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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1890)
YAQUINA UOUTE, iil J CrcrcnFacillo Eaiircad coo Company's HWim ship Une. 20 nouns LESS TIF aa by wiy other rJte. f nil ,Sfft. Valley to and fro.,. rranolooo, Cal. TbaOrcgnu PactCc "'"'Pori nuTameaertv-r dtvWon wUIU.Tar oa.1. outtt bound, Mon.Uy . W... .t KrWov at . A " ' ,7,; , &a . "'T? ":. .. . in. On Mon day ndBiuroj both North fuTra jEw wm Wt night atisoiem, living hero a - !th train cf insure v.. t Jv ij 'i t Yaattlna. e: ln OrvaUia,!" M A. tmn AltJ. ' " . PSAILIXO DATES . ran vtoi'iA o 1IOJ A rakscieuo 1 wv n.l7M tne ngut to in vw"vf " Lt,uni nolle. eotllng dale ouiCu,nd and B. ral K ' 7rn make olOM jcmiMWtion with lb"'m,, and U d- rrrrv tawing. lit Lewrt. fv lhri!:":" c.. m a. av. o Mr'- c c. QVEKUH3 TO CfvlWNlA THE MOUST SHASTA ROUTE. -7 .vrma rertia- aa rn r I v Albnjr tktm "a7Ta tNUUl Ainy Albn til in its r J.W r V r j U r I Ar 11 I Ar F JLUAAH BUFFH SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, T. 8. F Co". 'ri-' K""" ......... i (Exni sow.) 1,1 r ,.tjur ... .u.t (ip' -'v ha pa I Ar kVIA CALIFORNIA. 41 o f'HflT,,T F. ROOIRB o. r. ' Souse and Crriag. Paintar Decorator and Paper Manger Pi&LO VarniEAintr. A. S B. YASSAUO- Pcui.oY Wanted. Alt Wn Nof TV"iUry. f fctthvvin-ni riy'N Hx.r. AMiif , Orftct. E. J. McCAUSTLAND, CiYil, Saaitaij and Hjdranlis Engineer. ftuMuhinc 02iDer for Gold MbDpUia d Dry Oalch ConolidUd Gold nd hil n ir MioiiftCu. , Offi, t Stwt, Albny, Or. EedCrownMills NO 55. L1NNIS0 A CO., I aopJi'S. A.Tt AAKElUt VAX. :EST STOUAGK FACILITIES. Ujrbest Prio la Casb fc V. 1 . i f ACADEMY Our Ladj of "Perpptnal Help, ftLOArY, - - ' OREGON O.n.hir-UHJ by tlia HUH. tt. IVnadlct ThU A-;admy la incorporated and iin lhriwd b the Htaia io cnf-i arail.mic honora. Tb onr of atudy la comp.rte Mathioatl, Irflrkiora and Muio aia p;ialu. aa aiaiha Norraul Tntrot!'.n M Apirnie for tohara' or-rtlCcataa in .itrml drawinr. vocal mnafc In cImk and all klndaof noaillawoik form, no fitra bar. Tha ni.dpHna of tl.a arbor,) (, ir.ntla but firm. oojnrt txiinB to - form ot only refined young lalpa, but nob KidKMful momtwra of aoolrty. ruj1l ..1 mi" tad at any tlma and charirra propor. ioncd. Pupllaof any dsnominatloo re- Tun ion In aoloct i' jyclio.)l rangearroro .- ta fl". , , , Kir tr,u y.ttfiK Hh ! ar wriT ,rtii Ur a: p.y tth. A!ad.:ny, or id Milr Htiprik,r'. Co E'it ri Mi.iuit fh.jtu Routo. Nice iliirinfa and "eiry t a" tmiea of tlia year. -Sh Mount S!m', S-icraiw-tito, Orfdau, Salt lj.Ua, D'tni. Kinst eund elaas er. made arp ran dml.f. Hur ymir lte"iU f mo anil avs VKnr 're to l'itlaud. I am the unly pfBou in AII-.dt thtan U ya a tiuket to any fioint In fii Unitad fitaUa. Call on ii a ft-r rati B. Vf. i. Jesrrii AgentS. P. ' I Ainy T.I Tour t"l'r' ur.i JiliiLi ' ifj! .. CUHED Elieumotism. Lumbago, Dackache, Head ache, Toothache, neuralgia, Soro Throat, Swellings, Frost bites, Sprains,, Sciatica, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, rKOSllTt-T PKltMAWENTtT Wltbaut nlra ttt rln. For Stablemen Stockmen, Ttti OKKATHT KtMIDT KNOWS TO KOMI AKD CATTLI CIIKAIKS. At PAlHlOtMH AKD PtAl.SHA. tM CHARWI A. VOOtttH CO.. tHHMf. MA DR.J.L. IHLL, Physician and Surgeon Offloo-oor, ririt And Terry blret, ALBANY- OREGON OR. C.WATSOri MASTO? Physician and Surgeon Offlot oppotilta lha rN5rt. on. v; is. Davis, Physician and Surgeon mnm. nn at. Ira In HtrahAD'a Block May b found at hla offlo aay and night. DH..C A. WHITNEY, Piiy3lcian andSargeDa, GraduaU ot BalUvna HoapiUl Altdioal ol'oga Now Yark City. DiMAaa ( woroaa a tpwUlty . ATOffioa, rr.nAn'a Brick, AlUny, Or. DR, I. VV. STARR, Physician and Surgeon Late of BrownsTille, Or. nmiw at rnoma Noa. &S and SI. BtraLan mnA Pforaa'a Hlook. up at all a. Cal la promptly attended tn city or country, DR. JAKES KEYDEfi, Sralnata of Eiinourg, Sco'lasd, llu Wai.1 tn Albanr. Fit 31 hi borough knoloJno of hl proklon and his er.r or 10 yaara aa an cm if iii a Caval -v K?etu)tnl. ba hopa I ruttt tue patron S'J vt tlioaa lntrati.d in horada, cattlo. fisaep. aio. Ha would atao roooiuine.i t U'.A aoluilon or linauieni for aora houKirA aora bicka. broai knee, wounds, apraln. I'rl , ona dal lar rtftr Imttl A. Offlce at John Scbroaer VI vary kta ble. J . K. WEATEEEFOED, a'ITOUNEY at uw ALBAtl. BBSX. B. ..BLACACR!. 10. W. WalOBT, BUCKBURri&VRICEIT Attorneys at. Law, Will nractica in all tha Court of tba State, l'rompt attention givan to all ba.i naaa .n ti aatcd to oar ear. Offioa Odd Flloa Tup!a, AlUny, Or W U BILYEU, Ai'TUUNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancer?. ALBAXT. - OBEBOI. CoUectiona promptly tuade ou all po'nt Loan noifonatad on aaonabiaterma. j. n. DUKCAU, iTTORSET IT LAW 110 HuTAKT PUBLIC, afOffleo io birahan'a D.ocV, 5o'a 1 and 2. . ALBAMY, OREGON. JAMES P. HEAD, Attorney at Law and Title Examiner, ALBANY OREGON. Will Dractle in all tha court of tb 8tat. AbatrscU of Titia faroithad aa abort aolic- Ten yaar iit.rieoo.. ThiHpofvttr Weekly nmjmpr 5otwS ta)ni. RciatoMi,flniner-rinej dicnvrtM. itv vntu.aai imi vcnt vver pnUUtUmd. torjF pn ru ber tliatrlft Htt iiplendtd nrrinia. Tln publication fnrnihsiamMtTliiabl tocyelotKh of infumutton wLm:doo pT-ymi'mlti hm without. Thai popularity l th bnKMririo Amkhu:am l ach tint It ctreulfttton Drlf 'iual thtvt of l othvr rtiMi cf lUclauwoombinwl. rtie. 3 J yrr. TiMvnnl in(;int). SId bf atl nrw Wl X.H AC'-.,Fu'i.h4.m. No. ,! BroeWwif. N. T. A tva pn m aim r innn itn. nr !h. T.'.nl r"Io. r.J h pr.tHWwl inor. tn.n On HundrM Trtoil" InantJ application. ir ! in m. ( .ui. Trl-iTii, wm-raiii lwnrir, (o ,nvwllra tbeir nliM la tba ' . .nil .11 nthitr ua r I'r j Lr.itl Bib's-. n'1. .ol.nil. rran-. ilMTman? fid .;lhr i,rin cooniri. tlirnnrli . am n..:x-t I" l" 0.ntliw Vinirw-U f. M.. d.iit,U:.ot.ul WAI.-.I. tull Dt..l'l by ait jwr..i.. wuo Uidia. TdC;"Vn!'N"- CO, om . taxwo aMtr.i' f. an I nrtJwar. r-aw urfc Stockholder Meeting", OTICa la barithv art von that tha an. nual .no-tlnn of the atocknoldara rf no Ail) tor Huil.Jinir and IJtn Ataoci. lion will bd bU on Krl lay.Ksbruary 21, I890,alth boar of 7: 10 u. m, of !! day n tba WU . UIIill in Albany, Idnn county Oraeon, for iho vurf o. of aiect 1dj nine Jireetr andtbrea kuditora, to aoiva to? tbo erm of ouo yar nxt mki. ing from a till matlnx and until their ueoenarr are io!ted and qualiddd, and tranaaot twn o'.ner buainoax at may tben eorna bt'torc tiia a'ji Ion. Dona by order of dlriiotoi tliia Pii. dr cf of Janoary. 1890, aT W Bf.l.f. Proahiwoi. Socr- tary. (lOUNTY ntSV-UilB M'lTIU-.-JTUiult liy.ti.ltty all eouofrno'i tbat thra 1 now aufilelnot turnJa In tha Coiuty Tte4 tr.,r til&ianf Unn countv Orngoii to reddom nil ontxtanillnir war rant.. rnUrtlt 01 alt norfJ war ranta will re inj from ttilj iiat. Treaa BROWNSVILLE o.p. cosnow a sofjs, Real Estata anil Insurance Agents. f Heal tiKlato aold aud Culleetion aod NoUrfil buainw attnd'd to. t 11 i a - . i. jmh; ah uonsK'-i. I hava mrt M. Nanltt, the ItelgUr. a tlor, who follow the uaga of liU country In utlllxliiir lh ioo a draught animal. lie tin a little phActon drawn by dog In which he drive about when at home, and tn whkh he ha come from Urucl to arl. M Nanlet think that Detglutn, with her chcertc ky and noJJrn toll, I U1o to hold her own, and be among tha mot protperou nation ot Europe, bo- cuifl the dot! I not only Hie Mend and comrade, but the carrier oi the poor man. Tha cottermonger and hi wife Id Pari or London are broken down prematurely from fatigue, and the atabllng ar.J fodder tor A donkey U a hcaxy tax on their profit, but their De.glan brethren car. home their dog with theinelvc. The dog,nfler be Ing unharneMed dine wltn their matter, and In winter aleep before the kitchen lire The itrcngth of a good draught doti marvelous. I le doe not tpoll road like horse, and when tired he ak to He down favor alway granted, atul, on being retted, uoe on gUn cheerfully The nlr which drew M Naidet I of average !o and ttrength, and hd a long line of ancetton. who did nood work tn their time a carrier. When at an Inn their matter uted to unharnet them and take them with him Into the coffee room where they lav down at hi feet. I le drove all the way, unlet where there wa tteep bill to climb. At a place called Lou v, -oil the mayor heard he had come into the town, and Imfo: md him that hi equipage came within the reach ot the Gramtnont Law for the Protection of Animal. ."Very well," anwered the Bel gian, who wa preparing to ttart, and he ordered the dog to gel Into the phaeton and lt on the eat. while he drew them They obeyed and ttayed there until they were beyond the bound ot the commune, whero they detcended to be harnetted. To avoid crowd, who might thfnk welt to take part with the dog ajjtlint their matter, M Nantcl kept clear ot large town. At Compelgn he telegraphed to a number ot Belgian here at whit lime he wa likely to reach Pari, and hey went out to meet him. When he wa tlghtcd the dog were going at a bri.k pace. He think they could have lone the journey comfortably in live day, but a he i a much their friend aa their owner he gave them teven. Pari Co.. London Dally AVaif. UUMIKN WOKIM. Why thould not men who are aoclated together in but ne study and practice the law ot kind word toward e:h other? Why should not the master speak kindly to hi servant? Why thou'.d nut those w!m differ in opinion address each other by the use of reapecltul and kindly word,' Why hould not those who eppoae moral evil temper their language with the law of kliiinc in the form of utterance? Why thoulJ not the minister ot the gos pel, the doctor and the nurae in the kk room, the buyer and teller, the banker and the merchant, tha governor and gov erncd, the judge on hi ben cl, tiie warden of a prison, and, Indeed, every man and every woman, 00 all occasions, in all clr cumttance,and under all provocations,both study and practice the law of kind words Io the ssclal intcrcourio of life, from the cradle to the grave? IX MrXUIUAM. IlKADq'TRa MtPiiKaaox Post, No. 5. ( Albany, Feb. 14th, 1890. . J Following1 resolution were adopted last evening by McPhenon Post, No. 5.G AR: Whir cas, Comrade D S Allen, a worthy and respected member of this pot) ha responded to the Great Commander of the Universe and passed the dark river In o the bivouac on the other tIJe.tlius pi sing from our comradshlp forever. fVWtW. That In his death this post la ments the loss of a comrade who was ever ready to proffer tha hand of aid and the voice of sympathy to the needy and dis tressed. An active member of the post, whose utmost endeavors were exerted for its welfare and prosperity. A eHiaten whose upright and noble life was a stand ard of emulation to all. linolvd. That our heartfelt sympathy is extended to hi family in their sad afulc tlon. PesvlvtJ, That a copy of these resolu tion be spread upon the records. furnished the family and the city paper for publica tion. D F Tables, S S TkAisr, G W Hawkiws, Committee, Pianos. Tboe wlablnir a firat elaat Instrument, tha beat made to eieod tba cllmaie of tba Coaat, can b- auit ed by catling at Mra It E HymaVa, opporlto tbe Maaonle Tem pl". on Firt hlraol. Tba lateat voosl and instrumental mualo for aalalao tba largest assortment of atamploo; patferna to select from thla aid j of 'Frisco. Ia aona given io pamtiogandaaibrolderlng In her studio over Linn County Hank. Glvter your order aod you will bo pleated. Delmonica.Kcstauranl. CORXER FIRST AND ELLSWORTH BTS. The andtfraigoed having porohasad tbe aU1 Herman Keatauraot stand has fpened noder the abov na n a tirst-eiat toatao raot. Wa are prep rd to luroisli meals for parties or dances on short notice. Oys ter served in every atyla. eastern or coast; all kinds of hah know iu the market. Kmploy only fire-cla relp. aod waiting will be prompt and coorteona, Regnlar meal 25 et. Coffee of frst-cla. n.nality end a cup of eoffea aod cake t from 6 to 10 ct. I sin well known io thi city ar,d ra qucsfcthe tizso to iye me a coll. SAM GETS, Proprietor. for .no ALL sm !iEASES mm CELEBRATED POISON OAI ffilEDt It kills all Inflammation and IrriUfJ'". and lath onlf aura daatroyar ofKlorubus and otlue Ukitt f aruitea. Vnfrtriy. price. 25 cent a 8ox. n ra voice - O S4 I " ""'i" "w " wofko. r.rm I C 1 V t.ilO .Mh , I .... k... ...... i .Mm. iu, on.a mm. au a laifnwl) W. II. bAKaiMUf. Wllll.ti. SUM, ll.rrt.lmr. r.. writer "I It.r. w..r knowu aiiytliina I. Mil like ruur ) MCni7 I lM.k order. .no.Kh I. p.r tu .,vr ."." w, J. l. luor., Uanmow. MK wrtl..t "I 1.11. Mtovd.r for Jim. .Ilium nt .40t mvnwf Smu. I M Y yrlt Wttra M 'r a ii.icli timytwurk." $r; b... nut I. yiv. Irart. frnn. ih.i. PILES 2 C4 y TO r v 1 ! mi. ho mk 1kH of Ihl. trrsnrl bualnw pile. our.iul pri,Alk hhall we start VOi; in this busint-KM, f-adwrT Wri U I. m .nfl lemm .1 shout H for yoarwlf. W. r. .I.nlnf nmnyi w. will mrt o It vim Ui t Hlmf mail i'tlMr x-ts .li.-uit of you ia Joori.rt lh comm-v, o v.,u l.k.bol,l roa will W .bl. Io up .old Out. ttjr-W-n'i Oil tnwul .of . IV.mcil mi,uf.rf urer'i Ml. J l"r aullur liioluariciti A Ilium n so s. k ion.. Mu,l. for a4Mu.,. liuu,i lM jluv. Crimen Hilk V.iv.t ,j V',l'r,"",l,?, dcorl-tt H.ndw,me.t In th. world. L.r-.t mm. Iirlt..t b.rr.i. .vr known. Airew. .ull. big money for arnli, m,i .u.,-.iul IIMilf on .IKht miU fir l. .ikiuy Kru,y. Y, .down, everr on. w.u. W lmr- cli.M. Airiit. kk diou.mid. of ontr. wilh raoHlM. nevrr b-lorc known, w.l rm; orkr. Afeol.nm Iti.kii.ff N.rl'iiiB.. l..illr,nMjke hh mutl, lou,r.iBK. r.iido 01 w.ll .. ... .. fll InforiM.lion.iol .rn I rrr. Io iiiom who writ, for mc. Willi nnrtlcul.r.iil trnnliirmr t.inlljr 1111,1k, H.,k .oil IVrlili.-.lfc . Alir rou know IL .ldy"n coiieiuile Io go no amour, why no hnnn H tloi. AilOr... Jt. c. AbUUI . CO., At-ULat'a, liiu Children Cry for TE LEG It API! 10 KEWS Mare Jiu. YkkKA, Cat., 1'ch. t4, Mure alUca inv occurred In the SiiUyou mountain and in con cuenre the local toutlt bound train lmi not left Ashland Ihii morning. A ilide l1ow llnmtiuru Imr punned a cabin Into the Klamnlh liver iltuwniug three China men. Waaaingtan Kew. Washinoton, Teh, i6. Senator D.ivUlo. any intiodured a bill providing for )entionlng at the rate of tic per month fiom March i, al women army nuiac during the lute war. and who rciulcica ix montli nrrvke In cam tin it it, field, or in general hospital. Women who now receive peniton at a rme or Ion than J 25 a month ttmll have their pentiont inrrenaed to that amount. The uetiiicncy BiMiioi'ilnlion bill ha been begun by the houte commute, on apnioptia tion. T he largcrt Item In thit tlefiaem-y bill will be about 9ji.5oo.owa on account of nt lion. farnrll Arqalllrit, ' Jniion, Feb. 13, Tlieti'eclulcoimiiinsloa 'o investigate the charges made by the 1 .on dun Timet agaiiut tha ruinclliis member of the huuite of commons was laid upon the table in the Iiuum toiluy by Hun Henry Matthew, teeictary or slate lor home slum. The repott occupies one hundred and sixty two pages The tommisaion find that the tpecches nmdt by many Parnellilit'i were in tended to brinu aliout a separation of Ireland fiom Kngtand)thnt the speeches in view of the sim of the county, cieated foment, such the tpenker mutt knuw. ' They found that 1'arnell, Dillon O'lhien and other ictiiondenlt, member of I'arlmmcnt wie not niemhei of a contpliacy having for It object to establish the. absolute imlcpend enoe ol Ireland, but find lint some of them together with Davitf. astsblished and loined th land league will, tha intentivn, by it meant, to bung about the absolute indrtcnd eaca 01 ireianu at a separate nation, ana ac quitted them on the charge of conspiracy, of insincerity la the Phoenix I'aik under and of other charges. Arrested far BsVaary. Coivai.i.u, Or., Feb, 13 Adam llaum berger wts tt-day arrested for robbing Hugh McKenxi ol riiht dollar in a house of ill fame here. He appeared before lusiice Csr- luiie. snu win nave an ciamlnstion to-tr.orrow The evidence I strong against him. Whit tn marslisl was arresting him h ollsietl to give some of the money back . ABarrtttlaAOalr. CAWKOpvn.i.r. ArVtnsat, Fel . 13 Miss Ad Cas. daughter of a prominent cits ten, thit morning wa found dead in a field She had ticea assaulted and murdered, havini been struck itb a batchct and shot through the boar. Suspicion iiointed Io ueo Cor vent a distant relative of the family. Hi wife said he came home intoxicated last night sad told her he bad outrnecd and murdered Mis Gats, The nfurlated people seired Corvent, took bim to the scene of the murder, and with an sue cut off hi arms and then sctved lib bead from bis body. Tfc Asaeaaar taaveatisa. Portlaxi), Or., Feb. 13.. The conven tion ol the aaaeasor re-aasembled lo-dav At the call of chairman Noble a num ber ot resoluth'iis to be presented to the next leglaiatnre were adopted ; among them was the following: Keaolved, that we are in lavor id the repeal of the morti;at'e ta law. on t ie ground that it drive money oft ana exclude tnon?y from tbe state, and bcsau.e the consequent increased rate of interest Invariably falls upon the lender, providing that law be passed compelling assessor under penalty to asses ail prop. eny at its true casit value, and Inat the law allowing exemption indebtedness be alao appealed- J W Noblj wa selected to present reso lution Dciore tn legtaiature. The convention adjourned sine die. Traaat Wilts altar. Saw Francisco, Feb. 1 3 The trouble which ha been brewing for some time be tween ine racutc v oat Mcamsnipcompany and the Steamship Sailor's Union cuiml. natea this, morninit In the diacharse ol all uuion sailors on the steamer Corona and rUte of California, and in consequence of which the departure of both steamer wa delayed several hour. Worse Thaa Rr started. Nw York, Feb. 13 A Pari cable state further particular ot the Siberian horror have been received, and show the cruelties worse than reported. The re- volt In the male prison is cor firmed, aod It Is now definitely known that the num bert killed amounted to 4 1. The Cap flaalag. Sas Faaixcisco, Feb. I3 Operation are being pressed on t'.e railroad line to Oregon. General Superintendent Fill more' prophesy to-day I wa that trains from Asblaud-would get through to Tun nel 9 nn Maklyou mountains by Saturday, ana mat me roaa wouiu re open from here through a far a Ashland by about Tuesday. Wasiiinoton, Feb. i,In executive Jteo- tton the senate confirmed ,the nomination o Morgan to be lommirtkmcr of Indian aiTairs a8 vote in the affirmative, 16 negative, Two republican, Ingalls and Pierce, voted against confirmation. Nearly fifteen hundred person were is th r galleries this evening to listen to arguments upon the proposed co!e of rules Mansur, Lane Kogers, .springer, nlpleT, Mlkt, Krookspiie, and Pierce denounced the rulings of tbe speaker white they were defended by Moore, Dunnell. iiouck, and joe 1 ayior, ol Ohio. The senate unanimously passed a resolution congratulating the people of on the formation of a republican foro of governmet. The cwimittee on terri'.orie decided to re porf favorably Delegate Catly'4 bill for tbe ad mission of Wyoming at a state. Tbe Asars Meet. Portlano, Feb, 11.' In response 10 tbe e ill by Governor Pennoysr upon the assessor of tbe various counties of the state Jto meet in convention to confer upon tbe subject of an equal sy.iem of taxation throughout O-egop, the following county assessor met today at the court bouse: George Uaremsn.IJsker coun ty, John W Noble, Clackamaa, Menry W Deane, Columbia, Charles Timm, Grant, J j McGee, Morrow, Gcor.e Harold, Multnomah, U A Marqu!.s, Umatilla, D Guild, Usion, Hugh Gourley, Wssco, J JKurathli, Washing ton, F M York, Yamhill, C C Myer. Sher man. An organization wo effected but no business of importance w transacted by the conventiod. Adjo-rned until to morrow. Terrible Erapliea. Sam Francisco, Feb. 12 The (learner Gaelic arrived from Hong Kong and Yokohama last night. Japanese advice give detail of one of the most terrible volcanic eruption in the I history of Japan. Mount Zoo, near the town of Tukuyama, Ingo district, com menced to rumhie on the evening of Jan uary 16th. The Inhabitants of the neigh boring village fled. Then the top of the mountain was lifted off, and there was a din equal to a dynamite explosion. Sand stone were belched forth covering the unounding country a foot deep. No prevlou eruption ot Alount Zoo I record ed. One lire wa lost and fifty houses de stroyed. The total loss Is estimated at three and a half million dollars. Ashland ta Kelt, SissoKS, Cal., Fe ' 12. A train started f.-om Ashland, Oregon, to Motf. Cal,, this morning to run every oiher day. Mott is one hundred miles south of Ashland. The situs ticn U unchanged in the canyon from Duttx muir to Mott. 1 50 men passed here to-night to work on the Cow creek tection, Terrible Loss of Cattle. ' San Francisco, Feb. 12, J C Kother, ol Eureka, Nevada, who is in this city, states that in traversing eighty odd miles of road from Eureka to Talisode he saw the carcassen of about two hundred cattle. He says he had heard of the loss of thousands, nnd that he considered the statements well authenticated. He believed that tbe losses ofcaftlemcn would be over seventy five per cent in the state, k from Link vllle. Einkville, Or., Feb. II. The telecraph lines fom here to Ashland are now working, after being clown one month. More snow has fallen thin winter than any time since the country was settled by white men. One life was lost during the storm, Mrs H E Spencer was crushed beneath tiic;; falling beams of her house on January 24141 'nd in stantly killed. The accident was , taned by the heavy weight of snow crushing the house Pitcher's CastorlaV tllag naa U)ah. San FnANcisco.Feb. 14. Wong Ah Hinr, who stabbed and killed bit uncle, Wong Ming Sec, last April, was hanged in the county Jail yard at noon to tiny. Hlng spent the greater part of Inst night in playing poker and singing comic Chinese tongs, About 10130 this morn. ing he was taken to another cell on the upper cmtiJrr, near the trap, lit smilied at a few visitor n he walked by, and leisurely pulled a ignr as he surveyed tne scflfioui. 1 lie express on 01 his face t the can was pulled over It wts one of interest rather thsn error. At U103 Hinc dropped ihrouch the trap and was dead in a few minutes. A RiR Bunt Bobbery. St Louis, Feb. 14. A special to tha Re public from Salem III, any Hint the gieatcst excitement prevail! over the robbery of the Salem Natfontt bank Inst night. Cracksmen got in the neighborhood of f J5.O00I0 cash and tecu.ities, 1 he tale proper wt cracked by lh use of gut powder, the robbeii must have been in a crest hurry, at they left quantity of gold piece ten tiered on the floor of the vault ana overlooked et lean 110,000 cur teney and tecuiitlct, t ratal rrloariatt. . Dallas, Tex., Feb, 14. Jake Kllraln ami nit sparring troupe exmiiitcd at the opera house last nidit. Tames, of Dallas, encount ered Jiansln, the combination k rhamplon iiht weight, for twenty live dollar., on con dition l lift tame should slay four rounds. In the fourth round Hiinrla struck James in the neck, knocking bun limp on the 'ce James wst unable to rise, A physician was called, but J times died at 13:30 this morning. t'OMtKNKED TCUUUAPniC NEW. From Thursdays Daily, Anoth-r terrlde wind and tnow ttorm set in last evening on the mountain and around Reno, Nev, The ground is again covered with now and cold weather pre van. One of the liveliest battle teen In Sati Francisco for some time, occurred nt the gymnasium of tha Golden Gate athletic club last night. Pete McCoy and Charlie ! Gleaaon, middle weight, fought six fierce rounds resulting in a victory lor the form er. A collision occurred yesterday morning on the Alabama and Great Southern near Coaling, Ala., between a special excursion carrying over a thousand passenger and an accommodation. Knutticer Doollttle was inatanll v kllied.and aume ten or fifteen person nn the accommodation badly hurt. JameJ Corbltt, formerly Instructor In boxing t the Olympic Athletic club, San Franchco, who recently met Campbell in Portland, ha arrived In New Orleans and taken possession of his quarter in Carroll' ton, ten n.He above the city. Corbitt I matched tu meet Jake Kllraln In a six-round contest with 5-ounce gloves.for a purse of the southern Athletic club.ln that city, February t jth. Several points are much exercised over the fact that Immigration agent from Ore gon and Washington, especially the latter, have been in California during the winter trying to induce the people to settle in tha Northwest- One California immigration agent said yesterday t "Then are north em agent In thi city who are at work day and flight. In Los Angete there la an agent who effert to thoe who will gc- to Washington free transnortation.regardies, It would seem, of the prospective settlers' financial account or general standing. These Washington people are getting posi tive results, I can It is no ex aggeration to ay that they would Induce a monthly emigration ol at least 400 person If there were the usual transportation facll Itlea to the north." From Friday' Daijr. J D I Jim an wis yesterday appointed postmaster at Walla Walla. In the tenate yesterday, on motion 01 Dolph. the bill appropriating $500,000 tcir a public building in Portland wa passed. The grand jury, after considering tbe mysterlou Knlffen murder, at Trenton, N. t, yeatciday, found no bill against Dr nitlen or ML Purcell. Both were re leased. At the request ot Solomon Hirsch, Amer ican minister at Constantinople, the port ha just imprisoned in hi palace, Mua Rey, the Kurdlah chief, charged with rob- Dir.g and outraging inrtsiina Armenia. Advice were received at London ye terday that the troop of King Menelk, of Abyssinia, had an engagement with the farce of G al Pascoula. The battle wa severe and Pascoula was badly wound' ed ami hi army defeated. The southern half of the great wholesale block owned by 8 B Farwelt ii Co was gutted by tire yesterday morning at Chlca go. The occupant were Taylor 15ros,hats, and Wolt Bros.clothlng. Los,tult million dollar, insured. From Satntday'a Daily A severe nowttotm set In at Colfax yesterday afternoon. The tcrmer Dcvonl arrived from Glasgow on the 13th after a very tormy passage. Captain Wilson said that in twenty years' experienee he never saw such weather a has prevailed on the At lantic azen this winter. A passenger train on the Monon route, Indiana, collided with a freight train near Mitchell yesterday morning. Engineer Dilward, Fireman Gedlnger. and Charles Wright, mail agent, were instantly killed. oix other were seriously injured. The Pall Mall Gaxettesay the report of the special commission I more complete vindication of the Parnelllte' and a more weeping condemnation of the Time than the most sanguine home ruler ventured to hope tor. A new code of rule wa adopted by Con a res yesterday by strict party vote of 161 to 145. The following, bll.s were among those introduced yesterday in Congress. One appropriating $50,030 for a first order llghthouae at the north head of Capo DI appointment, Washington. One appro priating $ 1 25,000 for a United State reve nue cutter for service on th-j Pacific coast, with headquarter at Astoria. A conference wa held yesterday at Chi cago between two Chinese dignitaries and representative ot a big mining company ,a machinery firm of Frazcr & Chalmer. Negotiation were formally entered into looklnsr to the construction of a three hun dred stamp milt In the mountain of China. It Is stated that these mills set up complete will cost nearly four million dollar. The Chinese Informed them that there had been discovered the richest and mott extensive gold beiring lead in the world.. They claim that not a ton of ore taken nut ha yielded let than $7000 while much of it Ii better. HAERIED. - SOUTH CRABTX.EE At the resi dence of J P Orabtree, on January 36, 1890. by J II Perry, J P, Mr O B touth and Eva Crabtree. " - : died. CRAWFORD At Portland, Sunday morning, February 8, joQo,HonR Jl Craw ford, aged Sj year. Mr, Crawford rep resented Linn county In the state senate senate from 1864 to t83. He ha re sided at Brownsville ever since 185a, and has been a man of considerable promi nence In that locality. He leavta four childien to mourn his death. ARNOLD Near Sclo, Oregon, Feb 4 1890, Virgil E Arnold, son of Win E and fane Arnold, of lung fever, being at his death 17 years, a months and 4 day Id. He professed a hope of a better life be yond this to his parentis, and was not afraid todie. - Made to Cct, When buying an sue get the best, one that Is durable as well as sharp, and the" p'ice. dto o U Js at Price & Rabson's.who aiev. have afiue line of wed pes, ttc. '- , ' ChlSclrca Cry t si tiiimaiJAy Wheat, (10 emit. Llnut I D Ctiriik was In Salrmytaterday. F M Frthiih rtlllrbed from (.otvalila luat vetiing. Mr Geo Dickinson, of ttia ft t. U. . wa. In Salem yesterday. Hon J II Shape ,Uo8fe bl intention id declining the position o sapertntsudsut ol the oontui of Western Oiegon. lie want to b Itegiiter. Th west and (if tha Turner brldua be yond th Calapooli, I reported la a danger ou condition, end In bring., Mr Ingram in Mr ins us t daiiuorous to use. Will. M St tin hs Imnn wharf agrJBl of th O P bore to purser of tb 'Thru i,. r Tbe Diiila Observer, in a very unkind maniisr, seem to gloat over Independaoou's oy mi ntgn water. A a lesult of tha brant hiea of lnie bv tba high water at Eugene, the price of lum- oer wa raised $4 per thousand lost week. wt at toon ai the Portland t raina beutn arriving a esssatioo ma i looked for of "'n. waser iterr. until then they at fashionable sud interesting. .... An,,,'r,,n. fotmerly prei.Iens of th MuMlnnvill college, has jtitt d'.d in th East, a fsot many will l.aro with regret io Albany, where Dr Ahdtrwn had many iriBIIUK. Advice just rr-oi lml rtpnrl tha itrrateal rain storm an tha island of Kauai known there for twenty ysrs. Una foot of rslu i tn leu than U-o dsyt. The rice crops, tree and liori wor eomptatsly wa.lie-1 awsy. A train from PiirtUn.l, on th West Sid, r riven at Uorvallls to day. Pistmsnler thnmpaim telegratrlied Chief Cieik itsnrv thia afternoon to aeud Albany mail by wty of C.-rvallu to-morrow, a the O P lie is opra from that town to Albany. Tbe Leltanon road oemr mis sad a trio oa sooonnt of hih water. Neat eama tha Weet aid Aarrsw Une. about which o muob fan bo been poked, wbioh only misd one or 1.0 trip. Tfc Stoat reservation, Just opened in Southern Dakota, I the aeeo of about as man nikh for land a wat Oklahoma. Aa Albany man who bald a claim down fiv year io tha asm lnngltode, aay h't Uke a aettion there and Jive 00 it tba same time. Th t-osrd of director of tha O ier llonaa hav vitd to remodel it, making a store for Will & Link's mnsiosl ttistrameut and organ bosinsea nn tha soathoaat oornr, where it ia nnderatood th box bet for Mrformanees will be kept,nd th gallery is to Is suisrgfd Wltb raised SSVSta Machine ehia.r tatha atan. increasing ti e seating e-pseity eoosidarably. A Born Ida enm w raeentl eominlttuKi in a provinoial town r Paris. A girl of 10 year wu walk ins ia the Hlda with her little sister, autd 2, The bsbv erear fretful and tb elder girl lost patienea with it aod tied tba poor tbing to tb tail of a oow that wa t rating io the pasture. Th.a sbs bott led tbe aoiinal 'uto a gallop. Tbe tiny vle tin ottered pieroiog shrUks which grew fainter sa tb oow ifrllooed madl on. Tha girl want quietly home and related ber ad venture gWully. Several hour afterward the oow was found mite away with a shape e mail of bamae flesh dragging at ber eeia. FRIDAY. Silvertoa ia to have a I iOiOOO school boose. Tb ootie for tha annual aobool meetiea appear nftre. Q L Uiackmao start td for Portland sea-' trda by tteamer. Several Democratie mambar of tha Man. tsa Le-gldatore are la Portlasd 00 0 visit. Tba Junction City Pilot enrwar on bin. paper thi week and tba Stay ton Sua 00 yel low paper. Bantoo eoantr ba already advertiaed fur bid for a bridge aerosa Mary' river at tbat eity. Park Brandt, for awbila eno-inaer f the Lebanon brsjoh, i one (a tb employ of tbe a ft r . 1, , - e a ww, at ngMosri, The ladies of the Coogregatiooal Ctiureh wdl give a soeiaM at tba residence of Mr vaooe, Friday eveoiog. Jao. 21st. Mr Geo II Keeeey rntomad I sat nlgbt irom a visiijw iiaisey, wber bia father baa oeeo lying tu, but 1 now gradually im provbg. Air J A Itoberta' stesm waH-borinc out Ot ta at work acre a tb river. Fartiea wbbiag work dona msy lesra word at rvsutou grocery itor. Old Oregooiaetof tb 2nd aod 3rd appear, ad to day by tha East Sid aod were dis tributed. Tb Id odoe, arriving at 2 o'clock' eroognt ep itsu for Mr Parker A short diataaoa above Sr-ringlield, co He west side ef tba river, there ia a pi'. o drift wood felly tbirty feet high acrot tba reaui, snowing tea height and fore of th water. ugttr. A Jo net ion boy wa recently shot io th foot by se tdent and then io order to verify me 01a sajitig that it never raina but it poors was givo nuia esrboUe soul for roed- Ijlo. A Fottrea Mooroa Virsiula SDeoi.l an ooe noes the marriage of DoattloaUreen, th banker of Nw York, to Mra Alio. Soell Metres, tha yoaoitest dsoghter of tb mard ered miitionsir teal estita dealer.A J Soell, of Chicago. A colored minister ofSetated Mrs McCre wss worth several millions. i fie alem SUU.msn now receive tb aasooiated pre deapatch.gttiog tbaeream of them op to on o'clock, a great a lyaotaga over tb eight o'clock system in most small citiea. People there wbo foiled to receive th Oregooiau ahould out grumble, for oar lie ex. ba every tbing of importance pra MObsd io good abap. Tb Corvslli beard ef trad yesterday received a proposition from ao Iowa wool factory company proposing to move their establishment to that eity. 7by desir to oe tam for power purpose. Ona of tb tirm wii) arriv is a abort time to look over th aituation. Thomas Hammond, whose son seoidctstslly hot aod killed W C Tigg soma time ago, was summoned over before tbe grand jury at Seles thi week. Hi son waa also taken over. Silverton Son. Th work of repairing the O. P. track aerosa tha river waa completed this moeo iog, which happen to be th tin. men tioned by tha Democrat. The tisio can now run from Ysquine to Gatesviil. Hon JstT Meyers, of Seio, arrived in the eity thi morning from home by way of Salem. While r Silverton the other dav ba paid tl, the market prioe, for an Ore gooiaa two daysold. Mr L T Robinson, 00s ot 1 1 arris burg's most ceoul citiieo. i io town to-dav. and think seriously of making Albany hi bom. Ha report Iiarriabnrg wall torn a p by th high water. The Street Railway company boa for feited ila franchise to build a street railway oa the streets of Eager-, tb time allowed for its acceptance having expired lt Sat urday. Tba men interested in thi enter prise were ready to put in a sood line, bot could not get a satisfactory franchise trom the council. Uuard. SArtJBBAT, The aobool census of Albany ia being taken. S G Dorns- wife aud 'children, of Lafay ette, ar in the eitj . . Mr Van Winkle and daughter came up from Salem thit sf vera 001 pa the Modoc. No mail by the west lid to-day. Regular train are looked for from Portland on Mon day. The bridge loas to Marion nounty ht sites a estimated at f 24,000, besides the Salem bridge. A small amount of snow fell at thia city to-day, but like MoGinty, it wa never seen attain. Mr and Mra T G Ilopkina and Mist Min nie Colwell went to Salem to- dsy on tba Mod 00. Tbs work of distributing about forty sacks ot mail secured by tbe west side yesterday, waa completed this morning. Tba Bandmann company played in Mo Minn villa Thursday evening and John S Lindsay is to be there Monday night. The daily Timos-Muutit&iuecr waa well red during the blockade, for a few days. Being out of white paper was tbo causa The Est Albany Cemetery association has been incorporated with E T Fisher, A B Custer, Newton Houston, P Tt Marsh.U, Fred Graf.L 0 Stratton and O W Cowan a incorporator.; The wagon road from Roseburg to Coo Biy was washed out of shapa and made im. p&ssable, and will not ba ia a condition for travel for about two weeks. A letter received but evening by Jatne Elkin from FrinevUle stated that the loss of stock there hsd been exaggerated generally, tha principal loss being among th sheep. The total valu of mooey, sote aod, ac :'PItehcrfs 0,corla., counts in Oregna as assessed is $1I,853,725. whlla the inikititf ilnca is $3"),CU8,J73. '1 h fsot Is simply a "slam" on the assessment. Mr. Sanders, the expert machinist sent out from Woioi-ster, Ms., last December to put till the new nudum ry fr the woolen nulls. Kit tins morning 011 his return trip, leaving th mill iu good rniiuiug order 0 W Watts has lust received a tniif of his lithograph map uf Albany, It shows 2'J addition aud is imely gottou op. Th last auditions ar Wity View ami AJaplewond on the west, the plat of which ar not yet filed. A letter io titanerintoudorit Carl from hi. father ill Wasno county reports considerable lot to tloitk 'here, Mr Curl losing eleven hsad ol cattle. Th weather, though, had ehstifted and at the writing of th lettor wss pleasant aud agreeable. Th dispatch from Albany to the OrcKO- nmn jsaasry zj, tn regard to Kstie tnd llst'ie Msttmm. ws io error in st.stinit that the giris hs-.l taken several trunks of stolen good home with them, Tbir parents am buooiabl end reapeoted peoplii bore, and would nut allow such to b done. Drain Echo. But thru small bridge ou small streams wer washed out and not on on th Han twin wss carried away, ilin bridges at Sweet Home, Waterloo, LI.j,i. Hsnderroii's. kjro's, Siaytflu and Muhama are all stand ing i'l tact and havj beeu in u in-"J the fliKxl, tliouuli somdamsi((i hs been d.w to piers and apparatus of a..m of them. There ar five raslrd bridges id Linn county, a'l oow being used by psssing trsiua. Had a!) th bridge ou tb Hantiam gun out the lo to Linn oouuty would bav been 5100, WD. Om Tub Kivkr, Tne Modoc arrived tills afternoon at 1 :401mA N S lii-ntli-v five minutes later, A UetiUey man said bcv left Salem at 9 oVlotk,lc hour later than he Modoc, Gukssxs. There were 017,433 person ent guesses to tbe New York World as to the exact time in which Nellie Lly, the Intrepid little lady, would make her jnun ney .around the world, F. W. Stevens, of New York, was the succcsaful gucsser He guessed 7a day, 6 hours, it minute and 14 J-5 seconds, while the official time given by the judges ol the content was 72 day, 6 hour. 11 minutes and 14 seconds, leaving Mr. Steven just two-lift h of a second out of tb way. This is certainly good guessing, and It must be particularly distressing to Thorns Haltcn, wbo beaten only one-fifth of a second by the successful Steven, nation made Ids guess of 72 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and 13 a. seconds, while Nellie was nn the Psclnc Ocean, while the winner deferred his calculation until after the globe trotter Had surmounted the dllneultie which she met In the snow-bound Sierra. It is creditable to the American guessing cap to record thrt more than one bundled and fifty of the competitor who strove far the World's prlxe came within fifteen seconds of the time. One man out tn Detroit sent In his guess in a phonograph. Mr. Steven will now receive from tbe Wot Id a ticket to Europe, Including a visit to London, Paris, and a run down to Rome, with $450 spending miner. The World, in a dual sense, I a great advertiser. A Fir at Jt-'KCTto Mr A B Seal, who returned on Saturday from a trip to Southern Oregon, glees u the particulars of a big fire at Junction City, which was In I to last stage a he passed that place There had been a big masque tell at the hotel and a supper after midnight. Along In the moridntr from some cau.e arUinir from the fire in the stoves all night, the hotel caught on lire and wa cntiicly burned, with tbe P. O. and butcher shop in the same building, and the general mer chandisc store opposite. Other building were saved by hard work. n. wadio Kouae. "wnat are you doing in that house at this time of night? The question wa asked of a young man who had just made hi exit by mean ot a step-ladder and a second -tory window from the residence of A. i Johnaon, on the wan street niu in Astona. Looking at Police Officer McCarthy' star, wiiicn glistened in the half moon light, the xoung man said, ! went in there to get f jS; i knew it wu there and I wanted lt."-Plonccr. Socials. At the residence of Mr J M Irving last Friday the young people of the Y P S C E cf the Presbyterian church gave a very enu mining social, greatly enjoyed by those 1 cnt. si ue w v. 1 v nan the 1 gave one Ol. their pleasing parties, pronounced success. Besides games and sociability short program, full of interest, was rcn- acred. A RkMARKABLC Bavu Drummers al way n ake our band and cities tbe best and lives! in the world. Tl e follow ing from the Biownsvitle Time Is sample of their conduct: "We were talk ng with a drum mer one day this week whet, he spoke of our band boy. When t Id that they had been "practlcj nth he could haf he had seen a - ..hemPlar.bul .. - mccn. The , . er Brcux Moving, A rccrdlng to the As toria paper real estate market hat begun moving la a lively manner, W Hall, cj Tacoma, has recently bought twenty acre In the Summit addition for $10,000 The Oregon Land Co nave bought 160 acie near the city. $12,000 win paid for 40 acre near tne city by Portland men and wilt be platted. In the first five weeks of the year 34S deeds were recorded trans ferring $72,401. At Invitation. Chief Engineer Stew art ha received the following from Salem : You will please extend an invitation to all the firemen of your city to attend a ball to be given here on the night ot Keb. 21st by . Knight, Andiew Coss.Com, on invitations. ltter Mat. - 'TuHoeing Is Ui list of leuers remain Ing in the Post Offiue, Albsny, Lion eounty, Oregon, Keb. 13, li&O Persoaa eslUny for these letten rnuat k'tvo th. dare which they ware sdrartistd : Adams, O Hell. Vslix Itemiar, Anlh my Buchanan, Jta Crocket, John A (i) Clark, Chaa Cairin, Viuann Gnenman, W A Hardin-, Mrs Knner Bsaeh, IM Pruiorr, ElvinO Itranmn, Co Hurras, Uiaa Ijnir t'ook, Franh (iatire) C'l.rk, Vtn.E U K.x.Jll ilroabeek, Geo Juimiii, 1 hornas (S) Halnars, 0 W stroma, Bsnjuuin Tbemsr.i.M. R. TUOMPSON P. Harrta Itlreetary. U. P.Chbt u. Preacbingevery Sabbat n, morning aod evening by Rev. f.. O. Ir vine, 1. D. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. 21 Prayer meetibT every Wedneasday evening. Evanqexjoax. Chcvch. Preaching on Sab bath at 11.00 k. u., aud 7 P. m. Sabbath School 10:00. i rsyer meeting every Wed neaday evening 7:30. Rev. Fuiber, pastor. Ail or invited. -M. E. Chckch, South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. h. and 7 Q o'clock P. at. Sabbath School at230 o'clock 3, M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening's rt 7-30 o'clock. Rev. U S lianlettur, Paitor. M. E-Chceok. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening. Song service in he even ng before sermon. Sabbath School 1 2:30 P st. Prayer meeting every Tbura ay vening. Rev.S E Memiugor, pastor. Prjssbhtkrian CsrtJRCH. Svioa every Sabbath morning and eveningSin Church cor. Broadolbin audFifthSts. Sunday School immediately after the morning nervice. Prayer meeting every Wednesday , evening Rev K R Priohard, pastor. First Baptist Chorch. Preacbingevery Sabbath morning aodeve' Church on 5th Street. Sabbath School iuunodiately after morning aervioes. Prayer meeting ever" Thursdxy eveoiug at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Trumbell, pastor. ; CoNtJRJtQATlon At, ;iid rM.H. -Ser vices very Sabbath morning stud even vug. Sabbath School at 12:15. P-ayer meeting on Wednesday evening f each week. Rev, Rogers, Pastor. tiav Oaoittn Preaching every Lords dsy in month, morning and evening, Sabbath School at 10 Voloek.A, nt. Rey J F Stewart Paul or. Catholic Church, Service every Sun day at 10:30 A. M. and 7 P. M. - ist Sunday of th- month service a& Eugena City. Rev. Loait Metayer, Reetor. -! . ' " iraxaaii lit "'hh ilr 1 1 fr rr laaakr 1H1 i 11 t tr 'r - ') 1 r 1 11 niirm rm iTkiai'aajf t Lai ne 11 ni'itn for Infants and Children. CaUissowenaUptdtoehndnrBt)t I Taatfrrta en rw , Oeae'trii', fauM.Mu,Ju. t . ... I . ti. u T: ak.r-e-Hiras.. iLri i-rrl. lil Bo. Oxlord bl, iirookin, H. Y. WuLut tojtriona aacdleaUoa. Ta CnerauB OoarjcsT, 77 Murray Street, !. Y. THE MAX ABOUT TO WIf. An Albany man has just received a let ter from Ids brother in Hie East, wbo has just read about the blockade in the Sbl I yous, and tells him, we su.pect somewhat sarcsathrnll v, tbat It mu.t seen strange ta him In the W-aniiful Willawette valley be surrotuiiled ard hlorkaderS by so much now. nod here ws arc all t-: time three hundred mile f.nm the tooi kad-, and al theliitie It was raining for lep and a Hood. The tiinn about town has jut Wi k rend. ing a copy of tin! Lirennrd Vb lu.iliti's Mirror, London, it is a rest funny kind of a paper, and has among many cuc things Ion- a'i Iclc on our Irlcnd Bar- num's inon.trous alio-, which riveals the ilenthv of the s'.-tidc-r. That our mimer readers may Zri a tante of a real EngtUh pnper, tha M A T has clipped the two funniest things fr tbe paper; but it will take you a l jrtg time to work op a laugh over them: 1 once quite inquired of an ngine driver bow it happened that so many accidents happened during the ChrUlmas holiday. He replied with a grim smile tbat he supposed it km to sup ply the public with mince meat." "In a recent banmuptcv case, tiic un fortunate debtor attributed bl failure to a too frequent attendance at fair., church bazaar and other swindles 01 that kind.' The law (4 supply and demand has never been be'tcr illustrated than durirg tbe blah water, when men gladly gave 50 dent for an Orcgonian that they would sometime spurn when train were run- ningon time and Harvey was riding rus high horse. A little thing will sometime make a person blush. An Albany schod ma am had just give her pupils a dcacrved lecture on ruining achool books and was enlarging on their cost to ttKir parents, wncn youngster broke in : " 1 ou 11 tnma iney coin mmciiimg -seli when you get married and have to buy them lor your children. Comui 'Haver. -Flt(H'KtKT'3 Or- STAR BAKEliY Career Broadaloia and 7irst Sts., tauaed fratto !!! vre, 9rleci Fralts. Tobaceo. irigsp. rortcc. Oanae .Tfesti, Qareosworv, geto,!ew, Cigateai. - Kr'ev. Te. .bict every thlnx that N knpt in a net) i i ra:l.ty fna gr vry i t. Migno i ra:1'ty fna gr vty i rkt prlc- rs1 s"r HiLSCiTwDS OF PRODUCE. Intelligent Esadcrs tvill netica t2ivt EH3 I iwr siat "irafraiilal r earre" Oil cloas f eUeaaaM. t Ijr aaeb avs reaactl .frwaa ostieorderwd Usar, via. 'Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia. Fevers, Ccstiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. ,Tr the they ara wat svwrraateal laW ,aMiMa, lw t ara mm nearly a aa 1 1 la jpoa. ,lblo ta mas. m remedy, friea, lUela. SOLD EYISlYVrUEKE. . BfStlTIVT Tor LOST erFATXTKO KAKSOOTJj jf-ITTT T "Weakaesa of Bodyaa Hind: F.fferta US t-l JLvXs efCrreraer ExeHaesin Oidor Voune. -tl.kqH. Mm OkSMOHII fkllT Siorr. rl. I. u4 siimctkM wais.i kiinruiNo oKuts a rnT.r sour. Mttunw "usa mo.ui-iw.1. n a y. 41 aM-H iwrlliWH. VI. .. I law. . w. MMi. C ymtfit tna. AM ERIE eULAi. C&siir.ALO,). I. run KMuiuu, aa rwr mmm. FliAKGIS PFEIFFER. PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. And Mancfacturon of ; .dhoigs comunomi. fve rjrewowpreparac1 to Milt at wboli , laJecayn frswU and puio at PorlH ud , . . dc&iBi-M. We & kaep a A.II jSuts ami Tropical fruits, fiast stock of 2nd yS' ,oods In the Val Ky, aad tba most reasf lata prices, both in buying and soiling. have on band stl kioda of FURNITURE. STOVES, TINWARE, TRUNKS, BOOKS, FUTURES CLOCKS, CRDCP.RY, ETC., ETC. ,?.-iriw9stJof, E Young'a olf" bloro. L. COTTLliB 123 First atraet. Aibaay, Or, To All Whom It May Concern. The Germania Fire Insurance Co of New York, having reinsured Its entire business In the State of Oregon, said com pany (having on deposit with the State Treasurer, $50,000,) hereby give nctice of its dis-eontir.uance of business in Ore gon, and its intention of withdrawing its deposit now with the State Treasurer at the expiration of the six n'lOiilhs printed notice required by law Germanic Fire Insurance Co ofN. Y Hugh Schumann, Vice President. Dec Sk h 1SS9 XSiBY CARRIAGES . . AT Sl'EYr AKT nnO ira Tmra thoae pot mi t?y "k D.M.FERRY&CO.U H Vi ba ar theilrprtt SeodsnKn in Uia world. Wt D. M. Faaar ft Co's 4 Jllimrawd, te.cnptiv aod Priced (j VL kit 190 ! be trailed FKEE to all ap. f Jicao(i,anltolakteaiion' cuuei. ff Hi It ia better thaa ever. Every peraea j k aatalt Grdfn, J-'lirmtr r fuid S3 A. &eJt ihoiilt'r J Kic Address yffif ,gkv L. JJ.Fue.rreV CO. yr "utTHOIT, atiCMr MTlfllLf! 2nd -Store. I SWii V. l rS I i'o levoiho Exchiivo Control of o ft 'SMI f ,l - ' CHE m GiiE HALF FGIHIDS. SAMUEL E. YOUffG, ALBANY, OREGON. tfbea 1 1 say Ctbs I C r.ot mer. n nsrtty to 1 fr a time, ami thto 1.iij t.yw 'ro. ".-"" i t . 1 .1. 4 1. tA.L Turn s.fion. 1 r.- " I bava made tiie disease ol VI1! R 4 a rAixmo ciciniEss, a life. km stody. I WAtmawT toy remedy ta 4-vi the worat ceaea. Ii4arjae others have fi.i!t 1 1 . -iore.n f rr not now .re'msaeorfc ImhA ;oe lor a trestiiMi aod a RBE liOTTLa " ! . t k. it ecu oa txribiag to a : i t It il euro you. Adores COT.fcl.C IMrta.8T,RT6a PATEHTS talnd , an. ail oVbm VuaiMal ha the C. 8. Pataa IR-xs .l-rrledi to l BMlert U. Ournrl kaoiiDoait the U, 8. Patent OSee. aa4 1 1 a. nt.l l-.Lnia kes tine than Ibeee reaoeat moi Whin?Um. -thud taodie or Arswinf. We af- to pt nk r r ( ehanrs ;arJ weasske efeartr siues awtiain patens. . Wa raf bore, to tbe Pneaatr. tfc Fnr.- "raf Order Kf. aod eflkaale el tbe U. Fate ittbtx. far eirt nlar, alnre. terms, and efsreee mtcsaaj etteuts la y oor own Mate or county, vddrss A. sSNOW &CO Oioante Psient Ofiee, tt'ssltittsnec, D Fcitiniilst k Imog, j ... ' .--JUSEUAL DIRECTORS. s Mr. O. aoXUBR UAT & SENDERS, aiealtrs in General EtrmSha. aA2ai5BU?2 - - - - C3ECCH :;,lti,1r.?i'.Vli'i; ALMS! COLLSlUAfS IISnTUTS i ALBANY, OREGON. f 1888, 1889. .' rtrsa Trraa Oeeo geotember Iltr, lagg. A full corps of instructora, . kCLASSICAL, SCIEHTinC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL AHO HCRMAL CLASPS. Vourowi 01 tuiy arranged so mset tb' ad of o:i grade of students. lUctHCrmenit cjtrtd u sldH from mhrxd. Tuttlotx favngeo trom Sa.60 to f 13. M Bosvrd ia private fsicldoe ot low rate Kooma lr aelf-board ing at small exreoaa A ereful super vision evereisad over era dent oway from homo, Fr 11 term open Septetnb-jr 7th. For elroolars and to' portiaoJarsoddnaotba FreaidenU RET. ELBEKT . COM0VIT. City Meat Marliei. SHULTi BEOS,, Propristc uCrSt vp a full lioa f oieo-ta of all kind, ha a cool plica, eempietelT pro t3Cd; and always ffesb. Also have eocslatiUy.ont hand salmon nd otfcor fish. J. J. WIIITFISY, o-iutjej And OcunssllDr At La? aa ND Xotav.-; Public ALBA 1 CRECOH rt'UI pr;Vj.o t ail of tbe Courta aN Sis to. All b inesa Intrastc to hi will bo prtimptly sitended to. ALBANY OR. WUITSEAN & IULBIET BHDS.. Real Estate Agents. Fame and Rancbea for sale. Also cify Droperty in Albany . and Coryallis. MCIIF.Y. CHEAPfMONEY. Wo have made arrangements to sunnlv money to a l on long time at low rates of iuterest on improved turns and city prop erty. Thste who contemplate building brick blocks or good brick business houses can get moiey. See us. WAixAe-E iSr Crrsicit. -yt t AT ROSDON'S mill ABSTR1G1 CG2P1SY, ALBANY, OREGON. Th? Only Complete Set ot Abstract books ai.d Map? in Linn County, profile 3 ia tl.8 Court Htntaetss iUS .entrusted .vts the Co, i tuij carat ul Rti -as.-vn, Bii t.a c If X 1