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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1888)
on A HUHi NORSK. The Oregonian is on a "high horse" be cause we convicted it of moral forgery in changing the meaning of a resolution In the democratic platform of 1886, by cutting off and leaving out a material part of It. This forgery wan one of design. It is In perfect accord w ith adoxen others of which it has been guilty during this compalgn. The Dbmocrat said that in 1883 the dem ocrats opposed the tariff bill because it re dated the duty on wool and tWnnW It on woolen goods, and that they were In favor of reducing it on both. This the Oregonian with characteristic disregard of the truth denies In the face of the evidence afforded In the Congressional Ifexord. When the tariff bill of 1S83 was about to be voted on Mr. Carlisle said : "I have announced here more than once during the progress of the debate on this subject that I stood ready to vote for an average reduction of even x per cent, justly and equitably distributed among all the articles subject to taxation under our custom laws. The same de claration has been made substantially, at least, by several other gentleman on this side; but it has so far failed to receive a a favorable response from those who con trol the legislation of the house." Again Mr. Carlisle, who opposed the bill, said: "Then, again, this report proposes to ' cranse the dut upon large classes of cot ton goods, and upon a very large class of woolen goods." Again he said: "Then, on a large class of woolen goods another very material increase of duty Is proposed." The above extracts conclusively show that the Democrat was right, and that the Ore gonian Is the one guilty of Iving about the matter. This species of falsification of tacts and mutilation of statement 1. by no means the only one of which that paper U guilty. In IU issue of Aug. 7, it said editorially: uThurman, of bandana fame, said in 1879, in the United States senate, 'Free imtni gration would be advantageous as furnish' ing a class of cheap and efficient laborers." It could not have been otherwise than that the Oregonian knew this was false as this was a badly mutilated extract from a speech that Thurman did make at that time, and the Oregonian had the means of verifying it had it desired to do so. Now read what Thurman did say and the ani mus of the Oregonian will appear at once: "Their (Chinese) presence In our coun try, although it might be advantageous a furnishing a set of cheap and efficient lab" orers, carries with it suck disadvantages that they mare than countervail all the benefits sr could derive from their presence." (See pag 1306, vol.8, part 3, 3 sess., 45th congress.) On the strength of the starement made by the Oregomiam about Thurman' speech, Mr. Alexander, a gentleman in Tacoma, a republican, made a bet that Thurman had used such language and wrote to the O e gonian to furnish the proof of the state ment. But the editor of that paper know ing full well that the proof could not be furnished, remained silent. Mr. Alexan der not receiving any answer wrote to the Oregonian again, and again the Oregonian refused to answer, whereupon Mr. Alex ander grew impatient and published all the facts saving: "This leads me to believe that so far as my party is concerned the campaign is conducted solely on falsehood and mis representation. The organs of the party make statement- which the must know to Ite lies and deceive their friends as the Oregonian deceived me into making a bet on its statement about Thurman and los ing it. In order to prevent any one else from betting money on the editorial state ments of the Oregonian, I hope vou will publish the above in your paper." This was a reproof richly deserved so far as the Oregonian is concerned. It shows that integrity of statement is as much a stranger to the editorial columns of that paper as belief in a .Supreme IJeing is to Bob Ingersol. A New York dispatch to the Philadel phia Times, Oct. I, says: "The betting for the last two days has increased amazingly. On Saturday even ing over a game of poker at llontoon's up town saloon, when the champagne wa flowing freely, a young man from Con necticut by the name of Tilorson of un limited means bantered Colonel William Brown, of the Evening News, of New York, to bet on New York state. Brown wanted to bet $20,000 on Cleveland to $15, 000 on Harrison, and it was finally agreed that Tilotson should put up $12,000 on liar rison against Colonel Brown's $20,000 that New York would go for Cleveland. Early in the morning Colonel Brown went to the Gilsey house and roused Mr. Rickey, the recognized authority on bet ting. Mr. Rickey told Colonel Brown tha he had done just right and gave $500 fo half of the bet. To-day Rickey came down to the Hoffman house and vainly sought to get another bet of $20,000 to $12, 000. Captain Conner, of the St. James, offers $500 to $1000 on a majority for Cleveland in Indiana, but as yet his bet has not been taken. The Roseburg Review puts the whole is sue in a nutshell, Vhus: "In order to protect the bondholders and the trusts, Harrison and Blaine oppose any reduction of the tariff. In order to protect the people, Mr. Cleve land insists that taxation shall be reduced A vote for Harrison is a vote for the bondholder. A vote for Cleveland is a vote for the people." The Government has bought $60,186,000 of unmatured bonds since April at a cost of $73,340,000. This means that over $1 3, 000,000 taken from the taxpayers needless ly has been paid in premiums tobondhold ers within six mont hs. And this is the policy that Gen. Harrison would perpetuate. It appears that William R. Foster, the Produce Exchange forger of New York, is u brother to the celebrated fat-frying Fos ter at the head of the Republican league. It is said that the fat-frying statesman will resign as a consequence of his brother's trouble, Bark ten's Arnica salve The bout salve in the world for Guts, Bruises, Sores, Ulrsers, Salt Kheura, Fever Soros, Tetter, Cuapped Hands, Chilblains, Corn and all Skin Eruptions, snd posi tively cure Pilss, or no pay required. It i guaranteed to give perleot satisfaction, or monev refunded. Prhe 25 conts per box. For sale t7 Koshay dt Mason, L. Viereok's blln. IT mjl'IKMS. The ZlcmM is muck annoyed at the awkward dilemma Into which it has been thrown on account of Its lack of knowledge of the tariff Issue and Its double dealing In meeting the question, When it lltuls Itself unahlc to meet our argument then it abuses us, the last resort of the vanquished. It asks us to compare the republican tariff bill, which puts jute on the free list and a duty of 40 per ceajt. on jute sacks, wl'.h the Mills bill that puts wool on the frce list and taxes manufactured woolen 40 per cent. The Herald hj Indirection nil lutMis The Mills bill reduces the duties on woolens from an average duty of 70 per cent, to an average of 43 per cent., while the republi can bill makes no reduction whatever on jute sacks, although It puts jute on the free list. Putttlug jute on the free list benefits the manufacturer, but Is of no benefit to the farmer for the reason that 40 percent, duty is retained on the sacks, thus giving the trusts entire control of the market. There Is another far more Important fact to be remembered here in reference to this duty of 40 per cent, which falls as an annual burden on the farmers, and that Is thU: The farmers of thU coast use not less than 40 millions sacks every year In caring for their grain. There are not to exceed 1 millions manufactured here while the re malnded are Imported from Calcutta. Now, why should the farmers of this coast be re quired to pay a duty of 1 cents each on 38 million sacks where the tax Is not needed by the government, and all to protect one little jute factory in Oakland, California that produces not mote than 1 million sacks, and that too by Chinese labor? Thl is the quettion which farmers would like to see the Herald answer. The Iter Aid asks: "And is it not better after all to make free what we cannot raUe ami have to buy, and to protect what we rsic and manufacture?" Admitting that it is, still that afford no reason for laying such heavv or any dutv on jute sacks, for thev arc substantially all manufactured abroad The IIkmocrat has never once thought that the Mills bill U perfection, or that It is just as we would have written, but as general measure In the interestsof the peo pic it i so far ahead of the Senate bill that no fair man could hesitate as to hi choice Fakmkbh When you are ready to buy your winter stck of baits and shoes, do not fail to call at krstuse Klein', as we keep only Rood honest gouds and sell them at reasonable prices. All goods Warranted as represented. Kepag . i 1 Al baoy 8 ho Store, Flinn Block. Clothixu A Urge and complete lln of gents' clothlr.g and furnUhing goods at A. B. McllwainV Ia the clothing depart ment he has a large line of pant-, tegular value, which he will sell during the coming week for $J-5o. Bargains! !Urzain ! Bai-KaJns! t ! Remember we arc cloning out our stock of boots and sltoes and have yet some very desirable style. Come and sec for your selves and you will not regret it. Bkownf.i.1. .V Stamaro. All kinds of woolen dress guodsare 25 per out cheaper than they were a year ago. Our stock is all fresh, conseqasnlly wa can give very low prices. W F. Krai. Owystsi ( heaper than you can buy them in Port land. Will sell a good grade of Brussels carpet for 60 cents; a heavv three ply car pet for 75 cents, and two ply carpets frorr 40 cents to 50 cents. Carriec u large line of oil cloth, linoleum and window shades. A. B. McIlwain jcrveyio. Mr. fc. 1. 1. fisher t pre pared to do surveying of all kinds at rea sonable rates. He has complete copies of field notes and township plats in the coun ty. Adress Miller's Station, Linn countv Or. Wood. Let those parties who made arrani;rments to furnish this have ollicc with wood brine it right along as we need L POWDER Absolutely Pure. This wwder never Ysrlss, A marvel of purity, rtrenrth and w holesomencss. Moro erorioiiiKju than the ordinary kinds, and cannot )c sold in com petition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powder. Solo ojilt is cash. Iua sl Bakixo Powrts Cc, 109 Wall -at, Rather than the Cheapest Portland business COLLEGE, ! .-timid, Orrrow. 1 ; . ri cliop, fStab iti rr?J Business, I arnJ Penr.u.nshlp Depict 'lit ait I lies. Cots' cflii t 2Mf) wnt free. I I kVTHt,TtH)Mi. Vrln. c.itatiC ( ; . s. t't . : ? ' .. 4. yt ,,S ." New Wash House. Lae Ciiiuammi, who lived iu this town for many years and whs so well liked by every body h ax returned and will open up a new wanh rMMtse the first of September, one door south of the ltere Ha. Iee dots vood work and wants everybody to get their washing dr.e by him. New Wash House. H Jfu (riinunau has bought tiie wash house of Go Lee near Hchtneer's stable and has moved it to First Sueet, 3 doors west of Mrs. Murray's hotel where he is prepared to rlo all kirds ot laundry work in tirst class tyle. MACHINE OILS. The btt varieties of machine oils to be had are konr. by Stewart fc 8ox, especially tbe kinds that have been thoroughly tested by the Linn :ounty 'armets. Prices guar anteed, NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves iinlcb:id to Drs. McAllister & Wood w aid, are hereby notitiei to call and settle at once and save cost. Drh. Mi'lLMsruti k Woodwae t Win y X and fat, though 1 i n' i say that , for a glanoo at oijr also oud o look iu my tty, and you plainly can sen tlinrcM no flies upon me. I'm a little hit nhot both ot breatb and of I. Mr, but from houldera to knnea you con aeo I'm all 1 1 i Bimle and I laugh, I juke and I duff; I refii8 to be sad and 1 never get mad. But you'd nvr aurmtan where my happi ness lies, ao I'll up and ooufjss what you never cm Id guess. A good thing to not la alwuya o Ifftt's which will make you as aweet as oNr augsr cured ineat,tnakes you feel so oonteot with thn nicney spent that you're hound H feel glad ; and you couldn't get mad though 0 man juot a thin ai o rod ore pin woo to pull ot your none or tread on your toea. tf you'rn fat or your'e teoo, if youi'e pleasant or f mean, just give W. & T. o show to tell you right low, you will feel such 0 thrill of eon tentroent until you'll winh yu were fat to enjoy more of that For the filing's immense and you'il Low your good s-nse by buying . grocarie,pt visinne and crockery .1 WT Wallace & Thompson's Fat Man, Flinn Block, Albany, Or. Executor's Sale of Real Estate OTICE ts hereby Riven that the un Xl tfersigned, the duly snpoio ted snd soting Kxecutor of the lost will and testa ment of Mary Jans t'ostsllo, deceased, by virtue of an order of the County Couil for Linn county, State of Oregon, in probate duty mode on me 6th day ot October, 1WJ0, and eotored of record, will on the 11 10 day r OsvsmOcr, tsss, ot tbe hour of one o'eloek In the afternoon of said day at the Court House door in tie otty of Albany, Lion county, Oregon, sell st pa bite auction to tbe highest bidder oil lbs right title and lots rest of Mary Jane Costteiio, deceased, at the time of her deslb, in and to tbe followiog described rest estsle belonging to said etste, to wit ; Tbe N EH of the X EX efSecJU. con taining 80 srea, also the s E X or See M 1 on taming itiOarrss; also tbe 8 E K of See 21, containing ittu seres: also the N E H of tbe 8 EH of the 8 W M of8ee SO, eon taming 40 seres ; also the begiuuiog at a point 27 30 links west and 1&.M7 links suuth of tie quarter section stoke between Section-. 24 and 25, in Tp 14.8 Rft v,ln claim No 96; thence north 7H4eost 441 links; thence r.ortd 82b west 900 links ; thnnue seutn 75" west 444 lioks ; tbeoee soutb east 900 links to tbe place of begin ning containing 4 acrestnd in oil 444 acres MM lying oud being in Township 14, 8 K 4 W. Also beginning at s point 25 cbs east of tbe 8 W corner ul '1 bouts Kbepard's do nation laud claim, being eiaiiu 10 l, Not No 215, in Tp 14, 8 K 4 W ; thence north 4U cbs ; ! hence east 7.30 cbs : thence sAiilh 40 cbs ; thence weet 7.38 cbsina to tbe plsce of bcglnulng, containing 29,44 acres, sll in 8ee9,Tp It, tt K 4 W.Llno eotmi,Ofegou. Also beginning at a point A chains soutb of the N K corner of cislin No 41, Noi No 2183. In Tp 14 8 R 4 W ; runol g thence south 54 cbs ; thence west 38.54 cbs tbenoe north 40 cbs ; ibenoe west 8.15 cbs; thence north 13 89 cbs ; '.uenoe east 44 5s chains to toe place of beginni ug, contain 'ng 2fe acres, being parts of Section 4,Tp. 14, K 4 W.ln Una county, Oregon, ssve snd except :w acres on" tbe woo- end of ilu trsct willed to Martin t uuiuilnga, Meginning al s point 9.0 cbaiu uortb of the MoiilbesMt corner of tbe uortf.-ii of sc? I, Tp 14, 8 K 4 W ; tbence nort'i Ifu.lO cbs to tbe northeast corner of W m. Chris tians donstion Isnd claim ; tbence went 62.70 cbs ; tbence soutb 28 50 chs ; luenae east 53 28 cbslns to tbe plsce of beginning. containing 153. 70 acrea. Also be,iQijujfc- at th uortheaat corner uf Win. Chsatsms donation lsnd clsim : tbeoee oast 130 rods to the tins of Caleb Orsy ' isnd chs:tn : theocs south 01 rods ; tltuncv wsst 130 ruU ; thence uortb 01? rods to the place ef beginning, containing 50 acres. Also bt-guiniugat a stake on the south hue of the doostion land claim of Hands) I Ysr- brough 5080 chains west of the corner ia the sugie of said claim, it being claim 37 and Not 2187,iaTp 14, S R 4 W,m Liuucouuty, Oregon ; running thence notth 17.21 chs to stougn ; thence in s south westerly direc tion up said slough, following the rneamiets I of the same to the south hue ot said claim : thence N 81 .10' L 18.50 chs to the plsce ot begiumug, containing 18 acres. liegiuiiing at s point bearmtf JS dl 30 W 5.29 chains from the S E comer of tr.e N K J of Sec 8, in Tp 14, 8 R 4 W ; thence ea.t 100 rods : thence aoutn 40 chains ; thence west 00 10 In ; thence north 40 chains to the place of hcgi utiiiig, being parts of Hectic M 8 sod 9 10 lp 14 8 Ul W, Lino county, Oregou, con -taming 100 acres. Beginning at a poiut 10 chain north ana 33 chains esst of ths'8 W corner of Claim No6'4 inTp!4 S R6 Linn county, Oregon, thence rsumng east 8.31 chs ; thence south 10 chs ; thence esst 2.82 cbs : thence north 81 esst 18.57 chs ; thence north 34 cits to the river ; tbence south 54" west 13.90 chs meandering the river ; tbence 8 73 W 3 chs; thence south 8 76 W 10 chs 5 thence 8 70S W 0 cbs ; thence 8 89H W 3 3? chs ; thence S 20 W 4,78 chs thence east 5.09 chs ; thence south 8.93 ehs to tbe place of begin" mng, containing 75 2-100 acres. Beginning 15 chs north ana 70 chs east of the i corner in west boundary of See 5, Tp 14 8 K 4 W and running, thence south 28 28 chs; thence west 28.28 chs ; thence north 28 28 cbs ; thence east 28,28 ohs, to the place of beginning, containing 80 acres. Regiumnc 20.40 chs north of a quarter section post in Sec 0, Tp 14, 8 R 4 W ; thence south 34.45 ohs ; tbnce west 52 10 chs ; thence north 1 5.28 ohs : thence north 15 28 chs ; thence 7.50 chs ; thence north 19.17 chs ; thence esst 44. GO chs to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres. Beginning 60 rods north of the quarter stake in the west line of Sec 5, Tp 14, S R 4 w ; tbence east 280 rods ; thence south KM) rods ; thence west 280 roils ; thenco north 160 rods to the place of beginning, and be ginning at the southwest corner of s 5 acre lot of laud owned by Caleb Oray in Sec. 1, Tp 15, 8 R 5 w ; thence west 80 rods ; tbence north 40 rods ; thence east 80 rods ; thence south 40 rods to the place of beginning, con taining 300 acres. Together with tbe tenements and hered itaments tbeieunto belonging. Tbe same to be sold in tracts to suit, or os o whole. Terms of sale One-half of the purchase price to be paid down ond one-half ou nine months time with interest thereon at the rate of ten per eent per onnum, the deferred payment to be secured by mort gage on the premises sold. This 6th day of Oct, 1888. Samckl Nixon, Executor of tbe last will and testa. ment of Mary Jane Costello, deceased, POTATOES FOR 8ALE. Astorted Burbank and JPeerlets potatoes deliytied at 25 cents a bushel. &Uo 40 bushels fresh navy sosp beans at 4 cents per pound. Drop me card in Postotfice. A. J.Cakotheks. B m THE PLACE. :v all means call ou Parker Brothers, Successors to John Foot, er your Groceries, Produce, Baked Boode, Etc., Etc. Their good or the'beot end the ir pilose reasouao;e. Fine horses. We bate just brought fiom Eeste Oregon, a lot of tin woik toreee i 1 will elln teima loauit tbe times Among 1 hem ares.m promising joung dritfts Iroei Ont-co, Mason Chief and Klwsrd Koiett. Also Ocmo choice heuvy a srrs. Anyoi.e wishing to puf ehas s horse will do well to look ttem over. We will take pleasure in ahiw t all intending putehaser. Tallman, Or. STOCKMEN AND FARMERS BEAT) I hereby certify that Dr. I. N. Woodle has successfully opera tod on my ridsling horse, I8AAC UAYi. For farther reference In regard to rldg inos Inquire of Win. Peterson, Dare Pe terson, Lebanon ; John Hordman, Alfred Wolverton, Albany ; Sam Gaines, Solo ; Wm. Foster, i'rinevllle. I practice veter inary medicine in Albany ond country surrounding. Office ond residence corner 6th snd Washington Sto. I. N. WOODLE, Veterinary .Surgeon, WILL BROS, Dealers in all the latest Improved Pianos o.'khi... 8twiug Machines, Guns. Also a full line of warranted Kaxors, Butcher snd iM-ket Kniye. The best kind of sewing tnaohlne oil, needles ond extras, for all machines. All repairing neatly and reasonably done. Notice. The smouat of delinquent tsxes tbst is placed in my hands for immediate collection, is about 128,000. They run from tbe year 1883 up to 1888. By order of the County Court t am compelled to collect the delin quent taxes, with milage and costs. Please make immediate payment and save mileage. And if parties don't come forthwith and set tlo their taxes I, will leyy upon the goods sod chattels of such delinquent taxes. Yours Truly, John Hmaixmos, Sheriff and Tax Collector. H0TI0E TO SHIPPERS, (via Yaqafno to Francisco . ) Of wheat, oats, hops snd wool. I am pre- Imred to take Marine Insurance on oil cereals, lops, wool or any consignments of goods to and from Sao Francisco. For farther partic ulars, address Ala Hareis, Agent California Ins. Co., Yaquina, Or. Administratrix Notice, Notice is hereby given that the undersign ed has been by the County Court for Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed Administra trix of the estate of George B. McKinney, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate ore hereby notified to present them properly verified to the undersioged ot her residence near Lebanon, within six months from this date. This 10th day of September, 1888 Emily McKikkky, Administratrix of said estate. J. K. W BATTIER KOED, Attorney for Ad ministratrix Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON CHAS. PFEIFFER PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tobies supplied with tbe best in tbe market. Nice sleeping apartments, Sample rooms for commercial travelers, tWttree Coaeb to sail from the Betel, fsa Mcknight BROS FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. In making my announcement for the Fall I beg to call attention to the Following Departments: - DRY GOODS 'n department my stock is unusually Urge oud complete. Dries goods in all the leading sty I to ; good abodes fo Fall snd Winter wear selected from the beat Ksatern ond Foreign importations. The latest novel tins in trimmings ond buttons, shawls, blankets, some extra good values in white blsuket, table linens, towels, etc. CARPETS My enlarged fooiHtiet for showing carpets has enabled me to make isrge purehaeoa in this department. I can show o fine line of Iagraini it low prioee, tome ohoioe patterns in Body BmsfeU snd Tapestries. I em making carpeta o leading branch of my business. BOOTS AND SHOES1 carry the I a rest linn ct' Hoots ond Shoes ia the city Hnd have psid sfwoisl attention to gelling the goods beat suited to ihia trade and 1 can ebow a fine line of goods. I keep in stock the beet makeo in tbe eounlry, and bare endeovoted to get a line of low pice goods that 1 can guar antee 10 gif e satisfaction. Anything in Boon, Shoes or Rubbers for men, wo men ani children con be found in this depoitment It is in fsct w shoe store ot itself, GROCERIES""1 n giving special ottentbn to keeping a full tin , of Staple Ksncy tJioceries, unoolored teas, roasted and ground coff ws, canned fruits, (he latent apecialtiee in breakfast foe In, etc, csn ell be found in thin department. Pure, freoh goode and good vetut for meM is my aim. I vould esecilly oell tbe attonticn of po ties laying in their Fell supplies to my Urge stock fil FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! 1 am bette" prepared than ever Ij meet their wants. In all de pat t men to ! am prepared to meet tbe Growing -AND City of And ssk borough BARGAINS! Rirst-olaas soods ot loltom prtoes is w&ot '.he public wonto. Tteoo I hove o'Jmy store in this city- Bought ot General Merchandise eoneieting of drew goods, genu furnishing goods, ciotbiog, etc., AT COST. 5 cunt e un'.er's cuui mtny n- i :! w irtn (itniai i;, Cub(or good, will bo tot 0. s HOLSTEIN Geo. D. Barton has Just arrived from Iowa with o lot of finely bred Holstoin cattle which be off re ml limn thorn tassir Iht price the Name eIo ot rattle haveerer beea ssld far In Oregea. These cattle sre now on the form of James Elk ins one half mile south of Albany, where be will take pleasure In showing them to visitors, Mr. Barton win receive orders for pure breU sir! high (trade Heifers ond cowa to be delivered this fall or early In the spring at the lowest possible priceo, Address S GEO. D. BARTON, JULIUS JOSEPH, Manufacturer of Choice Cigars -AND DEALER IN FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST C.gars, Plug snn'Smokiug Tobaccos, Meerschaum ond Br Pipes, Jand a full line of Smokers' Arteles, Also dealer CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS, . Drugstore -A full Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils. varmsnes, School Books, Choice Cigsre. Prescrij liua and "Whlie in town call in and see ns. of Linn County, THE- Albany, iospectin I my "cx. Samuel E. Young. Bankrupt I can my o'ock cf all kind, ot country product.. W. SIMPSON, Alhsn, Oregt.a. CATTLE. P, O. box 153, Albany, Or, stock of- Perfumery, Toilet Soap, Brushes, Stationery, Tablets, etc. etc. family receipts carefully prepared. DR. CUISS & SON CLOTHING For Fall L E. BLAIN'S. Rubber Coats and Boots I Shoes, OVEROOATS,--Fine Assortment, Pea Jaekcts-Chinchilla. Asf rachan. Full Line of AMtMj GRADES WOO MIX OVER SHIRTS Big Stock Cardigan Jackete, HEAVY MERINO AND ALL WOOL UNDERWEAR. Winter Gloves and Mittens. ALL WEIGHTS LEATHER BOOTS ANI) SHOES, UMBRELLAS, HATS, ETC. Loat but not tenet o Urge stock of CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS for M KN and BOYS, in oil grades, ood they ore ail for sole. CHAS. H. hardware, AND FARM FRONT, FIRST AND TIKE Sole Agents for Oregon and Washington for lint nre nr.. mm ij!'tM f "ihm Jr 0 DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. . . !onble, or Trippie Furrow. They are so simple and come so near absolute pcrfco 1 tun, that those who have used thorn or seen them work can not say enough In t heir praise. Wo furnish them with or without scat attachment. Heat attachments are extra. 3EEEE POWER LIFT STJULIECir PLOWS. BUCKEYE SHOE PRESS GRAIN DRILL. 'teyo Hoe Pres Grain Drill. Buckeye Seeders, Uuckeye Spring- Tooth Harrow, Superior Grain Drills, Superior Sseders. s CORBIN'S DISC HARROW AND SEEDER. Uitesl Improved Implement for sowing summer fallow. The most complete and successful tool for thin purpose In use. also hove a full line of Buggies, Carriages. Phaetons, Mountain Wagons, Platform and other Spring Vehicles. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. --Doo ft Chapln's Spring-Tooth Harrows, Deere Harrows, Scientific Feed Mills, Pacific Fanning Mills, II A1S1I II. Villi WIRE, ETC., ETC. I D FOR SPKCXAL. CIRCIXARS AJiD PRICE LISTS. Th i-oll,, SPRINGFIELD SAW MI SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Albany Yard and Offlee on KaMroad SC., between 4th and 5thStree t Having lumber not excelled in quality, ond facilities not surpassed for the prompt ond satisfactory filling or orders, I respectfully soliclto shore of toe trade. FURNITURE. a i et v. the best ond most durable furrltumtkat is manufactured in thecity go (o Thomas Brink. Hs keeps almost every thing in the line , C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. W. Langdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, and everything kept in a first-class Dru store. Also o fine stock of pianos an organs, ALBANY. 0 REG0N, and Winter -AT- Duck Suitings, D0DD & GO., Iron, $teel, MACHINERY. STREETS. PORTLAND, 0RE30N. Aent, Albany, Or. A. Wheeler. of icir-uui il 1 1 l ( 1 ) I'H li Jos. Webber Announces to his patrons and friends that ae is now located in his new shop in tbe Fo ihay & Mason Block and with able workmen vill sttend to his customers at as reasonable j trices as any other shop Ashe has time ath-rooms running at all hours there will t e 0 waiting for baths.