The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 19, 1936, Page 18, Image 18

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    P a g e Eight
T h u rsd ay , N ovem ber li), l',
l i l i ESKOKO A líG l'S . H ll.k S B O lîO , O R E G O N
rtsisen is th at in a six -c y lin d e r,
m otor an in h eren t vibration, pe­
cu liar to this n u m b er of cylinders. I
is found.
z\ differen t m ounting of th e i
steerin g gear, on top of th e fram e, '
has been found beneficial in giving
th e m echanism a m ore rigid sup- ’
port and m aking steerin g easier
Nash en g in eers have been able to
practically elim in ate th e "hum p"
Bigger, room ier, and w ith m any o r d riv e-sh aft tu n n el in th e re a r j
im provem ents m echanically as well floor w ithout using a hypoid gear i
as in finish, th e Nash L afay ette w hich req u ires special lubricant..
th is y e a r nev erth eless carry price They have added an au tom atic I
tag s th at a re reduced from 1938 control to th e g en erato r p rev en t- |
prices as m uch as §90 on some mod- ing over-ch arg in g of batteries.
This y ear th e back of the re a r 1
T he answ er, according to J. C. seat lifts up and is held u p by a
E dw ards of th e Used C ar Exchange stay-hinge form ing a sh elf as in a
w ho is disp lay in g th e cars, is P ullm an ear on w hich c lo th in g 1
found in th e Nash M otor com pany's can be placed. T he front and back j
determ inatio n to "w in A m erica on seat cushions a re then re-arran g ed
v alu e alone.”
and th e bed is p ractically made A
T h ere a re th re e com plete series felt pad is provided for th e shelf |
of cars in the Nash L afayette 1937 in th e tru n k co m partm ent w hich
line. Topping th e list in size and levels the bed for its e n tire six-
price is the A m bassador eight. It foot fo ur-inch length, and th e I
has a tw in ignition, valve-in-head spare tire rem ains in place below
A new Ford V-8 for 1937. p re ­ "tear drop" form has been ii -< d
m o to r th at develops 105 h o rse­ th e shelf
pow er, and its w heelbase is 125
sen tin g d efin ite advances in m od­ w herever practicable.
inches. T his is th e lu x u rio u s a ris ­
A de luxe five-passenger club
ern stream lin ed styling, and pow ­
to crat w ith w hich Nash w ill com ­
coupe is the new est of the 11 body
ered eith er w ith the 85 horsepow ­ types available, five eith er w ith or
p ete in th e m iddle price bracket.
er V-8 engine now in use m m ore w ithout de luxe equipm ent and w ith
N ext in line comes th e A m bas­
than 3.000,Oub m otor cars, or a eith er engine .size, six w ith de
sador six. also a v alv e-in -h ead tw in-
ignition job th at is slightly sm aller. | BEAVERTON B eaverton G .range brand n e w 60 horsepo wer V - 8 luxe equipm ent and the 85 hoi «•
being m ounted on 121 inch w heel- S atu rd ay m orning elected the fol- "econom y" engine, w hich i s a pow er V-8 engine only All dosed
base It w ill sell in th e low er mid- low ing officers: Elsie M. C hristen- sm aller c o u n te rp a rt of its elder body type's have d ea r-v isio n v e n ­
dle price field.
sen, m aster; V ivian J. Laurence. brother, is on display at M acKenzie tilation .system
A ll-steel body, including new all
A nd the con ten d er in the low overseer; Isabell W alker, lecturer; M otor Co in H illsboro
price field is th e N ash L afayette A ndrew M K ennedy, stew ard Ber-
T he new cars w ere on display i steel top. a.s well as .4 eel stru ctu re,
"400." featu rin g a w heelbase of nice D obbins, assistant stew ard; S atu rd ay at the show room s here steel panels and all-steel floor
117 inches, th e fam ous "400” m otor D erle D P erkins, chaplain: Jen -
Im proved ’ fuiger-tip" steering,
D isclosure of th e new lig hter
w hich Nash in troduced last y ear nie L. G ray, treasu rer; Ruby W
w ith increased w heel leverage
w ith all m anifolding cast w ithin Boyd, secretary ; W illiam D essinger,
Increased com fort, including new
th e block, and a long list of item s gatekeeper; F reda A ustin. Ceres; as an optional pow er plant for the quietness of operation
d efinitely acknow ledged as q u ality Helma M cK urcher. Pom ona: Agnes new Ford V-8 for 1937 will set
V anKleek. Flora. B eatrice Hansen. at rest definitely rum ors of a new . The in terio r treatm en t is m odern
"baby" Ford w hich have been c ir­ U pholstery is pillow ed, with wide
Each of th e five body types to lady assistant stew ard.
be found in each of these th ree
B eaverton is h aving an eight culated in th e autom obile in d u s­ pleats. Seats are wide, deep and
The instrum ent
series of cars is b ran d new. Not a day p reaching mission th is w eek try for th e past sev eral years.
The new cars present m any o u t­ panel is grained, w ith the dials
single m etal stam p in g used in th e sponsored by th e u n ited effo rts of
1936 cars has been used in th e 1937 the
C ongregational,
C hristian, stan d in g features, principal am ong and engine controls in front of
F rom
th e
fro n t M ethodist and N azarine churches w hich arc: tw o engine sizes, a th e driver. G love cam partm ent Is
horsepow er
V-8 at the right side S ta rte r button i .
bum pers, new die-cast ra d ia to r in th e ir respective buildings. The b ran d -n ew 60
grilles, an d new fro n t fenders to C ongregational church bazaar and w hich m akes its first bow in the on the dash, the hand b rak e is at
th e new license p late b rack et in d in n er have been postponed until A m erican m otor car m arket, and the left under the panel, out of
th e fam ous 85 horsepow er V-8. | the way of front seat passengers
th e rear, th e N ash L aF ay ette au - i D ecem ber 3.
The 60 horsepow er engine was
tom obiles show a m odern treatm en t
B eaverton lodge A F A; A M . w ith a n u m b er of im portant r e ­
th a t has been pronounced m ost was honor guest at B eaver chapter finem ents. E ith er is av ailable in developed prim arily to give the
th e single chassis.
A m erican m otoring public m a x i­
pleasing by those w ho have p re- O. E S.. N ovem ber 11.
New cab le-and-conduit control mum fuel economy. Its introduction
view ed them .
B ethel C ongregational L adies' Aid
B oth th e six -cy lin d er cars h a v e -a n d m issionary study class will "soft easy action" brakes, w ith the m arks an im portant deviation from
been given a th ree-p o in t eng in e meet today ’T h u rsd ay )
in the "safety of steel from pedal to the continuous trend d u ring recent
years tow ard higher horsepow er
m o u n tin g instead of the c o n v e n -1 church p arlo rs w ith pot luck w heel."
New body lines in w hich the and extrem e perform ance It p e r­
tio n al fo u r-p o in t m ounting.
T he luncheon at noon.
mit» a lighter car w ith resulting
g reater economy
Equipped w ith
the engine, the c a r’s top speed is
about 70 miles an hour, com fortable
cruising speed 55 to 60 m ile- an
hour. All the refinem ent o fjth e fa­
mous 85 horsepow er V-8 are in ­
corporated in the sm aller unit M i-
jo r im provem ents also have lwen
made in th e 85 horsepow er e n ­
gine The new engine cooling sys­
tem im proves substantially engine
heat control.
The engines are cushioned at four
points in rubber. T w o rubber
m ountings are now used in the
rear m ountings, one on eith e r side
of the transm ission. The cushions
' arc sim ilar to those used in the
front m ounting
V irtually as im portant m echani­
cally a.s the new .smaller engine is
the new "easy action" braking sy s­
tem It has g reater stopping e ffi­
ciency. w ith easier pedal action
O perated through cables in con­
duits. the brakes have controlled
self-energizing action Rotation of
w heels assists in increasing the
♦ ♦ <
♦ ♦
T hur day, N ovem ber I'
New Ford L-tS Has Two Motors Available
Roomier Nash
Lowers Price
on All Models
Mrs. Christensen
Grange Leader
/ wo Entirely New 01 .tsmobiles Presented
From the Pen o f
th e
' y 7
N in
Dixie Mountain
Dr. Wm. E. Hinds
A n u m b er <>t ladies rnir t Thur. -
day at t ie hom e < t Mr- F r ‘ d D ud­
P hysician and Surgeon
ley for a q u iltin g party. it being
th e birth d ay of Mrs F:< •d G ran t
a M irpiise h an d k erch ief sh ow er was
I ’hone O ffice >381
given her Mr
C larence Nelson
Re.-idei.ce 862
m ade the birth d ay cake
A be Neb on and . on retburned to
M y rt’e P oint T hursday after spend­ bebbbkbbbbe & t ^ bebbbbbbbb
ing about tw o w eeks in tin vicin­
Floyd C onklin
re tu rn e d
t o
M arshfield Sunday after .p e n d in g
a week at home.
evening w ith
an A rm istice Day program , h o n ­
oring the th ree m em bers w ho w ere
W orld w ar veterans They a re N o r-I
man Nelson. C larence Nelson and
W illiam Moran.
W EA TH ER th e ad v ertisem en ts help you
m ake y o u r shopping plans.
braking force, once the br.ik,
Eleven body types ar
•w de lux
including the
coupe seatin g five pas [•nger
new coupe is ch 'f l y ( •uplct
an enclosed rear seat The
fordor. tu d o r to u tin g and fo.
d a n s and the fiv<
dow coupe are a v a ila b le e
w ith or w ithout d e lu x e fit
and w ith eith er e n g in e size
roadster, phaeton. c lu b coupe
vertbile cabriolet, club cab
and convertible sedan a re de 1
types, av ailab le only w ith tin
horsepow er engine
Six sm art colors, including i
w hich a re new this year
De luxe c a ls will
available in all six colors
W est U n io n Local Dance
N o rth P lain» T o n ig h t
West Union local will spoiv •
dance at the K 1* hall at N<
Plains T hursday (tonight» for
m em bers and friends The Nigh
gales w ill play Ladies are ,ek* •
bring lunch Next regulai r n < '
will be D ecem ber 3 T h ere will
a rou n d tab le discussion, "soinetl
d ifferen t.” C ard playing and 1 .
P lease send in new s copy early
to the A rgus
Donelson & Sewell
Tw o e n tirely new Oldsm obiles
for 1937. each distinctively d iffe r­
en t and original in b< ly styling
and offering m any im portant a d ­
vancem ents in m echanical d e sig n ,
arc* Iteing given th eir first public
how ing by H illsboro Motor Co.
T he cars a re longer, lower, room ­
ier and m ore com fortable t h a n
tho-«* which made ObLsmobile soles
history in 1936 T he m otors p ro ­
vide g reater re: erves of pow er w ith
low er engine speeds, w ith co rres­
ponding im provem ents in both p e r­
form ance and operating economy.
The six now develops 95 horsepow ­
er against 90 horsepow er in the
1936 model; w hile the eight de­
velops 110 horsepow er an increase
of 16 horsepow er over the previous
eight Wheelbase- <d the six and
« ight have been increased, re-
pectixely to 117 in<
and 124
Seven body choices are offered
in each series T hey include; The
tw o-door sedan; tw o-door touring
. »•dan w ith tru n k ; four-door sedan,
four-door touring sedan w ith tru n k ,
business coupe, con v ertib le coupe;
and a new com er designated as th e
club coupe w hich replaces t h e
sport coupe of form er years The
club coupe, a five-w indow model,
provides w ithin th e body co m p art­
m ent a pair of in terio r auxiliary
seats behind th e d riv e r’s seat for for th e valves. G reater economy of
I’hone 953
: H illsboro
the <•( nvenience of occasional pas- fuel and oil and longer engine life
• ng< i When not in use. the a u x ­ a re tw o im portant results.
iliary seats may be folded into
body recesses to afford an ad d i­
We specialize in q u ality com-
tional 22 cubic feet of luggage space. m ereiai p rin tin g Argus.
D rivers of short sta tu re will a p ­
preciate another body featu re w hich
involves the ad justm ent of t h e
front scut When the seat is moved
forw ard, th e re a r of the seat cu sh ­
ion rises and the back cushion
tilts forw ard, affording com fort­
ab le support and m aintaining the
line of vision at the proper level
T he new unisteel tu rre t top bodies
S p a rk lin g
by F isher are larger, room ier and
of especially sturdy and sou n d ­
proof construction.
D espite the increased pow er of
the 1937 engines, an appreciable
A fine b e v e ra g e — A p e rfe c t m ixer
im provem ent in fuel econom y has
achieved, largely through
Jow ered engine speeds and im p ro v e­
m ents in th e carb u ret ion and m an i­
T r y it T o d a y !
fold system s In the new engines,
autom atic control is exercised over
the operation of the choke, the
spark advance, idling speed, e n ­
B ottled and D istributed by
gine tem p eratu res and th e fuel 1
m ixture.
M otor diocks a re cast integrally
w ith the crankcase and provide full
length w ater jack ets w hich com ­
315 E. Main
Phonr Hillsboro 2432
pletely surround each cylinder D i­
rect pressure cooling is provided
“ K IS T ”
Lemon Sour
Royal Soda Works
N. E. Corner 2nd and Main
Over Piggly Wiggly
A Personoi Note
Sponsored by Hillsboro Firemen
Fresh, N e w Style-Leoder Styling • Longer
W h eelb ase • L a rg e r Site* R oom ier Bodies
Low er Floors • W id e r Chassis ♦ H e a v ie r
Fram es • B igger Engines • H ig h er P o w er
E x tra S a fe ty • G r e a te r Econom y • A nd
O ldsm obile’s T raditionally Fine Q u a lity .
N ew Unlsteel Bodies6»y Flsh<r w ith T u rret
Top • N e w Triple Seuled S up^r-H ydraulic
Brakes ♦ C en ter-C o n tro l Steering • N e w
D u a l R id e S ta b iliz e rs • P ro v e d K n e e -
A ctio n W h e e ls • U n o b stru cted Floors
a n d m a n y o th e r f in e - c a r f e a tu r e s .
T h an ksg ivin g
November 26, 1936
on all Enclosed Models
•Prises » / • » •««* *P> »•'• • '
ip e t le l
Assesses? Orevps ! ■ • » • Ces *IA»’ h a le d It »he
B»ghl Cylinder 4 Oee« fe e H e f »edea, f * t |
" SI A O seerel M ete». * • ' * • * • • * • * ?
p a y m e n ts le s e ll
IN ilA L M » *» ’ FtAM
Lad ies,
M e n , 5 0 cents
t i . .
' £uvuj.7o*un. oft (PtotutcoM "
> ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ !
3 1 8 - 3 3 2 E. M a in St.
H IL L S B O R O , O R E .
Phone 4 4 4
D A Y o r N IG H T