECO. F B.R. Store EiS ! p mm tlmW : 1 , P.. tl .1 fcuH fT H