T h u rsd ay . A pril 22. 1937 II I L L S B O KO also visited the Witch llaz.el nursery. ! w here they studied soil sterilization by electricity. Mrs A lexander ftcusscr is ill at her hom e on C ooper m ountain Mr and M is J C. Sm ith e n te r­ tained with a diniiet S atu rd ay eve nm g com plim ent mg Mi and Mi Jim L au d of Seattle, W ash, who w are the w eek-end guests of Mr H AZE!.DA LE ( 'onirtiiiiut v eliih and Mrs Paul O 'C onnor A nnie Pond of Jam estow n. N I), will « left offlti is Eiidnv night. Mi. h i id Mr« Jack Neff of Port- is visiting her grandm other, Mrs latid spent tin k-«,»»«l at the Bi rtb a Dailey. Erne.- • I i vermnfe'-. horn« Musical Treat in Store H azeklale Club I ' lection Set Friday N ig h t (> W ll c s t i rle e has ju s t fin is h e d iim d e i t i i / i n r : t h e i r k itc h e n T«*iiles Lewhsia tw eedyi. A n u m b er of H n/eldalo people panula piperi, attended the funeral of Mr*. Sam uel G entians. Among the trees a re Port O rford Steele form er Ih l/eld ale resident, m P ortland S atu rd ay . Mr and Mrs cedar, O regon M yrtle, all young St•'_____________ ________ ._____ FREE MASON HILL— Mr and Mrs. C harles Johnson, Betty. Mr. and Mrs. B. E W aldorf, Mrs Ida Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. W S. French, A lbert and F lorence French m ade up a p arty w ho enjoyed a pot luck su p ­ per at th e L. P. H arrison home in H illsboro S atu rd ay evening in hon­ or of the b irth d ay of Mrs. H arrison. TOY FOR YOUR CHILD See Page 7 O liver W escott Honored Mr and Mrs. A rchie Thompson en tertain ed w ith a d in n er p arty Sunday in honor of the birthday a n ­ n iv ersary of O liver Wescott and fam ily of H illsboro. Mr. and Mrs J. J. H utchens of B anks and Mr and Mrs A rchie Thom pson and family. Mr and Mrs. E arl H ollenbeck spent th e w eek-end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Sydney C onnolly of W illamina Mrs. Connolly re tu rn e d to spend this w eek w ith h e r p aren ts and o th er relative»;. W eek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C larence Meek w ere Mr. and Mrs. C lark e Inkley and son of Portland. Mrs. J. Law ton of S eattle, Wash., , was a w eek-end guest of h er m oth­ er. M rs I H. M axw ell, and h er sis­ ter. M rs B radford Fowles. Mrs. J L. V andom elen attended a p arty T hursday in H illsboro in h o n ­ or of Mrs Tom N ielsen. M ountaindale S u n d a y s c h o o l w ishes to ex p ress its g ratitude to Mrs. Churchley Honored M any A ttend A m ateur Show Mrs. L. P. Harrison Honored Saturday Mr and Mrs. Jam es M athiesen t l r v H i l l B u rn e d and Nicolai and M argaret. Dennis Mrs Georg«? Hill is suffering from Hall and Leonard Fow les w ere S u n ­ severe b u rn s from h e r elbow to day d in n er p arty guests at the W il­ w rist, sustained when she fell on a b u r Dillon hom e in H illsboro in hot stove. honor of the b irth d a y anniversary B. E. W aldorf and the L. P. H ar­ of V erna Dillon. Mr C hurchley had a su rp rise pot luck luncheon W ednesday, when several friends called to celebrate h er birthday P resent w ere Mr. and Mrs Sam W alters, Mr and Mrs Jo h n W alters. Mr. and Mrs Jim W alter and fam ily, and Mrs. G ra y ­ son . M r and Mrs. H. Jones and son Roddy m oved to A storia last week. V enetian th e a tre featu re for the week is "W aikiki W edding," w ith Bing Crosby. Bob B urns M artha Kaye and S hirley Ross in music and dancing against an H aw aiian background. F riday and S a tu r­ day crow ds w ill see "Sw ing High, Sw ing Low." a story con­ stru cted around a night club w ith C harles B u tterw orth, Je a n Dixon. D orothy L am our and H arvey Stephen«. everyone w ho assisted in m aking rison fam ily visited relatives at Tuft the program and pie social a su c ­ Sunday. cess. A n et profit of $24 was made. Legal blanks. 3c and 10c. A com ­ plete supply available at the H ills­ boro Argus. tf tu trix : □ 2 ir Your P hotograph is th e p e rfe c t gift fo r Mothers' Day TA O N 'T delay—m ake your ap- * pointm ent today so th a t d e ­ liv ery m ay be m ade on tim e. Your gift is sure to please if it's from SCHRA1HEL STUDIO Call today for an appointm ent to in su re prom pt delivery. 109 S. 2nd P hone 1541 Hillsboro LUBRICATE for SPRING j Do aw ay w ith w in ter slu g g ish n e ss by c h a n g in g to new sp rin g lubricants now : U e have the p ro p e r lu b ricants for cran k case, transm ission and d iffe re n tia l— re g u la r use of our service will save you m oney. Tim e is O ften a Great Factor in the Drug SERVICE GARAGE Business Phones H illsboro TWO HANDY LOCATIONS BUSCH’S 501 o r 391 SERVICE STATION A. II. Busch, Prop. the Speed in filling of a pres­ crip tio n often is vitally im ­ p o rta n t— a life m ay depend upon g e ttin g t h e p ro p er m edicine in tim e. Rely on th e P alm fo r p ro m p t service. R egistered P harm acist on D uty a t All Tim es L. C. K ram ien M arvin W oods PALM DRUG STORE N eighborhood new s from 30 A r­ gus correspondents i n d i f f e r e n t sections of W ashington county a p ­ p ear in th e A rgus each w e e k L earn w hat your friends a re ao- ing for less th an th ree cents a w eek. t) Pre?cription Druggists Phone 266 DEPEND UPON u s For ample water to make your garden a success, and to keep your lawn green as a tropic isle. It’s all very well for sentimentalists to rant about the flowers in the spring, and the lovely ro se . in June, but we all know that gardens d o n ’t just happen. They t a k e planting, and tending, and watering, and infinite care. Special Services Sunday at Kinton For this they repay you a thousand-fold in pride and satisfaction. Orchardale USED TRUCK SPECIALS 1934 Chevrolet P/g-ton Truck Long Wh« (*lb.I,.«*. Du.ils All New 32x6 T ires. M otor M echanically Perfect. R cboicd 1935 C hevrolet P/2-ton Truck Lung W heelbase, Duals. F irst C lass C ondition. 1934 GMC P/2-ton Truck Long W heelbase. Duals. Reconditioned Motor. 1929 F ederal P/j-ton Truck Long W heelbase, Duals. Peoples W ater and Gas Co. TIME TO LET US PREPARE YOUR CAR FOR SUMMER DRIVING Yes sirl Il's time to give your car a spring tonic. And we're ready to do the job and save you money, too Experienced repair men Modem equipment. Our com plete check-up service is just what the doctor orders to put the old pep * csic» bctck in your car. t 1933 C hevrolet P/2-ton Truck Van Body, Long W heelbase. D uals , rc">' Also 30 Quality Used Cars to Choose From Phone 444 BEAUTY SHOPS INSURANCE EV E’S BEAUTY SH O P GEORGE T. McGRATH G eneral Beauty Work Ferm anents and all kinds of beauty work. Telephone 13S1X at Hillsboro Pharmacy S an itary B eauty Shop All kinds of Beauty Work PERM ANENTS a specialty Telephone 1471 Washington Cmmte A vender INSURANCE SERVICE First National Bank Building Phone 2211 Hillsboro PHYSKTANS and SURGEONS A. O . PITMAN, M. 1». PHYSICIAN and SURGEON X-Ray and Physio-Therapy Commercial N ational Bank Bldg. C om m ercial B uilding O ffice 3231 DR. D. E. WILEY, M. I). 1)R. RALPH DRESSER Physician and Surgeon DENTIST Wells Building Telephone 144 Commercial Building i# 0A »g Evenings. Sundays Tractor Repairs — Reasonable Cost Experienced Mechanics USED FARM MACHINERY Telephone 1062 Telephunaa Residence 2(81 GARBAGE COLLECTION DENTIST 1f!^) AUTHORIZED iALCS AJ4B SU tV td H E IN R IC H BRO S. H illsboro. Ore. O ffice 2682 by Appointment DR. W. H. PASLEY Main 158 8. 3rd Ave. Telephones Reddenee 791Z DENTISTS * Terms to Suit — We Trade New Chevrolet Dealer Hillsboro, Oregon HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Mabel Schendel Gel Our Prices Before You Buy a Truck HALVORSON MOTOR CO. R. E. W ILEY, Local M anager Street. Near Third Telephone 29« 1Y O ffice in Phone 911 Hillsboro. Oregon Third and Washington Heidel Upstairs Building G arbage Collection and Cam JACK MAIER TELEPHONE l i l t