The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 22, 1937, Page 3, Image 3

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    T h u rsd ay . A pril 22. 1937
also visited the Witch llaz.el nursery.
! w here they studied soil sterilization
by electricity.
Mrs A lexander ftcusscr is ill at
her hom e on C ooper m ountain
Mr and M is J C. Sm ith e n te r­
tained with a diniiet S atu rd ay eve
nm g com plim ent mg Mi and Mi
Jim L au d of Seattle, W ash, who
w are the w eek-end guests of Mr
H AZE!.DA LE ( 'onirtiiiiut v eliih and Mrs Paul O 'C onnor
A nnie Pond of Jam estow n. N I),
will « left offlti is Eiidnv night.
Mi. h i id Mr« Jack Neff of Port- is visiting her grandm other, Mrs
latid spent tin
k-«,»»«l at the Bi rtb a Dailey.
Erne.- • I i vermnfe'-. horn«
Musical Treat in Store
H azeklale Club
I ' lection Set
Friday N ig h t
(> W ll c s t i rle e has ju s t fin is h e d
iim d e i t i i / i n r : t h e i r k itc h e n
T«*ii<h«*is and uffici is <»f the S u n ­
day school nu t at the hom e of th e I
upei intendeiit. Hay McMinn, a t .
West Slope Friday evening
Garden (Ju h Plans
Project for Spring
Eloise Im lah played th e p iano for
Hilly and lb m ic e Im lah to sing at
the L eisyville scholl 4 II ach ie v e­
m ent m eeting last Fi iday night
H arold Blalock, a stu d en t of the
B aptist Bibb* school in P ortland,
conducted < lm rch serv ice » follow ­
ing Sunday school, Sunday.
V irginia M iller ‘.pi nt last week in
P ortland w ith Mr and Mrs Ted
Mrs R d •era E llerson’s sister,
Mrs May p. rtress of S eattle visited
h er last we
Mrs. IC e u s s e r Honored
Tea tow« 1 show er wa: given
A lexande Reus..
honor of Mr
T hursday aft' rnoon at th * hom e of
Mr .1 R ohrbaek T h e show er was
giv n by the Coop« r M ountain La-
die?.' c h it) A b eau tifu l p ictu re was
also given by th e club
P lace Sold
T he F F Pos- <m place on W il­
hatnson avenue has been sold
Henry C hapm an drove to E astern
O regon to spend th e w eek-end w ith
In s m other on her birth d ay .
Those i »-cei vm g award*, for p e r­
fect atten d an ce for the first q u a rte r
at S u n d a y s c h o rl w e tc O n ib li«
terlce, and E stclla and Elois Iin-
A ft( r Mrs II
n Beckei 's sew ing
a luncheon was
.«•iv«fl hv Mr O W H e t« rice,
Mrs F M Dooh a n d M r s W illia m
Honors Won
Sevi n tables of "500" w ere played
(By Mr«. J A McCoy)
Mi? C rystal M ahley is driving
back and forth this week on ac­
count of the illness of her little son
w ith tonsihtis. He is u n ab le to a t­
tend school
Mrs Ira Brow n spent a few days
last week w ith h er d au g h ter. Mrs
Zoa Q uick of O renco.
S unday even in g p arty guests at
the I. S tro h m ay er hom e w ere Mr
and Mi
Tony K e m p e r and sons
W arren and M erlin and Miss F ra n ­
c e VanLoo of F orest Grove.
Mrs W arner C ropp was unable
to en te rta in the H arm ony club
Wcdn< sday afternoon on account of
Mrs. J A McCoy e n te r­
tained them at h e r hom e
m eeting will he announced later.
W illiam Jackson, w ho has been
w orking in th e hops at In d ep en d ­
ence for the last m onth, is home
for a w hile now
M artin Jackson a n d
Hood spent the we ek-end at Ver-
nom a visiting Mr and Mrs Fred
Duyck and fam ily an d Mr. and
Mrs Milton Nicks.
J M Schaffci will be adm itted
to th e hospital in F orest G rove
D arrel B rady w as out of school a
few days last week on account of
Programs Held for
Boys’, Girls’ Clubs
nt the eurd party held in th e school
basem ent S atu rd ay evening. High
.•cores w ere held hv Mr- B ruce and
(« 'a n iln u r d fr o m p a g e I)
C !» S yw iM in, second Mi*. A! Jeld -
c h o o l l i c i t ' Friday even in g in clu d ­
• r k s and J T hom pson, th ird Mrs J
ed four ro d s of m otion p ictu res A
Thom pson and J G ibson.
q u ilt w ont to H arold B erggren and
Ilansrn Huy« I’l.u r
-ocond prize, a box of hom e m ade
F rank H ansen has bought »and candy, w ent to Mrs. Sous' sister
m oved into the O ld Man Dav place from S eattle Mrs P erry S tream re ­
on W heeler avenue
ceived an angel cake, th e th ird prize.
Mr and Mrs K elly have gone to
E sther Robb gave a reading e n ­
T he Dalles m th e ir tra ile r house to titled. "The P ow er of A dvertising.'
visit for about th ree weeks.
w hile the B erggren tw ins e n te rta in ­
The 4-11 electric club w ent w ith ed w ith tap dancing The Imlah
1. E F rancis Monday on an eleetru^ children sang. A bout $28 was taken
inspection trip of farm s, and they in.
See us for the new D line of
Also Used Cars and Trucks
1928 Chev Truck
Dodge Coupe
1935 Chev Truck
Model A Ford Pickup
1928 Pontiac Coach
| ! | A \ I It IO N
Phone 9605
Page Three
m onth hut are now living in P o rt­
M i.. M arjorie Parson was hom e
for th« week «nd last week She
m otored from W hite Swan, Wash .
wi»h U r sister. Mrs D allas Rice,
and d.t ighters and girls' m atron of
the hid. m - Tool. Mrs V/ B laisdell
(By Miss M argaret M athiesen)
’I ' 1' d;,y ' f I - 1 week Mr and Mrs
MOlJNTAINDAI.E Program and
Pete p ,i r„,
young son P eter
visited with Paul Parson at, Rose­ pie social a t the Meacham school
n o t lM S aturday evening by the M ea­
cham T* -T. A v/as a success N ext
P -T A m eeting w ill be at the
school house May 14
Mr and Mrs W illiam Hollenbeck
of S e a .id '' w ere S u n d ay guests of
Mr. and Mrs Loci Hollenbeck.
Meacham Social
Success; Several
Given Parties
Verna D illon Honored
Mrs. G e o r g e
C ote and Mrs B ert Fleskcs re p re ­
sent« d the C edar Mill : d istrict at
the ‘(ate convention of the O regon
of P arents and T eachers
h«-lrl n 'hi- M ultnom ah hotel A pril
13 to 1C.
Mrs John H adley and son John
J r have moved to O regon C ity to
live with relatives follow ing the
death of Jo h n L. Hadley.
<< orinnu»d fmm h k f II
this plan, and the plan tin g s made
Pei sons w ishing to m ake d o n a ­
Mi and Mrs I, I). Nelson moved
from W heeh r avenu e into P o rtlan d tions to w ard the plantings in the
B aseline street park in g may give
Ilazeldale Happy H our club will them to It E. Wiley, th e co m m it­
m eet w ith Mis L yle T ay lo r to d ay ! tee repoi ted
N eed P rotection
< T hursday i
Trees, sh ru bs and flower« listed
A nniversary <'elebrated
N eighbors mi t w ith Mr and Mrs f o r protection include Calypso
H enry lla rn u i T h u rsd ay evening to bulb«» a. F n tillarias. E rythronium s.
cele b rate th eir 31st w edding anni- T rillitim s Wild Lilies, Iris Tenuis.
Iris inom inatu. Iris gorm ani. Cyp-
\e rsa ry .
M rs Millie Jacobson
a rriv ed , iip ed iu m m outanum . P itch er plant.
hom e S atu rd ay from C alifo rn ia to Maiden H air fern. Rhododendrons.
Azaleas. Kalmirmpsis. Lady S lip ­
visit a few week«
per, Ceanothu.s prostratux. Com-
F orm er lt«*sident l>les
Lewhsia tw eedyi.
A n u m b er of H n/eldalo people panula piperi,
attended the funeral of Mr*. Sam uel G entians.
Among the trees a re Port O rford
Steele form er Ih l/eld ale resident,
m P ortland S atu rd ay . Mr and Mrs cedar, O regon M yrtle, all young
St<cle lived on L iverm ore avenue tree Pacific Dogwood, C h inquapin
tw o y ears ago S u rv iv in g h er are and all trees along th e roadsides.
When leaf, stern and flow er of
her w idow er, a «on. S am uel, and
a bulbous p lant a re d estroyed d u r­
baby dau g h ter. Joy Ann
ing th e bloom ing season. th e life i
H ousew arm ing Held
A hous(*warnung was given in of th e bulb will be g reatly w eak ­
H ixlenck M cLean's new hom e on ened and th e p lant ra re ly recovers,
it is pointed out.
W heeler aven u e S atu rd ay night.
"S afety F irst" cast had a p arty in
the ba .em ent of the school Friday
Kansas City
Delegates Attend
P.-T. A. Meeting
N elsons Move
e v e n in g
H IL L S B O R O ,
Teachers Hired
A larg e crow d atten d ed th e am ­
a te u r program sponsored by the
junior group of th e West Union
of n e a r G aston spent a few days last
w eek at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs.
W arren Wilson. Mrs. Wilson w as ill
for a few days and also th e children,
but ull are im proved.
Mrs. I.eland F lin t 'Iv y S n id crt
has been visiting h er b r o t h e r .
G eorge S nider, of Ione for the past
ten days or more.
S everal of the officers and m em ­
bers of K inton G range atten d ed the
Aloha (¡ran g e T h u rsd ay evening
and tw o degrees w ere given to quite
a large class of candidates, in clu d ­
ing a n u m b er from the local grange.
Miss M ary V anH orn spent a few
days last week in C orvallis a tte n d ­
ing the m eetings of the C E society.
F arm ers' Union and p resen ted A pril
15 at N orth Plains.
Prizes presented by th e W eim er
H ardw are com pany o f P o rtlan d
w ere aw arded to W alter V ander-
znnden for a selection played on his
violin and to D oris Mae Jacobson,
who sang a d utch n u m b er in cos­
tum e.
Mrs. S k rrls Honored
O th er prize w in ers w ere A rleta
A bout 35 ladies a tten d ed a show ­
Kaffetv. Hetty Jean V andom elen. the
B erggren tw ins and Donald H ergert e r at th e grange hall W ednesday
(¡ro u p prizes w ere aw arded West afternoon for Mrs. Hollis Skeels.
Union for a D utch dance. A rcadia I Many useful articles w ere received
harm onica band and a skit p re s e n t­ by Mrs. Skeels
Mrs. Pom eroy III
ed by th ree pupils of S h u te school j
Mrs M adge Pom eroy w as taken
Candy was sold by th e ju n io rs to I w ith an acute attack of appendicitis
help defray expenses of the evening : early S unday m orning and w as im ­
The judges, to w hom the group m ediately rem oved to St. V incent's
e. deeply grateful, w ere M esdam es i hospital
M arian H athhorn. Em ilia W eim er
H i l l Hazel W eidewitsch
The Juniors expressed th an k s to
those who co n trib u ted num bers and
o therw ise helped in presen tin g this
program .
, z
d eer ran through the district last
! week, going th rough the A lbert
! M eier place and w as track ed as far
as J. H ansen's place. It caused those
W ilbur and Kay who saw it som e excitem ent, as it
Lorenz left W ednesday m orning for has been years since th e re w ere any
Los Angeles. Cal and w ay points d eer for m iles around
Mrs A. W hitaker. M rs N. P Jo h n ­
for an exten d ed stay
Those atten d in g the F ed eratio n son, Mrs Nancy Boy and Mrs. A r­
m eeting from Lcisv club w ere Mrs th u r Schulz attended the fam ily liv ­
V. Lorenz. Mrs E inar B erggren. ing conference in th e M ethodist
Mrs Johnnie Gan t, M n A M.u- ch u rch in H illsboro F riday as re p re ­
Mrs. Jo e Sens. Mrs T aylor. sen tatives from the C ed ar Mill unit
Mrs Pow ers. Lillie H anley and Mrs of th e farm hom e extension service.
Mrs. N ystrom Hostess
('. D Hudson Leisy m ade a fair
Mrs. K. N ystrom e n te rta in e d the
show ing of faneywork and old a r t ­
icles. A spinning w heel ow ned by I.eedy G range hom e econom ics club
Mrs. Jo e Sens caused considerable T hursday afternoon. T h e afternoon
was sp en t in sew ing and knitting. A
Mrs. F ran k P rau g er en tertain ed sh o rt program w as given. Mrs. N an­
S unday w ith a d in n e r p arty for cy Boy gave a reading and several
w ives and children of fisherm en. m em bers told short stories.
P arty S aturday
T here w ere 29 present. Among the
A card p a rty and dance w ill be
guests w ere M esdames G eorge Van
Dyke. M artin Scnko. W ilfred V er- h eld n ext S atu rd ay n ig h t at the
boort. Ted Van Dyke. Elvin F inegan C edar Mill G range hall.
Mrs. I’. Y unkers and Mrs H enry
and Jo e Van Dyke.
Jacobsen w ere delegates to the F ed­
eratio n of W omen's clubs m eeting
held at C ornelius S aturday.
A1 O tth of V alsetz visited Mr. and
Mrs. zXrthur Schulz S atu rd ay . He
w as form erly of B ethany. He is now
' in the frog-raising business.
(By Mrs. E. I ( ’ox)
Mr. and Mrs. P. Y unkers attended
K INTON— C hurch services for a fam ily reunion d in n e r given in
this week will be as follows: p ray er honor of P hil H offm an and d augh­
m eeting and Bible study F riday. 8 J te r of Iow a at the hom e of A lbert
p. m„ w ith Mrs Elizabeth V anH orn i S ig lin ger of P ortland.
C arl M cK enne of B rainard. Minn.,
as leader. Sunday m orning at 9:45
a group of stu d en ts front th e P o rt­ spent a few days w ith C harles Bow­
land B ible In stitu te w ill conduct the e r last week
m orning service, and the pastor. , M r an d M rs F red K irsch of
Rev. V irgil Speece. w ill be pres- i G rey 's River. W ash . visited M. C.
en t a fter an absence of tw o w eeks L arsen an d fam ily S unday. Mrs.
A nyone desiring to be baptized by K irsch and baby d a u g h te r w ill re ­
im m ersion is asked to see the pastor ( m ain for th e rest of the w eek.
for this service T here will be a b ap ­
tism service held at N ew berg May
2 in th e afternoon. This will be tor
th e th ree churches in this field.
M ountain Home, L au rel and K in-
T ied I ritzlaff, fa th e r of Mrs.
ton. and the pastor of these churches G eorge W right, is q u ite ill and was
will have charge.
taken to th e F orest G rove hospital
Mrs. S arah D allm ann, Mr. and Friday.
Mrs. Ja k e Faix spent Sunday w ith
Mr a,ld M rs i r e d W ilson spent
Mrs D allm nnn's daughter. Mrs. Nick S unday w ith Mr. and M rs. Den Wil-
G erig in Salem
son. T hey recen tly cam e from San
M r.'a n d Mrs A lfred G odfrey of Diego, w h ere they resided for four
Ml. Shaster. Cal , spent a few days
d u rin g the past w eek visiting old
friends and neighbors here. The
W rite
G odfreys form erly lived on Tile
Fire end Automobile Insurance
Flat road.
Muke Loans and Issue Surety bonds
Floyd B ierly of G ervais, a K inton
resid en t for m any years, was h ere
for a sh o rt v isit d u rin g th e past
Hillsboro, Oregon
w eek.
Phone 1391
140 N. 2nd Ave.
Mrs. Elwood Wilson and fam ily
' Cedar Mill Excited
by Visit of Deer
Leisyville Folk
Visit in South
School board has announced th e
retention of Miss Sw an and Mrs.
W hitely as teachers for n e x t y ear's
school term .
Mrs. Irw in H einricks is tak in g
charge of the G irl Scout troop d u r ­
ing the absence of Mrs. G ertru d e
Pearson, w ho le ft fo r a visit in
the East.
Mr and Mrs. W. B arnes, w ho
have been spending several m onths
visiting in Florida, have re tu rn e d
hom e
Mr and Mrs. C harles W est gave
a party in honor of th e ir d au g h ter
Doris on h er 14th b irthday. P resent
w ere L aV erne Olsen. V ivian Eggers.
M ary Thom pson D orothy Slocum ,
Leola W aiters, G lenna Fleskes, I r ­
win W uttsick. Calvin P arren . Jim
Eastm an. C harles W«‘St Jr.. T ru e ­
m an Thom pson, and L ester M an-
Mr. W alters Honored
A surprise pot luck d in n e r w as
given for S. T. W alters on his b ir th ­
day P resent w ere Mr. and Mrs. S.
T. W alters. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n W al­
ters, Mr and Mrs. J. J. C hurchley,
M r and Mrs E. E W alters. Mr. and
Mrs. Elm er W alters a n d m other.
Mrs A ppem an; Mr. and Mrs. J.
S atchell, Mr. and Mrs F ran k P a l­
m er. Mr. and Mrs. Jim W alters. N or­
m an. Jam es. Donald. A llan. B ar­
bara. Jean. Evelyn. Leola W alters,
and Delina S atchell Joyce P alm er
and C harles W alters.
Funeral at Burns for
Beaverton Resident
F uneral services for John H Neal.
79. retired stockm an of th e B urns
country, w ill be held there. Neal,
a resident of P ortland and B eav er­
ton since his retirem ent, died M on­
day in Em anuel hospital in P o rt­
S u rv i\in g are his w idow. Mrs
D orcas Neal and sisters. Mrs. Ada
R enwick. Vale. Mrs Mary K ueny.
A ndrew s: Mrs. C. A G earh art. A s­
toria. Mrs. Rebecca Miller. N ew ton
Falls. Ohio, and Mrs. C. A. Luce.
F orest G rove.
>•'_____________ ________ ._____
MASON HILL— Mr and Mrs.
C harles Johnson, Betty. Mr. and
Mrs. B. E W aldorf, Mrs Ida Wolf,
Mr. and Mrs. W S. French, A lbert
and F lorence French m ade up a
p arty w ho enjoyed a pot luck su p ­
per at th e L. P. H arrison home in
H illsboro S atu rd ay evening in hon­
or of the b irth d ay of Mrs. H arrison.
See Page 7
O liver W escott Honored
Mr and Mrs. A rchie Thompson
en tertain ed w ith a d in n er p arty
Sunday in honor of the birthday a n ­
n iv ersary of O liver Wescott and
fam ily of H illsboro. Mr. and Mrs J.
J. H utchens of B anks and Mr and
Mrs A rchie Thom pson and family.
Mr and Mrs. E arl H ollenbeck
spent th e w eek-end w ith Mr. and
Mrs. Sydney C onnolly of W illamina
Mrs. Connolly re tu rn e d to spend
this w eek w ith h e r p aren ts and
o th er relative»;.
W eek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C larence Meek w ere Mr. and Mrs.
C lark e Inkley and son of Portland.
Mrs. J. Law ton of S eattle, Wash., ,
was a w eek-end guest of h er m oth­
er. M rs I H. M axw ell, and h er sis­
ter. M rs B radford Fowles.
Mrs. J L. V andom elen attended a
p arty T hursday in H illsboro in h o n ­
or of Mrs Tom N ielsen.
M ountaindale S u n d a y s c h o o l
w ishes to ex p ress its g ratitude to
Mrs. Churchley Honored
M any A ttend
A m ateur Show
Mrs. L. P. Harrison
Honored Saturday
Mr and Mrs. Jam es M athiesen
t l r v H i l l B u rn e d
and Nicolai and M argaret. Dennis
Mrs Georg«? Hill is suffering from
Hall and Leonard Fow les w ere S u n ­ severe b u rn s from h e r elbow to
day d in n er p arty guests at the W il­ w rist, sustained when she fell on a
b u r Dillon hom e in H illsboro in hot stove.
honor of the b irth d a y anniversary
B. E. W aldorf and the L. P. H ar­
of V erna Dillon.
Mr C hurchley had a su rp rise pot
luck luncheon W ednesday, when
several friends called to celebrate
h er birthday P resent w ere Mr. and
Mrs Sam W alters, Mr and Mrs
Jo h n W alters. Mr. and Mrs Jim
W alter and fam ily, and Mrs. G ra y ­
son .
M r and Mrs. H. Jones and son
Roddy m oved to A storia last week.
V enetian th e a tre featu re for the week is "W aikiki W edding," w ith
Bing Crosby. Bob B urns M artha Kaye and S hirley Ross in music
and dancing against an H aw aiian background. F riday and S a tu r­
day crow ds w ill see "Sw ing High, Sw ing Low." a story con­
stru cted around a night club w ith C harles B u tterw orth, Je a n
Dixon. D orothy L am our and H arvey Stephen«.
everyone w ho assisted in m aking rison fam ily visited relatives at Tuft
the program and pie social a su c ­ Sunday.
cess. A n et profit of $24 was made.
Legal blanks. 3c and 10c. A com ­
plete supply available at the H ills­
boro Argus.
tu trix :
□ 2 ir
P hotograph
is th e p e rfe c t gift
fo r
Mothers' Day
TA O N 'T delay—m ake your ap-
* pointm ent today so th a t d e ­
liv ery m ay be m ade on tim e.
Your gift is sure to please if it's
Call today for an appointm ent to in su re prom pt delivery.
109 S. 2nd
P hone 1541
Do aw ay w ith w in ter slu g g ish n e ss by
c h a n g in g to new sp rin g lubricants
now :
U e have the p ro p e r lu b ricants for cran k case,
transm ission and d iffe re n tia l— re g u la r use of our
service will save you m oney.
Tim e is O ften a Great
Factor in the Drug SERVICE
Phones H illsboro
501 o r 391
A. II. Busch, Prop.
Speed in filling of a pres­
crip tio n often is vitally im ­
p o rta n t— a life m ay depend
upon g e ttin g t h e p ro p er
m edicine in tim e. Rely on
th e P alm fo r p ro m p t service.
R egistered P harm acist on
D uty a t All Tim es
L. C. K ram ien
M arvin W oods
N eighborhood new s from 30 A r­
gus correspondents i n d i f f e r e n t
sections of W ashington county a p ­
p ear in th e A rgus each w e e k
L earn w hat your friends a re ao-
ing for less th an th ree cents a
w eek.
Pre?cription Druggists
Phone 266
For ample water to make
your garden a success, and
to keep your lawn green as
a tropic isle. It’s all very
well for sentimentalists to
rant about the flowers in
the spring, and the lovely
ro se . in June, but we all
know that gardens d o n ’t
just happen. They t a k e
planting, and tending, and
watering, and infinite care.
Special Services
Sunday at Kinton
For this they repay you a
thousand-fold in pride and
1934 Chevrolet P/g-ton Truck
Long Wh« (*lb.I,.«*. Du.ils All New 32x6 T ires.
M otor M echanically Perfect.
R cboicd
1935 C hevrolet P/2-ton Truck
Lung W heelbase, Duals. F irst C lass C ondition.
1934 GMC P/2-ton Truck
Long W heelbase. Duals. Reconditioned Motor.
1929 F ederal P/j-ton Truck
Long W heelbase, Duals.
Peoples W ater and Gas Co.
Yes sirl Il's time to give your car a spring
tonic. And we're ready to do the job
and save you money, too
Experienced repair men
Modem equipment. Our
com plete check-up
service is just what
the doctor orders to
put the old pep
* csic»
bctck in your car.
1933 C hevrolet P/2-ton Truck
Van Body, Long W heelbase. D uals
, rc">'
Also 30 Quality Used Cars to Choose From
Phone 444
G eneral Beauty Work
Ferm anents and all kinds of
beauty work.
Telephone 13S1X
at Hillsboro Pharmacy
S an itary B eauty Shop
All kinds of Beauty Work
a specialty
Telephone 1471
Washington Cmmte A vender
First National Bank Building
Phone 2211
A. O . PITMAN, M. 1».
X-Ray and Physio-Therapy
Commercial N ational Bank Bldg.
C om m ercial B uilding
O ffice 3231
DR. D. E. WILEY, M. I).
Physician and Surgeon
Wells Building
Telephone 144
Commercial Building
0A »g
Evenings. Sundays
Tractor Repairs — Reasonable Cost
Experienced Mechanics
Telephone 1062
Residence 2(81
H illsboro. Ore.
O ffice 2682
by Appointment
158 8. 3rd Ave.
Reddenee 791Z
Terms to Suit — We Trade
New Chevrolet Dealer
Hillsboro, Oregon
Mabel Schendel
Gel Our Prices Before You Buy a Truck
R. E. W ILEY, Local M anager
Street. Near Third
Telephone 29« 1Y
O ffice in
Phone 911
Hillsboro. Oregon
Third and Washington
G arbage Collection
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