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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1870)
VOL. 3. '0; h t gkXbw ng g eg is! r v. rrcusiiED KVF.nv sin i:n.iv r.r tOlIi. VA.Vt'LKVE. 01 l'll'E ON COHNKIl OF KEP.I1Y AND 'ICST-SIS. ALBANY, OREGON, SAlTlIIiDAY, OCTOBER POUTLAN D CAUPr A 1 V FllTIS E M E X TS. E. F. UrSSKI.1., : Attornev at Lav, C. 1'. FERRY, Notary Fubli. FERRY, TERMS IX ADVANCE. One A'ear Three Dollars Six Munihs Two Dollars Single Colic.; Tcu Cents HUSSELL &. Real Estate Broiors & Colleotiiii Agents, Portland, - - - - Oregon. BUILDERS, ATTENTION ! SASH, BLIX1) AM) F A T ALVL:iTL-IN; KATES.- Traii?ivnt aivcrti.ciut.nts f'tr MTI;ire t('n lino ur les. tirst insertion, ; ;icli subsequent in -Ttit.ll . $1 . L;trt r a Iv-riise:iii.t iust ric i "U t'ic west - - ' ,. j or. wo UK. Hav'.ii-r iv.-cirr.I new tv.c, stock of colored itfks, e.:;ds. a Goi 1 n .Jobber, we arc pre- p ed to c.. cute .ill kinds ot priutim; in a better union r a .d :"''.tv per cent, cheaper ttiau ever be t'.-re ..iVe: '1 :i: cpy. ilenfs for the Register. The f-db..v..";ti j-ontieuien arc authori.'.ed to, re-e-.-iv- and re -eipt for subscription, ad vi t is;n;;. i-tc, : . t he It Ki-tsTi:i! : ; II tit AM SMITH. Ki .lurrisbiirg. S. !!. il.AI'iillTuX. PETER IIUME. V.". !;. K IKK. K. K. V H EELER. IN.) , r. it. i;s:y'il!'S. e.h ; v. i'.inn'j.v. !:.( I., P. !. SIKH, E.-o SPECIAL ATTKXTIDX CIVK.V TO T 1 ! E Sale of Uea! Estate, Real Estate Lit igation. and the Collection "t Claims. Oliiee. X'ith-'.ve-t curlier f l'irst and AVash -hlWn Streets. Portland, Ogn. feb G-7- 5 S. II. Al.TlMI' n. wuiotiT. y'VAY TO-DAY. X'l.'OIMW.AT To Til i: 1 A S II It I A ii PUBLIC! , . ..i , - , 4 "v -- f T J3 X, E GRAPHIC ; SPECIAL TO Tlili ltKDISTKK. i- " Iatcs to September . ;.' ". v it. JAMi:s MoitnisoN-. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, l'"orint'rly Xew Columbian, t 'i-! ef I'r- nt ali-l Mvrri-,r-!l streets, PORTLAND, OnEGON, Xcah & Morrison, Proprietors. l.vox stui AI.IMW. (UN 1111 : i:ivi:ii cisk), !! i :;on. I" KKP ON' HAXI A 1TI.I, ASSOP.TM KX1, an.l are prepared t ti-iii!sli to lulci'. ALARMING WORTALITY ! i Free C..a. 'i t. A2 s:ki a:i tV-ui the House. Lebanon. ..'ire-wnsville Salem. P.,rtl:l:i.l. -I'lie... i'roiit" and a s h i g t o it Streets, POllTLANK, Olll'liOX. z.. r W. Qriiaby, - - - -finite f the V.vten !!. Proprietor. IUV1XHSS CAUD5. .T. C. MI'.XI'HXItAL!., :r t I - i ii i 1 1 , IMIANY. :;::::: i: Kt:oX. K.iA 1. INS'IKI MKNTS n- A!.!. KIXI'S 2 J r.l and ilttvstvd. C,j:iveva:iee.- ! e..!- 1. ,-i .u.. attciuK-a t... L, -STRUGKEIER & CO., .TI f - 1 i - 2 1 A ."Vr 'V . 1. 1 1 a O i5 s, VI.I1 ay, oiii:(;ox. !.!: ALL KINDS 'U-- FIXE CLOTH. rniUS JIOI SE is tliiMile-st 3 Siati-. newiy tttnii.h eudi-avor of the Pn.j'viet' eomiortahle. Xe::se-1 ! The Cmeor,! Conch vi: at t)ie l-.indinir. on the arrival river b'tais. earryiti v-a.-s-":i ei Iairc to and tY"t:i the foafs r e ..!!.'- MMI.uVfi Hi'h Jlt,;,t I' nm-dit,us in the I. and i wsU 1-e ths to make his jr'.ieste 1 X the .-teamboaf , - n h as (,'rowi), l'anel, JJatiJ, and eitiun 3Iukl of all sizes. WINDOW AND BOOR FRAMES! and ail ..!h AVithin Insitrimo1 si'iiiitiir u !.- first I' ISf.S- -i!k- iho a.-i ti:;ale v,-arr-. six of the loi Cour, ori-it's t-f an Franeiseo, of over S.'.IMHI.mAo, snspeoded ar darinir the low rate of sr,7 and last Two during the past few weeks. ! i Kinds ot 33 a if rial ! Six oh ol'Twi'Svc in h-ss than Cm-en years is an alarming reeord of ni' ria'.ity. and si ouid snx.est to the insnric r pidr lie ti:e propric-ry of avoiding expe.rimental. inex p., rieneed . and h w rate' Companies, and patronis ing the old established, eons-t vative, vt aHiiv,alid prudently iilana-d eorporatb-fis of the solid rind permanent order. " tii: tsivnn-.Aih i in -jr. Arc jircpa :vA to l'l.IIe.y.s, tf it u y i. slrcvt, in the riv X !: W A 1 ) V !: LIT IS KM EX TS. At! !M.ri MILL WoitIC : furnish Sha Sl:ak''rs. Sileti.eo l'alis. lMivintr .nd. at our Faet"iy on l.yi'"i r bank ). next, below .Marl-.ham's AI.T!!OI ;!', A CO. rv I). IMi'J I WufftWAtAn 5.' ..opr. .-t . ! fixi: ri.o- iie :i..-t lV.fh: WHEAT AND FLAX-SEED DEPOT. ier. in ti. S ItrCKMKIKit .': CL W. Ketitlev. 1 LLAXIXt; and imtsi lil llil'i !i:shc-ls A share of pair oia ;e .ii- TX(.; eapue irr l. I t-.L 3 a T J p Vj.L "OT! T: : t tid RI'iHT. r JCSTI.V T A K L'S RANK i-1: a i i j-i i: a si i : i a 15 s k s-: 7i a & i ? .n. PKAI.rtt is . ri.iiMKX's iiuH-rs MADt: TooniiKi: ;i .-h-tt uoti.v, ai.d with i-.e anes; and di-- 2.1' ninds of Repairing Done. u.-. June Ii, !S:s 4') " 15. EJSt'S:, 15., PHiSiplAH SUR3E0H, Kits. STOVES, I'OUK, FAKLOK & B(. Their e -nlraets are endorsed by e e:.e, edin s Tin: : i c a x Co. asftits FasIiisaaMb1 Hliiinery anil Fancy Goofe, F.!!"f Srcss and Albany, -k I'F I c K-M X , i'.trty . A j rll c t 51 I" - - Orcjoa, l:L . i Hi:.-' a: h r: . ''.! .' ;v::.i.v:. y Cloak KIaL.i:i in 1 ' 11 S. ;:s sTitAW ;o ' .".!. ,';o .' l .-r,-e -t.. Ail, n i n 1 r- 1'S ' '. .f the be-t j..atier.- ' 'I'isa, Kiit'rS is'iti; ami u 1 1 rXSTtt'.'MKX'L'S OF A' ;n: at: --ted. C-.OiV - ar .1. KIN I-J't; i J'KALLlt IX .1. S3 A."A"S573i'5 Attorney and Connscllor at I-a--, 'U "f iiit o V . V, om:(;i)x. roni street. ir-o I Ti:- 1 . Albany. A C-. 'IX o .1 U I OrK:-oa ii;i stie: t. . o.-i; on hand and re !-'- i-oil to'v-TAXTI.V j lar.'e stock of Groceries and provisions, V ! a.i.l . Willow AVare, T-.l.aee... t.'i.-ir.'. C-a J-etiones-y, Yankee Xuti ns. i".'. ., Wied' ;-.! ne.d liir-iii. opposite K. C Ji:t: .t S ii'- dru si -r '. Aibanv. 'ire-oa. jn-i'70 CABINET WARE ! Corner First and Sroad Albin streets, .1 lh. sr, o::to. 'silUVrnsa St., s'a!i Fratici-co. " A Stitch in Time Saves IJinc ! Fire and Marino Insurance X'os. aio! IIS, California .- II SaTi Francisco, Californi; Xiiltctbiicl & Co., ,!:al":rs ix !;uoci:i:ils .vxr pno- 2 . isi-oa . V,', ,.i and V!i,v Ware, Coulee t :-.lo ry, T',buee., A'istars. Pipes, X'otiues, ete. irriiii street, alj-'inin tlu Expre-s coile-1. AIi.aiiv, o:e.,n. I A. Freclaad, p IZ. LKIt IX FVFIIV KihS'-RtPTIOX OF .if Sei-.ool, Miseellane ois .and Lhiuk XI.H.ks. Sratinery . .dd aad Sle 1 Pens, Ink. etc., Post ' ffiee Ilnibliiijr. Albany, )ron. liooka ordered from Xew A'ork and San I'raneis-o. f crtiEi?s of Aii. siriDs in n;s line. October s t o k i o i . o i : is i x i t v n v a l : . v n a i; l 1 : Cash Caiiital, in Ctolil Coin. ST.IO.OOO. Dciiot-it in Orcg-oii, $,(),)(;). Awl J'liil in Cull l oin. ,1 J. M. V ireilKl.t.. J. x. noLru. A. SMITH. Mitchell, Bolph & Smith, VTTOItXEVS a Nr. COt'XSKLLOKS at LAW", S dieitors in Chancery and P-roetorj in Ad miririty. o;ii,-e over the old Ihe-t Uflicc, Frr.iit streer. Portland, tre;on. i SLACKSIVliTHINC ! FLOWS : to the lasturinj lieru thu JAM33 A. 17ARKES, Civil ICafiisctT &. Surveyor. fs piti:p.!ti;i to int suk'i:yix; and lins'mtj-riiis. l'ses improved Solar Compa.-s. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Itesidcnee on -Ph S;., opposite bj. Tate's residence. Albany i.)reou. nl'.f-(iin i"o'.vi:i.r.. u. fi.:x.x. Sov4'SI Sc. I'liius, TT')!i'KV5.t. cot' vsi-t r ii:;s rv t. . v and SoSi it'ira in Chancery, , , (1m. T'linn, Notary Public,) Albany, Oregon. L'ollwlions and convfyaiieea .rotply attended to. I PLOWS ! FLOWS ! rSTHF undersigned f;ives notice 1 a public, that lie is now nianufa i ;iid any other style of plow that may be ordered. Also, particular attention pai l tsi I Wacn rSakinjr and I2orsc-shoeinuT. J AVagons sale at my shop at cl ID and f Hbl. Hearse shoeinir as follows : Cash, 2 ; credit, $.'i ; rpilIS COMPANY having e.onplied with the i laws -f Oregon, by making a deposit of lifty thousaml dollars, is imw pre'ared to etfeet insnr- anee against Loss or llamaire bv 1'ire, and also ; against ?darine and Inland Xa ia!ion risks, on liberal terms. CIIA; A I! irsTAA'E TOlCJlAltD, Pi 1. HAYKX, Sue'v. J. C..rrIB3VDEriIIA2.L, Ardent for Albany. , January 1S7M-1S CIIKVOIT ;?UITS, i WHITE lU'CK STLTS, CASTOR DKAVKIl SI' ITS, ; llitavy Cam-as Huatinr Coats, ; Av"hito Marseilles Vests, i ; FiyttrcJ Marseilles 'csts, ! Furuishins toods of all Kinds Ml 1 : great variet ther THE! X l FIA.INcO Sr NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS. A' All work cilrusted. to jiio will rcedve prornpff attention, and be executed in the best possible manner with pood material. A share of public patronage is solicited. Shop on eorner i-.llsworth and second street opposite Pic-ec' Ferry. F. AVOOL. Albany, November I, IsfiS-H rotiNKft : A LISA XV.... i:;st ami ri;iit:v STIIIITS, ...)I5liC;ON. GEO. W. GIJA V, Z. TO. S., VrOULl SOLICIT Til K PAT- T r'.nao of all persons desir ing AltTlFICIAL TEETH and feiSfj-C? FIRST CLASS DiiXTA L opera- QxtjEr tioiis. Nitrous Oxiih; administered for the paiu less extraction of teeth, when desired. Charges moderate. OtSc.! ia I'arrish A Co.'g brick block. Itesi dcnee, first hnnse south of Congregational Church, frontinfr on Court JLuso Idoeb. Albany, Orcsoo, July 2, LS70- ST. drlARLES HOTEL, Corner First on I Washington Fts., ALUANY, .... OltEUON. IS. ERETJIsIEU, Proprietor. Kcoj3 consfantiy tn janl a full as.-oriiaet ul ; DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, CLOTHING. j Ilouts, SJioes, ISairtwarc & Crockery, i aii'I a full tfujiply of Latlis? ; FaruisMiig EmlirQiuery. Fancy Goods. &c, WITH A NEW KUILfcLXC!, NEAVLY Furnished throughout, the firopriotor Jipes to ive entire satisfaction to the traveliiiir public. The beds are supplied with gpring-bot-touiK. The table will receive the closest atten tion, and everything the market affords palatable to guests will be supplied. jan 9- I FRANKLIN MARKET, Main street, - Albany, Oregon. Jlcnts of All Kinds, A O OF THE Vi:i:Y BEST QUALITY', Con. tautly ou hand. jvj A- Z. SEARS. rjlHE V N D E Its t ( t X E D WOULD ItESPECT 1 l'ullj' inform the eiti.ens of Allay and vi cinity that he has talftn charge of this establish ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and pnying strict atf.ntk 3 to business, expects to suit all those who ruaj favor him wilh their patronage. Having heretofore carried on nothing but First-Class Hair Dressing' Saloons, be cxpecs to give entire satisfaction to all. Children and Ladies' -hair neatly cut and shampooed. JOSEPH AVELliEll. se, Ity2 rUAIA'. - - lUItAIxVCJ. also, a stock of TH E BET Z.IQUOR ! for Medicinal purposes only. . . -Vi ,.-( I AM PBKPARED TO DO ALL KINUS OF TURSINd! I ko(-p ou band and make to order RAWIIIDE-BOTTOIHEa CHAIRS, - AND Spinning- Wheels. jrr-fr- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." Albany, Nov. JOHN 51. MLTZLEIt iMis-i Always ou hand a large stock of Box, Cooking and Parlor Stoves ! and nianuf.icturcs all khuls of Tin, Ciper and Slieet-lron Ware, xill of which arc oRort'l at the lowest rntcs for CAHyi R COUNTHV PKODUCli! ' Alt kimls of repairing done, on horfc ii'tire, aivl entire sl isfacthm warniuterl, at my Stove and Tin 8tore:. - " JULIUtV GRADWOIJL. Nov. 0.11 - X X T T ' IIIALLFAGER THRESH Elt IIAIAU' ISEAIKRS! blowers J Reapers And all kinds of Agricultural Implem'ts & Maeliines On hand and for sale hy Mav LLA1X, Yol'Nt: & CO., S "Til SS Albunv, o,- AVo are pr.'ieirel to rft"cr to the public the lar gest and lllldT SKLKCTEU stock of Clothing of our own manufactn -e. ever b-ottht to Portland, and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. WM. CCltlUEil & CO., jy2 l l-thn l:i Froi.t-st., Portland. MAC3IUN.EI1Y ! OF ALL KIXPS, r.Y BEARD & COLVER. LANK I lalct Deede, lle , ?iortgaes. it' itlid for ,-iale low .. on hand at thi ulhcu Loxihin, 23.- licports front Chateau Fevriers ( l-'rauce) via leiTm,say that all uiseipline is vanishing jat l'aris. SoUicrs arc mutinous, and in jsouie cases have shut their otHcera j Following just received : I'russian yutis at Seeux now coititnatid the south ern j. ai t of j'arisT 'J'hp railrotid is fin ished arouml the 1'arisi forts. The Prussians will; occupy Oilcaus, which has been cvaeuated by the French. liiey nceuiy Auuacre, eionteeu miles west, of V eisailles. Tot: its, Sept. -'.. jMails arrive, here spasmodically from Paris. a Another balloon from Uazajne's head quarters at Metz has fallen iiAhc Freneli territory, it contained 187 letters. He litis plenty of provisions, with the excep tion of butcher's meat. Soldiers and citizens eatipjr, horse meat. Loxdon, Sept. 23.- A dispatch sent in t!:c day time about the battle near l'aris, was simply another report of Mon day's battle. j A telegram lrom Ferlin at 10 o'clrfck this evcnitifr, sjia-s that the capture of Tours litis just been tknnouuecd at the 1 loyal Opera, but the hews is not official. Jt is reported that the theatre at Strass burir was s''t on lire by shells, and three hundred hersous who had taken refuge in the, mostly women and chil dren, were burued to death a mob was pillagiutj tlie city. The news has not been confirmed. Florence, . Sept. !23. Garibaldi is still a prisoner, but unmolested. I'ouns, Sept. 24. iFollowiiio- import ant information has been made public : j of a terrible war between Russia aud Turkey, just developed by the cable dis patches, has created a flutter among speculators a.ud dealers in the grain market. The Miipments of Russian wheat by the llaltic will shortly be stopped. France, Germany and other ports of Europe will be lorced to rely upon the United States for food, and the result will be a rapid rise in the price of our grains. Special dispatches announce that Rus sia is massing 20i),000 men ou her south ern frontier, and that Turkey is well and thoroughly armed. Calais special says that Bismarck, in behalf of the Ivinir of Prussia, refused to i telegraph Favre excepting au armistice. ravre made proposals for peace, nisi -ting that he represented the French Govern-, mehtj but Rismarck's hard logic com pletely upset him. Still later dates from Paris state that beyond some skirmishing of outposts, there was nothing new. " Versailles message says the Prussians have undertaken nothing important in that neighborhood. The guuboats ou the Seine are now ready for action Futreiichmcut and barricades are going ou everywhere; around the city. London, Sept. 20. Bismarck gays the question of peace is reduced to the possession of Metz and Strasburg will treat on no other terms. Fighting all day Friday " near l'aris reported from Tours, but accounts arc so Also, that j contradictory that the London press We call this a pretty incident,1 which occurred recently in a Western town: In . one of the rooms of the public school is a lame girl, whom the teacher allows to be dismissed before the others, so that 110 harm may befall her when they crowd out together. Not long ago the building took fire, and the scholars rushed for the doors from all the rooms but one theene where the lame girl had her desk. There the girls sat quietly in the excitement until their unfortunate companion had passed out before them, as; usual, when' they followed with an outburst of fright as intense as their conduct was noble. The San Francisco and 2sorth Pacific Railroad is progressing very rapidly. Five miles of rails have already been laid. It Ts expected that it will be completed to Santa Rosa before the 1st of November. refuse to publish them. Amiexs, Sept. 2G. The. Prefect of this department ; has issued an address, in which he states there is but one duty left for Frenchmen war to the knife. ' London, Sept. 2G. Prussians are Count Bismarck demands as preliminary hastening -the reconstruction of fortress and conditional to peaife, that all fortress- j Loan. j JjRCSsels, cpt. lib. 1 ravelers who tI,7O0,0O0. Their bu-iess is managed by underwriters wi:--have no Miperiors and bat iVw erpiaUi in the Unin Tbeir t isks ;:r.- .-mail, carefully sctciovd, nd .-cal-t. red lltroMgiiimt the entire I iiit.d Stales, thus avuldi!i;i ii'-avy 1 s in the nni-t serious eTii!ae.ra tioii. Their rates are not of the trr.ess in- cand ling i'1-.b.-r. but are based ou actual exf'i-rieni e, and are as l-.w as gi -d -insurance cat: be furnished at. - Tl:. ir b-.-s.-s at.' h'-tifvrably tint! pr.-mntly ad justed, and paid in jrobl coin without cetay or discount. Their agent lueated at a!! points f;t" importaiK e, liar.- autiiorif v to i-su--; licies direct, tints avoiding the dacyer and ib.vay incident t:' fhc sal' arerev sy.- tern : uml. ill each and every particular, ? as regards solvency . pcrniaiieuey, j-rndeiit management, h'eno-al !e coiiduct,etui'abie rates, and eons- r va t i v e practices, 'S'?i !sIs"isiv, l SI a rt vi,'s ra'il',i ic-s to trie iu -urlng ublic unetpiail ed by any other O-lc.i any doing bu.-iness tin this ei-a-t. ts iti the provinces of Lorraine and Alsace be tieuvered over to the 1 russians, as well as Fort I'umont l'aris. Tlui Provisional Government considers these couaifions absolutely inadmissible, and will Immediately issue a proclamation to the pfcople of the nafion, as well as to Ambassadors from foreign countries, exposing the situation and have escaped from l'aris state that guns are firing day and night. ' It is reported! that the police of Calais were instructed yesterday to allow no Frenchman to embark on outward bound uessels, whethop having passports or not. Berlin, Sept. 26. Favre did not see the King. ! Thore is nothing new from l'aris. The hoadquai-ters of the Crown Prince A Williainsport, Pa., paper says a census marshal reports that he ' found an old kdy in Forest county 107 years old. When he interviewed her she was chop ping wood. The oldest newspaper in the world is published in Pekin. It is priuted on a large sheet of silk, aud, it is said,' has made a weekly appearance for upward of ' a thousand years. .. . . 1 Stockings are going out of fashion for ladies street wear in l'aris, and bare feet and sandals are to be generally introduced-- i ,i . . " A man in Indiana wants a divorce be cause his wife scolds him, and makes hint sit on a red hot stove. indicating the new incisures to be taken for the national defense. It was erroneously tieported yesterday, of Saxony, with, the -1th army corps, is at lUraud Jremblauc, ten mnes north ot ' l'aris. j i Tours, S'ept.j 2G. The garrison at ; Havre was reinforced, aud has received around l'aris re- tiiat the I'liiiageinctits suited in French reverses. The Frcncl h:.d the advantage in (every battle yes ierda-. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hy authority of a tSjiecuil Act of the Leg islature of the State of California. 1,000,000. rPANI GIFT CONCEIIT IN AID- OF the Jferrantitc hibrcu-y AntociatioH of Ban Franeisee, California, - MONDAY, October 31st, 1870. Tiekets of Admission, $3.00 gold coin. Treasurer The liank of California, During tho entertainment the Bum of $500,00! U. S. C,old Coin wilt be returned to the Holder of Tickets, by the distribution by chance, of the following lilFTS : Fourteen Uhlans enjfered Klampes and a number of miiji-ailicurs, and is now pre Uemaii!oa money and urtus. J he 31 ay or ; parea to oeiy any attacK rctusea unless a force enough to overpower was sent hirirt him. They left and have not approaeljed since. j.i.ULiX, Sept by the Prussian J.'iNiiox, Sept. ' iM.-j Ijisipatehes from near l'aris to-day say (hat riHe bring and canuouadiiiLT w as hearil roing at at l'aris. 24. hToukwas captured 1 i :tt sukiset yesterday. London. Sept. 20. All hope of set tlement between Prussia and France has been abandoned. The relusal of Bis marck's proposal by the French, will place that i-ountry in a worse positiou. Policies Issued and Renewed Direct by Ia. E'S.,1 W, Ajveiif, ALIIA.NY, OliEtiON. jyi!'7,s- I'lut"! spitixd! a.) snnmi styles. CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. A Samson. There is a man living in Calhoun county, Miss., who is supposed It was distinctly observed from the bights j to be the strongest man in the State, if that a conflict was i-A progress, but no i not in the entire South, lie is thirty- details have t een received. ( live years ot age and weighs two hurUrcd There is great dangjer of a revolution- and twent3'-five pounds, lie has been ary outbreak in Paris,; involving another knowu to carry three bars ot railroad trou change of Government. The Reds arc when it takes from three to five ordinary f m inus against the present leaders. men to carry one. He cau take a cask Dispatch from Touljsays yesterday the j containing forty gallons of whisky or towu was captured Ly fstorm by 1'russiaus ; water (.the former is preferred we after determined resistance. The bom- ! presume), and raise it from the ground baulment had lasted! for several days, land drink out of the bunghole with as destroying the principal buildings and j much ease as others could out of a coui doing great damage. The storming party I mou pitcher; aud he has frequently taken advanced and afterwards the Prussian ,' a barrel of flourj under each arm, and forces carried it by storm. j balancing a sack of salt on his head, Bit uss els, Sept. 24 -6on. Bazaiue j carried them for several hundred yards has offered to capitulate at Metz, on con- ! with apparently but litle effort. He offers ditiou that he be allowed baggage and j to bet he can lift thirteen luiudrcd arms, and agrees not to take up arms for ! pounds. I three motitus. 1 (Jilt of 100,000 GoU 1 C.ift of 50,000 do 1 ift of 25,000 do 1 C.ift of. 20,000 o 1 (lift of - 19,000 do 1 Gift of 18,000 dn 1 aire of 17,000 do 1 (Sift of 16,000 do 1 Gift of 15,000 do 1 Gift of. 1-1,000 do 1 Gift of 13,000 du 1 Gift of. 12,000 dq 1 Gilt of 11,000 do J Gift of 10,000 do 1 Gift of ,0n0 do I out ,f . ;,000 do 1 Gift of. ; 7.000 do 1 Gift of 16,000 do 1 Gift of : 5,000 do 1 Gift of -.,4,000 do 1 Gift of. 8,000 d 1 Gilt of 2,000 do 1 Gift of 1,500 do 10 Gifts, 1,0(10 each 10,000 do 20 Gifts, 750 each . 15,000 do 20 Gilts, 50T) each 10,000 do 30 Gifts, 400 each 12,000 du 50 Gifts, :t00 each 15,000 do 50 Gifts. 200 each 10,000 do 125. Gifts, 100cach. 42,500 do Header, Thresher, ffcejipers, SHOULD BE LOOKED TO SOON'. Persons having the Wheeler & Mellck landless Chain Threshers, can have tlieul repaired so they will clean the grain as well as any Thresher, ai:J cdeau as much as their power will thresh. I MADE TO ORDER ONLY. I short, all other Agricultural Machines and implements made and repaired. AVe are completing arrangements to manufac ture Seed Sowers, Sulkey and Gaag Plows, of the best patterns now in use. 2-Sr- All work warranted made of the best material. Shop on corner of AVufhingtou ind Pecond-sts., Albany, Oregon. ilSm-J May 2S. 1870. Beauvls, Sept. 24, via Tours, Sept. -25. A greaf. battle raged all day yester day north of Paris, between Pont-aise and Isle Addam. It is reported that the peasants are cutting oft' supplies. London, Sept. 25. Lhe failure of peace ; negotiations, owing to France declining .Prussian terms, has led to a revival of tho pr. joct for an European Congress. ! London joui uals of yesterday eA'ening say it is sheer nonsense for Prussia to ; admit any intervention for the settlement of conditions for peace. If negotiations ' have really failed, the only alternative is ; extermination. Berlin, Sept. 25. Official dispatch ; es say: By the capitulation of Toul i there fell iuto our hands 109 officers, ! 2,210 men, 120 hors -s, 1 eagle, 197 1 guns, 3,000 rifles, 500 cuirasses, and large i supplies of munitions of war. London, Sept. 25 The latest ad ; vices from St.- Petersburg say that since tho fall of Sedan Russian journals are ! more incliired to acquiesce in Prussiau-j I terms ot peace. I hey admit that Alsace j aud Lorraine must go. j Authorized advices from Vienna an i nounee the failure of Thiers' mission. He received the reply that Austria, with i the best wishes for. France, Avas in no j condition to take active steps. Thiers retired, disheartened. : Tho telegram reporting fighting in l'aris, is not believed here. Also, reports of the pillaging of residences of persons absent from l'aris, discredited. It is believed that the reports were originated by the Prussians, to operate on the minds of the restive French; people, and bring them sooner to submission. Brussels, Sept. 20. Throughout yesterday the city was in a state of great excitement, in consequence of the news of the failure of all peace negotiations. The terrible demands of the war de partment for men and material, invokes a feeling of terror among all classes, and there is the strongest outspoken convic tion that the real issues, as far as the people are concerned, are all in favor of the Prussians, and furthei hostilities little short of murder. : A New. York special says, the prospect The following we find floating in the papers: i A poor young widow in Berlin, one evening lately,: found on her table a note addressed to. her, reading as follows: "Madam I came here Avith the iutentiou of robbing you, but the sight of this respectable and peaceful attic room, decorated with religious pictures -and adorned with pious 'souvenirs, and above ail, your two little children, which Avere quietly sleeping in their little beds and smiling in their dreams, have touched my heart, aud instjad of depriving you of the little monej- I found in your drasver, I take tie liberty of leaving here 50, hoping that you will accept them as a tribute of my i respect and admiration. True, the money has been stolen; but perhaps in the course of every day life- you have taken; money from many a worse man than your obedient servant." Uncle Jake Simmons, once well known among Michigan politicians as a member of the "Sinnit" from Macomb, took it into his head one dtiy to marry a rich widow of pepper temper, who got the letter of him. The quarrel Avas long, fierce and bitter, aud at last, able to bear it no longer, Jake made his appearance at George Wisner's law office, at Pontiae, in a high state of excitement, demauding an instant bill of divorce. 'For what cause?" asked George. Jake was puzzled. Take the statutes, Weczner, and read 'em all over." r Jake renewed his quid and listened with marked attention till George came to impotency." 'That's it, Weezncr," exclaimed Jake, slapping his thigliR: "she's as impudent as h 11 I" James King, a citizen of Dover (New Hampshire), recently celebrated -his eighty-first birthday and second wedding day siuinltaneously, by leading to tho hymenial alter a blooming bride of seventy-six. Counterfeit 10 and 20 greenbacks have been brought in from Arizona to Los Angeles, C28 Gifts in all... $500,000 The ami Distribution will take plaeo . under t her immediate direction of the Board of Trustees of the Mercantile Library Association, assisted by a Supervisory Committee selected from State, City and Oounty officers, and well known citizens of San Francisco. UOliEIlT B. SWAIN. President M. L. A, AV. II. L. UAIINES, Vice-President. AVM. C. II ALSTON, Treasurer. ' After paying the expenses of tho entertainment and making the distribution of the Gills, au abovo announced, tho balance will be applied to extin guishing the,present indebtedness of tho Mercan tile Library Association. " Holders of tickets to which gifts may be award ed, will receive the same on presentation of aucp. tickets or coupons to the Business Agent of tho Hoard of Trustees at ttheir office. No. 318 Califor nia street, San Franewco. XOTICE. Holders of Tickets to tho Gift Concert in aid of the Mercantile Library Association, are hereby notified, that the Concert is postponed until ' Monday, October 31st, 1879. Unexpected interferences have operated to make this delay necessary to accomplish the result of freeing the Library from debt, witbont rccjours to other privileges granted by act of the Legisla ture, passed I-ebruary ID, 1870. This is positively the only postponement which, will be made. The Concert will take place yn Iho day above named, commencing at 9 o'clock a.m., and to continue until all the gifts have been awarded.. ; ,i , it-:- The funds already in bunk are considerably, more than sufficient to insure the successful com pletion of the contract with the public. The sale of tickets will positively close on Fridajr, tho 28th day of October, 1870. All tickets remaining unsold at that time will be withdrawn from sale and cancelled. They will be advertised by their numbers, oo the 29th day of October, 1870, in one or more of the daily pa pers of this eity. Any diminution thus mado ia the number of tickets to be drawn, will not effect the number or amount of gifts. They will bo as heretofore advertised, to-wit : 628 frifts, amount ing in all to $500,000 gold. Ticket holders residing out of San Francisco will receive daily accredited lists of the awards of tiifts, which will also be published in the leading San Francisco daily papers, on tho first of No vember, 1S70. , Delivery of gifts will commence November 2d. 1870. at tho Office, No. 318 Califortia street, to all parties presenting tickets to which gifts have been awarded. AU gifts awarSed to non-rcsidentswill be held to their order and for their account. ROBERT B. 8AVAIN, Prcs. -M. L. A. AV. II. L. BARNES, Vice-President. W. C. ItALSTON, Treasurer. T110S. It. HAYES, Recording Sec'y DAVID AV1LDEU, Cor. Sco'y. ' - ': ' TBUSTKES. .-. ".t! ' AV. Ashburnor, J. M. MeNulty, A..M. Lpets, AV. E. AVood, A. V. Elfclt. Isaac AAonnser, AV. G. Badger, K.B.Reynolds, Sam'I Hubbaru. MAURICE DORK CHARLES R- W' l-siu Hk. sis ani"i"" WAITED- for r. t o r.T? O ATS 4 (KOOO whUh Ale MgWt market price wilt bcpaid. in CASH, at r1u BOISE, v - . ... ; Mti unlimited quantity. Also. Butter and ,n " be paid in for which the highest market pric