The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 27, 1870, Image 2

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    omvn Agister.
Hail road Matters
X3. S. Official Paper for Oregon.
ATiritlAALa"sT 27, 1S70.
KIJJ'JIW. JtrTPW3Tm--l..UJII .. ..
Iou"t forgot this railroad meet
"We have been shown a letter from II.
jThielsen. Chief Engineer of the Oregon
j & California Railroad, to Mr. .las. II.
j Foster, of this city, dated Portland, Au-
gust 20th, 1S70, which fully explains
what is desired by the Oregon & Cali
fornia Ilaihoad Company, in the matter
of the Albany subscriptions in aid of the
; road. The Company wish the subscrip
; tiovts put iu a marc satisfactory and col-
Canyon City was entirely destroyed by j Iectable form. To satisfy all doubts as to
rc on the 12th inst. The sum total of ( the intentious of those who subscribed
losses figures up 278,200, on which . lands and money in aid of the Oregon &
there was an insurance of S 10,000, niak- California Railroad, the Company ask :
ing a net of 62.')S.200. With the en- , l.-it, That the donors of land issue suit
crgy characteristic of mining communi- ! ab'.s bonds to Mr. Uolladay for such
tie., t l:o burnt district has been cleared ; lanls, and that a suitable value (j". e. the
ff, and buildings are springing up as if ' vahe of laud at the the time the sub
by magic. In a month Conyon City will j scriptious were made), be placed upon
night at he Council Chamber. Evcryl
thould be there. It is a matter of vital
importance to our city, and '''delays are
dangerous," especially in this cask
News from I'.xclianes,
The Portland papers give on account
ot a young girl who was decoyed from
California to a house of prostitution in
Portland. She was secured by the police.
The two big Chinese firms in Portland
are at dagger's points.
The Spiritualists are to hold a meeting
at Rutteville, from tbeQth to the 11th of
September next.
Wilson, the Portland highwayman',
has been sentenced to eight years in the
Prof. L. J. Powell, of Salem, with a
party of sixteen ladies and gentlemen,
have returned to Portland from a visit fo
Mt. Hood. Four gentlemen and two
adies reached the summit of old Mt.
The Raker City Democrat gives an
. . 1 r- j ' r l r. I ..!...!!
i.c all right again. ; them forthwith. j aecouui oi iu unuiuK ui uuua. ....
2d, That the donors of money shall is- m H v,j, ....,
sue their notes to Mr. Uolladay" for the j had twelvc doI!ars in du
amount of their subscriptions, payable ! The eamc PaPer there is "mtc a"
thirty davs after the completion of the i excitement about the Rlue Racket tm,,,,.
1 . I road to a point within a half-mile of the Dear "-'''
n.ontn j . . I A heavy Chicago compnny have
lCantein News by Mail.
An enthusiastic Frenchman, of Van- i
couver. "W. T.. says the war between j
- !
Frauco anil Prussia is only an immigra
tion scheme on a asl scale gotten up by
the Fuiperor In something over a
Illinois.- On the evening of the 4th,
at Keithsburg, a livery stable was des
troyed by fire in which two little boys
were sleeping "Win. Deinstca and Frank
Ives who were conisuuiea in tne names.
A man named Graham, in jail at Rlooni
ington, under the charge of poisoning a
well, committedsuicide.
Two girls, Laney Rarker aud Lavina
Lundery, aged twelve and fourteen, were
drowned at Cuba, Fulton county, while
bathiug iu Putmau creek.
Two girls uear Carliuville have taken
a contract to cut fifty cords of wood.
In a Chicago divorce case now on trial,
the husband alleges that Caroline had", on
several occasions, beaten him, spat in his
face, thrown hot water on him, aud on
one occasion kicked lwtu down stairs. Ti e
Court seems likely gnuf t ie prayer of
'h j oo r, i;; V.;i..-..utM.
Is l.l.....-K A The property which
George Francis Train bought in Omaha
iu iSiiG lor SS.GU J c.iuldu't be purchased
now for a million dollar..
At Forest City, on the 14th, Patrick
Mi l.-:i, when iutoxieatcd, struck his uncle,
a Mr. Tlioisii.s, a very old man, with a
,: v.i.),!.l in ihc end of
amining the ground, a large coyote's
tracks were observed, and it appeared
that the cowardly brute had followed the
little wanderer all night,Jaut was fright
ened away by the willow svritch. It was
a narrow escape from being devoured
Dates to August 26
Editor Register :
As it has become almost necessary for
us valley people to have an opportunity
to breathe pure mountain air, and also
respite from our avocations, many have
tried to recuperate among the lakes,
springs and streams among the Cascade
range. We leave our town with glowing
anticipations of fried fish, venison steaks
and libations of soda water, and glide
smoothly along until we reach the base
of the mountain. As we begin to ascend
the grade, we then realize that many
things might have been left at home, and
thereby saved the animals much labor and
ourselves much walking. Rut how can
the dear ladies move without the world
moves with them ? Mr. Editor, I have
heard much fault found with the coudi-
e n
: or to
fil lip nail.
it lias induced more than a milli
Germans to leave the Fadesjlarid aud ''go
tor'' France. The difficulty will be to
As the road will deviate considerably j
I from an air line in comiug to this city,
I hold of the big Carter ditch iu the Y1
get them out of France, now that
are in
i and as nil the aims and ends of the Cuiu-
low Cret-k country.
J. L. Collins, Esq., of Dallas, adver
! tises the recent loss of a pocket book.
which contained 2,000 in notes aud
W. K. Smith, of Salem, has been fined
j pany can be as satisfactorily accomplish- ;
ed bv not makinir Albany a l oiat on tbc 1
"Comi-abisons auk Odious." A j voa& the Company asked of our citizens, i county orders,
pamphlet has recently been issued at St. j as a fair compensation for thus deviating j A spring, the waters of which are
Louis Old.), under the title of '-St. j from a straight line at a large additional i strongly impregnated with sulphur, iron,
Lou:s -the future Great City of the j outlay of money, that thef donate the ' etc., has recently "turned up" in Salem,
"World," in which it is claimed that St. ! , f 'rSfiO 00i) ruT: mwtnw wis i as we learn from the Statesman.
Louis.Jn 1950, will have a population of '. callcd,and our citizens came forward and
17,437, 553. The Chicago Times, in its j subscribed more than the sum demanded,
comments upon the pamphlet, says that ; but with the understanding and it so
these figures would undoubtedly make ; of,., : ,i . l, t;.,., tl.-t
the road was to be completed and in run
ning order to the city of Albany by the
1st of Jaunary, 1S71. The Company
entered upon the enterprise in good
faith, and hove to have the road cora-
ci ii .'otiic Hvull, caused death. Hie
pi ! pcti ator escaped ; he would have been
l.uiiir by a mob if captured.
Kansas The corn crop promises a
large yield. Late rains throughout the
State have been beneficial to the gardens.
Field crops geuerally have not suffered
for rain.
ivl,I..l, U"Q
Tli. ti'iI ! tion of the road that leads from Lebanon to
Ochoco, and I confess there is
ground for complaint. The portion ofthoi
road between Lower Soda and Fish Lake
is only a respectable pack trail, in many,
places. The company seem to forget that
much work i3 needed, or else they expect
travelers to do it for them. There should
Hays City lias a female constable. The , b worjju force kept on the grade du-i
young men are in constant fear that she
may have an ''attachment for them.
A man named Dosen recently whipped
a ''bound" boy to death near Humboldt,
and was lodged in jail. The next rnorn-
: i. iv !.- i i. 1 "
81,000 and sentenced to the county jail. tL limb of aee i W' h
Sweanncr ta se v in the matter ot income i;.,,,. i'i,rtc m-. !,,;.! ;., o -,.11 ..r, i mtie more ior tneir
was ''what's the matter of Smith.
ring the traveling season. I understand
the terminus of the road has been changed
which will result, in a pecuniary seuse,
much to the inferest'of the stockholders.
ic expects si.
donations of land;
I New York, Aug. 23. Private cable
from London, dated ' 12 o'clock to-day,
states that the armies of King William
and Steinmetz are too severely crippled
to assume the ofFensive.
! It is given out on high authority that
BuZaine was reinforced from Chalons on
Sunday, for the purpose of attacking the
enemy near Metz. He is coufiliMit of
victory, when he will march on the army
of Crown Prince, and rescue Paris:
The report of a Fiench viet-.-jy has
reached London.
; Another special says Ruz.ihit.,
yesterday, has the north and cer;
tirely open to him, either to ret re
receive reinforcements.
The appalling Prussian losses in the
recent battles has sent a thrill of terror
throughout Germany.
Razaine professes to bo roaster ot the
London; Aug. 23. Uazaine has
forced a passage via" Antien, reaching
It is reported that the armies of the
much I P''incc Royal and Frederick Charles have
lormeu a junction westward oi lueiz.
New York, Aug. 23. Private dis
patches from Paris say that McMuhon
lias completely turned the tables on the
Crown Prince. The French changed
front from the line of the Moselle to
Metz aud Yerduu, which was a serious
blow to the Prussians. McMahon, with
130,000 veterans, has thrown himself
between the armies of the Crown Prince
and King William, and effected a junc
tion with Razaine's left wing at Verdun.
Ct. Louis a very respectable village in
1950, but, compared to Chicago at that
time, and estimated upon the ratio of in
crease in the past, it would not ytt be
entitled to a municipal corporation. It
the Rig Soldier river, near Topeka, by its ; give us abetter road and you will save
The Stage was robbed near Umatilla i caving, and died before workmen could j much execration that is bestowed upon
on Wednesday of last week, by three j .ll!m' . ,. . .. j you, and sweating, breakage, aud cursing
, - i.i n i I he yield of lall whea; this year will.':, . . . , , ,
men, one ot whom .a supposed to be 1 at. j t b , as that of w but I that is enjoyed over the left, by your
Rut enough of this ; it only needs to
reported that the Prussians are at Sezane
to-day. Prince Royal is reported to bo
at Nancy. Nothing received from Met2
from the armies ot McMahon or Razaino.
London, Aug. 25 Noon. Kntira
command of McMahon left Rhtims on
Prussian Fcouling parties are near
Chalons and Troyes.
Advices to Tuesday mention nothitfg
of Razaine's junction with McMahon.
RizVitie's report finds no credit.
1'iu-sinn detachments are reported at
Chaumont and Rriey.
Strassburg is weli defended, and the
French well supplied with provisions of
fi'.l kind?.
It is believed in Strassburg that Mar--ha!
Razaine has been severed from the
t'-.nin French army, and his power com
i;h";!0'V piruly zed.
Chai'ius has b'.eii abaudoucd.
F: - J- i ' k Ciiarles moves on Paritf
L'i Libei lf, referring to information
from pi iii. . .-oiirees, say9 the siege of
Paris is al '-f-'her improbable now.'
I'utrie. n-p.-its, formally, that the'
Preuch were dciV-aled iu Sunday's battle.
Lo.NnoN, Aug. 25. The wholc of
McMahon's army left llheims on Monday.
The garrison of Toul made a sortie orf
yesterday, killing and wounding 700
Paris, Aug 25. A party from
Epcrnay reports that the Prussians wero
defeated to-day between Chalons and
Verdun. No definite news.
Kpcrnay will be evacuaXfed To-morrow.
Railroad trains from Paris only go to
Chateau Thierry.
The Treasurer of Strassburg got thro'
the Prussian lines with twelve million
Rerlin, An?. 25. King William's
The Prussian Dosition is Derilous. their
army cut iu two (with the united French I headquarters are at Rar le Due.
win- now between them) to keep the left ! Paris, Aug. 25. Grain mills iu the
wing at Metz, and prevent the French valley ot the Seme and Marno and con
Lirown, who lately escaped irom tne siae tne grall, has a healthier appearance, it
Penitentiary. Wells, Fargo & Co.'3 safe I being plumper and brighter.
Ktrt.J ivln tVc srnrm vim nllow. ! In Dickinson county 25,000 acres of
savs it took St. Louis U'litv vnr trv : !. i. .1 . . r. t i i.
... " " J I,u-u luo "n, "rsl J,t:uu UP""' u i " , V 1 p,,," ,,J ind have purchased for a Scotch colony,
reach IGO.OOO, while Chicago reached a j unlocked for delays in the receipt of iron j cd to proceed. ankee I luiumer and one w).ch e J ted to arrire 900Q
population 01 w,wn in uuy years. 1 ne have occurred, the cost and time required : ollu-r "tIL l" lu"c""-
from shortening their long line.
London, Aug. 23. Following just
received from Alexandria : Prussian
frigate Rertha, carrying 28 guns, cap
tured by the French. No particulars.
London, Aug. 23." A Paris corres
pondent of the Standard telegraphs that
IJazaine has succeeded in cutting the
be realized to. be felt. A company of j euemies line, and is retreating on Mont-
five of us started from Albany, two weeks t niedy.
f tatei'ic-ut of Chicago's increase, then, on
the same basis, by exact computation, in
1950, would to 209..2SO,630: Those fig
Jet St. Louis out.
Saved ey the Chinamen. In an
article under the head of '"Troubles in
California," the San Francisco Alfa
has the following in regard to the benefi
cial results of Chiuese immigration, in
California: "We have been saved by the
Chinatuea. Rut for them we should be
in a much worse condition than we are.
Ry their help wo have railroads and wag
en roads, we manufacture blankets, cigars,
slippers, and clothinjr-. and we grovr grain,
wine, ?i"ic, berries and vegetables. With
out them thousands of families would to
in despair at the lick -of cheap washing
Jiad of respectful servants. They
pay large sum- for rent, traveling
fare, tools, food, an ! clothes. They glean
the mining ground that is too poor to re
ward the white man. They make up for
economy and long hours of labor for in
ferior wages.. They contribute as mu'.k
a3 any othr class of equal number to
produce anjd consume those articles which
give business to our steamboats, railroad?
and towns ; and the assertion that they
add nothing to the wealth of the State is
without foundation."
: in building trestle-work and bridges were
i underestimated, and it is feared now that
j the Company, although using the utmost
i diligence aud every aid at their command,
j will not be able to complete the work up
! to the exact minute required by the agree-
) ment. This being the state of facts, the ,
Company ask that these subscriptions as-
I sume the shape of bonds and notes, and j
j that the time be not specially limited. The
Company have shown by the energetic
; manner iti which the work has been pros
; ccuted so far, that they mean '-business."
Graders arc at work on the line between
: Salem and the Santiam, getting the road
; ready for the iron. Abutments and piers
; are being constructed at the crossing of
' the Sautiam for the bridging of that river,
! whi'e the framework and iron of the
. bridge is being constructed at the Com-
pany's shops, and vviil, as soon as the
1 road is finished to Salem, be shipped to
: that point, and from thence to the San-
tiam will be carried by teams, so that the
bridge will be ready for crossing trains
' as soon as the track is finished to that
' poit m
We suppose that those who signed the
subscription papers, did it with the full
i and honest understanding that when the
I road was completed to Albany, they
would pay their subscriptions. This be-
A snake of sixteen rattles cot one of
They have raised 315,000. in Salem, his teeth into the finger of John Riley,
to build a new Methodist church. They '. on the Fast Grasshopper, iu Atchison
.-'of ;,wf ,irh mnro wliu-h will Trrh. I couuty which resulted in the death of
be subscribed in a short lime.
I A party of Salemites have discovered
! evidences of a recent volcauic eruption
on Lutte creek.
. The Willamette river is getting very
I short of water between Slem aud Oregon
i City. The Shoo Fly is about the only-
boat on the river that doesn't get
I on the bars.
The wife of ex-Senator Jo. Lane is
the snake. hisky in stupctyinir quan
tity saved Johnny.
Missouri. A white snake has been
fouud in Howard county.
A. W. Dyer was killed near Reloir,
Veron couuty, by beiug caught in the
machinery of a planing maehiue.
The city council of St. Louis, has pass
ed an ordinance rc'iilatin" bawd v houses.
stueK j which is framed after the French and
j lielgium laws upon the subject.
I Nevada. Some of our exchanges con
! tain a sensation story about the discovery
since, for Fish lake ; and after passing
through the burnt district (burnt some
years since), we arrived at the green
timber, which renders traveling more
It is reported tlrat the Crown Prince
has gone to support the Prussian armies
west of Metz.
Another special says the Chalons army-
has gone westward toward Thionvillc, to
pleasant during the warm season, and : effect a junction with Razaine,
i l .'AT I,,.-!'
experienced no mishaps, until our arrival
at Fish lake. We noticed small fires in
two or three places along the roaa, but
appreheuded no danger. After remain
ing five days at the lake, fishing and
rambling between the lakes, we were in
formed, on the arrival of the Rev. Mr.
Wilson, of Salem, that the tire was spread-
McMahon is driven to a choice of two
evils, either to leave the road to Paris
open to the Crown Prince, or by holding
it. sacrafice Razaine's army.
London, Aug 23. German dispatch
es say thut Metz is enclosed on all sides,
and communication between Chalons and
Paris cut off.
McMahon and Failley are still retreat-
to cover
tents have been destroyed, to prevent
their falling into the hands of the enemy.
Prussian scouts have oppeartd ot
Chalons, Stir Marno and St. Menehold.
The Minister of the Interior says that
Razaite is too much occupied to send
The railway was cut at Autun bj the
Prussiau cevalry.
Latest reports, from McMahon say
that he has gone to Ardennes to- join
Another Prussian ship has been cap
tured iu the Mediterranean. :
Hamburg is filled with troops.
London, Aug. 20. A sharp engage
ment, ic which the Prussians were suc
cessful, occurred on Thursday night A
large number of French were wouidcd.
Strassburg has been incessantly bom
barded since Tuesday, badly damtging
the citadel and the walls terribly battered.
; Prussians advance with seige trains to
! within five hundred yards of the city.
I Several magazines have exploded in the
city and at the fort, and fires have broke
inff tho mountains. A n v ii.t v to
c oach. a " ! 7rl. , ... ,,, n r. . out iu manv daces. Prussian losses are
1 ui; juu luiai ui II1C Ull Ultltl IU' ! . . t
now in Vvnnp.-. ia n'f fM'lfl woK 5?flO 000 ! trifling.
landwehr in the rear.' ' i New York, Aug. 2G. Private
Paris. Aner. 23. The Temas com- ! patches from London this morning
inai lui'ie are rumors at a arts oi ugnuu,
I niol if. is fr:irpd tb.-it MoMaTinn i fhfp:lt-
The next morning found us homeward
bound. Descending the mountain on the
i we.-,t for a mile brought us iu the region
; of the conflagration. Touu.ue cannot des-
r :ii .1 . .l ....
Tl. . ".. ; .,11 -t,.l,t ' OI a wua man in ine roriiiwcsicru
' ? c 'of Nevada, in a den elv wooded
J.ast week, .Mr. J. J . H liliams, near 1 1 j near the I'tah line. He appears to j r;h r2uA.-.r of tl.U Tl,",. I plains that the Emperor
c.:., i...,i u: :..!, ,r,, 11.. ..., v..i I i ... t . e i . .c ... . i ....... ; .;iu n-..;....
, 0 j ju., . ...... rire W0Uia rcaciioai us ion lonirues, ;iun ; - ;. . . ' '. ; .i uc:..i S:i,- ., ..:i rri,-
-! r.,.l .l,; 1,..:- ... .. . - . ! that the Etr it:(llis sorrets. vmeiai u,iuica no cuv-ui.
1.1 nuti ii lull, iiuii. ti-,,., i in tniniiMi. n i in ruir in. u-iini - - - - - w r - .
A political calm now exists all over -. ing the case, they will just as freely give
the country, such as has not been expe- . their notes for the same amounts. It is a
rienced for years. Our Democratic news- j question of life or-death to our city if
papers even have almost ' lost their grip" j the railroad leaves us, it will take many
on the all-absorbing question of the late ! a year to recover from the blow ; if- it
canvass the Chiuaunu. Oar people, j comes, it, gives our city new life and vig
Wsth splendid harvests and indications or, and will more than repay the outlay
of greatly enhanced prioes for grain, are i in the general prosperity and the increas
happy and contented. Under the pres- ! ed value of our property.
ent Administration the public debt is J
being rapidly reduced, and economy and VARIOUS ITEMS.
retrenchment in the public expenditure! The Secretary of-the Isavy has order-
has taken the place of reckless extrava
gance. The people are aware of these facts,
and are satisfied that the affairs of the
nation are in good hands. The old war
cries of "negro suffrage," "Radical
usurpations," "extravagance," and even
the terrible evils that were to visit our
people by the influx of the "heathenish
Chinese," have lost their force and effect
in the light of reason and facta. Save and
except the single question of the election
of a United States Senator by oar next
Legislature, our Democratic friends seem
to be oat of Eubjeots sufficiently exciting
to ''harrow up thosculs" of their bedrock
readers. Democratic journals claim, as
they have a large majority, in the Legis-
. Iatare, that they will certainly elect a
Democrat to fill the seat of Hon. Geo. H.
"Williams; but in the same breath they
acknowledge that, although they have a
large majority of the members elect of
that body, yet, owing to dissensions
among themselves, and the fact that there
are almost an "unnumbered company" of
. men iu the Democratic" party who are
"nfter" the Senatorship, there is a "show"
fc r Uolladay to "chip in" and "secure
his man." And then they faunch and
foam and paw the air, and vjttcr terrible
threats against the Democrat who would
ejetl himself to Ren Uolladay. It is rather
an interesting state of affairs, to "out
siders," to see the Democratic chiefs
looking askance at one another, as if each
feared; that the other was just on the point
of "selling out" aad ruining his chances
fbr a 'raise." Rut if the Democrats will
insist on the the re election of Judge
Williams, we shall not say a' word, be
lieving that he will come nearer "filling
the bill" than anr other man in the State.
being caught iu a threshing midline.
The new locomotive, (?lacaiias, for i
Ren Uolladay. has arrived at Portland, j
A 'member ot liie Corps I.eglalatif tel- ,
egraphed from Paris to San Francisco, in j
answer to an inquiry : "No volunteers j
wanted. Have men enough to drive ;
Prussians off French soil."
The removal of a wart from the foot
(just below the instep) of Mr. Townsend,
of Salem, by a chiropodist last week,
caused the illness and death of Mr. T..
Oregon eggs in San Francisco are
j quoted at 35 and 37 cents per dozen ;
wheat from 51 6J to 1 Tl per Dusnei.
On the 21st inst. at Jacksonville, as
two little girls, daughters of Chas. R.
Paul, but lately arrived from Minnesota
jnu3. iji-iuiiu, u. luiuiH n-oiuut i encircle trees nun
Idaho City (bctterknown as "little Tom- j 0( the wall of lire
druds of feet in advance
my ) was shot aud killed at Hamilton,
Nevada, July Oth, by one.John U. Tolles.
Samuel Wood, while riding out with a
youud lady, near-Virginia City, was met
by highwaynieu and relieved of his
wateh aud money.
Iowa. Decatur county is fo vote this
fall on a proposition to build a twenty five
thousand dollar Court House
Two little girls, dau:lit. rs of George
Durst, went into a b.iru at Strawberry
Point, and Kt tire to .-oinc bay wirii
matches. lioth children were- tak.-u from
the charred timber-., t in ne i . a crisp.
Dubuque t'Llempiat.-s : ; . '. , Ii ;g a t n e
bath house ' r i s juveniles on account ot
the great mortality iy drowning.
The V.-.hey U. ii. is 2Ui miles long
c i - s r. -. - . ' -.1 .i
,. , , e roiu iC'jus to its junciiou wiui tne
were struggling for the possession ot a j ()1X .fv r J exploded, and the youngeat, aged ! Iev. ral younz men were swim
9, wa3 shot through the breast, .killing . m;-,.;- -h-ii burse in Iowa river, near
her in a few minutes. j A'i-y.. L..;i.-a county, one of them
It is stated that in the b .tt'e e. f j 1 ' f : na- . hr.iwu from his horse
, -i, , , T-. i croiV U ckcu that lie was ais-
Longueville the irench Lniperor -. t J , A . i,p
1 .i li.u ;r s inuiiaii:. and drowned betore
rowly escaped death or enpturc. u-sistiJll0e could reach him.
Frank Ewing, of Umatilla county lost i A S1U,0U0 school house has just been
athresbior machine by fire. The fire completed ot irort Uodge, and the Uodg
Ie treat would cer
tainly have been the widest policy, but
some of the party thought we could whip
the horses through. An effort bcinu
made, we succeeded in getting through
the first wall, which brought us am-olir
Paris. An-. 23. McMahon has enemy marches slow iy tmt surely towards
d Razaine with a larire body of j arts.
i.n.Mio.N, .vug. .uPi'ianoD on'j
Dajs'iim re out of communication with
Uriivc fighting con inetieed last l.iuht
' troops. iJuzaine has not abandoned his j
strong coition near Metz.
' MuMahou moved north, and France is
i saved.
Ry way of'Jiheinis full confirmation i
ed a vessel of war to be sent up the Elbe
and Wessert rivers, to fiord protection
to American citizens residing in Germany,
in case it should become necessary.
There is to be a grand excursion iu
honor of the completion of the Kansas
Pacific road to Denver, to leave St.
Louis August 30th, and be gone ten days.
The Prohibitionists of Massachusetts
decided, in convention, to organize an
independent political party, and have
nominated Wendell Philips for Governor.
Our Government ha3 been officially
informed that the French Government
did not order the general removal of
Prussians from Paris, but only of about
fifty who wero too demonstrative.
The American Association for the
Advancement of Science is in session at
Troy, New York.
There is strong opposition in Mexico
to the concession for opening the Tehaun-
tepec route.
The Rraziliian Government has enter
ed into an extensive contract for the
importation of coolies.
The French and Prussians in Havanna
came to blows recently over the news
from the seat of war.
The yacht Cambria was beaten seven
miles by the Palmer in the race at New
port, Rhode Island, on the 17th.
The Papal Nuncio at yienna has been
recalled in consequence of the abolition
of the Concordat by Austria.
Tie New York State Temperance
Convention has nominated a full State
ticket, with Myron "II. Clark for
All proceedings against political offend
ers in Spain have been squashed by the
recent amnesty, which is absolute.
The Indian agencies are to be again
placed under the control ot the Interior
Peace with Paraguay has been formal
ly proclaimed at Kio Janeiro.
caught while tho hands were at dinner
fire supposed to havo been caused by
matches carelessly dropped in the vicini
ty of the machioe.
Very fair apple3 and peaches were
raised this season in Roise valley, Idaho
A woolen mill is to be erected in Walla
Walla valley, W. T.
Three of the oldest and most prominent
editors of the United States are in de
clining health, and not expected to live
long Horaco Grcely, James Gordon
Rennett and Thurlow Weed.
Tea thousand dollars was the figure the
road agents reached in securing Wells,
Fargo & Co.'s treasure box in the Uma
tilla stage robbery.
The opinion of Judge Roise in the
Yamhill election contest covers more than
one hundred and twenty pages of legal
In a town in Wisconsin the other
week the people had a surfeit of horrors.
There was a keroseue horror, a railroad
slaughter, four sun strokes, man killed by
a horse, boy drowned in a barrel of soft
soap, and another boy killed by eating
glass. -
Telegiapb wires immersed in the wa
ters of the artesian wells of Sparta, Wis
consin, operate freely, said waters being
highly charged with electricity.
At Kingston, Canada, a dry "goods ckrk
was recently accommodated with the loan
of a revolver to blow out his brains with,
in order to spite a lady who rejected him
and married another. On . sober second
thought he sold th revolver and got
drunk. "
Cis are happy.
A largo number of the wells in Des
Moines City and county arc empty. The
long continued drouth lessened the vol
ume of water iu the riven, and the quan
tity in wells was correspondingly dimin
ished. The rains of J uly have not swelled
tho rivers. Most of tho wells are dug to
a low water level, but the streams are so
very low that they do not feed the wells.
lhe v ashinton 1 ress tells ot a man
in that county whose wife died one day
recently, and was buried next day. (Jo
the third day he stated his grievances to
a man who referred him to a Rohemiau
family in Johnson county, which inclu
ded a marriageable girl. Ho went im
mediately, her parents came down to see
ins laud, and, behoving he could support
her, gave consent, and he was married
the fourth day.
A terrible affair took place, a couple of
weeks ago, at Charitou, in Lucas county.
Gaylord Lyman, Sheriff, attempted to
arrest Hiram Wilson for horse stealing,
wren the thief drew a revolver and shot
the Sheriff t through one of his lungs,
causing death, twelve hours later. A re
ward of 8500 was offered for the thief and
murderer, and tho whole country started
in pursuit. He was captured after a
stubborn resistance, by a man who broke
his gun over his head. A few hours la
ter, a vigilance committee having been
organized for the occasion, his lifelcs
body was dangling from one of the win
dows of the court house.
Idaho Territory. Week before last
a little child of Mr. Crabtree Smith,
living near Forty-niue ranch, in Payette
valley, strayed away about dusk and
could not be found. The alarm was given
and the neighborhood turned out to
search' for the missing one. The hunt
was prolonged the tn'ire night without
success, but in the morning it was found
near the ranch of a neighbor, three miles
distant, with a long wiilow switch in its
hands. When discovered, tie child said,
"I whipped the dog away ! Upon ex-
smoulderiug trees. The smoke was thick
enough to be cut with a kniie. Now
came other dangers, limbj and
trees f.iliiug among and around us, the
roar deadening all waruinir sounds of tot
tering trees. The only tiling left for us
to do was to cut our way through. This
we did for two miles, until we arrived at
a deep canyon, and discovered to our dis
ii) iy that the bridge hud been burned up.
Retreat whs the watch-word, an under
taking uiote dangernus than the advance.
Mr. A. told me, in going back, thai he
whipped the louses through fire that
seemingly raised their manes erect. Mr.
D- aud myself concluded to come on
through aud tet as.-istance. We succeed
ed. alter running the gauntlet in many
places, until we came to the western ex
trcuiity of this simile of a worse world
than this. There our efforts to get
through proved futile. Turning to friend
D. I remarked, ''now, sir, you spiritualists
do not believe there is a hell; what do
you think of this?" He quickly replied,
"there is no worsj hell than this, sir,
any pdace." "Well, 1 hope there is not,
for this is enough for any body," quoth 1.
We returned to the lake, and the next
morning went to work, and toiied away
for some days until we cleared the road
of logs, laid poles across the canyon, and
by means of ropes, dragged our wagons
across, and reached the Santiam river,
looking worse than chimney sweeps. If
anyone has an idea that there is any fun
or pleasure in being encircled by a wall
of fire in the mouutains for days together,
breathing stfling smoke and dodging fly
ing, half-burnt limbs, let them try it on
- . 1 I' T " . 1
we are more man saiisueu. witn our ex
1 observed an article in the Salem
paper, which reflects upon certain young
men from Albany, Drownsville and
Harrisburg, for some misconduct in tho
mountains. 2s ow let me say hero that
there is a mistake as to the residence of
these men. They all came from Harris
burg. We were informed that they were
the paity that set out the fire, the truth
of which I know not. Tho Legislature
should, if it has not, make it penal to
wilfully endanger the lives of others by
setting fires in the mountains.
i the good news from the army
; ed to dav
j Nkv. Y'.RK.. X;i... -' J.-hd
says all iic.vs ;Y mi i'yr:'-. ic
confirmation nl'ihe . .-lo. tiiat
has succee it; .i in w '-. ' . '
of his army I rot:. ' .' 1 1 ' s"
tain whether ne is ii: ; ;, u'S
hold to j ii i McJalr-u. I v. I;,"!'
i waiting for the coopeiatioa ot y.
j from that p"inr. In the firmer
; is supposed he intends in
; the Crown Prince ; in tlu litn;.
:i''-s li ta Montuicdy,
:' Voi'.z'.crs.
the lai'.iond . between
i .'! .-.
brought into Montme
.s i;.:sc-'l. An assault
' - 1
iiuxce to.
teinmi'tz an
.1 Fx
1 1 1 w
t he II.
-.V.,1 ll,
. L.
The Annual Conference of the M. E.
Church, commenced its sessiou on Thurs
day, at Vancouver, W. T., Rishop E. R.
Ames, presiding.
On the 22d inst., President Grant is
sued a Neutrality Proclamation.
It is a fact which all husiness trim
should know, that the new tax-tariff bill
as it passed Congress during its last ses
sion, abolishes the stamp duty on all re
ceipts for money, and upon promissory
notes of less sums than one hundred dol
lars. The bank check and documentary
tamps are retained.
will attack
At Metz, Steinmetz and lie
Charles lost lUO.OiMj men. having
but 15l,OUO men to hold the lu.e
the frontier to Mc'z.
There is a feeling in Relin of unde
uiable horror and depression. The war
threatens to last, and already the flower
of North Germany is decimated.
New York., Aug. 24. The Courier's
dispatch from Paris says Razaiue tele
graphs that he caunot leave Metz. 'lie
says the enemy wish to cut off his com- i . 11 w,os -h"ni in s an? enviable bii
' , ii , , .. 1 try. during tweutv-fix years active operation
munication, aud calls it a "draw game, j has thoroughly established its reliability.
Paris papers say that McMahon has 1 Its Record Stands a Follow. i
gene to Ardennes, and will effect a junc- i Cash asscte, Juuary, 1S70 ?t),000,000 oo
tion with Razaine. Cash Dividend, 1SB8 673,000 00
62(5,573 bb
7S6.197 C6
4S0,:i 00
New England Mutual
Life Insurance Company
Purely HvrxxtTxcvl -
There are conflicting rumors as to the
whereabouts of the Crown Prince.
London," Aug. 24. Private letters
say that the Crown Priuce i.s at St.
Pizicr, marching on Paris. Metz is is
solated. The Prussians are strong west
of there. 1
Paris, Aug. 24. Communication
with all points in the department of Aubc
Cote and Dor is cut off.
The Constitutional denies the statement
of the London Times that the French are
in a desperate situation. It charges that
that paper (the Times') is heavily subsi
dized by Rismarck
Report says the Prussians violated the
neutrality of Relgium unawares.
Rrussels, Aug. 24. A cable from
Rull Run Russell to the N. Y. Sun : I
did not succeed in reaching Razaine The
Prussians are everywhere, marching over
tho country ; the railroad is cut, and the
road from Thionville to Montmcdy is
equally out of order. Razaine is not at
Verdun, he is shut up in a Prussian net
between Grandway, the river Arno and
the road from Metz to Ktain. McMahon
left Chalons, burning tbfe camps, for
London, Aug. 24. Special to the
World says a conflict is reported nine miles
from Metz, with advantage for the
French, but I cannot vouch for it. The
French captured Prussian guns in the
recent battles at Longeville and iuars la
London, Aug. 25. Following official
dispatch has been received from Rerlin :
Government has received a dispatch from
Bar le Rue to the effect that Chalons
has been evacuated by the French, and
that the Prussiau column is west of
Chalons, advancing rapidly.
Paris, Aug 24 Midnight. It is
Cieh Dividend of 1S67.
Cash Dividend, 1S6S.
Cash Dividend. ISfi!)..
Total euiplus dividend- 4,000,000 00
Total Lowes paid 4,200,000 00
Br tho Acts of Massachusetts, incorporated into
the General Statutes of 18A4, a policy ot life insu
rance for the benulit of a JnmW Womun or aj
person or persons heeifleii, goes to thein independ
ently of the Debts and Liabilities of the party who
effects the Poliry.
Dividends of this Company are paid
Annually to the Assured, iu Cash.
Tho NEW ENGLAND is tho only Massachu
setts Company doing business on the Pacific
Coast, aud tberetore tho ouly Company governed
by the equitable Massachusetts Lapse Law.
Examples howinff the Working of this
For example : A party ensuring at the age of
thirty-five. Premiums all Cnsh.
On Annual Premium trill continue policy in
force 2 years and 3 days.
Example: Premiums all Cash Age, 35 ; Plan.
Ten-Year Endowment, payable at tho ajte of 45.
One Annual Premium will continue policy in furce
as a Term Policy, 7 yenr..
If you wish to make it absolutely certain that
not a dollar of the money you invest will ever be
forfaited Insure in the New England.
If you wish U get your dividends with the
second annual payment, and annually increasing
on the contribution plan, that is to get just what
is yours no more and no loss, and just when it
is due Insure in the New England.
Its business in Linn county in the last
year and a half, exceeds that of all other
Companies combined.
102 Front-st., Portland, Agent for Oregon antt
Washington Territory.
Agent for Alhaoy. 0;n,