The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 29, 1935, Image 9

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You'll Enjoy-
The County Fuir with U h
IiitercMting Exhibits
Meet Friends-
Meet Old Friends and Make
New Ones at the Fair
With Which is Combined fhe Hill boro Independent
Volume 42, No. 28.
lliilab o ru ' • i l--»irtnUnl AhsMUilO»h»d I «7 8
Stars in Romance
P ast C h ie f s
H o ld S ession
S ch o lls’ C lu b
H o ld s a P icnic
Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, August 29, 1935
Baby Star
Hi J Inborn Ariru«
Established IH94
H e lv e tia C lu b
Service Planned
H o ld s Session
” a^ lda,e Scl,<K>l
___________ ________
Section 2, Pages 1 to 4
A dvertisem ents tell you how much foods, clothing and
household needs will cost you before you go shopping.
HAZELDALE -R. D. Everett of
Portland will speak at the Sunday
School O p e n * S e p te m b e r 9 ; school next Sunday morning and
will conduct church service in the
P icn ic a t S c h n e id e r*
school house at 11 o'clock. This is
inational and everybody 13
< H r M r* llo n ry Cypher)
<B y I. 1«. h am m ln l
iBy M r* J o h n M Davidson)
Post Chief«’
SCHOLLS Scholl* Women’s clu’o
HELVETIA—Sunshine club met
Mr. ®nd Mrs. M ert Aarhouse of
with Mr«. Charles M
Splering August
chib of Friendship Temple met at
held a picnic at the Howell camp
21. Mia Elizabeth M artirTof route Aberdeen Wash., were week-end
the home of Mrs Karl Hollenbeck
grounds August 20. Eighteen were
of Mr. and Mrs. Chris M ur­
3 joined the club. Mrs. L aura Cox-
last Thursday, with Mr* Lool Hoi
present and euch contributed a
num ber to the miscellaneous p ro ­
ley of Portland, an active m em ­ phy.
le n b e c k ii * iifwiiitinu hoste«« After
is spending a few
gram. Mis. Stedman of Sherwood
ber of the club for several years, . Donald Black
business meeting “500” wu* played,
was a visitor. She was accompanied “ ays with his grandparents,
Mi < William J oom having high
wa* a guest.
by her two granddaughters. Miss
Road Improved
Mr. und Mrs Glenn Miller and
- t»re and Mm W K Mays second
daughter Giennis of Mountain Top
Mm. Echo Willis, Helen Hollenbeck
Kathleen Bolton of P ortland and
Cooper Mountain road, commonly
Mr and Mrs. Carl Wohluchlegel
and Mrs Vandomelen assisted tho
Mrs It E Huffrnaster of St. Louis called "the Miller hill," 1, being
and (laughters Jean and Nadine
hostess in serving the lunch. Next
Mo. Several received presents from widened, drained and graded
visited at the Harry C rater home
meeting will be held at the Mrs
an ■‘Unknown Friend." The host-
Mr and Mrs. Clarence W alker
in Newberg Saturday.
Andy Chi istener home, with Mm
ess and her assistants, Mrs. J. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Claud
Mr. and Mrs. J. S H erd visited
Ernil Miller assisting.
. . .
Bernards, Mrs Prichard and Mrs Weber and fam ily visited Mr Web-
the Fred Evans home and the Beck­ Shir.ey Temple, popular baby star C. Meek, served a dainty lunch, e r s brother, Lee Weber, at Albany
Itulld New Road
w h o w ill be featured on the Next meeting will be Septem ber Sunday.
er hopyard in Sherwood Sunday.
Men of the Arcade district re
Venetian screen Thursday, Fri- 18 at the home of Mrs. Abe Zah-
Mrs Max Berger has as her guest
They also visited C harles Hubbard,
cently built and graded a new roud
who is in the Newberg hospital re ­
day and Saturday In Curly Top
for a few days Mrs E. L. Hays of
around the Arcade cemetery.
Mrs. George Shephard returned
P irnlc at Schneider«
C rescent City, Cal Mrs Hays has
last week from a week’s vacation William Powell and Lulse Rainer. dent
June Hatfield and Lorraine Dem-
A group from Helvetia went to spent the sum mer months with Mrj.
who will be starred in "Escape
C elebrate B irthday
the John Schneider picnic grounds Donald Fraser,
at llur View.
K rtarn* from East
at the Venetian theatre Sunday Ml a»d Mrs. Floyd M urray were
Mrs. Carl Seiffert went to Sher-
at Shady Brook for a picnic after
Mr and Mrs. William Hell and i
Monday and Tuesday.
' ‘tinner purty guests at t h e Ed idan Saturday to help care for church service Sunday. Present family and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tay-
Mrs Edna Corey returned last
.. ._ Wohtachlegcl home Sunday evening her
daughter. Mrs Carl Waibel. were Mr. and Mrs. Abe Voungen, lor are spending a few day* at
week from u trip east She bought
s new cur while there and drove son Ronald visited Joseph Rcifen- In honor of Mrs. Wohtschlegel's who is seriously ill with t h e Mr and Mrs. David Tschabold, Mr the coast.
and Mrs. David Dapp, Mr. and Eugene Babcock and fam ily and
it h o m e
roth of Button Valley Sunday.
Foster Phoenix of New York and Mrs. Emma Hutchens, who spent
Mrs Sarn Roth, Mrs. Roth Sr., Mr.
Mrs C harles H Babcock of Rldge-
Mr and Mrs J Schoenberg vis­
Otis Jackson, who lives n e a r
t h e several weeks at the Carl Wohl- and Mrs Chris Sieber of Hillsboro,
field, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs.
ited Mr and Mrs Otto Miller at I Banks, underw ent u tonsil operu- San Francisco Is spending
week with his brother-in-law and schlegel home, returned
to New- i L“on Roth, Lucille a n d B etty Richard Thornburn of Portland vis-
, over Sunday
. Hon in Hillsboro last week. Dr. H. sister.
Dr. and Mrs, W B Chand- berg-T hursday.
Youngen, C
lara Tschabold
Tschabold, Elaine ited Mr and Mrs J. C S m ith S u n ­
Mr and Mrs L ari C hristener nn.l ,, Huggins operating
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Ayer* of Youngen, Harold McCuen.
daughter Phyllis. Frances M illet., Ml Ulltl MrH Wllllunl w ienecke lee. Mr Foster is w ith the U. S.
Kings Volley visited ut the R. N
School Opens Soon
Fred Frisbe and family, who
Bennie Wienecke, Mr *R<1 Mr*'i Visited Don Pierson a t Laurel Transport Republican.
School opens Septem ber 9 with have been living on the Meinel
Andy Christener. Charles Walter 'T hursday.
and Mr und Mrs E Nelson of
I Joseph Wenzel as teacher. T here place for the past year, have mov-
Wilson Wienecke returned home
Scholls Ladies' Aid will m etí will be about 30 pupils, three of ed away,
l(iU«boro attended the Texas pic­ last week from u visit with hi« left Monday on a week’s vacation.
Ruth M iller has returned to her
nic at Juntzen Beach Sunday.
aunt. Mrs. II E Holm, ut Astoria mother, Mrs. Loomis of San Fran- Septem ber 8 All members, who them starting their first year. T here
Mr and Mr« Ernest Nelson of H e made the trip on his bicycle.
will be seven in the seventh grade home after a w eek's stay in Port-
and Mrs. Frank Nutley of do not have transportation, call and only one in the eighth grade. land w ith her aunt.
Hillsboro s|N*nt the week-end witn
Mi und Mr*. M V. Jackson vis- cisco,
Redmond were recent visitors at 1803
Mi and Mrs Andy C hristener
The school fu rn itu re is being
Louis Knutsen, w ho is employed
n i i i e ’ home.
cleaned and varnished this week.
at Aberdeen, Wash., spent the week-
Miss JeNsie Jackson, a graduate in Portland Sunday
Crew IU rvprt, to rB
John Davidson Jr. started w ork end at her home here,
nurse of Portland, visited relatives
Home Nears Completion
Eight to 10 men are employed at L.OI12 K C S IU en t O l
at Brix camp Monday. The camp
Mrs J. B. Thornton and family
here last week
Fred Poe has his • home nearly Mrs Rose Jackson's farm, har-
has been shut down since the lum- visited her, sister, Mrs. Tom Miller,
Miss Lavejle Jackson spent last
h e r w orkers' strike in May.
week visiting friends at Lakeview completed. He hus rem odeled the vesting green corn for Portland
Elmer G uerber and family, Miss
T hreshing is in full swing here.
Mr and Mrs J H Duvis and old church building and will soon murket
t ow Breaks Neck
BEAVERTON-M rs. Louise Regh- Hulda Berger, Eva Carlson and This week will see most of it
Mr and Mrs Patrick Davis und move In.
Mrs Robert Meek, who has been
a cow belonging to Dun Sm ith itto, widow of the
late David Daniel Jossy motored around the finished.
| ill in the Jones hospital In llills- broke her neck when she fell down Reghitto, died August 17 at the Mt. Hood loop Sunday.
I --------------------------------------------------
boro, is now nt the home ot her a steep hill ill the pasture at the home of her daughter. Mrs Rosa
Mr and Mrs. Abe Z ahler and ROAD HOUSE. DANCE HALL
sister and slowly Improving
E « . Heaton farm.
R Merlo, after several months' 111- family are vacationing at Rock­
Johnsun Buys llom r
Mr and Mrs. 11. T Hesse and ness.
away beach this week.
“L . ike , a lot of . other girls, I
C hester Johnson, who lived In the Chantson C oe family spent Sun-
Mrs Reghitto came from Italy to
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Payne and
the Arcade district, has purchased d»y at DePoe Hay.
Beaverton in 1898. w here she had daughter Shirley v i s i t e d M r s wanted ,h n l?s W hatever promised
Payne's mother. Mrs Rosa Feuer- on? w as. . mlne 1 ne\'er
the Itlchurd'a house from Gunn*:'
Schools to Begin
) lived ever since
wa^, new ' AlP ° " g other
B e ig g r e n a n d moved In last week
Schools in this vicinity to start
She is survived by two daughters stein. Saturday and attended the °Ply so.
th)ngs 1 Jo,ned “ orchKf t ? , and
Executive boatd of the I urent- Septem ber 9 are Midway. Moun- Mrs Rosa R Merio of Beaverton wedding of her brother. Hector so
e to see the night life as
re a d ie r association met nt t h e tainside and Sehmeltzer G roner and Mrs. Ada Merlo of San Fran- Feuerstein. Shirley Payne under- we cam
at the dances.”
hisnc of
„ played
.. the - president. Mrs
-- Wil­ and Jucklow n school* begin Sep cisco; nine grandchildren and four went a tonsil and adenoid opera-
tion Sunday
Can you see our Mission men
liam Troutm an, last Friday eve- tem ber 16.
great-grandchildren. Funeral serv-
Mr and Mrs. C. E. Korn. Mr lean J orw ard a’ this¡ violinist be-
ning Mrs Carl C hristener was
Theo Murphy is ill with t h e Ice* w ere held at St. Cecelia
and Mrs. Robert Yungen. Jean and «an„her account of the search for
suggested as president In the place mumps
church Tuesday.
Yungen. Annie and Mary thrills. It was only a ,eM\ nlghts
of Mrs Troutm an, who resigned
Miss Evelyn Benson w ent last
Attend M ert
Mercep. Joseph Wenzel and W alter agf . H er vlohn had already won
Mrs M urdith Allen and duugli Tuesday to the Edwin B urkhalter
Mr and Mrs Lee R Richey are Hershey spent Sunday at the Joe them. Reaching down into lone
ter Susanne. who spent the Iasi home near Farmington, w here she
some hearts; pleading, crying, wist
attending the Kiwanis convention Hershey home at Bacona.
two weeks with her sister, Mrs. is employed.
Vancouver, B. C.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M navirttr.» fui- *t had poured out God’s urge
Duane Cham berlain. returned last
Stanley Wilson of Los Angeles
a “ . to the _ roomful
_____ _______
____ Mrs
__ C
~ W Lar- -
Mr and Mrs Frank Dayton have w ere guests at the L. H. M cIntyre
week to th eir home in Spokane
his aunt,
. v of homeless men to
M i‘. T om S iig u io sp e n t last M on km . an d fa m ily 'A u g u s t ' is” O ther " “'vi'd from Beaverton to Portland home at Leisyville Sunday. O ther tU\ n„
And so she told them how she I
Mr " and " Mrs. H. J. W right «•-
Sr. arc guests w ere Mr and Mrs. Dick
day at St. Helens visiting friends
visitors w ere Mrs. L arkin's cous
w ent in for th rills and of how
Mrs Jack Nathan of Portland ins, Mr and Mrs. Dewey A lexander visi,in*t ,h eir daughter in San Fran Stoltenberg of Hillsboro
Mrs Elm er G uerber visited her along w ith the dance hall chap
visited her mother.
Mrs Minnie of Alberta. Canada, who are tour-
cisco They will also visit a daugh-
Blake, and sister.
Mrs Dayton ing Oregon. Montana and British ,er in San DieK° and attend the sister. Mrs R. Isler, in Portland, ter came the call to join a small
by letting us give your
church orchestra. This was some-
last week
Mays, over the week-end.
car a thorough greasing,
Mr and Mrs. Victor
Christensen , a in « ne'Y and the5 e , migh‘
oil change and tire check
Keenon. wlio are employed ut Carl- lett
returned Wednesday from n formerly of Beaverton, has return- and daughter Virginia visited Mr thrill in it and so she took that on.
ton. were home over the week- tour to the Blue m ountains G rand cd to hcr home after a two months ; and Mrs H Janin in P ortland Sun-
to the Mission and so began to
Coolie dam. Baker, and Bonneville vi?a ln Boaverton and Portland
Quality Work
«„ncu the
m e ^ear the Gospel tw ice over. A fter |
Mr and Mrs Mulkey have re- dam
Miss K atherine ______
is ___
now j __
E. N. _____
Finney, who painted
Keitkontilile I’ricea.
j turned from th eir vacation trip
Mrs Ed Dcmmin a n d T o m employed at the First National Helvetia school house 'tw o weeks
ago, is painting the parsonage at away to a road house engagement
They visited friends In Albuny. S tretcher went to Independence bank at Forest Grove.
Now, the Book says. "My word
Monmouth, McMinnville, and spent Sunday to work in the' hop "yards
and 1'l’rs ’r - ® Denney and ; Phillips and the school at Leisy-
shall not retu rn unto me void"—
jn week ut the Fairdale M ineral
Ten members w ere present when Mr and Mrs R alPh Carey, accom- ville.
¡Springs They report a very enjoy- the Ju n io r W omens club held a Panied bv Albert Ayres of Emporia.
Mrs. W. E. Dunn of Spokane re- and here again it proved itself
ov- j
»hle trip
picnic at the L. W Guild picnic K a n ' ’ P™1 » v e ra l days at Rock- turned to her home last week aft- for , in h time
, she
d .-That
was herself
away last week Mr. Ayres is a er spending a month s vacation r, 1
* ,, ,
Miss Irm al Trask visited rela- cousin ot Mrs. Denney and Mrs. w ith her d daughter,
a u e h te r
M rs
H e n r v , e s l vn »*H o f all—to have Him,
she told us. Choice words she gave
L A U R E L — M rs A lice P ro f f itt. 75, tives at Stayton last week.
i Jacobson.
as she told of the new riches in
¡ died in Portland August 17 and
Sunday dinner guests at the Carl
Mr and Mrs ® B Laurence en-
Ih e violin> . no longer hers.
funerul servic. mid interm ent were Wohl clilegel home w ere Mr and ‘ertained nt their home with a C
.. ¡spray Program Extended
r.* .rI,Uru , Hlm
„ 1
126 8. Third Ave.
at Mt Olive cemetery at Laurel Mrs C A Ross and son Leland d *nner in the garden Tuesday eve-
HOOD RIVER Because of the but gIi en over ? or . st;rvlce Real
August 20 Mrs Proffitt was born of Portland
nin»i in honor of Mrs. A. C. Rose successful eradication of c h e r r v Joy and pcace of m lnd now hers
111 N braska She came to l'o rtlu n J
,\ild to Barn
ot Washington. D. C., and Mrs fruit fly in the Hood River dis- a»,.musical director of an ev a n g e -!
in 1 1 - and moved to Laurel four
An L-shaped addition is being Anna H eath of Los Angeles. Others trict by a definite spray program llsi ‘c part? '
L ,
years lat. r. w here »he resided sev-
built on the burn of the A It Present w ere Mr. and Mrs. Samuel worked out by the Oregon Experi-
S? , yoJu nave it—High School and
oral years She I* survived by tw o Flint farm
Lancaster. Miss C hristine Lan ment station, a sim ilar program was th n lls‘ dance hall and mission hall,
daughters, Mrs Cally Eorcla of Mrs Della Anderson
who has cas,er. Mr. and Mrs. C arl Donald undertaken in the Cascade Locks road house and Gospel, and then
Corner T hird and Baseline
and one
on.- — residing in North . been
been visiting
her mother
mother . Mrs
Mrs Carl
Carl soh
son' . . al1
of Portland.
Mrs J.
J. I I _ Hess
Hess 1 district,
to Countv
Countv Agent
Agent Llc
Lhc G reat
IS..I—... ■—
» her
. . Mrs.
. . — according
. „„„J
——1. Hi in which
yQU hath
w ill j
A H Busch Prop f .“ k<KU o*‘r n " ’,',h,’r ¿"T |il'L'c r “H'1 Seiffert, and family the past week. <>» Muitnomah. L. J. C arter Sam A. L. Marble This is n o t 'a com- ^ g,U" 2*
I ’hone 501
of Jesus j
P two brothers, nil of N ebraska
returned to her home In Skamok- ™
and the host and hostess m ercial district, but showed fruit
‘X Untd
The evening was spent in viewing fly in samples examined” last vear c h rist."—George N. Taylor. Beav-
awa Tuesday.
A rgus classified ads get results.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowell are the famous lantern slides of Mr Marble says. No flies have been cr,on O re g o n -P a id adv.
on a 10-day business trip to C an­ Lancaster, collected over an exten- found in the Hood River district
sive period of time and country.
for the past three years.
fallo*- tht JeatJet
Mrs. M. H. Metcalf _ and tw o sons
— ------ >
Miss Betty Benson visited Mr
and Mrs E J. Anderson in For-
? L _ S ®“ ,dc Mr. funeral of her mother, Mrs. Louise
Reghitto, last week.
cst Grove several days last week. Metcalf will join them later.
Mrs. . George Newman
is quite ill
Given Shower
. Mr. and Mrs. , C urtis . Robinson.
« ...
Miss Bvelvn B en so n w h o lost who w ere recent guests in Beaver at ner home and is being nursed by
all her personal effects in th e r e to n * le ft
plane Wednesday for Mrs. Walters. Her daughter. Mrs.
cent fire on the John Kanina place.
home in Florida.
W etherell. of Baker is also witn (
was given a surprise friendship
Stipe of Bend was a re ner.
show er Thursday evening ITesent
Vlsdar ln Beaverton. He is
Subscribe now to the Argus. In
w e r e Mesdames Jack Rnynard. L11’ s°i1
an<^ Mrs. H O
W ashington county $1.50 a year
Elmer Howurd. N. O Boleen, C.
Mrs. Ada Merlo of San Francisco Six m onths 85c. Three months 50
A. Carlson, John Sutherland. C.
W. Trask. Frances Rowell, L. W. was in Beaverton attending the cent*. Two months 35 cents.
Guild, Ed Benson. Edwin B u rk ­
halter of Farm ington, Nellie B ar­
I rett, Elizazeth Reed, Evelyn and
N o rth P la in * G ro u p M e e t» !
Johnson B u y * H o m e
R e m em b ered -----
Schools in D is tric t to B egin
Soon; A id M e e t Set
Let your loved one's resting place be
m arked w ith a Memorial th at w ill last
forever, honored w ith a m onum ent that
reflects the dignity and im portance of
your fam ily name. We w ill gladly show
you mem orials and subm it suggestions
for any type mem orial you prefer.
Hillsboro, Oregon
Vi i - ■ .i, ■ .
Emil Lurk. Rt, 2, Banks)
Beaverton Passes
Busch’s Service
Busch’s Super
Service Station
P O lì E R
from the s2 0 0 0 Price Class
Special Introductory Price
(Lim ited T im e O nly)
11 ‘
Regularly ,
Here's a new Bass Httcfcr ready-mixed finish
that w ill do wonders for worn and shabby
wooden steps and porches, for concrete walks
and cement floors. Neither heating sun nor
pounding feet w ill worry it. Its protective film
w ill stay fresh looking through all weather ex­
tremes. Hass Flutter Porch and Deck Paint
flows on easily . . . its eight colors arc lasting
and long-lived.
Full Enitmel
Range ...
< lirculating
H eaters
.5 0
1 .5 0
‘ up
13 models to $ f tf t.9 O
choose from
C o lo r S uggention*
fo r Y o u r H o m e !
Y ou n e rd eight cylinders for
m odern perform ance. T h e Ford
goes a step fa rth e r and gives you
T ’- f l— the finest type o f eight*
cylin der engine.
Its advantages are known. T hey
have been demonstrated by the
m illio n and it h a lf Ford V -8 ’s
now on the road. Ilu t onlv the
Ford gives a V - 8 at a low price.
Y o u pay inorc than 8 2 0 0 0 fo r a
V - 8 engine in any other car.
Sand Paper.
2 for ...........
$ -* .3 5
clothe« lor diltinctiv* appearance
Also a com plete line of
Men’s Furnishings.
A nd that’s the k in d o f qualitv
that is built a ll through todav's
Ford. 'That’s what puts it in a
class by itself in perform ance,
com fort, safety, beauty anti con­
v e n ie n c e . T h e r e ’s it d ecid ed
stepping tip in q uality without
any stepping up in price.
Ix*t th e e n rits e lf show you how trtie
this statement is. Accept o u r in ­
vitation to d rive a new Ford V -8.
M op
$ f f .9 5
Size ................... «>
M E N ’S S H O P
S e lfrid g e F u rn itu re C o.
Phone 21X
136 S. T hird Ave.
'“ ^ h S or C o .
207 E. Main St., Phone 1412
/• °'
Detroit. Standard a<*re*«ory
group including bumper* and spore
tire, extra. Safety Clan* all around
nt no additional ro»t. Convenient
term* through Universal Credit Couspnny.
The FORD CORNER is the
brightest corner in town.
Howe and Wells, Prop.
(Venetian ticket, D. S. Mercer, Rt. I, Hillsboro)
. . for the Most Econom­
ical Ford Car Ever Built
Tailored to measure
THE ROYAL SODA WORKS—Mr*. Ilaiel A. G ardner. D istributor
Hillsboro, Oregon
T h ir d
W a s h in g to n