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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1873)
ALBANY REGISTER. V. H. Official Paper for Oregon. FRIDAY, JULY 18. 1873. Republican State (Yntrnl Committer C. W. Parrlsh. Chairman of the Re publican Slate Central Committee, IntM his call for the meeting of the Committee on the 7th day of August next, at Eugene City. More Argument. Brevity is said to be the soul of wit. To s)oak without superfluity and write without circumlocution, developing fact sharply and clearly, in fewest words, are desirable traits; but where these are done at the ex pense of logical particularity, or convincing argument, superficiality of development is the result. The most popular writers for the press are paragrapnisis: in rawest woms they state the fact, or principle, but l wJ noi prove ii. i w they simply postulate. Such writ ing imparts knowledge it tills the mind with facts, as a bin would be filled with corn by scooping it in but the rescuing powers are not brought into tuition; no original idea, or careful thinking is evoked, and a feeble roertal development is the result. It would be better lor us, and especially for the future of our people, if more profound thinking; more reasoning from cause to effect; more exhaustiveneaa of statement were practiced by speak ers and writers, rather than the present indulgence in mere glitter ing generalities. If we would have our people strong in the brain, the press and rostrum must argue more and postulate less. Our Neighbor Uush. The Albany Democrat is over flowing with gushing sanguiuity relative to the result of the October e'ection for Congressman. The sad dispensation which renders an elec tion for that office necessary has scarcely transpired, ere that journal claims a victory. The vacancy it fills at once with a Democrat, though the name of that lucky mor tal it fails to give. For some rea son or other, which no one but the sapient writer ot that journal can even guess, a Republican majority of over 4,000 votes in the State, is going to "clear the track" and allow the Democratic nominee, whomso ever he may be good, bad, or in different to run straight into the office of Representative, It seems to forget that the character of each party has not changed a whit since the last election; that the same motives and ideas which united Re publicans then will prevail now; that while the latter has an eye to, and will strive to nominate its best and strongest man, it will not cease to regard principle as paramount; and will never cast its vote for the nominee of a party whose character is synonymous with that of insta bility, corruption and fraud. Rkv. Van Ci.kve says tht be cause Mitchell Ins been a "good loy" in Oregon, he is not charge able with crimes committed in Pennsylvania. Does the murderer escape the halter by living a brief period in uprightness. Benton Democrat. We did not My any such thing, neither is the language we used susceptible ot any such interpreta tion. Our position is clear enough, Mr. Head, without your trying to lager-IIcad it. OCR COIX'MNIATORfi. Onr humble article upon Senator Mitchell has brought down upon our head a mountain of characteris tic abuse and misrepresentation from Democratic journals. We are charged with regarding "seduction, adultery, theft and bigamy" as not contrary to good morals, and such epithets as "Reverend hypocrite," "clerical wolf," etc , are applied to us with unrestrained freedom. It is not pleasant to be so treated, and yet take away from the Democratic press of Oregon, as conducted by the Salem Mercury, for instance the organ of the Governor of the State the habit of treating every question at issue from the stand point of slander and abuse, and its chief element of strength is destroy ed. A journa'ism that mingles courtesy with argument, the offshoot of culture and gentlemanly instinct, seems to have no attractions for such journals as the Salem Mercury. Like the hog in the mire, the grov eling instinct of such journals leads them to wallow in the filth of mis representation; like the Digger In dian, their most toothsome aliment is derived from the bugs and worms of abusive epithets. No pity or sympathy refines their souls, but deep-seated malice and revenge, and utvrning hate, blister the paper upon which they write. To be just and courteous in the treatment ot a political opponent, would be an act as new to them as the virtuous thought that would prompt it would be novel. It is no discredit to a man to be abused by such journals; it is a compliment. It is no dis credit to a journalist to be opposed in principle to such writers, it is conclusive evidence thai he is right. The approval of the devil is no recommendation to one who is try ing to do right. Our argument re lative to Senator Mitchell, is to show mercy to an erring mortal struggling to atone by a virtuous lite tor the sins of the past. The Mercury says, "your teaching don't suit us." If it did, Mr. Mercury, we would immediately review our premises to see what false position we had unwitingly taken. You confess your delight in nosing your way into the sacred precincts of a man's private life. Hyena-like, the greater the putrid mass of festering corruption you would find, the higher enjoyment; and you would exhibit the disgusting, loathsome mass, piece by piece, to your read ers. That being your confessed taste, sir, we are glad our "teaching don't suit" you We prefer to let a public man's past private charac ter alone, where its exposure would subserve no public end but that of personal hate, or party rancor. In our treatment of the case of Mr. Mitchell, we have said nothing which can ev'en be tortured into re garding "seduction, adultery, theft and bigamy," or any other crimes, as anything but wrong; and our professional reputation we are will ing to risk among those who know us best. Dr. J. A. Chapman, ot Portland, has published a card in the Oregonian, resigning tils position as Chairman ot the Democratic State Central Commit tee, and renounced all further allegi ance to the so-called Democratic party. "Believing as I do," says the Doctor, "that the Republican party is the true party of progress, and best calculated to promote the welfare of the State and nation, It shall henceforth receive my unqualified support." The Re publican party has room' for more when they choose to come. Hie "If of tht Advocate. The Pacific Advocate, In alluding to some animadversions of the Portland Evening Notes on our Mitchell article, says : "If the Register designed to uphold Mr. Mitchell in any wrong doing, it has greatly erred, in our judg ment," ere. We are sorry the editor of that journal did not take the trou ble to read our article before he wrote the above. The animadversions of the Xeirs were very likely but a reflec tion of those of the Democrat of this place, as we do not exchange with the former, and it seems to have copied its deductions from the latter, which were based upon premises of its own inven tion. No fair-mir.ded journalist, much less a religious one, will make careless statements relative to positions as sumed by another, where they involve vital issues. In fact, truth cannot he compromised in anything; no shift ings between it and falsehood, no cir cumlocution will satisfy the demands ot justice ; the truth and nothing but the truth, is the claim of equity. Now, then, what right has the Advocate, to express a doubt relative to our posi tion, when a little reading would en lighten it ? Our position is plain a wayfaring man though a fool may un derstand it. Should not the editor of that paper? He says, in substance, the Methodist Church is not responsi ble for our errors, if we have erred. Of course not, as the M. E. Church is not a political organization, and we are not editing a church paper. But he is ; he is the inouth-piece of the Church. The courtesy, justice and equity of the Church are supposed to preside at his tripod. What right has he to throw a mantle of implied guilt over us, by his conservative " If?" Read our article, Mr Advocate, and then say emphatically whether we "up hold Mr. Mitchell in any wrong do ing." Our Hypocrisy. The Salem Mfrowy calls us a hypo crite. That is one who appears to be what he is not a dissembler. Let us see : That journal says all the Repub lican papers in Oregon are in sympa thy with our new Senator, but the Register is the only one that dares to boldly assert its opinions relative to the matter. If that be true, where does the dissimulation come in ? By its own acknowledgment, we" do not hide our real sentiments, but boldly avow them, thus openly on paper putting in practice our genuine views. How is it with that journal ? Let us see : For its erring brethren of the South its plea ever lias been, amnesty, mercy. Let not tho law punishing the traitor and the perjurer lie enforced against them. Oh, no ! Let a gen erous Government show mercy, and spare the guilty ; ami it would have forced amnesty upon the leading reb els, even while they spumed it. Why? Bemuse it sympathized with them. Its sympathetic soul leads it to regard murder, and arson, and theft, and per jury, and all the other crimes of the rebellion, as only tlie mistake of our erring brethren. Now, Senator Mitch ell, whose crimes against morals date back to about the same time, compris ing the desertion of a wife and the changing ot his name, whose subse quent life appears upon its surface, at least, as full of elements of reform, must have no mercy, no amnesty shown him. No matter how earnestly bis life and works may ask if, let im placable, unforgiving justice and judg ment be enforced. Down with the wretch ! Let him be accursed forever, is the hounding cry of this journal. Now, then, if it Was right, and gen erous, and christian, to show mercy towards the rebels why not towards Mitchell? If the principle was right in the one case, should it not apply in the other? If the Mercmy is right in its position now, was it not acting tlie hypocrite then ? - If it was right then, is it not a hypocrite now ? The Kenton Demoaat in alluding to us says: "Tlie reverend has laid aside his surplice a-id wig, and donned the armor of a political demagogue," etc. That Head must have been addled when it wrote that, and taken us for somebody else. We never wore swell toggery hi our life. A Contrast. Our attention has lately been called to a comparison of the per sonal allowances received per day by the rulers of Europe, and the salary of the President ot tho United States. In the light of this con trast, the efforts frequently made by partisian writers generally tor partisian purposes to show the latter amount extortionate, becomes ' contemptible. Here are some of! the contrasts: Queen Victoria, per day $ 8,027 William of Prussia 8,210 Francis Joseph ot Austria 10.950 i President Grant 137 The American nation is rich and prosperous enough to pay her Chief Magistrate a salary large enough to relieve his mind from financial cares, and enable him without em barrassment to maintain in a decent manner the duties and dignities of his office; and $50,000 per annum is enough and none too much. The Oregonian calls us a theoretical bigamist. Our editorials will show the falsity of this allegation. Did we desire to learn lessons of practical du plicity, though, and shrewdly laid plans of treachery against the party which the Oregonian claims to lead, we would follow in its political lead. It will be "fortunate" for tlie party when that journal drops its mask of "theo retical" Republicanism, and comes out In its true, practical colors, a Democrat. . Governor G rover has issued a writ tor a special election to be held on the second Monday in October next, to fill the vacancy in Congress caused by the death of Hon, Joseph G. Wilson. - The trial ot Captain .lack and his associates has been concluded, and the Comlssion has dispersed. The verdict of the Court Martial will not be di vulged until it has been passed upon by the officer commanding the Depart ment. FOHEItiX NEWS. The Sultan has declined the in vitation of Emperor Francis Joseph to visit the Vienna Exposition, as signing that the condition of affairs prevent him from leaving Constan tinople. The Italian Parliament was pro rogued on the 12th. Archbishop Manning and two American Archbishops arc expected to be Cardinaled 60011 by the Pope. A heavy rain storm, accompanied by lightning, swept over Yorkshire, Eng., on the 13th, greatly damag ing the crops and killing several persons. Five thousand peasants at Alpena Lane, Spain have joined the, Car lists, having been driven thereto by the excesses of the Republicans. Slight shocks of earthquake were felt in Rome, and other places on the 12th. The crisis in the Italian Ministry has terminated. Signor Mingsille, who was summoned to this city, formed a Cabinet, which is con stituted as follows: President of the Council and Minister of Ei nance, Mingsille; Foreign Affairs, Viscount Venas'ta; Lieutenant-Gen-eral, Riscatti Magrani; Marine, Saint lion; Public Works, Spavinti; Public Instruction, Slaliaji; Com merce and Agriculture, Finail. Cholera is represented as every where abating on the continent of Europe. On the 14th, insurgents in Car thagcua, Spain, had attacked and mastered tlie town, with the ex ception ot the arsenal. It was feared the latter could not hold out much longer. In Amsterdam an extensive con flagration was raging among the coal stores in that city on the 14th Rinderpest is so bad among herds in Russia that German au thorities have prohibited all impor tations of cattle from there. Journeymen carpenters and ma tons are about to strike in London. PACIFIC COAST NEW. The wool clip of Clarke countv. W. T., is estimated at 100,000 pounds this year. In six weeks the I'tah narrow guage railroad will be open from Confine to Franklin. There were 84 deaths in 'Frisco last week. About four miles from Jackson, Cal., on Tuolumni river, Geo. Hoes enfelt, while engaged in catching fish by killing them with giant powder, had a cartridge explode in his hand blowing away one side of his body and mutilating him hor ribly. One ot his arms and portions of his side had not been found. Col. Humason of the Dalles has corn growing the stalks of which are ten feet high. The Sisters of Charitv are about to open a school for young ladies at Corvallis. The Corvallis Gazette urges upon the City Eathers to have that place furnished with water from Mary's Creek. The Cosmopolitan Hotel of Port land, was sold at auction last Sat urday to Mr S. G. Reed for $22, 000. Last year $40,000 was offered for it, and refused, says Bulletin. Shad to the number of 35,000 were placed in the Sacramento river at Tehama, Cal., recently. The Corvallis losses by fire dur ing the past year amounted to $9, 300. A case of partial sun-stroke oc curred at Jacksonville last week. Salmon, large and nice, were re cently caught at Salem. W. F. Potter, ot Corvallis, was badly injured by being thrown from a horse last week, says Gazette. A large rattlesnake was killed in Jacksonville last week. Not a man staggered in Oakland on the Fourth, says an exchange. Experts in carrying, likely. George A. Whitney has been ap pointed Commissioner of Deeds for Oregon, to reside in Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Mills, of Jackson county, by the slipping of a crowbar, on the 28lh ult., was struck by it on the breast and severely injured. Parties on the Yaquina have sent for a boring apparatus East, to assist them in prospecting for coal, which it is thought will be found in rich abundance along the river and bay. The Indians at Siletz have a thousand acres of grain growing, which looks well, They need more teams and a saw mill. Sixteen Granges are now reported in Oregon. An Encampment of the Champi ons of the Red Cross has been or ganized at Oakland, The Reaver Hosiery Company o? Jefferson works up 2,000 pounds of wool per month. The establish ment turns out 270 pairs of socks, beside a quantity of ladies' how , daily. According to the Mercury a lit tle girl, near Jefferson, who was bitten by a rattlesnake, not long since, was saved by drinking about, a quart of whisky The stockholders in the patent candlestick, invented by A. E. Rogers, of I 'nion county, are nappy over the tact that the patentee was offered $25,000 for the entire right. Salem has a burg'ar whose thiev ing ambition is satisfied withobtaii -ing plenty of victuals. Rev. A. W. Sweeney, County School Superintendent ot Walla Walla, has just apportioned $4, 750 93 ot school money for July of this year. James ('onion was caught in the act of furnishing liquor to an Indian near Walla Walla last week, tit; now languishes. The wife ot Thorn Ryan, of Portland, died last Titesday from injuries which she received some two weeks ago from being thrown trom an express wagon. The Alummni of Christian College, Monmouth, have elected W. D. Fenton, Pwwdent, Hemy Churchill, Secretary and Corres ponding Secretary.