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About The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1869)
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 18G9. LOCAL AFFAIRS 76(3-761 132 J i San Francisco Legal Tender rates...... .New-York Gold quotations Jubilant. An ordinauee passeil our City Council (see proceedings in another column),on Thursday.,-appropriating S2,000 lor the purchase of a fire engine for the use of Albany Fire Co. . No 1. Of course this action of the Council tweets with the hearty approba tion of the members of the Fire Compa uy'and a nmjority of our citizens. The boys generally feel jolly, ind join in the expression, "liully for the Council !" - . Tiie -..Twesty-Skcond Ball. The ball on the night of the 22d, at Parrish ttall iu this city, given ly Albany Fire Company No. 1, was a grand success. So far as we have heard an expression, the opinion is the most favorable. The hall was most handsomely decorated and lighted tip, principally through the exer tions and management of the Foreman of the Company,' Jos. Webber, and his 1st and -d Assistants, Messrs. Farrcli and. Rogers. The programme for danc ing was so arranged as to please every body a thing very rarely accomplished. The supper a general donation affair, i provided almost entirely by the ladies of our city was another success, a big fea ture of the evening. It is usual to say, iic, but conscientiously, now, we can't say we heard the tables groan any to speak of, but there was no lack of pas tries or substantial ; and after all had partaken freely, there were a number of bplen Jidly frosted cakes, pies, hams chickens, etc., left, which were disposed of at private sale the next day. It was decidedly the most pleasant party we have attended for veais. The total re ceipts were S197 25; expenditures, $117 25, leavixig 80 as net profit to the Coni- Suggestion. We have been inform cd that the Four blocks immediately sur rounding Albany College, belong to that corporation. These Collepe grounds arc just far enough from the centre cf basi ness for a pleasant evening or morning walk. By the judicious expenditure of a ruull amount ot money now, in the way of erecting a fence, planting a few trees nd sowing with blue grass, - in a short time the College grounds would be the most attractive place in our city. Thus a in nrnrl r cr q it i 1 in n r i fri mv t V a trrAii ml lUiIUI ill U I IA wuuviljlUp LUU s ta -e would not only enhance their value, but the value of property in the immediate vicinity. ' With other eities and towns in Oregon, we have nothing io the way of a plaza or park which is fee to the gene Tal public. From suggestions made to us by different citizen, we believe that all will give liberally toward decorating the grounds aboTe mentioned, and making them an ornament to our eity. At pre sent they arc of no practical utility what ever. What say those in authority ? 1'lowino. Our farmers are making use of the fine weather we arc at present enjoying, plowing, harrowing, and in some instances sowing urain. The trav ' cling ! hereabouts is very fair generally, the roads in "spots" already getting dusty, and should the present delightful weather hoid a few days louger, the roads' everywhere will be in splendid condition. Water has even disappeared from some of tho sloughs. As a conse quence of a lack of rain the river is again very low and navigation difficult "Bat CoDE."Mo8t every man you meet complains of a 'bad code"; "nodze stopped, up, kan'd 'ardly brede." It seems to be a kind of distemper that has spread over the country like an epidem ic. If we had been visited -with the usual amount of "mist" at this season, ' instead of the beautiful weather we are at present enjoying, we would have "missed" the colds. " However, hope soon to get used to dry weather. Resolutions of Thanks At a called meeting of Albany Fire Co. No. 1, - on Tuesday evening, the following reso lution was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That a vote of thanks is hereby tendered to D. Froman, Esq., for the free use of the Hall ; to the- Ladies, who so generously aided in arranging the supper table ; and to the citizens gener ally, who furnished such an abundant supply of eatables for the occasion. The Committee of Arrangements also passed a vote of thanks to Geo. H. Bart ;. ges, Esq., for many favors extended the -Committee.- . r1- .. Religious -A revival is progressing in the M. E. Church at Corvallis. Velocipedal. We acknowledge the. receipt of a "complimentary" to tho Ve locipede Training School, in San Fran cisco, and regret that at present it is out of our power to attend. ; Persons j wish iug to purchase can obtain, velocipedes at this School, Mechanic sf Pavilion. Sjn Fraucisco. Heaku Fkosi. lleorge Dawson and part-, who it will be remembered left liere some weeks ago on a prospi-ctiug tour, have been heard from. They are in the Goose Lake country, and write that they are well pleased with the gene ral '-looks" thereabouts. Ixcorrkct. Rumer had it a day or two ai;o that the P.T. Co.'s steamer. ni'e I'atlon, had run on to a snag and sunk, between here and Salem. The rumor was incorrect ; the steamej struck on a bar a few miles above Salem, but was soon released and was expected to reach our wh irf last night or to-day. . , - - Base Ball. The beautiful weather cujrgcsts. anions other things, base ball. It is a glorious game to bring out the muscle anl invigorate the body general ly. If there is no regularly organized Base Ball Club here, it's time one was gotten up. Come, let somebody "go m -we're on it. ib... 1 lb. Wheat, white, "& bushul. Oats, bushel L t'tat jcs, ni bushel Onions. p bushel.. Flour, barrel. ..-i Butter, Ib I , Jiirjrs, 33 dozen Chickubs, "j dzni readies, tmea, In feonp. ID j. Salt, Los AnselusJ Syrup, 33 cullnn..! Tea, Yo:nj Hyson lb... Japan, ) " ... Sugar, crushed, ' Sea. Island. !" cffea. -fis n : Candle?. 33 tb i Kice, China. tb. alerutiis, "i lb...L Dried plums, lb Dried apples, lb Dried currant. Irt lb Bacon, hums, "fy lb - eulcs, " j shoulders,: lb Lard, in cans, tb Boaus, lb.......J Devix-s Jvt-ri'Snne du, ri gallon... Turuei'tine, e tjullou Linseed oil. boiled, gallon , Whitj lead, "j ke. Powder, riile, 0 lb Tobacco, "A tb ...j.... Nails, cut, tb..; Domestic, brown, p yard Hickory, striped, tji yard Rod tic king, per yrd .- lluo drilliii!;, p yard flannels, $ yard ... Prints, fa t colors, j yard Pork, 1-3 lb , Mutton, lb.....: Dee1-, ou toot, D J..EMO.N AND ftUOAtt. Or. 1111 Says " it would be much better for many peo- p:e to taice a little lemon ana sugar in stead of supper at uisbt." We have been acquainted with a number of peo ple who have acted oa this advice for years, but thc3 add a '-little something" to give "tone" to the compound. Brownsville Woolen Mills. The Brownsville Woolen Mills, sold at Slier iSTs sale on Monday, the 22d inst, were bid in by J. B. Monteith, Esq., at 5,- 913 53 3,163 53 coin ; 2,750, curren Opposition Bouuiit Out. We learn that the P. T. Company have b- ught the Success, only opposition re maininr on the Willame te river iu the shape of a steamboat. The sale was af fected last Monday. Personal. Mr. John Millard, of Albauy, called on us yesterday. From him we learn that there is great activity amonjr the farmers in Linn county, and that there will be large crops raised the coming season. Mr. Millard is engaged in the nursery business, and displays great energy as an experimental tarmer He is at the head of the list of expert mental agriculturalists in this State. Cm ion int. Personal. Frank Mason, Esq., of the Eugeue Journal, called on us during the week. Frank is just as handsome and jolly as ever. "Friend Joun" week. -will appear next Council Proceedings. Council met Thursday evening, Feb. 25th, 1860 Roll called. Present Mayor Stanard, in the Chair; Couneilmen, Nixon, Mea- ley, CundifF, , Marshall and Hacklcman Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. George Patterson presented a bill of ?o, tor laying down two cross-walks on Third street, which, on motion, was al lowed, and an order drawn oa the Treas urer for the amount. C. Mealey presented a bill of 2 75, expense of telegraphing to San Francisco in regard to 1 ire Engine, which, on mo tion was allowed, and an order drawn on the Treasurer for the amount. Councilman llackleman, presented an ordinance appropriating $".,000 for the purpose of purchasing a i Fire Engine which, on motion, 'was passed. Council adjourned. L. W. DOOLITTLE, Recorder. The American Indians are reported to be giving the Spanish-American soldiers on the frontiers of Chili all they want to do. General Pinto was sent against the Indians with an army of three thousand men, but does not sem to have effected much; as at the last accounts the Indians had besieged three forts, and were with difficulty repulsed. The Arancanians are probably the bravest and most manly race ot Indians in south America They feel that civilization is encroach ing upon their territories, and must be driven back. Their hope is that in the mountain fastnesses they may beat back the bpamsh invaders. . XUED. In this city, on the 20th inst., George Hurr, infant son ot Frank D, and Mary . Wood, aged year 5 months and 27 days. ' Photographers ! TAKE NOTICE rpHE UNDERSIGNED LIVING IN NORTH - i iirownsvilie, ost lor saie or rent F hoto graph Gallery ! with all that pertain to a Gallery of ordinary sise. This it good location for a gallery , there be ing no other Gallery within fifteen miles f this place. A no uaiiery u iu gwm ruuuuig oruer. 39" Terms of sale or rent eay! Apply by letter or in person to v ROWLAND A LIN DEB Brownsville, February 1, 1869-3m22. ALBANY RETAIL MARKET. Albany, February 27, 1869. 50 35 50 I 25 .. $4 505 00 40 16 .. $2 503 00 I520 5(3,5 2i ..$1 12il 25 1 00 J 00 T5l 00 1820 16(a18 14($15 22(S25 29rai3.1 121 13 15(0,20 5 . . &8 . ' 14I5 I2J fi6 1" l oil . Si 25(a)l 50 . St 62il 75 . SI OOfrtjt 25 75(5; 1 00 . $1 001 50 78 CI Ui 1630 25 (a; 50 20 (a; 30 ,. . 50( 75 !2i 5(6 10 KM 4i5 BUILDERS, ATTENTION I SASH, BLIND AXD COOK FACT O MY! S. n. ALTIIO0SE. WRIGHT. J. F. BAtKfi.VilO. A,TIIOUSE Sc CO., 1.TON ST 11 RET, (OS THE MVEIt BASK), ALBANY, ; . ; OREGON. KEEP ON HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT, and are prepared to Furnish to Order, Doors, Blisids, Sash, and ; such as Crown, Panel, Band, and Sectiou Mold, of all sizes. WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES ! and all other kinds of ISuildiMg: ; Material ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE & CABINET WARE, MATTKASSES, ETC., Under the "States Rights Dcmocrat'i office, in New York quotations : Wheat Dull at 81 801 1 00 Flour Quotable at S6(WllO 5U. f Whent in Liverpool quoted at Is 9d. San Francisco markets : Flour Load p: brands of Oregon extra at S4 75 25; eity iiiills as follows: superfine, 4 G23l Tiijextra, 5 G25 75. Wheat He quote the range, aceoru inu to quality, from 1 22 to $1 7o& 10U lbs. I Barley Choice feed, 8220 : range, 2 10(o2 20.1 Good brewing, 2 25; range, 2 20(3)2 80 t 100 lbs. - , Oats California, $1 lba.Z la: Ore gon, S2 102 30. NKW TO-DAY. AUCTION. W. V. Farrisli & Co., AT TIIE BRICK STORE, Corner Ferry and First Streets, ALBANY, OREGON, will sell thiir entire stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, j and II I W A TL - at PUBIilC AUCTION, commencing on HondayT February 29, 1889. JAMES SHIELDS, Auctioneer. I CoIa will n mnrninff ToVl raary 22d, at H! o'clock, and every day thereafter . . i. . ... - i. . .. : i i ii. i ...... .1 : , .1 ni i ii u sjuic uui uii i.i an 1 11 iwua i u ui. jiuj. of. i W. W. PARRISH A CO. February 6, 1PC9-22 I71R3. DliiMMIWAY TAKES PLEASURE IX INFORMIXG HER numerous patron? that she has on hand, and is in regular receipt of the Latest and Choicest Styles of Goods IN THE IVXHH ti ery Lino 2 SEKEBER, LADIES ! 'If you purchase TEN DOLLARS' WORTH of Fall Millinery you will bo entitled to tho Demorest TVIagfazine, for the year 1SC9, as a premium on the purchase ! I Dress and Cloak OSaMng' in all branches. Bleaching' and Pressing- in tho latest and best manner. Goods Cheap and Patience Inexhaustible Corner Main and Broad A'bin streets, ALBANY, OREGON. November 7, 18G3-9 ALSO Are prepared to do MILL WORK ; furnish Sha ker Fans, Zigza-r Sbakerd, Suction Fans, Driving ruiieys. ot any kind, at our iac-tory on Lyon street, (on the river hauk), next below Markham's warehouse. AITIIOTJSE & CO. Albany, February 20, 1S69-24 R. CHEADLE'S WHOLESALE & RETAIL CASH STORE! JUST ARRIVED ! Direct from San Francisco, per last ocean steam er, a new itock of Dry Goods and Groceries, which will be offered at PORTLAND PRICES! with freight added. Come right along with your Cash and Produce ! and get bargains whilo they arr going so cheap. Persons requiring Iron anl Steel, Wagon Seat Springs, juampie-SBaia oozes, etc., can procure them at mv store, cheap. ; RAPHAEL CHEADLE. Wanted 2 I will pay for - Eggs 18 cents per dozen;- Oats 40 cenis per bushel ; Bacon Sides 10 cents per pound ; Hams 1112 cents per pound. I will pay the above pnees for ten days, to com menco with this date. R. CHEADLE. February 17, 1S6U-24 I3l0(llTCO Bought at Portland Prices ! Having made arrangements with parties in San Francisco, I will be able to pay Portland prices, the coming season, for all kinds of Preduce, only deducting freight from this point to Portland which is only $5 per ton. . Bring along your Pro duce, and I will buy it and pay you in cash or trade. P. CHEADLE. February 20, lSG3-2im3 J. HARROWS. i X.. E. BI.AIX. S. E. YOUNG, J. BARROWS & CO., ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING Frcsli Supplies of NEW GOODS! DIRECT FROM J?;xrx Francisco, which they will sell CHEAP FOR READY PAT ! THEY ALSO DO A General Commission Business! j NOTICE. Guardian's Sale. I BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER to mo granted by the County Court f Polk county, Oregon, at the February term, 1869, I will, on Tuesday. 30th day of March, 1869, at 10 o'clock A,1 M. of said day, at the door of the Court House in Albany, Linu county, Oregon, offer for sale at public auction, the following de scribed real estate . in said Linn county, to-wit : The undivided i one-tenth part of the donation land claim of John Ingram and Larris-a Ann In gram, deceased, claim No. (56) being part of sec tions I, 2, 11 and 12, township 16 south range 4 west ; also part of sections 1 and 12, township 16 south range 4 west, commencing at Henry Hays' donation land claim south-east corner, thence east 61 rods, thence north 204! rods, thence west 109 rods, thence south 71 rods, thence east 48 rods, thence south 1 331 rods to the place of beginning, containing 99! acres, from S. P. Hamilton. There is of the donation 254 acres, 160 acres of this it- subject to the life eetate of John Sutton, leaving 193 acres clear of any incumbrance. Terms of Sale Uniied States gold coin. A. S. HAMILTON, Guardian ! of Francis M. Hamilton, , j Byron W. Hamilton, - Melissa J. Hamilton. February 15, 1869-24w4 Xjogal Tonclers BOUGHT AND SOLD Albany, Oct. 24 '68-7. For Sale. HOUSE AMD FOUR LOTS! IK this cityl a good new dwelling wit j . 11 tbe necessary outbuildings, and four lots, about twenty minute walk from the steamboat landing. For particulars inquire at the office of the P. T. Company, of . J. B. MONTEITH, . , Albany, January 30, 1869-21 . $SO.OO I I O Y NOT BUYING BOOTS AND SHOES JJ at CAST & CAHALIN'S Philadelphia Boot Store, Wo. 118 Pront Street, Opposite McCormick'e Book Store, Jan 9-69-18 i Portland, Oregon. FIRST STREET, roct24'68-7 p. w. SPINK. A. CAROTBERB. P. W. SPINK & CO., (successors to m. w. mack,) Dealers in Tin, Sheet-Iron, Ccpperware, STOVES First, between Washiiigtou & I'"erry-sts. o I'lIE undersigned having purchased the stock formerly owned by ai. v. AiacK, ana naving made large additions thereto, now offer to the public tne fullest and completest assortment of first-class goods in our line, yet offered in this market, consisting of PARLOR, BOX, XXAX.X., ... and ... COOKING STOYES, of the following patterns : Uuck, ISlack Knight, Golden Gate. Henry Clay, Mew Nation, Buckeye State. &c, &c, Sc, from the best manufactories, which they are offer ing at lowest rates. , Also, a large stock of t rench Saucepans. Ladles & Skimmers, Iron, Linamch'il and JJrass Kettles, Iron Tea-kettles and' Ovens, Iron and Lead Iipe, Force & Lift Pumps, and a full assortment of COWAN'S PITCHER PUMPS! V"c will continue to keep on band a large stock of NO. 1 TIN WARE ! which we will dispose of to dealers at the lowest market rates. We are better prepared than ever to do all kinds of. RE PAIRING! in a neat and workmanlike short notice. Persons from the country will find it to their advantage to give us a call, as our facilities for manufacturing enable us to give a liberal discount. Term Caeh, or marketable Produce. , P. W. SPINK & CO Nov. 28. '6S-12 " C. MEALEY & CO., ! DEALERS IN & MANUFACTURERS OF i TrrsTTT -rvr t t tt t trt? 1 and CABINET WARE ! Bedding-, !Etc, Corner First and Broad Alb in streets, ALBANY, OREGOX. jpgf particular attention paid to ORDERS OF'aLL KINDS in our line. October 31, 1863-8 BLACKSMITH INC ! PLOWS ! PLOWS ! PLOWS riHE undersigned gives notice to the general 1 public, that no is now manuiacturing me Galesnurg Patent Plow ! and any other style of plow that may be ordered. ' Also, "particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing. Wagon and Carriage Making, sua ueirerm . AH work entrusted to me will receive prompt BUVUUUU; CbUU W VA' vavr rvwH.v.w manner with good material. A share of public Shop on corner Ellsworth and Second street!. . . i- f trrrr opposite jrierce rerry- t? v- jj Albany, November 21, 1868-H NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L. SENDERS. M. STER5BEBW. , . . runv SENDERS, STERNBERG & CO., DEALERS STAPLE DRY GOODS First street, in J. B. Monteith's Brick Building, ALBANY, OREGON. 1 TIIE ABOVE NEW FIRM TAKES PLEAo URE in informing the .citixens of Linn county that they have just opened a weu aeiecwn stock of I FANCY DRY GOODS I 1 BOOTS AND SHOES I 13- DEL O CJ EH. X 3E3 O I - and a full assortment of i General merchandise I Which they will dispose of for CAS II OR COUNTRY PRODUCE t ' at P A X B LIVINQ n AT S S t We respectfully ask the, publio to- , CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ANI PRICES I Before purchasing elsewhere, ntod we assure all that we will give Entire Satisfaction to Prompt Customers. ALSO We have a Branch House, long established, at SOUTH BROWIVSVILLE, where we keep a large and Well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Albany, Nov. 14, 1868-10 - ' THE OX.D STOVE DEPOT ! JOnjW BIIIGGS, DEALER IN STOYES, COOS, PARLOR & BOX, of the best patterns 1 -ALSO Tin, Sheet Iron and C2ojcxr "Ware X and the usual assortment of Famishing Goods to be obtained in a TXZKT Jl? Repair neatly and promptlg executed. 2S3on reatonaole ttrme. "BB . ; "Short reckonings, make long friends." Front street - Albany. Next door to Mansfield A Co. dec5'68-12 POSITIVELY SELLING AT COST I THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY give notice to the public in general, that they will sell their WELL SELECTED STOCK DRY GOODS! Boots cfe Slioes! CLOTHING! '. r AND ;. v. '"-.'(,- GENERAL MERCHANDISE ! from and after this date NOTICE. All persons receiving their mail at tho Post office at Lebanon, are hereby, notified that the office will be kept open an hour after the arrival of the mail on Sundays, after which it will be closed for the day. The office will not be open until the mail arrives. - S. H. CLAUGHTON, P. M. January 9, 1869-18ml rURNINO. - - TURNING. Flax . Seed ! Flax Seed ! RARE oilAilVOE ! PERSONS wishing to engage in the cultiva tion of FLAX the coming season, upon ap plication at the office of Beach Monteith, Al; bany, Oregon, will be feraished with the best variety of flax seed, oa advantageous and easy terms. ' " i""1 '' '";- --.- T Messrs. Beach A Monteith will contract with parties for all the seed raised by them next season. - BEACH A MONTEITH. February , 1869-8 ta o w o a ta CO ta 0 I AIT PREPARED TO DO . , ALL KINDS Qfr TURNING 1 I ke-p on hand and make to order BAWHUDE-BOTTOItlED CHAHZS, Spinning Wheels. Shop near the "Magnolia Mills." - JOHN M. METZLER Albany. Nor. 28, 1868-1 2 Those desiring to make purchases will do well to Oall Immediately X : " .. . - . , as we desire to close oat Our Entire StoelcX on the above terms, FOR CAGH I OR MERCHANTABLE" PRODUCE I All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, aTe requested to come forward with, out delay, and seUle their indebtedness, as wo are determined to close our mercantile business, and collect our does. - W. W. PARRISH fO. Albany, Not. 28, 1868-1 J