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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1870)
"aewssesis "1 : f 1 ' (,." 1 SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, l!70. lie still Lives! As the earth revolves around oa its ! axia once ia twenty-four Lours, the Sun I shine3 by. day, the Moon and Stars by Subscribers fiadins an X after their name will ' "'nM a"i tllG Seasons COUie ia their sjofcrijti n. Terms per annum, in tultance: ' " nicr j 3 wc are ruiining irom tl3 ix ; three TEontbs, $1. . ' cradle to the grave, reaching lor some XT-' Ef rrzr: ; hand in the distance; stepping to gain a -AL AFFAIRS ; tocthold ca some vessel far out at Fea, mmmnmmmmmm. i swiftly flying still further from us, aod Brief Paragraphs. E. Cartwri-ht ! trJin" to live, so does the young man at the Froaian Buildings, tr.-int, I.Minnn frora Wisconsin, M. PEARSON, still bushels of wheat. live, and still continue to do business in j Albany, Ogn., and feels thankful for past ona Conner is selling woolens at cost j favors and patronage, which nerves his and freight. i heart on to a creator effort to aecommo- ot -the season ' atc us ,liany customers, and to sell them UliUUJillrS auU JL'liU ot The first watermelons ! which he has a very good stock on liana. vC..cul piums nave uiauc llieir ap- . io for cah or proifti pearaace at our grocers. Farmers are bringing in th crop of wheat at a rapid rate. The hot weather and deep dust make SPECIAL TO THE REGISTER. Dates to Augus 11. Paris, Aug. 9. The city is fearfully excited over news from the front. Official dispatches say MeMahon's chief of staff was killed. A great battle expected at Mcfz, as the Prussians are making forced marches in that direction. A proclamation by the Minister of War, approved by the Emperor, declares Paris in a state of seige, and describes immense preparations for its defence and calling the people to arms. Metz, Aug. 10. Changarnier has been placed on the Emperor's staff. McMahoa has rallied has army, and is retreating to Nancy in good order. All his staff was either killed or wounded in Saturday's Sght. Paris, Aug. .10. A Dictatorship, with Trochu as supreme, is anticipated. The names of the new Ministry were read in the Corps Legislatif; Gen. Palikno heads the list, as Minister of War. London, Aug. 10. The Prince Im perial of France arrived here to-day, bringing jewels and the famous diamonds of the Duke of Brunswick. Paris, Aug. 10. A mob went to the residence of Prince Cossignac, who fled NEW TO-DAY. AV BUSINESS STILL RUSHING i traveling unpleasant. Steamers have iur. trouble in getting f n :u Oregon City Salem, than lrom that point to thi.s city, at present. The rush to the Sodas still continues i man from Wisconsin, M. PEARSON new j still lives, and is always ready to buy. ! sell, swap or dicker, at Chcadle'a 'old stand, corner of First and Broadalbin streets, Albau v. 6w. Ln.N'nrtN'. All" ft Veirs (mm PalU The vnunu ! v,.,i,- ..;.. m.u:,. u... ' to a friend s house and escaped. official reports allowed to be telegraphed. ". 'u5- rassiana Letters say the rage and disappointment ! find' as they advanCe t,lr0U-h the C0UQ" of the people, on finding that there had I tTJ tbat tbo French los9 was as Shtful been a series of defeats on French soil i as tllc ,uost extravagant reports. ug. 10. A number of news- instead of a military parade, is beyond discription. The people were furious upon reading the Empress' proclamation. Seventeen Deputies signed a call for France to arm. s, Bazaine has been appointed command er of the French aruiy. Lebacuf retires MiLt Burned. We are informed that the the saw mill lately erected ou Cedar Flat, in the Cascade .Mountain?, on the head of Hamilton creek, one of the tribu- Another Supplement this week. Read ' tanes ot tl,e boutl1 S"autiam, about thirty miles easterly from this city, was destroy tv . . :.. . if ed bv fire, a few davs since, together with .1 . ii r,ir r to his department. Emperor Napoleon t:vi,-,i ilu'lntot n! ,Ii5nrihr. f,,r all the iu.provement, some ,0,000 feet 1 1 , the cailv IU.iisTF.ii Extra onlv 25 of cedar lumber, etc. The mill was the j property of Mr. Jas. Stearns, and others. j Mr. S. says that the woods in the ruoun- .... .. : i.t: i. . i i i i ii i tains in ine nci'noornooa ot tne mill are ,c.xui(,JmU1, i.,,w,;,uum ,mmnn,a f shows the French were surprised, and .v Mt- T..1,.. r.,:ii AfAij ;,. j, ; ail on ure, doing an immense amount ot : 1 ' mr.nifi .cnt one. and cheap. ..r : a. .. i. t !- .. . The Comnanv rrorose to immediatelv ! ., , -. .: ! erect another mill on the of thP !.A battlc Probably taic PIace at Pari? paper correspondents were wounded in the recent battles. They testify to the wonderful bravery of the French troops. Napoleon has been invited to return to Paris, and await the reconstruction of the Government, bat refused. AT THE MEW JEWELRY STORE J. . TITUS, : Albany, - - - - Oregon. AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED American & Swiss Gold & Silver Watcnes Of crcry description. Direct Importer of the very best SWISS MADE WATCHES, Gents and Ladles Slzea. THE FINEST SELECTION OF JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Of all Kind constantly on band. R EPA I R I N G OF WATCHES, SPECTACLES & JEWELRY A T Saa Francisco Prices. 0 cents a week. The st map of Europe that we have The London Times correspondent says Every ArtIcle Sold and .,, Repairing still ill. London, Aug. 8. McMahon is in communication with Gen. Foley. The details of the capture ef Wisscinbourg rr . l ;i T r - Ml duma-eto valuable lumberin- interests. ! SUIiereu Scarry , rum iru armierj . Gen. Douay fell at noon. catch cur usual locals this week. old one. Metz to morrow. no pen can describe the tumult which existed in the Corps Legislatif. Ollivier would have been murdered, had not members interfered. London, Aug. 11.. Advices from the Prussian front at 10 o'clock last night, say that the French are falling back to line of the Moselle, harrassed the while by the Prussian cavalry, which .have al Done, Warranted. AVe claim to keep all FIRST QUALITY GOODS, 14 and at prices that defy competition. Wheat market Sun Francisco re mains the same as at last quotations. Legal tenders quoted at SGc iu Pirt l..r.L Th 'se w!' don't get in to see the 0ti.aud Circus, ou Monday , the 22d. will i:"is the biggest thing in th-i circus line that ever "struck" Oregon. La at S.itut Jay a team ran away co;n iig ap B:oadalbin slieet, struck another team the t-.vo '.vajoi.s were demolished the fvur animals', thus released, made tracks lor ta'i timber when last hea-d from wore i-1 i 1 1 ruiitilug. Ralircid progressing. Graders be t Tci n i ei: y an i Sii'em. Work en the js'iim bridge rogi e.-sing finely. Track lyi proceeds as rapidly as the rail is i'.-ct Ivei. ' Ic-.-rs Aitheu'c 'c Co. are turning oat London, Aug. 9 3.30 P. M. Ac- j ready passed Saarunion. All kinds of j manu- ! cording to the Pall Mall Gazette, the ; stores and railway trains have fallen into ! ' On- Ur." Pure linseed oil ; factured at Salem Mill, can be procured j Emnress Eugenie is preparing for flight, j the hands of the 1 russians. of Geo. F. Scttl.-mier, druggist, First j The army at Metz is still undergoing! The Prussians have taken the small street, Albany, at SI 30 per gallon, tf j thorough organization. ! fortress Ilotelstein, Vosges, which the i -r- y - I T-rtrrtf Vi .i ,-? rtfinnofni) IdQitinir mine- ones savs the Jtrencti aisaster is ; 1 '-"-" vw-, .v....u6 b, The T ! a: t'.l WO', i mi . c.vce.i. X-l.i.-: ac-t-k. f'.r it a j I f th-- r.:undrv. wurk lor tne r bv them, aiid iivy put tip a Eiigo;ie, which could be. Mr. done the cast- ENTEitrnisiNO. Mr. N. S. DuBoise. : grocer on Firt street, has purchased a : 0WS 10 Uic iperor s obstinacy 10 i r""1 : spring wagon and the ncscssarv power to refusing sound military advice, and to , ThePam Journal Ofrcid has advices ! run ft. and proses hereafter to deliver I b i"ess. Parties in France will make j from Metz to 4.30 P. M.. yesterday. . Do I all troods purchased at his establishment I Mm VJ the penalty of his ill success, i tails of the battle of Frascheirler still at the reeidences of his patrons, in the 1 H9 name is already ignored in the acts ; meagre. MeMahon's horse was killed i city limits, free of charge. This will T wlcn the Regency seeks to rally the j der him. A cavalry brigade reserve, j prove a great convenience, and will doubt- j people. Things arrange themselves as j d a division corps of Gen Failly, ar i less irroatly increase the Patrons of his i if b was not expected to resume power, j "ved on the Held at the close of day, ictib';hnie-- icec to' him j as if testin- how he may be dispensed j anJ covered the retreat. The pursuit of ; with altogether ; the only question sccma j lue eus,uh aiursi nguious, swu uccame to be who shall first utter" the word "ab- j a reconnoissance. McMahon, after twenty ; dication." hours in the saddle, passed Sunday at j Meiz, Aug. S Eveniug. The army Severne, which he abandoned at night, ! has been put in readiness to march to wben il wa3 occupied by the Prussians. the Vosges and defend the passes. No ! Their advance pickets came upon our i enzaircinent to-day. j rear Suar' but were driven back with- S "l'Ains. An- 9. Nothing certain : out much difficulty.. : of pure soda water in three coneern;- A,trin. It ,,..;,, kmxn hor ! The Journal also says that up to one e?. cr twentj gnlions per hour. We j - t -M r,r,-n,w : o'clock this A. M. no attack has been 5";t.v. 'e are indebted to Mr. Win. II. 1'iiiKy. through the politeness of Dr. E. II. Geary, t .r a bottle of soda ; water from the new spring, discovered last week by Mr. T. G. Taj lor, near his residence :t I'ppcr Soda. Tli is new spring is said : o be :!;? finest yet dsseovered, throwing ni; tried the soda contained A. COffAX. A. W, STAXARD. A. COWAN & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS FIRST STREET ALBANY. They offer a large and well "lected stock of STAPjLE DRY .OOODS ! At Extraordinary Ziovr Prices ron ?n fall 1 -- - a Ia addition to a very large stock, covering everything in the line of Cottons, we have a complete assortment of FANCY DRESS GOODS! Latest styles of Boys and Men's CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS ! IIATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, 4c. NEW TO-DAY. Carpet, & Linen ouiet with cromises. in the bottle, I v- i. '. t i aaumg a u:ue lemon syrup, ana iikcu h disturbance. TiiC authorities having i J r. i. . -. esouoerstit C:ucr .-crf.scr.icul of the ! ingmen intended making demonstrations, j Tial is still at that place W all-Paper, Paper Blinds, &c, &r. v.-. ' made on the retreating army. Our forces ' arrived at Severne in good order. j ; TTWXT . x.Tv the Prince Im-i lltUi IVSilJ &rjIliLj Tbe Empe- i Metz dispatches say AND OveriaDd Cireu? xa Uy.'i i-wft. It ia a ; took trecautions to prevent it- huge -iSair, and the jouruaU .out Suuth.i French jt-urnala annouace that Italy j a-ft. strong in its prako. It will perform i wi; Fcui one hundrud thousand troops, in llarrisburg on the l?th. Monroe on ! tj assist 1? ranee. in the IJttl. torvaliiSOIl the TiOtll. AlbanV I l'tms ,n D Tmmnncn r.rr-nnra- Trv A 1 : j i j iac::it.4e. we are .o; a cheaper printing than ev l i lilting, eitiier pian r,o right up to the liand'e. i hailing from Jacksonvi':.' :.iii:o as Ferdinand A ctzel, was ! attractions offered to circus goers duiing the week by Marshal ; :v 1 lifter an- examination, was j ;lJ insane, and sent below in j rr will coriainly make a stand here. j CEXLRAL IEARHWARE!' I'rtnce UC JOtCVlt.2 ana Auina.e are nt I vrhUh Is the lar-ct an. I rno.-t complete thii s:lc Wissembcurg. The I'riuci asked lure tf Portland. T r . n . You are invited to call and eismiae our goods u senu iu iu. x itiitu ucu. anj prices. The conviction prevails in the Clubs ! and among the people that the rule of the f.n the ' J. IrOnilliC en the -lid. ! r.nna mnlino. In ,lar..r,r! tlio ritv nnrl rp. L,:... ,v, c;ipr.rin ti, rm, i - ! tJonapart dvnasty is over. The rcstora- , bcio on the -Oui, r? on the j:otii7 s organize the army. 1 - . . . , , who i nnrl 5:, on the 27th. Kead the manv I v U. ..,..: . M..t, of the house of Orleans is anticipated. An f the Sheriff. :er force pump is to be erected in lVunt of Mr. John IJriggs' stove store. a Fir: s-trcet, when the du-5l will be jrefy cQectjally kept down in the two jriuoirji L:.icksd our city. ?! r. M ii'.et, agent f-.-r "Ten Years in V all MrLtt," lias b VTILLIAIVI DAVIDSON, Oflicc. No. CI Front Street, VORTI.AND - OUEGON. REAL ESTATE DEALER- Special Collector of Claims. i The Count of Paris is now in England. Paris, Aug. 11. At the battle of A !ar-c amount nf CITY and EAST I'OIIT- LAND Property for Pale. Also, IMPROVED FARMS, and va'.ile un- ciiKivatcd LAN DS, located in all ports of the State. therein wrk. Ja; en sick ever SlDCC : Invo.mfiits in KEfAX. KoTATE and otuor her return from Soda Springs, and has j CLAIMS of all flcriptinns promptly collected. -.. Kr,.n mH tn tr,rr,K fnr tlin i HOUSES and bTOlltr. l-nsed. ne- transacted. Parties having FARM PROPERTY for sale will please furnteh descriptions of tbe same to the AGENTS OF THIS OFFICE, in racli of the principal CITIES and TOWNS of this STATE. junn irro-tf. THE WAR Between too old and the new ; between high prints and long credits on the one band, and small prufit and r..R.iy pay on the other, still continues to rajre with unabated fury at Browns villo, and Wheeler, who represents in this contest the new order of things, eecios determined "to fight it out on that, lino if t tulss a lifetime. iJjie will hold a special term jf Court for Linn county, commencing "i Tu.-sday, fur hearing the case of J. T "Whitney vs. S. A. Johns. Messrs. Beach & Monteith are pro gressing finely with their mill race, .and will soon have the bacment dug. Physicians report, the general health good. In Europe it isu'tso health-, just now. Another inducement to emigrate. Mrs. Delazon Smith leaves, the fir.t of the month, fur her old home in Iowa-Kco-sauqua. Bon voyage. 130,000 troops. T it v rr V . hit, O -V lirtfiffK snrn , ' . , . ' ' . r V'orth, Gen. McMahon was twenty-five that Strassburg has only a garrison of j ' , - rnn it, r-irtr-.n t -! hours in the saddle without fooa. He i ,001) men, is invested by GO, 000 Oev- . . ' t i mm t ' fainted from exhaustion and fell into a mans, and must surrender, lhe Prus- j . . ditch, where fortunately he was discover ed and revived. The highest market price in ca?h paid for Wool, Bacon and Lard ! by A. COWAN A CO. OU. 30, 1SC3-3. Wheat. This article is coming in rapidly, and ia being converted into flour, j Choice wheat brings 80 cents per bushel, j Farmers generally refuse to sell at pres- J 5Ct. ! Sewing Society. The Methodist "Sewing Society meets at Mrs. Richard -Powers", on next Tuesday afternoon. . .Everybody invited to stippfer. Wheat Receipts. For the week ending Thursday, Ang. 11th, 1870, we have received the following reports: Magnolia Mills, 11,9-16.5 bushels; Al bany Steam Mills, 9,000 bushels. Life Insurance. See and read the new card of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Boston. This Company seems to be taking the lead among the life companies, and from its fair and honorable dealing through a long series of years, it is fairly entitled to the great popularity it has gained. ;, The gen tlemanly traveling ogent of the New England, Mr. S. M. Ilddrcdge, is at present stopping ia the city, and will be pleased to give any information in regard to the managcnjrif of Jse Co , its modes o? inj? irr. to. ' - store being sold lower than ever to make room for a large tall stock. 44 NKW TO - PAY. For SicxXo S CIIABIi - BOWIE'S Premium Wagons, OREGON MAKE, AT R. CHEADLE & CO.'S, ALBANY, OREGON. Julv .10, lS70-47tf - ' sians have begun the advance fiom Saar louis and Treves. The Pall .Mall Ga.-.elU- says the Fi ench empire is on the verge of collapse. Gen. Changarnier arrived at Metz, and interviewed Napoleon. Berlin, Aug. 9. Losses of the Trench on Saturday, at the battle of Worth, was 5,000 dead, wounded and missing, aud 6,000 prisoners. MeMahon's baggage, many cannon, and two long railroad trains, loaded with munitions ot war and provisions, besides thousands of tragglers, were captured by the I'rus iians. The Prussian loss was 3,500 dead and wounded. Paris, Aug. 9. Great excitement Dccurred at the Halls Legislatif to da-. The populace outside were dispersed by l'eoplo visiting Jirownsvillo will find at his i the troops amid the shouts of vive la rc a fine stock of all kinds of goods, which is , . I t 1 f Tl session inside was equally turbulent. Minister Olivier was forced to resign. Gen. Palikao was charged with forming a new Ministry. Several personal threats were made against Grammoot. The ses sion adjourned amid great uproar. Metz, Aug. 9. Both armies quiet yesterday. The rest of the French have been concentrated around Metz. There is- a rumor here that the Prince Imperial is at the French Embassy in London. A special eoi respondent writes from Paris that it ia more than possible that Napoleon will never re-enter Paris ; the army is sick of his amateur Generalship. It is rumored in Paris to-day that the Emperor is expected at St. Avoid incog nito. A requisition has beeu Bigned for the disolution of the Ministry, and the formation of a new Cabinet. An attack was made this P. M. on the Bourse. The people were driven out at half past two o'clock by the guard, and the gates closed all the afternoon. London, Aug. 10 Noon-- Gen. Durao&t" will take command of a division of the French army. It is rumored that Frederick Charles has cut his way through th Frwi lirtfis betwec Naoor and Metz The standard remedy for Couffbs, Influenza, Sore Taroot, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, BronchilU, Bleeding of the Lunge, and every aBbction et tbe Throat, Lungs and Chest, including CONSUMPTION. Wlstar'a Balsam does, not dry op a Conga, bat loosens it, cleansus tUe lungs, and allays irri tation, taas remoKing the cause of the complaint. Koce genuine anles signed I. Brtrs. Prepared by Seth W. Fowle & Son, Boston. Sold by Kedington. Hostettor k f!n., San Fraocisno, and deticrs jrererally 41y70 Gen. Douay, when he found all was lost, sent away all his aids, shot his'sad dle horse, and then deliberately walked into the face of the Prussian fire, and fell almost alone. The Loudon N. Y. Herald's cable says that all the French accounts of the battlc of Worth arc wholly untrue ; Mc Mahon was utterly routed, and his army abandoned everything and fled, leaving behind their dead, wounded and prison ers, numbering 20,000. ' Also, denies the statement that communication with Strassburg has beca re-opened, but says that city has been besieged since Monday, and its surrender demanded but refused, and that Prussian artillery for its reduc tion i on the way. The Crown Prince is still in pursuit of the French army" under Gen. McMahon. The London cable to the N. Y. Trib une, frora Paria, say3 that rutaors of fresh battles are constantly flying about the city. If another reverse occurs to the French arms, Napoleon loses all ; the confidence of the French people in him will be entirely destroyed, and the Orlean ists or a Republic will rule France. Paris, Aug. 11. A dense mass of citizens surrounded the Corps Legislatif, demanding arms. No disorder occurcd. Madrid, Aug. 11. An amnesty proclamation" has been issued, which in cludes all persons guilty of crime against the Government. JELfF-ATz ESTATE. STITZEl & JJPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AND G-ENERAL AGENTS. 13 ranola o ffl oe, Albany, Oregon, J. C. MBNDGNUaLL, - - Agent, G1 ENERAL LAND AGENCY FOR OREGON. ( Established July, 1SCS. An office where general information concerning the resources of Oregon can be obtained free of charge. Loans negotiated on first Mortgage, Real Es tate and Collateral Securities. We have for ftalo a large amount of property located in the town of Albany. Also, Faruiin.4 l.inds, of every des cription, located in Linn and other counties in this State. SI, 000 Reward is offered by the pro prietor of Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discovery for a medicine that will equal it in the cure of all diseases for which it is recommended. For Bronchitis, severe Coughs, and the early stages of Consumption, it has astonished the medical faculty by its wonderful cures, and hundreds of the best physicians pronounce it the great est medical discovery of thego. While it cures the severest coughs, it strength ens the system and purifies the blood. As a cure for Pimples ou the face, Eruptions, Blotches, Scrofulous diseases, and Liver ,. Complaint", or Biiliousness, it has never been equalled. Sold by druggists. The Genuine has Dr. Pierce's private Goveraaaat Fx'Am Stasip, oa J tp nuteide Tapper. To the citizens of Albany and viciuity, and to tbe owners of Real Estate : We take this method of calling your attention to onr place of busi ness. Having determined to open a Branch Of fice in your city, we can offer you a medium for obtaining purchasers one that is: appreciated by buyers, as it saves them much time and labor in searching for what they want. Our principal Agency, at Portland, Oregon, ia thoroughly es- ii' i i i rz 1 1 : .. v. ".. laUUPnUU, BQU 1 11 U U11H t: ev vcu auiutcucu ivi p;i, ine information upon Real Estate, that it affords the most complete facilities for all parties having business in our line. igrJf You incur no expense in placing your property on sale with us unless a sale is made. Office on First street, opposite Post-Office. JOHN C. MENDENHALL. Agent. Albany, Ogn., March 23, 1870. 29tf. STITZEL 4 UPTON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, J. C. MENDENHALL, Agent, Office First st opposite Post Office, Albany, Ogn. AVE for sale in the city of Albany, a desira ble Homestead, Lots 1, Z, 7 and 8, corner Third. Fourth and Elsworth streets, one -f thr best localities in the city. A good one and shalf story house, with all othir conveniences, iipply to J. C MUN DEN HALL, Agent, Albany, Oregon H "STAR" PICTURE GALLERY I BROWNSVILLE, : : : OREGON, HAS BEEN REFITTED WITH SKYLIGHT of the latest style, and tbe operating room with instruments of STRICTLY FIHST CLASS MAKE! with a choice stock of Materials, Chemicals, Ac, direct from Philadelphia. Our work shall recom mend itself. Pictures from Ring to Life size, at the lowest prices. Special facilities for taking Family Groups and copying Old Pictures. Call and see specimens. J. II. TEMPLETON, PETER HUME. A ft H H r-i OT s Q pa a 0 i a 0 6 0 3 at, O 'Z n u e o m s u s s ca ii & O a to a m n a o s u em (4 it a ar & o a 3D ft- 0 0 05 0 0 H o H u s e o 25 o C5 (53 ALBANY ADVERTISEMENTS. I,. CHKADLE, R. C1XBADI.K, Front-st., Albany, Ogn. I 120 Clay-st., Saa Fran cisco, California. R. Gheadle & Co.. Wnol'sale and Retail Pealers in Groceries anil Meneral Mercliaiiuise ! AS I. FORWARDING & COMMISSION UlillCIIAINTS. MARK GOODS : I-.. O., Albany, Oregon ; or AC f San FraaeUco, Ca). Care of ' r: Liberal advances made en cosilgnmeots. 81 a H0TICZ TO SHIPPERS. ' I INTEND DOING A General Commission Business i - " IN SIV FRANCISCO, for tbe purpose of selling All Kinds of Produce that may be consigned tome to scIL LAIAR COEADLE, SLllortiay, Oregon Will receive and attend to all orders on 'me to b filled in San Francisco. oct9-5tf B. CHEADLE. GOODS RECEIVED BY Every Steamer which will be sold for CASH or TR-A-Tlis:. -Si H ft u s me V. S o O 4 m a M a H CO o &. Cm o fit -m 6 - & .'CO g W a C O 4 H 8 co bo s o tm ea Si h 68 2 fi & U - a M 8 - 5 S. 71 a A a) .s 2. & -3 & 5 $ a r WHEAT WANTED ! AT Sixty Cents per Bushel ! ja trade, or on Rook account, j For all that may he o lit' red cct9-5 R CHEADLE. A. Weekly Newspaper. Containing 28 eoloma ef matter, IS PCDLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, tn the City of Albany, AT Per Annxim, A ADVANCE, Six montbf $2 H v a tf w. U In tbe Drag Store will be found a full assort ment of Drugs, Patent Medicines. Perfumery, Paints, Oils, tc, c. Also, Boobs and Station ery. School Books made a specialty. Dr. Rowland has charge, and may be coo so! ted professionally at any time. Port Office building, liroirnsnlle, Oregon. April 20, '70-33 PETER HUME. To Wboa It VZzy Ooeoerai . pi H. BABEB. ill y 1SJ Agot diS A'iy Mar-a'IS. lT.-2f-3w. o u m a 3 s a 5 H SS H tn SS o u cu H H M O w PS St; - a O U4 t-3 CO C5 V5 Pi at a b C u S8 5 w 9 O 2 W aj h -s I : 1 ' u u -O 0 S2 lu 5- in ed XV. S. DRIGGS, CITY NEWS DEPOT, Front street, Albany, Orey. HAS JUST OPENED A FIRST-CLASS XKlVs DEPOT and STATIONERY STOR E, Wbere at all times will be found the latest Peri odicals, Magazines, Newspapers. B"k 91 . all kinds, Writing Paper, every variety, all kinds and sixes of Envelopes, aod tbe most beautiful PBOTOOBAFBIO AX.B0MS. tvd dfrS f"m 6M Francisco by "err SSmer. . Term. dcr.t. - Giro so a e.11- - w W" B" WOB. Albany, April 9.. TO.-31-ly. PUTCEKS Isabea4f aaytiiug of tie kind. BaaAy n iebeap. Try iU Sold by ttse irrnggwi.. "LOCAL ITEMS" made a SPECIALTY. THE REGISTER JOB PRINTING Firt street, (opposite Parrieh & Co?i store, Albany set Oregon. I' ll and dispatoh. aU kinds of 1 !, suek as Jiand-bSU, Programme, BiU-headi, Ctrds, ; - Ball Ticket; Pamphlett, Labelt, Blank of all lcini at as Tow Sitnro as dua regard to taste sad goM work will allow. When you want anything ia the printing lice. tte BaoiiTwa offlc. mmrue