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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1889)
Sl3 TO b(.i.UUl4All 1 (9 ? f . il :i in VANCE 5 C A1 CN WW CF YEAR. Ji the bi AdtertUir g t-jpilian, In lhi Central - Willamette Yi! Issued every Friday'hy a tit ma & isr ttxtustq Advertising rate made known on p- VOL. XXIV. ALBANY, OREGON FRIDAY, MARCH 39, 189. NO 35 p lUatio. y WW t 1 R P. Sox rM O. II ;STWAr, 8o Albany IRON WORKS Manufacturer of- -TEAM ENGINES, CRIST AND SAW MILL MACHINERY, IRON FRONTS AMD ALL KINDS OF HEAVY ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON AN 3 BRASS ' CASTINGS. Vnolal a'UitiMi pill o re,.tringjtall mm 01 msnnmery. Patterns Made on Short Notice, ft Hew Grocery Discovered AT Mroiig'a u'd oorner, opptlt Siewart rcx, r ittt -tn, vunVi'i A full line l FPESII CHOCERIES, CAKHED GOODS, DRIED FRUITS, ETC. Quick sales an I small proflts." "Live and let live," I oar motto. I'Imm call and examine our go nU ami r price. Satisfaction guaranteed. Produce Taken in Exchange, Very ftetpeol fully, BAKDUE & UNDERWOOD. Foitmiller k Irving, -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt itLsntioa-Firat-class Hearse C. J. DILLON & CO, DEALERS IS LUMBER, FLOORING, RUSTIC, ETtf. Guneral Jab Work, Dressing and Sawing LuaDer. Repairing, Etc., Etc. MANUFACTURE ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. Special advantage to purchasers of r.stle flooring, le t lt ol Lyea Ntre STOCKMEN AND FARMERS READ- a hereby certify Hut Ur. I. N. Woodla baa aaooeMifally openao-l on my rklaling bom, Li A AC IIAY4. For farther referent iu regard to ridg--ings Inquire of Wm. Peterson, Dave Pe terMoo, Lebanon : Jobntiardraan, Alfred Wolverton. Albany ; Sm Games, elo: Wm. Foeur, Prioevlllt. 1 practice ruler inary medicine lo Albany and country surrounding. Office and residence corner h and Wnnhlngtoo Sta. I. N WOODLE, Veterinary Surgeon. JULIUS Manufacturer -ANDDtALBh 19 FINE IMPORTED AMD KEY WEST- ; Cga:e,.P!ugaon8mokioit ToUotob. M eeracbautji and Br. vr Pip, .uu s 1 llnoofSrook'TV Art,,e AU dealer OAUFORNIA. AND TROPIC AlL FRUITS SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL A Wheeler, Springfield, Oregon, Proprietor. A. iVHEELER, ALB AMY MANAGER. Albany Yard and Office on Railroad St 1 atweon 4th a id 5th Street. II vi I i I a i i ; 1 1 I i t y, n 1 fiiiili'.'it 1 1 kjihiI f t i p -1 si'Ufm tf fl lia 't of 1 trt -V mpnfa'iy f l- t 'i - ( e i t: 1 1 FURNITURE. Too want the beat and most durable farn tare tbit is m nufsturj I la ttnoitf t in Thomas Brink. ' tCsep almost everything In the furnltn re line tbat 1 V-ot in a flmt-cUa atore -r y7'f''tL- i .-' !V r 3 ' 1 0, N f 1 6 IK., ,vJ- a Long-Standing Blood Diseases ere cured by the persevering use of Ayor's Borsaparilia. Thli mo.ll.-lnn l an Alterative, and cauaoa a radical change in the systoru. The proccst, In tome casus, may not bo quite to rapid at lu others but, with persistence, the result la certain, lteatl these testimonials ; " For two years I auiTcred from a s era pain in uiy right side, and had other trouble caused by a torpid liver and dyNxtln. Aftr Riving several medlcliiwi a fair trial without a rure, I began to take Ayer's Marsaparlila. X m Rreatly bxneilled by the first bottle, and after Ink in if live bottlos I was coin- Llotoly cured.1' John W. ltenson, 10 awronce St., Lowell, Moss. Last May a large carbuncle broke out on toy arm. The usual mimIIci hail no effect and I was rouHnrnt to my bmt for lht wetks. A frtriid liiducetl mo to try Aypr'a Sariiaparllla, Less than three lHttls hoalml the sore. In nil my expo, rience with liiedivine, I novor saw tuora Wonderful Results. Another marked effect of the use of this medicine wee the strengthening of my jiRht." Mrs. Carrio Adams, Holly fcriii(rn, Tuxss. " I had a dry sraly hnmor for years, and suffered terribly ; and. as mv broth er and sinter were similarly alllictwl, I presume the ninludy is hereditary. Last winter, Dr. Tyron, (of Fernandina. Fla., ) recommended me to take Ayer'a Rarsanarilla, and continue It for a year. For live months I tKk it dally. I hova not bnd a blemiiili ujion my bHly for the last three months." T. K. Wiloy, 14U Chambers st., Now York City. Last fnlt and winter I waa troubled with a dull, heavy pain in my side. I did not notice it much at first, but it gradually grew worse until it became almost unbearable. During the latter part of this time, disorders of the stouw a-h and liver iiicraed my troubles, I began taking Ayer's Ma run partita, and. after faithfully continuing the use of this medluiiie for some mouths, the pain disappeared aud I u ,.) 1- cured." Mrs. Ausuata. A. t,Vrhi,.i. lla-erhill, Mass. , e ' Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rasraKEo ax " Dr. J. C Aytr It Co LoweQ, Matt, Trie 1 1 j lt UmUm, Si. Wonk i s bottu. I WANT NO BONUS. Except your patronage, A. J. ANSLYN, Carriage Manufacturer. AT F.WillBrt'i oil Stand, oa 2nd St,, ALBANY, ORECOJJ. Painting and Trimming. FINE SH0EIN6!AN0 GENERAL BLACKSMiTHiNQ. First-Class Work Mads to Order. Stote V sa lock of 2nd fJT rU lo the Val tej.itnlt'in mttt r-ttrii ! prlast, both In .uvln 4tl silli t t h 01 hnd 1 1 klods of FU3NITURE, STOVES. TINWARE, TRJHXS. B33XS, PICTURES, CLOCKS. CROCXERY, ETC., ETC. Ons door west ofS. E. Young's old store. L. GOTTLIEB, 123 First Street, Albany, Or. . JOSEPH, i Cigars -L-' ; - e. 'A ? , TO MAX A' Celiclo'js Bi:ci2it Aslt your Grocer for I XCOW DBAND . ! f SODAIlSALERATU SAIEBATUS. UN. 2nd ECIr Ax KiiT.,a Tnan One of the men in the R. R. accident near the California line a few dsvs ugo was lion. J. P. Wager o! the Pendleton E. O.'Ue had Uken a cigar In the smoksr and then proceeds with the matter In the following graphic manner "After the clgar-there was a period of doa Ing, from which, there was a sudden and none too antla an awakening. When the occupant of the "smoker" recovered from the first momentary stupefaction , of their surprise they found themselves sprawled out or doubled up In the top of thecar.atnld a chaos of scats, valUcs, lamp, expectora tion, ct cetera. The car, on account of widened track or a broken rall.had Jumped oil upon the lies, bumped alonjr on them for a .distance t a speed of twenty-ilve miles an hour then dissolved Its connec Ion with It companions and rolled over down an embankment. The first thought of all. I DrcKiime. was of tiro anil a trsge dv i but.n all Individually felt themselves over and found themselves realty euve ana with no bones broken and In pilch dark nes. the situation. In spite of bruises and cratches, began to assume faint outlines or a comrdv. me train stopneu, oacscu up, the window of our dungeon was broken open, the various "traps ' rescueo, ana an were able to eat breakfast at Keuuing niter a!l." Tu b Dkbatk The debate at the College last Tbursdav on prolectlon or free trade, given m;dcr tho auspkes of the petlttcal economy eta, was listened to b a good number of our cltUens. As a literary effort it conferred great credit on those who par llclr.ntcd In It. MUks Flara Mason and Helen Crawford spoke for free trade and Mr. Wm. McCormlck.Ml Llnnle Ramsey and Miss Ira Robertson for protection. Miikic was furnlhed bv the Choral aoclctv and MUa Minnie Vaullorn wss heard in nicely rendered vocal solo that was heartily encored. The entertainment was greatly enjoyed, and its success speaks lor the pro' grc being made by the College. A Mixino Doom A writer in the great Portland paper talks In the following man. ner to please I.lnn county people. AdJ It to our woolen milt and railroad prospects t "Talk about booms t We will show the world a boom when spring opens and the Santla.n region is prospect able that will throw Coeurd' Alcne In the shade and dis count the entire Okanogan Uiihee, and there will be mines enough there to go round and If anr shortage occurs the pros pector can soon get on to the water of the .Molalla." Not a Goon Reason.- We would be rejoiced lor Albany lo secure the school j but we can't help but thinking that tht complaint of the Albany papers at that city not having any of the public Institutions Is not well made considering that the Linn county representative opposed .nearly everything for the benefit of other places. Benton Ltttdcr. Nearly everything is slmplr wagon roads, llull run wster and a few things like that and they did right. A Conckbt. One ever day now at Tboa Jones' barber shop. FiWsy Mr ones received by express from Jacot & Son, the leading dealers In the United Stales in music boxes, through F. M. French, a fine $150 concerto, probably the bet In the vallev. Il Is of elegant make. and now has thirty-two tunes, to which Mr. ones will add others a occasion eemanus. rhe instrument is attracting considerable attention. Sriairt'ALisM. A spiritualistic show was given at the opera house lastThursday to a fair audience. As the Advance agent Is a remarkably well built gentleman who looks as if h could strike from the should er, we will remsrk that we arc inclined to hlnk the entertainment good; in fact sev clever I ers! have said that some pretty tricks were performed, and that it waa an interesting entertainment. Kxar Away. On Saturday another carload of Immigrants arrived from the East. They were all from Johnson coun ty, MUsourl. A poll of the car wa made after leaving Pendleton, and it was found that there were thirty-five republican and one democrat Walla Walla Unit. This crowd will do well to keep away from Linn countv. Fell From a Box Cab .Thursday Benj. Barker wa climbing on to a bos car at the depot when he llpped and fell to the ground, coming solidly in contact with the cold and cruel earth. As a result he wo obliged to put hi head In a sling In or der to hold it together, several severe con tusions considerably brulilng III lace. Likes th Country. Mr. Miller, a rel ative of Farmer Hunter, who returned to Canada recenMjr after a buslncs trip here put In an appearance Thursday for the pur poe oi "'"' . . l , I - 1 1 I I . I . n well that he Mutant siana i,anaoa any lonKer. though he did not come to locale In the first place. Bricks. Among the new brick build Ings to be erected during the eon win oe one, as feet front, by Mr u enoe, at corner oi auey mna rr,7 vr. b Judge Strahan on propcriust east of Democrat office, the latter for an agricui- tural or other house. The first story ot I the Opera House, when raised, will also probably be ol brick. Some 8ale Mr. Denham. the wire works man, has purchased of LouU Miller , his two lots, with two residences, corner of Ellsworth and Fourth street, a nicely lo-1 rmtrA nrnnii v. rVin.lHrraticln. feOOO: Dr. Cur", of Brownsville, of Mrs. WItxel, house and lot 03 Second street, near S. P. twitch; Let v Ske Albany is to have a wool en mill, htrert railway, Ice factory, big stone auam and many new bricks and resi dences this summer. II we can only ho'd our horses and not flv off the track, we will come under the wire firt In fine shape. Rkpoum SciuxjL. Hon. R. A. Irvine has returned from Salem, where he pre sented the petition to the governor end re form board for the location of the reform school here. He states they 'af favorably lmprsed with Mban 'or the location. If we get It It will require a tract A land adjoining the city, ana Mr, irvtneis Keep ing bisejes open tor a suuaoie location. Exciting Times. One needs to go away from home for the' news, as the following indicates : The real estate boom has be come so xchlnr In Albany, it is reported several lots were bought and all sold there t.i.r S ihL,ift The devil must be coins a I ;oi ijj- i r.w over tliTe among our nclgh- Anoth n;t R . E Ofkice, W. C. Twee dale has 'rented the building now occupied bv G. Vvt. Harris, the same will be improv ed, when he will open a real estate office. Mr. Harris, we understand contemplates retiring from the business. ..., . The First. Mr. John McCoy, the firat judge of Linn county, and Mr. Jason Wheeler, the first sheriff, were Introducing each other around the City Thursday". T he former swore the latter In in 184$ or 9. The gentlemen are split on wntcn aate t correct. ';'?' '.. Snao Boat. The' government' nag boats, the Willamette and Corvallis went up the river last Thursday, the latter going under the bridge without the draw being turned. They are putting tne river in good condition for nayigation. , Children Cry for Under tub Prrhknt Manaokmknt. The Stockholders of the Oregon Pacific held their annual meeting on the 10th, re electing the present directors. The l.Milrr of Corvalll put at test the unfounded re ports that the road will change hand by saying t The stjckholder who were not personally present, both In the east and abroad, sent their proxies to Col. T. E. Hogg.presldent of the road, and they were voted by Mr. William M. Uoag a Ills tub ttltute, This fact amply refutes the state ments that have from time to time been made In tho newspaper that the present management was unsatisfactory or that the road was about to be run under another management. It Is safe to say that the road In which all our people have such 1 vital interest, will be continued to a sue cessful termination under the management that has developed the enterprise from nothing to Its present standing among the railroads of the country. The road will be built to tlnlse City by the people who are now building tt.and thcie will be no change 01 management. 4 si Crook County. Mr II E Durmester returned on Monday from a trip to the mountains. Mr Ourmester says, that the snow on the summit of the Cascaces on the Santlam route Is not over two feet deep, and it is his opinion that It has not been over four feet deep any time during the past winder..,, Sheepmen In this coun ty have not suffered any losses to speak of during the past twelve month. We be lieve one per cent, will cover the average losses that took place during the past win ter months In this county.... Perry Pnin dexter Is the owner and proprietor of a tallies calf. 1 he calf is about a week old and Is as destitute of a tall as a fair haired woman Is of whiskers. It looks like the poor thing might catch cold.... The reason rrlnevlllo is called "she or referred to as "her," Is because there I a good deal of "bustle" about It, at.d (fact) it has out skirts.... School t esc her are still scarce In this county, and those Qualified can command ant) receive almost any wages they ask AVrj. Railboad Contract. E.J. O'Conner, our efPclent County Surveyor and V. II, Barr have taken a contract In the Fair. haven and Southern, a railroad now being built by Nelson Dennett from BelSlngham Day In W. T. to coal mine on the Skagit Iver a distance of thlry miles. These gen tlemen have a contract to build a portion of th la road and left Thuisday to enter upon heir work. Mr Ed llarrlgan will accom pany them to engage In the work. These gentlemen do good work as Mr Bennett al ready know. Mr O'Conner ha iust re lumed from an extended trip up the Wash- ngton Territory coar Including Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla, Whatcom and many other points, and says he finds no place that offers such line Inducement for In vestment at Albany. IfoaTict'LTiBAt, Socibtv. At Oak- vilte Thursday afternoon, Prof. Lake, of the horticultural department of the agrf cultural college at Cor allls, delivered an able address before a good audience on the subject of horticulture. Afterwards a horticultural society with twenty three member wo organlxrd with the follow ing officer: Edward AIMght, president; M Acheson and R A Bamfurd, vice presidents; Wm Patterson, treasurer; Geo Acheton, secretary. It was unanimously voted to ! declare war on the codlln moth, and a united effort will be made to exterminate the pest. London purple wilt be used this season, this being recommended by Prof. Lake, r rult rauers in uthcr part of the county should take notice. A Day StT.-Cap. K. B. Humphrey re turned from Salem Saturday, and Informed the JtEMoCBAT that be had a hearing be ore Judg Boise In the case of A. II. Mar shall agt, the city of Albany, The Judge set April 8, at a o'clock p. m. at his Cham ber, In Salem, a the time and . p:ace lor hearing a motion to dissolve the Injunction in this case. This was the earliest date In Men the matter could be heard. The case will be watched with Interest. Waterloo Too, We think Waterloo need the R. R.a bad a Soda r Hie, a It I a much better route, and then Waterloo hat truck a coal mine. .The vein U about two feet thick, and no telling how thick it 1 further In. There I coal all along the bank of the Santiam. Cor. Exfrtu. The Democrat has heretofore made the same suggestion. The road should go to Soda- yliie. and a far beyond a the company can be In Juced to build, right Into the coal bed br alt mesns. Bli'b ,1. The J wa on a card with a button hole bouquet attached and the whole wa pinned to the coat or dress of those at' tending the social at the Congregational Church Friday evening. A large number rm .ii Mrt. of th- c,.v were D,en.a - r - ----- - r evening full of sociality was passed 1 In an enjoyable manner. Among the features of the evening was a lunch that-was great ly appreciated. A Sc,IOOL Clw Arrested. -Mr. Al. Saltmarsh. chool clerk of the Water- jutrf,.. wl. .rrested Friday, on comprint 0f Till Dcvlne, one of the dl- rcctor. .0d broueht to Albany and ar- . . . . ....,. it .... ;' TZaZZi & .choSl funds, which. It Is claimed he re- fused to turn over to hi successor. The I 1 I & f I . 1 I . ... J( , awft th, ,ctlon of n orVi The hM cluu( coniy. erable excitement around Waterloo. Lebanox -On list Wednesday Mr. Charlie Harmon retired from the barber thoo and Messrs. Bob McClure and Ben Kirk took charge. Mr. Harmon has been In the barber business in this place for about ten years .... Our city fathers deserve the thanks of the denizens and especially the nocturnal pedestrians of our town for the many new lamps at the various street corners ....uertruue cneaoie.a very prom. Ulnsr young daughter of Mr and Mrs R Cheadle, died on Tuesday evening at six o'clock. - ExpresB. Believes in Spoil. Postmaster E D Kelly, of Oregon CJ'y, who wa appointed by President Cleveland last fall.believe in the doctrine that "to the victor belong the spoils," and will resign. , Furthermore, the business of the office Is rapidly Increasing, on account of the great Influx of strangers, and the amount of pay, $1100 annually, he considers Insufficient for the amount of work. Courier. A Ha addr'.bs. Mr. Dave Burkhart has shown the Democrat one of the finest Indian headdresses it has ever had placed before its optic nerves. ItconUstsof bears I clows, beads, etc., and Is worth about Sac. It was brought from Arizona by Henry Klrchofi, who is worxmg tor Mr. uurx- hart. and is a curiosity in the line of In dian relics. . Another Attorney. It has been sev eral years since Albany had a new law yer. Mr. Geo. VV. Wright, of Ilepner, though, has concluded to fill the position, Having bought considerable property in and around the city, he will locate here ,na brln hlg family to the city In a few - , I dart. He ia a live, energetic gentleman, who secme-to have considerable rustle to hlrr. Read the adv of Oueoo, McKcight Bros., famous trotter. It will be of interest to Al bany men a well a Linn county horsemen gsneraliy. pitcher's Castorla. THE WOOLEN MILLS Below we give a list of subscribers to the woolen mill subsidy. It contain . the Hits with the exception of several name on one of two paper, I. Fllnn... ............ ,...,.$ 500 Isom, Leaning & Co,,.,.,,.,,..,., 1000 I-lnn County Hank. 1000 500 Soo & roung W F Read. ti 11. in jrm 11 fc, ,,.,,,.,.. a.,,..,...,,,, R S Btraban. Soo 500 Soo 500 Currsn & Mentelth. D B Montclth....... ('has Pfelffer.,.. Foshay & Mason 300 L K Blaln... ,1 aaMMVC, . MVIUJtnwi! VVilllitu npson ac Co.. u viereck 5o 300 CE Wolverton Stewart k Sox. ............ , ... , , . , . Senders & Sternberg...,,..,...,,,, G W Ms.lon..... A 11 Hackleman. N II Allen.... K J Leaning. , .. .,..,...;,,,,., 500 S0 3000 a 50 1000 aoo So 11 it Cranor J W Cuskk (i W Smith...... 1, ..., 5o W M Ketchum... ............ too J O WrUtmaa.. SO leyoe& Robson.,.. ,': 100 las v ripe... ,. Fred Blount Burkhart & Keenev...... So jo aco S0 150 SO aoo aso 5 100 5o SO 100 S 100 $o So 100 5 to 1 j uuurutiie krausc &KIln.... ., Couglll (c Conn.....,.., leo V Henderson. , . . John Schmcer Amalle Mueller Mr. M Mady.. Henry Broder Sc Co, . John Dlerenger W 0 Cassell? Joe Chinamen J Graham Jeo Wrhht.. M W Parker J R Abbey w wranneii , M II Ellis. Will ,& Mark 50 J P Wallace , SO 300 aoo loo 10 5 S 100 aso too ISO aoo aoo 100 A t'earce Fortmlller Si Irvine Farmer & Merchants' In Co J K Elderkln ti B llali Isht. E K Monugue P Cohen K Weatherford arl Race ason Wheeler. W L Vance Jno A Millard KM Redfield. V If Caldwell Herman Arnold as $o Oreeon Land Co Jno Charles htltc & Nutlinir so 10 i$o 100 , s 50 SO 10 50 100 100 50 SO SO SO 5 100 50 1 1 aiorgau WO Tweedale.. e V t Iullut Gradwohl irownellJt Stanard... Thompson Si Overman Llilll I Her Morjan ...... .. S Shupe O Mever ( L Blackman G 8 Royce..... H naumsart.. Train Sc Whitney uil Irvine,. John Gtblln. E R Cheadle... Parker Bros..,. rrhasOCalen 3j I 5 It M Huston Mrs R (tallmarsh 30 1 R Cutar n to 40 20 at H W Crowder.... I I Hackleman. O Fry. Sr If II Hewitt Tho lone i I Hopkins & balimarsh. as I F P. Allen y I W E Kelly S Allen John N Hoffman 10 1 JU1 Campbell. ........ as I O A Archibald 10 10 10 E A Parker . (IT Ankr.. 10 F Blumburg.. as W H Thompson. 50 50 10 Mrs A D Seal... I M Churchill... N A Btodsett., as S SI Archibald.. lame Elkln... Wm Peacock,. too 10 D R N Blackburn Will Bros.. a$ H Ewart W A Cos 10 10 John Leedy lo E u tx to Williams Bros.. P J Baltimore,., A M Baltimore. 5 W Fromn Albany Iron Work -. . . . t- i IO iso E, L. ivnox... 10 KdCuslck... II F Merrill. a. F HPfelffer.... -3 Geo Humphrey. ao revrscniosser. ao W L tester i,, tfCr L H Spencer ao L Gotleib 5 Fred Bruckman.. to Ubbe Peter aso 50 Hochstedler& Sear i G F Crawford Albert Humphrey a$ as John Tone A I uievtns 10 E F Truex 10 W R Blleu 5 I if Milter....; G W Cllne... lames Hunter I W P Anderson LM Curl E D Barrett. James Laurent. ........ . GOLDEN ECLE BAZAAR CasliIGoes a bong Waysgat Lfallot Cradwbol't I have made arrangement for buying good direct from the factories In Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail, cheaper than any where else on the Pacific Coast. The following are some of tny cash retail prices : K dozen unhandled '.eaeups and saucers, 35cts. H dozen unnanuieoconee cups anu sau v". ... ' . ' u dozen handled cottee cuds ana sau cers, 50 cts, r yi doxen seven Inch dinner plates, 45 cts. - .'-. These coodf are all Iron stone China and not a cheaper grade of goods I ha vs also added eood stock of groceries, which I ask people t call and examine and judge for themselves as 10 quant ana prices. , Iuliu Gradwohl. Pantograph?. A. B. Paxton ha bought out Mr. Littler at. the old ttana ana ne win oe nappy to welcome all hit old Customer and new r.. . cii sjid will be able to five finer pictures than ever before, having secured all late improvements in the art while East, We have all the negative taken by myself and Crawford for the last 10 years In Al bany, Harrisburg, Monmouth and L.orvat- lis and will lurnisn copies irom mem at re duced price. Are prepared to do all kind of copying ana enlarging to ute sue, nmn- ed in best style, frames ot an sizes cneap. Call and see late work. , Crawjord si faxton. Portland. Or.. Marah 25th. Havins tried the effect of the concentrat ed extract of Oregon Kidney Tea, we cheer. fully bear witness to its Denenoiai ageney in olfactions of the digestive orpana. It Is simple aaf e and ante j it it easily taken and restores healthy vitality to th organ it It intenctea to operate npon witn, est area snooe. S. j. mouoruick, eaitor vcunoue oenwuu. WltOVUUT If P. .! The Benton I.eaJer't feeling are highly wrought up because the member of the legislature from Linn county did not Vote for the measure In the late legislature by which over a hundred thousand dollar wa needle! and extravagantly quan dercd. The Iculit't word mean thlt.thai the Linn county member should have gone to the Benton county and other mem ber and ald Now, you vote for my bill and I will vote for your t you tickle ma and I will tickle you." This seems tobe.ln the estimation of tho Leader, the strongest and best motive by which legislation can be secured In the legislature, The Lmdtr should know that there are many men who will not thus sacrifice all of manhood In order to secure a paltry appropriation. It also should knew that the representatives of Linn were elected to represent the tax payer of Linn, and not the tax-squanderer of the state. Jt seem to have no con- ceptlon of the danger to the state of form ing combination among and by member of the legislature whereby a liberal appro priation i made from the treasury of the state to be expended In some way for the benefit of the constituency of each of the member who enter Into the combination. It seem utterly blind to the fact that If thl policy of "III tickle you If you'll tickle me," were followed to a fulr conclusion it would complete' bankrupt the state at each session of the legislature. "Let usee: We believe the Lmtdur boasted a few day age; that Benton county received between $35,000 and $40,000 In appropriationsThat county pay $t 3,909.57 state tax.thu receiv ing back from the atalc treasury three time as much as It pay Into the treasury. There Is no earthly reason why Linn county should not receive as liberal appropriation a Benton, If they are to be granted upon tne rii tlckle you if ou'll-tlckle me" policy Suppose the member of the legislature from every -ounty in the state should enter into such a "combine" to secure thee"Ilb. eral" appropriations 1 where would the money come from to pay the ordinary ex pense of the state government f There would be none and bankruptcy and ruin would ensue. The day will com when the tax payer of the stale wilt recognise I the obligation they are under to the mem I ber of Linn count who stood on the wat:t tower of the state citadel and warn- I ed them of the danger of the so-called pol jS I Icy which the "combine" attempted to fact- en upon the slate. LX rUEKlDEKT CLEVELAND. He Is now ex-President Cleveland. He was an honest President He wa a brave President. lie was a President who did hi duty a he w lt,regardless of consequence to hie party or himself, He was a President who wa four year ahead ol hi times. He waa the first President since the war who was President of the whole country, and realised that there weret Id, ty -eighth wyai state in tni union. "He wa a man.take him for all In all, we shall not look upon hi like again." At least, not tor four year. The cotton mill lords at Fall River re- ject all overture looking to a settlement of the grievance of their striking operative. The will neither confer or arbitrate. En- ncneo d tat divioenus in tne pat.protected against foreign competition by the tariff and sure f no abatement of their bounties for "four year mere," they simply turn l their pleasure and wait for "protetted American labor" ti be starved into submis sion. Such education ousht t educate with great vehemence. It la probable 'bat Roswrll Beardsle, who I Postmaster at North Lanslng.Tomp kln county, N. Y, will be permitted to re- maln in offke. Mr. Beardsle Is a relic of the last Administration cf seyeral.In fact. I for he wa first appointed by John Quincy Adam In iSiC, and ha drawn hi salary I continuously for sixty-three rears. He la iool. -. V... I. L.I. i neany.ano to an appearances win enjoy tne I confidence as well aa the favor of the new 1 Administration. 1 The Speaker of the Colorado Legislature has just received the following cheerful I meesaee "To the Speaker s If you don't adjourn within ten cays the den o; thieve over which you preside and the Senate will be blown up with dvnamlte. This Is no bluff, but straight foods. JotiM F. Palmer P. 8. The people can stand so much, but not too much. - J. K. P." The legislature 1 strongly republican, At her last reception In the White House 10 1 ftirs. cieveiana toox to counting tne nu in to I ber of 1 lading veils that passed before her. She became so Interested In the occupation I0 1 that she forgot to pay attention to the In- 10I traduction made by-Marshal Wilton. As aol the shook hands with a orettv vounc wo- man wearing one of the striking veils un , w dergoing enumeration, the president's wife exclaimed : "Four hundred and one." The girl looked up In surprise and Mrs. Cleve land realized that she had made a faux pas. She at once abandoned tho count. Wanamaker Is a high protectionist well as boodler. A New York dealer thoa shows up this fraud 1 "We pay on thl side from $1 to $3 each for the labor on I our cloaks. Wanamaker shown dv - th. ii.from twelve to elffhtv-five cent I In ika mmm Uknr Irt ftrrmanv.and is able 1 i to sell at retail for iust about the same price it cost us to manufacture the article and then make a good profit." This U the way he employ In Oermany"chenp foieigrsj vance over lust year's prices. labor." The hypocrite I The California legislature wound up the business of the session by attending a pilxc fight. The people would have been be Her satisfied had the members attended prixe fighls night and day during the session In stead of attempting to legislate. The Cali fornia legislature is neither a necessity nor I a luxury. , It I pretty hard to ten just what it Is unless It be characterized a fall- I ure. En. Mr. Samuel J. Randall ought to be In consultation with the republican leader during the recces, framing a new tariff bill In the interest of monopolies. Republicans must be very hungry when SO of them will apply to R. B. Hayes and ask him to aid them. The cause of abtract justice would strengthened if that twine trust were com pelled to wind up its affairs. , Some men are born great and some have been the law partners of Benjamin Harri ton.- Dead men tell no tales, but, in St. Louis, they vote the Republican ticket. There is a total decrease in the shipments of wheat from alt American ports of nearly 10,000 basiielf a compared with a year ago. Governor Hill, of New York, denies the report that he intend to be married. lie ay that bachelorhood suit him well enough. If Democrats were hungry hat year ago for office, the Republican are near starvation, for no uch crmble was ever known before. Indiana men who now go to Washington feel so much at home there that they insist on calling the Coddeu of Liberty by ber first name, The important announcement come by tele graph from Washington that Baby McKee kept the whole White House awake night before last. The Emperor of Germany 1 an early riser. 'Vben be take his usual drive through the Thiergsrten at 8:30 he ha not only breakfasted but done more than an hour's hard work. The Empress Is nearly always her con suit's compan ion of these csiiy drives. rresiuent Harrison decision to make con gressmen and senators brokers who shall deal in the office of their several state i a long step backward. Harrison evidently doe not believe In tli civil service declaration of hi party plat firm. Tho place hunter who have invaded Wash ington are as eager for the scaljx of the left over Republicans as for those of the wicked Democrats. The ins are all rascal in the eye of thi out, no matter what they belong lo. About the first business of the new adminia- tratLowiUb to look after the Oklahoma! boorner. President Cleveiaad managed tol keep them out of the Indian Temiory,but they have started in again to find out what kind of I stuff President Harrison is made of. General Black, whose administration of the renstou liureaa nas been line example or I devotion to the interest of the pen (ion ere and I I the tiablic, will, on leaving office, resume the I law prsctice in Chicago, tsking wiih him the best wishes of million who fed themselves to I be his personal friend. Mr, Springer was mainly instrumental ia se caring the admission of Dakota to the Union, The smart Aleck in that blizzard breeding country have rewarded him by sending him a leather medal ana an insulting message. The Dakota ide of decency teem to have been borrowed from some county JaiL President Harrison and his Cabinet are great smokers. The President and Secretary Tracy are the most inveterate puffer in the crowd, though Windoa is not far behind them. Mr. Blaine, in recognition of a certain historical parallel, never smokes anything but a Henry Clay. Washington letter ay that the most f re quent visitor at the White House nowadays I the Confederate Gen. LongMreet. And thl I the Administration that was favored by the Foraker and the Iialsteadsr who think the war I still on I According to the Mauufactmrtri Record, I Virginia msnufsctured 40,861, 545 pounds of tobacco ia i888,aod of this exported 9,795,000 pounds. North Carolina manufactured 19,387 77a pounds. These two rates of S9'49i37 pounds. These two states made over 1,000, 1 000,000 cigarettes last year, or one half of the tiJsl production of the country, while of man ufactured tobacco tbey turned out about thirty per cent, of the entire amount made ia the United States. I10W IT -WORKS. The High Protective system is bringing forth legitimate fruit. In eight day after Harrison take bis seat there are strikes and failure among the manufacturing interests in several rection of the country and now in Mass achusettsright at the center of wealth and prosperity there is a great strike and the wheels of fifty nulls stand still and six thousand weav ers go idle all the day, Tbey ask for better pay. The Plutocrats who roll in riches have made their great fortunes out of the War Tariff of 47, to per cent. The workinenten ask for more pay because tbey are taught by the Pro- 1 lection bosses that the Tariff is land for the workingmen. They, therefore, ask for some metallic expression of the fact, but the Cotton Lords kick and shut down and thousands epon thousands have theii supplies cut off. And this it the way the blessed War Tariff works It enriches the Boss but turns out to grass the worker. . " ' BINDING TWINE TRUST. An agent of the Dakota Farmer Alliance in I his quest after a supply of twine to be used for I binding grain at the coming harvest hat made I the discovery that a Trust hat secured control of substantially all of that commodity in the I country. The output of all the Eastern factor - ies is reported bought up, and the price already materially inceated. Last ' winter syndicate was formed of Boston and London capitalists which bought up the whole of last year's sisal crop. When the manufactures sought to procure their season's supply of sisal they were informed that 'here was none on tt- market. Then they were approached by th s agents of the syndicate with the , proposition that the syndicate would furnish sisal tol the manufacturers at l?st year's r rices I provided that the latter in turn 1 would sell to the syndicate their whole manufactured out put at last year's prices. The offer was accept ed. Then the syndicate sent scents all over the country buying up binding twine. Every pound in the country was practically secured, the agents in some instances paying a Urge ad- Twine in Da kota and Minnesota costs 35 cents a pound now; lost year the ruling price was 9 cent. ; It is interesting to note that the tariff on flax twine is 40 per cent., and also high on other varieties. A good dealjof home industry, it can be seen, will be fostered on the part of the farmer earning the money to pa; the increase in price of what tbey bind their sheaves with. This s a fine illustration of a Trust built under the will of a protective duty. We hope our Linn county farmer who have been .voting to maintain the policy of high protection under I which trustt Sourish and grow powerful will grin I "and bear it" without a murmer when they themselves compelled to pay "trust" prices their twin?. : v ; " . . Tourists, , ; ;'; When on uleatura bent or butlneaa. should take on every trip a bottleof Syrnp of Fig, aa it aota most pleasantly and e& factually on ineiticmeys.nver eaa ooweia, prevenung fevers, bmdaobea and other foima of lokns8s. For eale In 60o, and fl.CO bottle by ail leading drutcgista, WRIGHT'S Compound Syr.ip of Bar aapariila ia used aoccessfully in oaring alt Blood Diseases, from the least blotch or pimple to the largest scrofulous ore, Sold by Foubay fc Maaon, be J, F. WHITiriC, -Li'tiMtio 11 in ting BANKERS, SIGHS, DESICHS, Wood Engraving ami; Mechanical .Drawings, LETTERING A SPECIALTY, . Rooms ft and 9 Foster Block,, I have bought thellargest and best stock of DRl" GOODS ever brought to Albany, nvite eveTy one to call DON'T we carry a full line of BOOTS ANDCSHOES. The Red School House Shoes are the best in the Look out for in the next 30 dayp.: W. F. The Leading Jasb 1 is I a I 1 AflY OFJE CAM DYE e I A Dress, or a Coat, Any Cooi nnt r- jt niQOons, reamers, r FOn ? Yarns, Rags, etc. ) ten cents and la manyothor wsyt SAVE Money, d mlt thinn look Uk NEW, by mint DIAMOND I DYES. The work is eay, einipla, quica; m colon th BEST b4 FASTEST know. Ask for DIAMOND PYES and take no other. Tor Gilding or Broatinc Fancy Article USE v DIAMOND PAINTS. Oold, Silver, Brense, Copper. - Only 10 Cent. Baby Portraits. XSs. A Portfolio of bosnUful biy pt .,.mu rmnn Rim. nnnnc uu ut , piste paper vj pw processTsent tree to Mother of QT D4WT IKHU v iuiui m J Kvery Mother warns the . pictures ; seoa uuvw. I tt.r.v'. name and sew. WELLS, RICHARDSOII 4 C0M aununaivn, n . in I the lid up T Hutis espers n4 Fmt wtra. Itls impor tant that the Bods or Galeratus you tue should l White and Pare aama ma all almllsrsnbatinons sued for food. Toinrars obtaining only tha "Arm A Hammer" brand Sods or Balerat is, bay it la "pound or hs'f pound ' oartoona. which boarour came and trade-mark, si Inferior ftKHliaraotu timeaaubatltuted for t'us "Arm fe Hammer" nranl when bought in bulk. Parties naiog Biking Powder should remem ler that Its sole rising property oonalats of bi carbonate of s oda. On teaspooBfnl of tho "Arm A Hammer" brand of Soda or Salaratua mixed S . , OCR TBADB MAKE find for I -with sour mllX equals 03T ETKST PACKAGE. Packed in Card Board Entered P OfuTeat Albany aa aecond-claM mail matter. SUBSCElfTlON RATES. rtaltrsrwl by essrier per week. Br resil, pur rir... , , ysiiil, per month. P.ATES FOR WEEKLY, s yr. in stt.s Ons yw, at rH o ymr r. u wmuM, in aarsnot...... 7 TOA' f s Mill 1 and I would respectful) ! and look through ns FORGET; ; j 0. M, Henderson & Co s T tr world. BTJST CM. U EN DERSOM& COS Bargains I BEAD, Dry Goods tc; Cleanse the System ft tttt tbat moss xvi!.. medicine-Palne's CYi Compound. Itpnrtf.r -blood, cons Cast!- -and regulate the Uv er', ktdneys.ellectuallj' cii tog the system ot all w , and dead matters. . ; Paine's Celery Compoum eombtnee tnie nerve tonto and Btrrasrn. (jviaUUea. tevtvlng the energies and spinu. - "I have been troubled for some years wt complication of dlfttcultlea. After trying , rious remedies, and not finding relief, 1 : Paine' Celery Compound. Before taSim full bottle tbe long troubiesome symptu gan to subside, and I can truly say now, t feel lure a new man. Digestion bas topn and I bare pralned ten pounds In welfi-Ut siu have oommenwl taJdwr Uie compouud," U0ME8TC8 Steabns, Feiohrjle, $1.0. ' Six for 14.00. At Drurelsta WXUS, RICBABSSOM CO., VUXllHStOfi, aaaaaBBaaMaaaaalamnBMBBBMVsBaBBlBBBBBBBHEBBBBBtM fonr teaapoonf ill b cf -oeatlUking Powder, ice twenty times coat, besides b much healthier, bee., is dot's not contain tnj j rious subs tax auches altira, trr. otcM f "W h man UU four dsn are t. larvuexi and Fwl fhonldaaa only the"; & Hammer" brand rlcAninff and lev; Milk iaoa Sweet t every pound paefcar Arm en 1 Hani ? Brand" CiBtajii j 1 oonona set. uri Zi pound x,a-:-7; l3 ouMc'i net, b Baleratus same as , fled on each pic . Boxes. Always keeps Zl DO NOW Bold by Foshay & Mason .