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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1890)
for norj ohlvz A Cf?ITIVP iwiosTwFAtriiro irHPni MrbliliCofMnau jtiavooa pibimtyi fT-fTT WMkuMaaf B4rul Mi4i KffsHi V J AXJ ffrmtttiwiiiin OI4r YunN S-ISMS, Wil tMMHNII? wrr4. S t Vulsr. s-4 -tiK . I iiuilsniimiir rtan.r annr. .Im-I.i.I. MkUK RI-. iMdft 1 wHt Ifcw. w L. HILL, Physiciai and Surgeon, Otnoo onr, and Ferry cUrot, ALBANY OREGON J. K. WEATHERFORD, ATTOUNEY at law T. KKG9X, MONEY TO LOAN. $ kjcmxxj to loan at I per cent Im proved farm or city property. WAILA& Just. DR. JAMES KEYDEM. Graduate of Edinkrg, Scolland, Ita located In Albany. Frt n hi hirjugb. knowledge of hla protesalon a I hia es perlenee of 10 years aa an r.fU r in a Cavalry Kegtment, lia hop to merit the patrouajr of those Intereattd in horatss, cattle, eheep, etc. He would also hlaaolutlon or linamont or aora ahotilder. r becks, broken nes. wound", apraiua, Price, ona doi r nr bottle. .n ceat John Sehrueor'aMvery ata To ill Whom It May Concern. The Cermanla F . Inturance Co of New York, having re naured It entire Business In the Mute of Oregon, said com pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give nctlca of !ta dia-rontinuance of buainc In Ore gon, and ita Intention of withdrawing Ita now with the State Treasurer at :he expiration of the tlx months printed tetice required by law 2kbmanic Fire Invrx Co or N. Y Hugh Schumann, Vira President. DtciYMiS&j! jr. ax7ZkXrxxarc8, rreearlswlest DracgUk A Ana V r .a 71 ' - ; rz3 Irr aa- ml .AKM FOR SALE Two huodrJ A acre ct gool farm laod all in culti vation, with n-.od two atory houac, food trn and othr outhounn. Good water for fa n'lyanil atock. UJ pr and ap ple orchard, aa well a otnr kUda o' f uit. Would inaka two goo.i aniall frm. Niluated f.inr rati Mtutuweal of Albany. Inquire at tbia olBce. Pianos. Thoai r'shlnjr a flrat claaa Inntrumant, the I cat 11 da to aland the climate of tb CoaMt, can I auitd by ratlin at Mn B K HytnaVa. oppoaila tLo Maonto Tern pie. ou Klrtt Street. The lairat vooal and inatrumental rauio kpt for aala.alno tba largest aiwiortuient of atamplng paltrna to select from tbla Hid J 01 'r'rlsao. Lea ona given lo painting and ei&broldsring In her atudio over Linn County Hank. Oira hr your order an J you wilt be please 1. W U BILYEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery. ALBANY. - OREGOV. Collection promptly made on all point Loani negotiated on aaonabl terona City Meat iilarket. 8HULTZ BROS,, Proprietors. K'p a full lln af meat of all kind, In a cool place, completely pro tected; and alwaya freah. a1jm have oonatantiy on' band aalmon ml ottei tlfh. .Red CrownMills SOM. LANMXG & CD., I lOPB'S. aw raocBM ruoa arrtaioR roa rattiuaa AI BAKERS PRS. REST STORAGE FACILITIES. ai, Ji. WHITNEY And Counsellor it Lai JND- .otar I'ublic. ALBA1T OREGON ALBANY1 OR. mmm & hulbert mi. Real Estate Agents Farni and IUncbea for aale. Alao city broperty in Albany and Coryailia. Wiley A . Klmwey, ALBANY, OREGON. ABSTRAOTEE, Only Complete Set ot Abstract buoks and Maps in Linn County. Offlc In the Court Hoime.-TRjs; Choice Residence Blocks, GOOD INESTMENT 0'T DELAY. F'rkk Convevance to Propibty. PAYMENTS -:- EASY. TOWNSEND & WILSON y 1 rftWUWfiri. J mm - a i I X L 3 P1IEURIATISM. For IO Years. rtlot Knob. Mo.. eDtemh t. IMS. T suffered with chruulo rheumatism la aty kaox and ankle fur twenty year and bast ta M orutohM. I wa treated 1111 man bv aareral loetor, , but waa finally n lava had no return but waa finally cum! hy 8t Jacob CHI. Uava had no return of pain In thru tear. IlKNRY I. TKAV&Ka. CfcroaUCaae Year' Ataadla Cured. THE C0dDO"IFICB OF. -?Tl la well niustratea ! rVlliTB;XtC the cur neuralgia. ting pain whlohfollow tho course of ttia nerve irtwioa. Kt. Jacob Oil a It nulla rubblut and applltd ftaquantlr, 1U ur NEURALGIA. 1M Saetatt ft. Bmoklra. K. T . 7aa.3t, 1tS. , I va takaa with nruralata la ala aa4 aSVrMl 6 month. I wa itvan up by 4u oia, tut iu cur4 dj it jcoix dil oom. At Panxitrr add Daaitaa. TKt CHARLKI a. VOQILtR CO.. tUiofa.UA THE YAQU1NA K0UTE. Kou tvoloptnant Company 'a rtwm ahlp Lino. 125 MILES S!.0ttTft. 20 HOURS LESS TIME txxa by any other r jU-. Flr.t-olaa throuuti iMHtin"r Rtid raJcht line from PonUud and all poluta tlia WiUanuU valloy to ni frofn fan f t .v-.elano, Ckl. ThnOreiPiu roiilo aUamlx.nl9 on the .Vil! vihiiih rivnr dlvlxlou wiii lH I'orl n l.S.tti tionud. MondiiTf Waduaat'ay and FrttUT at t a. ni. Arrive at fortrallt Tuaviay, thura lay and it.a ir.Uy at 8:8 p.m. Corvallia, Noith boutic Mooday. WVlnoaUy and Frl lay at 8 a in. ArrWa at ronlanl TuonJay Thuri day and StunUy at 3:0 p. in. On Moo dy, Mv-luedy and Friday, both North o. South b.uuJ wtil bo oTor nltht at Halem, loavlng hera M u a. in. n,,. mk..lniHi ouuniKHton at Albau lth tralnaof theOrt'gon I'anlrto lUllroad, TtMK'lttlULB, (cxca HnwtUya) c iw, 1-oa p. ..L Yquii, S:li.a 1 i:mr. a.iUMv crvHi,tw.a .a Ktri.-t Yaquiius y.SO r. a jAmT Albany, H:li . ( a i. inlm riiiinwt at Albany and X rtaliia. The above ti-.titu coomx-l at YaouIua with ttie On;gm lVvi.upinout Jompany'a Line of tsu-amslili'" botween Va-imoa and Han Fran. lx. rania v rrlkn. April rth aiUMMtw V.H-T. M.y lh. rralUn.Myth. WillunclM Valiry. My 1IA: ranlluB, Utf nh. Vu .A r.4'l Wi' inMK Vilry April Wh. rrklk. ih, Will.mrtl V.1MV, May aih. KsrJl..n, My 14th. WillanwiU Vlly, M.y Hh. Tia C'jinp'-. '.iv the rgot to .haor aailiux J Jt- w.houi notion. S. B. at'iig-.r from Por.Uni and f Ulauiett Va ioy pointa can n.aka elos loanecU n wiili h? irAina oftha auma rouia at Ajbaiv 01 Coival'.m, and II d Uiudto!'Abr'Niirii nhontd arranto Tire at Yaq-Jti:a ih evening twifor 'Ale fsAUlng. mtww.' aal Si! alwaj t r.l or IflotBulW n n ' A K Ch.tirjn,rrfcl. .hl rkrt A(.t. Al'uuir. U C II ti. l. Jr , O. . Av., Oinco IKttl..;. .l Cu.,,f.i.ry ' !s I'nncurK, C'l. C A.G. r. "tF A . OVERLAND TO CIIF3W!A -VIA-s Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MUUNT"siiASTA UOUTE. riM brtwssn Albiy d S. FtsiicUsjo. W buur curoi ttnm 11 m eit Belwcsta rarllaaJ aa4 aa Iraaelwa. I .Narto l.uur. a. 9:18 r a 7.44 A M L L Ar Curtlkiid Aluy 'isml- Ar i tu 44 A a L tj A a i. l .iA) r a uk AJ.rts-o 11:1 axav (K!(l aun.1)). 8; 10 U lur a I L J:4'jr Ac IVrtuictd Albuy Kuvcii Ar :4ira L I 11:31 A Lv 1 9 iXi a a L') lACU. s.IO rail. IMrn Lv t iMlral Ar 7.30 a Lv Allsu.y trwitua Allny Ltuun Albany Lcbun r I A a L I &.I4 a or I w il Lv 1 .4"A a Ar I 4:r a L I 3.10 r a PULLMAJi BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, rlMMMHlalw al WMI - !. raasra (ten, allMkril tm i.are Tral. Taa 8. P. tV try nuke coniwction with ail th router uain on Mi. aid. liviw lfm f-xt l Tet Rlile a-lvUUa. atneey rwitTLAxn ad tuatLLia, Mail tsi aui (Eiitauniy.) 'JBft A a tl:Kf r a Lr Ar furt and Crv Ar Lv I (t: i0 r a I Mr axraTAAi dailt (Eicjp'. Sunday. l:&Ura XiU ra Lv Ar (inland McMinnlll Arl l.w a a IAU a a I.T Tf all poliit BOUTJI .A-JNTjC EAST VIA CALIFORNIA. fnt tuu Information rezar lliiH rU, mar, to. all on (Vtmtianv Aitent at Al svny. KOKIILER P. ROOEKS MsnsKsr Au't U. V. and It. Ar 3. Jttrnii MAY k SENDERS, tsalers in General BcmandisB. HARRISBURC - CRECCX Poultry Wanted. All Linda of poultry, alive or tliuman ran tad at the WliUirintta P inking Com party a H'ra. A lliany, Oropt l.. HENRY 1 M. STANLEY IN DARKEST AFRICA Tb eomplet. tory nf Htantey'i r!nt tbrllllnc alv.nturo. aii,1 tlia disclosure of hi. Important iu-nrit. will nppar for th. first tlm. In th. work writta by hinuwlr, .ntltled "In Darluwt u '. " '' lrtv'l by ny of tha so. avtliMl Htatily bofika" now being- ottered M ' '(.ri ain and ntli,1tio." To no ou. "' tlioM na Bonier oontributod a line. Xh 'rni no quution about this itatemmit balnc nreet I n ve-jr partloular. W. cuaraiitee li, and will ps-'lciiliir, on application. brtUIIUlV t ,t iu. book bear tba tm. pint of - CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS And thst tlm csnruAfing agant oarriei a oartlOoat of atfuuey from as. A. L. BANCROFT & CO.- 132 POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. General Argents for the Pacific Coast W. B. Martin, Sole Agent for Linn Countv, Oregon. 1f r?t. . Ha .... DEJIOflt.Vt'Y IH SAVRTV In thme (Inv of high tnxi', when no many arc tnlng tocentrallxa the govern, merit, It behooves tlmiijfhtdil mcr to con alder lint iliKt niul tint ti'iulenct' of Hie time. ICatreinea are alwaya dan jorou, The free trader tin one Idea nnil one Idea only, lie would have all irtrn think Hint the only object of the government It to lot commerce go unfettered. The M;jh pro tectionist I by nature n centrnllaer of power and he ha hut one M'i and Hint I to protect and build up hi own In tercet ami lie wou'.d htive the world be lieve that Id tiuttiktry tmitd hnve apcclnl enre; that It must be protected if all vine I lout. It I true thnt .e I willing often. time to join hand w th other pin tle who are willing to hc!i him. In order by asso ciation, hy consolidation of Interest, they may Hulld up privileged c'aoie umler the government by legislation. Thee are danueroj cMrcme. The one mnkec no provMon for carrying on the govtin ment and the other connKler only hi own icIlUh end and I willing to Save nil taxed for Ida benefit. There U n golden mean between thec two rxtremea; that golden mean ha been the policy ot the democrat Ic nartv from It foundation, the stmc plrit animate the party to-day. What la wanted I cipial iij;liti for nil and pcclnl privileges !r none We do not claim that It U a wUe policy to atmlUh the tariff and we arc eiiunlly oppoed to that policy which would place a hl;li protective tariff over all Induntry and thu build up baronlat "ctatea and citublNIi privileged clusae at the expense of the nine of the people. The govcmmeid must be main alnrt. It expenir muit be met, and h 0rdcr to carry oil the government money must be rnWcd. it U on established policy to rale the revenue essential to carry on the government by a tariff tan. Nvw no one can doubt that a tariff Is a tax; and no one can doubt that a tariff Is protection whenever it U applied to articles that aic produced In thU country. A 10 fervent, tariff I a to per cent, protection, Li the establishment of a tariff both the light of the consumer and c-f the piodcct r stiould be considered. Neither free tr.tde nor prohibitory and excessive tariff 1 a a(c policy, but give u the good old fashioned democratic principle honestly, fji'ly nod justly applied, and e ahall not hear the "wait and woe" aii-ng from the masse of the people because they are over taxed for the beneii'. of the few. Stand by the old principle, stand hy the old party, and the people will be t.ifc. 1 )cni.craiy .reuns the right of man embodied in ! . -''. I ll E KI.M1 loN IV l lititlk HUM V. We are indebted to John II C'ln pool fi.r tlie ca:. as of the vote In Crook County on the a :itc tkLtt a follow : (ii(re, Mil'er (n 1 1, rinanr. . , 471 Governor. I'eniiotrr. .?4 Th1nnp.on.3jj Sec ot Siate.Tousciul.f'Ji Mc lln.le. . .44? I reasurer, W el b 6j? Mrtrliau . . ,411 Sup. Juilije, Illinium ..." IV-an 4M State Supl., LrUnv . , .- McKIroy. ..l$ Slate !iit., (J'Uiieii . . U $' llaliei .". . . .451 The de.-nocratlc county ticket was ail elected. The dcm tcrit had a ref utation blow nit yver the elttxi. The Linn county d.-inoeracy seitJs urect ing to Uie 'uulcrr.Iicd" bjy In Crook . Organization, plji 's. energy and disinter ested d;voil.)ti, arc the es.entials of victory and the democrat ht Crook sec n-.d t.i have had all these. The democrats of a half d.jzc-ii other counties iu the state might njr lie rejoL'ing In victors' Instead of brooding ovei defeat, hid they supplied themselves with these essertial weapon of political warfare. Let not the hrssnn be I oat Ttiat veneral.Ii woithr, Increase Mathrr, preached a ermou on the great fire of 1771, ascribing It to ttv fact "G-ul' holy day'liad been profaned In New Eng. am!." Even if amusing on one aide, there I nlso something singularity touching and Im pressive In the :rriily devout character of our forefather, and their absolute re'i.iuce on Oivine aid. The first newspaper puh!is!.ed in Amrr. lc. waa railed "The Ii ston Ne as-Li tter," whose Initial number Is dated April 24, 1704. A note In It reads : "lloston : printed by B Grrcn; ao'd by Nicholas Boone at hi aliop fiar Hie old tnecliug houe." That Is aome tiling of a contrast to the universal newsboy crlrr of he atreet to-day. OH. Vi H. DAVIS, Physicim and Surgeon. SVSf-OUIrwi no stair In Strahan'a Hlock. May ba found at hi. o:t.c, ony snd nlnbl. OS.CaVATSO.'ir.lASTOrJ Phyaician and Surgeon. 10lco opposjlin tha f sifv-ra.. f R. W. BtJiVUtlVHH, oy.), w. wKioirr, LACKBUBFj & VVR.C.3T, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in all the Court r.f the State, Prompt Attention given toallbuni oesa euti Dated to our Rare. Offioa 0 Id Keliow Temrilo, Albany, Or FRANCIS PEE I EE ER. PKDf'RIKTOR )K - Albany Works - nd Mani'.'aiiurtira of 3H0I03 mmmmi Va aow prnprnr to Mil at wholi , -Al waya fr'tdi wnd ,iin at Porttt-nd :h in doalar. '.. Ictnp a full s af Mt and rroplcti r'nlta. CIGARS AfJD TOBACCO Besjl a'.ock of 2nd gV ;onda In in Vat Hy, an.l tha inot renr ain prloea, both Vi buying and willing i have on hand xllk'ndeof FUs.MITli.lE, STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, PIJTURES clooxs, ca-iCKcay, ETC., ETC. J j r wait of H K Young's olf" store it Flrat atraoi, Albany, Or, JAUES P. MAD, f Attorney at Law and Title Ennuier, ALBANY- OREGOrC Will practice in all the-courta of the State. Ahslracta of Title furnished on short notice- Ten years experience. SI. c. VATS0rJt ; Attorney Law, ALBANY, OREGON, Offlre la tho Kfrabnu Btnek. 2nd Ete? Store. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS A l.ntirry aiuie. CiiiCAtso.Ill.Jutie 13. "There i no doubt of the lAitiisinnn Lottery Company gelling a ten, will of their clinrter," aald C 8 Until, of New Oi lcnns, to ilny. " i 1 r pasange of the bill nuw pending mean rt tTienreol the nint ter lo a vols of the people and if it oes 10 the pcolc It will he adopted I 11 vote of live to ona. An election 111 the 1 wclfth wnrd of New Urleaim wii held recently and the Issue wa between the lottery itra and the null. The lat ter n ilclcnied hy over four lo one " A lruuirrril Man' Old lloiun. Hi.Ni-.iiAMTON, N V., Juno 13. A acvers thunder utoiin and cloud hurst deluged th viliagea of Lisle mid Whitney' Point and th ucigulioiiiig count 1 y Tlmrs.l.iy nilil, C'oniid entlile live stuck peiislied and iniiiiy aumll btiilg en were swept Awny. I'riiHilnrnl .11 4 lniilleile(l, Texarkana, June 13 Soma of the h-t ciuen of Icxniktttu have been aiirstcd fur complicity in the Spur Switch train ruhheiy and the city i wild wiili excitement, l.aat nilil Jnu S Wtlluiim, one of the oldest citi- j.ciis, vtUn u a ilcectivc of alinud u.ilionitl ra pule, was locked up, chuructl with LciiiLT im plicateil. N.ipoleon Mcll.uiicl, ex poll cinun, and a inu 11 iiumcd Ivi.lcHllc, have hcenuiicit- ed on charge and conduct. A coat liclonging In Williams, found near the fust clue and a lad of Kndctifte'e wn found sullciini; 110111 a gun aiiut wound at illtum limuo. Alralil nf Mar. Pksi ii, June 13, At a meeting of the bud get committee of the Austrian delegation lo day field liitoit I'.iUicr, ininUtcr of war for the whole 111011.1r1.l1y, at'cd the peace of t-.uiopc Wiis not accuie, anil tlicrclore a con- siileiuhle in. t C4"c in the aimy n necesmry The cost of t'..o iucicAse would auiuunl lo ftom 90,00l.,t)00 lo lluiins. AanlMsl Ibv Ratlraad, Saik.m June 1 J. In the c'icuit totirt, in the case of Mih Liuiiia Miller vathe Southcta Pacilic Company, the jury to day 1 etui 11c J veidict awxtding the plaintiif dnniajjea in the sum asked for, vi: , Ssoyo. Tcstuminy wa taken to day in the case gf W A taurine v the same company. The ptnintifl is the ad minisiiator of Omni Cutlme, "lie lircinan who tost his life in the same tcck. 1'he case was Kivcn to the jury this evening. J he jury in the tiutluie case tins evening returned a vcr diet awmding damage in the sum ol JoO, A aw bay t lchl I'l.Mm. June I J. Altuhpienpieoiue, J M',; Then wa a bet lij;!U yesterday among a numlier of cowboy on the Lead ol the Niyratas, Socovi county, resultini: in the death of John and tianct Ivis, oa otic aide, and hted t.ioslet'e On the other. Thi is the second of the iiO!ctte hoys who ha come to a violent death in that tounty. Owing to the isolated point where the atTiay took place, the cannoi Ik; given. There aie two Urlioiis in that coiiniy. and it is thought the killing is the rcstih ol had tkod and too much bad win Ay. A I n Inn f Koad.. Ciiicai:o, June I J. It is practically certain dial alter the next annual n.ecting of the I'nion I'ai ilic It-. a Yan lcthilt will je in con tiol, and that pi cl lent 1 1 ug!ntt, of the North wetcin, win ic presi.ienl ol t:i entire I nin I'acitic Northwestern system. Little by hale rnougn tut Have le.ike.l out tu ilrinonsfatc that Uie eontiart betwrtn the I'nion I'aeilic and Noithwestcrn wa a 1 out rail hy a Van Ic with a andcibilt, and ha been amply a test, whit h has J rovril thxl the two system can lie more economically operated a one. airia. I . Is. re, I'tAVKH, Colo., June U. TwtHc thou an I can enter ij'lil worK to day. In sustain 4 n.a. hine wisj.1 woikcr an I Itni h will nteo who have I ern out a mon h Jeiariding nine hour work with ten hour pay. Ad building operations are su.pci.led at present, llod earlier and linnets aie expected to join the strikers. A fits Mara At ut as, N Y., June 11. Tlse worst rain torm of the casn occurred in this eiiy and vicinity lo-l.iy Kaihoad tratk werr washed uut, cellars flis.icd, foundation daunted and crop rumc I. Ih the inuncdiate virinity of lliii ptiick the dannge will reach .vx,cxi. Islllrst by Hall. Sr Ixu is, June 1 J Al Holla during tl. hail a'orm yi-sler.tay, stone four inchct in cir cumference, killing Jesse Cox, a farmer, who wa literally pounded to death while in the Held aetticg out c&l.hagc plant ItMfcNA, Mon! June I J. The rcjorta ol tlireatcncd Indian tuntiiitic in Lastcrn Mun tana are largely sensational. Aflrr Ike lailiaa. lUl l.SA, June II. TheshcriiTof Dawtoa county telegraj hcd lotiovcmof Toute to day for rillrs mid aniuiunitioii for the settler and cowr oys who arc in danger from the Cheyenne outbreak. The governor sent KioO ritlc and loori rounds of cartridge in c irge of Colonel C I) Curbs, who his gone to the acat of war aceoiiipan;ed by C 1) (irccnlirld, the well known war corrcsiondcnt. A Rla Tree. Frrs-so, June II. Skilled woikmca are now engaged iu getting out the woild'a fair big tree a art tin of a redwood iree, Thi will lielhe largest ft t ion ever removed born Cali fornia. 'I he tice iW located at Mammoth l oresl fifty two mile east of Tulare, at an altitude of 6315 feet above ca !eveh The tree measures ninety nine feet in circumference, making it imriy inrce net in uiameicr. it will reipure nice mi car ior it transportation, as the tola! weight wilt not be U tlmn 65,000 pounds, t Jasl Verdict. San I-'kancisco, June n. An opinion wa filed by llie lupreme court yesterday in the case of Simon lla-ilierg, convicted of obtaining money tinder fahe preten fioin T M Parker, in representing to Prrker an unupecting granger from Oregr.n wiih more money than a knowledge of the ways of t e world, that he wa the owner of certain lot in this city, and relying upon uch representations, Parker paid 9500 for the mythical property. The defendant wax tiicd, convicted and en. fenced to one yeai'a imptiaonment and to pay a fine of $19,000, double the amount secured, or in default, to suffer 19,000 days in jail, A ;rea( Experleare. New Vokk, June II. Baron st rede, the Swedish nohirman who spent thirty years in Siliera, i now in New Yoik on his way home lo Swcden.aficr an absence of thirty two years, tie having been sent into exi'e in 1857. A reeallar arl, Sa.s- An TOMOjune 1 1. The most remark . ab'e duel ever known took place yesterday near Moore station. Two Mexicans, named J01 Corraasso and Namancpa, had a quarrel over trival matter and agreed to fight to (he death -y means of lasso. , both being expert cowboys Each man mounted a horse, and coming with i. a proper distance, begun lassoing at each other. After much sparring Corrasso caught liass around the neck, dragging him from bis horse anil rtinntnrr with him s.11111. rtidan. breaking hi neck. Odiccr are searching for Corraasso. hut he is in hiding. ling A UuuUle Traaedy, Portlanu, June 12, A dounle shooting tragedy, which oc.cuHred near Milwaukie at an early hour yesterday morning, has created a great sensation in uie usually quiet and un eventful life of that community. Daniel Harvey, who has lived for many years wnn ms mntner, rars M.iry intnueil, and step father,Charles Bunnell, shot bis mother through the temple, with a pistol, and then placing the weapon to his own head, pulled the triger and completed the tragedy. The weapon used was a thirty two calibre Smith & Wesson, and both mother and son lived until half past 9 0 clock in the forenoon when Uc'h came to their relief, Mrs liiinncll died j-. t five minut es before her son. For Sale. At Hubbard' Draj 'itore. A No 8 Jewel range; a laige heating stove, two baby carriages, high ehalr, and oilier articles too numerous to mention. - . Scrofulous eruptions, such ptmplet, discoloration of the akin, especially on face, are caufeil by impure blood and will disap pnr rapidly by neiug Pfnnder's Oregcn Blood Purilier, -- ! Wood Wanted, Patrons of the Dem ocrat vyho wish' to pay subscription In wood should haul it In at once. Our sup ply must be laid In before harvest. Hatb, All hats sold for the next thirty lays at Ida M Brush's will be. discounted, to reauce ner targe siock. The atral Raptlal J aaoelatlan af Orrtaa. This body met with the Huptlal. church 1 tills city youlprtlny at 1 o'clock. The Moderator and Clerk, of lust year, hulng alwiit, KuvAJ Httftsaker, of Imlcptm donee, was chosen Moderator, pro teni J and Kev C A Mellroy, of liehanoii. was choneii clerk, pro teni. Uoth tlicso lireth- ren were ailerwnnis elected jteriimneni ly. After an hour spent lit devotional xerelses, the follow lug committees were appointed : On reliitiotts BKerctlses. Hv L J Trtttn- liull And liretlireti C II Hart andJanics Ah'Xitnder. On obituaries. Uevs 0 Uperry, M 8 II en ton, and Joseph Craven. . i lie hours of iiieeitng were uxea atu a tu, 1 :'M) p in, and 7 :.'H) p tu. Kuuh ses sion to he opened with a half hour of do- otionnic-xcrciHes. The letters front the churches were then read, when two new churches were reeeiveri.oue at iunnoii ami one at iioiiy. The Moderator then IntriKltteed to tlie Assof latlon the follow nig new ministers who had arrived among us during the taut year: Kev Carter, at union: itev U Mt Kttlon. t MeMiniivllle: Kev J W Oliver, at Yamhill, and Kev C A Mellroy at lichunon. Adjourned. KVKNINU ri:S8ION. Dnvotl.ninl (.vimdai'S liul liV Ui'V M 1'" S 1 teuton. Sermon ly Kev U Mekilloii Theme. Clirintian Develoiuiient. Tin) liitml of fellowship was then ifivcti to the iiiesHengers from Jtmnoit and Holly chundii's. AdioitriierL Ttte attt'tidanee was nuite full thouuh all the niesrH'iigers had not yet arrived. Tllt'ttHtlAV, Jt'NK I2rn,i) A. M. The devotional exercises were led 1y Kev J W Oliver for half an hour, when the roll was called and the armocliitton resinn ed InisiiicsM. Viaitinu brethren were In vileit to participate iu the dclilM-rittious and correspondence was called for, when Kev I W OniKirn and Kev O W I'rutliaw rcHiM.inli'd for the Western Itantist Ahsi- ctation, Kev C A W noddy resiioiiiled fo the wiUiiincllo Hiiptlat Association, ami Kev I; ni lull resjKmlel lor the American llntitist Home Mission Hm ictv of N. Y. Record of yesterday read and correcUtd. i The following committees were a- iMilntol On IhMiominatioiial Literature Kevs C M Hill, L J Trumtmllatid C Spcrry. On Kesolutioiis lu v K McKillop, Y Carter uinl (i II Crawford. The rcMrt of tlie committee on Home Missions was read by Kev 1. J Trumhull, and tlie discussion of this report was in troduced l.v K vC M Hill, followed ly brethren MeKillop, rijM'rry, Truinhulf, Oliver, Carter.Mcllroy and YrsMy,a(ter which the rcxirt was udopti-d. Adjourned. Tilt UHllAV, 1 :.T0, p M. Tlie devotional exercises were conduc ted hy Kev (J Hjerry at the house of Rev K C Hill, until 2 p m, when the associa tion returned to the church, and tlie re port of Foreign Missions was read hy Kev A l ltov, and was diwiiaiw-d by Rev L J Triiinbud and Rev C A Mellroy, and ad iided. The report on Sumlsv school work waa presented hv Rev R .MeKillop, and dis cussed by Uev t; A Womldy, Mrs W J Cramfonf, Mias Id Skinni-r, Rev C J llunsakrr, Rev ! M 1 1 all, Rev ) W Oliver, Rev A IItoy ami Mrs Bridge ford, after which It was adopted. Pending the ilim-tnoiiiiit Rev lr Irvine, asor of the II P church iff this city.wa introduced, and made some very appro priate ri'tuarka The Treasurer's retort was adopted and a collect ton off S.lo taken forade licit. avusiMi ssio, " :30 e at. The devotional exercises w ere led for half an hour lv Rev R I Carter. Tlie Woman's Home and Foreign Mi, sion work was then introducm) and cote ducted l the ladies. Mrs V tinner orcHiding. Prayer was offered hy Rev K .MeKillop, sang "t roin tireenland s Icy Mountains," and read the 4'lth Psalm. A paper written by Miss IRoy was read by Mrs Cross. Mrs W J Crawford read the rctmrt of the Association wcrclary, from whlcli it was show n that the contribution for the year had la-en tXUi ; an increase of more tlmn aiixj over that ol lost year, The Kt-retary of the Young People's Society nail their report, show ing &5 for foreign missions A letter from Miss Biure!! was renal. and a recitation itivcn by Mrs Shertnnti Tiiotnisu. A oem was read by Mis Trumbull, and a song was then sung. A paper read by Miss Ida k inner, and a collection taken ot fit lor the cause Adjourned. raiiMY, 0 a. M. The devotional exercises were led a half an hour by Kev J W Oaborn, after which the record yesterday were read and correct!. It was voted to print COO copies of the minutes. Messengers were appointed as follows To Willamette Association Rev ( perry, Rev K MeKillop, Mr A K La toiirette. To Corvalli Association Rev J Sopcr, W A P.rown.Kev C A Mdlroy.R U Junkin Kev i A Lyncii. To WesU-rn Association W II Thorn r, son. Rev M F S 1 1 en ton. H I Foliis. X Foliis, Rev J W Oliver, B 11 Branson, Kev John rsoiier, w A Brown. Rev CM Hill was reouesU'd to tiresen our friendly greeting at any association at which he maybe present. W H Thompson was chosen a member ol the Board ol managers of tlio state con vention Rev It Killon was chosen to d reach the next annual sermon, and Kev J W Oliver alternate. It was voted that the next session of the association l held at Carlton, on I liursdav before the third Sunday in June, il o'clock a. m. W HThompson, Secretary of the asso ciational missionary committee, rejxjrtcd, making various recommendations and al so showinir the progress of tho work : Collections, (4:13 ; paid out, 400. Keirt atiotiiea. Tlie annual sermon was then preached by Kev A Ix-Koy from Kxodus XII, 20, Some slight amendment was made to the rules, and the association adjourned The 1kmocrat ! under obligation to Rev. Matloon for the concise statement of the proceeding af the Central Baptist as sociation which adjourned last tvenlng. AFTERNOON SKSSION. The dovotlonal service were led by Rev A Lvnch. The following persona were appointed to preaent the following topics nextear: Foreign mlaalona Rev. R MeKillop, Home mllona Rev. C A Mellroy. Sun day schools A Le Roy. Education Prof. E Northup. Denominational literature J L Trumbull. The young people a woric waa presentea by C II Hart, and thi branch was added to the regular work. The report ot the vatioua commiiiees I wcre presented and adopted, and solicitors were appointed for benevolent work In 1 each church. Rev. D A Lvnch waa choen assocla- tfonal missionary for the ensuing year.and a mission board wa appointed as follows : T Carter, Rev. J L Trumbell, James Alex ander, C H Hart, C A Mellroy. W II Thompson secretary, EVENING SEflSlON, Devotional exercise were led by J W Short, and the sermon was delivered by Rev. 0 A Wooddv. The association then adjourned to meet at Carlton, in June (891, Backleu'a Arnica Salve. Tha baat 8W In th srorW fnt Cut,Bruuia,Sores Uloera, Bslt Rhaum, F.var a irs, Tottar, Chappd hands. Chilblains, Gurus, and all Sklo Krnntio an posltlvalroura Wl.a,or no pay required. It ia guar nUe4 to (ir parfaat satiafaatlon, ar m.noy lei a mi ll. Prie 16 nta per bx, F.r aala J Fsahay and Uasas If vnu want either to buy or aell your property place the same in the hands cf 11 F Ashhy & Co. For Sale. Seven fresh cow for sale cheap. : Inquire at thle office. - 'son have a big stock to select from at J FJPowell tt Co' , 5 oans Golden Star tomatoes for 60 cents at 0 M eyers, and all other, canned gooda oheap 'or cash, . -, , - . - J W Bentloy. best boot and shoa maker in city, ODooslte Fortmillsr & Irving's. Best roaat ooffe in Meyer1. .' the,' eity at Conrad A DOUBLE TRAGEDY. At the Coroner's liutucst held hy Jus tice Wallace over the remains of Grant AunspniiKh and wife was a letter written by Mrs Auiispttugh to her sister, Mrs Annie Dank, st Fossil, (iilllatii county. The letter hits heen shown the Dkmocrat. 1 he writing Is neat and plain, mid shows i lair eniication. as the cause ol the raifedy Is a nubile, matter the llRMottBAT desires that the true facts may be known, and hence gives the following material extracts trout uie loiter: "l.ottie Is the most queer acting girl that I ever saw without any exception. wiuii was uie cause oi ner leaving home In tlie first tdnce.niid what was the cause of her leaving Oilliam county, how long has she lceii In Portland ; what kind of a woman was that Mrs Jennie Montgom ery. Please dear sister, eulluhten me if you can. concerning tier Isdinvior and her way of doing through life. I am In con siderable trouble over her. I have pleaded with Ixittie for mercy sake, for my sake and for mv two dear little chil dren' snke ; but 1 cannot tin anything wiin ner. I wish you would tell dear brother (icorge all alsmt this and have him come over, tirolstblv ho can have some inlliience over her, the jsKir miser able wretch. I am having more trouble man I can ts-nr, I am afraid. This afternoon I will have to write more; and itisiireiMiiui. tin, sucit a terrible sight l saw iK iore my eyes this morning, my poor dear husband sittintr in a chair w ith that miserable lOtlie ou his hip with her arms around bis neck, her luce layed nuitlnst his and his arm around her. I was sick In Is-d front worrying over the way they was doing and 1 slipjied out barefooted from my bedroom to the kitchen, and otwned the door right in their faces. Oh. if I could only die so 1 could know no more nor grieve no more about this. 1 commenced this letter some time ago but did come to the con elusion not to send it; but the matter gets worse ami worse. Iottie,tlic wretch is going to t the cause of tny poor bus- bund and my separation. He told me to-day bo would not live with me any longer. Oh It you lust could see hov she tried to get him away from me and niiHiiy done it. Mie may deny all this but, oh, if she docs she will lie telling i lie. tiixxl bye dear sister. Show this to icorge or any ona you w dsn. JKXXIK. The evidence Is-fore the coroner showed that Mr and Mrs Auiispatigh were lying In !cd together when she tired the fata) shot, which proved near the base of the lean, w hile the bull entered tier own iead at the temple, and she fell over on lis body. The revolver had only con tained two cartridges. Then tlie sister rushed in, and all he said was, that she ad killed hitii. As nearly as we can earn the sympathies of the people there are w ith the unfortunate woman w ho did the shooting. "Iitlie" we are Informed is now living w ith tlie father or brother of the deceased man. RIAL t-artiK aaLKa. J K Khkpatrick to John Dodge, 8o xjo, feet, Lebanon Nathan (iray to Robert li Cochrane, 1S0 800 300 75 Sooo Sooo lot No t. bl (j. li s jnd A (JeoJ McCoy to l K unkhi, Interest lit i) I. c ) junain S W Hearing to Rosanl Lctalnger, 214-totMtacre it K i S and A V Hamilton to S W Hear . Ing and U F Letslnijcr .same. . . Frank Trite to A II Marshal, 335 o. acres, 10 w J A II Marshall to Frank Tritcs, l.iis No Hand 7,bl lo, Albany .except big Jt feet Mr L M t-'uster to K I. Tbomjwoii. bond lor deed of 20 feet front, lot 7, bl 4, Albany.... 3raw 3804, 70t 82J 65OO SO llattle L Icinplcloii to K LThomp son, 34 S feet Ironl, lot 3, bl 10, Alhauv M E Fartell 10 E L l'liainpoii, fix list feet, bl 3, F.IMit A A Bo vie to (ico Wcstcut. o acres 12 w 3 J 0 Hendeisun to I, K lilaln, 2'o acre 14 ..., Job Simon tu William Carter, ij a:res. 10 w 4 . , $3'.lo Total for jear . , f i,rVtio During the week five mortgage, were filed, consideration $6430. Patca Raiko. The barber In Tills niook. say the Headlight, have raised the price of shaving republican on account of the extreme length of their face. The democratic face I to broad with smile that they come under the same category, but inugwu.up can get a shave for nothing. A Pain r Mine. A rich bed of okre ha been found near Monroe In Benton county. It I of dark red, clear of grit. I susceptible to many change In color and mixes easily with oil. Very toon we will be able to paint our house entirely from OaetioM M AT&aiAL, The rlatl a albt Slase. Rev F M Shrout, pastor Cnltcd Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan , aaya: '! feel II tny duty to tell what wonder I)r King' Kew Dlscovt ry ha done for me. My lung were badlv diseased, and my parishioners thought 1 could live only a few week. I look five bottle of "Dr King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gal.iing 36 lbs In weight." Arhur Love, Manager Love' Funny Folk Combination, write : "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr King' V'ew Discovery for consumption, beats 'ent alt, and curea when everything else fall. The greatest klndnesa I can do my many thousand friend fa to urge them to try It." Free trial bottle at Foahay k Mason's Drug stor. Kagular aiaea 50c aad i.o. Nkw Blacksmith Siioi. G .V Willi has just completed his blacksmith (hop at the corner of Second and Railroad atreet s where all kinds of iron and wood work can be had and done In first clat order Bring. on your plows, wsgor.s, etc., etc. for repair. Kpaeh, The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch In the life cf the individual. Such a remarkable event I treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained Is gratefully blessed. -Hence II Is that ao much Is heard in praise of Electric Bitter. So many feel they owe their restoration to health tu the use of the great alterative and tonic. If you are tioubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing, inu will surely find relief by use f Electric Bitters. Sold at 50c and $1 per bottle at Foshay & Mason' Drug atote. Vading Photographer Albany Uregoa. We have bought all thenegativea made by L W Clark aud W 11 Greenwood up to Nov 13th, ISSU, lean n. .1: . u l ,188!) Duplicate, can be had from .t. Via iSJ.' , nte'A hV about 18,000 negative made by our - bein alao selves, from which duplicates can be had at like rates. We carry the ouly full line of view of tbia state and du enlarged work at Inweat rates for tint olaaa work. We shall be pleased to ace you at our Studio in Froinan's block, next door to Masomo Temple. TOVBMTS, Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take cn every trip a bottle of S vruD of Figs, as it acta most pleasantly and ef- tectuany on tne kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headache and other forma of sickness. For sale In roc and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Albat Marble and Granite Works.Hav- ing lately purchased tbe atock of S A liiegs and G W Harris, we shall be pleated to how drttijjua and give prioes to all intend ing! purchasers. Best of workmen employed and prices a low aa any for first-class work. Visit us before purchasing elsewhere. COAN X ACHISO" next door to Democrat office) Albany, Or. MARRIED. GARRETT-STILLWELL. On Thurs day, June 12th, 1890, at the residence of B Kenshaw, by Rev A B Wade, Mr Jas O Garrett and Alice M Stillwell both of Peoria. May their lives be harmonious ones. II0JMK AND AB1UMII TIIUHSOAV. Next SturdV tha train awt an Ihn O Y will leav at 7:13 a. ni. to aoaoim i I n9 a Sabbath Sotiool excursion from Corvalli. Tha contract for building P J Bsltiinure'a th roe-story beiok wa 1st to I) C Metis) I on ths woodwork, and W 0 Cassell on ttis brick work. . 8 A ltayward and family, of Tzdl Co III, tru in the city, the gut of Mr Wash burn, of M iUlt A Waahbnrn. Mr waril is a weal'.liy grain dialer oa iihig Uri. nturosts tha . rstoAV. Win Fnher, of Sitattht, is in the city. Tho Thrue Mistur ha again l'i',(iiii rur, ning. People remsrk th it this is the hi at wea'h rto bsisaour'id. Mr J oil 11 Hii'ilh rnUirne I Ur, eVeiii'ig from Oakland, Cab, where list lis hn ubuut a year. J M Nolan and wif.j wnr in tha eiry t day ou tluir way to Cm val'is from t'n ir we lding trip to PorlLnd. Judge Mtrahatl arnvjd ho ni frmri l'..nd.r- tou last evaiihrs;. where tin; sxauiiiiatiiiii tuduuiifor almissloii to tba bar ha t l.vru held. The bridge near the etumiry is re;,.r'-i to be iu a very uuorain coiidiinni, that ia it is unitertalu whether a tuam ooi g. t outu it or not Mr K, II Norton went to I' this moriiiug, and will go ttxooe to Kiknr City, Ha is getting op a company tu works C'a! mine in Oilliam county. Tb Chinese pheasant ia getting up into th dg of the mountain. In a few yir they will lie scattered all through the Oregon Alp. Baker City Kvill. A Haleut yuutig woman asked ty thn cen sus taaor where she was inirn, aaid waa'ut born any wheta particularly a i.b w thu dulitr of a Mu-.lin.lnt iiitiiiatnr. Parttea who heard ttis M KnU- inio strela at Lebanon last evniuA asy 11. Bav a tin entertainrnviit, full of ( tore. The company hi a be-n r.-or,i,jz,. j and ar giving good ntert'iimutut ev ly where. Matt Scott wa at the ratiflcstioti n... ll. c lates, A chnru of shouts altt rnsting between P.nnnyer and Monti o cat,fued Matt that h hardly knw which rf tlin 11, en h was Pennoyer or Suott,Iahariii Kn preaa. Wot Duaaca ha already engaged hop picker for th season. Indications p.dnf to a good crop and fir prions. S3 O Wa! -lac. Mr hlmou and other hve h'Mi yards in thi Immediate vicinity whMi wtil a Id to th circulating malrnm iu these puts. K- : pre. Th Central school closed today with appropr aa axrreise, after 1 suCcu !cl iar. Prof Walln-r and corpa have prov.u ilo in aatves well quaUtiixt to teach ti.n clul lisvi ( Albany. Dieonly chanxe on tb S P will bo tl,t cf tb morning freight x htcb p iss Albany thirteao minute earlier than lormerly. .V there ha bevn lota uf waatl wind and ink ova tb mllr. Th nmiibr nf vote o at iu lSS an ou-al-rttomt. Iu l9dMS votu. tr cxat givibK an tucra.. cf Tid iu tna t.i rra lit known that tba ixipulatn.n of a com try Can b appti.aimatvj l y muilii I .u.g ths number of votr cast by five. T.oa eive. Yamhill county a population ol li'ilKJ. T.lephona. A MewAoeaiK. Considerable Intcrsst ha. been taken during the day In Mr Geo. IV Harris's collection of bird, in the marble shop adjoining tlie Dr.MmSAT olliee. It consist of a white prairie d ig with pink eyes and a remarkably while owl that Is absolutely cycle, which seems rather restless out of Its natural elements, and apparently dtesn'llike the association of so many monument srcgiAV J F Pan ell .V l o. Cuaick'a Bitdtltoa. (.old rsne at Will A b'tark'a. Boy your groceries t Lang.a. K. M. French k?p raitroaat time. IbicM etndy drip at C K Brnwuel.V. A new tin. saf uecktiiaal E C HearlV Novelties in parasol, at S K Young., tatav yonrord r for bruol at Aug Liugn's. Go to Aug Langs' for year atapln dry gooda. Fruit cans and arax at Matthew Si Waal. bora. Ludlow's S3 slims fju.-i.-l oil C Kearl'a. Choi. carta sweet potata at Prepared msckret. iu lib can, at C K CE aBrowuell'. Ileaduuailer far gar Ian isdi al C E BrowoeUV For artist' suppliea go t 1 Statiard. & Cuaick'a. Th latest het rouiic, J discoitnt,at Mt Hyman'a. Adjustable window acreen at Matthew & Washburn. Tin aodpumbin work d. mo At Matthews k Washburn. keruaeue and Gasoline at ives at Mai tbewa Si Waahbum. Garden hose and lawn spr tii.lrr at Mat thews & Washbuin. Log will sell you stApIo dry KtHid cheaper than any one. Tb Albany Woolen mil! will pay 2Uuta a pound fur wool. Dressed ohiokeu constantly ot baud at J F Powell A Co. Don't fail to try the Huiiime A L-n:g pirnos at Mr llvuiau'a. Delicious cauntd eranlwraie at C. E Bivwoolla. Spring oyer coating at Zaches & Sen, op-. poaiie roatouioe. Genuine Iowa aorghurn on draught at C ts nruwneii a. Alargs and Hiieitvk of gold Canes to se lect from at Will Si Stark 'a. Have you seen those parlor suite that T Briuk baa just received ? They are nice. Spring jacketa ami beaded capes at re duced price at Samuel K Yuuog'a, Roaat 00 (Tea ground to order without extra oharg at Kenton'a cash giocery ature. Berre freah every morning. Urdei promptly filled at J K Powell At Co. No need to suffer with tha headaoh whoo Hubbard' Capsules will surely cure you. If you want a fine toilet or hath soap call ou Stanard A Cnaiok, City Drug Store, Screen doora at bedrock prieea at the Su gar Pin Door & Lumber Co' warehouse. Th Foster geuutne.hook glove Fiteriiia, in black aud colored, at Samuel E Yuung'a. When wanting the beat grooeiies ta the market at reaaonahl price call on J F Pow 11 A Co. Buy a lot In Cuaick'a addition, the finest suburbau additiou. Its location sptaks for itaelt. Don't fail to call on Will & Stark and price their large line cf ladtua aud gents watches Delore yon Day . Th Hemuie A Long piano is the best made piano to stand tbe climate of the cosat. Don't fail to get on at Mr Hyman'a. I in uaviux eareiuiiy oouamer you nav the , 4tttwk ,nd most oarefuU , te one when yo. buy Rood, of Powell & Co. 1 , ' . " ,. . . In baying carefully eonsider yrtu have Genuine Martinat kid glover, in all sices and color, at S'Jo per pair until May 1st. Every pair warranted, at G W Simprou's. A lot in Cusiuk's addition ia better tbau ten per cent, or better than a lot in foreign oitiea where the tide eba and flows twice iu twenty-four boar. Those Tithing screen door and windows should eall on R B Vunk, who will put them iuoonplet on ahort notice. Shop 00 corner of Seooud and Ferry streets. Those having property to snll cheap will do well by plaoing it with S N Steele, -Real Estate Dealer, aa he ha connection iu Port land whereby he.wiil be able to catqb inves tors from Crissman keepa 'ce oream frteaers. Go to the 60 and lOo store for your pearl buttoas. Tinware aid oil stoves at the 5o and 10c tore. Wihiam M Hoag left last eveuirg for San Francisco, , Chatalaine bags, from 2& ta 85c at Crisa man' 6 and 10 cent atore. Mr D W Wakt field, of Portland, is iu the eity visiting relative and friends. A Bna barrel of New Orleans molasses just received at Conn Mendrioson's. Spricg and summer woolens just received y-fci Ar .r-..: r.. . . .B1 Ssveral from Athanv lninl tha riontrra- gational 8 8 picnio exouraion from Corvallis 10 me ironi tills morning, The regular monthly mneting of tha Board of i'rsdewill tm held next Monday evening at tho Council ChamWa. Chihlrwn's Day rerviora will he obisivad tt the M H church, Sunday evening, to wneh all am cordially Invited. The McKitnlas nduatra! trnup aye a good utertiiiui.nt at th fpera IJoiiae tat eyefi Ing. Tin ir program is much ahead ot that funnel ly presonted. Tn-nmrmw at thi. Clniati.n church, the f-ilowmg will im lUv Stnwart' progiam: 11 m, .S. iting np th Kingdom: 4 pm, ll il-tism, 7;30, "Sold in 8io." Th r. tn.d trip on the Oreat Northern end t .Htisdian railio rnilrnisilH front Portland to ."it l'nl. for thosn desiring to attend the risrimrl line;, Initial assoei&Von, will fiulv b lili. A V ry t,tiid'.u:ni ,- U that of Areh li.Kukbuiu t, leu. ritly rn.rrancd. Mi h rAt llrtdi,l a (inn job nf pspi-r hungiug, and nan, II Mlmnn I .Id h gnKl ci im nt walk iu inmr.. We v-rv rimcli re c ret 1 1 a'.alo that Chief KjikIiico Kl. Ins- i, i (i, reaidiiigat Portland has l.i i ti i.-oni; e ld ti t;ii Pi 2aHfortii fori till. 1,1.1, . -Ill ..f 1.1m h.ntlh Kki.h i.nt t..r. w. I,....- i,. i.-,, ..i i. ..,,,.., ..L.L lli.,.,!w,i,.d hi hi, wifa totheti.dd'iii ii,.i . o.,., ii. tl... " r' ! AUnnt, H o Jetrri warsbr-nan man, who arr.a'td levi.ral w.,k mo snd p.t I hi jhii ar. .'i ni ii, n si: !'! of it,i- Ifran.l jury .it the eh ine of n,i,i y..h mm.t, waa l,n.t vf. ir,;' civen tu (r ed. n , it ., trand j iry hayoig lurn.i.i tm iruv bit'. It -ri (i.n K Oi',mbeil..i;i lat '. firing f'ri IN.tti.oid, wkeie he htj m ittendov llu t;fiiii'i tiidg.i i f Mai!;, While tlHiro I..J puruh.'.'d n K.ul)ii boat, with ntiiv ih!" iwnt, ami i ) run it on th river, Ti.ia wi'i be tin? (t lxi;,t .,f tho kind ever run on ti. ni.pir Wiiluiin-ttt-. Tl.e river burn ii well adap'ed fo ".-nllidg, totr,i,sn rttttrued last evnriing fr m l',ai. uc, v "tr.ij ivnn mi i!i th three iiii.itary i.r .oi jning (rin A r una t V'aii i). user. Tiu'.nftli.f t ho t boy tianiiK, fur .! hk the rUiU of ciothe from a Eo- gi i. sl .rr, proved ory tt'lfravit'lrig. One of il.e.i, plead KUtit, but the other Uv IfiOl, I o Jurltw iliaagis 01. d unit ttia pri'imer I ut the third lty. man A Sikav Siior. The man wh' fired the revolver last evening that frightened the pasdng multitude, wa Id-'ntilleJ. $5 and co. is wilt about settle the matter. A Dakn 'it's-xrii The Iiarn of Mr Splccr. waa etitirely consumed bv fir- vc'terday morning, together with most of the content. How It aim ted wa mostly a triutter of peculaion. A CliiMNl'.v I'm 1:, A chimney on the bouse ol Alfred Wheeler burned out this afternoon, netting fire to the nios on the roof, causing an a tarin. The II hi L Co. (pikktv extiiiuiiinhed the small flame. A handful of salt thrown in the fire In the first plait would have wved an alarm' Through carelessness one wheel of No J' hose cart was broken ,ff. TIIK Hi.' A DOIT TOW.1. One can't always penetrate human na ture.for its freaks arc sy.tnetimes playful. One of its mint striking peculiarities is for a man who gets taken in to desire to have sonic one else In? treated likewiae.or for him Ut congratulate himself that he wasn't alone. The man w. bo aaw tlie white owl did not rent until his best friends bad alwi seen it, so wise and con siderate in him, and the tighter be held tlie siring to the ow l why the better it suited him. Tlie langh that went up over soitu -thing seen iuce the earliest cliildiioo! were simple excruciating. The Man About Town held the Htritigto the owl and it made him fcil a if "owld ac quaintance were not forgot.'' Aso'tr merchant do nut take kindly to the eirly cl.:ug movement in Albany 1 a applied to stores it iu:.y l! suge-ted that an!y closing movement of the mouth tie in orJer, and jr-rliaps it would n more g.o.i. A desperate eifurt i.a Ivinatnada anions exchange to get off some pinion the words census and sen. At the present writing nothing containing stven a mus tard seed bus liecn run across. The Man A I mt t Town will publish for nothing and withhold the name a good live pun on the word. The democratic partv of Oreaon is tak ing a ri.zle, says tbe Salem Journal. And the Journal is taking a razzle, with a tendency to rattle with a "nuoop," says the Stay Urn Sun.w ltich makes the matter considerably of a razzling-ditzzling aifair. Copynyht, lie tier rt af of motion. anS or loox. tlie imootti lie KMlmntnir nia.ty or .n-ji sn-1 trrad, Tlm of lorra an.l f.-aiiirr, sat Thf ..iil art.m't. even like .Ktielnus airs Ol Aute auU liarrs" . For her m.iteh!.-a livik of tmi-o itnd motion, thia rj.-al'.y wa3 tnd.-t.ted pi prrf'.xrt health, rotortd by tlie use of thnt unrHinul.t, Inviirorutinj; io:i;e and nervine. Dr. l'ttvce-'s Kai'ocius r.w.-riptlon, which set i.? lietltliv action every function and ge ptsrity nnd rlohnoos to th" t'linvl. Favorite Prescrlrt'on is a positive esire for the most coinplW-aU'd and otiftiuate cnst4 of leueorrhea. excessive tiowinir, luiinfu! rm n struutinn. unnuturiil soppnssions. pmlitpsns. or falling; of tio wornn, weak back, "fvrmile weakneas," nr.T-vemlon, rvtroversion, bejjv. InK-dowri ei.;is.;tton?, chroiiie congeetinn, in flammntion i 1 1 i:!c;!in of tho womb. It 1 Riiaratttcvu to pivo Gciisfut-tion t cutry Co. or miai. y etii::.1M!. Miinufttetur.'s! bv Wom.n's Dir.euAHT SUuical A.;i.tK lATi..:;, Uuilaio, N. V. ; Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS regulate nnd cleanse tbe liver, stomnch and Imweln. They aro purely vevt'bihlo a!:d ppr fnetly hnrnilesa. (tto n lKsu. gold by driiK.Tlsts- .'- eenta a vml. TasAsi ar Priwai axsr, ) r.rm Kent, ucaasNer, J Slat, 1MH). ) inrics or uomptri.l or tiis uci Waxhuigion, May Sti M laereas, hy aatiafaetory evidence proseuterlto the hna been maile to ap)K)r that The I. inn County National Bank, ot Albany, imhe eity ef AUmuiv, In the county of Linn, and state of Oreijwii, has complied with all the nruviaioua ol the StHtuteaof theUnited Statee, required so be complied with before an association shall be authorised to commence the buainoaa of banking. Now. therefore, I, Edward S Laey, Comptroller of tlie Currency, do hereby certify that "The Liun County National Bank, of Alhanv," in the city ot Albany, ln the eonnty of Linn, and State of Oregon le authoriaod to commence the business of banking aa provided in section Fifty one hundred and eixty nine of tbe revised atatutea of the United States. In testimony whereof vitnesa mv hand and seal of office tbis 81st dav of May, 181). K. 8. LACY, Comptrol'cr of Uie Currency. jSRAl., J NO- 4326. Albany ironworks:' Manufacturers of 1EAM ENGINES CRiST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY IRON FRONTS W ALLKIPHS OF HEAVY ANQ LIGHT WORK, IN I3GN m BHASS CASTINGS. 'fiooial attention ahid ds of machine o t ptlrlns: sll P&Ucrns Made on Short NofW 3 f' !i ? ; fStv j 1 . 4 LM 1 k4fiM i.2i- feifnr,. PERCHEROH STALLION TITUS, 5934. Will make tha season at Jefferson Mon dy ami Tuesdays ; at Albany Wednes days and '1 hrirsoays ; at Ci vallls, frl days and Kaiurday. paaC-IilPTfON AMD rei'lflsEI, Wwk 1884 t Imporled 18S8 br Mur' Broihers, of Polo, Hiinrd, bred i y M iid"iln,cornmurieof LaOandalne, ...ion i t NoVi.t le-Kotrou, dt-partment ,, K.J elLir; got by Batard 3555 (r,nl); -am Cocrat (IMI33) by Clierl (4137) inil of :',ootri. IMjard (187) s by Karoonne 1334 itiJO"ioi Ji.guti0 Dy inn tvoear-a jam til v. Nart n ine 1314 f777i by Brilliant 1890 (7.VS) out of Mad'-lon by Favor! 1 (711.)bf bv Vieiix Cluvdln (7i3) out of fAml bl sVietit firr nt ny Mco (7IZ.) Bril l tnt IK'fl am by t:txyt II (714) OU of Iiretttt by Allita belonging to tbe trenej gov rfimont. xy II (7H) be Vinx Chas In (713)out of La irl.o l v Vlenx Pierre (KPS ) V in eux (-'baailn (713) by Coco (712)out of I'oulbv Kamii. aa-o(7li) by Mi'ion (715) out of Pan line bv V'ieux Co't.i. M sruon (7l i) by Jem le Blno (739.) ym JVan-ti.Uianc.J f.'heri (t!3T) by B, hi, beh.nglng to M Fardmiet, out of Biohe, belonging to M I.t-bray TERMS. To inttura Mare in loal ....... 20 For MttMnn ...... Mnglo aa-rvlr, V O U .$10 Peraon Insuring tho'r mure mai not rattirninx in regular seaao- to the bore, will be charvnd as reason mar. Persona diapos fig af their t.iares before they are known to bt with fiwl.or removing tbem from the caunty will be ciisrgo i rr in t snrance. Property of "si V, W. BtCMBKao I ron SECIN DISEASES iGOHE'3 CEIaEBRATEIirOI Oil mDY TtltUlaall Inflammation and IrriUC .andlsttw wnly aur dswtiwcr of Mlcmbsa and ottsaar auua fr'Analtea. firx'p. Price 2 S cents a Box- Wa Aaro ths Exclusive Control of aTt Lr so c E N T S And don't Atttw fa Ofer a prin ta tit til ri,urlUUiBSItlAtt. CasvfCaaaoM CSE U'9 CKE KJLf FDIXDS. - SAMUEL E. Y0UI1G, ALBANY, OREGON. FDrtmil'iH k living, '1 iS Afia - FUNEUAL DIRECTORS.--Prompt i-it4aa-f islasi Hears J. ii. DUNCAN, ATTOSUSY AT UW AND K'dTARY PUELIC, y.-CX)!ll- la s'.rahau'a Bloek, IJo'al and 2. AL3ANY, ORECOH. S. W. Paisley, (.Albany, Ortgea. -WHOLES VLB DEALER IN- Tcbacco ani Cigars. Onl r aoliaited from he trade. A New Repair Shop Has just lieen opened oa First street, op posite the Rus hous9, where y-u eaa get at kinds o broken article mended, clocks tuus and losks repaired, key fitted, &a Woik Vrom thecou itry promptly attended DR G. A VVHlTflEY, Physiciati and Surgeon. Graduate of Bellevoe Hospital Medical College Now York City. Disease of woman a specialty. -iyOffio loinau' Brick, Albany, Or. Eevsre House; ALBANY, - .. OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFEK PROPRIETOR, Fitted uo io first-class style. Tables supplied with the best ln tbe market. Nice sleeplnsr apartments. Sample rooms tor commercial travelers, tarrr e tsars ta aad fraaa the Ratel.'Vt Delmonica Restaurant, CORNER FIBST AND ELLSWORTH STS. The undersigned haying purchased tbe old Herman Restaurant stand has opened tinder the above na n a firat-olasa restan raut. We are prepared to furnish meal for parties or dunces on abort notice. Oys ters served in every style, eastern or eoasti all kinds of fish knowa in tb market. Employ only firs-class r el p. and waiting will be prompt and oourteons. Regular meals 25 cts. Coffee of first-clas quality ml a eup of coffee and cake at from 5 to 10 t. I sm well known in tbia citv and re- r uest tb tizena to give me a call. " V SAMGETS Proprietor CITY 'l'AXt-aH.-Noiioe ia hereby eriya that tbe tsx roll of the city of A bany, f .r,. for the year 1890i has been pircedih my hands for o lletlion, and that I -will be at the Council cl a in hereof said cit to iteeive id receipt for th the taxes charged . in said roll, ior th perlcd of SO d a js In m date of this no tie All taxes remaining unpsid at tbe expir ation of thirty days thereafter win bs re t'l.ned . ; ,; Oouneil of the city of Albaoy tss - , t, and costs and ex pen mis tor collecting: ' such taxes be added thereto. , JOHN N HOFFMAN , City, .A 5 3 A-'1 T i