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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1874)
PSHftjPfteaSMaasaWBMSaiSaM Zalbany register. " 1 . - V. ft. HSUI rer for Or,. SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1874. Great suffering still reported in the inland districts of Louisiana. Ex-Senator omeroy's trial for bribery has been postponed untd July 27th, on account of unavoid able absence of one of the attorney. A hurricane in Rempevide on the 7th unroofed a number of homes and destroyed much prop erty. Another argument to come Wert. The Republican Congressional Convention held at Pittsburg, Penn., on the 9th, nominated Hon. James S. Negley from the 22d district, and Col. Thomas Bayne from the 23d. On the morning ot the 9lh, Emma Triesse, living alone, at I Jut land, Vermont, was robbed and murdered and her house burned. The bxly, covered with stabs, was dragged from the flames. - According to the Bishop of Lar anda, 10,000 christians have been strangled, burned or drowned, at Long King, China, and the Bishop adds, " I have no hope up escaping ft martyr's doom." It is now positively denied that Greeley invented the phrase " Go West," as is genera'ly supposed. The beautiful affd accomplished Roth (who lived many years B. ft), originated the phrase when she Mid : " Where thou go West 1 will go!" Tlie Illinois Independent Reform party .have nominated David Gore, of Macoupin, for tate Treasurer, and S. Elter, of McLean county, for Sut. of Pub. Instruction. A resolution opposing the furtlier is sue of paper money and favoring a return t specie payment, was voted down by a very large vote. The Indiana Farmer's State Con vention have placed in nomination the following ticket : For Secretary ot State, N. S. White; for Ami itor, Kbinezer Henderson; for Treasurer, Morris ft Bennett; for Attorney-General, James Mitchell; tor Judge ot the Supreme Court, Horace P. Riddle; tor Superiu. tendent of Public Instruction, Clark ton Davis. According to telegrams, Senator l T Wart rrMvt Me. Mitchell was before the Senate It is estimateJumt the area of C.,mm.tteon Privileges and Klec-j whellt wwn jH (htm U ,t " , " mrrj' j niii I"" t- greater than in any charges relatmg to the alcged scan- fonner del enn.cted with his early lite, I been excee.lii.gly favorable, the invited altd challenge.! the fullest yieH h wrU,in t0 te investigation into the charges pre-j larger t,PI1 em yjfa foired against him. The T,w qnft4km mittee, after privately considering - ,,..- ; :n . . tl matter, directed their Chairman I W()rth Uhihv l , l? of . . . I O , - . I I Wool Roeelpts. The San Francisco Bulletin pub- PRENESTATIO.H. We clip the following account of the to report to the Senate that there was not sufficient basis tor any charge preferred against Mitchell to jnstity any further investigation. The farmer? in Illinois and Indi ana, in convention assembled, have rosoljed that it is belter tor them to dissolve allegiance to all political parties a d vote herealer only for men who are well qualified, true. honest, and who are opposed to all meut in State ami Governmental affairs. The Illinois convention selected the same of Independent Reform, under which name tliey will hereafter tight. course this is a mst difficult con- nnndrom to solve. Purchases have been reported in San Francisco, to be de ivered in July, at from$l 60 to $1 65 r 100 (Miinds. This would seem to indicate much lower figures that our producers received last season. Oregon extorters are buying very litt e at present, and so far we have not heard otan offer to contract Kir the new crop. If I.- ! . . momipoHbsaiid in favor of retre.di- , ' "'' nw..t s,.. ...,i Hw hold good, the immense lishes a table of the wool receipts presentation of a 'valuable cane, at at lhatttiv.rt,pm,mfl.,i.r..h Flor"' ,,,i,,oj4- f 'he fiither of the a, ! , r., ' editor ot the Reoistkk, from olate i ri i mu jifx-ni year, which show a total of 42,671 ha'es, as against 32,555 Iwles for the same period of 1873 nu i crease of over 10,000 hales. This shows a dispo sitiun on the par, ot producers to take fair opening prices and Ladling the cash at outre, rather than wait number of the Southern Jllinoit Jour nal : The Mite Society of the 51. E. Chmvb liati an uim-inlly interesting meeting on lat Wednesday evening May 27th. 1j741, yt Its; parsonage.' Uver one hundred Indies and gentle men were pre.-ent. The notable event of the" evening was the presentation to tlie pastor. Rev John VnnCleve. of a tine gold-beaded i 25c and 27c er pound There is a chance tor the Judge The great bridge over the Missis ippi river at St. Louis was com pleted, and the first train, consist ine of a locomotive and three coaches, assed over it on the eve ning of the 9th. The coaches were filled with invited guests, press rep resentatives, engineers, and others. All were- greatly pleased with the solidity ot the structure. There is nothing " dead certain " about election yet. Up to latest dates Williams, for Congress, was 45 votes altead of La Dow, with Jackson, Josephine, lW, Curry and Tillamook to hear from. If the majorities calculated upon in the four last named counties stand off La Dow's expected majority in Jackson, Williams nil! catch the plum. The race is a close -one. We still think Rowland, RepublU eaX'. elected Saperiuteiidsut of PqN Instruction, but the balance ot the Jeraoerat ticket a probably Senator Mitchell is at work again interfering (?) with the interests of this State. A Washington tele gram of the 1 1th says he has offered the following amendments to the River and Harbor Hill, which have been referred to the Senate Com mittee oil Commerce: Increasing the appropriation for the improve ment of the Upper Columbia from $20,000 to $50,000; same tor Wil lamette river, from $7,000 to $50, 000; also proposing to insert ap propriation t $100,000 for a caal tn connect the Coqnille river with Coos Hay, and $10,000 for the im provement of Yamhill river. Dates to the 8th from France re port the feeling at Versailles as ex tremely gloomy. One hundred and twenty-five Deputies have signed a proposal for dissolution, ami one hundred and ninety-five more signa tures are expected from the Ift Center. A m tion tor dissolution is e.iected at an early date. The Lett ("enter has determined to have a settlement ot the question of the Republic or a dissolution before 'he August adjournment. About 11 o'clock on the night of the 6th, a tornado struck the town ot TampicO, Whitesides county, Illinois, demolishing 21 buildings and two elevators, and more or less injuring every building in the town. A number of people were injured, one or two, it was feared, fk tally. R yon want to be free of tornadoes, etc., came out to Oregon. In Washington county, Iowa, the faimers have organised an insurance company on the mutual pW The initiation fee is $1. All property is to be insured for two-thirds its actual value, and in case ot a tire among the insured, an equal as. sessment will be made on the mem bership. The membership is not confined to Grangers, however. Recently two steamboats were racing on the river Volga, Russia, wlten one of tliero exploded, killing 5 and injuring 80, 11 of whom have since died. Fifteen oersons w jumped into the river and were drowned. rates and the higher the rates ot charters the less will lie the receipts of the producer. On the other ha nd if the reports that recent storms and floods in California have seriously injured the grain crop of that State prove true, our farmers may get as fair prices for their wheat as tlieyj am last season, provided always the demand from Europe prove as good as then. At latest dates the price for wheat in Liverpool remained above twelve shilling,; Hill! tilL-n J it.' . i. ..t lain. I.. mil. I.. .u.... .t.... .vli vimovTK i.o i iii Mir wwi m vwiuiiiviiinntiroii 111 ins cyt?u- scaon. 'j he bulk of the clip of fiji "i"1 clean shipping grades in the Cali- j msKNTED to fi.rnia market realized from 20c- to I JOHN VAN CI.EYE, D. D., 23c, a few fancy lots selling as high j By the M. K. Cluiu-h of Flora, Ills. Mrs. M. H. Presley did tlie honors of the occasion in the following re marks : PR. VAKCl.F.VJL of Elect ion, or the I mard of Canvas. In Mialf of the member, of (lie dmrch sers, of Umatilla county u, rise aisl ZLX. L feM . . I'- " iMwoa iiii . vl limi II Ul explain. It is publicly cliarg-d love ami affection, us well sunanDre- that thev substituted Dp,..rii,. ?: ".,nr ''ittw v Bins or our wcsshI Siivior. May you for Republican ballot", and by this and enjoy its support ami comfort means niiintwi in tali.,., ...i '""ff J''r1 fo come ; and, while you means counted n. I.a !)ow and meet lirV trials m..l feel age gradu- Hrowu. True tbiscbarge is present- a"' "dvauciiig Dponayon, nmy your i , , , ., Inisf and CTnndeuce in tiiat is-avenlv ed through the cdurrH of a paper rm which has nZmM vmZ l cmpofthat State will require all the ships oomi g to San 1'rancisco t convey it to Euroieau markets, reislering it very ditticu t to secure w I vessels for Oregon art! at hiuh Lt'1 has never been noted for care- m!l"' ,,!!"N- waitiunally increase nine ..1 1.A .L. .H .ill..wa .1...... . .: I .... lt"inr, uout lite i' lueiu'e W. H. Trotter, held to answCT on a charge of embezzlement before tho Circuit Court of Marion county, has been discharged, the Grand J ury having found "not ft true bill" in the Ho Failure or Noatfarm Cropo. Speculators who bad been calcu lating on a coitm famine in the South as a r -suit of the recent flotids in some of the Southern States, and were making arrangements accord ingly, find w their calculations all blown to the winds by the reports which now reach us, well authenti cated, which show that the damage to the cotton, nee and sugar p'anta tions is not near so great as the first reports lead us to believe. Comparatively few p'antaiions were so badly injured as to compel their abandonment. In the lied Hiver country, in the valleys of the Talla hatchie and Yazoo the croiis have been replanted where found neces sary, and the prospect for good crops, although somewhat late, are good. The accounts of losses were greatly exaggerated, and in the parislies of Lafourche and St. Charles, reported entirely destroyed, the cro arc vigorous and give the best of promise. From the re ports now received from everv quarter, it is believed that neither the cotton, sugar or rice crops will be reduced sufficiently to effect in the slightest degree the home or foreign markets. The great loss to the south was the destruction of stock and agricultural implements swept off by the flood. There would seem to be no cause for an advance in cotton goods. until von mav he led In Mnifutm. with Oil nil tin. 1.1,1.1. .....I i....: - .u .... .ii'i null riMmi-IHMll Ml UK! which it based its attacks, and its l-'raiM' "''I pafmist -Yea. though I i . i walk through the valley of the shadow reck.esness las, not infrequently, led of death. I will fear no evil, for thou it to make accusations that were :!rt xvith me. thy rod and thy suffthey iniu inn in. Dr. N an Cleve responded as follows: I thank you. sMer Presley, that you have, in behalf or the mcnuVrs or the church, presented me with this token of love and a Section. I liave now come to tint time of Hie when I need a staff to lean upon. This staff looks true and wholly groundless. Sneh may be this charge against the officers in question. We do not pretend to say what is the truth, tor we have seen no evidence either oiwav or tl sucl jiermttliHl to ss unnoticed. It confidence. these officers did what they are ac- I am now seventy vears of are. and used of doing they should he dealt "ave bee" I" 'he ministry forty-six rith in the severest maimer ii.e lw J8"!? 1 ,ve hlsred ban! todoeood Jie other; m the auxnisaiion is of ,n,ltle of l wuruil. Ai gravity that it ought not to be t? '1, with in tiui ttvonuii mon.,.1.,, i cnrs. 1 iHv lborHl bun! rodfiMd will allow, .is. if guilty it i due to J ftSSoTttK thl'Ol Allll to I he Slate I'nl that 1 -.f luil il.ij Li .I...' ... .1 i - . " - uic rM lime i nasever lie made known. The question is CANKD in my life. I have received a one that can be easily iuvestisrated. f?w l's-"titP,fl"s ny parents, aw! n.-en,;., t,M' 0,, om " ,wb from the sclwoi- J master, nut never hetore received a . " "", cuiiing. I Iwve seen a great many At Watertown, Wisconsin, on gathering similar to this hut never so the Cth, a conductor on the Chicago, I TLTT ,nf "Sjlf P3 attectionate and pleasant. This Milwaukie .6 St. Paul railroad was evening mauv tiave expressed tlte hope tried and fined $200 for refusing KJ1S man admittance to a car who had ; my friend iy I am good fir ten years failed to get a ticket at the price SffSi prescrilwd by law Tliis is the m:iy not be. good for one. The time first decision under the new State K? ,?! "u"' TutS. hailroa.1 law. ed away, within a few hour. I wish to he ready when tlie time of my de parture wanes, whether it he soon or late ; ami wiuie t use this cane as a General Sam nke, editor of the A man named 0 roper, living at Hot Springs Valley, near ' Center ville, California, was murdered ami his cabin burned over his body to cover up the crime. He had about $5,000, for which it is supposed he was murdered. Tha head and legs of his body were burned oft when he was discovered in tlie ruins, but ft bullet hole was found in tlie breast and another through the neck. No elue to tin murderer, ...... ,.,,, , ne mix cane asn Marysyille, hy., Vlcff, completed ; to support nie in my declining l.:. -o.l. , ! .., j i jears, i win also :ik you to ass t me his 1 0th year April 6th, and is In With yonr prayers. iWlcmay be a the 42d year of his editorial life, fidthful servant while my life shall last, rf i aiiii Hi. ..11.. ...... .. ..ii ...... i Vn L. ,i , i e wmij men inn nil m lllll lUlODV i ears ao ne was at tlie iieau ot U;K,, wham IIO Sill ll Rtlllf nf stllrwH an estab'ishment which issued the Pike Gazette, at Pikcton, Pike county, Ohio, on the Turnpike, by .Sam Pike! A man died at Rutland, Ver mont, in 1873, and was buried. A short time since the body was taken up and found tn have turned to stone. He might be utilized here- place w liere no such staff of support win ue needed. On the 8th a most terrific thunder-storm prevailed on lakes Oneida and Onondage, New York. The American Pilgrims were t have been received at Rome by the Pope on Thursday last. Communists of London have ten- after as a tombstone for the balance ! dered Rochfort a banquet) upon his of his relatives.. Nothing is made : arrival in England. in vain. ... T . . ii is asserteu mat the president will veto the Civil Rights Hill if it should pass Congress. The Anti-Secret Society .Associ ation, recently in session at Syra cuse, Aew York, has resolved, to expose, resist and entirely extermi nate all secret societies. Now let the Morgan killers, fdd Fellows, Red Cross and other societies " look wild " the a rev doomed. A span of the bridge over the Hudson river west ot Troy, N. T., was struck by lightning on the 8th inst , during a heavy storm, and thrown into tlie river. It sunk four canal boats loaded with iron ore. There's one town at least in America that's not afraid of the measles. The same is in Conncctu 1 cut it's Haddami The trotting race at Prosjiect Park, N. Y., on the 8th, between Judge Fiillerlon and Goldsmith Maid, was won by the Maid in 2 18, 2.18 and &2tf Co'. Wharton, U. S. District Attorney for Kentucky, is said to he the coming man for Assistant Secretary ol the Treasury, in piiUV of Sawyer. Tho total currency in circulation in (treat Britain is put at fW 421,540; in Germany, 567,772. 098; in France, $1,200,548,441--or a grand total ot 2,444,78,O70. Subscribe now.