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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1886)
- C'fearearni rrrtci f U. P. Church. rreaohingeTryShbih, at 11 a. m. , and 7 g. m. by Rev. F G. Ir vine, D. D. Sabbath School at 3:80 r. m Prayer meuling a very Ydnasday aveuing. KvANUBLtcAL Chokoh. Px-eaching on Sab Sath at 10, 30 a, m., aad 7 p. m. Sabbath School 11:44. Prayer meeting ovary Wad- unciUy evening. 7:30. S. B. Davie, paator. All are invited. OoHORMaTioN axCuubch, Servicasavery Sabbath at II a. m. and 7 P. M. Sabbath School at 13:10. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. J. W. Harris, paator. M. K. Caoaen, South. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock a. m. Sab bath School at 10 o'clock a. u. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. F. M. Culis Paator. M. K. Church South.Tanoakt. Preach iug every Sabbath at 3:30 o'clock, P. M. Sab bath School at 2:30 o'clock. r. M. F. M. Culp, Paator. M E. Ciiurcil lVaaohing a vary Sabbath 11 a. n. and 7 r. M. Song service in a evening before sermon. Sabbath School 2.-90 r. h. Prayer meeting every Thura ay evening. Lie v. U. P. Webb, paator. Pkkxsytkkiax Church. Samoa every Sabbath morning and evening in Church cor. Broad bin and Fifth Sta. Sunday Sohool at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wadnaaday evening, llev. Isaac H. Condit pastor. Firrt B irrtsT Church. Preaching every Sabbath at 1 1 o'clock a. m. , at Church on 6th Street. Sabbath Sohool immediately after morning aerrioea. Prayer meeting a ery hareday evening at 7:30 o'clock. T O Browneoo, paator. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA -VlA- Oreg on & U'tuioritta it. u, AND CONNBCTIOMS Pars from Portland to Man Francis w, gtJ ; lo Sarrv uiriito, SUd. CIum connection at Ashlaud w.ta of UM Csllloruta, Orcgun and t.Ulio Slag . (DAILY BXCKPT SUNDAYS.) fcal Stale Dlslsloa. ftKTWEKX re)BtTLAN A.MS AttUL IH), Mall Train. LCAva. aaaivsu lVruaad. 7 JO a M I Albany 11:4ft a a Albany It.aft r a Ashland 4:4ft a a Ashlaud 7:4ft r a Albany 1 1 M a m Albany U:u6 r a PorUaml : r a Albany Express Train. uuvs, aasiva. Portland 4:00 r I Albany 8:34 r a Albany H.Sft r a Lebanon.... V.SOr Lebanon. 4.4ft A a I Albany ft;e a a Albany.. bJU a M PortlanU 10:06 a M Pullman Palace Bleeping Cars dally between Al bany and Ashland. TneOamJC R K Kerry mlkea connection with all the regular train on the Kaat Mid Diviatou from loot of r S rert. Wet Side Dl Uioa. BarrfrEEX rotuiKD am (orialiim, all Train, uuvs aaaiva Portland 9 DO a a I Corvallis 4 JO r a Corvallis s.ju a M Portland ...3:iui a Express Train. LS1YS. ASaiVS. Portland ...5 00 r a I HcMlnnviua t.-OO r a HcHinnt ilk ft:4ft A M Portland fcW A a Local tickets lor aale and issagaga eaatksd at pany's ui t rn office. Cor. Stark anil Secou Ticket for principal pv'.uU In California can only be procured and nagiratre checked at Company's olBee, Corner F and Froni Sta., Portland or, freight will not lie received foi thipuicnt alter fla o'eka-k p. in. on either tb East or Wear aide Divuioii. K KOEHLER, K. P. ROC.ERS, O. F. Pass Arsnt. WILL BUY A BOTTLE OF THJC BEST COUGH CURB that the world has ver produced, Vr. Bra lev's Cvnah Cars has mSbsn equal on the face of t?U gwbe. 1 H.eoo to produce any oujfh preparation, now M the market to seat it in praaaptnsas In con ay a Usage, or t old. He the ad kice of an o Id piooser of B7 years on Us Ceaas: 'Dual ran the risk of kour own life or your biidren's en sugar and water, it has seat tha HStJ h..iiMf. too win ana snore w hoCUs than in a pint of 'There is on thing rery kme, if yon dont kill the kxnuh the conch in ure ISW0R7H ITS fo kin yon,' " WEIGHT IN 601 saeaare af tke (raale tarsi. TRe aal the tortile. vuolcsal aaaaTB, MMtLL HFJIiHI et WMsWAB. I"KTLAM, ORAUOK. 30 000 CASES OF RECTAL DISEASES, -Arnica, Beetal I leer. Flaanres. rrarll a. Ami, ruiatlaa In Ana. ralypaa, Heell, Etc., Etc., Cured in ais years by the BrtaRerhasTayslesn. Dr. J. B. rakington, Propri4or of th Portland Eye and Kar laOrmary anal ManHariana for Nerves Itlarnaea has beau arpoiuUsd aaent and ph viclaii for tlua un In Orejron and W. T. No severe sargleal operrllaa, aa pain, is lean af tolaael. In two roorit.ik have cured several oases in which operations with the knifa nave only done injury. Am permitted to refer to Mr. Jaa. W . Waath afford, druiflfiat, formerly of Malem, Mr. Frank (laid asi, machiiiest, Mr. H. A. Rampy. Ilarrisburv and 4 otbars. Wi'l meet patieuU at the Revere Hons Al bany, from Tuesday noon, Jf ar. 2, to Wednes day noon, 91 nr. S, Address for pamphlet, etc. J.B. PILKINCTON, M. D. PtlRTLANl), OREGON. THE . DR, LIEBIC Q rrlvale tHspeaaarv, lj 400 Oesry St., Man Franciacoj Cal. 0C Conducted by Qua ifled Pbysicians O and Murifeone -regular irraduates. ft tS The Oldest apodal lata in th tf l'iiitei b tales, life-lona; experience, perfect method and pure medicine, J" insure speedy and permanent cures tA sll Private, Chronic and Nrvlou Disssses Affections of the Blood, Kkin, Kidneys, Bladder, Eruptious, Ulcers, Old More, MweHins; of the .Glands, More Mouth, Throat Bone "Pains.permaneni'y cured and eradi cated from the system for life. NEKTIOI M Debility. Impotency. Beminal Ijses, fcexual Decay, Men tal and Physical Weakness, Failing Memory, W eak Eyes, Mtnnted B veloi.inentJliiDtdiinents toMarriairi C et-;., from excess or youthful follies, -y t,r any cause, speedily, safely and privately cured. Z Vouug. Middle-Aged and Old men, and all who need medical skill 2 and experience, consult the old as European Physician at once. His opinion cost nothing, and may save futuie misery and shame. When inconvenient to visit the city f jr treatment, medicines can be sent everywhere by express froe from observs'on. It is self-evident that a physician who gives his wnole attention to a class f disease at ',tins great skill, and pbysicians through .rat the coin . -y .knowing this, frequently recommend diMcult caaea to the oldest specialist, by whomever known good remedy Is used. The Doctor's sge anu experience make his opinion of supreme importance garThose who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sultations free and sacredly confidential. Case which have f tiled In obtaining relief elsewhere espec ally solicit 1. Female diseases successfully treated rht DocUr will aeree to forfeit 11,000 for a case un lertakeu, not cured. Call or write. Hours, daily, from 9a. m. to 4 p. m., 0 to evenings ; Sundays, 10 to . '.2 only. Send for the Sanltarist Guide to Health, en t free. Address as abo v DK. LIEBIti'ftl Wonderful German Invlgaratar Permanetitlyfprevent all Unnatural Losses from the system, tones the nerves, strengthens the muscles, et ee'cs the waste, invigorates the whole system, and restores the afflicted to Health and Happiness. The reason so many cannot get cured of Seminal Aeakneas, Loss of Manhood, etc., is owing to a com plication, called Proetatorrhea with Hyperesthesia, which requires peculiar treatment. Dr. Liebig's In vlgorator is the only positive cure for Prostatorrhea, with peculiar special treatment, used it the Liebig Dispensary. 1'rlce .r In vlaroraior, $3. Case of six bottles Sent to any address, covered securely from ob ar saltan. Most powerful electric belt free to patient To prove the wonderful power of the Invigorator. A m Kettle 4lven ar Meat Free. Consultation free and private. Oak or address LIESItt DISPENSARY, 400 Geary Street, San Francisco, del. Private e i trance, 406 Mason Street, four blocks up sary Htrr. In m Kearney, Main sntraucs througi ispensary Druv Store . Conrad Meyer, PROPRIETOR OF- STAR BAKERY, Onrner Broadalbin and First Sts,, -DKaLKR IN- Cannnl frattM, Ulasawarc, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Mitgar, CoflV), Ktr.. auue Meat. 4f UCCIIWWUrC, Vegetable), Cigars, Notcc. Tea, El., In faot avarythlng tha. la kept a gen era', variety and grocery etore. Highest market price paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. 00 O 0 o o o o oo Oregon Kidney Tea! Nature's ewn rsmsdy K K K K kK K K K K Will . rrliev and iMtriiiaMvtitly rur all the various dlrnculiles arising (nun a disordered ctmdillo.'i ul the LIVER AND KIDNEYS. T T T T It Is perfectly harmless and can h gtsn to th most delicate woman or ehlld. For sal ny all drunlsts. Maell. Meltafcn et Wendarst Wholesale Agents. yORTLk-lSriD, OBIOON City Market A A. ROBERTS, PROP'R. (Oppoaite Peters A Stewart's.) Keepa a flrat elaas supp ly of good meats ef all ktnde, at bottom prices, AMERICAN FARMER To all our Subscribers ! All our subscriber who will pay tbelr tubacriptien acuounta to tbla paper in full to date, and one year in ad vance, will be prenented witb one year'a aubacrlp tlon to THE "AMERICAN FARMER ! A elxtecn-pape Agricultural Magazine, published by K. A. K, Hackett, at Fort Wavne, Indiana, and which la rapidly taking rank as eneef the leading Agricul tural publication af the country. It la devoted eaelualvely to the Interaata of the farmer, ateck breeder, dairy mau, garden er, and their houaebold, aad every apecioe of indutry connected with tbat great por tion ot the people of the werld. toe farm era. The aubacrlption price la one dollar per year. Farmere can not well get alontt without it. It pota new ldeaa into their minds. It teacbea tbem bow to farm with profit totheuiaelvea. It makea the borne happy, tbe yeung folka cheerful, tbe growler contented, the downcast happy, and tbe demagogue boreal. mUH!7Y:.'jn..; ealv 4f itte flst smd t tnnsl. Uy of Ulsusa for wHbfaisHng Iscmsu Every good thing in Oount?r f el ted, and oornsumers are CAU TIONED atralnst IMITATIONS of these Chimneys mode of VERY POOR GLASS. Bee that the exact label la on each chimney as above The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. IfMaiWtBirvd OXLY by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Plttaknrsrls &scl tilsusa Work. FOB BALE BY DEALERS. Oregon Pacific Railroad. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TO SAN FRAN CISCO VIA. YAQUINA T rat na Leave Cor vail in. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at tf a. m. Trains Leave Vaqninu, Monday, Wadneaday, Friday, at 8 A. kt. The fine A I Stsamir Iapma"sails rSX;M T AQI'IKA. HnmUy, a arch 14th. Wa,,esUv, March 24th. Sunday, Apiil 4th. Wednesday, April 14th,, April 2filh . raoa sa rHASciaco, Weinesday, March 10th. Krtday, March 19th. ruesdy, March 30tb. Kndsy, April 9th. t uetday, April '0th. TJieC'empsny reserve' the right to change sailing daya Fa am Cebi n ,91 4 ; Hteenc, 19.88; freltrbt at reduc ed ami moderate rales. River boats on the WiiK :utt3 connect at Corva'lis Low fare and rates. F c further uUmKvm ap ply to '. c. noui v, A. O. F.'ktiU V. Agent, Corvslli. DR. HENLEY'S WONDERFUL LIGHTNING LINIMENT, I THE BOMS OF THE WORLD FOR 8TOPPING PAIN. A DEAD SHOT ON RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Nervous headache cured in three minutes and Toothache in three seconds. For all pains and aches it haa no equal in the world Small bottle. bOcts. Lare;e bottle, fl . jPOR SALE. One half block in eaatern part of the city with fair house and harn will beaold cheap Final Settlement. NOTICE I hereby given that tbe un dersigned Executor of the last wilt and testament of A F Cherry, deceased, bss tiled his final account in said estate in tbe County Court in and for Linn county, Oregon and the Judge thereof has made an order fixing Saturday the 8th of May, L886 at I o'clock, p. ra., at the Court House in Albany .Oregon, as the day and time for bearing objections to sad final account. Jam. O. Chbrby, Ejsecutar, W t Pat0aLiQth,!C53- ' , A Safeguard. The fatal rnpLMy with whUh lil Colds and Coughs frequently develop into tho gravest maladies of (no throat ami luugs, U a consideration which ahotiM impel every prudent person to keen at hand, as a nouschold rented v, n bottle of AY Klt'S CHKKItY VVA ToHAIj. Nothing else given nueh Immediate relief find works so sura n cure. In sll nneetlmn nf this elass. That eminent physician, I'mf. F. Sweetrer, of the Miilue Mt-dleul School, Bruuawlck, Me., m;-; "Uedleal seteneo bus produora no other nno dvti expectorant so jphmI ns A Vita's Chkhhv I'BeTOSAt.. It Is Invuluable for diseases of the tin .mi and luugs. Tho same opinion Is expressed by Ihe well-Unowu l)r.L.J. Addlsou, of Chusgo, 111., who says: 'I hnve never found, In thlrty-nve years of eonllnuous study ami praellc of medicine, imy itrepnrnttou of ao great value as AvsM'sCUKBit v 'KcToaai., ftr ireiitiiifiit of diseases of ili throat ami luttka. It not only break up rolil nnd cure sever coughs, but Is more eAYetlve than anvthtna viae In relieving even the rool vrlous brunch lal and pulmonary affection." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral I . not a new claimant for popular rouu d. ine. hut n metllcliH' wlil. l. to-I.I V suviiiL' tho liven of tho third III 11 who have como Into Iwlng sin ill-. i offered to the ntil)li There U not a household In which this Invaluable remedy has ouee Imi-ii In I reduced where its use 1m ever Im-cii titiundoiu'd, nnd there I not a eron who ban ever given It n proper trial for nnv throat or lung tllscase snseen tible of euiv, who hsi not btnti made well bv It. AYfllt'S CIIKHKY PECTiittAL bos, In iiunilterlcita Instances, cured tibstlnnle etses of cbroule UronehltU, lrnygitls, mul even acute Pneitntouhs, and bos saved many patient In the earlier stttRe of Pulmonary Consumption. It is a medicine that only requires to le taken In Mii.tii dose. Is pleasant to tho taste, and h uecHltMl In every bouse where there are children, as there Is not him; so good u AY KK'S CHKHltY PKCTOKAL for In st ment of Croup and Whooping Cough. These are all plain facts, which can be verified bv anvbodv. and should be re membered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PREPARED BY Dr. J. O. Ayer Go., Lowell, Maea. goal by all draggttta. i ssassla sSmh tat ssess. ass in ami, psssss, ssusssu swiitu... mm ti 4irwU MsUsUsf all mwiiH if VKOKTA m4 ristfrl aklsta, aocMa,.. titi s sB. ssaii s flsrt CaWr. tmt A rsar sm ithms na lwsss D. M. rt RHV A CO., Detroit, Msshsfpajs, ssOiSssflnH DILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest "Wei nja of the Age! SYMPTOMS OP A TORPID LIVER. I,ool npaetllr. ttosrrlsrsslltp, fata ll Ike head, srllh a. stall aeasatlau la I be hnrh Mrl, Pala auder iba abaaldrr blsvle, Pallne after eailae. svtih a dl In liuallan t ear rllaa af bad r or snlast, lrrltabllliy af teaaer. Low spirit, setlb a feellar of baelae aegleetrA aase 4aiy, Wraria, Dlsxlaea. I lutirrtu at tax Heart. Data b-i.trr 'he eyee, lleaabscbe aver tbe right eye, Raatlesane, with Strut tlrram. Highly relorrd I rlae, aad CON 8TIP ATI ON . TTTT s rilXS ara espaciaUy adapted to aucta eaae. otto do effect each a chatr''f re;iuisuai'nlsliUioutrerer. They laver as us pvw atan to Take on rtt abe em Pleats .thus tb i-m I i .i t-r th'-ir Tonte action oa Uir-.r lttii or SinKi( chanae CtJnr isi.u k hv a toala applUaUlon of this DTK. It Imparts n oalural color, acts Instantaneously. Mold by Uniaxial, or . ore on rem lot of fl. Office, 44 Murray St., New York The Bl'YBRR' G PI DK la lssId Mart h and Hrpf ., eacH year. - a0 patrrs. H' III1 lmll.Hllh,nrr 3,000 lllMstratlous a whole Picture Cialtcry. aiVU. Vfholralc Prlr- dlrfrt to eontumrrs oa all goous Cor personal or family . Trll has ta order, and Rives exeu-t -ot of every tiling you use, eat, drink, vsrar, or hare fun vtUs. The ISiVAM Alll.i; llfKIKS contain Information (gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mall a copy KRKK to any ail dres upon receipt of 10 et. to defray expense of mailing. It us hear from yon. BVespactfolly, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. W dc 229 Wabaab Avenue, Chlcao, lib OCH SON'S OtrJ I rnCCow. iSsaTready March iota, to any address. Illustratas and list every thing for Ladies', dents', CliSldrens and Infant' wear and Houaekeeplna uuoai.ii price tinner tnan beast In the United States. than those of any tempiete satisfaction funded. 11. (J ota ava av ALBANY SAW AND PLAN INC MILLS. All kinds of rough, dressed and seasoned lumber,laths'and pickets kept constantly on hand- Bills sawed to order on shortest notice Use only best Ualapooia timber- Price and terms made satisfactory, R0BINS0N 4 WEST. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. VouarcnllfiwM n free trt rf ) h hi dny of the uso of Or. Dye's Olcl.r -t-l Vollu.c Dull with flteotrlc 8unK'niry AMditmers rr the speedy relief acd iermaiii'iit enreof Awnmt Tiehility, loss of Vitality and HuuIkxxI. and all kindred troubles. Also for many oilier dlsei'S'. Complete restora tion to Health, Vhfor and Manhood Riinranteed. Wo risk lsineurred. IlliiHirfded paniphlctinseatod tnvelupe mailed free, lw adilrefhina VOLTAIC BELT CO, Marshall, Mich, VW s sssllsi WMMX s an aaillsist. s4 issw . .? IM fr vldkwt riM u. I TlrtTS HAIR DYE. a to a KHXSs HASlllSas m m 1 n cmocat. KKI l. Y APRIL 16, 1886 FASHION NOTM. In Paii. it, is quite tita thing to trim wool and cloth d teste witb btatiodgar uitures. Man wortttd materials wilt be seen much beaded and corded and braided tbia spring. A jtoket of jet tod iaoe is among the iniliijientablo things tint eummsr The crinkled seereuokera are tai i to be as wat m aa woollen matwiials. Fairy lights" is the nana given to the new Englith dinner-table lamps, which are set in the middle of a flower vase and shaded with colored glaai. If French boot are to be worn, doo tors ettggest that the second toe be am putated. Bonnets with no trimming except a diadem frent of beads or of velvet dif- firing in color from tbe orown ere now mskiog in Parie for the eummer, and, plain ae they ara, the milliners regard them with favor ac another blow at ihe birds and feather fever. Tbe vogue for ribbon trimmings prom isee to amount to a rage the coming sea son, when they will be particularly fav ored ae ornament to thin gowas lot both tlsy and evening wear. Besides the usual, iite to which these graceful decorations art put, in holding skirt drapiogs, runniog diagonally or vtrti eslly acroae thefroot of tbVdreee,cot up into buttei fly bows, to bo set here and there upon the entire gown, etc., tbay will also be made up into shoulder brass-, with straps going across both freni and tack upon tbem. Banners of ribbon will be put into the heme of pltio skitts made of stamina oloth,gren adiao and other targe canvas-sssshed fabrics, and skirt fronts and kilted pan els will bestiipsd with ribbons sf either velvet, moire, plush or satin. Pt tnessss bonnets are shown, made simply of loops of ribbon of diffsrsnt sorts, laid one over Ihe other, just as s o ttsgs roof is thstcbsd. The most ladylike of ihees srs formed of ribbon in ons color slone. Distinctive dresses for Lent srs sssn but some, although sombre to color ,srs quite as slaborals in design and cost It in ma 1 1 ial. R-aary beads ara a feature with such. Aoibst and msizt c dor ta used to trim btack lace gowns. Nothing otn lie mora elegant than 'tbs white smbrotdsrod India mn robes, and promises that half of lbs magoifi csocebaan't bean told era to be fulfilled a little later in tho sssavB. Lice covers srs to be much used in trimming the eUborale patasols for summer, and the Lver of laces can be quite satisfied witb the exquisite designs aod lisknvas ol tho los offered for this put peas. French perseel ban Pes will We more used than Amsiican, which tack in finish and designs- Much scarlet will bo worn this sea eon.aud tbe ahedss of red diminish none in fsvor. The edelweiss in velvet Is used In decorating evening costumes of colored tulle. Tb rose of tbe Alps Is always cbsmiin,', and when used on some Jsl ecaie tint i exceedingly effective. Celadon ia the name of lbs latest faabiooeble green. The standard blending of bias wivh red may lm charmingly effected by a ptftiieiuc nte lie of garnet beads passing around th neck behind, below tbe dog collar, crossing the shoulders and out lining tbs ftonta in vest shape, whit a s inn il piece t t h i waist tbat ia called a e'0-uchr is formed of solidly beaded net ; t iiJgthfifcd plastron is of blue surah ; tbe cuff ate formed of pasaera enicrie. Sprigged mull L ava oome agato.and many a pretty girl will be prettier by a cartful use of this becoming material. The persistci ce of a few leaders of fashion bss simon' established the fash ion of silk gloves to tbe exclusion of kids ; the sale of silk gloves is dsily in creasing, and their popularity is estab lished. They can bo made even more dressy than any other styls of gloves, and will blend with auy costume better than kids in eolor. Colored surabs are to be worn for every dsy wear more generally than for so mu time. ISSrASTLV HKMI VE Mrs. Ann Lsconr, of New Orleans, La., writes : "I have s son who has been sick for two years ; be has been attended by our leading physicians, bnt all to no purpose. This morning he had his usual f pell of coughiog,anU was so greatly prostrated in conseqnsnce, thst death seemed imminent. We had in the houses bottle of Dr. Wm. Hail's Balsam for the lunge, purchased by my husband, who notioed your adveitiss- ment yesterday. We administered it, and he was instantly relieved. It is said that L eut.-G oy. Ames of Massachusetts gives $3000 a year to tbe town of Easton, a be used in set ting out shade trees. a- For eijbt years Ool. D. J. William son, Quarter Master, U. B. A. and ex U. S. Consul at Oaliao, was crippled with rheumatism. He gat no relief until he used St. Jacehs Oil, which cured hitn. No remedy an earth equals it for pain. Price, fifty cents a bottle. If you are going East he tars and go via tde Oregon Short Line. It is tbs best. See hs in another column. Oregon Kidney Tee, gists. For sals by all drag She g AYS )P M1KHI "All tho world's a stage'but tbe fare doei not suit sverybody. At tbe Mint is where you ste tbe silver beads among tbs gold Johnny stols one pansake,and got six pankscbea without stssling. An attsuliml o.Mijilo that are always parating A pair of shsars. Best tbiog to do whso you go (hop ping witb ladies Take rotes. Tks Shah of Ptfi-sia never f Is hun gry when bs it writing poetry. A boil in the kettle is worth two on the neok. What is invisible blue ? A policeman when hs is wanted. What town in Massachusetts nerd not fesr small-pox or messtes ? It's Ilsddsm. How can you make an overoat Isst Y By making tbs ondstcost first. Why was Adam the flrat in the mar ket business? He bsdths firs: spare rib. Why was Kve like Sunday ? Hits was ths first of tbs week. When a burglar pries open a aaf'e and loot not find a ptixe it Is a disagreeable surprise. Papa, have guns got legs ?" "No." "How do they kick then ?'' "With thstr breeches, my son." As a rule Iswyers aie a brave class of men. "Ik's oomoieaoe that makes cowards of as," yau know. Friend "Sluggard ! The run was up houis ago." Old rounder "Yes ; bu it wasn't up sll night, s 1 was.'' The gushing girl who esld : ''Let sae kiss him for his mother," was satis fied witb bis smothsr. Teacher ''What doss ssa watsr con tain besides the sodium-chloride that we have mentioned T" Pupi'-'Fish." It is ssid there are more iiee told in tbe seatsoos, 'I am glad to see you," than in sny other sis words in ths Eng lish language. A pretty girl tiroed up her noae at her poor bnt deserving lever end it froze in tbat position. Nine times out f too, the woman who is wot tb bsr wsight in gold marries a man who is not worth bis weight in scrap iron. "What It Smith doing now V 4 H is traveling with 0 circus.'' "Pretty bsrd wotk, isn't it V 4 No, bs hss n nbitig to do except atick bia head in the lion's month twice s dsy." Teacher "What is so engineer ?" Boy No. 1 "A man who works an en gine." f eaeber "What is a pioneer f " Boy No. 3 MTial man that works a piano." 'Pa, who waa Shylock ?" "Great goodness, boy ! Yon attend church aod MundAy-acboot evety weak, aod doa't know who Shylock was ? Uo snd resd yoor Bible, sir V She "You awkward brute 1 Yon have dropped your bread and butter on tbe fljor." He "That's all right, my dear. Nebody will get it. I have my foot on ii." A faabion pser aays tb tt woman are goiog to wear their hair tbe same as they did threw centuries ago. That was, if we recollect, on their heads. "Young geotlemen'eaid the lecturer in chsrois'ry, "coal exposed to tbe ele meats lesas 10 per cent of its weight and power. This is due to tbe action of tbe alkali constituents of " Bnt what if there is a dog s!eiiog near tbo coal.profeasor V "None of your leviy,yoiug tun,i Lis is a serious matter.'' "That's what dad tboabt when 75 per cant of bit csat pile disappeared during three nights of exposure. Then bo aakol my advice aa a stnduut of chemistry, and I told hitn fe buy a dog Ho bought a dog with hay-window teeth, and the spring bait in bis uppsr H, and now we don't lose ono per cent of our ooal a month. That's tbe kind of a chemist I am. Now coon with yoor theory." Used Rod Star Cough Cure t fleet u ally. Dr. C. Faweett, Union Protest ant Infirmary, Baltimore. Md. No do- pressing effects. Nature's own remedy, Oregon Kidney Tea ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruoe St., New York. Sand lOots. for lOO-Paga Pamphlet, Pinal Settlement. NOTICE ia hereby glyen that the under signed Administrator of the copartnership estate of A, F. Cherry A Son., A. F, Cherry, deceased, has tiled his final ac count in said estate In tbe County Court in and for Linn oounty, Oregon, and the Judge thereof has made an order fixing Saturday the 8th day of May, 1886, at 10 o'clock, a. m at tbe Court House in Al bany, Oregon, as ths day and time for hearing objections to said fiaal account. JAS. O. CHK3RY, Administrator. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed Administra tor of the estate of Jane Gilmore, deceased, by the County Court of Linn county, State of Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to present them to the Administrator at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, within six months from tbe date hereof, properly verified as by law required Dated this 26th day of March, 1886. KT. J. Lanning, Administrator. i hutsl aassaw a mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder naeer varies. A marl of porlty, strsnaO) and whasotnetiess. More erj,mt.i Utan ihe ordinary kinds.and oannot ln sold in torn petition with the multitude of low test, short wiglit, slum or phosphate rvU r i(,n i,y is MJSV Hot al Osaiss Vominm Co., 100 Wallet,, sf Y SAM MAY. j. a. sKxnaas MAY & SENDERS. Dealers in General Merchandise. HARRISBURC - - - ORECGN Will buy Grain, Wool and all kinds country produce. F. P. HUTTING Ant KwHtish la I roan lsursnc Co., ealuu atu.ow),'. ItmiM in sn alisoluuli ssl tustjr A. 0. U. W. Mnihr wubina employment or desiring nln, will please call at Head & UrowneUS store sod register tbeir names. itr ukokk or Jour.. 0. P. Tompkins, COMMISSION ANO PURCHASING AGENT, Of all kindsof mi rcbandise. All orders from the oonntry filled on short notice for every cla or kind ef geodi from first-class stock. Absolutely no charge or coratnlwsion will be clisrgo-J or ruling ordeis, OFFICE 107 FIRST ST., At D. W. Prentice's, Portland, Or GREAT WESTERN 5 flTTSBURO, Ra .U.S.A. Prkr .r-iiit.nwt-uii S.vt, ltuiri.rtsitsH Wii.r !,. u.r Hmith A Wssaun. Iihk-k. Wliiinor , K-.n-.iv liakrr. nmlth. nrt all trth-r American W "f i:.mciiart nc 'inn Hlft' tMl K"lr. All i-Mit. 0SsaieeJWeair ni-tmrl. ami tb'-r ntw ' - L -1. 1 .. T.-ltim k..1 r2..M m.ll . r. 1 ? nlrtsl. all at vry lorn- pn-s. si-i4 staenp for t Mrs iiiustrsMa canuosa. neauoa tots Y ARDWARR OK ALL KINDS. Axea. msttocks, brush ho k. pleks pick rhoet- hovels.anadsa. lurk. i:rin "tones, w tatrrowa, wringers, ropee. aod almost evarythinff yon want, can be bad eooop for cstsb e Peters A Scowart. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Linn Connty. J A Crawford, Plain Iff. va. Iaaac McClutn and A A McClnos;, hie wife, and V H Stewart, ta Aaalirnee of laaso McClung an insolvent debtor, De feodants, fOTICK la hereby Riven tbat by vlr A too of an exeonuoo and an order 6f sal leaned out of the above named Court in tbo aoove entitled aotion and to me di rected attd delivered, 1 will on Saturdav tbo 1st day of May. 184, at 1 o'clock, p. m., at the Court Ilouao doo in Albany, Lino ooonly, Oregon , at public suction for cash In hand to tba highest biddsr. aell tba real property dewribed in said esAontton and order nf aale aa follows, to wit : The south half of tho aoutnwet quarter of Section iU In Tp 11,8 R 3 west of tbe Willamette meridian known and dealitnated upon tbe maps and plats of tbo United siats at Oregon City, Oregon, as tbe donation land Halm of Isaac Me Clung. Aiao the northwest quarter of Section 82, Tp. I1SK3 west of the Wil lamette meridian. All the above describ od premises lying snd being In Linn county, Oregon, and containing 240 arras. Tbe proceeds of aale to be applied First to the payment of the costs and diaherae menta of tbia suit and tha noata of aale, Second to the payment of Plaintiff's judg ment, to wit. 95145.75 and interest thereon at 12 per cent per annum from March 9tb, A D. lb. Tbird.tbe overplus if any to be disbursed as tbe Court may hereafter direct. Date J tins lat day of April, 1886. J. R. CHa.BX.TO, Sheriff of Lion county, Oietron. Jaa. Jai iiAiu.roN, Deputy. PATENTS i all other business In the U. 8. Pa led t for numerate fes. Our office Is opMwit th V . 8. Patent Office, recall obuin I'atcots less lime tliiUi those rvii rom Hs.hiiijrton. Set id modle or drawing ability free of ctutrgs ; sac . Ws to patent we make u charge unless we obtain patent. We refer bar, to the Postmaster, th Sunt, of Monoy Order Wv. and to official of the V . & Patent Osboo. For circular, advice, terms, and sfsreueos o actual clients in your own State or county, address , C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D . A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. ivw'h tb. t it i t .T-.ilM i jn nearly equa ,t u.-a e'"" oiher r 5ts cf it.') clnas combined. Pries, ffj a TPtr. i -.,v-rn-T.t oClub. tSnldby an iiwilu'or klUNN t o., Puhlhors, Ko. aUUroadwsy, N. Y. 2Tk also had Thirty 4 a aisht vatra nnittice butore 3 Patent Offtre snd have prepared ro than One Hundrod Thou i'lfl epnl hat ions lor patent in tho ed tstivti' ami foroijtn unontric. V ais Trad'-Mrka, Copy-risht. cntuents, and nil other papers for n inventors their rights in the stnti-s, iJsnsda, Kngland, Frantv. and other foreign countries, prc hort noticesndon reasonable term, niion to obtaining iiatents cheer n without charge. Hnnd-books of ...i ..., fmw . Hatpnts ODISini d throuch Munn V. are noticed in the . Scientific Arnsrlcan free. Tbe adeantagsof sncli none., m will understood by all persons who wish totii- PTdd0retseik?N,, A CO., Office BowmWC Aiu-iutMS. XI Eruadway, New V era sSlLWfK JULIUS GR AD WO H L Has the only exelnslve Slot 1 ol CROCKERY, CLASS SILVER AND CHINA WARE A Large Assortment of Baby Carriages, And a Cfccfc Selectcn of Coffee, Tea and I hit ONE DOZEN CUPS AND SAUCERS SI.OO. SHELF HARDWARE. COAL OIL, LEAD, WINDOW LIGHTS AND LIME TBE HIOBET jlARl4KTi:i4 t: PAID FOR EttUS Remember! What I Say I Mean. Give He a call. GOODS AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. THE Oregon Short 11 to 500 miles the shortest ; 12 to 48 hours the quickest route to the East, and rates, $8.30 to $10.25 the cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City and other points. All classes of tickets, good via Ogden and Denver to Omaha or Kansas City, Pullman palace and emigrant sleep ing cars hauled on passenger trains ex clusively through to the Missouri River without charge. If you are going Bast write for rates, maps, time tables, guides and full information free of charge. B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1 Washington Street, Portland, egon. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Corner Third and E Streets PORTLAND, - - OREGON. Three Blocka from alt Railroad Depot, Our fadtiilaa ara aueb that wit ilefy competition. To is Is tba largest and mo respectably kept Hotel in tbe North west. Boari and Lodging lI.OO per Bay, IRUS, ! CESTS. LODGING. Ii m 10 CENTS. FREE BUSS TO AND FROM THE HOTEL No Chinese Employed. B, LBWISfOH, - - PROPBIETOE, (Late of Minnesota House.) ED. COBBY AGENT. Attorney and Gounslor At Law. LEBANON, OREGON. WillpraoUea iu all the Courts in tbe Stale H OTBL FOR s A l.i- The Jackaon House, Frineville, Oregmi, 32 well furnished noma, the only hotel In town, lanre and convenient, with ail net.aiary flgsaUBWa PltM rsMKaMsUt and terms easy. A. B Cot. van A Pitnevilie, Oregon. "DRHWINTlir t m, arrriiuar. II Keerary fclrrrt. Man Fraar 'e. C'al. Tssats iu Cmbosic, m-scul io Pairari Dan isss with WuxMtsrvt. Sicraaa. THE GREAT 1EN6USH REMEDY ! Is a sr.vr.a raiUMi cits , f r Nrrv. ii- i.biiity, Scm Mktie, Kvrsut?d itits. .-, -r ::.). r rboex it 1aultw(l. Smu" 1 s.J mi,,s PlCSSatt rr- a, ana sll ').. UoiMv ll I f M if lH Jt Ul ti ll !lu and rX.-ssa In urrr . .11 n. ib s ls if Usmoiy, LsatittMls.Kac tt ml Emission, u version ta Kx-irlS'. I nitiwj nf VsskS xrease In tlrinbtax ialaxl ratlac lleaara. the iul fluid psssina unoaenreti n th. urins, arid many ulhr dUeasca that least to la anlty aed death. sr- Nlatie, who is a Begalar Pliysielaa. Cradaair af tbe I ameraily mf lean ylvaia will nf t forfeit l ive Hundred Hollar for a case nf this kind th Vital Ke.nratlve 1 under his special advioe and treatment) will nut cure, or for anything impure or injurioos found in f;. Br. Mitt lie treats ail private diseases suot-essfuliy without mvrcury. I'ansHllatlaa tree. Th.miuj h exaiuin a! 'on and advice, inrludms; snslysis of ui ioe, Sft. IVUsoi VHal ateafarattvr. fl.W ahottt,or four time the qui ntlty, fS ; sent to any address uo re ceipt of j'rise. orCOD secured from ohner-stion ami In private name if desired by Kearny atreel. aan Fraartsea. al. Send for list of questions and pamphlet. MAMPLK atOTTLB I KM'. Will b sent to any oh apply ins; by! tu-r. statin? sy inpu.nis, sex and age. Strict secrecy In regard to all busiueaa transaction , Dr. Hialle's Kidaey Remedy. Sephretirnnt, cures all kinds ot Kidney snd Bladder t ompUmt. donor rhaea. Gleet, Usutxirrhoea, etc. For sals by all drugf ista ; $1 a bolt ar aix bottha fur 95 . Br. Mlsitla's Dandelion Fill are Ihe best and cheapest Dyspepsia snd Kllluna cure iu the mark . . For sals by all druggists. AKE- SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR For sll I .. c . of the Livar, Sidney:, Stomach aad Spleen. This purely ves tabto pre paration, now ao celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated in the South in isvs. It acta rently on the Bowels and Kidneys and 00 r recta the action of the Li ver , and is , there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick- t ness may prove to be. in all common diseases it will, un assisted by any other medi cine, effect a speedy euro. 1 ne rtesiiiator is saic iu administer m any inndition 1 of the system, and under no It i uin- .luiice can it uu nitrui. it will li.visor like a class of wine, but is no intoxicatir g bev It do liartu. It will Ii.visorate , A. 1 . Riass ot wine, but Is no intoxicatug be ver 1 lead to intemperance: will promote di- ace to lead to intemperance: will uroinot arestion, d.salpate headache, nnd aeiier ully tone up the system. The dose is small. noi unpleasant, and its virtues undou tcd. No loss of time, no Inter ruption or stoppage of buslneaa while taking the Regulator. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, or Mek Stomach, a tsssposawll or more will give relief. If taken occasionally by pa tients exposed to MALARIA, Will expel the poison and protect them from attack. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. 1 have been practicing medicine for twenty years, anil have never been able to put up a egctable compound that would, like Simmons Livi r Regu lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead jf weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powtrs of the system. L. M. Hinton, M. 1. .Washing ou, Ark. SEE THAT YOU SET THE GENT INF. ra STAKED B Y J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. sHHBaaaHHn Noies in Ihe Fit-so. e Line First National Bank OF ALB AS Y, OREfaOJI. President JOH.t COX9E Carhicr H. f". V KURIL TUA.VSa.tT.- A GENERAL baaking bttsiaew. ACCOUNTS KE1T sabject to check. SIGHT EXCHANGE snd tclsmpfaie transfer, sold ou New Vork, San r rsncisco, Chics;' and Pnrtlaa Oiaauu. COLLECTIONS MADE on favorable term. Maacto. K. Vorsa, Jon Coxsaa, Lu E Blsix, L. Fuss, If. F. j. l. cowan. " TTwjsimct Linn County Bank, COWAN & CUSICK. ALBANY - - - OREGON. TitAN.SACTS a genera! banking 1 I'BAW StGHT IB AFT8 on New York ciaco sad Fortiand, Oregon. San Fraa LOAN MONEY on approved aacurity. UECE1VE deposiu snbjec to check. COLLECTIONS entrusted to as will receive prompt A USAUK MILLS, We have a meat cutter tbat U aa much aa improvement over tbe old fashioned aauftage mill as J. I. Case Agitator is over a flail. It don't clog an I leaves no strings la th eat. Come and sae It, A cin Send 10 cents potg. saa ws aril snail yon free a ray at. talnabl sample bos of good that will put you in the way of ntakinjr more monra! once, than any thin ia America. BUi sexts of all ages can live at hms sod work in tare Urns, or all tb tirae. Capital an re quired. We will start yon. 1mm was pay sue. tor no who start at one. Smsos and Co., Portt4. Main. CURES ALL HUMORS, from e nrsnHBon Blotch, or Eruption t tbe worst Scrofula. Salt-rkeuBU "Fever-sores," Scaly or Bonsk ik-ta. tn abort, all disosses caused hj bad blood arl conquered by tlus powerful, purifying, and nvxiieine. ureas atlas; Ul r heal under its benism fnflimuw has it BUUUfeated ica Doraawy In curing Tetter, Rose Rash. Holla, Car bnneles, Soro Eye a, Scrotnionsgores an firwelllnsra, Mlp-Jotut Disease, hhiw wen nigra, uoitre, or Xaick Neck, and Enlarged Ctlauds. Bead ten cents In stamps for a lanre trcatiee, with col ored plates, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount for at riQn ScrofulouB AJrectJons. "THE BLOOD IS THE l.irr.s it by using Dr. Piercers (.olden Medical aia r mwmA sTaranarl disreatton, a fair akin, buoyant splr. Its, vital etreii ssarta a, ana sonusuiess or couatitutioti, will be fataMaibed. CONSUMPTION, vrblch is Scrofulous Disease of the l.unaa, ia promptly and certainly arrested gjHi curcu ny uns uoo-sivcn remedy, if m .on? ine mm stajrpsoi too niseaat are i Prom Its wonderful oowcr over this futal dise!t.. wlicu first oSerinir this now 1 ebratcd remedy to tho public. Dr. Piano t bought seriously or calling it his "Con sumption Core," but abandoned that name as too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combinnt ion of tonic or strengthen ing, alterative, or blood-cK ansinjr. anti-bilious, IKHitornl, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy for consumption of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or THS Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If YOU feel dull, drowav. riobmtntoA hv nanowooior ot skin, or yeliowish-lrown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dirii ness, bad taste in mouth, internal beat or chilis. alternaUnsr with hot Hashes, low spirits and gloomy btirebodings, irregular appetite, and coated tongue, you are suffering from IndU Kestlon. Dyspepsia, and Torpid Elver, or "Biliousness." In many cases only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases. Dr. Pierce's Golden. Medical Discovery baa no euiHU. For Weak En ni Shortness of 1 iss, Spitting; of Blood, Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, Consumption, gjndred affections, it is a sovereiim ren ana bend ten cents in staronn for nr. Plrvi book on Consumption. Sold by Druggists PRICE $1.00, i$tVK58 Woiiti's Dispensary Medical Associatisi. Proprietors, 663 Main St., Bcttaxo, N. 7. tSVC0Ts LITTLB MYfeaUVe ivjMh feVY&ta PILLS. ANTI-BIEIOES and CATHARTIC Sold by Druggiata. cents a viaL $500 REWARD is offered by the rspoprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they oannot cure. If you have a discharge from the nose, offensive or other wise, nastiai loas of smell, taste. or hearing, weak eyes, dullpain Or Pressure I 1 hi .l vmilim rWarrti Thm. m "f case.- terminate in consumption. HedJ$ peata invicronnniK cers rapid!' Iicciallv BSSHVA r sw isages V' ata Kit ii kemedy cures osaejof catarrh "Cold !a the una caviar fa ( 1 JJeadaehe. 60