The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 30, 1870, Image 1

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    VOL. 2.
NO. 34.
ft JVltoij tyistex.
pCblissed itmt Saturday by
One Tear
Six Months
Single Copies
Thrco Dollar
Two Dollar!
.' -Ten Cents
Transient advertisements per Sqnaro of ten
lines or less, first insertion, $3; each subsequent
Insertion, $1.
Larger advertisements inserted on the most
liberal terms.
Ilavinjt received new type, stock of colored
inks, cards, a Gordon Jobber, etc., we are pre
pared to execute all kinds of printioo in a better
manner and fifty per cent, cheaper Mian eror bo
fore offered in this city.
. .
Agents for the Register.
The following gentlemen are authorized to re
ceive and receipt for subscription, advertising,
etc., for the Register :
HIRAM SMITH, Esq Harrisburg.
Judge S. H. CLAUGHTON Lebanon.
PETER HUME, Esq ..Brownsville
W. R. KIRK, Esq "
E. E. WHEELER. Esq Scio.
T. H. REYNOLDS, Esq Salem.
Geo. W. CANNON, Esq.- Portland.
L. P. FISHER, Esq 'Frisco.
Attorney at Law,
Real Estate Broiers
Portland, - -
Notary Public.
: Collecting Agents,
- - Orcg-oa.
Sale of Real Estate, Real Estate Litigation,
and the Collection of Claims.
Office, North-west corner of First and Wash
ington Streets, Portland, Ogn. feb26-70-23
s. p. SMITH.
otsxr-v JL xi 1) 1 1
made an I attested. Conveyances and col
lections attended to. I2"69
"Wos-torxx Hotel, .
Corner First and Morrison streets,
Portland, Oregon.
Messrs. SMITH A COOK have taken this
well knowu house, refitted and refurnished
it throughout, built & large addition, making
thirty more pleasant rooms, enlarged the Dining
and Sitting rooms, making it by far the
Rest Motel in Portland.
A eall from the traveling public will satisfy
them that the above statements are true.
N. It. Hot and cold Baths attached to the
house for the benefit of guests. 60
Portland, August loth, 1869.
Tlie Box Tunnel.
ik. Albany, Oregon.
Uefice In the Parrish Brick.
J. HAii0.j
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
FFICE On Main street, opposito Foster's
Brick. 1-69
Ililtabidcl & Co.,
visions, Wood and Willow Ware, Confec
tionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Notions, etc.
Main street, adjoining the Express office, Albany,
Oregon. 1
E. A. Preeland,
I W School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, i
btationery. Gold and Steel Pens, Ink. etc. Post
office Building, Albany, Oregon. Books ordered
from New York and San Francisco. I
S. H. Clang-bton,
AGENT. Office in the Post Office building,
Lebanon, Oregon.
Will attend to making Deeds and other convey
ances, also to the prompt collection of debts en
trusted to my care. I
Mitchell, Bolph & Smith,
v Solicitors in Chancery and Proctors in Ad
miralty. Office over the old Post Office, Front
street, Portland, Oregon. I
corner op
Front and Washington Streets,
X. P. W. Qnimby, .... Proprietor.
(Late of the Western Hotel.)
THIS HOUSE is the most commodious in the
State, newly furnished, and it will be ths
endeavor of the Proprietor to mako his gueate
comfortable. Nearest Hotel to the steamboat
;SSr The Concord Coach will always be foul
at the landing, on the arrival of steamships ar
river boats, carrying passengers and their bat'-
gage to and from the boats free of charge.
Ifotue tupplied ici'fA Patent Fire Ejrtiiujuishert.
Front street : : : Portland, Oreg-on.
chased this well known Hotel, are now pre
pared to offer the traveling public belter accom
modations than can be found elsewhere in they
Board and Lodging OO per day.
The Hotel Coach will bo in attendance to con
vey Passengers and baggage to and from the
Hotel free of chnnje.
Civil ISiisineer & Surveyor.
Engineering. Uses improved Solar Compass.
Orders by mail promptly attended to. Residence
on 4th St., opposite Dr. Tate's residence, Albany
Oregon. nI9-6m
Powell &. Flinn,
and Solicitors in Chancery,
(X,. Flinn, Notary Public,)
Albany, Oregon. Collections and conveyances
prompt? attended to. I
CONSTANTLY on hand and receiving, a
large stock of
Groceries and Provisions,
Wood and Willow Ware, Tobacco, Cigars, Con
fectionery, Yankee Notions, Ac., Ac, Wholesale
Retail, opposite K. C. 11 ill A son's drag
Office Oregon A California Stage Company, B.
G. Whitehocsb, Agent. 2tf
JVew Columbian Hotel,
Nos. 118, 120 and 122 Front street,
The Largest, Best and most Convenient
Hotel in Portland!
Located in the center of business and near all
the steamboat landings.
Board and Lodging1
From one to two dollars per day according to the
room occupied.
Rooms newly furnished and well ventil
ated. Superior accommodations for families.
The New Columbian Hotel Coach will be
in attendance at all the landings to convey pas
sengers and baggage to and from this Hotel
17 jZSEf- Free ot Charge ! -f?:3j. 69
store, Albany, Oregon.
Corner First and Washington Sts.,
Furnished throughout, the proprietor
hopes to give entire satisfaction to the traveling
public. The beds are supplied with spring-bottoms.
Tha fable will receive the closest atten
tion, and everything the market affords palaila
to guests will be supplied. jan29-2I
Main street, - Albany, Oregon.
ITIeats of All Kinds,
Constantly on hand.
. 30-6m Q. B. HAIGHT.
J a New Shaving Saloon, on First street, Al
bany, Oregon, invite all those wishing a Clean
Shave, Hair Dressing, or Shampooing, to give
mm a call.
Albany, April 2, 1870.-30
JL fully inform the citizens of Albany and vi
cinity that he has taken charge of this establish
ment, and, by keeping clean rooms and paying
strict atttntic 3 to business, expects to suit all
o who ma favor him with their patronage,
Waving heretofore carried on nothing but
First-Clama Hair Dressing Saloons,
he Pec to give entire satisfaetion to all. -
WyI9y2 -
FasMonaWe Millinery ani Fancy Goofls.
Follows Dress and Cloak Making' in all
their varied branches.
In Latest Style and best manner.
The 10:15 train glided from Padding
ton, May 7, 1847. In the left compart
partmcnt of a certain first-class car
riage were four passengcrj; of these
two were worth description. The lady
had a smooth, white, delicate brow,
strongly marked eye brows, long lashes,
eyes that seemed to change color, and a
good sized delicious mouth, with teeth
as white as milk. A man could cot see'
her nose for her eyes and mouth, but
her own sex could aud would have told
us some nonsense about it. She wore
an unpretending grayish dress buttoned
up to the throat and a Scotch shawl that
agreeably avaded the responsibility of
color. She was like a duck, so tight her
feathers fitted her ; and there she sat,
smooth, snug and delicious, with a book
inher baud, and a sovpeon of her Bnowy
wrist just visible as she held it. Her
opposite neighbor was what I call a good
style of young man the more to his
credit since he belonged to a corporation
that irequcntly turns out the worst imag
inable style of young men. lie was a
cavalry officer, aged twenty-five. He
had a mustache, but not a repulsive one;
not one of those subnasal pigtails, on
which soup is suspended like dew on a
sbrub ; it was short, thick, and black as
a coal. His teeth had' not yet been
turned by tobacco smoko to the color of
tobacco juice ! his clothes did not stick
to nor hang on him, they sat on him ;
he had no engaging smile, and, what I
liked the dog for, his vanity, which was
inordinate, was in its proper place, bis
heart, not his face, jostling mine and
other people's who have none ; in short,
he was what one oftencr bears of than
meets a young gentleman. He
conversing in an animated whisper with
a companion, fellow-officer they were
talking about, what it is far better not
to do, women. Our friend clearly did
not wish to be overheard, for he cast,
ever and anon, a furtive glance at bis fair
vis-avis; and lowered his voice. She
Seemed completely absorbed in her book,
and that reassured him. . At last the two
soldiers came down to a. whisper, and in
that whisper (the truth must b told) the
ne who got down at Slough aud was lost
to posterity, bet ten pounds to three that
he who was going down with us to Hatb
and immortality would not kiss either of
the ladies opposite upon the road. -'Done!
Done !" Now I am sorry that a man I
have hitherto praised should have let
himseli, even in a whisper, to such a
speculation : but "nobody is wise at all
1 hours," not even when the clock is strik-
j ing five and you are to consider bis pro-
! tession, ins gooa iuoks, ana me tempta
tion ten to three.
After Slough the party was reduced
to three ; at Twyford oije lady dropped
her handkerchief; Captain Dolignan fell
on it like a tiger and returned it like a
Iamb;" two or three words were inter
changed on that occasion. At Heading
the Marlborough of our tale made one
of the safe investments of that day ; he
bought a Times and a Punch; the latter
was full of steel pen thrusts and wood
cuts. Valor and beauty deigned to
laughed at some inflated humbug or other
punctured by Punch. jow laughing
together thaws our human ice ; long be
fore Swindon it was a talking match at
Swindon who so devoted as (gptain Dol
ignan he handed hem out--he souped
them hebrar.died and chochiubaled one,
and he brandied and" burntsugared the
other. On their return to the carriage
one lady passed into the inner compart
ment to inspect a certain gentleman's seat
on that side of the line.
You have seen a dog meet an unknown
female of his species; how emjresse,
how expressive he becomes ; such was
Dolignan after Swindon, and, to do the
dog justice, he got handsomer and hand-
There was a sound of hurried whis
pers, the door was shut and the blind
pulled down with hostile sharpness.
If any critic falls on me for putting
inarticulate sounds in a dialogue os above,
I answer with all the insolence I can
command at present, "Hit boys as big as
yourself," bigger, perhaps, such as Soph
ocles, Euripides and Aristophanes, they
began it, and I learned it of them, sore
against my will.
Miss Haythorn's scream lost a part of
its effect, because the engine whistled
forty .thousand murders at the same
moment ; and fictitious grief makes'itself
heard when real cannot. r
Between the tunnel and Bath our
young friend bad -time to ask himself
whether bis conduct had been marked by
that delicate reserve which is supposed
to distinguish the perfect gentleman.
With a long face,real or feigned he
held open the door his late friends at
tempted to escape on the other side
impossible ! they must pass him. She
whom be bad insulted (Latin for a kiss)
deposited somewhere at his feet a look of
gentle, blushing reproach ; the other,
whom he had not insulted, darted rcdhot
daggers at him from her eyes, and so they
It was, perhaps, fortunate for Dolignan
that he bad the grace to be friends with
Major Hoskyns, of his regiment, a vet
eran laughed at by the youngsters, for
the Major was too apt to look coldly upon
billiard balls and cigars; he had seen
cannon balls and linstocks. He bad also.
to tell the truth, swallowed a good bit of
the inessrooni poker, but with it some
sort of moral poker, which made it im
possible lor liosKvns to descend to an
ungcntlemanly word or action or to brush
his own trowsers below the knee.
Captain Doliguan told this gentleman
was j h;3 story in gleeful accents ; but Major
Hoskyns beard bint coldly, and as coldly
answered that he had known a man lose
bis life for the same thing. "That is
nothing," continued the Major, "but
unfortunately he deserved to lose it."
At this the hot blood mounted to the
younger man's temples, and bis senior
added, "I mean to say that he was thirty
five ; you, I presume, are twenty-oae."
tion; he told her of the action that had.
been commenced in her name; she gently
shrugged her shoulders, and said, "How
stupid they are!" Fmboldened by this,
be begged to know whether or not a uio
of distant unpretending devotion would,
after a lapse of years, erase the memory
of his madness bis crime.
She did not know !
She must now bid him adieu, as she
had some preparations to make for a ball
iii the Crescent, where everybody was to
b?. They parted and Dolignan deter
mined to be at the ball where everybody
was to be. He was there, and after,
sometime be obtained an introduction to
Miss Haythorn, and he danced with her.
Her manner was gracious. With the
wonderful tact of her sex she seemed to
have commenced the acquaintance that
evening. That night, for the first time,
Dolignan was in love. I will spare the
reader all a lover's arts, by which he suc
ceeded in dining where she dined,' in
dancing where she danced, in overtaking
her by accident where she rode. His
devotion followed ber even to church,
where our dragoon was rewarded by
learning there is a world where they
neither polk nor smoke the two capital
abominations of this one.
He made the acquaintance with her
uncle, who liked him, and he saw at last,
with joy, that her eye loved to dwell up
on him, when she thought he did not ob
serve ber.
It was three months after the Box Tun
nel that Capfain Dolignan called one day
upon Captain Haythorn, 11. N., whom be
had mej: twice in his life, and slightly
propitiated by violently listening to a
cutting out expedition; he called, aud in
the usual way asked permission to pay
his addresses to his daughter. That
worthy straightway began doing quarter
deck, when suddenly be was summoned
from the apartment by a mysterious mes
sage. On bis return he announced, with
a total change of voice, that "it was all
right, and his visitor might run alongside
as soon as he chose." My reader has di
vined the truth; this nautical cammand-
cr, terrible to tli3 foe, was in complete
and happy subjugation to his daughter,
our heroine.
As he was taking leave, Dolignan saw
his divinity glide into the drawing room,
lie followed her, observed a sweet con
sciousness which encouraged 'him; that
no one of this, and send I consciousness deepened into confusion
That is much the same thing; -ou
will be advised by me."
"If you will advise me.
that be may think you
Cosuer First and Broadalbin streets, Albany,
Oregon. janlnl?-70
somer; and you have seen a cat conscious
"V and
3U !
Bedding, Etc, ,
Corner First and Broad Alb in streets,
in his line.
October 1863-3
runrtTuvo. - - TURUfmo.
F AIjIi KINDS, printed at tha very lowest
, viuwcui ah mis omce
I keep on hand and make to order
Spinning Wheels.
JUST- Shop near the "Magnolia Mills."
Albany, Not. 28, 1868-12
of approaching cream such was Miss
Haythorn; she became demurer and de
murer ; presently ur Captain looked out
cf the window and laughed ; this elicited
an inquiring look from Miss Haythorn.
"We are only a mile from the Tun
nel." "Do you" always laugh a mile
from the Box Tunnel ?" said the lady.
"Invariably." i 4
"What for?" ;
"Why! hem! it's a gentleman's joke."
"Oh, I don't mind its being silly if it
makes me laugh." ' Captain-Dolignan,
thus encouraged, recounted the following:
A lady and her husband sat together
going through the Box Tunnel there
was one gentleman opposite ; it was pitch
dark ; after the tunnel the lady said :
"George, how absurd of you to salute
me going through the tunnel !" "I did
no such thing !" "You didn't?" "No!
Why ? "Why, because somehow I
thought you did ?", Here Capt. Dolig
nan laughed, and endeavored to lead his
companion to laugh, but it was not to be
done. I be train entered the tunnel
Miss Haythorn "Ah !"
Dolignan "What is the matter ?'
Miss . Hay thorn "! am frighten
Dolignan (moving to her side) "Pray
do not be alarmed, I am near you.
Miss Haythorn '"You are near me,
very near me, indeed, Captain Dolignan
Dolignan "You know my name.?"
Miss Haythorn "I heard your friend
mention it. I wish wc were out of this
dark place." ' l1 v . . "
Dolignan " I could be content to
spend hours bero reassuring you, sweet
Miss Haythorn "Nonsense ?".
Dolignan "Pweep !" CG rave reader.
do not put your lips to the cheek of the
next pretty creature you meet, or you
win una org tan a wnat tbis means.)
Miss Haythorn "Ee ! Ee 1 Ee I"
Friend "What is the matter ?"
Miss Haythorn "Open the door!
open tb door !"
Sneak to
White the
lost the bet."
"That is hard, when I won it."
"Do it, for all that, sir."
Let the disbeleivers in human perfect-
ibility know that this dragoon, capable of
a blush, did this virtuous action, albeit
with violent reluctance, atfd this was bis
first damper. A week after these events
he was at a ball. He was in that state
of factitious discontent which belongs to
us amiable English. He was looking in
vain for a lady equal in personal attrae-,
tions to the idea he had formed of George j
Dolignan as a man, when suddenly there
glided past him a most delightful vision!
a lady whose beauty and symmetry took
him by the eyes another look ! It can't
be! Yes, it is !" Miss Haythorn ! (not
that be knew her name!) but what an
apotbtsis !
The duck bad become a pea.-hen ra
diaut, dazzling, she looked twice as beau
tiful and almost twice as large as before.
He lost sight of her. He found her
again. She was so lovely sbo made, him
ill and he. alone, must not dance with
her, speak to her. If he bad been con
tent to begin her acquaintance in. the
usual way, it might have ended in kiss
ing, but having begun with kissing it
must end in nothing. As she danced,
sparks of beauty fell from her on all
around, but him she did not see him ;
it was clear she never would see him
one gentleman wsfs psrticularly assiduous;
t3 i
she smiled on bis assiduity; he was ugiy
but she smiled on him. Dolignan was
surprised at his success, his ill taste, bis
ugliness, his impertinence, uongnan ai
last found himself injured.
Who was this man and what right
had b to (to on so ? -He had never
kissed her. I suDnose." said Dolly. Pol
icrnau could not ptovo it, but be tclt that
somehow the riorhts of property were in
vaded. He went home and dreamed ot
Miss Havthorn, and hated all the ugly
successful. He spent a lort-mght trying
to find out who this beauty was lie nev
er could encounter her again. At last
he hcarjd of ber in this way : a lawyer s
clerk paid him a little visit and com
5 . .. . .1- ? . f
menced a little action against mm, in me
name of'Miss Havthorn, for insulting her
in a railway train.
The vounsr eentleman was shocked;
endeavored toyboften the lawyer's clerk;
the machine din not thoroughly compre
bend tho meaning of the term. The la
dy's name, however, was at last revealed
by this untoward incident; from her name
to her address was but a snon Biep; ana
the same day our crestfallen hero lay in
wait at her door, and many a succeeding
day, without effect. But one fine after
noon she issued forth quite naturally, an
if she did it every day, and walked on
the nearest parade. Dolignan did the
same; be met and passed her many times
on the parade, and searched for pity in
her eyes, but found neither look nor rec
ognition, nor any other sentiment; for all
this she walked and walked, till all the
other promonaders were tired and gone
- then ber culprit summoned resolution,
and taking off his hat, with a voice trem
ulous for the first time, besought permis
sion to address her.. She stopped, blush
ed, and neither acknowledged or dis
owned bis acquaintance. He blushed,
stammered out how ashamed bo was, how
he was punished, how little" Bhe knew
how unhappy he was; and concluded by
begging her not to let all the world
know the disgrace of a man who was al
ready mortified enough by the loss of her
acquaintance She asked an csplana-
she tried to laugh, she cried instead, and
then sho smiled again, and when he kiss
ed her hand at the door, it was "George"
and "Marian," instead of Captain this,
and Miss the other. A reasonable time
after this (for my tale is merciful and
skips formalities and torturing delays,) i
these two were very happy they were
once more upon the railroad, going to en
joy their honeymoon all by themselves.
Marian Dolignan was dressed just as be
fore duck-like, and delicious, all bright,
except her clothes, but George sat beside
her this time . instead ot opposite; and
she drank him, gently from under her
long eyelashes. "Marian," said George,
'married people should tell each other
all. ' Will you ever .forgive me if I own
to you no "
"les, yes! '
"Well, then! you remember the Box
Tunnel," (this was the first allusion he
had ventured to it;) "I am ashamed to
sav I had bet 3 to 10 with White, I
would kiss one of you two ladies;" and
George, pathetic externally, chuckled
I know that, George; I overheard
you, was the aeirurc reply.
"Oh, you overheard me: impossible.
"And did you not hear me whisper to
my companion? I made a bet with her."
"lou made a bet! how singular! what
was it?"
"Only a pair of gloves, George."
"Yes, I know, but what about it?"
"That if you did, you should bo' my
husband, dearest."
"Oh! but stay then you could not
have been so very angry with me, love;
why, dearest, then, who brought that
action against me?" :
Mrs. Dolignan looked down.
"I was afraid you were forgetting me,
George. You will never forgive me?"
"Sweet angel! why, here is tho Box
Now, reader fie! no! no!" no such
thing! You can't expect to bo indulged
in this way every time we come to a dark
place besides, it is not tho thing. Con
sider, two sensible married people no
Euch phenomenon, I assure you, took
place. No scream issued in hopeless ri
valry of the engine tbis time!
lifty-three Years Ago.
We will now relate a mournful trage
dy. In Greenbrier county, West Vir
ginia, there lived, in an early day, a wor
thy and highly esteemed gentleman, whom
we shall call Mr. Johnson.' He had a
largo estate, and a numerous family of
sons and daughters. One of his girls
Jane was, at the timel817 a very
beautiful and charming woman, IS years
of age. A young man of their acquain
tance, whose name was James Thompson,
paid his addresses to Miss Jane, and a
mutual love dwelt in their hearts. Mr.
Thompson was of good parentage, was
quite wealthy, and highly accomplished."-
lie asked her parent s consent to their
marriage, and received a cordial assent.
Id that dav and time, bans of marriage
were published by the preacher, on three
different days, to as many congregations,
not less than three weeks ensuing, then
the parties were joined together in wed
lock, without a licence from the Clerk ol
tho Court of that county.' The bans had
been published twice; and the day set
tor their marriage, two weeks ahead, when
Miss Jane came on a visit to our 'settle
ment. There was a log rolling and a
quilting at a brothers cf the writer, and
Jane was there. At night there was a
dance, as there were many youngsters
present. There was a young mau of the
company, by the name of Flcshman a
captain of our militia. He was a lady's
man nearly all the girls round about
were in love with him. . From a spirit of
coquetry and a desire to rival the other
girls in the attentions of the gay and
charming young Captain, Miss Jane'made
advances towards him, which were soon
appreciated. They seemed to only live
for each ' other. They danced together
often, but with none others, and a regu
lar courtship ensued. About 2 o'clock A.
M. they stealthily retired to a room, and
drawing aside the curtains of a bed, re
tired in it. But jealous eyes were turned
towards them. All the crowd soon knew
about it, and the tongue ot slander was
buisy. Before Miss Jane returned home,
the report of her conduct had reached
the neighborhood, in a dark form. After
she arrived at home, Mr. Thompson came
there, and in a,mild, yet grieved manner,
told her and her parents what he had
heard, Jane did not deny it, but asked
his forgiveness. He stated that be con
sidered her virtually as his wife, from the
time he bad asked her parents for ber,
and had paid attentions to no lady after
wards. And if she would so conduct
herself then, he could have no confidence
in her, after they should be married. He
therefore declined all engagement with
ber, and returned home. Her mother,
from that day forward for six months,
hardly ceased to unbraid her, "and expose
her to all Who came to her house, lven
the colored women slaves oher father
uttered towards ber bitter reproaches.
Poor Jane discovered that one false
step had worked out for her disgrace
and sorrow. Matters were thus when
hay harvest began oa her father's farm.
Of blacks and hired men there were
about a. dozen mowing in the field.
There were ' some half dozen white
ladies at her father's that day (July
18th) assisting her mother at a quilt.
The conversation turned on the easiest
mode of death. Some said drowning
and some said hanging; but the major
ity thought banging was the easiest
death. About five o'clock v. M. Jane
left tho. quilt, passed out along the
porch, and took under her apron a small
rope left there by some one. bhe passed
along. the field fence where the men I
were mowing, and only one pf them saw
her, and he did not know that it was
Jane. At supper she wos missing. The
night passed, and no tidings of her.
They supposed that she must have gone
to a neighbor's in that vicinity, and a
person started thither. About a half
mile from the field was the body of the
once beautiful Jane Johnson, suspended
from the limb of a tree, cold and lifeless,'
and much blackened and swollen. She
would have become a mother in a few
months more. I knew her well. I was
then a small boy. Never shall I forget
the shock upon the feelings of the
numerous friends and acquaintances of
her father's family. Fifty-three years
have passed away since that sad tragedy,
but my heart bleeds afresh in penning
this short notice of her mourntul end.
April, 1870. Pacific.
Tan Schnider has succeeded in his at
tempt to destroy that dangerous obstacle
to navigation at San Francisco, known a
Blossom Bock. -
On the 21st, at Corvallis, tho Willam
ette Freighting Company successfully
launched their new steamboat, Calliope
The Company intend building a larger
and finer boat immediately.-
Simon II. Allensworth, residing about
six miles from Scottsburg, Oregon, met
his death on the" 15th lost. He was roi
ling a log upon a skid when the skid
broke and the log rolled upon him, Crush
ing and mangling him fearfully, causing
instant death. . , " '
A company entitled the Merchants' and1
Farmers', Navigation- Company jJljOOO1
capital, has been organized at Oukland, for ,
the purpose of building a steamer to nav
igate Umpqua. Capt. Ilaun, age At, goes'
to San Francisco to order machinery.
Prof. Veatch died of pneumonia.
Hot Beds. Make a pit of two feet,
deep, with side snd end boards the proper
size for glazed sash as you have or pro
pose to get. Put in manure to the depth
of two feet. " Do not tramp it down, but
flatten it down a little with the spade
It the manure is rather dry water
should be sprinkled upon it. Tho sashes
of glass may now be placed upon the bed
frame, and the bed left for about twelve
hours, when air should bo closed again.
In three or four days the soil may be
put on this bed of manure. Fine garden
mold shoutd be used, and it Bhould be
spread to the depth of six or eight inches
evenly over the bed. In one or two days
the seed may be sown. If sown as soon
as the soil is put on, the soil is said to
burn so as to destroy - the germ of the
seed." Therefore air should begivcu to
the bed once or twice before the seed is
Sow tho seeds when
is 65 to 70 degrees.
the temperature
Tho tariff bill drags in tho -House, ouly
a quarter of it having been considered.
The great questions of iron, steel, coal,
salt, hides, and the free list, are not yet
reached. Talk is quite general that a
motion to table will be made the last of
this week.
Turning the Devil to Grass.
So rapid is their way of doing things in
ChicagOj that, when a man makes np
his mind to reform (rather a tough job),
it becomes important to fix him promptly.
It is . therefore necessary, at times, to cut
a hole in the ice to perform the solemn
ceremny of baptism. On one of these
occasions a convert, who bad felt the ne
cessity of that lite, was immorsed, and
on coming , out wa asked by the minis
ter, "How'do vou feel now, brotner i
"Better," was the reply ; "pnt me in
again." The request was complied with,
and after the second dip, the question
was repeated. "How do you feel now?"
"Better ! letter!" was the response, in a
solemn . tone of voice "the devil may
go to ffros now!'
Such is the plucky spirit of the Chi
cago couvert ! Harpcr'a Marjxzine.
We do not know whether anybody has
or has not printee the story which relates
how a certain genial bald headed gentle
man, whilo in Paih tti3 day, went to
the Zoological Gardens. The weather
was warm, and he lay down on a bench
Presently he fell asleep, and he was
aroused by a strange feeling of warmth
on the head. An infa'uated orstrich had
come ' along; and, mistaking his bald
head for an egg, settled down with & res
olute determination to hatch it or sit there
foreter. Our friend yelled for help nn-
tn a keeper came and led that disappoio
ted and regretful ostrich away to his
1859 1870. The candidate toi
County Clerk of Linn county, of the'
Albany platform ticket, is named A. C.
Jones. We find in the Salem Statesman
of July 12, 1859, slong letter, from A:
C. Jones, of Scio, Linn county, id which, .
after having given at length bis reasons
for having voted against the Hon- "
Lansing Stout, the Democratic nominee
for Congress, in the just preceding June
election, be concludes thus :
"It was considered best to stand aloof
from every part -of the arrangement the
election of Stout, and thereby cast a
lasting rebuke upon all such proceed
ings, and thereby show to all would-be'
political leaders thac if they would have
the support of the Democracy they must
stand forth on a truo basis tbey musfr
bold forth and sustain principles of
Is the A. C. Jones who wrote that
letter, and who voted against Mr. Stout,
the same A. C. Jones who is now asking
Democrats to vote for him for Clerk of
Liou county? Will not our dear friend
of the Democrat furnish information or
the subject ? Portland Commercud.
Another . Lie Nailed. As Demo
cratic papers have been charging thai'
Gen. Palmer once swindled Gen. Sheri
dan by "greenbacking" him, a citizen of
Benton county telegraphed- to Phil, in
relation to the charge, and rceeived the
following answer : "Gen. Palmer settled
witli me honorably" " So 'says the Uor-
vallis Gazette. Try again, repudiator
Sudden Death. Dr. John A. Veatch
died suddenly at East Portland, on the
morning of the 24th. He had been .
resident of Oregon but two years, but his
great scientific knowledge and research
has made his name and fame as wide as
the State. j
Ke nominated. Hon. S. Garfieldo
has been re-nominated-as candidate for
Delegate to Congress by the Republican
Convention of Washington Territory.
What will the sore-heads do now, poor
Tbe fools are not all dead. Some of .
the biggest of the family are reporters on
vi, nnu, .;;nv -
up Prince Arthur. Uis . last sneeze is
minutely described as a penect success,
though whether his sleeve or his nana-
erchief was brought into requisition af
terwards, is a point now under violent
Miss Loretta Mann, of Adrian MichI'
gan, somewhat distinguished in various,
parts of the State last fall as a "walk-
iet, and rival to Weston, is now pursuing
her studies in the Philadelphia medical
College. She peformcd her quite remark
able teats of Walking for tbe purpose
of raising money to this end.
A cobweb wedding was celebrated in
Iowa the other day. Mr. Joseph Cobb
was united in marriage to Miss ivate
Webb. '
HI . i !
The active pickpocket obeys the scrip
tural injunction, by pursuing diligently
what his hands find to do.
Although all the days in Match but one
are Lent, it will have two full moons by
wit of comnebs&tioQ.
Tbe Japanese cow coming Into Califor.
nia, are said to have a heathenish habita
of minding their own business.
A voting lady la Clicago laid s tracer
of a kiss, but the umpire declared all
bets off because shq failed to pnt up the
Appended to marriage notice lately
was found, "do cards, co company, no
body's business." There's independence
for you.
. A newly-married man compared his
wife to a perfect rose, but thinks that she
"blows outl' a little too often. .
When Adam and Eve ate of tbe tree of
Knowledge, it is pfobable that, tbey
studied the highest branches.
i . i .
What folly it is to be always talking
ot our "first parents" as if it were possible ;
for us to have - second set.
If you can't coax a fish to bite, try
your persuaive powers on cross dog,
and you will be sure to succeed.
During the past year, 11,567 hami
grants arrived at the port of Baltimore