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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1890)
1 It WAIT AND LKAUN. The Capita! Journal Indulge In a tirade mt abuse ol democrata b:cause, (at It un truthlulljr allege,) thej have"alwajr Uwd readjr to sacrifice public duty to partjr ad. vantage", and cap the climax by taking that "the history of the democracy of Or egon thowa plainly that at a partjr It will go farther in abandoning public Interests to advance the chinccaot party success than the republican ever have. These aame characteristic ol the party have ben ahown thl winter In Ohio, in Iowa, and Montana, where deadlock to secure dem ocratic advantage have been maintained lor month at public expense. It I bare -ly possible to ecure a greater number of mle-reprcentallon in ao few word. The Jenrnal editor ha been In Oregon but a lew week, and thla account tor hi Ig norance ol the hlilory ol the democracy oi thla atate. On the contrary, the history ot the republican party In Oregon thow plainly, that.aa party, It will go lurther In abandoning public Interett to advance the Chancea ol arty uccea than the demo crata ever have. To prove thla, we will ay fa' the Information ot the Tvumai that, p IS68, the Governor of thla atate, a re publican, entered Into aconapliacy with the republicao member ot the lower houte 6( the legislature thereby It waa agreed that a sufficient number ot member thould resign to break a quorum. Thta wm done and the legislature Naaa prevented from making t'.e r.ecctaary appropriation to pay the ripentet of the atate government tor the next entulng two year, which coat the date In the way of Interett and other wise $40,000. Can the Jmidh point to any act ol the democratic party In thl atate wherein they thua abandoned public duty to gain a paitjr advantage? It can not. Again: Only a lew year ago a United State Senator waa to be elected and the republican had a majority In both branches of the tegia lature, but they pllt up Into wrang'lng factiona and could not elect a Kena'.or, and, ao bitter did the matter be come that they spent the whole aeuion without an election, thua abandoning pub lic Interest and dutlea to auch an extent that the governor had to call a cpeclal aea lon of tho legislature at an expense ot $15,000. Can the JomrwU show where democrata In Oregon have been thu derelict ol public duty? It can not. Aa to the charge that democrata have caused a deadlock in Ohio for month at public expense, we can enly aay what every one, at alt conversant with current eventa know, that there hae been no deadlock in the Ohio legislature, at all. The deadlock n Iowa la aa much the fault ot repub lican a democrats, in fact more so, for the democrats have made several offers of compromise but the republicans nave re jected every offer. Neither party has strength enough to elect a speaker. Each party can muster 50 votes. Are the dem ocrata to be blamed because the republican have no man popular enough to get a majority of the vote for speaker? The Journal Is very unfortunate in ita choice of weapons of warefare. As to the action of the democrata In Montana, we have only to aay that they are resisting, at all hazards the consummation of aa foul a crime aa was ever attempted, always excepting, "Fraud first triumphant In American history" the steallr. J4 the presidency In 1876. Thl they are fully Justrfied In doing. The throwing o-t of the note of a whole pre cinct and then refusing every offer ot the democrata to Investigate Into all chargea ot wrong, place the republicans ol Mon ana In an Indefensible attitude, one in which they are absolutely estopped from complaining at the course of the democrats Decrease of their own wrong-doing. APPROACHING FBEE TRADE. By degrees the Ortgoroan is becoming a 'tree trade" organ. "British gold" must be to it a motive, aa inspiration. It has evident ly been reading Cobdea Club literature. Tbc seductive influence of reciprocal trade with foreign nations has captured that paper. Only a few day ago with a kird of prearranged foraality it announced its support of the dem ocratic policy of putting jute on the free lirt. Now with the aame formality it announces its eappoct of the "free Made," "British gold doctrine of patting sugar on the free list. This la little lest than treason to the doctrine of protection. It thinks ' there is great force ia Mr Blaine's argument before the! ways and meant committee that sugar should be pa on the free list "at the request f torn of the delegates Jrom South and Central America to the Pan America ccn frees, t eucmuragt trade tint hthote toumJrUt, How it this? It it true that this administration ia to adopt "free trade" at the bxk of some foreign na tion? Encourage trade with foreign nation? That i democratic pure and simple. It saya that sugar is an article of universal domestic consumption not produced in sufficient quanti ties to supply the home demand and tliat a doty apon it is a tax pare and simple and therefore should be put upon the free list. Well then, let at extend the argument. Wool and woolen goods are articles of a ni versa domestic consumption not produced in suftici cat quantities to supply the borne demand, and a duty apon them ia a tax pure and simple, therefore they should be put On the free list. The same might be said of jute sacks for grain, and many other articles. Especially is this true ia a very emphatic' sense of tin plate wLich i not produced in this country, an 1 the re publicans instead of moving to put this article on the free fist are proposing to increase the duty to a Jvery high one, The Orcgtmian proposes to put raw sugar, which it calls raw material, on the free list I ut to retain tbe duty on the refined article. Does any one fail to see the motive here? It would protect the re finers because they are mostly in the north while the producers of raw sugar are in fhe south. The motive is purely a sectional one. That paper seems to be inspired by one mo tivc ia all UrilT legislation and that is to cripple the south for the benefit of the north. This is all wrong. So long as this government is to be paternal one, let all section sh ire equally ia Us benefits. TUEEKAgOX IS PLAIN. The Salem Journal tayt; "Why not put sugar on the free list, at well as tea and coffee? Will some cne give ut a good reason." From a republican ttand point the answer is easy and the reason of the answer is plain, Sugar is produced in Urge quantities in this country, but the p-txluceVt of sugar here can not compete with the cheap servile labor in Cuha and the South American and other orein sugar producing countries. Hence in erler to prevent a ruin of tliii highly important home industry by putting it under the law of "free trade" our lawmakers have placed a duty upon the imported article. See ? On the contrary tea and coffee are not grown in the United States at all and hence any duty placed upon these articles would oe simply that hated democratic tariff for revenue only. See ? Secretary f'roctor, under authority ol the recent act ol Congress, has purchased of the heirs of the la.e General Geoge H Shield, for $10,000, the word worn by the General d Jilng the late war. The tword, which Is a handsome one, will be placed inonj tlx; relics at the War department. Ol a AMERICAN lUtl'SB OF LOKD. lion Amos J Cutnmings, who it himself a congressman, writes in the New York Sun a very interesting letter, showing thl different treatment that the Senate and the House of Representatives give to matter affecting eco nomy, Tin Senate it careless and lilwral to itself and employes, while the House it con ducted on a much n.ote economical scale, Messenger in the House receive ft loo to ftaoo per year. Those of the Senate, having much leu to dr, receive $1440, and It It to all through t.'.e IN. The eighty four senator, employ forty live messenger, ili tin 315 member of tie House have only fifty one, Each tenUor, without regard to party, it sl owed a private secretary, paid for by the public. Even the shaving of the senators is done by a tenstwial barber and paid for out of the public treasury. The Senate ia now proposing to drive the Supreme Court from rooms It hat occupied for years,to secure rooms for committee that rarely meet, . Without doubt the Senate of this country is arrogating to itse'f privileges tucb at are enjoyed by the aristocratic House of Lords In F.pglnnd. When the Constitution was framed, the dominance of the House of Representatives, directly rep resenting tht people was thought to be aecur. ed by giving it Jrsclusive power to originate revenue bills. But the longer terms of sena tors, and the tact that they are not directly re sponsible to the people, have reverted what the father intended. Senatorial terms thould be made shorter. Four years i long tnough for any representative of public interest to act without being instructed at to hit duties by hit constituents. If the' constitution were amended ao as lo make senators elected by popular vote, the Senate would be let a club of millionaire than it now U, and public in terctts would be much more faithfully represented. The manager of a number ot large man ufacturing establishments In Fall River are watching with Interest the experiment which the Bourns. Milt Is making In profit sharing. They are very favorably Im pressed, at the new system offer an In centlve to better work, and what Is quite as Important, prevents men from leaving at the end of the year. In a buslnesa where success help both employer and employe, profit are likely to increase from year toyeai. Some ot the best farmer have adopted the plan of hiring men con ditionally, giving so much per month at the lowest rate ot profit, and an additional sum II crops, seasons and price combine lo make a favorable year. Farmer who do thla get better help, and make more clear money tor themselves, than they can by hiring men who only work at tlme tervers, because they haveo personal In terest n what they arc doing. Four of the Montana state senators are ia Portland. They are democrats and are away from Montana for the purpose of breaking a quorum. This they arc compelled lo do to thwart the autocrat'c and outrageous rulings of the lieutenant governor who practically rules that democratic senators have no rights which republican senator are bound lo respect. A presiding officer who bold that seven is a majority of sixteen deserve to be held hich op to public acorn and contempt. Thit at tempt to break a quarum, instead of being "silly" a alleged by the lleraU it inspired by the highest considerations of patriotism and public duty. Germany is the only civilized country In th world wherein murderer are ttill beheaded with an axe or tword. Jus be fore Christmas two were executed. I lav Ing been bllndfaldcd, they knelt down In turn before a block and the executioner severed each man' head from the body with a single blow of his broad-b'.aded axe. That corn ia fuel was so decided by a Wich ita, Kan., justice yesterday in a -mil Brought to satisfy a debt of ftoo, A thousand bushels of corn belonging to a farmer named Steadman had been attached. ' Steadman said be was using corn for fuel and that a thousand bushels was not more than sufficient to last a year and the Justice ruled that under the law exempting r year's fuel the attachment could not hold. la 1783 Europe wat for monlht covered by the dust ejected by an Icelandic volcano, and the Atlantic for 900 mile west of the north west coast of Afiica is every subject 10 a haze composed of fine particle of sand from the Great Desert. At the late meeting ol the democratic editor ol Indiana twenty ont ol twenty five expressed themselves unequivocally In favor of the nomination of Cleveland for President In 189 J. Of the other five one was tor BUI and the other noncomittal. Strong carbolic acid is sure death lo bed bug. It it also one of the very best disinfect ants. A bottL. should be kept on hand out of the reach of children and a few drop oc casionally put down tbe sink drain and in slopjara. The militia force of the United States which nay be available in an emergency is placed at 7.352,I7I. Tbe regularly organized militia, however, only number 103 392 men and 8053 officers. Gen Alger will visit Arkansas in March fo three reasons to look after his timber lands,to meet tbe Army boy and to continue hit stud ies in geographical research. Senator Sher man is not studying Southern geography so much as he wat, Baron Rothschild, the Paris banker, live in fear of the Commune. His cellar are almost impregnable, and hi picture and jewels are protected in such a way that the most grasp ing mob could net reach them. He live in a state of constant fear, Oklahoma seems lo have greater attractions for the negro as ai emigration field than . the banks of the Congo. There are already 22,- 000 colored there, and by the middle of spring this number will be doubled. The National Bank of the United States of Brazil was launclied lecently with a capital of $100,000,000 and so great wat tbe confidence of the people that every dollar wat taken up in four hours. There lately passed across the Red Sea from the African to the Arabian shore a Might of lo cust calculated to have covered Over ' 2000 square mile. oar Humanity I Tbe comin-m lot is on of sorrow aay at leat the pessimists, they who look at the worst siie. Certainly what would other wise be a bright existence, is often shadow ed by some ailment that overhangs it liktt a pal), obscuring perpetually the radiunoe that else would li jilt the path. Snuh an ailment and a very liuiumoo one. is nervousness, or in other word, weakness of the nervous system, a condition only irremediable where ineffi cient or improper means are taken to relieve it. To concurrent experience of nervous people who hsveportlstently used Hos tetter's Stomach Bitter ia, that it conquer entirely superseusitiyeoess of the neryes as well aa diseases- -so oaneu- wniun ar lnviiea auo sustained by their chronio weakness As tin nerves gain stamina from the gieat tonic the tumble disappears. Use the Bitter for malaria, rheumatism, biliousness and kiuney trouble. n v-.".i,' . ; . Wamuvntcx, Feb, 3, 1890. The great CortgicsMiitiai fight Is now fair,' on, and the democratic member of the House are battling nobly for the right of having a code of rnle adopted for the government of the lieu before going any further with legislate . ttnd they have, In caucus, dctci mined tc - tand by their gun to the bitter end. 0 - course they recog nise the fact that If s republican succeed In their Intention . . eating all the repub lican contestant Iclore the rule are a doptcd they can then adopt any tort ot rules they may desire, but they III have a hard time before they do It. With all Speaker Reed's unfair decision it took them three day to get the contested e. lection case ot Smith v Jackson before tho House. The fight ha been very ex citing, and the most dramatic scenes have been frequent on the floor of the Houte "Stand by ) our guns", I what ex.Spcaker Randall wrote from hi tick-room to the democratic caucus. Kepresenatlve Ilynum, ol Indiana, but voiced the tentlment ot hi democratic co.lcaguet when he aald "You, sir, (pointing to the Speaker,) have violated more than any man on thl floor, parlia mentary rule and pi act Ice. You may consummate what you have undertaken, You have the power, backed by a mob on the floor of thl House. Men have trleit to consummate such proceeding be fore. At the hour ot midnight a Federal u made a ruling which perpetuated the republican party, In power, but hi name U now forgotten t at.d more tha. thai, thl proceeding Is In keeping with the practice of your party it I in keeping with your action when you stole the presidency. You have giuc forward. You have u- urped power. You have mulltatcd the record ot the 1 louse In ot dcr to carry out the behest ot the chairman ot the republican national committee to turn out the Repre- tenatlve ot llie people elected to (cat on thl floor, Now proceed In thl matter; but In the language of the Immortal Em mett we propose to dispute everv Inch ol ground, burn every blade of grata, and tbe last Intrcflchmcntof liberty shall be our grave. Many, republican openly condemn Speaker Reed's conduct, and at least two member ol the Cabinet Blaine and Rusk are known to be opposed toil. The dem ocratic Senatora are aiding the me.nbir ol the I louse In every way possible. The President and .Secretary Noble are greatly alarmed over the condition ot a flair In Oklahoma and anxious that Immediate action shall be taken on the Oklahoma town-site bill, which ha already pasted the House, also ths bill providing for a terri torial form ot government tor Oklahoma now pending In both House and Senate. Secretary tVlndom is said lo be very much chagrined at the opposition already developed to hi sliver bill, and Mr. Har rison ha become so badly frclghtcncd at the outlook that he ha changed his mind about sending a special message lo Con gress In It favor, Represenatlve Dibble,of South Carolina, ha a bill before the Houte cominlt'ee on the election ot President ai.d Vice Presi dent which provides for two Vke Presi dent. In arguing In fa or ol hi bill Mr. Dibble stated that the United State haa been without a Vice President twenty-five year during It one hundred of existence. ReprescnaUve Mc Adoo, ot New Jersey, think hi resolution providing for the holding ol Presidential and Congressional elections on the third Tuesday of October would accomplish great good by prevent ing national elections from conflicting with local election. KCF.PPWTE1. Boot and sujM at oost at Read'. J. P. Wallaee, Physician mm! Snr&aoo, Al bany, ur, Just rootiytd new table liaaq at W, V Read's. I W Starr, physician and surgeon, A ha by ureKon. Good cooking stove only f 10 at llii; m h naitmarsb a. Bast roast ooffao in the city at Conrad' Meyer. bitty doseo wind w tbadsx jottrecciv.d at FortraillerJl Irving'. J W Beotley. best o and shoe maker in city, opposite FortmilUr Si Irtinta. A large and fine lino of w ir dow I r) just received at FortmilUr k Irving'. We have tbe beat $1 50 kid glove ever brooght to Alhaiy at W F Road'e. Now i the to save mnoer by Laying boot and abos at c-t of W. F. Read . Go to Bardee for honest weight, good goods and lowest living prioee. A Una line of all kind of furniture, plain and apboUtered, be stock in this part of Oregon at Fortmiller k Irving'a. J A Archibald, a rent 8ins(r Manefaetar ing Co., opposite Oi l Piio Tempi. AI baoy, An elegant line of siA table spreads, ia beantifal designs, jatt received at Fortmilter 4 Irving'. 5 es Goldeo Star tomatoes for AO eent at C W ayere, and alt otherj canned coed cheat oreatb. Aa Excellent Remedy. Dr IToldea t I ronsiiUr CooKh Syrnp an excellent temedy forell the diseases for which yon recommend it 1MVID Klt'HABT, Modesto. Laree aixa tl.OO. small flft by H C ilabbard, druggist. This Trade Mark on a stove iTTTVmean it la thi beat that eat " . 1 J? petit nee and skill can eon- l I trtve. Bold only by G. W. V-xcr fcmlth. Whereto Get Them. When wanting an organ or plana call on G L Black man, where you can select from a first claat ttock. A Sharp Item The f nest line of cut 'err and theara In the city at Stewart & Sox a. Their good are the very best aad rlll stand the tert. S.noke the celebrated Havana filled ci zars, miDnfaotnred ai Jaliua Joseph' e'gar factory. Only 5 cents. Center Tables. A large and elegant shipment of center tablet, in new designee finest stock In the valley, just received at Fortmiller A Irving. trading Photographers Albany Oregon. We have bought all the negatives mad by L W Clark and W H Greenwood np to Nov 15th, 1889. Dnplicatea esn be had from hem only of ns at red need rates. We hayi also a boat 18,000 negatives made by our selves, from which rlupllaatu can be bad at like rate. W carry tbe outy fall line cf view of this state and do enlarged work at lowest rte for first das work. We shall be pleased to aea 00 at onr Studio in Froman'a block, next door to Masonic- Temple. The Verdict : Unanimous, W I) Butt, Dniirelst, Bipus, Ind., tosttfies: "I can recommend Eleotrie bitter as tbe very best remedy. Every boitie sold has given reliel In every esse, One mn took six bot tles, nd win cured ol rfaeamstlsm ul lOyos'S'ttaniiiiiK." Abraham Usre, drtiKirist, Hellvilie, Onto, sIHrms : ' The tmst selling medicine I have ever handled in my -Ut Tutrs' ex perience. Is Electrie bitters." Thousand of others hare added tneir teattinony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Uittert do curs ail dlseims o the Liver Kidneys r liiood, Only a half dollar bottle at Fosbay and Mason's Drug Store. 2 A Woman's Discovery. "Another wonlerf ill d'scoyery ha bees mil Sid thst Viohy a Isdy in this county. Disease fin. toned its clutches upon her snrt tor seven years she withstood Its severest tests, but her vital ortrsni were undermined and doath seeaieo linmineiU, t or three mon the the couched inoeseantly .rd cou d not sleep, H.te bought ol ut a bottle of Dr King's New Discov ery lir Consumption and ni so much relieved on Using flrbt dose that she sot all muht and with one boitie hsa been miisculoualy cured- Her name is iin Luther LuW." Thus wiites W 0 Hamrlck and Co , ot eholby, N C- Gets f'ee trial bottle at to stmy and atssou's Drug Store, 2 TELEGRAPHIC HEWS ttrromes A taw. Ol Mru, Wash., Feb. 1 8, Governor Ferry to day signed the 1 1 111 Code bill, and William Lnirltlll it finally cod commissioner for Washington, Mr Hill will begin his work of annotation immediately, and will have hit code ready to aulitnlt to the next tcgUlature in January 1891, Aaarlallslleriahl. Dkrun, Feb 19. At Muhlhatten,Saxony there wat a light at a totlalist meeting. Troops wet e called out and thirty persons were wound ed Metae Nomlaallea. Washington, FcIk 18, Nominally 1 Alonto Geary, keglttet of the land office at La Grande, Oregon, Wm It Trait, titrvryor general of California, , A iireat Carnival, Nkw Om.kans, Feb, 18, The great reet pageant of the King of the Carnival moved promptly at noon. 1 hi 1 generally lnii '.. 1 to have been the mot btill'jut , : t -II Gran .ro-i that Orleans ever v ) f . I'm ("''' F.vr.vvn rtv,-, Cr.', feii, 18,'y clear v I v. t of tU.tM JjJ-.i.-n obtabtr :1 rU-i' noon v nfv (! u nMit ti v . i !ly m,;'.;, tl .ii the m tunt 'in i i-iet'i- :n, Cnimmol sitit..' atre teen by tsvrrrl wMiesr,' , A aesnlaarir Hurnest. At'tTis, TtK.i, Feb. iS.New wai re-ct-ived here late lo-night, of lite burning of the tern m uy for irlt at San M.-r'tts, I lie- thirty miies M,ith of here. Three i the girl were serious)' iMnd, and thirty other only escap ed dsatli ! v jt -ij.jng from the tl..rd ttory win dow tO,'i'vy !" which Ihey escaped by Udder. 'I i.tfie were many hurt. The full particulars cannot be ubtalned. Here aoew. NkvaDa, Cat Feb. S. Eight Inches of snow ha fallen In thla city In the last lU'e hour and although yesterday 'a fait has settled several inches, the mow I now over two fcit on a level. A Kealvtl Co Uaa wo arTbrm. PonTLANp, Feb. lSThe bond of Mil ton Weldlcr, recently appointed collector ot Internal revenue tor Oregon and Wash inKton, ha been appro ed, and It Is an nounced that he will take charge of the office March itt. lie ha made appoint- a follow: Cashier and chief dep uty, A II Morgan; deputies for Oregon, N 8 fierce, George N Faweclt, Nathan tantrrll. For Washington. A A Ptttman. Tacoma; J A Toad, Spokane. Clerk P M vtauawortn, licnton county Urcgon. Their DestlltilUa. MiN.sitAi' Feb, 18 The Journal ot rictre, said: '-The house passed a joint resolution admitting that destltutioc ex ists in many portion of the state. The resolution oVclore that under the atate constitution, the stale county and are pow erless lo render aid and all assistance must come fi om outside sources,.,' Will ssavg. ritftTLAXD, Or., Feb. 18. The jury in the third trUI of "Sandy" Old for the murder of Emll Weber, thl evening re turned a verdict of murder In the llrst tie-a"11- i A Hamate Harster. McMlNMVlLLK, Feb, 17. Yesterday a re port wat brought to towa that Mr N L Scott, living fuoiieca mile distant, on tbe road to Salem, bad committed suicide by shooting herself in tbe bead. . Later it wat learned that a most shocking tnutJcr bad been committed. Mr Scott resided in MtMinovdle for several years, until last summer, whea the waa mar ried to a well to do farmer of thit county aad removed to hit home. Tbe deceased and jber husband were living alone. The husband's story ia that be arose Sunday morning about 7 o clock and went to tbe barn to feed tbe slock leaving bit wife ttill in bed. Aa she wst com. plaining of a tlight headache, be told her lo lie as long at the wished, at it wtt Sunday and 1 here wat no need of btury. Soon after be went to the bora he beard tbe report of a gun, but as tbootinc in tbe vicinity was not un common he paid no attention lo it. About twenty minute later he heard a not Iter shot, be went 10 the house and found bit wife lying on the porch in her night clothes: in the last aeon- ic of death and blood bowing from three ugly wounds. lie spoke to her but received no reply, tie then a prised tbe neighbor! and tent lor the coroner. Suspicion in the ncithlarhood of Wheatland it said lo point strongly to the husband or his son as the murderer, as there had been trouble with deceased over aigning a deed a few days ago. The hlaese Most Uo. Sam Francisco, Feb. 17. The city cvdin- ance providing 6 the removal of Chinatown lo South San Francisco, wat patted to print by a unanimous vote at a meeting of the super visor to-night. The action was the result of an opinion bv ihe city and county attorney to tbe ellect that 11 e order wai legal and could be enforced. Looks Like aslaeae, Rosr. BURG.Feu. 17. The largest mortgage ever recorded in Douglas county wa filed ia the county clerk' office yesterday. It bonds 'he entire stock of tbe Ummiua River Railroad & Imnrovement Comoanv fur fit. 100.000 ia the Central I rust and Investment Company.iof new loric, anil is signed by John JJrain.presi. dent, and W A Perkins, secretary. Twenty tftoutand dollars is to be paid on the comple tion of each mile. Tbe road s to be fifty five mne long and connect the Southern I'acthc railroad at Lrain with deep water . at Gardner on or before July 1891. ' A Hbaatlaa aerape. Armnclox, Feb. 17.- A report come here to-day of the killing of Wake Olcken bv lilt brother. Zeb Uickens. at Hardinar.. Morrow county, on Friday morning. rr I -. I. -II 1 11- " 1 , . J 1 ancy were at a uaiieeii uiiuinin siiursaay night. Wake Dickens, who is -in married, tok hi brother' wife to supper. A they were returning from supper Zeb Dickens,: who wa jealou ot hit brothel, tnet-them at the door of the dining room tired on hi brother, killing him lutuntly. After the shooting he ran away, bat returned yesterday evening and gave himself up to the aulhoruiet tn lieppner. lie Is In jatt at that place awaiting trial. DellroDsHilh Joy. New Yokk, Feb. 17. A I'ara newtpa per received by the Brazilian tteamer to day tayt that the newt of the ofliciat recog nition of the Brazilian republic bv the Un ited Statet waa transmitted to the govern ors of the different ttate, and replies have been received expressing joy at the good newt and tayinft tne people tre filled with delirloua enthusiasm over it, Tremble Feared. SpicardviLLE, Mo. Feb. 17,. John Brady, owner of the building wrecked by temperance crusaders, went to Lathrop to day and twee out warrant for the arrest of sixteen participant In the affair, thir teen of whom are women. "When the deputy charged with serving the warrant nrrived he wa mrt by a crowd of loo men and women. The deputy made no attempt to discharge his duty to-day, but (aid the warrant would be served to-morrow. Trouble I anticipated. , Colfax, Feb. 17. Two iitt e son of Mr. Montgomery, age respectively 9 and it, were playing pirates with a 44-caliber pistol, which accidently went efi, taking a portion of the left ear olf tho y year-oid boy. Tee Mack far Hlaa. San Francisco, Feb, 16. If the Daily Citirtn of Tucton Arizona, of recent date it to be accepted as authority Jim Corbett, who recently boxed in Portland, unexpectedly tack led a tartar at H ucson, on In way to JNew Orleant to meet Jake Kilrain. Corbett't al iened opponent was George Koskruce, a coun try surveyor, who knocked him .out in five rounds, More lilnrhade, Truckkc, Cal Feb. 16. The heaviest storm of thil stormy winter raged on the moun tain to-day. The snow fell four inches per hour, The old tnow it packed like ice and crusted to that a loaded leant could s over thetuifnce, The wind twep. the new tnow In huge drifts, leaving the surface of old mow hart, When eatt bound train No I reached the Cascade cut this morning, Ihe tnow had drifted to deep the train wat blocked, all ol the train except the four rear cart finally reach ed Summit, The tnow wat five feet deep each tide of Ihe imprkoned car. A Sacramen to excursion of forty teven pleasure seekers, who were coming to Truckee to tee the tnow scen ery, It in the rear car of four that are snow bound. , s , Coaaeeaslaaal. WAatiiNOToH, Feb. i6.For the firtt ttma since the present congress met, the houte I to have an old-fathioncd tutpen. tlon day to morrow, at the result of the new code t rulet. The world' fair com mlttee will brobably request the house to adopt It programme for the disposition ut lit bills, and the simple majority vote necessary lo make these i rd'rt will doubt less be secured. The pt-i'. duti app, rela tion bill will probably be rcfiorled to V. t houte on Tttftdny. Senator HhcrmrM I,,, given not't'4' that he will ask the Ken, n; this week to lonnider his bill (Vr'arlnn rutr nnlanfu!, find to-morrow I'ialt.from thn coiri!tih:'w 1 't sTciltmles, will report fnvor.ib'v tV bill ! til'.'. 'ntllon . cl i.'iiv.', .-"' ,: -f '. V... lM ''" "V") f.ACHAMKNIO, IV1. I(V Ad.koi l- .'Ci:il from 'ii"i' O'l the Storra i-' viir'n vi?usl cmim laihoad pc p? to ftm jhn k-.'t: te another struggle wlthinw h' the cn? of the recenl b irkw'tr In tne i -cssie cut on the Central t'acilk- They Will fctiitrr, Skaitik, Frii, nun. giow anxious si M ) l;-t d'a near. On that day all the tenl peta tut c;,!re. Many tradesmen have been unti!! u crura new quarters, and several have pai l s t. 'ih a 9fnu tonus fur stores in building. 1 i'lfiUI,.;. i'.! I e int-arieii by many in case the J oidinance 1 rigor ously enforced, Itlaht la regna, AnoatA, Or., Feb. A cate of letrible destitution wat discovered ye'er-Jny in the basement of a house on Fifth t.rcet. G C Morris, hit wife and sit 'idle children were living there ia cold damp loom. One child, a little hoy four yeartoM, wat dying of spinal meningitis. All have been tick with Ihe in ftucnia ficm the oldest boy, aged nine year,to Ihe baby tea week old. When a reporter visited them yesterday their condition wat one which excited the ut most pity. A few piece of wet board were sputtering awsy ia the Move around which alt were huddled. A little boy lay on a bed moaning and screaming with pain while bis liilicr bad no medicine and not a cent to pro core any wi'h. There wa nothing ia the house lo eat except a few onion and a little bread, The mother rat rocking thelittle lea weeks' infant la her arm Irvine to keen it warm ever Ihe miserable lire and -with the piece of cloth ing wrapped around t. MrMorri made no application to Ihe county fa tssistsnr and only alter considerable questioning could any thing be learned concerning their condition. MONEY. CHEAP MONEY. , We have made arrangement to eupply money to all on ton time at low rate of Interest on Improved turns and city prop erty. Ttisee who contemplate building Brick blocks or good brick business houses can get money. Sea w. Wallace & Oasct. Dissolution Notice. Nolle I hereby given that the aopart carablp liorofaifuro Halloa; under the naoM of Deroe A Kobaoa ti boon die solved, Mr L W Itoyoa retiring, lb bu atoasst will b coiillutiad by Priea A Kob eon. Alt aooouota should be settled with tba old firm, by whom all dabtewlllba paid. rieaea 'call aad pay ay. i , . Notice of Guardian Sale Unto I hereby given that by virtue of an order of le. doly ;-ad and co lored of reourd by tba County Court tor Una County. Ktste of Orearon, an tba JKo d y of Janusry. 100, the undersigned, a Riiardlan of Mltaa K Harkbart and Ham not . Iturkbart, trtiuor bolra of C. Z. Burabart. daaod, will, on Satur day, March 10, 110, at t o'oloek p. n. of said day, at tba Court Uouaa door, tn tba City or Altmoy, Man County, Oregon, offer for aate, at fublla auction, to the blithest bidder, for cash In band on Ihe day of sal a. It undivided two aavontha 01 tito following dawribod twal ewtatax, to wlU Itotriantn at tho N art boast corner ef land at apart to O. O, Hurkhait In the partition eult entitled, J. It Jltirkbartat aa. va. C. (J. Burkhart at ala.. in tba Circuit Court of tba btaw of Oregon, for Lion county ,runningrrotn tneuc riortb sOalln., Kaat 11.75 chain; tbaooa North M deg., 80 mln . Waa 17.76 obaina; ibanoa South i dee., Eaat liM cbalna, then.-e East 86.79 cbalna to tba plaoo of boglo Dine.enntalninKM acraa,all in Townabip II II. K, 8 W.. tn Linn County, State . f Orjon,wUh alt tbaappurtenaocee there 1 unto belonging or apatatnlnf . C A BO LIS K itSUK II A RT. Uoardlan, Tba wbo'e of. iihl traot of land, Inelud Ing tba Intoie-t oi tba baira, now of aga, will be offered at aald lima for sale, ttpen lb same term aa that of tba minor bWra, and tba poraon purnhaalng tba w bale if aald traot to receive a dead of conveyance from each ot tba owner cf aald land, and a goardlan'a dead for Ilia Interest of ald minora. CAROLINE BURKlIAflT. Notice of Administra tion. Not loa la hereby given that the nndar algned baa boon appototod adminlatrauia of tbe u UU of J J borrla, deceased At peraona having clalma against aaldaa utn must present tba aame with proper voucher to tbe undersigned adnalnla tratrla within six mouth Irons tbe date hereof. January 20th, 1800. M. K Twnaia, . Admin, of the estate of J J Oorria.deooased. Sheriff's Sale. In ila CirchU Court 0 tk Statt of Oregon fitf the County of Unn ; Syl raster Penuorer, Governor, Geo W Mipncte, Hecretaiy. ana u w Wtirii, Treiuaer, of the sttt orOregon.ocnatte luting tbe Hoard of ooinmlaalonera for the aalnof aoboot land and the manage nmrit of tbe com mon aohool tunda.plalu tiff.. ' v. Kmlty MefCtnoey.Kilzaheth PavlasEdltb MeKinnay.Khoda McKlnney,trrnk Mo Kinney, DolU McKinney, Jaaao V Ho Kinney, Joslo K McKlnney.Koy McKln tey aod A K Davli.defendanta, Notice ia hereby given that by virtue it an execution and order of aaie iaaued out of the above nttntd Court In the above eu titled auit, l will on . atarday. the 1st star ef Marek, ISBe, at the Conrt House door, lo tbo city of Albany, Lion county, Oregon, at the hour of one o'clock p. ra, of ai t day.eei! at public auction for cash in band to tbe highest tidder thereat property aescrlb ed In said execution and order of sale aa follows to-wit : Ail of the Donation Land claim altuatj-d in acctiona 15. Id, HI and 22, In townabip 12, 8 K 1 W, known and desert bed on tbe government survey aa the Donation Land claim of John W Moore and wife, being Notification No 26(11)' saving therefrom 18 acres aold lo Jacob few man, containing 800 acrea. Also beginning 10 chains weat of the nortbeaat corner of the northwest quarter of section 21, in tp 12, 8 R 1 W, running thenoe eat 80 cbalna, thenoe south 40 obaina, thence weat 80 cbalna, thence north 40cbalu to the place of beginning, containing 1..0 acres, all situated in Linn eennty, atate 0 Oregon; The proceed arising from tbe vale of said premises to beappiied, first, lo the payment of Ibe cost of and uoon aald eseoution and tne original coats of tbe W'tbin entitled auit taxed at $35.23. 8eoood, to tbe payment of f lainlitFa elatm amounting to tbe sum of $1819.68-100, with accruing interest tbereon at tba rate of eight per cant per annum from tbe 4th day of November, 1889, and the further sum oj $160, Attor ny'a fee, and tbe overplua if any to be paid to tbe defendant, Emily McKinney to be a jmlniBtered upon ra by law pro vlded. Dated tUIa 23rd day of Jan., 1800. J0BWSMA.I.!M0Iir, 1 Sh'ff Lfnu countv, Or. By Delavan 8 Km'.tb, Deputy. UNRIVALLED ATfWIONS in i"n' ALDMYATTIUCTIIVG LTTMTI05J Tint wH tlie itu-nn 11 tolf nn nun Ilredved ly MB 1. wm F01 rs wlttn iMlf,ctis.:aift:g &f atkt p ai d cr 1 tie etock of ilf Ux-at jHttterna of GC Keeps tho loading stock of Clotliing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos, Wot Weather Goods and tho Leading Tail oring Department, in the Valley; Aa unrivalled iiueof George C. Henderson, SUCCESSOR TO LA FOREST & THOMPSON, Dealer in Choice Groceries SimSf'i" Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac coec. Low Trices andjPrompt Attention. FL ,KE3STTON Cloaks and Jackets, in tJl alylea i St, wti aeWted atock of Men', Cl.iMrei.aml Laoi' BOOTS AND SHOES, A large a0rtmeat of CAP PETS, A nd a choice arlecliou c f GROCERIES. 1889 FALL AND WINTER 1889 inat received a !erf laroica of Foreign an J DomeaUo wooteaa in Overcoatings. Suitings and Trouserings. Wa make aepctsltyof FOLf DREs for Ball 'and Partkst or regular evenlogwear. A perfecf fit piantntod at THE LEADING MERCHANT TAILOBS, ZACHES BROS., Opposite Toat Offioa. IS lift ffl-.t hl:E" Choice Candy, Kuls Froit, etc. CIGARS ;A imQBACCO IMEARTKE POST OFFICE ALBANY OREGON Honest Bargains AND . G OOD TREATMENT at C. E. BROWNELLS THE LEADEH. THE LEADER G.W. SMITH, ATBANg uperidr," "Argahdf'V Garland5' STOVES AND RANGES. STICK A HEW m lb laot that am ofleriaft better bargait.a that, t:y n-. Ip iu AiUst Bought at bai xrupt aalea I ean hI1 First-Glass Goods or Ukv COST. FOP General nierohandiae ol all kinda call on me. Particular bargaina in a Bawp of 1 Albany, Oregcs a,.asiaJ SSV (SaSSSSsS Warran ted if 15 years, All sizes an &Ok styles, The World'a best. More than hun dred 7 hun dred differ e nt sty les co o k s and heaters Roofing-, Job Work, Plumbing, Eave Trough. Range Boilers Conductor Pumps. The Leading Druggist, ALBANY DRUGS, r.lEDICKlEO OTATIOISARY.aC. 8petaltle3Fine Toilat Artlolei, Parf imsry ail Madoal Iastra nants rreseriptionsCareittUy oompsuaJed day and uigbt. Matthews & Vashhurn, Albany, OliEQON. gfyl Hardware,Stoves and TinwartJ. AVhere are you going my pretty maid ? I am go ing to buy a Jewel Stove, she said. They give such good satisfaction that they make a home pleasant, and with Anti-Rust Tir ware all'is joy. MATTHEWS WASHBURN t 7 h r 9 "