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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1874)
ALBANY REGTSTEH. LOCAL MATTERS. nw mn mima, mails amuvk: From Railroad (notU and south) daily at 12.90 p. M. rrom Cor vallis, daily, at 10.20 a. a. From Lebanon, trl-weekly, (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at 10.30 A. M. HAILS depart: For Railroad (north and oUto), daily, clow prompt at 11 a. m. For Corvallis, daily, at I.iop.m. For Lebanon, trl-weekly, (Monday, Wed nesday and Fridavi at 1 p. if . OUBue hours from 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. Sunday, from II X. to 2 P. M. Money order office hours from 9 A. M. to P.. P. H. RAYMOND, P.M. nsKTicn next hiiiibat. BAPTIST CHURCH -Services at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at OX P. M. Rev. C. R. Mat toon, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH-Servlcesatll A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunilav School at iX P. M. Bar. Isaiah Wilson, Pastor. HUTKT) PR ESBYTKRIAN - Sendees at II A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday Scliooi ut J P. M. Kev. S. 6. Irvine, Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL CUT'RCH Without a Pastor at present, Sunday School at i S r. . M. K. CHURCH SOUTH -8ervloes in Con gregatlonal Church alternate Sundays. Kev. jos. r.mery , rastor. PRKSBYTKRIAN CHURCH -Services at College Channel, alternate SuiiNit lis, at 11 A.M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School at UX P.M. Rev. E. R. Geary, D.D., Pastor. tote or ukn cotiirrv. We received the vote of the county too late to set np in tabular lorm. i he vote tor Mierm is a tie, Morris and Rice each getting 1,071. Ballot were drawn from the box yesterday, we suppose, to who shall be Sheriff. Follow ing is the vote : CONGRESS. Davenport, 556 ; Williams, 654 ; l a Dow, 1,040. La Dow over Davenport, 484; over Williams, 386. ' SO' ' - " GOVERNOR. Campbell, 674; Tolman, 646; G rover, 047. Grover over Camp bell, 278, over Tolman, 801. SECRETARY OF STATE. Douthitt, 561; Foster 555; (jnadwick, i,m. (.'had. over Douthitt, 541, over Foster, 547 STATE TREASURER. Beach, 773; Clark, 476; Hrown, 1,027. Brown over Beach, 254, over Clark, 551. STATE PRINTER. Hand, 595; Waite,477; Brown, 1,185. Hrown over Hand 590, over Wait 708. SUPERINTENDENT SCHOOLS. Qgksby, 574; Rowland, 603; Dawne, 1,056. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Ford, 628; Humphrey, 525; Whitney, 1,055. Whitney over Ford 427, over Humphrey 530. STATE SENATORS. eoodman, 1,102; Fuller, 1,052 ; I'arton, 1,009 (Independents); Ha ley, 1,090 ; Hendrix, 926 ; Man. ken, 1,080. Goodman, Independ ent, and Haley and Monkers, Dem ocrats,, elected. Democrat, 1,169. Hill's majority, 184. ' "x f ' SHKRIFF. Morris, Iodependent, 1,071 Rice, Democrat, 1,071. TREASURER. Bassett, Independent, 954 ; Shields, Democrat, 1,140. Shield's majority, 192. ASSESSOR. Marks, Independent, 1,050 ; Curl, Democrat, 1,086. Curl's majority, 36. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. Warren, Independent, 1,042; Weathcrfnrd, Democrat, 1,112. Weatlierford's majority, 70. SURVEYOR. Harris, Independent, 1,056 ; Bry. ant, Democrat, 1,075 Democratic majority, 19. CORONER. Irvine, Independent, 1,062 Grigsby, 1,068. Grigsby's msjor. 'ty, 6. Statement or Ike Mm Matter. KEPRKSENmVES. Wassoui, 1,098; Lame, 1,085; Sooth, 734 1 Griggs, 1,065 ; Shedd, 1,082.;. Fanuitig, 984 (Indepen dents);, 1,064 ; Stanard, 1,189; Crawford, 1,158 ; Slamil too, 1,021; Sbelton, 1,138; Holt, 1,054. Lame, Wassom and Shedd, Independents, a d Stonard, Craw ford and Sbelton, Democrats, ejected. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Cbeadle, 1,052; Harris, 1,048 (Indepeudeuts) ; Porter, 1.IJ3 ; Om, 1)75 (DtKnocrats). The femoorats get away with both HH1, Shedd, Ogn., June 3d, 1874 The committee in the ca.-e of Rev. C. W. Shaw, with Rev. 1. 11 Roork and the presiding officer added, after prayerful consideratiot in the fear of God, state that they are sorry tor any difference of opin ion that has grown out of what was considered a misappropriation of the one hundred and twenty-live dol lars due the church at Albany ; and believing that the misappropria tion was not the result of evil inten tion, yet believing that the honor and credit of the church demand that funds raised for specific pur poses should be sacredly devoted to the purposes for which they were raised, have, of our own means, (others assisting), and according to our ability, contributed the said sum of one hundred and twenty five dollars, to be applied on the debt of the Albany Church, and here engage to settle all past dim culties and pray God's forgiveness for anything wrong, either in feel iug or action, toward each other ; and also state that all the past differences' and difficulties in regard to matters at Albany and elsewhere, are included in this adjustment, the pastors at Albany and Salem con curring. John W. York, Chr. P. M. Starr, A. C. Faircaild, N. Clark, J. L. McCain, John H. Roork, Wm. Mc Phektkiw. Isaiah Wilson, I. D. Driver, p. E. ruber, COUNTY cuhbk. At the meeting of the Business Council of the Patrons of Hus bandry for this county, in this city, on Tuesday, a committee of thr?e was appointed to confer with other Granges in the valley, in reference to securing the immediate survey of the obstructions in the Willam ette river. Messrs. A. S. Powell. E. E. Fanning, and J. Wheeler constitute the committee. The Council adjourned to the second Tuesday in July. The new sewing machine offered by Mr, Eli Carter has so may desirable points over most all the other first class machines, tliat it is bound to have a big sale just so soon as the people are made aware of its merits. It is simple, strong, durable and cheap, and, will do any kind of work. Go and. see it for yourself. Smith has started in with his perambulating ice cream saloon, vMok he i i asking pay ray will n Hall op Albany Lodge No. 4, 1.O.O.F., Albany, June, 8d, 1074. The fiat of the Omnicient is, dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return. It has been said there is but a pau from the cradle to the grave. These truths have been brought vividly to our minds by the death of our dearly beloved brother, P. G., William Colwkll. It seems but yesterday that he sat with us within this council cham ber. To-day he sleeps the sleep that knows no waking. He is gone, ai d the place that knew him shall know him no more forever. In respect to the memory of our beloved Brother, we, the members of Albany Lodge No 4, 1.O.O.F. : Resolve, That the members of this Lodge wear the usual bacLre of mourning for the period of four weeks, and that this hall be draped in mourning for the same time. Resolved, That we tender our sincerest condolence to the bereaved family of our departed Brother, and commend them to the care of Him who tempers the wind to the shorn Iamb. Resolved, That these resolutions be furnished to the papers of this city tor publication, and that a copy, under seal of the Lodge, be presented to the family of our de parted brother. M. M. j hompson, R. Saltmaush, Committee, There was a grand picnic near Turner, on Saturday, May 30th. The Presbyterian Sunday School, of Albany, was present, and parti cipated in the day's pleasures with hearty good will. There were present, in all, alxmt 500 persons. v part of the programme consisted of a well appreciated lecture by Protest" Warren, of Albany. The tire on election day caused the only excitement we noticed dur ing the day. The building received slightdamage probably $15 would more than cover it. Damage to furniture very slight. The tire boys deserve grejit credit for the energy with which they went tor and ex tinguished the fire. The Independent Champions of the Red Cross, of Brownsville, are making extensive preparations for having a Temperance Fourth of July celebration at that place, to be participated in by all the tern perance organizations of the county. Indian Tom got away with ten did lars net from Thursday night's show. Tyee Pete was door-keeper Bill Gird talks of taking this Indian troupe to Europe ! It was certainly the biggest show Albanians have seen for an age. As will lie seen elsewhere the Independent ticket got away with a goodly share of its candidates in this county on Monday. June '76 will see the entire ticket elected. No mistake about it. Grange Picnic The Grangers in the neighborhood of Robert's bridge, give a picnic on Saturday, June 13th, at that point. Of ooufte it will be well attended, end a good time will be had by those who attend. Religious. Rev. J. Bower. box, of Salem, wil preach in the Congregational Church on Sunday (to-morrow) at 1 o'clock. All are invited to attend. -H , Writing, School. Prof. Gar rison commences a class, in the art) of penmanship at Brownsville next, Monday. As a. teacher the Pro, hear has bejp ray ucWl. PAIUURAXUn Anxious Candidates. 'Lection is over. Mist on Thursday. Indian show Thnrsday night. Sheep shearing has commenced. Tame strawberries in abunda.e. The farmers are anxious for rain. Wool quoted at 25c per pound. Fresh salmon are in the market. Good Templar Festival Wednes day night largely attended. Fanny organ Phelps billed for Saturday night. The universal question What's the latest from the election? Remember the District School meeting to-day. A large amount of sugar, at low rates, at C. P. Harper fc Co.'s. . Fare between Seattle and Kalama is $7. Independents get away with part of the ticket. Wool buyers are getting ready for business. C. B. Montague, of Lebanon, was in the city on Thursday. Gad. Taylor, of Oakland, came down among us Thursday. Jos. Baunou was electa! Justice 9 of the Peace for this precinct. J. A. Mclvnight was elected Constable Jerry Winter is down from the McKenzie, where ho has been rus ticating all winter. Mr. Adams and wife, of Dalles, arrived ii: this city on a visit on Wednesday. Mrs. Sylvester Cannon arrived home on Wednesday, after a pro- traeted stay in Eastern Oregon. Lew .stimpsoii is going to Wash- ington Territory with a band of deep. Bill Cannon has put up a beauti ful sign for his livery stable. He calls the stable the Northern Light. Judge Tolman passed this city on the southern bound train on Wednesday. "Whose elected in Linn county?" was the biggest conundrum of the week. Subscription to the Register will hereafter be $2 50 in advance $3 otherwise. Titus & Cc. run out of Singers last week sell 'em faster than they can get them from the factory. Morris and Rkw, Independent and Democratic candidates tor Sheriff, got 1,071 votes each a tie. Partiesfiom Salem propose erect ing an immense warehouse, tor stor ing grain in sacks, near the depot in this city. Hank Mendenhall and John Hanuon have gone to the springs on the McKeozie, searching for health. The Good Templar strawberry festival at Opera House on Wednes. day night got away with $130 a fair night's work. Sail river candidates are endeav oring to secure Cant. Wheeler's new boat, Granger No. 2, in which to make their satire trip. lbe Presbyterian Sunday School picnic last Saturday was a success. It was largely attended and a good time had. We expect to be able to give the eutire vote of the State next week. At present it is simply impossible to give any. reliable figures. As about one hundred voters who formerly trained, with the De mocracy, a Scio, voted the Inde pendent ticket on Monday, straight Danwats. now claim that there were one hundred, illegal votes pelledatScwI. McFarland is furnishing all who call with the Richmond Range probably the best range manufac tured. He has, however, almost any other kind of Rtove desired. The confariness of one of the judges of election out at Brush Creek, kept the pill books from that precinct from Iteiiig returned several days. ' N. BAUM Wants 200,000 lbs. of good WOOL, and will pay the highest market price tor it. Pays 16jjc for eggs, 15 to 20c for butter, $1 37$ for lard in 101b. cans, and tor all other produce the highest market price. He has the largest stock of goods, and sells them cheaper than any house in the city. Cali and see for yourself. In. '"Iheaille's brick building, First street. , Harper & Co. are selling vast quantities of goods these days. They have a first rate assortment, sell at the very lowest rates, are accommodating and liberal with customers, a-nl therefore can hardly be otherwise than popular, "Par alyze" their goods. A. WHKELUt. C. C. P. IIOl'OB. It. WIIEKXKR. A. WIIKIXKR A CO., Ml EDO, ORECiOX, Forwarflmg&Coinmiss'n Merchants. Dealers In Merchandise and Produce. A good assortment of all kinds of Goods al ways In store nt lowest market rates. Agents for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills, Cider Mills, Churns, Ac, Ac CASH raid for WHEAT, OA.T9, PORK, BUTTER. KGGS and POULTRY. Xew To-Day. ,Sff,000,000 ' ENDOWMENT SCHEME! t'IF I'll Al LAST 4'ONCERT In aid of Hie Public Library or Kentucky. JULY 31, 1874 In announcing the Fifth and !ast of tho serii- of Gift Concerts, given for the ixme flt of the Public Library of Kent nek v. tho Trns'oes and Manauer refer with 'pride and Measure to the four which have heen already given: Tnetirst, December hi, 1871; the second, Deeemiter 2, 172; the third, July S, 1873; and the fourth. March Jlst, 1874. Under : heir charter, grant ed hy a sticetal act of the Ktntnekv Legislature, March 18, 1871, the Trustees are aulhorlied to give one more, and only one nor (iift Concert. Wi h the money arising from this Fifth an 1 LAST Concert, the Library, Museum, and oibet deenrtinenM are in no enforced and endowed with a itJte I and certain annual income. Such an endowment f ind is desired, as will secum beyond neradventure, not only the main tenance of this magnificent establishment, bat Its constant growth. THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT for tho purposes mentioned, and which is positively and unequivocally announced as the litat which will ever he fflrea muter this charter and by she prra eat mnnagrnieiit, will come off In the Pnbllc Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky., Friday, July 31, I MM. At this linal Concert everything will be upon a scale, corresponding with It in cleaned Importance. Tho musto will tie rendered by an orchestra consisting of one hundred performers selected for their fame in different lands, and the unprece dented snin of $2,500,000 divided Into twenty thnnsand gifts, will be distributed among the ticket-holders. mmt of aim. One Grand Cashtiift 1230,000 One tiraml Cash Gift 100,000 One Grand Cash (Uft 75,000 One Grand Cash (Jiff 60,000 One Grand Cnsh Gift 14,000 5 Cash Gifts, 110,000 each iwuxw 10 Cash . If ta. 14,000 each 140,000 1.1 Cash Gifts, 10,000 each IW,000 iO Cash Gifts. 5,000 each 100,000 25 Cash Gifts, svwooach ; 100,000 80 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each 90100 50 Cash Gifts, 2,000 each 100,000 100 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each 100,000 240 Cash Gifts, 500 each 120,000 500 Cash Gifts, 100 each 50,000 19,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each ,. 900,000 Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all cash, 22,500,000 PRICE OF TICKET. Whole Tlokets JftW lvee .00 Tenth, or each Coupon 0.00 11 Whole Tickets lor 22 X Tickets for Tickets are now ready for ale, and orders accompanied by the cash will ba promptly ailed. Liberal Commissions will be allowed to satisfactory agents. Circulars containing full particular furnished on application. BBUHLBTTK, IHfclfe llbray Building, LoaisrUie, Ef ,