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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1872)
ALBANY REGISTER. BeiwMit'Ufl Tlt-hel Iter lT2. van pKinEirr, tf, S, CtRANT. IOU VJs: I'RIMIDKXT, HEHRY W!LSON, Pi-sitl.-!."-1 ElrWors. W ri.'tlAKI . of W.mlil.isio'i county. I. r.fiAEl.EV.of ixw ttaseowvy. T. S. OBifl TnQVT flr Oregon. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 7i. HertMnS, Elections din-big the present yesr Will 1 held n- follows: PakomTerrl'oiy. CM. 8. Inlnnft. Oct. ft low, ivt. a 'pimkn, Oct. 8. Ohio. Oct. 8. Pi'tinsvlvuiOa. Ort. S Srouhi'arolir.a, Oct.W.. Aiinnm. Xoveurter s Mswobnsctfs Arkansas. Delaware, Flnriiin, Oenrsrla, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Man laitrt, Mlcni tan, Minne-nlll, MlSHSlnpi, Mtssonrl, vii'la, v.- Jersey, New York, T'-nne-sp;., Virginia, Wisconsin, ArimnTcTriiory. IHatflcl of Coium'iln, Iiooh f the oniral. The Greeleyites are prome In their , of tbc ponerodty and kindness .f heart shown by Greeley tor the late rebels, while Grant i represented as selfish, cold-blooded and jenieTta his treatment of the fame fla, -We need but contrast the safringsof the iwo men to show which his glveii greatest evidence ot being an enemy of tte late rebel soldiers: v'HA r IlllANT ft A.4WUAT littKKMn?IAS SUI hAT). 'Tcli your lioys! "When the row-Hm-v can 1e llii'ir:ilmwim!.or.-ari-o ver Imris home with whotaiwltn ttafleW them i help ttaemanl sratuirod like make their crops." 'hhi-cs before an au-,i,-n., tiranl to Uen.b wln4 ttwinrt not I ir ' i Kj to return to peacc- l'ioommVhat M contented ;,.,, I,e be irflon-homes. They mni .',l" -(e'n (imtit tolSnilhoverly at their Vm. Johnson. srosUIiM and mm )l; lien Lee anJ lils vntlonlntJieaiiAlona ..ffleers' aiei treons.tyesot mothers and who have heen rtnly ttw nwof children, mmlnrl. i-nnnnl lie Horace (.ive'ey la arreateuandtrledfor the Tribune ot Maj treason. 1 protest l isei. fnajtnsf thairarriiist," -(Jen. Oram tol'rtM. Johnson. A HcbiiUc. Greeleyites have endeavored to turn the Genual) votes of the country against Gen. Grant, by oirculittliig false reports hi reference toGrant's ifltidncl in the German-French war. They have endeavored to make it ap (,car that his sympathies were a!) with 'the French! but the following literal tfftnlattoll of one of the letters of Prince Bismarck on Mil subject, printed in Bismarck's organ, the tr Wt PmimiO Vmeffowkms, places tM matter lii it correct light, as Well as rebukes the falslflors! "We see with regret tliat some pol iticians and journals in the United States are so unscrupulous as to excite the derma n voter In the Republic of the I'nited States against Oeneral Grant on account of his deportment in the German French war. W e have declared very often aud repeat it yet : The German Government lias taken not the lest umbrage at the conduct of General Grant toward our country. On the contrary, General Grant has given us manifold and very valuable proofs of hh true sympathy with our ,ausc. PlHNCK BlSMAKOK." The love which the (?ree.!eyites)iave tor the poor man U clearly shown down in Mississippi. They are there virtually disfranchising him and res toring the old slave-lioidiugarisioeraey to power, by levying a poll-tax often dollars on each voter. They know very well that many of the poor down there will not lie ablo to pay that amount and that is Why thev levy it. "No one but the guilty knows the withering pains ol repentance." The Greeleyitcs are beginning to feel those pains intensely. Their horn of guilt isfulh Wll Continue to t ill We observe that the State election n Colorado Iw i ren!tisl in a Republi can nmjnrity of fifteen hdudreflVrii increase since the election of 1'vO. ti e majorltv nVm being 1.SM. Theelee tiono which have trans)ltx"l since the Savof Chapiwpia became the "re form" (?) candidate frr President, have been wonderfully emphatic in the tame direction. TV kind of reforma tion which bis elevation to the Presi dency would inaugurate, i not unap preciated by the people, hut thorough ly eompretiended. It latitat sort which would substitute e!f in the place of country, discord in the place of order, yascillaflon In the place of fixed poli cy, weakness In the place of strength, evil in Ha' place of good. In other words, it Would lie that species of reformation wbtch would lie entirely witbbnt correction, or refortnatoru. fnrce a Most egregious humbug and swindle : and it is thus the people In their moral sagacity perceive it. The American people are too intelligent in their moral perceptions, and have too high an appreciation of consistency and truth, to be led astray by political shams and humbugs; hence theGrcc ley ticket will continue to go under. "Across the Clinnm." A great deal is said by the Oreeley ites alxwt "shaking hands across the bloody chasm." The following ex tract from the Quitman (fia.) llrriwr, will show bow highly thai proposition is viewed from a Southern standpoint. Thai journal doesn't seem inclined to "shake."' Here it is : The atrocities of the Northern so! ilierv are still too fresh In our memory i the 'war on our hearts are not yet erased; the names Cbiekiimauga and Klmira still suffuse the eyes with tears and the heart with terrible thought of vengeance. Ah! it 'h ton soon t, make light ot the four years struggle for lilierty. Widows have not yet ceased to iamentthe loss of husbands ; mother still cherish the memory of departed sons: brothers and sisters still remem-l-r idoli.ed fathers and brothers. The reminders of war's prim landmarks of a venal host lire not erased the black ened ruins made by Incendiary and hireling armies are altogether too fresh in the minds of Southern men to ex pect from them even political Indorse ment of all the atrocious acts of a van dal host. When we so debase our manhood when we so outrage all the noblerleeliiigs of humanity as to stand over the graves of our Confederate deatl. and in the language of the ninth resolution of the Cincinnati-Baltimore platform, exclaim, "We remember with gratitude the heroism and sacri fices olthe soldiers ol the Xorlli." may our tongue cleave to the roof of onr mouth.' and may Cod's thunderbolt' lay us lifeless over tlw sacred mound wo thus dishonor ! To the Interrogatory, "Is the De mocracy dead?" the Columbia (Mo.) fenrfd responds ! "We answer no. It is merely resting on Its oars. Four years after the election in November it will rise in the full majesty of its power, to once more place its principle- to successful triumph throughout the country." Does that indicate ti nt the Democrats have gone oyer to Re publicanism, as Greeley & Co. have asserted ? " it is hard for an empty bag to Stand upright." is a maxim, true as it is old. The Greeleylte patty, being empty of Integrity, and destitute (it consistent principles cant straighten up in a manly way at all. The people have no use for such emptiness and weakness. The Greeley! tea have been trying to prove that Henry Wilson was a Know Nothing, but have most signally fail oil ; but suppose lie had been, we doubt very much whether he could have said anything in that relation more offensive than the following, which Mr. Greeley wrote in the JVfft itnein 1868: "We do business In a city govern erment by carpet-baggers only just over from Cork, Limeric and Sauer Kra in ci it ha I. The difference between our carpet-baggers from Europe and those with which tlic rebefllous Hamptons are afflicted, is that ours are generally as deficient in men tal and inorai cultivation as in proper ty. We believe most of the Southern wirpeMiaggirs have at least made the acquaintance ol the school-master." 9 If men who believe themselves wliat they are not, are lunatics, Senator Til'' l'uinl AVvtitid. The Tribunal of Arbitration at Gen eva lias at length terminated its labors. A majority of four VolcC out of the five constituting the Tribunal, has awarded to the United States a sum of fifteen inUBou five hundred thousand dollars in gold, as indemnity to lie aid by Great Britain for the use of the American Government for satisfac tion of all claims referred to them. In Washington thedeclsloii of the Tri'm nnl was received veryqnletly Inofficial circles. Attorney Genera) Williams says the award covers fully all that American members expected could he awarded, while the sum Is short of what the English mejnhers conceded might be due under the declaration of Karl Russell as set forth In a corres pondence between Mr. Adams and the British premier. Condon Journals ic joice at the conclusion ot the contro versy, and express hopes that the foun dation is laid for a permanentGovern ment understanding between the two nations. Well may the people of the two nations congratulate themselves on so wise and amicable an adjust ment of this vexed question. Well may the jieople of the I 'nited States continue to trtv-t and honor an Ad ministration, whose policy has restored harmony and prosperity at home, and preserved peace with all mankind. President Grant, by his po litical virtue and sagacity, not only commands the confidence and esteem Of the treat fliass ot his fellow citizens at home, but potentates abroad hold him in profound tv.-pect and admira tion. The following estimate of Greeley from the pen of Mr. li. H. Dana. .Jr., is so true to the life, that a way-fiirlng-man, though a fool, would scarcely mistake for whom it was Intended, though his name were not given. Here it is: "lie seems to me to be a visionary without faith, a Radical without root, an extremist without persistency, and IV strife-maker without courage, lie Is genarally admitted to be vain, im practical, loquacious, open to flattery, easily Intimidated, easily deceived as to men. awl intensely desirous of of floe. And. while i have never re garded bis hat and his troti-crsas strong arguments for or against him. there is no reason why we should shut on- eyes to the fact that he is whim sical, affected, IkniHsIi and profane." -- Here Is a Greeley speech that was delivered at Davenport, Iowa, sifter the news came that the Liberals had carried North Carolina, before the mistake was discovered. It shows the estimate ml upon Greejey'a lKisition by ex-rebels : " ! was a reliel soldier of the 13th Ala Fnuia. Hill's division of Longstrect's corps, that was never wWpped by any d d Yankee regiment that ever marched: Hurrah wr Greeley ! Grant is a -. Greelev was Jeff, paviV friend, and ileff. Davis is tlic Itosl man that ever walked. Jeff, Davis is fbr Greeley, Hurrah for Gi ley! Any man that wants the niggers voting is a bloody coward 1 Any "man that says a nigger's as giaxl as me is a thief! I'll live and die a Orivloy man. Say. Mends, ain't that right?" ui;fr A professor of magnetism, in Parti, advertises that lie will make f it people lean in fourteen seconds. In this coun try a man need but join the Greeley party, and so far as success Is concern ed, a famine of fitness is immediately the result. "Mercy," Is "kindness shown to the mi ;),('," A little shown to the Grceleyites now would be appropriate, for they aive every indication of being "miserable." Tlie story that Senator Sehurz's price for villltylug Grant 1 $00 per night does the Senator injustice. His price U $260 per night; -2u0 is what he used to charge for talking on the Re publican side. The extra f50 now asked is for wear and tear of conscience. Inter OOKTO. The lower classes in Japan are afraid of the telegraph. Thev cannot alto gether see " bow the old thing works." and thev are simple enough to think that it Is the device of the devil, and tliat the wires are coated with the blood of young women, and that the census now being taken is for the sole purpose of finding out the number of available Japanese maidens whose blood will do for telegraphic purposes. Wishnn Meflvnlne has crossed tlie ocean nineteen times. KAsTEft MM ;. Toe (lid Defender " of Baltimore,, witn tla' "Old Defenders" of N'a-h-luctou as their enest, celebrated the j anniversary of tlie battle of North j Point on the 12th lust., at Baltimore. I Their white locks and feeble steps ; commanded profound respect a the little procession marched through tlie I streets. I At a meeting of tlie citizens of Chl ! cago at the Board of Trade rooms, on tlie 42th hist., a committee of twenty five wa appointed to aid the antlwrl j ties in tlie detection, arrest, and speedy trial and punishment of murderers, by j employing detectives and necessary j uddltlonaFoonnsel. Five convicts made an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the State Prison at Charlestown, Mass.. on the 12th. They were armed with clubs and knives. Horace Greeley. to!d them "what he knew about farming " at St. John. bnrg. N. J., Sep. 12th, on the occasion of the State Pair. The Greelecites of New York city I held tlioir first grand ratification meet ! lug Oil the night Ot the 12th Inst. It I was a huge allair, as New York gath- eriiigs always ate. O'Conordeclincd to accept the Louis j viiic nomination, but Moreati. in re ! ply. said that he would not accept bis 1 decision as final, but that thev would j st;ll regsinl him as their candidate, and ! supjtort hhn at the polls. 'Miss Lowe'nstein, of New York, an i accomplished young lady, went insane i on the 12th, which so affected her : mother's mind that she committed ; suicide. j The Convention of Soldiers and I Sailors of Pittsburg, is to lie a jnass ! convention, Ex-Governor Curtin has declined I the nomination for Congress by the I Republican Central Committee ot I Pennsylvania. Ins. Morris, of Penn.. declines the Liberal nomination for Congress from the Second District Suits have been entered against White, Brown & To., Boston, import ers of dry good-, for defrauding the Government of duties to the amount of $100.(100. Five men were killed in Cincinnati on the 18th insf.. by the explosion of a lioiler in a fougdary. The top of the building was Riken off. In St. Bonis, Mo., on the 11th, a quarrel between Hugh Bangran and E. C. Robinson, well known citizens, resulted in one receiving n mortal in jury from a club and the other from a pistol ball. The War Department has issued an order announcing the death of Gen. Hager, and ordered the usual observ ances of honor. A delegation of Kiowas, Conianches. Arrapahoei. Cheyenne and Wasatches are going to Washington soon. Goverernor Jewel t, of Connecticut, says that his State will go for Grant by 2.000 majority. ' There were 1.500 torches in the Re publican procession at Dayton. Ohio, at the recent gathering there. The Grand Bodge of Odd Fellows was to meet on the 11th Inst., at Balti more. Canada aud Prussia were to bp represented, Ex-Senator Henderson has accepted the Republican nomination tor Gover nor of .Missouri will take the stllinp. Jefferson Davis v.i last Saturday and Sunday at Newport and Coving ton, on bis' way to Baltimore. The National Labor Congress assem bled at Cleveland mi last Tuesday. CoUtit Sclops'is. Jacob Stoernbell and Charles Francis Adams were the three Arbitrators who voted to allow rtain a'cs in the case of the Shmiiiulnttli, Greeley was to start last Wednesday on a Western tour, embracing Pitts burg, Columbus, Cincinnati. Indian apolis, Louisville. Nashville. Chicago. Detroit. Toledo. Cleveland. Eric, and the coal mine regions of Pennsylvania, President Grant and family will re tom from Long Branch next week. A isartv ot masked men went to the residence Of Henry Miller, a colored man of Nashville, Tonn.. w ho was J i fal her of a child by a white woman, i j called him out and shot him. War ; rants have been issued for the arrest of ! ...... nrrlwt t,.,iwlnMia witn !iri Loem'll. I,,!' ''I III," I I,,, .... , . Henry Wilson and General Cress well are to assist in stumping Ohio. The majority for Pertain for Gov ernor of Maine as known up to the l'.lth, was 17.IK2. Some small towns were vet to hear from. The Illinois State Pair opened at Ottowa Oil the 10th. The Kan sas State Fair also opened at Topekaat the same time. A drunken farm hand near Coluin Ii is. Ohio, shot his employer dead on the 17th, and then going to his own house, shot at his wife, and mi-sing her. beat her over tlie head with the gun until she was insensible. He sus pected his wife of infidelity With his employer. The island of Juan Kcrnandes has licen ceded to a German society, and is now lieing settled by a colony from Faderland. The United Stales navy at present consists of sixty-nine steamer1, twenty-nine wooden sailing vessels, five monitors or Iron-clads and twenty eight tugs. FOKEIUX XKWS. Archbishop Diipanloup is reported as savin!: that, he casts no doubt on the patriotism of Thiers, but refuses to accept Ms administration of tla Government as most tending to secure ' the prosperity and consolidation of ' France. HcMaiion is his choice for ' the Presidency, but he has gloomy ap ! pivhensions oi Gambetta, I Prof. Jnn. lymlal, Eng.. imturaHst, I will, visit this country in October, i Rio Janetro. S. A.', papers are rilled j with a description of Weriotonsaeenes i occurring at tlie recent elections of j members of ( 'ongress, Twenty-five men were drowned in ! thecoal pits near llelrrstalon, Belgium. on the l.lih iust.. by their being acci ; dentally flooded. Rochelbrt, of Franre. is reporten dying in exile. Sir Alexander Cockhiirn, British member of the Arbitration, will de liver an elaborate opinion on points wherein be differs from the decision of the court. Theirs has been Informed that tlie Popejas abandoned all Idea of leav ing Rome. shanghai, China, has subscribed six million francs to the French loan, Ttw cotton aud rice, crops of China promise well. Tlie Boanl of Arbitration met at half past twelve on the 14th. at Geneva. Five arbitrators, the agents of the re spective Governments, several counsel, twelve ladies aud two journalists were present. Count Selopis, President of tlie Court, read tlie arguments of the arbitration, concurring in the decision of the Tribunal, and announced the a mount awarded the United States to be fifteen million dollars In gold. Sir Alexander Cockburn refused to sign the decision of the Tribunal. Count Selopis war applauded when he con cluded. Alter the adjournment of tlie Court, twenty-one guns were tired in lienor of its closing labors. The Eng lish Representatives leave us on Mon day and the Americans on Tuesday. The king of Siain opened the Cortes on tlie 15th hist. It is denied that the C;ir ot Russia will demand the abrogation of the treaty of Paris. It is reported that Edward Alxmt, a well known political writer, has lieen si-rested near Strasbourg, France, by the German authorities. diaries Sumner arrived at Liver pool, last Saturday. He says he will positively decline the Democratic and Liberal nomination for Governor of Massachusetts. A Constantinople dispatch says tliat it is understood some trouble has arisen regarding the annual tribute of two thousand dollars annually paid to the Sultan by the Government of Mouten egrs. and that war will follow. Hon. John Jay, U. S. Minister to Austria, has arrived at Paris from Vienna. The arrest of About by the Prussian Government iias caused much excite ment iii Paris. - - A MiuvMANXKiiKti Man. A hu man tiger lately broke loose in the town of Black'ville, near Augusta. Georgia, who in his rage shot two or three men. killing one outright and threatening with death the whole com munity if they did not like bis style. Tlie difficulty commenced in a bar room between three or four men. the most ferocious of whom was Captain E. J. Black. Alter some skirmishing with eiubs aud fists Captain Black . . , .I,!,-!,.... sent ins son Home lo get ins pistoi, out the boy returned, saying his mother would not give it to Mm. Captain Back then went, and in half an hour reappeared with a pistol in his band, and announced hlmselt'in readiness for an engagement. Tlie Marshal of tlie town, named Turner, stepped up to Black to prevent bloodshed, and Black shot him dead on the spot. Black then prepared for another shot, and the son of the intended victim stepped between bis father and the assailant and himself received the charge. Black then prepared for the father, but before he could shoot, was knocked down with a bar of iron, which fell on his head, from the baud of a disinter ested spectator. This quieted the fur ious animal, who seemed to lie mad dened by the sight of blood. He wa arrested, and is awaltlngexamlnatlon. The Augusta Chrontw mildly call this an unhappy affair. A curious and fetal accident lately betel a gymnast in Switzerland, nam ed Paul Maehon who gained his living by the strength of his' jaws On this occasion he took a ban-el of flour in his teeth and attempted with no other aid, to throw it over his head. The molars stood It, but his backbone was not equal to it, and snapped In two. This is a sure cure for the asthma : Gather the Jamestown (commonly called "jimson") weed when in blooni. or any time before frost ; dry them in tlic shade; take a small bowl or dish, which halt fill with leaves ; put a coal of fire on tlie leaves ; sit over the dish, cover the head with a cloth of some kind and inhale the smoke. No wood is used for ftiel on the Rus sian railways. This order Is very strict, and Is intended to preserve tlie forests from complete destruction. i n i iwpw.iisjijMKirwfsmim MM i MJPNH