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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1867)
STATE RIGHTS DEMOCRAT. I Money Market,; ' Fan Francisco Legal Tender rates.......Y4(uT5 New York Hold Quotations.............. ....134 The- Circuit Court. The following is a sjnopsia of the cases -which came Wfore the Circuit Court of Linn county, at its last session, fot abdication t State ts. Berry Evans. Chargod with as sault. Fined $o0. Cranor Jt Helm for de fendant Sullivan St Kelsey for State. State ts. Terry Hyde ti al. Found guilty of siiriple riot, and fined $50 and costs. Cranor & Helm for defendant Sullivan prosecuting. ' " State vs. Brown. Larceny. Acquitted. J. C, Powell for defendant. State ts. Westlake. Assault with intent to kill, Acquitted. Powell for defendant. J. M. Armstrong vs. JV M. Holloway. Appeal" front County Court. Jury hung. Cranor Jb Helm for defendant ltussell for plaintiff. Iieuben Claypole ts. Gamaliel Parrish tt al. To recover damages. Judgment for pl'ff for $132,50. Cranor & Helm for pl'ff 5 llussell for defendants. Jemes II. Muse vs. Samuel Tillard. Ap peal from County Court. Settled by parties put jf court, ltussell for . defendant ; Cra por & Helm for plaintiff. fcaeehcusi Van Orman vs. Wm. M. Owsley. Appeal from County Court. Continued to next term. Russell for plaintiff Cranor-& llelm for defendant. ' John S. Barry vs. Wm. Clark. Debt. Judgment for plaintiff by default. Powell for plaintiff. Jacob Kees, executor estate Morgan tvecs, dee'd, vs. Isaac B. Courtney ti al. Attach ment. Continued. ltussell for pl'ff: Pow ell for deft. Wm. B. Finley ts. Canada Montgomery, Action to recover damages. Plaintiff recov ered $49,93 damages, and paid all costs of Buit being something over $300. In this case ptainua cnargea mat uetenaant s uog had killed several of Ins sheen. Had the jury brought in a veratci of 50O instead of $49.93, Montgomery trould it n -A ha .-I IKa costs to pay, also. This is one of the few cases where eeven 'cents make a big differ ence in the size of a man's pile. IJeury Diggles vs. J., M. Call. Attach rnant. J,qdgment by default. Powell for pUiutiff. . Andrew McElwain vs. Perrv Hy-do et oi. -cUon to recover damages. Withdrawn at post of plaintiff. Shaw & Holuian for pl'ff j (jfanor & Helm for defendants, Joseph Davis vs. Jane Davis. Divorce. Dismissed at c6t of plaintiff. Powolll & ltussell for pl'ff Cranor Allolm, and Siilli ran for deft. Jane Davis ts. Joseph Davis. Divorce. prosecuting suit : also oncthird of the real estate. Cranor Helm for pl'ff j Powel 4 ltussell for deft. " Abraham Fox vs. Eliiabeth Fox. Divorce. Granted. Russell for pl'ff Sullivan for defendant. George Robinson vs. Sarah Robinson. Divorce. Granted. Cranor A Helm for rl'ff; Sullivan for deft. Ulalie Laurient fs. Joseph Lauric,nt. Di vorce. Granted, with decree of orte-thml of all real estate. Cranor & Helm for pl'ff; ltussell for defendant. Catherine R. Mcintosh vs. John Mcintosh. Divorce. Bill dismissed at cost of defond - ant. Cranor & Jelm for pl'ff; Powell for 4eft, " 1 John Mcintosh ys. Catherine It. Mcintosh. Divorce. tjismisscd at cost 'of plaintiff. Powell for pl'ff Cranor & Helm for'deft'. James M. Churchill vs. Mary Anirs Churchill. Divorce. Granted on ground of fraud, and defendant torrid of all interest in plaintiff property. ' Craner & Helm for plaintiff. ts. Tho's S. Summers. Ac: tion to enforce' conveyance. Continued. Powell Jb Kelsey for pl'ff ; Cranor fc Ieka for deft. ' - John M. Burge vs. Tho's 8. Summers. Action to enforce eonvevaneej Judgment for pl'ff. Powell for pl'ff Cranor Si Helm r dert. John Biirge. sen., vs. Tho's S. Summers. Action to enforce conveyance. Judgment for pl'ff for possession of land in di lute. Powell A Kelsey for pl'ff; Cr?nor vt llelm for deft. Arthur Worth vs. A. J. Fox. Motion for confirmation of sale. Sale confirmed. Cra por & Helm for pl'ff. Administrator estate of Wm. Earl, dee'd, jr. Thomas Monteith. Motion for confirma tion of sale. Sale confirmed. Russell for defendant. " ..... Wm. Hale fs. Joseph Paris. Same as above. Sot confirmed, liussell for pl'ff. Eagle Woolen Mills ts. Thomas Monteith and Harvey mith, Sheriff. Application for injnnctibn to restrain sale. Application granted. Cranor Jt Helm for pl'ff. State vs-CJcorge Bicknell. Larceny. Con tinued to next term under $40'bail. Powell, appointed by Court, for defence. State ts. John Starr. Attachment for failing to appear as juror, October, 1SGG. Timiss3 - Sullivan nrosecutin ST: State vs. Gordon Cooper. Indictment for assault arj4 battery with intent to kill. Con tinued to next term. Bailed out under $2,000 Jjail. Cranor & IJelcj and Ilaydcn for de fendant. Biast Butler. rA few days ago a friend Af oars livinsj in Albany, happened to light UPqu a speech delivered sometim.Q ago by Best Butler the spoon-thief and womari- irhipper-rr-and having his curiosity some- what excited, he sat down and read it aloud. Pn closing he thrust his hand into his pocket for his handkerchief, and the first thing he fjelt and drew forth was a poon He imme diately charffed those who constituted his aoijijory with haying (clandestinely slipped the aforesaid spoon into his pocket while reading; but they each and all most solemnly denied the ayerment. Moan. It is pnsafe to read Beast Butler's speeches. ; 1 X-Hon. Bxxj. Ha-tden will stteod our Circuit Courts regularly hereafter. We heard a man recently express the opinion that Ben. is unlike any other man in Oregon We say he is unlike any other lawyer in the United States. He is sui generis. Ko other man could deliver such a speech as he diC against McElwain. fTweedale & Peebler, blacksmiths, shop near Crawford's flouring mill, will alwayB be found ready to accommodate all who may call on them- Their work will be well done, on reasonable terms, and with despatch. XST" Mrs- Paxton, milliner and dress ma ker, isjiaily expected home from San Fran cisco whither she has been for a fresh assort ment of choice millinary goods. See her ad vertisement in another column. rgy To S. J. McCormick we are indebted for full files of late Eastern papers and mag azines. . Rev. Dr. Hill will preach next Sabbath evening at candle-lighting in the Dixie school house. . gySenator Henderson, of Missouri, will agcept thanks for Congressional favors. ; Job Work. "We direct the attention-of our readers to the advertisement onthis subject in another column. t)uIfyou Vfant ono of Douthit's Gang Plows you can get one now Head bis ad vertisement. It is our opinion they are not excelled by any gang plow yet invented. Portland markets. v neat, uue. per bushel. Oats Z$ to 40o. Bacon, 1314c, Haras, 13 to' 15c. Shoulders, Fo. Lard, 12 13o. in tins. Butter is a drug, offering at 15 to 20e. Eggs, 10c. Kerosene, 75 80o. per gal. DIED: On 2nd inst, after n Illness of Ihrtt weeks' da ration at bcr fatberi resltnco near Monmouth Polk countj, Oregon, of typhoid fever, Mist Rox ib Ihqalls, aged sixteen years. We were personally acquainted with de ceased and can testify that she was a young woman of mnch amiability and sweetness of disposition. We must sincerely condole with her father whom we have known moro or less intimately for the last twenty years in the irreparable loss he has sustained in her death. A Ml ANY 1MUCES JUKKXT. Albasv, Futurdflj, April 13, 1897. The fullowing are the prices paW for Troducef and tlie prices at which other articles are selling in tUfa market t M"heat white, per bushel, 50 eti, Oats per bishel, 2i($23 ct. Potatoe Jer biuhel. 50(;V62. Onions per bushel, $ I 25, Flour per bbl, $1 60 ButterT-per pound, 25 cts. t Egjrs perdosen, 15 ets. " Chickens per doicn, $3 00. f Peaehea dried, per pound, 1 5 eU. I Pork per pound, fiT ct. lhef on foot, 4 (16 5 cia. Mutton, per pound, 12 cents. 8p per pound, 4 (fi 5 ets. Fslt Los Angelo, per pouud, 2 qU, iyrup per gallon, 80(tt90 st..' ' Tea Young livon. per pound, $1 00. " -nisck, f at;i$l p. -" Japau, l 12 J. Sugar cruihed, pet poand, U2Q eta. Island. 100121." ' ' i Z-J5R Hits. ' ' Coffce-per pound, 2S(R;8d et. Nails ut. per pound, 0 ets. M'hite Lead pure, per keg. H 0u(ji5 00. Linseed Oil boiled, per gallon, $t'752 00. Turpentine :per gallon. 4i ?j(i$ 3 00. lKmestie brown, 20(i20 et. Hickory strijed, per yard, 30 et. Bod Tiekinjr per yarvl. 30(.S50 ets. Blue Drilling per yard, 25(tt30 ets. Flannels per yarl, f)2J('675 els. Prints fast colors, per yard. ISi 20 ets, ltifle Powdery per pound. 'b(l $1 00, Candles be4fl, per pound, 3il(a 3.1 ets. Rice China, per pound. Itfif. 13 eta. Tobacco per pound, 75(i"$l 00. Salreraluj per pouud, 14(,13 ct. SPECIAL NOTICES. 'llctlicnl Advice 1H. WM. K. DO llKllTY'S .Medical and Institute is be coming a ine qua non to tha welfare of our State and health of our citizens; and bis rapidly spread ing reputation, although it may excite jurpi ise, is but the signal f skill, and follows as tlid butural t Oeet of such a cause. are personally acquaint ed with gentlemen who have suffered for years un der chtouio disease, atd who bad taken advant age of every available lneans that proniised relief, hut wiihuut success, until they called upiu Dr. Dobcrty, who, in an incredibly short space of time has giyen them entire relief. It i gratifying to announce this f;iet, because this Doctor is a gen tleman who seeks, n;t by defamation of others, to establish his reputation, or to tear the surx'rstrue lure of bii own upon the ruin of an another's fame. Tbe Doctor conducts bis Intitut 1u u.h a man ner that must be gratifying to all his patients. He examines, advises and recommends without charge, aud the patient, after hcariug his terms fur trcaUnect, cau aicept or reject at pleasure. In no case docs the Doctor make a cbaTge unless he effects a cure. This he is able t do. beennse he feels the on6dcne which longesiericnoehasgiv en, and no doubt the consolation which appertains to that confidence. Persons afflicted with either accute or h runic diseases, would do well to con sult hiiri- Pgr (ons-ultation h aks no fee, nor does he insist ou obedience to his advice unless the patient placee himself under his care. His offices are on Sacramdato street, opposite the Pacific Mail Steamship uflca-JS. F. Xews. jsssa NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY MARKET. Elain ISt Opposite the New Drug- Store, ALBANY, OREGON. HENDENHiU & EEDPATH, Propristors Mn AI.WATS KEEP OX Tr'v' N HASD THE BEST Or fT? J MEATS OF ALL VARIETIES, A LIBERAL SHARE OF TATRONAGE IS solicited, as wo inteud to keep as good an as sortment, and of as good quality as the country attorns. We are always ready to pay the Highest Cash Price April 6, 1S67 T2n34tf for Fat Stock, M. W. MACK, DEALER I3T- STOVES, A 51) HAS ON nAXD AND NOW READY FOR sale a full and complete stock of first-class COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES, Which he u offering at prices that mast insure a ready sale, Also a general assortment of Brass and Enameled Kettles, v French Sauce-Pans and Ladles, Cast-iron Tea Kettles an Oyens, Iron and Lead Pipe, FORCE AND LIFT PUMPS! Sheet-Iron, Copper, etc., Ac. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware ! REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. W. B. All persons who are in need of articles in my line will nd it to their advantage to give me a call, as I am determined to sell goods at prices that will preclude the necessity of going farther than Albany to buy cheap. Marketable Produce Taken in Exchange For any and all articles in the Store. Will always keep on hand a complete assortment of all goods in my line, while customers will at all times receive prompt attention. M. W. MACK. Albany, March 23, 67vZn321y ADVERTISEMENTS. 7 Persons or sedentary hahlts troubled with weak m. I&imltuda. nalnttatlon of the heart, lack of -- - - j . - appetite, distress after eating, torpid llrer, consti pation, Ao., deserra to suffer If they will not try the celebrated PLANTATION BITTERS, whloh are now recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and warranted to produce an Immediate beneficial effect. They areexeoednigly agreeable, perfectly pure, and must supercede all other ton ic where a healthy, gentle stimulant U required. They purify, strengthen and Invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. ' : They are an antidote to change of water and diet.. .. ' , . . ;i- : i"' " 1 They strengthen he tyittim and enllrett the mind. They prevent mhisraatlo and Intermittent infers. They purify the breath and acidity of the atom- ach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They eure Liver Complaint and Nervoua Head ache. . '' ' They mihe the Vek strong, the languid bril liant, aud are exhausted pature'l great restorer. They are composed of the celebrated, alisyabark, wlntergreen, sassafras, roots amt berus, ail pre served In perfectly pure C'L Crpl? rum. For par ticulars, see -circulars and testimonials around act bottle. " Beware of Impostors. Examine every bottle. See that it has out private tT. 8. stamp unmntila- ted over the cork, with plantation scene, and our signature on a fine steel plate side labeL Bee that our bottle Is not refilled with spurious and delete rious stuff. Any person pretending to tell Plan tation Bljtcrs by the gallon or In bulk, is an Im porter. Any person imitating this bottle, or sell ing any other material therein, whether called i'Untatiou Bitters or not. ls a criminal nnder the IT. & Law, aud will beio prosecuted by us. The demand for Drake Floatation Bitters, from la dies, clergymen, 'merchants, 'Ac, Is Incredible. The simple trial of a bottle . Is the evidence we present of their worth and superiority. They are sold by all respectable druggists, grocers, physi cians, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country Stores. P. II. DRAKK t'U. llnrucH Ulnfcnolta Water. A toilet delight ! The ladiest treasure and gen Uemen's boon I The sweetest thing" and large! quantity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia. Used for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft and freh( to prevent ernp .: . r...n .iv: ft " , It overcomeslhe unpleasant odor of persplratlrn It removes redness, tan. blotches, Ac. It cures nervous headache and allays inflamma tion. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures musqucto b:tes aud stings of insects. It contains no material injurious to the skin. It Is what every lady should have. s Sold every where. Try the Magnolia Water once and yon will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. DEM AS BARNES A CO., Props. Exclusive Aeente, N. Y. Sold by ail Druggist and Dealers on the Pacif- I..yons Kathairon, It is a mot delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cooi and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents hair turning gray and falling off. It res-tores hair upon prematurely bald heads. Ttis is just what Lyon's Kathairon will do. It is pretty it is ehesp-durablc. It ts literally sold by the car-load, and yet its almost Incredi ble demand is daily increasing, until there Is hard ly a couutry store that does not keep it, or a fami ly that docs not use it. K. THOMAS LYON. Chemist, X. Y. Lyon'a Extract Ginger, Lyon's Extract of Pure Jamaica (linger for Indigestion, Xansca, Jleartburn, Sick Headache, Cholera Morbus. Flatulency, Ao.f where a warm ing stimulant is required. Its careful preparation and entire purity make it a cheap and reliable ar ticle for culinary, purposes. Sold everywhere, at 50 ets per bottle. Ask for "Lros's" Pure Ex tract. Take no other. sLyon's Flea Powder, The effect of Lyon's Magnetio Insect Powdoj is almost instantaneous death to everything of the insect species. Fleas, particularly, cannot live where it is. It is most wondorful in this respect, being entirely harmless to the human family. Many worthless imitations are offered. Be partic ular and receive none but Lyon's. Each flask of the genuine bears tht signature of E. Lyon and 4he stamp of Devas Barnes A Co. Mustang Liniment. Have you a hurt child or a lame horse ? Use the Mexican Mustang Liniment. For cut?, sprains, burns, swellings and caked breasts, the Mexican Mustang Liniment is a cer tain cure. For rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff jcints, stings and bites, thoie is nothing like the Mexican Mus tang Liniment. . For spavined horses, the poll-evil, ringbone and sweency, the Mexican Mustang Liniment never fails. For wind-galls, scratchps, big-Jicad and splint, the Mexican Mustang inimcnt is worth its weight in gold; Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so com mon aud certain to occur in every family, that a bottle of this Liniment is the best investment that can he made. It is more certain than the doetor-rrit saves time in sending for tho doctor it is cheaper than the doctor and should never bo dispensed with. "In lifting the kettle from the fire, it tipped over and scalded my hands terribly. Jho Mustang Liniment extracted the pain, caused the sore to heal rapidly, and left very Httlo soar. CBTAS. FOSTER, 420 Broad St., Philada. Mr. S. Litch, of Hydo Park, Vt., writes: " My horse was considered worthless, (spavin) but since the use of the Mustang Liniment, I have sold him for $150. Your Liniment is doing wonders up here." All genuine is wrapped in steel plate engravings, signed, G W. Westbrook, Chemist, and also has the private U. S. stamp of Demas Barses A Co i over the top. Look closely. Sold by all Drug gists, at 25, 50 ets, and $1 00. se8 r2nt ly ' ADVEItTISEMENTS. . n. C. BILL. I qko. r. trrtLiKieft. 8ETTLEMIER. a. co., DRUGGISTS, . j AT DR. SHEPHERD'S OLD STAND, i SIAIN ST., . AliHAMY. DEALERS IN ) - I TT DRUGS, M E 3D I O I 1ST 35? s , si OHEMIOAlis, 1 allots, Oil-, Class, Dre-Stufft . V A UN IS HE 8 , akd a rtLL AssoaratHt or DRuaaisTS' su n dm e '. 1 AGENTS ItY AjpOlJxMfT FOR Dr, 9. Jfljnti k Sop'i Famlljr Medicines. We also keep on hand a full tupply of All Patent IVIcfUctneii Use. : - - - 1 Our stock of Drugs, Fluids, Extraets, eto., are from Well JCnown Manufacturers, - , and will be found : OP THE BEST VAMTT ; KPKctAt AtTeTio oitta to cohpocsdiso PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS! We Solicit th I'atronaee pf the rnttllc. WE HAVE ESTABLISIIED A BRANCH DRUG STORE AT SCIO! , t'XDIR THB aANAfiEliaKr dr.h.h"kino, Who will keep a full supply of Drags, Medicines; etc., etc., for sale at tow micas. SETTLEMIE& A CO. April 8, 1867 vSn341y . Cf DRUG. STORE Gf S. WHiTTEMORE & CO., ALBANY, - , t ORSQON, rllAVE Or EN ED A NEy AND FULL STQQK OF - ? ITJctlicincs, Chemical Extracts, Herbs, Essential Oils AND AN ASSORTMKNT OF ALL POPULAR PATENT MEDICjNES! FANCY A$D TOILET ARTICLES. ALSO FVJISTTS, OILS, I) YE STUFFS, COLORS, &c, &c, &C, &c. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO PHYSIPPS1 PRESCRIPTIONS!! WfJICH ARE PREPARED OF TUB ' PITBEST DDDRXTC3-S ! AND PUT UP ' ': ": ' ' . . i , : ; BY AN EXPERIENCE P APOTHECARY. S. WHITTEMORE & CO. . ; Albany, March 16, 1867 :v2n31tf DIA1'S SAIiE. NOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN, THAT THE undersigned, the duly appointed (iuardian of the person and property of Wm. E. Davis, George C. Day is, Oliver JJd, J?ayis, Joseph P. Da vis, Charles A. Davis, Mary C. Davis, Elizabeth II. Davis and Leander J. Davis,' minor heirs of Ann M. Davis, deceased, will, hy order of the County Court of Linn oounty, Oregon, made at the April Term thereof, 1867, sell at puhlio sale, for cash in hand, at the Court House in said Linn county, on Tuesday, the 1th day of May, 1867, between the hours of 9 o'olock, A. u., and 4. o'clock, p. v., of said day, the following described real es tate, tho property of the aforesaid minors, to-wit : The (8-12) eighth-twelfth of the undivided (1-2) one-half of the Donation Land Claim of Caleb and Ann M. Davis, the same being Not. ."6103," in Tp. 13, S. R. 4, West, in Linn county, Oregon. ' Guardian. Dated this 6th dsy of April, 1867. , ( CSAHOR & HXLK, ... v2n8tw4 : 1 Attorneys for Guardian.- ADVERTISEMENTS. A. . ARHOLD. , I KOXTBOMtRr, ICITY HOTEL, S. I?IOITC50IflEIlY, Prop'r. : Cor. 7aahlnjrtoo and ririt Stt., f" Hating been thoroughly refitted, Is 4 - open for the accommodation ofj the traveling publie, Tho table will speak tur it self. Neat and comfortable beds and rooms for patrons, Ae. J. RATE3 OP BOARD $ V Per week......... ..................... 5 00 Per week, with lodging .f 6 00 to 8 00 Single meals......... CO Deds. .. . .,................. ' :; 50 L. Meals all hours. 7 - v2n26tf. . ALsBAlNlY BREWERY, CHAN. I1IEFER, Pvoprltor -i- ?. THE SVBSCMBER IlASi iVSt ERECTED a new and first-clans .... 4 BREW K, Oa Croad, Alhln ketwaan rirtt fS treat " , ini Is prepared to furnish WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS -AMI)- P.aiVATE FAMILIEG, Or SHORT NOTICE I ' . ... ....,. AI Orde n Delivered Wjsirevtt De&ircd. . . . . He Warrants his BEER MAQE OF THE BEST MATERIALS, He U confident he can give entire satisfaction to all. Dec, 29, '66, t2n20tf PERflY DAVIS VEGETABLE PAIT KILLER! We BEO LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTEN tlon of the publio to this long tested and unrivalled Family Medioine. The PAIN KILLER is a purely vegetable eotn- foond, and whilo it is a most efficient Remedy for 'aln, U is a perfectly safe medicine even in tbe most unskillful hands for ' Summer Complaint, or any other form of bowel disease in children or adults ; it Is an almost certain cure, and has with out doubt been more successful in curing the vari ous kinds of Cholera than any other known remedy, or even the most skillful physician. Ia Jndia, Africa and China, where this dreadful disease la ever more or less prevalent, tho ' ' . r.' ' ' Pain Killer ... is considered by the natives, as irpll as European residepts in those tlunates, " i , j t A Sure Remedy. ; As a Tonio for the Stomach, it is nnriraRod. A fe w doses will relieve severe cases o1f ' ... Indigestion, and it U often a perfect cure for Dyspepsia in its most aggravated forms. Its tonic and stimu lating properties, arousing the system to vigorous action, render it a raost effectual cure fcr - Colds and Coughs, when nsed according to directions. ' For external application, it is unsurpassed by any medical preparation known.' ' Rheumatism and Neuralgic Affections are quickly relieved apj often cured by it, Any soreness in the Muscles or JoinU can bo relieved by its application. Itcarei instantly the most violent Toothaphg. , It should alwas be kept near at hand, to be nsed in pases of severe ' . : - - . 1 '; Burns or Scalds. If applied immediately, according to directions ir will give Instant relief, and prevent blistering. It is peculiarly adapted to the wants of Seaman, and persons making sea voyages, and no vessel should sail without a supply of it ' One ' captain writes ns : "I have made several voyages often with emigrants and though I keep a good medi cine chest, and have several times had a good deal of sickness on board, I have found the Pain Killer so efficient in all cases, as to entirely preclude the use of all other medicines." . One positive proof its efficacy is, that the sales have constantly increased, and wholly upon its own merits. The effect of the Pain Killer upon the patient, when taken internally in cases of of Colds, Cough, Bowel Complaints, Cholera, Dysentry and other affections of the system, has been truly won derful, and has won for it a name among th medical preparations that can never be forgotten. Its suc cess in removing Pain, as an external remedy, in cases of Burns, Bruises, Sores, Sprains, Cuts, Sting of insects and other causes of suffering, has secured for it such a host of testimony, as an almost infal lible remedy, that it will bo handed down to pos terity as one of the greatest medical discoveries of the nineteenth century. The magical effects of tho Pain Killer when taken or used according to direc tions, are certain. You have only to be sure that you bny the genuine article and adhere to the di rections in its use, and you will admit its wonder ful medicinal properties. The genuine Herry Davis' Pain Killer is now put up in pannel bottles with the words Davis Vegetable Pain Killer blown in the glass ; and with two steel engraved labels onjeach bottle one an ex cellent likeness of Perry Davis, the original inven tor of the medioine, the other a steel engraved note of Ijand nope others cap be relied upon as genuine, The Pain, Killer is sold by Druggists and Grocers. " , PERRY D VIS 4 SON, Proprietors, No. 74 High st, Providence, R.L ' March 30, 1867 v2n338m. , WANTED 100,000 pounds of WOOL, for which I will pay the ' HIGHEST MARKET-PRICE! mar23v2n32tf . J. NORCROSS. Auctioneer. THE undersigned having taken oat License as Auctioneer in this State, forewarns all per f 1 1 ; . . . sons 110m aomg DusineBsin mat capacity, wno are not pr. 1 eriy lioensed to do so bv law. oo6nT ' WM. LISTER. I. O. G. T. "WESTERN STAR" LODGE No. 10. meets at Masonio Hall every Tuesday evening. JS. E. McvLURE, W: C. T. M. V. Broww, W. B, ; v y2n32tf : ADViniTlSEMENTS. GOOD GHU3 AND PLENTY OF IT. at rnie BEWrJETT IJOUGE, 6ALE31 - - . OREGON. JAY S. UIINBY, HA VINO LEASED THE ABOVE NAMED Hotel, is prepared accommodate the trav eling publie, a4 aunnacn nxatLAH soana ms. in al good style at any JIousi on the Coast. He has determined to make tho "Bennett a good as the best, and letter than any. pabiie bouse in Salem. He will soon complete some Important im provement, which will add greatly to Its appear ance and comfort, and. intends' t merit and topes to receive his share of patronage. . He bas secured the services "of "Cb-arlej" (known to be tbe besteook la galera, and B ef the best in the whole country), and other compe tent persons to manage tbe culinary department, and is resolved to set as good a table as can be found anywhere not in clap-trap, pomp and show, Summery and fine furniture, but in an abundant supply of the' very best the market affords. ills Bar-Room will be kept warm and lighted, and well supplied with newspapers, periodicals and other suitable reading matter, and kept in a manner which will make it an agreeable retort. -' In short, he intends making an effort to please Alt, who stop a the Bes.iett Upcse. And be moHrexppelfully requests bl (rientls everywhere to five lb old uid eir known sUild at ?stone more trial before concluding they effn do as well elsewhere, and promises If they are cot well treat ed, and properly eared for, mJ ef rttoobU fig urtt; it will net be the fault of tbe publu'j most obedient and most bumble servant, ' .' ,. h, JA g. TCRNEt, N. B. Furnished toom, with or without board, by the day, week or month, tha "Rennett" ; ebarees moderate. rL. 4,'S. ,I. j. SaJem, Oregon, Not. 12, 1866 v2n8tf W. i. HILTABIDEL. r. X. RZDF1ELD. FAMILY pRQCERES! AND. PEOVISION. -V If 17E WOULD ANNOUNCE TO THE CITI f fv sens of Ahany and ylcinity, that we have opened a - V . ... - QROGEflY 370BE At the old stand of J. Noreross, adjoining the Express Office, ia , , ALU AS Y y - OREGON. TUEEB Wlu. Bl KEPT CONSTANTLY 01 HAND A good supply of FAMILY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY! CIGARS AND TOBACCO, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, TOYS AND ALL KINDS OF YANKEE NOTIONS. SOLD : : - - - Cheap for Csih or Country Produce! W J. HILTABIDEL t CO. ' Dao. 22, '6 v2nlJy IV ANTED! Everybody to ItaQw TJJ AT I AM STILL A DEALER IN 4 . 1 1 n i .. .j 1 . GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND THAT I AM : Conslanlly in the Receipt of FRESH SUPPLIES OF DRY GOODS! CLOTHTNa, BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES, i- ; PROCKERY AND HARDWARE IRON AMD 8.TEEL, AND THAT I SELL AS LOW AS TRS LOWEST! AND PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE For all kinds or Produce, ocnll j-T-'..: J. K0RCR0SS. JOSEPH GOUNSKY, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, ALBANY, OSSGON. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD ANNOUNCE that having Jately arrived from the East, and having had ample experience in the business, he is now preparod to do all kinds of work' in his CUTTIjVjQ AND MAKING 3Li-A-I?EST STYLE, Or in Any Style Jfcsired ly Cnstomers ' ALSO ". "" '..'..- "f 1 ' " CIEAjrXG MD REPAIRING! All kinds of Clothing and Goods. 1 ' PRICES FOR CUTTINGs1 For Cntting Coat....... ........ ....$1 00 50 " Pants " Vest tssetmt SHOP On First street, opposite the "Demo crat" Office, jiext door east of Werthan 4 Co.'s store. " - - ' J. GOUNSKY. v2n2?tf "vt": ' -Jv Notice of Dissolution. THE ' CO-PARTNERSBIB ' HERETOFORE existing between A, N, Arnold. and S. Mont gomery, is this day dissolved by mutual oonsent, Mr Montgomery paying all demands against the firm and receiving all moneys due tbe firm. . r A N.ARNOLD, v x ' ... - 8. MONTGOMERY. April y, ISffjT T2n342w.l yi ;:Air'"t: t ' ; ADVlniTIKJIENTS, 050,000! DEPCSITIO AS ADDITIONAL JECUHITIT. T f ' WIIE1YIX i-'PATnONO-- ' 111 THE STATE OF OHEGOJll rT Charter Perpetual, -ca l lVt0r 'list, i Cfinh Cspftal $ 600,000 p Cftib Assctf - - : . J,CH,77J 11 'ATHW.LL CASH KICOVZZt pyEit oSe'millio doeeari miiE PilcEjfix- -pofisrsisro 1. Cash AMit o over one 'isillion. dollars,': ., Hvf. ' Z :; 200,000 00, i of wliuh Is inTc-iited in Oregon and California for " the pfoteeUon f its policy holders, and having', tbe largest actual net cash stsrplas over eapi- " . , tal, re-insursnee and liabilities of any of '- ft tbe Ilartfoid Companies devoted to fire ' : . issnranoe txclnsirely, ofTers to '' . 0gn patrons unqucs- , , cjonable , security , .under its ' " - -i i policies. ' . . Is represented on this coast through fully commit . sioned Agents at each prominent place, , - , anthoriied to bind the Company , f J ' by tbe immediate issue . - of policies. ; ; the DPilcEisni; Is the only Hartford Campany devoted to fire in surance dow doing basiness in Oregon. - f lias been reprrsentcd on th? aclie 'Coast for " nearlyten yeais, during which period i wo ban- ' ' dred and seventy-eight losses bava leen adjusted and paid, amounting ia the ggrega'e to nearly two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, , ; paynents being made on . , t an average of six '"'': .: . days afSsr fires ? ..... . , i occurred. J Losses paid in Ucited States Gold Coin at pointa . j. where they occur. , Risks taken on all classes of desirable property at rates consistent with solvency and fair profit, - . without any roferenoe te the high charges T of monopolies, or ruinously low charges ; of inferior c ompanies, who are dispos- . - i ed to gamble away their assets in ; '', a suicidal war of rates with - . respt-etablo and solvent . i ' "j companies of inex- ..f-j .& ,rr.;rif baustible re- " sources. r- -.; ' - " BRANCH OWICEAN FRAfCiSCQ. i R H. MAGILL, - -nAIIACSIS.'' Policies issued and renewed in this 'sterling and popular company cm all elaseos of desirable prop- T erty, without the elay incident to the sub-agency system, at rates as low as solvency and fair profit .? will admit ol . - , E. F. RESSELL, Resident Phoenix Agent. tnardv2n303m . fc ;t Fresh Seeds i Fresh Seeds I ' : - 1 - :i. :. TVTE BEG TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF f f Dealers, Large Ranchers, Nurserymen,- Gardeners and others, to our well selected stock of Seeds, all of which we guarantee of choicest . " quality. " Among our assortment at present, is . 10,Of0 lba. Alfalfa Clover, , . . 3,000 M ICed -2,000 " White Dutch Clover, ,003 Xlnngrarian Crass Seed. . 4000 rsmet . " . 4,000 " Timothy ". " 200 bnsiiels Red Top " , ' 200 Ey. Clus ; 100 , Orchard " ' 100 Lawn . ZOO VhK VTLiU French Elalherrv. Andalliinds of Gardeh Seeds Lf" quantHies to. a. . a " . fc buii puronaaers. Also, one nana , :, 20.0Q0 Ass ortejl fruit Trees, - In Quantifies to SU'J. Remittaa( an- Via ma A it f hrough Wells, Fargo fc Co., or by mail, 'm . . Auaress, w. f. BWttMSX CO., 409 and 411 Davis street, San Francisco. J3r Send for a circular. 4 v T2n2S-5m AT THE SOLICITATION OP many citLiens of Linn and Benton counties I have fitted up tbe lower Albany Ferry, at Albany, Oregon, at heavy expense, and in aach a manner as to accommodate the traveling publie at all ines that ferrying is jranted to be done, ; AT UEDTJCED RATES, Hoping thereby fOcare a. liberal patronage. . My Ferry Boat is well constructed, Ttith, all of the latest improvenienta for safety, and strongly secured by a good Vitus ropb. , , ; ' AS HY PEARCE, Proprietor. s Albany, Aug. 13th, l"S66-Jy " . AilRiinislratop Notice. A - - . . . . t . . NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIYEN TO ALL persons bavin.; claims against th Estate -of John QA. Wrth, deceased, late of Linn. e.ountyi. to present them with the proper vouchers within six months from this date, to the undersigned .ad ministrators Of said estate, at the late residence of the deceased, ia Pet ria, Linn county, Oregon. ,.A!J persons indebted to said estate wil make immedi ate payment. ' -,-" ,?7 v.; $ i , XJT I L i JOHN C WORTH, Aim'i.l A. M. WORTH, Adm'x. .' March 25, 18U7 v2n334w . Administrator's . Ifoticc. NOTICE IS HEREBX GIVEN THAT THE undersigned hive been appointed i Adminis trators, witn. tne wm annexea, oi Ancur . Worth, deceased. JLH persons having claims against said estate will present them legally au thenticated within six mouths, t tho subscribers at their residence, in Peoria, Linn county-, Oregon; All persons indebted to said estate are requested to maie immediate payment. u .;-wtP: ?...-; l JOHN a WORTH, AdmY. .0 ' " I I ' A- M. WORTH, Adnys.-: ' March 25, lS8v2nS34w7 " : DISSQEIJTIOX NOTICE. THE "CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing, in tha town of Albany, between Da vid Wcrthaa and Joseph Oppenheimer, under "the name and stylo of Werthan t Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent ; the said Joseph Oppen heimer assuming all the debts aiid paying all the labilities. , . D. WERT HAN, . March 2 186?. J. OPPENHEIMER. V. 1 "K. "Rr Mr! Josenh ODoenheimer will eontiEna in the business until it is finally closed out. v2n33if - ... - - ,..- , .t JOB WORK Keaily and cheaply done at at this Office. . .r--.--r-. 4 1