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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1871)
V limit n Si3 im s4ir LOCAL. MATTERS. Mail Mattkus. Mall going North, do- at 4 .-t. . A. M. elo.-v nt o.l. r. si. Po-stolttw open on Sundays S..:i.) to ih.'JO a. M., and from 0 r. M. M iil for OorvallK closes at L. A. I' KKKLANl). 1. going JSoutli, from to 7 1. M. M. The l'emal UliuMt. 'Take any other rtmpo lmt that." in all well i-egulated. first-class com munities, the world over, "ever cilice the world began," there, haw "been times and seasons when witches, hoh g.!lis and ghosts were in vogue. For the truth of this assertion e have only to refer the reader to the page of even modern history, without going into the jmsty records of the ancients. This assertion leing granted, then, it is iui:e necessary, and not at all out of the general order of things, that as well regulated a community as ours should have its seasons of sensations and excitements. This brings us to the subject of this article THE VEM.VI.K GHOST. For sometime past, report have been circulated on our streets to the effect that a veritable ghost had made itself visible to one or more parties, after night had "folded her sable cur tain" over the world ; and this report has been circulated and grown in 'mag nitude until now the whole city (at least the juvenile.portion of it), implic itly believes that the vicinity of the bridge on First street, that spans the. little brooklet east of the foundry, is full and running over with ghosts and ghosteses. Several attempts have leen made to corral the principal ghost, which Is said to appear in the garb of an old woman, robed in calico dress, with plaid shawl over her shoulders, but so far to no purpose. One night recently, three young men came across her ghostship just beyond the bridge, east of Mr. Baley's residence, and con cluded they would see what it was. As the three went toward it, this spectre-woman slowly 'retired-- until it l eached a fence, when one of the men lnIdly pushed forward and reached out his hand to grasp it, when it van ished in thin air, disappeared, left for ixarts unknown and so, we may add, ti id the young men leave ; and they stood iiot on the order of their going, but it was the devil take, the hindmost :they probably made the best time ever known, for the distance ran. Ot course they were not scared oh, no ! but each thought It would be so funny for the ghost to catch the other fellow! On Tuesday night a bold and fearless youth, Mho feared neither "ghost or goblin damned," while, crossing tlie foot-bridge or sidewalk over the said brooklet, suddenly saw rising up out -ot the darkness beneath him the much ' talked of speetre-woraan, and not being afraid of ghosts, but rather liking their company, it struck him in an instant that now was the time to "toll" that .ghost away froni its home ; and with this thought uppermost in his mind, with a yell of defiance that was heard at least half a mile, he Incontinentally leaped from the sidewalk into thedeep mud and water thereabouts, and "cliinb" for home. We are sorry to add, that although the young man made splendid time, notwithstanding the roughness of the going, and reach ed his home in good season, yet his ex ledient to 'toll" that ghost out and catch It proved a complete and morti fying failure. If we liad space we might relate several little Incidents of splen did time made by good folk who were compelled to cross tliat; bridge after f nightfall, but for tlie present we for ljear. MTe learn tliat a large party is organizing for a thorough and search ing examination of the matter this evening; and If they succeed In clear ing up the mystery which at present envelops the affair, we shall rise to explain next week. As we liave not lost any ghost we sliall not be there in person, but may -send a .hand. Goxk From Oint Gazk. "Substi tute," who has slung Ink fi-om the tripod of the McMmuville West Sitle tor the past six inoutlis, breathed the closiug worth of his editorial' life' in the last week's issue of tliat very legible sheet. Disappointed ambition is the paramount reason of his earl3 edito rial demise. Among his last pathetic sayings, and those which, no doubt, will le liest appreciated by the readers of that journal, are the following candid words of confession : We succumb to the force of circumstances, and i-etire from editorial life with the assurance that it is not our forte, etc." l'eace to his ashes. Lost. 'Wednesday of last week, a party headed by Mr. Hayes,, a resi dent of Oregon since '52, left Halsey for a hunt on the headwaters of the Calipooia river. On Thursday Mr. Hayes got lo:t in the mazes of the mountains, and although parties went out from Halsey in search of him he was not discovered until late Saturday night. Mr. ll. su !ferelgrjatly from the cold, as a greater part of the time a violent snow-storm was raging. The party returned without an' game. IirsiNKss Notice. We are glad to learn that Mrs. Sarah G. Godley. who was taken violently ill a few days ago, at present is convalescing slowly, and hopes soon to Ixj in attendance at her place of business. In the mean time she will be represented in the dress and cloak cutting and fitting department of the establishment of Mendenhall & Godley, by Miss Aurelia lilain, who thoroughly and completely compre hends the business, and will give en tire satisfaction to all. Call and see new milllnerv. Among the Boys. "Keeps" is now the absorbing game among Salem boys, and the tStatesmin expects to hear of a juvenile gambling society being organized among them soon. " Stilts" has been the principle go among our Albanjr boys for some time, though "swapping jack-knives" and "throwing stones" are always in vogue, we believe. The boys look picturesque on their long wooden legs, straddling around, but more so after getting up from a ka-swash in the mud. You know how it is yourself. Esjoyi:i. The affable 'and polite landlord of the St. Charles Hotel, .Mr. II. Brenner, presented us with a large, fat wild goose, on Saturday. After it had been duly picked, stuffed and baked, we managed to throw ourself outside of several of it without coax ing. Wild goose is a good "pan fish," and we wouldn't object to more of "em. Sheii. Mr. Al. Wheeler is locat ed at this new station on the O. & C. Railroad, where he has a large stock of general merchandise, comprising everything wanted and more, which he offers to dispose of on the most liberal terms. Al. Is determined the people shall know what he lias for sale, therefore advertises in the peo ple's iaper The Keoistek. Notice. From and after this date, J. Gradwohl will deliver, free of charge to any portion of the city, stoves, tin ware, groceries, or any other merchan dise purcluised at his store. Call and examine goods. Ilv4 J. GRADWOHL, Corner First and h erry streets. W. J. Hiltabidel & Go Tlie old est grocery firm in; this city, liave a 'new card in this, issue. ..By fair and liberal dealing and. enterprise -they iinve succeeded in building up a profit able business, which la increasing from year to year, compelling the enlarge ment of tlieir store, and forcing them to order goods by every steamer to keep their stock intact. To the gro cery business they- have added that of dry goods and general merchandise, full lines of which "will be round ,ou their shelves. Being the right kind of men, they deserve' "the liberal support of our people. ' Pleasant Visit. Grand Master, E. L. Bristow, of Eugene, made Albany Lodge No. 4, I O.O.F., an official visit on Wednesday night. It proved one of the most entertaining and Iiistruo- tlve occasions witnessed in the Lodge room for many a while. -: Bro. Bristow makes a most efficient and active offi cer. Thanksgiving Dav. As .will, be seen elsewhere In this issue, Governor Grover has Issued a proclamation des ignating' Thursday, - November 30th, as a day , of thanksgiving. We are in hopes our turkey will arrive in time. Who's got It ? JiruoES of K lection. Messrs. J. F. Backensto, Ileubeu Saltmarsh and A. Hackleman have been appointed by the City Council, Nov. 14th, to act as judges at the polls on Monday, Dec. 4th, 1871. ' . , , vjity n lection. as will be seen elsewhere, the City Recorder gives ijotiee that the annual election of offi cers for the city of Albany will trans pire on 'Monday, the 4th of December next two weeks from next Monday. J cnction City. From a correspon dent-we learn that Junction City al ready contains thirty or forty buildings. ncludlng stores, saloons, blacksmith shops, and two warehouses, and a two story dwelling, not yet finished, In tended for a hotel. The same corres pondent says : The traek between the river and Kugene is very uneven and crooked, but ballasting is progressing. -lugeue is lively, and a number of im- rovements are 'visible, among the most prominent being a sash and blind factory. The railroad station-house is finished, but the freight home is not et ready for use. The side tracks are till incomplete. I'lkuk walks on Willamette street are leing extended to the depot, and the grade raised. B ir en a Vista. Messrs. Fletcher & Wells, of Jiuena Vista, Polk county, offer inducements to customers in the way of elegant and serviceable dry goods and general merchandise, as 11 as groceries, hoots and shoes, Jfcc, &c, which should induce those in want of said articles to bestow upon them their patronage. The men who idvertise are invariably lll-cral and air dealers just the men to sell goods nt the lowest living rates." Read their card in to-day's paper, and then give them a call. Lost or Stolen Mr. F. P. Cavi- ness gives notice In this issue that he lias lost a valuable bay mare, and tliat he will suitable reward any ; one re turning her. v For description of the animal read bis card, headed as above. ' ",; ' '' - Calcemining. Parties who have ceil ings they wish calcemined, where the walls; of the rooms are papered, can liave the work done, without Injuring or soiling the paper a particle, by ap plying "to F. M. Wadsworth. See card. . ; Mush ani ' Milk Festival. A mush and milk and variety festival, in aid of the M. E. .Church, was given at Parrish Hall, oft Friday night. It was the general belief that it would prove a success. " '." ' .V; '-'-';;". moke beer. Tally & Houck are to remove their brewery, at present at Corvallis, to this city soon. We will then have two breweries in this burg. Mh.i.inekv. Mrs. Kate Mendenhall las purchased a:i interest in the new millinery establishment latelv conduet- d by Mrs. Sarah G. Godlej-, on First tr.eet, and the business will hereafter be conducted under the firm name of Mendenhall & Godley. This makes an elegant business firm a combina tion of business tact, taste, skill ftiul refinement, that cannot fail to prove a great financial success. Accident. SI rander Long. .c0:i of John Long, of Sand Ridge, last Satur day fell from a wason while in the net of picking up a sack of wheat, the sack falling on htm and breaking his wrist. are Pakac.kams. Frost's visits nightly. . Since the row among the Siwashes the other day, peace lias reigned on our streets. Mis. Morgan, who has been spend ing the Summer in Klickitat vallev. W. T., with her son Jock, returned to this city a day or two since. Hale Backensto and wife arrived from Eugene City on Tuesday. Hale Is suffering from disease, and came here to put himself under the care of Dr. Plumnier. During the week the Marslial has been engaged In reconstructing sidewalks. Good boy. Contractor Cundiff has completed the county jail, and proluibly turned the keys over to the County Commission ers yesterday. The Fannie Ptrttnn came up the Wil lamette on Friday morning. A Krtable stoneware chimney Is on exhibition at Blain, Young & Co's. Reports of the discovery of rich ore In the Santlani mines liave reached this citv. It blew hard enough to bring down tlie smoke-stack at Driggs. & Carter's mill the other niffht. Rumored tliat Miss Susan B. Antho ny will visit and lecture in this city nextweek. Marshall & Schlosser contemplate building a brick stable for their livery business next season. Goody. Financial ftnU Comiuprrial. The drainage system of New Or leans, when carried out, will increase the limits of that city to the size of combined New York ami Brooklyn. The space will be large enough to accommodate a population of 2,000, 000. Tn reply to inquiries, Mr. Young, chief of the Bureau of St itistie-, fur nishes the following statement in re- isn. rrouucuon smoking tobacco. 20.4.'$'.). 250 pounds ; chewing toluicco and snuff, (4.fi5?J.H75 pounds ; cigars, l.;n'.U75 thousand. Importation leaf tobacco, S, 1194, V) SO pounds ; cigars 7Sl),V)(i2 pounds. ' Doctor," said a nervous patient. " I had such disagreeable dreams last night! I dreampt'that my -grandfather stood by my lied for hours slinking his cane at me." " W hat did 3011 drink before you went to bed-"' "Oh, noth ing but half a bottle of Madeira." " tVell, if you had drank the ther hall, you would doubtless have also seen your grandmother standing by your bed threatening vou with a broomstick." Gold in New York HI.. Currency, buying, 89c; selling, 90c. . In some portions of the East fears are entertained of a stringency in the money market. Should the fear prove true, many lines of goods w ill recede in price.'. ; , .v.- - In tlie absence of San Francisco quo tations, and the adverse advices from Liverpool, the Portland produce deal ers show no anxiety to make further purchases at old quotations. In the absence of;sales, wheat ismoted weak at the nominal quotation of $2 20 $2 25 V 100 lbs. Flour Extra, $7 50; superfine, $6 507 ! bbl; Butter Roll, 3540c ; brine, 30S35c lb. . Albany quotations differ but, .little from last reports'.-' Wheat still . remains at $1 15 bushel. " Oats, 75B0c "tf bushel. Butter, scarce, at 40c. H h Eggs .have advanced 5c,.. now .com manding 45c dozen, with none in market. Business generally duller than for weeks past. , . Weather cool and cloudy. .-. "Come here,; little Eddy," said a orentieman to a vouncrster of seven years of age, while sitting in tlie par- tor wucn; a xurjic vumpiiuy nasiuneuf bled ; do you know me?" " Yes, sir, I think I do." ; 44 Who am I then? let me hear.". You are the man who kissed sis ter Augeline, last night, in the par lor."- - Angellne fkinted. People who are . always fishing for compliments do not need very long lines. They will get their best bites in snauow water. A darkey was boa ting to a grocer of the cheapness of ten pounds of sugar lie had bought at a rival shop. i'.et ine weigh the package." said the grocer: The darkVy assented, and it was two pounds short. The 'colored gentleman' looked perplexed for a moieent and then said : "Guess he didn't cheat dis chile much, for while he was gettin' de sugar, l stole two pair of shoes." - The Commander-in-chief of the German troops in France received thirteen hundred dollars a month; a general ot division, seven hundred dollars ; a Brigadier-general, four hundred, and a Co!one! three hundred. C incinnati is full of vanity over her grand new fountain, the gift of tlie rich Mr. Proba-co, which cost over $100,000 in gold. Her citizens con tinually tell each other and the rest of the world that it is the finest thing of the sort in all creation. When an old toix'r dies, the mpers sa- charitably that his death was ktu- loued by "irregular habits" when the fact is. there are no habits more regular than the regular guzzling of the regular soak. Returns received since the publica tion of the Thayer letter show that .1;vj,..;.5 barrels of fermented lipiors were produced during the last fiscal year. A .Tew was observed looking intent ly at a prodigious fine ham. " Wliat ire vou saving to that ham, Mr. Jac obs?" "I was saying to it: Thou al most persuadest me to be a Christian. " The wealthiest silver inine owner in the world lives in Mexico. His name is Jose Correseo. One of several val uable mines yi-hieh he owns yields him a monthly income of $200,000. A blush K a sign which Xature hangs out to show where chastity dwells. "V-..... 4-1.., ,1... ..ii1i....i.1.i..iul 1 r i-t 1 . , . 111.11. itiu ciimnimrirvi uvj.juv. has become the rage, the young ladies devoutly nrav : Give us "this dav our daily braid. Queery for real estate owners How can a man make the most of his prop erty when its leas't ? 'j i Why is a whisk y-hop like a col lege ? 'Because It needs a class of fresh men to replace every class that gradu ates. . A Mr. Teese recently married a Miss Cross. It is believed he Teesed her till she promised not to hit Cross any more. Somebody says that wliteness is like an air-cushion : There may be noth ing in it, but it eases our jolts wonder fully. Some lawyers can't sleep. They lie on one side, and turn over and lie on the other. . A writer 'on school discipline says: 44 Without a liberal use of the rod, it is impossible to make boys smart." Why cannot a deaf man be legally convicted ? Because it is not lawful to condemn a man without a hearing. Do not choose your friend by bis looks . Handsome slioes often pinch the feet. A dentist's ofilice is not improperly called his drawing room. "I wish I could mind God as my little dog minds me,' said a little boy," looking thoughtfully at his shaggy friend ; "he always seems so pleased to mind, and I don't." What a paiutul thought did this child speak. It is said to be touching to see the puhkin-vines over in Indiana climb the telegraph poles, so the punkins can get a look at Horace Greeley through the car-windows. An enthusiastic lady, who takes part in the religious exercises in the St. Louis Cei it ral police station Sunday mornings, told one of the persons she found there she was glad to see him so ber once, as she could see by his looks tliat he was then so. and after she liad spent some little time in urging him to reform ami lead a different life, 'closed her discourse, on being informed that" the Mibjeet of her solicitude was a minister who had been invited to as sist in the exercise of the day. The Boston daily Advertiser, in com menting on Senator Schurz's speeches says significantly " When criticism sinks into chronic fault finding, and the critic becomes a common scold, he ceases to be an object of vital in terest.'' An indiscreet man confided a secret to another, and begged1 him not to re peat it. " It's all right." was the re ply. "Ill be as close as you were.' NEW TO-DAY. Ti:i-: IIJEST AIIE TIIK CUKAPKKT. An irregular surface of stone, about four feet square., is all that remains of 1'lymoulh Rock. The Philadelphia Itfi says one-half of the servant girls in that city are drunkards. Aew 4'o-Slay. .1. l' Kkr.TCIIER. . K. WELLS. FLETCHER & WELLS BVAl I.KAVE TO IXFOHM THK VVli lie iliat tlicy liave received tlie largest antl lcst selected siock of Iry fiootl, SrccriC!, ESoots & Slioex, Hardware, Tin and Crockery Ware, &c. In fnet, everything; tliat tlie fanner wants, ever ottered 10 tlie public at lhisiiucc,uiid at Iajwct J'riccx lltan any store in l'Ak Co. 'Iflie Ililtcht Market Price II1 fur Irolnec. Call and examine our stK-k liefnve -juir-oliasiiirT i-lstnvliere. IliU'iia Visia, Nnvcmlwr 15, lS"l-llv4 ' W.J. UII.TAIUDEI.. IK ANDREWS. W. J. IS1LTABIBUL As CO. Have just received, AT THEIR OI.I) KTAXI, OncDoorBeloit Conner's Bank A fall assortment of GROCERIES FURNISHING GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., Consisting in part of ' Calico, Ginghams, Iivns. Merinos, Poplins, Brilliants, Hosiery, " Marseilles, Denims, Dress Silks, Jeans, Diaper. Table Linen Crash. Ticking, Delaines, Check. Stripes, Skirts, " s Corsets, T a b 1 e C o v e r s . 1 Urown Domestic, ' Brown Sheeting. ! Bleached Sheeting, Childmi's Shoes, Iadies and Missels' SIhh-s, (ients7 Bx)t-i and S1uhs, Ios' BiK)ts and Shoes, Slippers and Gaiters, : Linen & Silk llamlk -chiefs California Merchandise. E35"A sliare of patrn'navre Is resnetfuHy soiieited. W. J. HHrAI51IKL. A CO. lov4 Blacksmlthing -AM) - General Repair Shop. THE VX1KKSIGXEI HAMXfi KE turnttd to AlUmy, and taken his old shov on corner of Ellsworth nnl Second stre"ts, uiinounces.his readiness to attend to all kinds of BLACKSMITIirXG, nbL MACHINE i'ORtJINU, ,ETC. . , A Savannah man was cured of rheumatism, by the active move ments lie made to get out of the way of a mad steer. Oceans of tears will be shed in Connecticut this year. Tlie onion crop is one of the largest ever pro duced. - An exchange wanting to compli ment a "Live Stock Journal," says it is edited by a man whose head is chuck' full of live stock. ' . itssT Portland licenses ninety three I saloons and six lager beer dens. ! ' '- ' Also, has on hand and for sale, the COQUXX.LARD WAGON, Strayer Forcc-teed . , GRAIN DRILL, STAR MOLING, J CASTSTESL, and other PLOWS, - I .. ... which he will sell on the most reasonable terms. - ".- - - . . ( .: . .. , . UIVK ME .A CALL. THE AliENOY OF THE CELEI1RATED MASOX & II AML1X ORGANS and v CHICKERING & SONS PIANOS ! IS XOW, FOK THE FIKST TIME, PEIt nianently 'siuilislied in Onon. A lare and c'oiiirilete loek v. ill Ik- Iceut 011 hand, iind sold nt the uianufacturer's re duced! r ices. THESE IXSTKUMEXTS are well known Ihi-oiihont ihe world, and have .receive I the highest premiums wherever exhibtte 1. We have rXS()I.If'ITKI TESTIMONI ALS in their fa vor from 1 he btwt musical talent of bolh Kum) and America. Km- dnmbilitv, otvle of llntxh andcimility of tone, they tu ts UN EQUALLED. Every Instrument fully Warrant ed for Five Years. Illustrated catalogues nent on applica tion. JII.I. A- STEEL, 87 ront-.St., Portland, 10v4ml AfCeius for Oivon. . Lard Oil & Soap MANUFACTORY. rj'UK I'XDERSHJXED IIAVIXti" UOM X Vie'e 1 uui put in good running order their new Lard Oil and Soap Manufactory, in the city of Albany, are prepared to pur chtisu, at ihe highest eash rates, all the EIess, It an fill E utter, Sonp reac, Ac, delivered to tliein In this city. They are now manufacturing and have on hand Fancy Toilet and Common Soaps, in great variety, warm 11 ted equal to ihe best in market, which they oirer to the trade tit thy most reasonable rates. Orders respectfully solicited. Satisfac tion gnuninteed. fc-Parties having Hogs, Kancid r.utter. or irea. 01 any kind, for sa.e, will do welt to give u- a can. K. CAKTntIiHT & CO. Nov. 11, 1871-1UV4 REAL ESTATE! REAL ESTATE! STITZEL & UPTON, REAL ESTATE! BROKERS, CORNER OF FRONT & WASIIINGTON-STS-, Portland, Oregon. All work entrusted to mo will receive prompt attention, and bo executed in the lest possible manner, with good material. A share of public patronage is solicited. CrShop on corner Kllswoith and Seeond streets, opposite l'ieree's Ferrv. " 10v4 ! F. AVOOD. Paper-ltaiifringr, Calccmlnin?, Decorating, Ac. ' E M. W A DS WORTH will give prompt attention to all orders-for Paper hanging, Calcemining, Decorating, Ac., In this city or vicinity. All work executed in the latest style, in the best manner, and at lowest living rates, esrders left at Furniture Warerootns of C'haa. Mealey will receive prompt attention; I" SiHH-ial attention given tothe sale and pur chase of REAL ESTATE In all parts of Oregon. LOANS NEGOTIATED On first mortgage real estate, and collateral . seeiiniy. K. B. HUMPHREY. 1 Notary Public. . Hi CBASOB. Attorneys and CMnaeUor a Iaw, ALBANY, OREGOX. Office In Parrish brick, up stain. - 5t4 JPKESII VEG;TABL.ES,in fall' Agents for the sale of IXJTS AX1 BLOCKS IX Ilolladay's Addition TO - EAST PORTLAND" Have for sale a largo amount of " -' . ; ' J:' ' Improved and Unimproved 4 FARMING LANDS, Situated in different parts of the State, oi - the line of t he railroad. INFORMATION To emigrants and -others, relating to the ItESOUKCKS OF OIIEGOX, furnished fre of charge. ':':."";"'':'";" :,! ; AU correspondence will have prompt attention. ST1TZKL. & U1TON. Nov. 11, 71-10v4y . 4. ; NOTICE. US. r.A5lI OFFICK, OREGON CITV, . Orhuox, Oetober 19t li, 1871 :-i'om-plulnt having lieen entered at thi Ofnee by JEBKMIAH 6IIKA against COK FUK MAS for abandoning his Homestead Entry No. 841, dated May 10th, 157, upon the Lot I of Section 87, and Lots 1, 8 and 8, Section 26, Township 13 South, liungo 1 Kast, in Linn county, Oregon, with a the cancellation of said entry : tlie said parties am herebv nmmnnnrl tn himf at this Ofnee on the 23d day of Kovenfber, 1871, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and fnrnisn testimony concerning said alleged aban donment. OWKN WADKj RegiMter, 7v4w4J IIJpiKY WARREN, ttocT. '