The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 14, 1871, Image 3

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    sYl)R; !-VSl UAM'H. KlC
loonier In 4
1" O V S - 2
ijiy goods.
Of .-'St p;i! terns.
li:it WAS IK.
-An-1 tlit' a-wiir: meni ol furn ishin.,-t---o
Is to bo O r.niiH'vi in n lis- s.o.V.
sers iica.v ii
1 ; vi 5i;;ly I'xo. 'i'c 1. '
("I rea 'onn'iit' tei'su1.
Kliort ri'-Io:!!sii:!i.l-":r"i-?iMi'
1- ifONT S TKKKT, Abll AN V.
I C-. :.. IS;! VI i
Tin: sax franc.sco i-.'oim:. J
nn r t'ivit.t iiii.l I'. rrj t-i. AiaJ'.v, j
Koi-' s -.-osis.-.-isif ly o;; 5:;:ti I
A Fit 12 Afs;orlsn.'Fii of f":vf,
tsi;iT:t siil r"u? ware.
Ami will iiavo for :-ii'' :lr- re:.''i'j;l
Alr'o iiis:uif:i'tnn" ill! kimls of
tix r?s:r:? siis:j;t iiiox
l.i !'! H-st s'yV, :i' iov.--t ' a' '. for tush
o; i-o-i.ilrv pro bleu.
' AVv s o lisiu '..
Pull t f ?ai-o .Vines & T.-.qv-ois,
For iie-'iir;S(i; 'y.
A v. --.'.(.v'.' 1 s'tvU of
;i:o; ;:un and ei:- kut;
V" n'.w-iv ' - i sir iiivi-s!i'.i-!i!U':ti:.
i v. 'V- .-c" tx'i ..'.'- in my hou-se. tor .!i
tr v.o ".to -.,; . ;-y, clicstpor i nan w.
i lor. i. 1 ii: Iii- :ea;'!:e .
VI 1 i-; I- of vf-alri lo:c. n ''.nr.
i n he. tin 1 i"ri:v -a i--lae:ion v::'-s! i v '
w- ruv -: i--:.! i m;'.
v". . v.mi .n' ii:.i',Vi)i;i.
c Vim - f':v K XIii:.""
No in sit I !H Vn';!o.:i;;i 5;r ..
sa.n ri: a ncii a:-'.koi:nta.
I.. I.'l l:t. S. E. Young;. J. I;ri-ovs-
Y3iliv-;ale ami flcta"
kVieKl.liit?rs IsKlivirtitally UaII.
1 i-;-o-il in O'.-'r.-jon, - -
7-iO,C00 Ot'
O,tX0 (K)
iai; ix oii coix.
1 -viili tlio liiwscf on- !,v msi'diu a
i:i-oit t,i tify Uion-ii:i : i.'"':ir. i now
TrN"tirt' l loujtlwt insnniiii-t siin-i loss or
(liiitiUii" Tv iirt;. un l si'.t-o if.-aiiw msirlmi
sml iiua'i.i nuv :::iiion riss, on liM'nil
tf I'll is.
(U'STAVK TOUfllAKin Prosi lent.
Cms. 1. Havk, Stv:viary.
J. C. r-ISITDEriHAIiIj, Agerxt, Albany.
As'wny, ISTl-rs
i 1 i J'j -N l 11 il F iU 6 K .
TSsc Kcst CSiaii' j et OJTert'cl.
--,) jI, IX PK!ZE ADiiiH
l)). mt'iikii; lH'fore si'lvt'r;i.(l, Tiiakinir
thi- ilrawim the iiosi sittsiftive out' vcr
otlt-rn 1 to the pubilc. un;l ull for oini Joilnr.
TUe Iroil:-"s4i"iil MtiJiol Festival
siikI iiil't Kit .-rprise,
To take; at lb M- ropolitan Theatru.
in racmniento, Cv1o!cr lt, 1871.
Tielcl-i f uiyn!smo?, tin U,Uar. wliicli will
cnt itlo the ht)i'ler :o any om- of the t'ollow
Mti!Tift that may Iks awanle 1 to it.
1 1 0,000 Tle!ets Will be Mold.
Any person can i:;)are a dollar for such a
6 macnif?n! p.'fs x, among irhieh Ijt one
i i s2i(,0:M ffll coin.
Thesw frifts will, at the concert, be award
ed to the holders of ti.-ke'.s in the same
manner a- :ii ihe eoneert f'lven in San
Fx-.uicifseo in aid of the MervantiU- Library.
One gift in IT. S. koM coin 2 OOO
One lift in FT. S. koUI eoi i 5,000
One gift in V. S. koM coin 2,500
One ffift in IJ. S. jolfl eoin 1,500
Two Rifts in U.S. jrold coin. lOOOeaeh, 2,khj
VAt ut ifts in V. frold coin, VKi ea. 4,0(X)
Twenty tuftsin 17. S. old coin. J loo
eiuh.i-... 2,000
200 gifts in V. S. ;old eoin,2() e.--li. . . 4,000
400 gift! in U.S. gold coin, 10 ctu-h... 4,00
One f?ifi A neat lion1 and lot in the
limirlshiiifjcity of Yallejo, valued 1,800
One gift Nia' liouseand lot in Val-
lejo, valued 100
One gift Neat house and lot In Val-
lejo, vame l 1,200
One gift Neat house and lot In Val-
lejo. valued , 1,200
One gift Neat, house and lot. in Val-
lejo, valued 1,200
One gift Neat house and lot in Yal-
lejo, vahu d 1,200
15 gifts- Id Jlue buildins lots in Val-
lejo, s;h) each 12,600
17 gil ts- 17 fine building lots in Val-
lejo, valued t?,800
Tweiity ix other valuable gifts 8,138
Klx IInnIrei nod Niiirtj'-nine ifl.
TM.Odd Fellows' Btink of Savings, at
ftvcraiiu-nto, is the repofitn'' for the deeds
of all tV- real estate, and also all moneys
recei ved Tor sale of ticket?, and its officers
are dulv rnb-nrized by the managers to
dttliver'all gSf; to those holding the win
ninir n'imliers.
whom a discount will be made, equal to
that of anyslmilarenterprlse. Topersons?
remitting direct, eleven ticketswill Ixsaent.
for 10; 56 tickets for $0 ; or lia tickets for
100. We thus make It an object to persons
forming clubs.
The drawing will lake p'ace under the
supervision of a committee of well known
and responsible citizens of Sacramento.
- Address all orders to s
FELCH A CO.,ieneral Managei-s,
56-ml No. 45 Fourth street, Sacramento.
Corner oi"
First nm S'roailalsfin St.,
i 1CI .1IOKUI !S.
A pronls for All tllssrts of
se i vi x a ma v xi:s.
Ani tho
Celebrate Bain Wagon!
& CO.,
First fttre?t,
ALBAKY, OIti:0..
Don't boflier editors vlen they are
writing. Quilp RtrprHtl into thv liu
lerial tNiiutuni this morning to
what i.o iiad better write tibont.
Write about !" irrowled the lin,ti
chief; "I tliink you had better riffht i
about face and lie ilid. " I
A liohemian recently married hnd
il;e lbilwiyg trouxse .u : One black
, -ih suit, one pocket handker-
iisiel", s; two shii t, plain hoiu, 5;
o;:e niLt shirt, embroidered, $4; two
paper collar, 5 cents; one pair of
night drawers,. plain, 1 75; oi.e iair
of night drawtrs ruIMed, ij.2 50; one
bottle iiwiuky, $2; one paper of
eiove.n, 15 t;ent.-i; one cake of honey
soap, 25 ceut; one cork-screw 25 cetit;
one boitie of cocktail hitter.-;, 50;
one ivory toothpick. 20 cents; one
liaxter'. Saint's iiyst, $2 total, if 100.
ile read chapter. from t he book during
the honeymoon.
"Is there a single thing that the
Democratic juirty ever henl to that
they hava't deputed from?" asketl
lutlge Ambler, in his speech at Mari
etta, 1, eel. tly. Vcs whisky!" an
swered a voice in the crowd, amid
roars of taughteiv
A t'hie:igo reporter has interviewed -joint vveiitworth, after duly pro
viding him-e!t" 'with a sti-laider.
lie -ays he found Air. Weiitworih sul-
uils of luiuhao.
one of the rural
; wilh.fcvtnd yi
oM ladv froiii
111 one ol
iient has leeu
'Uioui.ts c'irr
Aii x-.KJiiiirbiii :
(.'HOI'S in EuROPfe. TI13 following
ii.teie-ting inform:itimi in regard- to
the -tate of the crops on the i'ontt--
reieivcil by the New
'Acili uj from Alert-i s.
& Co., in Rostock,
Tiie crojw vf v.'-. a;
and rye in (Set-many tire about the
average, probably somewhat below,
but not to any considerable extent.
The quality o(' rye will not be quite
a good. In some parts of Southern
Germany we hear of the tot-il de
struction of the crops by in in id it ions
and heavy hail btonns. Belgium and
Holland only have a moderately aver
age crop ; France only two-thirds, and
less than that in the northern and
eastern -departments, fn Hungary
and Galieia the heavy rains and inun
dations have placed " the crops below
tlie average. The same is the case
in Turkey, while in Scandinavia,
Koumanhu and Egypt very excellent
crops are anticipated. There are
contradictory reports from Russia,
though it is known that the wheat -suffered
considerably in the snrinjr by
heavy rains. The jiotato disease lias
m ade it amn-arance not only in Ger
many, but also iii Holland' and Bel-
districts astonished a e'erk
the stores a lew ilay a;n, by
if they had any yal!cr tleveionments
sieh as they did letters up in."
"Now, my boy," said a commit
teeman, 'if 1 bail a mince pie. and
shou d give two-twelfths of it to Jehu,
two-t v-lfi lis to Isaac, two-twelfths to
Harry, and should take half the pie
mys-.f, what would there he left:-'
Speak up loud loud, so that the ko-
c can hear." The plate !" shoutcl
I he boy.
j mint Her a-Ketl a little boy who 1
had been converted. Does not the
devii fell you that j cu are not a Chris
tian.'" " Yes, t-oinetimes." "Well,
what do yon say to him?" " tell
him," replied the boy, wit h something
of Lmhers spirit, 'that, whether 1
am or not, it i i none of hi biHtness."
When the lamented Artenuis Ward
exhibticd his waxworks m.l'tah, he
relates that he was aeco-tcd ly a veu
eral.'le and vhtegaridi virgin, who in
quirel, " I'an't 1 get in without pay
ing?" "No, Inn you can pay witii-
OUi gOlLg ill."
Tiie hev. .Mo-es (.'lainjiit, an eccen
tric preacher, win holding forth at
Saiita Claia Valley. A young man
ro : to j;o eur, wnen 1 lie preacher said:
YoUi.jr man, if you'd ml her go to
p'.-rditioft than hear me preach, you
may." The sinner !oped. relh cteit
a luoiiU'iit, and then saying ' Well, 1
believe- t would," went out.
Jj' i.tA-un! U-m - has a picture
purchaser of carpets object
ing to ij.e price. '"High, niadaiu,"
exclainH the salesman; "why there
enrjiets ate sacrificed at three dollars a
yard, 'i'wecd'iv Co. paid us more than
a tnou-.u.u nonar a yard lor just sueii
carpet." .
Horace (Jreelov is rciiorted as au
thority for tiie latest rule to secure
prohi lrom pouitrv. "It it i desired
to make them lav," he says, "tie their
le; iogelher and then they can"l slanti
no." " . .
A younjx lady with a very pretty
foot, hut a rather large tinkle, went to
a San Franci-co s-hoe store to have her
foot measured. The admiring cleric,
who was of Gallic extraction, compli
mented her i:i the following queer way:
Madam, u have ore beautdul loot,
but the leg commence too intmedi-
Uely." !
The " Fat Contributor gives the fol
lowing information in regard to agri
cultural 'matters: "A eorresixmdent
asks us what we think of late plowing.
Ploughing should not be continued
later than ten oreleven o'clockat night.
It gets the horses in the habit of stay
ing out late, and unduly exposes the
plough. We have known ploughs to
ac pure sprjug-halt and inflammatory
rheumatism , from late ploughing.
Don't do it. To another correspond
ent, who wants us to suggest a plan
lor a drum 0:1 a tarm, we woiud say
that a heavy mortgage at ten per cent
will drain a farm about- a quickly as
anything that we know of."
Air. Gray discovered a uou-explo.-ive
illuminating fluid. - To show how safe
the new comnound was, he invited -a
number of friends to moot him iu his
rooms, whither lie had brought a bar
rel of the fluid, which he at once pro
ceeded to stir with a redhot poker, as
he went through the roof ot his house,
accompanied by ins mentis nc endeav
ored to explain to his nearest com-
ftagaon Oe. rotjiKje that the particular
fluid in the barrel had too much lwn-
zine in it. ; but the gentleman said that
he had an engagement higher up, and
could not wait lor the explanation
Air. Gray continued his ascent till he
met Air. .Jones, who informed him
that there was 110 'necessity for him to
go ui higher, as every one was coming
down; so Mr Gray started back, to
be with the party. Mr. jr ray's widow
offers for stile the secret of the non-ex
plosive fluid at a reduced rate, as she-
wishes to raise money enough to buy
a silver-handled coma with a girt plate,
lor the late Mr. tiray.
A melting sermon being preached
in a country church, all wept 'except
one man. On being asked why he was
not atteetea like the rest, lie answered,
"O, I belong to another church.
Walking down street a few days ago,
we observed a fellow, whose annear-
ance indicated beyond, a doubt that he
hrul lxien "indulging quite freely in the
nuiii extract 01 nneat, cutting mio a
good sized pumpkin. Raising a slice
to his lips, lie inserted his incisors into
it and commenced munching. A shade
of disappointment passed over his
countenance, while with a thick voice
he muttered: "I'll be doggon'd ef
Oregon km raise muslimunons. iney
look well enough on the outside, but
thev hain't got tiie taste and can't be
gin to compare with the , millions of
Caiiforuy. Jt was a sad spectacle to
see a young man, full of hope and
whisky, loung his confidence in the
soil 01 our beloved State.
In an Irish provincial journal there
is an advertisement running thus
Wanted a handy laborer, who can
plough a married man and a protest-
ivnt, with a son or daughter.
liow to Kill Ttm ly Wntrin.
Kefore we had learned what not to
do iu pomology and arboriculture, in
order to make trees thrive luxuriantly
and bear abundantly in hot and dry
weather, we destroyed several line
evergreens simply by puerile manage
ment. This occurred during a severe
drouth, when we knew no more than
other boys how not to water trees.
Every evening several pailfulsof tepid
water were poured on the dry ground
around each tree; and the parched
earth ur uiK up me seamy supply wiiu-
int seeming to have been sprinkled
wjth water. During the day, the soil
iriund tho-e trees seCmcd dryer than
whan there was no water. Tiie more
they were watered the more leaves and
branches and the hard soil seemed to
iccil a generous drenching. No effort
was made to save any except those
valued mast.. Rut- every one tliat was
watered lilvrally died before winter.
1 lie trees were well rooted 111 grass
ground, having been planted for two
years. If sonic one had told the in-
xpei leuced youth to spread straw
or Miavings ivatnu about tlio:e trees,
over an area of ten feet in diameter,
before .applying the water, every one
ot them I'im.d have been saved. If
the ground were mellow, and not
mulched, the true way would have
htea to draw back a few inches in
depth of the surface, water liberally.
liter winch return the mellow sou.
i'his is the true way to water any
plant, if we would prevent the surface
of the ground from becoming crusty.
M inching is I letter. It belling trees
can be mulched during the hot and
dry weather, the fruit will grow much
larger for it.
TlIK RllIbOSOrilY or Fkeiung.
All the profits in feeding animals re
marks Joeph Harris in Hearth and conies from the food eaten over
md alove wliat is needed to sustain
the vital functions. With a poor
quality of hay a cow is not uufi-eipient-ly
kept through the winter without
g lining a pound or giving any milk.
She eaii only cat enough of this in
nutrition! food to sustain the vital
functions. Rut furnish her daily with
four quarts of corn meal, and she will
either give considerable milk, or, if
dry. gain in llesli and fat, and next
uiinmer this accumulated flesh and
fat will find its way to the milk-iKiil,
and be converted into cheese and but
At a Virginia watering place a batch
of dough had been prepare 1 for the
oven and placed on the table. A play
ful kitten thought it would le nice to
run over it, it looked so snowy, warm
and tempting. Kitty tried it; and
soon found her delicate little feet sink
ing in the dough. She struggled to
escaie. but only struggled to sink
tleejier, until this youthful cat disap
peared entirely, and so, like young
Lochinvar, went, into the yeast. She
never rose -again, but the bread did.
It closed over this unfortunate speci
men, not leaving a hair apparent.
Cookv, of course, was not aware that,
instead of a loaf of bread, she had a
kitten dumpling, and put the mass iu
tlaj oven and "baked it. When the
bread was opened the next morning
the birds did not begin to sing, but the
boarders did. They fairly howled
with rage. They knew that there had
been a family of kittens, and as hash
had been served 'for breakfast before
this extraordinary loaf had been open
ed, the conclusion was natural that the
other part of the family had gone into
hash and down their throats. They
were first taken with sea sickness,
next with home sickness, and then
ensued a general packing up. The
f ishiouable Summer resort wa3 left
with no inhabitants but tho cook and
barkeejier ami what remained of the
lamily ol Kittens.
How a Pketty Woman was Kiss
vd. "Do you see that pretty woman
here?" asken Umt naturalist of the
jfofprLst deacon, pointing to a well- .
dress, modest appearing lady who
was eating, with the other passengers, .
at one of t lie feeding stations.
"Yes, what, of her?"
'Oh, nothing, only I'll bet you s
new liat that I'll go in and kiss her."
"Tliat's nothing. Anybody can kiss
a woman."
"Ye, but 1 never .saw her before.
I'll agree if she makes any fuss about
it, to pay for the hat."
'-Don't you know her, honest?"
"Upon my work ! Never, so he'p
"It's abet."
"Agreed ! Now watch me !"
The naturalist walked deliberately
up to the lady, 'put his face down to
hers, and then kissed her squarely 011
the cheek. To the infinite surprise of
the Rapt 1st deacon she did not hit him
with the water pitcher, or holler
"murder" or "nijie." She simply
glanced up at him, blushed a little, :
and went on with her eating.
Is the naturalist among women what .
Rarcy is among horses ? was the men
tal inquiry of the Raulist deacon. In V
connection with the probable price iii '
coin of a 7. hat in San Francisco. "
Fiyitro. ' " ..
A rich landlord once cruelly, on- "
pressed a poor widow. Her sou, a lu ! ,
tie lioy of eight years, saw it. lie
afterward liecame a painter, and paint
ed a life-likeness of the dark scene
Years afterward lie placen it where the
man saw it. lie turned pale, trembled
in every joint, and offered a large sum
to purchase it, that he might put it out ,
of sight. Thus there is an invisible .
pamter drawing 011 the canvas of the
soul a life-likeness, reflecting correctly .
all the passions and actions of our spir
itual history on' earth. Eternity will
reveal them to every man. AVe must
all meet our earth-life again.
A terrible balloon accident happened
at Haioli, Indiana, recentry. As pre-
parations were being made for an
ascension, while Professor Wilbur and
Air. Knapp, editor of the Orange
Union, had their hands on the car, the
balloon broke loose, carrying both of
.them up. At the bight of thirty feet,.
31r. Knapp lost his hold and fell to the
ground, breaking both of his legs. -Air.
Wilbur attempted to .save himself
by climbing into the car, but failing
in the attempt fell to the ground, a
distance of over half a mile, his body
being mashed into a pulpy mass.
In Pittsburg, a few days since, a
lady heard a burglar attempting to en
ter her dwelling through her front
window, and not wishing to soil her
furniture and carpet 'with blood of the
intruder, she noiselessly quitted the
house by a rear door, and, proceeding
to the front, discharged four barrels
from a revolver at him. One of the
shots took effect in his leg, and he,-"'
being unable to run, was arrested by
a policeman.
From Nashville. Tennessee, we
learn that detectives have succeeded in
arresting the person who committed
the outrage on Airs. Hamblin. and
then murdered her near that city
during the latter part of last month.
The entire community wliere the deed
w;is lierpetrated, were intensely ex
cited over the matter, and it was ex- -
peeted that efforts would be made to
hang the wretch.
WfHxlhull as a candidate for the
Presidency, is killed by the adroit
movement of Tilton, who shows that'
what Victoria says and does is simnlv
and solely the work of Deuionsthenes
a mere' man, and rather a mean one
at that. Titlon now ; tikes her place
as a candidate, and will show tliat lie
has at least a woman's
(J tile 'go JurnaJ.
genious physieian of Paris Renadout
hV name more than two hundred
years ago hit upon a good idea for
cutting out" his more learned breth
ren, which he was not, long in put
ting into execution, to his own no
small advantage, ami rue great cnagrm
of his professionals. His plan was an
extremely simple one for he obtained
his popularity by the very innocent ex
pedient of collecting information, and
then circulating news slieets among
his pat ients lor their especial ueiecta
tioa and amusement. But inasmuch
a,s the seasons were not always sickly,
and he found he had plenty of time on
his liands lie was encouraged by his
success to oevote ins attention more ex
clusively to the business of journalism.
by providing the public at large with
news; and accordingly, in lt31, lie
succeeded in obtaining for himself and
family the sole privilege of publishing
a newspaper called the Gazette ae
France. Such, at least, is the account
of the origin of newspapers given by
The following spicy items are from
the San Francisco Chronicle :
John Quincy Adams has fbr the
fourth time accepted the lemocratic
nomination for Governor of Massa
chusetts. He will continue a candi
date until the crack o' doom witliout
much hoe of an election.
A Chicago girl broke her enenire-'
meut with a voung man for the reason
n.., ... r;. 1 - ,.
1 iiiii, ne sneeess 111 ties sleep. II It
wouldn't be impertinent, a cotenipor-
ary would like to know how she found
it out. So should we. .
An interprising New Yorker adver
tises "Lunches for Horses." It is
presumed the lunch includes a drink
of water. Beasts don't drink whisky
gentlemen do. Tliat is the differ
ence between a beast and a gentleman.
The New York tSnn announces by
authority that Hon. William AI. Tweed
is no longer a candidate for Governor
of the Empire State. He is, we pre
sume, now a candidate for Sing Sing
The Democratic newspaper had a
good deal to say about the million de
lalcatiou of Paymaster Hodge uatil
they learned tliat he was a Democrat. :
appointed by a Democratic President
and lvinoved only on tiie verdict of a
Court-martial. Since this discovery
they have been mum.
A "neck-tie" party is announced to
come off at Fairfield, Salona county,
November 24th. Two brothers named
Veledcia, who recently killed Joseph
Hewitt, will be the guests of the
Sheriff of the county unless Governor
Haight interferes. ,
Two thousand school masters and
manns held a prolonged Convention In
Austria, reeeutly; during tiie enilro
session there wasn't as mud distur
bance or excitement aa In a single
meeting of the Sun Francisco Board of
Education. Bullies seem to be an out -growth
of California.
. The only hate we all bear with"
Christian patience is the hate of those
who envy us, ,
The world would be more happy If
persons gave up more time to aa inter
course oi friendship.
Sentiment often loses its primitive
DOWer-S In ho(nrWhol J 1
We open the hearts of others when
we apeu our own. -
A sad dog One who terriea a hi