The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 14, 1872, Image 5

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    JOB I'lilXTINtJ.
I II E O n .Vd
' I
Latest ami most Desirable
Styles of
li undoubtedly
When yon wish
Posters, or
Visiting Cards,
Business Cards,
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Bail Tickets,
Ilr.i why particularize; when it ('gen
erally acknowledged tint we are
When it come? uuiier the lie'nl of
To your. i'!f of tiietnith f
, , ,
i lie nbpvc nitteiuenM, yon nc i
only to call (or send a hand ac
companied by three stamps to
pay return postage) when
we will astonish you with
the Opacity of the Uko
lSTl'.i; dfHcc for doing
(!oloukd or Plain
work, ftnd the re
markable ele
, r gancc exhib
ited by the
liiw-s in
CtrmUng the stamps for Hie siine
when finished. M'heu you have
'biz" in our line, call. A hint to
the sullicieiit is wise as
a Wind kick's horse, or
words to tliat effect.
ixkUUIi, etc., Inst received by
ivl DVBOOk
. .
' i
' j
(Suceeir i l'. W. tfakeiieM), I
ParrlsJi's Sew Uuilcllnar lTill Wfreit.
WrT wn.!i
All nitldo wnrmntcfl piiro,and ot ihc i
'.Mt niutiity.
iMivflftutiB preHcrhitions carfmu
liouniUi I.
Alukny, Oct. li; liwistf
S'lOV li
ji. n. H.tnvr-v & ..
I.ATKW.II. MTAJtti.VNl) t'p.,)
t t;tp09lto tllQ holOl
Albany, Oregon,
. aii innii mrr I
Hollow 'W2o,
Till, Copper r.iti Sheet Iron
t are.
I.lfii:vr HUH !i IS SHE VALLEY.
Lowest I'riocs Every Tima.
RopalrinK Property 'Don?. 05
I'lil'IT THKIS8.
Pruil Trees, rape Vlnew, &e.
rpili: rMiKlNIONKl) INVITES Till;
I nttontlon of the p '011c to hbtlargu imtl
UK ill.
t HKltriY
Bnil other TKEKS.
Vino, flUAIt! VI ': "est in ihuSlnte:
Onitmicntal Tri i ", slim'), I'latitfc cur
ratits, uoowlterrlt, Rtinwlterl'le, ROnefl,
I ahlKituntl MttUit WUlrti will lie mltl us
low a- lir-'- '.a- tnoeknul lH! affot'ilt'ij.
Sov.&VUvt J. A. MlLtARU.
Who'umie ami Retail Uiariiln
f SIFXr 1511 HEAVY
Farmers' A Meehanlcs' Tools,
RI'IMIKRV iiAiinw.iiit:,
oau ana i i.3i in its,
Hardwood Lumber,
Brut Kims, HiKltN) Poles, Ac.,
n HiK:iallv. wowin ami vlU kcopa Iwtler
.. ,,,;,, , hnrL.r v'i, than any
i lionso In iBBctty.
oiitelili ilro-proof brink. Clrst street. !
rI"- ;
ft Ay'- mi i
111 M
8 it C 2
EC :Ct
1 I
-j -
on hand latest Btj lrn and for sale
low, at thlsomco.
I mm
3xurder in ASuany
11 notureatouinof Itatproient.
I-n tithe: which soinivlmc must Itefntl
evorj son awl dauglilorof tho human htui-
AS the lil-i!iij ,
ill' your lifts II iii':!-,' hy UN vile huivN I
Upon yoUf t lusv tHStlfl "a I 'aim lit (illutl I," I
by whitt may lw ivtonetl to jvnvt I
hi-nlili, Wl proioj)4 ypni (Uytoa in intra- i
How ?
By calluuj on
C. '. HILL SO',',
Wi'lt a iirr'criiitimi.ukc.'c uni ia' 1 a
it roiiuiounileil h
medicines, ctirmicnK imtiits, oils, il"!
watfc Iras, etc. Ae,.tlortle
Celebrated 1'iik Weed Ucuinij ,
l.-.M.i in flfrvttf !. f..i lli,.
Or.ortiBoti Kin
HoHH! khattlv Senilis WdfillUSi
l'llfni. ur.' r.Millll. ClUl ttlld examine. I
; .;lr, .j,,,,,. iu,7W0v3
Machine Shop.
A. F, CIILRKT Proprietor,
; Manufactures Steam Engines)
FlOUr lllld Sar. 'Sill Uluelllll
, rJ ,
wood wobkikg
Antl nil kitxU of
PttrtieuTnrftttentlou i tonirinuiftH
ktndnof mftchlnerj. 4111
. TA r.-TI.AKF.
P. r. WMI'bONl
Itavccohitanlly on hn'ttl a lav aa 1 varl-t-1
tiK-orUni'iil ot
w lV;h thoy moT mi the lan-i rcaeonatilo
Also, oa hand the eehibmtoU
Mitchol Wagon, 1
l.i lit rml heavy.
AtUaiiei s inntlo on Urnlll, Wool,
ami other iioproveil nlnrehnntllso ronshtn
ell for sale hero, or lor shipment to Port
land or Sun t'oini isio.
Taken in store, or lMireha-e lilt (hi) liii;h-
tat nmrket wire.
est nffirkel price,
S00,000 poiiiulis of Wool !
For w hirli lie w ill make lllxirul lelvancos,
and iy the htglxtit market initio In cash.
' tt
Albany, March 13-18
i,i i.iii ii ' t i i , i
In the Field Attain.
Willi the old smmhir I
so popular will) nil I'nlloi'iiia tanners,
wi hnl'the hit st tatjifwi'inent
many now one for i he harvest oi 71.
The Wood' PHas Nowcr
and V.'uimI's Iiii;ii'v l Stlf-ltakr
'i ht -i' matiilnc" arc Intjlwpiila'ily
Tin: r.ivr in niK wm,.
K a liarvulor, (lieWaad'tt ImptllVMl j
Vrir. J.-.u. r l tonffssotlly wHItonl tin
tional yot hefotf WW i'oumii''.
i liii'c-i havi' Iteoii i:uvi(iv(' i since tii'st ln-
ln lut-.f 1, ani il :lu' arc now nlmnrit is
tir iy i nfw nmrliliK The arowmdu
by l4tlf iv A. WN.d (tlu: lur.;rl umiiu
fiu'.turnr of Kunnin Mavliincry in tlie
ivorld a innn who Icwtw utip ui.h t))v
tiUlt.i,1 Unci w ho MOW htl.ll If awl Wttlf over
(uiUypfivf llumHnnd nf tin- WoiflV
Pri.r Momciv ninmshly. p h"l tile wortd
ju ihc l'ari i;.jo-iiioii, hikI lia Jiiutiil no
pi't t sint'i1.
Til-' Wool's ImnrovcH Ptixo Mower is
t'-triflally a laptl to o.-i-.m-u. It lias a
folding' v jointP bfti with EmitU I v
er t Whi'lN - prim; wsit-atift i ma i'
aitnoHl dulrt'ly of uillviililt iron, liarl
woo-! niiNi:'v I. it iKhHivy nUomjami
(Im'alcl' air I fhoayhconivat': aaM powt'
fu).io)f li-rhirr ilmH tlian ih oilwr ina-
ciih't't of ninai wcwtit. it wnvcry way
,f-,vf ihi' H hh'i r ml op-on. it "'vry
Winer wills-ay u hohftnono. An I lUprU'r
M, y frtiia iVt lo It'srtthan i for
an hift'riof uiat'liii is, Vnrmttti you
pa thai Elllfljtt'tKfl? Pic-t;i"a'o bofott!
ye'i htn , aa I it yoti an1 rottia ally
Mm for tliat.ffff pnJU tor it. tn nroilt,
as ini Mower i ot. moiv to hntld t Pan ihn
Woo in. Seiul for a pamphlet before buy-
wKti the Bctt."
Hay l!io v. ol'4 Ibiiikfov il I'rfxo
Jtlowcr !
from 10 lo V ffC' I'll!, Ittiprovt! I hy Waller
A. Wootl, havlna not only cB Hi" U'lvant
ajt'sofiheoH nihiftt mat'ltlne, 'nil Wootl
iiiipn cmontH, an lalxo Wohiii-'n Aiijnst
nbl Kn l.
other llwi'lcr has ihr-' Improve
tptints.anO no other pnrtiett wll them.
They aie ttui'lt' osiT.'flally for thi.scoasl, ly
Wood, at froostck Kail, N. Y.
The KirJij Seir-Us:Ue tieiiper
and Mower.
Thesti machines are loo wolllmown lo
netvliloi'.rimlott. Alolhe"KlUBVnJl'' '
I'KIt MOWKR" priii- tti-lhu t:hfii;ie.t !
ami for many purjiosea the 1h'i in the
folc Aleuts
"Th" fli :i !'cy" is the wrfit'tlotl of tho
Por uhlo Kilffliie. Asn Tluvslihi Pauiia1
thoy liao luiifC h' l nil OthOW, unit now
t arci-iy any 01 hcv is to 1m? fotttl 1.
Tiikcii wi'lli tho
Russell's Thresher,
i lieymakotlie inpi-ttiomplelesel of Hire h
iliit tiiai hit ery in theworl l. "The hii
w" an luiproved, etinnot Utl pfiiaHtl In
tltu etnmtry. We are so'e oit'iits forlhe
sale el' I he e ClMOUt'll'luvsll0iy,,Blld haw
Im'l them Iniill e."tttreily for Ihlst'Oint.
Ask am fnraita' w h InW a Iluawil Thresh
er, vvliot he thinks of it.
Met'ornilek'N Beitn r. June's I'lowti.
lTiiitoiiM. Ilemler Trmlt". IUik"II
niul I'liiiiel Hoi's.- I'vwtrs, liny
I'rrss.s. 1'orhn, Key tins, SnathtK,
t'ultlviitors, At .. ilrc, At .
Studebahcr ITirm Wkroidi,
Ishueit Horse Rakes,
A new lot of several tar loa'l,Jiis( reeew
i.l: w ilh ai-o '.ert UoseiSptlnii ol
Farming Implements
nmra fresh Mock of
Please Rend for elren'ar- lllld prices.
..,:;,,s,. ! "
B. eosiwtoek A t'., Agents,
April lS8ml
lmMrlunl to Nereliunio.
Urpnt nrdnrtloii in t'nndiM.!
tk eoxsKgrKXfE of a hi:n,iNi; in
i tin- price or siiKitiK tilt! iiiiilersi(,'ne i,
proiiiit torsiil the
I'oi'ilitud t'lintly tiatiiilarttiry, i
haveniivloft eorrenvftndlnjT reduction in
the price of ctuiilins, aniountinij Iroiii '2 lo
a cents per iwiintl.
All candle sold hy us arc wananleil to
lie liiimiiiitiMtit'c.l from
DAilblf KHtnetl KiiKnr.
A full assort inunt of all kinds of nuts
coimtnntly oii hantl, antl sola at a small ad- !
vioicfon Nan Franciwo prkws.
orders fi'oui the conntrv proninliy at- i
tcntled to. A1.1SKY It IIW.KI.E, j
Xo. 107 Flrt-9t., opposite I s)1 tiftlec,
ii3o'nil Portland OivKon. !
ftjr siti.rf:i..T andbwan x aflr their
naminarolnftmiK.' I that tlK'irmVsertpilpn
exphtu Willi thHl nmnior,an I llioyatv In
rltott to renew It. Trims Bperaniimn,
Inadvanev: siMaoinhs.W; ilircvmontua,
Sijr Li-.'nl ft-n-lers lvocivcl at par from
stitrn'ritieili in il' Kasit'in Hratea.
A rich joke has jtir-t transpired,
in which tiir (ivtTM'tr of the Hiur,
lIoXKe,WBsovermatched in Bhrew ti
lled I iy a lunatic lie was conveying
to the PonglikepjiHie Ini-ane Asy
lum, 'lit' .lunatic in question was
Dennis It. M.eritlan, the yotitig
lawyer rOeci.tly taken inini c, ami
lioxsie started wilh him to the
asylum ytstewlsy mornina; A
Sheritlan was very rtiietftil nUion
al, Uoxie (lid not think it necessary
to liantlciili' him, On tlie way down
they were engaged in conversation,
when heating ihoshaekels rattle in
tioxsifi'ti piekct, the insane man in
quired what tliey were. l!...sic in
tunned him, when he deHivd to see
lliem. 'I Ley were handed over,
when, after closely inspecting them,
he quietly put lliem in his pi cket
ami renewed the ran versa lion, llo.v
sie was some what diimb?ounded at
this pri (ceding, lint seci g nothing
in the conduct of Sheridan to fthmse
Ids yitspicioti, Iwtmored him ly al
lown g him to retain them.
'1 hey had progressed several miles
fiiithir, when lieiidan adroitly
turned the conversation upon luna
tics and t lie mode of procedure in
lodging tin m in aa asylum, lioxsie
explaii ed tl at it was nee&wy, i"
order to coiitfue a lunatic in an in
sane asylum, to have a certificate of
two physicians that such person
was intvaue, and commitment i'mm
the County Judge, Sheridan, with
the remark thai lie was a lawyer,
requested to see the paper to Judge
wl. ether it was: drawn up in due
form, As lioxsie drew forth the
pajior M.eridan seized it, and
alter glancing over it slip
ied it into his hreasc p eki t.
lie retained ptifsessiwi of the com
mitment ami shackles until they
reached Ponghkcepsie, where on
arriving Sheridan insisted on going
onto New York. lioxsie expostu
lated, ami finally induced Sheridan
to alight.
On reaching the platform, re
marking that their ways separated,
the real insane man started oil'. 11.
siraed him and a struggle ensued
between the two, which sjieedily
attracted a crowd. S'licrtdan called
on the bystanders fi r asslstr.nce,
claiming that llox-ie was a innatic
who was endeavoring to c?capo, at
li e same time exhibiting the shack,
els ami commitment in proof of
what he said, '.il.e crowd seized
lioxsie, not withstanding his denial,
ami it probably would have Hired
worse with him, lad not a hack
man who hail formerly driven him
to '.ho asyluiti been attnlctet) by the
crowd and recognized Mill. The
remit was that II. was released ai d
f heridan seclned and lodged salely
in jail. Albany ftV'i niiff ifbufiki,
Tub Two Cits. At a recent
communion service, before passing
(he cup, over which thanks hail
been given, the pastor said, "Tilt IX
is a ciip of which wo read in the
Scriptures, concerning which it is
aid, ' Look not upon tlie wino when
it is pud, when il mouth itsell
aright, when it giveth its eoltir in
the cup. At the last it Mb ill like
a serpent ami Sttngeth I he an ad
der.' 7'lmt ctip thruugh a taribl'
.iiistub has fivqttOlilly fiaiml its
way to the Lord's itb'ol 7'hc
cup wiiich we now pass to yott, mv
brethren, contains no alct hohno per
jnt, no adder. 7'iils liquid which
you now put to your lips is tl e
fertnciikd ji ! of the grape,' simi
lar to that which our Saviour used
when he instituted this sacred or
dinance, ami which he called, as if
to avoid mistake, ' the fruit of the
vine.' 7 he other cup we Would
not dare to oiler yon, It coiitains
alcohol, poison, death; and it is no
fit symbol of ti c Saviour's b'ood,
which has life iii it; nor did our
Lord intend that smeh wine should
he supped by his followers at his
table or anywhere else. Some of
you have been reclaimed n m in
temperate habits. You recti not
fear as you put this cup to your lips.
It is the cup of blessing! In it,
there is no alcohol to set yi nr veins
on tire, ami awaken tho appetite
which divino grace has compieivd."
Xu!' -h V Baplid,
"Why i there no cream on llu- injlk
GeorgV" said an umler-gratlii ate to
his scout," at Cambridge. "Stir it
up air," was tlie reply. "It sinks to
the bottom. ''
What is Hie tUfl'erenee lietween a sns
pentled hank ami a midway train! In
one ease the brake causes the stoppagej
andiullie other the stoppage oau-es
tlie break.
Tltere Is a man in Yorksliire who
has a mile of children. Ills name Is
Kiirlong. and he has four hoy.- and tour
girls. Eight furloogs make a mile.
A Bur
The St. tfoaepli, Mlnotirl, IlerM
says : A tew days ago u jwor woman
eutervtl otic of tlioe low grojrgeriei!
that are a dUgrace to any city, ami
with streaming eyes and a tsormte
nance the very picture of woe, be
sought (he man belrintf fhc bar not to
sell her husband any more ruin. SImj
said : You have already ruined in-'..
You have sold film your vile iKin
till lie bus lost bis licalth. Iii Hiarac
tcr. ami bis posltiou. Through yous
nteam lai has heeoiue cross and abu
sive to me, whom lie once loved so
tenderly, and now he threatens to
murder us while under t lie e fleets of
tin- cursed s 1 1 If you give him. Yes.
he cruelly heats me and our ebiltlrer.
ud nOen tn Irts dixiiiken lienz' turns
us out of the mi-t ruble shanty in
wliieli We now live toemlure t lie chilly
winds of the night, and the siill Colder
eiiarilit's tit'the WorltL (ih, tlon't five
liiui nny mora IKinor !" ami sob
au'ain reiil. her lit bie fniiiie while the
liroprlefor stood specchleg. At this
nioilieilt the iloor opened and in tag
gereil the poor iiii-er.iblc Intabuuo.
With the vacant stare of the continu
ed Inebriate, lie staggered toward tin
bar. As a last reoourse he placet I
herself lietwwn her liinhantl and the
Imr. ami elusplng lilm in her anus plt
cously l.iggtd liim not loilrlnk any
more, ami nearly crazed wilh agonv
she turned lo the landlord ami prayetl
him nut to furnish any more whisky
toli. r liinl aiid. The brute we can
call hint muliiiii; else delll)erately
walked Iro n Imhhld the bar and tak
ing the woman rudely by the arm.
tore her violently from her husband,
to whom -be tilling wjlh the Strength
of despair, ami forcibly put her out, in
to the -iri t t The wretched nam then
Went ami look his drink paying for il
wilh tin' money that should have gone
lo his pow wife ami starving ibildreu.
ami then went forth maddened with
the damnable ll imir he had imbibed.
: lo renew his brutal attacks on bis de
fenceless wife ami children.
I was filed of washing dishes; I
was tired of drudgery. It. has always
been so, ami I ivaJtlfssaUslIetl. I nev
er sat down a moment to ivad (hat Ja
mie didn't want a cake, or a piece of
paper to scribble on. or a bit of soap
lo make bubbles. "I'd ralber lie in
prison.'' I said one day, "than have
my life lea-ed out so," as Jamie
1 knocked my elbow w hen 1 was writ
ing to a friend.
lint a morning came when 1 bad
one plate lass to wash, one eluilr less
I to set away by I llu wall in the flllllllg
room; when Jamie's little crib was
pul away Into the garret, and it ha
never conic down suiee. I had been
unusually fretful and discontented
with him that damp May morning
that lie took the croup. Gloomy
weather gave me llu- headache, and I
had less patience then tlinn at any
oilier lime. By-auil-by be was slng,
Ing in another room, "I want to be an
iiiigel:" and presently rang out the
uielaille croup. I never dear that
hymn since that it tlon't cut me
in the heart; fur the croup cough rings
' out wilh it. He grew worse towards
night, and when my husband came
homo lie went for the doctor. At ttr-t
beseemed to help liiui, but it merged
into Inflammatory eroupaud was soon
' over.
"1 oubl to have Is'en called in
' sonner," said the doctor.
, I have a servant to wash the dishes
now ; ami when a visitor comes I can
it down and entertain her without
j haying to work all tha time. There
is no little hoy worrying me to open
i his jack-knife, and there are no shav
lugs over tl'e Hour. The iitagastlni'-s
! are not soiled w ith looking at the pic
ture, bui stand prim and Ileal on the
i reading table, just . is I leave them.
'Your carpet never looks dirty."
i say weary-w orn mothers to me.
'Ob, no," I muttered to myself,
"there are no muddy little bent- todir-
: ty it now."
I But my fate Is. as weary as tin iis
weary with slttlbg in my lonesome
parlor at twilight, weary with Wiltch
iiia; for tlie Iii lie arm- Ida! u-ed lo
j twine around my neck, for the curls
; that brnshed again-1 my eliet !. for tho
1 young In Ugh that ran;; out with
mine, as we watched the blazing QOtli
i lilt', or made rabbits with the shadow
j mi the wall, wailing merrily togetln r
for papa coining home. I have the
1 wealth and east I longed for. but at
what price? And when I see other
iinithcrs with growusup sons, driving
lo tow n or church, and my hair silver
ed over wilh gray. I think what might
I have been, had I murmured less at the
i providence of God.
. . . .
iMJIESSrrY til' C'tiKAtiox.-Soiue
a troiiomei's liavC COmpttted Ilia' there
1 are no less than 75.(HX.tsH ot suns in
i the ii'iiver e. The fixed -In s are all
SllltSj having like our sun numerous
planes, primary and secondary, he
' lousing to it. The circular Held of
space w hich it occupies is in diameter,
I ;;.AUno,uu'0 of miles; and thai w hich
i it controls much greater. That sun
j which Is nearest nelgobor to mil's Is
! called Sirios, distance from our sun
alionl 22,000,000,000 of mi'e-. Now
I if all the fixed staw are as tp taut from
j each otlit r as Su iiis is frora oar sun;
1 if the solar system be the an rage mag
nitude of all' the systems of tlie 1 5,000,
OOOofsuiiii what hnmaghmtioii can
: grasp the immensih otcnnillon? Kverj
sun of the 75,000,000 controls a lleld of
j space of about 10.000,000,000 ot miles
; in diameter. Who can survey a plan
; tatlon containing ; 75,000,000 of tlivular
; Ileitis eiu-h lii.non.lMHi.OtiOnfuii'e-yriiich
liowever, is one of the plantations of
Him w ho has measured the waters hi
tlie hollow of hi-i hand, and meted out,
Heaven w ith a Span, ami compre
hends the dust of theourtb in a ineat
my, weighed the mouiitahis in a
balance; Il'un who .-iit'u.g upon the
orbit of the earth stretches out to thu
heavens as a eortaln, and spieadeUi
them out as a tent to dwell hi.
What a wonderful universe we livi
in! How small we seem wlmu we think
of its easiness.
The Boston ,wi nul asks, -cm the
gmit swallow the camel.'" It seems so.
A good many Jtea'rs ago. In a contest
for tlie Micakershlp ofCongress, Nat.
Banks swirllawotl Lew. Uanipbell, of
Oliio. i'nori'a J'niMcrfjif.