The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 12, 1875, Image 1

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    ft-"!".'1,'!! '!' lfmfnvlK Si J ' '. .'. .
K v. Bnowar.
Pi-bUshei'M null lroirlctov.
o.tice in piras:rs block, first street,
,,.ii,. i Tlivm iwinllii, Kl On. moulli, 00
cc."( Single Cpyk"-; 1'"
nniTeinondenls wrll Ins over nstunW Maiw
t.,MM anonymously, imwt inn las tnown I. heir
lSJS.r n.mSi to the Editor, or no at-eolion
wi!l ue given to their eoinativuirations.
r. A. ' " '"'
Corr'HK y Co.
Coivallis, Orejon.
,0-Ovtic. nt ill. Cmnt Houao. 0n27
JdktTw. h arr. I s ,
B5-OWceonMalntroet, over A. Carotlwis'
StVr. Vsldonce.on fourth atroet. vUuMlu-
i A.
W W . . , JJMW
... r.-'t , , - .. .
. '1 I
x , A jsK iK , vs. - .A-eJ .tv -f" , fii
J 11
NO. 31.
From the Raleigh Nbw, Bob. 8.,
Two of t'nt Most Prominent JJepubli-
can Members of "the .Mouse lie
noutice Th eu' Alliance to the 1
f ; Party of Civil. Jiiyhts, . . r
and take Thai' bland ,' i ....
WtUk . WJuU Mm .
SS-OAloe in th. Court House "5
II. J. KOI' IETO., .11. !..
'h'jkini 'u
" h Doctor Is a gratliwte or fue Unlverj.Ity
MadioilOollege of Now York, Mid to late
mSZStr of riaevue Hospital Medical. Co'.lese
" IMMlnCMOthims' Drug 8twe- BeW!''":
n f'ourlJi Street, "MJgjjg,''' 1"te
tr Work wanniited to slv. Batifactoa.-Ot
; vSllOU. " 1
A. W. GAMISI-K, JI. ..
Odlee on Main st door west of y"
I'ooerv store, iwsiaence i- n,m. .-
SuSora. Patterson mt the Star Brewery.
Jan. Kth, 174. v8Dr,
D. It. Kit li, M. D.,
OBj oa Main street, ; between Ferry and
tloeiiH cast, or below, the Methodist Church.
Will practice In all th. Courts in the 2d, Sd
,ud ith Judicial Districts; J the Swreme
iurt of Oregon, and in the Tjfltad States Dl
.T.i Court, Onlee nn-stnirs in front
room in ParrUh's brick block, First St., Al bany,
Drneon. vbiuiivi.
'(TFTC2 Two doors st of Connor's Bfti
" ' GEO. R. HELM,
. . o'rct tint., oEiseoN. -
Noy. 11, )8.0. .
- : ? DEALER IN t ; : ;, '
Cctlwy, Qwteij, Wood &WinorT Were.
-CALL AM ss Km.
Store on I'ront street, Albany,.9ros)n;
" , ' .: yKnSlyl. . ..... -.
, ROTAIi. Ppi'i -'-'
L. B.
i v i c
It -f
,.r.r.,r . VTJW KHOP ONE
'.J,M"o'i;.rtora.nn up
wry - , nipawpfl
in v jet. nut- bbw uutuj" '-t.r-,
SSKS.'SS wiSKSS. roff
Ss'i'Sgist d Apothecary!
Paiuti, Wiadow CIj.b, l).na, Liyiw-
1 a..y Boaiw, BiubeJ, Pciinuicm, lo.
frcscriptions Cafciully Lompomulril.
art elw and Dinjs n oer liac iran.mlod
j, lie b."t qnnlily. .
h-,t -te., Poit Offlc. '''J,A,
j, ,,,., :,r .0IM. carried oj aotoiui bin
7irr- Clons Hair Dressing Saiooa",
k. .infci. io -jn tlr s.'ti.f.'cllm lo .11.
aal ,h.m-iooc('
.iohi:ph vfi;i;Gi r..
Vf. O. PAIiSIEH, ri-o;.
keep coNTAxn.y ok hasd
wIM lwny l round r'ly aoeomiuol..
lnoe who may la vor mm w ".
MrHKne market nrle. paid lor nalV.
. vnliUC.
btjriiM v o t-9iXK at Slew.
The Oilier Wester Kepubliennf
All KlffUC.
ti- wMiirl Im iiftdvlv imi)oBBibla to
i J.V nvi"
Artii.nff lilrn an iiccurata de-
""J""", ... .
the House yestorclay. oocitBJofiod by
the l-esointionB gi wi. -
tj,ii-; nni fii wnfiftrlifift of Messrs.
iUtin.i") -j;
nil VrMU.- two of uie; tnost
1 prominent Republicans of that Irady,
Kj- fVinlr nnTtrfcinn: with the
aiKiBuivi"o w . . :
Bepublioan party and promising al
legiance hereafter to the great Con-
servat'.ve pany oiuid uiu.' , .
' The House vag called to order at
the fcusual hour, and a .solemn, and
impressive prayer delivered by the
Itev. Dr. Atkinson of, the Presbyter-
; 1,.T. thn iniirnal of SatllldftV
was read, after which Mr. Crleun, the
able young representative irom xaa-i..-
wianin hiasfini, find asked
Jxlll VUUUV Z -
the privilege of introducing the lol-
men imnn
' "Wheiijias, The Bepabhnin party of
the House of iiepresentatryes oi me
United States, disregarding the prin-
UJUXOB lij-" ' t - t
. i oiwl nvfir-riduif? social
UrUlllOVCVlj " o
rightH of the Anglo Saxon race, has
enacted a iavr narouv uo
in this country ara compelled to as
sociate on terms of perfect equality;
"Wheseas," it is a uuty wmcii every
iwotmflfT,ive 01 ms uuiur ur uta
connection in life, owes to his coun
try, his race anci ns couc
domnthis reckless effort of the Re
publican party to perpetuate its
power oy u-- .v.
white people 01 wiw uuvtvu,
1 lieaolvea, J-nan we, iu u"""
Assembly oE North Carolina, do ap
peal to every white man within the
borders of our State, , lo protest
against this unjust and ungenerous
treatment of our people,' and espe
cially do we beseech our brothers of
the white race, who have heretofore
adhered tp the Republican party, to
sever their connection iiu u omo,
for the reason that in tnis nour oi ex
i..o tn nnv manhood, all mere
questions of party pride or passion
ShOUlU DO 101'OVer uia. m
issue' for the preservation of our
morals, our social rights and our race.
During the reading oi me locu
tions by the Clerk, a death-like still-
0 voi1bi1 the densely packed
room, and at the conclusion the ap
plause from the jjemocrauu biuk, mo
mlleries and lobbies was really ter-
S:a Act onnn a order could be re-
liuy. , ,. .
4i4Hc, Ulenn arose irom nis seal,
and approaching the laain aisle,"' said :
,,nr e.,ni-.". toIibti the deafenim?
applause was again resumed and
continued fov several minutes, ihe
import of his resolutions and what
would naturally follow, spread with
liuhtning rapidity throughout the
CllY, uu. o
t t l ' J niron nil tllft floor OI thft
lOUUlca "Liu. ' : " -7- :
House, was of such a chai'tacer. and
created so much excitement imu. iuo
Doorkeepers were called upon to
preserve order. -After much difticul-
tv order was rebiuion u a...
' 1-1 ill-,a.
Droceeoeu u
1 m. a-.tjn- T .m twentv-seven
JllU. I l"in t ,
years of age. ; I was born and rawed
in the coumy ui '""i j
which I have the honor to represont
on the floor of this House. When I
1 u i,t air to tue davs 01 my
boyhood, 'what a thi'ong of xileasant
- nlimbrr -firiMmd me hal-
IUBUIUllwo w .
lowed bv the most sacred associations
this lite can ever -
the sod of my native county, my an
... iiiifl- nnd the dearest
and tenderest ties which bind me to
this life and make me wish to live,
1 "U-rm n T-.T ana . in ihtt borders of bit
native land. The earliest friends of
my life are there; tne companions 01
1 tj ,loll tlinre. and the
hiirhest boon I crave is, that, when
9 . , i l.Mf flinoA lina
this heart ceason w x
to speak and these arms ujuiuio, u..
DOUY " ...
mv neighbors, among anu nu
y -rT Ilia lamA
whom l nave giuwu, uuu.
god that covers the remains of those
no dear to me and so lo-ea Dy me. -Before
I was old enough to partici
pate in irablic affairs, our country
.tioiaA infn the most san-
WUO JiJioJ.Mt .
sruinary struggle that ever afflicted
any nauon, auu uu..v. x t
.-.11 .i.t 11,- ,..,i 1,,.
came out 01 mm ngm. muiu uu
miliated people God ever placed on
this earth. When the question of
severing our connection with the
Federal Union was presented to my
people, every man in ladkin county
except thirty-four, voted to stand by
the flag the flag of the Union; and
, tt,o lnnw nnil bloodv davs
whiclffollowed that event, the voice
of my people was siili lor psace ana
for the Union of our fathers. Ap-
clause.l After the war, sir, we re
joined the Union in good faith. We
were willing to do it, and sadly and
sorrowfully we planted the ivy over
win. lin,l fallen in
me ki"co , , .
battle, smoothed the sod over their
last resting places buried in the
all animosities and ail
U:.l.. mfliV.pMllUIR. and looked for
ward with hope to the restoration of
fraternal feehugs with the people of
n ...,), nt thia exeat land. '
Wn ra ed to tile old najr. "ait
tIJC0,r! YORK, i'w ..I rauieu u w tr"
K 1 ' . . ..... . Li .1 nv. ml atand there
-jrtiox lr1 a. . to 4 . K.-s- 1 herence to Uie principleg of the Ee
.r., u B. W. COKBETT. ,.i.u,. norftr hrninatlT and sincere-
-1, wUVUSU' iiy believfn&Vhatthat party .Ion,
could rosiore 'peace, harmony and
prosperity to this nations Sir, I
fmva vanevata fnv fliA.nflaf,. for tin
man can truthfully, t&y that I was
actuatea ay- any motive save suai oi
pataotio devotion to my State and
countiy; and to any gentleman who
may be inclined to reflect upon the
course A am, aoout to taiie, a wui say 1 nm na rtnnA DEI fnl T InVA
my race, I. love the Anglo Saxon
race; and an honest, desire to pro
mote., their, interests . lias eeen as
much the motive principle in jmy
hoart as in yours. 1 supported the
reconstruction acts of Congress and
the several amendments to the Con
stitution, because I thought they
wore right. ' 1 believed mat as tne
.nlnvail man '.wan to'livfi anions'- US.
Christianity, humanity and sound polr
icy demaned that he should have all
the legal and political rights which
we enjoyed. It will,make hint a bet
ter member of the 'community; will
serve to quicuen ma oetier impulses;
nrlll finiiQO liim L, SMfkic fill Aflucation.
and enable Jiini to study the same
book from which' God intended that
all raoesj and all toolors, and all na-
:AnAi;Knn clinlili Inarm frren.ll twithft
and great principles I cheerfully
accord uie uiacn uiuu an
nrinlaaaa . Bn " with that. Mr.
ha fllinnlil be content
Hut, instead oi tins wnat ao we Boot
Tl,o RAniiVilican narv of the North.
.Wt . W a' few ' c'aniet-baErors in
Congress from- the soutn, not neca-
TOl,itn RormliliMns nf the South.
turning a deaf ear to all our entreat
ies, disregarding our teehngs ajid
wishes, have ''passed through the
1A,. TTMaa a njl will nflJIH thl'OULrh
the Senatei bill whioh;,wiU enforce
equality among wrtaeeB-"-r-'t.:'
i Kii. T liovo aiiimnrted the Keriub-
lican party with my best" energies
and with whateyer talent 1 possess,
but whenit comes to this; when .my
riinna nA imtaat.n.v.innnL and those
iODiJUgt, Mli. , -
of mv constituents, and some of the
native white iiepuoiican? oi , tuo
South are entirely disregarded and
trampled "upon, my heart, my judg
ment my love for my country," my
inA tm mv vano 'for mv friendH and
- -J
nMiofitnnrifa nnil fill whri are near
and dear to me, speak in thundor
iad fA mo ti halt., nnf stir one steo.
KIUU. " " " 1 ' '
r,n inn .fdrtrlAP. in tllB SUDTJOrt OI
any party which will thrust such an
iniquitous measure upon us. - ivon-
tinued applause.; " ; !
i i aii- T ai-innal to' everv .' White
Republican throughout the 'borders
of our Htate, l appeal w ovoiy uu
in 'Wnili Carolina from the moun
tains to the sea-shore, never never
to support any party oi men wuu
:ii o,,ri hniiiirniitoiis measure
wan tww ouv - i" , .
.ioni rAniiiiniBfl.f If this
UUUU Vli J-a. 1 J J J."
blow, Mr. Speaker, should fall only
upon the men oi tue iauu, it wuum
not be so hard to bear. .. AVo ' are
made of sterner material and could
stand it better. .
; But,, sir, it aims at amalgamation,
ito nW. in to bint out all distinction
between the races, it aims to obliterr
ate the mark which the greai writer
i,a t,.uJ the nencil of nature
upon the brows of the two races.
. ,, . ' QC 1 I ll,rt V.,11
And then, sir, tna eneui i uo
striie' luost heavily upon that class
of our people whom we should moat
zealously guard and protect. , I mean
the women oi our ntaie auu
flioud- Applause. oit .is lor uieiu,
sir, that I stand here to-dayand
raise my voice in denunciation of any
set of men who will thus trample un
der foot their tenderest feelings and
most sacred rights. . Applause. .
Mr. Bpealcer, 1 stanu nure iu-uiy ,
i : nt tlm mnthera. and
.,.,.1 IniKvlitoro nf tills land. I
appeal to every white mart in this
. rli . 1 artv nn.rl.v
land never again vj nuow. "j j.---
oVmnlrl Hiv thuslacerateourfoslings,
and disregard our appeals. Ap
plause. It is useless ior mo i" ui-
n..nn 4-Iia rriin uinna A.TI i? pffoctpi of the
I3UDB WO pui-i"
CiYil Rights bill. It has hoen read
j ;tQ aWnt-a will rm TfiiT,mineuum
tWU iVP if
blest and . the highest dwellings in
our land. - -
ijnnTV Mi- Hnnnker. 1 am an
AUU n , i .
swerable to but one people for my
action here.' I am answerable only
to the constituency that gent me
here. Since I have been a member
of this General Assembly I have en
deavored to carry out their wishes;
and when a measure came before
this Legislature I have not enquired
as to what party originated it; but
my only enquiry has been as to
wk ether it was right and to the in-
f noonlA nf tllA Rfilte. I
am natiafled, Mr. Speaker, that my
consUtuents will endorse my course
in our past legislation ior umi
hoa lwn the controllinff principle
which actuated me. I am farther
confident they will endorse roe in
the course I am now taking,' for , I
told them in the canvass last August
that I was nonesuy, siucereiy mm
unalterably Apposed to the Civil
iiirrlitii Tiill. nnd would do all in my
power to defeat its passage. (Ap-
l . -r . ,1 il.l il ll.l ;
plause.) A lunuer wm aom ui. .
il. ,nAat,M wni atlAITIIltful til be
lillO I1ICIM.UU.W 1
forced upon us I would forever sever
1 .! :iu 11,- i. i,i;n
Bay connectioii wnu mo
party. Relieving me sincere in my
i,.,i,. tlinv uuxtk me the lorcest
vote ever given any candidate m my
county since the war. i nuuia iibib
my own heart and my knowledge of
my constituents ten me mat wry
will tuianimoualy second me in the
X mm irw taking, i Annbiuse.i
And, now, Mr. Speaker, one word to
Uie colored members- on una noor,
an1 tJia fvilarfid men of North
Carolina. It is not enmity toward
you that prompted me to tiiiscouriie.
I have none but the kindest feeling
v ta fiiret iwinlA. ami th wbie
peopieof Oie State are with on
that; but my aesire 10 ffraiuy ui
colored people can not lead me to
,llun.rmr,l the melini'a and social
rights of my own tae. (Applause.)
My connection with the Anglo baion
.a nt a f tniin. .5i irA ii.rartAr
than that which binds me to your
ni AmilaiiBn i Tim . Civil 1 est svmnathv. and this is one creat
lui.u. v..rr- y , . I - -"1 , , , .. " .1
Eights bill is the most unlortunato reason . wny 4. snouiu oppose me
, j. . i i .-1 i - 1.. i,i rA I ' - Tf ami, .-1st lliAm nn rrnnil
laW tnai COUI.U. ' ever UU enElUbOU ivi I aiDnomn. j.w iuw. w. &vvu,
your race'.!.' i- See to 'it that none of it may do them great harm; Raised
.,,. oV,,icBa its nvivilArroa 11.1 lin with that raOS from childhood.
TUU1 cwubwm j-..-.. . . t- . .
L ...,r i...,A4-. fn tr.t V.nAoiiaA if. I lunil an thAv have nlwnvs trPBn to me
forces every man who loves his fami- in every emergency, ! regret from
ly and his blood to sever nis poim- myneari., iubi any uuumuv muuia
."Li i:., T lmvn haw avi'ra'' whidh' wfinlil raSnlt' in
.Waii.WI voup tiAonle in; their rirrhts serious injury to them, and for which
. a J r.l.'..A Amin l nwA -r vacmnnail-tlA .' !-ii"i'i' '
irom every Biiuuip ux my unuvo uouu- iwdj at-v uwv . - -
XT, ana l navo bujuu uj m uio vwu-w ) fijuio i, wfei.-.v tu.VUy.
Ot QU ObaifO UUH UU1C11UUU. ,W U ulmv "J t- if
vonr race without fee or reward of these kind an innocent people, aud
J . i 1 Al A, I Al'fl MAnann nlnrkA T CtnAal AH T rlfl
anT Kinti; ana one 01 u uxuau uiono-1 uua icouu uiuu a. -
"J -. - 1 IIP- nhAn T rle. I 4liia mnrninrr . , ' ; k.if.-I ,! i 1. .Jtfft
HUL Ul IA4J nn ""f" v i ani" (
1 J J -.,U1 n rvinri rxf vr1 I I TVTl Rnfifl.L'AI'. SOTllfi OI mVi.f 116
color, who was my playmate in our toay, condemn my course on this
"boyhood. ' I have kind feelings1 for great and vital question, but to be
vour race, 10s groutuuo im wuiuotoui "v r . . T
them. - You have been firo in the have had anything to do in political
..:i.' .j ,'r, tiA aiimmar far lifo T nmilrl tint remain silent urjon a
WllltOl (bliu DiiwvMj r- i. - l i."
tlie white people of tliia cou JU-y, ana qiuesupn tnat involves. ; mo . muvuiAivu
ii -i.t.i-. rf no. rtf flm orftsif. American neome.r I
A,M iititir iltam Tn'-riAfBnri vhh in harniild be a toward not to etfpress the
vour propel sphere and sktion; but serious i convictions of a heart mat
J r . i . .. I. tin nW.miAi'ifv imil hftnni-
we can never, raceivo yvv.' wu howtoi-ji.i'iw w uwp." - i-xr-
of social equality Ion may call it ness of my people regardless of
. ... .-f'- ' 1i u aa1 TUn aiv T rBnflat. that 1
toousa pnae, jou miiy li.-iiiiigi""""- uiviv f-""i i" ..-,
less prejudice, 'but the God who know, not what course my friends
.-. ,,iil. ..1.,,1 li Vhtt- Smiil-I miv talro ' lint I Sneak 10 myself.
subseauent education.-, nurtured it, and my noble, honest,' mountain
and all our nature, an our hhbiwia- iuumeiwvuoii , . .
ations have implanted m us the prin- not mista,sen, in me hui""
i..i..ia: 1. .ii,i. n,nnit,ni inat a Ano nf nnv rrreatest statesmen.
cipie mtii) it io nut iiguw, iwwv. j"" I " o . .
n.ri ii a. AfiaTi toiiiV (mm. live or die. Survive or
racesa should mingle together) on perish;" I sever my connection With
7 . i f3i t k l.,w( I nl !, : fawiAa aiidll nhlfifltion.
; In, conclusion,, Mr. .Speaker, ! able and destructive restrictions upon
know notwhatcoiu'se others may taKC the people qi uieooum.. ,
01' hOW tUlS act Ul mmu iubj w nuuoiuim wv --0,
viewed by the public ; but, acting tad- the Senate in an eutire.body crowded
der the convictions of my own judg- into the, densely packed hall . and
mBiitand heart, and acting in ac- were silent listeners to. the able and
cordance with the. pledge ! made to well delivered address.!- He wasfte
mv constituents; I declare 'that, this quently interrupted byioudand pro-
measure oeing ioiceu up"" no, uugou,i.iit..", .7.
forever dissolve my onnootibtt wifch hwith his remarks a death-like Btuiness
the Republican parly, , (applause; nuii pervaaou w .
i -ii. 11.. ,i. ,,,.l . 41ia hanil analtinrr Whs tosum-
auymyseii ww um bio, pj ,i" muTO! a
is how building Up in Jihe South and edr;
ml an nli a anfiiifi we fear it will
,1 rlrttiL 1 Mi V,A ni. minil nlojisurei to look
stitutional government and the purl-on again, .fo give n faint idea, we
i -j.i ,.i..7,i: rliBiAitrln.Sn,Tnn , mill aav t int it was more llliO uuiu
r' j i i.j. i..u,.t an,l Uo nl,l fiialiinrifld camnmeetih" scene
race 01 oui-yiBiiuiimi. vva-.j"'1 , " . , ,1 ,
, 3 : 1 . - '"o J oiwiViitio' A nvnr flaw; wwilvii .
Frn?eS ttTrr:' n,..MMlX ; "rr.iraiAP h tl : most , heron-
'i ineueiiverv ui jjx-. vAiDiiinAA.wb, -1-4" .. - - ,
out was cool.calmand dehDerate, lean ellorts, nnoiiy aecurea
" ' , , -i-.Al.-i .1 XV - rir,lrfSf1 Wllr t.hfl flOr
plause he was greeted with, he evinc- to reply to the resolutions, but the
T"":iili' ,i.i' .ha M. i-f nf nwio hfl n(r Mised that the
ed no exci-euieun i'"ii f"in o --
. .7, . ,. ... i i-.:.,. :u.w' I i,.l,, :iin r nnt; .before the
lorciuie ieeiiiif wun iuijiiwoi - -
torv won the Rdmiiitioniof foes and House, he was ruled down and thus
. . ... -wt 1 .1 1 ' 1. I 11. . - 1 ... . ..
friends alilie. ne ciosea ms iw uw wxuw L-miii-nt ; i ,
amidst the loudest demonstrations of Mr. Dula moved a suspension of
applause tnat we uavo oroi .i-iiii i mo - - - -
ali . . ,ii ..! 1 'i. 11. .:l fan li1 iilnv
any assemblage, air. istapies, ui lurauu. vuo bi.ouio. m , 7 Y,
" J V, . 1. i 1 1.. j". t .1 -.1 .1, 1 ma il in tlimimir, ail
uUUIordi WaS.lUo Jinaa iwj iubj. iui- uvav,' a. n 1 0 !
ward to trrasa the hand of his life-, white representatives, representing
Ions friend, who had now broken white constituencies will follow tne
O . ' , , . T .i . rm... I 1 . ll,n.,A lrrt Tinfnntin frfln-
the only bar uetween mem. i exaiuino w ,..,..
came over iu'an excited group a host tlemen. We hear it stated that Mi
. t. 1- i jAH. tii. TTAafAvn TiBniiWinnn members
continued for several minutes, : , have nteady determined to act with
Ordev being restored, major j , .ii. tneir leaaovs; e-oepi. ".
. ..-rr'n..- .ii.1 f wlin, IB as Vet Unde-
T OOte. 01 V11HH, uiuna ill". .mi... , " - - - , ,
'r, T '.1, il thnf hna -Ia,1 - Tlilk W llliav that 1.6 haS
been said by my , friend, Mr. Glenu." the manliness to come out and plant
.. - .. ' j A., 1 l. : nriiiKnlrr utAntl n TO111T.P Ttl RTI
Here the excitement was nwue luttajop i uuhwwh nuitoy
4-t. nn nnrl ilR Riinlfiiise trom I basis
vAAUAA U'Vlj m..- " A A . 1
every '-pan 01 i '. fcs; p1mj,-
bounds. Jfixtreme1 itepuDiicoiin uo- . " r -.37- 1 , ,
in. uads of two and three While he was President a pardon
in the lobbies, and seemed to. oauus case was brought to mm py an ium
IU luo mvw l TAn.aaaa. InwvAl IllB nAlO-mTOP and
J "oountvy gentleman recently airived
at Boston, sod immediately repaired
to the bouse of a rclativei-a. lady
who bad married a merchant of that
oity. The parlies were glad to we
bim. and invited him to their home
as hia home, as he deolared his inteu
ijiou of remaining, iu that city but
"day pi' two, , ;: ,( ,,. ,-';..
i Tim tiii.lifiml fit ha lnd'v. anxious
to ihaw bis attention to a relative and
r,.:n,l AfKianira tnnb t.ha nrnntlAmnn'fl
bow to Hvei y, stable in Hauover
6)treot. , f.',, ....r j ,;. , :.. ,';. y.
I Finally the visit boame a yisiU
'(ion, and Uie . merchant, after' - lapse
if eleven' days, !lnimd besides boanl
iiirr and ilodgiug the: gentleman, a
pretty ooneiderable bill had run up t
the livery stable. Therefore, be went
to the nian who Kept tne Btauie arm
told mra wlien ne iook xne norse no
would pav;the bill. i bJ i zU-o-h:
j iffVery good, eii',". , said the stable
Itcepor; "I understand yon.', ,m U.
, An,..linrtlir in n alini'l. liiTlB. ill.
flobntr gcDtleman went to the stable
and oruorea bis norse to os goi i ouy.
Tbe bill, of course, was presented. 1; 1
iiOh," said the gentlsraaiij'JMr.
Aiv VBlnlivo. will nnv thin.'?
1 iiVorv -ivoll air." wilri tli stable-
inon. .. ''1'PlAn.A' (vol. ftn 'nnlArli'OlTfl
him H Itiwill be the same oa money."
T rfha hnvao was nnt nil. Atrain. and
. ,. - - ,. r, ,
down went the country gentleman to
iOg Wharf, .where the merchant
opt." " - " - -
jeWollj? said he, "I am goiiig now."
j '.'.Ai'ejouf ;'eaid the moi)hant,"Well,
gocil-by,,ir.".ii , ... ,.,1; ,,. ...
j "Wall, about the horse the man
says the bill must be paid for hie kocp-
;n(y.ll. .1. .:ia..'.Ju..,..l 1.''. . : .
"Well, 1 snipoie" that is all right."
"Yes, well, but', you ' know I'm
rour:wife' cousin.)?;;. ! ;
ir . .1.,.. 1 UT I ..
1 ,'Aes,; uta me ruuiqiiaui,, xj aiiuw,
but yqur horse is not.!' ' ,
HitNfimvHiiiisS'AtiD DbatH.A voting
lady, Mlle. de ;'' . B oI t"088
abnormally sensitive oeiuga wuu
seems to be born into this world only
to 'flicker and die out, has just died
cessivolyi nervous disposition, : the
aliirlifnut. Amntinn DVuilucinrr a nor-
tous attack. 1 As she grew older this
tondonoy increased, rather than di
miiiiuViA?! 1 Trio rnnitnl nf nnafTectiriEr
story would throw the poor girl into
dispair. Some three months ago her
mind, was oompioteiy . deranged in
Phrenology and PhyMlognomy (or U75.K
'Tf T linil toaRilVA. T wnnlil; riiir
that woali place in my fence," said
a fanner. Ho had none, however.
nn.l nrliilA ' rlli l.-itl tf nif lllt. li.til, n
neighbor, the cows broke in and in
jured a pnmo piece or com. tie
had leisure then to repair his fence,
but it did not bring back lis corn. .
i "it A had leisure, said a wueet
wriMit.'lnAt Wintor: 'I would altsi
my stove-pipe,' for I know it is not
safe." , . But he did not find time, and
when his shop caught fire, and burn
ed down, hq found; leisure to build
another. . 1 ".' ," ' " "' '
; "If I had leisure," said a ineclian
ibj! "I should have my work done in
rtfinann.". Tim mnn fliiriVfl liin .time
has been all ocoupied, but. ho was
not at worn till alter sunriBe; he quit
work at five 6'clock, smoked a cigar
afta HiTiiiAi. anil anaiif i.vaft hmlva Ml
the street talking nousense ; with, an
mier. .. tf. ,. , ..... .
"If I had leisure, ' said a merchant,
llnck, I 1 0(1 1 3 HO I 4 IHJ I 9 011
lin. t 2 m I 8 l I 7 HI
r. . ! .1 a nil I a at
4 mr-'l 4 oa r 7 no
a - fior. 11 no t mi
K Coif t 12 Oil
A Col. 1 10 (10 1.1 011
1 I'Ccit. 1j 6(1 :J 00
1(1 (Mi l (
I i SO I
19 (III
(Ml I :;o (Id r. (HI
'1 00 "I . i ... 1
m 00 I (.D I let
. Luiioe . noHcep ih Ilia I,.:ie,,l ('alantaf.,
itcnl ncr lino, nicli inridfto. . ...
i li'orluyil and ti;m..i'.iit inlv('r(i..f.d!i'nN
Iter HfW.ire ol 12 lllli..., r tins first ;;;,i.
andl 00 rr af,Biti Oir, t-u-k. m Hcqucut
doitiiin. ... ,
1 1
rapidly and inooherentiy. .... r ...
- " l 11A0TO6S lOOKCU WUUiluu uuni
dsemincr to BaV ill
tKaiMMnumt ..Who- and what
U1DU ao"w"" - '
next? Order, i, was, nnauy restprea,
and jllajor '-, ITote 'proceBded. ;j Said
X read with mortifl.
Tenessee lawyer, his neighbor and
flllAAll '1I1A AANA. .Wa.H Una Ul U11UBIUU
hardship, involving the remission of
wrongful, fine. The lawyer had
fot it through tne Arapartment 01
ustioe, and 'carried it direot to the in nrdsr: to . secure : his
client against imposition ' and extor-
"MB. BPEAKK". t ronu wiui aiuiwr a-.-. -
cation on Sateday; morning last the tion, as the document should bo ro-
telegrauis announcing the passage of turned, through its crcumlotious of-
.. , t, . ... 1 -I 'll i n.- 1 ... fimnl AiiaiiTiAia. ' ,Tnhnson had the
tllB IJ1V11. AvlgntS U111.4U luo ani -V-. -
VA" o " :r , 1. ,..1., n. I in liio Wil.i nil tunB about, to
House olLiongress. , A iiubuuhu 1 r . -- , . .
to come into tnis House and express sign 'Bob,V, , says he, "nobody w
a . ,t a., 4i. io. I rrniniy in mnkfi anvthinff out of this.
HIT tfifiJintTB 111 reUUXU W. HUM awwjvi,. 1 v. I - - 1 " . '
m- coudemnaUon o!) the action ,of ff
Uont?res, uut my inuuua luuuym iu . -
bestT that as the bill has gone back tore up the Pon an, J threw it into
to the Senate, it might be premature his waste basket. Says he, if your
. . . . i. 11.:- mnn'a ..liiA fin fAA a lawvAr . he a an e
to take a dooidea poBinon jbs iuiin . . "IT,
time. . But,. Mrv Speaker, as my
r,.;,.,..l fim Vnlliin. Mr. Glenn, has
thought proper to Introduce resolu
tions this morning eiqjnKMiug uiiiju
sition to the recent action of Con
to pay his fine to the Government."
A party of mon animatedly engag-
QU 111 ,.v"...3 f"- .
naitnii.1 .t.Ai'A fttimntcd the attention
1 to the recent action vi voa- - - ,,,,,,.,.
1 upon Civil .Rights,. I ask the ot an .gnoaltoriil.j "Ihore .
indulgence of the House a few min- someiutn , ,w n
Li.. At T mnv ant mvsolf rirfit be- served to 1I wife; aud drawing in
fr, the world on this grave question, t his team, he liahtly sliou tea Mon
Raised as I was in the old Whig doo- " che
trines, and a mo-iong opposiuou wi, -- ----. niu.,i.,.
Snl. nf th. bomocratic was the sardonio reply. The a2ed .&
. ,,..,.... , . I ,;,, Itiiri.t awor. some and drove on
party, under tne precepia 01 iuyi---
father in the good PM oounw of T,nW ' nf f!arm.i. iuttfcd
Iredell, where he still lives, as if.-, '; nt the hich-
exponcnt of the old Henry Way doc- "-J,, hsT0g,. wanted
trine, I a lied my-elf at an early day but iut M they were
SifrZTakin to Z o -l-doUo':?
w jiu v.0 . , . .nr a ha it t,HO IIT1 WflI.Ii (ll)WiI Mill
one in which. I had been educated, f," LT,A,t,,rrl,(lar,ltl.e polls closed
I have always been opposed to ex- ' .m waB: ..Grettt Coisarl
tremes in politics, adoptmg for my T,m nM , iim t. voU'
course that of .rodeno Wd : or- for olistitutional , amendment
ancie- t?l1??,?.Zl.T$L prohibitins bribery at election" ,,
IWlliWft WU1VU 4. Av J" v.w 1 - .mi 7 ji.'jiij 11 r. -rmirARent With U1V noble I . ...
"wuu r , - ,v , v f TIia widnwflr'a inf hag been iPO
coUeague on my rBmhl-'-tl to
TTtXZl be breiy wUo it lasts, but it is not
en l?-.r. eonstniftod to endure the rude as-
rAnrTiofi. fortbatiurnoseof saults of tuao.! A Connecticut man
mllJ3J IZ who. only last spring, threw himself
Uiat measure out 01 aoout z.uuu votes , , " ' " ,,,, 1,, '
; " ,.,t. 11,a rarinoirileg of hishes fell out, has. since had three
that old party have always been held
dear by tho people of that, county.
But sir, in the last compaign, when Ahnprrrid tlV Til V flTiTKlimiHH I.MftT.
Ul ROO ia(5l 'J I'U
we were in favor of tho Civil Rights
Bill then before Congress, I stated
I women following him around for al
imony. Mrooklyn Argut.
TTava iu a fiAAt. whft flflVHl 'J'lU giti
tinir aaiII v 1111 tlm strand, that stretch-
1,. il.. ali,w'A l,ri,lf' Anil. n. il,a
15,-li then . M'lUIU VUuyimi, a rmwu w ,' . . .
on all occrsioni, on the hustings and day slips slowly by, I idly fold my
in private, that I did not believe our hands and think.' Whilst he w sit-
. . , ... ,1. II t . 1: u xt.A ,.l,..t ;il. 1,11a linmlM
mends 01 tne iiunu u imijmum.a
that alximination upon the people of his family at home way be mulenng
., ,. .1 f.,il,. T l.,l.l I ,.. 11,a nAiiAaaA.-iAanf llf.. lie sllOlllil
tUe OTUIU UOT, luivuui, A . . . 7 , 7 11 1 r
Uiat if they did, 1 could not, nor slarmish around before the day glips
rnnl.l nnt rriv. UT suiiport to the Slowly DV, and secure Wf uu Bl
party that passed such an unfair and I ging a cellar,
i:,- ,- C..a. .... f 1 Ri.uiiran Frnm AlATAriilri comes
CliiAatar 1 nav w now. thai if the the romantic elorr of a lovesick
.I1 . ii 't- II. .1 Cll 1 -.1 1. U JtX,..t... fnlllAP "W.
Senate OI wie luiwi owwr concur i nmi'icu wiiu, iih,iiiiwmci iw.
consequence of her being crossed in
love, tind consequently this sensitlve-
., AM.nUlnKlaAiifii . All inaanta
IIOIIQ KloiT limiaiij
would become to her an object of in
tense anxiety. She would watch the
fluttering or a uutteriiy witn an fuisu
an,! wnnlrl nnlv rAo-ain composure on
seeinir the insect alight upon some
floweret. , Finally, acting upon medi-
n.n.l nrlvinA. she wan transfoiTed to the
l :inl a Villa Hia Tinnr
UUDpimii m lura uiH.u. i
girl died the other day , the immediate
cruse oi deatn peing mentai Buuer
ing produced by the eight of a cat
i....f...:..-. iun
UUVOUllll 1101,10 Mini, ,
Tlnln',1. tt iIia Vimniiin nf tllB Kno
lish emigrant ship Cospati'iok, reoeir.
all tin 4tvnn mnil. arid In ill. hni'.
ror of the scene as briefiy sketched ill
.Ati nalila rll.natnhan. Tt. will he I'R-
rnembered that this vessel, a wooden
ailing .hip, was bound from London
to Hew Zealand, with four hundrod
amlnpanla Anil A AVAiV nf fni't.V mfln.
Shewasburned'while near: the Cape
of Good Hope, and ol the vast num
ber ou hoard only four escaped alive
to laud. One of these died soon af
ter being picked up; so that we have
a loss of life of four hundred and
Ihiettt inuanl ; 'fearful aiim.lolal.
Tiie wretoueu survivors urntoa ior
ton days in an open boat, without
mntni'nl fnnil m munnB nf aiiat Annnmi .
Tbo little party dwindled by dogroes,
1110 living UUQIBlil!j uu lio uuuiwn ui
the dead, until a panning ship desoried
ftinm and limit IliA fnnr MlirvivillO' suf
ferer to St. Helena. No word, of
aiim Ann ilBanriliA fliA hnrrnra nf t.hftt,
brief voyage in the boat on the open
sea. Those , who recollect tho stories
of shpwreeks and voyages on raits
an ai,ai.t narrnlnrl tiv nfil writnra. mnv
form some idea ot tho harrowing talo
tlisse men have to tell. The Ions of
the Cosnatrick is a fearful lesson lo
the civilized world, It is, not the
first of the same tragical nature, but
the completeness of the disaster will
. :, . . I .. I :
Cauno It w yo ivu rouiouiooiwu.
A fssliionablo author took a novel
to the Paris Franca!) for publication,
and was eordially received. Calling
again, bit mannaorlpt was coldly re
turned to nun. ineeunor toiu uuu
lo look at page 37, winch lie did and
found tbe .following! "Here be was
Kjlzsd with an inusistiblo dosiro to
lumber, i Was it surprising? lie had
lerusod,two oolumns of the Waneait.
A Winn liAA.rt ..nil ft pleasant
... ... ...q -- - i , .
countenance are commodities which
a man should nevor fail to take home
with him. , They will best season his . unA anflBii Ihh nillovv. It is a
great thing for a man that his wife
and children can truly say oi nun:
"He never brings a frown or unhnp
piness across his threshold. "
TT,,o ifn Kwn i flmiv Tliahirue
hetween two bachelor gourmands I'
ll Tw ilnav fnlliiw I'va inat AtlLmied n
cook, a woman of mavelous talent."
"Is she married?" "No, and for
that reason I am afraid I shall loose
her." "On, then, you must not hes
itate." "What must I do?" "I be
seech you to marry herl '
'.'T wnnlil nav rnnrB Attnntinn to ' ftc
counts." The chance is,Jmy friehd,
if you had leisure, you would prob
ably pay less attention to the matter
than you do now. The thing lacking
wit, h nimrlrAila nf farmora wlin' till
tliA anil ia: nnt rnnvA lflianrfl Vnif. mnm
resolutionthe spirit to do to do
now., i If , the farmer who sees the
fauna in a iinnr onnilif.inn wnnrl nnlv
act "at once, how much might be
saved, ltwould prevent ureocny cat
flA nrnniiniy nnnmilii niiimirv iinirrli.
linra flint in, minv naaBR tArminftlA
in law suits, .which take, nearly all
they , are uoeu wqitu to pay tue
lawyers. ' ' ,': ' ' ' ' ;' '
GaNiiiwii FuEMotrr.-r-rlle isnoW old
aud bent. His face is deoply chisoll-
Ail liv tlifi I'livrnwinif linml (ir tlnin.
His eyes are slightly bloared; his
cueoic poiios stanu out as prominout
as those of a Sioux chief, i Iron, gray
wltial.-Aii' nlnanlu 1 I'immoil iIawII frmn
the base of his jaw-bone, grow dov. n
t : ii. i.. ,,T.i. ' r.r.- S....1.1. .,:.,:
ujiuii inn ijuiii noun., iiiiiuuiAuiui in
vnt. n. dark ii'nn-ornv.'' rind is worn
quite long. ; it is combed well for-
vai'd, ftuu hangs down in. irons oi
his ears. A well jWorri booiver, 'set
n i.,.i l.,'.. i..i. . i,r;.,i,t
VIOll uiaui iiiiuii iiin iiwuiii, u miiii
scarlet comforter; a gray twood light
overooai, anil a naiK smi oi . uuuu
clothing made up the general articles
l.iu .tA Wa lnnl-a IUMa ISVa 11A
ua .alio wuuuq, , iv, mu.iv uv
hero ol the Rocky Mountains, whose
;i : T" :.rj..i:i
EVkrn of 185(T, always represented
im with Ion;? curls in the gavb of a
westorn frontiersman, ohavgnig apace
upon a firey charger, broathing the
smoKe auu nra oi moouy war. 4.11 is
said that Fremont is trying to get
some allowance from the ffovernriient
for his past services in ! the wtst.--
WaHltmgwn Aeiter u 7
1 THA fcOWHJftifN.
l IH.f (HPlll, Wril.WMI B.T -rn -uu- ,(if", m.
ta" -(.h inowf- iiaiititnl buHifd trf ftn
ivcr wrtui'iii we itiiTii rcim ti..-mi rm:
'iiinroliianlarontvliiiiiHi ami (lUi'liM !
larfinii-nl ail nufu lion. "J ,
hnth Iweit aaltl, for all who tile
Some liSiUng. ijlf-cdhig Iwarf, irt igh - ;
1 O'cv&vfiy blor. 1
8t lu tliut hour ol pah awlfhml
j 1 Who will draw ueiuf
Arouiia my hum We eouofe aticl slied . :u
, -On fitrtrvffU Lear? ., ,jt i ,
, Xudwpiieimlr, r r1
Ana boolihe my spirit on ttg w7 ,
Win hnw nraVfli'T 'w, "
Wbnt' inourncr round uiy Bier Wiif eoMi,
I in weeds oE-woe . , , r
And WnowmcfcomylongUoinfft-" ,
yf lion ivlnsoa my eltucy - 1
Wlw iwro affecttoa toil, . ..r , Ji r.r
p 1 Will come ana weep .t ,
By tho ptilM inoon ImpbintUiftrtw i.vl..
i , I. pou iuy JJreVist,, ,f . : , ,j r-
And bid ItchPermydnrkeerrOso, . .. , f .
. Mv lowelvrost? 1 l- - -
r T 1 ! I f f 3
(pon id I Uut know, wlion I an ftlReptns ,r r r
l ' T nn In Mi ft frronnd. "
(ue faililifnl heart would fihew. bo kcp(8
! . iwatou all night round, .3 , ,s . ?
ks If some gom lay shrined bournt h
iThfttWHl'scoHlHlfKjm, - t " i t
1 Aud light tns tomb,
ymn that hour, If lootiH.-, : j v.-...-v. f,
Fvotn ViaUsof i'Icw. tt .
Atrdnefluty ifeenc( ons wmrld tci.t 1
j f In secrecy, ' '
Aildcoiiio in and riJtaiKl ff!by-mr . , .
i 1" ' In ititrhts delvnoOn. 1 "
Oh. H would "ltf luffiaory 'M.f w'i t';
I Jfo othsr Ijoqii. ( - ... (. ( .. .
Bttt fth ! n.lonltor fate t uihK .
A, tfecpoy oo, , ! j
lmm all 1 1(jv In vouta s syvel tmu v , ,
! 1 llJNXWI lTlUUfcRO: " ' ' ,fc
Dtnyn touikJ mp mv paH kWs f w-iHo,
In iliii-lr tul . . . , .
fo tilfcp througft ddaLbli tong dreatnlf fwUv-U
- paid .
Uli iha finn nf th HouHfl ftnd
Uiis bill is made the law of the land,
I would not be true to my constitu
euu to co-operato with them longer.
lite colored people 01 uie oowa
hara alwAjt and hftf now iny great-1 recover.
bid th Una," put all herloWa let
tem into a bunhel baakei, set fire to
them, and tbira sat down in the
flki-rtM mith mntmdaX intAdtioni. She
wu badly bumd, but in likely to
nniiiiT wn "Rir fPlinrA -ia' n. 1 lYnnrl
- - ' 1 - r
..i ii.l .. j i: r i n-..inn
story ioiu oi a cemuu xjumiuu injiiui
of Divinity, whose name they spell
with a A man nf tlin same
nnlllA iliAil ami o KAnlnilH llAwMimnAV
fellow, seeing the death in the paper,
.. .1 i.i-r-.i. a a- T . - ,.L
anu iiiiuiKiug oi :ur. x ., wrow. u munu
entnusiastio omtuary; v a. wag miei
Dr. P.. the next day. ."What 1 you
ar not doadf he said, "well, then
you ought to be. No man can live
up to that obituary. "
. . , :---w--t-.'--.i,,..,. ..: '.'I '.
A Tluuiivti. 1'IIT v WmifWii 11 m -wlMlA
"wickedost man in the world" has
bnan fmind. Hia name is Walker.
of Fremont, Ohio. He went West
and swindlod his partner iu Toledo
out 01 an tue goous ne una WKea
will. liim ' Ia null, llA il 11(1A1(-All lli.
wife, who was a young lady; scooped
his father out of 01500.00 and his mil. nf a amallni imm
oudwhen last heard from ; was still
going West. ,., ,
A Gukat How. At a dancinc nurtt
in Western Kontucky, the . other
with thoir babies, some young men
changed tho clothes of the infants
whuo their parents were dancing,
.i ml.aa ll, i ,ri,v.nlli, T1,a
following day there was a great row,
and, as the families livod miles apart,
it took several days to unmix the
Cflrntiilma. iln vnn l.nnir wliv I Cllll
mo up in the sky so fur?'' aukod Clmr-
Hi, A lid la fn.i,, on,. nl,l llX'n ill-.
dear, why is it)"' said graudma, bend
ing nor eye oager to eatcii ana romein-
liar ilia wiiia .nvliirr nf l.lirt nrr!Binu.a
little pot. nocauBo tueie is noiuiugi
ill the way," replied tbe young philos-l
opner, resuming; ins nun ouomiuui ro-1
search, and graudma her knitting. j
, , , -.m--i.-.r---. ..i ,, It is to be hoped that
Benjamin Wosl painted bolter than
he (polled when he wrole to Mr. Hop.
kinaon from London that ha was
painting a picture for King Ueorgo, of
" Young lluiioble swaring at the alter,"
and signed it, "Adno with antoem."
.A Detroit man who was not used
to the work undertook to slaughter a
bog the other day. In the struggle a
knila disappeared, ami, incieiliulu as
if annum., it tun. all nrwiil'ila ili.nnvAi.
ed that the bog had actnally swallow
ed it, handle aud blade, , . i
A iliarnanABliiil inn nauftil ilia fntlini
"VVby is noiBbbor Smith's liquor store
like a countoiioit dollurr" "1 can t
tell, my son." "Because you can't
pass it, said the boy, 1 hat boy got
a lentiior medal m tne sn.iiie ot a
number ten boot. '
wi I l ' .11
In a hot tho Jieecliei jmy.
Wmu impiovcs Willi age, but kuws
(lOU't. ... .. i' ...t i
i Ilusli tnoimy-rllie nioiiuy
baby s niii'so. .,.
' In vogarii to tho tax on whiskey,
llial's easily rootiflod. -
A Williamsbiir-'h vmmaii an
aililh'inl jiw. Did he wear the)
o'Jior one out" , . r
TliMAA alnrmv Snniiav evellUH.S ate
weakening the coal liius of IuiihIich ,
with mlorcslins uangutera.
M,-u TTnlmi.a nT ICal.irt Kinm inhi-
mv npfinrdni'i. tn lior own statement.'
is "oioU oi the boal bus ness." ;
Tvrnlal-ntia la .(lnnlitlBRnf hnma ere
Ihla and o-otlinr. mixed no under tho :
cross , qusstiouiug of Mis. Kalakaua.
; Tbe want of the age is some otuer
metliod of frecisina' a . novelist's hero ,
tliaii with horror. ' V , J
Iluldah B. Loud is a pioniiiiont
Massachusetts 'suffragist,' aDd when '
she don't shriek we suppose she talks'
likethundeii. ;. j,. ... ui i.'. r f
When a Comsloekor wauts ie dis'T atiiitliAi. lin anvfl1 (Vhan vnu
thorotighiy prospect him, you'll jiml
po uannnsr, iu uuii. . , , , t
'Brother Hammond is mmiiiariy ad-
dressed by the Calito.-nia minei. as
"Old I'ard,'' and is in sore-ditrosi ta
loaru what they mean byit., , ;
- A Kentucky papor speaks of a maa
who had a narrow escape from a sun
ati'oko, ho having stood only (ifO feet
UUII- I lllilll 1YIIU Wn BHutn,
The sonff of .lie Washington youth
"I want to be a lobby num. ant.
in Uie lobby stand, with brass, upon
my forohead and. groetibncks in my (
nauu, , - i . ,. ,,i
It is, said that two Wabash avonue will ait nil half tho mailt " with
only one chair in the room, but that
is easily explained to any one who
has been there. ., i,, ) , .
All the sss and buck-saw: found
iu die . nim of Peinpcii, are of light
make, as if coneirucled for' woman's
use. Those old ancients knew their
little business. ; ':
"SpeakingofiniorencesH'said Judge
Lord, ol Boston, !"when we see
crowd at the Chaijoaton Navy Yard,
wo infer, uol that there ia to be a war,
but au olooiion." ' ' '
' 'Prance out some more pancakes!" ,
warned William HoDuu, as he sat dt
a table in Kansas Oity; and as the .
waiter woman pianoe em, Mr.; Mq
Duff split his ear with a bowio knii'e,
A Simday-seliool boy complains of
tbcfdilalonness of the officers of the
school iu procuring Minister Sohenok'S:
new work en "Draw PoliorV for lite
library.. , .. ! ,; (.,. : ,
We should deailv like to sm tlie
chap who prediolod this was goins; t
tiT,.t, T.i.n A ulmvt man liAAAinA
attached to a tall woman, and some
body said that ho baa lullon in love
with her. "Do you call it falling iu
love?" said the suitor; "it's more
like climbing up to it."
. - '
1 "A Second stroft girl was beard to re
tnonttralo with her Ma thnsly: "Ha,
don't get mad at me now! fommy
is eoming, aud I shall be all (lustra
Ud.!! .
No OrmoN.-'"Iay me Uiat six and
eight ponce you owe me, Mr, Mnl
crony," said a village attorney.
ill? ," fiHi.. ll,A nxininn vnn
' I'Ul miUbl I. -1I luu V'I'lll,"" iv-
had of mo." "Faith, I never had
any opinion of you in all my life.
Au Illiifos debater "lmd !'om"
when he arosi and said: "Yes, gontle
niu, Watoi loeo was the biggest kind
of a fight, hut Washington whipped
'em like a wink!"
Batchers agree that Eve was made
of s spare rib. .
1,. mil.l ulntar aitliniy nil l!ia ,"(1I1B
in a linen dilator mid iinlJiiiii? to the
mocking bird,
A woman at Tiffin, ' Ohio, foil, ami
lirnlA 1ia: arm. but Aha 1'Cilld two
offers ot assistsnce, because the men
wore itraugers to her aud there was
no one areuud to introduce lliem.
"J, Gray Pack with my box five
dozen quills." There is nothing re
markable about this sentonca, only
that it is nearly as short as one can be
constructed aud, yet oonlaius the
wiiole alphabet. . f
Vermont oieigyiiiou a. e never per
mitted tokiss the ladies they hove jmi
made brides. The dear creatures put
np their hands with the remark'
"There, that 11 do. lv e aesn you lei
lows afore. ' i
A Florida railroad mado umeteen
cents cloai list jen, ow is
kind of au institution is tluu,: hv
doesn't it got into i. )., 1 . 1 " U
canal, or i .te pi . I e
thiiHj or eomebouy.'
"If yeu man," i'i' ' 1 n 1 b
iugtou la lv n' 1 1 ' y
"WOH.d 1I I W' !"
tliore woula t n u i 8
and miseiy iu t' i " '
silence follow t I, a Ihh it
prevail the trail, u. ( t
111 u