TOlsbo You'll Enjoy- The County Fuir with U h IiitercMting Exhibits Meet Friends- Meet Old Friends and Make New Ones at the Fair With Which is Combined fhe Hill boro Independent Volume 42, No. 28. lliilab o ru ' • i l--»irtnUnl AhsMUilO»h»d I «7 8 Stars in Romance P ast C h ie f s H o ld S ession S ch o lls’ C lu b H o ld s a P icnic Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, August 29, 1935 Baby Star Hi J Inborn Ariru« Established IH94 H e lv e tia C lu b Service Planned H o ld s Session ” a^ lda,e Scl,l ___________ ________ Section 2, Pages 1 to 4 A dvertisem ents tell you how much foods, clothing and household needs will cost you before you go shopping. HAZELDALE -R. D. Everett of Portland will speak at the Sunday School O p e n * S e p te m b e r 9 ; school next Sunday morning and will conduct church service in the P icn ic a t S c h n e id e r* school house at 11 o'clock. This is undenom inational and everybody 13 < H r M r* llo n ry Cypher) . no longer hers. funerul servic. mid interm ent were Wohl clilegel home w ere Mr and ‘ertained nt their home with a C ......... .. ¡spray Program Extended r.* .rI,Uru , Hlm , „ 1 126 8. Third Ave. at Mt Olive cemetery at Laurel Mrs C A Ross and son Leland d *nner in the garden Tuesday eve- HOOD RIVER Because of the but gIi en over ? or . st;rvlce Real August 20 Mrs Proffitt was born of Portland nin»i in honor of Mrs. A. C. Rose successful eradication of c h e r r v Joy and pcace of m lnd now hers 111 N braska She came to l'o rtlu n J ,\ild to Barn ot Washington. D. C., and Mrs fruit fly in the Hood River dis- a»,.musical director of an ev a n g e -! in 1 1 - and moved to Laurel four An L-shaped addition is being Anna H eath of Los Angeles. Others trict by a definite spray program llsi ‘c part? ' L , J years lat. r. w here »he resided sev- built on the burn of the A It Present w ere Mr. and Mrs. Samuel worked out by the Oregon Experi- S? , yoJu nave it—High School and oral years She I* survived by tw o Flint farm Lancaster. Miss C hristine Lan ment station, a sim ilar program was th n lls‘ dance hall and mission hall, daughters, Mrs Cally Eorcla of Mrs Della Anderson who has cas,er. Mr. and Mrs. C arl Donald undertaken in the Cascade Locks road house and Gospel, and then Corner T hird and Baseline Portlund Portland und and one on.- — residing in North . been been visiting visiting her mother mother . Mrs Mrs Carl Carl soh son' . . al1 aR of Portland. Portland. Mrs J. J. I I _ Hess Hess 1 district, district, according to to Countv Countv Agent Agent Llc Lhc G reat rea‘ Decision Decision—"He IS..I—... ■— » her ...-------. . . Mrs. . . — according .. . „„„J ——1. Hi in which yQU hath w ill j A H Busch Prop f .“ k» Muitnomah. L. J. C arter Sam A. L. Marble This is n o t 'a com- ^ g,U" 2* J I ’hone 501 ______________ ________ ___ ____ day of Jesus j P two brothers, nil of N ebraska returned to her home In Skamok- ™ and the host and hostess m ercial district, but showed fruit ‘X Untd ' The evening was spent in viewing fly in samples examined” last vear c h rist."—George N. Taylor. Beav- awa Tuesday. A rgus classified ads get results. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowell are the famous lantern slides of Mr Marble says. No flies have been cr,on O re g o n -P a id adv. on a 10-day business trip to C an­ Lancaster, collected over an exten- found in the Hood River district sive period of time and country. for the past three years. ada. fallo*- tht JeatJet Mrs. M. H. Metcalf _ and tw o sons *.................... — ------ > Miss Betty Benson visited Mr and Mrs E J. Anderson in For- ? L _ S ®“ ,dc Mr. funeral of her mother, Mrs. Louise Reghitto, last week. cst Grove several days last week. Metcalf will join them later. Mrs. . George Newman is quite ill Given Shower . Mr. and Mrs. , C urtis . Robinson. « ... Miss Bvelvn B en so n w h o lost who w ere recent guests in Beaver at ner home and is being nursed by all her personal effects in th e r e to n * le ft plane Wednesday for Mrs. Walters. Her daughter. Mrs. cent fire on the John Kanina place. home in Florida. W etherell. of Baker is also witn ( was given a surprise friendship Stipe of Bend was a re ner. show er Thursday evening ITesent Vlsdar ln Beaverton. He is Subscribe now to the Argus. In w e r e Mesdames Jack Rnynard. L11’ s°i1 an<^ Mrs. H O W ashington county $1.50 a year Elmer Howurd. N. O Boleen, C. , Mrs. Ada Merlo of San Francisco Six m onths 85c. Three months 50 A. Carlson, John Sutherland. C. tf W. Trask. Frances Rowell, L. W. was in Beaverton attending the cent*. Two months 35 cents. Guild, Ed Benson. Edwin B u rk ­ halter of Farm ington, Nellie B ar­ I rett, Elizazeth Reed, Evelyn and N o rth P la in * G ro u p M e e t» ! Johnson B u y * H o m e R e m em b ered ----- Schools in D is tric t to B egin Soon; A id M e e t Set Let your loved one's resting place be m arked w ith a Memorial th at w ill last forever, honored w ith a m onum ent that reflects the dignity and im portance of your fam ily name. We w ill gladly show you mem orials and subm it suggestions for any type mem orial you prefer. OREGON M O N U M E N T W O RKS Hillsboro, Oregon Vi i - ■ .i, ■ . Emil Lurk. Rt, 2, Banks) Beaverton Passes Busch’s Service Garage Busch’s Super Service Station P O lì E R from the s2 0 0 0 Price Class NEW! PORCH & DECK PAINT wwtft Special Introductory Price (Lim ited T im e O nly) 11 ‘ QUART UART 79C W H E R R IE Regularly , S1.B0 GALLON C LOTHE S Here's a new Bass Httcfcr ready-mixed finish that w ill do wonders for worn and shabby wooden steps and porches, for concrete walks and cement floors. Neither heating sun nor pounding feet w ill worry it. Its protective film w ill stay fresh looking through all weather ex­ tremes. Hass Flutter Porch and Deck Paint flows on easily . . . its eight colors arc lasting and long-lived. Full Enitmel Range ... < lirculating H eaters .5 0 1 .5 0 ‘ up I’HILCO RADIOS 13 models to $ f tf t.9 O choose from up FREE C o lo r S uggention* fo r Y o u r H o m e ! Y ou n e rd eight cylinders for m odern perform ance. T h e Ford goes a step fa rth e r and gives you T ’- f l— the finest type o f eight* cylin der engine. Its advantages are known. T hey have been demonstrated by the m illio n and it h a lf Ford V -8 ’s now on the road. Ilu t onlv the Ford gives a V - 8 at a low price. Y o u pay inorc than 8 2 0 0 0 fo r a V - 8 engine in any other car. Sand Paper. 2 for ........... $ -* .3 5 1 clothe« lor diltinctiv* appearance 50c Also a com plete line of Men’s Furnishings. A nd that’s the k in d o f qualitv that is built a ll through todav's Ford. 'That’s what puts it in a class by itself in perform ance, com fort, safety, beauty anti con­ v e n ie n c e . T h e r e ’s it d ecid ed stepping tip in q uality without any stepping up in price. The Ix*t th e e n rits e lf show you how trtie this statement is. Accept o u r in ­ vitation to d rive a new Ford V -8. Roller Skates Dust M op LINOLEUM RUGS 9x12 $ f f .9 5 Size ................... «> M E N ’S S H O P S e lfrid g e F u rn itu re C o. Phone 21X 136 S. T hird Ave. '“ ^ h S or C o . 207 E. Main St., Phone 1412 /• °' Detroit. Standard a<*re*«ory group including bumper* and spore tire, extra. Safety Clan* all around nt no additional ro»t. Convenient term* through Universal Credit Couspnny. $ 495 The FORD CORNER is the brightest corner in town. Howe and Wells, Prop. (Venetian ticket, D. S. Mercer, Rt. I, Hillsboro) V . . for the Most Econom­ ical Ford Car Ever Built Tailored to measure J THE ROYAL SODA WORKS—Mr*. Ilaiel A. G ardner. D istributor Hillsboro, Oregon AUTHORIZED SALES ANO SERVICE T h ir d and W a s h in g to n