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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1881)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY t STEWART & GREY. BVStXESS FFICE -la OTeole Block, mm readalbia street. fgflHS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 8 tagla copy, pr yww Blagte copy, six month Single copy, three months Single number 18 00 t 00 1 00 10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. L, FLWN. O. K. ellAMUKM.AIN. FMNN & CHAMBERLAIN, ATTORN FY AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. JfftMBoe in Foster's Brick Block.- vl5nl8tf. a. S. STRAHAN. BILYBU. STRAHAN & BILYEU, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW .41 ban j. Oregon. PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS OF Una State. They Hive sieeiat atteu Uon to collections mid probate matter. Office in Foster's new brick. 4Vt( L. H. MONYiSTE ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND Notary Public. AlkeMBj, Oregon. Office upstairs, over John Brim' store, v no list r D. R. N. BLACKBURN, ITTORREY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Albany, Oregon. oniee ap stairs la the Odd Ferlew's Tea Collection a specialty. ap21. J. K. WEATHERFORD, (NOTARY PUBLIC,) iTTORNEY AT LAW, AUUMT, OBSSOH. "IITILL PRACTICE IN AWL THE COURTS OF THE f f state, special attention girvn to collectloni ami Mvenwa mil . lOffl to Odd Feltsw Temple. U:3 J. C POWIU. yr. R. BILYBU. POWELL & BILYEU, iTTORN H YS AT LAW, And Solicitors iu ( hancerv, ALBANY. - ORECiOX. Collections promptly made on all points. Loans negotiated on reasonable terras. "Office in Foster's Brick. vHnlitif. T. P. UACKLEMAil, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBAS V. OKLCO V promce up stairs in the Otld Fellow's I vlSnSO F. M. MILLER, ATTORNEY' AT LAW LEBANON OREGON. Will practice In all the courts of the State. , Prompt attention givn to collections, con veyance and examination of lit lea. Probate i business a pedaUty. ttnSQtf. I. A. YAftTIS, I ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELOR AT LAW OOBTALLIS, OREGON. Will practice In all the Court of the Btate ay Office in the Court House vlOnSrvL JOHN J. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albany, Oregon. - Will practice in all the Courts of this State. Special attention given to collec tions. Office up-suirs in Frontalis new P brick. 23 GEORGE W. BARXEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND - Notary Public, mMEYILLK. OKI CO V Collections promptly made on all points. E. G. JOHNSON,' M, D., HOMBOPATHIO Physician and Surgeon. Albauy, Oregon. Office in Froman's Brick, two doors East of Conner's Bank. n 10 Dr. T. I,. GOLDEN, 0CCULIST AND AURIST SALEM, OREGON. GOLDEN HAS HAD EXPERIENCE IN sating the various diseases to wbicb the nd ear are subject, and feel confident of ng enure satisfaction to those who may memseives unuer nut care. nostr. 1 T. W. HARRIS, M. D. nOffice in Foster's Brick, next door to office of Powell fc Bilyeu. Residence in the two story frame building on South side of Second street, one .block and a half East of Wheeler A Dickey's Livery Stable. 'Xlsaay, Oregon. Toll6n19U DR. E. O. HYDE, Physician and Surgeon. Office at Foshay A Mason's. Residence on Broadalbm St., Albany, Or. v!6n22tf . ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE ALBANY, OR. The Third Term will open on Mon day, January 31, 1881. Fur particulars concerning the courses of study and the price of tuition, apply to BET. ELBLttT S. t O YIH T. President. ALBANY MEAT MARKET. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Sausage al ways on hand. Highest Cash Price paid for all kinds of fat stock. tl LEVI WEST REVERE HOUSE, r First sad Kits worth Albany, Oregon. Chas- Pfeifler, Prop'r. Thh new Holal ia ftttjl nn In fl rat rimam wi.fc... supplied with the best the market affords. Spring Beds in every Boom. A good Sample Room for Com mercial Travelers. JCTPree Coach to and treat the Hotel. UAUey is now being made faster than ever HI UnC I by those at work for us. Persons ef -either ar: can mace $66 a week in their own towns if they an willing to work. No risk. $6 outfit free. Aryans can ran the business. Capital not required. All who engage prosper. No one fails. Particulars tree. Adores, H. Haixstt & Co., Portland, Heine. ft? State VOL. XVI. NEW FIRM ! R. 8Al.TM.Mtsn. K. W. LAN tint IN NOTICRIS HRRRRY aiVBN THAT K. 8altmarsh has sold to E. VY. Lang a one-half interest in his DRUG STOCK The new firm will continue business at the old stand, 00R. 1ST AND ELLSWOHTH STS. ta. rut Ann skk thkw. jgw All outstanding accounts and indebtedness contracted previous o March 1st, 1881, will be collected and paid by Mr Saltmarsh. n32tf. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS ALBANY. OREGON. STAIGER BROS. Proprietors. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, AKD H EADS X OlS ES Executetl In Italian or Vermont Marble. Alo, every variety of eemetery and other stone work dotie with neatness and dispatch. Special attention given to orders from all parts of this State and Washington Territory. sjrAU work warranted. 10:35 ALBANY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. E8TABLIMIED IS6B. By A. P. C1IRKRY, situated at comer of First and Monteomerv Streets. A 1 ban v. Oregon. Ila vintr taken chance of the above named Works, we are prepared to manufacture Steam Kneines, Haw and tirist Mills. Wood working Machinerv. Pumna. Iron and Brass Castings of every deat nption. Marhinorv of all kinds repaired. Spe cial sttention given to repairing farm u -a- cninery. Pattera ttakiag dear la all It. tanas. 16-llyl A. P. CHERRY dt SON. 5 5 0MP0UND XYCEN. DRS. 8TARKKY AND PAL-EN'S NEW Treatment by Inhalation for Con sumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dvapepaia, Headacne, Debility, Neuralgia, Rheuma tism, and all Chronic and Nervous Disor ders. Packages may be convenient v sent bv express, ready for immediate use at home. Ail requisites and full directions in each package. Information and supplies can be had of H. E. MATHEWS. 606 Montgomery Street, 8. P., Cai. ALBIPHOAES 1HDEAF KAKIMIOMS People. On trial before purchase. Don't waste your money otherwise. Sen i for Free Pamphlet. 28 The Corvallis Fruit Co. Will purchase Pluininer dried fruit at full market prises ; Will send a competent person to advise fruit growers as to cultivation of er addi tions to orchards ; Will supply fruit trees of approved sorts at moderate prices ; Will sen flaramer Driers through Lina, Benton and Lane counties. Letters to be sent to Corvallis Fruit Com pany, Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon. WALLIS NASH, President. Jambs Kkadman, Sec'y. Jan nary 1, 1880. 24 w 2?1 MATO8000A YEAH, or $0 to fc a day in U 1 0 JJ your own locality. No risk. Women d as wall as men. Many make mors than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from 60 eta. to f-i an hour by devoting your evenings and siwre time to the business, it costs nothing to try the bus iness. Homing luxe a lor money making ever offered before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Header, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free ; samples worth s- also tree ; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address CKOROK 8TIN SON ft CO., Portland, Mains. CUIDETO SUCCESS WITH FOB FORMS BUSINESS ASU SOCIETY. is BY FAR the best Business and Social Ciukie and Hand-Book ever published. Much the latest. It tells loth sexes completely HOW TO OO EVBKV THI.V. in the best way. How to be Your Own Law yer. How to do business Correctly and Successfully How to act in Society and in every part of life, and contains a goio mine 01 varied information Indispens aoie ut an classes ior constant reference. Af.r.VI H WA9ITEO for all or spare time. To know why this book of REAL value and attraction sells better than any other, apply for terms to w. uirix t coM If tlaa Fraaelsea. Aioany Bath House. THE UNDKHS10NED WOULD RESPECT fully inform the eitiseni of A lbany and ri einity that I have taken charge of this Establish raent, and, by keeping clean rooms and payin strict attention to businest , expects to suit at those who may faror us with their patronage Having heretofore carried on nothing bat First-Class Hair Dressing Saloons, we expects to give entire satisfaction to al atChildien and Ladies' Hair neatly cu nd shampooed. JOS WEBBER. TO THE WORKING CLASS. We are now prepared to furnish all classes with con stant employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address and test the busi ness we make this offer: To such as are not well sat isfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address, Ororos Stisson k Co., Portland. Mains. 2yl NEW YORK SH0PPINC! Everybody delighted with the tasteful and beautiful selections made by Mrs. La mar, who has never failed to please her customers. New Fall Circular just issued. Send for it. Address MRS. ELLEN LAMAR, U:7tf S77 Broadway, New York. BEACON8FIELI I mi Chas. It. Mo i ua i: IS N O T I ANI 1 1 AS HKOl t;UT X) LEBANON ONK OV TIIK L A It G K 8 T AN Ii MOST COMPLKTK OK GENERAL MERCHANDISE Kvfi- I'uprhascd for this Trail ! NEW C0008 ! LOW PRICES ! QUICK SALES! AN I M M RK8R 8TCM K TO BBtsBQT from, and with Ion vears' asuaaaaaea iu supplyiutc the wants of my customer, I feel c'linlidcut tbat mr recent nurcli:twi wilt meat their wants in every reMpect. I deeifrn to sell only c..i goods and at price w hich will Insure me a trade that will tie nrofRahie from the amount of goods sold, sod net from the tirotit on anv one article. REMEMBER THE PLACE : CHAS. B. MONTAGUE'S. LEBANON, OREGON. vliaWort II. EWERT, (.HuctMsor ss Titus Una.) Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. is wath, xockh, jewklk1. miui! rLATEO H tUi;, AMD IMAMUMi l'M'TitLf, ITS. Repairing of Watches, ('forks, and all kinds of Jewelry a Specialty. Albany, - Oreaea. Oregon Marble Works. H. A. CLARK, Proprietor. MKi;rrrKeR or MONUMENTS, Tomb and Grave Stones, Mantels, Table-Tops, Washstands, Etc All kinds of ceiustery work dene in Marble, Free Stone and Granite. All war It dons in first-class style and at thu lowest rates. s)3rWest sUIs of Ferry Street, between Second and ram. A IB AM, OIM I.OV P. 8. 1 do uot employ sny inexperienced caiivas ers, and give my customers ths benefit of the S& per cent. coinuiiKMoti uiiowtui for suth work. Albany Farmer's Co.'s STOCK-HOLDERS' MEETING. "paTOTICE is hereby given to the Stotk- XW, noiuers or tue Albany Farmer's vo. that there will be a meeting of the Stock holders of said Company at their efuee in the city ol Albany on Tuesday, the 17th day of May, 1881, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. or saia uay, tor the purpose or elect mtr seven Directors to serve for the term of one year, and for the transaction of any other business tbat may legally come before the meeting. Fail reports will be presented of business transactions. A full attendance of the Stockholders de sired. G. F. CRAWFORD, Attest: President. D. Mansfield, Sec. 88w3 ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL Ml I. KM KKViill'M IIOIISi:. On the bluir or tho Little Itlg lim n, At tho oloso of a woftil day, Cutter and his Throe Hundred In death and Ntlenca lay. Three humlrod to threo thiuuind ! Thoy had bravely fougbt and b. 'I For Much in tho will of Congresa When the white inan meots tho Rod, Tho White men sre ton mUllott, ''he thrlftloNt under the wfl ; Ihe Kedn are fifty ihnuwaud, And war.nors overy one. SoCotUrand all hla lighting MM l.v under tho evening mUIch, Staring up at the tram-nil hoavuu With wide, accusing eyes. And of all that atood at uonuUu.v Iu that fiery scorpion ring, Mile Keogh'a horao at evouiug Waa the only living thing Alone from the field of slaughter, Whore lay tho thrro hundred ilnlu, Tho home Comanche wandered, With Keogb'n blood on his mane. And Muri UMiitd thU ordor, Which I ul urr limes ahnll read, While tho lo'o uud honor of comradie Am the soul of Ihe HoMlr-r' meed. !! wild : l.l tbf htriw COMOSrlli , llrurrfot th lilt fir mh.ill llr Li ml' i .'..,, - A. ' taut ma fur lltj thr Sffrnth Cimtlry. lit hal ito no lulxir; hr m ivr sAn.V tntur TKr ton h of mW or rri. .Vor fi:lll hi ' he fr n-o.-- Bff lirin-j rittrr uyiiu A int iu ftflmmkii bnootios of ihr 8mnmA OmmJrfft Oaaaairels, tlrant in mourn, inj, a..i Int Jin ,i trvuf - of Cumjmnjf I, Sh'ttl ..irtfct fA f-uitm tJ .' Thu- It wan 1'oiomauded, ami thua rloOO, Ky order of tleueral SlaUfci. llgOOi My Ailjuuut (iarllugtun. Kvcu aa the sword of t'uatcr. In hia diaaatroiiM lid), Plathetl out a blaza that OkonHOi tflOl orld A ud gloriflnd hht ll, This order, iaued amid the gloom That Hhroudt our artuy'a name. When all foul eeeata are freo to ruml And tear its bonnet fa urn, ShbU prove to a allou j - aj . That the of a aoltllrr'a worth, That thi love of ronualee, tho honor i f arias, Have not yet perlKhcd from earth tAT t m tWM mtU now. Jut landed wa Mr. O'Flvnn; lu aearoh of a jwb be waikod In A abip'a yard a IMM muaMd ISeyoud meaauie bo (tared At an anchor ar high at bis ettm. With mouth Ofoa witla ho wits fouul bong gazing nnl banging around . "C'OBte, l'at, do not May," Said tho botta. "in our way Your place is ouUide of thi ground." Pat scralchod hi lieal, wbirh waa thick' "Be jabera," heaaid, "hem VI. MJafc Uutll I have had My two eyas on the lad That baudlcM tbat dam Yankee pi k." .Ul l Tltl'.l ust.w I out IHOIMMI. 1. 1 its htm, Tho 'ojmlar StoGHCt MwtU for June publishes almtraclM Irom lloi ad-liens of Chief Juatico Daily Inifore lite tieogtaplucai Society, in wbbm be hay: rruui one of these hooks, coiopileil aftei tho manner of our modern eucy-clopa-Jias, and thecoiupilation of which is shown to have been made morn than 2,000 years II. ('., it has been asceitai tied what has long been supposed, that Chaltiea was the parent land of astrono my, but it is fount, from this compila tion and from other bricks, tbat the Babylonians catalogued the stars, and distinguished and numcd tlie constel lations that form our present zodiac to how tho course of the nun's path in the heavens; divided time into weeks, months, and years; tbut they tlivhied the week, as we have it, now into seven days, six being dnys of !alor and the seventh a day of rbs', to which they gave a name from which we have derived our word "sabbath," and which day, as a day of test from all labor of rsst from all labor of every kind, tbt-y observed as rigorously as the Jew or the Puritan. The motion of the heavenly bodies and the phenomena of the weath er were noted down, and a connection, as 1 have before stated, detected, as M, de Pei-ville claims to havo discovered, between tho weather and tho changes of the moon, They invented the sun dial to mark the movements of the heavenly bodies, the watet clock to measute time, and they" speak in this work of the spots on the sun, a tact they could only have known by the aid of telescopes, which it is supposed they possessed, from observations that they have noted down of tho rising of Venus and tho fact that L&yard found a crystal lens in the ruins of Ninevah. These "bricks" contain an account of tho Deluge, substantially the same as the narrative in the Bible, except that the names are different, They discloss that houses and land wero then sold, leased and mortgaged, tbat money was loaned at interest, and that the market gar deners, to uso an American phrsse; "worked on shares," that the fanner, when plowing with his oxen, beguiled his labor with short and homely songs two of which have been found, and connect this very rem o to civilization with the usages of to-day. The wall of the brick building at the southeast corner of Second and Alder streets is tho newspaper of the Chinese population. It is the daily or weekly or semi-occasional Bulletin, and is perusod with great eagerness by the almond-eyed heathen when ever there is a new issae Portland Standard. "A 0FFS00UR1NG." o "Well, yes, ma'in, I huva stole!" "Why, .John!" "Vou asked me didn't youf Vos, I asked you! 1 tl o lubVton teach i replied; a sad, almost disgusted ex pression on her sweet young face. "What did you auk me for, if you didn't want me to tell ou. I could a' lied!" the Uy went on in a stolid sort of a wsy, and yet with a ring of feeling iu hia voice. "No, you couldn't, Johnny," the cher snsweretl with a anils, "be cause you promised, you remember, that you would always tell the truth to me." "Well, I didn't go back on it, did IV "No, Jehnny. Have you any ob jections to telling how eftsn you have taken things that didn't belong to youf "Melao I couldn't remember them all," the boy replied, "but I never lifted anything very paitickeler. Oace when the old woman where I hang out pit sick, and cried a blue streak for oranges, and nobody had the money to buy 'em, I asked the old cove that kept the grocery store to trust me for a couplo till the next day. Ho wouldn't do it, uud that night I stole six from him " ' Why, Johmijr "Why didn't h,- I. t me havo 'em, Ibonf the boy went on doggedly. "I'd 'a' paid him, 'cause I said I would. A n how, the old woman got wi ll eff I bem oranges." "Then you ate not sorry you took iIimiiiI" the teacher ii.epiired. "Well, the old OOMM had to have them oranges, and aomnhody had to get em for her." The teacher's face was very grave, and aa her companion looked up bn saw the teats in her eyes, a sight which bd a curious effect upon him. "D-in't make me tell you any more, please, ma'am," be said, dropping his eye, - hi- his face flushed scarlet. 'I aWl i othiug but a orTscouriug anyhow, and it ain't NO good to fret about what I do I was kinder diagged into ibis place, eke I'd never a bolheied ton," "What name did you call yourselfT the teacher inquired. "I didn't under alat.d you." ' Cranny l.-eJ . said I waa oflaoour heg, and ao 1 eta." "What is sn offaCoUtfonf, fotriT "Oh! lite kstWo's rf s. .'hiog that ain't no good." "Cranny I , !-. as u call le r, was very tnurh mistaken, i.d trt wiy luurh mUt'kkeit a'.. ut nratf, J d.n UV," the i. l,. i m, Ii 1. "V.i STs not an oflr-im iu, bill t.l's own ebtbl. ai.d He ia giving vou g rhance la Uiakr oniflhmg of voiim!!' (I w uturb ! you I Ii ink the things era worth that you bae tken in all, Johe.nt?" "Thrm oranges wr-ia worth f-ur eeitta atfieos when 1 took '-at; that' Iweittt four, and then two loaea of bioeil I lifted for two fellers that froxe their feet laat winter ; and a macktrel to make the bread go do an. It's aw ful to e..t broad without it ; and tin u a b a-ball that was worth fifty rents, and all them things would make to-1 1 hoxe to a dollar. 1 don't remem ber anything elan now." "Well, John, I shall give you a .1. ! ar, and I want you to go to those plaeaa and p. v for all those things." "1'hen I'll have to own up," the boy interrupted in his lewilderment, re lapsing at ouce into slang. "Wouldn't you feel better to coufess Jehnny I" the yotiug lady inquitrfd, net a little troubled at the efl't ot ot her worda. l'ot- a moment the boy aeenied loat in thought, and then, lifting a frank face to bis tempi nion, said: "I ain't Mvor felt p. i tik -let- bad about any ef them things 'cept the base ball, and that I could 'a done without, but if you say so, Miss I at, I'll give the whole thing away; oaly as I ain't lifted anything lately, and don't never mean to again, they would alwavs suspicion me and make me out a thief when I ain't no such thing. Don't you think 'twould do, ma'am, if I dropped the money in them places so they'd be sure to find it? If vou don't think so I'll blow the whole thing, if it takes me to the Island." What a ill yon do, Johnny, if some body needs bread end oranges, and vou ha v n't mi v money to buy them with?" "That's a stickei, ma'am. I dunno." "And it wouldn't lie strange if some thing ef that kind were to happen any dy." "No, ma'am. That's something putty gen'rally to pay with the folks I know." "Well, Johnny, 1 will tell yen what to do." the teacher replied. ' Hers is my card, and when any of join acquaint ances are m trouble I wish you would come directly to me, and if any thing is amiss with yen at any time, be sure and send a messenger. You had better oime up to-morrow, any way, JohniiT. for 1 want to wive you some e ' w warm clothe, and thsu it will le easy for you to find the place next time. Johnny hung hit head. This kind ness had overpowered him, arid not a word could he say. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Johnny," the tender-hearted teacher hurried to say. "You are willing I should help you, are you not? "J guess you had better let me git, now, Miss Lce," the boy replied huskily. "You could knock me down with an eye-winker. You needn't worry about my remsmberiug all you've said, but just now, I'm ail broke a".'' " And I can trust you, Johnnyf the lady inquired. "it's a wo. nm'um. the lo answered o simply. Miss Lee tucked a dollar bill iu his hand, and Johnny hurried out of the building. It took considerable 'tact and skill well as time, for the ioy to satisfactorily manage the business which his teaaher had provided money for. ror instance the gj-ocer from whom he had "lifted" orances had sold out to another man, and JoltTinv obliged to hunt him up. He was at last found, poor and ill, and the boy without a moment's 1 tmrnt 30, 1881. hesitation confessed the theft and pio duced the money. "I guoal I can make it thirty cents," he said, "and that'll be a little iaterest. If I would like to gi,ve you five dollars, then yeu may shoot me for a crew." The ex-grtcer was so u 'prised at Johnny's confession and subsequent generosity that he shook ths boy's hand heartily and invited him to stop in again soon, which tho Isd promised aa heartily to do. Hy nightfall these "beck debts," as Johnny naively called them, were all settled, sod then, after a scanty meet, Aha 4y started out with his evening nepers. About a quarter t.. eight be had sold ent, and then, as fast ss his feet would carry him, he brrrriod to the neighborhood of the Acad ay of Muaio to watch the eople go in i he building. It was opera night, ami litis waa oio of Johnny's greatest pleasure; and so, with hia bsc't to a lamp post, he gave himself up to the delight of watching the gay throng. Johnny wondered what it would bo liko ti drive around in luxurious carriages and hare plenty of money to spend on fine clothes. He thought of the bread and herring he bad eaten for hia supei . and tried to imagine what it would be like to have turkey and cranberry sauce every day. Kvery Chri Unas Johnny had turkey and cranberry as uce for his dinner, and he knew fmm experience how nice they ware. Ha had onca ridden in an sme 1 mm wiih a friend of hie e newsboy- who bad lieen run over by an espreas wagon, and this was the nearest approach to a carriage ride that Johnny had ovof enjoyed. He wandered, us he watched the ppy, gaily dresaed .e ..pie, why it was that some ople ha I alt they wanted, while others were cold aad hungry and sometime started to death. This was not the first time that Johnny a a a m W had been perploxed with n.,.-h thoughts, but they had never ruade h in feel quite so uncomfortable as on tide occaaion. He called to mind the warM uuder olotbing and tidy jacket t.d peats which Miaa Iee had given him tbat day. and tried to comfort himself with the thought that there was oua person in the world who cared for him. There had been a heavy fall of snow that day, and aa Johnny, half abaorbed with hia thoughts, atarted to eroaa the street, be saw something sasrkle in the snow at tho aide of the croasiiig. Tbete bad bean a rusk of carriages, and a fa had not beau able in pull Up to the cuib. As be picked it up he saw that it was au ornament iu h shape of a eroaa and studded at till dmm oide. J -L.iuy kuww they Were '"Liners," m !i railed ibaiii, aa attan as hi lo.ked at ik- with his bart in bis throat be nek. the precieua jewal into biapK;k atili holding it firmly iu his hud. J l..a's autailioii had Wen te start a srte and cake eatartlisl-rueat alters as'...ya could la enter leioee at low rates, ror mere than a year he had nu road this project, aad here was a -chance to car rv it into executian. There were nine atones in ths cro. Dispos ing of ore- at a tian, aa aa to avaid sus picion, there was money euiuh to laat him for "years and years," he told him self. It puzxled him to know where b could keep the shiners, for there wasn't a BOH I among his scquai a lances whom he dare trust with the secret. Not un til be ere id his invert. -i t icken bed, with hia treasure carefully hidoen among the straw, did the thought occur that he ought to try to find an owner for it. Then followed a bard laxttle be tween the natural honesty of the lad and hie very natural desire for creature comforts. The pet son a ho eeaiM wear a gold thing like that, "cheek full of shiners," he aaid to him.'l', "must have in mev enough to buy m r shiinirs." Here he was, cold and beogry half the time, with no prosiiect before l.iia but to be always hungry, if not always cold; ami here were these hinrr, whi :h j would set him up in busim -t and give him a chance to help the h-K Johnny honestly wai te 1 to help the lot re. Why should he til d the owner of this creas when he had n -thing and the owner everything ? This fight continued un til it was time for the lad to slait out for his morning papers. All through ths busineM part of the fare no hi the battle still raged, and the newsboy's thoughts were so occupied with his new found riches that he alm-t. forgot to attend te his customers. At about tea, as he crossed City Hall Park, be noticed a gentleman in earnest conver sation with another gentleman, end as he passed he heard the words diamond cross epeken. Jehnny sleekened bis pace and listened. "The diemenda were all ef the first water," ihe gentleman eaid. "It was a present ta my wife from her father, and she ia terribly cut up at ths lui. I don'r suppose we shall ever find it." "Ydu will advertise it, won't you t" his companion inquired. "Of course,'' the gentleman replied, "bnt more than likely it has fallen into dishonest hsnds, snd nntWs b reward ia made equal to the value of the dia monds we shall probably never see them." "When the gentlemen separated the one who was interested in the diamonds entered the City Hall, and after little inquiry Johnny discovered that this gentleman held a very honorable office in the city department. After finding this out the lad took a turn around the Park to think it over sgain. "Granny Leeds eaid I was a of see tir ing and Misa Lee said I am t, he ar gued to Jiimaelf. "If I keep these shi ners dranny will be right and Miss Lee'U be wiong. She eaid the Lord was giving me a chance te make some thing of myself. Well, now, the ques tion ia, am I, or am I not a otlscouring. If 1 keep these shiners 1 am, u l give them up I ain't. Well, I ain't" and with these words en his lips, Johnny started for the gentleman's office. Noth ing daunted, he entered and presented himself at the desk. "Some ef yon folks have lost some thing, ain't vou?' he asked. "Will your honor tell me whatit is liko T' " It ia a gold crow set with dia NO. :). menus, ami Ife gentleman rlseae Iti J a a the relative poaftioaof the stones "It was lost eith r iu tha Academy of Mueic last night, or on the way to or from tbat plac " Johnny's coat was off in a ta inkling, and with a rip at the stitches ahicb confined his treasure, be took it out and put on bis coat again. "I , 'jawe this is it," he said, handing it to the gentle man. "I waate 1 to keep them al oners awful bad," he continued. "They'd 'a' set me up in business, fhem shiners would, but you see I couldn't get to be such a offscouriog a that, though I hare been trying to be a thief all night leng. If I was your folks," be went n, "I d get a at . ......., ,t,,; to kjajBg them shiners, for fear they'd be gene fo good and all next time." "What is your name V the gentleman inquired, as the lad, with bis c.q. in hi. hand, stood modestly before him. "John Rt eney," the boy replied. "Have you a father and mother r was the next iueaii.,n. "Nobody, yor honor, but myself." "Which would you prefer to do, Johnny," the gentleman next inquired; "go into business or go to school V "Why, I should rather go to school, ten to one," said Jehnny, "but there ain't no show for that." "We will see," said the gentleman "Will yeu come into my office, Johnny, until L see what is best to bo done V Tee, sir," replied Johnny, the tears tailing to hia eyes. "I shall want yon to go heme with me in au hour or two, and give my wifa ber diamonds, and see what she thinks of you." "All right," said Johoy, brusLing away the tears. "Anything u, do iow( yer honor 7" The following Huiiday Johnny went to the Mission school for the last time, and in such good clothea that Mie Lot, hardly knew hiui. The grateful boy told his teacher what had I. snd concluded as follows : "I am going away to school to-morrow, and if I've gut the learning stuff in me I can go to college ; bat, Miss Loe, if it hadn't be 1 1 far yon and God I should have been a offacouring all the days of m v life." iisatT Mjra rare. Of all auiiojls eats ar perhaps tho moat graceful, ami from time im memorial l.uve ia mi favorites with the hM uud the young, tho rich and the pair. Many great mea have bad au inordinate fondness for cats. Hichelicu's apeciul favorito waa eimndld Angora, his furry confidant's usual tenting-place being hia em inence's taiav, among State docu ments, hooka, eu-. Cardinal Woly'e cat aat on the arm of his chair of state, or took up her position at the back of his throne when he htld audiences. Montaigne used to ob tain relaxation by playing with hi cat. Tho cat. of the poet Vmjmnln after death occupied embaiMod a niche In his studio. Colbert rearri half a doxeu cats in his private study, and taught them, after a lengthy dis play of patience, to perb rm all sons of tricks. Taa... reduced to .ucli a strait of poverty as to he obliged to borrow a crowu from a friend to subsist on through a week, turns for mute sy in pithy to his failhfnl and disburdens his case in a charm ing sonnet, In which he entreats her le pBjfaH iiiia through the night with tho lustre of her moonlight eyes Laving no candles by which he could see to write his verses. The cat of Pierre Juan tie lleranger has been similarly honored. Fontenelle was very fond of cats, uud used to place a parcicular old Tom" in an arm-chair nnd deliver an oration before him. Br. Johnson set out to purchase oysters for his pet cat, Hodge, wb- a he was old ami nick, and fancied no other food; and the poet, not content with cutting one bole in his library door to let his iitouser iu ami out, fashioned a secon 1 sin tiler hole fir the necessities of the kitten. Lul.v Lust reminds us of Orey's ode, Ou the death of a favorite cat drowsed In a vase of gold ti-hes." This eat, by the way, was not the )mjcI's but Horace Walpole'sund thecaf-antrophe occurred at Strawberry hill in 1747, after the rupture of their 'unequaled friendship," as Dr. Johnson phrases it, had been receinented. Tho c. supplied Perrault with one of the most attractive subjects of bis stories' and that under tho pen of his ad mirable story-teller, Puss iu Boots," has become an example of the power of work and industry. Dr. Sublas. with whom cats are darlings," assures us in his book on Cats," that. one sitting purring on the hearth-rug to the music of the hissing tea urn, blinking her eyes before a bright ffre is the very personification of femi nine virtue. In this favorable view of the fell lady-liko character, he was proceeded by Mr. Broderriss, who tells us in his Zoological Rec reations." that the cat ia closely connected with the untranslatable word comfort" .i word that hat neither name, nor representation out of Great Britain. . aea Fatk of a jilted butcher : He tried In drink te drown his care, And there fonnd no relief ; But daily grew more woe-begene Ydu aever sausage grief. At last his weary soul fonnd rest, His sorrows new ar o'er; No fickle maid now troubles him Pork readier, he's no more. JjikutknantSchwatka's search party for the remains of Sir John Franklin's expedition, endured cold which at one time fell to 71 below zero. The lowest degree of natural cold ever observed, according to Humboldt, 76 degrees pelow zero, recorded by Wrangell as experienced by him at Yakutz, Siberia. W. T. Turner, a young man, has been arrested for a forgery of $12 at Dayton. RATES OF ADVE i W K j I f" " f H Hrj'n M I 1 T K 1 Juih 1 y-i 2 M "X 10 4 10 II 00 7 SO 5 is s oo 7 o ; i l In fsi , le Od J 12 00 IS 00 WOO i'7 00 X OS 4K 00 mm IIKI "00 I 4 H I t Co. ii 4 INI 7 0" ., . ,. i . ii i m. m IS ou I so 1 n J& 0 40 WO 0 no ' in mi 10 M u; mi lf ft i t on Special bnelnaaa notb eo in Local Col umns 2i eenis t lane Jtearular local notieea 10 cent r line. For legal and transient advcrtiaeniente, $1 0k per wpiara f.r the fimt WtMertion and per mjuaro for eauli sutawqoent insertion. surrixc a war. flipping awsy slipping aaay ! Out of our brief year slips tha May ; Ani Winter linger, and Hummer Die: And Borrow ablde.h, ami Pleasure dlea$ And the days are short, and the night are long; And Utile ia right, aad much ia Wis jag. flipping away Is the mernlng-linie: It baa loat ita rj Hun aod lilliog rl yum For the grace goea out of the day o a onf And the tired head aches in the glare of noon, And tho wy seeme leng Ut the bills tbtt lie Under tb cdiii of the Western hy. dipplne aayar rbe frlerrdawhaearotftl L -nl a gloa- to th a.i old ea'th ; due by on tey alip from . or slab ; One by ouj their graves gleam a bile; Or wo fount tbecn loat by the cruel lerde .It Of a trust betrayed, or a inurd re.l tfjtll Nlipinng sway are the hopo tha. made Bliss out of sorrow, and sun out of abadt ; Slipping away ia our hold on iife; And out of the atruzgle and weary , i om Jotalhat diminiab and o- lieu iocreaae, Wo are alippitig away lu the aborts f Teaje. ii i i or. m k. "I'm aftiir axln', Biddy dear" And here be paused awhile To fiiiiKO bie worda tb mereat u.i With aometbing of a smile: A auttle that found ita imago lu a fao of beauleue mold, u .. ... (-n l ayes were peeping r loin a broidery of gni. I've uioloax ye, Biddy dear, If " then be stopped agroo, Aa if liia haail had bubbled o'er Aod asjeew wed bis braiu; Hia l.p v.-ire twitehiea ner.-ous'y o'er what they had to tell, Aua tune J i heir quavers with the eye. Ihjt ge-tly rose and fell.- I've -omV'-aud theu be taok her bauds And held thern iu hie own To ax" and then he wale he i tbe uu-'a That on her cheek had blown, "Me purty dear' and then bo beaid The throbbing of hr heart, Tuat t dd how love had entered in And claimed its every part. 4Oeh ! don't be Ulo me," aaid she, With jut tbe faint oat nigh. 'I'e sinne enaugh to see you've -oine. But what 'a tb rayon why r' "To ax"-and om e again tbe tongue Forbore iu sweet, to lei', "To ax if Mr JUVLavia lla nmm py to fit f ; A m t.fc ship. Tho new oa-os n stestm-bi H$ri. Iniilt for the t'unard line, is ti-1 to be larger thau any vfrtd fl-M' n c the Ctit Kitero. Her Uh y;ib la 5S0 feet : breadth 62 f-l ; de:il, 43 fet, inebe ; gro-e twtnrijf. ;,GOfi tuns, llwr cargi wpwiiy ts ti.jsU) ton. The macboiery t-niMils ..f three cylinder oornpu:;d -nrtsre coudenaing engine, with a stroke of piston of 6 feet, G inches. The en gines ure capable of 10,000 home power. Tke ship is divided into nine water-tight bulkheads, and is provid ed with twelve life-boafs. l'rcb' ally the Servia Is a five devker, :rul she is built with four di-Ur .ini promenade rvserverl fr imsrengrrs Kveryihing within reach of a heavy sea is of irn and s eel .nd i it-ied to the steel deck-. There re 108 state-room-, ami the vessel has accommo dations f.r 450 first-cla-vs and M0 steerage ptsaengers, liesids a erew of 200 officera and men. jKFft-Easox Diviv mm (I'ram sipectas .4 Da is' to. t xxanin; Im4c) In all free governments the conti tution or organ:c I tu hi supremo over the government, and in our federal union this was most distinctly marked by limit uionsand;-titii alt which was beyond the express grants of power to the genera! gov ernment. In the f sejrrtHxnd, there fore, I take the pi;ion that those who reeistetl violations of ihe com pact were the true friends, and those who maintained the usurpation ot the undelegated powers were the real enemies of the t-oiLUiiutioMtl union. M TUK41S. Nutmegs grow on lit tie tree- which look like small jajxr ir-es and are generally twenty feet high. The flowers are like ihe lily -f the valley. They are irale and very fragr m:. The nutmeg Is the seed of the fruit, and mace Is the thin covering over the seed. The fruit is a!ut hs large as a peach. When rije it hroaka open and shows ihe little nut inside. The trees grow on the island of Ah.i and i:i tropie.ii America. They itr fruit seventy or eighty years, having the ripe fruit upon them at all .sea sons. Banks have materially advanced their loans on leading ComstKk shares since the revival in the market. Ten thousand dollars have been offered and refused for a seat iu the big board, one of which was recently bought for five thousand. A meteoric stone, weighing o7." grammes, tr'unguinr iu shue and of a crystalline appearance, foil last month at Wiener Neusiadts, and lis it fell to the earth, which n poue trited a considerable ditaiee, it gave forth a very brilliant light. Two pyramids have Ihhmi dfcscov ered at Saggarah, north of Metnphi. They were built by kings of the sixth dynasty, It is stated that the norns and passages are covered with in scriptions, which will hoof high V.due to science. Some one has said tho whisper t f a beautifal woman can be heard far ther than the loudest call o'duty.