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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1873)
I ALBANY EEGISTER. "5 K LOCAL MATTERS. post office register. mails amove: From Railroad (north and south) dally art 12.2(i v. m. From Corvallls, daily, at 10.30 a. tr. From Lotxwon, trl-weckly, (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at JO. 30 a. m. MALLS tlEPAKT: For Railroad (north and oo-tl), dally, dose prompt at 11. ii a. m. For Corvallls, daily,-at 1.50 p. m. For Lebanon, trl-weekly, (Monday, Wed nesday and Frldaylat 2 P. M. Office horn's from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. ftnndav. from 12 . to 4 P. M. Money order office hours from 9 A. M.1 P. M. P. V. RAYMOND, P. M. to The REGISTER Is Issued twice each week (WoauesdayandSaturdav mornings) at the low price of three dollars per year, m advance. Call at the office, comer of First and Ferry streets, and subscribe. Court Business. George Blakely, Jiarged with assault, was convicted nd fined $25 and costs. Joseph Blakely, assault and battery; found gnilty and fined $25 and costs. Wm. U. Brown, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, (tor assaulting City Marshal); gave bonds in $500 M. V. Brown and J. R. Herren, sure ties. Peter Bilyeu, assault with dan gerous weapon. Win. Moore, selling liquors without license. In the indict ments found in tlie case of the State of Oregon vs. Peterson, for assault w'ith a dangerous weapon, the Grand Jury returned "not true bill." The same lu the ease of Finn, charged with the tame ofl'ense. TnE Vote of Linn County. Be low we give,tlic reported majorities in the different precincts in this county. For N esmith : Albany, 135 ; Syracuse, 84; Scio, 74; Franklin Butte, 71; San- tiam, 28; Sweet Home, 10; Lebanon, 63; Brownsville. 7G; Brush Creek. 0; Harrisburg, 7; Halsey, 29; Center 3 total, 5(Xi. For Hiram Smith : Water loo. 4: Orleans. 4-total 8. This is really a blester vote than there was any necessary for! Views. Mr. J. G. Crawford, of Harrisburg, has just returned home from a tour In the mountains and along the coast for some weeks. Dur ing his absence lie secured a large number of stereoscopic views of prom input noints in Orearon. Mr. Craw ford is one of the very best photo graphers of scenery on the coast, and tu he proposes to devote the most ot his attention to this branch hereafter will certainly make it profitable. Lectures. Prof. Stephen Doe, of Kan Francisco, will lecture at the Court House on Sunday evening. Subject-Capital Punishment. Ag6n- ral invitation is extended to tne cm Bens of Albany to attend. The Pro fessor comes recommended by sucn men as Gov. Newton Bootii, Hon. T. G. Phelps Revs. Stone and Sawtelle, Postmaster N. B. Stone and others. He is highly spoken ot by the press. Don't fail to attend the lecture. Lectures will be delivered at the Court House; on Saturday and Sun day evenings. October 18 and 19, by J. M. Stephens, on the Subject Signs of the Times." Lecture to commence at 7l4 o'clock each evening. A general invitation is extended to all to come and hear. Races .-At'tlie State Fair Ground, m the 15th, there were two races, the first a single dash of lialf a mile, for purse ot flSO-won by Confidence, entered by J. F. Bybee, tu 54 seconds, Second race was a mile and a half dash, for purse of $50-won by Bing ham, entered by .1. F. B-'bec, in 2:57. New Firm. Mr. F. M. Wadsworth has formed a partnership with Messrs. Margrat & Parks, in the painting line. ,Tlie firm-name will be Margrat, Wad worth & Co. This makes a strong team, ail three gentlemen being fln islied workmen. We commend them to all wanting painting executed. Contract Let. A contract has teen let to dig a ditch trom the svrall west of the Presbyterian church down FUtli to Ferry and down Ferry to Second. Hero ft will intersect a ditch already dug down Second to Broadal btn. This is a drain that has been de manded for some time. "There's Maw a Slip," etc. One evening recently, in a beautiful little village of Linn county, extensive preparations had been made for a bridal ceremony. The lady, who was about to throw herself away for the second time, was gay and handsome, and well provided with the luxuries and comforts of life, while the festive kuss who had succeeded in ensnaring this lovable woman, wasbutordinnrily attractive, and possessed of but a small share of 'filthy chiekamin." The task of preparing the wedding feast devolved upon the lady, and right royally did she perform this labor of love. It was a teast fit for tlie gods, and gathered from iar and near were the nssembled guests, full of joy ous anticipations over the coming revel. But time waned ; conversation slackened ; the guests began to show signs of Impatience what's up, was the inquiry that ran from lip to lip. The expectant and waiting to-be bride was in an agony of susiwnse three mortal hours had "transpired" since the time set for the "splicing," and no bridegroom yet. What could be the row! uut soon, alas ! too soon, came tidings of the truant man. A note conveyed to her the mournful Intelli gence that the marriage would not. be celebrated ; that all this work and ex pense in procuring good clothes and better grub was simply thrown away; that this perfidious, ojus, beastly, de praved, low cuss had "gone back" on the fair and gentle dove he wasn't on it, on tlie marry, but had gone off, levatited, vamoosed, slid out, and tlie country that once knew him would throw its eagle eyes on him no more. Only another story of the rascality of rascalism of confidence misplaced of lull-grown affections frosted ot blighted hopes of a good dinner spoiled by too long waiting. Excursh. The farmer's excursion to Astoria from tins city and return on the 21st, promises to be a success. It will lie a delightful trip, and as the charge tor the round trip is very low, everybody proposes to take advantage of it. A special train will leave this city on the morning of tlie 21st at 6 o'clock. Let everybody be on time. Permanent Organization. Tlie Central Grange Association perfected a permanent organization on Tuesday, at the Pacific Opera House in this city, by electing Dr. W. F. Alexander, President ; James Tatutn, Vice Presi dent; A. W. Stanard, Secretary; C. P. Burkhart, Treasurer; F. Sheddand F. Powell, Trustees ; Elias Fanning, Gate Keeper; J. B. Stump, Agent. The Association adjourned to meet on tlie 2d Tuesday in November. Encouraged. A growing and in creasing subscription list encourages us in the belief that we shall soon be enabled to resume the old size of the Register, or twice its present size, which will continue to be issued twice a week. If our good friends continue their efforts in our behalf we Intend showing our gratitude by giving them more reading matter, for the same money, than any paper in Oregon. Large Quantities Of wlicat are hauled in from tlie country and left at the depot to be forwarded to Port land. The Lebanon mills are also hauling flour to the depot in this city, tthich is being shipped below as fast as a sufficient quantity is received to make a car load. Personal. Mr. Pratt, of Portland, is in the city. Mr. Abrams, of Brownsville, lias been spending a few days in the city. Judges Williams and Uronaugh. of Portland, are in attendance ou the Circuit Coutt. American Homes. The October number of American Home is brim lull of good thing:;, and fully maintains its high standard of amusing, interesting, and instructive family literature. With a pair ot beautiful Chroiuos, it is only two dollars a year. Agents are doing splendidly with the combination of the publishers, Chas. il. Taylor & Co., 128 Washington street, Boston, and 92 Market street, Chicago. Mrs. Duniway Received some fifteen votes in Linn county for Con-gresswQimw. Married. At the residence of Mr. J. M. McConnell, in this city, by Rev. Isaiah Wilson, Mr. Charles Smith and Miss Ellen J. McClung all of Linn county. Seed Wheat. Howell, Harper & Co. have for sale a choice article of Wheat tor seed, such as Fall or White Winter, Click and Chita Club, Sonora, &c, &c, all of which they will dispose of by exchanging for other wheat, or on other terms which will nlltf. Natural Decay Protect the System, The human tody isamachine,and there fore cannot endure forever; but, like a watch or a sewing machine, it will last much longer u properly regulated anu dill v renaired. than if nonalns were taken to keen it in order. The great object of every one wno ram a long anu nean in life should lie to put his 'body in a condl tion to resist the life threatening intlu ences by which wo are all more or less surrounded; and no in vigors nt .and cor rective at present known so effectively an swers this luirnose as the vitalizing elixir which, under the unpretending name of 1 iostct tor's stomacli Bitters, lias oeen lor more than twenty years the standard ton ic of America. In crowded cities, where the atmosnhere is contaminated with the cltluvla inseparable irom largo popiua tlons : m marsny regions, wncre me soggy soil recks with miasma: on the prairies and in tlie forests, where every fall the air is tainted with exhalations from rot ting weeds and grasses, or decomixjslng leaves -In short, In every locality where miliaria exists, this powerful vegetable antidote is urgently needed. Fever and ague, Dillons levers, uyseuiery, congest ion of the liver, jaundice, rheumatism, and all iliai'ii.Hi'.s whleh iii-e ireiicrated bv infected air, impure water, or sudden changes of temperature, may ncavenou oy sireugin cning and regulating the system in ad vance with nosictter'8 timers, auiuuiu Is always a season of peril, especially to weak, susceptible organizations. Even the more vigorous are apt to be in some measure depressed by tlie humid atmos phere, loaded with deleterious gases pro duced by vegetable decay. Tlie fall Is a period of the year when the renovation and regulation of the living machine is peculiarly important, and the Hitters should therefore be taken daily at this critical season. oct A. WHKKLBB. C P. HOWIE. 0, It. WHEKLER. A. WHEELER Sc. CO., SHERD, OREGON, Forwarflmi&Commiss'n Merchants. Dealers in Merchandise and Produce. A good assortment of all kinds of Goods al ways In store at lowest market rates. Agents for sale of Wagons, Grain Drills, Cider Mills, Churns, Ac., Ac. CASH paid for WHEAT, OATS, l'ORK, BUTTER, EGGS and 1WLTRY. New To-Oh) . NEW GOODS ! MONTAGUE & McCl'LLY, LEBANON, OREGON, TTAVE JUST RECEIVED. AND ARE XL constantly receiving, large invoicesof laie siyic OBY GOODS, FRES1I GROCERIES, NEW CLOTHING, and General Merchant! ic ! which they will dispose of on tlie fairest and most accommodating tonus. A gen eral invitation is extended toall to calland examine our new line of Dress Goods, late styles of Clothing, head wear, boots, shoes, Ac., Ac, the very latest in market, and se lected with the view of meeting the re quirements of this people. MONTAGUE A McCULLY. Octoler 18, '73in3 REAL ESTATE SOLD ON CREDIT, OR EXCHANGED for other Property. Money Loaned, Notes, Accounts and Demands on tho U. S. collected. C. M. CARTER will sell his own City Lots and Blocks and outside lands, on a long time, or will ex change for other projwrty. He owns real estate lu all parts of the city, and cam sell cheaper than any one else. MONEY LOANED tor any person, on improved real estate in t his city. Interest collected quarterly and remitted to lender. Loans can be made to rebuild brick houses In tho burnt district, secured by Ihc same property. Notes, Vouchers, Accounts and Ulaims on tne v. a. collected. Address, C. M. CARTER, Carter's Block, Portland, Or. October 18, 1873-lui REMEMBER! C. ME ALE Y, OFFEK8 A OOOll JPaying Business ! For Sale Low. Wanted. 10,000 uug.iMUmit BI'SHEI OF OATS. Inquire at the Old Warehouse, ot E. 8. MERRILL. FOR SALE ? rrMIE CELEBRATED W. A. WOOD'S REAPERS A MOWERS. tlnliic's Deaden, (Wood's improved.) CoqiiUIanr Indian farm Wagon. The Roaael and Violator Threshers, (best machines on the coast. Ktalesmnn Fowefecd Drill. Ntar Plowa,nnd other machines. Call, see, and get prtco and terms before buying elsewhere, at my Blacksmith Shop, corner Second and Ellsworth sts., Alltany, Oregon. aavj PRANK WOOD. MISCELLANEOUS. BUILDERS, ATTENTION! SASH, BLIND, AND DOOR FACTOR V. S. H. ALTU0V8E. J. F. B ACK KKSTO. W. KETCHUM. ALTHOUSE CO., Lyon Street, on the River Rank, ALBANY, OREGON. Keep on hand a full assortment, and are prepared to FURNISH TO ORDER, Doora, Sunn, Blind, and Moldinga, Such as CHOWS, PANEL, RAND SECTION MOLD, Of all sizes WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, Flooring, Siding, - And- AI1 other hinds of Handing Material . ALSO: PREPARED TO DO MILL work, furnish shatter fans, zigzag shakers, suction fiins, driving pulleys of any kind, at our factory on Lyon street on the river bank), next below Markham's warehouse. ALTHOUSE CO. Allrany, Feb. 10, 1869-U GO TO THE BEE-HIVE STORE! TO RVY Groceries, Provisions, Notions, &c, &c, &c, CHEAP FOR CASH ! Country Produce of All Kinds BOUGHT FOR MERCHANDISE OR This is the place to get the BEST BAR GAINS over otTcred in Allny. Parties will always do well tocallnnd sec for them selves. H. WEED. First street, Albany, Oregon. 32v5 ALBANY FOUNDKY And Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ATJUNY, OREGON, Manufactures Steam Engines Flour and Saw Mill Muehln- cry, WOOD WORKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinds of IRON AND HRA8M CANTISMW. Particular attention paid tnrepalnng all kinds of machinery. 4Iv dbxinftQAperday. Agents wanted! All )OTi)lU$U classes of working people, of either sex, voting or old, make more mon ey at work for us In their spare moments or all t he time, than at anything else Par ticulars free. Address G. Stinson ft Co., Portland, Maine. Uy? Coon Ray Coal Arcncy. RERRVRAN A HOY E. BEALERS in Cumberland, Lehigh and all descriptions of Forelsn and Do mestic Coals. Mso, PIG IRON . Bulkhead '"ctwecn Pacific and ,!nckon street wharves. San Francisco. Ca.1. Uv3 in New To-Day. Only about a Hair Dozen MITCHELL WAGONS left at M DODO'S, 4v0 Register Building, Albany. For Hardware, Q.0 TO DODWR. For Grocerlei, THRESH AND GOOD-GO TO DODO'S. For PI oh i, MOLDtE, PEORIA, CAST CA8T8TEKL, WOOD'S to the place to get t hem. ANYTHING YOU WANT, FIRST TRT DODO'S. For Dose tie Sewing Machine, WHY I DONT FAIL TO CALL AT DODDH. For the Latest to BUCKSAW 8, AXES, PITCTWORK8, etc., give DoDn a call, anyway. When Yon Want rtlDER PRESSES, OR FARM MACHTN v en Hulldf V cry of any kind, call at the Reffiaun ing and see. DODD. TO THE FARMERS ! AND ALL IN WANT Of STORASK 1 n B. COM8TOCK ft CO. HAVE THOR y. oughly repaired and strengthened their Alliany Warehouse, and having tw good Cleaners, can handle ALL URAN THAT COMER with safety and dispatch. They are prepared to furnish all the sacks needed. Don't be frightened by the old cry thai we are getting more 1han Wo can sUm Call and sec for yourselves. yourselves. "FAIR DEALING WILL WIN." Head ! WE WILL CON t t tr tmnt. tn MTrmm Wheat FREE, cither at ALBANY, PORT LAND or HALSEY, until It is worth lb per bushel. Wanted.. ALAROE AMOUNT OF PI-AX NERD wanted, for which we will pay the HIUHENT MARKET PRICE In cash, from time to time. Present quotations. I For Common and Volunteer, 3c ft. " extra flue and clenti, fc! ii Tf lib a. C. B. COMSTOCK A CO, Aug. 15-H50 DOMESTIC Sewing Machine presents a record of success unparaleled in the history of Sewing Machines. The Latest Improvements of tho Aire. Tlie Domestic CHALLENGES THE WORLD 1 Nold at Chlemro Prices, nud War ranted Fire Tears. W. J. HORNE, Gen. Agent Office, 104 Third street, Portland. Sort ALRANY Collegiate Institute I Kext term opens, Monday, September 1, I87T. R. H. WARREN, President. nil FARMERS J "T,l.o KTotioe ! THE NEW AND WELL-ARRANGED Warehouse of R. Cheadle, with lin- roved cleaning aparat us pf ample capue- ty, Is now prewired to receive grain for the harvest of 1x7a. Farmers wishlnx to store or sell wheat. will And it to their advantage to sec ins before soiling elsewhere. All will be furn ished with sacks to move their uruin by calling on inc. Tho highest cash prl'1 will he fl tn goad merchantable wneat at all tfms. E. 8. MkkkiI' ,an bany, of excellent business qualifications. I'M taken charge of the warehouse, snu will superintend the receiving and delivery at all grain passing through It. R. t'HKAU M Albany, July 23, lHMn47ma I