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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1882)
ike fttttKAt. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 10, 188 A layer of phosphate of lioio, which is said to bo very rich, has been dis covered near Apt in the Department of VabcIuso, France. G rani to rocks, sand and dust con tain large amounts of potash. On sone of our sandy lands an applica tion of potash has but littlo effect. ias . ... Farmers In southern Indiana state taat the growing wheat Is entirely thick, the roots and stalks being strong than ever was known at tiiia Nearly all of the agricultural work in Prussia is done by women, and the custoaa is now as it has always boon, the men are considered far too brave and strong to engage in anything less important than war. Guaso was first introduced into England in 1841. It costs the farm er much mere than it formerly dki to carry on his firm, and the ueed of the hour is products and prices commensurate with his increased cx penses. The atock ef tlour at the principa paints in the I'uited States and Can ads, actual and estimated, is placed at about 2,200,000 barrels. Tae an nual manufacture of dour in the country is about 55,000,000 to Ue000, 000 barrels. The stock of 2,200,00u is no more than about two weeks con sumption of the whole population. It is the turnip alone that can be depended upjn to mature a crop sown after the middle of August io the Fall, before the ground freezes. Turnips can be fed tops and all. Subsequent to the har vesting the tops can be fed, and later oa the roots. Fed with straw, the tnrnip sets ai defiance the analyais of the chemist m the amount of uu trition they develop. Animals of spirit and determina tion are stronger than those of much greater weight, devoid of these qual ities. The thoroughbred horse ef 1000 pounds weight can draw more than a dung-hill plug of 1200 pounds, aud can go twice the distance on the road, day in and day out with a rel alive burJen or driught. Blood in all of our domestic animals is supor lauve, as compared with lew-bred stock. Mr. Dillon of Brighton, Iowa, gives his experience with sheop in 1980 and 1881 : "In 1880," he writes, "I sheared 1 i saeep, averaging eight pounds to a fleece, or $1 in value to a sheep, and raised 00 lambs worth $2.50 per head. In 1881 I sheared l'00 head and fold $.112 of wool and raised 75 lambs ; besides I lost many lambs by the late Spring and severe Winter. Neither did the sbecp shear bo heavily as the year previous Farmers generally layout to ranch work for the help they employ. The best rule is not to attempt the culti vation of large areas but to make the laud produce the largest yields. If one acre of ground can be made to produce fifty bushels of wheat or 104 bushels of corn that is far better than sto appropriate two or three or four acres in xe production of the same quantities. Forty acres well tilled Will, in the long run, yield better re tarns thsn a hundred carelessly man aged. One of the mast prevalent errors among average farmers is the ne giec; of making and preserving ma nure, and also Its improper applica tion to the ground. Collect all the refuse material yeu can, iiw your chip dirt from the wjod pile in ab sorbing liquid. Apply it to flit lands at any time during the Winter. It can then be thrown on broadcast and plowed in as soon as the gr0uad op ns. Tne necessity of returning as much vegetable nutriment to the ground as has been taken off by the crop ensoi be too strongly impressed upon the attention of our farmers. Worms are amang f he bMt friends of tho farmar ; they are great borers. They g; down into the earth, and thob .ies they make enables the air containing carboaia acid to penetrite to the mineral matter b&lew the sur face, by which the fertilizing quali ties are changed and fitted for the nourishment ef plants. The worms, by opening and casting up the soil, do for the farmer what lie doej for himself by plowing. The farmer is Indebted to the worm for producing plant food, and to the plants we are indebted for our own food. To this axio.u every firmsr should hold fast. Without continues ma nuring there can be no continues pro ductions froaa tho soil. The aim should be to get a full remunerative er;p from every cultivated acre at uvery harvest. We manure for the future crop too much and for the pres ent ono too little. In doing this we lock up a part of our best capital. It kasbeen o ten and well sild that tbe manurS pile is the farmer's bank, and of so the fundi should be turned over rapidly and drawing good interest every time. It Is the nimble six pence which makes the money and not the slow shilling. This truism neither the farmer nor t!:- farmer's wife should ever fer get, th tt while wealth can do much to make home attractive, taste, in dustry and an appreciation of the beautiful can di wonders in not only making a beautiful home, but a hap py ore. The poer man may have no coaches, and no horses, but he can hang delicate vine leaves along his porch, so exquisite in delicacy, that n sculptor's art can equal it. He may hav8 no conservatories with their wonders, yet he and the sun can build up a coppice of blooming things in his dooryard of which every floral leaflet is a wonder, a mystery and a scientific study. TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT. KDITRD BY T1IS Women's Christian Tt itiprtniur l inen Hti t M.a rBoitiniriov The Appeal, organ of the North west ern Christian Temperance I'niun, gives the following extract of a letter from Governor St. John, WTMcO Iftst month : "The effect of the prohibl. tory amendment is plaialv hlbhj in the interior towns of the State. Sa loons are rapidly closing, nud with the stritifiront lefihi;Iou that we ex m a pect to securo during tho present ses sion, I have reason to believe that in loss thau six months, there will not be an open bar in Kansas. Instead of the amendment injuring .Kansas, wo expect to derive great pecuniary benefit therefrom. The result will be to give tho people more bread aud leas whiskey. t3o faV ns immigrati m is concerned, we expect the greatest this year that we havo ever had. it will be composed, too, of a class of industrious, wide-awake, energetic, mora), sober men, womeu aud chil dren. No ono will leave tho Slate en account of the adoption of tho amend ment, except possibly a few saloon, keepers, gamblers and others with whom It has becomo a second nature te hang areur.d greg shops. This class of people Kansas can spare, and Nobraska is welcome to them if she wants them, and all !.t has to dejb them is to encourage the jtraflle In intoxicating liquor. Kansas was nev er in a more prosirnus condition than sho is to-day. The prohibitory amendment will como as near sup pressing the whU'.:ey traffic as pro hibition against horse-thieves. No prohlMtcy law that has over been passed has had the effect to entirely u ppress the evil at w hlch it is aimed. Kansas can and will enforco prohibl. tion against the traffic in intoxicating liquors. Saleom are a curse to aay people, and KMMtt WiU r.over again be guilty of giving legal sanction to that which everybody knows to be wrong." TOE KIMfc OK RIMK. The temperance question is fast as suming the importan position whirl it is entitled to have in this nrition. The liquor tram Is tho "gigantie crime of crimes of the nintaenth cen tury ,"it is the greatest peril of the na tion. This country cmnot exist half drunk and half sober. No greater po litical question arts? before the peo ple than this. No "attln" so "blood" as that made by the bloody bands Of the liquor traffic. War, pestilence ana fcminc combiucl runol claim nearly n ru my victim? as cm tne biocKl-stuineil heatU of the llaner ril'ii Tt ,t mU -r I. J jMor anu ni jro a . . and more defiant than ever bef.r., it demands week day and SVuth-day -- ii ...., , r ' vtetitna, and alt hnr of tho ni-at to ply its deadly and lliKdy work . ! r , . . . ... Political par; bowd nvn to d ,its bidding, ot.d yet stretch out their on tho Lebanon Mountain road. No fen . .- . m , , , , ... oca or improvemauta. 15 or 20 acres tim- treaehcroui han l , Llu ;d-rcd with I taWaaa rtoh mfele lead. PfetelU complicity with the dram-shops, and ; ask fer temperance vote?, for whit h ' hey give no efuiva'.ent Selected. There is poison in the cup ! Throw t awv. Ifyotisav; It is not poi- I son to me, thcagh i: rn y bu te o;h- ; era," then I aay throw it away f.jr ' ' J thy urether'.- sake, lest thou critbo'd-' n him te drink alsr Why s'.tuU.d s thv atrenrth nom ir,n Jh m hm. ... ' . ner to pen-in, ior wiiom t'brist uihy Ree. John WeeUjfr O ring to its local prohibit! n law, afissouri ha? 10 counties in which ; jj . . , ,. . ! thors is net a single liquor sahnn. , . '.'US A till has been introduced h: -the California Legislature making it aj in'idempannr for anv hamnin m.saemeaaor ior any person io r give nway tobacco or liquor to any . . . , , . ! minor, except by ortldr of a parent, gu trdian or physician nor. of such mi i Two wuruen were lately arretted and fined $5 each fur emokiQf la the t . I . 8trj-et in Chicago. .Vre uin who toivkein the street treated in tho) : nv.: o- ...t... not TUE TZVPKatSVG tyteMJI A IX P91ITM S. K.lCroa t The temperance qnu tlou ii unmis takably assuming no inconsideraclo irnnertancc as a political issue. It ha3 long dominated all other lunuoi in Maine; it is the dread of politicians of both parties in Massachusetts ; it threatens or promise- to becomo the foremost question in Iva ; and it is quite evident that in Kansas the temperance men and women fur the access of tempera nee parties in that State is as much duo to the women as to the mei do not moan to rest en tfcnir laurels m pasting a m ?ro con stitutional provision foe proa i hi (ion. A law has already been carried through bnh Houses of the Legisla ture, by larga majorities, for making the pravlslon effectual . The Chaaipion ru(t Drier. Having now obtained complete con trol of this celebrated fruit driar, I am prepared to sell county and State rights on reasonable terms. Call on or ad dress me at Albany, Oregon. Wu. C. DoneKTY. 27 w4 Church Directory. Y. P. C. A Meets at their room in Foi tor I brick building on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 o'clock, and on Hablwtth afternoons at U Business mootintr are held on tho veil ing ot the second Monday in each month. hvoryiHHiy invited to attend. U. P. Cittrncil. lVoaohing every Sabbath, at 11 a. M., ami 7 r, M. by Rev, f O. Ir. vino, I). I). Sablwtb School at 2:30 r. M. Prayer mooting every Thursday ovoning. Kv.iNtiKi H Ai. Cui'iu'ii.- Preaching on Sab batii at 11 A M., .i'i-t V r. M. Hahbath School 12:15. Prayer mooting every Thurs day owning. V. 0i Kantner, astor. Cos m K ationa i. ( ii uiu'H. Scrv iccsovcry Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. and 8 t. M. Sabbath School t 2:30. Prayer mooting, on Thursday ovouiug of each wook. J. W. Harris, lastor. M. K. Cm' lull, aUu-rit. Service every Sahhath at St. Paul's M. K. Church. South, at II A. M. and V , r. M. Sabbath School at 12 r. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs day ovenng. ML Q, Miller, pastor. M. K. t'liirmii. Preaching every Habbath at It A. M. and 7 r. at. Hons service in the eveniug before oriuon. Sabnath School t 2.30 IN M. Prayer meeting every Thurs iay eveniug. I. In lion, stor. I'l.Kaio runiAN I'lit'ucn. Service ovory Sabbath moiuiug ami evening in Collop (.'ba-H-L Sunday School immediately rftertiie morning service. Thursday ovAuing Prayer meeting every Hev. Isaac II. Condit litor. KnauOTAA OlVM n.- Services every Sua day, morning at 1 1 a, in., evoaing si 7a p. nt. Holy communion eyery Sunday morn iug at a. m. Wednosdsy 7.30 p, in. Uvil't. 1.. Stevens, pastor. FARMS FOR SALE FY CLAIB H. STEWART, Real Estate Broker, ALBANY, OREGON Tho follow lug la a partial list I 170 acre one and a half mllea wet of Tautfent, OreKon.aad 0 lalleafrutn Albany. h6 aii-oit in cultivation ; 40 acrea moro can bo nut in cultivation fatally; balanr-o good Umber and paaluro laud. Soil, rich black prairie. Ooou houao and barn, iikkI board fence, all In good repair ; young orcbatd of 100 ireo; good wo.l and running at ream for stock ; good school, church and poat otUco ; good neighborhood and good axxs oty. Term 830 i r acre ?-. down, rwt on easy terms. 2S0acraoa Nartow)uge road, It miloa from Albany and b mllea fnm ficlo, ami 7l- mllea from JefTemon. 1X5 acrvt good farming land, 73 acrea la cuttlvaUnn; re mainder la timer and brtiah; honae Is-, null 10 fool Mall, ell x ; good bant JrlxM with 14 foot shod on ono side; good font ea and water. Term :io00 cash down if poMHlble. Rather than nal aell will take s.iXH) down, and ualanco on 2 to 3 years time, secured by mortgage. 100 acre of a mile west of Albany; 100 acrea In cultivation ami UH acrea oak and ash timber.good wood land; all under fence, board and rail, some good and H bad ; about 7 acrea in orchard, apple, moatly pears; good soil; 20 buabeU wheat tHiracreon average good two story framo house, plastered, a rooma, built in 1873, and coal f- 00; good barn. (x40 and two shoda; well arranged for farm puroes. Terms, fSOOO, 2 years time on 3000. Io0 acres M miloa went of Tangent; 100 a n- in eoltlva'.lon; ail new laud, clean and iu good older; good two story houae, 8 rooms, nearly new and In good condi tion ; good new tarn 30x30; line young orchard, 10 plum and prune treoa, fair applo orclian:; fncci In goKl onlen plcn- ZFZ? l'r f-'O. ? nd baun on t:mo. tee mxm ent soo mma warn nonia.t Y 1 I la rt 1 r. scra I it aa. I uit rati it fa I e aver act-; woodland; good land; uvaiIy r nx a ' w e Wr. 300 acrea 1 mile aoulboaat of Soda Springs: fair farming; small houae; Joo a-r fenced. WIU be sold In amall tracU orftl. tog,th0r. goodaciiooi.chur. h and pot-omoe at Sodarille, also the oda Springs. . Price 3 per acre; easy terms. '103 acres Iving 3 mile, above IeUnon , v. nuina Kay, known athe old shipyard. It i. '.m a HuaiKi imniage oo uie imut, auu wi'l be aoid at fit par acre. 107 acrea lying below and within r. milea of Iebanon, all under fence. 33 acres in cultivation, and the remaimlcr ! In 1 1 r., Im- and t.rn.h i'.ix hnmi I'.. M'torv, u rooms below and one above Hani, not very good. Good well ; -mall orchard. Cross fen coa to tho amount of 3ouo rails. sufHcicni cord wood can be . f,im, iirir- tA ,-v for u in bin years. ml v . mito from canal. I'oaseaa- Ion given by the I "th of Octolor. Tbe laaufls rich and will turn out wheut 40 and 50 bushels to the acre. IS I acres, lylnjr 0 milea due eaat of Har riaburg A good eno storied bos house, '1 rooma. Barn. 20x12. The land baa heretofore been used as a pasture, but can all be prt Into cultivation. No a-rubbinc rcr,irAd. IK miles from school. Terms S16 ier acre. Kcash down, balance al- ri. j-laiiy length ortinio surcd byainort- t;a3 :im acres, lying within a mllo of Mon- roe. in IienUm county. AS. under fonee ;tI1(i (Jlvi.1 hlto ,ivo u-!(1),. A,i R(JOi farm land and half In grain. Good house and barn, Mplendhl water and a fine oruh- ard. It is one of the beat farms in that aoctin of the valley. Price ft) per acre f iuou or ii jou down anu oaianoe on lime 'HiVA acres lying 5 miles north-eaet of I'larrumurur and I mile east of Muddy station ali under fencM 180 acras in c ultl- vation, balance in pasture, but mot of it lean be put in cultl ration 3 utory liour, I'ttt ii. ww ia tjv'-.i a Ming av qiivl irice $00;), macro lyinufl milea aouth of Albany and 2 rnilen from Tangent 75 acres iu l.-irri (futrl eaa far alt 1 mila i -w t. Ik s- I more can be put into cultivation by out- 1 i :u", barn, 8i)lndid water A tine you ok orchard, Prico, 830 ir acre. 4'i wrn in I--u.m- Prrx-in,-!, I mllA from station on Narrow Gauge. 100 acres in cultivation. Good VA atory houao, wood houao, barn, and splendid water and fine orchard. All under fence Price $15 per acre. 240 acres lying about 29 mllea south cast of Albany. All under fence, amall on-hard, no buildings; 50 acres haa been cultivated, but it is all now used as pas ture. Price $10 per acre. 243 acres lying 3 miles from Brandon's Station in Center Precinct, all under fence. 100 acres in cultivation. Large lij story framo house, good barn, several outbuildings, orchard and good water. Price, $20 per acre. 125 acres, lying 4 miles uorlh of Albany. .lOOander fence and in cultivation. Fair houge, good barn and good water. Land ndses from 2.' to 30 bushels of wheat pr acre. Price, $3,500. Will take $1500 down, and oalance on time. Qf"Q acres of land !n Marion county. yUO 134 miles from Jtuena Vista and seven miles from Jefferson. 60 acrea in cultivation and balance lit light brush and timber. House, barn and good orchard. Flouring mill within 2 miles. Enough wood can bo sold at tbe pottery worka at Buena Vista to pay for the farm. Call on C. ri.'SxKWAnT, at Albany. FOR SALE. One Racine ting'e buggy in uso three W6r;is. Original cost, $lb0. Will sell itfor $138 cash, or $145 on time. Two seated Racine hack, for either ono or two horses bought new last May. Cost $170. Will sell it for 145 cash or $153 on time. Two sots of tingle harness, bought last May and July. Cost $19.60 and $20. Will sell tbem for $15 and $16 cash. Knqfuire of C. II. STEWART. GREAT INDUCEMENT! And still tlto rusli continue at the ONE PRICE SQUARE DEALING FARM ERS1 AND MECHANICS' CASH STORE. Jnht received by Tntaut or, an iiumoiitv fttock KWvtis Furnishing !ood AT LOW PRICE8. .- Dozen Men's White HhlrU, actually worth 8)2.00 for 31. OO. Men's Ncotch't liiislncss Sails, worth 81 I .OO for 88.50. Men's Fine DreM Sails, worth 823 .OOv for'817.r0. Look at our Shaker Bockf ft for 8t .(N). Look at our Overall, OO eentg a pair. GOOD. Look at our Brocaded Dress Good, worth 25c. for IGc. a yard. Look at our Cashmeres, .for 50e a yard. Look al our Ladies Colored Hone, ltt rents a pair. Look at our Children' Hose, 10 rents a pair. Look at our rush for Golden C Soap, 20 bars 05 conU box. LOOK AT OUR FINE LINE Embroidery Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Silks, Satins, Velveteens, Plaids, Brocaded and Plain Dress Goods at IMMENSE BARGAINS. . SEND ON APPLICATIONS FOR SAMPLES. Don't fail to see our $7.00 Cloak. A. WACIIOIHUMEIt, Prop'r. HARRISBURC, OREGON, OCT. 25, 1881. AT THK OLD HTANB. 72 KIItHT HTRKET, IIA.S ASSORTMENT O COOK, BOX AND PARLOR STOVES AND RANGES, Aa ny houae In tbe alley. He a o Imports sad manufacture TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN BTOCK OR TO ORDER. ALSO, HE KEEPS OS HAND, A FULL ASKORTM KMT OF GENUINE GRANITE IRON WARE. ALL OF WHICH HE OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT PRICES, THAT DEFY COM PETITION. CALL AT 72 FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. Repair work done at nan jrriilif CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN Is U OUiKKr SkWf 'ONNntH-TKD IIEST KOl lPf Kl ! am mXlm LEADINQ.rTRAILWAV WEST AM) SO KT II W F.ST. It U tho SHOUT. Ht'KK atxl SAKK ll-nt t- lwen COUNCIL BLUFFS ANIi- Chicago, Milwaukee And allpoinU KAHT, tuoh M alacara rail. New York, rfctladrlpula, ton, Waahlaaton, Mainmort , IMi burtf, Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, Clevdaad- At Council Dlufft tlto traini f tho Clticaffn and North Western ami the V. V. Ry'a depart from, ar rive at and uee Uc nune joint Union Depot. At Chicago done connoctlona are mad with the I-ake Shore, Mlchhran Central, fialtltnore m I Ohio, Kt. Warne aod PeaniO'lvan, and Chicago and Grand Trunk KaUroada, and the Kankakee aud fan llatidlu ltoutea. Pulraan Palace Drawing Room Cart Are run on all through tmlat ot this road. Itla the ONLY ROAD between COUNCIL III, I IT' AMI I HK K.O, Upon which U run the celuhrated . PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS. Iimint upon Ticket Ajronta aoUltXf you Ticket via tlik road. Examine your Tlcketa. and refuae to buy if they do not read over the Oulcagn and North Wuntcm Hail way. If you wish the beat traveling accommodation you will buy your tickoU by this ruuUi4rAND WILL TAKK NONK OTIUCR. All Uokot agents soli ticksta by Uiia line. MABIN ill 4.H1 rr. 9nd V. P. and GenT Nans'r, tilraao EASTWARD. Hni Final Settlement. NOTICl5is hereby given that the un designed, executor of the laat will and testament of J. B. Huston, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Linn ., Ore gon, hi final account as such executor, and by order of said court, Saturday the 11th day of February, 1832, at the hour of nine o'clock, a. in. of said day, is set for hearing objections to said account andathe settlement thereof. Any person interest ed in said estate is hereby notified to ap pear and file his or her objections to said rocount on or before said day. WALTER HUSTON, 24 w4 Executor. NEW FISH MARKET. On corner opposite Senders & Sternberg. Will kedp constantly on hand Will ids o; all kinds of fresh and salt fis h and oysters that the market affords. ON UAND AH FINE AN reasonable figures. NEW YORK 8H0PPINC ! Everybody delighted with the taatefnl and beautiful aeleetlouR made by Mm. La mar, who haa never failed te pleaae her cumnera. New Fall Circular Juet iasued. Mend for it. Add raw MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, U1U B77 Bradwy. Mw York. SHOP ! J. H. SURLES, I'rop'i. GOOD SKA FOAM SHAMPOO goes with each ahave. Prices for ahsving halr-euitintr name aa usual. Rooms A ana opposite Mcllwain's a tore. 10kf STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A nottm Of youtfafial Unnrndenoe oaastng Prema lure Decay. Nerrona Deuttty, Lost Maabood, etc barlBR tried in vain aeery known remedy, has dis covered a oimpk) self cure, which he will send WMXM to bis fellow. sufferers, address J, H. MEEVEH. 43 thattaaiu au, N. Y. Summons. In tte CU-cuit Court of the County of Linn m the State q Oregon: James M. Coon Plantar, vs Thomas Caristaln aud Ida 15. Cbrlstain hla wifo, and R. S. Strahan and L. BUyeu partners doing business under the firm , name of Strahan & BUyeu, Defendants. To Thom ChrUtain and Ida B. Christian of the above named Defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon you and each of you are hereby required to appear and aaswer the complaint ot the above named plantlff in the above entit led Court, new en file with the clerk of said Court, on or before the first day of the next regular term of aaid Circuit Court, in and for Linn oount , Oregon t.)- wit : Monday, March 18ih, 1882. aud you are hereby notified that if you fail to an swer said complaiut the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief demanded In bis said complaint, to-wit : That elaintiff have and reoover of and from efendant, Thomas Christian, the sum of 4398.24 and the further sum ol $250.00 attorneys fees and costs and disbursments of this suit That tbe Court decree that the mortgage executed by said defendants rhomas and Ida B.Christian to secure tho same be le'formed so as to inelude tbe following premises, to-wit : Beginning tit the northwest corner of James M. Coon's donation land claim ; thence running south 37 bO-100 chains ; tbenee east 42 8-100 chains ; thene north 40 30 100 chains; thence west 7 89-100 chains thence ; south 2 80-100 chains ; thence west 34 19-100 chains to the place of be ginning in Line county, Oregon, that said mortagage be foreolosad and said premises KARnlH tn Ral.iwfv llM nlum rf TMatmtlAT and that drfts and each of them be for-1 ever Darren ana roreciosed of all their right title andequity of redemption in said premises and for such other decree aa may seem meet in equity. Published by order of Hon, R. P. Boise Judge, tnada at chambers Deo. 6th, 1881. Humphrey fc Wolvxrton. Atty's for Pi ft;. WHOOP FOR MONTAGUE LEADS IN LEBANON I IS the TIME TO Great Reductions ! FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY ! LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GOODS IN LINN COUNTY. A Pavement of the way for Golden time coming. ISVEBYHODY I1UY8 Ol'' C. -AXD- EVERYBODY ffFFMAM k JOSEPH, -PROPKMTORS OP- ALBANY SODA WORKS, -ASD DEALERS IS Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaooos, Groceries, Provisions, Candle. Nuts and Tropical Fruits. Albany, - - Oregon. 05? E DOOR IlKLOW JOHN BRIOOS STORE. 80yl When you need anything in GenVft Fam ishing Goods come and see us. Don't hvs$ anything in White Shirts, Colored Shirts, Underwear, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, Bracee, Suspenders, O vr shirts, Gloves, Mittens, Um brellas, plain and fancy Hose, till you exam ine our goods and get our prices. Largest stock in the city. r y REP ' ! etat. Mai ( rn itfnl M Vunr f ' .mi, j I. Iii"i t ' r..u. i..t ,r ..- .i4 l. r I' wmwl. Ii . ! leu t ..r-l.iW'M W llHi Tftf I. to Jbcc I; iwuii i. V - Urt j i.o kol twUiK-t lK-l"fj cy k:nos ncw SYsrtM AJNU FITTED WITH COHDINATION 8PECTAC1E3. THEY WILL CORRECT SfO PRESERVE THE S16WT. PEDLERCANNOT GET THESE GOOD FOB SALC OXVT BY McGOY & ELLERT, DRUGGISTS and CHEMISTS), -)OEALERS IN( DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, MO. Compleate atock of PalnU, Ol a, Glaaa,alaoa full line of Stationery. the celebrated oil Skidgate. Froman's Block, Albany, Oregon. Fhyniciaax l'reacriptiens a specialty, ami none but the purest and fretakeet drug ia ceinpeunding them, at Reasonable prices. MOftiEY I am now better prepared than ever bafoe to negotiate loans on good improved farm lands. The departure of my late partner has n,ot interfered with - my connection with the firm for which Stewart & Grey were loaning money and I can obtain loans on more liberal terms than over. If you must have money, remember that I can get it for you. CLAIB H.STEWART. The Corvallis Fruit Co. WIU purchase Plu:aamer dried fruit at full market prices ; Will send a competent person to advise fruit growers as to cultiwatlon of or addi tions to orchards ; Will supply frufct trees of unproved sorts stt moderate prieea ; Will sell Plummer Driers through Linn, Beaton and Lane counties. Letters to be sent to Corvallis iFru Oom psvny, Corvallis. lienton County, uregoa. WAJjLIS WASH, President. Jamjb Re.ipviaw, Seo'y. January 1, 188T 24 w6 CHRISTMAS I I the GOBS JFfllg! . - i Ir aS .t ivii' 10 ! . . . ael 1 .r urn. rm b lrr U ir IH II ll ltU U l Bk.i4 ' touU wJ dr. rjt jw a 1 Sole age TO LOAN RED CROWN MILLS. BALLARD, II0M & CO., PR0PIVS. NEW TROCESS FLOUR SUPERIOR FOR FAMILIES AND BAKERS USE. BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. Highest Price in Cash ior Wheat ALBANY - 5iyi - OR. ; Kjj O. C fTH KURT. C. K. rAftVKS. ALBANY IRON WORKS. CHEUKV & PAIIKES, Vtanxann to o. C. CW17.) Machinists, Millwrighta, and hm Pounders, Wu hat g ggjjirair mow AI, corn plated, and are now pSLid handle all kindM of liaavy work W dni manuraz-tura Htoam Erurin oJlZ 1 Spftoial attention given to repairing all rl o n,achine,ry' WiU ' 'mnur.Tmo ture the improved Cherry & Wbite Uralo separator. Mhop on tluUrr at. Oi.'lrf n LBb-r Trd. Albany, Or., Doc. L 1S80. ltf ALBANY FOUNDRY A!f D SHOP. ETABLlKIIf:; Bv A. Y. CIIKKHY, Mftoafcd ai car nar of Hrt and Montgon.iy MreeU, Altany. Oregon. Having taken 4iargof lhoelove named Wufkl. V arf) r,r'ti.rft In tn.nii'aMnra Steam Knzinea. Haw nd irit Mil!. K'tiiii.rv Vnftin. T r, r. and liraaa Caatinga of every dee nption. Machinery ef all kinda refjaired. Spe cial attention given to repairing farm um. cbinery. ratlrra Mablaa 4ar fa u fmrmn. 11:llyl A. F. CIIEKKY A SOS.. Ft-Connrorios, .ithxan. Rronei Hta, ratatrrta, Dyftpcpf. ICm!arhe, HtMU Ity, Vi nlitin, ... 'nmsiiuB, and ail (bronir M amon lHitr&rrn. I'ark aii aw be nralntljr wnt by rs pre, rfi. t for lmtra4ltnl UM-nt hotse. v.-m1 for . t-f irciii-c on tbe Oxygesi trvntmnt. AiHrt-n the proprlrtera. How. ill: ;ir:,rt.'.r-t, PlilIa.,Psu, or If. HA IIII.WS. rtne Dvltoc , eoe JSoctsomrry M, tima I'm&rsaco, VmU mmm. ajsHaasai aaaaarSaaal Ivm! Gtritorr. AMifL 0. M. & CO., Detroit, Kick ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OR. Th ThirdTerm will open an Weiaos- daj, hebmary 1st, For particii'ar concernintr the imum ot atsJr aaJ Sh f-ni-r 4 tuitin. apply to BET. ELBEET . DIT. PrcabirKt. IS It can tmk aod laugh aaal daaea aa4 Vv sua bate and snasr. It can wo or araauid, a maiiaia ar ubjurate, lubtaa or triuaaan. Thb intaiaajaaS saeaking orzan can abw be mbCn!, vmi aM rsioctl, or lilted twixstlT and BraaaTasl. b mr eye carviollv ft Rod ari aSa Tahaaaiaa Faaaaat Tleacic F.f TesSar. B. W. LANtiTXW A CO. Albany, Or. To the Unfortunate! DR- GIBBON'S Dispensary. fiOQ KBAMV SJS J 4 it caraar f i ial Slrc. I tatlishad ia 11 trk tnatsaaatt at a4 tsaniaal frrea. .a I Sraataal WraJtaraa. alaM laaaaa a( iUL iaa mnaaa. plea an tha fare and ton ni raaabaal oaa curci. The aick and affllotaa abaatld act Ikl upon him. Tbe Doctor baa traTeiad eat Europe, and ina peeled thoraahlj the varaaa aala tnerf , abta'tuinx a great drml ef eaiaaaata tion, which be iscompeicni to impart ta taoaa at I of his serice. PR. GIBBON win aaaba unleaS be effect a cure. Peraaaa at a dla um rrarw kt nesar. a.: atrictl confidential. You sea ao ana bat ' Send tan dollars for a packare r msviirfaa. writing to tha loctor will plraw rata the raaaa af 1 paper thej- ece th r.dTertiaemsnt m. tan sonable. tdl or write. Address PR. J. F. Boa 19&7, San rrancisci. vIbbbbI ST CHARLES HOTEL ALBANY, OREGON. MRS. C. nOCK, - - - PrcpPietw. Thia nouae has br-u IbiillWifbJi i rr r i n - rl t anf to bottom, and is nr.vr rlivjW aar rvBjaJw the entertair.t.i'rt oi traiafxaa Ths Sajaw to supplied fctl era nrtaafv tba nvapi k4 affonis. Sair.p'ie fwsraa f-. aaiiiiiii Ul !i.dc. CurvallN, Irbaaon ttatal Daltat Sfhse OSrc. Dr. s!ims;t, SO. 11 KEAU5Y ST. Treats alt Chromic and .ipeetal Bfsaaiaa. YOXJ?f5 MEN TmTHO MAT BE tsTFrEXWC TBOn Tfii effots of ymitbful f l)tca or lWaBraajaa. wfl do well to araifihemselTea af this, tfaBwatwai kaaa erar bid at ana aJwa oi eu2ennj haa SlTNTKY will rtaananasa to forfait SSOSI Seunnale waaraiaai ar prreata rtiaaaaa ef caracaar whaoh ha utalrtabaa and faitf te A There are nwrr at the aye of t.nhiAi with tna fraaaaartt der, often acoontaaniefl bv a alight unHtum. aatd a waaJBaatlar of tba th mtimi nuaol aaaaunt fer. Oa aid aoroetaniaa acaiill paVticlaa .r tbe coaar win oa oi Iwtni dark and torpid arc man who dsa of tlna dlfnecba whieL la tba aaaoad etae ef will ruaraaaae a perfeet cure ra til bMlthv resaeraSeai of toa Omea Baaaa W ta 4 toUi a OeuanttaESnai rraa. asaf adTiea, fa. For nrifwaa flaeeaMM af abart of ataeaeaa a auga iaiil far a aura, w-jtb will ba aaatt te aay aikbaaj aw rasaaat of Call and addreaa, (24 MUM EseiMrvJt a rati t- .i'.yr saaaSyj a. it ranaisi s stsaasaSsBsaaaaSaaBjlsa I wit( IMS mbt af Vm fSfiaa an sB I.I .1. .Milt T ' - laaaaa EAT SS9rnKMMBBWJsf aadiaaent wfl eaaaa v Sbw, wbbwB wBaaflMp- aaai all I aXaaftaaa aaa 10 oa. l:mi - Ko. 11 Kti-inT ? M. Hyde CaJ