The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 29, 1875, Image 2

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How Thkt ire Hide and Distributed .
In printing steel plates are used, on
which 200 Btampa are engraved. Two
men are kept hard at work covering
them with the colored inks and passing
equally busy at printing them with T
equally busy at printing them with
large! ;tplland-pr esses. Three of
time, IKi;?f?.B can be P
into use in case of necessity. After the
small sheets of paper npon which the
200 stamps are engravad htredried
sufficiently theylarfc sent into "another
room and gaaSmedi h'gumnied for
t&rfpttfpbse pelmTiar' eoniposition,
made of the powder of dried potatoes
afir oergetables miftS with water,
which is better than otheV hinds, for
imlfcefibe, gum'araMcf which cracks the
pagfa?5 TjlpeV is AlsQof a
peculiar" "texture, somewhat similar to
that used for bank notes. After having
belli aglfo dried, 'this' time'bn little
racks, which are fanned by steam power
f ot'aboui n hourhey are put between
sheets of nastehnard and nrAOAAri in Viv-
drknjiqtssesj capable of applying a
ffiSh SOO'tos-, TiVnext thing is
to cat the sheets yx. half each sheet, of
cogrse, whn; cnt, contains, t a hundred
stamj .This, is dpne by a girl with a
large, pair, f shears, cutting by hand
being preferred, to that of machinery,
whjoh; method would destroy too many
stamps. They are the . passed to two
othjMc, quds, who in, as many opera
tions perforate the sheets 'between , the
stamps: Next they are pressed once
mqreand then, packed and labeled, and
stowed away in another room, ' prepara
tory ;o being put in mail-bags for dis
paefcingto fiiliOTders.' If a single
stamp is torn, or in any way mutilated,
the w&oie - sheet of -one' Hundred is
; burned Aboutf 500,000 are burned
every week from this cause. T For the
paswenyyears not a single sheet has
. been lost; such care' is taken In count
ing them. During the process of manu
facturing the Sheets are counted eleven
There are 30.P00 postoffices .through
out the" qpuntoy and , they use in the
course of one year1 700,000,000 postage
stamps, ., A week, or two since 4,000,
CXX)miBhed,and, 87,00 0,000 unfinished
stamps' were put into the safes. The
New .York Postoffice alone uses 120,000,
OOOyearvjsomewhat over one-sixth of
the, whple number ; used, : or equal to
the amonnt ; required by 6,000 other
offio.s Four times a year the different
poetofEeea sand orders for the. number
of stamps they expect to have occasion
to use during the coming three months.
Of oourse, ' if they ran Out during 1 that
time,- tby are at' liberty to Send 1 for
morejt The-office here in New York is
supplied differently.' - Twiceca month
an order is sent for about 500,000 of
various denominations. Three-cent
stamps are, of course; in much greater
demand than those' bf any other value;
In answer to the orders the stamps are
made anS sent to the offices, and there
unid 'immediately in the presence of
a witness. An accompanyfog blank re
ceipt ia filled up and sent to the Assist
ant Postmaster atWashington, who has
charger1 of this branch of the Postoffice
Department. TiVfetf York Letter, .
i:s m ' GLASS. . ' '
Probably the' Remans were- the first
to employ 'glass -for -windows. Borne
remnants' of glass, panes are f o be found
to-day, -ih their frames, ' in the buried
, houses' Hereuraneum and 'Pomperi.'
They substituted glass as a material
for bolflesin place Of the leather which
Is stM in 'Srtfgue ' among the poorer
classes in "the Orient! Epicureans in
wine then, as no w, determined the age
of their article by the ' seal upon the
cork, and the label impressed . upon the
glass.' "tHass goblets were less popular.
Gold and silver reluctantly yielded the
palm Mo' their new-fangled rival, which
sought jplarity by appealing not, to
the poverty of the poor, but to the de
sire of npveltjf among the rich., t. Eyen
artificud stones and pearls of glass, were
not urowp Whether mirrors of glass
-were known to the Romans, or whether
they depended, effusively as they per
tainly did phiefly. pon the, resonrees
of the.. JewsppUshed. metals-His
question, grav, .dispute ? smong the
learned in such matters a dispute' into
whichr lihall nob venture to enter It is
saf e, however,' to say that thonly use of
glass which 'modem art asa claim with
asaurascefc as exclusively its own, is the
employaaent f-it-'iix fhose 'optical "in
struments which are as once tne enu
dia asAhe narenk Jot so much of
modern seiericep4 '"' ''X
You ca alaysVbeve. what a j man
sajs, any more than'ybtf ,cn.f jndge, of
his heart by, the clothing be wears. 'Jtne
other nightfa pojicemaij in the east end
grabbed a ' negro-who oame winning
down a street atfulj speed panting like
a wind-Jaroken , horse, x and f.the xioer
wanted .to, know why and-wherefore, the
colored man -as dnsting around id that
lively style at. nudfcight t solemn -nour.
" Wife' ,sick gwine for the doctor I"
gasped the-, man. V' t v i ' ; ?
" Whe:doyotiKve?''-'i'-;f
'Lemma go can't atop she's mose
dead 1" asth4answert yet in spite of
tii the-fScer pushed the African np
gainst the fence, and a search brought
to bght 1ro chickens? a clothesUne, a
hatchet-and apair'bf bootsj"the! same
the pxopeiif-il-B6iMotb)n--'
Ietroit&ee &eto -1 ts '. "Z
Victob Hnoo recentlr walked i bare-;
headed jn, afuneralj proeession.adiar
nce of jive nulajk
ion t be too sudden about it. Many
yes, simply because her lover didn't
choose the right time and pop the ques
tion genuy.
Take a dark night for it. 4 Have the
blinds closed, he?urta&s owh7and
the lamp turned trnoat eni. t ftifcnear
enough to her so iJtat you?catf hook
your little flngef uito he' Wj&tfatil
conversation' begins t flag, and then
quietly remark
She will fidget
around a little, reply
eaa Add
'Susie, my actions must have shown
you must , have I mean, you must be
aware that that-4-", lf j,
.Pause her; .'or '"I'-Uet hut keep your
finger firmly .. locked. , i She may cough
and try to turn the subject off by asking
you how you, liked -the. circus, but she
only does it to encourage you. After
about ten minutes you can -continue : :
- " I. was : thinking, as I -came up the
path to-night; that' before I went away
I would ask you that is, I would broach
the subject nearest my-i-I mean; I would
know my-
Stop again and give her hand a gentle
squeeze. She may give a yank to get
it away or she may not.' In either case
it augurs well for you. Wait about
five minutes and then go on : s
" ne past year nas been a very
happy' one to me, but I hope that future
years will still be happier. However,
tnat depends entirely on, you. 1 am
here to-night to know that is, to ask
you I mean, I am here to-night to hear
from your own lips the one sweet-
Wait again. It isn't best to be too
rash about . such things. ., , Give her
plenty of . time - to ; recover her com
posure, and then put; your hand on
your heart and continue : . . ,
, Xes, X thought, as 1 was coming
through the gate to-night, how happy
I had been ; and I said to myself that
if I only knew you would consent to be
my that is, I said if I only knew if I
was only certain that my heart had not
deceived me, and you were ready to
share" ' 1 ; ' -
Hold on ; there's no hurry about it.
Give the wind a chance to sob and
moan around the gables'.- This will
make her lonesome and call up alt the
love in her heart. When she begins to
cough, and grow restless, you can go
on :
'"Before I met you this world was a
desert to me. I didn't take any pleas
ure in going blackberry ing and stealing
rare-ripe peaches, and it didn't matter
whether the sun , shone or not. But
what a chancre in one short year I It is
for you to say whether my future shall
be a prairie of happiness, or , a summer
fallow of Canada thistles. Speak, dear
est Susie, and -say and say that
that '
-'Give her' five minutes more by the
Clock, and then add
"That you will be that is, that you
will I mean, that you will be mine 1"
' ' She will heave a sigh, look up at the
clock and over the stove, and then as
she slides her head over your vest-
pocket she will whisper ; -
, " You are just right I wilL" Ter
ritorial Enterprise.
""The associations of Christmas in
Spain," ' writes John Hay in St.
Nicholas for January, " are all of the
gospel. There is no Northern St. Nick
there to stuff the stockings of good
children with rewards of merit,,. Why,
then, on Christmas Eve do you see the
little shoes exposed by the windows and
doors ? The wise Kings of the East are
supposed to be journeying by night to
Bethlehem, bearing ' gifts andJiomage
to the Heavenly Child, and ontof their
abundance, when they pass ' by the
houses where good children sleep; they
will drop into their shoes some of the
treasures they are bearing to the Baby
Prince in Jndea. This thought is never
absent from the rejoicings of Christmas
tide in Spain. Every hour of the time
is sacred to Him who came to bring
peace and good-will teethe world,... The
favorite toy of the season is called '.The
Nativity.' It is sometimes very elabo
rate -and costly, ' representing a land
scape under a starry night' the shep
herds watching their flocks ; the magi
coming with wonder ' and awe, and the
Child in the stable, shedding upon the
darkness that living light which was to
overspread the world." '
Men. of - science are beginning 1 to
think that there may be some connec
tion between the' destruction of forests
and the rapid increase of grasshoppers,
and in proof of the idea, point to the
fact that insects most injurious do not
multiply near woods. The locust of the
East is bred in open plains that harbor
jxo birds to feed upon the lame, that
gather no moisture to destroy the eggs,
and that let in the full light of the sun
to hasten hatching. Attention is called
to the fact that only since the felling of
the forests of Asia Minor has the grass
hopper. become destructive there! The
remedy, of course, is tree-planting on a
large scale.' .. ,
None!, a French scientist, has recently
devised an original plan for protecting
buildings from lightning. . The; idea is
not to ; prevent - thie , pois struung a
house, but to direct its current so that
it shall harmlessly , reacfcHtne ground.
XJsuaUy the j highest , point,;:. say ; the
chimney of a.hpuBe, ? attracts the. fluid.
Thence, it makes its way irom one me
tallic projection or surface ' to another,
until v it.:, afctaih to .the sponrv wnen h
follows the. streams of .water' to rne
around. As iwater id 'an excellent con
dactor of electrldity, M. Nouel suggests
thaflthe chimneys of "cihousea ibe
provided with an iron bar, or even with
funnels, which shall be united with the
lightning, first striking the chimney,
wjll leap along the track set for-it, and
enter the ground ritb6u deflecting
fromjits course or causing damage to
Qie VnsorU gmae ; g"V?
i v I C3AIILE& &IU1L A t&g.
,The, SstmgTdshedi English xWtor,
Charles JBradlaugh, " lectured at the
urana upera Mouse, Chicago, recently,
England." Bevie wing a in r detail the,
development of republican sentiment
T t 3 T . - 5 1 A. i.1
in , England, the- speaker-said that-
republic in that country was not near ;
had he the power by raising his hand to
establish it to-day, he would not, do so.
There was yet too much ignorance and
poverty ; for a republic was impossible
while people were ignorant and under
fed. . - . -f
- Mr. Bradlaugh also showed by figures
how the present form of government
existed, and their financial state of
affairs. The increase of taxation in 160
years was from less than 6,000,000 to
76,000,000; during the present reign,
from 49,000.000 it had increased to
76,000,000. Seventy5 years ago the
landed proprietors of England and
Wales received 22,500,000 a year ; to
' day, for the same property, they receive
more than 100,000,000; sterling. On
the 22,000,000 a year they paid then
2,000,000 and upwards of land-tax, and
oh the 100,000,000 they paid less than
1,000,000 of land tax. Two hundred
years ago, land in England paid two
fifths of . all the taxes, and to-day it
pays less than one seventy-sixth part
of it. , The national debt had increased
from 36,000,000 to 800,000,000.
This, he . said, was. a mortgage qn the
work of the . people yet unborn, and
none of it for liberty, honor r glory.
r The real question in England, how
ever, was the landed proprietors. Less
than 200 families owned one-half oi En
gland, half of Ireland, and three-fourths
bf Scotland, r The Duke of Sutherland
alone owned a great part of - Scotland,
and the Duke of Buccleugh owned half
a million acres of land in Scotland, and
other nobles had a life interest in 11,
000,000 acres of land in England capa
ble of cultivation, which was devoted to
deer-parks fcr these landed aristocrats
If they asked him what had all that to
do with the republican movement, he
would say that land was the territorial
aristocracy. It owned the House' of
Lords ; it stopped every measure of re
demption ; it had locked up the school-
doors by its opposition to education.
It prevented the masses of the people
from becoming instructed by the taxes
it kept upon knowledge. This was the
power which sheltered itself by the
Kalakaua, the Hawaiian King, now
on a visit to the United States, is a man
cbout 35 years old, of medium height,
portly form and dignified manners.' His
complexion is daik, resembling rather
the olive of the Mexican than the ebony
of the African, hair slightly " kinky,
eyes black and full of pleasant expres
sion, nose short and rather thick, mouth
shaded by mustache, round face,
adorned with side whiskers. He speaks
English fluently, dresses like an Ameri
can gentleman, and is au fait in all
matters pertaining to the etiquette of
society and his station. He rules over
twelve little islands that lie just inside
the Torrid Zone, 2,000 miles southwest
of San Francisco. His subjects num
ber 50,000 natives and 5,000 to 6,000
foreigners American, English, Ger
man and Chinese. His capital is Hono-
ulu, a beautiful city of about 15,000 in
habitants, situated on the seacoast, em
bowered in palm, algeroba, tamarind,
and all the . luxuriant foliage of the
tropics. Though it is a small nation
and rapidly decreasing, the machinery
of the government is the same as that
of a large nation. The King' has his
Cabinet, , Ministers of Finance, t of
Foreign. Affairs, 5 of the Interior, At
torney General, -etc. Each : inhabited
island has a Governor. The Parliament
consists of two bodies House of Com
mons or Representatives, elected by the
people, and House of Nobles mem
bers of the royal family, and others who
have received patents of nobility from
the Eing. - ;.: ' :-;, i-u .-!. . t i.
There was a small standing army, but
the soldiers were not pleased with their
poi; or their officers, or their new
clothes, so they mutinied, and the King
disbanded them. Native ' ' policemen
loaf around the streets of Honolulu,
gorgeous in red and blue uniform," white
caps and whito shoes. If there is any
riot or disturbance, they join in and
have a good time. . s
A magazine-writer. : contrasting the
holiday seasons nowadays with .(hose of
our boyhood -experience thus sichs :
"Christmas comes much oftener nowa
days than during the first half of the
century. In those times it happened, I
am positive, once in an age; and its ap
proach' was marked by stages well-nigh
endless.; The first -, mile-stone' was
Thanksgiving i the next (perhaps the
earlier) a big snow-storm ; anon the
toy-shops bloomed gayly out with
holiday goods; and presently, on the
keen evening air, floated the sweet pre
monitory chime of Christ Church bells.
that we lay awake to hear, counting the
long, nights yet to pass before the
stockings should hang from the , bed
posts. Do bells make musio there
now, and do drowsy lads listen? There
are none chiming here, anyway, and if
there were,' bur busy brains might not
note them J nor can men in mature life
be reasonably expected to flatten their
noses ' against , toy shop windows. , In
short, '.'Jr Christmas nowadays., almost
takes us by surprise. . . ,.. v-.
It would be satisfactory, andpossi-
world to know for certain that the day
on which it celebrates the birth of the
Redeemer actually is entitled to the
distinction wkfQhl'make peoiSJBtp
great festival dayjof 5 all the year. Bull
while averag4nnmaniy if 'all lavijjlzed
countries wilnsu!ally ignore this moot
ed question, i,8reater desire to
commemorate, the; event itself, there
have been those who, looking back as
I " ....... ..
early centuries, have beyen'oompelledb
admit the vasrue and traditional title
enjoys.' In the earliest periods at which
we have any record of the observance of
Christmas, we find that some communi
ties of Christians celebrated the festival
on the 1st or 6 th of January ; others on
the 29th of March, the' time of the Jew
ish Passover ; . while . others, it is said,
observed it on the 29th , of September,
or Feast of Tabernacles. There can
be no doubt, says Chambers, in
his'Book of Days," that ir long
before the .reign of Constantine,
in Hthe fourth century, the season of
the New Tear had been adopted for
celebrating the Nativity, though a dif
ference in this respect existed in the
practice of the ; Eastern and Western
Churches, the i former observing the
6th of January, and the latter the 25th
of . December. The custom of the
Western Church at last prevailed, " and
both of the ecclesiastical bodies agreed
to hold the anniversary on the same
day. The fixing of the date appears to
have been the act of Julius I.,, who
presided as Pope or Bishop of Rome,
from. 337 to 852 A. D. Chrysostom, in
one of his epistles, states that Julius,
on thetsolicitation of Cyril, of Jerusa
lem, caused strict inquiries to bo, made
on the subject', and thereafter, follow
ing what seemed to be the best authen
ticated tradition, settled authoritative
ly the 25th of December as the anni
versary of Christ's birth, making it, in
Chrysostom'a'' phrase, Fastarum. onp
nium 'metropolis, the metropolis of all
the feasts, and this distinction 'it has
since maintained. . .
. Ofcher authority, of doubtful value,
however, represents the 'fixing of the
day to have been accomplished 200
years previous to Telephorns, who was
Bishop -of Rome 128-139 A. D. And
toward the close of the second century,
in the reign of the Emperor Ccmmodns,
a reference has been found to the ob
servance . of Christmas. A , century
later, in the time of Diocletian, the
celebration of the Nativity by the
Christians in Nioomedia was made the
occasion of an atrocious act of cruelty
on the part of that infamous ruler, in
that he caused the church in which the
festival occurred to be Bet on fire, and
by '"arring1 every means of .egress from
the building, caused the agonizing
death of every worshiper. It will be
seen' from the statements, made that,
while no record exists whereby to fix
with certainty the date of the Savior's
birth, the r day we how call Christmas
has for at least fifteen hundred years
been uniformly observed by all the na
tions of Christendom as the anniver
sary of the Nativity. And it would be
a libel upon humanity to doubt that,
unless future research shall stamp upon
some other day the certainty of being
the true anniversary of the Savior's
birth the .world and the ; church will
always continue to hold consecrate the
25th of December as commemorative of
that momentous . event. : New YorJc
Evening Mail. . I
" While in France," says a writer, I
witnessed the operation of a mechanical
arrangement for feeding fowls. A large
revolving drum cylinder is divided into
a hundred compartments, more or less,
as is desired, and 19 each one is placed
a fowl. ? The proper' food for fattening
in the? shortest possible time having
been determined, it is prepared in a
semi-liquid form, and injected into the
stomach by means of a sort of force
pump. -The operator,' who sits before
the drum which contains chickens, tur
keys, ducks, geese, or whatever "bird"
is to be fattened, takes one by the neck
in such a way that its mouth is forced
open, inserts a metallic tube, and by
the' pressure of his foot injects the food,
an indicator telling him when just the
required quantity is given. " The bird
settles back in the box, apparently sat
isfied, and ,the .operator passes to
another. . The , operation is quickly
liohe, at leapt 150 being fed in an hour.
.fcowiSj fattened . by - this process are
recommended for the .' fineness, deli-
cateness and exquisite taste of the
Sensation of Heat uf thk Lungs.
The "feeling of heat in the. lungs on a
bold," frosty day a sensation not experi
enced in warmer weather, and which is
the, very reverse of what, might be ex
pected from the greater coldness of the
inspired air is. probably, familiar to
all Dr. Brown-Sequard suggests that the
explanation may be that the lower the
temperature of the inhaled oxygen, the
greater, will be the amount absorbed, ac
cording to wellrknowa law of physics,
and, henoe, possibly, there being a
larger absorption of oxygen, there may
be increased oxidation, 1 and increased
heat accordingly.-'The tension of the
vessels affected by cold air may have
some connection with the sensation in
the lungs; ' : ,
The latest
New , York fashion, im-
pprted from Berlin,. is that of early par
ties.,, We read ; that ione of the most
" Swell " affair pf the season have been
recently issued, with from 4 to 11
ptf-m'i engraved-"in 'one corner. Ac
cording to this system, the blinds are
dosed and th gas lighted at 4 o'clock
in the afternoon ; the dancing begins by
5 or 6 and the ball is over by 11. Still
another foreign system imported into
New York, which is said to have been
started by the Prmce of Wales, is for
gentlemen to appearwithout gloves on
full-dress occasions.
I The last one reported as having his
hopes blasted and the green-eyed demon
of jealousy aroused in his bosom is a
Milwaukee man. .He is a husband, and
his pride and glory was that Lis wife
was all fondly his own and very affec
tionate. He felt a serene confidence
that1 he 'could, if he so wished, play
Ulysses for twenty years, and that, in
such an event, his wife would discount
Penelope in continence and constancy.
She was in the habit of informing him
daily and nightly that he was her own
delicious hubby, so he was, and that
she would not exchange him for all the
other men she knew, and that she did
despise women who flirted. It is a gen
erally understood fact that Milwaukee
men are extremely susceptible to female
influence, and this Milwaukee man was
a typical one. He not only believed
his wife, but was so confident of her
quality that he resolved to test her. He
thought he'd contrive to kiss her some
where suddenly, so that she would take
him for another man, and he pictured
in his mind how she'd shriek and
struggle and scream, and how mad
she'd be, and how she'd call to him to
come and lick the fellow." So he con
trived an excuse for taking dinner with
her at a hotel,' and, excusing himself,
left her to go up to the dining-room
alone, while he slid around into a hall
way which she must cross, and when
she passed he just jumped out and
kissed. And that Milwaukee woman
didn't struggle nor scream nor any
thing of the kind ; she only spoke out
quickly, " Don't be so bold, mister
folks around here know me." Since
the occurrence that Milwaukee man has
entirely ceased to bore his bachelor
friends with pictures of domestic bliss
or advice to assume domestic bonds
and obligations.
Mr. Cornell, the founder of the Cor
nell University, who died recently in
Ithaca, N. Y., was in all respects a very
remarkable man. He was born at
Westchester Landing, N. Y., on Jan,
11, 1807, his parents being Quakers.
Leaving home at an early age, he found
employ mant in the town of Homer,
whence he moved to Ithaca. In 1842
h embarked in certain telegraphic en
terprises with Prof. Morse and F. O. J.
Smith. He was afterward appointed
assistant superintendent of a line of
telegraph between Baltimore and Wash
wgton, and was the hrst to conceive
the plan of substituting poles for the
pipes originally used for sustaining the
wires. , In 1845 he was appointed to
superintend the line to New York, also
the line to Philadelphia. In 1846 he
constructed a line to Albany, and then
from Troy to Montreal. In 1863 he was
elected a member of Assembly from
his district, and the year following to
the State Senate. His greatest work
was the grant of $500,000 to the Cor
nell University. Upon the meeting of
the Assembly Air. Cornell made over
the additional gift of 200 acres of land,
with buildings, to be used as a farm,
and the Jewett collection in geology
and paleontology. Mr. Cornell's gen
erosity not only enabled the trustees to
establish the colleges of agriculture
and mechanical arts, but to add eight
other departments. He was a man in
all respects worthy a nation's honor, and
lasting gratitude. .
Frank A. Smith, of Boston, has a
strange delusion. He imagines that he
once killed a man, and is wearing his
life out in an effort to satisfy himself
that the man still lives. Smith was
staying at some backwoods tavern in
Kansas, and had a difficulty jn the bar
room with a border desperado named
Charles Garner, who was also boarding
at the tavern. Garner struck Smith,
and Smith drew a pistol. Garner ran
to the door and out. Smith following,
and fixing when the two were eutside.
Garner suddenly disappeared, and never
returned to the tavern. Smith Btayed
there some time, awaiting tidings of
Garner, but none came, and he then
nuned himself into the delusion that
he had " shot him entirely out of exist
ence." Smith returned to Boston fully
convinced that he was a murderer. He
visits all the hotels and examines all the
registers several times a day to find the
name of Charles Garner ; he goes to all
the public meetings and theaters in
town and inquires for Charles Garner
he asks his friends whenever he meets
them if they have seen, or heard any
thing of Charles Garner. If Charles
Garner is alive, end will go to Boston,
Frank A. Smith will be glad to meet
him. . It is the only accident that could
happen to cure Smith's monomania.
Now that cold weather is upon us, it
is absolutely inspiring to find an anec
dote illustrative of the power of the
sun, , A Western gentleman has on his
premises several fine large cherry trees
On a very warm afternoon, he was
standing for a moment near them, he
heard a strange noise, and looking np.
witnessed a remarkable sight. ' The
bark covering the tree began to peel off
at the top, curling downward along the
trunk and limbs until it reached the
ground, leaving the tree as naked and
barren as though it had been riven by
the lightning's bolt. Bark, leaves and
cherries were all stripped off, and lay a
promiscuous mass bf ruins upon the
parched earth surrounding the desolate
trunk. The process occupied but three
or four seconds, but the ruin was com
plete. ' The trunk, limbs, leaves and
fruif had literally died of sun-stroke.
1. The sight of a man who cares as
much for the education of his children
as he does for the building of a stable.
If he is to have a stable built, he is
very careful in the selection of the
lumber to be used, the place where it is
to be located and the- character of the
men employed. And even when all qf
these are satisfactory, scarcely a day
passes in which he does not visit the
premises to scrutinize the work, that
everything may be done faithfully and
according to the conditions of the con
tract, which is well, though he Jnay
have confidence in the contracton: In
this he shows a commendable interest,
such as humanity would suggest and his
private interests demand, especially if
valuable stock are to be kept in such a
stable. ;- , ,
But how changed his course when his
children are to be educated ! They go
to the schools day after day and month
after month, while he is apparently as un
concerned and as oblivious to their wel
fare in this regard, as unconcerned
about the manner in which their minds
the immortal part are built and de
veloped to - prepare them for the posi
tion to be occupied by them in after
life, and to prepare them for the dis
charge of the duties of citizenship, as
it he had no children. So far as he can
know, the teachers are incompetent and
unfaithful, or still worse, may be crowd
ing the mind with errors,more or less
injurious, worse than wasting valua
ble time. All of this listletsness and in
difference while he knows, or may
know, that what is learned in youth is
not easily unlearned, and also that this
is the only time in which some of the
rudimental binches, those especially
dependent mainly on memorizing, can
be easily pursued, only at this time.
While the success of his children may
be largely dependent on the improve
ment of these golden moments, he is
still unconcerned, and fails to encour
age his children and their teachers,
practically saying that such education
is of no great importance. The only
fair inference of his children must be
that he cares more for the occupants of
the stable than for them.
2. To see tne man who cares as
much about the food of his chil
dren as he does about that- of
his horses. A man wishes to engage a
hostler, to train and have the care of
his pet horses, or a race-horse, it may
be, one worth a few hundred dollars.
Before he engages a man to fill this
important position, he asks him many,
many questions in relation to groom
ing, and insists that the horses shall be
rubbed and brushed, wiped dry when
sweaty, not allowed to drink even a quart
of cold water, and not even fed when
fatigued, but allowed to rest for a while.
This iB well, since it must be remem
bered that the horse more nearly re
sembles man than any other animal,
being the only brute that sweats through
the skin like man. The dog, ox, etc,
sweat or "loll " from the tongue, but
the skin is never found wet like that of
the horse. The horse and man, there
fore, should have similar attention and
care in this regard.
He also asks him what kind of Jfood
he would give his horse when too fat,
and how he should be treated. If in
telligent enough to be a good hostler,
he replies " that starch in the grains,
potatoes, etc. the sweats and the oils
make fat, and that more grassland hay
and less of the grains, especially those
raised in cold climates, will reduce the
fat." He also recommends less food of all
kinds " dieting " and more active ex
ercise, and he is sure that this treatment
will produce the desired effect, and he
is also sure that horses should be fed
regularly. And yet, if too fat himself,
he may not even dream that a similar
course and the same principles apply
equally to his cwn case.
. But when selecting a cook for his wife
and children, does he demand the same
intelligence and faithfulness ? TTi
horses are worth $300, it may be, and
he cannot afford to destroy them by
hiring the ignorant. We must infer
that he is not as choice of his wife and
children, since the one is paid a liberal
salary, but the cheapest and most inex
perienced "Biddy " will do well enough
for the family. The first has only sim
ple and comparatively harmless articles
to feed to his horses, while Biddy has
access to such articles as meat and salt,
salaratns, cream of tartar, eta, etc, all
of which may be so combined as seri
ously to affect the health of those sup
posed to be dear to that head of the fam
ily, if not real poisons, when used in
excess, as they may be by the ignorant.
It is strange that an intelligent man
can thus ignore his own interests, and
that he can so far trifle with the health
of his family, or that, omitting all ref
erence to these accidents, he can con
sent to hire a cheap (?) cook, and then
never to have well-coeked food for him
self and family, while he is so very
careful of his horses. It is strange
that one will run the risk of destroying
the health of a child for life by these
accidents, or by allowing " growing
children " to eat food unfit for them, at
a time when so much depends upon
their food and care. Do such men love
their children f Dr. J. H. Hanaford
in Chicago Ledger.
Thb Health of Shakespbabe's Wom-
- . . . . .X &1
en. Mr. Weiss, in nis lecioro vi uo
" Women ef Shakespeare," delivered in
New York, said : "Before the gymna
sium and the health-lift were invented
at the peevish persuasion of dyspeptics
and invalids, who die by inches of fried
food. ' fricassees ; of high-school pre.
grammes and ragouts of French novels,
Shakespeare's women earned tneir
health on horseback in the broad En
glish fields. They saw the sun rise,
and could not afford to outflare the set
ting crescent with gas-light streaming
from over-heated rooms, xney arank
small beer for breakfast, and knew the
taste of herrings. "TTot 6neblr "aies
peare's women uttered a line inspired
by hysteria. Their bodies matured like
nature, and became capable of enter
taining the great passion with its own .
honest ardors."
A rather novel yet highly ingeniomn
device for fixing the responsibility of
their conduct upon the Indians them
selves more closely has beetttftofl'SH by
Gen. Crook, commasdisg "the Depart
ment of Arizona." His plan is to check
the wards of the 'Taatlon'Tite pieces of:
baggage, each- warrior carrying with,
him constantly a metal check with his
number and tribe stamped thereon.
The officer in charge keeps a record of"
each, with the number of members of
his family and a description of him. In
this way the Iudiau is .not only protect
ed against the unscrupulous greed of;
the agents, but offenses can be traced
home to their authors more readily ;:
and as the issue of supplies is made in
accordance with these., checks' there is.
less chance of imposture on one side
and fraud on the other. It would be
well if all officials engaged in the Indian,
service were to have-w policy that is so
plain and at the same time so commend
able in its purposes and sagacious in its
method. Gen. Crook's report shows,
what can be accomplished even with the
Apache Indians, thisjrorst cf all North
American tribes. Thfcy are becoming
so far advanced, morally and industri
ally, that .the tribe is'how at least par--tially
The other night, says the Burlington
Hawkeye, a man who lives out on .
Columbia street was kgpt down town by
business until a very late hour, and his
wife, knowing how cold he would be
when he got home, put -an iron on the
stove, and, when she 'heard, him open
the gate, she jumped -Jop and hurriedly
wrapping the iron in a'piece of flannel,
put it in bed for him to warm'his great -ugly
feet by. The man wasbold and.
taciturn and - cross. " He crawled into
ned with a growl, andshuddered with
cold as he stretched himself out. Then
he gave a yell and jammed his head
against the headboard" and screamed
fire, and walzted out on the 'floor and.
around the room in the darkstraddling.
rocking-chairs, breaking his shins on
bureau corners, and, knocking- down,
brackets with his shoulders, and upset
ting one or two things, and filling the
darkness with weird, fantastic profanity.
When his wife lighted', the lamp, they
discovered a beautiful photograph of a "
sad-iron on the bottom -of that man's,
foot, and it was found that the flannel
had somehow got off the foot.warmer.
The' man says that hereafter, if he must,
sleep with a hardware store, he ; wants,
it put in cold. "
Gentlemen who pride themselves on
their luxuriant beards will takecbmfort
in knowing that the mustache is a natu
ral respirator, defending the . lungs,
against the inhalation of cold and dust.
It is a protection of the: face and throat
against cold, and is equally in warm
climates a safeguard for those' parts
against excessive heat. The mustaches
of blacksmiths show by their color the
dust which they stop as a natural res
pirator, and, which, if inhaledwculd
be injurious. The mustache is bene
ficial to those who follow the -trades of
millers, bakers, masons', to workers in
metal, etc Full beards, are said to be .
a defense against bronchitis and sore
throat. It is asserted that the sappers
and miners of the French "armvwjio are
noted for the size and beauty of their
beards, enjoy a special immunity from
affections of this nature. The "growth
of hair has been; recontJhended to per- -eons
liable to take cold easily.
Scolding is a habit very easily formed.
It is astonishing how soon one who in
dulges in it at all becomes addicted to
it. It is an unreasonable habit;, Per
sons sometimes get into the way of
scolding at the mere absence of any
thing to scold at. It is an extremely '
disagreeable habit. The constant
rumbling of distant thunder, caterwaul
ing, or a hand-organ under one's, win
dows, would be less nnpleasantX The -habit
is contagious. Once infcroVJhced
into a family, it is pretty certain,in a .
short time, to affect all the members.
If one of them begin finding faultabout
something or nothing the- others ar apt
to take it up, and a very unnecessary
bedlam is created. r
A Cause fob a Heapache. Captain
Spicer, of the New tiondon whMing
bark Nile, says that in the scalp-ooae-
of a two-hundred-barrel whale, struck,
by his boat's crew, was found the head
of a Scotch gun harpoon,, marked with
the name of the Scotch whaler True-.
Love, and the date 1861; The True.
Love has not made a voyage during the-
last eight or ten years, and this factK
taken in connection with the date
stamped in the harpoon, wonld indicate
that the whale had been earrying this
ugly piece of iron around for not less
than eight years, and perhaps twelve
or thirteen. The whale was captured
by the Nile in Cumberland Inlet, while
the True Love's station was in Baffin's
so that he was something of a.
traveler. The harpoon head , weighed.
between four and five pounds."
We give our washerwoman notice
that hereafter we want our own clothes.
Last Sunday wput on another fellow's.
shirt, but couldn't wear it-at all. It .
was all ruffled around the togf and look
ed real handsome, but these was no
place for a collar, and it hadn't any )
bosom, though we are bound to say ;
there was plenty of room for one. Yes, ;
it was a handsome shirt, but we don't -
have ours made that way.-S&z Adeler
i It f''.