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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1870)
V. S. Official Paper for Oregon. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1870. The question of erecting agraiu eleva tor la receiving attention at Portland. Another batch of laws this week pood ntertainuieot for the long winter nights. Joiia Qulncy Adams Is again the Dem- j ocratie nominee for Governor of -Mas achusetts. Aaother lucky man is J. O. Wright, of Salem, who drew the whole amount of 200 in the San Francisco lottery. Two boys were brought to Portland on Monday from Last Chcnce, arrested for hooting at each other. Rapid boys. ' - i m - JoVa Ronenfeld, of San Francisco, invested $1 ,000 in; the late lottery scheme and obtained a $1,0Q prize 1 The bill passed by the late Legislature to complete the drainage of the State land in Union county, has been vetoed by the Governor. Cot. J. S. Crobbie, (Jen. Sheridan's chief of staff, drew a 819,000 prize in the San Francisco lottery. Another prize of $13,000 was drawn by a Chicigoao. . " The Salem State-ma still contends thaUthe recent report of the existence of amnJl pox is nnfbunded it is chicken pox. 5- The excitement has abated. V , The total colored vote of the United -States is put down at 800,000, of whom not to exceed 50,000 are north of the Mason and Dixon line. The European War. Since our last issue, the serrender of Metz, with lis vast military stores and its brave defend ers, has transpired. With BazVine's surrender, the last remnant of the once ningiiificent French army of veterans disappears, and nothing is left to oppose the vast German army, made up of tried veter.-ns, but raw and inexperienced levies, individually, it may be, brave enough, but lacking the discipline and experience necessary to cope successfully wiih the troops composing the invading Power. Sadlv deficient as the French seejii to be in almost everything that goes to make up and fully equip an effect ive army, there is no show of faltering; the people still exhibit a stern resolve to fight to the bitter end. The fall of Metz gives King William 160,000 more troops wherewith to overrun France and compel the surrender of ParU. By tho misfor tune, or tieechery, whichever it may prove to have been, of Bazaine, Prussian chances have been greatly increased for compelling France to sue for peace. It would seem now that, unless neutral Powers interfere, a hard fate indeed is in store for France. Cauala aud Locks Fisk'a "where the woodbine twioeth has been found in Missouri, where Mr. and Mrs. Woodbine report two pair of twins in the last three years. It will be seen by proclamation else where in to-day's paper, state President Grant baa appointed Thursday, Novem ber 24th, as a day of national thaoks giving. ' Illinois now ranks as the fourth State in the Union, Ohio, Pennsylvania aud ,New York only, having more population. Where will Illinois be at the end of the next decade, fust or second in point of population ? Wo have received a large double sheet newspaper, published. at Sun Francisco, "Vy Went worth & Boruck, entitled .Zie- tourers of California. It contains valua- ble statistics .and information in regard to California. Latest. A dispatch from Arlon, Bel gium, says that Metz has not capitulated that the garrisons of the forts and towns refuse to agree to the capitulation of Bazaine, and that the'' Prussians will resume their position about the place. The effects of Winter is beginning to tell on the German troops, the deaths from sickness amounting to 2,000 per day. The Bavarians are pronounced the most cruel of all troops. All foreigners have been offered pass es to leave Paris. This from the Oreyonian : In addition to the swindle that is to be perpetrated on the school fund to put money m the pockets of Uol. Kelly and his associates, on pretense of aiding in the construction of the canal and locks at Oregon City, our delegation in Congress is to be instructed to secure Congressional aid for the" same scheme to the amount of four hundred thousand dollars. This additional subsidy of course is to go to the same company that receives the ben efit ot the school fund robbery. And of course Senator Kelly will work diligently to set the lob through Cousrrcssj- Ills share of it would be a very pretty sum. Mr. Cochran s resolution relating to this Congressional subsidy was' considered a few days ago, when Mr. Trevitt offered the following as a substitute tor it : Substitute 1 for the S. J. R. No. 19: WiiEREAb, The Columbia, Umpqua, Rogue and Willamette rivers arc the great commercial channels for the conduct of the.vast amount of products of the pro lific valleys of Oregon, and that these streams can be made the cheapest and most convenient . method of trans portation for the people to put their varied crops into the markets of the world, and Wuereap, After all the liberal and generous donations made by the General Government to this State, including the Fife Hundred Thousand acres of land granted to the State for internal improve ments, which is now claimed to have been diverted from its original iutent by the aged founders of State Government, and placed to the credit of the Common School Fund, there still remains a fur ther important object which we feel to be our duty to call the attention of Con gress; and that is the obstruction to the navigation of the streams referred to in the preceding preamble. The obstruc tions .mentioned are of such a nature that with a reasonable expenditure could be removed. The people are now, and have been for many years, suffering great losse for the want ot free navigation bf the The Germans will open the bombard- streams referred to; more especially does mcnt of Paris with 250 Biejre guns. It is reported that a written accept ance of the crown of Spain was received rat Madrid on the 1st inst. from the Duke of Aosta. "What's ia a name ?' is well illustra ted by a canal boat on the Erie, named the "Bushing Thunderbolt." You Can almost see it now, as it rushes violently long behind two old, slow-walking, blind horses. Mrs. George Francis Train's cottage, at Newport, is high up on the bluffs where it blows so that she feels perfect- v, ly at home -doscn't miss George Francis : at all. ... At a recent election in Vermont there , were six towns in which there was not a - Democratic vote cast. They are the most orderly and prosperons towns in the - State! ; i Mm m i - - Recent advices from Mexico state that President Jnarez had been attacked with ti m fit resembling appoplexy, but at the 7 time of forwarding, the dispatch was thonght to be oat of danger. ,- Senators Geo. H. Williams and II. W. Corbett, with their families, left Portland - for Washiogton City on the last steamer, , in attendance on the next session ,;.f Congress, which opens next month. Fires have become so prevalent in Salem of late, that the city authorities : kayo deemed it expedient to offer $10O - reward for tho apprehension and convic tion of any person or persons for the .... crime of arson within the city limits.. Nine hundred and sixty bushels of anions per acre were raised last season, on tho farm of Mr.Watsoo, seven; miles west of Portland. As onions ara worth '"' $1 per bushel, Mr. Watson-has struck it rich 5960 per aero being rather over ..average. The price of kid gloves has advanced thirty per cent., and a further advance is looked for should tbe war in France oon tonue. The great manufactories of this 1 ; article in Eastern France,' in Thionville, r Nancy and Metz, have boen closed sinoe the occupation of tho country by tha "-Prussians." - , " vtf lm PetioI paper, trT? "gKeaUdtlStVh. wnbbo debt b. hy Telant cmtrU ,mi. LuUon. from th. peopl.. H doesua pr0ud A Jo tata that tha suggestion ia on A ... af a grand suaoass, aajjbe h. .1. i w. laJ reetbred at Washineton U wh. purpoca 1 t Ak thia rata whera will iaa oast b in a million years or so? t J - " "... jFrom tha 1?4Ia w loam that Mi. :-" -31. B- S. Feterson, a farmer fJ&a& VVallayy Polk county, has rat onied to Oregon from an extended visi to his na tive land, Denmark, bringing with him , wight of his country menvHe thinks that tn J4 largo delegation to this State from Den niarkf Norway and Sweden, ' may be ex pectd next eesoon. . r 7 this apply to the Pomological Plantations of the Willamette Vallev, the products of which are the principal source ol wealth to that section of country apples, whose blush rival the clow on the cheek of Leo Hudson, arc liable to be detained at the The Prussian Landwehr reserves have falls above mentioned until they rot on Soon MllPfl .-.,t whmli wrmlrl o... toe nanus ot the virtuous dus uniortu , nate, producer, whose honesty too often , proves his utter discomfiture : therefore strength. Be it resolved by the Senate, the The Orleans Princes are said to have House concurring, That our Senators be nn armv of 150 000 n tli ?nt f instructed, and oui JKcprescntative be I i . ,,t.irt sll- l,V..,..a requesica to use me wnoie 01 iiieir iuuu appropriate a sum 01 money, not The Republican ticket of New York exceeding ciuht hundred thousand dol- isexcitin!muchenthnSiaiim in the nnrtv lars, to aid in the construction ot a canal r jiji.i. j.i .1 .u. r. i ,i T'.v.... : ci . . ! aou 1UCKS uioudu tue rapius ui iiiu viis- dftUU U7 4- tCif IC lO IUUUUCUI IUU IUU I . . , . , , T. ,1 . I caaes o tne oiumoia, anu iuu i aa ui State will be restored to the Republican the willametio at Oregon City, and to column this fall. By a strict application improve the entrance of the mouth of and enforcement of the naturalization I Rogue River, and in case they should not laws, passed at the last session of Con- be "blc to fiu such n,outh tney have our grcsa, in New York and Brooklyn, thous ands of fraudulent Democratic voters will be cut off, thus insuring a fair vote, which wifl defeat Democracy without a doubt. consent to substitute the mouth ot one Dowell, an estimable citizen residing at the upper end of that creek, and make navigable tbe water of the Umpqua from the outlet to Roseburg, and your peti tioners will enter(into bonds with suffi cient security, if it can be obtained in tl e ctate, that they will not at any fu ture time ask the same to be diverted to the School Fund, or ant oilier man. Idaho. From the Idaho City World The Peopl.e'8 Literary Compan ion; for November, comes to us as bright and as fresh looking as the green fields are after.a gentle rain. It is published l.w V. f! Allan Jtr P.n Anoiiata Maina Terms. 75 cents per year. A fine Steel K October 27th wo glean the followin Encravinz. entitled "From Shore to centervuie, in isoise county, was to- Shore," is presented to every new sub- ""ly destroyed by hre just after midnight scriber. It is really one of "tbe most of the 24th. I he fire broke out m a oleasinz encravines ever before the pub- I China house, aud in less than an hour lie. The tomnanion is printed on fine, the town was in ashes. The total loss heavy paper : its columns are filled to the I was about $o0,000. The heaviest suffer ers were 6. lvidge, merchant, oiu,uuu; J. B. Duke & Co., merchants, 84,000: Yantine & Co., merchants, $3,000 : Loo Soo, Chinese trader $3,000. The oth er losers were saloon keepers, hotel keepers, bakers, tinners, livery stable keepers, butchers and Chinese. The Odd Fellows lost their Hall and every- National Government, with its army and lhinS in U th ?l'20t. an.d, . I'hnm . .fh; tm I Urotncrs had two coaches ana two horses LiTT W BUDLVUIb. Willi 1VB A USI UUiVVi IUI . , . t it a jigntc schemes of internal improvement, cousummed. The groat bulk of the brim with good things by talented au thors, and withal it is oneM the largest and finest illustrated family newspapers published. The New York Tribune presents 4 state ment of the comparative cost of govern ing New York city and the nation. The merchandise was stored in fire proof eel 1 J . , , n. 1 tions, its diplomatic expenses, costs each ana ,was lonunate.y saveu. ine t-. a jn 1 tu. universal scarcity of water prevented the its custom service, its Indian appropria government, with none of these extra citizens from subduing the flames at the burdens, emit, each citizen twentv-eicht oatset" he town is being rapidly built dollars a year ! Daniel McFarland. Among up, and as a measure of precaution against the recurrence of a similar disas- the j ter no Chinese will bo permitted to occu- c. 1 .v. : 1 py quaners wunin ine new town. I 1 hn HKRnnrl Irial nf.T X Ahhnl Fur mention of this noted character, on whom ner, resulted in his acquittal gusniog newspapers aou lnciviauais re cently wasted so much maudlin sym pathy ; ' ; Daniel McFarland, who murdered Richardson, and whosa trial recently cre ated such a gieat sensation, was brought to the bttion house, this atternoou in a beastly state of intoxication; The police found him lying 10 tbe gutter, with both eyes blacked and the skin tore off his nose. He ' was locked up until he got sober. The Chinese authorities have punished seversl connected with J the mobbing of Christians at Tien-Tien, with the utmost severity, a number being banished and several executed. Such action shows that tha Chinese authorities disoouuto- The jury were out from Friday night until Monday, and were provided two meals each day. 1 he trial of James Porter, ' for : the murder .of Peter Olsen, was going on at last accounts. Sam'l Pcarselha miner of Ophir creek. deliberately blew out his own brains with his rifle, while camping' with several companions neat . Harris toli-gare, October 22d. He was aged thirty-five years; and from one of the Eastern States. : John Maurer, aged forty years. native of Germany, committed suicide in his cabin on Alder creek, Oct. 19th. He had lived in Sierra oouuty, Cahfor nia. At Lewiston term of Court. Peter alters, convicted of murder, was sen- oancasuch outrages, and in doing so will ftenced bv Judca Nornrla to ba huuz on . j - 1 . r 1 - r- c:c' prouaoiy uenaoa aimiiar juaucs iroiu 1 nday, November 9th other governments in the . mobbing of j . ur j z 111 - 1 - uuvuooums vumeto. I Governor Grover vetoed a BUI to m arMitt the salerv of tha Jttdsca of the Tha Demooratio election judges in I Circuit Courts and the Supreme Court, Sohenek'a district in fthin T.FnmaA n an tha nlea of its unconstitutionality. It allow the inmates of the Loyal Soldiers' 13 almost morally certain tnat naa mo oiu tha salary of the Governor, it would have probably - .. tb hjction, and as Ua a Bill to giva his own Private Secreta- 7Te I ' " JorllT' laroogh tha porpe-1 i 20O per an fcl??' i3 aUtutiooality of 1 probaWa thatSahTaU wilTVot "tha seat, ta v;.h v. " -. . . . Home t.i- . .v. t.. -ti " v?. aootainea a provision lor im increase 01 " a u aiiv f Uf I V- 1 VS m - . " I kU" BSSIOW 9 VI i r.tllt, ueorl Pehanek ( wiU wy approved Tha Governor sanction annum, and as to tha con tionality of that Aet and tba BUI to ioeraasa the salary of tha Judge there ia no differaooa. It wax onoa remarked V .airs. S. A. Joiea haa-haan oartain Judgo in ' Oregon that M agent for tha sals of k. oT T . 1 dooided that tho salary of himself and m.M,; .T 1 BUI8W Sawing brothers 00 the bench must bs paid in 1. iiii!" . wm- - 08 eallinie-at ffold." and .11 othur mUi-iaA nffimra tn j a eo ine Sino-r. ,rA.nK.nlr. C::i..t- A : it v . 11 1 S3 , . , .1 .vwiiiMvaS! U14UUM1T -.. . UVI UU1 A good old-fashioned "miat" fin. a Gr declare by bis ofEeial conduet on us on Thuradav ;.,ki a -i -1 i?" " DUI "h"cn do not benefit tha to tress it is oflDW SXJSZTJ'T .F KmUw (or hU friendre unooosti .... jnemiy. ! tutiooal BuTUttn. Telegraphic Mammary. Versaillks, Oct. 31. Invitations have been sent to the rulers of the various States of South Germany to come for ward to witness the bombardment of Paris. Vienna, Oct. 31. As Prussia still demands a cession of territory from France as a preliminary, the war must proceed indefinitely. Zurich, Oct. 31. The Swiss Gov eminent has asked Prussia to be includ ed in the permit to have a courier leave Palis every week with dispatches to neu tral governments. -London, Oct. 31. :A Cologne dis patch dated, yesterday, says that Prussia and the XSorth German Confederation have furnished 740,000 troops for tho present war, aud the States of South Ger many llb.UUU. Uf this grand total ol, 856,000, nearly all are now on French soil. They are expected to complete the conquest of b ranee in- a short winter campaign. London, Oct. 30. The lrenen troops which surrendered at Metz have been disarmed by the Prussians, who refuse to parole officers, because ol General Ducroe s evasion of his obligations. The Carthe I nion publishes a report that in the vicinity of Paris a band of rrancs-lirreurs nearly eaptured the Ivtng ot Prussia, who only escaped by precipi tate night. Tbe story is considered an invention., via London, Oct. 29. The "Wild Boars of Ardennes" are tearing up railroad track and otherwise interfer ing with uerman communications, and have thrown off the track and three trains filled with troops, near Tanners. Many soldiers were killed and fnjured. Gen. Lrnest has been appointed to the command of the Army of the Kast in place of Geu. Ncauibat, who was compel led to resign on account" of ill health. News from Paris, received by way of the Prussian headquarters before that city, is quite serious. 1 he r rench troops recently captured report the troops behind the fortifications receive 00 ly half a pound of meat twice a "week Many French women and cliiloreu lrom Paris approach the Prussian 'lines, and though warned that they will be shot' if they attempt to come nearer, they say they would rather stand instant death than suffer starvation iu the. city. The rule to exclude all strangers from Paris and to prevent the escape of citizens is rapidly enforced. Four thousand French officers taken prisoners at Metz have asked permission of the Prussian military authorities, through Prince Frederick Charles, to keep their swords. London, Oct. 31. A special corres pondent writes from Tours the 28ili, who just returned from cmans,that there are no troops there but Mobiles and Nation al Guards, who are en route for Rennes, Kratry's beadquaaters. Every town and valley ou the road is filled with soldiers. Arms seem. abundant, including Chasse- pots. Ilcmington's and Snyder's rifles. - I he army ot JjOire will pass through Tours. A large infantry forco arrived to day. Troops from Galbreys are rapidly joining th? Sixteenth corps and advancing to wards Vcudouie. lheir object i.s inex plicable. A. rpecial writes trom Iterhn on the 29th, that as officer of" Von Moltke's staff writes me from Versailles the -2d nst., that wheu the Paris affair will be ended no mortal man can certaiuly tell ; but my personal calculations are, in a fortuight or three weeks, but 1 may be mistaken. At all events we shall do the business thoroughly having, to be sure, hunger for ally. Metz capitulation includes sixty-seven infantry regiments, thirteen battalions of chasseurs, eighteen forts, depots, batall- lon of thirty-six regiments, namely, ten Cuirrassiers, one of the Guards, eleven of Dragoons, two of Lancers, three f Chasseurs, aud three of Chasseurs D'- iVfrique : also, six depot squadrous, llo field batteries, seventeen batteries mitral leuse, sixty-nine eagles belonging to the iufantry, of which two were formerly taken at Mars La Tours, aud thirtyviix cavalry including the garrison that sur rendered, lhe army was originally composed of 221 battalions Infantry, and loo snuadrous ot horse. J he original strength was 210,000 infantry and 21, 4o0 cavalry, 900 guns, two mitralleuese, besides three Marshals, Hatiiie, Uanro bcrt and Leboeuf, and three C rps Com manders, l'rossard, UacaCn and Ladmir- ault. There are tour Division Generals and one hundred Brigadiers and 90,000 rounds of ammunition. A number of prisoners have been sent to North Ger many, aud 20,000 to South Germany. The sick and wounded have been dis tributed in the same proportion. London, t'ct. dl. It is generally believed iu the Stock Exchange that Paris will offer a determined resistance to the besiege -s. . " Smallpox is raging with violence at Amiens. Tbe disease was brought by fugitives from Paris. - .Toutts, Oct, 31. The military com mandants of a great uumber of depart ments have telegraphed to the "Ministers here expressing the utmost indignation at the surrender of Metz and a" determi nation to continue to the last - extremity. The agitation here is extreme - and con tributing to the public anxiety." Some assert that peace is signed with. out reference to tho Tours Government that Bazine has been acting under Na poleon's instructions, and that Changa- mer,retusiqg to surrender, too command of the troops in , Metz and will cnt his way otrtv - J-y-'' ' ' :-; ' -'- -:- In nearly all tha towns, of the south and west, the National Guards and citi zens have made imposing demonstrations ia favor of ths Republic, tvt' t mis , t-Bkbun, Oct; 3 L A cable dispatch to the Herald saya : Tha reports current here are that an attempt was made" yen, terday .at Versailles on the life of King Wilfcam. - Tha King was unhurt; but General Roan, who stood ncar,was wouud- Lord Granville's proposition was' for an armstico, to enable the election to be held only, and did not involve peace. The Paris Government do not desire an election, but t the Prussian Govern mcnt Will require one if an armistice is granted, and that it will not be granted for any other purpose. CorxNHaatw, Oct. 31. Prussia has promised Denmark to fulfill the stipula tions of the treaty of Prague, relative to North Schleswig, hence the Iviug, in his last speech, was enabled to refer to the future with confidence. London, Oct. 31. The persecution of Christians has been revived in Damas cus, and so great is tbe irritation of the natives against them that a general mas sacre is teared. Late advices from China state that the Christian missionaries whose lives were threatened at Fungehow have been res cued. A year ago the Democrats of Cincin nati fused with the disaffected Republi cans, and made a ' half and half ticket which was elected by nearly two thous and majority. Soon after the election the party hacks raked a howl and sw re they could have been successful with ' a straight party ticket. This fall they had a ticket which was straight enough to suit them, and it was defeated by more than two thousand majority. . All of which shows that tho people would rather not take their Democracy straight And the more it is diluted the better they like it. V hen San rrancisco gave Oovernor Haight an immense majority the po'.iti cians were astonished. Such a chane was unaccountable. A change as remark able has come over Luzern county (.Po.) which, like Berks, has heretofore been regarded as one ot the staunehest of Dem ocratic counties good for at least 3,000 'najority. In 18GG Clymer (Dein.) ha 3,654 over Geary (Rep ); in 1868 Seymore had 3,580 over Grant. lhis year lu zcrne turns a complete somersault. L D. Siioemaker (Rep.-) is elected to Con areas by 594 majority, and George W Woodard-, the present -Democratic mem ber of Congress and by the way the ablest member of the minority in the Iower House is defeated for County Judge, which position he prefered to a re election to Congress, by a majority of 2,252. " There 13 many a slip twix the cup and the lip' in politics as we! as in love. Declahixq a Dividend. Under this very pertinent and suggestive title . una ii sua C'nion savs : - ' The Oresron Lcerislatiirn Vina 'oolnrnd n ividend. It has divi.l.l nn 11.. oV.l land of that State betw Grover, Senator Kelly and a few others of the faithful. Wli J.o should come m on the divide is not auite clear to an outsider, "but the rnnann frt- giving Senator Kelly a slice is plain, and ua oeniocraiic members Ot that Legis lature understood them well. Tha sl ator had to "conic down" very liberally wj iut? uiBiiuwrs. in order to purchaso his scat in the Senate ; so now he gets this mon y back by going after the shool fund. 1 his is all right from a Demo cratic Senator and Legislature, and as ilemocrney flourishes best where schools are fewest, it is thovfMit a large school fund is not good for the Democratic cause. A party of respectable Chicago ladies have tormed a society tor. reclaiming, and they so about the strops nt nights and pick np those who iHow siens of dissipation, invito them to their houseSjtreat them to ice cream, chicken sal ad, etc., find then let them go home sober. As a result, it is reported that half the youn men in town lie round the streets nights, to be taken iu. , , The Horse. Here is a Boston boy's composition ou ''The Horse :" " The horse is the most useful animal in the World. So is the Cow. I once had thirteen Ducks and two drakes and a Skunk killed One. he smeldt Orful. I knew a boy which had 7 chickens but His father wonld not let him raise Them nnd so he go', mad and so he boa red a Hole in his mothers Wash tub. I wish I Had a horse a horse weighs 1000 pounds. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher ny. This medicine is "a combination and a form indeed" for healing and cur-in-r all the ills which afflict us in the shape of coughs, colds, and inflammation of the throat, lungs and chest. NEW TO-DAY. SELECT SCHOOL. SCIIOOL is being taujrht in the ALBANY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, under tba su pervision of M. T. Crawford, assisted bj Mis Jii.ia Elkiss. - RATES Or TUITION. (Per quarter of eleven weeks.) Primary DeparmenL. $4 00 Preparatory and common branches .. 6 W Advanced Englun.... 7 uu . Ancient and .Modern Languages...... ......... V uu Tuition Payable In Advance. : 51. T. CRAWFORD, ' Albany, JJov. 6, '70. Principal. JCDIIE KEL8AT. - JOSCPH D4SJIOK. K ELS AY 4c HANNON. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, (Partners for Linn county.) 1 OFFICE In Post Offia Ttuildinir. fun stairs. Albany, Linn county, Oregon. . 9v3tf THE GREAT LGOD PURIFIER. The State of the South. Amid half the petty squabbles ot politicians, and all the aogry recriminations of partisan zealots, the true lover of America and institutions has one abiding comfort the country is undoubtedly progressing, ad ding t its wealth aud its industry day by day. In an especial manner is this the case with the Southern States, couccrn injj which we have hearJ so many gloomy predictions. Notwithstanding the bitter ness with which the tatle ot "reconstiuc-. tion" was fouirht out; notwithstanding the atrocity of Kuklusism, the exCon federate States arc again becoming uros- perous. W e know how confidently it was ! all of Liim couutv asserted by political economists of SOCCS- Compliment ruceived. Hero's to you. I.inscy. sion tendencies that to destroy the "pecul- i nnd may you never run eliort of small caps. lar institution, to sweep away slavery,. November 2, 1S70, nt Ji'inmontu, rlk county. was to fling the South back into barbar- j Oregon, by J. F. ltutler, J. P., Mr. C. C . , , . , , ; of this city, aud Miss L. liutler, oi Mom ., , ,, , J i BullV for Cl.iv. lug wilderues.4. lhe slaves, it was " ... maintained. once they were set irec, would EIED. not work; the whites, owing to the cli- j ju u,is city. OctoWr 30, 1S7, Mrs. Louisa m-lte, could not work, and were too few j Sehmc-cr, aged 2:! years and 2 Jays, of typhoid in number to keep up the a?.;a of culiiva- i fevtr- Oregon papers please c..t,y. tion even if they could ; so, between the In J1'1' ff' 1S70' J" Bint,y-jr- two parties, the relapj-O Of tllO .Southern j Mr. Itentlev was a mute, born in. Marion conir Statcs into the CO.ldltlon of a barren I tv, OuU ; ho received a thorough practical cdu- nmfltln.4 dspit wj-i crmelusi vel v nroved ! cation at the Institution f'.r tlie tleuf and to be complctetly inevitable The Shah of Persia has a staff of six thousand persons. . MARRIED. OetoW-r 30, 1SV0, at the residence of tho bride' parents, by the Rev. A. Powell. Mr. Henry T. Propst an l Miss Ellcu "It. Niekersou all of Liim county. Complim.-nts received, rith the many friends of the happy pair, we wish them long, contented and fruitful lives. October 30, 1.70, at the residence of tho bride's parent", by the Iter. T. M. Martin, of Sahin, Dr. J . Uinev 11,11 ana .Miss Jlary r.. l'euuiujrton Kubn, uoulh. SI'S . Site;'' Aa I:i"iUil)!o S'.oon n.-itTFlEXt.poswus. ia3 rare tojic sud ebvie prorwrtlcs a certain, cure for maxvirssAXSissi. ooiT, xci.a.tLGi.1, aud all kiudrt d IHHraiies. It completely restores the syatem when 1m- ' paired by disease, revive the action of tho , kiiuets aad ccxiTtL orca.vs, radi cally cures scbofixi, salt nattJl. aud all euittive am CCTaJiEOUS Dis ease, gives immediate and permanent relief In -nvsrErsu, ekvsipelm, Tumors. Boils, Scald Head. Ulcers and Bores; cradi. . cates from tbe system alt traces of Mercurial Ttfsease. - ' ' j " r It is l"si i:r.-k vECtcrAnccrbcinKniado from aa herb found iutligunous In Caitbniia. , It is therefore peculiarly snitable for use bj-;, l emulrs and Children, aa a blooo i-t;n t l:rt ao.1 n:.(lvlTOn. -- For Set 7 all Crufgiftt. C CCIWCTOH. HOSTETTCB 6. CO AGKNTS, ZZO cad C31 Market Etroet, San Pranclsco. i here is no assumption so inon.-ttous that at least some argumeiits nitty not bo brought for ward to support it ; aud, accordingly, there were nut wauliiiiT plenty of sapient writers who undertook to support this absurd notion wiih asscrti'ius which were. iu their eyes at least, "confirmation strong as proofs of Holy Writ." The American public was besought to examine the state of things prevailing in certain of the West liid'tuu Islands where slavery was abolished, and contrast it. with that known to exist when servile labor jvas employed, and then decide whether h was not more than likely that the feouili. ru States would undergo lhe sum stal l li.ij; change for i lie worse. Tho alarmists tor trot, iu their great anxiety to make out their case, that there was little or no similarity between the two countries or their respective populations, and tint the only common feature in their condi tion was the existence of slavery. Any one in the least acquainted with the genius of the American people would feel convinced that they were not the men to let civilization elip out of their grasp, or progress aud cnlighteuaient to leave thtm in the rear. xl w mercilessly and thoroughly the lic of events has confounded the vatictuutions of the piO slavery prophets ! Little more than live years have elapsed since one of the great est wars that ever scourjred humanity ceased to spread ruin and havoc over the fields of the sunny South ; only five years have flown by since . slavery was forever extinguished, and yet the country to-day is as rich and . prosperous as at any time subsequent to its first settle ment by tho white man 1 lhe despised niggers labor long and well without the sweet stimulant of Lcgree's lash, and the cotton fie ds aie quite as fruitful and as extensive as ot yore, "ouly more so, a poor Artemus Ward would say, because official figures prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the cotton crop of the present year isoneof unprecedent ed magnitude. It is also commanding a good price, and will probably continue to do so. If violoot and unprincipled men did not wilfully throw obstacles in the way of the restoration of peace and confidence, tho future of the lately war ravaged Slates would be the brightest and most promising in the world. dumb in Coluuil'tis, the capital -of that i?lute, and artc-rwards, while resi'tai iu Arkansas, leainot the trado "f a shoemaker, in which be excelled, liis (rental disposition aud kindness, secured him many friends tl.routout ibis Stale, in wuirh hj resided since lsj:i, and ospeeially iu l'orihtud, Salem and Albany, where ho was successively engaged iu business. ' He bore bis illuvsswitli much paticuce and resignation, sought an I ob tained rile str mg consolations of tbo Christian hop , aud ia tbe full possession of bis reason, calmly passed fr-.m earih. Truly his end was peace. In this ab-cd :i'y, November 2. K, W. S. Pri'gs, 0 vears aud 10 months, ol' consumption. BEOWNSVILLS, A. M'herlcr. d..-K-r in fuuey and rtaplo Pry Go hIs, Hats, C'lo bin r, .'loots and ?ho; s, Oro-.-e-rUs, Cr ekery, Ilard.var , Iron and Steel. M'a.w Timber, Plows, Ajjri -.tint al lui.ktn .ills, c c., etc. Mo to "SuliII profits ;,ni quick returns.' WILLIAM PAVIDSOH, OHicc, N'o. G Front Street. PORTLAND - OKEGON REAL ESTATE DSAII Special Collector of Claims, A W'omab's Advantages. A wo man says what she pleases without being knocked down for saying it. She can pi iuto the street without being asked to stand treat -at every sa loon. ' She can take a good snooze after din ner while her husband goes to his busi ness. ' ' - She cau paint her face if it is too -. pale and powder it if it is too red. ' J " She can stay at home in time of war, and get married if her husband gets kill ed; ' i 5 : ' She can wear corsets , if too thics other fixens if too thin. She can tret her husband in debt all over until ne warns the inblic not to trust her on his account. ihese are some of the advantages that women poatecs over men. A larse amount of CITY'and KArtT POUT LAND Property for Sale. Also, IJIPItOVKD I' A K.MS, and valnaMc un cultivated LANDS, located iu all parts of the Slats. Investment iu RE. II ESTATE and other ritvPEHTV, made for correspondents. CLAIMS or h'.I descript-ous promptly col'.-ctcd HOUSES and STOtii' leased. . . All kinds of ir'iuauvial ana liencral Atu'v busi uesa transacted. Parties having FARM PBOPKUTY for Sa "n please lurmsh descriptions of the same to the A DENTS OK THIS OI'Krt'K, in en-b. of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE. fjuin.IITO-lf.'"' la 9 LATEST f e ' t f $ EVIDENCE 1 Ci'RE TSIAX COUCJII Z USK THE BEST UKMEDX ! Every day brings tr..iir proof of tbe groat value or tins 132 West 19.- This celebrated medicine bas won 3 dcscrredlv high reputation as an alleviator of pain aud a pr.-sorvt r of health. It bas bocomo a bonsehold remedy, from 'ho fact that it gives immediate and permanent relief. It is a purely vegetable prepa ration, made from the beet and purest materials, safe to keep aud use in every family. It is rec ommended by physicians and persons of all class es, aud to-day, alter a public trial of thirty years the average life of man it stand unrivalled and uccxcelled, spreading its usefulness over tbe wide world. It! large and increasing sale afford a positive cvideneo of its enduring fame. We do not deem it necessary to say much in its faror as one small bottle will do more to convince yon of us eincacy man all too advertisements in the world. Give it one fair trial and you wonld not be without it for lea times its cost. . . .., - Directions accompany each bottle: Bold by all Druggists. - Price 25 cts.4 60 ets. nnd $1 per hottJe foot. Dr. P. Meredith, Dentist, office No. Sixth street, states as follows : I iscisjcati, Uclober 1, Messrs. J. N. UAUKIS A CO. Ututs : About one year ago 1 tooK a cola wtueii s iiieu on my lungs. A violent cougu was tue consequence, whi-h iucrcascd with severity. I expectorated largo quantity of plileLl aud matter. During tjie last winter I became so much reduced that I was ennnned to m v bed. J he disease was attend ed with cold chills aud night-sweats. A diarrhes set in. My friends thought 1 was in tbe hist stages of cousuinpti. n, and could not potsiblyet well. 1 was recommeuueu to try Allen's Xxxngf rUe formula was given to me, which induced me to give it a triul, and 1 wilt ouly aul tnat toy cottgli s entirely cured, and I am now able to at U lid to my bustuesi at usual. Your respectfully. r. .I.lilLlllU All afflicted wiih Cough or any Throat or Lung troi.U: s.iouli use Allen's lung ltalsam without delay. J. N. HAUH1S & CO., Sole Proprietors, i.'ineinuuti, Ohio. CAl'TIO.V. D not be deceived you who want a good med icine, and desire "Allen Lntij JBnUam." Do not allow unprineip:cd dealers lo sell you a prepara tion ral.ed Allen's PoctoraHJ-ilsatu see that you get ALLEN S LUNG BALSAM, and yon wiij u:iVi the be.-t Cough remedy oHered to lhe pnblie and oue that will give you satisfaction. . . - FOR .SALE BY '.S :' ; REDINGT0N, HOSTETTER & CO., It2& & .51 Maret-st., san 'ranci-co, Cal. . Agents Cor California and Pacific States no5 trSold by all Druggists. - i;xecutor' Sale of Heal Property. NOTICE IS H EUE15Y GIVEN THAT THE uudersigned, Hiram t?tuith an I 3ohn F. Alarrtin, Executors of tho estate of Thomas Uar ti deceased, in pursuance of an order of County C.''rt in aud for l.iun teounty, Oregon, made at c Augi.."' t-.-rm tucreor. IS.O, will sell at public auction frou. ' " vonrt House noor ia too city of Aiany ,u " 15th daj of Novemo:v" at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day. th-'fdllw J'n j scribed real property belonging to aul cstetv, to-wit : Beginning at lira northwestcornerof W. U. McCully's land claim No.-4f, Not. Now 1973, thence running south 6 rods, thetfcw rMshr in a northerly direction with the county road Ml rods to a point, thence west 105 rods to the plaice' of beginning, contaiuing twenty acres, more o' less. Also, the following dianriluMl trul lvS. 'lieginning at the southeast eorncr of claim 1C., 41, Not. No. 2973, thence west 13 96.100 chains, thence north 28 65.1C0 chains, t 90.100 chains, thonce south 1 la' west 28 21.100 cuuins . to place ol beginning, containing forty acres, more or less," both of said tracts of land being situated iu Tn, 15 S R 4 West Will, merid ian, in Linn county, Oregon.- - - - - aauius Ulf SALE Gold coin of the U. 8.. one-half cash In baud, the balance in six months, secured by mortgage o the premises. - j iaieu, uctoner I Itn, 1H70. r; j HIRAM SMITH. " JOHN F. MARTIN,. OcL 15, I870-w4uo Exoeutorai N UW Al) VE UT1SEM ENTS. IT To Benoni Hoakinai X. OU AKK HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT the affidavits of William MeCaw. and William RobioeU have boen filed in this office, alleging that yon abandoned yuur Donation Claim upon the b. B. or. of Sea. 24, in T. 14 S. R. 2 W.. .no- did uoV reside upon and cultivate said land for lour years, ana tnat tlio 3d day of Derembvr. 1870 nt 1 o'ekw-k p. M., has hwn fix d upon by us for iub ueariKg ni sat ' ultegtu abandasmout, at whirh '"" j" requirtct to appear an I oiler evi dence ia support of y ur claim, or tha mna will bo considered abandoned as alleged, and cameled. . noieourg Lana OthcerOn., Oct. IU. 1870. Wm. R. WILLIS, Roi,ter A. R. FLINT, Reeer?er. Davis j Notice of Final Settlement, - O T I C E IS HEREBY GIVEN- THAT James P. Hogue, Executer-of the eatat- of Layton, deceased, has filed hia final aeooant iu the matter of said estate," and asks a final set tlement of the. same, and that by order .of the County Court iu and for Linn county and 8tate of Oregon, made on tbo 7tl day of October, 1870, the 8th day of November, A. D. 1870, ia set for tbe bearing of objections to laid flual account and settlement of tho same. . - : H 4 By order of tbe County Court, made ou toe f lis day of October, A. D. 1S70. ; S. A. JOHNS, County Jadg. JAMES P. I1CGUE, Baictatoc, PowBtr. a Fi,t!x, A tty's tut Ksaontor,- T - Alknnv fWt ft 1 B70 t A . Administrator's NotW ' v 4 NOTICE is hereby gistao. tfaatX.f aoder. s gucd, have been appointed, by tbe County Court of the oouuty of Lin u, Statu of Oroson, Adminis trator (' the estato of James N is on .' deceased. All persons having claims against said estate ara hereby requested to preauut them, with proper vouohcra, to the undersigned at Albany, Oregoa, withiu six mouths of tba data hereof. 0aad f rrt. 2&,l70-4 JOgKPH VTXW.