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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1890)
I J r V. i ) 1 iV 17 (7" r J . It. T7ZATQEEF03D, TTOIINI2Y AT "LA Ye AUAinr, tee W tt BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW Aid SollciUr ia Ifcwiesry, ALBANY, OUCVUV. Collection, promptly made on nil po'nl an. BaCOt latt OB ewaon able terms B, m.X.BLACRBDRlf, OSO. W. WSIflliT, CLACHDURn & WDICHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice la all th. CoorU of th. UU, Prompt attention given to all busi es, enttoated to oar ear. Offioe Odd Fallows Tampla, Albany, Or J. fi. DUNCAN, 1TT0MET AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, jrofflee In Strahau'. Block, No. 1 and 2. ALBANY, OREGON. II. C. WATSON, Attorney at Law, ALBANY, OREGON. flae. la Ike Strahaa Bleek, ), J. WHITNEY, it-iutiej An! Counsellor At Lai tfotaiv Public. ALEA OREGON i. L.I1ILL. Physiciai and Surgeon, Office cor, and Ferry Strata, ALBANY- OREGON DR. C.WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Dsnancrat. DR. C A. WHITNEY, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of Ball. Hospital Medical Allege Now York City. Disease of womaa a specialty. TOffi. reman' Brick, Albany, Or. DR. W II. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. aaVOffin. no etalra In Strahan'a Block. Way be fonnd at bia offlo. aay and night. TJR. 9f, J. PATTO.Y, Blumbarg Block, Albany, Oregon. Female andprivate disease, a spec'.a'ty tonauiiauoa iiee. FOSHAY & MASON, nau!XJ a i Druggists and Booksellers Agwuta for John B. Alden'a publications, arnica w aeii ar puuusner-. price ante ALB AMY. VKEUOl PUIIRWS W. keep nothiog but Ihe . uiiuiitf, famou. barrel churn. There la nothing ao good, and no on. can beat ' na on prlc... Stewart A Sox. VmUIVC IIIPUIMCe W.b.vetbree ssnuiiusu isinwiiiisiw. kinda.andcan It. yon something .hat you will. Ilk. Brine your "better half' around ani see what w. can d. for yon. Stewart A Sox. RftDE HUD PU1IM-A great deal of uwi t. nnu uunin, cheap rone ia beioa aold In this market. W. carry none but pore rnaoilla, and can give yon any z. from H to IJj. All aize ot chain from 8-18 to . tTEWAKT A SOX. Delmonico Restaurant. Opposite Bixmbkbo Block. New Rooms; -:- Seat Service; Good Meals, Promptly Served, Tvoenty-Jive Cents. Oysters -: in -:- till Stylet. Court out Treatment; First elassCooks. Revere House: ALBANY, CHAS. PFEIFFEK . OREGON; PROPRIETOR. Fitted op In fl rat-clam .tyla. Table supplied with th. bMt In tb. market. Nlo. .leaping apartmenta. Sample rooms tor commercial "traveler. fcTVr . rears- I. aad free Ik. If etel."SJ City Drug Store. Stanaid & Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss & Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and cLemicals.fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perfoaiery,school and ar tistDmpplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. ALBANY C3LLEGUTE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OREGON. 18QO, 1891. fir! Term Opesed Bepteasber IOtr, lHf.4 A lull corp. of Instructor, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Courwia ot tudy arranged to moot tb on 1 of all )?rAde of atudenta, k S fecial inducements offered to ttudentt from abroad. . . nr. clrekt h;c.hit ACADEMY -OF Our Lady of Perpetual Help, OREGON t bt. Bemv'vt 6 M sun KPTf0,H(lFEOfl-t CRUSES. SWELLINGS. CUTS, to bniliaUa cohtuilotii wlUni ar. In flmh)tlooi euu ana ouna arvaun w'btot tiirbaiKMa 4 Dturl acllrtu, 111 rough to liia ara vloceetl, eiruulatlua are cloccetl. ciruulatlua imtwdtu, oir"iln la uJ Mini ntia. 'tur l lea at r!Bt lu.lf anil p!6 ln ind wUiii( nw'J a ktotlv o ua and wountli h41t un.inA Brultn an In, ladutwa. but lo euq anroae wouia our a Uquia roof lnioa lftn wouud. io toon at itaturt) brlBrt acoBsOillili the Injured Umum and rMtatrea. l'rd aovin!lii to dtioUuna, it hrlpi fikAira and phit rROMPTLi AD rERMOEXTLT. Mr. Leula Bu.h. 4 Trraton Klroct DotrolL Vilia., r! "l'Uchlni ball I ipralnad a.4 brulHKl bit arm; two auulioatloua ot tit Jacob. brulMxl mjr arm two a)lUoaUoua ot tit Oil eurM ml Mr. GuiiaT Kanwatd. Jr. (TtTTalcV Tr mm. anoMDurf, ia . wriiee. Antuii Si istwi "I frat baJI JI- cut Ilb 4 .eTiJipjJi.lf butUeBt Jaoal OU o urtxi pit i : cs. AT PkVOUHT AM. iXAlBML IMt CHARLII A. VOCELtl COttltlmtra. MA THE VAQUINA ROUTE aon Development Coiciny'a Stoaio' ahlp Line. 225 t.HLES SHORTER. 20 HOURS LESS TIFiJE orn by any other rt J to. FlrM-clasa through. paaaoiiKer nJ rel(tht line from Portland od all poluta n th. Wlllainott. Valley to an.l from San rranoiaoo, tai. Rnala make pIimm Annnnctlon at Alb.n ith Ualna of tb.OrKon facttlo lUllroad T. K, HUtti. BrrrUrr- TIME 8CUKKLLK. (ovt SumUyt.) ny Hit r. a. Vuiunik, 7 :i ), Lmit Curvallt,1U.&& A, a Arnr AltMiiijr, 11:13 a, Lwvl CurralH I 3 r, a . Arrt.' Yu)Ulna, 1:36 r. a. O. A C. train, connect at Albany and Corral 1 la. The above train, connoetat Yaaulna with tb. Oroiron Development Company 'a Line of Stoainahlp. betw.en Vatuma and San Franciaoo, SAILIKO OAT EM . rana T4t'i4. W tlUnnU Valley. IKt lit ; No Bib ; tOlh; SOtb; rnxiKg WUIumU V-Jlejr Oct JTth ; Nor Mh. 1Mb ; t-Mh. Th. Compinv rvavtve. tb. right to ihane. aalllnR date, vtthout notlc. V. B. 1'anHermera from Portland nd JTUlanioU. Valley point, can tuak. rloae onnection with the tralua of lb. Yaoulua rout, at Albany or Corral 11. and II dea Unad to Han Franoiaoo ahould arrange to niv. at Yaqulna th. evening before ('ate f aauing. Brr .ad r.rlaat Bait alwajt Until Korbjucmallcn ljr to A R Chapaun, Kralght and Af.oi, Aiuany, c. f. M !!.. O. r. arl P Ajfin . C'orvalJa. Rooms to Rent. Two furnished rooms near the college. Inquire at this ouicc . Entered at the Pout Offlo. at Ail-any, Or egon, a. aecond c'ana mall nutter. EAST AND-SOUTH, -IA- S out hern Pacific Route SHASTA IYINE. Exprvai Tiaint K-v Portland Pally. u-.h I I North 6:Uur. a. I Lv ta t m I Lv 7:a a I Ar rrtim Allwnr 8q I'ranrlKO Ar I U 34 a . Lv I B 14 a a Lv I ti.oo r a A bur. tain tp onlv at Inllowiiif tuition north ot koaburx- rort'and, Ortv-.n l ily. Wood- burn. Utm, Albany, T.ngent, KhM, HalMj. liar riaborg, Junctiun City, Irlng, Kufrnc. Boasscsa .ail. sailt. ?) I Lv H-.nUod Ar IMII U:tJrLv Albany Lv 11:00 a :3r. I Ar H-Ktbunr Lv I salts ALSAXT IOCAH DAIIT (Ul.rT STJDAT) J:i P I L Portland Ar 9 0 a a 00 r a I At Albany LvS:00 a a saAoa saAca, tMt Lv Albany AT 0:56 A a tt&tu Ar Labanoa Lv 8:40 a. 7:30 a. Lv Albany Ar 4:26r. l it a a Ar Labanon Lv S:0 r a PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, rar leeaasaaadalia. af iwraa.-riaa. rasac. .era. allaebed ta Eiprcaa Trala. tl Ride B-lvlata.. BET vT EES ftlHTLAS kt COBTALLII, Mail .lata saiii (ExcaiitBuooay,) :aoaa I Lr Ar P.irtlan.l Corrallia Arl Lv UU f B It u ra 12:10 r a iiriutnui BAU.T (Euipt Sunday. Spiral Lv Ar Portland VcMlr.ti.illa Ar Lv :0 a a 6.46 a B 7i2ir ThrouKli TicUetw To all point EAST AMD SOUTH. tni tail information regarding rat., raf t, all 00 Company Agent at AlSany. H. KOEULEB E t. ROGERS Mabagsr ita'l 0. V. and P. Af RedCrownMills SOM, LAXNING & CO., LUOPR'S. raw frocks. rLora bumrior roa, rAvn.iu AMD BAKERS CSB. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. Posi CATARRH rheumatism, Neuralgia, Corns HEADACHE, And ALL PAIN. ' Tb. California fasltlvt snd Tsgatlv ELECTRIC COUGH CURE CUD9 COLDS, CROUP. COHSUMPTIOH. i-imysIlDrcfjjUtt. Eath 25o, 50 A tl Oraaalngar & Co , Prop'. Las Ant;laa, Oak AN 3 STEEL, r, Rt6wrt A tox avo a very lartre (lock of bint, t'ap, n?mnon and Nr-ri wy iron; also michlne, tool, pick and plor.eel. 'A ... . ..if. : THE IVORLD'O' Has noennr.' l!ebts 00 1 pe deciv(.-d. bo slJ'MT'in h.itKnn f liiich rIkki. iakenoo"-"-. iiverr pair vrarranti-d. Bi vlir.fl and equal tunny Kit slio iutheirurkt jvrmo tj . U. FEEPLEG fi CO.. OMtCAGo. 13 3E3 SZ'CHCTSiTGk- Sole Agent' Uoburg Lumber. , I sell th. belt lumber in the ceunty; also dar post, shingle, laths door and win, eto., Prioc from $5o-'22 ' Yard at Lowsnn, on; the me before paruh " FOHMIA BMMm km 1 - Jin r r VIZ, Zs- .v 08T nsBfl oa sue I fir f tvlfl. T'l!: !Vn7 Wm. VuUfaM,. n Aiicr!R.i fir tlio iii.khv. nn not She ScmDwat. KKsTONsiiiiLirY or r.Mri.ovr.its. A recent decision ot the Supreme Court ot Peunnylvania U ot more .thun pnlng Intercut to monufaUurera, whuae employe nuiat ncceiiiiRi'lly handle nnd work about machinery. In the cnae which ocnmiloncd the decision an employe ot the Hradfv.rd rAllitMd company entered lull la the Mr Ken coounly court to recover damage for Injtirle received while at w.rk. The accident from which he kuffered he attrib uted to the tuo ot hronJ K(iiii;e car bodle oil narrow-gauge truck. On the ground thnt the nio.t improved tool khould be furnUhcd by emp!oycri,the McKean coun ty court tound for the plaintiff. The cne W taken to the higher tribunal, when Jutdlcc Mltclml revemed the ilocl.lon of the lower court. In thl dccUlon it I held thnt an employer U not bound to ue the newest and bet appliance, lie perform hi duty when he furnUhc tlio.e of an or dinary character and rcaontible nnlcty Autoiuie lAiciy t unattainable, ana cm- pioyeit are not inturvr. Employer are table for contequencc, not ot danger, but of negligence, and the Impending tet ot negligence In method, machinery and ap pliance l.i the ordinary uage of the bul ne. No man I held by law t J a higher degree of skill than the fair average of hi profcu.lon or trade, and the tlandird ot due care I the conduct of the average prudent man. The court held that the ten of nrg Itgence In employer U Ihe itme, and how ever lrongly they may te convinced that there I a better or le dangcrou way. no jury can be permitted to ay that the uua1 and ordinary way commonly adopted by thote In the tame bu.Ini.s I a negligent way, for which liability thall be Impoocd It cannot be denied that the dccUlon given Uttrictly In accordance with common enc. Employer are often called upon to pay damage for Injuries resulting from the crc1etnc of employe, it the law were constructed to mean that all rconn bllity I with the employer,numberlc un juit verdict would be rendered in tuch catc. Each icwlgn of the legislature pro duce new law, laying additional rcspoo Ibllily on the employer for thr? safety of workmen, therefore, ths latter thould be made to take every possible precaution danger. HINTS TO IUH NKkKM'tlLS. Tenderloins broil lictter if fmt brushed over with olive oil. Scalding water should never te poured into diahes which have held milk unt 1 it has been removed by cold water To prevent pans from rusting, rub frcahlsrd on them, and set in a hot oven until thorough ly heated. Soak clothes that fade over night in water i. which has been diasolved one ounce of sugar of IcaJli a panful of rainwater. To keep lemons, put in a gUas can at d cov er with cold water, dunging the water cveiy week. Leo rrulreucs are itainrd, take starch wet into a paste with cold watci. Spread this on the stains, fust pulling the mat ret in the sun. In an hour or two rub thisoflT, aad if nut clean repeal the prorcets. If soot be dropped upon the earpe', throw on it an equal quantity of salt and sweep all up together. There will be scarcely a trace of soot left. Experiment by means of photographic plates in the Meditcranlan Sea show that in the middle of a sunny dar In summer the ray of the un do nut penetrate the water of that sea a depth of tnoie than 150 fathoms. In September the distance penetrated I much rcduccd.the imprca.lon on the plates at the above depth uot being greater than that made by starlight. One of the point especially noted by military observer during the recent man oeuvre abioad. where mokeie powder was used, was that In a clear atmosphere, unobserved by .hc smoke lot battle, all bright accoutrements were teen at a great distance, thu betraying the position of the varluus bodies of troops. Postmaster General Wanamakcr evi dently appreciate the manner In which newspaper publisher are frequently beaten out of money by small-soulcd subscribers. He recently made the important decision that postmaster who fall to notify pub lisher when (ubscribcr move away or fall to take them from the oflice, shall be responsible for the subscrltlon. When Sir John Heischell wa defending the science of astronomy in view of a mis take of nearly 4.000,000 ot mile in eall ataiing the dUtance of the sun, the cor rection wa shown to apply to an error of observation so small as to be equivalent to the apparent breadth of a human hair a a distanced! lit, feet. The tired sensation of the optic nerve ex perienced by those using the electric light la said to be due to the fact that luminous wave are of great Intensitr, and not to preponderance of violet chemical rays. "Oil for a hxlelu some vat wilderness, lhu will muse the author of the Force bill when he shail take his seat witn the mall coterie of republican member sur rounded by 230 stalwart democrat Waterloo was a tame word until Tus day. vCopyrlfht, 18891 TA1K IS CHEAP, and the pres. teems with advertisement, ot aarsapnrUlM, and other liver, blood and lung; rcmediea, but there is on medicine, and only one, the claim for which, as a cure (or all lingering- disease, arising; from Torpid Liver pr IllliousneM. or from impure blood, are backed up by a positive guarantee! If it don't do Just as represented in every com. the money paid for It Is promptly refunded. This peculiar modiclne sell beyond all other throughout the civilized world. And why should it not? "Talk is cheap," but when it's backed up by a positive sruaraun tee, by a house of lona- established ramitu. i.i,w, iw uuuuniy, lmeCTiiy ana sound unan- On uuu auwaino;. men worcu mean otwtncst And that' Just what the World's Dispensary lied. leal Association, of Buffalo, N. Y., mean In a-uaranteeing their Dr. Fleroe'g Go Won Mod lonl liisoovery.- Dr. Pierce 'a Oolden Medical Discovery check the frightful Inroads of Scrofula and. tf taken in time, arrest the march of Con- uuiuuua 01 me A.unar. wnirni la i.nn scrofula, purifies and eniiohes the unor- biood. tnerebjr curing all Hkln and Soalp Diseases, V leers, ses, ali. meuia. S5Q0 OFFERED for an lneurnble cnae of t?a - ... in. a."CKU. 1 1 . f J Catarrh . fy-mc ' Uy its mild, snotiiin; 1 healing properties, il ' wnnH r ' f .... 1 j-. TiSLEGIUPMO NEWS Tti. X. . Portland, Nov. 7. Th OregunUn linn will begin to change their Kant (Id. narrow gange road Monday morning, A train of broad gauge cars will come tip hum (.alilornl to morrow, Th work will commence at Wood- burn and go on south at th. rat. of ten mile per Osy, With good luck the gang is expected to be slils to woik faster the tatter part of the week, so tlut the eighty mites from Wood- burn to ( cuurg ran be linmhed ty Saturday night,- The btoad gsuge tmln will meet the nnrtnw gauge one and the freight be trans ferred fiont one to the other, to as rot not lo bclad tithe. When the gauge Is all widened, Ihe old rolling stock will be transferred to the east side snd used there. A Kl.peta.eiil, Ann Aruor, Mich , Nov. 7. Two Japan ete students of the Michigan university have cieated quite a sensation by eloping with two American cms limn here. The Isiis at Kulsutaro l ukuiliim and Reitaro Toktno, loth of noble families and craduutcs of Ihe law department her hist year. Due of the gills was Kim ruuci, ui 1 piiitiiii, who is nun. young, 01 gooii la ml 7 anl haiuisome. The otherlwo man is consideiahly older, and well known In certain circles. There It no traces of the fugl tives A Tew. B.raed Petrhkui' ro, Im).Nuv7. Aterribte con flagratlun occurred at Winalow.Pike county, this state, this morning. The whole town was wiped out ol existence. The houses were all ftsme buildings, and the fire spread with such rspkiity mat all clloits of th. people to ex tinguUh it proved unavailing. Pour hundred people ate left homeless. 1 tow the fire origi natcd has not been ascettsined. but it Is sup poted to have been cauxed bv a detective flue, There will he much sodding among the home less people. A Bel. r Terrar, Fairm AVEN, Wash. Nov. 7. Harry Chand ler, a gambler, shot at John V illiams, a bar tender, ami wounded Mike Collins, the bullet striking him in the leg and inflicting a sliuht wound. This is the foirth shooting slhay wun n mrcc wtexs, ana ine ciiurns are te coming alarmed. Almost a rrign ol tenor Ms in ihe city and it is propsble that the citi tens win organue ana unv tne gambler out of the city. Maved s. Kaat rarlla.4. 5ai rm, Nov. 7. I ant Portland is soon to receive an additiun to hct enterprise in the faculty of the racllie Cider, Vinegar and Fruit I reseiving Company, which te moves flora Salem to that place. Ahead a niovment I on loot to establish a larger frctoty of this kind to fill Ihe place made vacant by this removal Tares., 'a If te. Tacoma Nov 6 For several weeks pst it has been a baily occurance that some one has been held up by footpads. Last night Fisnk nougmon waen ner K and II sued wat accented by to gentlemen. One presenting a revolver at his bead requesting turn to rats, disbands. While Mr Houghton stood thus the second gentleman tnt Ihraugh his clothe ami relieved mm 01 an elegant 93$ gold watch n.l several dollars in change. When they had nmctied incy were very cfluatv. in their ex pressions ol delight af having met liiin. They ahook bands w 11 h biin bade him good night anu said they boned to meet him again under equally favorable circumstances. . A Stawaace Salt. SRATT1.R Nov 6 k S Ilot-kins bronchi suit in the U S court today lor f 5000 csmagos against II t. Ivy against wiScks he prclert some serious charges. Hopkins bad a wagon load of watermelons which be was sellinc at a hop ranch Ut summer when Ivy tticd to stop nun nmi laiung ne got a nu nber ol men lo ar rest the pu acts and his dnvcr snd take them away. I hey were lock el in a filthy house for three hum under a guard. No cause is assi gned lor this outrage ither than to prevent comietition in the meien trade. Hopkins is a Seattle propertpowncr and a prosperous young man 01 good business standing snj lvy is alien and tir this reason the case was in.titut ed in the L S cpuo. A. M Haired, FAR'S Nov 6 In the c lamtier of deputies today during the debate ol forciKn estimates Iklaaae of lite rigi.t renewed his attack on the Am ican convention with Fngtand. He sdvo cated ao alhance wiih Kumi on the ground that the interests ol France were identical w th lliote of Kustia . kibot miniater of foreign af .;.- j 1 1 i.-. . . mm. uciiwcn nisi r ranee was pcaccluliy In tiinr-i anu mreatcncu nooouy. At the same be (lid not ronstal the fact that she was placini tier armies in a pontion in which they would be ready lor ever emergency. With reference to Uruish occupation ol Fgypt ha asked if any one loum augni pnncipsi men si obtain mg an immediate evacuation ol that country, f.ance must wait lor England to fulfill her promises. iBjared by a rait. MtMiiViviLLE Nov 6-J Cobb and J Hewett two carpenters fll from a roof today uiKiancc 01 ja ic. inesisging gava way Lobbt teg and arm were broken and teccived otber inluncs. He will die. Hewett got off with only a fractured ankle, A Blh J.snp. Chicago Nov 6 The hoiseFile Maker to nigti'. at the American ho-se show beat the worlds record lor a high jump clearing 7 feci and l'i inches. Tb. r.rsner freed af lb. VlrUry. WAsiiiNoroN, Nov. 5, Farmer.' Alliance people at the national headquarters organiza tion in this city are figuring out a great victory lor the farmers in the result of yesierdsy's elec tion. r. Kiticnncrate, secretary of Ihe or ganuaiion, talked fieely with a reporter lo- nigut ne Midi ' Al the Smoke elcirs awav It heromra mnr ana more apperent that the farmers organiza- m iiuii.nav asserted themselves. It wa the first Opportunity given to show that misrule has come to an end. The Farmers organizations desire to rebuke Ihe party that defeated the iree coinage of silver and framed a tariff law that imposed a greater burden on the poor ma. u vn wie ncn A Very taaae Beaa... Many causes are given for Ihe defeat of the republican party in the recent election, butooe on which all -ire agreed is the e-atic and bung- "j wniuii 1 ms was a load which the repub- . j.unj us to ocar by virtue ol the fact that the republican administration appointed .ujiciiuienuent anu mat many ol the lead ng (calmtes of the census wat apparently for he btnefit of Ihe republican party. AO clone, ' C1111 ago, Nov. 6: A table made up by th. Associated I'res from figures and estimate received up to I o'clock I hurstlav mnrnin shows the next house ol represent stive will anuz2j aemocratt, 101 republics and farmers Allunce. Tcrntor ai deleatea are not included in this table. It is not thought the official ficures will make Ihese totals. ("rock Ceaaly nets, Salem. Or.. Nov. ?. Tohn FWk w G. Iirown were broucht to the oeniteniUrv ia' day from Crook county. Both were convicted of man slaughter, 1 he former was tent for a term of two years, and the latter for eicht years. Fell It Here, London. Nov. (-M.dame Pain ;. fined to her bed in Leicester. suf)erinr frnm lh eflects of a chill vntracted at a conceit in Lon don Monday. A prominent specialist has been summoned. HeKlnley to Blame, New YORK. Nov. e Franci M. Scott. Ihe defeoted candidate lor mayor cn the fusion ticket, attribute his defeat to the onti-McKin-ley feeling which he said wat stronger in thit city than any part of the country. Syrup of rigs, Produced fro.n the laxative and nutritions juice of California figs, combined with the mortimiiaj vi tuet ot plant known to be tnna. beneficial to the huuiou ayateip, act gently on tb. kidneys, liver atd boweU, tflVctnall tiuaiiiing tbo systeui, diapeliing colds ay tr."-laches, n J ourinu liabuuaJ coustinatin K This Trade Mai k on a stove means it is thn best thr ex pci ! nee and skill can con trlvc, Sold only by famlth & Sender. IOO F. Albany Lodge No hold It regular meeting Wednesday evening of each week. Visiting brother are cordially nvited to attend. : ij JT'rQ frott. Wanted, 20,000 f,uu," pounds ok dri of " In dried npr- " nm.IIi!.'h Ml. FITS. The Prcucnt outlook la e-nnd for a v.rv loclitble aoaiou. Tliu t'l what we need. "FllOW nis Ilia man wlin alriu-k ttlllv McKlntoy," protnliic. to bo the Haying of the day. It cost Sloti tn take an Insane person Htop th. In- Irom Linker City lo Jsnlcm anlty burlne then. I) 0 Irvlniiil. tlin fiiumlnr of tint Aatorla riotiuor, 1. again at It. holm, the paper laving ciiangotl hands num.roUMly lu th. a.t yuar. Mrs McOlntv Ima Iwtrun a suit fit New Orlt'tttis for :J0.(HM) forth, loss ol her liUNbatid. It will be of general Interest 10 snow mat Mcutiity went down at new wricnns. Two Italian women arro.tttd in Astoria Tiiesdny for prddllng without a llcenso, were trlfd In the notice court and fin ed ISO, In tltft-nse of payment they we nt to Jnll. Thst Is a pretty savsge way ot doing things; but no doubt there was provocation. Die suirgestlon toorganUe a new coun ty from the northern part of Crook and name It McKInlcy is made. We think in memory ot the June unpleasantness it should be cftlWtl Porter.Tclpjihone. Another jump Into the Arc would I hi to rail it Itt-rd. llettor call It Cayoti or ttago Drush. A I Fletcher, of Ijtfavette.whllu nlow- Ing last week, turned up a Spaninh silver dollar dated 17K4. It is snptogl to have lKen liat by somooiie traveling along the oiu military roai many years ago. l.inn county farmers turn up money by plow- lug lor wheat and potatoes. There are some things the outslda world will never understand. One is bow an Inch conntitutvs a sqnare in measurement of apace in a newspaper it is puzsung; out not so ptir.xling as how three lines of nonpareil make a square, the rule in Astoria. The aunday Mercury says a neighbor In a certain locality In Ks.t Portland saw a "young lady" deliberately, and without provocation hug, kl.s and caress her wa t'lilnamrm .galntt th. peac. and dignity 01 mat city. 1 nat was snatnciui, and these undue relation with foreign nation should not be encouraged. A McMinnvllh) man has lust been the means of separating a man and wife near Monmouth, ami the Iikmocsmt in giving an account of It get. down to business with the following suggestion good fur this or any community : Any one who will step between man and wile and de stroy the happiness of a household as has been done near this city during the fast wevk deserves a coat ot tar and feathers and have the down repeated until the party either conclude, to emigrate or be come a moral wing. With It cow gone from It street Cor- vslll should become one ol the prettiest cuiet in toe state, it Is well laid out. Seattle recently went two whole days wiinout a burglary or highway robbery oving reported. , lie occurrence was gen erally commented on. The Had Coy was appreciated In WU conaln Tutsday. Cieo W I' demo cratic candidate t )r tiovtrnor.bclng elected oy JO. 000 majority, r.vcrrbody evidently saw the sign-take oe"on theickct barrel, ana toiiowcu ',nc suvice. she Corvalll Thnes, always sarcastic, sats: Llbcrstl's dago band gave a concert in tni city la.i Wednesday night. They sre fine mu.lclsna And ihe was something grand, but the aroma art.lng Irom the stage too emphatically told their nationality. The Mlourl state grand jury has done an admirable piece of work It ha made a sweeping denunciation of the whole grand jury syatem and called for Its aboli tion. J he report declared the strand urv a superfluous adjunct to criminal jurispru dence and aasendd that in moat caacs It hinder and delay the administration ol jukttce, while It afford member, when o Inclined, an opportunity to gratify malice or 10 oiucxn tnc reputation ol reputable men. The Pendleton E O tell the following atory: It is reported that 1) S Hardacrc. foreman lor 11 lioettcher, had a queer ex perlence with a band of boo lamb which ne was driving along Tuta-Wlllow about 11 o'clock Sunday night. The moon wa shining brightly, and II may have been It soft radiance which caued the lambs to ke ineir hesd for joy. A.iy way they caught sight of a band ot cay use and tarted after them, running ? rapidly that mr uaruacre couiu uo nothing to prevent a uampcue. Alter vainly endeavoring to collect the band unaided, he went to the of J M Hemphill, whom he aroused at three In the morning. The two walked until i n. m. iie next lav. The lamb were found In seven bunches, the last bunch betas' discovered In the mountains, many miles from the olace where tiiry started on a mad chose fur the cay use. Ten head could not be found. An Astoria man on golner Into the country took oloi.g a bottle of whiskey to provide against snake bites. While there he stopped at a friend's house. The Aato. rlan tells the rest: 'Suppose we have a little drink," said 'he traveler. I have here tome prime old whUky." The woods man wa sgreeaole and the bottle wa produced. -Take another drink," said the Astoria man, as he saw hi friend swallow a good mouthful A gurgl responded a the bottle wa applied to the llna.and then a look of dUappolntment nasaed over the man's face a he handed the bottle back. "Here' to you," said the vialtor, and the bottle went up In the air. It cam-s down mmcdiatcly , and In muttered word came an exclamation that sounded something like, "Tht fellow Alex Megler; he. swiped the whUkv and filled the bottle with water !" A I'amu.s terlnrer Crating te Albany Rev. A. S. Dobbs, D. D., of New York, has been called to California to lecture for the Long Beach Assemblies. He will pass tnrougn uregon on nis way home, and win deliver two 01 hi tamou lectures in the Interest ofthe Young People's Metho dlst Alliance, of thl city, on Monday and a ucauay evenings, ssoy 17m and lath The lecture will be delivered In the W C 1 U Hall. Subject of Tint lecture, "A iiiousana nines on a Camels Back Second, "Thrilling Adventure In Moab." 1 Icket for tale at G L Blackman'. Ad mission, 40 cent tor Doth evening: sc cents for a tingle lecture. JJoort opened 1 7 p. m., lecture at o. I'it-e silk nmbrella's at? M French's lew- elry store. I have just received a Urge invoioe of lac curtaina, isoging in price from one lo nine oilars a pair, sonm ".urtain net, etc. Also line of cnrtaio pole and furniture cover- tg. , Samdkl E Youko Ocouine low. aorghum on draughtjat C E'Hrownells. Dju't fail to onr meu's and bovs' lothing before purchasing elsewhere. We sell the best clothing forf the least money of any neuse in the etty.Q Look and bo con viticid. G W Simpson. Ill Ell HUGHES. On Thursday morning, Nov. 6, 1800, at the home of his son in ioany, fc. 15. Hughes, aged 72 years. Mr. Hughes cauie to Oregon in 1847 and for a great many years has resided at Crawfordsville. Mrs. Hughes survives him in feeble health. Thus another highly respected pioneer is taken from the list of those who built up this coun try. -. : KING. On Thursday morning, Nov. c..J.fj5fftt . thecoma of LutrM-r Klngr- h Kin!, t -I 10 years. COtlNTT tot BT rB0 EEDIRdS. (X. R. K. nisnkbttrn, Jtnlg B. W. CWsr snd Wui. Humbaugh.Oiimmbwkitisrs.) (Malm of . II. FitswAter for aid of W. A. Fltawater, $8 per month, allowed for several years, wasdts-allowod. Kill of Hall A Oduttal, probata record, 22 CO, continued, v l'eiltion of U. 8. Calavan, JI. Hhclton et al tor bridge Across Thomas creek dis allowed. W. 11. ftoiierlson was appointed con stable of Hock creek precinct. Bill City of AlbaAy and Harry Ward, $40, dis-allowcd. 1100 f.ot of lumbar was ordered for an approach to the Jennings bridge. Bonds ot M. Hcott, sheriff, approved. Dill allowed s C 11 Montsgue.ald Kills family. , ,$ U l'Coshow.nld Hall family 15 00 10 00 U W t,ooicy,sld Mr Clark Cos & Flnlcy.ald Henderson farn'y 6 00 10 00 Hamilton urcnaru family...., , 10 00 10 00 0 Meycr.aid Workmelser......... 11 tf f-r-u.fn..l .1.1 VI II S x ladles Aid Society I) Hart, keeping paupers.... ,..., W E Curl, salary Ilr J 1' Wallace, fee cs Insane.... 10 00 .19 00 bj 33 5 5 00 DrW II Davis, fees eslntan. lit (i YV Msaton.fceses Insane. . . . 00 Or J L Hill, fee ex Insane 00 N v I'ayne, feet cs insane o 00 1 J K IS Ulackburn, salary ......... 100 00 N r i'syne, Ices, li.U 40 Alfred Wheeler, lumber o o Jo Stemgrant, bounty scalp 5 00 i W impon, muse pauper 7 50 Wm Surrey, lumber 1328 Maston k lJygcrt, stationary 43 3$ State agt Albert Logan 33 85 II Ulillng, rebate Ices in Anderson esse 3 70 State sgt Wm Me.pclt 13 to lenry Miller, lumber Vi 03 K W Moses, supplies I 10 0 Uuckner, sect road 14 00 Price &: Kobon, vupplle rosdi... 3 o M Washburn, sect roads 11 60 Htate sgt rolk Thomas, lees c 00 J K Berry, wild cat scalp 1 00 w 1; curl, using stove 100 Albany Mrctric iight vo 37 50 Clarence Wiley, panther scalp 5 oc It Malone. wild cat scalp. 1 00 U F Ruaacll.aalary and eipcn.e... 57 8? las Harbl.i, lumber 34 u 1 ox x r iniey.iumocr smi nam. , , , u 00 Ion A bmlth, nails, etc 317$ K Hay ley, acct roads 11 00 A Wlieeler, lumber.... 5$ 95 M Scott, Sheriff 51 44 I-ecdy A anurew.ecrt roads..... 77 $) II W Cooper, fee 5 50 Wm Kumbsugh 10 50 Utter List, Fotlowirg i tb. list of letter remaining In tb. post oflice .1 Albany, Lion county, Oregon, Nov 0, IS'JJ. Person calling for these letter, must give the dateo. which they ware advertised. Pol, MieaKV Coo-loo, Hon II C Catawav. W M I hi on, HI Kml-rre, O II littber. A Henebtoo, 8 M JaooUoo, P 8 Jon, I. K Baaktrtr, K R Cannon, J a (Vnoa, Mr Mary A Uyr, Mia Eva Chricst. C II L lluber, A I llmkU.'ltnrr Jaokaon, M L 3. sea. It K Jooea, Ague. Joliown. MiaaM Kituheo,MrsSsmaiit '. Karjalo.'MalU Usonatd, Jnhn 1-ott, U Ijsge, Henry Mathews, Win Moore, Mr IW1I Power, Mia Jaaai. O Lrai y. Daoisl Oberdorfer, Mrs A N.iye-r, II) roo P rtr, Mark Ito-.herford.Mr. W M Kmltb, Ir J C Smith, II U HteiUrg, tbtiet Tucker, O L Wea'spher.Mta. L West, Dev. Wheistone, A U Wilson, Aaron It Tuoisrsosc, p. M Baggie ..4 Hark. The best make ar. to be fjunJln Al bany at Price & Kobson's, who have just recivct a carload of the finest hacks and bogglrsto be found. Their price, con sidering qualltr, arc remarkably low. It pay to ride In a good bueirv or hack. Keep thl tact In your head and when get- inig one can on rnee X Kobaon, who have Ihe largest variety lo select Irom. Mt'eu ViKv.aAR. In great variety 01 .tyie. at oottout prices. Hamutl Young. Ve4l.g Hbologrjpber Alb.. Uregoa. W bave bought all thenegative mad by I. W Clark and W Uree a wood op to Nov IStb. 1889. lhiphc.Ua cas be bad from bem only of u at reduoed rate. Wa have alao about 1S.U00 negatives mad. by our selvas, from which duplicate can be had at Ilk. rate. W. carry tb. ouly fall ho af views of this state and do enlareed work at lowest rttss fur litst claoa work. We shall U pleased to see yon .1 our Studio in Froman' block, neat door to Masonio Tempi.. rreaaeaeed B.awleaa. Tel Saved. From a Utter written bv Mr Ada E Hurd of Uroton, 8 D. wequotet "Wa. Uken with a bad oo'.d, which settled on ray Longs, oonghs set iu and liually termiuated ia Con- (omption. roar doctor, gav. m. o. sying s oeaia uve out a snort lime, a gav. my self op to my Saviour, determined if I could not atay with my frund on earth, I woold meet my absent one. above. My hntbsnd was aaviaea to get vt King'. New Uiscover- ery tor Lonsamytion, UooKh and Cold, gav. it a trial took in all eivht bottlen baa cured m. and thank Uod I am a well and hearty woman." Trial bottle, fro. at Fo bay AC Mason s drug store, regular sire, 6O0 snd f I. Holiday Books. Ladies, call at Mrs Hymen's and give your order for the Juvenilo Books, for Xmas. The latest Dr. M. It. Ellis, physi.ian aad Albany, Oregon. Calls mad. in 0'iuntrv, urgeon oity ot Eian & Aohison basdl. tn. eetebrated Portland cement walls for eemeterv lota Hies, wall can b. furnished at half th. cost of any otber and are far superior. PAISLEY & FISH, JOS POINTERS FLINN BLOCK ALBANY. Car. fer Spinal weakness. E F Woolston, Yates, Orleans Co, N Y, write: "My wife, five year go, was confined to tier oea with inflammatory rheumatism of the mutoles of th. back. Tb. doctor thought her case hopeless, and doomed her to be a bedridden invalid. The yiolent pain kept her awake almost every night. She lost over thirty pound in weight. To eat ber pain I thought I would put 00 AU ooc k' Porou Platters. I covered her back with tbem. To my great delight she began to s'eep well. The psin very much abated in one week. I then took the plasters off washed ner bnok, and put on freab ones, at the end of the second week she insisted on getting up, and by the third week was en tirely woll and able to attend to hr house hold duties." Dried Fra I am prepared to pay the hlghestmar- ket price, la trade or cash, for choice dried fruit of all kinds. Sam'l E Young. Whereto GktThrm. When wanting xl organ or plana call on G L Blackman hi-e you can selert Irom a first cuts ttOw. . Hoi-mes Bosrass Collkoe, of Portland ftr orill rnnn fianf 1 af T A WaaA . V. n leading penman of the coast, has become a partner in this school and will make it the leading business college. Send for a catalogue. i: ' : When wadting the best grooeries , ia the market at reasonable, pricesjcall cn Powell ft co ask ITOHB AND ABB4VIB. TUCftSOAT. Olmpiawlll remai. th. slate cipltnl of Washington by a big uisjoilty Mr. Canterbury leave to-uiiibt fur South ern California to spend the wintor, sod Mr. Osorge crouch, dear maker lor Julius Joseph, leaves fur Missouri on a vinit to bis old home. Senator J. II, Mitchell received tb. elec tion news In hi room in th. Willamette at Salem They mtiat bav. been very edifying. lie ofclls this an off year. There will be everal'of them. Bill and Frank Tatley, two farmera. have just left Umstiila oonnty, without previous amiounceninnt, leaving creditors behind to whom they owed $ 2,000. It is a rar. thing that . farmer abscond. Mr. Ol Tobison arrived in thi oity a day or two ago fiom his Columbia river rauch, and will attend school at th. Uollege this winter. 01. ha. already attended one or two winter and is making good progress iu th. English language. Tb. carload of Willamette valley winter wheat ordered by Umatilla count v, arrived in Peudlotun to-day. and is ready for distribution. The wheat may l-e found by farmer who ordered at the warthou. of Hamilton St Kourke. K.. O. The wheat was shipped from T.llman, raiDAV. Mrs Peter C.Uliaii, of Corvallls it In the city. Jos. Cook will be iu Poitland next Moo- day. O W Devi, of fll.edd. is in the !oity this afterooon. Prof. Russell returned this noon fiom 1 visit to several of th. schools of the county S. K. You uk .nd O. W. Simpson returned from business trips to Portland thi noon. Sunday. thoSlstof December, has been set for the dedication of the new M IC Church ot thi city. Judge Strehan cam up fr-m Salem laet evening. Hi. general beano r indicated that b. had leard the elec tion new. A Linn oonnty farmer says he h.s 3(-0 bushel, of potatoes, which he will not sell nntil b. get l a bushel,aod be will not wait till alter Mew Year Monday cveulsg tb town cooo.til met and granted Hal. fieckens'o . license to sell apfritou and malt liquor for . period of on. year. Dal la Observer. Mr Ueorg. Anderson Sae sold bis tiah and poultry market, on Ferry Street, vi Mr Hilton Hyde, who will always l-e fuuud 00 nana, lie proposes keeping b.h and pool try on band constantly. Mr Cat B.rkbartaod son returned this noon from Port! sad, where tbey have been visiting, the guests of Mr James Failing, for several weeks. Mr L Samuel returned to Portland to-day 11. reported running serosa several rnies backs. A forthcoming ia.ue of th. Wee1 Shore will hsv. a sheet of Albany illnstr. twos. TbeGsy IItU,r lime, edited lv M Ted Piper.aod Mr lleerman bave last erect ed a $13,000 block. The Time. sat. it will bav. tb. best omcee in th. sUte, A ili iior. bitk. Tins morning Mr VA Chamber wa. trying to catch wild hog near Knox's Butte, when th Animal got the beat of him, grabbing one 01 tits hands, nearly severing tb. tw euutllar lingers. making a serious wound Mr Chambers came to Albany, where Ir a. ton dresaed the wound. Cot-at Ilot'.K Notes. Tha transcriot of the arweMiucnt roll of Linn county was comphrtfd this afternoon and will be sent to Hale in in the tuorning. The will of Mr Preston Muakers.a linn county pioneer, w ho recently died, near Scio, lias been probated. He left an e.- tatc valued at I15.UU0. juage uiarkimrn presided at the ses sion of County Court this week for the urt time la sn-veral montba. Herman Bulow and Heart ilia Kuturie bave bees licensed to marry. With an empty Trtas.ry W K Curl take, it a. easy as a railroad commis sioner. gheriu" Scott will begin tax collecting at uock i.reek on Aionaay, rxov J4tii. Ctitmtv Clerk I'avne now has two deputies, a wm, w ho recently Uxk a course at a Portland banititss coIlege,and w V Powell. It has been remarked that the County Court forgot t. order the electric lights recommended ly the grand jury. It is noticeable that not much attention i paid to the advice of grand juries any- here. KAfCBDAT PqwcII & Co. Have Vksreck thav. you. A It library has been established at Cor- yalll Banker R A Campy, of Hirrisburg, is io tn city tlO.OOO to loan in next (two week. 8 N it Co. Ten brautllul p-'eeea of silvcaare given away at French a Jewelry Store Some choice chicken and pheasant, for Sunday at Mueller and Garrett.. A 2 hiiise enhIae f r sale cheap, ia good eoodilioo. write to J U llugbea. Mr. Henry Ohling, who has been ill for several week i again on theatreet. Portland and Salem are now nnited bv teicpiione, it nouid o. extended to Albany. ... ... ... ... ... Misa Clara Reach, of Corv-Ui. ia visiting io tb city the guest of Mr. Edward Will. Remember th pumpklo ni. social at tha uau iiau 10 it will be . moe .Oatr. II Ijimpman. traveling .sent for Z T Wright, lain the city for a few dava with bia family. Ksv J R Kirknalrick. ot Lebanon and Seattle, snd Mr John Waasoin.of Seattle and Lebanon, bay. been in the city to-day Mr Jultu Qradwohl and wife, who have Doenin ban irsnouoo several month, will return home on Wednesday rf next week. S N Steele & Co.. can get von loana from 1200 to $10,000 for 1, 2, 3, 4. 6, 6 and 7 years on good real estate security . Call early, Thos. Kay woolen mill blankets, flannels men a, youth a and boy' clothing, for sal. by U W Simpson s, ac,eot, Albany, Oregon. last arrived a full line of ladies, chil dren, mou's and boy . loot wear at U W Simpaon a, which will be sold at bottom pnoes. Anyone wanting on of thoae excellent fire kiodler kept by A J Fos can ret the n for ou cent oy caning on mm. 1 buy are a good mn t .. . ii- t - mi . tning. Mrs Dr. Thompson and daughter Edith, who bav been visitiug iu the eitv during the week, returned to their home at Corvalh this noon. Remember the pamokiu me social at the O A R Hall to-morrow night. Admission 25 cent, ladies fieo and pumpkin pies, cake etc for all. J A fine dii play of childrens school shoe on center table at U IS Urowoel: are going rapid lyatletha first cost. Call aud select a pair before tbey are all gone. J W Morgan, who has resided in Albany several years, hss moved on to a farm at Shedd. His daughter,! Iss Lottie Morgan, win remain and attend school in Albany. Menil Fish and Charles !Seara rode to Salem yestorpay on bicycle in livo hours and report the road inune conditiou. Mr. Fih returned alone io a little over an b.ur by ran. R F Ashby. cf the Oregon Pacific Land Co,, of Portland, came uo last evening and tcllj of an increasing real estate business at tn. metropolis Mrs A B Mcllwain and daughter. Mrs W H Raymond, went north thia nn,m.the form er to acop at rortiana, la. latter to join her husband at Tacoma. I Mayor Cowah baa been at Lebanon some time running the tank there on aooount of illness in the family of Mr. C. H. Balaton, who bat charge of the bank there. Wm. Newman and wife of Althouse have (one to Albany iu the hope of getting med ical relief for a once from which the for mer is suffering: Jacksonville Times. U G Haytie, of Albany, haa completed the cement walk in fror.t of Fisher's rew brick b.ildicg. Although it is not as yet so that it can be traversed upon, it has the appear ance of a good piece of work. Loader, : Mr. A. H. Marshall, wife and daughter have returned from a t vo weeks visit w'th their daughter Mrs. D. O. Woodworth, at EUenabnrg. Wash; We understand Mi. Woodworth ha built up a dee drug busineas there. Thb Social Wobld. The attendance at the floeial given by the ladies of the PreabytjfJ'','Tch, at the residence of Hon mbeiiaia last event r;? 1 of th. city. Th. evening wss spent In 1 games, short eighborly visit., and the partaking of a choicely prepared lunch, interspersed during the evening being a select program. Mr Sears and Rev 'rlchard were heard in a duet.enllin.i.a- tlcally cheered Mrs Chamberlain and llev Prkhurd in another, rendered in a oliHraiisg manner; and piano solos were well executed by Mrs Heal and Min Eva Cowan. Those who attended were favor ed by an eveaing ot social enjoyment not soon so do iorgoitcn. Rev 0 B Wbittsoi. ot MoMlnvill. flr.nd Ofliuiat lo.trnotor ot tb. A O V W. made a sail at thi eflioe to-dav. He is nrianizino lodges of the order ia v a. loos parts of the tato. II. will reorganize th. Iodize at Leb anon next Thursday. An effort U being mad to ortrtoise a writing achool in this oity. Frank Cook, ot Albany, I th. instigator of It. Twenty -on. scholai hsvo been secured. Jefferson Ka view. On. r.f th. current report firing .boat I that a 130,000 brewary Utobe built .ear th. west end of Third street; bat this was on th. wing several month ago, aad with different locations Several times. TAWCKr people are having consider able of a spelling craze. Evcrv 1 riu v evening an attack 1 made cn or- U--I.I I 1 . - orthography, and the slaughter I great evening 311 Georgia Heard stood up itineciun a grade, and Svivia Hawiev ..... .. . -.- longest m grade, their kccond success- ve victory. Mis Mcliolls assistant teacher of the school lias been 111 several days, and It Is reponeo mat uipttieria I toe dleae. WRT Armru About twenty-five members of the Knight of Pvtlibt of Al bany and Corvaltl went to Eugene this noon to Install the officers of the new K of P just organized there. Among the num ber were Robert Johnson, George Fish and Thomas Whltcboneof Corvallis.O II irvtne, Ocotge llochaled er. 1. Y. Hall. Prcs Marshall, A W McClaln,AI Ketchum, Henry Ehcrt. Richard Conn. L M Curl and Walter Parker, ol Albany, To-MoKliOW. Itev Tlimnas. nt Vorb. bt.d. will orcach at the ITnivaraalist church, in this city, Sunday morning, at ii a. ni. in. public is .ordiallv invited The Lutherans of Albany and vicinity ill hold service Puadav. Nov the 1 irst PrMbyUsrutn church at 2 o'clock. At the WCTU Hall to-morrow morn ing at II o'clock, Rev 8 K Meminger will preacn on "Admiwnon of women as Del gate, to the General Conference." At 1 :.Wp. w.."Siacliand Action." Sabtth Hchool At 2 :3d p. at. Young Peoples' Al liance at o:w p. ra. Ail wi II be made elcom. to then, nerv ices, and everv m.anbcr of the Method ittt chnrcb ia eene- cially urged to be prevent at th. morning service. The (ios!l a.rvic. of th. YMfiA will be held to-morrow Afternoon at 4 o'clock. Subject. ''Profit and Loss From a hi ble htAndpoint." References. Mark 8, 3V37; 1st Timothy 4-8. Leader, C V lusicK. All men are cordially invited At the Ilaptist church llev O W Hill will preach in the morning on "A Reap ing Cliorch," and in the evening on J usuhcatiou." At the Christian church to-morrow, by 111. pastor, 11 a. tn., subjax-t, "Frui rearing;" 7:30 p. m., "Conv.rsion." Mrangera welcome. ISeata free. OIVR BNJOYS Doth tlie method nnd result, when -Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is jileasAnt s.nvl refretU'uig to the teat, and acta trentlv vet prompt! j on the Kicbeja, hivt-r And liiwcls, cleanses the bvs-t-em effectually, dispeJa colds, liead- st i.ea ana levers cml cures habitnrJ constipation. Svrun of Figs is the onlj rcmwly of iu kind ever pro ddiJ. pleasing to the taste and ao- ceptchle to thn stomach, rromnt in ius ucti'in end trulj beneucial in its t.- cis, iu many excellent qualiues , 1 a 11 V . s a co:;,nifiii 11 to aii. it u ior sale ia 10c and H LotUca by all leading V . . ST 9 snrsgisis. r -vvACTurteo oklv by ths CAUFO.WA FIG SYRUP CO. 4V ntfictsco. CL. Loutznui. nr. ktw rORK, $.t """- ' " -Mi-.';.,jaatr3r"W TlSfl Drtr.fl I WstssIlLP uiij uuau iu umv: Case k. tseoassfBlly tnwsl4 wRk rl fee. kesKh. T.rsee wealth Marry omtw Sltia I. lit, teaalr. tk.t.11 soMsesI a ertl ef all th tac Itla. kin. astara ka. .rater a who. Th.. ceKltlee uM ynrsieai .ina M ia strfact wertla. evAer. ami thl. hi lataMsikl. wasa In. Over .nd lss ar terBla. tkaiekctrBc. I th. ettrttien, eln lnItstle. as. e-yiMSsks. with all jf tctwis aasytai kerrar. OR.HCNLIY'S Eng!( Dandelion Tenlc txeltss It a, kaalthy tl rMetrM R( etirsal. ne.fsaeirta, aa. praesete. the asertl.M t cm lnl(tstlsa an. eenttr nat'n, karys th. apestrta, ten. a. tn. srrtlr tystsa, ta. auk. lf worth Irving. Pouiiiy Wanted. All Kind. Of rxiUltrv. allvn ne un. mg vviu.meiie kicking Company'. JOHN CSOM, -PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. jnd Manufacturer, of UEOICE CONFEliTIONEST. ? tow prepared to ssll at whola always fresh and pure at Portlcnrf U. to dealer.. We alao keen a fol t.r ...... , fints and Tropical hilts. V'.- CIQARS AND TODAC ' LADIES. ATTENTIQM.TeilTvoiT.'hat bave the best shears and scissor in this city, and we can prove It to you at any time, Every pair warranted, and ran be returned If they do uot clve aatiafaotion. This Is no brag or bluster; we mean what ve say. Stkwabt A Sox. h Ft 1 1 1:111 l-K cave one intra o . ' your hors. feed by I aslng a feed outter. oiewart ot box have our kinds for sale. lilnVK and RKVOmRS .-" w. hu - - , o-ot out that u h ve disposed of thlsnsrtof our busin. That's a mistake. We are la it now rin,r than ever. We have a nice line of Marll and Winchester rifles, aud breecbloadina, shot gune ranging in price fro 1. 112 to Alao nil tue late improved revolvers. ; , , , , fcTkVb5Aino KNIYES AND RAZORS,. E ley Dili raise, toe value of cuttiery considerably, but we have a large .took alreadj bought and prices will remain the same a. usual until it is sold out. Come and ses what we have and learn our prices. : - Stkwakt SSox. BELTINSjw Both' rubber and ler r her on h3 a. ... i 8 ftsT.,?'i 52 Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STOKE, AISTltTIlS om-SMtAIS. . i ' II. F. MUIcr, Aid the faTcrr'.te - J. BAUEPs & CO.S PIANOS. Palace and EarhulY MoiiHd l'poofOrgani s sosvis'ro ,m Eldrtdge B. aid Ib Eums HefrlafC Wavehtatr.. Ohoamh - Clxaskd - a.vd - RgPAiaau. ALBANY, OREGON. Fennw-entty rarl wfthuat Catting, Frniag er Bs IsUng. A fTimctif paintees treatrnent a, a tears. tmi va ia every aee. ae eastM ke leas- isainllns;. Tbt trsatsni tat Swtsi. a. el Or BeaeUW , as Sae gr. (test ilieeavery keewa S BMjele. H eiafuHe na C'-tnyi.iT panes me psmaiv vnswaasoamv tr or ln to see isliral. DISEASES OF r.iEill realirs tststrSea .eel eet errMrse to be. lDclu4iac all sbsse SHIM f uarcalues ao. Vsss mini i , vtilaa thay woeM esHa. Sea ssael.aliia a tuu iunly (AxaViM, per is. sae Uy- ears, ks he Mine taae ess ever aaee-a as a.aiane aeiire, ay ixr buxsll s yrm .weso as Teia .as.- nrefav tnt"t'tnraryrpaassssaaaes .sea esse sareaor WImb p-eatble, M Is sivsrs (wt to eul Inr (niassel eeasBlteBea ene n eaasiil uw. if tause wbo caetiiit susalblv sail. shoal. TKe, eteens; tkeit cut leilv. Bietue aeet by saall or astral, i Iret tr-xn (s)ara, te all aru 4 the Jrestac Csast. Adlrrea, Wm. A. Boxell, M. D- 0 8 Isaeaaary. rertiaa.. ev-cesv. Corner rirat and f ta. streets, over rerlla&a Natiwmi Bok. STRICTURE TOlViiSEHD V -ii VILSOII, Ileal Estate $ Loan Bnkeii D-iSjic a eenenl Inmrane baetnees. PsrUe 4erirae; tasursnes -IU io well to see them. AGESTS VOR sVetaa lasaraare ferapaay, Ineervoreted ISIS; tnwr penwtoal. Ixisms r14 ia 70 yesra, fm.wo. a mm, lo.'ao ju.ta. Ssxartfla. las. reaaaaay, of bondoa, Ersjtand, bD.uina is i. iMiai, i 15,000,0001 Tetol are ( paul over t4,0Xi,rJ9. aaaertraa rtre las. rapar rhnadalpbla. umvtiKiiii. iaen saatis, x.itz.qw. Paul, lUlOU.mj. CeKraaWla Fire t HaHae taa. reeaeeay, er? P.wtUd or. Aawta. 200,g7i.e. ChW is ene el OraeoaN Wet eotBBtas, Two Men and On? Roj FOUND DEa4D !! While trying to Crowd their " a V TX.-ey.-v DEY0E a FROaIAH CROS Store, where they alwa t have on hand t the larpest Stock south of Portland, of the latent improved Kines and Shot Gun; an Immense stock of Flshinz Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chairs and thousand of ether thing too numerous to mention. -Repair Shop Cn connection with the Store, and one of Ite best workmen In the SUte lo do .ny md ail kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble to mow goods. "Small profit and "quick aW is out motto. uitV-J-.-7,f ' STEEL PEHS tO Sanrte Pens, different petterrts, ta Si NK-le- I rUtel FTetrh ktox. taut post-paid js receipt cf IO VCMs. FERRY & 0? . Icncn. t:b.m. U. S. Office, I to jreaiaty. Sew Vo.k. n YrXsm. IS-cotne and see os when vou want paint. Us, brushes, coal oil, ubrio.tin oils, Stewart A tlox. oxle greaso, .to. MhhI wandering enrM. wal saj in OMNBdlll.. .11 C' t C-1 "", " " apr-licatlon o Peat C-l V SUUA. lisuua, Sil SdiH Ave. lis Talk! MMUNITION. ETC, We ' carrv nice line f .ho powoer, joanea soeiig, cartridges, cn will sell at reasonable fiarur... Don't V. get u. when you come to lay la " winters supply of ammunition, ta pr vonr ranch from the inroad of that 4 Leckcd emigrant. . Stbwart A SAV Prescript ton Dragglst, vmrria?i UK rsrWBBWaB-e- 5prnJ All kindof prass sortda, pnr. U-.I.HV. Bn(j clean.'ar. sold hy .Stewart t Sox, Prices have changed sires last sia son. Come and see ns. SEWING MACHINES. Stewart A Rovl' are etmnt. fft i he new Wheeler fc VTilscn fo 0, DRIED APFLES.7 Were worth tit Paul on Kept 24. Farmers, go to Stewart A Sox, bay aa pple paring rosc-hine and saveyonr ft r"t h!f:Vf? DoH't; I...! it J hlfMiV. sn Irrsn EMORY -1, m 4 " ': ... 1 1 a 'S. t i ti I OU ' '.to i t lli'.J.