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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1889)
SUB TO DEMOCRAT, G2 IN ADVANCE : S2 53 Al END OF YEAR. " : Issued every FriJay'.ly 3TITE3 5o aSI TTTXHSTO. Staff : TCDEMDCRiVr . Mthe fast Advertising coedlatn In the Central Willamette Valley, 11 1 1. 1 H 11 i . iir Voij. .ajx.iv.. AJbJiAJNY, OlUiUON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1889. AdvertUtina; rates made known on ap anon. NO 28 44 A dew Grocery Disccveied AT strong' oicl corner, opposite Stewart A Sox, First Mreet, Albany, O A full Una ol FftESif GROCERIES, ,CAFJFIED GOODS. DRIED FRUITS, ETC. Qulok sales an I small profits." "Live and let liv,' le. oar motto. I'toaso cal I and examine our gooi and gt prices. Satisfaction guaranteed, ' Produce Takon in Exchange, Very Respectfully, BAHDUE & UNDERWOOD. HOW TO CO EAST. Oi Eu viiM mat Shv.U Route. Nice oli-nst 1 .i I 1 ry at all timet of the year. Sao M vtns H iwr . Sacramental, Ojilen, Salt LVe, Djov-i-. Finest seoontl-cUss care mtdeararut diilv. Kay your tickets nf nie ani save yar fire to Portland. I m the only person in Albany that eo sell '" a ticket from Alhsny direct to any point in the United Stale. Call on mo or rate. V. L JurEK. Ageul S r. W U BILYEU, v 1TOHNEY AT 1. W And Solicitor in Chancery, ILRtXY. OREGON. 0 llejtlrn promptly nude om'i ro'nt Loans negotiated on reasonable i-riu 0, K. I aint S1m;, House " and Carriage Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers' Piano Varnishing;. All w.trk guaranteed. VASSALLO & THOMPSON. (Successors to Penry Sueseot.) H. J. MixTHOSi, Fja. S. raassi. Vim fret. B. O 8 Cooa. S e. tt. Mjjtst fieis TheOregon Land Company Or.tnUfd far the purple otbaybtr and eellm- ted statu, adrer.isinff 'he Wi)lunUe Valley in all 4 tbe leading mawtf. vpei of lh Coiled States. Cailm tut Ear arenU to direct home eaekars to I He il tu ette Vl'v. and h mm amenta In all the priix.iiel luwnt of Marion, Polk, Uon, Uenton, Oscfcsins and Yamhill euuntioe to ski In kieatiuf lounirnuit ' OfBje in tbe fate BoilJinr ooe door e of t'eir- art . Sos's. HODSOX A DICKINSON, Uaaartrs. Eed CrownMills SOM, LANSING A CO., PROrtVS. aiw raocrs rxoua scrttxioa tot. raxf tss aim aaxxas cam. BEST STORAGF- FACILITIES. Hisrhest Price in Cash to Wheat G. L. BLACXMA?., Successor to E. W. Lam f Jon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES' CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS COMBS ETC. Long-Standing are cured by uso of Ayer's Blood Diseases the persevering Sarsapaxilla, Tbla nedlolno la au Alterative, and rnuaes a radical change In the system. The process, in some cttscs, may not bo quite so rapid as In others J but, with persistence, the result Is certain, lioad those testimonials : " For two years I suffered from a ss Tere pain In my riclit side, and had other troubles caused by a torpid liver and dyspepKia. After clvhiR several tel lei ties a fair trial wiihout a euro, I liegaa to take Ayer's Sursnparllla. I was preatly tiem-tited by the tlrst bottle, and after taking live iHittles I was com- : pletely curetl. John W. llensou, 70 Lawrcnee St., Ixvt'll, Mane. Ijtst May a largo carbuncle broke out on my arm. The umiiu! remedies bad no effect and I was confined to my bed for eight weeka. A frieud indueetl mo to try Ayer'a 8anaparilla. Jesa tlinn thrvo bottles healed the sore. In all my expu rlence with modicine, I never saw luoro Wonderful Results Another marked effect of the use of this medicine was the strengthening of my sight." Mrs. Carrie Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. "I bad a dry srnly humor for years, and suffered terribly ; and, as mv broth er and sinter were similarly attiicted, I presume the mnlady is hereditary. Iat winter, lir. Tyron, (of Fernandina, Fla., ) reeommendel me to take Ayer's Kaniaparilla, ami continue it for a year. For live mon t lis I took it dally. I Iisvo not had a bleminh upon mv lxlv for thn Inst three ujonths." T. K. Wiley, 14ti Chambers m.. New York City. "Lost fall and winter I wss tronbkvl with a dull, heavy pain in my sido. I did not notice it much at first, but it gradually grew worse until it becanio almost tinUarable. During the latter part of this time, disorders of the stonw ach and liver iurrensed my troubles. I began taking Ayer's Saranparilla, and. after faithfully voutluulng the use of this medicine for some mouths, the pain disappeoretl aud I was completely cured." Mrs. Augusta A. iVrbush, Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price t ; sis bottles, 3. Worth i a toUW. Notice. Taken up at my rctiJcnce at Sweet Home a strsy, dark bay horse, branded on the right hip, collar mark on both shoul ders. (Jwner will plcae calr. par for this notice and get his horse. John Siika. FRANCIS PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR OF i Albany Soda Works. And Mancfavturera of CHOICS CQHFEliTIOfflftT. We are now prepired to soil at wHol sale, always fresh and pure at Porthad prices to dealerm. We also keep a fi.ll Use or fints ani Tropical Fruits, CIGARS AND TOBACCO II. F. MERRILL, B -A- 3ST BZ E Tl', ALBANY, - - - OREGON. Franeisoo aild Sell eaehane jj N. York, Saa Portland. Boy aotee, SU'a, oontf anj c'.tr t to caeca. oetre depoeiU subject ume aepoaita. Col lections will recelrs prompt aUeotluo. Corraepomience anllteJ. Fire and Marine Insurance eonpaoiee. arrant. Be- loloreet allowed oa JULIUS JOSEPH, . Manufacturer ot Cigars ; ANIUEALEK JW FltlE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Ca:i, P!ugarnSuiokioj ToUoecs. M oe.rscbauta and Brl r Pipes, sud fo lineofHmok rs' AnlM Alsodealer-- OALTFORNIA AND TROPIC 1L PRUIT8 DWIGHTS1 SODA DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE OwioHT's Cow-Brand SqdaSaleratus, ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. sara t't tliars is a pb tore of a Cow on your pockace and you wUl Usvs -io4aaua. THK COW BltAKP. , . , ' Kdwight'sTI mm SA LE RAT US Lssanon Mrs Mary' Liggett, departed this Ufa on Sunday, the 37th, lnthe 8at year ot her age. She wisanatlveolOhlo; In early life moved to Missouri, from there to California, and In 187 moved and set tled halt a mile westot Lebanon, where she died....MrD II Mothorn and one of his daughters started to Davenport, W T, last r rlJy, his wile and the rest ot the child- ren to join them In a few weeks.. ..we understand that Mr J D Walton has made arrangements to open a first-class lumber yard In Lebanon.... 'Prof Langford, an tlnerant musician, was arrested In Leb anon tor leading a horse on the sidewalk'. Democrat Such a thing Is of so fre quent an occurrance with the "Professor" hat we thought It not worth mentioning. The fact Is the Prof. Is near sighted and hardly knows the difference between a sidewalk and the main atrect. Kxfrrsx, What it Costs. While the city chart" er question Is being discussed before the people the following from the Ortgonia shows what Porttand pays for running the city government t "The work of extend- ng and footing up the city assessment roll has been completed, and It Is found to amount to $36.783 ,,io, which 1 about $700,000 more than the gross amount of last year. From this Is to be deducted in debtedness, $15,376,610, and property ex empt. $S3,o5o,leavlng as the net sum liable to taxatlon,$ 1,506,000. The tax levy will, as usual, be lojnllls. and the committee wno nave tne matter in charge have agreed to recommend to the council that it be di vided as follows : Fire department fund. mills : police fund.3'4" ; general fund.i i t street cleaning fund, 1." GaKKM.--New street cars bring out the greenness In peop.e In a remarkable man ner. As customary Salem has had Its usual experience.' Here It is: "On Sun day one of Salem's young men, wha occu pies a god clerkship in one of our mer cantile stores, betook himself out for a street car ride over the city. Unused to the manner ot paying the fare, he deposited a fifty cent piece In the slot and went to the driver for the change. As the exper ience cost him lust forty-five cents, ner. haps he will know better next time." Axotiikr Parcit Pailroad. Eugene City does not propose to be behind thw lime. It also has a railroad started. Here ills: "The Slutlaw & Eastern Railway and Navigation company has taken out ar ticles ef incorporation. Capital stock. $1,000,000. The object of the comranr is to build a railroad front Sluslaw, via Eu gene, to the eastern boundary of Oregon, with the principal office In Lane countv. The incorporators are, A G Hover, f A Straight, W A Cox, J M Hodson and E C Dmitn.- At this rate Oregon will scon be a network ot rails. Dt'RSTEO Bi'dulks. Men are arriving in Oregon by nearly every train, who were knocked flat by the bursted bubbling boom of Southern California. Where they pos sessed a fortune several months ago they have nothing now. If we beard oa much about this end of the horn as about the big end there would be less fever for ever lastingly changing from one place to a more Dooming one. Irad? at Home. Exactly the same pattern of pants, only better made.that the Plymouth Rock Pants Co., of Boston, ad vertise tor $3. exclusive of 30 cents post age, are sold by L. E. Blaln, in thbchy.for $2 and $2.50. In nearly every use where you send away from home for goods of any kind you par an extra price for them. Be sides this it pays just on principle to patron ize home merchants. It is what builds up a community. what Is Wanted. A member ol the legislature has received a telegram from a man at Corvatlis of unquestioned veracity, who says the Methodist Church South wants its claims fully established to the building and grounds and all ether things belonging to the State Agricultural college at Corvallis, and tkenafter thst,U officials will consider any reasonable proposition from the stale for a settlement- Statesman. They Ml-st G The Chinese; house opposite the Post Office will be entirely renovated and deodorized and an addition built to it, previous to being; occupied by C II. Dctdi & Co. We understand that the Celestial house block further South has a prospect of betas' transformed Into an agricultural" implement house, with Mitchell wagon in front The further back the heathens ore driven the better it will be for the city. BRtrm Fevers. II. C. Clement, of Tacoma, passed through the city Satur day on a flying visit to his wife's parents at Shedd. Ed. Zeyss and William faber re turned from that citv on -the noon train Mr. Clement says Mr. Zeyss has the Ta coma fever bad. By the way Clem is fever breeder in that direction. Give him a chance and he would move the whole oi Albany to Tacoma. Horse Show. The Democrat has been asked by seyrral horsemen to agitate a first class horse show at thU city during the latter part of March. Such a show is needed here, and it is a matter horsemen should take hold of and push forward, This county now has some as good blood as there is in the state, and this is a good way to make it prominent. Will horse men take hold of the matter and appoint a aar so mat it can be thorougly adver- usea. . SPRINGFIELD SAW MILL ; A. Wheeler, Springfield, Oregon, Proprietor. A. WHEELER, ALBANtY MANAGER. Albany Yard and Office on Railroad Stl 2tween 4th a:id 5th Street. ..f?linKra.Enbc-?,,?fc x?eI,d ,n qasllty, nd faciHtiesj not orpViuad for the protnp k and satisfactory filbDg ot orders. We lesptfally solicit a share of the trade" FURNITURE You wswfU bet end mot-t durable furnturetbat IsCmanufaclnred in tbr tltjo;o nomas B rink; T Am , Keeps almoat ever thing in the farpttureline thatjlkept;in a flrst-class store A Little Boom. Right up mountains is a little boom of Itself. in the Mill fn OUll SALEM LKTTE.0. Feb. ut, 1889. Editors Domocrnt : Twenty-three more days for the Legls- ature. The week has been taken up most- by the local water bill of Portland. That is It has underlled everything else. The Eugene sewerage bill was put on the boards first. The great question In both cases being the taxation of the bonds to be Issued to carry out these enterprises. The discussions before the House were by no means edifying. In fact each speaker seemed to aim it show how llttld he knew on the subject ml taxing bonds of a muni cipality. And on this point many reasons were given pro and con that were very thin. For Instance one gentleman champion was asked to answer a question growing out of his statement that these bonds would go out of the State anyway as five per cent bonds were not our capital seekers, "what difference then would It make whether taxed or not." He answer ed that foreign capital would not take them because It was feared abroad that our leg- siature would declare, them real estate and li them where Issued. To a man of com. mon sense this seemed ridiculous. Mort gages are se declared in this State for the urpose of the mortgage tax law, but bonds hlch are promissory notes reslly bear no fetation to the soil and float as personal property and can float as nothing else, If the gentleman had said we can sell the bonds here with five cent Interest If not taxed and eight per cent If taxed thereby saving forty-five thousand dollars annually to Porttand, It they are not taxed.he weuld have been plausible at least. But his an- wer was like the balance of reasons given. The fact Is if the bonds bear flv. per cent ntercst our banks will make if desired by selling one per cent on them tax or no tax. They will find if they take them with in terest at five per cent, a ready Eastern market with a premium offered of one to S . . . eve, . a a a wree per cent, i axing municipal bonus is a question of importance to the muni- Ipality that gives the money really which the bonds represent. And where the scheme is for sewerage or pure water -all going to the health of the community, the bonds slwwld not be taxed. But for any other object, usually speculative as subel. dies they should be taxed. This distinction however was not made, but we think It is justified by precedent. Though it was ad mltted by those favoring the measure in their Innocence that there were no prece dents for exempting municipal bonds from taxation, j he t'ortland bill passed 33 to 13. The scene looked like a bankers conven tion. If there was a bonk in Portland not represented on the flocr of the House by their officers it mould be a standing fact to reveal, uowditch stvied the measure as -a bill to enrich the bankers." la a farmer letter we ssld there were three thousand dollars paid out for clerk hire at the last session, when it should have been between ten and eleven thousand dollars. How much of this was meritor ious is the question with the economist Senator Irvine's measure would have test ed this point, but he wss voted down Probsbly one fault of it. On Tuesday evening next before the joint convention of both Houses, the life atcd picture ot Dr. John McLaughlin will be presented t the State by Hon. John jMinio ami received by oovernor rennoy- cr. As both ot these gentlemen are known to be successes on like occasions this Is one of great promise. No man In Oregon, dead or alive deserves higher praise from tier cm uren than nr. McLaughlin, and we predict mat Mr. ;i into win substantiate this fact, e K. 11. Dearborn, the patient, newty ap pointed Postmaster of Salem has teen confirmed. This is a deserved compliment to Mr. Dearborn. Now If a new incum nent could follow In the national inslltu Uon of Indian extraction In this county some government patronage might flow there through democratic hands for four years. But this no doubt Is too late. rw real estate agents pop up here in the morning as if they were muahrooms. So long as the vagrant laws are in force they cannet starve. Several excited peo pie go out daily with smoked glass to see If the "boom" Is In slzht. We look tor candy and bread wagons to be converted Into real estate offices as every other place- nearly Is occupied by them. Piping times are coming to palem. Sojourner THE M IN ABOUT TOWN Speaking oi the city charter, we do hope the cow part wilt get through anywsy. Suppose we drive the c6ws through first and then leave the bars down and let the crowd gee and haw at the rest of the ani mals. ! 1 fi -5 1 ; Judging from conversation with who have been In most of the cities of the Northwest we have come to the conclusion that Albany Is about the most respectable kinaot a city anywhere around. It may be noticed that nesr'y all of the naughty car rylngons are by outsiders. The advance agent for St. Valentine Is In the city. The show promises to be of a more refined nature than ot old, tastily made, artistic productions taking the place of the old style, disgraceful appearing, slovenly looking ailatrs that formerly oc cupled front seats In tbe windows. Whether or not a whist club should be allewed to rent a certain hall In Albany is a question that has shaken one or two socie ties up considerably, resulting In a losing hand for the card side. I I The Man About Town has been request ed to give the position of the Oregon Pa-, clfic In reference to their opposition to be ing taken Into the city limits as provided under the proposed city charter. We do so, without comment.and it would be a poor stick of a news githeret that couldn't do that much. They claim that It would de feat the object for which the land was ob tained, that of building a round house and machine shops on such parts of it as they please. In the city limits It could bo laid off in streets, though absolutely none of it is tor sale, the only effect would be to make the Company pay city taxes and would antsgonlxe them toward our city. Tills is the way the matter Is stated to us. BROWNSVILLE. Mathew Fader, of Sell wood, was here Wednesday. Meesrs I M Mover and O P Coshow went to Portland Frlt'ay. Mr and Mrs Thos Tamer, of Muddy, spent several days of the past week visiting: friends nere. Messrs W B Bianehard and N II Young: started for their snlnloi claims located on the McKentle, Thursday, I B Sperrv, of East Portland, was here the first of the week and secured a car load of hones for shipment to Portland. Messrs Dyson. Moore, W B and John StandUh returned last Monday from their claims In the Blue river district. They all seem much encouraged on account of llislr prospects and ili return to continue work as soon as the weatner win permit. Rev A LeRor closed the meetings be ing conducted In the Baptist church here for the past two weeks Wednesday even ing the administered the ordinance cl bap tisra ta nine converts last Sunday. The meetings being held on the south side also closed the same evenlnf. Much rood was done In both places. From one st the parties who just re turned from the Blue river mines vour correspondent learns that there w a dispo sition of the people living In that portion that was detached and annexed to Lane county years ago, to come back to Linn. l ney say the taxes are too hign in iane county. This speaks well for the manage men ol our county finances, liy retaking that portion of the country we would have an tne prospective mines in tne Blue reiv er district X. STATE LEtilSLATl'RE City, situated on the loop that takes Marion county, oo the Oregon Pacific, said to have a population already of nearly mree nunarea. some where In there a nice place Is bound to grow uo. and Mill City seems to be in the Ijad That place is iniriy six miles trom Albany. Pirates. One would think from the af1 m .a m. . . ... iowowing irom tne vregoman that we were very close to some of he worst de scendents of Capt Kidd: "And besides, if no vessel ever came up to Portland, still the Interests of Astoria would demand that pilot charges tn the bar be reduced and the protected nest of pirates that have their headquarters there be broken up. "" Rather Cool. Jan. 30th Frank How ard, a convict at the penitentiary at Salem, sent from Multnomah county for five years for obtaining money under false pretenses, cut his left hand off with a hatchet m order to avoid work in the foundry. Re had previously burned himself and been laid up several days, probably on purpose. A more deliberate act was never perpetrate d , "Force of Imfulsk." This play will be presented by the members of F. Co, and their friends on Friday evenfng, Feb. 15. i it should be given a good support. Children Cry fo?, A Game of Tickle Bills appropriat ing over $350,000 are now before the State Legislature. There seems to be a game of "tickle-each-other" going on between Port land representatives and Eastern and South- em Oregon legislators. In this respect Linn county representatives do not stand in with them at all. They are making a good recjrd. Cake Presented. Thursday night at the U P church, after the annual congre gational meeting was finished, Dr Irvine was presented with an elegant gold headed cane, as an expression of the apprecla of his congregation far the services he has done them as a Christian minister. If the cane wears as well as its donee there will be no question but it will be handed down to future generations. Old Patents. The original patent of Perry Thomas has just b:en filed in the county clerk's office. It is signed by Jas Buchanan, president, and is dated In 1859. Also patent of Jas M Elliot, dated in 1866 and signed by Andrew Johnson. Old pat ents are gradually coming In on account of the increasing number ot transfers of prop erty. - Wednesday, Jan. 30. The Albany charter bill in the senate was recommended and referred to the Lion county senators. Irvine's lien bill is referred to railroad committee; Daw son's deat mute school bill was ordered engrossed, Fullerton's supreme court bill was recommended and engrossed; Daw son s firemen's bill was en crossed. A urge number I bills were reed and re ferred. Dawson's bill In reference to deeds, the Portland water bill and Tongue's heir- snip Dili were read second ume in house. Thursday, Jan. 31. Coggswell presented a resolution asking the submission of an amendment to the constitution allowing ail males over twen ty one to vote at all elections. Among new bills introduced were, prohibiting re ductions of Indebtedness from taxation authorizing experiment station in connec tion wl'.h agricultural college, for portage railway between The Daltes and Celilo, prohibiting horse racing on Sunday, licens lag stallions, providing for the snpport of married women, protecting sheep Misers (Dawson), $25,000 for Oregon's commis- Moner at fans exposition, relocating coun ty seat ot union county, for Eastern Ore jren board of trade. Crook's bill for $14,000 lor wag n road In Curry county passed me nouse. . TilE FLAG. Samoa arid the United Stat. (Written for the Democrat.) The time has come for the United States to show her hand. The Germans have played the pirate long enough in little Samoa.and It is extremely necessary, that, by force of arms, tnis country cause them to halt. England should join forces with us to compel the Germans to desist from further depredations j but the signs of the times augur that the British Empire docs not want a brash with the armies of WU hclm. True, our fleet Is not a first-class one ; but we have other advantages and should follow them up. We can land troops sufficient at Apia and other points In Samoa, which, acting in concert with our fleet would give the Germans the sound thrashing they so justly deserve. In our opinion, the time has passed tor dlplo matlc Interference. Lt our Minister be recalled from Berlin and Germany's em, bassador at our National Capital receive his psssport home. Let war be declared. Let our North and South Pacific gether with our now famous dynamite cruiser, "The Vesuvius," and as many other gunboats as possible, be .hastened to the Samoan Islands. Our flag has been insulted. Our Congress has been insulted. The honor and Integrity of the entire United States demands Instant reparation and that reparation can only come through udiclous and Immediate use of powder and lead. .The late dispatches are of no friend- y nature and the mobilizing of German- men-of-war at Apia means a stubborn fight If any country Interferes. Our t'taty with Samoa, means our Interference In the present crisis.' Will we do it? Must we allow Germany to obtain a foothold In the South Pacific and float her flag over the Samoan Islands t It our Congressmen are far-seeing enough they will Instantly recognize the utility ot these South Pacific Islands In the future. The interchange of . . a . commerce, not to speaaos me necessary coaling 1 tat ions, is enough to make us de clare Germany's actions as indicative of war and prepare to contest the ground. True, should a skirmish ensue.the fighting will be at and around the Samoan Islands, and whilst the German men-of-war may be better than ours, we have active sailors and marines who are much more proficient than Bismarck's swillers of lager beer and devourers of pretzels. The firing on, the tearing down of the stars and stripes Is surely a war sign and should be met broadsides from our Navy. We trust Con cress wilt not be slow in tbe matter. The Sla'e Department has laid all the necessary Information before that distinguished body, so there is no cxcum for them to dclsy. The tariff should now be laid aside. Tariff Is only a matter between the two parties and, whilst of vital Importance, Is not oa much so as the maintalnance of our honor and Integrity as a people. Upon Samoan affairs the North, South, East and West are a unit No loyal man, and such exists all over our broad domain, will say "nay" to our prompt Interference. Within our mem ory, and not many years ago, BIsmark in sulted our country, and then the cry was raised we have no Navy. With the knowl edge of our being nearer to Samoa than Germany, and our ability to successfully cope with that power, we cannot shout "no Navy." "War be It then.we have millions for defense, but net one cent for tribute,' said Plnckney years ago at the French Court, and bvthat envoy's resoluteness a strife was avoided. Let the same saying be now our watchword, for our treaty obli gations with Samoa, solemn as they are, place us in an attitude compromising, in deed, if we do not stop German encroach ments over there, and prove to the world that he United States of America Is the greatest power on earth, and though on home issues we may split and fight yet when our flag Is Insulted, we all rise, the blue and the grey.hand in hand to resent it January jSth, 18S9. Yovko Democracy. W . F. READ, FIRST ST ALBANY, OREGON The Leading Cash Dry Goods House of Albany -o-JsXf VK"? --" BUTT C.M.I1 EN DEHSON&CXJS ' T AX: c.ryZ cumino sooiri & shoes --r-" Now receiving roy fall stock uoi I can give rcy custoiuns Letterbar fsita tl tVu f m.'i i Iiij. Oor lock ia ccoiplele srd 1 trfie lo lrrp" it t p ti tl e ilrrr'tK', rlsll add all the new coveltira ss fstt ss tie; sie in fie jeiket "Would call irjtcisl aticLtitn to the fo!loirg lite n Dress 6oods,Piashes,Vclveis,Hosiery Jcrsics, Gents' FEi'nisIiing Goods, Blankets, Boot and Shoes All Iak ia a tLtictb let retire ef sleek. PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Mail orders promptly attcndeJ to. W .F. READ, 0 I 00 NOT MODEST. Will Prosecute It. Concerning the- regents' meeting of the old Corvallis Agri cultural college held Thursday, says a Cor vallls dispatch to the Salem Statcsman,CTj little can be learned, as it was strictly aec.ct. Enough though was gathered to how that they intended prosecuting their college case to tne fullest extent New Butch irb. Shultz Bros., two live young meri.have bought M. Hyde's butcher shop, and propose running a first-class hop, with modern improvements. They run a big shop in Omaha, Neb, and under stand the business, . , " , Aw Alarm. The Are bell clanged at 13:30 Friday, occasioned by a fire In the barn of Mr. F. S. Crosby. Mr. Crosby, a. Democrat antimony manipulator and two- other distinguished gentlemen smothered! the flames with water.after they had burn- d into the hay in the loft A bonfire Irs the yard was probably the cause. Bio Eggs. Mr L. Knighten has placed oa our table two hen's eggs of remarkably large size, : One measurs in circumference around he ends 7( inches and; the other- way 6 inches. The other egg measures 7 by f inches. Who, (we mean what hen) can beat hem. . . . . ' , Pitcher's Cactorla COLDEN'ECLE DAZAAU' CshIi Gam Long Wars at Jalias Crsdwhol's I have made arrangements for buying goods direct from the factories Irs Europe and will sell at wholesale or retail cheaper than any where else en the Pacific Coast The following ore some of my cash retail prices : . ' ' K dozen unhandled teacups and saucers, 35 cis.:- , dozen unhandled coffee cups and sau cers. ' cts. ' dozen handled coffee cups and , sau cers. to cts. dozen seven inch dinner plates,- 45 cts. ' These goodt are all iron stone China and not a cheaper crrade of goods. I have also added a good stock of groceries, which I ask people to call and examine and judge for thtnitelves ss 1n qual and prices r 4 Tuxius Gradwoiiu . Some communities like individuals are nat overburdened with modesty. Such is the character ot some of the counties now tsking for appropriations from the state to build wagwn roads. Fell of Morrow wants 10,000 to build a road from Heppner up to Monument, and yet Morrow pays only 4,1 aa taxes to the state. That cpunty woutd take back all she pays Into the state treasury and $6000 paid in by other coun ties. Crook of Coos wants $14,000 to build a road out ia Curry, which county pays SiJSta taxes to the state. Maxwell of Tilla mook wants $10,000 to build a road in his county and yet that county pays but $i,aia state taxes. Hunter of Wallowa wants $8,000 to build a road up in his country, and the county he represents pays $3,399 Into the atate treasury Such Is the char acter of the road bills which are now be- fore the legislature. - ' That bill of Condon's (House Bill No. 104) to increase the State University tax from one-tenth to one-seventh ot one mill and to make tuition free for those who en ter any of the literary departments of the j University should be knocked out on the 1 first round. Young gentlemen who tske advaneed literary courses should not ask that the tax payers of the state should be taxed to meet the expense of such course. Let the bill be defeated. 1 Hakes You Hungry 1 ,. utve uacJ 1' Jue 8 It lory Compound and It bos bad a salutary tITe:L II Invigorat ed lb system auJ I feel Uko a new man. lt Improves tl;o apputlia and tuclUtatcs disc Uon." J. T. Coro Ltxn. Primus. 8.C Paine's Celery Compound . mimm tinif! mid MTOeUzcr. Pleasant to the taste, quick In Us action, and without any . ?.XL. InwL it irlves that rusreed health ' .-1.1..H n,.VM btptt thine taste cobd. It cures dvsnemia and kindred disorder. Physicians prescrllw IU U-0t. Six Mr H.0U. Druggists. Wells, Richardsor & Co., Burlington. Tt Erring medicine means more now-a-iays tban it did tea years ago. The wlntcrot isss-89 baaleft , the nerves all faggtd out , The nerve must be strengthened, the blood purtfled, liver snd bowels regulated. Fame's ceiery vompouni IA Sprtug tntdiein eo-dir aoes au una. aa nothing els can. Pmseribti by Pkitidam, Hicammtaded by Vrvamtts, Endor-a e mihvhcth Ouaiiiuteed tytU JanHAtctursrs tot ;J The Best Spring Medicine. la the spring ot lSSTlwas an run down. I would get up la toe niorntag wlt& so Uroaa tmunrr mi an ffAflic that I coul d hardly get arouudl lboughta bottle ot Paine's Celery Coin ncund, and before I had taken It a week 1 felt very much better. 1 can cheetully recommend lt to all w ho need a building up ana strengthen ing medicine.- Mb. B. A. 1ow, Burlington, vt DIAMOND DYES ESTTa, mm ruu v j ', Rapid Beating of the Heart". , Whenever you feel an uneasiness in th e region of the heart, a ' slight pala 1 In tb houldar. arm. or tinder the shoulder blade, or wben you nnu y.vurseu snort 01 breath when exercising, or your neart nas twrloda ef beating fast, you have- heart disease, and should take Dr. Flint's Rem edy. Descriptive treatise with eaoh bot tle i or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y, - Canyon imagine an ailmont thak wilt make food natared osrsonso peevish, dissatisfied. it t-tetnpefed and cranky - as biUiooaness? Ther is no reason whatever, why any one should suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia, tm-pid liver and loss of appetite, when Dr. Hon'ev's Dandelion Tenia, .which every one 1 knows is a certain cure, can be so easily oo tained; Sold by Foshsy & Mason. . The largest milling concern on Puget Sound Is the Puget Mill Company, whose headquarters are at Port Gamble. - They own the mill at that place, another at Port Ludlow and another at Utsalady. The cut aa? these three mills in the twelve months dine Nov. 30, 18SS, was over 95,00000 feet. . - 4WILL BROS, Dealers in all the latest Improved Pianos Organs, S9wlo MaphlneVyGuns. Also . .11 u nf warrantor! Razors. Butcher b-nnlrafc TTnlVAS. The OSSt kind Of sewing machine oil, needle,, and extras, for all machines. All ierVTU2gneatly and reasonably done. - Th. Txlncton Budnrtt publishes some charges of of fraudulent transactions against Horn. J. E. Feil, member of the legislature from Marrow county, which should be investigated by flat body, j These fraudulent transactions grew out of the purchase of the right of way by Mr, Fell as agont of the O. R. & N. Co. for a braach line of that road. The charges are too direct and pointed to be overlooked. Let a 1 ommlttee investigate these charges. . ' . ' mm BniGGs, FLOEIST, ALBANY OREO . Roses a Specialty. . Cemetery lots planted and attended kc, BABY CARRIAGES AT STEWART dfc.SOXS LBAHY COLLESJATS , IHSTITUTB ALBANY, OREGON.'. 1888, 18S9- " First Term Opens September Iltta, IftSs. A lull "corps of instructors, LASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY, COMMERCIAL ANO liOHMAL -CLASSES. rCourses of rtudy arranged to meettkr need Oi ail graues 01 muuouh. . . Special inducements ofertd to students from abroad. v Tuition ranges from $5,60 to 912.59 Board in private faiuUlAa at low rates. Rooms tor aeu-boaraing at smau exr ense. A careful supervision exereisea over stu dents away from home. . Fall term opens September 7th, For circulars and fuJ paruouiars au ureas sua riwiuom. RET, ELKEKT X. COJfDIT. Alt any, Oregon'.