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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1888)
SUB TO DEMOCRAT, $2 IN ADVANCE ; $2 50 AT END OF YEAR. Issued every Friday by 8TITB38 Sc 1ST UTTINO. lights Democrat. THE DEMOCRAT I" th bent Advcrllslnjr mctlium In the Central Willamette Valley. Advertising rates made known on ap plication. VOL. XXlil. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 4 , 1888. NO 40 "SEATCfl," Pull Brother in Blood to Delco Winner of the "In land Empire Stakes" for two year olds at the Dalles Fair Sept, 20th, 1887. "Breeders of Intelligence Watch and Daw- from every Turf Even t Lessons to guide them in the future." Soatco ill h kept at the farm of O.K. Crawford, near I.owaon, on Narrow tiauge K R and will bn allowed to aerva a limited number of mereeat920tototuro in foal, but no responsibility fur accident He is a rich, dark bay. without white, will rr three yeare old June 10th. 1S83 Waa aird by Oaeco, three year old record 2 41. son of Altamont, wagon record 2 26f iu eighth heat. First dstn 1-aura l. by Edward Everette. 8eond dam l).cy Marst, a tine roul mare of tried endurance, Oaeoo'a dim it Itell Pric, ly Doble, two year old record "i-lOi. the fat eat in the world for 4 yeare Ho afterward obtained a record of 2-28 when eutirely blind Doble y KriceojMem of lam id I'halaathe fasWst living ata'hon, BU)ilf year old record 2 30 J. winch atood aa the fastest for 14 yeara. Oueco waa the J-vecile Kin of the North Pacific. ucceaively lowering and boltftofl the 2 and 3 j ear old recnnl. proving in the golden crucible of actual performance tiat he is well worthy of hia grand lineage. Price mont hia full brother row hold the 2 year old record, 2 49 J. W. New and Second Hand Store Owing to the Incr aead demands of our baaineaa we have l ean compelled to tuoTb Into a larger etoro and we can now be fonod next door to 8. E, Young, where wa will be pleased to nee cur patrona. If yo'i i.fc I any stoves, furniture, tinware, crockery, clocks, carpeta, pictures, fruit jars, trunks, books, roller skates, -addles, taws, planes, etc and a thousand dif ferent and uso A tlclea you can not do better tbis hid ) ef San Francisco than you can do with us on a purchase or exchange , M. FRANKLIN & CO. 123 First Street, Albany. r. Wm. Fortmiller & Co., -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Prompt Attention-First-class Hearse pfAUcr business hours call at residence oorner Firth and Baker streets. L. W. CLARK, Portivi i Photographer. 8.U lugs y appointment, COPYING AND ENLARGING. Tweedsle's Buiidln'r. ALBANY. - - - OREGON Palace Meat Market. J. Y. PIPE, PROPRIETOR. FIRST ST. - - ALBANY. OR. Will keep constantly on band bear, mutton, pork, vest, eaueafce, etc,, tbe best meats and largest vsriety in tbe city Cash paid for all kinds of fat stoek. F08HAY & MASON, ennui g as asTAit- Druggists and Bookseller Agents for John B. Alden's publications, arhtch we sell p'ibliiher'a p.rfceB with aostagoaddrtd. ALBABTY, OKEGOK. C. L. BLACKMAN, Successor to E. IV. Langdon. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, BRUSHES, SOAPS. COMBS, and everything kept in a first class Drug Store. Also a fine stock or pianos and organs. ALBANY. OREUON. A. PRUSHAW. DRUGGIST. li'iUnwj, fotUt riiolss, Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY FILLED, Open dy and night. Albany. Or. SAM MAY. O. SENDERS MAY k SENDERS. Dealers in General Meccnatidisa. HARRISBURG - - - - OREGON. Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds Edward Everett, tiro of the dam of Seatco, ia hy a aoo of Pathtiu ier out of a daughter of Vermont, aud It fall hrothor to Kitty Liuo, 2 41, the dam of W. B. K. the colt that challenged all two year eld'a la&t April for $500 a tide, and met with no response El want Everett ia the aire of Doliy S, the dam of IMc , besidra many apardy a.vl gtmt r.iad horaas. All cemjK-tei.t borsemcn who have eeea him and htaat they are arriving at maturity, coutideMly predict that h will aonn become one of the great I. rood mare sirea of the North Pacific. In diapoat tion, beauty and pure trotting acfcuu, Seatcu i aim ply perfection, and ia eminently en dowed oa both aidea of the line with the biood that trota. and by all the laws of he reility ahould be able to upon hia pro duce hia owu inheritance. To guntleuu-n 'le.iriiii; r-j I li.ri's and to youog men wvdiiag t embark io tin-fascinating buaiaaaa of breeding and developing the American trotter, I call pcial attentien to this young Sulhoe and wi! tako pleasure io ahowing him on any day. W. CRAWFORD. BOOTS, SHOES AND SUFFERS. I am now receiving my spring and summer stock of bootM and 1 ., I have as nicely a fitted up Boot And Shoe Store, and ah complete a stock as any this side of Portland and very few better in Portland. I buy u'l my boots and shoes direct from manufacturers and Am Authorized to warrant every pair no mat ter how cheap. No firm in Oregon have any advantage of ra in buying as 1 buy in quantities and pay the cash. In ladies', mtsnes and children's shoes, I keep mush tba largest, bent and great est variety in the citv My aim will ala-xys be to cive as good value for (lie money as possibly can be done. SAMUEL E. YOUNG. City Market, M. HYDE - - Proprietor, Fresh meats constantly on hand. Near corner of First and Ferry Streets. J. G RAD WO H L, Crockery. Glass Ware and Hardware, OIL AND LEAD. Agricultural Implements Agent tor Fire and Marine Insurance IMPORTERS HARDWARE . : -1 wraCTww : .... : ... zii'L .jS -'v' A FRICHTFUL SKIN DISEASE Kaw.Hodr Cafered wills Mores Cared by th C'utteara Kcracdles, Msast-s. Slovens and Ilrunsr, Moure, H. 0. Itear Sirs: Alniut laro mouths ayo, en your rn aminenuaUou, I bought a bottle of Cutloura Rasul vent, ens box Uutloura Halve, ami one cake of Cutl emw Soap, for my son, ajreu th Irteen years, who baa been afflicted with ecsam for Ions; Urns, snrf I am oleaatU to say that I believe the rsmtalos hav eurxl him. Ills suffertmr srere Intense, his head bain; usa. ly raw, hia ears being- Hon eaosnt the t rlstls.ana his body oovared with sores. Ills condition was fiiirht ful to behold, Ths sores have new all disaK;artd, his skin la healthy, eyas bright, cheerful In dlauii.n and Is working ovary day. My neighbors are wlu nasava to this ramarkabla care, and ti duubtlngonae are requested to call or write me, or any of my neigh bora . WM.a. ariti'iiENMON, Winchesur. r. O., Union, Co., N. C. M mroe, K. C, Oct., tOUi, IM7. The Potter Drug ami Chemical Co: : Oentletuen : Mr Win S Mtihsnsun uf this county bruught his son to town lo-day to let ue see hiss, and in ahow us what Cu'lcura Hemadloe had done for him. Thla Is lbs las nlimd to In our Inter te yon soma time ago. To ook at the boy now. one would aupixMe that there hail never boon anything the matter with him. stwiu to be In perfect health . We have written and herewith what hie father haa le say about the matter, wrote It hut aa he dictated W are tilling iullequiiitlty of Cutloura Item ..... ..u,....,p uu, irian t,tr mom. ne reirvw the I'uUcura Uemediee the boat In the market, and ebeJI do ad we emit to pmraete their sale. Yours truly, KTtiVKNH A IIKIINKK t'rugguU bimI PtiarmaeieW. fntieura, the great, an, vure. and t'utlettra boasi prvpiml from It. etmaJly, and talt.-or Kewolvent, the now Mood purlner. Interntlly, are a iioaillva cure for every lonu f ekin and blol disoaaa, from nlmidee U scrofula Sdd evcrywhsro. Prl w. Catlcura, Soap, tt ; Urug and SWaWsWaWa, l frre-.r .I by the Po homlt-al Co,, I: ..!...,, M AVHend for "How to t'ura Hkln Irteeas-S." pages. Ui and 1 00 teetlmonlala. As PflKtKS black heads, red. rough. chapxd an I "dy klu pre anted by Cutlcuet Srwp. Sneezing Catarrh. The distressing sneese, snesae, eneeee, tbe aerial, watery dischargee trem the eyes and nise, the painful Inflammation e (landing to the thruel, the sweUlaf of 'be tnuoou lining, causing choking sensation t,ceua;h, ringing ndse In the head and splitting headaches, b'jw fmmiliir these symptoms are to thousands who suffer periodical Ijr from bead colds or liifluensa, and who Hits In Igaoranoe of the fact that a single applies Uoo of hanford's IU li l Cure for Catarrh a 111 afford instantaneous relief. But this treatment In oases of at tuple Catarrh gives but a faint idea of a hat this remedy will do In the chronic forma, where the breathing le obtru-lod by choking, putrid mueaua accumulalloca. the hearing . tej, ataell snrl laeu gone, threat ulcerated end Whin c-iugh gradu4ily faetanlnt Itself upon Um ilebtltuted system Then It la that the marvellous curaUve power of tHnford's Hadlcal Cure mantfta Itae'f In Instantaneous so.l grateful relief. Cure begins from the first application. It la rapid, radical, perms, urtit, economical, sals. Stanford's Radical Cure conalsU of one bottle of lbs Radical Cure, one bo f Catarrhal Solvent, and oe Improved lnfuder. all wrapped in one packace, a-tth treatise and direetions. vi sold by all druguu for II, Potter Drug and Chen. ice. I Co , fk st o. PAINS AND WEAKNESSES or reMiirCi il''."1' rsJaeJ by ihaCaflesira Antl - rals flaslrr, a , must airracabla, JHV '"fanlawaons and Infsllibla pain ailllra jHSK PaaUr, aafiacially adaptor! to rUas Fa Bfl)' roalo -iis and WeaAnassaa WarraniaU mttmi vastly supartor to sll other piasters, and ths must j rtfrt i AiUdr,tc to Psin, Itiflaminatlon and WaaktMias yat oompourvled. at all druvtn.ts, a, oanu flvrsfortl ; or, fmstafa fraf of fttr Urair and Clwiinlcai Co., Boston, Mass. OR; J.L. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Offlos oor. First and Farrf Straota, ALBANY- OREGON. DR. Qn WATSON MA8T0N Physician and Surgeon. Offlos noma S and 4. Foster's Block. AlBANY - ORECON. MRS. M. E. HcCOV, M. D.. IIOMBOHATHIC (ihysiciari. arncs and raaidsnea curnsr of first ami Baker HtrcU, Albany, Oregon. Chronic dlseaars aspr-cialty. Consultation f.ea, OfSoa hours : 10 a. m. U) 12 a tn and 2 to 5 p. m. L0SIKTTIAN SCHOOL OF MKMOKV TKaININO. Persons willing to join a class. ch member of which will receive in structions for $5, 12, instead of 125.57, will pleas address local editor Democrat, Al- ninv. Ur. Feci la U sunt tt I'rAfMinr A Loiasatte, 237 Fifth Aysnus, New York, who will, 1 "seu, tend prospectus post free. MRS EMMA O'CONNER Fine Millinery, UPPUSMt KtVtKt HUUSt. JOBBERS d? Homeopathic Physician ANNUAL KKFORT. Following is Superintendent Hold's an. i'uAd report for the year ending In March : ORNRRAI. MTATISTICa. No. of persona between 4 and M years of age residing In the county, male, S&ao ; female, 3773 , total 5613. No. of resident pupils enrolled In Public Schools during the year between 4 and ao years of age, male, 1873 ; female, 1775 ; total, 3648. No. of rtsldent pupils enrolled in Public Schools during the year under 6 years of age, male, 65 , female, j ; total, 137. No. of resident pupils attending school outside of their district during the yesr, male, 119 ; female, 91 . total, 3to. Average dally attendance, male, taSs ; female, 1 103 ; total, 3385. No. ef teachers employed in the Public Schools during the year ending first Mon day In March, isss, mate, 90 ; female, 84 ; total, 174. No. of applicants examined for teacher's I ,'rlii-nlk .Inrliio Ik. wotir HM.I.r I U- I iimrutes duiiiiir, the y law, mule, 19 ; female, 49 ; total, oS. v .. ...u...t....i..j 1... 1 '. I HI'1'IIV.HKIO I ""MIIH1 V, II.l 11(1 ccrtincsies ouring inc year unuer tne new 1 1 .ft ' law, male, 45 ; female, 73 ; total, 117. No. of applicants examined falling; Is obtain certificates under the new law, I male, 6 , female, 16 . total, 33. No. ef teacher employed holdldg First Grade certificates under old law, male, 47 ; female, 37 ; total, 84. No. of teachers employed during the year holding Second (trade certlncates under the old law, male, 18 ; female, 34 ; total, 43. No. of teachers holding First tirade county certificates under the new law, male, 4 ; female, 3 ; total, 7. No. of teachers holding Second Grade county certificates under the new law, mate, 8 ; female, 17 ; total, 35. No. of teachers holding Third tirade county certificates under the new law, male, a ; female, 33 I total, 45 No. of permit granted during the year under the new Itw, male, 16 ; female, 11 , t01'. 7- No. of teacher employed In thla rtmntv I Na.of children net atteitdintr an hool during the year between 4 and 30 yeara of I age, male, 796 ; female, 841 ;, 1637. 1 No of teachers employed in private I schools during the rear, male, 5 ; female, No. of pupils enrolled In private schools I during the year, male, 118 female, 170 ; total, 2X. I Estimated value of school house. Includ. I ing school heuae grounds, $71535. I Kstimated value of school furniture be- I longing to school houses, tMjrjy Estimated value of apparatus, including I maps, globe., charts, school tablets, etc. Amount of insurance on school houses and other school property, $17730 Average amount of salary paid mala teachers per month In the Public Schools during the year, $43.40. Average amount of salary oald female teachers per month in the Public ScIssmIs during the year, $33.07. Amount of salary paid the Suneriaten- dent of thla county ,$600, $347.50 $847.50. Whole No. of organized districts in this county, 100. No. of school districts reporting, 99. Average No. of months Public Schools have been taught during the year In this! ' 1 f'Aunl v r J v , , , . , , . 1 Nn of monlhi nr vit. i'hss U hiv. kn I taught in this county during the year, 4. - ... . . H " - - 1 No. of private schools which have been taught In this county during the year, 6. I No. of school houses built during the year, 5 irame. No. of scLool houses In thc county, 3 g. 97 frame. I .No. of graded schools in the county, 4 teachers employed, 15 ; pupils attending, 7 JO. No. of Universities, Academies. Col leges, etc., in the county, 1 ; teachers em ployed, 4 ; pupils attending, 80. No. of Districts furnished with suitable Record Books, 79. No. of school rooms furnished with Webster's Unabridged Dictionaries, 33. No. of legal voters in the county for school purposes, 3031. No. of schools visited during the year by the County Superintendent, 30. Average length of time devoted to each vlsKT 3 hours. No. of miles traveled in the performance of official duties during the year, 740. There have been 1 County Teacher's the farmer-8 must put less mon Institute held in this county during the I , , w " . . year, place, Alnany, date April, 1S87 No. of teachers In attendance at the County Institute, 67. No. of local institutes held in this coun ty during the year, 3, No. of teachers pres ent, 43. Places of holding local institutes.Halsey anu .-neoas. Total average per cent of taxes voted and levied durinjt the year for all school purposes, average, 2 5-6 i0 per cent Per cent of taxes voted and levied for school house sites, building purposes, ete., average, ij$ioper cent. Per cent of taxes voted and levied for teachers' salaries, average 5..0 per cent. financial statement, REtEii'TH. Am't of school funds in hands of Dls - trict Clerk at the beginning of this school ycar,nrsi monuay in March.iS87,$79iU.45 Am't raised by District on District Tax account during the year, $4650.75. Am t of money apportioned to School Districts from the County school fund during the year, $21761.95 Am t of the county apportionment to School Districts ef the State school fund during the year, $5706 Am't of money raised by rate bills dur ing me year, $1200.01. Am t of school funds received from all other sources during the year, $370.13. Total amount of receipts, $41659.29. DISBURSEMENTS Am't nnirt mil far t.aU. 1 .- . 1 , - ing the year ending the first Monday in jvxarcn, isas, $27331, 33. Am't paid for rent of school rooms dur ing the year, $17 Am't paid out during the year for re pairs on school houses and premises, $1200.37 Am't paid out during the year for the purchase ot school furniture, $021.53 Am't paid for fuel and other necessary incidentals during the year, $1670.78. Am't paid out for Clerk's services dur- Ing the year, $548.89. Am't paid duriag the year for apparatus, globes, maps, charts, school tablets, etc., Am't paid for building school houses and out houses during the year, $706.09 Am't paid for Insurance during the year, $85.65. . Am't paid out for all other school pur poses during the year, $1043.97. Total am't ef cash In the bands of Dla- trict Clerks March 5, 1888, $7653.54. Am't of school funds belonging to School Districts not in possession of School Clerks, March 5th, 1H88, $1333.53. Am't of unapportloned school funds In the hands of County Treasurer at date of this report, $38363.98. OKNKRAL STATISTICS. The following statistics may be obtain ed from Teachers' reports.Clerk's Reports and the County Superintendent' Visiting Rsglster : Urariohoa taught Nsmas of Mo No. pupils In Author. 0 :, brannli Vtt t slal M 1US oU M Vttl art I13S SU 1161 1014 47 Mt S4 IS 14 7 (IS SM 71Q Orthography Ws'aon's sartss 17 Knadlng " fSf I'snruanshlp Spanosrlan 1SS frlmary atanUI Ar, Brook's Tin Adraassd " " 10 It Ultima Va nf ArMA. " IS) Wrlitan Arlthtnctlr " ill Friniar :saaphy M jritslth's Ind, Ut ussenpuvt f'.t.i- si ' I'rimsrv rtuiuar SHI'S tit M Sl SIS II 117 7 104 S 1U V, I. flistory Ilarnaa' Ossap. Later W filing Wastlaks s rhysolscv and ilvglsiis Stasia's Natural rhllosaphy 'nawisiy W0U RSaplnff Lyta's Uns'l tW.ks' rj 1, . I. iO'l.'S USHER MLB law. N;iwri.iiailicr 1'ostolbt.e. First tirade' Msr.ri. ttrinV Albany, Or. liaise. Or. Ilalsev, Or. Shedd, O. Salem, Or. Browasvillc.Or f Maude Tufts, Minnie Starr, Sloan Shedd, C w Anderson, W D McGhee. John M Flangher, Lebanon, Or. Wm L Worth. Sodavllle, Or. Minnie McFarland. Albany, Or. Alice M Charlton, Lebanon, Or. Alva O Coadlt. 7. T Trulove, Salem. Or. Albany, Or. s II S Strange, flrownsvllle, Or. 1 Brownsville, Or. 1 Halscy, Or. 1 H sissy, Or. 1 Sclo, Or. 1 Crawfordsville, 1 Jefferson, Or. 1 Brownsvllle.Or. 1 Brownsville, Or. 1 Sarah Swank, Geo F Russell. J M wHHain, , I M Randa, A J Shanks. (,co M Drunrr r w ,anr. J Lastham, Anna Godley, Lebanon, Or. t llalsey, Or. t Lebanon, Or. I Albany, Or. 1 Jefferson, Or. 1 Sweet Hosne.Or. 1 Lebanon, Or. f Corvallls, Or. 1 Jefferson. Or. 1 Sclo, Or. 1 Crawfordsville, 1 Albany, Or. 1 Aug Wilson, LUle McNeil, v- 17". J r oiMSBusnu, Cora MorHs, Louise Miller, L M Curl, je Kinlev, W PrADst iUty llalsey. Or. Sclo, Or. Albany, Or. . V. ! jane Morris, Ollle Kirkpatrlck, Albany, Or. Kate Prico, Albany, Or. Fannie Grigg. Mary Irvine, Lebanon, Or. Albany, Or. Splccr, Or. llalsey, Or. Splcer, Or. Flora M Funk, J M Robb. W A McGhee. Let democrats boar In mind that the t nited States Senate now stands 39 repub lican and it democrats, and. that. ... the . ,j , n, . 1 i 1 , in nm iiu'it vt,i iim v v as w uemocrsi, 11 ia ci great imparumx r . . , . , , .i... . . ... . . .. . . . "e "nic should c aemocranc. 11 tne democrats should carry the legislature oi tbis state In June that would give the dem ocrats a Senator to succeed Dolph, which wou!d tjc thc Senate. This being the cae let every democrat ao to thc nolla in lunc . . ... ai eara. Morelock. Miller and Myers. These are all honest, upright. good citizens and will vote against Dolph and ia favor of a democrat for Senator. In an article on the "file business," by Mr. Nicholson of the Nicholson File Works.which is given as an argument in favor of a protective tariff, this language . .a a . it I occurs : "wncn mai mucn conuoieu- wlth farmer is told that he files his saw with a 'highly taxed file,' I hope he will remember that It is only and precisely be cause a high duty is levied on it that he Is able to buy It so cheap." Mr. Nicholson I Is a very astute fellow indeed. If the hiah Uri(f Ux on fii Ukes less money from ey into Mr. rsicnoisons pocaei. ."ow, what a generous, farmer-loving man Mr. Nicholson must be to insist upon the con tinuance of a tax which he declares has depreciated tin price of his product ! Suppose a farmer buys a suit of clothes imported from a foreign country that cost $13. On this suit is a tariff duty of $6. The suit therefore costs him $18. He pays for the suit In wheat at 60 cents per bush el. Had there been no tariff it would have taken 20 bushels of wheat to pay for the suit, but under the tariff he has to give 3a bn(heU ge that ,n fact he MXy rcccivcd J a cents per bushel tor his wheat. A tariff 1 duty is In fact a tax upon our own agrlcul I tural products It is a significant fact that, while the woolen Industry languishes and the man- ufactures fail not only to export goods to any amount, but even to control a large fraction of the home market, the boot and shoe and leather industries are In an active, buoyant state, monopolizing the home market and exporting to a consider able extent. Wool is taxed, whtf? hides are on the free list. Shipments of boots and shoes to points outside of New Eng land are larger than ever before, although factories are being built in other sections to ,uPPly the locardemand. The fanners of the West can never get out from under their burden of debt with out help. The only help they have to ex pect is In the reduction of the cost of liv ing. The only way the cost of living can be lessened is in the reduction of the tariff I taxes, and the consequent cheapening of the necessaries of lite, farmers are en titled to this help, but the high-taxers say that they shall not have it. The high- taxers are mistaken. They may continue roDblng for a while, but the end is coming. Gresham roted for Tilden ; so he won't do. Besides, he is somewhat obnoxious to to the corporations ; so again he won't do. The Indiana Republicans sat down on him. I WH0 NOTHIVII." A report Is going the roundsthat Hoa. W. F. Benjamin In his haste to nominate lien. Binger Hermann for Congress said In the state republican convetition held In Portland lust week : "Mr, Chairman, I arise to place in nomination for Congress a man who knows no North, no Seutn, no Fast, no West, no locality, no nothing." Here thc Hon. gentleman sat down with out mentioning the name he was propos ing, whereupon the chairman aid "I suppose you mean Mr. Hermann, "and Mr. Benjamin said, "Yes he is the man.'' Roseburg Iteview. Unconsciously Mr. Benjamin was Im pinging very closely on the lines of truth, though he had not intended to do so. ftHHHMMBsSSflsllsVssVSSsVSVBMHVfAYsVs Hon. John M. Gearin is a man of much more ability than Mr. Hermann, and In view of ths fact that the lower house of Congress Is democratic, and will be more largely so in the next Congress, It would be of much more benefit to Oregon to have a man there who is In harmony with the majority than 0:1s who is in the mi nority like Mr. Hermann. Thc Congress man in the minority may introduce a great many bills, but also like Mr. Hermann he may not be ab'c to secure their passage. This Is exactly the attitude of Mr. Her mann now. He has introduced very man bills but he doc not secure their passage. Then the voters of Oregon would act the wlae part in electing Mr. Gearin instead of Mr. Hermann. Hon. John Burnett haa always identified himself with those opposed to the monop oly tendency of the day. He believes in the preservation and enforcement of the rights of the masses of the people. If called to sit upon the supreme bench, the farmer, the laboring man, the poor man will have s friend at Court as well as the rich. There will be no bias In favor of thc rich against the poor. Judge Whitney has managed the coun ty business in business like, conservative, economical manner,and the taxes collected from the peopbt have been carefully and economically dlsbursed,and this fact makes him friends among tax payers, republicans a well as democrat, and the targe vote be will receive next month, Irrespective of party, will show that the people want him another term. Elmer Montague made a fair, square fight for the nomination of the County Clerkship, and won it over one of the hest men in the county. So if some failed to get their choice, they ought to find satis faction in voting for him who is the choice of many other democrats. He is an ac complished man and the people will elect him by a large majority. Some one who seems to have no regard for the truth is circulating the report that L. M Curl. democratic candidate for Coun. ty School Superintendent, holds a second grade certificate. We are authorized to say that he has a first grade certificate both from Lane and Linn counties. A false hood nailed. John Smallman, democratic candidate for Sheriff, is a man whosu integrity is above reproach. He is competent and worthy and need the office, and should receive the vote of every democrat in the county. Day by day he grows in popular favor. The office ef County Recorder is a new office, but "Ed." Davis is just the man to fill It well. He has lived in Oregon nearly ail his life. Democrats, let us give him a big vott. Each protected class, employing labor, cuts wages to the lowest rates, while all other protected classes tax It. Thisis"pro tection of American labor." Horace Karwell will have a remarkably large majority for County Treasurer. He was once put in the balance and found not wanting. G. W. Belt is of fair ability and makes a good District Attorney. The people are satisfied with him. For Toilet Use. Ayar'a Hair Yigor koeps tho hair soft and pliant, imparts to it tho lustre and freshness of youth, causes it to grow In variant ly, eradicates Dandruff, cure all scalp (lieeascs, ami Is the most clean ly of m hair preparations. iSVPR'Q IIoir V1fir nas Riven me i B O perfect satisfaction. I waa t.. : bald for six years, during which Hum I mod many hair preparations, but vHht i::, stuH'ttss. Indeed, what littlo bait 1 hnd was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer'a Hair Vigor. I used two Im i it s ct tho Vigor, and my head is now v c'i ouvorod with a now growth of hair. J uiiseu B. Chapel, Penuody, Mass. MA if tnat nft8 become woak, gray. sSfkSnj and faded, may have new life and color Motored to ft by the use of rr'l Hair Vigor. My hair was thin, fa-led, and dry, and fell out In large ijnnatiiies. Ayer'a Hair Vigor stopped the fulling, and restored my hair to its original c olor. As a dressing for tho t.a5, this preparation has no equal. y K. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. T5jsrrjCI youth, and beauty, in tho v iOUils appearance of the nair, may be preserved for an indefinite period by t he use of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. A dia ease of the scalp caused my hair to be cotaa harsh and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do rao any good until I commenced using A ver s Hair Vigor. Three bottles of this preparation restored my hair to n healthy condition, and it is now soft mid pliant. My scalp is cured, and it in also free from dandruff. Mrs. . B. Fosa, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. Perfect Safety, prompt action, and v.'ondorful curative properties, easily place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating in a disordered Liver. I have been a great sufferer from Headache, and Ayer'a Cathartic Pills are the only medicine that has ever given me relief. One dose of these Pills will quickly move my bowels, aud free my head from pain, William L. Pago, Itichmoad, Va. tf Ayer's Pills, Preoared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., Lowell, Mass, Bold by all Dealers in Medicine. W. F. Sj (Successor to le Everything New, with New Prices Lower than Ever Offered 5 in Albany, Cfi:t.ttiog DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND GROCERIES. I propoae to have aa complet t tkt k . ri i - Ha i hi trr broueht to Al aoy, with nil tho New Novelties and Latest Styles and m they are manufactured. All old customers sud frienda of tho house and aa well new onc, are cordially u ice?. Do No) Piow To Re Undersold. W I. HEAD, 57 First Street, Albany, Or. a i ties fomboun Iff URES Nervous Prostration. Nervous Headache. TrnnPTnmrmilnl Titm nfunnlnnil mil turn In aaa Neuralgia, Ncrvoua Weakness, and Liver Diseases, Rheumatism, Dye- fi.uu. bom Dy .Druggists, pepaia, and all affections jf tbe Kidaeya. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. Prop's Conrad Meyer. PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Corner Broadaltrin and First; Sts., DEALER IN Oau wed Fruits, Glaaaware, Dried Fruits, Tobacco, Sugar, Cottee, Etc,, Canned Heats, Queensware, Vegetables, Cigars, Spices, Tea, Etc., In fast everything that is kept la a gon ral variety and grocery store. Highest market price paid for READ N. H. Allen & Co.) aft cf invited to call aud inspect stock and Suceaaor to N. H. Allen k Co. WEAK NERVES r just's Celery Cowocxd Is a Nrv Tonia srhich never fails. Contsiuiog Celery and Coca, thosr wonderful nerve stimulants, it apeeouy cures au nervous aiaoraera. RHEUMATISM Paink's Cexjebt Compocitd pnrtfie tba blood It drives out tbe tactic acid, which causes Rheumatism, and restores the blood- m a ting organs to a healthy oondltioB. It ia the true remedy tot KN",pHin KIDNEY COMPLAINTS jpAixx's Celxkt CoMr-ocxr quickly restores the liver and kidneys to perfect health. This curative power, combined with its nerws tonics, makes It tba best remedy for all kidney complain ta. DYSPEPSIA Panne's Celery Compototo strengthens tba stomach, and quiets the nerves ot the diges tive organs. This is why It cures even the worse cases or Dyspepsia. CONSTIPATION jPanrEs Celery Compootvd is not a eatbar. tie. It is a laxative, giving easy and natural action to tbe bowels, fiegulanty surely fol. lows its use. Stomach n. Bend for book. et V XVLiil U 1 UXt , T aVe Red CrownMills SOM, LANNING & CO., PROPR'S. N'KW PROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR TOR FAMI'JKS ANT) BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Gash fo Wheat ALBANY OR. Revere House; ALBANY, - - - OREGON. GHAS. PFEIFFER, PROPRIETOR. Fitted up in first-class style. Tables supplied with the beat in tbe market. Nice sleeping apartments, Sample rooms for commercial travelers,